Inlcrre.rence ,vlth torwnrd r,ass. (It venally on orrense. ,, hen 1nterter­ ence occurs beyond line or scrlm· ma1te, 15 yards and loss or down. ) Safety,


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0. M. SCOTT & SONS • • MARYSVILLE OHIO Ohio State Football Results Dunlap Hats And Attendance, 1945 Scores Attendonce Say it with Flowers Arrow Shirts '' Ohio State 47, Missouri 6 ...... 41,299 '' Ohio State 42, Iowa O ...... 49,842 We Deliver on Call '' Ohio State 12, Wisconsin O ...... 69,235 ''' Ohio State 13, Purdue 35 ...... 73,585 R. AD. 1201 Ohio State 20, Minnesota 7 ...... 56,040 THOS. L. CAREY ''' Ohio State 16, Northwestern 14 .. 74,079 Ohio State 14, O ...... 25,000 Lead off The Evening (estimated l '' Ohio State 27, 2 ...... 70,287 Custom Built Clothes Ohio State 3, 7 ...... 85,200 with * Home gomes. WILKE Note. Ohio Stote ronked first in college foot­ boll attendonce in the United Stotes in 1945; second $50 Up to University of Pennsylvonia in home ottendance. t Home attendance ...... 387 ,327 FLOWERS Abroad ...... 166,240 • :t:Total ...... 544,567 She Will Give You a Cheer 30 E. Broad St. New q t home record. Previous home high ( 1944 l, 336,802. »« Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Cols., 0 . :j: New seasons record. P rev i o us season's high l 1941), • 486,468. u Viereck The Florist A M 84 S. Fourth St. Columbus, Ohio \ Ohio's Most Chittenden Hotel Modern HOTEL L THE Home of Famou Purple Cow E Fort Hayes awl The Oasis Cocktail Bar I COLUMBUS A For Food and Beverages 350 ROOMS ALL WITH BATH Private Dining Room­ T T Large Ball Room Visit Our Beautiful Breakfasts, Luncheons - Dinners y Mandarin Cocktail Reasonable Prices s Bar Make your room reservations with us. AND NEW CRYSTAL DINING ROOM - $1.50 UP RATES FROM $3.25

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[ 5 ] 4 "CO AHEAD, TAKE THAT PASS. l' LLT AKE THIS BOX OF BUCKEYE POTATO CHIPS SOME FAN JUST TOSSED OUT HERE." LISTEN TO " FOOTBALL FORUM "-FRIDAY NICHTS 7 :30-WCOL. Left to right: Forrest Jordan, , Art Valpey, Frit.z: Crisler (), , Ernie McCoy, , . Michigan Coaching Staff Quality Preparation Service Daily Rates $4.50 up-American Plan Head Coach H. 0 . ( Frit.z: ) Crisler, dynamic regularly at in 1935-36-37 when Bennie director of Michigan's gridiron destiny, is in his Oosterbaan was coach of the wingmen. Baths $2.00 Elevator Service ninth season at the Wolverine institution this fall. As of the Maize and Blue Ernest B. McCoy aids in coaching the backs as well as football coach, he has become a na ­ and ends and serves as assistant to the athletic tional figure in the world of sport. director. His football duties also include those of chief scout. He captained Michigan's last · For Rest and Health Bennie C. Oosterbaan, one of the greatest fig· Western Conference championship ures in Michigan athletic history, is in a new role team in 1929. this fall as backfield coach. Thrice All-American end in 1925-26-27, Oosterbaan has been on the Walter J. (Wallie) Weber directs " B" team coaching staff for 18 years. As 's activities this fall. Weber was a member of the INCOR HOTEL No. 1 aide he brings a thorough and sound championship teams of 1925-26 and has served The Sunday Creek Coal knowledge of the techniques of his head coach. as freshman and backfield coach during his ca­ Mineral Water reer at Michigan which began in 1931 . Cliff Jack L. Blott, former Michigan All -American Keen, head wrestling coach, also shares in the Company center, previously served for ten years as line " B" team duties. coach. Again in charge of Wolverine lines, BATHS Outlook Building Columbus, Ohio • Blott is a member of the famous center dynasty Forrest Jordan, former letterman guard and that includes such immortals as Adolph "Ger­ Western Conference heavyweight wrestling SHIPPERS OF many" Schulz, , Maynard Morrison champion, is assisting with the line. He earned and Charles Bernard. Magnetic Springs, Ohio SUNDAY CREEK SUN-KING HOCKING his varsity football letter in 1939. WEST VIRGINIA, KENTUCKY and ANTHRACITE Arthur L. Valpey, youngest member of the Jack Petoskey, who earned a letter at end of 45 Minutes From Stadium COALS Michigan staff at 31, has been advanced to the 1943 has returned from service with the Navy position of end coach after four years in charge in the Southwest Pacific to assist with the of the reserve squad and as a scout. He played Wolverine B squad.

