“Inactive” Ingredients in Pharmaceutical Products: Update (Subject Review)
AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICS Committee on Drugs “Inactive” Ingredients in Pharmaceutical Products: Update (Subject Review) ABSTRACT. Because of an increasing number of re- bronchospasm from antiasthmatic drugs, aspartame- ports of adverse reactions associated with pharmaceutical induced headache and seizures, saccharin-induced excipients, in 1985 the Committee on Drugs issued a cross-sensitivity reactions in children with sulfon- position statement1 recommending that the Food and amide allergy, benzyl alcohol toxicity in neonates Drug Administration mandate labeling of over-the- receiving high-dose continuous infusion with pre- counter and prescription formulations to include a qual- served medications, dye-related cross-reactions in itative list of inactive ingredients. However, labeling of inactive ingredients remains voluntary. Adverse reac- children with aspirin intolerance, lactose-induced di- tions continue to be reported, although some are no arrhea, and propylene glycol-induced hyperosmola- longer considered clinically significant, and other new lity and lactic acidosis. Although many other excipi- reactions have emerged. The original statement, there- ents have been implicated in causing adverse fore, has been updated and its information expanded. reactions, these are the most significant in the pedi- atric population. ABBREVIATIONS. FDA, Food and Drug Administration; MDIs, metered-dose inhalers ANTIASTHMATIC MEDICATIONS It is readily appreciated that some percentage of asthmatic children will develop a “paradoxical” Pharmaceutical products often contain agents that bronchospasm after they inhale their medication. Be- have a variety of purposes, including improvement cause many of these reactions were attributed to of the appearance, bioavailability, stability, and pal- sulfite, which had been highly publicized as a caus- atability of the product. Excipients (substances ative agent, it was often first suspected.
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