lj? Stam County pmacrat A - Democratic Platform. NOTICE, INSURANCE. TOBACCO AND CIGARS. ANNEXATION BANKERS. JEWELRY STOVES &C. GROCERIES REMOVAL. The Democratic party In National Con- Notice la hereby given. that on the 15th 1 HUMAN liSSURANCK COMPANY! FRBD. EtMPKK. FRANK X'MUBBAT, reposing lta trust in the day of June UtSS, the city of Canton, Stark of g. Br tlici FOP. GREENBACKS. ' S , DlOPOT, ! REMOVAL ! vention assembled, county. Ohio, presentee a to X Bnk D. Q.OLD E STOVES! EW EMOVAL intelligence, patriotism, discrimination Mid petition the Hr & CO., gTO N p Commisxlonerit of the county of mark CLEVELAND OHIO. JpRED. KM1'ER Jastice of the people; standing upon the and Mlate of Ohio, setting torth tliat on 07 Constitution as the foundation and limitation the third day of Hepveiuer A. 1). 1no7, the Ojjie No. 10 Atwater Building. Having purchased the inturest of Kemper GROCERY AND PROVISION of the powers of the Government, and the council of aid city passed an ordinance 4 'T.jft. SSSL' A Appel in the Cigar and Tobacco bust-- . S T O K I'. guaranteeing the liberties of the citizen, and providing for the submliutiou to the qual- nesH, invite their friends and the publin ified elector of said general $200,000 'Sl generally to call and examine thair stock & recognizing the questions of slavery and city, at the CAPITAL, of L. BIECIIELE BROTHER, cc scion as having been settled for all time election held therein In October, A.I. 1867, the question whether certain territory Insure B jlldtngs. Merchandise and other Proper CIGARS AND TOBACCO, B 11 & IiIND, to come by the war, or the voluntary action contiguous to Maid city should bo annexed ty Against Loss .r Dsnan by fire, at as low rale II E X U Y E CKE IIANE of the Southern States in Constitutional thereto. Ha Id territory bring bounded and aa any ulbor responsible Company. Which consist in part of the CANTON, OHIO. Conventions never to be re- IIhm just opened in his new building on assembled, and deacilbed as follows: commencing at a ITImm taoaorably adjusted and promptly pal. newed or reagitated, do with the return of point tn the southwest quarter of section n Cata.AJ Boat Havana, MANvrACTcasan or aeu nuALcaN is peace, demand sixteen In Canton township. Stark coun- SOUTH CIIEKKY STREET ! ty, Ohio, west and east branch" oiaaoToaa aa RooKaOLDaaa : to t!i First. The immediate restoration of all wbre the Yara, Connecticut, Nmir th) new large Have removed Iheir estaliliahment a of Nlinlshlllen creek forms a junction; dopot, a stock of fresh new building a few dors east of the the Stales to their rights in the Union under thence northwaraly on the went bank of Dr. W. Meyer, C. W, Schmidt. Hsnry rtelnier TIN, COPriili, AND SHEET IRON liavo the of government to J. Wanner, Dr. Kooder. P. TeltlebaoKU. Seed and Common Public squnre, they Constitution, and civil the west branch of the Nlmiabillen creek John Gerlach, Hrnry Kraetner, II. Kallur, WARE, E A t JLY G HOC E II I E S , on hand Ute American people. to the north lire of said township; thence P. Schmidt, C. Muurmana, II. Becltmann C I G A R 8 . Second. Amnesty for all pas political of eaal on aaid township line to the eaxt C. bum, aud other. which ho will sell bank of east branch of aid Nimiahii-len- ; Best of Also hsve alwHyn on han-- a lnrgo fences and the regulation of the elective the A. brands assorticent franchise in the States by their citizens. thence southwardly with aaid vast Rxttbcbo, Prea't. J. Mukller, SADDLES, HARNESS, COLLAItfi bank to the place ot beginning, not in- J. Matkr Vice Vice Fres't. Fine Cut Chewing, fllKAP AS THE CHEAPEST. Third. The payment of the public debt cluding that pnrt thercol already includ- M. DCCUMANAND FRBD. SKKLBAC1I. Trave- Cook, Pari'.-- , nnd Hetiting Stoves! oX the uited States a soon as practicable : Maid Nuid ling Avent. r I ed in the limits of city. petition JOHN KABEK. Atfcnt. Canton, Ohio. r Buckeye Imperial, and that ail moneys drawn from the people Miid I elec- & alao lorili th.it al gouerit P. LUZUS. Mai,il,"n. DEUBLE BROTHER, . by taxation, except so much as u requisite tion, held in Octoiwr. a O. 1i, hmu que- - Inly is. IStM-- t' Amliroriia, 1 will iiy tnt highest, market j.rice for W1ICP-- fe. for'h of thr Government eco-- CANTON, Onto. :. ! .. " honestly applied n , r v. (":OIT.TRY All of which are wnrrantpd lo erive satis- r PilODlTE. ' - : .. t.