( 6] ( 7 ] ball men of the time. Such was " Saint's" i ntro­ duction to the campus. But the need to support himself soon took him elsewhere. He taught at Fostoria High School and coached its teams. Then Wooster College beckoned and he coached there, where he fell under the spell of Dean Elias Compton, father of the three famous Compton sons, all of whom played on St. John teams. On the side, he took more college work and earned his degree at Wooster, where he remained from 1902 to 1909. For the next three years he was athletic di ­ rector, and football , basketball and coach at Ohio W esleyan where his teams gave Ohio State and other opponents plenty of trouble and enhanced his standing as a coach. Mean­ while, his heart was set on medicine and for three years he took t he early morning interurban to Columbus where he studied at Starling-Ohio Medical College and in the early afternoon hur­ ried back to Delaware to his coaching chores. In the fall of 1912 Oh io State recalled him as manager of athletics, head basketbal I and base­ ball coach and football line coach. In the early winter of 1913 the athletic directorship fell vacant and the athletic boa rd, without even con­ sulting him, elected L. W . St. John to fill it. Not long after that he was also given charge of phys­ ical education. The world knows the rest. the fifty-one years of the Western Con­ ) Crisler . St. John, as he a ppeared in 1913, when In all H. 0 . (Fritx L. W his name is one of four that stand out. he assumed the athletic di rectorsh ip o f Ohio State ference others of this "Big Four" were Amos Alonzo University. The Director of Athletics Stagg, of Chicago; Fielding H. Yost, of Michigan, Huff, of Illinois. Yost and Huff are and George Head Football Coach dead and Stagg was retired by Chicago although he is sti 11 active at the College of Pacific. In a aint/ very real sense, then, " Saint" is the last of his Hail, But Not Farewell, S race, the last of those who were instrumental in making the Western Conference what it is. S it must eventually to all men in one way permit a full recital of or another, retirement comes this year to Time and space do not local scene. But that is A L. W . St. John, dean of Western Confer­ his achievements on the has held that post not necessary for his monuments are already all ence athletic directors, who , On November 18 he reached about him-the Stadium, the men's gymnasium here since 1913. and, some day of 70 and, by law, his the natatorium, the golf course During his eight seasons as Head Coach at the Univer­ ough preparation for a brilliant coaching and administra­ the statutory age limit Stagg soon, one if not two field houses, to say nothing y of Michigan, Herbert Orin (Fritz) Crisler has further tive areer. For eight years he was assistant to Mr. offic ial Universi ty service ends June 30 next. si t 7 di­ of friends enhanced his reputatio n as a brilliant foo tball strategist, at his Alma Mater. In 1930 he was named athletic of his deep personal hold on hundreds He It won't be the same without " Saint" at the as an outstanding teacher and psychologist. recto~ and head coach at the . in the community. remai ned there for two years before accepting the position · helm of intercollegiate athletics and physical by 55 is no ordinary man. Long ago he put . His_ eight years at Michigan have been marked of head coach at_ Princeton. l_n three seasons his Tiger education. Nor will it seem the same without This for the Wolverines, as against 14 losses and two lost nine games and tied one. the campus, the Confer­ victories teams scar~d 35 victories, him in the Western Conference or in the Na­ self behind him, and ties _. As head coach at Minnesota, Princeton and Michigan athletics generally have his teams had scored 100 victories tional Collegiate Athletic Association. For years ence, and intercollegiate during the past I 5 years, Since 1938 Michigan has won the Western Conference his courage. His at the conclusion of the 1945 season. in 1943. Five of his has carried great weight in the councils benefited from his vision and title once- sharing it with Purdue his voice finish~d second, in 1938, 1940, 1941 , 1944 and athletic like will not pass this way soon again. e af the Universi ty of Ch icago, where he was teams ha':'e of both of these major intercollegiate A graduat . Eight of his players have been named All-Americans student, Crisler, nicknamed "Fritz" by his coach, 1945 agencies. but not farewell to the Old Master an honor all of his teams have played alert, interesting football. So it 's hail, Alonza Stagg, was o ne of two men in Chicago's his­ and Amos Mr. Crisl~r succeeded the late Fielding H. Yost as to his birthday and in salute to his nine letters-in football , basketball and base­ In 1941 Forty-six years ago this fall this fatherless -in tribute tory to win or of Athletics and he is naw regarded a s one af the . __He was an All-Western end and was selected on Direct he played career of thirty-four years as the ball outstanding administrators in intercollegiate athletics. country boy came to Ohio State where distinguished All-American teams as a senior. most an able several He also is past presdient af the Associa­ little football . A team picture of that day guiding genius of Ohio State athletics- and rules. a Following his graduation he received a sound and thor- tion a nd has been active in shaping policy shows him with the high, turtle-necked sweate r,, coach and teacher, and a fine competitor in the and the long straight ha ir that marked the foot- game of life! [ 9 ] [ 8 J T HE KROGER CO . ,.... , Whose Stores Are Exclusive Distributors of FRESHER CLOCK BREAD HOT-DATED COFFEES COUNTRY CLUB FOOD PRODUCTS



ESCO SARKKINEN Engravings and Color Plates End Cooch

CARROLL C. WIDDOES Boc:kfield Cooch OHIO COACHES PAUL 0 . BIXLER Head Football Coach

As Time Passes- Completed 1922 OHIO STADIUM Stands as Positive Evi dence of the Enduring Strength Possible to Attain in Concrete by Using



