La Guardia Collap.;i - Seriously III THE WEATHER TODAY NEW YORK (iP)- Former New York mayor F.R. La Guardia Partly cloudy weather is predided for all of collapsed at his home last nilht and Ills pby.lclan, Dr.


Admits SeHina Says Plan for Reich Yanks' Guns Record Winds . . Is Needed To Half .(oe (ollege Rise of Communism Keep Slavs Head Inland WASHINGTON (JP) - Robert Moses last nJght called upon the Chapel Fire United States to make a definite From Trieste At Palm Beach' plan fo r Germany le~t Democratic TRIESTE (iP)-A warnlnl burst Janitor Gives Revenge elements in that country become East Coast Dangered As Motive; Also Set discouraged and turn to Russia In ot American machlnegun tire at a From Fabulous Miami the hope of sharing in "some gl_ tense moment yesterday in the 1946 Hotel Blaze gantic Communist triumph." free territory of Trieste kept Yug- North to Titusville CEDAR RAPIDS (JP) --: Walter Moses, New York City park oslav troops from crossing into the MIAMI, Fla. (~A severe hur­ P. Hanson Jr., 34, crippled custod­ commissioner and noted planner, area. ricane menacing Ufe and property ian at Coe college. Cedar Rapids, made a su rvey of Germany lit the 1 G T S Ai B Itlsh on the rich and populous Florida admitted to police yesterday tbat Invitation of the U.S. military Ma . en. . . rey, r government. commander In Trieste, said cool­ east cout playaround area moved be set the fire which destroyed headed action by a dozen Arnerl- Sinclair Memorial chapel on the In his report, he said the Amer- cans at a border outpost prevented slowly lut nlCht toward the main­ campus Sept. 4. inspector of de- lean people can be made to under- an incident with 36 YUloslavs land between West Palm Beach Flnt .to"" waves weep Florida eo t- Mlall1laM prepare tor bl, blow. 1ectives William Kudrna an­ stand the German problem If tbe which "might have led to blood­ and Miami. nounced yesterday afternoon. sacrifices required of them are shed." The weather bureau saJd the H;lnson. in a signed confession, not disguised and "the appallinfl West Indies-born storm was only ,Iso admitted that he set fires In alternatives are pictured in their Gen. Airey declared that YUlo- I 145 miles east of Palm Beach and the Norva hotel here in 1946. true colors." slav entry Into Trieste would have • apparently movin, about el,ht Inspector Kudrna said th'lt re­ ·The danger, he said, Is that U.S. been "a breach 01 the peace treaty mIles an hour. which I would have resisted to the venge was the motive for Han­ forces In Germany "will be cut last." n Is expected lo rake the lower son's act In settihg the college SSIC hIgh so drastically, our appropriations He added that to permit YUgO­ Discord Eyed eut coast today with tides. fire, according to his statement to and loans become so thin and In- slav troops to enter would eer­ The weather bureau aald the police dcteclves. adequate, our aid so feeble. late tain]y have resulted In bloodshed storm wa, attended "by wind, 01 The custodian said that a stu­ and uncertain that whatever lat- due to bitter feeling amon, th~ over 100 miles an hour near the dent slapped him two days before ent Ger man influences there may Ipredominately Italian population. UN Assembly center," but added that did not In­ the fire and that, as a means 'of be working for independence and Truman Opens Tour dicate any lessening of the alorm'. Seeking revenge, he Ignited a bun­ Democracy will ea e to rely on The toll from ItaUan-Slav riot- European Aid fury. EarUer advisories had liven dle ot rags In the basement and us and mak the ~es: bargain they ing In Trieste mounted to three the wind velocity at 160 miles an e with the death of a 17-year-old Of 'Freedom Train;' then left the building. can with those who offer perhapa Itallan student wounded Monday Elects Aranha hour. In Hanson's signed statement to nothing more tban the authority Winds increased alonl the Flor. In Spotlight NEW YORK (iP)- The United police, Kudrna quoted him as Say­ the Germans instinctively love and by a hand grenade. Another man Warns Americans Ida east cout near midnight anti ing: the possibility of a German share, and a ll-year-old girl were killed NEW YORK (JP)- Both of the Nation. aS$embly elected Dr. Os­ were expected to reach hurricane "1 was mad at this student for however small at the start. in previously. PHILADELPHIA, fJPl-"Free- major Truman a d min I tr lion waldo Aranha ot Brazil as Jts force (75 miles or more) early to­ some gigantic Communist triumph Officers and troops along the dom Is everybody's job," President day from THusville to Miami and slapping me and I wanted to lIet measures for checkinc Commun- president yesterday and be&Bn a which will wipe out the stigma of southern sector of the free terrl­ In some revenge. I decided to ·start Truman warned last nliht in a Ism Dnd r building };uro the search for meuur to stop the the rich winter vegeta\)le grow­ defeat and in the long cun afford tory told newsmen that Yugoslav ing area around Lake Okeechobee. a fire in the chapel as 1 knew the message marking the formal slart Truman Doctrine and the Marshall discord between the Unlled Ststes chapel was pretty sacred to the a chance for needed German units in three instances, Issued Gale winds were predicted for brains and skills in a Russian auto- "ultimatums" to the Americans to ot the freedom train's nationwide and RUSlia. the remainder ot louth and cen­ Cae college student." withdraw or they would advance Plan_re due for an airing In the After recounting how he strUck cracy." Statesmen of 55 natlolUl lathered tral Florida by altemoon. within a stated Ume. In each cale to~'~ur world will be won or lost new saion of the United NatiOflll MiamJ, the fabuloua metropolia the match and set fire to the bun~ there was no attempt by the Yug­ general assembly which opened from ail parts ot the world reaUz­ 10Uth of Palm Beach, also was dIe of rags\ Hanson said in the oslavs to advance lit the Ume In our own homes, our church , ed that the answer to mOlt ot the 1esterday. menaced. The nutrlclm wamin,~ .tatement: limit. our schoolS, our union hilUs." Til Issues before the U.N. lay In. lelU­ "[ waited short time while the 2-lhousand 11 h-I)laced AmerIcan de1e,­ were ordered dIsplayed IO\llthli... 'd The Yugoslav troops were a de­ President said in hi. messa" Ing the Soviet-Western quarre". rags started to burn and then left Iton 8uthorilles say that if Russia to include the greater Miaml area. tachment of the 2,000 troop. read on a naUonwl~e broadcast by the Chapel by gollig out the rear does not force debate on the Tru- Those overshadowed every move Likewise included was the Lake which were designated under an Attorney General l' m C. Clark. Okeechobee reaton when! a disas­ door." agreement to be attached to the man-Marshall measure by chal­ DR. 0 WALDO ARANKA here. Hanson was picked up by Cedar Dead In Jap H[ hope that every citizen-and trous storm blew lake waters over allied military government as liai­ Two ballots were taken to name Rapids police at noon yesterday especially our young people-will lenllnll them-as expecled- the fanning communltu 19 years a,o son troops. the presJdent yesterday and drowned near~ and after several hours of ques­ take part In the special week of United States It.&el! may well have The Yugoslav troops had been to introduce the subjects. The Aranha got 26 votes on the flrat 1,500 persons. tioning admitted setting the fire, rededication of which the tree- Kudrna said. Flood Walers in Zone A, which was under Brit­ American delegation is consider­ Declares U. S. Cash ballot to 23 for Dr. Herbert V. The Florida East Coast and Sea­ c1l- The arreM came just as the Ish-American jurisdiction in Ven­ dom train's visit will be the inll lakin, the initiative anyway. Evatt, Australia', [oretln JDinis.. board Airline railroads sent cara TOKYO (A>')- Floods caused by ezia Glulia until Monday, but max and will renew and refresh The Idea as developed in dele­ ter, and 6 for Dr. J an Masaryk, to Lake Harbor and South Bay, young men's bureau of the Cham­ a typhoon's violent rains lett an No World Cure-All which passed under Yuogslav au­ his fa ith in our democracy. gation meetings, It was learned, is torelan minister ot Czechoslovakia. in the western sectlon of Palm ber of Commerce, the Cedar Ra­ estimated 2,280 Japanese dead or thority when the treaty became pids-Marion Ministerial associa­ thet the United States would add WASmNGTON, (iP) _ Senator On the second ballot.