Dept. of The Cleveland Museum of Natural History 1 Wade Oval Dr., University Circle Cleveland, 44106


1994-present: Curator and John Otis Hower Chair of Archaeology, The Cleveland Museum of Natural History (C.M.N.H).

2010-2011: Interim Director of Science, Collections and Research Division, C.M.N.H.

2001-2006: Director of Science, Collections and Research Division, C.M.N.H.

1992-94: Acting Assistant Director for Research, Glenn A. Black Laboratory of Archaeology, University, Bloomington.

1992: Visiting Research Associate, Glenn A. Black Laboratory of Archaeology, Indiana University, Bloomington.

1990-91: Associate Faculty, Dept. of Anthropology, Indiana University, .


Current: Adjunct Associate Professor, Dept. Of Anthropology, Case Western Reserve University.

Adjunct Faculty, Dept. of Anthropology, Cleveland State University.

Research Associate, Glenn A. Black Laboratory of Archaeology, Indiana University, Bloomington.


Current: Chair, Ohio Archaeological Council Publications Committee; Website Editor.

2002-2003 President of the Ohio Archaeological Council.

2000-2001 President-elect of the Ohio Archaeological Council.


1990: Ph.D. in Anthropology, Indiana University, Bloomington.

1984: Masters of Arts and Education in Anthropology, University of Toledo, Ohio.

1980: Bachelor of Arts (cum laude) in Anthropology, University of Toledo, Ohio.



2015 Redmond, B.G. and Robert A. Genheimer (editors) Building the Past, An Introduction. In Building the Past: Prehistoric Wooden Post Architecture in the Ohio Valley-Great Lakes Region. University Press of Florida.

2015 Redmond, B. G. and B. L. Scanlan Changes in Pre-Contact Domestic Architecture at the Heckelman Site in Northern Ohio. In Building the Past: Prehistoric Wooden Post Architecture in the Ohio Valley-Great Lakes Region. University Press of Florida.

2015 Nolan, K.C. and B.G. Redmond Geochemical and Geophysical Prospecting at Three Multicomponent Sites in the Southwestern Basin: A Pilot Study. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 2: 94-105.

2015 Redmond, B. G. Connecting Heaven and Earth: Interpreting Early Woodland Nonmortuary Ceremonialism in Northern Ohio. Midcontinental Journal of Archaeology, in press.

2014 Boulanger, M. T., B. Buchanan, M. J. O’Brien, B. G. Redmond, M. D. Glascock, and M. I. Eren Neutron Activation Analysis of 12,900-Year-Old Stone Artifacts Confirms 450-510+ km Clovis -Stone Acquisition at Paleo Crossing (33ME274), , U.S.A. Journal of Archaeological Science 53: 550-558.

2013 Redmond, B. G. Intrusive , Western Basin, and the Jack’s Reef Horizon: Reconsidering the Late Woodland Archaeology of Ohio. Archaeology of Eastern North America 31: 113-144.

2012 Redmond, B.G. Terminal Late Woodland Mortuary Ceremonialism, Social Differentiation, and Long Distance Interaction in Northern Ohio, New Evidence from the Danbury Site. Midcontinental Journal of Archaeology 37(1): 99-140.

2012 Redmond, B. G., H. G. McDonald, H. J. Greenfield, and M.L. Burr New Evidence for Late Exploitation of Jefferson’s Ground Sloth (Megalonyx jeffersonii) from Northern Ohio, U.S.A. World Archaeology 44(1): 75-101.

2011 Redmond, B. G. and K. B. Tankersley Species Response to the Theorized Clovis Comet Impact at Sheridan , Ohio. Current Research in the Pleistocene 28: 179-181.

2011 Eren, M.I. and B. G. Redmond Clovis Blades at Paleo Crossing (33Me274), Ohio. Midcontinental Journal of Archaeology. 36(2) (Fall 2011): 173-194.

2011 Blatt, S.H., B.G. Redmond, V. Cassman, and P. Sciulli. Dirty Teeth and Ancient Trade: Evidence of Cotton Fibers in Human Dental Calculus from Late Woodland, Ohio. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, 21: 669-678.


2009 Redmond, B.G. The OEC 1 Site (33Cu462): A Late Prehistoric Period Village Settlement in Northeast Ohio. Archaeology of Eastern North America 37-1-34.

2009 Waters, M.R., T. W. Stafford, B.G. Redmond, and K. B. Tankersley The Age of the Paleoindian Assemblage at , Ohio. American Antiquity 74(1):107-111.

2008 Redmond, B.G. Hopewell on the Sandusky: Analysis and Description of an Inundated Ohio Hopewell Mortuary- Ceremonial Site in North-Central Ohio. North American Archaeologist 28(3):189-232.

2008 Redmond, B.G. and H. G. McDonald Evidence of Human Predation on Jefferson’s Ground Sloth (Megalonyx jeffersonii) from Eastern North America. (Abstract) Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, volume 28, Supplement to Number 3, September 2008, p. 130A.

2005 Eren, M.I., B.G. Redmond, and M. A. Kollecker Unifacial Analyses from the (33-ME-274), Ohio. Current Research in the Pleistocene 22: 43-44.

2005 Redmond, B.G. and K.B. Tankersley Evidence of Early Paleoindian Bone Modification and Use at the Sheriden Cave Site (33WY252), Wyandot County, Ohio. American Antiquity 70(3):503-526.

2004 Eren, M.I., B.G. Redmond, and M. A. Kollecker The Paleo Crossing (33ME274) Fluted-Point Assemblage. Current Research in the Pleistocene 21:38-39.

2003 Redmond, B.G. The Occupation of the East Fork White River Valley in Southcentral Indiana. In Facing the Final Millennium: Studies in the Late of Indiana, A.D. 700 to 1700, edited by B.G. Redmond and J. R. Jones III, pp. 201-254. Indiana Department of Natural Resources, Division of Historic Preservation and Archaeology, Indianapolis.

