DYNASTY HISTORY OF UNITED KORAPUT (B.C. to 1250AD) DAS KORNEL First published 2017 @ Das Kornel 2017 All rights reserved. No parts of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior permission of the author and the publisher. ISBN 978-93-5288-893-1 Published by Das Kornel, 2017
[email protected] [email protected] Mobile: +91 9437411576 Coverpage by Arjun Ojha Dedicated to Prof.N.K.Sahu, the eminent Historian of Odisha who contributed immensely to the knowledge of local History in Western Odisha and Emperor Kharavela Dr. Das Kornel Dr. Das Kornel was born in a Punjabi family at Jeypore (Koraput district) in Odisha State of India on 18th August 1948. His family came down during 1870 from Amritsar to Jeypore, then was under the Agency area of Visakahpatam in Madras Presidency and Jeypore as a State ruled by the Suryavamsi family; they have few documents since 1892. Dr.Kornel is a qualified Veterinarian with specialization in Animal Genetics and exercised his profession uptill 1999.He had an excellent accademic carrier and had earned Honours to his degree and 3 University Goldmedals and several prizes. He worked with Government of India in various positions since 1971 and took Voluntry retirement from the post of Director, CCBF in 1999.He was instrumental in establishing Indo-Australian Sheep Breeding Project, Hissar and Central Cattle (Jersey) Breeding Farm, Sunabeda, Government of India. He had established Frozen Semen Bank and Embryo Transfer Laboratory in CCBF, Sunabeda. He has worked with DANIDA as Danida Advisor for 10 long years and was the Programmee Coordinator (IC- SDC) Indo-Swiss Natural Resource Management Programme, Odisha for 4 years.