--between Beach county, to evacuate 5,000 missing today, millions of dollars effective. " 1 pray tbat each Individual to the prestige of the general the two top contenders-Aranha residents. They will be taken to tion and Coe alumni were be­ elthea everywhere will deler­ In property damage and menaced Gen. Airey said be received a assembty and build up United Byrd (D-Va.) spoke out yesterday had 29, Evatt 22, and four were Sebring in central Florida. (inning a house to house canvass Tokyo with new inundations. mine III his hean to eontinue to letter Monday nilbt from a Yugo­ States support tor that body by against "crisis legislation" when invalid. A maJority of thoae pre­ As the storm hovered 160 miles to obtain funds for a new chapel. Thousands were homeless in the tap, aplnat bI,oti7 and hltol. The fire loss totaled $275,000. slav staff officer sayln, the troops submitting the two policies to dis­ congress considers U. S. aId for sent and vollnr was required. east of Palm Beach, adjoinlol typhoon area embracing two­ would enter on the main road Into erance and will determine to cussion. No charge had been filed against do all In his power to the Europe and declared that Amert- Aranha set the key-note of the West Palm Beach was virtually thirds of Honshu, main island of Trieste at Midnight and station auure This is considered important Hanson but Kudrna said a charge ble8liDp of Uben,. In luUmea­ can doll rs alone are not "the meeting When he told the opening "boarded up." The residents re-­ Japan. Communications were so themselves In the city. because the overall objective of a Isession this mOrning that the ques- lor mained . calm as they battened ot arson undoubtedly would be badly battered ~at checks and re­ lUre lor evel7 American and American policy in the current panacea tor all 01 the U1s ot the lion before the delegates was filed later . Gen. Airey said he previously mankhl4." down and waited for the big blow. vision of casualty figures were had talked with the detachment assembly meetin, is defined auth­ world."' "whether the road will lead to The hurricane was moving west­ This was the second time with­ impossible. John Foster Dulles. alternate U. oritatively as being to strengthen "For nearly 14 years we have peace or to strife." in three months that a Cedar Ra­ commander and he agreed the ward at about eight miles an hour With at least 15,000 homes troops should go around the free S. deleiate to the Unlted Nations, the assembly In every way pos­ legislated In an atmosphere of The lar,e, ornate assembly hall and the weather bureau told of its pids man had admitted setting flooded or damaged In Tokyo noted in a speech prepared for the sible to make up for the spreading emergencies and crisis, makin, was filled when Aranha, u tern­ fires in public buildings. Richard territory to enter the Yugoslav expansion in a terse statement alone, armies of Japanese work­ section. same broadcast that "in the com­ paralysla in the security counell proper conslderahon of vital mat- porary president holding over that "winds are now increasing Le Mont, 33-year-old city fireman, ers toiled throughout the night to Ing year, freedom train will move due to Russia's repeated use 01 teu impossible." Byrd said in a from the special Palestine seaston aigned a statement June 27 that The British commander immed­ slowly and will reach hurricane strengthen dikes of the angry throughout the length and breadth the veto. statement. of the assembly here last spring, force in the area of hurrtcane dis­ he had set five or six fires in the iately Issued orders that tbe Yugo­ Tone and Arakawa rivers north of our land, carrying for all to This American government vlew "In the past two years, thIs banged down the openinl Javel play late tonilht or eery Wednes. Allison and Magnus hotels the slavs would not enter. of the capital. see evidence of the struggles and wiU be reflected by Secretary country ha~ extended nearly at 9:09 a.m. (C.S.T.) day." night of June 9. The crests ot the floods from At 3:30 a.m. a detachment of achievements of the past In aid Marshall today when he lars $20,000.000.000 Ln foreign ald. Our 34 Yugoslav soldiers and two 01- of human freedom. ... The dreaded hurrIcane warning. these two streams were expected before the assembly in a full dress citizens have a dght to know wbat were on display from TituavUle * '* * here at noon, and unless the battle ficers appeared at post No.5, on "May there come from that speech a statement of what the bas been done with this m6ney .. . the main road to Trieste, and were to Miami and In the Lake Okee­ of the dikes was won wIde sec­ fresh awareness of the blessings United States conceives to be the to what extent world security has chobee relion. Storm wamlnl. tions of eastern Tokyo probably halted by a detachment of 12 of liberty, vivid realization that most urgent problems before the been strengthened. Ask SOftening American soldiers. were displayed elsewhere alon, will be inundated. those blessings are never had assembly and what it believes the " If, after spending such vast the Florl4a coast from Key Largo The Japanese government cre­ When the YUloslavs were told without struggle and llBcrifice assembly should do about them. amounts abroad, world conditions to Jacksonville. ated a special reliet headquarters they could not proceed they called and new commitment by every A draft of the speech has been are not improved-and they do to cope with the growing disaster. up reinforcements in battle for­ submitted to President Truman, Of Labor Acl Emer,ency shelter. were opened citizen to more viiorous sharing not appear to be-the American at West Palm Beach with soldien Stockpiles of food were available mation. In the task of keeping our be­ aboard the batUeship MIssourI. people should be Informed of the in the stricken areas, but ciothing WASHINGTON (A>')- The AFL from Morrison field handling rel­ Gen. Airey said the 12 Yanks loved land a land of IIbeyty." for his approval. reasons for the failure." yesterday asked the National istrations. Plans were beinI was urgently needed. held their ground and a battalion Kyodo news agency estimated ------Labor Relations board either to mapped to evaCUAte islands In of American infantl)' was immed­ (1) soften the rules requIring non-, Lake Okeechobee. Schools in 2,300 homes weres wept away, iately sent up from reserve posi­ and 166,729 flooded or damaged in They 'Played a Game' communist affidavits from labor Palm Beach county were ordered tion wth a full cOlllPlement of leaders, or (2) walt until about closed today. the area, which stretches from armor and artillery. Honshu's southern shores to the Nov. 1 for a showdown over their Scheduled airline flight. from The Allied military government legality. northern points were belnl northwest coast of the home is­ said the American officer in land. Joseph A. Padway, AFL chief grounded at Jacksonville, only a Kyodo news agency, U.S. army charge brought up a tank and or­ counsel, met with the board and few miles south of the Geor&ia and unofficial estimates rolled up dered the warnin, burst of ma­ NLRB general counsel Ro~rt N. state line. these counts: chinegun Ure. Denham, and requested that the Vast numbers of planes in the 2,280 dead or missing, including Gen. AirfY said the Yugoslavs board reverse Denham's ruling. south Florida area started winlinJ 100 dead in Tokyo. tbereafter Indicated they would This ruling is that all top offfcers for inland points in advance of the Two medium sized towns wiped agree with the decision of the Al­ of the AFL and CIO must 1Wea1' thrust of the elements. Pall­ out and numerous villages flood­ lied command and take the matter they are not Communiats before American airways pushed uP ed. . up on diplomatic level unions affiliated with them may three flights to