2003 Redmond, B.G. and C.P. Mattevi Dating and Preliminary Observations of an American from Northeast Ohio. Current Research in the Pleistocene 20:110-112.

2002 Tevesz ,M. J. S., L. Rundo, R. A. Krebs, B.G. Redmond, and A. Dufresne Changes in the Freshwater Mussel (Mollusca: Bivalvia) Fauna of the , Ohio, Since Late Prehistory. Kirtlandia 53: 13-18.

2002 Tankersley, K.B., B.G. Redmond, and T. E. Grove Radiocarbon Dates Associated with a Single-beveled Bone from Sheriden Cave, Ohio. Current Research in the Pleistocene 18:62-64.

2002 Redmond, B.G. 2001 Archaeology at the OEC 1 Site (33CU462). The Ohio Archaeological Council Newsletter 14 (1):29-30.

2002 Redmond, B.G. and C.P. Mattevi Excavation and Conservation of the Hartley Mastodon, Columbiana, County, Ohio. The Ohio Journal of Science 102 (1):A-12 (Annual Meeting Program Abstracts).


2002 Redmond, B.G. and K.C. Ruhl Rethinking the “Whittlesey Collapse”: Late Prehistoric Migrations in Eastern Ohio. Archaeology of Eastern North America 30 (2002):59-80.

2001 Redmond, B.G. Recent Excavations at the OEC 1 Site (33CU462), A Whittlesey Tradition Settlement in Northeast Ohio. The Ohio Archaeological Council Newsletter 13 (1):14.

2001 Tankersley, K. B., and B.G. Redmond Getting to the Point: The Geochronology, Archaeology, and Paleoenvironment of Sheriden Cave, Wyandot County, Ohio. The Ohio Archaeological Council Newsletter 13 (1):24.

2000 Redmond, B.G. Reviewing the Late . In: Cultures Before Contact: The Late Prehistory of Ohio and Surrounding Regions, edited by R.Genheimer, pp. 426-437. Ohio Archaeological Council, Columbus.

2000 Redmond, B.G. and R.G. McCullough The Late Woodland to Late Prehistoric Occupations of Central Indiana. In: Late Woodland Societies: Tradition and Transformation Across the Midcontinent, edited by T. Emerson, D. McElrath, and A. Fortier, pp. 643-683. University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln.

1999 Tankersley, K.B. and B.G. Redmond Radiocarbon Dating of a Paleoindian Projectile Point from Sheriden Cave, Ohio. Current Research in the Pleistocene. 16: 76-77.

1999 Redmond, B.G. White Fort and the Middle Sandusky Tradition Occupation of the Black River Valley in Northern Ohio. Archaeology of Eastern North America 27:109-156.

1998 Redmond, B.G. The White Fort Archaeological Project, 1995-96. Newsletter of the Ohio Archaeological Council 10(1):9-17.

Redmond, B.G. Early Paleoindian Point from Sheriden Cave. Newsletter of the Ohio Archaeological Council 10(2):5-6.

1996 Redmond, B.G. and L. Koehler The Cedar Bluff Pictographs: Aboriginal in Southern Indiana. Archaeology of Eastern North America 24.

1996 Redmond, B.G. A Brief Description of Newly Discovered Pictographs in Southern Indiana. Newsletter of the Eastern States Rock Art Research Association 1(3):3.

1994 Redmond, B.G. The 1993 Indiana University Field School Investigation of the Cox’s Woods Site (12Or1), A Fortified Oliver Phase Village in Orange County, Indiana. In Current Research in Indiana Archaeology and Prehistory: 1993, edited by B.G. Redmond. Indiana University, Glenn A. Black Laboratory of Archaeology, Research Reports 15:53-63.


1994 Redmond, B.G. The Archaeology of the Clampitt Site (12Lr329), An Oliver Phase Village in Lawrence County, Indiana. Indiana University, Glenn A. Black Laboratory of Archaeology, Research Reports 16.

1993 Redmond, B.G. The 1991 Excavations at the Clampitt Site (12Lr329), An Oliver Phase Village Site in Lawrence County, Indiana. In Current Research in Indiana Archaeology and Prehistory: 1991&1992, edited by B.G. Redmond. Indiana University, Glenn A. Black Laboratory of Archaeology, Research Reports 14:53-63.

1993 Redmond, B.G. The 1992 Excavation of the Clampitt Site, 12Lr329. In Current Research in Indiana Archaeology and Prehistory:1991&1992, edited by B.G. Redmond. Indiana University, Glenn A. Black Laboratory of Archaeology, Research Reports 14:89-90.

1991 Schurr, M.R. and B.G. Redmond Stable Isotope Analysis of Incipient Horticulturists from the Gard Island 2 site. Midcontinental Journal of Archaeology 16(1):69-84.

1988 Redmond, B.G. Yankeetown, Duffy, or Duffytown?: An Examination of Ceramic Variability in the Lower Ohio Valley. North American Archaeologist 9(4):299-317.

1988 Redmond, B.G. Paleopathology of an Historic Indian Burial from the Angel Site. Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science 97:99.

1987 Redmond, B.G. The Yankeetown Phase: An Emergent Mississippian Cultural Manifestation in the Lower Valley. Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science 96:72.

1984 Stothers, David M., J.R. Graves, and B.G. Redmond The Sandusky and Western Basin Traditions: A Comparative Analysis of Settlement-Subsistence Systems. Toledo Area Aboriginal Research Bulletin 13.

1983 Redmond, B.G. The Gunn-Eberle 2 Site: A Younge Phase Extractive Camp in the Mid- Valley of Northwestern Ohio. Toledo Area Aboriginal Research Bulletin 12.

1982 Redmond, B.G. Drilled Skulls and Eyes of : Late Woodland Burial Ceremonialism in the western Lake Erie Basin. Toledo Area Aboriginal Research Bulletin 11:1-36.

1982 Stothers, David M., J.R. Graves, and B.G. Redmond Cannibalism in the Great Lakes: Evidence from the Sandusky Tradition (co-authored with David M. Stothers and James R. Graves). Toledo Area Aboriginal Research Bulletin 11:37-60.

