“Inactive” Ingredients in Pharmaceutical Products: Update (Subject Review)

ABSTRACT. Because of an increasing number of re- bronchospasm from antiasthmatic drugs, aspartame- ports of adverse reactions associated with pharmaceutical induced headache and seizures, saccharin-induced excipients, in 1985 the Committee on Drugs issued a cross-sensitivity reactions in children with sulfon- position statement1 recommending that the Food and amide allergy, benzyl toxicity in neonates Drug Administration mandate labeling of over-the- receiving high-dose continuous infusion with pre- counter and prescription formulations to include a qual- served medications, dye-related cross-reactions in itative list of inactive ingredients. However, labeling of inactive ingredients remains voluntary. Adverse reac- children with aspirin intolerance, lactose-induced di- tions continue to be reported, although some are no arrhea, and propylene glycol-induced hyperosmola- longer considered clinically significant, and other new lity and lactic acidosis. Although many other excipi- reactions have emerged. The original statement, there- ents have been implicated in causing adverse fore, has been updated and its information expanded. reactions, these are the most significant in the pedi- atric population. ABBREVIATIONS. FDA, Food and Drug Administration; MDIs, metered-dose inhalers ANTIASTHMATIC MEDICATIONS It is readily appreciated that some percentage of asthmatic children will develop a “paradoxical” Pharmaceutical products often contain agents that bronchospasm after they inhale their medication. Be- have a variety of purposes, including improvement cause many of these reactions were attributed to of the appearance, bioavailability, stability, and pal- , which had been highly publicized as a caus- atability of the product. Excipients (substances ative agent, it was often first suspected. During the added to confer a suitable consistency or form to a past 10 years, however, the active ingredient in sul- drug, such as the vehicle, preservatives, or stabiliz- ␤ fite-containing preparations, the nonselective 2-ago- ers) frequently make up the majority of the mass or nists isoproterenol, isoetharine, and metaproterenol, volume of oral and parenteral drug products. These have been replaced as drugs of choice by more se- pharmaceutical adjuvants are usually considered to lective agents, primarily albuterol, that do not con- be inert and do not add to or affect the intended tain . Paradoxical reactions continue to be action of the therapeutically active ingredients. reported, in some cases resulting in product refor- Some 773 chemical agents have been approved by mulation because of excessive adverse reactions. In- the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use as 2 active ingredients that have been implicated in caus- inactive ingredients in drug products. Inasmuch as ing these reactions include benzalkonium chloride, these compounds are classified as “inactive,” no reg- oleic acid, chlorofluorocarbons, soya lecithin, and ulatory statutes require listing on product labeling. sorbitan trioleate. Pharmacopeial guidelines, enforceable under the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, do require labeling of Sulfites inactive ingredients for topical, ophthalmic, and par- Sulfiting agents are widely used as antioxidants. enteral preparations; orally administered products Six sulfite compounds (, sul- are currently exempt. Because of pressure from pro- fite, sodium bisulfite, , sodium fessional and consumer organizations asking the metabisulfite, and potassium metabisulfite) have FDA to require complete disclosure of all ingredi- been categorized as “Generally Recognized as Safe” ents, voluntary labeling was adopted by the two for use in foods and drugs. This status was revoked major pharmaceutical industry trade associations. for raw fruits and vegetables (excluding potatoes) in These voluntary guidelines contain an exemption for 1986 after the FDA received reports of more than 250 “trade secret” components and do not require com- cases of adverse reactions, including six deaths asso- plete disclosure of all fragrance and flavoring ingre- ciated with the ingestion of sulfites in foods.3,4 Al- dients. though primary exposure in children is through Current problems encountered with “inactive” in- foods, serious reactions have also occurred after oral, gredients include benzalkonium chloride-induced inhalational, parenteral, and ophthalmic administra- tion of sulfite-containing drugs. The recommendations in this statement do not indicate an exclusive course Signs and symptoms most frequently reported in- of treatment or serve as a standard of medical care. Variations, taking into account individual circumstances, may be appropriate. clude wheezing, dyspnea, and chest tightness in pa- 5–9 PEDIATRICS (ISSN 0031 4005). Copyright © 1997 by the American Acad- tients with known reactive airway disease. Nonim- emy of Pediatrics. munologic anaphylactoid reactions have also