South Amerlea' use facilities of the govenunent and sent others of its clippers to agency. Havana and CamaIU8Y. Cuba. In event the board decides not Governor Mlllard Caldwell pve to throw out Denham's interpret- blanket authority to Brll. Gen. Louise, Gollum Take Stand ation of the Taft-HarUey aet, Pad- Mark W. Lance, state adjutant. way uked It to extend the deed- ,eneral, to utlllu any of the statt's SANTA ANA, Calif. (A") - Hei­ ties preceding the traledy. He The police told him, he testified, line for flUng such affidavit. by 1,600 national guard troops he rea. Louise Overell denied from &aid that shortly before the ex- that a boat bad blown up, "and 30 days or longer. Both AFL and deemed ntcelllUY. the witness stand yesterday that ploslon, Overell, in the engine Louise noticed It WBJ tbe Mal)' E." CIO will have beld their national The great storm rued moat of abe kUled her parents or knew room of the yacht, had complained convention in the meantime. the day over Abaco, a smalllaland Who did. Her fiance and co-de­ of strong gasoline fumes below He said they rowed out to the If this postponement is II'BDted, in the Bahamas, where windt of fendant, George (Bud) Gollum, deck and had instructed Gollum Mary E's mooring with the officers it wdl1d assure · added Iile to 180 mDes an hour were recorded. followed her to the stand but the not to place the canvas awning and that Louise W8I cryinl and about 5,000 cases pendin, before Nuaau, capital of the Babamll,' of the day's trial lesslon in­ on the port side of the c.ruJaer!lO saying "Oh I hope !h87're all the board. These cases, involvinl expected windt up to '10 mile. an terrupted his story. that It could be aired out. Gol- ' , union grievances against empl01- hour. Gollum and Miss Overell are tum said he himself noticed the I right; I hope the)' ~t off; I hope en, were instituted prior to Aug. on trial on charges of murdertng gasoline odor. i someone hal lotten them oU." 22 when the TaU-HarUey law with ber wealthy parents, Mr. and Mrs. The explosion occurred, he test!- The hUlky, 21-,ear-old Gollum, its new requirements became Byrd Asks Report Walter E. Overell, who died fied, shortly after he and Louise boy scout muter and member of operative. • aboard their explosion-wrecked had lone ashore to purchase food the Audobon societ,. admitted he The labor attorneys contended Senator Byrd CD-Va.) called on plellW'e c.ruiser, the Mary E, last at Overell" request. When they purchased a large quanUtJ of dyn­ JlAllIIAaA BUCKLEY, 1., Ia lifted Il'oID wreebce of aato drifta b, Leland O. BaDlOJI, Ir., (bod,. ea that the act requirel the affidavits the adminiatratfon ,eatercla)' for Marcb 16. returned to the dock, he said, he amite lut Marcil It, the da, be- IrOIIDd) ,... after IIaDaon wu Wed aad MIa Buok Ie,. fa&alb' iDjured in head-oa-tnaek eruh Dear Sao- on17 from offtcen of UJUODI, and a "comp1etely frank and accurate Gollum, takini the stand late in 18W a pollee car and leveral of- fore the OvereU 11lcht exPloded ftmeDto, CaUl., late ,.esterda,.. leek Baraard. n, driver 01 the inaek. tald that he aDd Bauon were DOt from the heec:la of the feden- apprlaal of the foreip IltuaUon," the day, wa. led throuJh a de­ fleers there and atlred them Wh'lt in Newport harbor, but said he ~1Dr a ,.me which eoDIlated of IW'IDrtar Il'om laDe to lane u ther e&me toward each other. tiOll.l into which theee uniODS are and said ''there bu been 110De tailed account of th. day', activi- the trouble ~u. _, did 10 at the direct10a of 0verelL (AI' WIIBPBO'lO). pthend. IIDce the IOd ql the war." : THE DAILY IOWAN, WEDNESDAY, SEPTmmER 11, 1947-PAGE TWO : The Stortboard IHot"O/,fThe 'GtkJiron 10NAL LEAGUE AlIIllRICAN LEAGUE W L Pel. O.B, W L Pol. G.B. lIro.kl," ...... 114 . 62~ _ N,. V.,k ...... , 91 114 .82M SI...... 1. . ...•...... • 111 6 1 .1167 IIi 0,1,.11 ...... •. . 7M nil .114~ I!\i Orlich, Maves Have Pield'tMoole 'Krause Returns ....I.n ...... ," 87 .114 I 12 "_on ...... 17 (l(J .1188 13 JIIe", y.,k ...... 74 67 .~~6 14li .tl"el.nd ...... 76 68 . ~U 15 Day in Badge Scrlmmdge To 't'ahk Leahy dn.lnn.1I ...... 69 78 .469 %!IIi Phlladelphl...... 7! 72 .>\OIl 1Kli (lIolea~o ...... 86 71 .468!4 Cbl ••,o ...... 61'7 .405 (IP)- l".. n.... lpIIl...... ~9 M •• 10 31 wa.lII.lion ...... 641 II.~ .420 ~\\ MADISON, Wis. (JP)- A senior SOUTH BEND, Ind. Allis­ Branca Wins Gross Counfr.Y'ScJuid plfllb.,rb ...... 69 8G .407 Sl\i 81. L •• I...... 114 8R .S80 1\.1\\ and a sophomore scored :four tant E.dward W. (¥~) Ve,terday'. Result. Yesterday', Relults Phll.delphl. ~. PilI bur,h l C 4·9, Phllaaelphl .. 9.7 ' apiece yesterday as Krause, just recovered from III B LI CliO. &-8, Cblearo 1·8 Books tl11ft Neets; roo .. )'D "I, ne nnaU il New York 8-2. St. Lou •• 3-8 attack of pneumonia, made his New York 7. 8t . LOliia ! Watblal"lun 4. Detroit l the WisconSIn varsity went Only lamea aeheduled TNay'lJ Plte-her. through a long offensive scrim­ first appearance or the season 'It 2·1sl; Cards VI. Toda),', Pltchefl Chicalo at New Vork - Lee (S-fl) mage against reserves. 'Morno be Fitlell Brooklyn at Pllhbur,h (nlrhl ) - Wenllof! (S·I) the Notre Dame football practke · ·t Or." (8·5) VI. O.l.rmueller (l2·M) I. Loul ••1 Bo.lon (2)-K,.me, (10-15) Sophomore Don Orlich shifted Th ree mee t s f or th e U mver~1 Y New Yo,k .1 Chl ...,o (2) -loll IS·A) .nd )(ua.rlol (7.14) v •. Johnson ( 11-8). ' session yesterday and took 9ver of Iowa's 19'47 cross country squad and R enlledy (8·12) Of B.n.... (1·4) VI • • n4. rtno (1·2) from l'Ight to left half, went three, the job of coaching the ca n~lda~ 10 . ' U.. mno, ( 1- 0) and BO'O"'y (8·12) 0111'011 .1 Phlladelphl. (2)-lIoull.· Dr.op 8 1·2 Phll.delphl..1 Cln.lnn.. 11 - In.)) and T,uck. (10.10) va. 0101- With three 01' tour .othl!r dates to lu...... 35 and 80 yards a"d was on the for ~ackle positions. be filled have been announced (4.[4) ••. Vand.r Moor (R·13) ,l.b (~·t) .nd Mar.blldon (10·9) receiving end of a SO-yard pass I • CIl'fCINNATI (A") - The pen­ , B"lon 01 81. Loul. (al,bt)-Vol.. ll e CI... lolld.1 Wllhlnrlon (nIJhl) -, . . The sq uacl entaged jn a lellflby nant bound Brooklyn Dodgers by Coach George T. Brelfnahan. I(8-11) VI. MIn,e, (14 -4) J «1"tt.1 (10·10) n . Soarborou,h (4.13) play frqm Jack Wmk. Iowa d.ettnitely has , booked a Earl Maves, first string fuUback pas'sing acrimmage, wi h 'Quarter. moved 8' (, games ahead 01 the triangular meet at South Bend, last year, ran 50, 55, 65 and 80 for backs , Frankl ~' , I SI. Louis Cardinals yesterday by Ind., with Notre Dame 'and Miehi- his scores. • pucka and Pete Ashbauih doiJik I taking the third and final game gan State for Oct. 25, the day dt most of the tossing. I: of the series rrom the Cincinnati the Iowa-Notre Dame football Indiana game. B L Q 0 MINGTON, Ind. (JP) - tIIorthwestern . Reds 7-3. With 10 games lett .0 Wisconsin alld 'Marquette " will I 'Chattin' Indiana's fightin' Boosiers worked EV,ANS'I:ON, jJP)- II}., lti~1liJ play, the Dodgers can clinch the be raced at'Ma.dlson NOv. 8, When on their aerial game yesterday, Graham, a River Forest, 1)1., jun­ fJag by winning the' Ha'Wl(eyes m et the!'BlFritz Crisler Michigan Knauer, who played tac.kle 1ast in the first to start the is bUilding himself another powerhouse. ANN ARBOR, Mich. (A")-Coach year. At quarterback, Jim Parrar at left end is a strong candidate for All-American-and H.O. (Fritz) Crisler watched his and Don Burson are fighting for ball rolling. Gene Hermanski i\nderlOn Net Too Well ~Clijsfied smacked his seventh in :.vIann, McNeill and Hershberger aren't tar behind. football the nod. the seventh and also ~Ukene , PrUula, Ballou . nd Johnson at the tackles-Tomasi, team through anothe1' unimpres­ cracked his seventh homer in the Sfckels, Soboleski and Wilkins at the a-uards-alJ are top BI, Nine sive ~rill yesterday as the Wolver­ Illinois , eighth with a man aboard. , ball players In every sense or the word. ine first string continued spotty CHAMPAIGN, Ill. (JP) - Dlte Hi(!Jwks VM0rik fm ~Jf1iJoaf~ Center was weakened by the loss of all-conference Harold Watts so in backfield play and no steadier Eddleman and Jimmy Evans, l)espite their free hitting, the both Reds