Remarks Following Discussions with President Jacques Chirac of France and an Exchange with Reporters in Brussels February 21, 2005
Administration of George W. Bush, 2005 / Feb. 21 NOTE: An original was not available for verification of the content of this joint state- ment. Remarks Following Discussions With President Jacques Chirac of France and an Exchange With Reporters in Brussels February 21, 2005 President Bush. It’s my honor to be join- ghanistan. I’m thinking of the Balkans, of ing Jacques Chirac for dinner. I thank you course, but I’m thinking also of what we’re for coming, sir. I’ve really been looking for- doing in Haiti and in Africa. I’m thinking ward to this moment. also of our excellent cooperation over the Every time I meet with Jacques, he’s got tragedy in Asia; I’m talking about the tsu- good advice. And I’m looking forward to nami here. And let me take this oppor- listening to you. We’ve got a lot of issues tunity to thank the President for all the to talk about: Middle Eastern peace, Leb- help that was extended to our military by anon, Iran, helping to feed the hungry, and the American military, for instance, the working together to help spread medicines making available to our military of Amer- necessary to cure illness. ican helicopters, which made our work that So, Mr. President, thank you very much much easier. for your—coming by for dinner, and thank So we do share many, many ideals and you for your time. values. We have many things in common. President Chirac. Thank you. It’s, of For instance, we, together, are struggling course, a great pleasure.
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