Democracy Amendment USA Shifting from a bribery-based Republic & highly-toxic Oil Economy that is making the Earth uninhabitable to a majority-rule Democracy ASAP, and a Solar Hydrogen Economy worldwide by 2025.

Prepared for Senator Democratic Presidential Candidate

by Harry Braun Independent Presidential Candidate Senior Scientist and author of the Democracy Amendment.

The pieces to the puzzle include the endless and tragic Oil Wars; scientist Harry Braun; the Oil Age that is almost over; wind-sourced hydrogen can power the world; a BMW hydrogen V-12 engine and liquid hydrogen storage tank; a liquid hydrogen tanker; a Lockheed OTEC plant; Windships; and a Honda solar hydrogen production and pumping system.

Princeton and Harvard University studies have documented that oil lobbyists secured well over $18 trillion from American taxpayers for oil wars and tanker protection services since 1970, when 2.7 million, two- megawatt wind-powered hydrogen production systems, which would cost less than $5 trillion, would have permanently replaced all of the oil and other fossil and nuclear fuels and chemicals now used in the USA. Wind-powered hydrogen production and engine conversion systems have been in use since the 1800’s, although Henry Ford demonstrated in the 1920’s that the least expensive hydrogen, ethanol and plastics came from cannabis, which is non-toxic and renewable. Every existing engine, vehicle and power plant can be modified to use hydrogen made from the sun, wind, water and biomass, which is the only known option for providing “sustainable prosperity without pollution,” while powering indoor “Lifeboat” and larger “Ark” organic food production systems that will be critical for surviving the climate change chaos that the National Academy of Sciences has testified is already destroying major food production systems worldwide.

The Phoenix Project Replacing all oil and other highly-toxic fossil & nuclear fuels worldwide with wind and other solar-sourced hydrogen energy, agricultural & economic systems by 2025.

Why Hydrogen

Hydrogen is the “Holy Grail” of all energy and life on the Earth, and is the simplest, most abundant, and lightest element in the known Universe, which is why it so safe in the event of accidents, because it dissipates up and away from a leak or accident in a matter seconds, unlike gasoline that wicks to clothing and skin like glue. All photosynthetic proteins, microbes and green plants have been successfully using solar-sourced hydrogen from water on a global scale with no problems for over 3 billion years. Hydrogen is the only non-toxic renewable fuel that was first made from water with electricity in the year 1800. Seven years later, an engineer in Switzerland used such electrolytic hydrogen to fuel the world’s first automobile with an internal combustion engine that is shown below.

Thousands of automotive vehicles have been modified to use hydrogen fuel since the 1800’s, including all of the Saturn V Moon Rockets and Space Shuttles, as well as the SR-72 liquid hydrogen- fueled hypersonic super drone shown below, that is being developed by Lockheed Martin for the U.S. Air Force, which will fly twice as fast (Mach 6) as the SR-71 hydrocarbon-fueled Blackbird that it’s replacing. And unlike the Blackbird, the SR-72 will be fully-weaponized for high-speed air strikes.

PhoenixProjectFoundation.US Democracy Amendment USA

“All Authority belongs to the People”

-Thomas Jefferson March 2, 2016

Mr. Warren Gunnels Policy Director for the Sanders Presidential Campaign U.S. Senate Budget Committee 624 Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington D.C. 20510

Subject: Ratifying a Democracy Amendment that will replace the bribery-based American Republic and its toxic Oil Economy that is making the Earth uninhabitable, with a majority-rule American Democracy and a solar-sourced, zero-carbon emission Hydrogen Economy that has been advocated by thousands of scientists and engineers worldwide since the 1800’s.

Dear Mr. Gunnels,

I very much endorse and support Senator Sander’s efforts to stand up to the multinational corporations and the super-rich who control them, but even if Bernie is elected president (which is unlikely given the rigged delegate process and the unverified ES&S computer voting machines in 42 states), Bernie will still have no constitutional authority to bypass the lobbyists and the bribery based Congress they control, or the Supreme Court who will block his efforts to take on the Oil Industrial Complex, whose shell corporations are the parent corporations of Goldman Sachs and the other Wall Street Banks.

This is why Bernie and his senior staff need to be briefed on the attached Democracy Amendment and Hydrogen Economy document, so Bernie can hold a press conference to announce to the world that he is reorganizing his presidential campaign as an Article V “Constitutional Convention” in order to both pass and ratify the following Democracy Amendment as the 28th amendment to the U.S. Constitution:

“We the People, hereby empower the majority of American citizens to approve all laws, federal legislation, presidential executive orders and judicial decisions that impact the majority of citizens."

While the U.S. Congress would never consider, much less pass such an amendment, which is intended to be a universal statement of principles, Article V of the U.S. Constitution allows citizens to bypass the Congress to both pass and ratify amendments in what are called Constitutional Conventions. And in our case, we are using an Article V Citizen Ballot that is shown in the attached document that can be downloaded as a completely verifiable paper ballot from the DemocracyAmendmentUSA.US or the BraunforPresident.US websites -- and we hope from the website.

And as per Article V, when the majority of registered voters in three-fourths of the states (i.e. 38 states) mail their ballots to their Secretary of State’s office, where they can be verified, counted and archived, the Democracy Amendment will then be ratified, at which point all things will then be possible, given the 28th Amendment will transfer all political power from the tyranny of the two political parties, the lobbyists and the elected officials they bribe, to the majority of voters, a Universal Mind of over 60 million citizens, who will then become “deciders” rather than “observers.” And Bernie Sanders is the trigger mechanism. Mr. Warren Gunnels March 1, 2016, Page 2 of 2

Given Bernie’s remarkable 2016 presidential campaign, he is now in a special position to make the American people aware of this unknown move on the U.S. Congressional Chessboard, and if he does, the unprecedented media firestorm will be immediate and worldwide. Thus the Democracy Amendment could be ratified even before the Democratic primary in July. And given the Oil Age-induced 6th Mass-extinction event in the Earth’s 4-billion-year-old history is now entering its final exponential stages, there is not a day to lose to implement a solar-sourced Hydrogen Economy that can mass-produce hydrogen-powered vehicles and indoor organic food production systems with simulated sunlight in every home and commercial building, which will be able to operate in spite of the climate change chaos that the National Academy of Sciences has testified to Congress is already destroying major food production systems worldwide.

Utopia or Oblivion

I like to point out that due to the Exponential Age in which we now live, humanity is rapidly accelerating towards both a technological “Utopia” of a pollution-free and renewable Solar Hydrogen Economy and regenerative molecular medicine that is already being used to reverse aging and disease -- as well as an ecological “Oblivion” scenario of mass-starvation and extinction, from the proteins to all humans on the only planet in the Universe that is known to support life. And the decisions made now are going to determine which future is going to evolve.

I sent Bernie a contribution, a copy of the Democracy Amendment and a copy of my book (The Phoenix Project: Shifting from Oil to Hydrogen) about a year ago, but even after several follow up calls, his staff was understandably too busy to get back to me. But I am making one last attempt to contact Bernie while he still has the opportunity to make a critical difference in the 2016 presidential election to ratify the Democracy Amendment.

While Bernie has been reluctant to go after Hillary, as you will see in the attached document, I have no problem informing the public of the high treason that Hillary and Bill Clinton have committed against the American people while their Clinton Foundation received nearly $2 billion in “donations” from multinational oil and uranium corporations, all of which is now being investigated by over 100 FBI agents and investigators from five major intelligence agencies.

While Bernie’s Democratic Presidential Campaign may be unable to overcome the corruption of the so-called Democratic Party, he still has the power to have his millions of supporters lead the effort to ratify the Democracy Amendment in 2016, and thereby finish America’s Revolution for Democracy that began in 1776. After ratification, a new election can then be held for President, Vice President and members of the new United States Citizens Congress, using the same type of convenient and verifiable paper ballots that were used to ratify the Democracy Amendment.

Moreover, if Apple and other computer phones and related computer systems are allowed to stay encrypted, they would be the ideal verifiable voting systems of the future where democratic votes could take place in real time. But for the present, all that is needed is an Article V paper ballot, a stamp, and the U.S. Post Office. Please let me know if I can be of assistance to you in briefing Bernie, or endorsing him in his Democratic – or Independent Presidential Campaign, in which case I would love to serve as his VP to help take on Hillary and Donald. As Bernie’s senior Policy Advisor, I very much look forward to your thoughts on this proposal.

Harry W. Braun III Senior Scientist & Independent Presidential Candidate Telephone: 770-905-7000 or 770-905-7020, Email: [email protected] Democracy Amendment USA

“All Authority belongs to the People”

-Thomas Jefferson February 20, 2016

Dr. Gerald Friedman Professor of Economics University of Massachusetts 926 Thompson Hall Amherst, Massachusetts 01003

Subject: Replacing the existing bribery-based American Republic and its toxic Oil Economy that is making the Earth uninhabitable, with a real Democracy and solar-sourced Hydrogen Economy that has been advocated by thousands of scientists and engineers worldwide since the 1800’s.

Dear Professor Friedman,

This letter is a brief introduction to the integrated political, energy and economic recommendations I have prepared for Senator Sander’s, and on pages 10 and 11 of the analysis, there are images and details of sea-based “windship” hydrogen production systems that could displace all of the fossil and nuclear fuels used worldwide, which were developed by UMassAmherst engineering professor William Heronemus, who also served as superintendent of shipbuilding for the U.S. Navy.

I very much support Bernie’s presidential campaign, but he is in a rigged primary that is stacked against him with over 700 superdelegates (30% of the total needed) who are mostly committed to Hillary. And the Democratic Party officials have already manipulated the votes in the unverified caucus elections in Iowa and Nevada. The Democratic Party also refused to allow me to participate in any of the Democratic Primary Debates, even though I ran for Congress against John McCain in 1984 and Jay Rhodes in 1986 on a campaign of shifting from oil to hydrogen with wartime-speed, and in spite of my presidential campaign (BraunforPresident.US) being acknowledged by Wikipedia and being endorsed by a hydrogen engineering society that represents thousands of scientists and engineers worldwide.

Even more importantly, my campaign is specifically organized as an Article V Constitutional Convention that is focused on ratifying a one sentence Democracy Amendment that will empower the majority of voters to approve all laws and Supreme Court opinions, with an Article V Citizen Ballot that can be downloaded as a verifiable paper ballot from the website. And as per Article V of the U.S. Constitution, when a majority of registered voters in three-fourths of the state’s (i.e. 38 states) mail their Citizen Ballots to their Secretary of State, where they can be verified, counted in public, and archived, the 28-word, 28th Amendment for Democracy will be ratified without the bribery- based Congress or State Legislatures, at which point all things will then be possible.

And given Bernie’s exposure to the national news media, he now has the power to make the American people aware of this move on the Constitutional Chessboard overnight, by announcing that he is reorganizing his presidential campaign as a Constitutional Convention so his supporters can both pass and ratify the Democracy Amendment before the next unverified Democratic Primary in July, where the votes in 42 states will once again be counted in secret by a right-wing private corporation (ES&S), who will be hacking for Hillary, who from day one as Secretary of State was promoting fracking worldwide for Exxon, Halliburton and Chevron, which involved instigating the latest wars in Iraq, Libya and Ukraine, all of which is documented in the attached report for Bernie and his senior staff members. Professor Gerald Friedman Page 2

As you know, even the left-leaning economists question the financial details of Bernie’s plans (New York Times 02.16.16), including myself, because while Bernie is referred to as a socialist, his single payer “Medicare for all” plan does nothing to nationalize the pharmaceutical and health care industry that is the largest single financial element of the U.S. Economy.

Few American’s are aware that it was John D. Rockefeller and other oil barons who established the pharmaceutical drug industry, which allowed them to make a thousand times more profit from a barrel of oil by making aspirin or plastics than gasoline, which is why oil baron and Treasury Secretary Andrew Mellon changed the name of cannabis to an unknown slang word “marijuana” so it could be removed from the market in 1937 with no recorded vote in the House or Senate, and over the objections of Henry Ford who was making cannabis based fuels, plastics and automobiles, as well as the American Medical Association, because cannabis made most of the costly and toxic oil-based pharmaceutical drugs (and all of the non-biodegradable plastics) uneconomic and unnecessary.

Details are in a BBC documentary “The True History of Marijuana” that is now available online and on the home page of the BraunforPresident.US website, which includes references to Harvard Medical Professor Lester Greenspoon, who spent a career studying the medical history of cannabis, and who published a paper, Cannabinopathic Medicine, which points out that if cannabis were not illegal, it could replace most of the toxic pharmaceutical drugs now used, which would have a profound impact on the cost of health care in the United States, given there are now over $27.6 trillion in unfunded liabilities for Medicare. This why what Bernie should be advocating is a national health care system that is based on a non-profit, non-commission basis in every community, which has been successfully used by the U.S. Armed Forces since the country was founded.

Few people are aware that Francis Young, a senior administrative judge for the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), made a ruling, based on extensive testimony from experts from the pharmaceutical industry, that virtually all of the pharmaceutical drugs, including aspirin, are toxic and potentially fatal, and yet these pharmaceutical drugs are called “medicines.” The only drug in Judge Young’s ruling that was found to be completely non-toxic, and indeed highly-nutritious, was cannabis, which is not a toxic drug at all, but a “universal” medicinal herb that is that has been used for over 5,000 years to successfully treat over 25 different ailments that are listed on the American Medical Association and American Cancer Society websites, including pain, cancer, and ulcers. The December 2004 issue of Scientific American verified that the THC in cannabis is actually a 500 million-year-old neurotransmitter that is in the brains and bodies of all vertebrate animals, which switches on a two-way communication and switching system that has completely redefined the science of neurology.

Given my years of analysis of the extensive medical toxicology research data, the most serious factors in the health care issue by far are the over 80,000 oil-based chemical poisons are now so ubiquitous in the Earth’s atmosphere they now arrive in the wind and rain worldwide. All living organisms have concentrated these hydrocarbon chemical poisons in their cells, where they dissolve on contact the critical proteins into an epidemic of super-sticky “amyloid” plaques, just like gasoline dissolves oil and grease off of automotive parts, and Wikipedia reports these amyloids are at the heart of a wide-range of diseases, including cancer, Autism and Alzheimer’s, which alone are bankrupting the USA.

And given the $2 trillion a year highly-processed corporate junk food industry is causing epidemics of obesity and disease, the federal government should immediately hire millions of Americans in every community to help build and operate indoor “lifeboat” and larger “Ark” organic food production systems that will be able to operate in spite of the climate change chaos that the National Academy of Sciences has testified is already destroying food production systems worldwide. Professor Gerald Friedman Page 3

The only fundamental answer is to stop mass-producing such chemical poisons by shifting from an Oil and Nuclear Economy to a solar-sourced Hydrogen Economy in the United States with 2.7 million two megawatt wind-powered hydrogen production systems, which are no more difficult to mass-produce than the over 17 million cars produced for the USA each year. And 17 million two megawatt wind- powered hydrogen systems would replace all of the fossil and nuclear fuels now used worldwide.