268 PEDIATRICS Vol. 99Downloaded No. 2 February from 1997 by guest on September 29, 2021 occurred.7,8,10,11 Reactions to sulfites rarely occur in TABLE 2. Some Sulfite-containing Medications Used by patients without reactive airway disease.12 Met- Asthmatics abisulfite hypersensitivity was demonstrated in 19 Brand Name Manufacturer (66%) of 29 children with a history of chronic mod- 13 Adrenalin Chloride 1:100 Parke-Davis erately severe asthma. The incidence of sulfite sen- Adrenalin injection 1:1000 Parke-Davis sitivity increases with age in severely asthmatic chil- Amikin injection Apothecon dren (31% of children up to 10 years of age and 71% Arm-a-Med isoetharine solution Armour of older children).14 AsthmaNefrin Menley & James Beta 2 isoetharine solution Nephron The presence of sulfites in antiasthmatic medica- Bronkosol solution Sanofi-Winthrop tions has been a concern, but many of these medica- Dey-dose epinephrine Dey tions have been reformulated or replaced in clinical Dey-dose isoetharine solution Dey practice by more ␤-selective agents, which do not Dispos-a-Med isoetharine Parke-Davis Epipen/Epipen Jr Center contain sulfites. Metered-dose aerosol bronchodila- Garamycin injection (all but intravenous Schering tors do not contain sulfites. Nonsulfite-containing piggyback and intrathecal) products used to treat asthma are presented in Table Isoetharine hydrochloride Roxane 1. Parenteral drugs, such as corticosteroids, amin- Isuprel injection Sanofi-Winthrop oglycosides, and epinephrine, may contain sulfites Isuprel solution Sanofi-Winthrop MicroNefrin Bird (Table 2) but rarely produce reactions because of the Minocin syrup Lederle small amounts present. Patients who react to oral Nebcin injection Lilly challenges with small amounts (5 to 10 mg) are at Netromycin injection Schering risk for similar reactions from these parenteral agents.15 Local dermal reactions accompanied by eo- sinophilia have been reported after continuous infu- sion with dobutamine.16 Sulfite-preserved amino ac- TABLE 1. Some Medications Used by Asthmatics That Do ids contained in most mixtures of total parenteral Not Contain Sulfites nutrition are a less commonly appreciated source. Brand Name* Manufacturer Nevertheless, life-threatening situations requiring Aerobid inhaler Forest the administration of epinephrine should be treated Airet solution Adams with sulfite-preserved epinephrine if no preserva- Alupent aerosol Boehringer Ingelheim tive-free product is available, even in very sensitive Alupent solution 5%* Boehringer Ingelheim patients. The diagnosis of sulfite sensitivity is made Alupent solution Unit-dose 0.4, 0.6% Boehringer Ingelheim 7 Alupent syrup Boehringer Ingelheim by history and through challenge testing. Avoidance Alupent tablets Boehringer Ingelheim of foods containing sulfites through careful reading Atrovent aerosol Boehringer Ingelheim of packaged food labels and inquiry at restaurants as Azmacort Rhone-Poulenc Rorer to the use of agents that contain sulfites may prevent Beclovent inhaler Glaxo reactions. A commercial sulfite-detection strip was Brethine injection Ciba-Geigy Brethine tablets Ciba-Geigy found to be unreliable, especially when used on Bricanyl injection Marion Merrell Dow acidic foods or foods removed from their original Bronkaid Mist aerosol Sterling-Winthrop containers.17 Drug manufacturers must disclose the Bronkometer aerosol Sterling-Winthrop presence of sulfites in product labeling. Celestone injection* Schering Decadron respihaler Merck Benzalkonium Chloride Duo-Medihaler aerosol 3M Elixophyllin elixir Forest Benzalkonium chloride is a commonly used bacte- Intal capsules, solution, inhaler Fisons ricidal preservative in albuterol and metaproterenol Isoetharine solution Astra nebulizer solutions in the United States and in be- Isoetharine solution Dey Isuprel Mistometer Winthrop-Breon clomethasone and ipratropium bromide nebulizer Maxair autohaler 3M solutions in other countries. Inhalation of pure ben- Medihaler-Epi aerosol 3M zalkonium chloride causes reproducible, dose- Medihaler-Iso aerosol 3M