lj? Stam County pmacrat A - Democratic Platform. NOTICE, INSURANCE. TOBACCO AND CIGARS. ANNEXATION BANKERS. JEWELRY STOVES &C. GROCERIES REMOVAL. The Democratic party In National Con- Notice la hereby given. that on the 15th 1 HUMAN liSSURANCK COMPANY! FRBD. EtMPKK. FRANK X'MUBBAT, reposing lta trust in the day of June UtSS, the city of Canton, Stark of g. Br tlici FOP. GREENBACKS. ' S , DlOPOT, ! REMOVAL ! vention assembled, county. Ohio, presentee a to X Bnk D. Q.OLD E STOVES! EW EMOVAL intelligence, patriotism, discrimination Mid petition the Hr & CO., gTO N p Commisxlonerit of the county of mark CLEVELAND OHIO. JpRED. KM1'ER Jastice of the people; standing upon the and Mlate of Ohio, setting torth tliat on 07 Constitution as the foundation and limitation the third day of Hepveiuer A. 1). 1no7, the Ojjie No. 10 Atwater Building. Having purchased the inturest of Kemper GROCERY AND PROVISION of the powers of the Government, and the council of aid city passed an ordinance 4 'T.jft. SSSL' A Appel in the Cigar and Tobacco bust-- . S T O K I'. guaranteeing the liberties of the citizen, and providing for the submliutiou to the qual- nesH, invite their friends and the publin ified elector of said general $200,000 'Sl generally to call and examine thair stock & recognizing the questions of slavery and city, at the CAPITAL, of L. BIECIIELE BROTHER, cc scion as having been settled for all time election held therein In October, A.I. 1867, the question whether certain territory Insure B jlldtngs. Merchandise and other Proper CIGARS AND TOBACCO, B 11 & IiIND, to come by the war, or the voluntary action contiguous to Maid city should bo annexed ty Against Loss .r Dsnan by fire, at as low rale II E X U Y E CKE IIANE of the Southern States in Constitutional thereto. Ha Id territory bring bounded and aa any ulbor responsible Company. Which consist in part of the CANTON, OHIO. Conventions never to be re- IIhm just opened in his new building on assembled, and deacilbed as follows: commencing at a ITImm taoaorably adjusted and promptly pal. newed or reagitated, do with the return of point tn the southwest quarter of section n Cata.AJ Boat Havana, MANvrACTcasan or aeu nuALcaN is peace, demand sixteen In Canton township. Stark coun- SOUTH CIIEKKY STREET ! ty, Ohio, west and east branch" oiaaoToaa aa RooKaOLDaaa : to t!i First. The immediate restoration of all wbre the Yara, Connecticut, Nmir th) new large Have removed Iheir estaliliahment a of Nlinlshlllen creek forms a junction; dopot, a stock of fresh new building a few dors east of the the Stales to their rights in the Union under thence northwaraly on the went bank of Dr. W. Meyer, C. W, Schmidt. Hsnry rtelnier TIN, COPriili, AND SHEET IRON liavo the of government to J. Wanner, Dr. Kooder. P. TeltlebaoKU. Seed and Common Public squnre, they Constitution, and civil the west branch of the Nlmiabillen creek John Gerlach, Hrnry Kraetner, II. Kallur, WARE, E A t JLY G HOC E II I E S , on hand Ute American people. to the north lire of said township; thence P. Schmidt, C. Muurmana, II. Becltmann C I G A R 8 . Second. Amnesty for all pas political of eaal on aaid township line to the eaxt C. bum, aud other. which ho will sell bank of east branch of aid Nimiahii-len- ; Best of Also hsve alwHyn on han-- a lnrgo fences and the regulation of the elective the A. brands assorticent franchise in the States by their citizens. thence southwardly with aaid vast Rxttbcbo, Prea't. J. Mukller, SADDLES, HARNESS, COLLAItfi bank to the place ot beginning, not in- J. Matkr Vice Vice Fres't. Fine Cut Chewing, fllKAP AS THE CHEAPEST. Third. The payment of the public debt cluding that pnrt thercol already includ- M. DCCUMANAND FRBD. SKKLBAC1I. Trave- Cook, Pari'.-- , nnd Hetiting Stoves! oX the uited States a soon as practicable : Maid Nuid ling Avent. r I ed in the limits of city. petition JOHN KABEK. Atfcnt. Canton, Ohio. r Buckeye Imperial, and that ail moneys drawn from the people Miid I elec- & alao lorili th.it al gouerit P. LUZUS. Mai,il,"n. DEUBLE BROTHER, . by taxation, except so much as u requisite tion, held in Octoiwr. a O. 1i, hmu que- - Inly is. IStM-- t' Amliroriia, 1 will iiy tnt highest, market j.rice for W1ICP-- fe. for'h of thr Government eco-- CANTON, Onto. :. ! .. " honestly applied n , r v. (":OIT.TRY All of which are wnrrantpd lo erive satis- r PilODlTE. ' - : .. . t.- : i 'l--'- V faction hhiI Ht prices which to : ... 1 i !.!' .. utii- d ill ' ( :t ' jcv-!- st:it:-.V- ' ii.t. ot th," liflif'i'nv: lit i t- - . II , v!i:,-l- tf ft ivi-.;- i" 'i.i-n- . E tii'-i- five.-- or ; l.r ,'fv lew it 'it. .!!!.. d'e-- i i ot i.roN .1 iUitl T'.i v V In II., ! they were i.vur.l Si.u till :.u.l i : 'i in- - ' V l. a 1. . ;: t'ioci:p.;i!!UeU and - V 1 t COMPETITION. t:.-o- DEFY biiall K' pftid in tin y tti::, in ri.;hl t iTh-- v- '.1 i r.M.: S M O K I N G J r E L II Y b GIVE .ME A t'Ahl, ''tu. 1. .. afcll ' : ! ' : ' ' i .r. We buy and i-, PtU! in tii viit! i: j i r em." i , AuJ iii Ja-k- . ;. .!- - rtl that Lone Virginity, Birds A ml me try u do v.-- money ot the I'uitcu Si r!iu::.ifrs of pl:tia..i Gold, Silver, fiovernmcnt Bond.