Annual Report 1967 / 68 Wakeham
S 111(A) ANNUAL REPORT 1967 / 68 WAKEHAM • POVUNGNITUK • PORT N- QUÉBEC FORT-CHIMO . • POSTE-DE-LA-BALEINE SCHEFFERVILLE . • FORT - GEORGE At#0QUEBEC MAN ICOUAGAN . GOUVERNEMENT DU QUÉBEC DEPARTMENT OF NAT RESOD 'CES QUÉBEC. PORT 1967 68 f A QUEBEC GOUVERNEMENT DU QUÉBEC DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES ANNUAL REPORT 1967/68 To his Honor The Lieutenant-Governor HUGUES LAPOINTE, P.C., Q.C., Quebec Your Honor : I have the pleasure to submit to you the report of the Department of Natural Resources for the fiscal year ending March 31st, 1968. Your respectful servant, PAUL-E. ALLARD, Minister of Natural Resout.ices Quebec, March 1, 1969 HONORABLE PAUL-E. ALLARD, Minister of Natural Resources, Quebec, Que. Sir : I have the honor to submit to you the annual report of the Department of Natural Resources covering the fiscal year extending from April lst, 1967, to March 31st, 1968. It is made up of notes prepared by the directors and the chiefs of services. Your obedient servant, P.-E. AUGER, Deputy Minister Quebec, February 28, 1969 GOUVERNEMENT DU QUÉBEC DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES DIAGRAM OF UPPER ADMINISTRATIVE STRUCTURE MINISTER PAUL-E. ALLARD HYDRO-QUEBEC MINISTER'S CABINET J.C. LESSARD, Pres_ F. GIRARD, Chief of Cabinet SOQUÉM SCHOLARSHIPS COMMITTEE C. CHARBONNEAU, Pres. G. LANDREVILLE, sec. DEPUTY .AINISTER GAS AND ELECTRICITY BOARD BUREAU OF RURAL ELECTRICITY P-.E. AUGER J. VADEBONC.iLUR, Pies P-E. AUGER, Pres. MINES BRANCH ADMINISTRATIVE BRANCH PLANNING BRANCH WATERS BRANCH NEW QUÉBEC BRANCH R. CORMIER J-E. GILBERT A. MARIER M. SLIVITZSKY G. POITRAS C-E. DESLAURIERS HYDROMETEURULUGICAL GEOLOGICAL SERVICES MINING SERVICES HYDRAULIC SERVICES EQUIPMENT SERVICES INDIAN-ESQUIMAU AFFAIRS AGENCIES SERVICE w SERVICES G.
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