This is important because the hydrogen production technology has been in the public domain for nearly two centuries, thus the trillions of wealth each year that now goes to the Oil Industrial Complex (which includes the major chemical, agricultural, pharmaceutical and corporate news corporations, as well as virtually all of the major Wall Street Banks) would instead go the U.S. Treasury (think of a really large Hoover Dam project). That means it will be possible to reduce or eliminate taxes on the Middle Class and poor, while providing a national non-profit health care system based on the U.S. Armed Forces model in each community for all Americans at no cost. It may even be possible to provide each citizen with a monthly royalty check, depending on how many legal citizens there really are in the USA.

It is equally important for the majority to shift from the Ponzi-scheme “growth” economy to a “stable state” economic system with a dollar based on hydrogen, which is the Holy Grail of all matter, energy and life in the known Universe. While taxes on the poor and Middle Class should be reduced or eliminated, it is important for the majority to increase the taxes on the superrich to the 90+ percent rates of the Eisenhower era (when the U.S. economy was booming), because the concentration of wealth fundamentally circumvents the democratic process as billionaires own major newspapers and television networks. Thus without some balance of economic democracy, it is impossible to have political democracy, and in a real Democracy, that balance must be determined by the majority, and not the superrich, who are responsible for making the only living planet in the known Universe uninhabitable.

With presidential leadership, the economic transition to a wind and cannabis-powered Hydrogen Economy in the U.S. can take place by 2020 because there is no R&D and all of the existing gas appliances, vehicles and aircraft can be modified to use hydrogen made from the sun, wind and water. A U.S, national health care system also needs to replace the “Unaffordable” Health Care Act and Medicare, which are bankrupting the USA with nearly $28 trillion in unfunded liabilities, with a non-profit health care system that is exactly like the one that is used by the largest socialistic organizations in the U.S.: the Armed Forces. And a U.S. foreign policy that would finally put an end the multi-trillion dollar Oil Wars and subsidies that have been ongoing for over a century.

Regarding education, premier schools like Harvard and MIT now offer real college degrees at no cost online, so why would any student need to borrow tens of thousands of dollars for a questionable degree from institutions like the University of Phoenix? And instead of breaking up the megabanks, they should be nationalized given they would all be out of business without the multi-trillion dollar bailouts by American taxpayers. As Thomas Jefferson once wrote: “I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that grow up around the banks will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.”

If you agree, please make Bernie aware of this information while he still has time to make a difference.

Sincerely, Harry Braun, 770-905-7000

The Constitution of the United States

* * * * * * * * * *

Article V

The Congress, whenever two thirds of both houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose amendments to this Constitution, or, on the application of the legislatures of two thirds of the several states, shall call a convention for proposing amendments, which, in either case, shall be valid to all intents and purposes, as part of this Constitution, when ratified by the legislatures of three fourths of the several states, or by conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other mode of ratification may be proposed by the Congress; provided that no amendment which may be made prior to the year one thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any manner affect the first and fourth clauses in the ninth section of the first article; and that no state, without its consent, shall be deprived of its equal suffrage in the Senate.

* * * * * * * * * *

Democracy Amendment USA

Harry Braun is shown above in his office with a Lockheed Martin solar ocean thermal "OTEC" hydrogen, seafood and fresh water-production system in the background on the left, and a "windship" hydrogen-production system on the right that was developed in the 1970’s by engineering professor William Heronemus, who served as superintendent of shipbuilding for the U.S. Navy, and who believed the U.S. Navy should be in charge of building, deploying, operating and protecting the strategically important fleets of windships and OTEC hydrogen production, storage and transportation systems, which can rapidly and permanently replace all of the existing highly-toxic fossil and nuclear fuels now used in the USA and other countries worldwide with wartime-speed (i.e., before 2025), while creating a vast sanctuary for the remaining fish and ocean ecosystems that are more than 95% extinct worldwide.

Empowering the Majority is Critical

Copyright © February 18, 2016 by Harry Braun

Senator Bernie Sanders Democratic Presidential Candidate

Dear Bernie,

I am a senior scientist who represents thousands of scientists and engineers worldwide, who are members of the International Association for Hydrogen Energy (, which I have been an Advisory Board Member since 1981. And given the IAHE mission since the 1970’s has been to replace the highly- toxic and unsustainable Oil Economy with a solar-sourced Hydrogen Economy, I very much support your views on clean energy, the environment, judicial reform, Wall Street and Monsanto. My colleagues and I congratulate you on your remarkable victory in New Hampshire. But even if you win the presidency, most Americans believe you will have no chance of overcoming the Republicans and “so-called” Democrats in the Congress, much less the tens of thousands of lobbyists that bribe them from the Oil and Nuclear Industrial Complex, without ratifying the following citizen-sponsored 28-word Democracy Amendment:

“We the People, hereby empower the majority of American citizens to approve all laws, federal legislation, presidential executive orders and judicial decisions that impact the majority of citizens."

While the Congress would never consider, much less pass such an amendment, Article V of the U.S. Constitution allows citizens to bypass the Congress to both pass and ratify amendments in what are called Constitutional Conventions, with an Article V Citizen Ballot that can be downloaded as a verifiable paper ballot from the website. This 28-word, 28th Amendment for Democracy will transfer all political power from the two political parties, the lobbyists and the elected officials they bribe, to the majority of voters, which is a Universal Mind of over 60 million citizens.

As per Article V of the U.S. Constitution, when a majority of voters in three-fourths of the states (i.e., 38 states) organize as a Constitutional Convention and mail in their ballots to their Secretary of State, where they can be verified, counted in public and archived, the 28th Amendment for Democracy will be ratified, without the lobbyist-controlled Congress or State Legislatures. And this ratification can occur well before the next unverified election in November of 2016 if you inform your millions of supporters of this move on the congressional chessboard. Only then can we finish the American Revolution for Democracy that was started in 1776, and the key is to refer to your presidential campaign as a “Constitutional Convention.” Empowering the Majority is Critical, page 2

The Key is the United States Article V Citizen Ballot

In support of Passing and Ratifying the following 28-word Democracy Amendment as the 28th Amendment to the United States Constitution:

“We the People, hereby empower the majority of American citizens to approve all laws, federal legislation, presidential executive orders and judicial decisions that impact the majority of citizens."

I, ______,

(Please Print First, Middle and Last Name)

have carefully read and considered this Democracy Amendment, which would allow the USA to shift from being a secrecy and lobbyist-based-Republic, to a majority-rule Democracy that will make secrecy and bribery of elected officials illegal. Once the majority is in charge, the partisan political gridlock will end as the new United States Citizens Congress rapidly ends the USA’s dependence on oil and other highly-toxic fossil and nuclear fuels and chemicals that are in the final stages of making the Earth uninhabitable, by shifting to a wind and other solar-sourced hydrogen economy that is non- toxic and inexhaustible. As such, I hereby vote to both pass and ratify this Democracy Amendment as per Article V of the United States Constitution.


(Signature) (Date)

I am an American citizen, registered to vote in the State of ______

I reside at ______

(Street Address) (City) (Zip)

Telephone ______Email address ______

Once this Article V Citizen’s Voter Ballot has been completed, it must then be mailed to the Elections Division of the respective Secretary of State, where the Ballot can then be verified, counted and archived. For more information, please refer to: Empowering the Majority is Critical, page 3

While overturning Citizens United is a small step in the right direction, lobbyists were bribing politicians long before the Citizens United ruling. Indeed, Thomas Jefferson complained about the lobbyists of his day who were influencing (i.e., bribing) members of the new American Congress before the ink was dry on the U.S. Constitution. Unlike Citizens United, the Democracy Amendment, which is a universal statement of beliefs, will profoundly impact all laws and Supreme Court decisions, both past and present.

While a classic definition of socialism is when the government owns the primary means of production, if the government is a Republic, it is not a democratic government of the majority, but an oligarchic system whereby a tiny minority of elected officials are bribed in secret by lobbyists. As you know, there is already plenty of socialism in America, but it mostly benefits the Oil Industrial Complex and their shell corporations that own the Wall Street banks, news networks, pharmaceutical, health care and insurance corporations, which have received trillions of dollars in subsidies while paying little or no taxes.

As you repeatedly point out, Democratic Socialism is very different. And indeed it is. But the United States has never been a Democracy, because it is and always has been an oligarchic Republic, which is why in order to finish America’s Revolution for Democracy, it is critical to ratify the Democracy Amendment -- long before the next unverifiable computer election scheduled this November, where the votes in 42 states are counted in secret by a right-wing corporation that few people are aware of (ES&S), who will be “hacking” for Hillary (who has over 220 Super-delegates) and not you for the Democratic nomination. As Joseph Stalin observed: “It’s not the voters that count, but who counts the votes.”

While there is much confusion in the U.S. about what socialism is, it simply means “public” ownership of corporations and resources like the sun, wind, water or oil. And the most socialistic organizations in the USA are the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines, who do not pledge their lives for money or oil, but for the love of their country. Most American’s have been brainwashed to believe that socialism is a dirty word by the Oil Industrial Complex, which is in the final stages of making the Earth uninhabitable because their lobbyists and corporate capitalists control the U.S. government as well as major corporate news media. This is why over $18 trillion of taxpayer subsidies have gone to multinational oil corporations just since 1970, for the on-going Oil Wars and related tanker protection services, and the FED has reduced the value of the dollar by over 90%, which means a $15-an-hour wage now is equivalent to $1.50 in 1970.

By contrast, less than $5 trillion would be needed to permanently replace all of the oil and other highly- toxic fossil and nuclear fuels now used in the U.S. with solar-sourced hydrogen made from 2.7 million two megawatt wind-powered hydrogen production systems, that are no more difficult to mass-produce than the over 17 million vehicles that are sold in the U.S. each year. Moreover, 17 million 2 MW wind-powered hydrogen production systems would be able to replace all of the fossil and nuclear fuels now used worldwide, which would fundamentally reverse the exponential carbon build up in the Earth’s biosphere.

But as Henry Ford demonstrated in the 1920’s, the least expensive hydrogen, ethanol and plastics were all made from cannabis, that is four times more efficient than corn per acre as a biomass crop, without corn’s vast requirements for water, oil-based fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides. This is the real reason its name was changed to the unknown slang term “marijuana,” by oil industry lobbyists led by oil baron Andrew Mellon, who was also Secretary of the U.S. Treasury, so it could be made illegal and removed from the market without any vote in the House or Senate in 1937, and over the many objections from the American Medical Association. Indeed, the AMA now reports that the THC in cannabis has never been a toxic drug at all, but a 500 million-year-old neurotransmitter that has been used in the brains and bodies of all humans and other vertebrate animals as a two-way communication and feedback system, which has completely redefined the science of neurology. These are just some of the reasons why in the December 2004 issue of Scientific American, the editors referred to the U.S. cannabis laws as “absurd.” Empowering the Majority is Critical, page 4

The cannabis laws are also blatantly unconstitutional given a constitutional amendment was required to make alcohol illegal due to Article 1, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution, which means every person being prosecuted, or in jail or prison for cannabis possession, should be released immediately, especially given cannabis possession and use is a crime with no victim, which is no different than what the Nazis did to the Jews, except this multi-trillion violent Drug War replaced the solar-sourced poison-free Cannabis Economy with the highly-toxic Oil Economy that is in the final stages of making the Earth uninhabitable.

While you mention “clean” energy, that often means natural gas or which are highly-toxic. America needs to learn about the solar-sourced Hydrogen Economy that has been advocated by thousands of scientists and engineers worldwide since the 1800’s, which is detailed in my Phoenix Project book and DVD that I sent you last year along with a BMW Hydrogen book with water sealed in the cover with the slogan “Powered by BMW with sun and water.” Every existing automotive vehicle, aircraft, appliance and power plant can be modified to use solar-sourced hydrogen, which is the only super-safe, carbon-free and renewable “universal” fuel that will provide crystal clear air even in rush hour traffic.

This is important because you are now saying you need to raise taxes to pay for a “Medicare for all” health care system, which is already bankrupting the United States with over $27.6 trillion in unfunded liabilities. These increasingly high medical costs are due to Obamacare, lobbyists and unrestricted- corporate profits for pharmaceutical and hospital corporations, as well as a “fee for service” payment system that puts all doctors, dentists and hospitals on commission. This is why over half of all medical procedures and oil-based prescription drugs (which are all toxic, including aspirin) are estimated to be unnecessary, including many cancer “treatments” or the drilling and filling of perfectly good teeth in both humans and even their pets, which underscores that the profit motive should never be allowed to influence health care, which is exactly how the health care system operates in the U.S. Armed Forces.

Because the hydrogen production and engine conversion technology has been in the public domain for over 200 years, the trillions of dollars of wealth each year that now goes to the Oil Industrial Complex (which includes the major chemical, agricultural, pharmaceutical and corporate news corporations, as well as virtually all of the major Wall Street Banks) would instead go the U.S. Treasury (think of a really large Hoover Dam project). That means it will be possible to reduce or eliminate taxes on the Middle Class, while providing a national non-profit health care system based on the U.S. Armed Forces model in each community for all Americans at no cost. It may even be possible to provide each citizen with a monthly royalty check, depending on how many legal citizens there really are in the USA.

Immigration Considerations

Given the Democracy Amendment will empower the majority of citizens to determine immigration policy and to interpret the language in the U.S. Constitution, the first sentence of the 14th Amendment is an excellent example to review, as it directly refers the issue of citizenship and Anchor Babies. The entire sentence is as follows: "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside." Note the phase, "and subject to the jurisdiction thereof," which depending on one's interpretation, means a child is only a citizen if its parents are citizens under the "jurisdiction" of the United States.

As Wikipedia has verified, the Supreme Court confirmed this restricted interpretation of citizenship in the Elk vs. Wilkins case in 1884, where John Elk, a member of an American Indian tribe born on American soil, could not meet the allegiance test of the jurisdictional phrase because he owed allegiance to his tribe, and not to the United States. Thus the Court held Elk was not "subject to the jurisdiction" of the U.S. even though he was born on U.S. territory. (Note that it now takes $250,000 to raise a child in the U.S.) Empowering the Majority is Critical, page 5

Given the phrase "subject to its jurisdiction" was interpreted to exclude citizens of foreign states born within the United States, the Supreme Court concluded the status of the parents does indeed determine the citizenship status of the child. This is why the children of foreign ambassadors who are born in the U.S. are not U.S. citizens. The question is why has this Supreme Court ruling been ignored by the current federal courts and immigration debate? Moreover, Article 1, Section 2 of the Constitution also requires that the government take an accurate census of the individuals living in the country, which has not been possible because untold millions of illegal immigrants will logically avoid the census. The number of 11 million illegal immigrants has been mentioned for years, but no one has any idea of how many illegal immigrants are actually in the United States, and the real number could easily be over 100 million.