1981 Redmond, B.G. The Orleans Park Site (33-Wo-74): A Sandusky Tradition Hunting Camp in the Maumee River Valley. Toledo Area Aboriginal Research Bulletin 10:1-25.



2015 Redmond, B. G. and R. A. Genheimer (editors) Building the Past: Studies of Prehistoric Wooden Post Architecture in the Ohio Valley-Great Lakes Region. University Press of Florida.

2008 Transitions: Archaic and Early Woodland Research in the . Ohio University Press and The Ohio Archaeological Council. (co-edited with M. P. Otto)

2003 Facing the Final Millennium: Studies in the Late Prehistory of Indiana, A.D. 700 to 1700. Indiana Department of Natural Resources, Division of Historic Preservation and Archaeology, Indianapolis.

1994: Current Research in Indiana Archaeology and Prehistory: 1993. Indiana University, Glenn A. Black Laboratory of Archaeology, Research Reports 15.

1993: Current Research in Indiana Archaeology and Prehistory: 1991 & 1992. Indiana University, Glenn A. Black Laboratory of Archaeology, Research Reports 14.


2015 Redmond, B. G., B. L. Scanlan, and M. Marley Archaeological Investigations at the Burrell Orchard Site (33Ln15): 2014 Season. Cleveland Museum of Natural History, Archaeological Research Reports, No. 166, 63 pages.

2014 Redmond, B.G. and B. L. Scanlan A Report of Archaeological Investigations at the Heckleman Site (33Er14): 2013 Season. Cleveland Museum of Natural History, Archaeological Research Reports, No. 164, 28 pages.

2014 Redmond, B.G., B. Kaphingst, P. Heisler Analysis and Description of the Mayer Site: A Late Prehistoric Period Mortuary and Habitation Site in Vermilion, Ohio. Cleveland Museum of Natural History, Archaeological Research Reports, No. 163, 35 pages. 65.

2013 Redmond, B.G. and B. L. Scanlan A Report of Archaeological Investigations at the Heckleman Site (33Er14): 2012 Season. Cleveland Museum of Natural History, Archaeological Research Reports, No. 162, 44 pages.

2012 Redmond, B.G. and B. L. Scanlan A Report of Archaeological Investigations at the Heckleman Site (33Er14): 2011 Season. Cleveland Museum of Natural History, Archaeological Research Reports, No. 161, 48 pages.

2011 Redmond, B.G. and B. L. Scanlan A Report of Archaeological Investigations at the Heckleman Site (33Er14): 2010 Season. Cleveland Museum of Natural History, Archaeological Research Reports, No. 159, 42 pages.

2010 Redmond, B.G. and B. L. Scanlan A Report of Archaeological Investigations at the Heckleman Site (33Er14): 2009 Season. Cleveland Museum of Natural History, Archaeological Research Reports, No. 158, 47 pages.

2009 Redmond, B.G. and B. L. Scanlan


Archaeological Investigations at the Burrell Orchard Site (33Ln15): 2008 Season. Cleveland Museum of Natural History, Archaeological Research Reports, No. 156, 66 pages.

2008 Redmond, B.G. and B. L. Scanlan A Report of Archaeological Investigations at the Danbury Site (33OT16): 2007 Season. Cleveland Museum of Natural History, Archaeological Research Reports, No. 153, 36 pages.

2008 Redmond, B.G. An Archaeological Assessment of the OEC 1 Site (33Cu462), A Whittlesey Tradition Habitation Site in Independence, Ohio. Cleveland Museum of Natural History, Archaeological Research Reports, No. 143, 68 pages.

2007 Redmond, B.G. A Report of Archaeological Investigations at the Danbury Site (33OT16): 2006 Season. Cleveland Museum of Natural History, Archaeological Research Reports, No. 151, 51 pages.

2007 Redmond, B.G. Analysis and Description of an Inundated Ohio Hopewell Mortuary Site in Sandusky County, Ohio: The Pumpkin Site. Cleveland Museum of Natural History, Archaeological Research Reports, No. 149, 40 pages.

2006 Redmond, B.G. A Report of Archaeological Investigations at the Danbury Site (33OT16): 2005 Season. Cleveland Museum of Natural History, Archaeological Research Reports, No. 147, 40 pages.

2005 Redmond, B.G. A Report of Archaeological Investigations at the Danbury Site (33OT16): 2004 Season. Cleveland Museum of Natural History, Archaeological Research Reports, No. 146, 75 pages.

2002 Redmond, B.G. and M. Kollecker 2001 Archaeological Investigations of the OEC 1 Site (33CU462). Cleveland Museum of Natural History, Archaeological Research Reports, No. 142.

2001 Redmond, B.G. Archaeological Investigations at the White Fort Site (33Ln2), 1997-98 Seasons. Cleveland Museum of Natural History, Archaeological Research Reports, No. 140. (draft report)

1998 Redmond, B.G. Archaeological Investigations at the White Fort Site (33Ln2), 1995-96 Seasons. Cleveland Museum of Natural History, Archaeological Research Reports, No. 137.

1997 Redmond, B.G. A Preliminary Report of Archaeological Investigations at the White Fort Site (33Ln2): 1996 Season. Cleveland Museum of Natural History, Archaeological Research Reports, No. 136.

1996 Redmond, B.G. A Preliminary Report of Archaeological Investigations at the White Fort Site (33Ln2): 1995 Season. Cleveland Museum of Natural History, Archaeological Research Reports, No. 134.

1995 Redmond, B.G. and R. G. McCullough The Summer 1993-94 Excavations of the Cox’s Woods Site (12Or1), A Late Prehistoric, Oliver Phase Village in the Pioneer Mothers Memorial Forest, Hoosier National Forest, Orange County, Indiana. Glenn A. Black Laboratory of Archaeology, Indiana University, Report of Investigations



1994 Redmond, B.G. The Summer 1993 Excavation of the Cox’s Woods Site (12Or1), A Late Prehistoric Oliver Phase Village in the Pioneer Mothers Memorial Forest of the Hoosier National Forest. Indiana University,

Glenn A. Black Laboratory of Archaeology, Reports of Investigation 94-17.

