t,.ssoc . • . u 1• \ SiOR \ cr..L Jt'!. \ Su ·' Ro· gl ~;-:G'E.Lk Si. ozgOb 2 R 1• Q_Q'I . b . • ·Movre, ',' To Open In N.Y. In November LONDON - Tevye, the poor to open In New York In Ukrainian Jewish milkman with November. five unmarried daughters, a lame The cast of predominantly horse, a sharp-tongued wife and New York actors speak morosely enduring optimism, Is now In the of their four months on location. movies. "It got to be llke a prison," THE ONLY ENGLISH-JEW/SH WEEKLY IN R. /. AND SOUTHEAST MASS. The Joyous and melancholy Mr. Frey said, watching Mr. · plight of the Sholom Aleichem Jewlson direct a scene of Rossi an _V_O_L_U_M_E_LIV__ N_U_MB_E_R_4_l ____ F_R_ID_A_Y_, -JAN--U-AR_ Y....,.8.;..,-l-97_1 ____ 1_5c~P.;..E;.;R;;.....C_O;;;P;;;Y_.;_ __ _.;.1_6_P_A_G_;ES;.. character depicted In "Flddler·on policemen plundering Tevye's ------'------~--~------..;...­ the Roor' Is being fllmed In home. _"The first week everything England and In the Yugloslav was sociability, mirth, parties. countryside In a $9-mllllon Then everyone got quiet, then production. tense, then bitter. By ·the third Jews Adaptable, Educator Says; "l feel a little Intimidated at week you had to have lists of who the success of the play," Norman was talking to who. Jewlson, the film's director, said "There's something special stepping over wires and electric about 'Fiddler.' The shtetl life Institutions Remain Static cables In the dusty set of the village of Ana tevka, at Pinewood, - It's kind of _g-lamorlzed - but It's quite magnificent. It 30 miles from London. "I've The Jewioh pMple how alway, Calls Center Democratic, approached It with a certain resembles a kind of hippie been able to adapt thomMlwt to commune that you find In upstate their dnum1ta,_., In any count,y trepidation." \ New York or , with 11 Fiddler" has a cast wt thout pr.,._., time, ICIJIof relielou1Dr. Jacob 1tv


THE RHODE ISLAND HERALD1 FRID/.Y1 JANUARY 81 1971 3 NO 1ROOPS _ CENTER TO OPEN next March 1, It was announced WASHINGTON - Sen. Henry by Rabbi Jacob Vainste!n, M. Jackson said he did not JERUSALEM - Ramot 9,aplra, a center for rel!gtous chairman of the Jerusalem foresee the need for American students from abroad near Religious Counc!I, who ls troops In the, Middle East. What Jerusalem, will open !ts doors sponsoring the project. Israel needs, he re!r.erated on NBC-'IVs ..Meet The Press" Is Alf YOO UNDECIDED .UOUT A CAM, ,oi YOUI DAIJGHTEI? DOES SHE sufficient arms. "The Isr'aells lfALI. Y WISH TO UTU/IH TO HEI CXD CAIU? can do the job," he explained. "1bey shot down . . .•• Soviet f« an • .,._,.., wlty nol intr•liflo_,. pilots with the greatest of ease." ,; TRINITY SQUARE CA REPERTORY COMPANY ~ CeJar Crejf OAKLAND. MAINE

MIAMI BEACH Taming FREE and IMMEDIATE CONFIRMATIONS .t1S2I.W. :I.Shrew ALGIUS DEAUVIL1.E SANSOIJO AMEIICANA DIUDO SAXONY NOW THROUGH JAN. 30 IALMOIAL EDINIOC SEVIL1.E IAICELONA FONTAINEBLEAU SHELIORNE .,,... .. n .. , ..: a,. n. w. s.s. SHEIIY FIONTENAC frl., S..t.l :lO ,-. W, IS. $4. lllAJIE wa1NE CADIUAC MONTECAILO SHOIIECLUB RISO THEATER CAllllON MONTMAITIE SUIFCOMIIEI IIARKET SQUARE · PROVIDENCE CASA Ill.AMC.A P\AZA _VEISAIL1.E5 .MQllLi NOW THROUGH FEB. & AZTEC CH.ATE.AU MAICO POLO IIEAU IIVAGI DISIIT INN NEWPORT AdApTATlON/NEXT CASTAWAYS HAWAII ISU SAHARA Mrs. David l. Golden 1- ~;1~.. _ __.. ,_ SHEi.ATON BEACH SINGAPOIE "'11.1.. ..., -4 r.,.,_. McN.llr FIIH BIOCHUIES-1!'.UIUSHED.lATES Miss Paula Sue Poss was University. She ls a teacher In TvH. -Thvr,. 8pm • Sat ., Mat . 2:30 married to David Lewis Golden the Head Stsrt program. All So•• S5 on Saturday. December 26, at Mr. Golden, a former captain F,i., Sot. 8:30- All S.Ots S6 Zelda Kouffman C.T.C. Temple Emanu-EI. The 6:30 p.m. In the U,S, Army, ls a graduate of TRINITY SQUARE PLAYHOUSE (Certified Travel Counselor) c 1U1dlel!gh t ceremony was the University of Rhode Island BROAO & BRIDGHAM STREET. PROVIDENCE performed by Rabbi Joel H. and the Boston University School CRANSTON TRAVEL - 801 PARK AVE. CRANSTON Za!man, Rabbi Wlll!am G. Braude of Law. He is a member of the SaiiliNtl • "' .,•• • • ,..'-. ,.... _.., .,,.._ ... Offk •. TIie •c•. •.,.., .., II., ,...,..._. Eves. by appointment 781-4977 and Cantor Ivan E. Perlman. A Rhode Island Bar Association. ,._ ,.,... ,11., 1u-o,u reception followed In the temple. Music for the ceremony was "Wedding Music for Now," written for organ, fiute and ,.,. guitar. Composed by Gershon Redecorate your bedroom with Kinsley, It was first Introduced by Cantor Perlman at the Cantor's Association Convention In May 1970. The bride ls the daughter of Nettle Creek Mr. aml Mrs. Karl Poss of I- Providence, and also of the late Irene M!ller Poss. Mr. Golden ls the son of Mr. and Mrs. Max during our Annual 20% OFF SALE Golden of Providence. He ls the grandson of Mx:s. David Golden and the late Mr, Golden and Mrs. Abraham Spiegle and the late Mr. ~!egle. The bride wore a gown of ivory Engllsh net embroidered with Alencon lace and designed with a high neckline, an empire bodice and long sleeves. The full­ sweep skirt. ended in a chapel length Watteau train. A cascade of ivory ribbons and stephanotis were entwined in her hair and covered by a bouffant veil of silk lllusion. Sile carried a bouquet of ivy and stephanot!s . Miss Beth Louise Riesman, sister of the bride, was maid of honor, and bridesmaids were Miss Beryl J acobson and Mrs. Jeffrey Bender. Edward S. Foss, brother of the bride, served as best man. Ushers were Charles H. Meyers, Stuart Halpert, Herbert s. Weiss and Jerrold Salinanson, The couple w!ll visit Mexico -on their wedding trip. The bride, a granddaug!iter of Or. and Mrs. Nathan A. Bolotow and the late Mr. and Mrs. Harry Miller, ls a graduate of B9ston

WAR TO RESUME? LONDON - President Anwar Sadat of Egypt warned In Cairo that a r.esmnpt!on of warfare in the Suez Canal zone is "very featuring possible" after the extended cease-fire expires next Feb. 5. , BEDSPREADS HEADBOARDS WINDOW TREATMENTS Mr. Sadat made -his remarks in a question-and-answer period DECORATIVE ACCESSORIES BOUDOIR CHAIRS during a closed meeting of the Arab Socialist Un1on, Egypt's only political party. Speaking of look for the Sale Ta.g! You'll find it on the famous Nettle the continuing cease-fire he said, "We are ·not ·committed to Creek collection. For a limited time, all the elegance of Nettle anything. Nothing restricts our C_reek i, yours at 20% below· our usual prices. Come in . now movements after mts period. The armed forces have clear cut for our once a ·year sale. · Instructions to stand ready arid to· rem'ain watchful around the clock." AIRPORT PLAZA

For news of Israel, Jewish 1826 Post Road comm unit lea throughout the .-"Interior Decorating" Warwick 1 world, local orCanlzatlona and society, read the Herald, • ,and ( cornor of Airport R-d) for some of the best bi.rplna In the "Greater Providence area. 738-7070 4 THE RHODE ISLAND HERALD1 FRIDAY1 JANUARY B, 1971 • I If you · can't afford diamonds, give her jhp Herald. Architects Criticize Old City Plan READY Cleaning & Tailoring JERUSAt;EM - .1..' A, committee of promlne·nt -international 512 ELMWOOD AVENUE, PROVIDENCE archltect,s and landscape de s I g n er s expressed severe criticism of the Jerusalem Mlllllclpallty' s master plan to FREE rebuild and landscape the Old City and Its approaches. Mayor PICK-UP and DELIVERY Teddy Kollek responded by annotmclng that be wlll Invite a leading town planning expert from abroad to review the master plan. 781-8339 The committee was Invited by the Jerusalem Mlllllclpaltly to serve as voltmtary consultants on the project. The Invitation was extended In acknowledgment that GRAND OPENING Jerusalem Is the concern al the entire clvillzed world. But the experts almost unanimously MONDAY, JANUARY 11, 1971 condemned the plan for a variety of reasons. i AT Christopher Alexander, a I California architect, said It failed I to solve the problem of transportation between East and PETRILLO'S West Je ru s a 1 em. Another ! American architect, Louis Kahn, I said the master plan puzzled him I RESTAURANT because "I don't sense the principles behind It." 2792 Pawtucket Avenue East Providence, R.I. 1,000 JEWS EMIGRATE TEL AVIV - A thousand Jews emigrated from the Soviet OUR YOUNGER SET: &ic Jonath;,n, four T"" old, and Adam Neilan, Specializing in Union to Israel during 1970 - one and one-half year1 old, are the sons o Mr. and Mr1. Allan N. Voyle more than three times the total of of Newtonville, Massachusetts. Paternal grandmother is Mr1. Norman arrivals since the 1967 Arab­ Italian - American Cuisine Vilardofsky of Providence. Maternal grandparents are M,. and Mrs. lr­ Israeli war, Louis A. Pincus, vir19 Krieger of Cambridge, Massachusetts. Great-grandfather is Nathan chairman or the Jewish Agency, Waldman of Providence. open: 11 a.m. - 8 p.m. s aid here this week. He told newsmen that while Monday - Saturday 1,000 Jews were allowed to c. closed Sundays - Holidays emigrate by the Soviet authorities I. ORGANIZ~·Tt.ON N5~ 1 during the last year only 300 had HUG IVRI TO MEET been permitted to leave In lhe GUEST SPEAKER Rabbi Leslte Gutterman of The Hug lvrl, Hebrew other two and one-haU years Speaking Circle, will _hear Your Hosts - Joseph & Lynn Petrillo s Ince the Soviet Union broke Temple Beth El will be the gues t Yohanan Levanon, a graduate diplomatic relations with Israel. speaker at evening services on Friday, January 8. at 8:30 o'clock student at Brown University, at at Temple Sinai. He will speak on Its next meeting which wllt be 0 Anatomy of a Dreamer." held on Sunday, January 10, at 8 p.m. at the home of Or. and Mrs. TO HOLD MEETING Jerome Stein of 77 Elton Street. The Jerusalem Group of Mr. Levan on will speak on "A Hadassah wlll hold Its next board Historical Prospective of meeting on Wednesday, January Jerusalem." A film will be shown PROVIDENCE PICTURE FRAME CO. 13, at 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. on United Jerusalem as an Arnold Res nick of 103 Wes t Introduction to his address. THIP.D ILOOA. AP.CADE l!UILDING Bluerldge Road, Cranston. Mrs. Mordechal Shapiro Is chairman of Donald Forman will give a the group. The public Is Invited to PP.0'1DENCE, AHODE ISLAND Zionis t affairs report. attend. a PLAN BRUNCHEON SHALOM CHAPTER TO MEET Mrs. Henry W. Markoff will Wlltlam H. Thurber, president present a dramatization based on of Tilden-Thurber Jewelers , will the racllo program, "Rhode Island speak at the next meeting of JANUARY SALE Portraits In Sound," at the paid­ Shalom Chapter Pioneer Women up membership brtmcheon of the which will be held at the Roger Providence Chapter of Hadassah. Williams Bank Building at Hoxsie ...... Mrs. Mark off , writer and Four Corners In Warwick at 8 narrator of the program which p.m. on Tuesday, January 12. tells the s tories of outstanding His topic will be "Precious 20% OFF Rhode (slander s In dramatic Gems." form, has presented more than 200 vignettes of famous people. TO HOLD MATCH The meeting will be held In the The Providence County Kennel INCLUDING CUSTOM FRAMING Temple Emanu-EI vestry on Club will again hold Its January Monday, January 11, at 11:45 AKC Sanctioned Match for the I I a.m. benefit of the United Fund. The i Mrs. Benjamin Chlnltz Is event will be held on Sunday, program chairman and. Mrs. January 10, at the Crans ton Samuel Michaelson and her Street Armory, s tarting at 9 a.m . I J committee will arrange for the Breed and obecllence entries I hospitality. will be taken from 9 a.m. until the judging begins at noontime. ) • . ------f - TO HOLD SEMINAR Ribbons and trophies , Including The fourth seminar In the • awar ds given by s tate and local l: series on Zionism and Israel will officials , will be presented. Iii Cl:t be held on Friday, January 8, at Thls _ls the Kennel Club's 74th 1\ 8:15 p.m. at Temple Beth Torah. annual all breed sanctioned ~l Mlch~el Kinnamon, a senior at match. COPY PRODUCTS INC. Brown University, wlll speak on "Understancllng Islam and the Non-Citizens Must Complete ~I Arab World." An Oneg Shabbat 1 New England's Largest Copy Machine and and a cllscusslon period will Alien Address Report ' \ follow the services. Federal law requires all non­ Paper Distri~uior representing 6 Major citizens In the United States to MIAMI CLUB TO MEET c om p i e te Form 1-53, Allen Manufacturers. All the latest copiers (18 An evening get together Koffee Address Report, on January l of Models) on display in our Showroom. Klatch will be held by the Rhode each vear:. Island Club of Greater Miami who All non-citizens admitted for will hold their regular meeting on permanent residence regardless . Sunday, January 10, at 7 p.m. In of age or period of residence, and the Washington Federal Savings all non-Immigrants !n the United and Loan auditorium at 1234 States for limited periods, such flll Washington Avenue, Miami . as students, visitors, exchange PROVI'DENCE Beach, Florida. personnel, etc., must comply with ELECTRONICS, INC. Following a short business this statutory requirement. IA Copy hotkll, ltit. ~I meeting, there will be Diplomats, members of entertalnmen_t and refreshments. certalnlnt • rnatlonal Canon Electronic Cafculators organizations, such as the United Nations, who have not abandoned ELECT OFFICERS their status, are exempted. -Olivetti Business Machines Re-elected· at a recent The Form. 1-s·3 wllt be meeting of the board of the VS:ad · .Seiko Computers · available at all United States Post Hakashruth of Rhode Island were Offices and Immigration and Jack Mossberg, president; Abe Naturalization Service Offices N. BLOSSOM ST., tA. PROVIDENCE, R.I. Louis Aron, vice-president: during business hours from JCT, 195 & PAWTUCKET AVE. 438-1000 Trostonoff, chairman of finance, 1 January l through January 31. . s - and .Sheldon Sollosy, treasurer. The officers wlll be Installed on -- - Ill If you can't afford dlamgnds, .. January 25. · • give her the Herald• - ~~- -~------~-- /

All prices good Jan. 8 ·thru 14 We reserve the right to limit None sold to dealers SUPER ''C'' For Bl11est Everyday LLJ Savln1s ! :c All prices shown good at the following Super G stores: 1- 727 East Ave., Pawtucket, R.I. 725 Reservoir Ave., Cranston, R.I. .... 539 Smith St., Providence, R.I. 834 Post Rd ., Warwick, R.I. 'At our Popular Serwi.ce Deli Dept.' Delicious COOKED CORNED BEEF F,Mnly~•;:,. 9 9, -----~ Morrison & Schiff's • SKINLESS or KNOCKWURST 95, BREAKSTONE·

"""FRANKFURT$ lb conAGE CHERRY TOMATOES29~ CHEESE : 1 lb all varieties

ROMAINE LEnUCE 2 9' C Large, crisp Red Radishes ...... '!f.9' Rareripes, Green Salad onions ...... ~~!'~!'. 9' . Fresh Snow White Mushroon1s ...... ------1!78' ------, r'Coupon j aNabis.:o OREO 1 Sandwich Cookies 15 oz.' pkg.

