
February 2, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H443 Members have 5 legislative days to re- those checks, over 6 percent of all The Clerk read the title of the resolu- vise and extend their remarks and in- workers screened had criminal records tion. clude extraneous material on the bill of concern, including serious crimes The text of the resolution is as fol- now under consideration. such as murder, rape, and child assault lows: The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there cases. More than 41 percent of appli- H. RES. 1044 objection to the request of the gen- cants with a criminal record com- Whereas during , an esti- tleman from Georgia? mitted crimes in other States other mated 6,000,000 and other targeted There was no objection. than the one in which they were apply- groups were murdered by the Nazis and their Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia. I yield my- ing to work as a volunteer. Only a na- collaborators; self as much time as I may consume. tionwide check, such as the Child Safe- Whereas, on January 27, 1945, Auschwitz, a Mr. Speaker, S. 2950, the Criminal Nazi concentration and , ty Pilot Program, could have provided including Birkenau and other related camps, History Background Checks Pilot Ex- this information to employers. was liberated by the Soviet Army; tension Act of 2009, will extend the na- A nationwide check is vital to these Whereas Auschwitz, located in Poland, was tional Child Safety Pilot Program for organization since many of these appli- the largest complex of the Nazi concentra- another 14 months. Passed in 2003 as cants are looking for work in other tion and extermination camps; part of the PROTECT Act, the national States specifically to escape their Whereas according to the Holocaust Memo- Child Safety Pilot Program assists or- criminal pasts. That’s why I support S. rial Museum, between 1940 and 1945, the ganizations in checking the criminal 2950, the Criminal History Background Nazis deported at a minimum 1,300,000 people Checks Pilot Extension Act of 2009, to Auschwitz, and of these, murdered records of volunteers before placing 1,100,000; them as mentors with our children. which extends this program for 14 more Whereas an estimated 960,000 Jews were Every year, millions of Americans gen- months. systematically murdered in Auschwitz dur- erously give their time and energy to Unfortunately, organizations that ing the Holocaust; volunteer and mentor children work with children are often the tar- Whereas Auschwitz was also used to mur- throughout the country. While the vast gets of those with criminal back- der Poles, Roma, Soviet Prisoners of War, majority of these volunteers act out of grounds and less than honest inten- those helping to hide Jews and others the Nazis deemed inferior or that held different purely benevolent intentions, it is im- tions. We need to equip these organiza- tions so they can spot individuals with political views; portant that we are able to identify Whereas victims of Auschwitz were sys- those who may seek to do harm. criminal records before it’s too late, al- tematically murdered in gas chambers and Since 2003, the national Child Safety lowing them to only hire professional many were starved to death, tortured, and Pilot Program has enabled youth-serv- and responsible people. S. 2950 extends subjected to forced labor and criminal med- ing organizations to work with the the Child Safety Pilot Program that ical experiments; State governments to access the FBI’s has successfully helped these groups Whereas the complex of the Auschwitz con- national fingerprint-based background and their missions to provide a safe centration and extermination camp has come to symbolize the mass murder and in- checks system. By providing access to learning environment for children. This is a commonsense piece of legisla- humanity committed during the Holocaust; the more comprehensive data in the Whereas the famous ‘‘Arbeit Macht Frei’’ FBI’s database, the pilot program has tion that should enjoy widespread sup- (Work Will Make You Free) sign over the en- helped prevent child predators and sex port, so I urge my colleagues to join trance to Auschwitz was stolen on December offenders from getting access to chil- me in supporting this legislation. 18, 2009, and later recovered and the Polish dren through legitimate mentoring I have no further requests for time, police arrested the alleged culprits behind programs. Notably, 6 percent of checks and I yield back the balance of my the theft; Whereas according to the Contemporary came back with serious criminal time. Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia. I yield Global Anti-Semitism Report released by the records. Department of State’s Office of the Special This is a noncontroversial, fee-based back the balance of my time. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semi- program that we have authorized twice tism, ‘‘[o]ver the last decade, United States question is on the motion offered by before, Mr. Speaker. It’s been ex- embassies and consulates have reported an the gentleman from Georgia (Mr. JOHN- tremely successful in providing invalu- upsurge in anti-Semitism . . . and that SON) that the House suspend the rules able information to mentoring organi- [a]nti-Semitic crimes range from acts of vio- and pass the bill, S. 2950. lence, including terrorist attacks against zations, and it’s at no cost to the tax- The question was taken. Jews, to the desecration and destruction of payers. Now we hope that this 14- The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the Jewish property . . .’’; and month extension will give us more opinion of the Chair, two-thirds being Whereas in 2005, General time to work with the Department of in the affirmative, the ayes have it. Assembly resolution 60/7 established January Justice on permanently authorizing Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia. Mr. Speak- 27, the anniversary of the liberation of this program. er, I object to the vote on the ground Auschwitz, as International Holocaust Re- membrance Day for the world to honor the I urge my colleagues to support this that a quorum is not present and make important legislation. victims of the Holocaust: Now, therefore, be the point of order that a quorum is not it I reserve the balance of my time. present. Resolved, That the House of Representa- Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- tives— yield myself such time as I may con- ant to clause 8 of rule XX and the (1) commemorates the 65th anniversary of sume. Chair’s prior announcement, further the liberation of Auschwitz; The Child Safety Pilot Program, proceedings on this motion will be (2) honors the victims of Auschwitz and originally created in 2003 as part of the other Nazi concentration and extermination postponed. camps, and all those who perished at the PROTECT Act, has proven to be a valu- The point of no quorum is considered able resource for groups that work hands of the Nazis; withdrawn. (3) expresses gratitude to the Allied sol- with children, such as the Boys & Girls f diers, underground fighters, and all those Clubs of America, the National Men- whose efforts helped defeat the Nazi regime toring Partnership, and the National COMMEMORATING 65TH ANNIVER- and liberate Auschwitz and other concentra- Council of Youth Sports. Using this SARY OF THE LIBERATION OF tion and extermination camps during World pilot program, nonprofit organizations AUSCHWITZ War II; that provide youth-focused care, as de- Mr. KLEIN of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I (4) reaffirms its commitment to enhance fined in the National Child Protection move to suspend the rules and agree to at home and abroad and Act of 1993, may request criminal his- the resolution (H. Res. 1044) commemo- to ensure that what happened in Auschwitz and other Nazi concentration and extermi- tory background checks from the FBI rating the 65th anniversary of the lib- nation camps is never allowed to happen on applicants for volunteer or em- eration of Auschwitz, a Nazi concentra- again; and ployee positions that involve working tion and extermination camp, honoring (5) urges all countries to enhance their ef- with children. the victims of the Holocaust, and ex- forts to combat bigotry, racism, intolerance, Currently, nearly 68,000 background pressing commitment to strengthen and anti-Semitism. checks have been administered through the fight against bigotry and intoler- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- the Child Safety Pilot Program. Of ance, as amended. ant to the rule, the gentleman from

VerDate Nov 24 2008 04:03 Feb 03, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K02FE7.033 H02FEPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with HOUSE H444 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 2, 2010 Florida (Mr. KLEIN) and the gentle- caust survivors begins to pass away, It reaffirms the commitment of the woman from Florida (Ms. ROS- the mission of education and of ‘‘Never House to bolster Holocaust education LEHTINEN) each will control 20 minutes. again’’ is more critical than ever. here in the United States and abroad, The Chair recognizes the gentleman Finally, I would like to acknowledge and to ensure that what happened dur- from Florida. the many ceremonies that were held ing the Holocaust is never allowed to GENERAL LEAVE last week in honor of International happen again. Mr. KLEIN of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I Holocaust Remembrance Day, includ- And it also urges all countries to en- ask unanimous consent that all Mem- ing one at Auschwitz, attended by Po- hance their efforts to fight bigotry, bers may have 5 legislative days to re- land’s President and Prime Minister, racism, intolerance, and anti-Semi- vise and extend their remarks and in- along with education ministers from tism. We must heed the lessons of his- clude extraneous material on the reso- nearly 30 nations and about 150 Holo- tory, remain vigilant, and stand firmly lution under consideration. caust survivors. At this commemora- against purveyors of hatred who incite The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there tion, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu to violence against , against the objection to the request of the gen- proclaimed, ‘‘We will not allow the Jewish people, and all of us who stand tleman from Florida? deniers of the Holocaust . . . to erase for liberty and the fundamental rights There was no objection. or distort the memory [of what hap- of all human beings. As Israeli Prime Mr. KLEIN of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I pened].’’ This is our mission as well, Minister Netanyahu said at a ceremony rise in strong support of this resolution and today the House of Representatives last week which marked the 65th anni- and yield myself as much time as I should speak with one voice in support versary of the liberation of Auschwitz, may consume. of this mission. and I quote: ‘‘We will always remember As an original cosponsor of this legis- I urge my colleagues to support this what the Nazi Amalek did to us, and lation, I would like to thank the au- resolution, and I reserve the balance of we won’t forget to be prepared for the thor of this resolution, my good friend my time. new Amalek, who is making an appear- from Florida (Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN) for b 1545 ance on the stage of history and once authoring this important statement. again threatening to destroy the Jews. This resolution recognizes the 65th an- Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Mr. Speaker, I We will not take this lightly and be- niversary of the liberation of Ausch- yield myself such time as I may con- lieve that these are empty statements. witz. sume. We will never forget and always re- As the many in this Chamber know, I rise today in support of my bill, member to stand guard.’’ Auschwitz was one of several Nazi con- House Resolution 1044, commemorating So as we commemorate the 65th an- centration and extermination camps. this year as the 65th anniversary of the niversary of the liberation of Ausch- Auschwitz served as a death factory of liberation of Auschwitz, the largest of witz, I urge my colleagues to keep Eastern Europe’s Jewish community the Nazi extermination camps. Over a those words in mind and work to sup- and many others who were persecuted million people were systematically tor- port and ensure that the world will and murdered by the Nazis. On January tured and brutally murdered there. The never again see another Holocaust. I 27, 1945, Auschwitz was liberated by Al- Nazis at Auschwitz conducted cruel would also like to use this opportunity lied Forces, and that day is commemo- medical experiments on prisoners, in- to say that I will be introducing a bill rated around the world as Inter- cluding children. They intentionally this week that will open the door for national Day of Holocaust Remem- infected prisoners with diseases and to bring Holo- brance. performed forced sterilizations and cas- caust-era insurance claims against in- Today, Auschwitz is a reminder of trations on adults. surance companies in the U.S. courts. the consequences of hatred, bigotry, Most of those who perished at Ausch- This bill will force insurance compa- and humanity’s worst. The words, witz were Jews. But others that the nies to disclose the names of Holocaust ‘‘Never again,’’ are a mission, a goal to Nazis perceived as enemies or inferior insurance policy holders. ensure that humanity never again to Hitler’s Aryan image were also mur- With that, Mr. Speaker, I urge my sinks to those depths. This resolution dered at Auschwitz. It was hell on colleagues to render their full support reminds us of this purpose and focuses Earth. Leo Schneiderman, a Holocaust to this resolution. our efforts on education and preven- survivor said the following about his I reserve the balance of our time. tion. arrival at Auschwitz, and I quote: Mr. KLEIN of Florida. I reserve the This is something that I have person- ‘‘When we came in, the minute the balance of my time. ally been working on for many years. gates opened up, we heard screams and Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Mr. Speaker, I As a member of the Florida Senate, I barking of dogs, and then we got out of would like to yield 2 minutes to the helped pass the first requirement for the train. And everything went so fast. gentleman from Texas, Judge POE, a Holocaust education in public school Men separated from women. Children member of our Committee on Foreign curriculum. Now, many States have torn from the arms of mothers. The el- Affairs. followed suit, and more American chil- derly chased like cattle. The sick, the Mr. POE of Texas. Auschwitz was one dren of all walks of life are learning disabled were handled like packs of of several if not many concentration these important lessons. garbage. My mother ran over to me and camps that were established by the In Congress, I have learned that Hol- grabbed me by the shoulders, and she Nazis. In 1945, a young, 18-year old ocaust education can take many forms. told me, ‘Leibele, I’m not going to see teenager who’d never been more than Just down the street from the U.S. you no more. Take care of your broth- 50 miles from home showed up, along Capitol is the United States Holocaust er.’ ’’ with other members of the Seventh Memorial Museum. Since I’ve come to After years of misery and suffering, Army, at a place called Dachau in Ger- Congress, Congressman MIKE PENCE only a few thousands had remained many, and he helped liberate that con- and I have sought to bring new Mem- when the Soviet Army arrived on a centration camp. That camp had been bers of Congress every 2 years to the snowy day in 1945. Most of those sur- open from 1933 to 1945, where scientific Holocaust Museum so they can bear vivors were too weak to realize that experiments were done on people, or- witness to this tragic history. They they had been liberated. We must re- dered by the Nazis. This was the first take this knowledge with them and member what happened and ensure concentration camp in Germany. That bring it back to their districts across that humanity always prevails over 18-year old that helped liberate that America and use their new under- hateful savagery and oppression. camp was my father. And he never standing to raise awareness of anti- The resolution we are considering talked much about World War II. But Semitism and bigotry around the today, Mr. Speaker, commemorates the from time to time, even to this day, he world. 65th anniversary of the liberation of mentions the word Dachau because I would like to thank Ms. ROS- Auschwitz and honors the victims who that had such a tremendous impact on LEHTINEN for focusing this resolution perished at the hands of the Nazis. It him. on Holocaust education. As the genera- expresses gratitude to the people whose I have had the opportunity, along tion of American liberators and Holo- efforts helped defeat the Nazi regime. with my son Kurt, to go to Germany to

VerDate Nov 24 2008 05:15 Feb 03, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K02FE7.035 H02FEPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with HOUSE February 2, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H445 see this place where people were tor- this afternoon on this very important rules of the House of Representatives, that I tured, humiliated, and murdered by the resolution. I urge Members of this have been served with an administrative sub- Nazis. Auschwitz was one. There are Chamber to support this resolution and poena, issued before the Environmental many others. And yet we should re- send a strong message worldwide, never Hearing Board of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, for documents. This is in ref- member all the places where people again. erence to the landfill in Blythe Township, were tortured in the name of hate, and Mr. PENCE. Mr. Speaker, the Auschwitz Pennsylvania which I opposed due to envi- we should remember the survivors of concentration camp serves as a tragic re- ronmental concerns. these concentration camps, and we minder of the millions of innocent men, women After consultation with the Office of Gen- should remember them forever. and children who lost their lives in the Holo- eral Counsel, I have determined that compli- Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Mr. Speaker, caust. Yet it also is a standing testament to all ance with the subpoena is consistent with I’d like to yield 2 minutes to the gen- those who risked their own lives to defeat the the precedents and privileges of the House. Sincerely, tleman from California (Mr. ROYCE), Nazi regime. TIM HOLDEN, the ranking member on the Foreign Af- I would like to thank the Ranking Member, Member of Congress. fairs Subcommittee on , Non- Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN, for bringing this resolution proliferation and Trade. to the floor, and I am proud to cosponsor H. f Mr. ROYCE. I rise in support of this Res. 1044, a resolution commemorating the COMMUNICATION FROM PROJECTS resolution commemorating the 65th an- 65th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz. DIRECTOR, THE HONORABLE TIM niversary of the liberation of Ausch- On January 27, 1945, Allied Forces liber- HOLDEN, MEMBER OF CONGRESS witz. I’m an original cosponsor of this ated the Auschwitz concentration camp where The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- bill. But I’d like to thank the author of victims were systematically murdered in gas fore the House the following commu- this resolution, Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN, and chambers, starved, tortured and subjected to nication from William Hanley, projects Chairman BERMAN as well for their forced labor and cruel medical experiments. director, the Honorable TIM HOLDEN, leadership. According to the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Mu- Member of Congress: Mr. Speaker, during World War II, seum, over one million people lost their lives CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES, my father was part of the Allied Forces at Auschwitz. who liberated Dachau. It was a con- HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, Auschwitz was the largest Nazi concentra- January 27, 2010. centration camp of similar horrors to tion and extermination camp, and its buildings Hon. NANCY PELOSI, that of Auschwitz, as Mr. POE ex- have come to symbolize the sheer inhumanity Speaker, House of Representatives, pressed. And when they took the camp, of the Holocaust. As we mark the 65th anni- Washington, DC. he took pictures to document the trag- versary of the liberation of Auschwitz, let