Addresses at the Celebration of the Two Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary of the Westminster Assembly by the General Assembly Of
ADDRESSES AT THE CELEBRATION OF THE Two Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary OF THE WESTMINSTER ASSEMBLY BY THE General Assembly OF THE Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. EDITED BY THE REV. WM. HENRY ROBERTS, D.D., LL.D. ^ philadelphia presbyterian board of publication and Sabbath-School Work 1898 Copyright, 1898, by The Trustees of The Presbyterian Board of Publication and Sabbath- School Work. (Tin CbaiJtl erf Ijenrn VII., JJUstminstcr gibbei). TuioAssemblv of Divines met for the first time in this Chapel on the 1st Julv, It; Ki'aftrr the Prolocutor, Dr. AV. Twisse, had preached to a great crowd including the members of Assembly and of Parlia- ment. Their lirst work was to revise the XXXIX Aiticles. '\ATien winter came on the Assembly removed to Jerusalem Chamber, where they continued to the close. : INTRODUCTION. This volume contains the addresses delivered at the celebration of the Two Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary of the Work of the Westminster Assem- bly of Divines, held under the auspices of the Gen- eral Assembl}', during its sessions at Winona Lake, Indiana, May, 1898. The proposal to observe this Anniversary was made to the General Assembly of 1897, by an overture from the Presbytery of Balti- more. This overture was referred to a special Com- mittee of seven, four ministers and three elders, to report to the sitting Assembly. The members of the Committee were: Chairman, Hon. James A. Mount, Governor of Indiana, with ministers I. W. Rendall, D. D., G. L. Spining, D. D., W. H. Roberts, D. D., and ruling elders Gen. E.
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