I * with a ~.00 purchase or more \ ..._ ____Limit 1 per family ..,... Good_____ Jan. 8 ttt,ru Jan.14 _ ------:-,--. ------·-·

'. FROM FRIDAY TO FRIDAY THE ONLY ENGLl~H JEWISH WEEKLY IN P J /,NO <::QUTHf:.,T A.At,::~ Empty Cans of Beer MAI.ING ADINIISS: -=~~In.-,;,._..__, IJ. 02904 ,.,..._ 724-0200 f&ANl: ...... Wey,affW....,St.,Pawt.,I.L02161 aw...,.,._...... OPACI: : 141...... ,..,..._·- -...... ··Int~...... ------u ...... - B ,BERYL SEGAl 'The tittle park at the juncture cans StreWn all over the park. put you In your place by stating 5Nenll0-,...._.,...... ~...... of Hope_ Street and Blackstone But most of them are deposl ted In that the young people of today are ~~ti-=~n..--..::lJ '!:::.---.:;==.:-~~s,: = Boulevard Is a delightful family the fountain. Now that the water not different from young people of ...... ry ...... = spot. During the warm days of does not run any more from the all times. spring, S\JITlmer and fall, mothers mouths of the animals, since they Nevertheless, we all and _their children gather there­ al"e locked for the winter, the remember that Roger Williams fhe.....WftMIMNN~l~fw~~in...... _h, lwfwil ,.,.. that ,ort ...... ~,In which the~ ..... """"· ...... -,..... from the neighborhood. lbelr beer cans have taken over. Park was a showplace of Rhode ..ttfy ...... e1y.,..,...,...... __, , destination Is the playground on When we are told In the Island and now It Is the shame of which the children never tire of newspapers of other parks and Rhode Island. How long Is It since FRl[)AY, JANUARY 8, 1971 playing. resting places In other parts of we could promenade ·In the park Older people also come there. the city being vandalized, we at all times of the night? There n,e residents from the Home for cannot believe It. When we hear were always lights on Its paths, Mordecai Was Rig ht . . . the Aged sit on the benches, and what happened to Roger Williams and people lying on the grass, and workers from nearby e)aces · music reaching them from the Just -to mention a small point: From events in the past two Park, we are stunned. But come there to spend their 1uncb everything we read and hear Is bandstand. weeks, it is obvious that force leads only to force, while peaceful period. believable when we see what Tiiere were young people then protests bring about results. Our grandchildren were vandals c::an do to a park which Is as now. But there was regard for Demonstrations of a great many people, the sending of mes­ constant vlsttors to that park. In the· middle of rwo busy streets, public property that Is lacking 'They would congregate with their In the heart of the city. now. sages of protest and telegrams and cables to important people friends at the fountain which On further reflection, we Something came over the land both here and in the· USSR, making statements to the news­ spouted water from the mouths of wonder where these beer cans and nobody can put a finger on the papers, or in Congress, or practically anywhere they will be animals on all sides. were purchased. source. Politicians an d We can stlll remember the economists and especially heard, can bring about favorable results, as can be seen in the 1be law In Rhode Island fact that the two Jews sentenced to death in Russia last week time when the tennis courts In the psychologists are still groping park were busy places, But they pro h I b Its youngsters under for an answer but so far It eludes have had their sentences reduced as did the other prisoners. But are deserted for some reaspn, rwnety-one from buying beer. TIie them. all these protests were peaceful in the sense that no one tried to and the fenced-In courts are now only conclusion Is that the The man on the street can overgrown with crab grass. destructive work on the park Is only stand shocked at what he attack anyone, or burn down buildi11gs, or throw stones, or break done by people over rwenty-one. windows, or plant bombs, or hit policemen over the head. But the park hums with boys hears and sees and have the and girls playing ball, riding One may ask: fee ll n g of helplessness and Meanwwhile the actions of members of the New York Jewish around on tbelr bicycles or "Is that the worst thing you frustration. Defense League, under the leadership of Rabbi Meir Kahane, climbing trees. can find In the world? "Why?" he asks himself. who don't care whom they hit or what they harm, have only led However, something happens "What about muggings on the In the meantime the empty' streets? the Russians to respond in ihe same way. You threaten me and to these same boys and gtrls cans of beer pile up at the places when they reach their adolescent "What about smashing where he and his children once I'll threaten you. , years. 'They still frequent the windows and looting stores? had spent precious moments. The Bolshoi Ballet and Opera Companies certainly arc non-po­ park, but for different reasons "What about beating .the And one wonders whether the litical, and artistically are considered excellent. They arc not and at a different time. When they Innocent to death? people who leave these cans, and· do that, they are very ugly. "What about bombings and the burn buildings, and murder coming to the United States since the disruption of other Russian When the adolescent boys and threats of bombings? people and smash windows know cultural presentations. Violence has only served to deprive the girls come to the park they do so "At least these beer drinkers why they do It, either. · United States of a cultural attraction, but it hasn't saved a single under cover of darkness. For tbat did not rob, murder or burn or ••• Jew in Russia. It has led to threats from the Soviet government purpose, they first knock out all bomb anything. Let them drink (Mr. Segal' s opinions are his beer." that Americans will no longer be able to expect proper protection the electric lights on the walks of own, and not necessarily those of the park and around the fountain. And then there are those who this newspaper.) in the Soviet Union. The planting of a bom6 in a Russian build­ Tiiere Is not a single light In ing, the breaking of furniture and the manhandling of a man who the park after dark. Only the would have been unable to do anything about the situation even cement poles still stand as a Vour if he had wanted to lias not saved a single Jew in the Soviet witness to the lights that were Union. Threats have simply led to more threats. once on top of them. 'Then these adolescents gather Money's We would think that the young Russia Jew, Mordecai, who In the -darkness, because they I has lived in the USSR, is one of the people whom the Russians need no lights for the things they consider a troublemaker, and who has been able to leave the So­ do. When they leave the park they Worth leave behind a Utter of beer cans viet Union and travel around the United States speaking about I that Is staggering. 'These cans By Sylm Porter i the problem, is perhaps the best authority on the whole affair, can't be the leftovers of a and his statement at the time he spoke in Providence has been drinking party of half a .dozen ~------~------...... --- ,) upheld by recent events. people. There are hundreds of End Wage Garnishment? "Asked what sort of protests would help the Jews in the Soviet 111...... IIIHllllltllllaallll' Among the juicier proposals fired by an employer wllo does Union, he felt that letters to important people, dell)onstrations of New York's Attorney General not want to be bothered with the Louis J, Lefkowitz just plunked In nuisance of the garnishment great numbers of people, would all help. 'If they don't throw COMMUNIN the lap of the state' s 1971 paperwork. Every year, by one stones and break windows,' he added. He also felt that breaking legislature: estimate, berween 30,000 and up performances of Russian entertainers not only did no good, CALENDAR .6. Making consumer education 120,000 Americans lose their but were negative and annoying to the audeineces who had paid A SRVICE Of THE a requirement In all New York jobs beca u se of wage public high schools: to see the performances. Active protests and strong demonstra­ JEWISH FIDEIATION garnishment. Of RHODE ISlAND .6. Forc ing automobi l e Another Insidious aspect of tions, the strength shown in the number of people concerned and the manufacturers to put up bonds for this practice Is that even If a rather than in the amount of noise aild destruction accomplished, I.I. JEWISH HEIAID each car sold In New York State debtor has perfectly legitimate he felt would have its effect on the USSR." For U.li"II CaH 421-4111 - as a not so subtle incentive to reasons for refusing to keep up make good on car s which turn out Mordecai was right; wasn't he? payments - such as breach of SUNDAY, JANUAn 10, 1971 to be lemons: warranty by the seller, non­ 7:30p.m. i.. Requiring state licensing of delivery, false advertising - ~~ ef lth4Jch Wond, reu,. •::!j, a utomobil e mechanics , home the threat of being fired puts him MONDAY, JANUAIY 11, 1971 improvement contractors, 1V under extreme pressure-to pay up Only In America I0:30a.m. repairmen and certain others. anyway. w...,.n•, AaMCio'-', Miriclm tt.pitcd, ~ MNti"I . New York, like Its ·even more Wage garnishment, In fact, Is 12:30 p.m. popular sister state on the west widely considered a key route to Pr..W.nc. Chapter S.nter ttodonah, ....,.. coast, has been for years a bankruptcy, and a major factor In By Harry Golden pioneer In consumer protection. .... 1:00 p.m. 1970' s all time record of 194,000 o.p.rtment- of .,,_.. W.ncl Jewith War Vetet-· Thus, the llkelihood Is that the personal bankruptcies. ••, 1-..,ilorMNtfflf legislature will approve at least ======f't..W.nce Heflw Day Sett.el, bMVtiw C-.­ Under a New York State law, The Car I~ Politicized mhfM MMtlng some of the measures proposed no debtor earning less than $85 a TUISDAY, JANUARY 12, 1971 by the hard-hitting attorney week Is subject to wage In the politicization . of 1:00 p:m. general. Henry Ford became the genius of "-""' WMMn el ~nw. Ck,lt II, a-cl garnishment. And no more than everything not even the Lower Industry by establishing a wage of But ·there's another little 10 per cent of earnings may be East Side of New York City $5 a day so his workmen could .. noticed and hlg!lly significant withheld during each pay period. 111..,.._-- Tomple t.':w, htvla, Meeting escaped. Readers tell me when I buy the . cars they helped ~= ·Item In the package a 1:00 p.m. Al so under New York State law, a write of the old ghetto manufacture.TIie assembly line on Pr..W.nta el Jewish Wiimen't Orfof»a•tt.n., provision which would abolish the eredi tor Is forbidden to send neighborhood I am -urging which cars are· put together Is at She&- 0.,ter "-""' WMMn, ...,.., garnishment of a debtor's wages threatening letters to his debtor' s disaffection, the same time the symbol of the -.. In order to complete his e mployer without a court Maybe I am. I don't mean to dehumanization of man In the Pr..W.nc.-.. "9r.,rwl AINcNltien, ._,d MNI· promised payments for some ,judgment. do It, but maybe 1 ·am. · It seems Industrial age, whl~h Is politics ... product or service he has bought WIDNISDAY, JANUAIY 13, 1971 Under the Truth In Lending everythtng else Is politicized. Sex of a sort. 10:00 •.m. on time . .; - · ..,..h Unlvenity ,..tienol Women', C-.· law only after-tax earnings over 1 s politicized, the flag Is Turn any page of F. Scott politicized, even football, for It Is mktN, ...~MN~ng Wage garnishment Is the $48 a week (or 30 times the f'ltzgerald's "TIie Great Gatsby" 1:00 p.m. classic method which creditors federal minimum hourly wage, President Nixon's telephone call Pr..W.nc. SiKtien, N.Hon.l CouncH ef #with and you will see the word "car" w-n, hgula, MHtint have used for. generations to which now Is $1.60), or a whtch determines who Is Number . because Fitzgerald was writing One, 7:45 p.m. collect debts. Under this "Income m aximum of 25 per cent of an . about the automobile culture. Jewith Community C.nte,, loord MHll"ff execution" (Its other name) Individual's weekly paycheck - Curiously, the one thing whtch a creditor gets a court order The same Is true, though to a JervN.. m Or.up .:::.r.:.~h,INtd MNtlnt whichever Is less -Is subject S11,,-tt..4 T•m!* leth Shelem, &Mrd MHtlng Instructing the employer of the to garnishment. escaped politicization Is the car. , lesser degree of another great I say It Is curious because the ,.wtudtet-C.nlr•I F•II• S.nler HN.... h , ' Thus , If an employe's weekly novel, "An American Trgedy," a.-fll•MNtlnt debtor to withhold a portion of his first significant demonstration employe' s wages until his debt Is earnings are $60 after deductions by 'Theodore. Dreiser. At the end 1 centered on tbe blisses In .... 0-pter l 'nct~ ~,!~t·';;emen, IN,4 Mfft. repaid. for federal Income taxes and Montgomery, Alabama. Martin of Volume I, Clyde Griffiths flees ... ' Obviously, this also can. be Social ·Security taxes, no more the Midwest when he Is Involved THUIIDAY, JANUARY 14, 1971 Luther King won the bus strike one of , the most financially than $12 ($60 minus $48) may be In a reckless accident. In the l zOO P·"'· because his people would walk #wwh ,..,_tl•n ._, lhect. ttt.M, .._.. 'devastating punishments a debtor, withheld. movl.e version, "A Place In the In states where wage and not ride, or at least not ride Sun," Director George Stevens &.diet' Au•"*T, I.I. ~t f2:t JWVA. ....,.. , already up to his ears In financial the busses, a tactic no American --MNtlnt.. , hot water, can suffer today. · garnishment laws are strlctei, always brought home the futility Pr..W.nce Otopter WWft•n't ArMricen OIT. · And_also obviously, the worst than the federal law, the state believed other Americans could of his ambition to Montgomery ...... , MNtl"I p.m. part of wage garnishment Is not rules hold. (In a far-reachtng et)dure, Clift when he was In a car. 1111 1be car Is a central symbol In •MrheNI Temp.... th Affl, a..1i MNtl"I the mere paycheck deduction. It ' 1%9 Supreme Court decision, the modern American experience. (continued on page 12) llllllll!!Jt lllllH•111111•1 I 1111 Is the spectre of being .summarily. garnishment before a worker has - ~ ~- -,::;.-~.,:;>;:..;._ .. __ ,::...,;.... ·• .... -·---~r...-~-- ...... --=-======::::.:==;;::;::;;;;:;;;;;:;:;;:::;;;::::::=::::;::i:c:~=;:;;:7,:;:::--======---.,.

