Russian Plates Pp. 290-303
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INDEX OF ARTISTS Dorfman, Elizaveta, 733 Ivanova, Vera, 868, 869 Litvak, M., 652 Index Dovgal’, Oleksandr, 783 Izenberg, Vladimir, 592–594, 643 Liubavina, Nadezhda, 74, 186, 364 Adlivankin, Samuil, 524, 525, 572, 573 Dubyns’kii, Hr., 858 (see also Author Index) Izoram, 1019 Liubimov, Aleksandr, 1197 Coordinated by Sarah Suzuki. (see also Author Index) Duplitskii, 1019 Liushin, 896 Contributors include Sienna Brown, Aivazovskii, 1021 Dvorakovskii, Valerian, 1080 K., B., 697, 698 Lopukhin, Aleksandr, 128 (see also Author Emily Capper, and Jennifer Roberts. Akishin, Leonid, 1019 K., F. P., 1151 Index) Aksel’rod, Meer (Mark), 789 Echeistov, Georgii, 284, 378–382, 455 K., N., 222 Lozowick, Louis, 706 Aleksandrova, Vera, 329 Efimov, B., 532 Kalashnikov, Mikhail, 263, 264 All numbers refer to the Checklist. Alekseev, Nikolai, 526, 574 Egorov, Vladimir, 583 Kalmykov, Mykola, 262 M., D., 608 Al’tman, Natan, 55, 56, 59, 117, 143, Elin, V. M., 1205 Kamenskii, Vasilii, 75, 76, 90, 94, 95, M., E., 751 144, 169, 215, 330, 331, 364, 447, Elkin, Vasilii, 793 142, 150, 164–66, 218 (see also Author Makarov, Mikhail, 1023 451, 527, 575, 636, 731, 1019, 1124, El’kina, D., 326 (see also Author Index) Index) Makletsov, Sergei, 206, 207 1162 (see also Author Index) Ender, Boris, 533, 584, 1228 Kandinsky, Vasily, 181, 223 (see also Malevich, Kazimir, 21, 37–40, 55, 56, Andreev, Aleksandr, 4 Epifanov, Gennadii, 1081 Author Index) 68, 69, 79–81, 91, 129, 236, Andreevskaia, M., 361 Epple, L., 1056 Kanevskii, A., 852 306–308, 348, 884, 1126–1128, 1153 Andronova, 924 Epshtein, Marko, 456 Kaplan, Lev, 806 (see also Author Index) Anisfeld, Boris, 6 Erdman, Boris, 285–290, 335, 383 Karra, A., 807, 810, 870, 938 Manatiev, Ivan, 609, 610 Annenkov, Iurii, 97, 170, 171, 216, 279, Erenburg, Il’ia, 1024 (see also Author Kasiian, Vasyl’, 787, 871, 1057 Mane-Katz, 209 332, 333, 364, 366, 367, 447, 503, Index) Kataev, Valentin, 784 (see also Author Marenkov, Oleksii, 707, 752 504, 528 (see also Author Index) Erlikh, Marianna, 71, 72, 96 Index) Marinetti, Filippo Tommaso, 82 (see also Archipenko, Alexander, 452 Ermilov, Vasil (see also Iermilov, Vasyl’) Katanian, Vasilii, 210 (see also Author Author Index) Arnshtam, Aleksandr, 368, 453 Ermolaeva, Vera, 175, 176, 177, 178, Index) Mashkov, Il’ia, 1129 336, 364, 585, 586, 734, 735, Kh., R., 737 Masiutin, Vasilii, 413–415 B., K. E., 576 794–797, 859–865, 1229 (see also Khabias [Nina Komarova], 391 (see also Maslianenko, Mikhail, 870, 885, 922, 923 Baeev, Aleksei, 369 Author Index) Author Index) Matiushin, Mikhail, 8, 997, 998, 1019 Bakharev, P., 96 Evenbakh, Evgeniia, 640 Kharybin, P., 939 (see also Author Index) Bakst, Leon, 363 Exter, Alexandra, 67, 90, 119, 120, 148, Khlebnikov, Velimir, 784 (see also Author Mavrina, Tat’iana, 946 Balaginaia, T., 280 337, 362, 384, 385 (see also Author Index) Mayakovsky, Vladimir, 50, 54, 91, Baranoff-Rossiné, Vladimir, 1019 Index) Khodasevich, Valentina, 224, 808 187–190, 237, 308, 481–486, 537, Bart, Viktor, 51, 52 Khyzhins’kyi, Leonid, 809, 1082 538, 784, 925, 947, 948, 988, 1059, Barutchev, A. K., 855 F., P. A., 587 Kliun, Ivan, 105, 392, 393, 461–463, 1128, 1130 (see also Author Index) Baxter, W., 217 (see also Author Index) Falileev, Vadim, 220 738, 784, 856, 872, 873, 925, 1042, Mazel’, Ruvim, 539, 540 Bazankur, Liverii, 281 Favorskii, Vladimir, 