THE TRIBUNE HERALD Page Eleve. .SZZdI oz qa.ivx .A4p1.1,4 HARDIN

seaman, C. H. Sins, Perry Heataa. N. C. Larson, H. H. Shield, S. J. vete 1_14ASSIFI 12] OLD TIMERS TELL "SA LEESH" Binder, George Fox, A. A. Alvord, Your Cross Word Puzzle A. M. Johnson, W 8. McCurdy, K. AD VERTISEM NTS (Continued From Feature Page). Wolfe, C. H. Stanclift and little Miss PIONEER STORIES 21 north of range 29 west, which also Virginia Stanclift, accompanied me FARM LANDO! iron SALE the south boundary of the to the spot. After some •••••••••.••••-•••••.•••••••••••••• HOW TO SOLVE THE CROSSWORD PUZZLE shows considerable to flit in de- FOR 8A LE AT A 8ACit IFICE--8,000- acre REUNION AT BILLINGS LOOSENS The way to solve the crossword pussie is the white squares of the dia- township as being latitude 47 time spent in looking over the land Improved cattle ranch lu Souura, Mexico, gram with the words which agree with the aceowpauying definitions. The definitions grees, 31 minutes north. (Another around about and going over des- with about 4VU head of blooded cattle, alb FLOOD OF REMINISCENCE are numbered to correspond with the millibars on the Magian/. "HORIZONTAL" will begin at its number, computation of the latitude gives the criptions, and after Messrs. McCurdy miles of good fence; plenty of water; cat- ON STATE HISTORY. Any word defined In the text under tle grass all year. Joins the R. it. station shown on the diagram, and will extend all the say ACROSS to the FIRST BLACK south line of the township as latitude and Fox had agreed that it was there and shipplug yards. A cattlemau's para- SPACE_to the RIGHT of that number. That is. the word must begin in the square 47 degrees, 31 minutes, 48 seconds), where before the land had been clear- as dise. Write for price and tertus. W. L. I. D. O'Donnell Says 's Real that contains its identifying number, and extend far as the white squares continue and this brings Thompson's latitude ea and leveled they had often noticed Cochrane. Box b21, Tuisiou, Ariz. st" uninterruptedly. Start Commenced With the Explor- word under "VERTICAL" will also begin lu the white space that con- into section 16, tying into the center the ruins of a house, it was the un- 640 stock or dairy Any defined -ACRE RANCH good for its number, but will extend DOWNWARD as far as the white spaces remain un- animous of business. E. 8." care Park County ations of Henri Hudson in 1607; tains of the "bay." decision all present that interruptedly. By this time, citizens generally of we were standing upon the precise News, Livingston, Montana. "Calamity Jane" Defended. Mt ACRES OF 0001.) alfalfa and sugar the town, who had happened to learn spot where in 1809 David Thomp- beet land; plenty of plums and straw- 3 r w the object of my visit had become in- son, dauntless, indomitable surveyor, berries; good water right; one nine from From Henry Hudson to Calamity terested. astronomer and explorer, with his Pocupey's pillar; worth $3,000; make we and Yellowstone Kelley, the a cash offer; wife died; must sell. XL H. Jane Mr. Fox felt positive that he could followers, constructed the first real Schmitt. Pompey. Pillar, Rout. early history of was go direct to the point where had house ever built in the territory now MONTANA SPECIALS-Farmers pay down glimpsed from many angles with side- stood the old ruins, and it was ar- Included within the borders of the 41.500 on 50-acre irrigated equipped lights on many pioneer events and ranged that he should go out the next great state of Montana. farm; $2,000 on 1100-acre irrigated equipped pioneer characters by speakers who fartu; $3,000 on 333-acre irrigated equipped morning. However, with the morn- I herewith desire to express to the farm. F. S. Platt, 10U 8. Arisona St., Butte. had themselves participated in the ing he had to beg off again as his good citizens of Thompson Falls my Montana. stirring territorial days from 1860 /0 1/ r12- time was not his own and his duties sincere apreciation of the great inter- SEVERAL 