E. R. GODFl'





HAROLD WATTS Center Halfback



ELMER PHILLIPS Photos by House of Portratts Tackle JERRY K~ALL TRAIAN OENDIU Halfback End [ 12 ] [ I 3 ] Ohio State Scores Against Michigan WHERE ALL 1897- 0hio State ------···-··· 0 Michigan ...... •. 34 Carmen Ohio. 1900- 0hio State .. ·-··-······--··· 0 Michigan ...... 0 1901- 0hio State ······-·-······· 0 Michigan ...... 21 . 1902-0hio State ...... 0 Words by FRED. A. '.::ORNELL, '06. Spanish Chant Michigan.·----·············-_ 86 1903- 0hio State --··········-···· 0 Michigan .... ______36 1904- 0hio State ...... 6 Michigan ...... 31 GOOD FELLOWS 1905- 0hio State ...... 0 Michigan ...... 40 1906-0hio Sta te . . ------0 Michigan ...... 6 Jifon=Q. J~ili==-~==E=ffi=f--!~;t~·; -~ ~ 1907- 0hio State ··------0 Michigan ...... •..... 22 ---•- -.--·- .- ---.- •-.- - -·-S 1908-0hio Stat e ...... • 6 Mich1gan ___ ··········------10 I -• - . ---- 1909- 0hio State ...... 6 M ichigan ...... 33 O - hi - o's praise, And songs to Al - ma Ma - ter raise; 1910- 0hio Sta te.··········--···· 3 Michigan ...... 3 1. Oh l come let's sing 1911- 0hio Sta te ...... 0 Michigan ...... 19 less worth, By far the glatl - dest days of earth , GET TOGETHER 1912- 0hio Stat <> ___ ...... 0 Michigan ...... 14 2. These jol - ly days of price - 191 8-0hio State ___ ••..•...... 0 Michigan·-----·-··········· 14 our m em-'ry's store We'll think of hap - py days of yore, 1919- 0hio State ...... 13 Michigan ...... 3 3. Tho' age may dim 1 1920- 0hio State ···--·---·-··· 14 Michigan...... 7 1921 - 0hio Stat e 14 Michigan ...... 0 1922-0hio Stat e ---· 0 Michigan ...... 19 1923- 0hio State . 0 Michigan ...... 2 3 1924-0hio State .... 6 Michigan ...... 16 1925- 0hio State ..... 0 Michigan ...... 10 1926- 0hio State ... 16 Michigan ...... 17 1927- 0hio State O Michigan ....•••...... 21 1928-0hio State···----·-········· 19 Michigan ...... 7 1929-0hio State ...... 7 Mich.gan ...... 0 1930- 0hio State ...... -...... 0 Michigan ...... 13 1931- 0hio State ------·------20 Michigan ...... 7 1932- 0hio State __ ...... 0 Michigan ...... 14 1933-0hio Stat e ·-----······-·· 0 Michigan_...... 13 * 1934-0hio State_...... 34 Michigan ...... 0 1935- 0hio State ...... 3 8 Michigan ...... 0 1936-0hio State ·····-·········-- 21 Michigan ...... 0 1937-0hio State .. ········-··-· 21 Michigan ...... 0 W hile our hearts re-bound-ing thrill, With joy which death a - lone can still. Smitty's Drugs 1938-0hio State ----.. ····-· 0 Michigan ...... 18 1939- 0hio Stat e ...... 14 Mi~higan ...... 21 Soou will pass and we not know How dear - ly we love O - h i - o. 1940- 0hio State...... 0 Michigan ...... 40 1941- 0hio State ...... 20 M,chigan ...... 20 True to friend and frank to foe, As stur - dy sons of O O hi - o. 16th and High 1942- 0hio Stat e ... ------····· 21 Michigan ...... 7 1943-0hio State ____ ·---···-····- 7 Michigan ...... 45 1944- 0hio Stat e ...... 18 Michigan ...... 14 1945- 0hio State ... ·-······-······ 3 Michigan ...... 7 W , 12 ; L, 27 ; T, 3 ; P, 327 ; OP, 711

~~- ~--1- ~-=-J__~--tt i~ I_ .1---1-----l When In Dayton TASTE I ~~~- :===§•--y--:--::t_t~~: ==L~: ' ~.d ~ ~ PURITY Sum·mer's beat or Win - ter's cold, The sea· sons pass, the years will roll: LON GO'S We should s trive to keep thy name Of fair r e - pute and spot - less fame; WHOLESOMENESS If on seas of care we roll, 'Neath blackened sky, o 'er bar - r en shoal, SPAGHETTI HOUSE +- ...a....- -1-- "'1""- ...... __ +--- -l-.- +- +- +-- -~~..,.__ ""f.__ -;:j;l ----~· --- .· -+-·•--+------•- -.-·- -·- -- . ·I• - ----• - .'- -·• ----·• - t==:·• --1---- 1301 E. THIRD STREET :~P==-r==Efr=t=~,_-se~--r==§f-=t=•- -

Noted for the Finest ICE CREAM SPAGHETII MEAT BALLS RAVIOLAS Time and change will sure - ly show How firm thy friend-ship­ 0 - h i - o. So, in col - lege halls we'll grow 1:o love thee bet - ter­ CH ICKEN and 0 hi - o. T ho1ts of th ee bid dark- ness go, Dear Al - ma Ma - ter- 0 - hi - o. CHO I CE STEAKS

~w~-==a.ti=h~~ rE -i ·--±=:~s !___ : tH=T a2s~ , ,~ -~µ 0 Open Daily 10 A.M. to 1 :30 A.M. - - ~ I I r 1 r 1 - Co. ~ I = The TELLING-BELLE VERNON Copyright, 1916, by Obio State University Associatio:,. Proprietor, TOMMY LONGO Division of Notional Dairy Products Corp.