If utilities were simply directed to request citizenship information on each of their customers, within a matter of months a reasonably accurate number of both citizens and non-citizens could be determined. Yet no one in the U.S. government seems to want to know the real answer. But given the staggering environmental contamination problems and the staggering U.S. debt and the overpopulation problems that are utterly out of control; and the fact that over 50 million Americans are living in destitute poverty, most of whom are children, who are breathing toxic air, drinking toxic water and eating toxic junk food, while an estimated 95 million Americans are chronically unemployed, it is irresponsible to allow more immigrants into the U.S. Indeed, from a scientific perspective, such exponential growth is a policy of mass-suicide. Anyone who doubts this harsh reality needs to see the lecture by physics professor Albert Bartlett that is posted on my BraunforPresident.US website in the immigration section of the home page.

It is equally important for the majority to shift from the Ponzi-scheme “growth” economy to a “stable state” economic system with a dollar based on hydrogen, which is the Holy Grail of all matter, energy and life in the known Universe. While taxes on the poor and Middle Class should be reduced or eliminated, the superrich should return to the 90+ percent rates of the Eisenhower and Kennedy era (when the U.S. economy was booming), because the concentration of wealth fundamentally circumvents the democratic process. This is why without some balance of economic democracy, it is all but impossible to have political democracy, and in a real Democracy, that balance must be determined by the majority, and not the superrich, who are responsible for making the only living planet in the known Universe uninhabitable.

The 2016 American presidential race has been a shocking event to myself and other people worldwide, given the bizarre nature of both , a technically illiterate person who openly advocates “Making America Great Again” by using U.S. military forces (and trillions of taxpayers’ dollars) to “take” (i.e., steal) Iraq’s oil; and , whose chief accomplishment as Secretary of State was promoting toxic fracking worldwide, while raising over a billion dollars for the Clinton Foundation from foreign governments and multinational oil and uranium corporations. Much of that illegal income was not reported to the Obama administration or the IRS, which is a felony, while Hillary was overthrowing governments in Ukraine and Libya, which involved mass-murdering and contaminating large numbers of innocent people worldwide for multinational oil corporations, including Halliburton, Exxon and Chevron.

Indeed, one of the most serious acts of high treason against the American people involved Bill and Hillary Clinton’s secret collusion to sell one-fifth of the United States uranium reserves to a Russian-owned corporation, which transformed Russia into an international uranium superpower, when prior to the transaction, Russia did not have enough uranium to maintain its own nuclear programs, much less being able to export U.S.-sourced uranium worldwide to its allies like Iran. But given the toxicity and 4.5 billion year half-lives of uranium mining wastes that end up blowing in the wind worldwide, uranium is only safe if it is left in the ground, and the same thing can be said of oil and the other fossil fuels. Medical physics professor John Gofman once observed that only one word came to mind regarding such indiscriminate chemical and radiological contamination of innocent people for profit, and that word was Nuremberg. Empowering the Majority is Critical, page 6

This explains why Hillary was deliberately using a private email server that she thought would conceal her illegal activities, which violated the Freedom of Information Act, the National Archives and Records Administration, and enough top secret security disclosures to involve five major intelligence agencies and over 100 FBI agents, who managed to recover all of the email records she illegally attempted to destroy. While Hillary claims to be very concerned about climate change and chemical poisons, the American public needs to know that her primary accomplishments as Secretary of State from day one involved serving the interests of the most highly-toxic multinational oil and uranium corporations in the world, and if she is not prosecuted for these crimes against the American people and humanity, a precedent will be established for more of this type of blatant political corruption in the future.

The Earth’s 6th Mass-Extinction Event is Almost Over!

The unprecedented concentration of wealth in the Oil and Nuclear Industrial Complex over the past century is the principal reason the Earth’s biosphere and human population has now been heavily contaminated with over 100,000 different oil-based chemical and radiological poisons. Even virtually all of the pharmaceutical drugs, including aspirin, are toxic because they are made from oil instead of plants.

This chemical contamination, which along with the Oil Age-induced catastrophic climate change and human overpopulation, are the major factors that are rapidly making the Earth uninhabitable, in what scientists refer to as the 6th Mass Extinction event in the Earth’s history, which is now in its final exponential stages. Yet the only thing the government can agree on is to drop more radioactive bombs instead of hiring millions of people to mass-produce and operate the critical “Lifeboat” and larger “Ark” wind and hydrogen-powered indoor organic food and chemical production systems with simulated sunlight in every home, school and office building, which will operate in spite of the climate change chaos the National Academy of Sciences has testified is already destroying food production systems worldwide.

A Revolution is clearly needed, but without the Democracy Amendment being ratified, you will have no Constitutional or legal authority to take on the armies of lobbyists from the multinational corporations that now effectively run the U.S. and state governments. And please stop referring to the U.S. as a Democracy, because as any dictionary can verify, the USA is and always has been a bribery-based oligarchic Republic, where voters are merely observers and not deciders, given the Electoral College.

It is also important to inform America of the one country in the world that has been operating as a real Constitutional Democracy since the year 1291. A country so diverse it has four official languages, and it has not been in a war since 1847, yet is never mentioned in the U.S. Congress or the corporate news media. That country is Switzerland, where the world’s first automobile was built in 1807, using electrolytic hydrogen fuel made from water and electricity from a battery, because highly-toxic hydrocarbon fuels like gasoline would not be available for another 80 years. This is why the Oil Age was never needed, and no R&D is needed to shift to a solar Hydrogen Economy in the U.S. by 2020. Thus the obstacles to this “transition of substance” are not technical or economic – they are political.

Economic Democracy

Given the wind-powered hydrogen production technologies were developed in the 1800’s, the technology has been in the public domain for over a century, so the trillions of dollars that would be generated each year from such systems would not go to private multinational oil corporations and the banks that they own, but to the U.S. Treasury, which would profoundly reduce or eliminate taxes on the Middle Class majority while fundamentally reversing the national debt. It is equally important to end Federal Reserve Board and it’s “quantitative easing” policy of printing trillions of dollars, which has devalued the U.S, Dollar by over 95 percent just since 1970, which is high-treason for the majority in the Middle Class. Empowering the Majority is Critical, page 7

Given these policies are treason against the Middle Class, it is important to make the American people, aware of Thomas Jefferson’s view of Democracy and privately owned banks, which is as follows:

“All authority belongs to the people. I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around the banks will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.”

This is the definition of Economic Democracy, where corporations are democratic institutions that are governed in the open by the employees and investors, as well as strict laws that prevent them from using or producing chemical poisons like gasoline or pesticides at all, much less for profit.

The arrogance of corporate biotechnology research scientists is especially appalling and should be illegal. The genes in all living organisms have been created by a highly-advanced, 4-billion-year-old civilization of proteins within us and all living organisms, which are the molecular heart and intelligence of all life on the Earth, from nanosecond to nanosecond.

The molecular biology of these protein-scale “nanobes” is so complex that no supercomputer has yet been able to understand and characterize their remarkable biochemistry. Yet corporate scientists are “free” to make fundamental changes in this billion-year-old genetic structure of life, when they cannot even begin to understand or comprehend the far-reaching ecological damage from their reckless unregulated behavior for short-term corporate profits. And the fact that lobbyists from Monsanto were able to secure a corporate immunity for mass-producing such genetically modified foods is high treason against the American people, as well as all life on the Earth.

The governor of Michigan and others who allowed its citizens water to be contaminated with lead should be arrested, and tried for the chemical contamination of innocent people. But it’s not just lead that is in the water, but a mixture of over 100,000 chemical and radiological poisons that no one tests for that are so ubiquitous on the Earth they now arrive as dust particles in the wind and rain worldwide every day. And according to a scientific analysis in Germany, published in the journal PLoS One, even the bottled water that people are being given contains over 24,500 chemical poisons that were absorbed from the oil-based toxic plastic bottles that the so-called purified water is stored in. I say “so-called” because there is now no water in any river or creek in the United States that is not now contaminated due to the immutable laws in physics called “diffusion,” which occurs every time cream is poured into coffee.

Thus the single-use and throw away highly-toxic oil based plastics should be illegal, and not the cannabis seed-based plastics Henry Ford was using in the 1920’s to make ultra-high-quality automotive plastics that were completely non-toxic and biodegradable, while being 10-times stronger than steel. Details on these “cannabis cars” and the Cannabis Economy are provided in the remarkable BBC documentary, “The True History of Marijuana” that is linked on the home page of the BraunforPresident.US website.

Ironically, most of the radiological contamination now comes from Fukushima and the hundreds of thousands of uranium 238-tipped U.S. bombs and munitions that the U.S. has been detonating in Iraq and other Oil Wars since 1991, which have a half-life of 4.5 billion years. But most of the vast quantities of radiological poisons don’t stay in the Middle East because once detonated, the radiological isotopes are picked-up by the wind and diffused worldwide in a matter of days, which is why the bombing and Oil Wars should be ended immediately. Empowering the Majority is Critical, page 8

The entire Oil Economy is based on the mass-production of chemical poisons, and while most products are now lucky to last 10 years, the chemical poisons are virtually indestructible, and humans and other animals concentrate these poisons millions of times in their brains and bodies. The hydrocarbon poisons travel in the blood to every cell in the body where they mindlessly dissolve on contact the critical protein molecules of life into super-sticky blobs called “amyloid” plaques, which Wikipedia reports are found at the molecular core of an epidemic of tragic diseases that are bankrupting the USA, including cancer, Autism and Alzheimer’s. This along with Oil Age-induced catastrophic climate change and human overpopulation, are the major elements causing the 6th Mass Extinction event in the Earth’s history that is now in its final exponential stages, which no one has mentioned in any of the presidential debates.

None of the other presidential candidates are even aware of these problems, must less what to do about them, which involves putting an end to the unregulated corporate genetic engineering of plants and animals for profit; the production of highly-refined junk food; and the production of all chemical and radiological poisons. This will require replacing the highly-toxic Oil and Nuclear Economy with a solar- sourced Hydrogen and Cannabis Economy by 2020 (i.e., The Phoenix Project), where the hydrogen will be made from cannabis and from water with electricity from wind and other solar sources, including ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC) hydrogen, fresh water and seafood production systems being developed by Lockheed (shown below) that need to be deployed in large numbers at sea in order to reverse the catastrophic destruction of the Earth’s three-billion-year-old ocean ecosystems.


OTEC systems, like wind-powered hydrogen production systems, were initially developed in the 1800’s, and the Lockheed OTEC system that is shown below is no more difficult to build than an oil tanker or an offshore drilling platform, all of which can be modified to be sea-based OTEC hydrogen production systems. Indeed, OTEC systems alone could be mass-produced on a scale to make enough electricity and/or hydrogen to permanently displace the use all fossil and nuclear fuels now used worldwide.

This remarkably simple OTEC technology only operates at the temperature of warm sea water, because it uses the largest solar collector on the Earth, the tropical oceans, where most of the sun’s heat is located near the surface. A cold water pipe pumps the nutrient-rich and near freezing seawater over 1,500 feet below the surface to complete the Rankin cycle, and as such, OTEC systems are the only solar technology that can operate 24/7, while providing vast amounts of pure water and seafood as by- products, due to the vast amounts of nutrient rich cold seawater that is brought near the surface in the power cycle. This is why the richest fishing areas are near natural cold water upwelling’s.

OTEC is the only solar technology that operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, regardless of weather conditions, and OTEC systems alone could displace the use of all fossil and nuclear fuels now used worldwide. Lockheed modified the barge on the right to be a test OTEC system during the Reagan administration. Empowering the Majority is Critical, page 9

The Hydrogen Chemical Tree

The Hydrogen Tree shown above documents that hydrogen is not just a “universal fuel” that can power all of the existing automobiles, aircraft, spacecraft and power plants, but it is also a primary industrial chemical feedstock that is needed to make a wide-range of products, including, plastics, fertilizers, semiconductors, paint, soap and gasoline. Virtually all of the hydrogen now used in industry comes from natural gas, which is another non-renewable and rapidly diminishing . The Hydrogen Tree image shown above was provided courtesy of Air Products and Chemicals, the largest producer of hydrogen in the United States. Empowering the Majority is Critical, page 10

Windship Hydrogen Production Systems Designed for the deep water Continental Shelves of New England by Naval Engineering Professor William Heronemus, Professor of Engineering at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst

As a naval architect, Heronemus designed the hulls of nuclear submarines before he was selected to serve as the superintendent of shipbuilding for the U.S. Navy, and he believed the Navy should be responsible for building and operating the vast array of Windship systems that he envisioned off both U.S. coastal continental shelves. As Heronemus observed, such hydrogen production systems could have been built in the 1800’s by simply replacing the sails on existing ships with rows of wooden wind turbines. Note the hydrogen production spherical hulls below the water where the crew will live and operate the hydrogen production systems, that would also provide a vast sanctuary for the fish and other marine life that is in the final stages of being driven into extinction from oil & chemical spills, destructive overfishing and climate change-induced acidy. Empowering the Majority is Critical, page 11

While the capital costs of sea-based wind systems are typically more than twice those of land-based systems, the typical winds at sea are twice as intense as those on land, and when the wind speed doubles, the electrical output of the wind generator is increased by a factor of eight. Wind-powered hydrogen energy, economic and agricultural systems will operate in harmony with the Earth’s biological life-support systems, even in the event of spills and accidents, because hydrogen is completely non-toxic and pollution free. And because hydrogen is the lightest element in the Universe, it is also the safest fuel in the event of accidents because it dissipates in seconds. The image above was developed by Heronemus in cooperation with the graphic artists at the National Geographic Society who then published the image in December of 1975. Empowering the Majority is Critical, page 12

Lockheed Liquid Hydrogen-Fueled Aircraft

Studies in the 1970s by Lockheed engineers found that liquid hydrogen-fueled aircraft would be safer, lighter, quieter, require smaller wing areas, shorter runways, while eliminating carbon emissions. They would also use less fuel per flight mile, and because of their substantial weight reduction with hydrogen, their range could be roughly doubled. The conventional aircraft imaged on the left is being refueled with LH2 from spherical tanks located in the distance, while the advanced Lockheed hydrogen aircraft design on the right takes full advantage of using LH2 as an aircraft fuel.