12•11110VE1) FARMS for sale- to 1890 at the annual banquet and would not permit his being away long est displayed on behalf of my errand Pearson, Camden. Wash. Write Chas. reunion of the Pioneers of Eastern enough to be of any avail, even and the hearty assistance rendered CUT-OVER AND DEVELOPED LANDS- Montana, held at the Commercial 15 to 25 wiles N. E. Spokane; on paved though the distance from town was me by them. The enthusiasm created itighways; eztra good soil; spring brooks; club cafe Saturday evening. less than two miles. Noting that the is such that already plans are being grows grain. vegetables, bay. Delfts; several A stirring defense of the character following day would be Sunday, he formulated by which eventually the developed ranches; few stock ranches with "Saleesh adjoining free range; $6 to $20 per acre; of Calamity Jane by Dr. W. A. Allen, said that if I would wait until then, spot where he builded 10 years time; 6 per cent lutelest; free a chronicle of early Wyoming and he would be glad to go out for the House" will be graced with a suitable lumber. Write owners for free'book. Ed- Montana stage coach driving by entire day if necessary. It was up to monument in commemoration of the Co., Elk., Wash, wards & Bradford Lumber George (Starkey) Tweepies, who was me to wait. I concluded to put in explorations of David Thompson. MONTANA SPECIALS - 640 ACRES equipped; water, buildings, etc.; $6 acre; born in Jim Bridger's house in Wyo- the day looking over the ground my- 820 acres with fence, timber, house. water. ming 71 years ago, an account of his relf. 40.30. EVA Hotel, Butte, Montana. first brewery venture by Phil Grein /7 Securing' a shovel I went out and THE SPOKANE COUNTRI OF WRSII- and the story of the Lavine stage .ry began a search on my own account. INGTON-Where the climate la Line and NEUMON IA ladustilous men can make good. Send for coach holdup, told by Judge James On the previous day we had been Bitola! Bargain List of Dairy, Stock and R. Goss, were part of the evening of pretty well, over thi ground-and- had Always call a physician• Diversified Farms. Prices never lower or reminiscences which started with a 19 2-1 not located any rocks which might Until his arrival 'nee easier terms. Becher & Thompson. 214 Hutton Bldg., Spokane, Washington rapid-fire review of Montana epochs ever have been any part of a chim- "emergency" treatment by I. D. O'Donnell. ney, the only hope for identifying the with Vicks. This does not PURE SEISD FOR SALE Dr. Frank Bell entertained the pio- ly • location of "Saleesh House." While 2-3 slowly following an old logging road • Interfere with anything bu.; Turkeys, Poultry, neers with a humorous history of SEED CORN, $3.50 which the bank of the river be may prescribe. Eggs, Baby Poultry, Wolf Hound«, Po- Montana and with a moderized ver- skirts lice dogs. Would buy car ewes. Write sion of the adventures of Sacajawea. some 25 feet higher than the water, Euvilla Farms, Cogswell, No. flak. the highest point in the road which Elected President at SEED CORE- N. W. DCA; Yellow Dent; Frith skirts the bank of the land, my eyes Dent, Bur- (Abu Flint; Rustler White Henry A. Frith, for many years were attracted to three or--four small liegh County Mixed. Sample on request. WKS and Price 44.00 per bushel shelled. Sack 25e. secretary-treasurer of the society stones partly buried in the soil, which Dak. came to Montana with VAPORUI1 J. IL. Chesak, Bismarck, No. a pioneer who Adams. appeared somewhat darker in color Copyright 1925, George Matthew Jane Used FOR SALE-Choice Idaho State Tested Al- the regurar army in 1877 and saw than any others I had noticed. The Over IF Whoa no. falfa Seed. For samples and prices LAST PUZZLE service in the Indian wars, was hon- HORIZONTAL SOLUTION OF WEEK'S shovel was pushed into the soil and write F. B. Fashbaogh, Box 424, Jerome, the presidency, succeeding Idaho. ored with 1-Calm. 16--An ex-president. came up full of distinctly fire-black- Mrs. Clara E. O'Brien, of Forsyth, 6-Aeriform 17-Puzzling question El" ened rocks. Then shovelful after elastic fluid. 