us DEAR MADAM SPEAKER: This is to notify edy, to document the horror of what he recommit ourselves to combating bigotry, rac- you formally, pursuant to rule VIII of the witnessed, and he has used them ever ism, intolerance and anti-Semitism. Rules of the House of Representatives, that I since, even to this day, in terms of lec- have been served with an administrative sub- As the co-chair of the Congressional Anti- poena, issued before the Environmental turing to high school classes. Semitism Caucus, I stand in support of the Mr. Speaker, importantly, we are Hearing Board of the Commonwealth of resolution. With its passage, we remember the Pennsylvania, for documents. marking this anniversary. We do so to truth of the Holocaust and say with one re- After consultation with the Office of Gen- remember the Holocaust and its vic- sounding voice, ‘‘Never again!’’ eral Counsel, I have determined that it is tims. Inevitably the refrain ‘‘Never Mr. KLEIN of Florida. I yield back consistent with the precedents and privileges Again’’ comes to our lips. But, unfortu- the balance of my time. of the House to notify the party that issued nately, we know that this type of ter- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The the subpoena that I have no responsive docu- ror continues. Maybe not on the mag- question is on the motion offered by ments. Sincerely, nitude that it occurred during the Hol- the gentleman from Florida (Mr. ocaust, but in the North Korean police WILLIAM HANLEY, KLEIN) that the House suspend the Projects Director. state, where 200,000 are held in a sys- rules and agree to the resolution, H. tem of political concentration camps Res. 1044, as amended. f which are modern day gulags, and the The question was taken. COMMUNICATION FROM THE pictures of those imprisoned in North The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the CLERK OF THE HOUSE Korea, malnourished, with striped pa- opinion of the Chair, two-thirds being The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- jamas, are jarringly familiar to those in the affirmative, the ayes have it. fore the House the following commu- of us who saw those photographs, ei- Mr. KLEIN of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I nication from the Clerk of the House of ther at Dachau or at Auschwitz. object to the vote on the ground that a Representatives: Of course, like , many quorum is not present and make the OFFICE OF THE CLERK, of the regimes that have no respect for point of order that a quorum is not their own, like North Korea, are hos- HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, present. Washington, DC, February 1, 2010. tile also to us. High school students my The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Hon. NANCY PELOSI, father has lectured about World War II ant to clause 8 of rule XX and the The Speaker, House of Representatives, often ask why the world was so asleep Chair’s prior announcement, further Washington, DC. to ’s horrors. Of course the proceedings on this motion will be DEAR MADAM SPEAKER: Pursuant to the world was only slowly learning about postponed. permission granted in Clause 2(h) of Rule II the depth of what was occurring in The point of no quorum is considered of the Rules of the U.S. House of Representa- tives, I have the honor to transmit a sealed camps like Auschwitz. But with respect withdrawn. to today’s tragedies, we don’t have envelope received from the White House on f Monday, February 1, 2010 at 2:47 p.m., and such an excuse. said to contain a message from the President Mr. Speaker, on the 65th anniversary COMMUNICATION FROM THE HON- whereby submits his Budget of the United of the liberation of Auschwitz, all of ORABLE TIM HOLDEN, MEMBER States Government for Fiscal Year 2011. us, Congress and the administration, OF CONGRESS With best wishes, I am can resolve to do more in the cause of Sincerely, The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- freedom, to do more to commit the LORRAINE C. MILLER, United States to make certain that fore the House the following commu- Clerk of the House. nication from the Honorable TIM nothing like the Holocaust ever occurs f again. And we can do more to remem- HOLDEN, Member of Congress: BUDGET OF THE UNITED STATES ber the victims of that senseless CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES, HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, GOVERNMENT FOR FISCAL YEAR slaughter. January 27, 2010. Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Mr. Speaker, I 2011—MESSAGE FROM THE PRESI- Hon. NANCY PELOSI, have no further requests for time, and DENT OF THE UNITED STATES Speaker, House of Representatives, (H. DOC. NO. 111–82) we yield back the balance of our time. Washington, DC. Mr. KLEIN of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I DEAR MADAM SPEAKER: This is to notify The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- thank the gentlelady and the speakers you formally, pursuant to rule VIII of the fore the House the following message

VerDate Nov 24 2008 05:15 Feb 03, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K02FE7.048 H02FEPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with HOUSE