588 1182 (see also Author Index) Mehl, W., 799 Bazhbeuk-Melikov, Aleksandr, 263, 264 Fazini, Sandro, 100, 149 Klutsis, Gustav, 394, 536, 568, 595, 596, Mei, Evgen, 611, 612 Bedumovaia, Elena, 370, 371 Fedorov, D., 361 644, 645, 699, 700, 739, 740–743, Meller, Henke, 487 Belukha, Evgenii, 577, 790, 791 Fedorski, A., 785 793, 798, 810, 874, 940, 941 Meller, Vadym, 488, 613 Bershadskii, Grigorii, 578–580 Fedotov, S., 386 Komardenkov, Vasilii, 300 Meshkov, Vladimir, 1023 Bilibin, Ivan, 363, 637 Filippov, Vs., 786 Konashevich, Vladimir, 744 Miankal’, 209 Blank, Ber, 783 Filonov, Pavel, 91–93, 101, 266, 1023 Konchalovskii, Petr, 260 Mikhel’son, I., 57 (see also Author Index) Bobrov, Sergei, 24, 60, 61, 121, 128, (see also Author Index) Kosariev, Borys, 209, 262 Miller, Grigorii, 349, 350 145 (see also Author Index) Fisher, Georgii, 989 Kotliarevs’ka, Mariia, 783 Minin, E. S., 753 Bobryts’kyi, Volodymyr, 209, 262, 581 Fradkin, Moisei, 1039 Kovrigin, V., 1207 Mitrokhin, Dmitrii, 416, 653, 884, 886 Boguslavskaia, Kseniia, 206, 207, 1019 Fridkin, Boris, 736, 933, 990 Kozintseva, Liubov’, 464 Miturich, Petr, 238, 309, 417, 418, 708 Bondarenko, Hryhorii (Hryts’ko), 282 Kozlinskii, Vladimir, 206, 207, 1019 (see also Author Index) Borovkov, N., 445 Galadzhev, Petr, 589, 590 Kraft [El Lissitzky], 402 Moholy-Nagy, László, 709, 949 (see also Borovyi, Serhii, 529 Gamrekeli, Iraklii, 534 Kraian, M., 875 Author Index) Bortsova, Elena, 1023 Gan, Aleksei, 387, 457, 641, 692, 866 Krastashevskii, G., 942 Moor, Dmitrii, 852, 945, 999 Brailovskii, Leonid, 363 (see also Author Index) Kravchenko, Aleksei, 395, 465 Morgunov, Aleksei, 260 Brodskii, I. I., 785 Ganin, Aleksei, 291 (see also Author Index) Kri’d’n, Iu., 701 Moskalenko, P., 710 Bruni, Lev, 118, 447 Gerasimov, M., 522 Kriukov, Mykola, 876 Mrkvicki, Otakar, 711 Brylov, E. A., 1079 Gerasimov, Sergei, 284, 446 Kruchenykh, Aleksei, 2, 49, 122, 123, Mukhina, Vera, 185 Bugoslavskaia, N., 326 Geronskii, 982 151–154, 164–166, 182–184, 225, Mykhailiv, Iukhym, 419 Burliuk, David, 19–21, 53, 54, 62–70, Gidoni, Grigorii, 1040 (see also Author 226, 265, 266, 301, 302, 340–344, Myshchenko, Mykola, 754, 1111 90, 92–95, 98, 99, 114–116, 142, Index) 856, 877, 1132, 1139, 1165 (see also 218, 265, 266, 462, 463, 582, 856, Gippius, Andrei, 867 Author Index) Nagorskaia, Natal’ia, 462, 463, 489, 877, 925, 1019 (see also Author Index) Gladkov, Aleksandr, 209 Krychevs’kyi, Vasyl’, 30, 878, 879, 880 490–492 Burliuk, Nadezhda, 54 Glebova,Tat’iana, 1023 Kulagina, Valentina, 596, 646–648 (see Nalepins’ka, Sofiia, 1060 Burliuk, Vladimir, 1, 19, 20, 53, 54, Goliakhovskii, Evgenii, 1071 also Kulagina-Klutsis, Valentina) Narbut, Georgii, 130 62–66, 90, 92–95, 114–116, 142, Golubev-Bagriaporobnii, Leonid, 179 Kulagina-Klutsis, Valentina, 597–599 (see Naumov, Boris, 755 265, 266 Golubchikov, N., 798 also Kulagina, Valentina) Nekrasov, Evgenii, 815 Buryshkin, David, 1019 Goncharova, Natalia, 7, 14–18, 22–28, Kul’bin, Nikolai, 4, 49, 55, 56, 77, 78, Nekrasov, N., 816 51–53, 55, 56, 73, 102–104, 121, 97, 114, 115, 124, 142, 375, 447 Nikitin, A., 445 Chagall, Marc, 146, 172, 173, 245, 372, 221, 263, 264, 292, 293, 338, 363, Kul’bina, Nina, 96 Nikolaev, A. A., 4 373, 447, 454 (see also Author Index) 535, 784, 1125 (see also Author Index) Kupreianov, Nikolai, 227, 303, 567, 600, Nivinskii, Ignatii, 493 Chaikov, Iosef, 374, 638, 639 Gorbovets, Zinovii, 693 649, 