100 Ships 35,000 Men Largest Photo Salon Open Hap's House Of
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9 -. 9A~~ Vol. VI, No. 15 U. S. Naval Base, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba Saturday, 17 October 1953 100 Ships 35,000 Men Largest Photo Salon Open Hap's House of Hazards 100-Bed Hospital In Navy's Springboard for New Entries Smokes Out Fire Causes Planned for Gtmo Entry forms and full information Norfolk, Va. (AFPS)-Combat- are now available for entrants in ant ships of the Atlantic Fleet will the 18th Rochester International The base Fire Department's At Caravella Point participate in annual winter train- Salon of Photography to be held at program for Fire Prevention Week ing in the Caribbean area from Rochester, N. Y., from March 5, came to a crackling climax last Plans have been initiated for the November 1953 to April 1954. 1954 to March 28, 1954. Saturday as Hap's House of Nearly 100 warships, more than The Rochester Salon is the larg- construction of a completely air- Hazards went up in a billow of conditioned, one hundred bed hos- 250 aircraft and 35,000 naval per- est photographic exhibition of its flame and smoke. sonnel are expected to take part kind and is held annually. Last pital on Caravella Point, CAPT in operation "Springboard '54." season 1,051 contributors from 45 Designed and rigged to demon- J. W. Kimbrough (MC), USN, commanding The operation, similar to last countries submitted 5,341 entries. strate common causes of fires in officer of the Naval winter's Springboard, will provide Of these, 1,743 were accepted for the home, the house was put Hospital, has announced. effective, uninterrupted basic train- exhibition. through three different phases of Since bids by civilian contractors ing for individual ships and units, The closing date for entries is fire and in the last phase was have not been made as yet, it is and their personnel, in an area of February 11. Entry fee is $1.00 per disintegrated to a pile of smoking unknown when construction of the reinforced concrete favorable climatic conditions. section. This year there will be ashes. The Hazard family was structure will Springboard '54 will consist of five sections; (1) Pictorial prints, played by Mrs. Camille get underway. However, the two- Doyle and story numerous individual ship and unit monochrama and color; (2) Pic- Ass't. Fire Chief A. M. Rose. building must be completed training exercises from Key West torial color slides; (3) Nature prior to 1 July 1955 according to to Trinidad. Among those scheduled prints; (4) Nature color slides; and Bureau of Docks specifications. to take part are the battleships (5) Stereo color slides. Plans for a new hospital building USS Missouri, Iowa and New Jer- Full information and entry forms here were originally submitted to sey, and six cruisers. may be had by writing to: the Shore Station Development Ports to which visits will be Mr. John I Fish board as early as 1947. The plans requested include: San Juan; Ber- Exhibits Director were resubmitted as part of the muda, Jamaica, Antigua and St. 341 Pemberton Road five-year development program in Kitts; St. Thomas and St. Croix; Rochester -9- N. Y. 1949. Haiti; San Domingo; Guadeloupe Investigate Sites and Trinidad. Last week a board to from the Springboard '54 is designed Bureau of Medicine and from the of the Atlan- Military Bases In Spain maintain the ships Bureau of Docks investigated sites tic Fleet in a high state of battle for (AFPS)-The Unit- possible location of the new readiness, at the same time giving Washington hospital building. ed States. has obtained the use of The board was the men who man them sufficient comprised of CDR W. G. Lawson opportunity for recreation and strategic naval and air bases in (MC), for military and USN, and Mr. D. L. Southey, liberty to insure their best morale, Spain in return both of the Bureau economic aid. of Medicine, health and efficiency. and Mr. J. E. Eckloff, of the Bureau of Docks. Floor plans for the build- ing and choice of the site originat- As ed in CAPT Kimbrough's office and Base Softball Tourney Starts after careful consideration by the board were decided to be put into effect. Intra-Mural Play Closes Although the present hospital WHEN IN DOUBT . SCREAM has provisions for 150 beds, it is As intra-mural softball, plagued by wet weather, died a slow death AND SHOUT! And that's exactly felt, according to LCDR I. V. King last week, plans for the commencement of the Base Softball League took what Hap Hazard does as his old (MSC), USN, administrative offi- of the month-long tournament were cer, that the 100 bed capacity rapid shape and the first games homestead