O O O K Stove!
lj? Stam County pmacrat A - Democratic Platform. NOTICE, INSURANCE. TOBACCO AND CIGARS. ANNEXATION BANKERS. JEWELRY STOVES &C. GROCERIES REMOVAL. The Democratic party In National Con- Notice la hereby given. that on the 15th 1 HUMAN liSSURANCK COMPANY! FRBD. EtMPKK. FRANK X'MUBBAT, reposing lta trust in the day of June UtSS, the city of Canton, Stark of g. Br tlici FOP. GREENBACKS. ' S , DlOPOT, ! REMOVAL ! vention assembled, county. Ohio, presentee a to X Bnk D. Q.OLD E STOVES! EW EMOVAL intelligence, patriotism, discrimination Mid petition the Hr & CO., gTO N p Commisxlonerit of the county of mark CLEVELAND OHIO. JpRED. KM1'ER Jastice of the people; standing upon the and Mlate of Ohio, setting torth tliat on 07 Constitution as the foundation and limitation the third day of Hepveiuer A. 1). 1no7, the Ojjie No. 10 Atwater Building. Having purchased the inturest of Kemper GROCERY AND PROVISION of the powers of the Government, and the council of aid city passed an ordinance 4 'T.jft. SSSL' A Appel in the Cigar and Tobacco bust-- . S T O K I'. guaranteeing the liberties of the citizen, and providing for the submliutiou to the qual- nesH, invite their friends and the publin ified elector of said general $200,000 'Sl generally to call and examine thair stock & recognizing the questions of slavery and city, at the CAPITAL, of L. BIECIIELE BROTHER, cc scion as having been settled for all time election held therein In October, A.I. 1867, the question whether certain territory Insure B jlldtngs. Merchandise and other Proper CIGARS AND TOBACCO, B 11 & IiIND, to come by the war, or the voluntary action contiguous to Maid city should bo annexed ty Against Loss .r Dsnan by fire, at as low rale II E X U Y E CKE IIANE of the Southern States in Constitutional thereto.
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