Monday, May 9, 1994

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Monday, May 9, 1994 VOLUME 133 NUMBER 066 1st SESSION 35th PARLIAMENT OFFICIAL REPORT (HANSARD) Monday, May 9, 1994 Speaker: The Honourable Gilbert Parent HOUSE OF COMMONS Monday, May 9, 1994 The House met at 11 a.m. The current debate on Bill C–22 conducted with competence and determination by the Official Opposition is instructive as its _______________ purpose is to demonstrate clearly that the lax federal regulations in effect concerning political party financing goes against our Prayers society’s fundamental interests. _______________ The traditional Oppositions of the 34 previous Parliaments were justifiably reluctant to point the finger at the friends of the government in office since the stronger the accusations the more GOVERNMENT ORDERS likely they were to turn against them. The Official Opposition of the 35th Parliament, of whom I am a member, has demonstrated [Translation] that the lack of legislation on democratic party financing can only create a vicious circle with a simple, obvious logic. PEARSON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT AGREEMENTS ACT This logic is as follows: no one has the right to bite the hand The House resumed from May 6 consideration of the motion that feeds him, the government least of all. The contributions that Bill C–22, an act respecting certain agreements concerning made by large corporations to the election funds of the tradition- the redevelopment and operation of terminals 1 and 2 at Lester al federal parties, far from being an open secret, are considered B. Pearson International Airport, be read the second time and as essential as bread and butter by this government. But there is referred to a committee; and of the amendment. so much butter that it threatens the most efficient liver. Other- wise, how can we explain Clause 10 of this bill, whose purpose Mrs. Madeleine Dalphond–Guiral (Laval Centre): Mr. is to compensate Limited Partnership if the Minister considers it Speaker, today is the sixth day of debate on this bill. More than appropriate to do so. 40 speeches on this subject have been made by members of the Official Opposition. No doubt our colleagues opposite think we Who in this House can justify a responsible government have talked long enough but as we are expressing ourselves with giving itself the right to offer reasonable financial compensation elegance, I am sure they are delighted. when, according to Robert Nixon, this whole contract was My career as a teacher has taught me one thing: even the nothing less than unreasonable. I urge you, Mr. Speaker, to clearest message is never understood by everyone, and we think decide for yourself as Mr. Nixon says this in his report: that if we repeat this message often enough, the Canadian people My review has left me with but one conclusion. To leave in place an will require this government to enforce, in the name of transpar- inadequate contract, arrived at with such a flawed process and under the shadow of possible political manipulation, is unacceptable. I recommend to you that the ency, a law on political party financing. contract be cancelled. The decision made by this House must reflect the concerns of Canadians and Quebecers regarding the transparency of politi- (1110) cal power. Supporting Bill C–22 is a vote for non–transparency. The Prime Minister, who calls himself a champion of transpar- Which the Prime Minister of Canada has done. The investiga- ency, would never forgive us. tor he chose was the former Ontario Treasurer in the David Peterson government and leading figure of the Liberal Party of Much has happened in Canada since October 25, 1993, Ontario. His analysis could only be fair. including the arrival of a group of members for whom the transparency of political power is an illusion without strict Let me ask the question again: Is it reasonable to provide legislative regulations regarding political party financing in reasonable compensation following the reasonable cancellation particular. The shock of our mass arrival in Parliament trauma- of an unreasonable contract? Any sensible citizen would tell you tized Canada but, like some pills that are hard to swallow, I think without hesitation: no. Why then would this government be this shock can only be beneficial. tempted to say yes? 4025 COMMONS DEBATES May 9, 1994 Government Orders I will venture two answers. First, you do not bite the hand that (1115) feeds you, when that hand is called Charles Bronfman, Léo Kolber, Herb Metcalfe, Ramsay Withers—I have five fingers. I can assure you, Mr. Speaker, that whenever Quebec will Second, you do not bite the hand that feeds others. What others? decide to stop towing the Canadian trailer, my country will Let me give you the list, Mr. Speaker. gladly continue to co–operate with its neighbour for the sake of contributing to build a fairer and more equitable