Lockheed concluded that liquid hydrogen was the safest and most practical fuel that could be used in commercial aircraft, and they demonstrated in the illustration above how to modify existing most of the existing aircraft by integrating the larger (about four times by volume) cryogenic liquid hydrogen storage tanks in the two shaded areas of the fuselage without increasing drag. Given this design, It would be impossible to high-jack the aircraft from the passenger compartment, and the structural integrity of the fuselage was significantly improved in the event of a crash landing. Empowering the Majority is Critical, page 13

The first U.S. aircraft modified for hydrogen fuel was the Air Force B-57 bomber shown above, which was modified by NASA in 1957.

Liquid Hydrogen-Fueled Moon Rockets & Space Shuttles

The Saturn V moon rockets all used hydrogen to fuel the second and third stages, and in the case of the Space Shuttle, note the smoke-free, almost invisible light-blue hydrogen flame that is emitted from the three hydrogen-fueled engines that are mounted on the tail of the Space Shuttles. This is in contrast to the highly-toxic emissions that are generated from the powdered aluminum fuel used in the two solid rocket boosters that are mounted on the sides of the Shuttle.

Given that liquid hydrogen has the greatest energy per weight of fuel, the U.S. Army and Air Force began investigating using liquid hydrogen and oxygen as a rocket fuel in 1943 in cooperation with investigators at Ohio State University. As a result of this ongoing effort, liquid hydrogen was the primary rocket fuel in the U.S. Space Program. It is worth noting that when the Challenger exploded, the event was not due to the hydrogen fuel system, but the failure of the O-rings in one of the two solid rocket boosters, which NASA never wanted to use in the first place. Empowering the Majority is Critical, page 14

The Hydrogen Energy System Already Exists

BMW has been developing hydrogen-fueled vehicles since the 1970s, utilizing modified internal combustion engines (below left) and liquid hydrogen storage systems (center). Honda is not just developing hydrogen fueled vehicles, but the hydrogen production, storage and refueling system shown below on the right.

The liquid hydrogen cryogenic tanker (upper left) was built by General Dynamics in the 1970’s, as was the liquid hydrogen pipeline (center) engineered by Union Carbide. The liquid hydrogen tanker truck (top right) is part of a fleet developed and used by Air Products & Chemicals, the largest hydrogen production company in the USA. NASA, which used liquid hydrogen for all of the Saturn V Moon Rockets and Space Shuttles, rates it much safer than any hydrocarbon fuel.

Even in the famous Hindenburg accident, two-thirds of the passengers and crew survived, and of the 35 people who died, 33 panicked and jumped-out and died from the fall. No one was burned to from the hydrogen, because as the lightest element in the Universe, it dissipates in micro-seconds once it is released into the air -- unless it is attached to carbon, in which case it becomes highly-toxic and explosive liquid. Thus instead of building the Keystone pipeline and other capital-intensive toxic and non-renewable fossil fuel infrastructure projects, the U.S. should modify all of the existing vehicles and power plants to use the hydrogen made from 2 million 2 MW wind-powered hydrogen production systems by 2020, as well as the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) liquid hydrogen “Supergrid” system shown below, which will carry both electricity and hydrogen, as well as the super high-speed maglev train shown below.

Empowering the Majority is Critical, page 15

Engineering Professor T. Nejat Veziroglu Endorses Harry Braun’s Presidential Campaign

Engineering Professor T. Nejat Veziroglu, Editor in Chief of the International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, has a 93-page resume of publications and accomplishments, including the organization of World Hydrogen Energy Conferences every two years since the 1970’s.

Professor Veziroglu, a native of Turkey, graduated from the City and Guilds College, the Imperial College of Science and Technology, University of London, with degrees in Mechanical Engineering (A.C.G.I., B.Sc.), Advanced Studies in Engineering (D.I.C.) and Heat Transfer (Ph.D.). In 1962 Dr. Veziroglu joined the University of Miami Engineering Faculty. In 1965, he became the Director of Graduate Studies and initiated the first Ph.D. Program in the School of Engineering and Architecture. He served as Chairman of the Department of Mechanical Engineering 1971 through 1975, in 1973 established the Clean Energy Research Institute, and was the Associate Dean for Research 1975 through 1979. He took a three year Leave of Absence (2004 through 2007) and founded UNIDO- ICHET (United Nations Industrial Development Organization – International Centre for Hydrogen Energy Technologies) in Istanbul, Turkey.

On 15 May 2009, he attained the status of Professor Emeritus at the University of Miami. Dr. Veziroglu organized the first major conference on Hydrogen Energy: The Hydrogen Economy Miami Energy (THEME) Conference, Miami Beach, 18-20 March 1974. At the opening of this conference, Dr. Veziroglu proposed the Hydrogen Energy System as a permanent solution for the depletion of the fossil fuels and the environmental problems caused by their utilization. Soon after, the International Association for Hydrogen Energy (IAHE) was established, and Dr. Veziroglu was elected president. As President of IAHE, in 1976 he initiated the biennial World Hydrogen Energy Conferences (WHECs), and in 2005 the biennial World Hydrogen Technologies Conventions.

In 1976, Dr. Veziroglu started publication of the International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (IJHE) as its Founding Editor-in-Chief, in order to publish and disseminate Hydrogen Energy related research and development results from around the world. IJHE has continuously grew; now it publishes thirty-six issues a year. He has published some 350 papers and scientific reports, edited 160 volumes of books and proceedings, and has co-authored the book “Solar Hydrogen Energy: The Power to Save the Earth”. He is a Founder of the Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC, which produces IJHE, and is the Chief Operating Manager of HEPLLC.

Dr. Veziroglu has memberships in eighteen scientific organizations, has been elected to the Grade of Fellow in the British Institution of Mechanical Engineers, American Society of Mechanical Engineers and the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and is the Founding President of the International Association for Hydrogen Energy. He was presented the Turkish Presidential Science Award in 1974, made an Honorary Professor in Xian Jiaotong University of China in 1981, awarded the Kurchatov Medal by the Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy of U.S.S.R. in 1982, the Energy for Mankind Award by the Global Energy Society in 1986, and elected to the Argentinean Academy of Sciences in 1988. In 2000, he was nominated for Nobel Prize in Economics, for conceiving the Hydrogen Economy and striving towards its establishment. Empowering the Majority is Critical, page 16

Hillary and Hydrologic Fracturing (i.e. Fracking)

Much of the highly-toxic fracking operations take place on Public Lands and U.S. Forests.

As Hillary Clinton has demonstrated, gender is irreverent when it comes to secretly securing hundreds of millions of dollars of “contributions” (i.e., bribes) from oil and uranium companies worldwide for the Clinton so-called “Charity” Foundation. Hillary even secured permission to work for the Clinton Foundation while she was Secretary of State, during which time she only visited Iraq once.

But as the attached news reports document, from the day Hillary was sworn in as Secretary of State, her mission was to work with her husband Bill to make as much money as possible for the Clinton Foundation by serving the interests of the highly-toxic multinational oil and uranium corporations, including Halliburton, Exxon and Chevron, who were seeking leases for the toxic “fracking” energy boom that has contaminated millions of gallons of critical water at each site. And after this witches brew of chemical poisons is injected deep underground under high-pressure, the millions of gallons of poisoned water is injected underground and left, allowing the contamination to diffuse and poison the vast integrated aquifer networks essentially forever, for fracking wells that operate for less than two years.

Hydrologic fracking also causes earthquakes and major land erosion, and the American public has also not been warned that the fracking of the major fault lines now taking place in California could trigger a catastrophic super-volcanic eruption in Mammoth, California, which could also trigger a second and even larger super-eruption at Yellowstone National Park, which would end sunlight and growing seasons for years due to the ash in the atmosphere, thereby ending life as we know it, unless there are wind and hydrogen-powered “Lifeboat” and larger “Ark” food productions in every home and office building.

As an secretary of state, Hillary was well-aware of these toxic contamination issues, given the large anti- fracking protests in the leases she was proposing, and given this highly-toxic fracking process is banned in much of Europe, where people understand it is never acceptable to allow private corporations to poison the water, land and people for profit. And in the United States where oil company lobbyists rule, much of this fracking is done on the public lands and forests of the United States, which is high treason against the American people. Yet none of the other presidential candidates discuss this chemical contamination problem that is the result of fracking and using highly-toxic fossil and nuclear fuels. Empowering the Majority is Critical, page 17

According to an investigative report published in the Washington Post on February 18, 2015:

“Since its creation in 2001, the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation has raised close to $2 billion from a vast global network that includes corporate titans, political donors, foreign governments and other wealthy interests, according to a Washington Post review of public records and newly released contribution data. The total, representing cash and pledges reported in tax filings, includes $262 million that was raised in 2013 — the year Hillary Rodham Clinton stepped down as secretary of state and began to devote her energies to the foundation and to a likely second run for president. The financial success of the foundation, which funds charitable work around the world, underscores the highly unusual nature of another Clinton candidacy. The organization has given contributors entree, outside the traditional political arena, to a possible president. Foreign donors and countries that are likely to have interests before a potential Clinton administration — and yet are ineligible to give to U.S. political campaigns — have affirmed their support for the family’s work through the charitable giving. The Post review of foundation data, updated this month on the group’s Web site to reflect giving through 2014, found substantial overlap between the Clinton political machinery and the foundation. Nearly half of the major donors who are backing Ready for Hillary, a group promoting her 2016 presidential bid, as well as nearly half of the bundlers from her 2008 campaign, have given at least $10,000 to the foundation, either on their own or through foundations or companies they run. The Clintons have relied heavily on their close ties to Wall Street, with donations from the financial services sector representing the largest share of corporate donors. And many of the foundation’s biggest donors are foreigners who are legally barred from giving to U.S. political candidates. A third of foundation donors who have given more than $1 million are foreign governments or other entities based outside the United States, and foreign donors make up more than half of those who have given more than $5 million.”

Note that none of the oil-owned major news network reporters have asked Hillary about the fact that she and her husband raised nearly $2 billion for the Clinton Foundation, or that her major “accomplishment” as Secretary of State was promoting oil and gas fracking worldwide, in what was referred to as the “Global Shell Gas Initiative,” which was the real reason Hillary was in Libya and Ukraine. CBS News did produce a 60 Minutes report on an international uranium “deal” negotiated by Bill Clinton and approved by Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State, which involved transferring one-fifth of U.S. uranium reserves to a Russian-controlled mining corporation, transforming Russia into a global uranium superpower.

From a chemical contamination perspective, the entire nuclear industry has been out of control since it was initiated in World War II, which is why a spectrum of radioactive isotopes are now in the bones and cells of every human and all other animals on the Earth. After reviewing the Fukushima nuclear accident in Japan, which is still very much under way because no one knows how to stop it, Dr. Gregory Jaczko, the Chairman of the Nuclear regulatory Commission held a press conference to announce that all of the nuclear plants in the United States should be shut down because they are all of the same design as those in Fukushima, and they are all going to fail catastrophically if they are not decommissioned.

Jaczko acknowledged that no money had been allocated for such a task, but not funding the problem will only make it worse as the corroding reactors grow more radioactive each second. The most abundant isotope, Uranium 238, which has a half-life of 4.5 billion years, is also on the tips of all the U.S. bombs and munitions that are detonated daily in the Oil Wars in the Middle East and Ukraine, although the pulverized isotopes return to the U.S. in the wind and rain to further contaminate the American people.

Empowering the Majority is Critical, page 18

As the picture above documents, Hillary was not the only high-level democrat who has made blood money for his family from the Oil Industrial Complex. Clinton and her foundation staff, including Sidney Blumenthal who was paid $10,000 a month by the Clinton Foundation, were also highly involved in overthrowing Libya’s government whose only asset is oil. But this failed action that was opposed by senior state department officials, only accelerated the chaos in the Middle East with another failed state that ISIS has now occupied. As such, it is easy to understand why Hillary did not want to use official U.S. State Department servers, and why she tried to have the files on her personal server deleted before she was forced to turn her server over to the FBI, which is a serious felony. And common sense dictates that innocent people, especially high-level government officials, do not not take the desperate action of publically destroying evidence that has been subpoenaed as part of a Congressional Investigation.

It is also worth noting that when Hillary was a 27-year old staff attorney working for the U.S. House Judiciary Committee during the Watergate investigation, she was fired by her supervisor, lifelong Democrat Jerry Zeifman, who in a published interview referred to Hillary as a “liar” and “an unethical, dishonest, lawyer, who conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the rules of the Committee, and the rules of confidentiality.”

This quote was published on March 31, 2008 by Dan Calabrese, founder of North Star Writers Group, according to fact-finder Calabrese’s information came from Democrat Jerry Zeifman, a counsel and chief of staff of the House Judiciary Committee, who supervised Clinton on the Watergate investigation. Zeifman’s 2006 book, “Hillary’s Pursuit of Power,” states that she “… engaged in a variety of self-serving unethical practices in violation of House rules.” Zeifman said, “Hillary Clinton is ethically unfit to be either a senator or president ...”

Zeifman stated that Hillary Rodham and others wanted Richard Nixon to remain in office to bolster the chances of Senator Ted Kennedy or another Democrat being elected president. Zeifman said that in 1974 a lawyer who shared an office with Clinton came to him to apologize that he and Clinton had lied to him. The lawyer, John Labovitz, is quoted as saying that he was dismayed with “… her erroneous legal opinions and efforts to deny Nixon representation by counsel — as well as an unwillingness to investigate Nixon.” Zeifman charges that Hillary Rodham regularly consulted with Ted Kennedy’s chief political strategist, which a direct violation of House rules.

In order to pull this off, Zeifman said that Rodham wrote a fraudulent legal brief, and confiscated public documents. After the Nixon impeachment investigation was finished, Zeifman fired Rodham and said he refused to give her a letter of recommendation, and regrets not reporting her to the appropriate bar association. Hillary Rodham’s conduct, according to Zeifman, was also the result of not wanting Nixon to face an impeachment trial because Democrats worried that Nixon might bring up abuses of office by President John Kennedy. Zeifman said Democrats feared putting Watergate break-in mastermind E. Howard Hunt on the stand due to his knowledge of President Kennedy’s purported complicity in the attempted assassination of Fidel Castro.” Empowering the Majority is Critical, page 19

The Poisoning of America

Time magazine’s ominous The Poisoning of American issue in 1980, and medical professor Sanjay Gupta’s 2010 CNN Toxic America report verified that chemical poisons are now “ubiquitous” in the USA.

The chemical contamination of the United States began on a large-scale when the oil industry lobbyists replaced the poison-free and renewable Cannabis Economy in 1937, which had existed since civilization began, because cannabis was critical for providing a fast-growing and highly-nutritious food and universal and completely non-toxic medicines to treat pain and dozens of other ailments that are listed on the AMA and American Cancer Society websites, as well as the strongest known natural fibers that were used to make everything from clothes, shoes, paper and weapons, to the critical ropes and cannabis-derived “canvas” sails that were needed for any ship that was going to survive the wind found on the high seas.

