La Guardia Collap.;i - Seriously III THE WEATHER TODAY NEW YORK (iP)- Former New York mayor F.R. La Guardia Partly cloudy weather is predided for all of collapsed at his home last nilht and Ills pby.lclan, Dr. <leor.. ~t:1~~I ' , . Baehr, reported him to be in critical condition. low~ today with rising temperatures. High in "The former mayor has been failinl Ira dually tor the put week," Dr. Baehr said, and last nllht he luddenly collapsed 0111/.'(1]4 Iowa City 85. Low 60: Into a deep stupor." r.tabl1ahed I868-Vol. 79, No. 302-AP N.". and Wirephoto Iowa City. Iowa, Wednuday. September 17, 1947-Fi". Cent. ----------------~--------------------------------------------------------------~--~--------------------------.------------------------------------------- Admits SeHina Says Plan for Reich Yanks' Guns Record Winds . Is Needed To Half .(oe (ollege Rise of Communism Keep Slavs Head Inland WASHINGTON (JP) - Robert Moses last nJght called upon the Chapel Fire United States to make a definite From Trieste At Palm Beach' plan fo r Germany le~t Democratic TRIESTE (iP)-A warnlnl burst Janitor Gives Revenge elements in that country become East Coast Dangered As Motive; Also Set discouraged and turn to Russia In ot American machlnegun tire at a From Fabulous Miami the hope of sharing in "some gl_ tense moment yesterday in the 1946 Hotel Blaze gantic Communist triumph." free territory of Trieste kept Yug- North to Titusville CEDAR RAPIDS (JP) --: Walter Moses, New York City park oslav troops from crossing into the MIAMI, Fla. (~A severe hur­ P. Hanson Jr., 34, crippled custod­ commissioner and noted planner, area. ricane menacing Ufe and property ian at Coe college. Cedar Rapids, made a su rvey of Germany lit the 1 G T S Ai B Itlsh on the rich and populous Florida admitted to police yesterday tbat Invitation of the U.S. military Ma . en. rey, r government. commander In Trieste, said cool­ east cout playaround area moved be set the fire which destroyed headed action by a dozen Arnerl- Sinclair Memorial chapel on the In his report, he said the Amer- cans at a border outpost prevented slowly lut nlCht toward the main­ campus Sept. 4. inspector of de- lean people can be made to under- an incident with 36 YUloslavs land between West Palm Beach Flnt .to"" waves weep Florida eo t- Mlall1laM prepare tor bl, blow. 1ectives William Kudrna an­ stand the German problem If tbe which "might have led to blood­ and Miami. nounced yesterday afternoon. sacrifices required of them are shed." The weather bureau saJd the H;lnson. in a signed confession, not disguised and "the appallinfl West Indies-born storm was only ,Iso admitted that he set fires In alternatives are pictured in their Gen. Airey declared that YUlo- I 145 miles east of Palm Beach and the Norva hotel here in 1946. true colors." slav entry Into Trieste would have • apparently movin, about el,ht Inspector Kudrna said th'lt re­ ·The danger, he said, Is that U.S. been "a breach 01 the peace treaty mIles an hour. which I would have resisted to the venge was the motive for Han­ forces In Germany "will be cut last." n Is expected lo rake the lower son's act In settihg the college SSIC hIgh so drastically, our appropriations He added that to permit YUgO­ Discord Eyed eut coast today with tides. fire, according to his statement to and loans become so thin and In- slav troops to enter would eer­ The weather bureau aald the police dcteclves. adequate, our aid so feeble. late tain]y have resulted In bloodshed storm wa, attended "by wind, 01 The custodian said that a stu­ and uncertain that whatever lat- due to bitter feeling amon, th~ over 100 miles an hour near the dent slapped him two days before ent Ger man influences there may Ipredominately Italian population. UN Assembly center," but added that did not In­ the fire and that, as a means 'of be working for independence and Truman Opens Tour dicate any lessening of the alorm'. Seeking revenge, he Ignited a bun­ Democracy will ea e to rely on The toll from ItaUan-Slav riot- European Aid fury. EarUer advisories had liven dle ot rags In the basement and us and mak the ~es: bargain they ing In Trieste mounted to three the wind velocity at 160 miles an e with the death of a 17-year-old Of 'Freedom Train;' then left the building. can with those who offer perhapa Itallan student wounded Monday Elects Aranha hour. In Hanson's signed statement to nothing more tban the authority Winds increased alonl the Flor. In Spotlight NEW YORK (iP)- The United police, Kudrna quoted him as Say­ the Germans instinctively love and by a hand grenade. Another