245 E. Town St. ADams 2171

[ 1 5 ] [ 14 ] OHIO ROSTER PLAYERS

No. Name Pos, Age Wt. Ht. Home Cl oss 53 Adam le, Anthony ...... c 22 206 6' Cleveland Sophomore Senior 90 ,:' Amling, Warren ··············-····-···-······T 21 197 5' 11 Y2" Pono, Ill. Freshman 98 Bonnie, Dale ······--··············-·············E 20 193 6' Columbus 32 Bonnie, David ·-··-·····--·-···············-FB 20 195 6' Columbus Freshman 11 ''' Brugge, Robert --··················--······HB 20 194 6' Par mo Sophomore 10 Connovino, Michael ···············----- HB 21 168 5 11' Cleveland Sophomore 89 ''' Crane, Jo meso n ········-···--················E 20 194 5'10" Columbus Sophomore 60 ''' Csuri, Charles ···········-·········- -···-·-···T 24 199 6' Cleveland Senior 24° 84 '' Dean, Hal ---·········-···-···-·--·············-G 205 5'11" Wooster Senior 82 ''' Dendiu, Traion ···-····-···-···················E 20 191 6' Campbell Sophomore 68 ,:, DiPierro, Raymond ·-··-··--·················G 20 197 5'9" Toledo Sophomore 97 Dixon, Stanley ···············---··············E 22 202 6'1 ' Wyoming Sophomore 24 Doolittle, William ---·-···-···············QB 23 188 5'9" Mansfield Sophomore 52 Duncan, Howard ...... C 22 221 6'3" Lakewood Freshman 72 ''' Fazio, Charles ····-···········-·-··-··········T 20 208 6'3" Marion Sophomore 63 Gaudio, Robert --·········---···-·······- ····G 21 203 5'10" Cleveland Freshman 30 Hague, James ·------·------·-············FB 18 181 6' Rocky River Freshman 76 ''' Hamilton, Forrest -···············-·········T 18 212 6'3" Cleveland Sophomore 62 ,:, Jabbusch, Robert ·······--·-···-··-·--·······G r 195 5'1 O" Elyria Junior 66 ''James, Thomas ·········-····-···········--HB Lj 184 5'9" Massillon Junior HOWARD DUNCAN Center 77 Kirk, Brenton ...... T 21 216 6' New Philadelphia Freshman 44 '' Krall, Gerald ·······-·····-···············--- HB 19 181 5' 10" Toledo Sophomore 69 Krieger, George ·····-··················- ····-G 20 191 5'11" Columbus Freshman " 65 ''McGinnis, Robert ························--·-G 20 200 6' Wyoming Junior 85 Morrison, Fred ·········-···············- ··- .. E 19 206 6'1" Columbus Freshman 48 Newell, William ·-·····--············-···---HB 18 172 5'11" Columbiana Freshman 73 O'Hanlon, Richard ----·······T 18 214 6'2" East Liverpool Freshman JACK WILSON ·-····-·····-- CECIL SOUDERS Tackle 31 ''Oliver, Glenn ··········-········-·-·-········FB 20 192 5'11" Columbus Sophomore End 88 Pol mer, James ········-····-·--- ···-·-···-···E 22 180 6' Springfield Sophomore 26 ''' Pol mer, Richard -----·---- ·-·····-----QB 24 193 5' 1O" Cleveland Senior 83 ''' Porks, Ernest ------... --····-···-·······E 20 240 6'4" Canton Sophomore N_ 38 Perini, Pete -···-···---····-·------·-·--····-- FB 18 214 5'10" Washington, J . Freshman 43 Phillips, Thomas -····-··- ______HB 22 176 5'9" Berea Sophomore 96 ''Plank, Ernest ·······--·-··-··········-····-····E 22 205 5'1 l" Columbus Sophomore 67 Quattrone, Joseph ·-· ·····-··-·---··-·-----G 21 202 5' 1 l" Steubenville Freshme n 54 ''Renner, Charles ···--····-··-·········-·····--C 20 189 5'11 Y2" Akron Sophomc re 12 ''Schneider, Wilbur ····---····-···---········G 23 178 5'7" Gahanna Junior 70 ''' Schnittker, Max -····-··--·-····-····--···----T 19 223 6'2" Sandusky Junior 61 Schuster, George ··-··-·····--·········---···G 22 180 5' 11 " Con ton Sophomore 81 Shannon, Richard ··-···--···------·-···-·--·E 20 211 6'2" Akron Freshman 25 Slager, Richard ·-····--·····---···········-QB 18 185 5'11 " Columbus Freshman 80 *Souders, Cecil ··-·····--·····-······-··-······E 26 203 6'1" Bucyrus Senior 23 Spencer, George ···--·····--··---···-······-QB 21 202 5' 1 l" Columbus Freshman 78 ''Stackhouse, Ray ·-······-···-··--·········-···T 21 235 6'2" Dayton Sophomore 95 ''' Stung is, John ·····-··········-·········-····-QB 21 192 6'1" Powhatan Point Sophomore 42 Swinehart, Rodney ····-·--······-····-----HB 20 177 5'9" Wooster Freshman 56 ''' Teifke, Howard ·····------··················C 21 193 6' Fremont Sophomore 35 Templeton, Dov id ··-·--·····--·············FB 24 198 5'11" Bedford, Ind. Sophomore 94 Thomas, James -·-···------·- ______G 22 202 5'5 Y2" Bellaire Freshman JS ''' Verdova, Alex ········-·--········-······---HB 18 182 5'10" Lakewood Sophomore DEAN 36 Whisler, Joseph FB 22 207 5'11" Willard Sophomore HAL ··-······--···-··--····----- Guard 79 Wilson, Jack ·-·········--·-··-·······-··-····T 21 205 6'4" Xenia Freshman f_ 15 Wolfe, Russell --····-·······-·····-·--·-····HB 22 159 5'9" Upper Sandusky Sophomore 74 Zeigler, Andrew ····-··············-··········T 20 215 6'2" Cleveland F•eshmon Photos by House o/ Portraits

ld's Most H onored Watch GAUDIO Official Watch for T iming Today's Game is Longines- The Wor RICHARD O'HANLON ROBERT Tli e Tackle Guard ( 16] [ 17 J OHIO S T·A TE VARSITY ST AF F


Lek to right:-Jock Grof, bocks; Som Selby, line; E'. R. Godfrey, line; Poul Bixler, head coach; Carroll C. Widdoes, bocks; W . H. H. Dye, bocks; Esco Sorkkinen, ends.