19-Within. . the first woman president of the or- This was NURSERY STOCK 7-Immediately. 21-Armed conflict shovelful with like results. ganization. Mrs. O'Brien was toast- the BERRY PLANTS at reasonable prices. 9-Railway (ab). 22-Exist. P at 11 o'clock a. m. I found that the evening. W. P. Rix- trick. Blackberries, raspberries, loganberries, master of 10-Greek goddess. 22-A burnt soil and rocks extended down Winter Term gooseberrlea, currants, rhu- was re-elected secretary-treasur- 12-Wednendoy tab). 215-Over (poet). 0 strawberries, on to a depth of from six to eight inches, b••••-•- list. 13-Not Poetic. 26-Agony. -13131110101 AT.-ows-• barb and. asparagus. Write for price er and C. 0. Marcyes of Forsyth, was beneath which all was white sand. Rosecrofe Nurseries, Sumner, Wash. 15-Indigent. 1 chosen historian. Vice presidents A uuuuIu Almost from the first shovelful I BILLINGS representing the different sections of VERTICAL „ „, „. felt that good luck had led me to the POULTIII FOR SALE 0 IFY•••••••••••••••••••••-••••-v-,...... ,,A••••..., will be chosen later eastern Montana 1-Recompense. ed head. z , ,111161 right spot. It is rather probable FOR SALE-Having raised Pure Bred Bur- 1 by the executive board. 2-So. 11-An ether. 0 that I became quite elated. I remem- POLYTECHNIC red Plymouth hocks tor 28 years, have !neer- 13-leulosive noise. 0 C. W. Baird, The historian, after giving numer- 3-Denoting " IRE A once and thinking that some lovely cockerels. Mrs. Hon. 14-Organ of hearing ber stopping Lewistown, Mont. Phone 1-1-2 ical data 'of the organization, report- INSTITUTE Box 1432, 4-A nook. 18-Mineral. A A , "Edgar" and "Fairweather" must or write. ed that during the last year three 5-To daunt. 20-Adverb. Dfl have been the victims of somewhat si- STUDENTS MAY EN TIE ANY diasCONAS-Best flock iu northwest, hatch- members had died - Ed Camp, 6-Forcible. 22-Honey gathering TIME Jur- milar emotions when they discovered ing eggs, setting. S2.50, $3.50. Jeau Charles Stocker and Walker Brown- 8-Atmospheric Con- insect. av Offers Courses la gold in their pan at Alder Gulch. dau, 2001 Aberdeen, Butte. 24-Depart. Bookkeeping legborns, ing. The pioneers stood for a min- 10-Shaft with point- 25-Either. Anyway, my enthusiasm was suffici- LiAltLCUA n Lt.LiniL %DAIL A cu Shorthand the big, lopped-comb type; weight 4 1-2 ute in honor of those who had cross- ent me digging and sifting to keep Typewriting -Dr 7 ibis., dreerodsoxe et Keys/tour -etaihr-ed lint Great-Dtride. ,rocka from until 3 o'clock due eggs; eggs prepaid, the_holl Bnalnesa official record, Tells Early History brief account of his early life.-He p. m., when I had a pile of crin-MCIiiik Law 42.0U; 50, ati.00; lute $10. Fayette Davis, O'Donnell brated steamer Josephine and some Rosiness Aritanetic Idaho. was born in Wyoming at Jim Bridg- stones and another of earth, each so l'artua, The really be- of the yarns about it were mention- Business English s CHIX from high er's house, his grandmother being a by fire that the most skep- 0. A. C. & HOLLYWOOD gins with the explorations of Henry ed. blackened Penmanship and Spelling producing hews, cockerels; record 2.:80 of the famous scout. He Hudson in 1607, which led to the The speaker then enumerated the relation tical must be convinced of there hav- Public eggs or better, 14c and up; 10 per cent stage horses for the Holiday Speaking down, balance when delivered; booklet on development of the fur trade. I. D. famous scouts of pioneer days from herded ing been at one time the principal Radio Engineering Farm, lieuue- Overland stage lines when 11 and in of some- request. Twin City Poultry O'Donnell said in his talk on Mon- the nationally known Cody, Bridger factors the formation Auto Electricity wick, Washington. drove stage for Gilman and tana history. He told of Verendrye's and Bozeman to the equally heroic later body's fire-place. I dug