did not get their first run the Wolves shifted , 210 pound fullback, to the pivot and in the line. reserve right halfbacks, uncorked didn't even take time out to worry. until the seventh when a by receivers all over the lot In a Except for a few of Bob Chap­ long gains to star as ball carrien and Pete EWott, top two '46 are back puis' pitches that connected to yesterday in Illinois' first intraYar. Eddie Miller and a single by Ed Tunnell Looks Good short pass and pass defense. d,rill. J Lukon netted a tally. They addad which will take good care of blocking back duties in the Crisler single ends :Leonard Focd and Ed Mc­ sity scrimmage. two more in the ninth, with Lukon Starting lineup reports from Major League wing. Neill and a bit of neat catching Evans, a Galesburg, Ill., ' sopho· driving in one and Grady Hatton In Frirsf Heavy Duty North Dakota State show that the Chalmers Elliott, fast and rugged, and , just fast, are by Chalmers (Bump) Elliott the more, played on the junior varsity back for right halfback duties and Jack Weisenberger and New­ the other. Bisons will bri ng a first string line Leaders varsity "blue" squad had little last year' while Eddleman, jlIe Iowa's gl.'idders had another day comer Dick Hempthorn will take good care of spinning fullback assign· to show against third and fourth averaging 201-pounds and a back­ former Centralia, III., prep star, of hard drills yesterday-passing, ments. string opposition. was used mostly for punting. field of about 185-pounds. Five Pla,.e, and Club G AD ~ II , PCI. All of which builds us up to left halfback, key spot at Michigan, 3 , pass defense and the smoothing of Walker. Phillie. . ... 140 514 79 186 .362 of the linemen weigh between 200 Williams. Red Sox .. 145 486 116 164 .336 where , Gene Derritotte and Walt Tenlnga are all on . Giants Crush their ofiensive plays - occupyjng W,l,bt. While Sox .. U7 377 48 125 .332 and 235-pounds. Lightest man :n band. • most of their time. McCosky. Athletics . 127 503 72 164 .326 the line-up is 175-pound Bobby 'glner. Pirates ...... 137 535 114 168 0114 Chappuis, best passer in the league last year and a darn good run­ Dr. Eddie Anderson was not Heel', passing left halfback. In Cava,retta, Cubs .. .. U9 440 .5:>' 136 .311 RUNS DATTED lN ner,' was all-conference in '46. For that matter, he broke the league's too well satisfied with the work­ using the single wing attack, the Amerlean Learue NaUonal Le..,ue all·time record for total yardage gained from scrimmage-breaking ¥ETERANS ' Stlouis,1·2 WUllams. R. SOl< 98 Mlz.. Glanls 132 Bisons will have a blocking quart­ out TUesday, especially with the Henrich. Yank. 94 Kiner, Pirates 122 the mark set by Northwestern's great . ST. LOUIS (JP) - With all' erback of 200-pounds. DIMaggio, Yank . .113 Cooper, Giants III Derricotte, a speed back, was the early season star in 1946 and rough execution of plays. HOME kUNS Bring in Your G.I. Requisitions thoughts of overtaking the pen­ He emphasized that there is Bob S\nilh and Bob ReYnolds, 1\ Williams, R. Sox 29 KIner. Pirates 49 serves as a perfect "straight" man tor Chappuis. nant bound Brooklyn Dodgers pair of husky fullbacks, have been Gordoll. Indlons 29 Mlze. Giants :~ Teninga was a freshman senation in 1945. Kicks, passes and runs stiU a lot to be done before this Heath. Browns 26 Marshan. Clants for practically gone now, the fllst fad­ coming Saturday when the Hawks doing most of 1he punting during well. Is back from the army this la11 bi~ger and better than ever. ing St. Louis Cardinals were faced meet their opening opponent, the practice sessions. Reynolds This team has no weaknesses-unlel!8 it is the Mtohlgan jinx of with the prospect of losing second North Dakota State. The Bisons has shown terrific improvement jn Sinkwich Asks Grid always finishing second. Without a doubt they have the greatest TEXT BOOKS AND SUPPLIES place yesterday as the New York have already jumped the gun and the punting department and rnay Yanks for Retirement array of talent seen in conference in many a year. Giants handed them their third have one game under their belt, be called on to do quite a share Probable finish-first. straight licking 7-2. that being a win over Bemidji, 20- of it in the games. Smith Jed the NEW YORK (JP) _ Frank Sin- Way on the other side of the ledger is the other league team not I We solicit your business I Rookie Ray Poat went all the 0, last weekend. Iowa punters last year with an way for the New Yorkers, limiting average or 33.3 yards. kwich, former All-America back onT~hee ~~~~II~~~:~~ls\~eO~~s~e:~:~~ge, their tackles are very weak, , ... Dr. Anderson also announced the defending champions to seven The gridders will skip their at Georgia, has asked the New they have one good guard in Vince DiFrancesca and a good center in hits for his fourth victory against yesterday that he expects all of York football Yankees to place Alex Sarltisian. Frank Aschenbrenner at left half is the only l'eally the players who have suffered usual before noon practice this one defeat. Harry Brecheen was morning so that they may register him on the voluntary retired list I good back, although Jim Farrar, quarterback returning from the 1945 RIES IOWA BOOK "01 the loser, dropping his 11 th game minor injuries to be ready for heavy duty Saturday. This grouP for the fall semester as a unit. because of a knee injury, Dan team and Ralph Everist, an Iowa high school star and regular last ~gainst 15 wins. • Topping, president or the All fall, are both adequate. ---- Since lS71 The Cards broke a scoreless includes about si x of the men on - Probable finish-ninth. .. 'to- ~-. deadlock with a run in the fifth the squad. Browns Gain Split America conference team, said on a t riple by Ron Northey and a Star Halfback Emlen Tunnell With Champ Yankees last night. \ single by Terry MQore, but the returned for some beavy work The one-time flash of the 'gri­ It's 'a Tough League Giants moved in front 3-1 in the yesterday and promp&Jy showed NEW YORK (JP) - The last diron conferred with Coach Ray RACINE, Wis. (JI» - President seventh on a double by Walker the group of spectators and the place st. Louis Browns earned a Flaherty after the Yanks defeated Max Carey of the All American Cooper, a single by Willard Mar­ rest of the Squad just why he split in their double header with the Dons in Los Angeles Friday Girls' baseball league yesterday shall and ~ i d Gordon's 12th home Is rated liS one of the best pass· the New York Yankees yesterday, nighj and decided to retire at least fined Catcher Ruth Lessing of the run of the season. ers in the country. ShJtty Em. winning the second game 8-2 af-' for qle 1947 season. Grand Rapids club $lOO lor slug­ stllJ favoring his rigl,t knee, ter the New American lea&ue ging an umpire in Monday night's "Doors Open 1:15-9:45" champions had won the opener playoff game with Racine. 8-3. Cobb Sets Speed Mark The Browns executed eight dou­ State Polishes .up ble plays in the twin bill, five in SALT LAKE CITY (JP) - John AMES, Iowa (JP) - With only the second game as Sam Zoldak Cob ot .London established new tlrree days of practice left before "ENDS COMING SOON spaced 10 Yankee hits for his World speed records of 294.196. the opening tilt with Iowa State FRIDAY" Acclaimed One of tbe 10 Best eighth victory against nine deteats. for the measured mile and 393.8251 teachers Saturday, the Iowa State Young Karl Drews, first o:f four for the kilometer, according to an squad spent yes­ 2-FIRST RUN HITS-2 Of the Year. Our First English Hit. Yankee flingers, was charged with official announcement broadcast terday's two practices polishing the defeat. late yestel'day from the Bonne- both their offensive and defensive ville Salt ;Flats. work. Senior Chamber Wins. In an exhibition lIame at ~elley field last night, the Senior Cham­ ber of Commerce outslugged the Attention Junior Chamber, 15-5. After the' seven inning game, the Ch.amber members met at the American -Oflma Students Legion he~dquarters for a lunch­ eon. w. Carry A Complete Line • CO·HIT • Epics Ever Filmed. Yale is playin, football for the Of Iaob-Aho School Sup-plies 75th season this Iall.