world. Don Matthews, who presided over Brian Mulroney’s nomina- Mr. Lee Morrison (Swift Current—Maple Creek—Assini- tion campaign in 1983 and former president of the Conservative boia): Mr. Speaker, virtually everyone applauded the govern- Party; Bill Neville, Conservative lobbyist, former chief of staff ment when it cancelled the Pearson deal last December. With of Joe Clark and leader of Prime Minister Kim Campbell Bill C–22, the Liberals have watered down their position, so to transition team; Hugh Riopelle, another lobbyist with easy speak. They would like to hand the minister a blank cheque with access to Don Mazankowsky’s Cabinet, strong–man of the which to compensate the contracting parties, mainly, one would Mulroney Cabinet; Fred Doucet, yet another Conservative lob- assume, their Liberal friends. byist and former chief of staff of Brian Mulroney. [English] We have come full circle. The Pearson Airport affair is a The Minister of Transport has said that the government will dubious affair. Through its leader, the Official Opposition try to be reasonable and equitable with the would–be developers indicated it refused to proceed with the second reading of Bill while negotiating their out of pocket expenses. I submit that in C–22, the very principle of which is flawed because the bill the interests of being reasonable and equitable with the taxpay- contains no provision to ensure the transparency of the lobby- ers of Canada, not one red cent should be paid out. A group of ists’ work. This government has been harping about transparen- businessmen, all of legal age and presumably of sound mind, cy for too long. We urge it to finally take actions that are in line played a risky game of political chicken and they lost. That with its commitments. The Leader of the Official Opposition should be the end of the matter. said: ‘‘The Bloc will oppose Bill C–22 first and foremost because a royal commission of inquiry must be appointed to Let us not forget that prior to the execution of the agreement clarify this dark episode in which the ethical behaviour of the with the T1 T2 Limited Partnership on October 7, 1993 the then government and some related players was not up to par’’. Leader of the Opposition who is now the Prime Minister clearly warned the parties proceeding to conclude the privatization Since October 25, this government has made a number of transaction they would do so at their own risk and that a new decisions in keeping with its election promises. In Quebec, the government would not hesitate to pass legislation to block the helicopter contract was cancelled. But what compensation was deal. provided for the jobs lost, all those high–tech jobs so essential to Quebec? Are there prospects of industrial reconversion? No sign Going ahead under those circumstances was a dumb business of a program so far. It is true that Quebec workers are not the decision. We should have no sympathy and the minister should biggest contributors to the Liberal Party of Canada fund. keep a firm grip on our pocketbook. I find it fascinating that while the government stands ready to In Toronto, the airport contract is cancelled. In that case, we pay who knows how many millions of dollars to pacify its know who will be compensated. The people of Canada know, friends, the Ministry of Transport is declining to honour com- and so do the people of Quebec. There will be no jobs lost and mitments made by the previous government to upgrade small the friends of the Pearson Development Corporation will be airports. recompensed, I mean compensated! Last year the Hon. John Corbeil approved an expenditure of $230,000 to resurface a runway and improve lighting at the On the one hand, signed contracts are being cancelled, while Assiniboia, Saskatchewan airport under the local commercial on the other hand, incredibly enough, verbal ones are being kept. airport’s financial assistance program. I am referring, of course, to the Ginn Publishing affair. We demand that the government be consistent with itself. If it is The final agreement had not been executed when the govern- seeking transparency, then it must put before this House a bill on ment was defeated. On November 17, 1993 officials of Trans- the democratic financing of political parties. Quebec is a North port Canada attended a meeting in Assiniboia and presented the American leader in that regard. I would therefore urge the town council with an agreement for signature. The agreement government to follow Quebec’s lead. There is no shame in was signed and returned to Ottawa for execution and there the trailing behind Quebec in that area, for this is one of many areas matter rests. In February a functionary in the minister’s office where Quebec, perhaps owing to its inherent difference, sees informed the mayor by telephone that the agreement was on hold and does things differently.
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