related, cumulative bronchoconstriction, with a Metaprel aerosol Sandoz Metaprel solution 5%* Sandoz rapid onset and prolonged duration compared with Primatene Mist suspension aerosol Whitehall sulfites. It is frequently accompanied by a cough and Primatene Mist solution aerosol Whitehall burning sensation and, occasionally, by facial flush- Proventil aerosol Schering ing and pruritus. Bronchoconstriction is inhibited by Proventil solution 0.5%* Schering concurrent treatment or pretreatment with ␤ -ago- Quibron tablet, capsule Bristol-Myers Squibb 2 Sus-Phrine injection Forest nists and cromolyn sodium and partially by hista- 18–20 Theo-Dur sprinkle, tablets Key mine1 antagonists. The mechanism appears to be Tilade inhaler Fisons non-IgE-mediated release of mast cell mediators, Tornalate inhaler Sterling Winthrop with atopic patients being more susceptible.21 Tornalate solution Sterling Winthrop Vanceril inhaler Schering Because the reaction is dose-related and cumula- Ventolin aerosol Glaxo tive and may be masked by the active agent in many Ventolin nebules solution 0.083% Glaxo patients, few clear-cut cases of paradoxical broncho- Ventolin solution 0.5%* Glaxo constriction have been attributed to benzalkonium, Ventolin rotacaps, syrup, tablets Glaxo primarily in patients using more than one agent con- * Contains benzalkonium chloride. taining this excipient or in those receiving frequent

Downloaded from by AMERICANguest on September ACADEMY 29, 2021 OF PEDIATRICS 269 dosing.22–26 Unit-dose vials deliver five times as much tame. Children without dietary restrictions could benzalkonium as the same dose given from a multi- safely ingest 10 mg/kg/d.37–40 Dietary consumption ple-dose vial, which resulted in one case of broncho- of aspartame is typically less than 5 mg/kg/d41; constriction.26 Other potential sources of benzalko- young children, however, could ingest considerably nium in children with asthma and concurrent more. For example, a 2-year-old child weighing 12 kg sinusitis include nasal saline, nasal corticosteroid, consumes 17 mg/kg from drinking one 12-oz can of and nasal decongestant solutions. diet soda and one serving of a sweetened product In several studies of adult asthmatics, the lowest (eg, cereal, pudding, gelatin, or frozen dessert).42 dose of pure benzalkonium chloride that produced a Headache is the most common adverse effect at- 20% decrease in forced expiratory volume in 1 sec- tributed to aspartame but is seldom confirmed by ond ranged from 124 to 159 ␮g. Albuterol (from a single-dose double-blind challenge. Up to 11% of multidose vial) contains 50 ␮g per 0.5 mL of solu- patients with chronic migraine headaches reported tion18,19; thus, a single dose is unlikely to cause a headaches triggered by aspartame43; however, a dou- reaction. Even in patients without overt deterioration ble-blind challenge with three doses of 10 mg/kg after the use of benzalkonium-preserved antiasth- given every 2 hours triggered no more headaches matic agents, some evidence exists that benzalkoni- than did placebos in patients with vascular head- um-free solutions may have improved efficacy.21,27 aches believed to be exacerbated by aspartame.44 A Thus, although the presence of benzalkonium prob- small, double-blind 4-week trial showed an increase ably has a minimal effect in most patients using in frequency of headaches after ingestion of 1200 single, infrequent doses of a preserved bronchodila- mg/d, indicating that a longer challenge period may tor, development of a unit-dose, nonpreserved prep- be necessary.45 aration may significantly benefit the severely ill, In anecdotal reports, aspartame has been linked to hospitalized patient in whom disease-related deteri- various neuropsychiatric disorders, including panic oration in pulmonary function may be difficult to attacks, mood changes, visual hallucinations, manic distinguish from preservative toxicity. episodes, and isolated dizziness.46–49 A small, dou- ble-blind crossover study of patients with major de- Metered-dose Inhalers (MDIs) pression revealed a higher incidence of reactions in Paradoxical bronchoconstriction has been reported these patients compared with nondepressed volun- in up to 6.9% of asthmatic patients after inhalation of teers after administration of 30 mg/kg for 7 days; pure MDI vehicle.28 When combined with an active symptoms included headache, nervousness, dizzi- ness, memory impairment, , temper out- ingredient, this incidence decreases to approximately 50 1.5% to 4%.29 Most studies of MDI-related broncho- bursts, and