about over Tractor Operation 8. C. WHITE. Lb:Gill/RN cockerels, $1.uu He is known among old- exploration in 1739; of MacKenzie, but less known characters such as Salsbury. considerable more space than that Grade School Subjects in lots of five or wore. P. F. Little, timers as the only man who ever by firestones, in the hope N. D. who in 1792, was the first man to "Muggins" Taylor, who bore the tid- covered the Ifuair-Vocal, Piano, Violin, Hatikiuson, the famous Belgrade bull, soon an old your order now for reach the Pacific through Montana; ings of Custer's fight, Charles Rey- rode that there might be disclosed Orchestra, Glee Club BABY CHICKS-Book in 1863. spring delivery. Low prices on all popu- of the Lewis and Clark expedition, nolds, Custer's favorite scout, and after he came to Montana hatchet or knife blade or some other All conres °pea to timer over fifties who do the lar breeds. Seudk for price list. Lager s of the world's greatest historic Billy Hamilton, greatest of In- article which might possibly have years of age can work. Hatchery, lieleua, Mont. one Uncle A faculty of seventeen teachers. fort near the author of DAIRYMEN START ANEW survived the ravages of time and the Modern -heated, White Leghorus. 12 trips; of Manuel Lisa's dian sign readers and Steam Electric-light- LTA.HY CUIX-8. C. meeting of the elements, but in this I was disap- ed dormitories. years breeding for heavy layers of large mouth of the Big Horn. "Sixty Years on the Plains." A reorganization alive. Testers' as- pointed. -However, this could be good place to spend your winter white eggs. 100 per cent guaranteed The speaker noted briefly the ex- The need of compiling records of Yellowstone County Cow profitably. 416.00 per 100 for March delivery. Alien's plorations of Bonneville and Fre- the early days was impressed upon sociation was held recently in Bil- scarcely otherwise, as it is a certainty Hatchery, Big Timber, Mont. mont, the coming of Father De Smet the pioneers and each was asked to lings. The organization has just that those early day explorers carried Board, Roots and Tellies. Net to WHITE CELIHOILN CHICKS-414 per 100; them they would be likely Exceed $40.00 Per Month. With Zee chicks and Ravalli as Catholic missionaries assist the historian in gathering old completed its first year's work with with little $1311 per 1,000; May and June behind escape duced Rates When Peel la Advisees si4120.00 per Loot); guaranteed strong vig- among the Indians, the first boat to records and, writing accounts of early encouraging success. The associa- to leave which would for Three Months. orous chicks from our healthy range raised Fort Benton, the epic of the gold day events. A historical account of tion has nearly filled its quota, hav- the eagle eyes of the Indians who fre- trapeested breeders. Good dates still open. gulches, the Stuart expedition and Calamity Jane and a compilation of ing a sufficient number of herds for quented the vicinity undoubtedly Writs at once for complete Order at once. Pullets for sale. day. Information CLOVERDALE POULTRY' FARM then the famous Indian campaigns pioneer days from the papers of a 25 days' work a mofith for the tester. from day to Oregon. J. C. Eis- Corvallis, with the stirring episodes of the number of local people was urged. The tester works with each herd Sunday morning Messrs. BILLINGS POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE BABY CHICKS--All breeds; pricelist free. Custer fight, the retreat of Chief once a month for a length of time Rust, Fargo, N. D. Stage Coach Robbery Polyseekale, Mostana Clayton Joseph, the Fort Fetterman mas- Recall depending on the size of the herd BARRED BUFF AND WHITE ROCKS, wagon-box fight. pioneers an Paul Ronan, who was tester for the Reds, Buff Orplugtous, White Leghorna, sacre and the Judge Goss gave the GREAT FALLS DYE HOUSE White Wyandotte*. Chicks $15 per 10u Coulson as River Port interesting account of the stage rob- association last year, has resigned to postpaid, live delivery gearauteed. Hatch bery at Holdup curve north of Bil- engage in farming, but there are sev- Practical Dyers and Cleaners Nottorf Baby The speaker said that the history twice. week. Order told of the hearing before eral applicants for the position. 