As a result, trillions of gallons of highly-toxic chemicals like gasoline or pesticides have been mass- produced each year in the U.S., and all of it ultimately ends up in the air and water where it diffuses just as cream diffuses into coffee. The tragic result of this immutable law of physics is that every man, woman and child, including the unborn, have been heavily contaminated with a witches brew of over 100,000 chemical poisons that have contaminated the global atmosphere since oil replaced cannabis in the 1930s. The biological impact of mass-producing these molecular poisons has been catastrophic to the critical proteins that are at the heart of all metabolism, memory and life. This protein destruction is now causing trillions of dollars of unnecessary healthcare costs that are now known to have a direct link to cancer, Autism, Alzheimer’s. and a wide-range of other diseases that are given many different names, but on a molecular level, all of these diseases are characterized by amyloid plaques that are the super- sticky remains of proteins that have been dissolved by something that is in the blood of the body.

Due to the mass-production of the oil-based hydrocarbon chemical poisons since the 1930’s they are now so “ubiquitous” in the global atmosphere and environment they arrive in the wind and rain, yet most medical researchers acknowledge they are unaware of what is causing the epidemics of degenerative diseases, such as cancer, Autism or Alzheimer’s. A simple blood test could reveal the number and concentration levels of the over 100,000 different known chemical poisons, such as gasoline or the thousands of other highly-toxic and unregulated “free market” products that are in the homes and businesses of virtually all Americans, yet no such blood test has ever been undertaken because a separate test is required for each chemical, and not even the U.S. Chemical Safety Board has any idea of how many different toxic chemicals there now are, or where their toxic wastes are even buried. But the chemical poisons are the only toxic elements in the blood that could be dissolving the critical protein molecules located throughout the brain and body into the super-sticky amyloid plaques shown below, that are the common molecular mechanism in the epidemics of Autism, Alzheimer’s, cancer, and a broad-spectrum of other dreadful diseases that are causing their own mass-extinction event for us and our species, as well as the nanobe-scale proteins that are the basis of all life on the Earth. Empowering the Majority is Critical, page 20

The Super-Sticky Blobs of Amyloid Plaques

The 4-digit DNA molecule (upper left) codes for the thousands of different types of proteins in the body, one of which is imaged (above right) by a supercomputer with X-ray crystallography data prepared by Arthur J. Olson, Ph.D., Copyright © Research Institute of Scripps Clinic, California. Empowering the Majority is Critical, page 21

Utopia or Oblivion Given that the DNA molecule is a 4-digit computer code for making proteins, which are the most complex molecules known in the Universe, which are responsible for all biochemical reactions and metabolism in the brain and body of all known organisms, from a virus to human beings, the proteins are indeed our biological creators and operators from second to second, who are also responsible for the creation, storage and communication of all memories in all living organisms. And one protein in particular discovered in 2014, referred to as GDF11, switches-on stem cells that are in every cell to regenerate tissue and organs. As such, the exponential knowledge explosion in molecular biology is already allowing investigators to reverse the process of aging and disease on a molecular level, in what is now referred to as the new medical disciplines of Regenerative Medicine and Dentistry, because stem-cell regeneration works on every cell in the body.

However, this remarkable “Utopia” of protein-based Regenerative Medicine is occurring at a time when the Oil Age-induced Earth’s 6th Mass-Extinction event is now destroying the critical proteins in every organism on the Earth, from the bacteria to every man, woman and child, including the unborn who now have the dreaded amyloid plaques before they are even born. And as biological organisms, proteins have no defense against the hydrocarbon poisons like gasoline or pesticides that are now in the blood of all humans that will dissolve them on contact, just as grease is instantly dissolved by gasoline or other highly-toxic chemical cleaning agents.

The resulting amyloid plaques have been found to be so sticky that investigators have been unable to remove them from their instruments, even with high-temperature steam. This underscores the difficulty of finding any cure, other than to put an end the worldwide chemical contamination from the Oil Age. Yet the news media, the American public and the Congress are utterly unaware of the problem.

This is a significant oversight given amyloid plaques are now present in unborn children worldwide, as well as individuals in middle age and the elderly, which has terrifying implications as vast numbers of people are disabled by this catastrophic chemical contamination. Thus the immutable laws of diffusion are now in the process of creating their own mass-extinction event, which involves destroying the proteins that make all life possible. And there is only one solution, which is to shift from an Oil Economy to a Hydrogen Economy, while there is hopefully still time to make a difference. But before that fundamental “transition of substance” can be initiated, the lobbyists from the Oil Industrial Complex must first be overcome by by the majority of voters in 38 states ratifying the Article V Democracy Amendment.

It is said that when Caesar found Rome it was a city of clay, and he left it a city of marble.

In that spirit, we have inherited a civilization that is addicted to greed for the tiny few who produce highly- toxic fossil and nuclear fuels that are making the Earth uninhabitable, while scientists and engineers have had the technology to live in harmony with the Earth’s billion-year-old life-support systems since the 1800’s with inexhaustible and poison-free solar-sourced hydrogen and cannabis energy, economic and agricultural systems. Given the State of Emergency that now exists due to the 6th Mass Extinction event that is almost over, it would seem that nothing could possibly be more important. Yet the utterly dysfunctional American Republic continues to spend billions of dollars a month on the seemingly endless and highly-toxic Oil Wars for multinational corporations.

This is why it is critical for the American voters to be made aware of the Democracy Amendment immediately, so it can be ratified long before the next unverifiable election in November 2016, so there will hopefully still be time to make a difference in the climate change chaos that the National Academy of Sciences has testified before Congress is already destroying food production systems worldwide. Empowering the Majority is Critical, page 22

The New York Times April 24, 2015, Page 1 The Clintons, The Russians And Uranium Foundation Got Gifts as Deal Was Pending


The untold story behind the story is one that not only involves the Russian President, but also a former American president and a woman who would like to be the next one.

In January of 2013, Russia’s Pravda website proclaimed President Putin’s latest coup, “Russia’s Nuclear Energy Conquers the World.” The article detailed that Russia had lacked sufficient uranium reserves to meet its own energy needs, thus Putin authorized the Russian atomic energy agency, Rosatom, to acquire a Canadian company with uranium mining stakes stretching from Central Asia to the American West. The deal made Rosatom one of the world’s largest uranium producers and brought Mr. Putin closer to his goal of controlling much of the global uranium supply chain, which included one-fifth of all uranium production capacity in the U.S.

At the heart of the tale are leaders of the Canadian mining industry, who have been major donors to the “charitable” endeavors of former President Bill Clinton and his family. Members of that group built, financed and sold off to the Russians a company that would become known as Uranium One. Since uranium is considered a strategic asset, with implications for national security, the deal had to be approved by a committee composed of representatives from a number of U.S. government agencies, including the State Department, then headed by Mr. Clinton’s wife, Hillary Clinton.

As the Russians gradually assumed control of Uranium One in three separate transactions from 2009 to 2013, Canadian records show a flow of cash made its way to the Clinton Foundation totaling $2.35 million. Those contributions were not publicly disclosed by the Clintons to the Obama Administration. And according to Reuters (April 23, 2015), the Clintons also failed to report these cash donations to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) until it was disclosed in the investigation, which forced the Clintons to amend their tax returns over a 5-year period ).

This episode underscores the ethical challenges presented to the Clinton Foundation by a former president who relied heavily on foreign cash to accumulate over $250 million in assets even as his wife helped steer American foreign policy as Secretary of State, presiding over decisions with that directly benefited Foundation donors. This directly violated Mrs. Clinton’s agreement with the Obama Administration, which prohibited all foreign government donations to the Clinton Foundation while she served as the nation’s top diplomat. “Should we be concerned? “Absolutely,” said Michael McFaul, who served under Mrs. Clinton as the American Ambassador to Russia, but said he had been unaware of the Uranium One deal until he was asked about it. Do we want Putin to have a monopoly on this? Of course we don’t. We don’t want to be dependent on Putin for anything in this climate.” Empowering the Majority is Critical, page 23

How Hillary Clinton's State Department Sold Fracking to the World A trove of secret documents details the U.S. government's global push for shale gas.

By Mariah Blake, Mother Jones September/October 2014

ONE ICY MORNING in February 2012, Hillary Clinton's plane touched down in the Bulgarian capital, Sofia, where she and her aides huddled with Bulgarian leaders, including Prime Minister Boyko Borissov, discussing everything from Syria's bloody civil war to their joint search for loose nukes. But the focus of the talks was fracking.

The previous year, Bulgaria had signed a five-year, $68 million deal, granting US oil giant Chevron millions of acres in shale gas concessions. Bulgarians were outraged. Shortly before Clinton arrived, tens of thousands of protesters poured into the streets carrying placards that read "Stop fracking with our water" and "Chevron go home." Bulgaria's parliament responded by voting overwhelmingly for a fracking moratorium. Clinton urged Bulgarian officials to give fracking another chance.

According to Borissov, she flew in the "best specialists on these new technologies to present the benefits to the Bulgarian people." But resistance only grew. The following month in neighboring Romania, thousands of people gathered to protest another Chevron fracking project, and Romania's parliament began weighing its own shale gas moratorium. Again Clinton intervened, dispatching her special envoy for energy in Eurasia, Richard Morningstar, to push back against the fracking bans.

The State Department's lobbying effort culminated in late May 2012, when Morningstar held a series of meetings on fracking with top Bulgarian and Romanian officials. He also touted the technology in an interview on Bulgarian national radio, saying it could lead to a fivefold drop in the price of natural gas. A few weeks later, Romania's parliament voted down its proposed fracking ban and Bulgaria's eased its moratorium.

The episode sheds light on a crucial but little-known dimension of Clinton's diplomatic legacy. Under her leadership, the State Department worked closely with (OIL) energy companies to spread fracking around the globe (supposedly) part of a broader push to fight climate change, boost global energy supply, and undercut the power of Russia. But environmental groups fear that exporting fracking, which has been linked to drinking-water contamination and earthquakes at home, could wreak havoc in countries with scant environmental regulation.

And according to interviews, diplomatic cables, and other documents obtained by Mother Jones, American officials—some with deep ties to industry—also helped U.S. oil firms, (which are really multinational corporations) clinch potentially lucrative shale concessions overseas, raising troubling questions about whose interests the program actually serves.

Geologists have long known huge quantities of natural gas were locked in shale rock. But tapping it wasn't economically viable until the late 1990s, when a novel extraction method drilled wells sideways from the initial borehole, then blasting them full of water, toxic chemicals, and sand to break up the shale—a variation of a technique known as hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, which ignited an energy revolution. Between 2006 and 2008, domestic gas reserves jumped 35 percent.

Empowering the Majority is Critical, page 24

The United States later vaulted past Russia to become the world's largest natural gas producer. As a result, prices dropped to record lows, and America began to wean itself from coal, along with oil and gas imports, which lessened its dependence on the Middle East. The surging global gas supply also helped shrink Russia's economic clout: Profits for Russia's state-owned gas company, Gazprom, plummeted by more than 60 percent between 2008 and 2009 alone.

Clinton, who was sworn in as secretary of state in early 2009, believed that shale gas could help rewrite global energy politics. "This is a moment of profound change," she later told a crowd at Georgetown University. "Countries that used to depend on others for their energy are now producers.

Clinton tapped a lawyer named David Goldwyn as her special envoy for international energy affairs; his charge was "to elevate energy diplomacy as a key function of US foreign policy." "Countries that used to depend on others for their energy are now producers," said Clinton. "How will this shape world events? Who will benefit?…The answers to these questions are being written right now, and we intend to play a major role."

Goldwyn had a long history of promoting drilling overseas—both as a Department of Energy official under Bill Clinton and as a representative of the oil industry. From 2005 to 2009 he directed the U.S.-Libya Business Association, an organization funded primarily by U.S. oil companies—including Chevron, Exxon Mobil, and Marathon— clamoring to tap Libya's abundant supply. Goldwyn lobbied Congress for pro-Libyan policies and even battled legislation that would have allowed families of the Lockerbie bombing victims to sue the Libyan government for its alleged role in the attack.

According to diplomatic cables released by WikiLeaks, one of Goldwyn's first acts at the State Department was gathering oil and gas industry executives "to discuss the potential international impact of shale gas." Clinton then sent a cable to US diplomats, asking them to collect information on the potential for fracking in their host countries. These efforts eventually gave rise to the Global Shale Gas Initiative, which aimed to help other nations develop their shale potential. Clinton promised it would do so "in a way that is as environmentally respectful as possible." But environmental groups were barely consulted, while industry played a crucial role.

When Goldwyn unveiled the initiative in April 2010, it was at a meeting of the United States Energy Association, a trade organization representing Chevron, Exxon Mobil, and ConocoPhillips, all of which were pursuing fracking overseas. Among their top targets was Poland, which preliminary studies suggested had abundant shale gas. The day after Goldwyn's announcement, the U.S. Embassy in Warsaw helped organize a shale gas conference, underwritten by these same companies (plus the oil field services company Halliburton) and attended by officials from the departments of State and Energy.

In some cases, Clinton personally promoted shale gas. During a 2010 gathering of foreign ministers in a Washington, D.C. meeting, when she spoke about America's plans to help spread fracking abroad.

"I know that in some places [it] is controversial," she said, "but natural gas is the cleanest fossil fuel available for power generation today." She later traveled to Poland for a series of meetings with officials, after which she announced that the country had joined the Global Shale Gas Initiative. Empowering the Majority is Critical, page 25

That August, delegates from 17 countries descended on Washington for the State Department's first shale gas conference. The media was barred from attending, and officials refused to reveal basic information, including which countries took part. When Rep. Henry Waxman (D-Calif.) inquired about industry involvement, the department would say only that there had been "a limited industry presence." (State Department officials have since been more forthcoming with Mother Jones: In addition to a number of US government agencies, they say attendees heard from energy firms, including Devon and Halliburton.)

During the press conference that followed, Goldwyn, argued that other nations could avoid the environmental damage sometimes associated with fracking by following America's lead and adopting "an umbrella of laws and regulations." A reporter suggested that US production had actually "outpaced the ability to effectively oversee the safety" and asked how we could be sure the same wouldn't happen elsewhere. Goldwyn replied that attendees had heard about safety issues from energy companies and the Groundwater Protection Council, a nonprofit organization that receives industry funding and opposes federal regulation of fracking wastewater disposal.

Goldwyn and the delegates then boarded a bus to Pennsylvania for an industry- sponsored luncheon and tour of some shale fields. Paul Hueper, director of energy programs at the State Department's Bureau of Energy Resources, says the tour was organized independently and energy firms were only invited to the conference to share best practices. "We are very firm on this," he insisted. "We do not shill for industry."

