EMPIRE, 1660-1770 by Christine Millen Walker a Dissertation In

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EMPIRE, 1660-1770 by Christine Millen Walker a Dissertation In TO BE MY OWN MISTRESS: WOMEN IN JAMAICA, ATLANTIC SLAVERY, AND THE CREATION OF BRITAIN’S AMERICAN EMPIRE, 1660-1770 by Christine Millen Walker A dissertation in progress towards fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (History) in The University of Michigan 2014 Doctoral Committee: Professor David J. Hancock, Chair Professor Trevor Burnard Professor Dena Goodman Professor Susan Juster Professor Mary Kelley Associate Professor Susan Scott Parrish © Christine Millen Walker 2014 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This dissertation is the product of my own Atlantic journey from Michigan to the United Kingdom and Jamaica. It was enriched along the way by the intellectual and financial generosity of numerous scholars, archivists, and institutions. The University of Michigan funded both my initial venture to Jamaica and a full year of essential research in the United Kingdom with an award from the International Institute and a Rackham Humanities Candidacy Fellowship. A Fulbright Grant made it possible for me to spend a year investigating colonial materials in Jamaica’s archives. The Henry Huntington Library provided a short-term fellowship to explore its rich holdings. Another generous fellowship from the University of Michigan, as well as a Mellon/ACLS Dissertation Completion Fellowship from the American Council of Learned Societies, allowed me to focus solely on writing. Archivists and librarians on both sides of the Atlantic patiently guided me through a wealth of sources. I am especially grateful for the help I received at the East Sussex Record Office, the Bristol Record Office, the National Archives of Scotland, the Jamaica Archives, the Island Record Office, and the National Library of Jamaica. I am most indebted to the History Department at the University of Michigan. Together, the faculty, graduate students, and staff created a vibrant and respectful academic environment that profoundly shaped me as a scholar. My dissertation committee manifested the Department’s commitment to excellence. David Hancock has far surpassed the duties of a Chair. He shrewdly urged me to visit archives off the beaten path and encouraged my focus on a colony that has ii traditionally been peripheral to the history of early America. A superb editor, David regularly devoted his nights and weekends to my chapters, thoroughly examining them from every angle and grappling with my unconventional usage of punctuation. He has continually challenged me to be a better scholar. More importantly, he has patiently and doggedly taught me to challenge myself, rather than resting on my laurels. Over the years, Susan Juster has been the perfect intellectual critic. Her thought-provoking questions, her uncanny ability to sum up the strengths and weaknesses of an argument, and her concise suggestions have significantly improved my scholarship. I can only hope to emulate Mary Kelley’s graciousness and generosity in the years to come. She has keenly and carefully molded my thinking about women, gender, and history to make me a more elegant writer. Dena Goodman has invested endless hours in discussing my work, and her intellectual capaciousness has helped me to formulate the fundamental arguments of my dissertation. Trevor Burnard has generously shared his unparalleled knowledge of colonial Jamaica, helping me to develop the historical narrative for my work. Living on the other side of the globe did not stop him from making invaluable contributions to dissertation meetings, even if it meant waking up at 3:00 a.m. Scotti Parrish carefully read the entire manuscript and offered insightful comments on how to address key issues. During my years in Ann Arbor, the diversely talented graduate students at the University of Michigan offered support and camaraderie. Daniel Livesay, Suzi Linsley, and Jennifer Palmer welcomed me into the Atlantic Studies Workshop. Emma Amador, Kara French, Rebecca Grapevine, and Cookie Woolner advanced my thinking about women, gender, and sexuality. Benjamin Hicklin and Edgardo Pérez Morales enthusiastically participated in discussions of Atlantic history. While I was in London, the British History in the Long Eighteenth Century seminar at the Institute of Historical Research provided an engaging scholarly base. In Jamaica, iii the faculty and graduate students at the University of the West Indies kindly invited me to join the Department of History and Archaeology seminar and offered essential comments on a dissertation chapter. James Robertson was a consummate guide to the island’s archives. Upon returning to North America, I was fortunate to share another chapter with the insightful participants in the Caribbean Studies Workshop at the University of Chicago. Cornelia Dayton, Amy Froide, Marisa