begins to burn. of scheduled for Tuesday, 20 October. the new hospital will be more than Seven teams representing all base adequate to meet any present contingency. commands will play three rounds Present of ball during the next four weeks Equipment To Be Used until 23 November. On Thanks- Most of the hospital's present giving Day evening the winner of equipment will be moved to the new structure the touney will be pitted against when completed. from the five losing Some new equipment will be re- the all-stars quired, teams in what should be a rousing however, since the new hospital has provisions climax to the season. for four operating rooms whereas the pres- Naval Station diamond No. 1 and ent hospital has but two operating Hatuey Field at the Naval Air rooms. will be utilized for the Station It is anticipated that Fleet league contests. per- sonnel in need of emergency treat- Naval Air Station, last year's ment will be received at a special winner of the base league, leads landing to be constructed for such off in the first game of the 1953 purposes at Caravella Point. championship playoffs Tuesday The present Naval Hospital at against their arch rival, Naval Guantanamo Bay was activated on Station, at No. 1 diamond. At the 1 July 1946. Prior to that time, the same time over at Hatuey Field' medical facilities here were known VU-10 takes the field against as a naval dispensary. MCB-1. All games will be played w. At the time the hospital was under the lights commencing at activated, adequate structural fa- 1930. cilities for housing hospital were The tentative schedule for the ,=; < not available and existing wooden remainder of the week is as buildings were utilized. follows: CDR W. M. Gordon, USN, Base Hatuey Field Diamond No. 1-NS Civil Engineer and Resident Offi- Wednesday . cer in Charge of Construction, has NS vs vU-10 MCB-7 vs FTG Thursday fiery demonstration in the dubious said that present plans would seem MCB-7 vs CHB-7 MCB-1 vs NAS ait of carelessness as Hap's House of Hazards goes up in flames from to indicate that the present hos- Friday faulty electrical wiring. The display y was part of Fire Prevention Week. pital building will be razed and NAS vs FTG NS vs MCB-1 Prompt and proper use of the fire extinguisher, abandoned on Saturday the front that the area will be used for VU-10 vs CHB-7 por ch, would have prevented the destruction. industrial purposes. 0 9.1 Page Two THE INDIAN Saturday, 17 October 1953 2nd Div. Clinches e U aNavSta Softball S 18 October 1953 Editria OffceU. Naal aseSunday, Special Servces epaoe Masses Fleet Recreation Center Naval Station Catholic The 2nd Division, coached by 0700-Naval Base Chapel Saturday, 17 October 1953 Chief Hollywood officially clinched 0900-Naval Base Chapel U. S. NAVAL BASE the Naval Station Softball Cham- Daily Mass - 0630 Guantanamo Bay, Cuba pionship for 1953 Monday night by Rear Admiral C. L. C. Atkeson, Jr., USN downing the AFDL 47 19-0. The Confessions: Saturda y, 1730 - Commander winners finished up the league with 1800; 1930 - 2015, Confessions CAPT G. M. Holley an 11-1 record, the only loss being are not heard before Mass on Chief of Staff a 2-1 setback by the 5th Division. Sunday. U. S. NAVAL STATION The NavSta enamps amassed a Guantanamo Bay, Cuba total of 153 runs on 120 hits during Protestant Services CAPT Jack M. Howell league play, while Mandis, their Sunday: 0930-Sunday School Commanding Officer pitcher, gave up only 25 runs on 1000-Adult Bible Class 19 hits, walking 40 and striking Editorial Staff out 81 opposing batters. He chalk- 1100-Divine Worship Lieutenant E. A. Sandness--Officer Adviser 1930-Christian Fellow- H. E. Davis, JOC- Managing Editor ed up three no-hit games. Mandis Al Henderson, J3---- News Editor also led the team in batting with ship J. C. nierks, J03---------Sports a .429 average, in homeruns with PHSN--- Photographer Wednesday: 1930-Mid-Week S. E. Cobbs, six, and was tied for RBI honors Prayer THE INDIAN is published weekly. fin- at 21 with Kretzschmar, first sack- Thursday: 1930-Choir Rehearsal anced by non-appropriated funds, printed er for the 7th Division. on government equipment, for free distri- Chaplains at this Activity bution on the U3. S. Naval Bane, Guan- The standings: tanamo Bay, Cuba by order of the Base Team Won Lost PCT GB CDR M. 0. Stephenson, CHC, USN Commander. 2nd Division-- 11 1 .917 LT J. F. Agnew, CHC, USNR 11th Division -------- 9 3 .883 2 THE INDIAN is published in compliance (Protestant) NAVEXOS-P-35 FCP-RPIO -- - 7 3 .700 2i/ with the provisions of 5th Division-- 8 4 .666 3 (Rev) 1945. AFDL 1 --- 8 4 .666 3 LCDR W. J. Spinney, CHC, USN This publication receives AFPS material.