While the meeting helped stir up interest, it wasn't until 2011 that global fracking fever set in for real. That spring, the US Energy Information Administration (EIA) released its initial estimate of global shale gas, which found that 32 countries had viable shale basins and put global recoverable shale gas at 6,600 trillion cubic feet—enough to supply the world for more than 50 years at current rates of consumption. This was a rich opportunity for big oil and gas companies, which had largely missed out on the US fracking boom and were under pressure from Wall Street to shore up their dwindling reserves. "They're desperate," says Antoine Simon, who coordinates the shale gas campaign at Friends of the Earth Europe. "It's the last push to continue their fossil fuel development."

The industry began fighting hard for access to shale fields abroad, and promoting gas as the fuel of choice for slashing carbon emissions. In Europe, lobbyists circulated a report claiming that the European Union could save 900 billion euros if it invested in gas rather than to meet its 2050 climate targets. This rankled the environmentalists, who argue fracking may do little to ease global warming, given that wells and pipelines leak large quantities of methane, a potent greenhouse gas. They also fear it could crowd out investment in renewables.

By early 2011, the State Department was laying plans to launch a new bureau to integrate energy into every aspect of foreign policy—an idea Goldwyn had long been advocating. In 2005, he and a Chevron executive named Jan Kalicki had published a book called Energy and Security: Toward a New Foreign Policy Strategy, which argued that energy independence was unattainable in the near term and urged Washington to shift its focus to energy security—by boosting global fossil fuel production and stifling unrest that might upset energy markets. Goldwyn and his ideas had played a key role in shaping the bureau, so some observers were surprised when he quietly stepped down just before its launch. Empowering the Majority is Critical, page 26

When I approached Goldwyn following a recent speaking engagement in Washington, DC, to ask about his time at the State Department and why he left, he ducked out a side door, and Kalicki blocked the corridor to keep me from following. Goldwyn later said via email that he had simply chosen "to return to the private sector." Around the time of his departure, WikiLeaks released a slew of diplomatic cables, including one describing a 2009 meeting during which Goldwyn and Canadian officials discussed development of the Alberta oil sands—a project benefiting some of the same firms behind the US-Libya Business Association.

The cable said that Goldwyn had coached his Canadian counterparts on improving "oil sands messaging" and helped alleviate their concerns about getting oil sands crude to US markets. This embarrassed the State Department, which is reviewing the controversial Keystone XL pipeline proposal to transport crude oil from Canada and is under fire from environmentalists.

After leaving State, Goldwyn took a job with Sutherland, a law and lobbying firm that touts his "deep understanding" of pipeline issues, and launched his own company, Goldwyn Global Strategies. In late 2011, Clinton finally unveiled the new Bureau of Energy Resources, with 63 employees and a multimillion-dollar budget.

She also promised to instruct US embassies around the globe to step up their work on energy issues and "pursue more outreach to private-sector energy" firms, some of which had generously supported both her and President 's political campaigns. (One Chevron executive bundled large sums for Clinton's 2008 presidential bid, for example.) Empowering the Majority is Critical, page 27

As part of its expanded energy mandate, the State Department hosted conferences on fracking from Thailand to Botswana. It sent US experts to work alongside foreign officials as they developed shale gas programs. And it arranged for dozens of foreign delegations to visit the U.S. to attend workshops with industry consultants — as well as with environmental groups in some cases. US oil giants, meanwhile, were snapping up natural gas leases in far-flung places. By 2012, Chevron had large shale concessions in Argentina, Australia, Canada, China, and South Africa, as well as in Eastern Europe, which was in the midst of a claim-staking spree; Poland alone had granted more than 100 shale concessions covering nearly a third of its territory.

When the nation lit its first shale gas flare atop a Halliburton-drilled well that fall, the state-owned gas company ran full-page ads in the country's largest newspapers showing a spindly rig rising above the hills in the tiny village of Lubocino, alongside the tagline: "Don't put out the flame of hope." Politicians promised that Poland would soon break free of its nemesis, Russia, which supplies the lion's share of its gas.

But shale was not the godsend that industry leaders and foreign governments had hoped it would be. For one, new research from the US Geological Survey suggested that the EIA assessments had grossly overestimated shale deposits: The recoverable shale gas estimate for Poland shrank from 187 trillion cubic feet to 1.3 trillion cubic feet, a 99 percent drop. Geological conditions and other factors in Europe and Asia also made fracking more arduous and expensive; one industry study estimated that drilling shale gas in Poland would cost three times what it does in the United States. Empowering the Majority is Critical, page 28

By 2013, US oil giants were abandoning their Polish shale plays. "The expectations for global shale gas were extremely high," says the State Department's Hueper. "But the geological limitations and above ground challenges are immense. A handful of countries have the potential for a boom, but there may never be a global shale gas revolution."

“They're desperate," says Antoine Simon of Friends of the Earth Europe. "It's the last push to continue their fossil fuel development."

The politics of fracking overseas were also fraught. According to Susan Sakmar, a visiting law professor at the University of Houston who has studied fracking regulation, the United States is one of the only nations where individual landowners own the mineral rights. "In most, perhaps all, other countries of the world, the underground resources belong to the crown or the government," she explains. The fact that property owners didn't stand to profit from drilling on their land ignited public outrage in some parts of the world, especially Eastern Europe. US officials speculate that Russia also had a hand in fomenting protests there. "The perception among diplomats in the region was that Russia was protecting its interests," says Mark Gitenstein, the former US ambassador to Romania. "It didn't want shale gas for obvious reasons."

Faced with these obstacles, US and European energy companies launched a lobbying blitz targeting the European Union. They formed faux grassroots organizations, plied lawmakers with industry-funded studies, and hosted lavish dinners and conferences for regulators. The website for one industry confab—which, according to Friends of the Earth Europe, featured presentations from Exxon Mobil, Total, and Halliburton—warned that failure to develop shale gas "will have damaging consequences on European energy security and prosperity" and urged European governments to "allow shale gas exploration to advance" so they could "fully understand the scale of the opportunity." US lobbying shops also jumped into the fray. Covington & Burling, a major Washington firm, hired several former senior European Union policymakers—including a top energy official who, according to the New York Times, arrived with a not-yet-public draft of the European Commission's fracking regulations.

In June 2013, Covington staffer Jean De Ruyt, a former Belgian diplomat and adviser to the European Commission, hosted an event at the firm's Brussels office. Executives from Chevron and other oil and gas behemoths attended, as did Kurt Vandenberghe, then one of the commission's top environmental regulators. These strategies appeared to pay off: The commission's recently released framework for regulating fracking includes recommendations for governments but not firm requirements. "They chose the weakest option they had," says Simon of Friends of the Earth Europe. "People at the highest level of the commission are in the industry's pocket." Goldwyn was also busy promoting fracking overseas—this time on behalf of industry. Between January and October 2012, his firm organized a series of workshops on fracking for officials in Bulgaria, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, and Ukraine, all of them funded by Chevron.

Goldwyn told Mother Jones that the workshops featured presentations on technical aspects of fracking by academics from the Colorado School of Mines and Penn State University. Chevron, he maintains, had "no editorial input." But all of these countries— except Bulgaria, which was in the midst of anti-fracking protests—would later grant Chevron major shale concessions. In some cases, the State Department had a direct hand in negotiating the deals. Gitenstein, then the ambassador to Romania, met with Chevron executives and Romanian officials and pressed them to hand over millions of acres of shale concessions. Empowering the Majority is Critical, page 29

"The Romanians were just sitting on the leases, and Chevron was upset. So I intervened," says Gitenstein, whose State Department tenure has been bookended by stints at Mayer Brown, a law and lobbying firm that has represented Chevron. "This is traditionally what ambassadors do on behalf of American companies." In the end, Romania signed a 30-year deal with Chevron, which helped set off massive, nationwide protests. When the government began weighing a fracking ban, it didn't sit well with Gitenstein, who went on Romanian television and warned that, without fracking, the nation could be stuck paying five times what America does for natural gas. He added that US shale prospectors had "obtained great successes—without consequences for the environment, I dare say." The proposed moratorium soon died.

A few weeks later, Chevron was preparing to build its first fracking rig near Pungesti, a tiny farming village in northeastern Romania. According to a memo from the prime minister's office, a Romanian official met with Chevron executives and an embassy- based US Commerce Department employee to craft a PR strategy for the project. They agreed to organize a kickoff event at Victoria Palace in Bucharest. As a spokesman, they would tap Damian Draghici, a charismatic Romanian lawmaker who was a "recognized personality among the Roma minority," which had a "considerable presence" around Chevron's planned drilling sites. "It was really extraordinary—the level of collaboration between these players," says Ursulean, who has written extensively about Chevron's activities in Romania. "It was as if they were all branches of the same company."

The strategy did little to soothe the public's ire. When Chevron finally did attempt to install the rig in late 2013, residents — including elderly villagers who arrived in horse- drawn carts — blockaded the planned drilling sites. The Romanian Orthodox Church rallied behind them, with one local priest likening Chevron to enemy "invaders." Soon, anti-fracking protests were cropping up from Poland to the United Kingdom. But Chevron didn't back down. Along with other American energy firms, it lobbied to insert language in a proposed US-EU trade agreement allowing US companies to haul European governments before international arbitration panels for any actions threatening their investments. Chevron argued this was necessary to protect shareholders against "arbitrary" and "unfair" treatment by local authorities.

But environmental groups say it would stymie fracking regulation and point to a $250 million lawsuit Delaware-based Lone Pine Resources has filed against the Canadian province of Quebec for temporarily banning fracking near a key source of drinking water. The case hinges on a similar trade provision. Despite the public outcry in Europe, the State Department has stayed the course. Clinton's successor as secretary of state, John Kerry, views natural gas as a key part of his push against climate change. Under Kerry, State has ramped up investment in its shale gas initiative and is planning to expand it to 30 more countries, from Cambodia to Papua New Guinea.

Following the Crimea crisis, the Obama administration has also been pressing Eastern European countries to fast-track their fracking initiatives so as to be less dependent on Russia. During an April visit to Ukraine, which has granted concessions to Chevron and Royal Dutch Shell, Vice President announced that the United States would bring in technical experts to speed up its shale gas development. "We stand ready to assist you," promised Biden, whose son Hunter has since joined the board of a major Ukrainian natural gas energy company. This story was supported by the Fund for Investigative Journalism. Empowering the Majority is Critical, page 30

Hillary Clinton’s State Department Emails on Fracking

By Steve Horn, Huffington Post, 08/10/2015

Originally stored on a private server, with Clinton and her closest advisors using the server and private accounts, the emails confirm Clinton's State Department helped to break state-owned company Pemex's (Petroleos Mexicanos) oil and gas industry monopoly in Mexico, opening up the country to international oil and gas companies. And two of the Coordinators helping to make it happen, both of whom worked for Clinton, now work in the private sector and stand to gain financially from the energy reforms they helped create. The appearance of the emails also offers a chance to tell the deeper story of the role the Clinton- led State Department and other powerful actors played in opening up Mexico for international business in the oil and gas sphere.

David Goldwyn; Photo Credit: U.S. Department of State

David Goldwyn, who was the first International Energy Coordinator named by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in 2009, sits at the center of the story. As revealed by DeSmog, the State Department redacted the entire job description document for the Coordinator role. Goldwyn now runs an oil and gas industry consulting firm called Goldwyn Global Strategies, works of counsel as an industry attorney at the law firm Sutherland Asbill & Brennan, and he works as a fellow at the industry-funded think tanks Atlantic Council and Brookings Institution.

The emails show that Goldwyn also used his private "[email protected]" (i.e., Goldwyn Global Strategies) email address for State Department business. It remains unclear if he used his private or State Department email address on other instances, as only his name appears on the other emails. But Cheryl Mills, a top aide to Secretary Clinton at the time, initiated the email that he responded to on his private account.

Goldwyn's successor as International Energy Coordinator, Carlos Pascual, who oversaw the creation of the State Department's Bureau of Energy Resources as mandated by the Department's 2010 Quadrennial Diplomacy and Development Review, serves as another key character. So too does Neil Brown, a former top-level staffer for Sen. Richard Lugar (R-IN) who now works at the private equity firm Kohlberg Kravis Roberts (KKR). Brown now works with former CIA Director David Petraeus at the KKR Global Institute, where he serves as Director of Policy and Research, and formerly served as senior-level staff for the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations. He also still serves as a senior advisor for Goldwyn Global Strategies, according to the firm's website.

Energy Diplomacy and Security Act

A May 2009 email written by top Clinton advisor Cheryl Mills, in which she shared an early draft of the job description for International Energy Coordinator (redacted in the email), points to the origins of the idea behind the job. That is, it actually came from Lugar and Mills wrote that it would continue to "fulfill the mission outlined by the legislation" he introduced. Empowering the Majority is Critical, page 31

Mills was referring to the Energy Diplomacy and Security Act of 2006 and 2007, bills introduced by Lugar and co-sponsored by then-Senators Barack Obama, Joe Biden and Chuck Hagel, among others. Defense Secretary Hagel formerly served as Chairman for the Atlantic Council and sat on the Board for Chevron, one of Atlantic Council's top funders. That bill called for the creation of the International Energy Coordinator position. Neither of those bills passed. Instead, the measure was inserted into the broader Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 as Section 931. Lobbying records show Marathon Oil, ExxonMobil and Goldman Sachs all lobbied for both the original bill and the omnibus bill, with scores of other oil and gas companies also lobbying for the latter.

Lugar announced the bill for the first time at a Brookings Institution event in March 2006 at a convening moderated by Carlos Pascual, then Vice President and Director of Foreign Policy Studies for Brookings. In October 2006, Gregory Manuel -- who now works at MNL Partners, a clean energy project development and finance shop focused on China -- became the first ever International Energy Coordinator for the Bush Administration State Department. The Manuel announcement occurred the same month as the powerful Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), heavily funded by the oil and gas industry, published a report advocating for the creation of a similar position within the White House's National Security Council.

David Goldwyn, future International Energy Coordinator, sat on the task force (with current Secretary of Energy Ernest Moniz) that authored the report and called for creation of the job. Goldwyn also co- wrote a two-page "Additional View" section, which reads "We subscribe to the report's analysis and recommendations, but the report understates the gravity of the threat that energy dependence poses to U.S. national security.

All told, an incremental approach to the challenge--as advocated in this report--will not be adequate." At her 2009 confirmation hearing in front of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, Committee Chair Lugar asked Clinton if she intended to continue funding the position. She confirmed she did, and not long thereafter followed through on the promise -- by hiring Goldwyn. Both Clinton and Goldwyn did not respond to repeated requests for comment for this story.