THE RHODE ISLAND HERALD, FRIDAY, JANUARY 8, 1971 7 DENIES DIVISION . HONOR WOLPSONS NEW YORK - Louts A. LONDON - The many construction of a new auditorium Pincus, chairman of the Jewish philanthropic endeavors of Sir at the Hebrew University's Mt. Agency for Israel, denied Isaac and Lady Wolfson were Scopus camp_us_. ___ emphatically that there Is any bailed at a dinner given In their Ideological division within the · honor here to mark a grant from If you can't afford sable, give BRIDGE Israeli Cabinet on the approach to the Wolfson Foundation for the her the Herald. peace with the Arabs. Reports of such division are "gossip" he a.d v Is e d the Conference of By Robert E. Starr Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, as there Is . • ... • no split among the ministers " on In Match-Point Duplicate..... your assured. West could take tha. any basic matter," Mr. Pincus score Is compared-·- against every - stated: "Israel Is willing to go Diamond trick -anytime for- he other pair playing the hand In the could not do any damage with any place, any time, In the search same direction you are sitting. another Heart lead now. The tor peace. The Cabinet stands You get one point for alt the pairs Diamond King was still In Dummy United OD this Issue now 3.S you beat and half a point for each to protect Heart leads. Actually before." Kosher lean you tie, With all four hands being West led a Spade hoping that Identical, obviously some ties are would lock Declarer In Dummy A Herald ad always gets re­ encountered. For this reason an with no way to get to her hand but sults • . . our subscribers com­ prise an active buying market. Roast Beef I overtrick can make a tremendous that failed when the Jack was I difference. In 1.M.P. Team played by South. s. MUIIOlt-NUINTS 'I matches, however, one overtrick The Spades were now run 5 lb. I Is negligible especially when the white both that Trump and the AMERICA'S FQREMOST 2.69 safety of the contract Is Involved. Club Ace were still In Dummy. TENOR i When the contract Is a No matter when West ruffed he I vulnerable Slam, every possible was helpless. If he led a Heart It Golden Blintzes ' precaution should be employed. could be ruffed In Dummy and the Cheese 'j Such was the case In today's Spades continued until all losers Jan Peerce hand. were accounted for. If he led a Potato I Club It would be the same. etc. 59c pkg. I North • AK Q 9 7 So six was made for a score • Void of 1370. This added to the l 00 her t K 9 7 teammates had gained at the + A J 10 8 4 other table gave their team a total of plus 16 t.M.P ,'s. The Kasha and Bows West East difference between making six or ( varnishkas) • 6 5 • 10 8 4 2 seven If both had made the .96542 • A J 10 8 7 contract Is only one I.M.P. In this • Q' 2 • 5 case It wouldn't even be that. pkg . + 7 6 3 + K 9 5 Many matches are lost by less 55c than ten I.M.P ,'s. When you can South Sat. En. J•. 23, 1:30 p.-. save 16 at the possible expense of V--M9M.A...... • J 3 one, obviously this Is the correct Tldoets $6.SO-SS.SO-M.SO \ .KQ4 Vita t A J 10 8 6 3 approach. I.odd', Go«lo• Clty, C,-Thayo, & Angell, ,,.. . M,,M, L + Q 2 Moral: Safety pl ays are Just w_.._ Herring Salad Spread what they sound like. When you ,-, Ave"f ,-_, ,_, can get a fine score by simply MalC>Nen Mr, and Mrs. Richard Borod making a hand, play as safely as A'1mt_. 8 oz. container were North and South, North­ you can. A tenuous game or slam. 41 Sool,onldll., ,,... 5 5 c South vulnerable, South dealer. a doubled contract, or when you ""-C>Nen7S1-2100 The bidding:" already have gotten a favorable IENEFITOf Try Julie's Famous lead In a normal contract. THE CANTOR'S ASSEMIL Y Tray Catering Serwice S W --1; E 1 t P 2• P 3t P ,. P ,. P 4NT P 5 t P 6 t End

Because South's Spade bid did /j not really show Spade support but was. ,only a preference. both teams, with the same bidding sequence, ended In the same SI am contract, and both Wests led a small Heart. At the other table, Declarer ruffed the Heart In Dummy . and 'right after the Trumps playing the King and then the low one from Dummy. They were hoping the Trumps would either break evenly or the Queen would fall. If such were the case seven would be made for a score of 1390, When East showed out on the second lead he was now In trouble for West had a sure Trump trick· and there were still · two Hearts to be taken care of, the Ace was stlH out. In desper_ation he tried to run Spades hoping that West would have to folbw enough times to enable him to discard the two losing Hearts. If West had had four It would have worked out for not only could the two Hearts be discarded liut when East showed out the fifth Spade would also take care of the losing Club. The Club finesse would now be eliminated while West could ruff that high Trump anytime. But such was not the case, West ruffed the third Spade, led a Heart to partner's Ace and that Declarer was minus 100, Mrs. ·sorod saw tfiat If the Diamonds did break she would make seven but If not she could foresee her difficulty In even making the contract, Furthermore, the extra 20 points here would not make any appreciable difference If she could safeguard her contract, here Is what she did: She, too, ruffed the first Heart but Instead of playing the King an'd another Diamond, she played the nine and let It ride through, She did this not caring whether West's Queen fell or not for now her contract was 14 KILLED JERUSALEM - Fourteen young Jsraelts were kllled last week when a rockslld~ crushed the dining hall at Neot Haklkar, a para-military settlement In the Jordan rift valley south of the Dead Sea, The victims Included a number of girls. Initial reports said that ten persons were Injured but later Information Indicated a much higher number. 8 THE RHODE ISLAND HERALD1 FRIDAY1 JANUARY 8, 1971 eight rounds. He 1-s also trying to N:Y. Court Orders.JDL To Stop Harassment get Barry O'Neil of Cranston a place on the supporting card and NEW YORK - The Jewish trustees" of the Federation. also says that Eddie Imondi will Defense League Is under a State The Justice accepted the basic present another outstanding ring Supreme Court order against contention of the Federation that Hello Again! show that will feature Dennis . harassing the Federation of the JD L disrupted several McNamee at R.I, Aud; on January Jewish Philanthropies, a recent Federation fund-raising activities 11. target of actions by the JDL. An and picketed private businesses IT PLEASES CAESAR! - Injunction Issued by· Justice of Federation ottlclals. News of the Sports World by Warren Wolden.. Stephen Routh, an athlete at St. Edward Greenfield declared that Michael's School In Washlngton, the JDL "Had no right to A subscription to the Herald D,C., Is an ardent supporter of Interfere with the home lives or makes a good gltt. Telephone the Boston Bruins and Red Sox"' ~ lvate businesses of officers and 724-0200 or 724-0202. 00'5 00? - You've probably dangled before the eyes of a •'Don't you follow Terry heard the old story about sports figure I Reardon's Baltimore Clippers?" Gladstone? The one In which the STAGGERS IMAGINATION - was the question. Stevie for the 'Finest in . . ·, little fellow, who had been The great Babe Ruth didn't INVITATIONS answered, 11 I get the Bruins J16-tag:.• P.arlJ~ Imbibing too much, asked, "Oo' s command a salary In his entire games on WBZ and I think they're PERSONAUZED STATIONERY the career that would equal the figure HIIFORMALS • BUSINESS CARDS ee?" And answer was , "Why, great I" So Terry, check up on . BUSINESS FORMS . eut.- Gladstun, of course, hie." And being offered Cassius Cl ay and that one and make sure of your the next question, "What did Eee Joe Frazier for one night's CALL: statistics because young Mr. do?" And the answer was another performance. One of the Routh can recite goals, assists, TED f RE_NY;ILLS question, "What did - hie - Oo Immortal Connie Mack's most batting averages, etc. , with very ,..,__.,.~._ ...., .) do?" And on It went. It came to famous Philadelphia Athletics little effort. He's a real student LOEBENBERG mind when I was thinking about teams boasted of an Infield that of the games - and - a good riw..:;_ aiiin·:... ow.· Joe Frazier and Cassius Clay. was worth $100,000 for the entire prospect, too, according to And so I'm asking about Frazier, season( (Mcinnis, Collins, Barry . DAYS NIGHTS reports. Oh yes. The Caesar part ·a.,.. ,...... "Oo' s Eee and what did Eee do?" and Baker how you've of It. Stephen's grandparents are 274-19~ 433-IOIO Someone w!ll answer right away, shrunk() What are we coming to? Caesar and Mary Romano of ·725-3779 "He beat Bob Foster, didn' t he?" AND IN TiiE MIDST OF IT Providence and young Mr. Routh and we could go on again with - In Providence, we 're talking was visiting with them over the another question about Foster, about a new convention hall and holidays. You'll find "Caesar" In asking, "Oo's Eee and what did sports arena: voting on whether Max Greenberg's Star Pharmacy Eee do?" or not we should get the money on Broad Street. I don't think ~. STATE SIGn (0. for such an urgently needed ,,,,;, ' nm PURSE IS TiiE 1lllNG Mark Antony ls there. - I'm picking Cassius to win center. And while we're deciding CARRY ONI . ...,.,,, even at this early date. Yes, yes. to vote, a couple of boxers, I agree that hi s Draft example Is surety not members of one of our INTHESIGII a poor one but, under our system , most necessary professions, wlll J have to go by the Courts and It start attracting a purse that 50YEARS INIUfflY may be that those august bodies would go a long way toward are as much to blame as ls All. If helping us realize our efforts for * 1921-1971 * we don't abide by their decision, keeping Providence and Rhode DtsitHr1.._llhchlrtr1-lrtdtf1 we haven't much left. So call Island out In front In the keen Cassius whatever you desire. He competition from other sections. NEON SIGN SERVla may be this and he may be that And so, aside from the Clay­ Out"- Adv. • Off;co Doo,s • Gold loaf Frazier battle, may I comment Trvclr. lett.rino • ProfentOnol Si9n1 • t"'ostert but In the boxing ring he has done • 11,du,triol Molal Lotto,s • Silk $<- almost everything anyone could that I think that tf we are to move ~- ask of hi m. He has appeared as a forw ard we must have the new -\/ NEON • \/ ELECTRIC physical marvel and he has convenUon and sporrs arena thwarted the old saying that "they bui ldi ngs. don't come back." He's had a IN 1llE MEANTIME * State llgn Co. * couple of good workouts with Boxing of the Golden Gloves ~~g.~ 94.1~17 - Quarry and Bonavena; has proven variety continues at Fall River that he can summon the stamina Armory under the direction of for fifteen rounds and can deliver Joe Morrissette. The winners at a K.O. punch after going that Fall River will move on to the T~mT ilurtiniqu.e i.e.ataunmt distance. One thing ls certain and Tournament of Champions at CHAIRS s20 that Is that when It's all over both Lowell and from there, they will 840 ilroall &trrrt Cassius and Frazier will be able go on to . Joe Cellettl has to answer one part of the three boys In the competition - Jroutllrnrt. IL I. 02907 question, "What did EE do?" Bobby Brown, Robert Theodore i Either or each will be able to and Rllly Washington. Mr. = say, "Eee was offered the most Cellettl Is picking Joe Frazier to (401) 41i l - 3006 fabulous, unbelievable purse ever win from Cassius in seven or BLUESTEEL PRINTS $65 Israelis Capture 19 Egyptian Spies FILES &ptcializing In Jrint ~tafnob.s TEL AVIV - A mllJtary of the same unit was captured -FES-~,~~s 11unqurt Jrarlltttrs ~nullublr spokesman disclosed that 19 a 11 v e and a short while SA ·at1lOWIR Egypt Ian · spies have been afterwards two spies were kllled ~(JII (i..N T Pl, I ti Jr' P/;',(f In a boat In the Gulf of Suez. • Orders To Go• captured or killed by Israeli forces In the Sinai peninsula In An espionage gang was ERS • CHECK WRITERS t recent weeks. The spokesman captured this week near Sharm el REGISTERS • O~FICE FURN, said that large quantities of Sheikh and four Bedouins spying • MARKET, RESTAURANT & Daily & Sunday We Honor FACTORY EQUIPJ,\f,NT t ETC., Int e II lgen c e equipment were for the Egyptians were captured ETC..ETC. 11 :30 a .m. · l O p.m. All Major captured. He said that..Qf the 19 , in the same area, the sJX)kesman I Sat. 5 p.m. - 11 p.m. Credit Cards some were regular Egyptian said. He released photographs of 45 EAGLE STREET Army personnel and the rest captured boats and equipment. Provt~ •nee R I were Bedouins pressed Into Intel llg enc e service by the Egyptians. One of the latter told his story Does Your Car Run on television. He said he was a fisherman from the Ghardaka region of Egypt and claimed he Like Something was forced to perform espionage on the thr~at of being deprived of out of the his means of earning a living. The military spokesman said , the Egyptians mounted their Gay Nineties espionage expeditions from Jsma!Ja·tn the central Suez Canal Bicycle Craze? zone and from Ghardaka on the west shore of the Gulf of Suez opposite Sharm el Sheikh. He said the spying was first reported last If it is -- Nov.ember when an Egyptian killed In Sina! was found to be car r ylng espionage equipment. Subsequently, another member Former SS Men Admit Mass Murder Of Jews EDWIN S. SOFORENKO BONN - Two foi-nier SS men admitted In a Wlesbadan court that they participated In the mass HOWARDS. MALCOLM murder of Jews at Majdanek GREENE G.LAZZARD death camp, near Lublin In 1943- and see David or Max Golden 44 but claimed they acted under MICHAELH. HAROLD orders. The two are among five SILVERMAN SILVERMAN former ss guards who went on YOUR ONE STOP AUTO REPAIR CENTER trial for the massacre of 65,000 MURRY M. CHARLES D. Jews at Majdanek. HALPERT ' GAUVIN • BODY WORK-e PAINTING• FRONT ENI)• Gotthard Schubert, 57, of W-lesbanden, said that on Nov. 19, All LINES OF INSURANCE FOR BUSINESS e TIRES • BATTERIES • BRAKES • GLASS • 1943, he was- ordered to arrange INDUSTRY, HOME AND PUSONAL PROTECTION • TRANSMISSION • IGNITION • the shootings of 31,000 Jews. He said the camp Inmates were lined 211 ANGELL STREET • UP.HOlSTERY • RA'IATOR WORK•- up naked and shot with • MARK IV AIR CONDITIONER - SAUS & SERVICE machlneguns. His co-defendant, 65-year-old UNiDn 1-1923 George Hoffman of Limburg, told the court that In I 944 he , INSURANCE UNDERWRITERS, l~C. COMPLETE CAR CARE participated In the shooting of 40 Jews. - /