16 STEELE BUM GREAT FALLS, MONT Chick Co.. Lewistowu, Montana of navigation on the Missouri and lings. He Commissioner Camp- BABY CkliX-L2 breeds, Circular. Ceutral Yellowstone was another romantic United States Norfolk, Ne- a woman who had been Poultry Farms Hatchery, detail of Montana. He spoke of the bell at which Through negotiations conducted by braska. in the stage claimed that she could Indiana industrial board, it is OTEL RAINBOW Coulson line which at one time had the AO. U. W. accused man as the eight boats in commission and of the recognize the proposed to tranasfer thousands of GREAT Batas d1-50 PP TURKEYS when robber by his eyes, although he wore idle coal miners of southwestern In- H PALLS Fireproof FULL famous trip of the Far West LEGAL RESERVE VAST CATCHING and sure killing coyote Capt. Grant March took 61 men a mask. diana to the steel mills of South Chi- MONTANA'S DISTINCTIVE HOSTELRY and wolf hounds, trained and untrained. reference to • Calamity Jane STANDARD hens, KW. wounded in the Little Big Horn bat- A cago for permanent employment. Mammoth Bronze tows, 48.00; Allen to his feet parauteed. Carl Burkbolder, Galata, Mont Bismarck, a distance of 1,0_0 brought Dr. W. A. -0 PROVISION S tle to .• • hours. The locally cele- a dierense of the-Celebrated- The Timber resources of California LI,EaTtsufa miles in 64 incident LOW COST man scout. He told of on are valued it $760,000,000. Park-Hotel SERED GUEliWbuli, direct de- in Bismarck in 1877 when she nursed scendent Skeezicks 41,000 bull and first to cow. George a sick lad, gave him $50 or $60 GREAT- Furs prise Nutiouni Dairy Show BYRON YATES again and then years McCormick, Leonia, Idaho. , get him started Rates 111.4t, State Manager - Prevention he offered to repay her eu.slAtHOLIS ABoitflUN after when Per Day and Ti Box 967 Great Falls and cure positively guaranteed. Write for DYE" IT I she had replied, "to Hell with the Ne- "DIAMOND Strictly Modern folder. Suunsside taring, Bucktaiii, I don't want any pay." He braska. money. also told of a ride made by Calamity POO LTSI W ANTED A BEAUTIFUL COLOR Jane when eight men were surround- wild WE ARE IN THE MARKET every day for ed by Indians. "She lived in a live chickens, turkeys, ducks and geese Perfect home time and her worst side was quick- Highest market prices paid according to est seen but she had a heart of gold," quality on day of arrival. Montana Meat dyeing and tinting and Comtriasicti Co., Butte, Mont. is guaranteed with the speaker finished. "EAT MORE WHEAT" Diamond D y e s. The True Pioneers 4 FURS REPAIRED. RE-LINED Just dip in cold ItEPAIRE1/, ite lined, cleaued and water to tint soft, Charles Speer recounted the pio- made over. Satisfaction guaranteed. neering of his grandfather and fath- 'teener@ Fur House, Butte, Montana. delicate shades, or boil to dye rich, er from Connecticut to Montana and KODAK FINISHING permanent colors. made the point that the earlier gen- present 1LMS GEV Each 15-cent pack- erations, even more than the Picture King. Nib Howard, Spokane, Ege contains di- claimants to the title were the true Washington. rections so simple pioneers of a dozen frontiers. any woman can Mrs. Sarah. Thompson, who came AsiSAYIhtlitS, CIIIERISTS. ETC. the USE dye or tint lingerie, silks, ribbons, to this section in 1878. spoke of It IS & WALKessajers, c eudeta antelope Dits-447-Yessetnisre, -Boner ilaat., Beal- 114 sk ietsr- waists, resses, a:4ts, stock - early days. when buffaloes, fresh in gs. sweaters, draperies, coverings, and elk were very thick and shooting. 