man Warns Americans Ida east cout near midnight anti ing: the possibility of a German share, and a ll-year-old girl were killed NEW YORK (JP)- Both of the Nation. aS$embly elected Dr. Os­ were expected to reach hurricane "1 was mad at this student for however small at the start. in previously. PHILADELPHIA, fJPl-"Free- major Truman a d min I tr lion waldo Aranha ot Brazil as Jts force (75 miles or more) early to­ some gigantic Communist triumph Officers and troops along the dom Is everybody's job," President day from THusville to Miami and slapping me and I wanted to lIet measures for checkinc Commun- president yesterday and be&Bn a which will wipe out the stigma of southern sector of the free terrl­ In some revenge. I decided to ·start Truman warned last nliht in a Ism Dnd r building };uro the search for meuur to stop the the rich winter vegeta\)le grow­ defeat and in the long cun afford tory told newsmen that Yugoslav ing area around Lake Okeechobee. a fire in the chapel as 1 knew the message marking the formal slart Truman Doctrine and the Marshall discord between the Unlled Ststes chapel was pretty sacred to the a chance for needed German units in three instances, Issued Gale winds were predicted for brains and skills in a Russian auto- "ultimatums" to the Americans to ot the freedom train's nationwide and RUSlia. the remainder ot louth and cen­ Cae college student." withdraw or they would advance Plan_re due for an airing In the After recounting how he strUck cracy." Statesmen of 55 natlolUl lathered tral Florida by altemoon. within a stated Ume. In each cale to~'~ur world will be won or lost new saion of the United NatiOflll MiamJ, the fabuloua metropolia the match and set fire to the bun~ there was no attempt by the Yug­ general assembly which opened from ail parts ot the world reaUz­ 10Uth of Palm Beach, also was dIe of rags\ Hanson said in the oslavs to advance lit the Ume In our own homes, our church , ed that the answer to mOlt ot the 1esterday. menaced. The nutrlclm wamin,~ .tatement: limit. our schoolS, our union hilUs." Til Issues before the U.N. lay In. lelU­ "[ waited short time while the 2-lhousand 11 h-I)laced AmerIcan de1e,­ were ordered dIsplayed IO\llthli... 'd The Yugoslav troops were a de­ President said in hi. messa" Ing the Soviet-Western quarre". rags started to burn and then left Iton 8uthorilles say that if Russia to include the greater Miaml area. tachment of the 2,000 troop. read on a naUonwl~e broadcast by the Chapel by gollig out the rear does not force debate on the Tru- Those overshadowed every move Likewise included was the Lake which were designated under an Attorney General l' m C. Clark. Okeechobee reaton when! a disas­ door." agreement to be attached to the man-Marshall measure by chal­ DR. 0 WALDO ARANKA here. Hanson was picked up by Cedar Dead In Jap H[ hope that every citizen-and trous storm blew lake waters over allied military government as liai­ Two ballots were taken to name Rapids police at noon yesterday especially our young people-will lenllnll them-as expecled- the fanning communltu 19 years a,o son troops. the presJdent yesterday and drowned near~ and after several hours of ques­ take part In the special week of United States It.&el! may well have The Yugoslav troops had been to introduce the subjects. The Aranha got 26 votes on the flrat 1,500 persons. tioning admitted setting the fire, rededication of which the tree- Kudrna said. Flood Walers in Zone A, which was under Brit­ American delegation is consider­ Declares U. S. Cash ballot to 23 for Dr. Herbert V. The Florida East Coast and Sea­ c1l- The arreM came just as the Ish-American jurisdiction in Ven­ dom train's visit will be the inll lakin, the initiative anyway. Evatt, Australia', [oretln JDinis.. board Airline railroads sent cara TOKYO (A>')- Floods caused by ezia Glulia until Monday, but max and will renew and refresh The Idea as developed in dele­ ter, and 6 for Dr. J an Masaryk, to Lake Harbor and South Bay, young men's bureau of the Cham­ a typhoon's violent rains lett an No World Cure-All which passed under Yuogslav au­ his fa ith in our democracy. gation meetings, It was learned, is torelan minister ot Czechoslovakia. in the western sectlon of Palm ber of Commerce, the Cedar Ra­ estimated 2,280 Japanese dead or thority when the treaty became pids-Marion Ministerial associa­ thet the United States would add WASmNGTON, (iP) _ Senator On the second ballot.--between Beach county, to evacuate 5,000 missing today, millions of dollars effective.
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