THE RHODE ISLAND HERALD, FRIDAY, JANUARY 8, 1971 9 ASK POSTPONEMENT "NO PLANE FOUND For news of Israel, Jewish ,. NEW YORK - Rabbi Moshe TEL AVIV - The Lebanese com munltles throughout the Sherer, executive president of government bas advised Israel world, local organizations and Agudath ·Israel, said the group's through the International Red society, read the Herald. • .and administrative board met in Cross that It has found no signs for :;ome of the best bargains in emergency session to deal with of a Cesna aircraft with three the Greater Providence area. the scheduled International men aboard that disappeared automobile race scheduled for while on a cloud-seeding filght -- ~ _RE"'S"""' " Saturday in the Israeli city of over northern Israel. The plane Ashkelon. The board sent a wire was spraying clouds with silver ORCHESlRA to Rolf Pauls In Washington, D.C. Iodide in an attempt to stimulate - Music for that very special affair the West German Ambassador to rainfall, A sea and air search by -Weddings .. Bar Mitzvahs the United States, urging him to Israeli forces failed to turn up y 831-3739 .Res.,_944-7298 use his "good offices" ro any clues. Inf! uence the German firm sponsoring the race to postpone it BY APPOINTMENT , THURS .• FRI. , SAT. to a weekday "thus avoiding WALK IN , MON. th,u WED. , THURS . & FPI . NITES worl d-wi de outrage ;,t insensitivity to religion In the WIGS & HAIRPIECES Holy Land.'_'___ _ SOLD & SERVICED IN ONE DAY Herald ads get results. ~ MASSAGE THERAPIST ~ - C,/fu,e~ ENGAGED: Mn. David L Buckler ENGAGED: Mr. and Mn. Joseph . ),J of Fordson . Avenue, Cranston, an­ A. Chernick af 73 Sayles Avenue, For Women nounces the engagement of her Pawtucket, announce the engage­ -AT YOUR HOME­ daughter, Bette Ann, to Leonard ment of their daughter, Miss Mar­ t'I Howard Berk, son of Mrs. Thomas sha Ann Chernick, to Captain Lan­ TEl-0183 Berk of Drowne Street, Cranston, ny Golden, USAF, OF Rome Air and the late Mr. Berk. Development Center, AFB, New CERAMICS CLASSES .,, I York, son of Mrs. Rhea Gq)den of learn tM 01-ierttol hondbu.&dirt9 ond 2'Jore:J Miss Buckler, the daughter of Wilmington, Delaware. whftlth,ow1nt techniqva fl'Offl 373 NARRAGANSETT PARKWAY the late Mr. Buckler, is a graduate Miss Chernick, granddaughter of Cranston High School East, and af Mr. and Mrs. Irving Epstein of (ACROSS FROM NARRAGANSETT VILLAGE ) is presently attending Roger Wil­ Nancy Street, Pawtucket, is a WARWICK, R.I. liams College where she is major­ graduate af Pawtucket West Sen­ GARY M . COKEN, P,op. ing in education. ior High School. She attended the 467-8932 Vesper George School of Art . Mr. Berk, an alumnus of Crans­ ton High School East, received his Capt. Golden is a graduate of 8.5. from Roger Williams College the DuPont High School and the - where he was named to " Who's University of Delaware. He is an electrical engineer and is a re­ Who in American Colleges and · cWS(S STAii! JAN. 11 search and development officer in Universities." His fraternity ~is Kop­ 511 WUWK:IC Avt., WA.WW .• R.I. pa Phi. At present Mr. Berk is with the USAF. A member of the In­ llfGISTfl NOW '67-3621 the U.S. Army Reserves stationed stitute of Electrical and Electronics Let us swing into at Fort Leonard Wood, Mi11ouri. Engineers, he is also a member of Eta Kappa Nu, college honor fra­ action for you! A June, 1972, wedding is ternity. planned. A June 20 wedding is planned. Dr .Goldstein Named To Task Force 0ARUBA0 Of American Jewish Committee WHATEVER QFREEPORTO Dr, Sidney Goldstein, . background paper on "American THE SPORT 0 MIAMI BEACH Q professor of sociology at Brown Jewry: l 970: A Demographic OR © PUERTO RICO G PolynniMI University and director of Its Profile." A review of the latest .• nd Population Studies and Training available Information on the size, Cantont:1c Cuisine EVENT @HAWAII 0 Center, has been appointed to the dist ributi on, composition and "'COCKTAILS SlRV(DH ONASSAUO Task Force ~the Futur.e of. the­ components of change In the eTobOIISenke • LET OUR PROFESSIONALS Jewish Community In ·Amerlcan American Jewish population, ihe PLAN IT FOR YOU OBERMUDAO by Philip Hoffman , president of paper will appear In the l 971 467-7440 the American Jewish Committee. "American Jewish Yearbook." • Ai r C~1t iontd • Members of the task force Dr. Goldstein has already Amc, lr r~, p.,1r. ir.,;i Include leaders In the Jewish published extensively on the 10 ffl iftS. From Prow. CALL TRA~,!~~~,.. community, Jewish scholars and American Jewish community, CD, academicians who have given including "Jewish Americans." 1278.... Post,a: Rd. 808 HOPE STREET extensive thought to J ewlsh which Is largely based on srudy problems, Jewish educators and of t he Provi de nc e Jewish rabbis. · community. Last year he was The Task Force w!II examine honored by an appointment as those forces threatening Jewish corresponding member of the -o-,-L-PA-,-N-TI_N_G_s-----ORIGI NALS continuity and survival and Institute of Contemporary Jewry cohesion In America. Its goal Is at Hebrew University. He also WATER COLORS to make recomrriendations serves as a scientific director of designed to perpetuate and to the National Jewish Population PRINTS strengthen Jewish communal life. Study and Is on the board of As part of his contribution to directors of the Association for WARWICK GALLERIES, the work of the task force, Dr. J ewis h Demograp h y and INC. Goldstein prepared a major Statistics. Dr. David Freedman Named Head Qf Providence Medical'Group Dr. David Freedman, former Caruolo, vice president; Dr. chief of surgery at The Miriam Thomas F, Head, secretary; Dr. Hospital, and now consulting John B, Lav;lor, treasurer; Dr. surgeon there, was elected this Buxton, councillor of the State Medical Society; Dr. Alfred L, week as president of the Potter, trustee of the medical Providence Medical Association library; and Dr. Constantine S. at that organization's 124th Georas, Dr. Abraham Horvitz; annual meeting. He succeeds Dr. Dr. Donald P, Fitzpatrick, and Bertram H, Buxton, Jr. Dr, Robert P, Sarni, members of Other officers who- were the executive committee for three elected were Dr. Joseph E, year terms each. Gov. Frank. Licht To Serve On Governors' Committee Of Israel American College Governor Frank Licht has and modern culture of Israel in accepted an invitation to serve on the English speaking world. Now in Its third year, the American --$ he National Governors You could have paid '650 for this , I Committee of the American College has a student body of exquisitely designed $0fa .. .but you did College in J11rusalem, It has been more than 200, 85 per cent of read if and came to us to get it at a announced J,y Dean Leonard whom are Americans. fantastically low . . . •449 Goldstein from the American Governor Licht, who has available thru January 12th only . . office in New York City. served as an honorary member of .over 150 fabrics to select from •. . Even Velvets! The American College ls the the College Council since its first and only English language inception, was a guest of honor four-year liberal arts college In and m llln speaker at the · see it NOW at •• ~ Israel. Chartered In the Olstrlet American ceremonies, marking of Columbia, It Is a private non­ · the opening of the college, which Col el fas t(aplat\ sectarian, co-educational college, were held at the U,S, Coast Guard "The U11:usual In Furniture-" Its major goal being to promote Acaclemy in New London, International understanding and Connecticut, In 1968. coope.ra t ton , as well as strengthening the understanding Ir you can't afford sable, give her the Herald. and appreciation of the classical ~ .. t ------·~·-· . ·-~ ... ___ ...., ..__ , __ ._ . - ______...._ __ ...,.. ______

i 10 THE RHODE ISLAND HERALD, FRIDAY, JANUARY 8, 1971 i I I / PROTEST TRIAL sentences. The message, signed BUENOS AIRES ~ Argentine by the organization's president, Jewry Is protesting the Leningrad Jose Moskovits and Its secretary, trial and the death and prison Abraham Dereczynskl declared, sentences meted out to the 11 ''We assure your excellency that_ def end ants . Posters have we are not moved by anti-Soviet I appeared all over the city urging hysteria but wish to save the LEAVE FOR FLORIDA I public opinion to "stay the hand lives of our brethren unjustly Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tesler of r of the executioners." The Jewish condemned." Attleboro, Massachusetts, have r Association of Survivors of nazl ------left for Florida on a six month I Persecution cabled President Herald subscribers comprise trip. I Nikolia Podgorny of the Soviet an active buying ma,ket. For ••• I . Union calling on the Soviet excellent results , advertise In the BECOMESBASMITZVAH _government to commute the Herald. Call 724-_0200. Miriam Rae Schwartz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Schwartz of Willingboro, New Jersey, became Bas Mltzvah on December 25 at Temple Emanu­ El In WUl!ngboro. During the service Miss Schwartz read from the Torah and chanted a -selection from the book of Zechariah. She delivered a short message and assisted Rabbi Richard A, Levine and Cant o.r Joseph Marklnd In conducting the service. She received gifts from Leonard Olin sky, president of the congregation. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Jacob B, Rothenberg of Providence.


SUGGESTS MARIAN MERCER at Katherina and William Cain a, Petruchio with Don­ f ald Somen (foreground) as Vincenlio are shown in the Trinily Square r· 8 DAYS - 7 NIGHTS Repertory Company production of " The Taming of the Shrew" by Wil­ I' WINTER SCHOOL HOLIDAY liams Shakespeare. The play will be presented al •he Rhode Island Mon-Fri, Febl 5-19 PACKAGE School of Design Thealer through January 30. 1· How to be tops in your youngsters' books: I Take them away from their school books and into the I' wondrous winter of The Nevele. Share the kick of tobog­ CARACAS ganing, the zing of skiing, the wh irl of skating, the Reviewer finds 'Shrew' flinging fun of a snowball fight all through their school SOUTH AMERICAN holiday. Give the whole family that brisk break you all CARIBBEAN need for a heady recess that sends you and your kids Not As Diverting As Usual back to your books in sparkling spirits. E~ery building connected by tunnel and arcade • and at 0 Trinity Square's effort to of his name - nor detail s like very interesting Winter School Holl day rates. Spidel FROM s220° recreate the Globe Theater may Katherina's yellow hair shining Guest Stars!! ! Uve Muaic ! ! ! Dancin1 ! ! ! Prizn ! ! ! account for much In their clean when her whole wedding INCLUDING AIR FARE "Taming of the Shrew." The play gown has been mired. but in a FROM N.Y., HOTEL, started late, but that's standard satisfying production the petty TRANSFERS & SIGHTSEEING for opening night. It began In a annoyances are shrugged off. way that might have been ULlNVILU. NY 76 DOIIANCE ST. PIIOV., R.I. These annoyances Included Hotel Tel: 914-647-6000 or Call Yoor Travel A&ent CAU, 272-1228 01272-7106 effective, with members of the difficulty In understanding some cast going through the audience of the actors, who shouted but did dis tr I but In g an attractive not project; triangles of actors broadsid P., whl-': :1 they sang who seemed not to be en rapport: through (only one stanza), then and awkward blocking that broke Invited us to sing with ·them. But up entire scenes for comic effect I ' the cast didn't play It big enough, but lost any focus the scene might there was too much noise and have had. Mr. Hall kept us always confusion, and not enough people aware that this Is a play by had copies of the song, so for actors, though there were scenes many the early moments· of the where characters came through evening were lost. This kind of as human beings In honest audience Involvement can be s I tu a ti on s. One charming made to work, If everything Is distraction was a game of blind going for It - noise level, man's buff between two lovers, careful blocking, an audience that but it was less Important than the can be pulled In. If director final scene. when Katherine's Adrian Hall could have everyone tongue-In-cheek advice to wives Intoning OHM and holding hands was partially Inaudible because at "Son of Man," he should have she was scurrying around the - been able to pull It off at stage. ''gu.ew.'' A 11 v e I y diversion, the The play Is performed by a Shakespeare comedy lacked the. A CDHCDRD FIRST WINTER traveling group of actors · on a firm, sweeping s ta temen t and LINCOLN'S­ wooden platform set up In a precise underlining of many WASHINGTON'S SCHOOL courtyard. "Groundllngs" (on sma,Il points toward a planned r Birthday I HOLIDAY opening night some of these effect that have often WEEKEND Mon -Fri, Feb U-19 I attractive youngsters seemed to characterized Trlnhy's be from last , summer's productions. Their "Taming of Thur -Mon. Feb 11-15 The price is ri&ht, so brine the Governor's School) surged back the Shrew" never jelled Into a kids at bargain rates for a hol- and forth arouncf the platform In coherent whole and proved, In iday treat. their own modern but varied fact, to be not as diverting as the clothing. Their movements play has hitherto seemed. depended on the largest prop since Trinity's lunar module, a LOISA1WOOD 50% huge horse on wheels that Eugene Lee designed sets and . on your first ~,11,y'• at,11,y. CH '16ILDREN'S RATE per day effectively blocked the stage from lighting, John Lehmeyer designed DON 'T COME FOR SUPPER in same room with parents various locations. The costumes, and Richard Cumming THURS. NIGHT, FEB. 11 AND ' THE PLACE TO BE IN , WHEN groundllngs' Ingenuous laughter composed the pleasa'nt, came often at the obvious line ~1~lr°i~\,l1~~y F~~Jf~r SCHOOL'S OUT. A holiday pack- appropriate music. · LEAVE MON., FEB. 15 AFTER age rate designed to be a gift. Instead of the wittier one that In a class by itself. Cast members were: Sun ,Feb 14 LUNCH. 4 NIGHT MINIMUM. followed . and sometimes seemed to be led, as the cards raised In A Lord, Vlncentlo Donald television studios lead a captive Somers- - ~-~~~~~ claque. About half the groundllngs Christopher Sly, Pedant Jon @ fiIS[l[I •.. AlwaysatTheConcord-AIIWinterLons••• ~li.1(1(1 ~ apparently went home after Act I. Kimbell Lucentlo Robert Black SKIING (uae of all lilts) INDOOR SWIMMING POOLSI~ The horse gave Petruchlo a ~ SNOW-MAKING BUSTER CRABBE SWIM SHOW ~ different, amusing entrance but Tranlo James Eichelberger prevented the swashbuckling Baptista Mlnola David C. J ones ~~B~KG~T~~~N':;'doon and oul) :~ti:,:::~li!Ls DAILY ~ sweep of most Petruchlos. It Katherina Marian Mercer TENNIS day and nisht (midweek) SINGLES GET ACQUAINTED PARTIES ~ might be a good gimmick for Blanca ' Cynthia Wells NEW SHOWS NIGHTLY - DISCOTHEQUE another play. Even trotting on hi s _Gremlo George Martin q 3 nishtcluba, GUIDED TOURS 'I lofty steed, Bill Caln contrives to Hortenslo WIiiiam Damkoehler i ~~~t~: ~fi~: OR MINIMUM ~~or:::~g~ THEATRICAL CELEBRITIES ~ be a satisfying, fleshed-out Blondello Robert J. Colonna fortune hunter, and we love him. Petruchlo WIiiiam Caln , , FILMS COCKTAIL PARTIES Like other members of the Grumlo David Kennett HEALTH CLUBS, LadiH and Men•, TENNIS EXHIBITIONS • company, he used various Curtis Richard Jenkins ~\~~-~~-~ pronunciations; altogether, four Nicholas, Tailor · Michael versions of "Petruchio" were Champagne heard onstage, and a few other Philip Timothy Crowe The Concord Hotel words came out unlike the text. Nathan Thomas Mason \l'ht'N' ..... ill. In,..,. •. whPtt ..... 1111 ... Klilmf'l"hil ...... N.l'. N min. lNIIII N. '\'.(~ The pronunciations don't Widow Barbara Meek MOTIL IIUIIIIIII: 11141 ~. OIi.iii YOUltTIIAYIL AGINT. matter - who has seen a Others Mina Manenre "Shrew" without at least one slip Joanna Wllllams ~~------~-~~------=~==-- ~~=~-=~-~~~~=,------,,....~~~~-=--~---,.-oe~~-.,-.. ·=-=------~-

