[NORTHUMBERLAND.] South Division of Tinrlale Ward, South Division of the County the Acreage Is 1,623
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DIRECTORY. 81 [NORTHUMBERLAND.] south division of Tinrlale ward, south division of the county the acreage is 1,623. It is situated on the road from Hex and union of Hexham. It is situated east of the North ham to Alnwick, and close to the Roman Wall, from which Tyne river and on the Hexham road, north of Acond. The it derives its name. The church of St. Oswald is an ancient population, in 1851, was 50. Here is a lead mine aud a stone structure, having nave, chancel, and 1 bell. The colliery. Sir Edward Blackett, Bart., is the sole landowner. living is a perpetual cUl'acy, attached to the parish church PORTGATE isa township in the parish of St. John Lee, 5 of St. John Lee. Here are large stone quarries. Thomas miles north-east from Hexham railway station, 3 north Butler and John Clayton, Esqrs., are chief landowners. from Corbridge, 17 west fi'om Newcastle-on-Tyne, and 40 Wentworth Blackett Beaumont, Esq., M.P., is lord of the east from Carlisle. This place derives its name from a gate- manor. way in the great Roman wall which existed here. The BINGFIELD is a townE'hip, hamlet and chapelry, in St. population, in 1851, was 32; and the acreage is 690. There John Lee parish, distant 6 miles llorth-north-east from the are coalpits here. Rowland El'rington, Esq., is lord of the parish church, n in the same direction from Hexham, the manor and sole landowner. nearest money order office, and 6 north-north-westfrom Cor- SAXDHOE is a township and village in the parish of St. bridge railway station. The chapel of ease here is dedicated John Lee, 2~ miles north-east from Hexham, 17~ west from to St. Mary, and with that of St. Oswald's belongs to the Newcastle-on-Tyne, and 2 north-west from Corbridge rail- living of St. John Lee. There is a day school, at Erring way station. It is situated on the north side of the river Bridge, in this township, endowed with £10 per. annum paid Tyne. Here are some fine mansions. The population, in out of the estate of William H. Clarke, Esq., for the gratui 18-51, was 280; and the acreage is 1,648. Rowland Erring- tous education of 10 poor children. The chieflandowners are ton and William Cuthbert, Esqrs., are chief landowners. R. Capper, William H. Clarke, and PeterAnnandale, Esqrs., Beaufront House, the seat of William Cuthbert, Esq., is an the lattergentleman usually rp-siding athis seat here, Bingfield elegant stone structure, standing on an acclivity, and sur- House, a neat residence, during the shooting season. The rounded by beautiful and extensive woodlands and plea- population, in 1851, was 125, and the area is 2,082 acres. sure grounds, overlooking the river Tyne. Sandhoe House, 'fhe soil is clayey and loamy. The chiefcrops are oats, and the seat of Rowland Errington, Esq., stands on an eleva- barley. tion on the north bank of the Tyne. It is a beautiful stone HALLIXGTON, a township and hamlet in St. John Lee building, surrounded by pleasure grounds and beautiful parish, is distant 10 miles north-east from Hexham, its post walks; within the mansion is a neat private theatre. ~tag- town, 7 north-west .from Stamfordham, 9 north from Cor shawe House is the seat of John Dryden, Esq. bridge railway station, and about 6 from the railway station WALL is a township, village, and chapelry in the parish at Chollerford. The principal landowners are Rowland of St. John Lee, distant 4 miles north-west from Hexham Errington and J. Atkinson, Esqrs. The population, in 1851, railway station, 22 miles west from Newcastle-on-Tyne, and was 106. The soil and subsoil are mostly composed of 3ieast from Carlisle. The population, in 1851, was 474; and clay. 