--i and 0 ttu.ir spk'ti'iid ev Jt iii of ihe Whi i t',ct on April 27lli, ISiipi, ttie eouneil of unid This Well Is to in the Sachem, &c, lie onw icor - ni'i ! Kimball Uro StOT- of Iho folks ii .11. applause. os warranted ! city directed Willi.iiL A. Lynch to pro-p- fiiie.it quick Exchange anil next : lo C. tJcli'.vi'.iacr'i liar'iwsre Kiore. fe.Jon Work ami ltpirini done of sand, through clav banks i ill.:'. i:'. KHR Fourth. Etuial taxation of every of i.;. fut'"'j m V- 11 oni'Stiiiitiul. siccits and present to smirt coium'nwioii-- r oil" k 11 At:.l general r.faortu'.cat ol Theiinovr lip the Irttsi niyli?nni Se-- V. "AHKANT Ktovs to hp I IS ihnrt notice neat and inclu- into sand or gravel below. It shins MONEY LOANS.", a full f NVtv 4io-- or )!. property according to its real value, a petition to ptiwit Ml' ll iititiexation, utitl snpjrtl'.ei vt'! in por.-- hnl:;v- - tr lir.i.T r an,) y,. -- pi; suriare water, Hiid car. be put down to iir.r-- , h. as ;irhrni ding Government bonds and public securi- that ho is ulso ut liorizi il to net lor said any depth required, where an ordinary Coupons cnslied, and Colleetions made. PIPES, POUCHES, heir ai Ihe Mi Ifn-- of ties. Kcncwcd cheering. etiy ik tho premises-- Thut xuid petition piTTSBIMlG GKOCEItY BTOliE, ell cannot he made. It is also valua Trotnissory Note and l.minevs Paper And Generally. VaU-I- Ouo currency for the Government prnys lor the annexation of said territory ble to put iu!o old Wells, where a large bonjrhl. "Draw Sicht Drafts on Eng Smoker' Articles Clolii ami Silver "A'OUK MADE TO OK!i:R, Fifth. U) nn Cw.C'all and Our Stock. id city, a tat ol which ten itury is o.r is needed. The pipes can Scotland, Ireland, Franco er Examine and the people, the laborer and the supply water land. the Place, in Rawic's Of American, Httish yix of Anierii'An Hotel, :tached to aaid petition on tile in th. Au- ni:h fna niftk; 'Ick'ks of On ppii l'iors Eat ll's the peusioner and the soldier, the be placed iu a cirelo, ull of them leading and (iorinsuy, in sums to Tory variety; hne Jowt-Irj- ; iiol Pens of the sriort notu:t ani wnrmiited to tflveViiiire ditors ortice of said eounty. e, a Red Front, East Tus. street, fiction. to the to which large pump can suit. beyt ind Stiver nnd Plntttd rij-h- produc er and the bondholder. Great cheer- Notice is also thai upon the pre- make qu!ily; Is j;oiiiu l nlontr in Hip old i Irw with given bo attached, and will supply from Canton, Ohio. Ware; Muicnl Instruments, mu-- n LIND'S- - ing, and cries of "Head it again," The senting of suid petition to said eominina DEPOSITS RECEIVED ! June IS, lSiiStl' Melodpocb, Guilnrw, Vio'.:n, Flutes Our pUcc ia ol stacil, oa Kfil KANE street, liivi-tif- a Csnton. Nov. 7th, 13.t. Fifth Resolution was again read &:id again siouera, aa aforesuid, nnid cHiiniui.ssionera One to Two Hundred Gallons and Interest allowed at roasonble Fifes, Aoconleons, t. Spectacles MORE CHEAP GOODS, Cheered. apjHiiuted the firnt Monday in September por Minute. to suit old and young; Fin t- - a. d. 1S68 (being of thai month) as rates. cutlery, I'ortnionnam, Opt.4.18VmS. - llIF.Cl'Hr.E fc HIIOTHFU. E M O V A L ! Sixth. Economy in the administration of the 7th jaTRevcnue RESIDENCE LOTS FOR SALE. finctiiuii ware, And much cheaper and better than ever the Government, the reduction of the stand- the day lor tiie hearing of atid petition. Tliia Well la provided with a strainer Stamps for salo. Small ull 119 ml the olnce of eotuuii.-aumer- .i as ing army aud navy, the abolition of the said which exclude li quick .nui.li, and with coin furnished. TOVS OF EVERY WOCLEiJ FACTORY. the place for bearing the same, and then, out which, this or uny other ell will till C.nORC.K D. HARTKR. RESIDENCE VARIETY provisions, &c. l5 Kreedmen's bureau (Great cheering and all fore eausod peti to be 'i'cd in tl u very sdiort time MICHAEL D. IIARTER, IEAUTIFUL YNTON auocERii;s, 1'. L I N T P. M A N ruid ion with sand, and in be many not CITY WOOLEN FAO J. (. political instrumentalities designed to secure otlice of the or anid county of come whereof we Besides Tery nrtirlK hpr'ti enumerated. TORY ! Auditor worthless: in testimony We are enauieu to ne:iei:cfiper ;::nr. mntotnera aa In endlff-- vnrii'ly. Also large snpjily ot negro supremacy, simplification of the sys- S.ark where b inspetcd; you WellH which use 1 tho tame niav reter to the are in OAVIKGS DEPOSIT BANK LOTS FOR SALE. we Huy tor uasr. Una removed his rtof tem and discontinuance of the inquisitorial aud that ou ,aid "th ii S;ptember suid the Htrnincr. well has lieen Cloek8 Jewelry repatrea. A:I our work ol" without Ihla and Notions, Tobaccos, and Cigars. di- - nodes of a.isssiiig and collecting Uie Iiitcr-B- al hearing was continued to the 7tii le thorctighly tented in quick sand, and we . warranted. Give us a vmU. Satldlo and Harness Establishment iy. Revenue, so that the burden of taxation cuiber a. d. 1S6S, tl the kame place, ! r warraut It under all circiiniMti.iices. w ith laaao uaktmh. aXO. ll, aAKTBB. 