QJMS Title Index- Volume 1- 100
QJMS Title Index- Volume 1- 100 A Note on George Thibaut’s Translation of Brahmasutra I 1-3 -SHARMA, Arvind-72(1-4) 1981, 66-69 Abhayasasanas and their historical significance -KUPPUSWAMY, G R-66(2) 1975, p.1-8 Abhinavagupta’s Contribution to the theory of Dhavani -KRISHNAMOORTHY, K-38(4) 1948, p.155-166 Abhiras in the Deccan -SALETORE, R N-30(2) 1939, p.147-162 About “Swatantrya Sangramada Smritigalu” -KAMATH, Suryanath U-74(1) 1983, p.83-90 About a “Wild Identification” -HERAS, H-33(1) 1942, p.102-107 Acheulean Artefacts from Lankelapalem, Moprtherm Coastal Andhra -MURTI, D B-76(1-2) 1985, p.29-41 Acheulean occupation at Diguvametta, Sagirelu Valley -MURTHI, D B and others-75(3) 1984, p.283-293 Acheulean Situation in Andhra Pradesh-SRINIVASULU, K-75(2) 1984, p.131- 146 Acheulian Culture of Shorapur Doab, Karnataka -PADDAYYA, K-66(2) 1975, p.9-17 Achievements and Actions of Sir Mirza Ismail-URS, R S Veeraraj-88(4) 1997, p.6- 12 Acting in Kerala -PISHAROTI, K Rama-12(3) 1922, p.282-294 Adapur-A Buddhist Site in Rayalaseema -KAMESWARA RAO, V-90(1-2) 1999, p.43-46 Administration of Criminal Justice in Ancient India -RAMANATHAN, A V-5(2) 1914-15, p.8094 Administration of Justice in the Jeypore Zamindari under the British Raj: An Appraisal-MOHANTY, S and MISRO, R C -100(2) 2009, p.48-65 Administration of the British in India in the first Half of the Nineteenth century - SASTRI, Venkatasubba K N-25(4) 1935, p.212-223 Administration vis-a-vis the Public and the Press during the Regime of Sir Mirza - RAMASWAMY, S R-88(4) 1997, p.13-24 Administrative Machinery in Medieval Karnataka (Third to Seventeenth Century A.D) -KARMARKAR, Anant P-31(3-4) 1941, p.435-451 Administrative set-up in an Andhra Zamindari, Punganur -SHESHAN, K S S- 78(3-4) 1987, p.101-145 Advaita and Sannyasa -JAGADISWARANANDA -24(2) 1933, p.100-106 Advaita Vedanta -RAO, Nagaraja P-30(2) (3) (4) 1939-40, p.207-219; 332-338; 418-422 Aesthetic approach to God: A Study in the Aesthetic elements in Bhakti - YAMUNACHARYA, M-27(1-2) 1936, p.
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