'West Acomb. Errington George, blacksmith Little J olm, shopkeeper & carrier PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Ferguson Matthew, tailor Marshall & Stobart, colliery proprietors, Allgood Mrs. the Hermitage Gray John, master of Parochial school Garden house colliery Dodd Henry, esq. the Riding Hall William, butcher Ridley George, Queen's Arms inn Leeke Miss, St. John Lee Hedley J olm, joiner & cabinet maker Ridley Richard, jun. farmer Mewburn Simon, esq Hemsley Isabella (l\1iss), farmer, the Ridley Thomas, farmer Ridley Mr. Richard Riding Robson John, corn miller Rigge Rev. William P. B.A. [curate of Hemsley Jane (Miss), shopkeeper Robson Robert, joiner, cabinet maker& St. John Lee], the Riding Hemsl.ey William, relieving otiicer & post office COMMERCIAL. registrar of births & deaths for the Rutherford Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeepr Allsopp Edward, beer retailer Chollerton district, the Riding Rutherford George, beer retailer Armstrong'Dorothy, shopkeeper Henderson George, agent to Walton & Rutherford John, shoemaker -Bell Robert, farmer, New rift Cowper, Fallowfield lead mineil Smith Edward, shoemaker Burn J oseph, farmer, :Fern hill Holmes George, butcher Walton & Cowper, Fallowfield lead Carr Thomas, farmer Hutchinsoll 1'hos. shopkeeper & carrier mines (George Henderson, agent) Dale Mary (Miss), day school Hutchinson Wm. shopkeeper & tailor Ward J\Iatthew, farmer, Salmon's well Dolman James, farmer, High barns Jewett Heads, farmer Watgon John, farmer, Broom park Dunn James, shoemaker Leonard William, cartwright Weddle John, farmer, Halfway house POST OFFICE.-Robert Robson, sub-postmaster. Letters I 10 min. to 3 p.m. The nearest money order office is at from Hexham arrive at 20 min. to 9 a.m.; depart at I Hexham . CARRIERS TO NEWCASTLE-Thomas Hutchinson, wednesday; John Little, saturday Anick. Thornton 'J'hos.& Geo. farmers, Bew clay Green Richard, farmer,AnickOak wood . PRIVATE RESIDENTS. WilkinsonJoseph,farmer,West Cocklaw Hall William, farmer, Hollin hall Bates Mr. George Wilkinson Thos. farmer, East Cocklaw Herdman Elizabeth (Mrs.), farmer, Elstab Mrs. Hexham bridg'e end Errington. Fawcett hill Forster Mrs. the Cottage COMMERCIAL. Leadbitter William, farmr. Mnt.Pleasnt Smith'Villiam, esq Armstrong Alexander, farmer Rowell Robert, farmer, Black hill Stephenson Mrs. the Cottage Graham -, farmer, Groatington Snowball John, Errington Arm.~ -inn, COMMERCIAL. Leadbeater John, farmer, Hill head & joiner, Stagshawe bank BellWilson,blacksmith,Hexhm.bdg.end J\Iarshall William, Three Horseshoes, Tweddle Elijah, farmer, Stagshawe bnk Carr Andrew, master of National school & blacksmith Wilson Robert, shoemaker Cowl Mr. farmer, Bankfoot Ridley Matthew & Thomas, farmers, 'Wall• • Crawford John & Thomas, farmers, Keepwick COMMERCIAL. Beaufront wood head Robson John, farmer, St. Oswald's hill Armstrong James, farmer, Codlaw hill Forster Joseph, farmer WilkinsonEllen, farmer, Erring-ton hill Ayson Mary (Miss), shopkee}Jer Forster Thomas, stonemason E'allowtield. Bell J ames, shoemaker Pringle William, farmer Benson Robert & ~Iark, farmers Benson 'Villiam, Bay H01'se inn Wilson ~Iatthew, cooper & beer retailer Letters throug'h Hexham, which is Burn J oseph, jun. carrier, Greenfield Letters through Hexham, which is the nearest money order office Charlton Hobert, nnrsery &. seedsman the nearest money order office Portgate. Davison John, farmer, Codlaw dean Brunton. COMMERCIAL. Elliot Robert, day school Lee Re\'. Charles, l\LA. [perpetual cu- Hall John, colliery proprietor Errington Robert, shopkeeper rate of St. John Lee], High Brun- Todd Charlton, farmer, Portgate house Fisher Robert, land agent ton wall Letters through Hexham, which is Fletcher John, shoplreeper COMMERCIAL. also the nearest money order office Hall James, shoemaker Lavat William, station master, Choller- Sandhoe. Herdman Catherine (Miss), day school ton bridge, Low Brunton PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Herdman J umes, shopkeeper Shanks Ralph,farmer,Low Bruntonwall Bell Major Robert Herdman William, cartwright Anick Grange. Cuthbert 'Villiam,esq.J.p. Beaufrontho Heslop George, shoemaker Dodds Thomas, farmer Dryden John, esq. Stagshawe Close ho HetheringtonJohn, farmr.'rest Dunkrk Letters throug'h Hexham, which is Errington Rowland, esq.J.p.Sandhoe ho Hill Edward, butcher the nearest money order o~e COMMERCIAL. Hutchinson Joseph, shopkeeper Cocklaw. BullmanJacob, farmer, AnickOak wood Jameson Robert, farmer, \Vall fell COMMERCIAL. ElringtonRobert,farmr.BeaufortRed ho Johnson Anthony &0 \Villiam, farmers, Saint(Jsph.)&Pearson(John),fullng.mls Forster John Potts, shopkeeper Plain trees 6.