0 - Canton. Aiuiust 1 J. IStti: lurlher notice, at which time the anine Ibis Weil we can raise water any distance 1 have juvt laid out 7 bay be equalized asd lessened, the credit of will one or more, I Rank Block, west side of Square, Kearto'.he corner of Tuscuriw.is & Cherry i currency be heard. from thirty to hundred feet HARDWARE. Our of utreetfi. Canton, Ohio. d the Government, and the made T11K CITY OK CANTON, and it worlis with aa much as a sixteen ; t repeal of all enactments for en CANTON, OHIO. IiAW HENCE A LEX A NDE R, He will continue to make tcood work r rood ha BY A. I.vsca.U leet auction pump. FORTY BEAUTIFUL LOTS C O N E E C T 1 () N E R I E S cheap. my rolling the Stale Militia into National forces W. IIAUHWAllE nnd Let all old frienda and veptw6 REFERENCES. DOINQ A LLIANCE customers nnd tin ninny new onea as peace, and a tariff for revenue up- THIS BANK IS cnll'-nn- la time of in the west part of Canton, which I will Are also Iarce and Cheap. choose, try me. following few ot the many -- on foreign imports, and such equal taxation NOTICE. The area sell on reasonable terms. Thrnkftil for pat patron a e, would mont V. J. LIN DEMAN. Internal Revenue laws as will af- JEGAL testimonials w have from parties using General Exchange, Deposit and Dis inform his irinn is anH pntron, CMnton, May 7, lSf.8tf under the I A XI) fnrmr ar, ford incidental protection to domestic manu- Lomaa L. Cog an et Stale of Ohio, our Wells : count liusinetis tho puMic in fneri' that he h rWriiAd hj f..ir-r- y, ui.) Several of these lot are (on tUe corner Cherry and Third Btreet,?,) Wjth Good Fresb Butter and Eggs factures, and as will, without impairing the va. eounty, CaaTOs.O., Augsst t. '8g. situated on TuHcarawus itreet. Some ) A Kiut-Oi- --I bare coiiMtnntlv on haml. CLOTHING. William Young et ni. Court of Com- If uaaa. Himi ik oui MONEY LOANED. twenty-fo- ur front on street, which R O N S T O R E ' revenues, impose the least burden upon, and of Batclioller'a "linprnTed Bored Tubalar Wello," Fifth I E.,His;hest Ca.sli Price always Paid r indus- mon Plena. Civ is here opened out sixty wide. beet promote and encourage the great la operation at my reaiUeace, the tab exteutta to fet lor Country Produce. ! il Action. lortj-thre- e PROMISSORY NOTES BOUGHT. AT trial interests of the country. tba drpth of fret, tbe lowur end resting Our terms are is variably cash, but I will JOODS A BARGAIN Jacob Young aud bia wile (whose firat tu para aand. I bave plenty of clear pare wtur, Five front on the old Fulton Road, and Seventh. Reform of abuses in the admin- ia and aud m my opinlou well with at NKW A.ND IMPROVKD MACHTXEKY sell accordingly is9 "the nimble sixpence" name unknown John Young ana reur tbe airaiucr Gold, Silver and Bank Notes Bought. tbe rest front on a new road laid out par is counts in istration, the expulsion of coirupt men from his wife Kliza. all of the State of Indiana, tmebmrut, la all tbil joa recommend It to bo. allel with Fifth street. what trade. useless Young aud bin wife Martha xicapccuuiiy yimri, WRIGHT & LIP PERT CLASS. office, the abrogation of offices, the and William I. i). Bt'BKK. A LI. KINDS Of PENNOCK, April 1, 1SGS to, of the State of Illinois, are hereby noti- very Canton' vl restoration of rightful authority and the These lots will make desirable all The undorsigneil having purchased 01 Executive and Judicial fied that at the last term of said Court a Cmtoa. O., Angut 7, 184S. bulding spots, and tliey nre situated quite And that he ia now prepared to manufaoiure Independence of the order of revival was made In Government Bonds and Revenue Stamps good; in hi a lino on tho hortM notice, ami in saiixh P. Miller. his of the Government, the subor- conditional Itruu. RmmtB A Kelut Sisa The ou convenient to the liuaiueKt part of town. a manner to ilry com ptit 'Oil with r.nv : Departments the above named action agaiiiut them and 'liatobcller Improved Tubular Well"Da that put band and lor sale. o" 1: dination of the military to the civil power ; 70a New Goods ! taMidhment m the West, ile man others as heira and representatives of the Into my koure a few weekr vince gives good satis Those wibhing to parchse such 'lots tr.rcK 5 to this end, that the usurpations of Congress defendant William Young, now deceased, faction, tt ia all that you represent it to be. Tba DEPOSITS RECEIVED would da well to call soon. FIRST PREMIUM water it Tory pur and sin. ! m and the despotism of the sword may cease. reviving sa'd action in their names as W. W. GOODMAN. and interest allowed on time deposits. New Prices Of Silver Modal STOCK OP GOODS Equal rights and protection for defendants. Voars. puuno una us WAS AWAB.SED TO Eighth. l tie will prompt and ai JOSEPH MEYER. RESTORATIVE naturalized and native born citizens at home That naid action is brought by the CiKi, August 1, laCS. commodatinir. Enlarged Stock ! CLOTHS, SATIN ETTS, BARRETT'S HAIR con&iMin t perform- A 1 have o:n o your M 20, ISofMf By the N. H. Stmts Agricultural Society. assertion of American na- plaintiff to enforce the specitic Itrisrs. Baasaa Kellt: ISAAC flAKTER A SON& Canton, iv tu Fair, lioldtn iu Kiuhum, Spt. 31, lafri. and abroad, the ance of a contract for the conveyance Improved Bored Wnlls lu operation at hit bouse, CLOTHS, tionality, which shall command the respect cer- wbich suits me tietur tban any I ever saw. It Terms Ciwh ! Vestings, from said deceased to the plaintiUd of 01' wa- 1. 