depression. None of these conditions constriction have been confounded by the lack of has been rigorously proven to be caused by aspar- testing of individual vehicle components, inherent tame, but carefully conducted double-blind chal- irritability of some active ingredients (corticoste- lenges may be indicated in patients with histories roids), or concurrent use of potent active ingredients that suggest aspartame as a cause. Patients with un- (bronchodilators). Inactive ingredients that have derlying mitral valve prolapse or affective disorders may be at increased risk for neuropsychiatric ef- been implicated in the deterioration of pulmonary 51 function attributable to hypersensitivity or irritant fects ; several studies have shown that individuals 30–33 without psychiatric or seizure disorders do not dem- effects include chlorofluorocarbons, sorbitan tri- 50,52 oleate,30,34 oleic acid,28,35 and soya lecithin (H. G. onstrate these effects. Wilms, written communication, October 27, 1989).28,36 Seizures have been reported via passive surveil- lance data collected by the FDA and in a few case One metaproterenol product, reformulated to con- 47,48,53 tain soya lecithin, was withdrawn from the market reports. A recent analysis of FDA reports after 1 month because of escalating reports of cough- showed 41 cases of rechallenge with a temporal re- ing, gagging, and asthma exacerbation (H. G. Wilms, lationship to aspartame consumption. Most seizures written communication, October 27, 1989). occurred in patients who had an acceptable dietary intake, except for a 16-year-old who ingested up to 57 mg/kg of aspartame.54 Aspartame is generally ARTIFICIAL SWEETENERS considered safe for children with . One Aspartame study found increased spike-wave discharges in chil- Aspartame, a dipeptide of aspartic acid and a dren with untreated absence seizures after a high methyl ester of phenylalanine, is approved for use in dose of aspartame and suggested that children with pharmaceutical products and is being used increas- poorly controlled absence seizures avoid aspar- ingly in chewable tablet and sugar-free formulations. tame.55 Labels for both prescription and nonprescription Several studies have shown no relationship be- products must include the phenylalanine content. tween aspartame and aggressive or hyperactive be- The major consideration in the use of aspartame in haviors or cognitive function in children; thus, chil- children is in patients with autosomal recessive phe- dren with attention deficit disorder, with or without nylketonuria. Although heterozygotes do not appear hyperactivity,56,57 do not need to avoid this sweet- to have clinically significant increases in phenylala- ener. nine after ingestion of even large amounts (equiva- Isolated confirmed hypersensitivity reactions re- lent to 24 12-oz cans of diet beverages), homozygotes sulting from ingestion of aspartame have been re- with strict dietary restrictions should avoid aspar- ported, including two patients who developed sub-

270 “INACTIVE” INGREDIENTSDownloaded from IN PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCTS by guest on September 29, 2021 TABLE 3. Parenteral Medications That Contain Drug Benzyl Alcohol Estimated Average Daily Intake Content, % of Benzyl Alcohol in Infants Aminophylline 2.0 2–4 mg/kg Aquamephyton neonatal injection 0.9 4.5 mg Ativan injection 2.0 0.4–1 mg/kg Bacteriostatic saline 1.5 99–234 mg/kg Bacteriostatic water 1.5 99–234 mg/kg Dexamethasone injection 1.0 2.5 mg Dopram 0.9 21.6–32.4 mg/kg Folate sodium 1.5 0.6–0.9 mg Heparin injection (1000 U/mL) 1.0 1.2 mg Multivitamin infusion 0.9 45 mg Netromycin injection* 1.0 0.4–0.65 mg/kg Norcuron with supplied diluent 0.9 0.4 mg/kg Pavulon injection 1.0 2–3 mg/kg Tracrium multidose vial 0.9 3.6 mg/kg Vasotec injection 0.9 0.1–0.5 mg/kg * Netromycin neonatal injection does not contain benzyl alcohol. cutaneous nodules or granulomas resembling cluded that bladder changes were species-specific, erythema nodosum.58,59 Other reported reactions in- were confined to the second generation of male rats, clude orofacial granulomatosis, erythema, pruritus, and occurred in association with large doses (equiv- urticaria, and angioedema.60–62 A meticulous workup alent to several hundred cans of diet per with double-blind challenge usually fails to confirm day). The no-effect level was equivalent to 500 mg/ the purported reaction; hypersensitivity reactions kg/d.68,69 Saccharin is not genotoxic; the presumed appear to be rare.63,64 These reactions may be related mechanism