1993 Redmond, B.G. and R. G. McCullough Survey and Test Excavation of Late Prehistoric, Oliver Phase Components in Martin, Lawrence, and Orange Counties Indiana. Indiana University, Glenn A. Black Laboratory of Archaeology, Reports of Investigation 93-13.

1991 Redmond, B.G. An Archaeological Investigation of Late Settlement in the East Fork White River Valley: Martin, Lawrence, and Jackson Counties, Indiana. Indiana University, Glenn A. Black Laboratory of Archaeology, Reports of Investigation 91-15.

1986 Redmond, B.G. A Study of Yankeetown Phase Settlement Patterns in the Lower Ohio Valley. Indiana University, Glenn A. Black Laboratory of Archaeology, Reports of Investigation 86-84.

1985 Redmond, B.G. An Analysis of Human Skeletal Materials From the Arch Rockshelter (12-Cr-219), Crawford County, Indiana. Report on file in the Glenn A. Black Laboratory of Archaeology, Indiana University, Bloomington.

1981 Stothers, David M., J.R. Graves, and B.G. Redmond An Archaeological Survey and Reconnaissance of the Mid-Maumee River Valley: A Phase II Archaeological Survey Report. Report prepared for the Ohio Historic Preservation Office, Columbus.

1980 Redmond, B.G. The Hartman Site: A Stratified Archaic-Late Woodland Hunting Camp in Eastern Wood County, Ohio. Report of excavation on file in the University of Toledo Laboratory of Archaeology.


2008 Redmond, B.G. The First Settlers: Native Peoples of the Vermilion Watershed. In Living in the Vermilion Watershed, edited by M. Garvin and J. Cooper, pp. 96-101. Western Reserve Land Conservancy-Firelands Chapter and Oberlin College.

2007 Redmond, B.G. “Bone Points from Sheriden Cave.” In Explorer, Spring 2007:7. The Cleveland Museum of Natural History.

2005 Redmond, B.G. “Sheriden Cave, Wyandot County: Opening a Time Capsule.” In Ohio Archaeology: An Illustrated Chronicle of Ohio’s Ancient American Indian Cultures, by Bradley T. Lepper, pp. 48-49. Orange Frazer Press, Wilmington, Ohio and Voyageur Media Group, Inc.


2005 Redmond, B.G. and M.Kollecker “Secrets of the Danbury Site.” In Explorer, Spring 2005:4-8. The Cleveland Museum of Natural History.

2005 Redmond, B.G. “The White Fort Site, Lorain County.” In Ohio Archaeology: An Illustrated Chronicle of Ohio’s Ancient American Indian Cultures, by Bradley T. Lepper, pp. 211-213. Orange Frazer Press, Wilmington, Ohio and Voyageur Media Group, Inc.

2004 Redmond, B.G. “Saving the Danbury Site.” Web publication, Cleveland Museum of Natural History website:

2004 Redmond, B.G. “Danbury Site Excavations, 2004.” Web publication, Cleveland Museum of Natural History website: Danbury_Site.html (with Mark Kollecker).

2003 Redmond, B.G. Before the Western Reserve: An Archaeological History of Northeast Ohio. Northeast Ohio Journal of History, Spring 2003: web-exhibit .

2002 Redmond, B.G. Waking the Mastodon. Explorer, Summer 2002: 11-13. The Cleveland Museum of Natural History.

2000 Tankersley, K.B. and B.G. Redmond Ice Age Ohio: A Deep Cave Yields Evidence of Paleoindian, Climate Change, and the Demise of the Megamammals. Archaeology, November/December 2000:42-46. The Archaeological Institute of America.

2000 Sheriden Cave, Opening the Time Capsule. Explorer, Spring 2000:4-6, 14. The Cleveland Museum of Natural History.

1995 The Whittlesey People: Prehistoric Farmers of Northeast Ohio. Explorer, Spring 1995: 8-10. The Cleveland Museum of Natural History.


2013 Review of The Rhodes Site: A Historic Kickapoo Village on the Illinois Prairie by Mark J. Wagner. Midcontiental Journal of Archaeology 2013: On-Line Book Reviews. http://www.midwestarchaeology. org/storage/ 2013-BR08-Wagner.pdf.

2004 Review of Posing Questions for a Scientific Archaeology by Terry L. Hunt, Carl P. Lipo, and Sara L. Sterling (eds.). American Antiquity 69 (1):190-191.

2003 Review of Power and Gender in culture: A Study of a Late Prehistoric People by Thomas Edward Berres. American Antiquity 68 (1):191-192.

2002 Review of Measuring the Flow of Time: The Works of James A. Ford, 1935-1941 and James A. Ford and the Growth of Americanist Archaeology by Michael J. O’Brien and R. Lee Lyman. American Anthropologist 104 (1), March 2002:369-371.


1983: Review of Great Lakes Prehistory by Ronald J. Mason. Toledo Area Aboriginal Research Bulletin 12.

Review of The Missing Link: The Transition from Animal Instinct to Human Mind by Walter J. Garre (review coauthored with David M. Stothers). International Social Science Review 58(2):120-121.

1980: Review of The Toltecs: Until the Fall of Tula by Nigel Davies (review co-authored with David M. Stothers and James R. Graves). International Social Science Review 57:56-57.


2014 “A Most Ancient Village: Investigating Late Archaic Seasonal Sedentism in Northern Ohio.” Paper presented at the Third Annual Ohio Archaeology Symposium, November 5, 2014, Cleveland State University.

“Investigating Late Archaic Seasonal Sedentism in Northern Ohio: Continued Survey and Excavations at the Burrell Orchard Site, Lorain County.” Paper presented at the Fall Meeting of the Ohio Archaeological Council, Columbus, Ohio.

“The Firelands Ground Sloth: Earliest Evidence for Human Hunting in Ice age Ohio.” Early Man in the New World: A Symposium. The Archaeological Society of Ohio, Columbus, May 17, 2014.”