18G6. II f foreign powers and furnish an example pumps vary aud throwa a lari s trcam pnre Canton. O.. Oet. ICBETT'S tain lands situate in aaid Stark county, ter. The well la sixteen fuel in dvuih. lb" doii t Having sold our interest in the Savings MARBLE WORKS. Vegetable Restorative and encouragement to people struggling for formerly property ol said de- a bed eaod: tu jnM Tweiils, Ilair aud the laying in ol floe quick uue half Do posit iiuuK, we cordiallv leeommend KeetfiTM Grmv Hair lo Its Kntural Color t pro- ational integrity, constitutional liberty and ceased, which said lands are fully de- bour tue water was aa clear aa cryatai. rersona Savings Deposit Bunk of Isaac motes thej growth f the liuir : rhanc-- i tht CAASIMERER, will please call my the Hurler roots to Uieir original acuon ; eraut- - rights, and the maintenance of scribed in their petition in said action, douutlu; tba trntb of thi at iX Cai.1nieres, orsninc Individual residcuee. routh Poplar street, luat below the rail Sons, (our successors) to the continued QITY MARBLE WORKS. cate Uandnin end Humors t prevents rights of naturalized citizens against the and for othur relief. see for tbeuiselves. I would recomniend and increased patronage 01 our friends. Uir laiunc out is a (tupenor urt wiit. the That said revivor will be made abso- road, aud uconuiM no injunoUK inprvuint., obsolete doctrine of immutable allegiance, to all those wanting a cood substantial wrll to PETER P. TRUMP, Blankets, suiu ia iiiv ruuti pnpuior uuu rva- lute, and aaid action will stand revived purchase on of liatchelTer's Improved Bored Tu MARTIN WIKIDAL. aoie anicie turoupnoui ine HEADY-MAD-E CLOTHING nd the claims of foreignt powers to punish names aa de Wells witk attachment. against them and in their bnlar strainer mav 29. 1S(7. lr. We beg leave to any to the citizens of Duuin. them for alleged crimes committed beyond fendants, unless they show nufUclent U. NEWCOMER. HAUBERT, jurisdiction. Applause. contrary on aeyLeave orders at Kennsr's ihoe Store PHILIP Stark and adjoining I'ountie.s, that we FLANNELS their cause to the or before No KKNXEK EKLLT, still to keep on band, nnd for Kith, A. 1). ItSiiS. XX. R. continue In demanding these measures and reforms vember lor Stark County. P. P. TRUMP, WISE, sale, at :r;-"- 's tor R. BARRETT & CO., Proprietor, A BUBFORD. . TUUMP, the lowst the times II ATS, CAPS, AC. we arraign the radical party for its disregard SCH.ttFKK LYNCH, TOWNSUIP RIGHTS FOR SALE. ALEX, I H. H. Dealer and Manufacturer f Plain and Or a fine assortment ot right and the unparalleled oppression and Att'ys for Plaintiffs. BANK xiamental Of every description. ef JgXCHANGE field by y yranny which have marked its career. Af- BB.NNER & KELLY, allDruiririetB. REAL Agents for Stark county. MONUMENTS & TOMBSTONES, ter a most solemn and. unanimous pledge of IN ESTATE. wn C JARQAINS Rights for sale. CF POCKET & TABLE CUTLERV now ofler to the citizens of tnton and both Houses of Congress to prosecute the Canton Auk- - 5. lSGdlf. viciuitj' h has recently opened a new marble shoj & e DL'ELDIDsQ LOTS FGR SALE. war exclusively for the maintenance of the on East Tuxcarawss Street, near Market Stocking: Yarn, Government and the preservation of the i Furnishing The undersigned offers tor sale, i ml gTOVE AND TIN STORE. TRUMP, IIURFORD, WISE & CO square, in Canton, wnere Monnmnl; Hardware, Union under the Constitution, it has repeat- must sell soon tho following property in Tombstones, and ell work pertaining i-- House Trimmings, EOT8 FOR SAEE. H ARE CHANCE most sacred pledges to-w- it : 01 en Coach Trimmings, JJU1LDING edly violated the under Alliance, Ohio, nis line business, tier in Re 15 !ikewi6 prepftMd t which alone rallied that noble volunteer in tbe old Bank Room in Harness Trimmings, army carried our flag to victory ; in- LOT, Italian or American Marhle, Furniture Trimmings, which HOUSE AND BUCKIUS BROTHEK, Coftin Trimmings, to purchase such stead of restoring the Union it has so far as i T "ff-- f.r snle a iimiiber of .ir, 1 r-- . 1 Me'hunuks Toti;s, !r. i; o diss:lvwl it and subjected ten No. in n:.in:t I ivr A!'.'.'-.-- . '' rutins i y fcv-"- - "- - I'f'iVa.; i'etce to military ),() TS. ;t ; APvO A IN tie ' ha? i ':i-it- . : I tl .el ; :f- r ill vrn tiutiiy. l' uus c.i-:- Hli Ui.o t;. f ijols ;a l ol : . l : : Iwh i Liu Oil ;m;ii iv:finonc"-;l- , OT CO a n:j lie li i!vs toe si:tj zu.'M, ,.. :l. dom cf speech. It !ma Mil's: itu'.od .vrhi.n'.ry h ivn..s,!T i i : b -. r t c i roiie-'.vor- k lor. ::'i.'iioy, '.h.Wi any an.1 nud. oi:o ?n i' r . ! seizures an"Ci:s uii'.iinry trails :i;ui IK'-- VA !: . .V: - , . Mill ( Mil I,. i . il ii iy en- - ri:. m;.it either out of S"i: '. ne.ii it ' . 1; ac- -. tecYct Siar Chiunbcr iu.'iu'.i'.ion.f f.ii ;!( c - n; sti--i- I.ji.ii'-ie- ". a avk'eiliiiK ex A ISO. j.ui '.'!.;isi'.l the bonk i . on i:i I:t Money c:n laiivl by cv.niii,.- :ti Seeds, Or to ii Hiiul'iieture Goo is tur ' into :' little ii"ir;; , bui'.l. i sas'-vtmw.- Ol M'1'i-r- tn'.mn.i'.s. has ::ir.'i,! in I r.. :.r-- of l L. O. IU liiCU. cr.utll R:iil notice is hereby It dwr :;',yt lk; ..r iaye c.' 3 beforo orderi; elsc.vhero. Il;pes nnd Twines, on Hie Shari f, or y the Yur 1. ins .i.!the OOI LCC IONS MADMa M:-n-- is-e- apoount- s '2. 1N1S tt lo those ji to snid - tun-.- ef cacc, llao ii;at ot tl:c iie.iple tu iiii.".'.' ', -: P1IIL1I' HAUBERT. Brushes, all kind, iinlfii. lei. lint tliey are in hands i f Ww. McKiH and -t tliu-.S- oo Teet March 6th. lS67tr Nails nnd Spikes, in be free ft om j. It luu an1 bv on the !;,inind. Cook, Heating, aud fir!or 'i loves. ley, attorney ut law, lor weUleuient; entered the telegraph ofllces, and even the JSein couipvlleu tv my circumstance On all parts of tho United SUites and Latches, of OQ thoe Springs and Axles, he will c.K''It.iae for wool cr nij PiAfiQS. knowing themselves indebted, are reques private rooms of individuals, and seized their to nell, a bartf lin will be given any one We are also agents for the celobralod ted to call at his office in the Public Build private papers and letters without any spec- desiring such pniperty. It will be suits, WHOLESALE GROCERY- - ings and PukeeUlem.