'POE SALE-. I CELI.ANEOLjS everything new. meat could be had for the hangings, asaist- BEST Skunk Te:WVt: i7-7. FT, uThi Puy "Diamond Dyes"-no other How through the financial started the Ingenious; Ito stink • drowns;' caught kind-and tell your druggist wheth- ance of Marcus Daly, he - 15 in one barn' directions; clubs of ten, in 1884 er the material you wish to color is first brewery at Anaconda one address, $i.00. Address, 910 Second was Phil Grein. Grein Street, Newberg, Oregon. wool or silk, or whether it is linen, related by with partners ,all with limited 1•011. SALE - Avery 12-25 in first class cotton, or mixed goods. three Are You Weak and Nervous? shape. $/eitt; new "Little Jap" corn culti- capital, bought some lots, chopped vator, also cheek row corn planter. May be logs, secured lumber but were Oak- No Appetite? Cough? seen Ott ranch 18. miles north of Shelby. REX. ing slow progress until Marcus Daly, Ilortou II. 0. Abell, Kalispell Mont. Terms. who had been watching the work, ad- This Woman Tells Her Experience USED INCUBAIIkliii good as new for sale. at reasonable. Emil Petersou, lugomar, vised them to go to Mr. Thornton Tacoma, W a h.-"tr. tTe;17•ThePores "It Pierce' . Montana. the bank to secure financial aid. Favorite Prescription and Golden FEW-ThCE PRUNES LEFT-48.00 _per - Of Impurities With had never occurred to us that a bank Medical Discovery recom- hundred pounds. 0. W. Beau, Salem, Ore. were would loan as well as receive money," mended to me when I was in a Mr. Grein said. Later they sold the WOOL c•COURING AND CARDING weakened condition. I was suffer- Cuticura Soap brewery. After a few years, Mr. ing from feminine weaknesses ancb lit IN 0' AN 11 CARDING sold everywhere 4 he wanted to start Your own soot made into Batts, Comfort- Soap, Ointment, Talcum Greta WI again bad a had cough. I got so weak FLOUR ers, Tails or Alattressee Old used wool a brewery and was told that Billings and ill that I could not do my work. bedding re-earded. Wool Blankets. Battik offered "a good field for a brewery" I lost flesh and had no desire for and Comforters for sale. Write for eats- USED CARS FOR SALE 'ogee, infsrmation and is/tipping tags. and he went there and built again food. The 'Favorite Prescription' Crescent Mitt & Bedding Co., Stayton, ARGAINS IN •) CARS on the alkali flat across front the and the 'Golden Medical Disco-very' Or”iron. Packard twin ,ellt touring; Cadillac eight acted upon my sec touring; Jensen -Johnson Motor Co.. depot. entire system in such Groat Falls, Montana. a way that I began to mend and REX IS KING ROOM WANTED Mlles City Man Attends was soon on my feet again. KEr at nit wei IFFIMKTITCHING .1". S. frruscott of Miles City told of "I never thought there was a for fresh eggs. Let no refer you to others, and who take advantage of our quick and fair i ciiiNo•-nuetoevkr some early Miles City history medicine in the world that could, methml of settlement. Mellor covered; button holes. Mall orders given said that Calamity Jane. "Liver Eat- make such a I was Produee Co., Shop, sick woman as 604 Utah Avenue. Butte, Mentelt. special attention. The Hemstitching ing" Johnson and famous char- strong and again. I think Fifth St. and Central Ave., Great Falls, other healthy Montana. acters were know there before at It only right everyone should know ,rtnetr ansin Doom Billings. C. 0. Marcyes, thc. society what the 'Prescription' and 'Dis- .4691AAL,92,41, PERSONA'. historian told of some of his plans covery' have done for me."-Mrs. tt3.00 up; petJlgrel. I upp es for op net irti- -bad 4o ,L7.ast G "ECIZZAD TI MUM delivery It tiessianie, $25 (PO up; Stag WARN --Thousand, wealt y iii tirwrnwa-tiPthawarie- he gray satisfactor‘ and Eurasian cross. 115.00 each.; pair $25.00. everywhere; quickest, moat in Forsyth in securing pictures and Tablets or AND 0111112111M -111PeelP.- B. M. Pierce. Gage. Mont. •eanitei; write be convinced. Contlilentlai Send 10c to Dr. Pierce's Invilads' interesting lint FREE. Mrs. Budd, BOX accounts of early'pioneers. M. X. A.- . 7511-M, Ran Francisco, Calif. George Tweepies of Bridger gave a Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., for trial. pkg.