“Hilltop Enclosures and Changing Uses of Ritual-ceremonial Space in Woodland Northern Ohio” Paper presented at the 79th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, April 24, 2014, Austin, Texas.

2013 “Structural Archaeology” at the Heckelman Site in 2012.” Paper presented at the Spring Meeting of the Ohio Archaeological Council, 3 May 2013, Westerville, Ohio.

2012 “On the Edge, But Still Connected: Long-Distance Interaction and the Emergence of Late Prehistoric Societies in Northern Ohio.” Paper presented at the 77th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, April 21, 2012, Memphis, Tennessee.

“Changes in Wooden Architecture Through Time in Northern Ohio: New Evidence from the Heckelman Site.” Paper presented at the 2012 Meeting of the Eastern States Archaeological Federation, 27 October 2012, Perrysburg, Ohio.

“Intrusive Mound, Western Basin, the Jack’s Reef Horizon: Reconsidering the Late Woodland Archaeology of Ohio.” Paper presented at the 2012 Meeting of the Eastern States Archaeological Federation, 27 October 2012, Perrysburg, Ohio. (co-authored with Brian L. Scanlan)

“Western Basin Tradition Mortuary Ceremonialism, Social Differentiation, and Long Distance Interaction in Northern Ohio, Evidence from the Danbury Site.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Ontario Archaeological Society, 10 November 2012, Windsor, Ontario.

2011 “The Firelands Ground Sloth: Evidence of Human Exploitation in North America.” Paper presented at the Spring Meeting of the Ohio Archaeological Council, 13 May 2011, Westerville, Ohio.


2010 “Long-Distance Acquisition of Marine Shell and Cotton Fiber by Late Woodland Societies of Northern Ohio: New Evidence from the Danbury Site.” Paper presented at the 75th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, April 15, 2010, St. Louis, Missouri.

“Return to Yankeetown: A Review of Terminal Late Woodland Material Culture, Settlement Patterns, and Environmental Relationships in Southwestern Indiana.” Paper presented at the 56th Annual Meeting of the Midwest Archaeological Conference, October 22, 2010; Indiana University, Bloomington.

“Survey and Testing of an Early to Middle Woodland at the Heckleman Site (33Er14): Results of the 2009-2010 Cleveland Museum of Natural History Field Seasons.” Paper presented at the Fall meeting of the Ohio Archaeological Council, November 6, 2010, The Ohio State University- Newark.

2008 “Late Archaic Archaeology at Burrell Orchard: The 2008 CMNH Field School.” Paper presented at the Fall Membership Meeting of the Ohio Archaeological Council, The Ohio State University, Newark campus, Newark, Ohio.

2007 “Hopewell on the Sandusky: Assessing Core-periphery Interaction in North-central Ohio.” Paper presented at the 52nd Midwest Archaeological Conference, , 6 October 2007. University of Notre Dame, South Bend, Indiana.

“Hopewell on the Sandusky: Re-assessing Middle Woodland Archaeology in Northern Ohio.” Paper presented at the 2007 Fall Membership Meeting of the Ohio Archaeological Council, 3 November 2007, The Ohio State University-Newark, Newark, Ohio.

“New Evidence of Ohio Hopewell Mortuary Ceremonialism in Northcentral Ohio.” Poster paper presented at the 72nd Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, April 26, 2007, Austin, Texas.

2006 “Late Woodland Use of Marine Shell in Mortuary Contexts: A Case Study in Northern Ohio.” Poster paper presented at the 50th Midwest Archaeological Conference, 13 October 2006, Urbana, Illinois.

2005 “Saving the Danbury Site (33Ot16): Investigation of Woodland to Late Prehistoric Settlement and Mortuary Behavior Along the Lake Erie Shore.” Paper presented at 50th Annual Meeting of the Midwest Archaeological Conference, 22 October 2005, Dayton, Ohio.

2004 “Salvage Archaeology at the Danbury Site (33Ot16): Recent Work and Future Plans”(with A. Pecora). Presentation at the Spring 2004 Membership Meeting of the Ohio Archaeological Council, Columbus, Ohio, 21 May 2004.

2004 “Paleoindian Archaeology in Northern Ohio as seen from Paleo Crossing and Sheriden Cave.” Paper presented at the Archaeology Society of Ohio First Annual Symposium on The Peopling of the Americas, 22 May 2004, Columbus, Ohio.

2004 “The North American Upper ?, Applying an Typology to the Paleo Crossing Assemblage.” (Co-authored with Metin Eren) Paper presented at the 69th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, 3 April 2004, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

2003 “Working in the Pits: Investigating Semi-subterranean (Pit) Structures in Northern Ohio.” Paper presented at the Fall 2003 Membership Meeting of the Ohio Archaeological Council, Columbus, Ohio.


2003 “An Investigation of Late Prehistoric Period Pit Structures in Northern Ohio.” Paper presented at the 68th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, 10 April 2003, Milwaukee Wisconsin.

2002 “Late Prehistoric Community Patterns at the White Fort Site (33Ln2).” Paper presented at 48th Annual Meeting of the Midwest Archaeological Conference, 4 October 2002, Columbus, Ohio.

2002 “Excavation and Conservation of the Hartley Mastodon, Columbiana County, Ohio.” Poster paper presented at the 111th Annual Meeting of the Ohio Academy of Science, Columbus, Ohio (with C. P. Mattevi).

2001 “2001 Archaeology at the OEC 1 Site.” Paper presented at the Fall Meeting of the Ohio Archaeological Council, 17 November 2001, Columbus.

2001 “Investigating Paleoindian Bone Modification and Use in Ohio: The Beveled Bone Points from Sheriden Cave.” Paper presented at the 66th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, 19 April 2001, New Orleans, Louisiana (with K. B. Tankersley and T. E. Grove).

2000 “Recent Excavations at the O.E.C. 1 Site (33Cu462), A Whittlesey Tradition Settlement in Northeast Ohio.” Paper presented at the Fall Meeting of the Ohio Archaeological Council, 17 November 2000, Columbus.