STARn STARTS Today Today

'st SHOWING IN IOWA 48 E ....iIh Sea Epic -'- -'-toDdl", a I '''''; &I It Is True •.• Man- with a system " ' :'

Simply pick up your telephone ~nd you anyone of aome 53,000;000 Nleptt_ caD route your voice through anyone of h ere and abroad. thousands of central offices-some with dial The operation of this vaet Iyete~ it biJ mechani'lD18 10 comp1ex they 81qger the bUllinde. It is a complex, ~any ..ided 1Miii· imagination, yet eo effici ent they seem to nees in which thousand. of colle!e train~ work like magic-others staffed by compe. men are working iIi tbeir cho... &1111- tent, courteous operators whoee etandaras d velopment or reaeareh, ~ngiiieeriii, of work have long been a fiDe tradition. planning, accounting or atadetic., plllU~ \ You command, in effect, milJioD8 of mile. contactl, supervilion of operationl or olber' of telephone wire lind cable. pha8C8 of blilnagement. The8e 'meo hate You can direct your call - one of BOUle Iound bighly interesting and rewardina I ~O,OOO,ooo that wj)l he matle today - to I'arl!crl•



I, I at 7 o'clock toniclrt in tb Girl ------ated with the Barr l,.umber com- Prof. and 1141'1. J acob Van der yesterday's program as the 70th I Recruiting Program ~. .JUDII wfU tIr U. 1JDi-. Jr., ...... ba"" ft­ annual Iowa Firemen's convention . DES MOJNES (A'?- Bril. Gen. Scout office. verslty ot Denver. Mr. J'ohn8oo tu~ after spendin, the umtner To Wed Oct. 18 lot un way here. Charles H . Grahl, adjutant Ifn- Offer New. • • • PERSONAL NOTES was rnanalrr of ~ former Gor- in New Hamr-htN.' KNlOllTS OF COLUMBUS don-Van Tine com.,.lIT • b d President P:lUl Soener of lnde- era! of the Iowa National Gu:nd, Marquette council &4%. Knights of Cook'a Paint and Varnish com­ pendence opened the two-ciay id y sterday tbls state Is re dy • ion which wUl include ad for its pha of a nationwide Columbus will hold a fish try a J,f Gertrude SteflMl', Cedar pany here. Ladder Raising Conte.t Elective 6:30 tomorrow nl&ht at the KC today by State Fire Marshal John guard roiling ' program whil'h Study OSCEOLA. la. ~ Competi­ Rapids, spoke to members of the Strohm and Ro t ByrU3 of the will continue for th next 60 do • • hall Motar Board alumnae lOet last A new course, Contributions to Federated Buslnea and Prote... tion in ladder-rai.tDg, hO$e coupl­ Iowa State College ngineerin, driv J 1,650 European Literature and Thought, • • • night with Mrs. W. T. Hapboeck, In, and olbeor eftDt. biltJlilhted ext.ensi n LION - H. Howard Oak, dis­ ional Women's club at a dinner 437 Hutchinson avenue. Mn. T. M. is being inaugurated this semester meetir.g Monday In the FeUovnhip by Dean Earl J. McGrath of the trict soil conservation commls­ Rehder and Mrs. William Seiler were au' tant host coller\! of liberal arts. sloner loday will address the hall 01 the Metho

Clark Penland, new of KILROY'S, invite. you to come In and

~ " " • 1: • I (get acquainted. His 26 years of experience in the reltClvrant butiMIIt Is yevr

) ; assurance of getting really good food at KILlOY'S, Come in today."


THE TOP . Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursdly' a.m. to . '''. . SnmlNG " MUSICAL TRIO IN THE NAnON Friday, 6 a.m. fo 1 a.m. Saturday, 6 a.m. to 2 a.m. 120 MINU'I'I!:S OF INCOMPARABLE ENTERTAINMENT Coliseum - C. R. Sunday, Sept. 21 Curtain 8:15 P. M. Reserved Seats 4 .." $2.00-$1.50 GeDerai AllmJalon ,1.0' All Tax_ raid Ticket. on sale a' 1IarmIta~ "Quality First - With Nationally Advertised Brands'" Ball-lowa OIt~ "Across from Schaeffer Hall" i THE DAILY IOWAN. WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 17. 19n-PAGE FOUK

at your

N. 'ORTJ-ISIDE. • i I r ,I , \ I ,•I ' STORES •I . ) \ I I : ,I I I I I TIME-OUT .. • • • 'for The Newest In ,REFRESHMENI Portahle Electric Is YOUR Car .. Radio· Phonographs Wondering If you're tired, hot, or thirsty, take Time-Out hy READY for refreshment. Refresh and relax with a Aboul cool, satisfying drin·k. You'll be surpri sed how ~ quickly you feel better. MOOEL NO. 5AK731 Dinner! For Fall! When it's time-out for refeshment-stop ot For campus pop. the Fox Head Tavern. a ,I ularity: Take your The answer to your mealtime y FROLIX with you. e I I problems Is to treat the family & I Smart appearance, r brilliant performance! to lunch or dinner at Mrs. FOX HEAD TAVERN Plays 10' or 12' recorcls Be Van's. w With thrifty war· proved miniature tubes, the 402 E. Market Dial 9987 si FROLIX delivers full, deep, rich, truly Majestic tone. Why heat your kitchen when W Come hear it. Its ebony shark or cordova brown finish makes it '. you can enjoy a delicious home n I Going to t~e football game? Shake the IJdead leaves" out , i a smart bit of baggage. You'll want to add $ 89 9 '5 cooked meal at Mrs. Van's? the FROLIX to your list of "back·to·campus" musts. . , Mrs. Van also makes indi­ of your motor and whizz off. We'll get r(d of all the evils that

vidual pastries which are per­ :(f;" ,.~'" A ' ~ . o ~ ·o ~ ·0... For high q u' a lit y rob your engine of its vitality and may make you late for the .•~.' c~ .•. : fect for snacks and parties. :.' ~··;7liiid · meats that will give • • • ,e • _. .. opening kick-off. , .. tQ. • . Let Mrs. Van's mealtime plan­ !!+_.:.. ... your family a treat, • IJP'noiu!/l,·· SUTTON ning help you enjoy the sum­ Bring your car in to WELLER'S now! '.: ;:T~ ) .. ~ . . .. .; choose from our wide .~~JCOMMENDS .. : mer days more fully. STEAM CLEANING & UNDERCOATING assortment of choice ~ ., :~ .~. : ' · .. .. ~I ··: .' ··;:,' . cuts. RADIO· SERVICE CAR WASHING \ .' 331 E. Market Dial 2239 MRS. ,VAN'S MOTOR TUNE·UP For your evening THOROUGH LUBRICATION lunches, our hom e • I (:4r=~ made bologna and wieners will hit the 214 N. IJnn Dial 9975 WELLER STANDARD SERVICE spot. OPEN 305 N. Gilbert Kirkwood and L. Muscatine We carry only the 6:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. and Every Day Including Sunday 130 N. Dubuque Every Day Except Sunday 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. '2 a.m. to 9 p.m. Never Closes best quality of meats. 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. SELECT I Saturday 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. Dial 9038 Except Sunday Dial 9006 Dial 8-0267 Order your complete I , &Jl1J)-fl meat supply from Pi· . . pal's. Try it today .••

