Laestrygonians in the Odyssey
Laestrygonians in the odyssey Continue '... we have come to the high citadel of Lamus, even to Telepilus Laestraigonia, where the shepherd calls the shepherd when he leads in his flock, and other answers as he leads him forward. Odyssey 10.81ff. (online text: Eng., Grk.) Here and below the quotes are selective; Follow the links for the full excerpts Boreads Haunting Harpies About the steep mount of Fawn and the rugged Etne on the island of Ortigia and people sprang from Lastrationon, who was the son of the widely ruling Poseidon. (online text: Eng. »fr. 40a on this site) Thucydides, The history of the Peloponnese War 6.2.1 It (Sicily) was inhabited in the old time, thus, and it was the peoples who held it: The oldest inhabitants in its part are said to have been cyclops and laestrigones, from which the reserves and from where they came from or where they were removed I can not say anything . (online text: Eng., Grk.) Apollonius of Rhodes, Argonautics 4.964ff. ... the heroes caught the wind and sped forward; and quickly they passed mid Trinasia, where kin Helios fed. (online text: Eng., Grk.) Mullus crates, fr. 50 Broggiato Crates Mallus thought that the Lystragons lived in the north, based on the Gomorese reference to the long days in Telepylus. Horace, Oda 3.16.34ff., 3.17.1ff. 3.16: While it is true, Calabrian bees do not bring me/their honey, and no laestrygonian wine-jar/mellows for me... Latin: nec Laestrygonia Bacchus in amphora / languescit mihi (online text: Eng., Lat.) 3.17: Aelius, the ancient name of Lamus..../No doubt you trace your line from it,/Who stretch'd his power o'er Formiae (online text: Eng., Lat.) Cicero, Letters to Atticus 2.13.2 When you come to Estrigony's distant gate - I mean Formiae - what a loud noise! what evil souls! what an unpopularity for our friend Magnus! (online text: Eng., Lat.) Ovid, Metamorphosis 14.233-234, Fasti 4.69 Met.: (Makarei, the surviving companion of the Odyssey, found in Cumae): From there, he said, we swam until we reached the ancient city of Lamus, Laestrygon.
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