, (

> THE RHODE ISLAND HEIµLD1 FRIDAY1 JANUARY 81 1971 11 Terry Schwadron Po61 JJol;J., Sat Kriows What He Wants To Do B-r Sa1,,,Ja,, Ju.-,, 9,i up lo 5Q% al/ A//:JJ/ anJ Winur Stoel :};,,,./ Sat,

,,URIC.A SIMON, er 21 year old junior at Brown Univenity where she is majoring in Com­ parative Literature, is the only native Rhode Islander in her family. She is the daughter of Dr. and Mn. Stanley 0. Simon of Loring Avenue. At Brown Miu Simon reviews plays and Clothes too tight? Bulges where there shouldn't be? Avoiding the bathroom scale? These are sure signs you're gaining movies for the Brown Doily Her­ unwanted weight! Resolve right now, and do something about ald. it at Weight Watchers. Lose 10, 20 pounds or more, and you'll learn how to keep it off . . . 3 hearty meals a day plus snacks and you're on your way to a new you! Men, women, teenagers - new members accepted at all times. $6.00 first meeting {includes registration fee) and 2.50 weekly thereafter. Join now! For Information Call 831 -5358 or 831 -0337 Terry Schwadron knows what Insure that reform measures are 159 Elmgrove Avenue, Providence, R.I. he wants· to do. A senior at Brown Implemented. He has also tried to University, he has been Involved make the BDH an "Everyman BROWN CALL NOW for Closs Most Convenient For You! In newspaper work since his days paper/' an open forum for the Barrington Johnston Smithfield at North Providence High School. " student view." Bristol Midland Mall Wakefield There he founded the school Terry Is majoring In Polltlcal paper, graduated first In his Philosophy, a concentration he Central Fdlls Newport Warwick class, went on to become editor created himself. From his Cranston · North Providence Westerly of the "Brown Dally Herald," and studies In philosophy, a Eost Greenwich Pawtucket West Warwick Is now a reporter on the state concentration he created himself. UNIVERSITY Eost Providence Providence Woonsocket stat! of the "Providence' From his studies In philosophy he Rumford Journal." He has definite Ideas of has learned how to ask questions. what a newspaper should be and "Reporting," he says, "Is finding do. out what the news Is, then asking At Brown he has covered such the right questions. Often the events as the student strike last questions are more Important spring, moratorla, a new than the answers." president of the university, a Last summer Terry moved black student walk-out, as well as Into the world of professional the Raymond L. S. Patrlarca Journalism. He covered the news 742 EAST AVE., PAWT. hearings and various election In East Providence and Bristol activities. "It's not our role to be County for the "Providence PRESENTS simply a record o( what happens Journal." His experiences ranged al .Brown, but .we should show from the Bristol 4th of July EXC.LU.SIYELY FOR YOU what It means as well," he parade to- police Investigations. WINDOW SHADES FROM AND UP maintains. By playing up certain He'll start reporting !or the 3.95 problems , change can be affected. "Journal" again next semester, DRAPERY FABRIC FROM PER YD. "A story Is big because we make after he retires as editor · of the 2.95 It big, not because It's there." BDH. CUSTOM MADE About Brown University he On the subject of his religion commented, "Brown has a Terry says, "!gained an •DRAPERIES• IED SPREADS• WOVEN WOODS MEASURING prob 1 em. They have Just awareness of antl-semltlsm at • LAMINA TES.THU CLOTHS. cu,mNG { ESTIMATES awakened to the fact that they North Providence High School • DRAPERY FIXTURES & ACCESSORIES . FREE INSTALLATION have a responsibility to the rest where I was the only Jew. I'm a • PLAIN & DECORATIVE WINDOW SHADES o ! th e community. They're little militant about It. I call realizing how Inadequate their m y s e 1! a J ew before an long-range planning has been." American." FOR SHOP AT HOME SERVICE He cited problems with housing, I asked him what he thought . finances, minority hiring and m ad e h Im d If fer e n t from various programs reaching Into e v sr yon e else. Grinning he CALL 724-0680 the community as a few of the answered, "Why am I dlf!erent HOURS, . MON., TUES., SAT. 9 to 5 Issues !acing the university. from everyone else? Because I'm If no answer 949-2113 WED., THURS., FRI. 9 to 9 Terry adds that the newspaper a nice guy, I do good work, and I must keep or, everyone's back to ask tough questions." a 11 Arrested In Protest Before Soviet UN Mission No~ in PROVIDENCE NEW YORK Eleven vigil Is sponsor ed by Betar, a persons were arrested and five militant Zionist youth group, the The world-famous were Injured In mid-Manhattan JDL, the _ Ecumenical - Council last · week when J ew i s h Against Religious Persecution, demonstrators tried to break the New York Council on Soviet Barbizon School of Modeling through police barricades to Jewry and Havurah. reach the Soviet United Nations The vigil was continued by Mission to protest the trial and about 300 persons who picketed sentencing of Jews In Leningrad. the lhtlted States Mission to the Now, you donThave to traveJ to study professional Three of the Injured were lhtlted Nations demanding an end modeling. aARBiZON has established a new police men a nd two were to the SALT disarmament talks, demon s trators . One youth no peace talks a11d.no trade talks branch school right here with the same facilities reportedly required 14 stitches. with the Soviet Union until It and teaching techniques as the New York School. Among those arrested was frees all Jews sentenced and Rabbi Meir Kahane, chairman of detained, the Jewish Defense League. He We have graduated thousands of girls into had just finished addressing an NEED FORTITUDE brilliant modeling careers and given countless estimated 2500 protestors at TEL AVN - Premier Golda others "The Look" that helps any career. Hunter Collef.e auditorium where Meir told a Labor Party youth he vowed ' Two Russians for assembly that she was worried If every Jew," Rabbi Kahane was Israel had the fortitude to stand If you're a girl 14 years of age or older, send for our arrested after he allegedly up to political pressures and not free, 32 page book to help you decide if you qualify. exhorted a crowd of several "lose In the political arena what No obligation, of course. Fill out and mail this coupon thous and near the Minion was won on the battlefield." Mrs. headquarters to break through the Meir did not elaborate on the OR PHONE 421-6820. police lines. causes of her concern although He and II others were charged she appeared to be referring to with disorderly conduct, loitering recent developments. She said· THE BARBIZON SCHOOL OF MODELING and Inciting to riot. 'They were she never teared that Israel's ---- released on the i r - own soldiers would abandon the 170 Westminster Street, Providence, R.I. 02903 _H recognizance and a hearing was battlefield "but of late I have set. begun to worry whether we have No.,. ______A1•- -- . 'The Hunter Cqllege rally the same strength to Insist on marked the opening of a "100 matters which are essential to A.W,.. , ______Phone ______hour vigil," a campaign of our security." . continuous anti-Soviet Clt, ______:.__ StelO __ z,, ______demonstrations to last through It you can•t afford ml"1<, give the final 100 hours al 1971. 'The her the Herald, 12 THE RHODE ISLAND HERALD, FRIDAY1 JANUARY 8, 1971 ANNOUNCE PLANS UNABLE TO RAISE MONEY PHll,ADELPHIA - A newly­ TEL AVIV Orthodox ·The f or med Professional Hebrew politicians have been unable to Teachers Organization here has raise the money they promised - announced plans to assign the promoters or an International Lyons representatives to all Jewish automobile race In Ashkelon last schools In the area and· to begin m on th tor rescheduling the contract negotiations with the contest from Saturday to Sunday. Board of Jewish Education of They agreed to pay some $60,000 Den Philadelphia, In compensation tor the losses Incurred when the promoters had ======1:1=..J====c to make r,etunds to thousands or Fav Wrav. who starred In Director Paul Mazursky, who ticket-holders who could not "King King," now a classic, Is In let his hair grow for "Alex In attend on Sµnday, an ordinary New York with her ,rroom-to-be, Wonderland," vows he won't cut working day In Israel. So rar they Dr. Sanford Rothenberg, a it till Nixon ends the war In have raised only $3500. Religious California neurosurgeon ... S,J. Vlemam ..•Douglas Fairbanks, circles are balking against what Perelman has written a play, for Jr., may co-star In a movie with they call "buying off" the which he's plan_nlng a London oean Martin. He'd be worth his Sabbath. production. He's now conferring fee Just for the contrast. with Peter- Ustin0v about lt. .• Lana Anna Sabo of Dumbarton Is so HIY to clean So kind tofHt Turner may make her stage debut organizing a novel bear hunt In For news or Israel, Jewtsh· In "Forty Carets" for Cuber and Siberia. 1be USSR will supply the 6 reasons why comm u n It I es throughout the Gross. rifles and two marksmen, plus a world, local organizations and John McMartin, who playeri chef, a chambermaid and two society, read the Herald. • .and the lead In "Sweet Charity," will drum beaters to help corner the TO APPEAR HERE: Jan Peerce tor some or the best bargains· In have the male lead in "Follies," quarry. the Greater Providence area. Metropolitan Opera tenor, who regularly sings in every part of the opposite Alexis Smlth••. "Love Producer Gil Cates flew to United States, from New York to Story," playing at Loew' s State, Paris to get the U.S. rights to E.S. Berren Miami, from Beaumont, Texas to will be one of P aramount's top "1be Contract" and offer the Bozeman, Montana, is as popular grossers ... Shlrtey MacLalne, starring role to Melvyn Douglas, on the college campus circuit as he starring In New York ln the who starred In his "I Never Sang Wallpaper Co. is on national television ptogram. "Desperate Characters" film, for My Father" fllm .•. Gerold He will sing in Providence on Sat­ dld a nude scene In the publishing Frank changed the title of his Quiet, Quiet, quiatl l'Nffnts llrealkap . o\\ urday, January 23, at the Veter­ offices of French and Co.... Kelth book on the Martin Luther King ans Memorial Auditorium for the Baxter of "Sleuth" will star In slaying from "Conspiracy" to benefit of The Cantors Assembly. the film version of Joan Oldlon's "An American [)eath".:.Robert You should have ~Interior Decorators "Play It As It Lays. ' Aldrich flew to Mexico City to During the post months, his en­ And Home Owners When Mayor Undsay visited see Dolores de! Rio about a role gagements included two toun of the Elgin watch plant In New York In his next film production. Europe for opera, concerts, record­ to convey an offlclal greeting to No Need ings and television. the firm's president, Alan Pat Henry, the comic, a Mr. P.. rce originated the Cul­ Schafler, a surprised employe dlsclple of Frank Sinatra, Is of To Go To New York ture C«ps plan for sending Ameri­ asked Schafler lf Elgin was Italian descent. He said of the can performen abroad to acquaint planning to make a Lindsay watch. demonstration organized by Joe We carry a full the peoples of all nations with the 1ne mayor's press secretary, Colombo to protest I culture of the United Stales. He is dlscrlmlnatlon agalnt Italian­ and distinctive Tom Morga:,, told the employe: Splll1 are no problem l'rnentsthf1 chairman of the Arts Council of "If they do make a Undsay A me rl can s : "What shrewd line of the America-Israel Foundation. watch, it'll run every four planning that was. 1be dais alone Decorator years." represented 800 years off for Carpeting · In confirming the story In this good behavior." • WALLCOYIRINGS column recently, Senator Ed Russell Nype, who closed 1n your ltarry Golden Muskie said he' d visit Egypt, recently In "He11o Dolly!" waited only one day before starting largest Selections (Continued from page 6) Israel and Berlin. 1be fourth I kitchen p I ace on his Itinerary Is rehearsals for Harold J. Kennedy in New England Fifteen years ago, experts Russla. .•Maureen O'Sullivan will In "Light Up the Sky" ... Luchow's pre d I c t e d that Connecticut's star in "Hay Fever" tn Seattle's Sunday· night crowds are bigger Window Shades than ever... The Arthur Murrays I Governor Abraham Rlblcofr had repertorv theater. ..On the day Laminated committed poll tic al suicide by Goeran Gentele Is due to assume have settled In their winter home Insisting on a statewide program In Honolulu ... Lt. Ralph Bunche, l\ To Match his post at the Metropolitan Of Ca r Safe t y . J believe Opera, the contracts with the Jr., who spent a year In Vlemam, Your Wallcoverings Connecticut was one of the first vital unions are scheduled to will resume his studies at the states to make toss or license expire. The new dlrector may be Fletcher School of Diplomacy In mandatory for speedlng offenses. faced Immediately with a strlke. Boston. Of course a lot or events While Joe Frazler waits to Ed Pauley, the California oil OPEN occurred to save Senator flght Muhammad All and clarify man, Is preparing his 'I Mon., Wed., Sot. Rlblcoff's life, Including the the dispute over the heavyweight autobiography. His researcher, election of John F. Kennedy. I l O o.m. to 5 :30 p.m. title, he's tourlng with his group, have a memo about a party he only mean to point out that the "1be Knockouts." 1bey played gave for President Harry Tues., Thur., Fri., car has been on occasion a the Nevele In the Catskills, with Truman. When the drinks were 10 o .m. to 9 p.m. political as we11 as moral Issue. the last set at 3 a.m. Frazier served Truman said: "I never 1be dlsplay of the flag means said: "When I'm singing I go to drink before noon - but it must WE HONOR something and so does wearing a bed at 4 a.m. When I'm flghtlnl!;, I be noon somewhere." George hard hat or displaying the peace get UP at 4 a.m." Jessel was there and said to symbol or wearing long hair but Howard Erskine will return to Truman: "All these drinks nver All work done on premises. \Jrlvtng a Chevrolet may mean affect me. IIANKAMERICMD ' - play production with Joe Hayes' Decorators Accommodatecl only that Hoss and Ben new play, starring Dana Andrews, "But please, Mr. McKinley, - ______,/ Cartwright sold the driver a bill openlng at Florida State don' t go to Buffalo. I have a hunch 92 Narragansett Ave of goods. DRIVE DOWN TO University.