of toxicity is the binding of saccharin to to breakdown products formed during the storage of urinary proteins (not normally found in humans), liquid products, such as diketopiperazine deriva- creating a nidus for the formation of silicate crystals, tives, especially after exposures to higher tempera- which are cytotoxic to bladder epithelium.70 tures.62 If so, rechallenge with fresh encapsulated Saccharin is an o-toluene sulfonamide derivative powder could produce a false-negative reaction. and causes similar dermatologic reactions. Cross- sensitivity with sulfonamides has been demonstrat- Saccharin ed; therefore, children with “sulfa” allergy should Many oral drugs, including both solid and liquid also avoid saccharin. Hypersensitivity can usually be dosage forms, contain saccharin as a sweetening confirmed by a radioallergosorbent test for saccha- agent. Saccharin is not included in drug labeling. The rin.71 In a series of 42 patients with adverse effects most frequent use of saccharin is in foods and bev- resulting from consumption of saccharin in pharma- erages, accounting for 70% of the total consumption. ceutical agents, pruritus and urticaria were the most A British survey found that conventional soft drinks common reactions, followed by eczema, photosensi- were the predominant source of saccharin in children tivity, and prurigo.72 Other reactions include wheez- aged 2 to 9 years, replaced by diet soft drinks in ing, nausea, , tongue blisters, tachycardia, adolescents. The median intake of saccharin was 0.2 fixed eruptions, headache, diuresis, and sensory to 0.9 mg/kg/d in the general population and 0.6 to neuropathy.73–77 2.3 mg/kg/d in diabetics.65 Foods containing saccha- Ingestion of saccharin-adulterated milk formula by rin must carry a label stating that the “use of this infants was associated with irritability, hypertonia, product may be hazardous to your health...con- insomnia, opisthotonos, and strabismus, which re- tains saccharin which has been determined to cause solved within 36 hours after ingestion. Two anec- cancer in laboratory animals.” dotal reports of an accidental overdose in an adult Saccharin may be present in drugs in substantial and a child discussed reactions of generalized amounts. Ingestion of the recommended daily dos- edema, oliguria, and persistent albuminuria.75 Be- age of chewable aspirin or acetaminophen tablets in cause of the paucity of data on the toxicity of saccha- a school-age child would provide approximately the rin in children, the American Medical Association same amount of saccharin contained in one can of a has recommended limiting the intake of saccharin in diet soft drink. This amount, relative to the body young children and pregnant women.68 weight of a child younger than 9 or 10 years, ingested for prolonged periods would be considered as BENZYL ALCOHOL “heavy use,” as defined in a major large-scale FDA/ Benzyl alcohol is commonly used as a preservative National Cancer Institute epidemiologic study.66 In in many injectable drugs and solutions. A number of this study, heavy use of artificial sweeteners was neonatal deaths and severe respiratory and meta- associated with a significantly increased risk for the bolic complications in low-birth-weight premature development of bladder cancer. An independent re- infants have been associated with use of this agent in view of this study concluded that there was no as- bacteriostatic saline intravascular flush and endotra- sociation.67 An investigation of saccharin performed cheal tube lavage solutions.78–80 In a controlled study, by the American Medical Association in 1985 con- intraventricular hemorrhage, metabolic acidosis, and

Downloaded from by AMERICANguest on September ACADEMY 29, 2021 OF PEDIATRICS 271 TABLE 4. Examples of Dye-free Orally Administered Liquid Medications Classification and Product Active Ingredients (per 5 mL Unless (Manufacturer) Otherwise Indicated) Analgesics Demerol (Sanofi Winthrop) Meperidine 50 mg Indomethacin (Roxane) Indomethacin 25 mg Meperidine* (Roxane) Meperidine 50 mg Methadone Intensol* (Roxane) Methadone 50 mg Opium tincture (Lilly) Morphine 50 mg Rescudose* (Roxane) Morphine sulfate 20 mg Roxanol* (Roxane) Morphine sulfate 100 mg Roxanol* (Roxane) Morphine sulfate 20 mg Roxicodone Intensol* (Roxane) Oxycodone 100 mg Antibiotics/anti-infective Furoxone (Roberts) Furazolidone 50 mg Gantrisin syrup (Roche) Sulfisoxazole 500 mg Gantrisin pediatric suspension (Roche) Sulfisoxazole 500 mg Mandelamine 250 (Parke-Davis) Methenamine mandelate 250 mg Minocin (Lederle) Minocycline 50 mg Mintezol (Merck Sharp & Dohme) Thiazbendazole 500 mg Nystatin (Roxane) Nystatin 500,000 units Pediazole (Ross) Erythromycin 200 mg, sulfisoxazole 600 mg Suprax (Lederle) Cefixime 100 mg Vancocin*ϩ (Lilly) Vancomycin 250 or 417 mg Vantin (Upjohn) Cefpodoxime axetil 50 mg Antihistamine/decongestant/antitussive Atarax syrup (Roerig) Hydroxyzine 10 mg Chlorafed (Hauck) Chlorpheniramine 2 mg, pseudoephedrine 30 mg Codiclear DH (Central) Hydrocodone 5 mg, guaifenesin 100 mg Deconamine syrup (Berlex) Chlorpheniramine 2 mg, pseudoephedrine 30 mg Entuss-D (Hauck) Hydrocodone 5 mg, pseudoephedrine 30 mg, guaifenesin 300 mg Iodinated glycerol (Roxane) Iodinated glycerol 60 mg Iodinated glycerol/Dextromethorphan (Roxane) Iodinated glycerol 30 mg, dextromethorphan 10 mg Isoclor (Fisons) Chlorpheniramine 2 mg, pseudoephedrine 30 mg Tuss-Ornade (SmithKline Beecham) Phenylpropanolamine 12.5 mg, caramiphen 6.7 mg Cardiovascular agents Aldomet (Merck Sharp & Dohme) Methyldopa 250 mg Colestid*ϩ (Upjohn) Colestipol 5 g per packet Digoxin elixir (Roxane) Digoxin 0.25 mg Hydrochlorothiazide (Roxane) Hydrochlorothiazide 50 mg Propranolol oral solution (Roxane) Propranolol 20 or 40 mg Propranolol Intensol (Roxane) Propranolol 400 mg Gastrointestinal AlternaGEL (Johnson & Johnson-Merck) Aluminum hydroxide 600 mg Aluminum hydroxide gel (Roxane) Aluminum hydroxide 450 mg Aluminum hydroxide concentrated (Roxane) Aluminum hydroxide 675 mg Aromatic cascara fluid extract (Roxane) Cascara sagrada extract equivalent to 1 g/mL Castor oil*ϩ (Roxane) Castor oil Citrocarbonateϩ (Upjohn) Sodium citrate 1.82 g, sodium 0.78 g Doxinate (Hoechst-Roussel) 50 mg Effersylliumϩ (Johnson & Johnson-Merck) Psyllium hydrocolloid 3 g Gaviscon ESRF (Marion Merrell Dow) Aluminum hydroxide 254 mg, magnesium carbonate 237.5 mg Ipecac syrup (Roxane) Ipecac alkaloids 20 mg/15 mL Kaolin pectin (Roxane) Kaolin, pectin Kaopectate regular flavor (Upjohn) Attapulgite 200 mg Loperamide (Roxane) Loperamide 1 mg Maalox plus, extra strength (Rhone-Poulenc Rorer) Aluminum hydroxide 500 mg, 450 mg, simethicone 40 mg Milk of Magnesia* (Roxane) Magnesium hydroxide 400 mg Milk of Magnesia concentrated (Roxane) Magnesium hydroxide 1200 mg Mylanta double strength (Johnson & Johnson- Aluminum hydroxide 400 mg, magnesium Merck) hydroxide 400 mg, simethicone 40 mg Parapectolin (Rhone-Poulenc Rorer) Attapulgite 200 mg Perdiemϩ (Rhone-Poulenc Rorer) Psyllium (82% w/v), senna (18% w/v) Hormonal agents Dexamethasone solution (Roxane) Dexamethasone 0.5 mg Dexamethasone Intensol* (Roxane) Dexamethasone 5 mg Prednisone solution (Roxane) Prednisone 5 mg Prednisone Intensol* (Roxane) Prednisone 25 mg Proglycem (Baker Cummins) Diazoxide 250 mg

272 “INACTIVE” INGREDIENTSDownloaded from IN PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCTS by guest on September 29, 2021 TABLE 4. Continued Classification and Product Active Ingredients (per 5 mL Unless (Manufacturer) Otherwise Indicated) Psychotropics Chlorpromazine Intensol (Roxane) Chlorpromazine 150, 500 mg Cibalith-S (Ciba-Geigy) Lithium 8 mEq Haldol* (McNeil) Haloperidol 10 mg Haloperidol Intensol* (Roxane) Haloperidol 10 mg Lithium citrate (Roxane) Lithium 8 mEq Navane (Roerig) Thiothixene 25 mg Prozac (Lilly) Fluoxetine 20 mg Sinequan (Roerig) Doxepin 50 mg Thioridazine solution (Roxane) Thioridazine 80 mg/15 mL Thioridazine Intensol (Roxane) Thioridazine 150, 500 mg Thiothixene Intensol* (Roxane) Thiothixene 25 mg Thorazine (SmithKline Beecham) Chlorpromazine 10 mg Trilafon (Schering) Perphenazine 16 mg Sedatives/hypnotics Chloral hydrate syrup (Roxane) Chloral hydrate 250, 500 mg Intensol*ϩ (Roxane) Lorazepam 10 mg Spasmolytics/bronchodilators Aquaphylline (Ferndale) Theophylline 5.33 mg Elixophyllin GG (Forest) Theophylline 100 mg, guafenesin 100 mg, Marax DF (Roerig) Ephedrine 6.25 mg, theophylline 32.5 mg, hydroxyzine 2.5 mg Slo-Phyllin GG (Rhone-Poulenc Rorer) Theophylline 50 mg, guafenesin 30 mg Somophyllin DF (Fisons) Theophylline 90 mg Theoclear-80 (Central) Theophylline 26.66 mg Theolair liquid (3M Riker) Theophylline 26.66 mg Theophylline solution (Roxane) Theophylline 26.66 mg Theostat 80 syrup (Laser) Theophylline 26.66 mg DHT intensol (Roxane) Dihydrotachysterol 1 mg Drisdol (Sanofi Winthrop) Ergocalciferol 8000 U/mL Theragran liquid (Apothecon) Multivitamins Miscellaneous Antiminth (Roerig) Pyrantel pamoate 250 mg Glyoxide (Marion Merrell Dow) Carbamide peroxide 100 mg/mL, anhydrous glycerol Klorvess (Sandoz) Potassium chloride 10% * Flavoring free. ϩ Preservative free.