1999 “Rethinking the Whittlesey Collapse: Late Prehistoric Pottery Migrations in Eastern Ohio. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Eastern States Archaeological Federation, 20 November 1999, , Ohio.(with K.C. Ruhl)

1999: “Description of a Paleoindian Bone Point from Sheriden Pit.” Paper presented at the 64th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, 25 March 1999, Chicago, Illinois. (with K. B. Tankersley)

1998: “The Oliver Phase Occupation of the East Fork White River Valley in Southcentral Indiana.” Paper presented at the 1998 Midwest Archaeological Conference, 21-24 October, Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana.

1998: “Notched, Opposed, Plain, and Filleted: A New Look at Whittlesey Ceramics.” Paper presented at the Midwest Archaeological Conference, 21-24 October, Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana. (with K. Ruhl)

1998: “Description of a Paleoindian Bone Foreshaft from Sheriden Pit.” Paper presented at the 1998 Midwest Archaeological Conference, 21-24 October, Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana.(with K.B. Tankersley)

1997: “Out of the Pit: Surface Excavations at the Sheriden Cave Site During the Summer of 1997.” Paper presented at the Fall Meeting of the Ohio Archaeological Council, 15 November 1997, Columbus.

1997: “The Late Woodland to Late Prehistoric Occupations of Central Indiana.” Paper presented at the Urbana Late Woodland Conference, 27 Feb.-1 March 1997, University of Illinois, Urbana.

1997: “Recent Investigations of Aboriginal Rock Art in Indiana.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, 5 April 1997, Nashville, Tennessee.

1996: “Exploring the ‘Ancient Earth Forts’ of Northern Ohio: Recent Investigations at White Fort. Ohio Archaeological Council Fall Meeting, 15 November 1996, Columbus, Ohio.


1995: “The Pictographs at Cedar Bluff: New Evidence of Prehistoric Rock Art in Indiana.” Midwest Archaeological Conference, 25 October 1995, Beloit College, Beloit, Wisconsin.

1995: “Recent Investigations of the Oliver Phase Occupation of Southern Indiana: The 1993-94 Excavations at the Cox’s Woods Site.” Ohio Archaeological Council Meeting 19 May 1995, Columbus, Ohio.

1994: “‘Ancient Earth Forts’ and the Middle to Late Woodland Occupations of Northeast Ohio.” 1994 Midwest/ Southeastern Archaeological Conference, 10 November 1994, Lexington, Kentucky.

1993: “The 1993 Indiana University Field School Investigation of the Cox’s Woods Site(12Or1), A Fortified Oliver Phase Village in Orange County, Indiana.” Annual Meeting of the Indiana Historical Society, 6 November 1993, Indianapolis.

1992: “ Adaptation on the Western Frontier: A Reinterpretation of the Oliver Phase.” Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, 9 April 1992, Pittsburgh.

1992: “An Overview of the Oliver Phase in Indiana.” Second Annual CCIA Working Conference: Late Woodland Period Prehistory/Archaeology, 14 March 1992, Indiana State Museum, Indianapolis.

1992: “The 1991-92 Excavations at the Clampitt Site (12Lr329): An Investigation of Oliver Phase Culture in South-central Indiana.” Annual Meeting of the Indiana Academy of Science, 6 November 1992, Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana.

1992: “The 1992 Excavation of the Clampitt Site: 12Lr329.” Annual Meeting of the Indiana Historical Society, 7 November 1992, Indianapolis.

1991: “On the Frontiers of Mississippian: The Oliver Phase Occupation of Southern Indiana.” Midwest Archaeological Conference, 19 October 1991, LaCrosse, Wisconsin.

1991: “The 1991 Excavation of the Clampitt Site (12-Lr-329): An Oliver Phase Village Site in Lawrence County, Indiana.” Annual Meeting of the Indiana Historical Society, 2 November 1991, Indianapolis.

1990: “Emergent Mississippian Settlement and Subsistence Adaptations in the Lower Ohio Valley.” Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, 21 April 1990, Las Vegas, Nevada.

1990: “An Investigation of Late Woodland Period Settlement in the East Fork White River Valley, Indiana.” Annual Meeting of the Indiana Historical Society, 3 November 1990, Indianapolis.

1989: “Pots and Pans: An Examination of Ceramic Vessel Function and Early Maize Subsistence Practices in the Lower Ohio River Valley.” Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, 9 April 1989, Atlanta, Georgia.

1989: “A Preliminary Investigation of Terminal Middle Woodland to Emergent Mississippian Settlement Distributions in Southwestern Indiana (co-authored with Bret J. Ruby).” Annual Meeting of the Indiana Academy of Science, 10 November 1989, Indiana University-Southeast, New Albany.

1988: “Ceramic Style and Social Function: Yankeetown Phase Pottery Decoration and Emergent Mississippian Social Interaction in the Lower Ohio Valley.” Midwest Archaeological Conference, 15 October 1988, University of Illinois, Urbana.

1988: “A Stylistic Analysis of Yankeetown Phase Ceramics from the (12-W-1), Warrick County, Indiana.” Annual Meeting of the Indiana Historical Society, 5 November 1988,



1988: “Expected Stable Carbon Isotopic Compositions of Incipient Maize Agriculturalists (co-authored with Mark R. Schurr).” Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, 30 April 1988, Phoenix, Arizona.

1987: “Yankeetown, Duffy, or Duffytown?: An Examination of Ceramic Variability in the Lower Ohio Valley.” Midwest Archaeological Conference, 17 October 1987, University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

1987: “Paleopathology of an Historic Indian Burial from the Angel Site.” Annual Meeting of the Indiana Academy of Science, 6 November 1987, Indiana State University, Terre Haute.

1986: “The Yankeetown Phase: An Emergent Mississippian Cultural Manifestation in the Lower Ohio River Valley.” Midwest Archaeological Conference, 18 October 1986, Ohio State University, Columbus and Annual Meeting of the Indiana Academy of Science, 14 November 1986, Indianapolis.