· you'll find trouble the re." 781 - 7070 I believe there Is a real BRISTOL AND SAVE! reason why we skipped the car as TUE S & THUR'" CI O , ED a way of venting expression and I Question Of 'Who Is A Jew' 253-8300 ~Ill <; ;, ~ \', ~· >"'4Clil•A l -., believe it has to do with the !, ecology Issue. Some of our towns I, have passed laws prohibiting the Is Raised In United States I sales of detergents and others I have out! awed tbe burning of NEW YORK - An Orthodox antagonism, both on the part of autumn leaves, bold steps for an rabbi has accused a Conservative members of these groups, as well unpolluted future. 1bey should rabbi of "Importing" Into the as their white Jewish q=n~~er" United States the "Who Is a Jew" benefactors" and that the 80 Massapoag Avenue live so long. Sharon, Mass. Tbe truth about air pollution controversy by Imputing · "rac­ "leaders of these groups" had Is that It comes In the main ism" to white J ews who are ..perpetrated" a fraud "on their ( 617) 784-6000 either from Industrial wastes or skeptical about the Jewishness of unsuspecting Black followers , as from car exhausts. American Black Jews. The Issue, well as those of the Jewish • BANQUET FACILITIES Elected officials can make hay which was debated In Israel for community who have given • CATERING IN TEMPLES for themselves telling rrionths, was revived here over sympathy and support to their Consolidated Edlson it cannot Black Jews when Robert Coleman Black brothers." Visir Our .-ppett:user Shoppe build a power plant on the Storm of New York, a Black Jewish HI s basic position was convert who Is president of the challenged byRabbi Wolfe Loc ated "' King River and desecrate the beautiful wilderness of northern recently formed Taharas Israel, Kelman, executive vice-president Sharon Heights Shopping Center New -York. Con Ed shrugs and asserted that there was not "one of the Rabbinical Assembly, tbe 3 7 0 Sou t h Mo111 St.e f' f Sh a ron M oH says, ''If we don't build the plant · genuine Black synagogue or assoc I a ti on of Conservative rabbi" In the United States. rabbis and a member or the (617) 784-5156 you'll do without electricity when you need it.•• Taharas Israel (Purity of board or Haatzad Harlshon. Rabbi W e ca rry a full line o f But no elected official wants Israel) Is the second naulti-raclal Kelman told th e Jewish ( . • Kosher hors d'oeuvres • Bakery goods to tell his constituency the way to organization formed to aid Black Telegraphic Agency that, In Jews. Haatzad Harlshon (the respect to a Black J ew, "there Col'ering to house parties clean the air Is to walk. The public wants clear, pure air but it First Step) was formed In 1964, Is no reason to assume there Is manifestly does not want to walk as a multl-raclal agency for that any question of his Jewishness. If and therefore.' it has spared the purpose. he says he Is Jewish, it should be • car politicization. Mr. Coleman made his charge accepted, unless evidence In a report In the November Issue contrary to his claim Is of - the Jewish Observer, the presented." YOUfH MOBILIZATION publication of the Orthodox He also said that to contend NEW YORK - Seminars In Agudath Israel of America. He that "a Halach!c question applies The Hera'ld is now accepting major cities of t'ie United States, asserted that there were some to Black Jews only and not to [)ecember, through ' February, Black Jews who were . "true white Jews Is being racist.'' "Younger Set" Photos will launch !lie' 'National Youth converts" because they had Rabbi Kelman In turn was M obi! I z a t.l on' for Israel, to undergone conversion In accor­ ~.ha! le_nged. by Rab~!. Moshe For e'!_rly publication and For our Files approach tens of thousands of dance with Halachah, Jewish Sherer, executive president of Jewish youth, to and ask them to religious law, but that mosl Agudath Israel, who said, In a commit themselves to lsi:-ael and members of the "amorphous statement to the JTA, that the The R. I. Jewish Herald Zionism• • Tbe Youth Moblllzatlon group" of American Blacks charge of "racism .. was for Israel hopes to attain a large calling themselves Jews had "no "Insulting and totally devoid of MAILING ADDRESS: IOX 6063, PROVIDENCE, I: I. -- enrollment so that the legitimate claim to Jewishness substance." · forthcoming World Zionist whatever... PLANT AND OFFICE: HERALD WAY (OFF WEtSTEl ST.) He criticized Rabbi Kelman Congress will have a substantial He asserted also thllt ht. for "Importing to the United PAWTUCKET, l. I. delegation of young people attempts to Investigate such States the 'Who Is a Jew' participating In Its decisions. claims had resulted in "deep controversy • THE RHODE .ISLAND HERALD1 FRIDAY1 JANUARY 81 1971 . 13 Conference Minister United 1ORGANIZA TION Church of Christ NEWS The Reverend W. Eugene Motter, Exec u t Ive Minister Rhode TO HOLD MEETING II TO HEAR, TED COMET Island Baptist State Convention Mrs. Carolyn Accoli and Mrs. Ted Comet, overseas director The Reverend Morrill O. Martin, Robin Jacobi wlll speak on of the Council of Jewish Wish To Convey Concern District Superintendent of the Women's Lib at the meeting of Federations and Welfare Funds of R.L - South Eastern Mass. the Narragansett Chapter of New York, wl!I be the speaker at DI st r IC l, United Methodist Women's American ORT. The the "Leadership for Of Christian Community Church meeting wlll be held on Thursday, Participation" program We, the undersigned, wish to violation of liberty be The Reverend Daniel J. Carlson, January 14, at 12:30 p.m. at the sponsored by the Young Adults' convey the concern or the interpreted, except as an attack Dean of Rhode Island District home of Mrs. Harriet KIibert of Division of the Jewish Federation Christian community of Rhode upon the dignity of the citizen, Lutheran Church Cranston. of Rhode Island at a meeting on Island over the incident or the particularly the Jewish citizen, The Reverend Wayne Artis, Ph. Sunday, January 10, at 7:30 p.m. Leningrad trial, and to raise our our brother? When the freedom of D., Executive Director Council at the home of Mr. and Mrs, voices in protest with freedom­ any people ts im,erllled, the of Chu,·ch.:,s of Rhode Island TO SHOW FILM Melvin G. Alperin. loving peoples everywhere. freedom of all me,, !s imperilled. "Duck Soup," a full length Mr. Comet will speak on the We deplore the accusation of The Jewish people have so Herald subscribers comprise comedy film starring the Marx status of the Jewish communities "treason" applied to Soviet Jews often been the victims of tyranny. an active buying market. For Brothers, wlll be presented at the around the world, and w{ll also who wish to emigrate to Israel, But now, the conscience or the excellent results, advertise in the Jewish Community Center on discuss the plight of the Soviet their spiritual homeland. The Christian community must decry Herald. Call 724-0200. Sunday, January 10, at 8 p.m. Jew. reaction of the Soviet state a fllrther affront to their dignity. The film is one of a series of S. HUIOIC-NISINTS constitutes a denial of freedom of. The Most Reverend Russell J. Old Time Movie Nites sponsored PRESIDENTS TO MEET free entry and departure. How AMERICA'S FOREMOST by the In Set, the Center's Jewish Mcvinney, D.D., Bishop of A meeting of all presidents of else can this unjust and flagrant J>'rovldence single young adult group. Jewish women's organizations - -, TENOR Popcorn and soda wlll be The Right Reverend John S. available during the performance wlll be held on Tuesday, Jnauary Ii I Higgins, D.D., Bishop of Rhode 12, at· 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. JOL :.1. .. -. ,. ;•- · • Island and at Intermission. Admission Max Alperin of 25 Linden Drive. VD.LI...Ua/UX4 wlll be open to all, The Reverend John B. Graybill, Jan Peerce Mrs. Robert Greene, a past Ph. D., Stat,l!d Clerk president of the Worcester, I!.,;;;======"-' Providence Presbytery Massachusetts, Federation's TO SPONSOR TR IP (Continued from page 2) The Reverend R. Vernon Lawson, ( • The Jewish Community Center Women's Division, will be the speaker. wlll sponsor a 10-day Purim In Burial was In Lincoln Park Mrs. Greene, who is presently Israel trip It has been announced Cemetery. on the National United Jewish The owner of Irving's !GA by Norman Robinson, chairman of Appeal Women's Division board, the adult activities committee. Market on 68S North Main Street w ii l discuss the role and The trip wlll be from Kennedy for more than 30 years, he was responsibility or the Jewish the husband of Sophie Airport by Al Airlines on 1::1 women' s groups in meeting the (folchinsky) Pedllkin. He was Thursday, March 4, and will needs of the local Jewish return on Sunday, March 14. born In Providence, a son of the community, late Harold Louis and · Rose Purim wlll be spent in Israel on The annual meeting or Sat. Ive. J•. 23, 1:30 p.111. March II and there will be seven LIiiian (Levine) Pedltkln. He had V.,_.M...,. Aucltorium president is held under the lived in that city until JO years days of sightseeing with stops at auspices of the Women's Division ago when he moved to Cranston. Ticket. 56.SO-SS.S0-$4.SO hotels In the Tel Aviv-Herzlla lodd', Gorden C;ty. Cron-Thoyer & of the Jewish Federation or Rhode Mr. Pedltlcln was a member or Anv-11, PrO'l·Womponoog Mall. L area, in Jerusalem and In Haifa. Island. Breakfasts and dinners are Congregation Sons or Jacob and Prov. A..,.,y PtO,w,, Prov. the Cranston Chapter, Knights of Included. A representative of MailOnlers LOOKING GLASS THEATRE the Center and Mrs . Gertrude Pythias. He was a World War II Arttth lnternottOnole Looking Glass Theatre Is Gleklen will be escorts on the Navy veteran. 41 S..lionlc St .• Prov. trip. sponsoring a continuing program Besides his wtre, he Is "'-Onlers7S1-2100 of Saturday happenings for survived by a son, Captain Additional Information may be children at the Casino in Roger BENEFIT OF o bt al ne d by calling Simeon Howard Pedlikin or the Air THE CANTOR'S ASSEMBLY Klnsley, program director of the Williams Park at 1:30 p.m. Force, stationed In New Bedford, 'Center, "An Afternoon with Mike Massachusetts: a daughter, Mrs. Fink" on January 9 will be a How a rd Sherman or Stiver story telling time. Mr. Fink Springs , Maryland; a brother, PREVENTOR II BILL BAIRD TO SPEAK teaches at the Rhode Island Murray Pedllkin or Providence; Bill Baird, one of the nation's School or Design. two sisters. Mrs. Leonard stops burglars leading abortion and birth control Marc Kohler, a graduate Schoenberg and Mrs. Samuel crusaders, will speak at the student at Brown University, will Cohen, both or Cranston, and in their tracks! Jewish Community Center on present his Puppet Theatre on three grandchtl dren. It's night. You're sleep­ Sunday,January 17, at8 p.m. as Saturd ay, January 16, with ing. A burglar is in your the guest of the Rhode Island original stories for children. Jewish Youth Pre s id e nt s ' Reservation s and further MISS ESTHER STONE home!Suddenly.an ear­ Council. information may be obtained· by Miss Esther Stone, 77, of 20 .piercing alarm sounds Mr, Baird, the executive calling 781-1S67 between 10 a.m. Greaten Drive, a self-employed lights go on. The director of the Parents' Aid and 2 p.m. bookkeeper for several firms intruder is chased away! Sale Society and a consultant to the until nine months ago, died This is PAEVENTOA 11. New Tork State Senate Committee SPECIAL EDUCATION Wednesday. The funer al and 20%1050% on Health, has b e en a Special education will be the burial were to be private. • Two-way fire alarm, controversial figure In many theme or the Informal talk of Miss Stone was treasurer of states in his crusade for women' s Mrs. Martin B, Feibish, acting the Business & Professional too. OFF r ights to self-determination In director for Special Education for Chapter of Hadassah. and a • Portable, just plugs in. on fall the matter of birth control and the city of Providence, at the member or the Needlework Guild. •ULTRASONIC, NO WIRING abortion. He was arreste d in regular m ee ting of the A lifelong Providence NECESSARY. and Winter Massachusetts and Jailed there Providence Chapter of Women's resident, she was born on FOR INFORMATION, CAU OR for demonstrating abortion and American ORT, The meeting will October 10, 1893, a daughter of WRITE, DRESSES birth control me thods. be held on Thursday, January 14, the late Harry and Sila (Shapiro) including- long and Admission will be open to high at 8 p.m. at the Pawtucke t Public Stone. lffll SUMMIT school students , young adults and Library at 13 Summer Stree t. She Is survive d by two short formals adults. Only a limited number of The meeting is open to all brothers , Dr. Arthur L. Stone of [ 'f]ASSOCIA TES Open Mon. thru Sat. tickets are still available. prospective members . Providence and Albert Stone of 385 WESTMINSTER ST. 9 :00 toS:00 Pawtucket: and two sisters, Mrs. PROVIDENa, R.I. 02903 Ralph H, Earle of Cranston, and (401) 351-3003 FRO PARKING Fronce Tries To Formulate Miss Emily Stone of Providence. la Cinerama Lo_~ Common Policy On Mid-East PARIS - France has taken findings at the next foreign the lead In persuading its !Ive ministers' conference In April. Europe an Co mm o n Market According to r ellab!e sources, partners to formulate a common the Middle East problem has been pollcy on the Middle East with divided into four sections to e ach of the six nations which one or more of the undertaking to study an Individual Common Market partners has aspect of the problem, It was been assigned to give special learned here. The initiative was attention. France · will study started at the ECC foreign demilitarized zones which means ministers' meeting In Munich last she will concentrate on the November. question of frontiers. Fr enc h Foreign Minister_ The futur e status of Maurice Schumann reportedly Jerusalem will come un~er the STARTING JANUARY 4th persuaded his colleagues from pur.vlew of Belgium which is t. West Germany, Italy, Holland, known to favor a form of Belglum an