increased mortality were positively correlated with The US Pharmacopeia requires labeling of bacteri- substantial benzoic acid and benzyl alcohol levels in ostatic water and saline for injection with the phrase, neonates.81 The incidence of premature infant mor- “Not for use in newborns.” The FDA declined similar tality, kernicterus, and intraventricular hemorrhage labeling for multidose parenteral medications, be- decreased markedly after discontinuation of pre- cause serious toxic effects from benzyl alcohol had served flush solutions.82–84 In surviving infants, ex- virtually disappeared.87 The toxic effects in newborns posure to benzyl alcohol was also found to be asso- relate primarily to the use of preservative-containing ciated with morbidity, including cerebral palsy and flush solutions, which clearly are to be avoided in developmental delay.83 newborns. At low doses, such as those present when Most therapeutic agents, other than large-volume medications preserved with benzyl alcohol are ad- fluids, contain amounts of benzyl alcohol smaller ministered, benzyl alcohol is safe for newborns. than those associated with neonatal death. The ef- Bacteriostatic saline solution containing benzyl al- fects of lower amounts, however, have not been ad- cohol was associated with severe bronchitis and he- equately studied (Table 3). Toxicity has been de- moptysis when used to dilute albuterol for nebuliza- scribed in one infant weighing 3350 g who received tion in an adult man.88 Nonpreserved saline solution 32 to 105 mg/kg/d.80 Continuous infusions of high should be used in children to dilute nebulized bron- doses of some medications containing benzyl alco- chodilators. hol, such as doxapram, may reach the range of ben- Benzyl alcohol may also rarely cause hypersensi- zyl alcohol dosage associated with toxicity in this tivity reactions. Contact dermatitis,89 as well as more case report. Premature infants receiving low doses in generalized allergic symptoms including nausea, fa- medications were found to have peak benzoic acid tigue, fever, maculopapular rash, or angioedema, levels 10 times higher than those in term infants but may occur after parenteral administration of prod- without evidence of toxicity.85 Two studies noting ucts containing benzyl alcohol as a preservative.90–92 the striking decrease in kernicterus after removal of benzyl alcohol did not reveal a dose–response rela- COLORING AGENTS tionship and could not exclude the possibility that Numerous dyes are used in pharmaceutical man- other advances in therapy were responsible.84,86 ufacturing. These dyes give products a distinctive,

Downloaded from by AMERICANguest on September ACADEMY 29, 2021 OF PEDIATRICS 273 identifiable appearance, and they impart a uniform from the diet. Hypersensitive individuals should and attractive color to products that might otherwise avoid dyes; liquid medications and nutritional sup- be drab and unappealing or exhibit color variation plements that do not contain dyes are listed in Table among batches. 4. These listings were originally compiled from vol- Several groups of dyes have been associated with untary responses to personal communications re- serious adverse effects. The azo dye tartrazine ceived from 56 US drug manufacturers and updated (FD&C No. 5) is known to be potentially with a repeat mailing in December 1992. Until com- dangerous in aspirin-intolerant individuals. Approx- plete ingredient labeling is mandated, these lists will imately 2% to 20% of asthmatics are sensitive to provide a tool to prevent reactions through avoid- aspirin. The incidence of cross-reaction to tartrazine ance in sensitive children using liquid dosage forms. was previously believed to be as high as 10%,93,94 but Because inactive ingredients may change without more recent carefully blinded studies have shown changes in labeling, information in these tables the incidence to be less than 2.4%.95–98 Unlike aspirin, should be verified. tartrazine does not alter prostaglandin synthesis and does not, therefore, exert anti-inflammatory actions. LACTOSE Nonetheless, reactions to tartrazine are similar to Lactose (milk sugar) is widely used as a filler or those produced by aspirin, occur in patients both diluent in tablets and capsules and to give bulk to with and without a history of aspirin intolerance, powders. Lactase deficiency, occurring either as a and include acute bronchospasm, nonimmunologic rare congenital disorder or more commonly as an urticaria, eosinophilia, and angioedema.94,99–107 acquired lack of intestinal brush border disacchari- Rarely, nonimmunologic anaphylactoid reactions oc- dase, may lead to diarrhea, abdominal cramping, cur.108,109 The most likely mechanism for these reac- bloating, and flatulence after ingestion of milk prod- tions is dose-related histamine release from mast ucts or lactose. These effects are produced either by cells.110,111 Patients with recurrent allergic vascular lactic acid formed in the intestine by bacteria from purpura may experience exacerbations after expo- undigested lactose or by a high intestinal osmotic sure to azo dyes, such as tartrazine, sunset yellow, load caused by unabsorbed carbohydrate with pro- and new coccine.112–114 Because of both the serious- duction of carbon dioxide and hydrogen gas by bac- ness of these reactions and the widespread use of terial fermentation.141 Lactose intolerance in infants tartrazine in foods and over-the-counter and pre- and young children may be associated with severe, scription drugs, since 1980 the FDA has required that prolonged diarrhea complicated by bacterial prolif- all products containing tartrazine be labeled so that eration in the small bowel, dehydration, and meta- these substances can be avoided.115 bolic acidosis.142 Lactose may be detrimental to the Patients with