1945 Lettermen Not Biggest Ohio Stadium Available Crowds Before 1946 CAR-MEN O-H-1-0 The Best Steak Dinner Nome Position Scores =~~:~·, '}:!tt··:·_·_-_:·_·_::·.::·.:·_·_::::::·.::~--:::·_·_::::·.-_:·_·_·_-_-_:::j~~~:t:~ 1926 90,437 Michigan 17, Ohio State 1 6 I'll Buy That Car · in Town Biel, William ...... Halfback 1935 81,018 Notre Dame 18, Ohio State Cline, Ollie ...... Fullback 13 Dove, Robert ...... Quarterback Dougherty, Harold ...... Halfback 1925 78,845 Ill inois 14, Ohio State 9 Any Make or Model Dixon, Thornton ...... Tackle 1928 74,370 Ohio State 19, Michigan 7 Ehrsam, John ...... Quarterback Fout, Jomes ...... Quarterback 1945 74,079 Ohio State 16, No rthwest­ Fisher, Richard ...... Halfback ern 14 Gandee, Charles ...... Fullback Gorby, Herbert ...... End 1945 73,585 Purdue 35, Ohio State 13 GRANDVIEW INN Hackett, William ...... Guard 1'944 73,477 Ohio State 26, Great La kes 6 Jackson, Richard ...... End 1940 73,431 Michigan 40, Ohio State O 1127 DUBLIN RD . ~i~f:;~r,T~~~kos___ -_-_-_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_-_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_-_-_-_· c~·!:e~ 1936 72,948 Ohio State 60, New York Moltinsky, Paul ...... Tackle U.O * Marshall, Clyde ...... Halfback O'Dea, Stephen ...... Center 1944 71 ,958 Ohio State 18, Michigan 14 Pridoy, Robin ...... Quarterback 1936 7 1,71 4 Pittsburgh 6, Ohio State O Redd, Jock ...... Gua;rd Steinberg, Donald ...... End 1928 7 1,435 Ohio State 6, Princeton 6 Ohio Auto Company Sorringhous, Poul ...... Halfback (tie) Thomas, Russell ...... Tackle Chicken - Sea Food - Frog Legs 1942 70,387 O hio State 21, Michigan 7 Watson, Thomas ...... End AUTOMOBILE BUYERS Winters, Som ...... Tackle 1945 70,287 Ohio State 27, Illinois 2 Wright, Word ...... End Open ,Until 2 :30 A. M. Mike Flesch, Mgr. 1927 70,034 Illinois 13, Ohio State O Zongaro, Donald ...... Guard 2052 N. High St. Un. 1352

[ 18 ] ( 19 J Ohio State University PLAYING NUMBERS

No. Name Poi.

...... HB 10 Cannavino, Michael ...... HB 11 • Brugge, Robert ...... C 12 OSchneider, Wilbur ...... HB 14 Jackson, Paul ...... HB 15 Wolfe, Russell ...... HB 16 • verdova, Alex ...... QB 23 Spencer, Ceorge ...... QB 24 Doolittle, William ...... ·····- ...... QB 25 Slager, "Richard ...... QB 26 • Palmer, Richard ...... FB 30 Hague, James ...... FB 31 OC< Oliver, Clenn ...... FB 32 Bonnie, David ...... ·········-··············· C 35 Tompleton, David •...... FB 36 Wh,sler, Joseph ...... FB 38 Perini, Pete ...... HB 42 Swinehart, Rodney ...... HB 43 Phillips, Thomas ...... HB 44 OKrall, Cerald ...... HB FROM 45 Henry, Joseph ...... 46 48 .:i;I~== ::~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~: ~:::~I, C 52 Duncan, Howard ...... C the 53 Adam le, Tony ...... * A DELIGHTFUL EVENING in ...... ENJOY 54 ORenner, en.rte,, ...... C 56 OTelfke, Howard ...... The ·······-·················································T 60 OCsuri, Charles C 61 Schuster, Ceorge ...... C .ITT 62 •Jabbusch, Robert ~ C McCLURE-NESB 63 Caudlo, Robert ...... C 65 •McCinnis. Robert ...... : ...... AND DANCING NITELY ·······················-·····························HB DINNER 66 OJames, Thomas C MOTOR COMPANY 67 Quattrone, Joseph ...... C With 68 • OIPlerro, Raymond ...... C 69 Krieger, Ceorge ...... AND HIS ORCHESTRA T CHRYSLER - PL YM'OUTH JOHN GILBERT • Schnittker, Max ·················-··································· 70 ...... T 72 ,C, fnio, Charles ...... T DISTRIBUTOR 73 O' Hanlon, Richard ...... T The 74 Ziegler, Andrew ...... , Forrest ·············································-·····T Complete One Stop Super Service 76 OHamilton ...... T 77 Kirk, Brenton ...... and Trucks ROOM ··········T for all makes of Cars SAPPHIRE 78 OStackhouse, Raymond ···················-··············· T , Jack ················································-············ Selected Menus and A La Carte 79 Wilson ...... E Tlr <> /,OCA1'JONS 80 osouders, Cecil ...... E 81 Shannon, Richard ...... E 82 o oendlu, Traian ...... 61 1 East Broad East Main £ * 1505 THE 83 • Parks. Ernest ...... ··-·······························-··-···--G ROOM 84 •Dean, Hal ·············· E • SPANISH 85 Morrison, Fred ...... Hugh Nesbitt 'l 4 Ha rold R. Wood ' 31 ...... £ Luncheons and Dinners 88 Palmer, James ...... President Ge n . Mgr...... £ V. Pres. l':r 89 ocrane, Jameson ...... T 90 OAmling, Warren (Capt.) ...... C s for 91 OWible, Calvin ...... Headquarter ...... C 94 Thomas, James ...... Assn...... QB OSU Intercollegiate Alumni 95 OStungis, John ...... and ; Football Team :~ ·::::~·. :;:::!y ··:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~::::::::: E Michigan 98 Bonnie, Dale ...... •...... •..... o Lettermen PLAN YOUR PARTY AT THE DESHLER - WALLICK 1000 Rooms-I 000 Boths-Garage Facilities L. C. Wallick, Pres.

[ 20 J -,ooLER SMOKING

MICHIGAN OHIO STATE Starting Lineup LE LT . LG c RG RT RE ouders Amling Gaudio Adnmle Dean Csuri Crane LE LT LC Center RC RT RE 80 90 63 53 84 60 89 ford Hilkene Tomasi White, 1, T Kraeger Pritula Madar (87) (75 1 651 ( 55 1 (641 (721 (881 QB Spencer QB 23 Yerses 1241 LHB RHB James 66 Verdova 16 LH FB RH Chappui, Wiese White, P. C. FB (49) ( 38 ) ( 161 Whisler 36