-ti- t at once. ble for a mill, warehouse or factory, and & Cook Stoves, PAINTS AND OILS, s- - LEIjANI), 13. BALL, ification or notice of aiUdavit, as required is near the station on the Cleveland K. K. American Benefactor FT by the organic laws. It baa converted the and desirably located. Please call on me MONEY LOANED should reuiember liia C. AULTMAN. r Capitol into a bastile. It has es- my otbtre for Which we warrant to be as good bakers Q.ROCERIES AT WHOLESALE! Bent Wood Work, is tiiis reason at JACOB MILLER, 1 American at further particular. Moss, and Curled manufacturing Kejrulariy yppoiuted Agent for W. ii.. MILLER. of spies official espi- as there nre in the market. Hair, T tablished a system and Alliance, Sept.9, H. LAUGH LIN. Gold, Silver, Tromissory Notes, Gov Hubbs and Spokes, June 5. '(J7. tf. onage to which do constitutional monarchy put up Sash and Putty, 9 of Europe would dare now to resort. It has We also ernment Bonds, and other V'M. KNABE tt CO'S it PROC LAMATION REDUCED PRICES. HARDWARE. abolished tbe right of appeals in important ILECTION AND ROOFING Constitutional questions to tbe supreme ju- TIN SPOUTING SECURITIES BOUGHT A SOLD. C. BIECIIELE WINDOW GLASS, .iUll dicial tribunals, and threatens to curtail or Ou reasonable terms. AltDWARE foh EVERYBODY ir- H. R. WISE, Pres't. Has just opened his stock of Picture Glass, 8 destroy its origiaal jurisdiction, which is FOR STATK A COUNTY OFFICERS. S I N W A Y A-- ' il. 11. TRUMP, Cash'r. Glass cut all shapes an J T E S O N S H Ll revocably tested by tbe Constitution, while custom October 23, 1S67. size. Tbe qualified electors Countv 8uyAll kinds of work made tf Turpentine and Benzine Varnish, t, the learned Chief Justice bas been subjected of Sturk to order. Floor. Table, Stair and Carriage to tbe most atrocious calumnies merely be- Ohio are hereby notified to meet at the Olioice Gr2?oceries Uurvallcd Piau Fortes. r-- usual places or holding elections In their VIEWS, cause be would not prostitute bis bigb office Don't foreet place, and Kiye us a gTEREOSCOPIC ix IK- S- H'00 WANTED! . respective towuships, on tho 13 to tbe support of the false and partisan char- cal 1 at our alore on North Mnrket street. OIL CLOTHS, Also for against Tuesday, the 13th day of October, ALBUMS, CxlltUMUS. EAST ROOM op REX BUIXDINU ges preferred tbe President. I). IStiS, BUCKIUS BKO. tub corruption and extravagance have ex- A. Canton. Aug. 19. lijUStf Iu then and there to elect by ballot tbe fol- Tuscarawas CAKIIART kt XKKDIIAM'H ceeded anything known in history, and by lowing State and County Officers : East Street. Window Shades, saAiiy aiuount of Wool Wanted, foi We art Caily recoivinjr additions to onr monopolies it bas doub- mid 1;! tU frauds and nearly One person for Judge of the Supreme NOTICE. E. A II. T. ANTHONY A CO., Damasks, which the highest market price will be ways largo stock of led tbe burden of tbe debts created during Court-- JEGAL Cantox, Ohio. lieiital Slock, paid. tbe war. It has stripped tbe President of his One person for Secretary of State. Robert Bowlin. Samuel Bowlin, James 501 Broadway, Nkw York, Whip and Canes, L. ALEXANDER. PHELPS AND GOODMAN'S Constitutional power of appointment, even person Board Bowliu. Andrew Bowlin. and Bird Cages, One for Member of the notice on the7thday of the Trade to their Belting and Kuskolri, Mav 22. ise5.tr own Cabinet. Under iU repeated as-au-lu Bowlin will take that In vita the attention ORGANS AND MEbODEOXS. GENERAL HARDWARE, of bis of Public Works. 1868, filed of above, of And great arti- rock- of September, Philip Seesdorf extensive assortment the Coffee, a variety of all other X.' the pillars of tbe Government are One person for School Commissioner. a vc abe, of own publication, cles usually kept a nispeiiuun in iuhuiuiiui vmilu the their in Hardware Store. SEWINS MACHINES All tho above Iuslrutr.euts fullv war- I ing on their base, and should it succeed in One person for Clerk of the Supreme within and for the countv of Stark,iih and manufacture and importation. Tea, November next, and inaugurate iu Presi- of Ohio, alleging a verbal ranted. Address 11. M. LELAND, PAINTS, OILS, Court. state that under subjects E Ml. Union, Stark Co. Ohio. dent, we will meet as a subject and canquer-- d person for Congressman for contract with Leuimon Bowlin, then in We publish over foar thousand Us a Call. rJVI GREAT AMERICAN 'ke One the deceasud, be. of Stereoscopic View's, including: Sugars, lisTGive The agent may bo seen personally on people amid the ruins of liberty, and the 17th Congressional District or full life, but since the aaid COMBINATION Monday of each wcik, at the St. Cloud ,Ue of unio. Seesiorf, between October 2nd. 183. and cattcred fragments the Constitution. One person for County Auditor. Niagara, Catskills, Hudson, White Molasses, Hotel Canton. Ohio. in a .r 107 0m. IRON, NAILS, Vor.. And we do declare and resolve that ever December 2nd. 1806, performed labor to One person for Clerk of the Common the value of $61,75, in and about the re- Mountains, Washington, Saratoga, WRIGHT A PENNOCK. BUTTON HOLE OVERSEA JUNG since the people of the L'nifed States threw standing upon HE FEOKENCE SEWING Pleas court. pairing of dwelling house West Point, Mammoth Cave, Central Tobacco, X M A C II 1 N E ! wff all subjection