the classic aspirin triad reaction galactose-intolerant infant. (asthma, urticaria, and rhinitis) or anaphylactoid re- Late-onset lactase deficiency (adult hypolactasia) actions may also develop similar reactions from dyes is a common disorder. Approximately 90% of adult other than tartrazine, including amaranth,116–118 American blacks and 60% to 80% of Mexican-Amer- erythrosine,118,119 indigo carmine (FD&C Blue No. icans, Native Americans, Asians, and most Middle 2),103 ponceau,106,116,118 new coccine,113,117 sunset yel- Eastern and Mediterranean populations have abnor- low,103,106,108,113,117,118 Brilliant Blue (FD&C Blue No. mal findings on lactose tolerance tests.143–148 Approx- 1),106,118 methyl blue,120 quinolone yellow,121 and imately 10% of the white population with Scandina- FD&C Red No. 40.122 vian or European ancestry is affected.148 Lactase Gastrointestinal intolerance, with abdominal pain, deficiency may develop sporadically in otherwise vomiting, and , has been associated with tolerant individuals while they are suffering from an sunset yellow; in one case, eosinophilia and hives intestinal disease, such as tropical sprue or acute were also present.123,124 Other dermatologic reactions, gastroenteritis.149 including photosensitivity, erythroderma, and des- Sensitivity to lactose varies widely in severity, al- quamation,125 have been attributed to erythrosine, an though some individuals (adults and children) may -containing dye. By mandate, erythrosine has experience diarrhea, gaseousness, or cramping after been removed from topical products and is being ingestion of as little as3gorless of lactose.150,151 Such voluntarily removed from many oral drug products symptoms can occur in sensitive individuals after because of concerns about carcinogenicity. ingestion of drugs containing lactose.152–154 Two adult Contact dermatitis has been associated with neu- asthmatics who developed bronchospasm from lac- tral red,126,127 D&C Yellow No. 11,128,129 indigo car- tose-containing medications had positive double- mine (FD&C Blue No. 2),130 quinoline yellow,129 and blind challenges with 300 and 500 mg of lactose.155,156 gentian violet (CI Basic Violet No. 3).131,132 Dyes and other food additives have also been sug- PROPYLENE GLYCOL gested as a cause or aggravating factor in some cases Propylene glycol is commonly used as a drug solu- of hyperactivity in children116; carefully controlled bilizer in topical, oral, and injectable medications. trials133–136 and current opinion137–139 generally refute Absorption of the agent from creams applied to a possible association. burns157,158 and injection of multivitamin products or Because carefully controlled double-blind chal- enoximone (a phosphodiesterase inhibitor) in infants lenges often fail to confirm suspected reactions in has resulted in serum hyperosmolality,159,160 which children with atopic eczema,140 a controlled chal- was associated with cardiorespiratory arrest in one lenge is recommended before dyes are eliminated case.160 Neonates have a longer propylene glycol

274 “INACTIVE” INGREDIENTSDownloaded from IN PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCTS by guest on September 29, 2021 half-life (16.9 hours) compared with adults (5 Committee on Drugs, 1995 to 1996 hours).158,159 Although the use of a multivitamin con- Cheston M. Berlin, Jr, MD, Chair taining propylene glycol correlated strongly with se- D. Gail McCarver, MD rum osmolality in very low-birth-weight premature Daniel A. Notterman, MD infants,161 propylene glycol from phenobarbital injec- Robert M. Ward, MD tion contributed an insignificant amount to the os- Douglas N. Weismann, MD 162 Geraldine S. Wilson, MD molar gap in another study. The higher amount of John T. Wilson, MD propylene glycol contained in an intravenous multi- product delivering 3 g/d was associated Liaison Representatives with a higher incidence of seizures in these infants Donald R. Bennett MD, PhD American Medical Association/United States compared with those receiving lower doses from an 163 Pharmacopeia alternative product delivering 300 mg/d. Hyper- Joseph Mulinare, MD, MSPH osmolality related to topical propylene glycol oc- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention curred in 9 of 262 hospitalized burn patients.164 Iffath Abbasi Hoskins, MD Because propylene glycol is metabolized to lactic American College of Obstetricians and acid, lactic acidosis may occur.165 Hemolysis, central Gynecologists nervous system depression, hyperosmolality, and Paul Kaufman, MD lactic acidosis have been reported after intravenous Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of administration.165–168 Hyperlactemia is associated America with high propylene glycol levels, usually in patients Michael J. Rieder, MD Canadian Paediatric Society with renal insufficiency, and is generally of minor 169 Gloria Troendle, MD clinical importance. Rapid infusion of concentrated Food and Drug Administration propylene glycol-containing drugs has also been as- Sumner J. Yaffe, MD sociated with respiratory depression, arrhythmias, National Institutes of Health 170 hypotension, and seizures. Inadvertent adminis- AAP Section Liaison tration of a highly concentrated solution can occur Charles J. Cote´, MD during manual push infusions; a piggyback infusion Section on Anesthesiology is preferred.171 Seizures and respiratory depression Stanley J. Szefler, MD have also occurred in children who have ingested Section on Allergy and Immunology oral liquid medications containing propylene gly- Consultant 172,173 col. Susan C. Smolinske, PharmD Several cases of localized contact dermatitis from the application of propylene glycol as a vehicle to REFERENCES skin or mucous membranes have been reported.174–180 1. 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