PIPAL'S MARKET S'omething New Has Been STOP I • \ Added To The O.K. Body Shop 298 N. Linn ~ ., r · . Dial6644 ~'THE r CHIEF I ~OTFOOTING AROUND • '~ , AL"IGNMENT MACHINE"

I Don r t F,orget (Complete Automobile Frame Straightening To Meet The and Front-end Aligning Equipment.) ,Be, Smart-.:

II I The very latest post war machine, conceived J Gang At. by experienced men who were used by the at. lied-, armies to perform this service on the bat. BIDE TBE .BUS Iowa City's most fgvorite spot-­ tlefields in World War II. GEORGE'S. Join the rest of the "hep-cats" We're Still Doing it Free and have a good time. for5e You will enjoy an e~ening at GEORGE'S, ~ A compiete alignment check of your Car on newly decorated, friendly atmosphere, this new equipment. For a limited time only. everything to make an evening complete.

Drive in noW. '" / None To.oBig-None To'oSmall o. GEORGE'S BUFFET ~ "Iowa oae". \ O.K. BODY ·~ ShlOP '· FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION DIAL 9565 312 E. Mark.t Dial 6383

325 E. Market Dial 6715 "Home of the Tigers" &z DAILY IOWAN, WlmNl:SDAY, SEPTI:M.BD 11. 1t4T-PAGB PIVJf Veterans Will Wait for .Checks Until November AUHle Ingenuity Tran~forms Your Room Fence Playgrounds In SHousing Areas . ~l C 0 U S VA Advises: Have Iowa Plans Fence [or temporary housing block of quonsets, one In North O'TTer ourse n · e Cash for 6 Weeks area playgrounds is being erected park and two In Riverdale park A new major in "American or the social &dences. or thOle In fi ve areas, Chairman Roger are planned. Civilization" ts being offered this wishing to be prepared for intelli­ University veterans will not re­ ceive their flr1It 5Ilbsi6tence check Highway Siudy Barnt of lhe play ground commit- The project was originally made faU at the University of (owa. gent parti~ation in American until early in November. lee said yesterday. pOIi;ible by a donation of $50 for Designed for students who are life. Iowa is one slate which hu taken Play areas in 200 block West­ interested in the pre!ient and fu­ The major combines a brQad Although "no serioU$" delays the lead in lona: range highway each playground from the Iowa distribution of COUne5 with a two­ In payment of sub jsten~ allow­ lawn park area, Central park, ture of the United Stat ,the pro­ plannmg studies to make possible Newlon park, Riverdale village department of the Amerlcan gram will g.lve an mtegrated pic­ year "pro-leIJ1inar" (undergradu­ ances are anticipated, the Veter­ Legion aultiUary. ture of the development of Ameri­ ate semi.nar) in order to intesrate ans Administration Is ad\ising road improvement programs based and Hawkeye village are being on definite budge , according to fenced in, he said. Married students and the uni­ can society, aeording to the new the rich and varied materials and student-veterans to be able to viewpoint of the departments in­ meet personal financial obUga­ R.E. Rhoades, general manacer of Two playgrounds in Stadium versity are splitting the cost of area's advisor, Prof. Aleltander the motor club of Iowa. park, th ree in Flnkblne, one In erecting the fence. Men will erect Kern. volved. Prof. Kern explained. Yons for at least the first silt T mplin park, one In the quonset the fence; mothers will supervise This major will be desirable for Requirement. beyond the mini­ weelu of the taU term_ The 52nd Iowa general assem­ group (tOO block), one In the 200 the finlsbed grounds, Barnt said. students Intending to go Into law mum core requirement are as fol­ An announcement from the Des bly, he pointed out, appropriated lows: Moines office of the VA explains $20,000 to finance the a;tudy pro­ GROUP A the time lapse betweeo the date of gram and ordered a committe. of History ...... -l aemester courses enrollment and receipt of the first 12 to be appointed by the gover­ GI.OUP B cheek involves two factors nor, I eut n nt governor and by Choose two of me followln, I, A veteran I, renerall, DOl the speaker or the hou e to Inv - / from this group with at lust four entlUed to receive a sub lstence ti.ate Iowa', prellminary road .,..­ semester courses In one and two allowance until he haa been In tern. . semester courses in another: training for 30 days. The road study committee mem­ Economies, PoUUcal Sclen~, I. All ehedu are mallM normal­ ben are O.N. Hultman. Stanton. SoeiolOgy and Geocraphy. lyon the first of the month, cov­ J .T. Dykho~ of Rock Rapids. I GROUP C ering the allowances due for the Leo 1.. Elthon or FerUle, Robert 1'0 I. BOOM I WH t YOU M KE IT-Ga colorecJ tuffed anllllal. I Choose Ix semester cour es previous month. C. RCllly of Dubuqu , W.R. FUn­ from Group C with at least three Therefore, the VA declared, a men of BloomfIeld, William S. an.d numerous plUo"., br~blen up this W Uawn room wltb Its matc:h­ semester courses in American Li­ veteran enrolling during the lat­ Beardsley of New VirginIa, Harry Ina' becLIpread and drape!. ver Pl' nt dormitory pipes and raclla&on terature: ter part of September ordinarily E. Watwn of Sanborn, Mel E­ are efftctlvel, hIdden b)' pennan , trln of danre prorra_ or American Literature, Fine Arts wouid not receive his first check Graham of Audubon, Justine Bar­ wailt·hlah utility cablne . Frill, lamPllhade and knldlk.n~k • raDl'­ and Philosophy. any earlier than Nov mber 1. ry of Cherokee, Jim Henry of InJ from a collHtlon on an "orann crate" bookabtlf to wooden bead­ GROUP D "The Initlai check," It was Council Blu!!!!, Gerald W. Hunt ed dol \Ued a window h de pullen. Ie en U1 t "In tlluUonal" look. This .roup Is made up of a two­ Itated, "will Include all S'ubsls­ of GuUenburg and Arthur W. Iyear joint pro-seminar in Amed­ tence allowances due the veteran Hmderman of Wapello. TEXT BOOKS can Civi\lz;atlon. from the dat of nrollm nt It is e. ntial that the road I Both the Junior and Senior pro­ through the end of the nrst full plannmg studies Include thor uab seminars are offered this fall: lubalstence period." research into hlghway economics, 45:91 - (ntroductlon to Ameri­ VA said delays In school~ In Rhoades stated. ENGINEERS! can Clvlllutlon, and which the re,lstr Uon Is he vi t (BOTH NEW AND USED) Th motor club advocates con­ on aaJe now 45:93 - Artistic and Intellec­ may be "unavoidable." Neither centration of available lunda on tual Aspects of American Clvlll­ the Institution nor VA can hire route of g neral u. rather than zatlon. and train enough employe to a continuation of the trend to­ TEXT BOOKS Both coursel will be open n meet every demand. ward scattering and dlssipatin, and approved electives, according to Professor To ' ariber c:om p l ~ate the revenu s OVf'r Increasing mileage Kern, to a lew qualified students lull, Iowa VA Umatell 17,000 of local roads, he added. STUDENT SUPPLIES who are not majors In the pro­ veteraDl wlJI enroll In the Cate', Drawing Instruments gram. 00II_.. aDd unlvenltles thw "Now that the 40.000 mile Inter. A desk has been placed In Iowa faU IlIlcler Ute 0, I. bill and vo­ stete Iyatem has b n otnclally Union during registration tbl. eaUonal rehabilitation PI'Ol'rant. deshtnated, with highway. acbed­ and Drawing Supplies FOR ALL COLLEGES .. week Lo advise Interested students. ThIs ts an expected Incre of uled to cross Iowa !rom north to about 4,000 over the number ot south and from east to wesl (Hlgh­ I Everything Guaranteed SatisfactorLJ student-veteran. enroll In w~ 6 thrOUgh (owa City Is one i Ellerbrock to Address Iowa's colleges lasl fall under the o( the e st·west rout .). It II im· two iovernment programs. portant that all communilles do Land Bank Convention their utmost to cooperate with the ZIPPER NOTE BOOKS SPIRAL NOTE BOOKS The UnJ venlt, of Iowa Is ex. RIES IOWA BOOK STORE Methods of servlclnlt tarm loans pected to account for about one­ ncwly-appolnted road plannin, NOTE BOOK COVERS NOTE BOOK PAPER will be discussed by F . W. Eller­ fourlh ol the total with a look­ commission In worklnl out a long 30 So. Clinton 51. brock, of Iowa City, secretary­ eeI -'or elll'Olbnf,nl of more tbln range program," Rhoades said. RULES ENGINEER ORA WING SETS Ir asurer of the Iowa CUy and ','M. aceol'dlnl to Dr. Willi m Cedar County Nallonal Farm Loan D. Coder 0' the Wllvtntt,'. Th largest users of sulfur Ire LAUNDRY CASES STATIONERY ; associations, at the Federal Land vetenns IItrvke. the fertilizer, oil refinln" chemi­ Bank convention In Rapid City, cal, Iron and stcel, paint, "plo­ FOUNTAIN PENS INK Veterans are advised of sever­ S.D.. next welt. a I steps they must take to be sur sives and rayon industrieS. PIN-UP BULLETIN BOARDS He wlll speak on "The Secre­ to lIet on the subsistence rolls tary-Treasurer', Job" In a panel promptly: change his course of study or STUDY LAMPS discussion to be held In the citY It the veteran Is entering col­ transfer to anoth r school this auditorium Sept. 25 and 26. Presi­ lege tor the tlrst time. he should Yette-rJl tall, he ahould write for and ob­ dents and secretary-treasurers 01 take his certl!tcale of eligibility tain prior approval from the VA 59th Conlec:utivo Year of Hom Owner.h1p the 200 cooperative National Farm with him when he enrolls. These r glonal ofpce hnving jurisdiction Loan associations In Iowa, Nebra­ certificates should be obtained lm­ over his traming. H musl have I ska, South Dakota and Wyoming media te1y from the VA. Ruppl mental ce.rtlficate or 11- Approved will shore In Ihe dlscUl8lon. I! the veteran aiready has glblllly before he can b certified W. Have the Coats Another prominent speaker at started his education and plans to (or such a transfer. the 30th anniversary convention You Want •.•• Thesis Paper and Supplies for Graduate Students of the Associations wUl be George T. Mickelson, governor of South Dakota. Boost Milk Price JUNIOR ·HOODED COAT , BOONE, Ia. ()I')- An inma.e In the price of milk from 18 to YettefAi 18 cents a quart was announ~d here yesterday by the Boone dair­ Two Complete Coats in One RIES IOWA BOOK STORE ies. Cream prlces were boosted Hi.Teen Faahlona from 18 to 20 cents for a half pint. -Second Floor- Dairy men said higher feed cost. had made the prIce boosts neces­ ---Since 1811-- sary. " Milk prices were increased the Exclu.lve same amount last October, but at Yetter's were reduced again In January.