to tbe British Crown, tbe One person for County Commissioner. the following described premises of aaid Park, Trenton Falls, Great West, And Sewing Machine. GLASS, SASH, Ac,, Ac. privilege and trust of suffrage have belonged One person for Innrraary Director. Loiuuion;U wlin. to-w- it : Situate lo aata Housatonic, Delaware, Instantaneous, Spices, ch several States, and have been granted, county of Stark, ana being part or tne WOOLEN FACTORY. Kit Wonderful Popularity Conclusive Tlie Eatest and Greatest Improve- to tbe The lollowinif lathe apportionment or Cuba, Grenada, Venezuela, The Sewing ! U regulated and controlled exclusively by of North eaiit quarter ol section 7, in New .1 'roof its Great Merit. ment ia Machines t the Juror to be returned bv tba Trustees : Japan, England, Ac. Rice, of political power of each State respectively, the several townships for tbe year ISfiS, shin 12. of Ranee 8. bounded as follows Andes, China, Which we are IK) weal This is the favorite "Family Sewing nd that any attempt by Congress, on any witn tne foil to me .:ieri 01 ine Beciuuintr feet from tne soul Our imported views embrace a large as Ac, Ac. The inctease in the demand for this Machine," bo. Plenauok,Court, on or before the corner of Frederick Wemier s lot; thence sortment, including ths choicest fOOL! WOOL machine has been TEX FOLD taking four ctitfereni stitches, pretext whatever, to deprive any State of Oomtnon 12 and sewing the heaviest as well as :al Hth dav of October. A. D. 186.1: east 190 feet: theme south feet: thence of Win. England, O. W. Wilson, seven mouths of its first year be- the this right, or intertere with tu exercises is wwat 190 feet; thence north 120 feet, tu tbe RETAIL DEALERS In Stark and sur lut finest fabrics, beaver cloth and prenudine! Paris 9: Wnxhincton 9; Lexington 22; Lainy, aud othej eminent photographers. rounding counties are invited to call and fore the public. The Misses I Sagrant usurpation of power which can find Marlborough 10; Niuiishillen.il; place of beginning; containing half an consisting of This tcrraud and surprising succeis is Mcl'ormick, of Cat ton, SELLING AT LOW PRICE . t .!....! J im - examine my large have used it for two yean, daily, with SSU IU UIV WUOMlUM.SU, U IIUU- - 5; 6; 10; acre ol erouud.- That he. Seesdorf, uuprecedentad in the history of sewing irAllMlk MN 0; Sandy Pike Plain Lake per- Par- trinmp taut success. tioned by the people, will subvert our form 0: Jackson H: Perry S3; Belhlaheui 10; within four months from the time of Swiizerland. Rhine, Pyrenees, EAGLE WOOLEN FACTORY. michie, and are feel fully warranted in forming said labor out an account is, England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, STOCK OF CHOICE GROCERIES This machine is for sale and on exhibi- of Government, and can only end in a sin-fl- e, Sugnrcreek 8; Lawrence 11; Tuscarawas mde same tion at the Misses McCormick's room in - ft: Omntou 34. thereof under oath, and caused the Pompeii, Germany, Austria, Italy, I T H A S NO E Q U A L , warranting all goods sold to be as repro centralized and consolidated Govern- my to recorded In tbe Recorder's O bee And judge ef Prices, Ac. Dr. Mathews's Ulock. Call and examine In soperate Given under band at the city of le Spain, Tuileries, St, Cloud, Trianon, iudy,e. To see ma- seutea and aaent, which tbe existence of the lOibday D. 186?. said Couuty. whereby be became entitled MCina A HSOLrTLT TBR MT.W and its work and the entirely Cintonthi. efOctober A. pays Crystal Palace, Tyrol, Herculaneum, my Stock, I have a large chine in operation, will convince all States will be absorbed, and an un K. A. DUNBAR. to a lien upon aaid premises for the AuiODf variety Parties having Wool to work can have despotism be established instead of a inent of aaid sum Of mouev. 1 hat said Fontainbleau, Compeigne, Versailles, of ehoice and carefully selected its merit. 4tt limited Sheriff of Stark county, Ohio. Naples, Rome, Ac. if done at the New Eagle Woolen Factory FAMILY MACHINE Wo challenge competition. federal Union of equal States, and that we money is due. rud wholly unpaid. That tc, on South street betwedu Liud A Co.'s and ie sit!0cd on Jobu Borland claims to huvea inort Rhine, Margraefler, and French Red In tho world, and intrinsically the cheap MARY A JULIA McCOKMICK. AS CHEAP AS TIIE CHEAPEST ! regard the reconstruction acts, so called, of ALSO Davis it Son's Mills, Canton, Ohio, nt tho Ajfents. - giige Hen upon said premises, antecedent following prices) : est; for it is two machines combined in Congress as usurpations and onconslitution- to said Heeadorl's said lien; but the and White Winea ! one by a July 11. SGSlf revolutionary ana void. 3 RESIDENTIAL ELECTION. THE LANDS OF THE BIBLE, simple and beautiful mechanic- al and amount due upon said mortgage, if any al arrangement, making both tb'j Shuttle ce That oar soldiers and sailors who carried thing, said Seexdnrf does not know. That A new and intenselv interesting series. ALSO Doeskin Cassiaiereat and Lock-stitc- and the Cver-seamin- g; n. BAVtlOF, II. r. BACUOt, Thanking our customers for former pat- - country victory Lemmon Bowlin died, leaving; two Button-bol- e the flag of our to against a said Alo. Illuminated and Transparent Views uud stitch, with equal facility rosage, we solicit a continuance and in- most gallant and determined foe, must ever persons claiming to be bia widow, name' in great variety. We are also excluxive Best Catawba nnd Isabella! 