SQUAD LIST "SQUAD UST 14 Wisniewski 53 Kampe 69 Soboleski 15 Kuick 54 Momsen 72 Pritula 18 Chubb 56 Brieske 74 Ballou 10 Connavino b ·O Henry, b 74 Zie1ler, t 19 Fonde 57 Callahan 76 Brown 11 Bru111e, b' 47 Demmel, b 76 Hamilton I 25 Vernier 58 Watts 77 Crane 12 Schneider I 48 Newell b 77 Kirk, t ' 33 Yedinak 59 Keeler 78 Carpenter U P, Jocluo~ b ,2 bunc..;, c 78 Stodtbouse I 39 Dworsky 60 Phillips 79 Honipbaum 15 Wolfe, b ' ,. Renner, c 79 Wibon, t • 40 Cullisan 61 Heneveld 80 Renner 18 Huwer b 55 Roten, c Bl Shannon e 42 Elliott, C 62 Sickels 81 Mann 24 0oou11ie, b 56 Teifke c 82 Dendiu, '• 24 Trausott. 63 Freihofer e 82 Bahlow 25 Slager, b 61 Schwt~r I 83 Porlu, e 41 Derricotte 66 Lintol ' ' 83 Hershberaer 26 R. Palmer b 62 Jobbwcb I 85 Morri1on • 45 Elliott, p 67 Burr 85 McNeil 29 Zimmer, b• 65 McGinni; 1 86 JCe11ler,: 46 Robinson 68 Wilkins 89 Rifenburs J1 Oliver, b 67 Quottron." 1 88 Palmer • U Weisenburaer 32 David Bonnje b 68 Di Pie.rro 'a 89 Crane ~ U Templeton S 69 Krieser ~ 91 Wibl.', 1 JI Perini, b ' 70 Schnittker I 95 S1un1is, b OFFICIALS 42 Swinebort b 71 J ennin11, ~ 96 Plonlt, • 43 Phillips, b 72, t 91 Dixon, e Referee-Rollie Barnum !WI I Kroll, b 73 O'Honlon, I 98 Dole Bonnie, • Umpire-DallH M . scons n l « Field I d an,il t Northwestern l u se--Russell Rupp

l",: Lettermen

( 25] University of Michigan Roster

No. Name Pos. Ht. Wt. Age H:>me Town and High School 82 Bahlow, Edward ·······-···································E 6'2" 196 26 Springfield, Ill. 74 Ballou, Robert ...... T 6' 192 21 Springfield, Vt. 56 ,:• Brieske, James ...... C 6'2" 201 23 Harbor Beach 76 Brown, Richard ...... T 6'1" 203 21 (Redford) 67 ,:, Burg, George ...... G 5'11" 187 21 Winnetka, Ill. 57 Callahan, Robert ...... C 5' 11" 198 23 St. Louis, Mo. (Beaumont) 78 Carpenter, Jack ...... T 6' 226 23 Kansas City, Mo . 49 ,:• Chappuis, Robert ...... HB 6' 183 23 Toledo, Ohio (DeVilbiss) 18 ,:, Chubb, Ralph ...... HB 5'11" 182 22 Ann Arbor 77 Crane, Fenwick ...... T 6'3" 195 23 Pleasant Ridge 40 ,:, Culligan, William ...... HB 5'10" 158 22 Detroit (Cooley) 73 ,:, Derleth, Robert ...... T 6'3" 206 24 Marquette ( Bo rage) 41 ,:, Derricotte, Gene ...... HB 5'11" 172 20 Defiance, Ohio 39 ,:• Dworsky, Daniel ...... FB 6' 198 18 Sioux Falls, S. Dok. 42 Elliott, Chalmers ...... HB 5'1 O" 170 21 Bloomington, II I. 45 ,:, Elliott, Peter ...... HB 6' 186 19 Bloomington, Ill. 19 ,:, Fonde, Henry ...... HB 5'8" 162 22 Knoxville, Tenn. 87 ,:• Ford, Leonard ...... E 6'4" 207 20 Washington, D. C. 63 Freihofer, Walter ...... G 6' 180 21 Indianapolis, Ind. (Shortridge ) 61 Heneveld, Lloyd ...... G 6' 180 22 Holland 83 ''Hershberger, Donovan ...... E 6' l " 183 19 Freeport, II I. 75 ,:, Hilkene, Bruce ...... T 6'2" 193 22 Indianapolis, Ind. (Shortridge) 79 Honigsbaum, Frank ...... T 6'3" 198 19 Troy, N. Y. 53 Kampe, Kurt ...... G 5'9" 181 23 Detroit (Cooley) 59 Keeler, Walter ...... C 6' 190 21 Bay City 64 •:• Kraeger, George ...... G 6'1" 178 23 Indianapolis, Ind. (Shortridge) 15 Kuick, Donald ...... HB 6' 1" 173 17 Midland 66 Lintel, John ...... G 6' 1" 185 21 Detroit ( Holy Redeemer) AIR VIEW OF OHIO STADIUM AT CAPACITY' 81 Mann, Robert ...... E 5'1 O" 167 21 New Bern, N. C. 88 '-' Mador Elmer ...... E 5'10" 172 25 Detroit (Northeastern) 85 *McNeill, Edward ...... E 6'1 " 185 18 Toledo, Ohio (Libbey) 60 Phillips, Elmer ...... G 5'10" 185 20 Big Bend, W. Va. 72 * Pritula, William ...... T 5' 11" 189 24 Pittsburgh, Pa. (Chadsey) The Buckeye Battle Cry LETTERMEN AVAILABLE 80 ''Renner, Arthur (C) ...... E 6'2" 172 22 Sturgis 89 ,., Rifenburg, Richard ...... E 6' 3" 191 20 Saginaw (Arthur Hill) In old Ohio there's a team, FOR MICHIGAN GAME 46 *Robinson, Donald ...... QB 5'11" 168 24 Detroit (Cooley) That's known throughout the land; Nome Years Lettered Position 62 *Sickels, Quentin ...... G 6'2" 194 19 Benton Harbor Eleven warriors. brave and bold, Amling, Worren-1944, 1945 ...... Tackle 6' 187 20 Grand Rapids (Cath. Cent.) Brugge, Robert-1944 ...... Halfback 69 Soboleski, Joseph ...... G Whose fame will ever stand, Crone, Jomeson-1945 ...... End 65 '-', Dominick ...... G 5'8" 180 18 Flint (Northern) And when the ball goes over. Csuri, Chorles-1 941 , 1942 ...... Tackle Deon, Hol-1941, 1942 ...... Guard 44 Traugott, Alan ...... HB 5' 11 " 180 22 Indianapolis, Ind. (Shortridge) Our cheers will reach the sky. Dendiu, Troion- 1944 ...... End 25 '• Vernier, Robert ...... QB 5'11" 183 22 Toledo, Ohio Ohio Field will hear again DiPierro, Roy- 1944 ...... Guard Fazio, Chorles-1945 ...... Tackle 58 '-' Watts, Harold ...... C 5'1 O" 173 21 Birmingham The Buckeye Battle Cry. Hamilton, Forrest-1945 ...... Tackle 48 ~· Weisenburger, Jack ...... FB 6'1" 178 18 Muskegon Heights Jomes, Thomos-1942 ...... Halfback Jobbusch, Robert-1942 ...... Guard 16 *White, Paul ...... HB 6' 180 24 River Rouge Drive! Drive on down the field, Kroll, Gerold-1945 ...... Halfback 55 White, J. T ...... C 6'2" 189 26 River Rouge Men of the Scarlet and Gray; McGinnis, Robert-1944, 1945 ...... Guord 6'2" 193 23 Jamestown, N. Dok. Oliver, Glenn-1943 ...... Fullback 38 '~ Wiese, Robert ...... FB Don• t let them through that line, Palmer, Richord-1941, 1942 ...... Fullbock 68 ,., Wilkins, Stuart ...... G 5'1 O" 183 18 Canton, Ohio (Lincoln) We have to win this game today, Porks, Ernest-1943 ...... Halfback 6'3" 190 21 Toledo, Ohio (Woodward) Plank, Ernest-1943 ...... End 14 Wisniewski, Irvin ...... E Come on, Ohio! Smash through to Renner, Chorles-1944 ...... Center 33 Yedinak, Michael ...... FB 5'7" 182 22 Flint victory, Schneider, Wilbur-1942 ...... Guard Souders, Cecil-1942, 1943, 1944 ...... End 24 ''' Yerges, Howard ...... QB 5'1 O" 172 21 Pt. Pleasant, W . Va. We cheer you as we go; Schnittker, Mox-1945 ...... Tackle Stackhouse, Roy-1943 ...... Tackle *Lettermen Our honor defend Stungis, John-1943 ...... Quarterback So we'll fight to the end Teifke, Howord-1943 ...... Center Verdovo, Alex-1945 ...... Halfback For Ohio. Wible, Colvin- 1945 ...... Guard The Official Watch for Timing Today's Game is Longines-The World's Most Honored lflr,u·h [ 27 ] [ 26] OHIO STATE