Fuentes, Alison Games, Dave Gosse, Sheryllynne Haggerty, Aleric Josephs, Michele Mitchell, Kathleen Monteith, Christer Petley, David Ryden, and Nuala Zahedieh have all given valuable feedback along the way. Ultimately, my dissertation is a study of social and familial relationships, and these bonds have been no less significant in my own life. My mother Teresa Walker and my sister Toni Walker have held an unwavering belief in my academic ability. Bill Doyle enthusiastically read works on Atlantic history and attended one of my talks. Over the years, my friends Lauren Shapiro, Kevin Gonzalez, Karin Rinderknecht, and Zachary Katz have become surrogate family. More than anyone else, Paul Walsh is responsible for the completion of my dissertation. He enthusiastically travelled with me on research ventures in the United Kingdom, Jamaica, and North America. Paul read numerous drafts of my chapters (often aloud with a dramatic flourish), helped me crunch numbers and devise graphs, and reminded me to take the occasional day off. I am forever grateful for his commitment to my endeavors and eagerly await the new adventures we will embark upon together. iv TABLE OF CONTENTS Acknowledgements………………………………………………………………………………..ii List of Figures…………………………………………………………………………………….vi List of Abbreviations………………………………………………………………………….....vii Abstract………………………………………………………………………………………….viii Prologue……………………………………………………………………………….…………..1 Introduction………………………………………………………………………………………10 Chapter 1: A New Model Colony: Gender, Slavery, and the Settlement of Jamaica……...……...39 2: The “Libertine” Island: Gender, Nonmarital Relations, and the Emergence of a Colonial Sexual Culture …………………………………………………………………72 3: “Till Death Do Us Part” Marriage, Inheritance, and the Rise of Equity Law…...…..130 4: Womanly Masters: Female Slave Ownership in Jamaica……………………………184 5: Pursuing Her Profits: Women, Gender, and Atlantic Commerce……………………221 6. To Be My Own Mistress: Women, Plantation Management, and Slavery…………..255 Conclusion……………………………………………………………………………...............309 Bibliography……………………………………………………………………………………315 v LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1.1 Growth of Free and Enslaved Population, 1660-1730……………………………………….63 1.2 Comparison of Free and Enslaved Populations by Parish, 1731…………………………….67 1.3 Port Royal Population, 1731…………………………………………………………………68 1.4 Kingston Population, 1731…………………………………………………………………..69 2.1 Baptisms of Illegitimate Children, 1670-1769……………………………………………...103 2.2 Growth of Free Population, 1730-1775…………………………………………………….110 3.1 Growth of Free and Enslaved Population, 1662-1774……………………………………...136 3.2 Marital Status of Women Will-Makers, 1665-1757……………………………………..…163 3.3 Inventories of Women’s Estates, Proved in Jamaica, 1674-1784…………………………..179 3.4 Average Percent of Total Estate Value Allocated to Slaves, 1674-1784…………………..181 3.5 Slave Value as a Percent of Total Estate Value, 1674-1784………………………………..181 4.1 Herman Moll, “Negroland and Guinea” (1736, T. Bowles, London).……………………...189 6.1 Location of Spring Plantation at Liguanea in St. Andrew Parish. Thomas Craskell, “Map of the County Surrey, Jamaica” (1763, Library of Congress)...…………………266 6.2 Location of Mary Elbridge’s house in Kingston. Michael Hay, “Plan of Kingston” (1745, Library of Congress)…………………………………………………………….282 6.3 “A List of Negroes on Hope Estate” (1775, Huntington Library)………………………….297 6.4 “A Plan of Hope Plantation, in the parish of Saint Andrew, Jamaica belonging to the Duke of Chandos” (1788, Huntington Library)………………………………………...298 vi LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS BL British Library, London, England BRO Bristol Record Office, Bristol, England ESRO East Sussex Record Office, Lewes, England HL Henry E. Huntington Library, San Marino, California IRO Island Record Office, Twickenham Park, Jamaica JA Jamaica Archives, Spanish Town, Jamaica LPL Lambeth Palace Library, London, England NAE The National Archives of England, Kew, England NAS National Archives of Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland NLJ National Library of Jamaica, Kingston, Jamaica NLS National Library of Scotland, Edinburgh WCL William L. Clements Library, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan WMQ The William and Mary Quarterly vii ABSTRACT This dissertation conceives of Jamaica, the wealthiest and largest slave-holding colony in the Atlantic World, as emblematic of the extraordinarily lucrative, yet profoundly exploitative practices that forged colonial societies throughout the British Empire. By 1768, nearly 167,000 enslaved people lived on the island. I demonstrate that free women of European and African descent were crucial investors in the expansion of American slavery, from which they derived considerable financial, legal, and social benefits. In addition to inheriting slaves, women across the social spectrum actively bought,
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