75 per yard. and perfection. It execute in the very best MA11BEE "vVORlCS. gratefully remembered, and all tbe guar- Iy : Isabella Bowlin and tbe said agents in America for "Ferrier's Glass manner every variety of Sewing, such QANTON crease of trade. PROCLA MATION! as- - i antees given hi their favor must be faithful Bowlin (whose surname ia unknown to Views," of which we have a splendid pa- Please Give me a Call. Double and Twist, Hemming, Felling, Cording, Tucking, V aaid Seesdorf) and Margaret Funk, i Series ol A I ly earned Into execution. sortment. Agents for Frith's Siitchitig, Braiding and Quilting, Gather- EeVST TUSCARAWAS ST., RAYNOLD8 SAXTON. with Nicholas Funk, Robert 8 12 in Photographic Views in C. B1EOUELE. 10 cents per Vfard ing and sewiug on, (done at "the .same June 20. 1807. tf. Bowliu. Samuel Bowlin. James Bowlin Scotland, O., S, lSGS-- tf Em- ' That the public lands should be distribu- Switzerland, the Rhine, Eulaud, Canton. June lime), and in addition, Overseam, Andrew Bowlin heirs atlaw. vt . Satinet, Opposite American Hotel, Canton, O. ted aa widely among the people, and be dis Netlce la hereby clveu to lbs qualified and bis ales, iko. broiders on he edge, and makes beautiful petitiou ia f r the aale yelot-hole- s i county, Ohio, The prayer ofaid Button and K in all fabrics. posed of either under the preemption of elector of Stark that thy pay STEREOSCOPES. We manufacture 00 k ol the aforesaid premises too the cents per yard. Every M:i.-!um- is warranted by the REMOVAL. meet at the usual placea ot holding else to-w- it: largelv. a stock of in i sVomestead lands and sold in reasonable quan amouutduw said Seesdorf. $51,75, verv and have lame QREAT REDUCTION PRICES. Company, or its agents, to give sat- tiona In their respective townships, ou 1800, betl ul the lowest rutes. Country Flannel, yard wide, entire tities, and to none but actual occupants, at with i merest from December 2, and tbe isfaction. 31KAI. ERS IN - Gov- for other oroner relief. M ftorery the minimum price established by the PHOTOGRAPHIC JLBU S Our SO 35 Circulars with full particulars snd sam- I i well-kno- to cents per yard. ROOMS ernment. When granU of the public lands Tuesday, the 3d day of November, Said deiendants are required to answer manufacture of Albums ia ple ot work done on this machine. cn MONUMENIS & TOMBSTONES, J" EW FURNITURE aaid tietitiou on or before tbe T'.h day of throughout the country as superior in Prices of G0M3 Approaching a Gold be had ou application lit the SHlexrootiiK nay be allowed necessary for the encour A. U. lbbM, 1808. Fancy Flannels, 23 in. wide, are November, quality aud beauty to oil others. Bh'. of ihe Allien. 11 11 Button hole. Oversea agement of Important puiiiic improvements. St-vi- of American and Italian Marble, I sepl. 8, w6 G1CO. W. RAFF, 23 per ye.rd. and Machine Company, East Tuscarawas st., Canton, Ohio. r,ii ,e : ' such lands, ant! i f'-- r A 'A we sell are ina.l in our own factory th 'sol t 0;" pd t, l Alt'y IV1T itia-i- - s'T'i' stv!-- i:tKt-i- :rom ihot-- 8. W. cor. Eit yt and Chestnut Got up the approved stylo lift: .'vasy.'tV! ;;ir :; apr,l;c:?. : ;ii .'aw- - i"l ir " "re of nih st., in most of , :l'-.- r NlCiiOLA--M- Blankets, & CO., - . r :: ;:i j '. iixyerd Mioulu tail HO modern tuuie. BERNHARD T;i Uj'i.'i t I'lIILAhtXPHIA, Pa. - ) o i.j-- ir A- . t.;i r:ihK'::K pur It. J. F. BAUi.'OF. A o'li J2,'jU on t!- - Attlf '"'''i. v:u:if r.v pel piir Instructions i:ireti Machine at J u h- - 17, lNilf Havo removed and opened in the ntw the of his in T:.'.yxmv i t'll itii 'lor, the ro ui.H ot t5:e Cotapui.y fcratutii.usly Buildinir, op- pocr hiU i'c n Rei-licg- , Room in George B. Haas's iy ". Twnut.v-o- 'i Ekvtors fjr Carding, Spi ui.ijj pur;:IiM:-i.-- . iotis of Corgi O" oa tl.c and 10 ail posite liiechele'a WholesaletirOL'ery ari-i- iiiiiiT.-'i;vet- : V. 21 O S . Stor, tnl Is of lliv iis'0!td of C II O Hhh net i Mew-hau- l Tailoring - of the Sttiies a:id Iha people. . S3- Agents Wsiuted. OA11DING liOL'SE SALE. with a complete assortment of if ll-.-- iV 18 eents per pound FOli Id' tbo .mat it it;'.! ot lUu wiiolti Uni;.yl iii'Il vlnit, Those piiitnres. tout c:i:no. bo E ib. somen! !i B ti rieri'ls and f.""-- Oil FRED'K PAX SON, Pres't. .. und tiiu iis!:uish,..,.t the hiitol Paints B. Any person wiwlih;; to buy t t' class Jcvp!e, on bU:kii .V t!::it ueiviutr n oij'j'.s-m- h Stocking Yara, W. Mgxdknuall, Treas. FURNITURE thjkrl.s (vr IUj iu;;s, at th?5r cost, we import hoar.lins; holing, is requetd to call as piuly, .vo tender h'un r larirelv I'aria, London, uerun. i Harter'sB lock (Second Floor), ian21l!'