Yette-rJJ The Slarting Point for I .. Siudent Needs! ! STOlLE HOvas DaU,. . :Jt to 5:" it~s New ·lt~8 Needed· It~8 a Doney Sat. ' :30 &0 • P.M.. HIDE-A WAY "JUNlOR" LINGERIE RA.CK nAIIl MA Rl: U C. V. I. PAT. oFr. $1 25 La r~e r Size $1.95

' . $55. to $59.95 . ~....--~ ...... ~. ~ - OUT COMES THE LINING-SLEEVES AND ALL. JlUt button In the all wool lining to match the season. Expert­ ly tailored by the same muter craftsmen who make our famed men's coats. Season Skip~ i. a campus favorite JlangJ year In, year out, for its smart classic Un,s are never • P ACKS FLAT IIxll l-io xW' Ilf OVERWIGHT CASE WEIGHS 12 OZ. BEAUTIFULLY CHROMIUM PLAT· "dated.... Your back to school wardrobe lm't complete ED. RUSTPROOF. HEAVY WELDED WIRE. MADE TO LAiT A LIFETIME. without this versatile coat. Shown: Arden model in fine All VirJin Wool coat with the new sweepitl, sil­ Venetian Covert. Also in Gabardine. P1eece, Tweed, houette. I)ashlnaJy tlared In back with a detaCh_ College Girls. Buslns.. & ProleaalOllal Women and Mama too will rave 0'98r thlI Indoor JJngede Camel Hair and Alpaca, all 100% virgin wool fabric • . •• able contrasting hood. and hand-plpln,. run, Dryer that doubles for Towell in Bathroom or Kitchen. Indiapenmble for HOWIe Trailer Owen... TWO .atln lined. New autumn colora II to 15. BUY SEVERAL TO MAIL AS_ USEFUL AND HIGRL Y APPRECIATED GIFTS. COMPLED Season Skipper . - - COATII IN ONE • ~ DIklLY IOWA)!,. WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 1', 1906'-PAG~ sa NEWS BEHIND THE NEWS The Da/~ lowal1 JHe 80 ing Pot .' ESTABLIStIED 11181 llk.helt 11:30 p.m. New. to be hastening the dljY when the easement such as occurred In the commission to Greece, or any re- "The President has tollowed the 8:t5 ..m. ALter BrNlltilt corr.., 12 ,45 p .ln. Religious News RlIPOI'ter United States will move, within Iranian case a year and a half ago. • 10:15 a.m. Beyond VIctory 1:00 p.m. Musical Chats commendation which might go to demands and the principles ori­ 10:30 8.m. MosterwOrk. of Music 1:00 p.m. JohnlOn County Newl the framework but outside the Russia fought effectively against the security col.mcll as a result of gihated by the CIO political action 11;00 a.m. Science News a:15 p.m. SIGN OFF processes of the United Nations, U. N. action then, but withdrew the commission's activities. can committee." to enlist other notions in the her troops in the face of general much affect Hu88ian policy. The 'He keynoted his speech with cause. irlternatlonal disapproval. U. S. can then seek to eXtend lUte the ass~rllon: "There)1 one fun­ WHO Calenda~ WMT Calendar The Russians already have But in the GreeK case she seems idea of a mutualldefense lea~, damerital Iss\le before our. people I , ~ Q1JtleI) (CBS OuUet) drawn a line through Europe en- . more determined. In addition. she similar to that recently farmed by tOday. 'rhat Is the Issue Of a free , "1:00 • . m. News. Oreler 11 130 I .m. Music H.II .~ a.m. ·Fred W.r"'" .how 1:00 p.,m . Do\'~le II\" NOlhln. circlina tJiemselves economically, Is wOl;klng through satellites who the western hemlapl1ere 'fePUHlICS, QSl!-goverrUni people against to­ 12:00 noon Farm News 1:00 p.m. Hint Hunt and poliitJt:ally. If that line be- are motivated not merely by to the European anti Medjter~- tall tartan .government." ) 6;30 J).m, C.lI:ou~l... V,neU 3:00 p.m. ' Arj.I\ur Qodfroy .:00 Niflody ....ide comes a military border, b'hlnd. ideolo,lcal and 1polltical desires, ean theaters. If, lIhe lueceetil!I:i, ' , -='~-- p.m. 4:00 'P.I\1 . BallrOom 6130 ,P.r(\. T\le 0_1 (Hldenl•• vI GI~ l1.m. Bob Trout N.wa which the western 11l1tism... tee but,allO by ttadlttonll.l animosities. this would turn the 1,'ruman Doc- Belgium has . the world's dens­ ,100 'p.rtI. '!'he IBI' Stot» 8too )),m. Alnerf~an Melody }fOUl' to stand together. it will only be The Greeks, it must be remem­ trine into ~n eJlIanct, with evel')' est rallroaH ' Iletwork, and a sys­ 8:30 ,P.m, Summer",'!"•• '.r .7;00 p,m. Rhapsody In Rhythm 1,110 p.Jl. DeIInll !""')- 7,ao p.m. Meredith Willson an outlTowth of Russia's own tac- bered, handed Bulgaria, YUg08- stngner pledged to fight a~- tem of waterways .ond only to "Do you have anythini that mlrht overcome parer.tal objec­ ~O ! 15 p.'nI: New •• 'N.lson ':00 p.m. The Whistler tics. lavla and Albania a sel!-defense slon whenever it develops. the Netherllhds. II :O!I p.m. V.t.ran. Forum 8;45 p.m. Tall Cummlnl, SPOrt. tiona7'.' 12 mldnllhl Rhythm l'a.l STUDENT help wanted. Best tips DLal 5409. J ~'--______In town. Apply Reich's Cotc. ..cST: Grey Sheaffer lifetime AnENTION G.I.' FOR SALE-Cocker apllnlel pup­ pen. Reward. Mrs. Rell. Regis­ .j pies AJ{C regi teredo Block. red trar's Office. Leam to By under the G.L and blond. Larew, North Liberty. .. bill at rl9hta. at DO cost to Wanted LOST: Black lady's purse. Lost FOR SALE-l a rae aas stove, dou­ It Saturday night at Strand Thea­ you. Maid for sorority houle. ble b d, spri ngs and mattress. POPEYE ter. Person .finding it, please re­ Coli 4167. "' turn to oddl:ess In purse. Reward. For Particulars CaD Dial 2870. RADlOSERVD WANTED TO BUY SHAW AIRCRAFT CO. STUDENT help for grocery slore. EXPERT RADIO REPAIR WANT to buy from private owner MUNlClPAL AIRPORT 11 CaLI 57 16. 3 DAY SERVICE a ood clean standard make car Dial 7831 Da, 585t Nl,bt , lor traveling man. Prefer noth­ WORK GUARANTEED Ing older than 1940. Write O. L. PICKUP & DELIVERY HELP WANTED Hall, General Delivery, Iowa NOTICI WOO»BURN SOUND City. Part tlrne porter wa nted. $.75 SERVICE I B. VOLLEGS DIAL 1·.151 WANTED TO BENT Open to Serve You an hour. Apply Ford Hopldns II