14 THE RHODE ELAND HERALD, FRIDAY1 JANUARY 8, 1971 Generation· Gap Shows On Israeli Kibbutzim

KIBBUTZ BEIT ALFA, Israel "The young people now," Israeli analysts view the Higher education has become formal reception and wear fancy - Three generations of a · Shimon Ben Itzhak -said, "aren' t teclmologtcal revolution as the a demand of the younger l!lbbutz wedding gowns!" · pioneer kibbutz family sat In satisfied with the little huts and greatest threat to the tradltiooal generation, not a special The older generation may be their tiny, Spartan living room. all the outside work that meant so collective settlemeuts. There ts privilege to be bestowed upon the somewhat bewildered by the The grandparents had founded the much to us In the early years. no demand for unskilled labor, as more gifted. A resolution at the ch an g e s coming over their farming settlement and their son They want to go out· to dinner In there was In the early years of recent convention was that enterprise of Idealism, but Leah Is a leader In the contemporary the town, they want to drive their Zionism, when the pioneers had educational opportunities be the was quick to admit mistakes. kibbutz movement. To the small own cars. they even want to use to establish themselves on the right of every kibbutz, with the "If we could do It over again, children playing on the straw mat hired labor - to· hire people land. Individual, not tbe community I would do some things elders, deciding on the field of differently,'' she said. "We gave .will fall the judgment whether to do the heavy work · that. we With Israel's economy moving this Idealistic experiment has came here to do." study- over too much of the decision­ more Into heavy Industry the making on matters of dally life to been viable. basic forms of agriculture will ZVi commented: .,This Leah Ben ltzhak said she the whole collective. We should change, the needs of factories There wa s a national problem of hired labor has never ceased to be amazed al have retained some of the will Increase and more and more convention a few weeks ago to already been solved - we're the attitudes ot kibbutz girls decisions on family and personal discuss future problems. A going to have to do It, It's bound kibbutz members w111 have to toward marriage . .,Por us it was matters ourselves . ., visiting team of American to come. But we just try not to .work outside their settlements. emancipation not to have to "rm not worried about how talk about It too much wt th our sociologists Is studying what llfe That practice Is already conform to those established the movement wltl carry on," she In a collective settlement means parents, since It hurts their conventions," she said. "Now our said. ''We were probably more feelings and makes them think accepted - reluctantly, for It for human behavior universally. tends to undercut the principle of girls want to get married, and nor rigid and Ideological than we had Young people from Western that their old Ideals have really only that. they want to have a big to be." been overthrown. u working together tor mutual countries flock to kibbutzim for a needs. Even the senior Mr, Ben few months at a time In search of Though the kibbutz movement ltzhak has a job In Tel Aviv In a selfless society free from makes up only about 3.5 per cent _a · n at Ion a I agricultural Latvian Jews Appeal For Right To Leave alienation. of Israel's population, It has organization. "It Is Important ROME - A Rome newspaper source for I ts report. Here In the living room the maintained an ' Impact on the work that someone has to do, and The Lenlngrad court . handed character of society far out of I am too old to do much work In said this week that a group of klbbutznlks just tall< about their Jews In Riga, Latvia, appealed In down two death sentences, which own hopes and the Uves they have proportion to Its numbers. To be our own fields here," he said, were later commuted to labor­ born or reared In a kibbutz Is as September to the Italian made. "but I still feel a little guilty them camp terms by the Supreme Important to a politician here as about lt," Communist party to help 1 "This problem of war or to claim a log-cabin background obtain authorization to emigrate Court of the Russian Republic, ) peace with the Arabs - this has to Israel but had received no and labor-camp -&entences to the to an American: those who do not His salary, of course, Is paid other nine defendants. blotted out all the Ideals, the have It are slightly on the directly to the kibbutz:"! never reply so far. principles of life together. that defensive. see any of It, It's my contribution Five of those who signed the D Messaggero said that the we came here to build. Young ro the life we all lead here." message were among the 11 message from Riga had been sent people today don't even think Repeatedly psychologists have defendants tried by a Leningrad to the Central Committee of the about the things that brought us contended that the communal Another basic question for the court last month and convicted of It a II an Communist part by here." method of child-rearing Instills future Is the organization of having planned to hijack an Emanuel Lltvlnov, a writer, who security and confidence. Over the leisure time as the society airliner, and a sixth wlll stand Is said to live In London, and Speaking was Shimon Ben ye a rs there Is Impressive becomes more affluent and the trial shortly, according to D bore the signatures of 93 heads of ltzhak, who Is well Into his evidence of a disproportionate farmer's work day Is shortened. Messaggero. The paper cited no family. sixties and who, with his wife, number of young men from Leah, was a Socialist Zionist In kibbutzim In the most ell re post-World War I Germany. They branches ot the Israeli armed came to found Belt Alfa In the forces - the officers corps and early l920's , In what was then air force pilots. Palestine, to have their children - they shunned marriage as The Ideals that have Inf! uenced the society are the 11bourgeols 11 - and to realize their Ideals as Marxists and as spirit of egalitarianism and the Israelis: Tax-ed Greatest J ews. social prestige of manual labor. What has not caught on Is the concept ot collective ownership .Their older son, Zvt, who Is JERUSALEM - Israelis for advanced equipment and In his thirties, Is a loy!'I member and the surrendering of Individual decision making to the group. have become the world's most aircraft from the United States, of Belt Alfa and Is prominent In a highly taxed citizens, according Finance Ministry officials could nation a I organ I z at I on of A few weeks ago more than to Finance Ministry calculations. only forecast a continuing drain kubbutzlm, but he Is uncertain TI>ese Indicate that Israel moved on the co1mtry' s hard currency about the future. 300 young klbButz members held a national convention at the Labor ahead of Sweden In I 9ZO as the reserve. "Sometimes It Is difficult for Party College near Tel Aviv. country with the highest Cr e d Its of $500-mllllon me to talk with my father about Their main purpose seems to percentage ot Its gross national authorized by the United States it," he said. " I can't be so sure have been the assertion of their product going to the Government. Congress are making the lsraell that we are not going the way of 'generations' s pragmatic interests Finance Minister Plnhas Saplr military ettort possible, these Robert Owen's work colonies , of against the utopianism of the presented the 1971-72 budget, officials said. But, Including the all the other Idealistic collective founding fathers. totaling $3.8-bllllon, to the Interest and servicing costs for se ttl em en ts that eventually Knesset, or parliament, this all the national debt, 55 per cent failed." A member from Nahal Oz, week warning how heavy the of the na tlonal budget In the Avraham Katz, maintained that needs of military spending would coming year will go to military The younger son, David, just m o st kibbutzim were being spending and debt repayment. back from his three- year army appear on the bat ance sheet but managed on outmoded principles also holding out a possibility that Mr. Saplr Insisted that the service, openly voices doubts that the younger generation was Governm e n t ' s policy would about whether he wants to return th e country ' s peaceful powerless to change. "In many requirements might soon gain continue to be based on full to the communal life his parents kibbutzim, regulations are one priority. employment, despite a basic created. Inflationary pressure all across thing and reality something I srael' s gross natiorial The Ben ltzhak family - the else," he said, "We now see an the economy. product In I 969 was $4. 7-bllllon. The national r ate of growth Is names used are pseudonyms - Institutionalized society with an For I 971 It Is estimated at $5.5- Is a portrait In miniature of the Establishment. If It remains to continue at about 8 per cent, billlon. well below the 13 and 11 per cent 84,000 Israelis who live In 230 unchanged It will collapse." The military budget for the kibbutzim across the land. of 1968 and I 969 when the country - Amram Haylsraell of Glvat coming year, Mr. Saplr said, was rushing to absorb the slack As klbbutznlks they own Halm spoke with some nostalgia "constitutes some 40 per cent of In the economy that was virtually nothing, they earn no In noting that the present the national budget and some· 24 threatening a deep depression on salaries for their manual or generation of klbbutznlks belongs per cent of the gross national the eve of the June, 1967, war. administrative. labor, · they pay to ..consumer society,'' without product." The total figure for "The budget before us Is nothing for food, lodging, the Ideological motivation of their military spending for 1971-72 meant to insure our steadfastness clothing, scho·ollng or social elders. from April to April, Is $1.5- in the war, our deterrent power services - all Is provided by bllllon. and our ability to conduct the collective of several hundred There are still those who Shortly before Mr. Saplr political negotiation without being like themselves. believe that the kibbutz has spoke, his top deputy, Avraham In a position of military "When all of my friends were something to offer, even outside Agmon, director general of the Inferiority." Mr. Saplr told the work Ing for Socialism In Israel. F!hance Ministry, disclosed that Knesset. Germany back In the· twenties," In 1970 Isr aelis paid the "But It 'ts possible that we An American Jndusrrtallst, the father said, "I saw that as a equivalent of 41.2 per cent of the stand at the beginning of a road In Alfred J, Marrow, has se.t up a which ·the relative .weight of Jew I could get nowhere. Moving study group called the American country's gross national product to Palestine for me meant _both Council for Behavioral Sciences to the Government, at both allocations to defense will realizing my ideals as a Zionist In the Kibbutz Management, national , nd local levels, In taxes gr ad u ally decrease and the and having the opportunity to­ hoping to find ways ot applying In and compulsory loans or bonds portion of the budget devoted to publ.lc services, Immigrant /I ' build the Socialism I couldn't ordinary Industrial enterprises deducted from their weekly bring about In Germany. The some ot the kibbutz principles paychecks. absortplon and development will kibbutz movement needed both and sense of worker The Swedes, long the leaders gi::ow Increasingly." motivations - Socialism and participation. are recorded as having paid 39 The problem for ordinary z lonlsm - to get establlshed." per cent and the British 32.8 per Israelis will be an Inevitable rise A team of Investigators Is cent.- In the United States the In prices and the cost of living, at That ls Just the problem we a time of determined Government face now," Zvl said. "Younger rounding up Its second season of comparable figure was 27 per field work In several kibbutzim, cent. efforts tp hold down wage people now don't feel very Increases. ,., strongly about either Soclallsm but they expect to take five years Mr. Saplr drew attention to or Zionism. Zionism has lost a before reaching any final what had happened to the military Without belaboring the conclusions. demands on the Israeli.. economy wave of strikes and price lot of Its meaning because we Increases which have caused already have our land and our since the Israeli victory In the At the start of the project Mr. silt-day war with the Arabs In hardships for the Israeli· middle • state, and Socialism Is a good class , In particular. Mr. Saptr principle, but In practice II hasn't Marrow cited one problem under June, 1967. TIie 1.5-bllllon seemed to provide the · high investigation, affecting both budgeted for military spending warned against harboring 'any standards of living that people kibbutzim and business for the coming year Is four times Illusions of momentary " enterl)l:lses. "Now klbbutznlks what the Israelis had to pay for advantages at the expense of the want.'' want personal , grow.th and -defense before the 1967 war, he economy.•• The whole family then laughed development, a wider life In noted. "The area of wages Is thl! one at the well-known wlsecl'ack by terms of personal development," Since much of the military In which the main danger to Ephraim Klshon, one of Israel's he said. "·This conflicts with spending takes place overseas, econol!'lc stabllltJ lies," he said. popular humorists: "Collectivism organizational restrictions, and ts a great theory - the only we want to find out exactly how trouble with It Is that It can be and why, and how this conflict can reallze

I, THE RHODE ISLAND HERALD1 FRIDAY1 JANUARY 81 1971 15 community now relics, that is to integrated, then how justify the Jews Adaptable, Edu~ator"Says; say, the afternoon schools for a Jews' (and others' ) separatism'! few years before the Bar Mitzvah And this brings us to the non­ extravaganza ·-most of those negotiable demands of thcJcwish schools likc11'isc cannot be taken community (among others). By Institutions-Remain ·static seriously. I should rather my "Jewish community" I now speak (Continued from page I) kumets ale! bes". Now t_he room the institutional life of Jewry is children never studied at all, than of the neighborhoods where Jews struggle in behalf of a spurious is air conditioned, but they're still indifferent. Why do we have that they should be turned into live, not of the organizations and anti-Judaists, people harboring ill institutions that call themselves " tradition." In politics he has " teaching Ov ku mots alof bu" . Still a organizations and institutions, if will toward the religious tradition ·"the Jewish community". I mean, stood . for the opening or the room, still \he teacher up front, not to serve our people, to make frontiers. In culture he has the students sitting down, still the their lives more joyful, to bring I love, on account of those awful my street, my neighbors, my developed ever new experiments. arter-school pattern developed in their collective life, their Jewish schools. friends, who do forma community But the schools -are the and who are Jewish. The Jewish In economic lire he has the period or the First World associations, to a more significant recognized new opportunities. In War, in a few brief years ' leading level of meaning? Those who love symptom. The pro blem lies community demands the right to social life he has sought a place toward a most embarrassing the Jews must regret the beyond them. The public schools live with murderers, rapists, for himself, for one who was ritual. indifference to the happincsss and and the Jewish educational system extortionists, robbers; thieves, and different from the majority in Between fifty and a hundred welfare or ordinary Jews, both face a serious crisis and muggers. Whatever the reasons important ways could find a place years away from the beginnings or characteristic of those unchanging embody a serious social dilemma, that people become murderers, only by changing society. our present pattern of community institutions, immutable programs. that confronts the Jewish middle rapists , and muggers, and So I .think it is clear that the organization, we still have the enduring policies, permanent classes, among other groups in whatever needs to be done to help te s timony of the past is three religious movements, budgets, which seem so out of American life. That is. how to people not to become murderers, unequivocal: Jews and their hospitals, centers, · schools. the touch with the transient world of balance the evidently conflicting rapists, and muggers. the Jewish commitments to an open society, community now ddmands religious tradition have reason to stress on institutional affiliation change. on the one side, and to middle protection from such people. I look upon change as normal and_ and organizational activity. I do T"o Specific Problems class values on the other. The What Jews send their children to not threatening, to treat the not have to rehearse what is not open society demands schools be school, they demand that the "ruture" as part or the present, the same over the past fifty or a Let us turn to the two specific integrated. not only by race, but children ' be physically and the reality that is almost upon us. hundred years of American life. problems that face us in the Is there not a discontinuity seventies. By Ifs, I mean us Jews. also by class (and they arc not the mentally secure. That means, the No Change For Century parents and children, community same thing). Middle class values children should not be persecuted r Avmerican Jewish institutions between America n Jewry's inability to produce significant servants and private people alike. place a high stress on educational by nine-year-old extortionists and therefore seem to me anomalous. The middle class Jews. parents a chi e v cm c n t, an d that twlvc-year-old ra pists. They It is not merely their age, but response to the changing situation of America, on the one side, and and children,, have no reason to achievement seem s to be should not be terrified by gangs. theeir mmanirest changlessness believe they can long remain in subordinated to leveling class These ·are non-negotiable that is unexpected. We today the historical adaptability of the ., Jewish people and tradition, on the public school system of the differences. demands.' operate within an institutional cities where the majority of Jews On the Jewish side. we have a They are not being met, and structure that has not much the other'! In 1900 they had trolley cars, horse-cavalry with now li ve. I refer not merely to the similar tension, between the Jews' evidently they cannot be met. The changed ror nearly a century --and center-city, but to the second and manifest desire to participate in public schools, for reasons I do I do noot have to remind you that s word s, and middle class synagogues and bar mitzvahl . In even the third area of settlement. an open society, on the one side, not fully understand, are simply Americann religious, political, In the smaller a nd medium-sized and t h ei r e qu a 11 y c I ea r unable to insure the safety of the economic, and social institutions 1970 we have jet planes. hydrogen bombs with and without fall-out, cities in particular, where the commitment to maintain their children in school, all the more so have changed a great deal in that larger numbers of Jews live within and middle class synagogues and distinctive group life on the other. en route from home to school. time. the city limits, the public schools How reconcile the two·• If bar mitzvahs. People speak of (To Be Continued Next WeekJ The tree religious movements everyone is supposed to be the 'future-shock', but I venture to no longer can be taken seriously reached their present form by the for the education of middle class same. then why do the Jews predict that Jewish institutional A Herald ad always gets best turn or the century. The children. Second. the Jewish (among others) wi sh to remain life that would shock us today. r esults - our subscribers com­ community fonds began in 1895, educational system on which the different'' If everything must be prise an active buying market. and the pattern was established by Needs Not Met World War I. What changed That is not to say the Jews are . subsequently was the mass base; not changing, or that their but that was not changedd muucy. situation is not changing. What for most or the money still com~s abides true and rirm. like the Wouldn't it be a from the smaller number or North star or the laws of the donors. Medes and the Persians, is the The Jewish Center movement accepted pattern. or style. of traces itself back to the settlement "being Jewish" in America. It is sha1I1eifyousaved houses or the same period. The hard to imagine that the world Jewish hospitals were founded at can change while that style stays the same time. the same. a pile of IIloney for The Jewish schools. which we What disturbs me is that the are told now are modern and up Jews have needs that are not to date, trace their ancestry back being met. They race problems to the heder. You remember the which their organized community retire1I1ent and there sad little song, about how hot the is not working to solve. They have room is, and the " teacher teaches aspirations and dreams to which was nothing to retire-to?