. oltico ap- 'i'im ol thi sioction are, tv the lrom oeals pvr pound. this lor particulars. The house it And patriotic efforts iu that rcid. Great provi:"ns of tbe law, lo be made lo me, enna aud Rome, and supply the trade at T IT T L E S well furnished, lias at present eiirhteeu plause. uud must be made by the evening of NEW STOCK OF MILLINERY, tbe lowest rates. received Roll Cardinj boarders. It is situated oil the Public E. A T. fc CO.. Where ust CAHINET-WARI- H ' 1 Thursday next succeeding the election. II. ANTHONY IMPK0VED nunre iu Canton. Leaso tour years. Democratic party Ri-u- Upon tliis platform the 501 Broadway, K. Y. 8 cents per pouuo t low. Call soon. 10 I and is prepared to execute in this line ' every patriot, including the my band at the city of WZLL--S KLKCTZ D lyfiS. ftppcals to Given under witn neatness aud dispatch. She hopes Importers and Manufacturers of Photo' A MTIRKhY NEW We have on band a large assorment of Canton, July 1. OU6'lticg of id. ! acrvativo clement, and all who desire to Canton, thin IClh dny of September, a. d, graphic Materials. O to receives continuation of tho favors o o k .'S . port the constitution nnd restore the Union, ISoS. heretofore shown. augl9tf Casaimere, Stove! OBACCO ANTIDOTE. Dining Tables, opinion, to R. A. DUNBAR, very nnd satisfaction STOCK OP forgetting all post differences of SheriiT of Stark County, Ohio, Prices moderate T Writing Tables, present great struggle gi:ranteed. IV, . Stands, Chain, mite with us in the sopl lflld SALE- - Cloths, Satinet, Remember (he only place in Can- ICarranted to remove all desire r To . l. 1 ! 1 ... ,I,a n) trt all Qllcll Rooms on East Tuscarawas street, that uwrln POR ton whero bacco. This rent reinedy is an excellent Burcaas, Sretaries, im 1 west of the American Hotel. to whatever party they may have heretofore door oxk or TU- B- Caftsimeres, Flannels, appetizer? It purines the blood, Cupboards, Bedsteads, fel- DISCOUNT TO Mm. J. B. CLUFF. tiie uystcm possesses be belonged, we extend tbe right band of 1868- - Little's Improved Cook ates threat nourish Clothes Presses, Ac. LIBERAL the Patent Shape Bemis Canton. May 20. tf BEST FARMS STARK Stove power, n- lowship, and will hail all such IN COUNTY, Vesting, Blankets and in and Btreiitheiiintr enables the - Collars by the hundred, at A. KITT'S stomach to Oldest tho heartiest lood. We are practical Cabinet Makers, atiu with us as friends and brothers. Sept23tf HURFOKD'tS CONTAINING Is ke.pt for sale, is at sleep refresh nnd Yarn, makes ins, establishes warrant our work aa represented, none to A. robust health. Smokers and chewers for of our Furniture bein the product of Two-third- 3 A. Tin and Stove Store, do-tnet- he. Is the place to get your cheap Sixty and Acres, Of our own make, which we will exchange IIukfoius sixty years cured. Price, Fifty Cents per Eastern Mauulactories, but entirely io, 70R RENT. gNG. Also, a Splendid assortment of at manufacturing rates, or trade for Wool. Dox, post ire-e-. A. treatise on ltie injuri dun ble and cheap. It is nil uiadr 1 Empire Block, East Tus. Street. ous or 11 or x nanai-lnn- a Situated five miles west of Berlin, on the eiieits touacco, wit lists reter of the best well seasoned material. LACKSMITIIS COAL. store room for rent. BROADCLOTHS, A Square. Enquire at the road to Fulton, and on the cross road load- ROBBINS MILLER. onces, testimonials, Ac, nent tree. Apents Repairing of damaged Furniture, au B near the' Publio ing from Massillon to Middlebury only May 27. '68tf All Siovos warrair.ed. It is tho best wanted. Addje.is l'ir. T. It. ABIiOTT, orders for nev, will receive prompt altoi quality and cleanneas, second Da uoo olnce. SCYTHES the best in the Cook Stove in use. Call and examine. City, pi. In county, at rat 18, 188w4 &RASS and warranted, at nine miles from Canton. Forty acres are and Vestinga, Jorsey J. septtn3 tion und charges moderate. none in tbe Canton, Sept. a good state of the balance Casaimeres TERKITARt) A CO KATOOLDB SAITOH'S in cultivation, JJ-O- A. IIURFORD. SALE. t 8- - MINES, in tlmoer land. Styles Canton, ug. "ti, ISoS'.l' March 25, tf fst XEIDIO-- NEW COAL 1 LATENT SHAPE BEMIS This farm is in every particular desira- of all Kinds, and Prices. lara. For aale at wholesale and MERCHANTS AND ble. Fruit of description raised on House and Lot on Poplar Street, OTICE. ELODEONS AND OltGANS. ) west of Korth A- - K.ITT. QOUNTR" eveiy of a mile hy tbe piaoe. xne buildings and water facil CTRAKGE. titJT TRCE.- - Kvry vouns lady st 'cr Industry, Ohio, w'.tbln 8J mi-l- of aepUiStf FARMERS Take notice that the Larg- ities good. Possession given once if Near E. Ball A Co's Works. Tbe dwell- I buoby notify the public to trust no DEUBLE A P. It O . ic9 cer.iUmfcn in ths llnud States cin hoar pit at ing contains eight rooms and a good cellar. person on my account, a, ihinK very mm;h to their s.dvi.ntage, b Maaalllon. est, Best A Cheapest stock of Hand Bakes sold before the nrst of October next. N. BOUR, without written l.y r,tur PATENT SHAPE BEMIS For terms and further information On the premises are a good stable, well, order or a personal order from mo indi- Have a large aud choice lot of Meloiteons (wuhout charge) addressinu ih riIIE out-hous- Those having tears of es Organs being best made, are in this county for sale, wholesale and well-kno- Merchant pays cistern and with all convex vidually, as I pay no accounts ex- and of the best make. For sale bumLUBeedd-- J. Collars are the quire of the undersigned The Tailor, tball years. oblige by not noticing this card. All a any good atandaid Inquire kI office of cept when contracted for as above cheap. Warranted for five Call oiher.s,1 old as ebeap as other at BELDKN A McKIHLEY, individual attention to every garment nience. tbe properly pleas address their obedient servsov . BALLARD, A Go. specified. and see them. ' Paner Collars, dj a, CORRELLe. Attorneys at Law, made at his establishment. FAST WM. WILLIAMS. ISCS-- THOMA.B P. CHAPMAN, ani!- Canton, September 16, tf eeptSatf ' ' tv ' - .i I7tr .. Caitea, i, itegtf Canton, May. 166S- -' Caaton, Aug. 1, lsaamS Caaton, Sept 18, 1808 w4 elltan. ssl BroaawsT, New Tsrt