An October 2009 email written by Mills mentions "engaging with...Mexico" as among Goldwyn's top "energy security priorities." Congressional testimony he delivered in April 2013 confirmed Goldwyn initiated energy reform efforts in Mexico while at the State Department, as did a story published a couple weeks later by Reuters. A State Department diplomatic cable unearthed by Wikileaks sheds further light on Goldwyn's efforts in Mexico.

"Mexico officials remain extremely sensitive about any public - especially US - comments regarding energy reform and production," reads a cable written by the U.S. Embassy in Mexico for Goldwyn's upcoming trip to Mexico. " We should retain the [U.S. government's] long-standing policy of not commenting publicly on these issues while quietly offering to provide assistance in areas of interest to the [Mexican government]."

At the time that cable was published, Carlos Pascual served as U.S. Ambassador to Mexico, a job he would eventually leave to become Goldwyn's successor as International Energy Coordinator.

After leaving the State Department, Goldwyn continued that effort "to provide assistance" for energy reform alongside Neil Brown in the private sector. One of the last things Brown did in the Senate before getting a job with Goldwyn was to co-author a December 21, 2012 U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations report on the then-proposed and since-passed U.S. Mexico Transboundary Hydrocarbon Agreement, which opened up offshore oil in the Gulf of Mexico to international oil and gas companies, and was lobbied for by the likes of ExxonMobil, Chevron, BP, and the American Petroleum Institute.

Empowering the Majority is Critical, page 32

Hillary Clinton's Real Libya Problem

By Stephen Collinson, CNN Updated 2:23 PM ET, Mon June 15, 2015

Hillary Clinton has another Libya problem. She's already grappling with the political headaches from deleted emails and from the terror attack that left four Americans dead in Benghazi. But she'll face a broader challenge in what's become of the North African country since, as secretary of state in 2011, she was the public face of the U.S. intervention to push out its longtime strongman, Moammar Gadhafi.

Libya's lapse into the chaos of failed statehood has provided a breeding ground for terror and a haven for groups such as ISIS. The U.S. attack this Sunday on the terrorist leader behind the 2013 seizure of an Algerian gas facility, in which three Americans were among the more than 30 other hostages killed, highlights the continuing threat posed by Libyan elements -- and that the U.S. still hasn't fully extricated itself from the engagement Clinton advocated.

READ: U.S. airstrike targeted terrorist Mokhtar Belmokhtar inside Libya, officials say Libya's plight is also creating an opening for Republican presidential candidates to question Clinton's strategic acumen and to undermine her diplomatic credentials, which will be at the center of her pitch that only she has the global experience needed to be president in a turbulent time.

Gathering questions over Libya also point to one of the central complications of Clinton's campaign for the Democratic nomination, due to formally launch on Saturday: the fact that she must own a record at the State Department that lacks clear-cut diplomatic triumphs. She'll also have to answer for misfires in the Obama administration's wider foreign policy as GOP candidates who have not faced the same tough choices can nitpick her record with the advantage of hindsight.

Ex-ICC prosecutor looks into alleged Libyan war crimes. Empowering the Majority is Critical, page 33

Libya has long been a vulnerability for Clinton because of the deaths of United States ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans in an attack on the Benghazi consular building and a CIA installation on September 11, 2012. But Republicans have yet to prove that she was personally negligent or to convince voters that she's not fit for higher office because of the controversy. So now they're opening a new front on the wisdom of the intervention itself.

Kentucky Sen. , a GOP presidential candidate, has called Libya a "jihadist wonderland" and Hillary Clinton a "war hawk" in questioning the mission, which he is using to flesh out a wider critique that American military interventions in the Middle East have backfired badly. "Somebody needs to ask Hillary Clinton, was it a good idea to topple Gadhafi in Libya? I think it's a disaster. Libya is a failed state. Someone ought to pay and Hillary Clinton needs to answer questions about it," Paul said at an Iowa Republican Party Lincoln Dinner in Des Moines on May 16.

Another GOP presidential candidate, Florida Sen. , said in an interview with Charlie Rose of PBS in May that "the result in Libya was a protracted conflict that killed people, destroyed infrastructure and left behind the conditions for the rise of multiple militias who refused to lay down their arms."

Democrats voice concern on Libya

Concern over what has become of Libya is not confined to the Republican Party. Possible Democratic challenger , a former Virginia senator, complained in a recent appearance with CNN's Jake Tapper that: "We blew the lid off of a series of tribal engagements. You can't get to the Tripoli Airport right now, much less Benghazi." Though Webb did not criticize Clinton directly, his comments raise the possibility that the issue could surface in the Democratic primary race.

So Clinton must be ready to explain why she backed a military operation in a region laced with extremism without effective planning for the aftermath. It's the kind of question that has long challenged Republicans in the wake of President George W. Bush's invasion of Iraq. Clinton's campaign declined to comment for this story, so it is unclear whether what happened in Libya after Gadhafi fell has changed her thinking on military intervention.

But when she is challenged, she is likely to stress that Obama's national security aides feared that Gadhafi, who had threatened to hunt down opponents like rats, was poised to unleash a massacre in Benghazi as his forces advanced on rebels crowded in the city in March 2011. It is clear that Clinton and other top administration aides perceived an agonizing dilemma: Should they take action to avert human carnage or stand by and be accused of abetting genocide?

"Imagine we were sitting here and Benghazi had been overrun, a city of 700,000 people, and tens of thousands of people had been slaughtered, hundreds of thousands had fled," Clinton said on ABC's "This Week" in March 2011. "The cries would be, 'Why did the United States not do anything?' "

Clinton might have been thinking about the recriminations that flew when her husband Bill Clinton's administration failed to thwart a genocide in Rwanda in 1994. The former president has since said his decision not to intervene was one of his biggest regrets. Initially, the operation was billed as a purely humanitarian effort to create a no-fly zone to thwart Gadhafi's forces, which was endorsed by a U.N. Security Council resolution.

Air attacks on Libyan forces designed to make the skies safe for Western aircraft helped tip the balance of the battlefield toward the rebels and left critics of the war, such as Russia, convinced that an international coalition under the umbrella of NATO had always been bent on regime change. Empowering the Majority is Critical, page 34

In the end, Gadhafi was indeed toppled, capping a four-decades-long legacy steeped in blood, including violent repression at home and accusations that he was behind the bombing of a U.S. airliner over Lockerbie, Scotland, in 1988.

Gadhafi's ouster first seen as a triumph

Initially, the Libya intervention seemed set to go down as one of the Obama administration's triumphs."We came, we saw, he died," Clinton joked with a television reporter in the wake of the death of the fugitive Gadhafi at the hands of a mob, days after she visited Tripoli in support of Libya's transitional government. But when Gadhafi fell, he left a land of eviscerated political institutions ill-prepared for its sudden freedom.

Torn by tribalism, ruled by two rival parliaments and with hundreds of civilians killed during the subsequent civil war, Libya is suffering a complete breakdown of political authority, which has spurred the rise of a host of terror groups. The unrest has also spawned a huge refugee crisis as desperate migrants flee across the Mediterranean on overcrowded boats.

And where chaos and anarchy rein, terror groups often see opportunity. ISIS is seeking to expand its franchise in Libya and to grab a foothold from which it could export terror across the Mediterranean to Europe. The surf literally ran with blood earlier this year when ISIS beheaded 21 Egyptian Christians in a show of brutality on a Libyan beach.

Mokhtar Belmokhtar, the veteran Islamist fighter targeted in Sunday's strike, has been affiliated with al Qaeda in North Africa, another key terror group that threatens American interests. Federal prosecutors in New York had charged Belmokhtar in 2013 with crimes relating to the Algerian gas plant attack that included hostage-taking, kidnapping, providing material support to al Qaeda and conspiring to use a weapon of mass destruction.

Inside Clinton's Benghazi emails

While some experts blame Libya's interim leaders themselves for not doing enough to stem the terror tide and keep the country together after the war, even Obama admits that he made mistakes in Libya. In an interview with The New York Times last year, he defended the intervention but said he should have asked, "Do we have an answer for the day after?"

For Clinton's part, she seemed to indicate in her book "Hard Choices" that she knew all along that Libya would face a tough road. "I was worried that the challenges ahead would prove overwhelming for even the most well-meaning transitional leaders," Clinton wrote. "If the new government could consolidate its authority, provide security, use oil revenues to rebuild, disarm the militias, and keep extremists out, then Libya would have a fighting chance at building a stable democracy.

"If not, then the country would face very difficult challenges translating the hopes of a revolution into a free, secure, and prosperous future. And, as we soon learned, not only Libyans would suffer if they failed." Clinton has little choice but to own what happened in Libya. An email to Clinton in April 2012 from her former top adviser Jake Sullivan, released last month, appears to show that initially her aides were keen to trumpet her role in the intervention and saw it as legacy-enhancing.

Clinton was a critical voice on Libya

"HRC has been a critical voice on Libya in administration deliberations, at NATO, and in contact group meetings -- as well as the public face of the U.S. effort in Libya. She was instrumental in securing the authorization, building the coalition, and tightening the noose around Qadhafi and his regime," Sullivan wrote. Empowering the Majority is Critical, page 35

Former Defense Secretary Robert Gates also describes her pivotal role in the decision making in his memoir. Gates said the intervention, which he opposed, split the administration down the middle, with heavy hitters such as Vice President Joe Biden and national security adviser Tom Donilon also against. On the other side were U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice and National Security Council staffers including Ben Rhodes and Samantha Power. "In the final phase of the internal debate, Hillary threw her considerable clout behind Rice, Rhodes and Power," Gates wrote. Clinton's prominent role in the decision making on Libya was a political risk at the time, and it now threatens to return to haunt her four years on.

Hundreds of Hillary Clinton's Benghazi emails released 01:21

"We haven't gotten the full story yet, but from everything we do know, it appears that without her advocacy for this intervention, it wouldn't have happened," said Alan Kuperman of the Lyndon B. Johnson school of Public Affairs at the University of Texas, who has studied the causes and outcome of the Libya operation. Some critics now question whether the administration, presumably working from intelligence provided by rebels, miscalculated on Gadhafi's intentions. And they say that the administration did not do enough to consider the consequences of an operation that ended up toppling Gadhafi.

"If you were going to break this place, it was going to require enormous resources to keep it together," Kuperman said. "It would have required an occupation force, and it was clear that the U.S. did not have the stomach for that." He concluded: "Did she screw up? Yes, she screwed up."

But one U.S. official involved with the planning of the Libya engagement defended Clinton's position.

"I think that it is tempting always in hindsight to say Libya would be better somehow if we had not intervened," said Derek Chollet, a close national security adviser to secretary of state Clinton and Obama at the time of the Libya operation. "I think that is a highly dubious proposition. It is one where, had we not intervened, the conversation we would be having is thousands and thousands of people died and Libya looks like Syria."

But it is always hard in political campaigns to prove that but for a specific course of action, things could have turned out worse than they actually did. And Clinton's opponents, especially Republicans who want to dismantle her credentials as a potential commander in chief, are already signaling that Libya will be a significant political battleground in 2016.

# # # Empowering the Majority is Critical, page 36

Instead of advocating more multi-trillion dollar Oil Wars, Harry Braun recommends replacing all oil with solar-sourced hydrogen by 2020.

Oil corporations use the U.S. Armed Forces and military intelligence assets to install repressive governments worldwide who will allow them to extract fossil fuels and minerals, leaving hundreds of millions of indigenous people in poverty in a contaminated wasteland.

Hillary Clinton, , Lindsay Graham and Marco Rubio are all considered experts on U.S. history and foreign policy, yet these “experts” state that killing Saddam Hussein was the right thing to do, in spite of the catastrophic chaos that has been unleashed in the Middle East and now Europe. These so-called experts are obviously unaware that Saddam’s Baath party was put into power by the U.S. CIA during the Kennedy Administration, which was revealed to the American public 30 years later in a page one story in The New York Times on March 14, 2003.

American president’s talk about supporting democracy abroad, but since the Oil Age began, U.S. governments lead by both Democrats and Republicans supported brutal and undemocratic regimes worldwide for oil and other multinational corporate interests, in countries such as Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Egypt, Iran, Vietnam, Chile, Indonesia, the Congo, the Philippines, Pakistan, and Iraq – to name a few. According to disclosures by the U.S. Senate Committee on Intelligence, the CIA provided lists of hundreds of suspected communists and leftists to the anti-communist Baathists, who then murdered them. Many of the people killed were Iraq’s highly educated elite, including doctors, lawyers, scientists and other political and military professionals. Britain and Israel supported the coup, while France and Germany opposed the action.

As a result of the coup, Saddam became a loyal U.S. ally to president’s Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, and Reagan, while he established the only secular country in the Arab Middle East, which allowed complete freedom of religion for Jews and Christians, while allowing woman to have absolutely equal rights as men in all aspects of Iraq’s society and law. The U.S. supported Saddam in his war against Iran, including providing Iraq with toxic chemical weapons. And before Saddam invaded Kuwait, he first met with the U.S. Ambassador April Glaspie and James Baker to discuss his intentions to reclaim the former Iraqi land that was then owned by Kuwait. The New York Times (23 Sept 1990) documented Glaspie provided the following message to Saddam:

“We have no opinion on the Arab-Arab conflicts, like your border disagreement with Kuwait. I was in the American Embassy in Kuwait during the late 1960s. The instruction we had during this period was that we should express no opinion on this issue and that the issue is not associated with America. James Baker has directed our official spokesmen to emphasize this instruction. We hope you can solve this problem using any suitable methods via Klibi (Chedli Klibi), Secretary General of the Arab League) or via President Mubarak. All that we hope is that these issues are solved quickly.”

As a result of this high-level meeting with U.S. officials, Saddam was given the green light to invade Kuwait, yet for some unknown reason, president George H.W. Bush did not get the memo. The result was the first Iraq War that killed untold thousands of innocent Iraqi soldiers and civilians who were defending their country, and this chaos is now evolving into World War III, as the Sunni Muslims have begun to form a new Islamic State out of the highly-radioactive rubble and dust. But no one mentions that the only U.S. national security interest in Iraq and the Middle East is oil and other fossil fuels, which the National Academy of Sciences has testified to Congress are rapidly making the Earth uninhabitable from the chemical contamination and climate change superstorm chaos that is now destroying food production systems worldwide. Empowering the Majority is Critical, page 37

As such, rather than nation building, the Bush/Cheney administration used false intelligence to destroy Iraq by spending approximately $3 trillion of U.S. taxpayers money to attack and kill Saddam Hussein and his family by dropping over 265,000 uranium-tipped bombs and munitions on the Cradle of Civilization. Moreover, an additional $6 trillion will be needed to care for the over 500,000 wounded U.S. solders who survived the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and a Princeton study documented an additional $10 trillion was spent by U.S. taxpayers since 1970 oil tanker protection services in the Middle East region. According to the International Monetary Fund, the world now spends $5.3 trillion annually for subsidies to multinational oil corporations.