Operation Green Thumb the very communities where we On a recent auto trip in Vir­ were born and raised, for poster­ ginia I noticed a crew of men ity." There's only one way to save money landscaping the highway_ Not too Another crew member added, unusual a sight - except that "Things I'd expected to get from that insures your country's future every man on the crew had a the county, I'm now able to buy at the same time. good sprinkling of gray hair. My myself. Not only that. I feel 50 That's U.S. Savings Bonds. curiosity aroused, I couldn't r e­ percent better than when I was With U.S. Savings Bonds, you're sist stopping to chat briefly with just sitting around the house them. with nothing to do." simply helping your country make I found myself talking with a Most impressed by my short the future a little better than lively group of retired farmers visit with the men, I decided to the present - all members of Green Thumb, call a friend at the National Also, Savings Bonds are easy and If your Bonds are lost, or burned, a government sponsored program Farmers Union, which operates or stolen, we simply replace them which employ men aged fifty Green Thumb, to learn more automatic. All you do is fill out a five through their nineties to about the program. Here's what little card through a Payroll Savings without cost work together on seven-men I learned: Plan where you work. And then So there's no risk. crews for conservation and the The U.S. Department of Labor's you.sit back and forget 'em while the You can even cash in the Bonds beautification of public projects. Manpower Administration: funds money piles up. any time. Should you need the money The program now operates in Green Thumb. You're paid $1.60 fourteen states: Arkansas, Indi­ an hour and can earn up to $1,500 And if you set just a little aside for some emergency. ana, Kentucky, Minnesota, Ne­ a year. The foreman's pay is every payday, you 'II never even Think about Savings Bonds for braska, New Jersey, New York, $1.85 an hour. To be eligible, a feel the pinch. your retirement _ Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, married man's income must be And you don't have to muster One '25.00 Bond a month South Dakota, utah, Virginia and less than $2,000 a year, or $1,400 would be a pretty good start. Wisconsin. if he lives on a farm. up any willpower to save every Trained as gardeners, land­ The men work three days a payday, because your boss It's not only a way to scapers, nurserymen, and high­ week full-time, and have a car does it for you. It's some­ insure money for retirement way maintenance men, Green pool to get to and from their thing like setting up extra It's a way to insure Thumbers (beautify park areas, work. There's a physical examin­ paydays for the future. retirement create new hiking trails, make ation on joining, and then an­ You doa't INl7 ••7 et.ate roadsides attractive. G r e e n nually. or loeal laeome ta••· Thumb only recruits those of 'u.­ Thin:k you might enjoy direct· ·who need money to supplement ing your talents towards com· our social security Income. munlty beautification? If you'd Take stock in America All the men were enthusiastic like more information and a de­ ' Buy U.S. Savings Bonda & Freedom Shares about their new life and new In­ scriptive pamphlet listing Green ·,'· come. As one Green Thumber Thumb's fourteen state field off. " ·told me, "Green Thumb restores ices, drop a note today to Green our pride and faith. It also allows Thumb, Inc., 1012-14th Street, us to leave sdmethlng behind in N:,W., Washington, D.C~ 20005.~


13-Apartments for Rent Bus1NEss D1RECTORY By Roger E. Spear WAHINGTON STREET: Four-room apa rtment. Heat, hot water. Middle· Strong Growth Seen should contribute Increasingly to aged couple. '61-2268. 9 o.m.-7,30 For Insurance Company earnings. Continued patience here p.m. Q: What Is your opinion of could prove rewarding over the - longer term. 9-Carpenters, Builders Combined Insurance Company of A m e r I c a a s a 1 0-y e a r Q: Would you kindly explain CARPENTER AND BUil.DH: Addi- lnvesanent? L.B. what getting "locked In" means? , , tions, alterations, inside a nd outside. A: For the sixth consecutive I.C. I A: An Investor would be In Free estimates. Relia ble work. LI. year co·mblned Insurance 351-8008. declared an extra cash dividend, danger of becoming "locked In" 1-15 for a total 1970 payment of 55 - or unable to liquidate - If cents a share. In addition, a 20% he bought an unmarketable 19-Gene,-al CleaninR AUTO NEEDS WE CARE FOR YOUR CA~ stock dividend was paid In late securl ty sole! y to obtain - September for the fourth year in unusually high yield. "The term Is C&D CllANING: Floors, Wlndowi. OPEN DAILY •ENGINE• BATTERIES• a row, Steady earnings growth also quite often used In another Residential a nd commercia l. frN e1- • LUBRICATION • TIRES • has been Instrumental In sense by those who are holding ~mate~ 351-5'30. stocks In which they have 12-25 • TRANSMISSION • fostering the company's liberal substantial profits. "They say they FIJll PICK-UP & DEUVERY SERVICE dividend policy. Although IUG SHAMPOOING: Floor waxing. are "locked In" by the capital MARK'S SUPER SERV.ICE primarily an accident and health Recnonoble raNs. Larry Dugan. gains tax which frequently takes a Insurance company, underwrl ting 353-9648. 729 EAST AVE.• PAWT. 726-9426 good bite our of principal_ when 12-25 a. life Insurance was Initiated In profits are accepted. I believe A 1967, In 1969, life premiums HOUDAY SPEOAL Rug shampooing, this latter reasoning Is Invalid BATHS (TURK HAMAM & BAGNO ROMANO) contributed "7% of total premium when other consid erations 8c a square foot. S10.00 minimum. Income but a substantial Increase 353-9648. Lorry Dugan. Indicate that sale Is desirable. TURKISH & ROMAN BATHS MEMBERSHIP should be seen for the year Just 12-25 ended. At the nine months ended Recovery In Prospect R.001 CllANING, c,;.;..rol a September 30, 1970, life premium CAP'S Research-Cottrell cleaning. Floo,s washed, waxed a nd Income was up 82% year-to-year. For ~~u:::::,~::y~~o~~::.5undoy 7 am to noon buffed, rug, ,hompoood. 272-3428, :~~!~: Earnings for this period 831-~795. Women· Friday 11 o .m. to 6 p.m. / Q: bought s hares of Increased 6.3% to 89 cents a Research-Cottrell at 51. These 12-25 28 CANDACE ST., PROV., R.I. TEL. 277-9555 share and for the full year should dropped to one-third of my cos t modestly exceed the $1.31 but have s ince recove red to over CAIIPINTIY: Kikhon ·remodeling, •• ====~ reported In 1969. While It Is poirs, fo,mico work, famity rooms. 30. Do you think I should hold for Experienced. Estimates. 0uolity unlikely that a IO-year further recovery? T .A. workmonship. 461-5791. Investment here would match the 186WAYLANDAVE. performance of the last decade, A: Yes. "The recent acquisition 28-Merchandise for Sale PROV. R.I. -274-7177 when share price Increased more of Metcalf & Eddy and Connell ,.... than 10-fold, these shares appear Assoc 1 ates , whose combined - to have above-average growth revenues ln fi scal 1970 were COUCH, with slip cover, for sale. $25. 176 BELLEVUE AVE. potential. close to $16 million, has Coll 438-1849. 5 to 9 p.m. NEWPORT, R.I. - 847-3923 Q: We have $25,000 Invested broad ened Research-Cottrell's SPECIAUSTS IN THE WORLD'S RNEST OtEESE In Astron Fund. We paid $26 per stake In pollution control. Metcalf 30-Painting, Wallpapering_ share and bought before the & Eddy Is an acknowledged International leader In sewage CUSTOM DRAPERIES 3-for-l split. Should we sell and PAINTING, Interior and exterior. Gen- buy. shares of Bonds tock, keep disposal; and Connell has wide eral deaning, walls and woodwork. w • Bedspreads them or purchase stocks and experience in architectural FrN .stimates. Coll Freeman Gray Draperies bonds? We are at retirement age engineering and waste treatment. ond Sons. 93-C-0585. • and not Interested In Investing for A balanced firm offering total 12-25 ~1iRENDS • Decorator Valances long-term appreciation. S.T. envt ronm en ta 1 management . • Slipcovers A : Since you are not services, including "software" IOYAL ,AJNTING:t' Interior pa inting Interested In long-term and "hardware," is R-C' s goal. -a nd decora ting. Paperhanging, ~;r:•;:.~:d. .~ Mon .. Fri. apprecl a !l on, Astron - a Earnings for the fiscal year compiete home remodeling. 521- Warwiclc 100.m .• 9 p .m . ( ~DfCOltATIM.l'f'SHTlmj ended October 31, 1970, were up 8859. performance fund - Is not 12-25 738-7070 - Sat. 10 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. '-..; suited to your needs and sale Is 33% to 76 cents a share on a 38% gain In sales , excluding therefore Justified. Nearing 38-Rooms for Rent retirement, I assumtf' you are Deg remont-Cottrell sold November 1. A $32 million order more concerned with Income and COMMEROAL AREA: Near bus ,top. security; thus any purchases you for cooling towers received las t First floor. Widow or couple. Four make should be toward this end, April should begin to show up In rooms, tile both. Opposite Crandon 11 either through an Income fund or earnings this year. Shares, --Mirror. HO 7-8689, common stock and bond portfolio. trading at about 32 times By buying shares of Boston estimated fiscal 1971 results, 45-T,.,,..,Tnmapertation f. Edison, yielding 5.5%, Standard may consolidate In the 30-40 Oil of California, yielding 5.3% . level for the next few months. ~~ -~~- 1: or corporate bonds such as However, longer-term prospects .....~ ! . ~.o,. a- ,~.,o1 Commonwealth Edison 7-3/4s of for growth are excellent and ·-· ,,JU. -· 1976 an6 Pacific Gas & Electric many analysts rate the Indus try 8-7 jSs of 2002, your Investment Ii H you don't lcnow beans about boilers but you think your as one of 1971 's top growth heating syste m needs a new one ... Don't let your family ~ goals would be met. areas. Obiect To Bill ~ suffer through another w inter. Call us today for ffee k heating inspection. _ Q: I hold 200 shares of E) k 0 Protracted Workout Period Paso Natural Gas which I Forbidding Criticism I Seen For Avco purchased at about 25-1/4. I will I HYDRON~~J~7!~9~~RISE INC. M . retire next year and my goal Is JERUSALEM Adver se Q: In 1969 I purchased 100 both income and appreciation. public reaction has delayed the ~ ------shares of Avco Corp. at 26. I can J .C. presentation of a blll In the XEROX SEfVICE IMMEDIATELY understand why the price A: El Paso Is a leading Knesset that would forbid Israeli dropped, but fall to understand natural gas transmission news media from expressing EAST SIDE COPY HOUSE why It has not begun to recover company, its principal market criticism of prominent citizens of t with the market, Should I retain being California - a rapidly any country with which Israel AT NORGE CLEANSERS C each these shares for appreciation growing area. For the nine maintains friendly relations. The 4 over .the next ten years? W .J. months ended September, share measure, for which the Foreign 221 THAYER STREET earnings declined to $1.11 from Ministry has been pressing , was PROMPT COURTEOUS A: Avco's liquidity problems, 1969' s $1.19. The. decline scheduled for a first reading PHONE 421-7878 SERVICE, which were a cause for concer=n primarlly reflects losses shortly but has been assigned a !I\ last summer, Were resolved by recorded In Beaunit Corp' s lower place on the Knesset renegotiation and extension of agenda, presumably to allow for f1 FAVORS BILL textile and synthetic fiber I credit lines. Highly leveraged · operations and a sharp r ise In the amendments. JERU.SALEM - Justice Avco, with long-term debt of $4 14 I Your Minister Ya acov Shimshon income tax rate. In addition, El The bill would render foreign million and short- term debt of Paso e xpe rl e n ced reduced heads of state, heads of I, Shapiro told the Knesset that he about $600 mlllion, has been 1, favored a bill to resclnd the I aw demand for automobile tire cord government, religious leaders Money's hard- pressed by mounting due to the GM strike. Because and members of their families against homosexual acts between interest charges. As a result of , l" consenting male adults, The bill these adverse condi lions were Immune from criticism by Israeli this and lower sales, earnlni,;s at carried Into the fourth period, media. I Worth · was introduced by Uri Avnery, of the nine months were 24 cents a t he. Haolem Hazeh faction. full-year earnings may fall below (Continued from page 6) share, down from $2.48 in fiscal 1969 s restated $1.63. However, Truth, the usual defense In 1~. Shapiro noted that the existing 11 be I cases, would not be been given the opportunl ty to 1969. Figures include capital higher gas rates and continued law Is never enforced bu~ as long gains of 18 cents and 58 cents admitted. de.fend h { m se If against a as It Is on the books It Instills a strong demand should aid 1971 creditor's lawsuit was declared respectively, It Is expected that results. Shares look good for The · Foreign Ministry claims " nagging fear of prosecution" on for the full year, operations will such a measure Is necessary unconstitutional, although this the part of male homosexuals who income and capital appreciation ,., practice Is stlll common In many be around the break-even point. potential. because certain countries where are often afraid to call the police Although rising interest charges the idea of freedom of the press states,} when they are victims of certain The proposal by New York's wlll reach a peak In 1971, this NOTHING CHANGED is n:ot as deeply Ingrained as It is offenses, The . J ustice Minister should be balanced by the J ERUSALEM - Defense In Israel, take offense when their Lefkowl tz telegraphs an pointed out further that female approaching crackdown on abuse generation of a positive cash flow Minister Moshe Dayan said on his leaders are criticized abroad. A homosexual acts are not and the cash sale of certain arrival from the United States Ministry spokesman declined to of wage garnl shment. forbidden by law. We are moving toward · an era operating divisions by that time. that he did not think conditions name such countries but claimed In which arbitration may replace For news of Israel, Jewish Earnings recove ry in 1971, now Justify Israel's return to the that because of criticis m In garnishment as a way to settle comm un It I es throughout the however, may be restricted by J arring peace talks. He said his Israeli newspapers, "we have had creditor-debtor problems, world, local organizations and thl s rising cost. Av.co Is visit, which Included meetings very serious trouble." But public We' re heading In the right society, read the Herald, • ,and gradua!Jy moving away from the with President Nixon, Defense . opinion here appears to have been outraged by the proposal. direction of protecting Innocent for some of the best bargains in manufacturing end of Its business Secretary Laird and Secretary of "with Increasing emphasis being debtors from Instant bankruptcy the Grel!_ter Providence area. State Rogers In Washington Critics assert that It wo111d and simultaneously protecting placed on Its service operations, changed nothing basically Insofar stifle press freedom In Israel to Moti on pictures, Insurance, as Israel's terms for resuming •ccommodate countries where honest tenders from Give a Herald subscription. Irresponsible defaults. finance and real estate activities peace discussions are concerned• . press freedom doesn't ·exist.