Jews Adaptable, Educator Says; "L Feel a Little Intimidated at Week You Had to Have Lists of Who the Success of the Play," Norman Was Talking to Who
t,.ssoc . • . u 1• \ SiOR \ cr..L Jt'!. \ Su ·' Ro· gl ~;-:G'E.Lk Si. ozgOb 2 R 1• Q_Q'I . b . • ·Movre, 'Fiddler On The Roof,' To Open In N.Y. In November LONDON - Tevye, the poor to open In New York In Ukrainian Jewish milkman with November. five unmarried daughters, a lame The cast of predominantly horse, a sharp-tongued wife and New York actors speak morosely enduring optimism, Is now In the of their four months on location. movies. "It got to be llke a prison," THE ONLY ENGLISH-JEW/SH WEEKLY IN R. /. AND SOUTHEAST MASS. The Joyous and melancholy Mr. Frey said, watching Mr. · plight of the Sholom Aleichem Jewlson direct a scene of Rossi an _V_O_L_U_M_E_LIV__ N_U_MB_E_R_4_l ____ F_R_ID_A_Y_, -JAN--U-AR_ Y....,.8.;..,-l-97_1 ____ 1_5c~P.;..E;.;R;;.....C_O;;;P;;;Y_.;_ __ _.;.1_6_P_A_G_;ES;.. character depicted In "Flddler·on policemen plundering Tevye's ------'--------------------~--~-----------..;... the Roor' Is being fllmed In home. _"The first week everything England and In the Yugloslav was sociability, mirth, parties. countryside In a $9-mllllon Then everyone got quiet, then production. tense, then bitter. By ·the third Jews Adaptable, Educator Says; "l feel a little Intimidated at week you had to have lists of who the success of the play," Norman was talking to who. Jewlson, the film's director, said "There's something special stepping over wires and electric about 'Fiddler.' The shtetl life Institutions Remain Static cables In the dusty set of the village of Ana tevka, at Pinewood, - It's kind of _g-lamorlzed - but It's quite magnificent.
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