To put these numbers into perspective, consider that the two million wind-powered hydrogen production systems, which were developed and in use in the 1800’s, that would replace all oil and other fossil and nuclear fuels used in the USA would cost approximately $5 trillion, assuming capital costs of $1,000 per installed kilowatt. And the 10 million additional wind systems that would replace all of fossil and nuclear fuels used worldwide would cost $20 trillion.

According to a CBS News 60 minutes report on Dick Cheney’s 30-year career prior to the Iraq War, when Cheney was moving between being the CEO of Halliburton and the holding some of the highest offices in the Pentagon. Thus he secured secret, no bid, cost-plus contracts with the Department of Defense for Halliburton -- and all he needed was a war. Chris Matthews on MSNBC reported that after the election of the Bush/Cheney administration, but before they were actually sworn in, Cheney contacted the Defense Department requesting detailed information on only one country, and that country was Iraq -- which was long before 9/11. But 9/11 was used as the excuse for Cheney’s war, even though the hijackers were from Saudi Arabia and not Iraq.

As such, Iraq and the Cradle of Civilization was destroyed for the profits of Dick Cheney and Halliburton, and Halliburton, which is no longer a U.S. company, is still highly involved in the Oil Wars now underway in the Middle East and Ukraine. And Dick Cheney got away with this blatant mass-murder for oil. And yet after the Iraq war, The New York Times reported that the bulk of Iraq’s oil in Southern Iraq went to China, which dropped no bombs, while the only oil lease that was provided to a U.S. oil company was in the Northern Kurdistan region of Iraq, which was provided to Hunt Oil, a relatively small Texas oil company that was a major financial backer of George W. Bush, which then sold the lease to ExxonMobil and its fracking partner Halliburton. Yet unlike Donald Trump, who publically states he wants to make America Great again by using U.S. military forces to steal Iraq’s oil, George Bush has never acknowledged that oil hand anything to do with the war, in spite of the fact it was the only possible motive for war.

Marco Rubio, who considers himself to be an energy expert, was interviewed by Wolf Blitzer on CNN when he stated that wind power was useless because it cannot provide fuel for our. Thus Rubio is both historically and technically illiterate, given he does not understand high-school chemistry, whereby electricity from the wind can create carbon-free hydrogen fuel from water. This “electrolytic” hydrogen production was first demonstrated in the UK in the year 1800, long before the toxic Oil Age began, which has now contaminated every man, woman and child in the USA and worldwide, including the unborn who now soak in a witches brew of oil-based poisons from the point of conception.

Candidates like Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump and Marco Rubio all believe that leadership involves dropping more radioactive bombs on unknown people in foreign lands for the profit of multinational oil corporations, and as such, they are prime examples of technically illiterate candidates who make the wrong policies because of their ignorance in the very subjects and issues they claim to be experts in, which is why they keep making the same tragic mistakes over and over again. Empowering the Majority is Critical, page 38

The Islamic State Sunni-led Caliphate leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, is a Ph.D. Muslim scholar who has a fascinating history of his own as a U.S. prisoner in Iraq, who evolved out of the chaos that was created by the tragic U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003. While he is called a “terrorist,” so were all of our Founding Fathers according to England. And while many believe this conflict is about religion, it is really about the Christian capitalists from America and Europe that have been dropping bombs and mass-murdering vast numbers of indigenous Arab people (who just happen to be Muslim), for oil for over a century. ISIS represents only a tiny number of the 1.5 billion Muslims worldwide, and while an estimated 6 million Muslims already reside in the U.S., it is not their religion that is the problem, but the mindless American corporate wars for oil and other fossil and nuclear fuels and minerals in the Middle East and now Ukraine.

It is important to note that less than three percent of the American people were actually involved the war against the British during the American Revolution. And given the nature of war propaganda, one person’s terrorist is another person’s freedom fighter. At present, the U.S. government secretly kills unknown numbers of innocent people daily with drones for multinational oil corporations, when the U.S. should be mass-producing and exporting wind-powered hydrogen production systems worldwide instead.

That is the kind of America that I have dreamed about since I became an Advisory Board Member of the International Association for Hydrogen Energy in 1981, and I first ran for Congress against John McCain in 1984 on a Phoenix Project plan to shift from an Oil Economy to a solar-sourced Hydrogen Economy with wartime-speed. If the media had informed America of this remarkable energy option in 1984, the Cradle of Civilization and hundreds of thousands of innocent families in Iraq would likely never have been destroyed with radioactive bombs for oil.

But now it’s 2016, and the global Oil Wars have greatly expanded to include Russia in Ukraine, Europe and Syria, which has triggered a new mindless multi-trillion dollar Cold War and arms race over oil and other fossil fuels, at a time when the Earth is rapidly being made uninhabitable from the production and use of oil and other fossil and nuclear fuels, all of which are highly-toxic and rapidly diminishing worldwide. Given humanity is on the exponential threshold of both a “utopia” of a solar hydrogen economy and regenerative molecular medicine that will end aging and disease, as well as an “oblivion” scenario of amyloid plaques and mass-starvation, the decisions made now are going to determine which future is going to evolve, which is why every day is important.

Because of your remarkable presidential campaign, you are in the position to make America aware of the details of this “transition of substance” from a bribery-based Republic with its highly-toxic Oil and Nuclear Economy, to a political and economic Democracy energized by a solar-sourced Hydrogen Economy, that will power the critical “Lifeboat” and larger “Ark” indoor organic food and solar energy production systems that will be making electricity as well as hydrogen from water.

Thus the key is for your presidential campaign to be organized as a Constitution Convention, so it can legally constitutionally ratify the Democracy Amendment with the ballot that can be downloaded from the website, or your Bernie Sanders campaign website. When a majority of voters in 38 states send in their ballots, which could take placed in a matter of weeks once you announce your plan to the world, the Democracy Amendment will be ratified, at which point you will have finally finished America’s Revolution for a Constitutional Democracy that began in 1776.

Please let me know if I or my colleagues can be of assistance to you or your advisors regarding any aspect this interdisciplinary “transition of substance.” -- HB

Empowering the Majority is Critical, page 39

Some Final Thoughts from Thomas Jefferson

“All authority belongs to the People.”

“When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.”

"Hemp (which was the common name for Cannabis in Colonial America) is of first necessity to the wealth & protection of the country."

"I hope we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy of our monied corporations, which dare already to challenge our government to a trial of strength and bid defiance to the laws of our country."

“I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that grow up around the banks will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.”

Harry Braun and his wife Dorothy

Harry Braun is shown in New York City with his wife Dorothy, who was his campaign manager in his 2012 presidential campaign. Both Harry and Lucy were the original developers of the $200 million San Juan Mesa Wind project shown on the right in Eastern New Mexico near Clovis.

Harry Braun is the CEO and senior scientist of Mesa Wind and the Phoenix Project Foundation, a scientific and educational organization that is focused on informing the general public about the importance of shifting from fossil and nuclear fuels, which are highly-toxic and rapidly diminishing, to a Solar Hydrogen Economy with wartime-speed. Braun is also the executive producer of the Science News Network.US & the Democracy Amendment political action committee, which is focused on ratifying the Democracy Amendment to the U.S. Constitution he has authored.

Braun was born in California in 1948, and grew up in Denver, Colorado. He completed his undergraduate work in history and science at in 1971, and in consideration of a medical career, he returned to Colorado to work as an assistant in the Surgical Intensive Care Unit at the University of Colorado Medical Center. He returned to Arizona a year later to attend graduate school at ASU in anthropology and evolutionary biology, although he was fascinated by the impact of exponential growth on virtually every aspect of human society, both negatively and positivity, including the unprecedented knowledge explosion that makes it impossible to know everything. Thus experts typically know a great deal about very little. One of Braun’s favorite quotes came from Henry Chadwich, a scholar and theology professor at Cambridge University, who said: “Real truth and insight is never to be found in bits of information or scientific facts, but in the order and patterns that one chooses to make with them.”

Braun taught history, science and anthropology at Thunderbird High School in Glendale, Arizona for three years prior to his accepting a position as director of energy research & development of the O’Malley companies, in Phoenix, Arizona in 1976. Given his technical papers on his research into developing a solar-sourced hydrogen energy and economic system, in 1981 Braun was invited to become an Advisory Board Member of the International Association for Hydrogen Energy (, which is the largest and oldest peer-review hydrogen scientific and engineering society in the world, with thousands of Ph.D.-level scientists and engineers as members from over 45 countries. Many of the IAHE members are professors in science and engineering from the major energy, automotive, aerospace and oil industries, since it is not possible to make gasoline from oil without significant amounts of both hydrogen and water.

Braun’s other research areas included protein evolution, molecular biology and photobiology, which is the science of characterizing the biological impact of sunlight on humans and other animals. He served as a technical consultant to Duro-Test Corporation, headquartered in North Bergen, NJ, whose engineers pioneered the development of lamps that simulated sunlight indoors. Such lamps were used in many medical and clinical studies in the U.S., and Braun provided technical briefings to a number of universities and medical investigators, including the U.S. Naval Medical Command in Washington DC, and the School of Aerospace Medicine at Brooks Air Force Base in Texas. Braun’s on-going medical and photobiology research is now focused on using sunlight-simulating lighting systems in indoor “Lifeboat” and larger “Ark” food and medical production systems that will be able to operate in spite of the climate change chaos. Harry Braun Biography, Page 2

In 1990, Braun acquired the rights and technology to the Solar Dish Stirling technology that was similar to an automobile that had been developed by McDonnell Douglas and Kockums, a Swedish defense firm that optimized Stirling engines for non-nuclear attack submarines. The system set a new world’s efficiency record of 30% for converting solar energy into grid-quality electricity, but it was unable to economically compete with wind systems, thus Braun shifted his focus to developing wind technology projects.

In 2000, Braun established Mesa Wind LLC, to develop a 120 megawatt San Juan Mesa Wind Project near Clovis, New Mexico, which now provides Braun’s company with a royalty as long as the project is in commercial operational. Braun’s technical papers include his “Solar Gensets for Large-Scale Hydrogen Production” paper published by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers in 1992 and his Phoenix Project paper published in the international Chemical Engineering & Chemical Industry Quarterly in 2008. He is also author of the Second Edition of The Phoenix Project: Shifting from Oil to Hydrogen, a 360-page book published in 2000, which is available on the PhoenixProjectFoundation.US website, as well as his companion Phoenix Project DVD, which can be viewed on the BraunforPresident.US website.

Braun’s book documents how the proteins on the primitive Earth were exponentially exhausting the hydrogen they were extracting from hydrocarbon molecules in the primordial soup, and in order to avoid extinction, the proteins, which Braun refers to as “nanobes,” figured out how to extract hydrogen from water with solar energy by engineering a new molecule, chlorophyll, and this process has been successfully working on a global scale for over 3 billion years. In Braun’s The Revealing Science of God, paper, he points out that the nanobes are indeed our biological “creators,” and they are descended from a 4-billion year old highly-advanced civilization that is at the heart of all life, metabolism and memories.

Braun’s book reviews both the positive and negative aspects of exponential growth as documented by physics professor Albert Bartlett at the University of Colorado, whose key lectures are now available on YouTube. But due to the nature of the Exponential Age in which we live, humanity is now on the threshold of both a technological “utopia” of molecular regenerative medicine, as well as an ecological “oblivion” of the sixth mass-extinction event in the Earth’s history, which is now in its final exponential stages. It is why we on Spaceship Earth are all like passengers aboard the Titanic, and there is only a limited amount of time left to fundamentally “change course.”

Hydrogen is often referred to as the “Holy Grail” of energy because it is involved in all energy systems and resources, but Braun is one of the few technical analysts that have provided a peer-reviewed Phoenix Project plan for how this “transition of substance” to a solar-sourced hydrogen economy can happen in the USA within a 5-year period of time. The key is to mass-produce wind and other solar hydrogen production systems, including cannabis and other crops, while modifying every existing vehicle, appliance, power plant and agricultural system to use this pollution-free fuel that is inexhaustible.

Braun ran for Congress in 1984 against John McCain, and again in 1986 against Jay Rhodes, in order to promote his plan to shift to a solar-sourced hydrogen energy and economic system. In 2004 and 2012, Braun ran as an independent presidential candidate on the same issues, but he had no interest in raising money, which he thinks should be illegal in political campaigns, so the money-oriented corporate news media ignored his campaigns. Braun has subsequently been focused on ratifying the 28-word Democracy Amendment he has authored, which will empower the majority of registered voters to approve all laws Supreme Court decisions. Only then will the new United States Citizens Congress be able to put an end to government secrecy, lobbying (i.e., bribery), and the blatant violations of the U.S. Constitution regarding wars, drug laws, access to public airways, immigration and monetary policy. While there is much work to do, in a real Democracy there will be no partisan logjam and dysfunction because a “Universal Mind” of over 60 million voters will be in charge, instead of lobbyists and the elected officials and judges they have been bribing since the American Republic was founded in 1776.

Empowering the Majority is Critical

Once the Majority is in control of the federal government, all of the oil and other highly-toxic and non- renewable fossil and nuclear fuels and products can then be rapidly replaced with hydrogen made from the sun, wind and water, which all photosynthetic proteins, microbes and green plants on the Earth have been successfully doing for over 3 billion years. Given that humanity is now exponentially accelerating towards both a technological utopia of regenerative molecular medicine, as well as an ecological oblivion of amyloid plaques and mass-starvation, there is no time to wait for the next unverifiable election to ratify the Article V Democracy Amendment, which will replace the Oil Economy that is making the Earth uninhabitable with a solar-sourced Hydrogen Economy that will power indoor lifeboat food production systems with simulated sunlight in homes and offices in every community of the USA by 2020. Such systems will employ millions of Americans, and be able to operate in spite of the climate change chaos the National Academy of Sciences has testified is already destroying food production systems worldwide.

Living and working in a Lifeboat or larger “Ark” food production system. Transforming every home and office building into a super-healthy solar-sourced hydrogen energy, food, and natural non-toxic plant-based medicine production system.

Sustainable Prosperity without Chemical Poisons

Hydrogen is the Holy Grail for all energy, matter and life in the known Universe, and it was first made from water with electricity generated from wind systems in the 1800’s. And because such hydrogen systems are no more difficult to build than automobiles, they can easily, rapidly and permanently replace all of the highly-toxic and non-renewable fossil and nuclear fuels now used in the USA and worldwide, thereby providing a Hydrogen Age of “sustainable prosperity without pollution” worldwide by 2025. The key is to ratify the Democracy Amendment with the Article V Citizen Ballot, which can be downloaded as a paper ballot from the website. Details on this “transition of substance” are on the following websites.