GEORGE BUSENBERG GEORGE SPENCER Trainer Photos by House of Portratts Quarterback Photos by House of Portraits [ 28 ] [ 29 ] BETTER PREPARED THAN EVER TO SERVE YOU ."" W Ill• P. Zinn & L~o. I REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS 37 NORTH 3rd ST. MA. 3335 - LO. 105 Est. 1906 F. H. A. - G. I. - INS. CO. MORTGAGE LOANS SURETY BONDS PROPER,-Y MANAGEMENT COMPLETE INSU RANCE SERV IC E


Composite Football Stand­ MICHAEL YEDINAK EDWARD BAHLOW Halfback End E. ELFORD ings, Western Conference MICHIGAN 1936-1945 PLAYERS (Inclusive) & SON School Won Lost Ties Pct. OHIO STATE ·-·------· .o 16 2 .714 Minnesota ...... 35 18 7. .660 Michogor, ...... 34 18 2 .654 Purdue ...... -...... - L6 21 5 .553 Contractors Northwestern ...... 30 25 5 .545 lr,diono ...... 25 24 3 .510 Wisconsin ·-······-····· L() 33 3 .377 Illinois ----·----······· ... 18 34 2 .346 IOWO ------········· -----·· 13 38 4 .255 Chicago ---·· ············--- i 15 0 .063 CHAMPIONSHIPS Minnesota ...•.• ...... 4 (1937, 1938, 1940, 1941) OHIO STAT!: ...... 3 (1939 1942, ,944J Indiana ...... 1 ( 1945 l DON JOHN LINTOL Northwester,., ROBINSON ...... 1 ( l 9j6J Halfback Center Purdue-Michigan ti ~ .... ( 1 ) ( 194 3) COLUMBUS SECOND PLACES WILLIAM PRITULA O H I O Michigcn- three; two ties Ncrthwestern- -one Tackle OH 10 STATE --one; two ties lowo---one Wisconsin--one Minn~sota--one tie Purdue--one tie

OUR OWN Since 1912- BLEND THE CAMPUS 25c, $1.10, $2 "HANGOUT" The Perfect HEN NICKS Tobacco 1824 N. HIGH STREET JAMES BRIESKE Guard Center






ROBERT MANN .... - End


BRENTON KIRK RICHARD RIFENBURG Tackle End Photos by Howe of Portraits [ 32 J [ 33 ] ROBERT CALLAHAN Tackle







[ 34] [ 35] SPALDING SPOT-BILT SmitL & . Lee 120 E. Broad ATHLETIC EQUIPMENT Columbus

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Marcus H. Burnstine Realtor

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Ohio Columbus, BRUGGE HOWARD TEIFKE ROBERT Center Halfback

JAMESON CRANE Photos by House of Portra.Hs End [ 36] [ 37 ] For Your THE DEAN & BARRY CO. PARTY or DANCE Manufacturers of