- : i 'l--'- V faction hhiI Ht prices which to : ... 1 i !.!' .. utii- d ill ' ( :t ' jcv-!- st:it:-.V- ' ii.t. ot th," liflif'i'nv: lit i t- - . II , v!i:,-l- tf ft ivi-.;- i" 'i.i-n- . E tii'-i- five.-- or ; l.r ,'fv lew it 'it. .!!!.. d'e-- i i ot i.roN .1 iUitl T'.i v V In II., ! they were i.vur.l Si.u till :.u.l i : 'i in- - ' V l. a 1. ;: t'ioci:p.;i!!UeU and - V 1 t COMPETITION. t:.-o- DEFY biiall K' pftid in tin y tti::, in ri.;hl t iTh-- v- '.1 i r.M.: S M O K I N G J r E L II Y b GIVE .ME A t'Ahl, ''tu. 1. .. afcll ' : ! ' : ' ' i .r. We buy and i-, PtU! in tii viit! i: j i r em." i , AuJ iii Ja-k- . ;. .!- - rtl that Lone Virginity, Birds A ml me try u do v.-- money ot the I'uitcu Si r!iu::.ifrs of pl:tia..i Gold, Silver, fiovernmcnt Bond.--i and 0 ttu.ir spk'ti'iid ev Jt iii of ihe Whi i t',ct on April 27lli, ISiipi, ttie eouneil of unid This Well Is to in the Sachem, &c, lie onw icor - ni'i ! Kimball Uro StOT- of Iho folks ii .11. applause. os warranted ! city directed Willi.iiL A. Lynch to pro-p- fiiie.it quick Exchange anil next : lo C. tJcli'.vi'.iacr'i liar'iwsre Kiore. fe.Jon Work ami ltpirini done of sand, through clav banks i ill.:'. i:'. KHR Fourth. Etuial taxation of every of i.;. fut'"'j m V- 11 oni'Stiiiitiul. siccits and present to smirt coium'nwioii-- r oil" k 11 At:.l general r.faortu'.cat ol Theiinovr lip the Irttsi niyli?nni Se-- V. "AHKANT Ktovs to hp I IS ihnrt notice neat and inclu- into sand or gravel below. It shins MONEY LOANS.", a full f NVtv 4io-- or )!. property according to its real value, a petition to ptiwit Ml' ll iititiexation, utitl snpjrtl'.ei vt'! in por.-- hnl:;v- - tr lir.i.T r an,) y,. -- pi; suriare water, Hiid car. be put down to iir.r-- , h. as ;irhrni ding Government bonds and public securi- that ho is ulso ut liorizi il to net lor said any depth required, where an ordinary Coupons cnslied, and Colleetions made. PIPES, POUCHES, heir ai Ihe Mi Ifn-- of ties. Kcncwcd cheering. etiy ik tho premises-- Thut xuid petition piTTSBIMlG GKOCEItY BTOliE, ell cannot he made. It is also valua Trotnissory Note and l.minevs Paper And Generally. VaU-I- Ouo currency for the Government prnys lor the annexation of said territory ble to put iu!o old Wells, where a large bonjrhl. "Draw Sicht Drafts on Eng Smoker' Articles Clolii ami Silver "A'OUK MADE TO OK!i:R, Fifth. U) nn Cw.C'all and Our Stock. id city, a tat ol which ten itury is o.r is needed. The pipes can Scotland, Ireland, Franco er Examine and the people, the laborer and the supply water land. the Place, in Rawic's Of American, Httish yix of Anierii'An Hotel, :tached to aaid petition on tile in th. Au- ni:h fna niftk; 'Ick'ks of On ppii l'iors Eat ll's the peusioner and the soldier, the be placed iu a cirelo, ull of them leading and (iorinsuy, in sums to Tory variety; hne Jowt-Irj- ; iiol Pens of the sriort notu:t ani wnrmiited to tflveViiiire ditors ortice of said eounty. e, a Red Front, East Tus. street, fiction. to the to which large pump can suit. beyt ind Stiver nnd Plntttd rij-h- produc er and the bondholder. Great cheer- Notice is also thai upon the pre- make qu!ily; Is j;oiiiu l nlontr in Hip old i Irw with given bo attached, and will supply from Canton, Ohio. Ware; Muicnl Instruments, mu-- n LIND'S- - ing, and cries of "Head it again," The senting of suid petition to said eominina DEPOSITS RECEIVED ! June IS, lSiiStl' Melodpocb, Guilnrw, Vio'.:n, Flutes Our pUcc ia ol stacil, oa Kfil KANE street, liivi-tif- a Csnton. Nov. 7th, 13.t. Fifth Resolution was again read &:id again siouera, aa aforesuid, nnid cHiiniui.ssionera One to Two Hundred Gallons and Interest allowed at roasonble Fifes, Aoconleons, t. Spectacles MORE CHEAP GOODS, Cheered. apjHiiuted the firnt Monday in September por Minute. to suit old and young; Fin t- - a. d. 1S68 (being of thai month) as rates. cutlery, I'ortnionnam, Opt.4.18VmS. - llIF.Cl'Hr.E fc HIIOTHFU. E M O V A L ! Sixth. Economy in the administration of the 7th jaTRevcnue RESIDENCE LOTS FOR SALE. finctiiuii ware, And much cheaper and better than ever the Government, the reduction of the stand- the day lor tiie hearing of atid petition. Tliia Well la provided with a strainer Stamps for salo. Small ull 119 ml the olnce of eotuuii.-aumer- .i as ing army aud navy, the abolition of the said which exclude li quick .nui.li, and with coin furnished.
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