1986: “A Survey of Yankeetown Phase Sites in southwestern Indiana.” Annual Meeting of the Indiana Historical Society, 2 November 1986, Indianapolis.

1983: “The Doctors Site (33-Lu-11): Current Research on theYounge Phase of the Western Basin Tradition.” Annual Meeting of the Ohio Academy of Science, 23 April 1983, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio.

1982: “The Sandusky and Western Basin Traditions: A Comparative Analysis of Settlement-Subsistence Systems (co-authored with David M. Stothers and James R. Graves).” Annual Meeting of the Ohio Academy of Science, 24 April 1982, Ohio State University, Columbus.

“Drilled Skulls and Eyes of Clay: Late Woodland Burial Ceremonialism in the Western Lake Erie Basin.” Midwest Archaeological Conference, 1 October 1982, Cleveland, Ohio.


1984: The Doctors Site (33-Lu-11): Younge Phase Cultural Dynamics in the Western Lake Erie Drainage Basin. Department of Sociology and Anthropology, University of Toledo.


1990: The Yankeetown Phase: Emergent Mississippian Cultural Development in the Lower Ohio river Valley. Department of Anthropology, Indiana University, Bloomington.


1994-15: Instructor for Cleveland Museum of Natural History, Field Methods in Archaeology.

1999-15: Adjunct Associate Professor, Dept. Of Anthropology Case Western Reserve University: Anth 202: Archaeology of Eastern North America. Anth 321: Methods in Archaeology. Anth 324: Field Methods in Archaeology. Anth 327: Great Lakes Archaeology/Ancient Cultures of the Ohio Region.


Anth 330: Special Topics in Prehistory: Archaeology of the Contact Period in Eastern North America. Archaeology of New World Colonization Anth 380/381: Independent Study in Laboratory Archaeology.

1995-97, 03. 10, 14, 15: Instructor for Cleveland Museum of Natural History/Cleveland State University Adult Class Programs Courses: Back to Basics:Introduction to Ohio Archaeology Exploring Ohio’s Ancient Human Past Tracking the Ice Age Hunters of Ohio

1995: Adjunct Instructor, Dept. of Anthropology, Cleveland State University. Course: Prehistory of the Ohio Region

1991-94: Instructor for Indiana University Field School in Archaeology (four seasons).

1990-92: Lecturer in Department of Anthropology, Indiana University-Indianapolis. Courses: Human Origins and Prehistory Prehistory of the Midwestern United States North American Prehistory

1990: Lecturer in Department of Anthropology, Indiana University, Bloomington. Courses: Introduction to

1987-90: Associate Instructor in Department of Anthropology, Indiana University, Bloomington. Courses: Human Origins and Prehistory Prehistory of the Midwestern United States


2009-13 Directed excavation of the Heckleman site (33Er14) (Early Woodland, Middle Woodland, and Late Prehistoric periods), Cleveland Museum of Natural History Archaeology Field School.

2008, 2014 -15 Directed excavation of the Burrell Orchard site (33LN15) (Late Archaic to Late Woodland periods), Cleveland Museum of Natural History Archaeology Field School.

Directed phase I survey of the Lake Abram site (33CU512) (Lake Archaic), , Middleburgh Hts., Ohio.

2004-07 Directed excavation of the Danbury site (33Ot16) (Late Archaic to Late Prehistoric period), Cleveland Museum of Natural History Archaeology Field School.

2003 Directed excavation of the Dey Armin site (33-La-116)(Late Prehistoric period Whittlesey Tradition), Cleveland Museum of Natural History Archaeology Field School.

2002 Directed excavation of the White Fort Site (33-Ln-2)(Late Prehistoric period, Sandusky Tradition), Cleveland Museum of Natural History Archaeology Field School.

2000-01 Directed excavations of the O.E.C. 1 site (Late Prehistoric period, Whittlesey Tradition), Cleveland Museum of Natural History Archaeology Field School.


1999 Directed excavation of the Yarrow Farm site (33Ge84)(Archaic, Late prehistoric), Cleveland Museum of Natural History Archaeology Field School.

1998 Directed excavation of the White Fort Site (33-Ln-2)(Late Prehistoric period, Sandusky Tradition), Cleveland Museum of Natural History Archaeology Field School.

1997 Co-directed excavation of the Sheriden Cave site (33Wy248)(Paleoindian), Cleveland Museum of Natural History Archaeology Field School. (with K.B. Tankersley, Kent State University)

1995-96: Directed excavation of the White Fort Site (33-Ln-2)(Late Prehistoric period, Sandusky Tradition), Cleveland Museum of Natural History Archaeology Field School (two seasons).

1994: Directed excavation of the Andrews School site (33La10) (Late Prehistoric period, Whittlesey Tradition), Cleveland Museum of Natural History Archaeology Field School.

1993-94: Directed excavation of the Cox’s Woods site (12Or1)(Late Prehistoric period, Oliver phase), Indiana University Field School in Archaeology (two seasons).

1991-92: Directed excavation of the Clampitt site (12Lr329)(Late Prehistoric period, Oliver phase), Indiana University Field School in Archaeology (two seasons).

1990: Directed reconnaissance survey of Late Woodland period sites in the East Fork White River Valley (Martin, Lawrence, and Jackson counties, Indiana).

1987: Field Technician during test excavations of five Late Archaic period sites at the Lake Monroe , Monroe County, Indiana.

1986: Directed reconnaissance survey of (Emergent Mississippian) Yankeetown phase sites in Knox, Gibson, Posey, Vanderburgh, Warrick, Spencer, and Perry counties, Indiana.

1978-85: Directed or Supervised yearly excavation projects on numerous prehistoric and historical sites in Ohio, Michigan, and Indiana.


Society for American Archaeology Midwest Archaeological Conference Lambda Alpha, Nation Anthropology Honor Society Ohio Archaeological Council Eastern States Rock Art Research Association Eastern States Archaeological Federation Firelands Archaeological Research Center


2014 The Laub Foundation ($5,000) in support of the Archaeology Field School Program., Dept. of Archaeology, The Cleveland Museum of Natural History.