North Branch 4341 N. High St. CHARCOAL JE. 2619 AND CARRY OUT CRUSHED ICE COLUMBUS' FINEST FUNERAL HOMES * Ambulance and Invalid Car Service MURRAY CITY FAST, SAFE, COURTEOUS STADIUM AMBULANCE COAL & ICE CO. SERVICE GLENN OLIVER 1334 EDGEHILL RCAn Fullback 24 HOURS UN. 1151 UN. 1152 ERNEST PLANK JAMES PALMER End End Photos by House of Portraits [ 38 ] [ 39] ROBERT KEPLER FLOYD STAHL BERN ARD MOON EY RICHARD LARK INS Golf Coach Baseboll Coach W restling Coach Athletic Di rector-Elect


DYE LARRY" SNYDER WILLIAM (TIPPY) HERMAN WIRTHWEIN MIKE PEPPE " Coach Cooch Basketball Coach Tennis Coach Swimming Track [ 40 J [ 41 ] SAFETY COURTESY SERVIC E Yea, Ohio GREEN CABS A Dams 4141 The • Wendt-Bristol CO • HILL CABS The Prescription Store of Columbus OHIO STATE MAin 13 13 SALUTES YOU Yeo Team! Yeo Team! Yeo Team! THE BUCKEYE BATTLE CRY Fight! Fight! Fight! Words and Music by • be pleased to serve you for Elastic Ohio, Roh; Ohio, Roh; Fronk Crumit We will Roh, Roh, Ohio. Belts, Knee Caps, Anklets and Trusses, 0--, Ohio; 0-, Ohio; In old Ohio there's a team, RADIO CABS Sick Room Supplies, Surgical Instruments Roh, Roh, Roh, Roh, Ohio. That's known throughout the land; and Microscopes. Eleven warriors, brave ond bold, A Dams 2222 • • Whose fame will ever stand, THE SKYROCKET And when the boll goes over, will reach the sky, STORES rising whistle­ Our cheers TWO A prolonged Field will hear again Ohio. Ohio • Boom--, Hurrah, The Buckeye Bottle Cry. 51 E. St~tc St. 72 1 N . High St. E e, Como-Lioh, Drive! Drive on down the field. AD. 6018 MA. 315 3 Gee e Wohl CABS Main Office Branch Office Ohio. NORTHWAY Men of the Scarlet and Gray; Yoh. Ee ee, Don't let them thru that line, Yoh. UNiversity 1191 We Deliver Eee e, We hove to win this game today, Fight !-Fight !-Fight !-FIGHT! Fight !- Come on, Ohio! Smash thru to victory, Ohio! Ohio! Ohio! We cheer you as we go; indefinitely) 0 0 0-HI-O (Repeat Our honor defend • • So we'll fight to the end For Ohio. THE DIVIDED OHIO • • - 0--0--0--0 CARMEN OHIO H-H-H-H Final Standing by Fred Cornell, ex-'06 Capacities Of Big 10 Stadia 1-1-1-1 Words (Hots off, standing) Western Conference School Capacity Yr. Built 0--0--0--0 Op.Pts OHIO 0, come, let's sing Ohio's praise Team w L T Pct Pts ...... 85,753 1927 O-Ohio, Ohio, And songs to Alma Mater roise; Ind iana 5 0 1 1.000 157 34 Ohio Stadium ...... 72,000 1922 The hills send bock the cry, While our hearts rebounding thrill Michigan 5 1 0 .833 106 36 Illinois Memorial ...... 69,000 1924 We're here to do or die With joy that death alone con still. OHIO STATE 5 2 0 .714 133 65 ...... For Ohio, Ohio. Summer's heat or winter's cold, Memorial (Minnesota) 63,100 1924 Purdue 3 3 0 .500 115 99 Dyche (Northwestern ) ...... 46,266 1926 We'll win the game or know the reason why! The seasons poss, the years will roll; 102 108 And when we've won the game 'tell you what we'll do. Time and change will truly show Northwestern 3 3 1 .500 Camp Randall (Wisconsin) 45,000 1917 . Wisconsin 2 3 1 .400 81 79 We'll yell for old Ohio How firm thy friendship--Ohio I Iowa Stadium ...... 44,484 1929 'Till we wobble in our shoes. · Illinois 1 4 1 .200 64 79 . ,000 1911 days of priceless worth Indiana Memorial ...... 35 (Repeat first 5 lines) These jolly Iowa 1 5 0 .167 54 228 Ross-Ade Purdue ) ...... 31,000 1924 By for the gladdest days on earth, 1 0 .167 68 149 e • Soon will poss and we not know Minnesota 5 OHIO DRAC How dearly we love Ohio. We should strive to keep thy name O HIO Of fair repute and spotless fame; O H IO So in college halls we'll grow 0--H-1-0 And love thee better-Ohio. O H IO Alumni Chorus A-H-H-H-H (prolonged) Tho' age may dim our mem'ry's store, 'Vift$10ttt rift$fOnt ( Everyone rise l We'll think of happy days of yore, BEAT MICHIGAN True to friend and frank to foe, As sturdy sons of 0-hi-o. Tires Radios • • If on seas of core we roll, FREAR -GIMRE ACROSS THE FIELD 'Neath blackened sky, o'er barren shoal, Words and Music by Thats of thee bid darkness go, Batteries 1550 Cleveland Ave., Elec. Appliances W . A. Dougherty, Jr., '17 Dear Alma Moter-0-hi-o. (All in on lost Ohio ) Fight that team across the field, Columbus, 0 . Show them Ohio's here. • • Spark Plugs Housewares Set the earth reverberating with a mighty cheer LOCOMOTIVE Hit them hard and see how they foll; S-s-s-s ( 3 times) Auto Supplies WA. 3060 UN. 0140 Never let that team get the boll. Roh, Roh, Roh, Roh; Toys Hail! Hail! the gong's all here, Ohio State, Ohio State. So let's beat that Michigan now. ( Repeat three times, very slowly, Oh, Ohio! Oh, Ohio! Wo-hoo! Wo-hoo! for Ohio. foster, very fast, all cheer at end.) [ 43 l

[ 42] r1 /


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