1231 Noskov, Georgii, 494 Chashnik, Il’ia, 1173, 1174 (see also Gordeev, D. P., 261 Kurskaia, A., 326 Author Index) Gordeziani, Beno, 534 Kustodiev, Boris, 363, 1019 October Brigade, 983, 984, 1019 Chekhonin, Sergei, 6, 174, 363, 530, Granovsky, Naum, 458, 459 Kuznetsov, Pavel, 370, 371 Ostroumova-Lebedeva, Anna, 541 690, 785 Gribatnikov, A., 57 (see also Author Index) Kyrnars’kyi, Marko, 345, 1083, 1084 Chekrygin, Vasilii, 50, 446 Grigor’ev, Boris, 180, 363, 388, 460 (see Padalka, Ivan, 158, 853, 1000 Chembers, Vladimir, 6 also Author Index) Labas, Aleksandr, 340 Pakulin, Viacheslav, 420 Cherkesov, Iurii, 375 Grigoriev, Nikolai, 57 Lagorio, Maria, 396, 466 Pal’mov, Viktor, 351 Chernikhov, Iakov, 857, 928, 929, 1022, Gromov, A., 1230 (see also Author Index) Lansere, Evgenii, 694 Paramonov, A., 495 1181 (see also Author Index) Gruental, V., 1209 Larionov, Mikhail, 9, 14–18, 26–28, Pavel Filonov’s School, 1023 Chernomordik, Avenir, 786 Guro, Elena, 8, 53, 71, 72, 74 (see also 31–36, 51–53, 226, 304, 363, Pavliuk, Mykola, 817 Chernyshev, Nikolai, 284, 446 Author Index) 467–469 (see also Author Index) Pestel, Vera, 446 Chichagova, Galina, 569, 1226 (see also Gudiashvili, Lado (Vladimir), 210, 261, Lavinskii, Anton, 397, 398, 470–472 Petrov-Vodkin, Kuzma, 496, 1019 Author Index) 263, 264, 1132 Lavrent’ev, Nikolai, 1102, 1106, 1206, Petryts’kyi, Anatol’, 712, 800, 818, 853, Chichagova, Olga, 569 (see also Author Gushchin, Nikolai, 142 1208, 1209, 1218, 1219, 1221 887, 950 Index) Gutnov, El’brus, 983, 984 Lavrov, Vitalii, 811 Picheta, Vasyl’, 262 Chicherin, Aleksei, 567 (see also Author Lebedev, Vladimir, 399, 400, 447, 473, Plaksin, Mikhail, 492 Index) Horokh, L., 591 474, 475, 601–605, 650, 745, 943, Platov, Fedor, 128 Chichkanov, P. S., 522 Horovyts, V. A., 991 944, 993, 1019, 1152, 1232 (see also Pleshchinskii, Illarion, 352, 361, 756, 787 Chirikov, L. E., 363 Hural’nik, H. S., 799, 991 Author Index) Podgaevskii, Sergei, 83 (see also Author Lebedeva, Sarra, 1019 Index) Danylov, N., 531 Iakovlev, Aleksandr, 6 Leger, Fernand, 401 Poliakov, Sergei, 421 Degen, Iurii, 219, 261 (see also Author Iakulov, Georgii, 29, 260, 294, 295, 339, Lentulov, Aristarkh, 106, 114–116, 125, Popova, Liubov’, 362, 422, 500, 542 (see Index) 389, 694 140–142, 228, 229 also Author Index) Deineka, Aleksandr, 732, 852, 930 Iermilov, Vasyl’, 209, 262, 296–298, Leonidov, Ivan, 692, 746 Poret, Alisa, 1023 Deneiko, Olga, 792 784, 800, 934, 935, 992, 1041, 1101 Lesov, Efraim, 1023 Pozharskii, Sergei, 543 Deni, Viktor, 691 (see also Author Index) Levin, Aleksei, 994, 1085, 1086 Pozharskii, V. I., 543 Denisovskii, Nikolai, 988, 1066, 1067 Iliazd [Il’ia Zdanevich], 458, 459 (see also Levin, Moisei, 169, 606, 651 Pravosudovich, 757 Den’shin, Aleksei, 147 (see also Author Author Index) Lissitzky, El, 126, 127, 144, 155–157, Proletkul’t, 1019 Index) Il’in, Nikolai, 695, 696, 801–804, 936, 937 173, 185, 230–236, 305, 346, 347, Prussakov, Nikolai, 819, 885 Diakov, Volodymyr, 209, 262 Istselennov, N., 390 402–412, 476–480, 607, 702–705, Puni, Ivan, 92, 93, 206, 207, 447, 497 Dobrokovskii, Mecheslav, 852,896,931, 932 Iudovin, Solomon, 299, 642 747– 750, 812–814, 881–883, 945, (see also Author Index) Dobuzhinskii, Mstislav, 6, 334, 376, 377, Ivanov, Viacheslav, 805 (see also Author 995, 996, 1024, 1025, 1043–1048, 447, 1019, 1227 Index) 1071 (see also Kraft, Author Index) Ivanova, Nina 1023 Lissitzky, Sophie.