The Schlink Foundation ($13,000) in support of the Archaeology Field Experience Program., Dept. of Archaeology, The Cleveland Museum of Natural History.

2013 The Laub Foundation ($4,500) in support of the Archaeology Field School Program., Dept. of Archaeology, The Cleveland Museum of Natural History.

The Schlink Foundation ($13,000) in support of the Archaeology Field Experience Program., Dept. of Archaeology, The Cleveland Museum of Natural History.

2012 The Ohio History Fund ($12,873) in support of “Pilot Study: A Rapid, Inexpensive Method for Investigating Community Structure in the eastern Lake Erie Basin.” (B. Redmond and K. Nolan [Ball State University], co-Principal Investigators).

The Laub Foundation ($4,500) in support of the Archaeology Field School Program., Dept. of Archaeology, The Cleveland Museum of Natural History.

The Schlink Foundation ($6,000) in support of the Archaeology Field Experience Program., Dept. of Archaeology, The Cleveland Museum of Natural History.

2011 The Laub Foundation ($4,500) in support of the Archaeology Field School Program., Dept. of Archaeology, The Cleveland Museum of Natural History.

The Schlink Foundation ($14,000) in support of the Archaeology Field Experience Program., Dept. of Archaeology, The Cleveland Museum of Natural History.

2010 The Laub Foundation ($4,500) in support of the Archaeology Field School Program., Dept. of Archaeology, The Cleveland Museum of Natural History.

The Schlink Foundation ($5,000) in support of the Archaeology Field Experience Program., Dept. of Archaeology, The Cleveland Museum of Natural History.

2009 The Laub Foundation ($4,500) in support of the Archaeology Field School Program., Dept. of Archaeology, The Cleveland Museum of Natural History.

The Schlink Foundation ($5,000) in support of the Archaeology Field Experience Program., Dept. of Archaeology, The Cleveland Museum of Natural History.

2008 The Laub Foundation ($4,500) in support of the Archaeology Field School Program., Dept. of Archaeology, The Cleveland Museum of Natural History.

The Schlink Foundation ($5,000) in support of the Archaeology Field Experience Program., Dept. of Archaeology, The Cleveland Museum of Natural History.

2007 The Ohio Archaeological Council grant ($650) to support radiometric dating of the Firelands Ground Sloth.

The Laub Foundation ($5,000) in support of the Archaeology Field School Program., Dept. of Archaeology, The Cleveland Museum of Natural History.

The Schlink Foundation ($5,000) in support of the Archaeology Field Experience Program., Dept. of Archaeology, The Cleveland Museum of Natural History.


2006 The Laub Foundation ($5,000) in support of the Archaeology Field Experience Program., Dept. of Archaeology, The Cleveland Museum of Natural History.

2005 The Albert G. & Olive H. Schlink Foundation ($5,000) in support of the Danbury Site Salvage Archaeology Project, Dept. of Archaeology, Cleveland Museum of Natural History.

Geauga County Park District ($3,000) in support of an Archaeological Survey of the Bass Lake Area, Geauga County, Ohio.

1994-05: Numerous small grants ($2,000 to $25,000 range) from private foundations for support of field education programs, Dept. of Archaeology, Cleveland Museum of Natural History.

1994: U.S.D.A.-Forest Service Challenge Cost-Share Grant ($10,000) for Continued Archaeological Investigations of the Cox’s Woods site (12Or1) in the Hoosier National Forest, Orange County, Indiana.

1993: U.S.D.A.-Forest Service Challenge Cost-Share Grant ($10,000) for Archaeological Investigations of the Cox’s Woods site (12Or1) in the Hoosier National Forest, Orange County, Indiana.

1992: Indiana Department of Natural Resources, Division of Historic Preservation and Archaeology, Survey and Planning Grant for An Archaeological Investigation of Oliver Phase Cultural Dynamics in the East Fork White River Basin (southern Indiana).

1990: Indiana Department of Natural Resources, Division of Historic Preservation and Archaeology, Survey and Planning Grant for An Archaeological Investigation of Late Woodland Settlement in the East Fork White River Valley, Martin, Lawrence, and Jackson Counties, Indiana.


2012 Building the Past: Recent Research on Prehistoric Wooden Post Architecture in Ohio. Eastern States Archaeological Federation Conference, October 19-21, 2012, Perrysburg, Ohio.

2005 Current Research in Ohio Archaeology. 2005 Midwest Archaeological Conference, 20-23 October 2005, Dayton, Ohio.

2002 Late Prehistoric Archaeology in the Ohio Region. 2002 Midwest Archaeological Conference, 3-6 October 2002, Columbus, Ohio.

2001 Current Research in Ohio Archaeology 2001. Fall Meeting of the Ohio Archaeological Council, 17 November 2001, Columbus.

2000 Current Research in Ohio Archaeology 2000. Fall Meeting of the Ohio Archaeological Council, 17 November 2000, Columbus.

1998: Investigating the Final Millennium of Indiana Prehistory, A.D. 700 to 1700. 1998 Midwest Archaeological Conference, 21-24 October, Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana.

1994: Leveling the Playing Field: An Open Forum on Standards of Archaeological Survey and Test Excavation in Indiana. Fourth Annual Council for the Conservation of Indiana Archaeology Working Conference. 21 January 1994, Indiana State Museum, Indianapolis.

1993: Current Research in Indiana Archaeology and Prehistory:1993, Annual Meeting of the Indiana


Historical Society, 6 November 1993, Indianapolis.

1993: The Archaeology and Prehistory of the Early and Middle Woodland Periods in Indiana, Third Annual Council for the Conservation of Indiana Archaeology Working Conference. 30 January 1993, Ball State University, Muncie Indiana.

1992: Current Research in Indiana Archaeology and Prehistory:1992, Annual Meeting of the Indiana Historical Society, 7 November 1992, Indianapolis.