VETERAN student desires a room ,~ Visit the new modern Swank Drur Store. ItrrTOH aADIO 10l'lOil near campus. West or North. Bakery for those delicious Will share room. 24 years old. Guaranteed Repair1Dt fresh rolls, pastries and decor­ WANTED-Permanent full time Plct-up &: DeUverJ Member of Methodist Church. ated wedding, birthday and saleslady. Experience preferred 1lAD108-PBOHOOu... Dia\ 4191. special occasion cakes. but not necessliry. Apply morn­ ill .toclt for tale WANTED-Trailer parking space ings at H and H Hosiery. 111 It. HarUt DIal _ in private home for college stu­ SWANK BAKERY , , dents. Dial 80511, Extension 2161 . Dial 4195 110 E. College HELP WANTED WHERE TO BUY 1T STUDENT needs garage in vicin­ Full lime aDel .....t lhne help - GiFTSOF DI TINCTION " ity of 618 Bowery. Bill Boswell, 'IIRO DOBS IT wanted. $30.00 a week. 6 4ay Imported Linens from China, Dial 7423. week or $.60 an hour. Apply Ital, .nd Portu,al Typewriters are Valuable Ford HopkJns Dru~ Store. Wood Carvlnc. - ood Salad .. keep them Bowls .. CLEAN and in REPAIR WANTED-Male student lor room Margarete's Gift Shop .. Frohweln Supply Co. job. Easy wor k. Wr ite Box 7V- 1, r, Yl S. Dubuque Dial 9'7j, . . 6 So. Clinton Phone 3414 Daily Iowan. APPLlANVII .. STORAGE, clean1nJ, llazlDl. tw aud ,. repalrln,. Condon'. rur Shop. Wat'" A11'I'01IAI'IC lIBA'l'lKO OW 744'7. Fountain Help RI!PAIa Apply Ratines Quinn's Appliqnce ' J • DANCE OJ Eo Hand Dial 1U1 To Recorded Music " .. , Woodburn Sound Salesladies Wanted Service I...!. E. Colle,e Dial 8-0111 Want Ads Will At Towner's t urn ish Your MOTOR SERVJCB Iowa City's Fashion Store elNITIN e CARBURETORS Across from Campus - 10 S. Clinton Spa r e R0 '0 m eGENERATORS eSTAIlTBll8 e BalGGS .. STRATTON MOTORS Apply IN PaSON -Please Pvramid Services n. 8. Cllnton DIal .,., CLEANING & PRESSING

let Us Keep Your Clothes They'll Furnish A Looking like New . Roomer, Tool c. O. D. tleanen FREE nCKuP AND MLIVIay SEIlVlCI GEORGE'S DIAL U13 1M S. CAPITOL .a HOUB SDVlCE (ALL 4191 STANDARD SBRVIOII I Tr7 0 ... AUe... UoIII aud Repal,. Dep&. Cor. cUntoD .. IIIIrIJJada hI' !.....-.-~ < A«iatJnt Victims in being "sa({sfactory" by University Schultz's wife. Elsie, received a tirv a paMl truck at an InterBec- hospital officials. concussion and bruises in the mi6- tion alld ren into the Westphal 'satisfactory' Condition Herman Schultz, 7f1, ChIcalo, hap. car. The condition of two persons suffered several broken ribs and Two other persons in the scel- IIrlously injured in an auto acci. a fracture of the clavicle when his dent were only shaken up. Roses should be placed in wa- den! Monday momjng near Stan- car struck another driven by Dr. Both cars were badly damaged ter imlTlediately after cutting the ·' 1=:.l!=_=::U:=u:=IJ!II ... ..:.""'-lI.",..J 1. ___..!:i1IIi&i::.-_-1 C~::~~;::!._"":L_L'::;~ !IOod was reported last night as R. P. Wesphal, Boone, when Schultz tried to avoid hit- blooms. L' __'-.-..jfl- __...... ~~ :nre DAILY IOWAN. WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 1'7. 184'7-PAO£ ElOm: 'e O ...... , . . . . .' •

o o . !t . .. ,...'.,.... \...... ,.., " tot , .. - " . .. ", /'" t'l ,. .... \" ' ~'''''' 't-' ' ·l·f.~~~'f' ~ ·"- "'· ."-~'" ...... r :::1 .... 0" , .. '/ ' .j :i'~ ..' · ~f·l .j ..' f ' . . " . r : I .. r '. ...~.~.. I' t, ~!'.: '. ." -.. .. .J .. ~\ .! . ' , ' ~ .. , . -,;.. r J' t) , .. ~ ••• • \.,'. ' •• ,. .. ~ ·1 ~ . r •.;: ' '. ' I. ",.J. " . ,.<,,:,: .\ t . J ':: . "!:: '.: : ...; : . ~] 0' ," i"~.: :,' r ' . " . , • ... i·.tll: . , .- - ~ --­ " .: .


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