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[email protected] Numbers displayed above are based on latest data collected. For more information visit www.intechopen.com 18 Object-Based Image Analysis of VHR Satellite Imagery for Population Estimation in Informal Settlement Kibera-Nairobi, Kenya Tatjana Veljanovski1,2, Urša Kanjir1, Peter Pehani1,2, Krištof Oštir1,2 and Primož Kovačič3 1Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts 2Space-SI – Centre of Excellence for Space Science and Technologies 3Map Kibera Trust 1,2Slovenia 3Kenya 1. Introduction Cities in Africa and developing countries in general are having a difficult time coping with the influx of people arriving every day. Informal settlements are growing, and governments are struggling to provide even the most fundamental services to their urban populations. Kibera (edge region within the Nairobi) is the biggest informal settlement in Kenya, and one of the biggest in Africa. The population estimates vary between 170,000 and 1 million and are highly debatable. What is certain is that the area is large (roughly 2.5 km2), host at least hundreds of thousands people, is informal and self-organized, stricken by poverty, disease, population increase, environmental degradation, corruption, lack of security and - often overlooked but extremely important – lack of information which all contribute to lack of basic services such as access to safe water, sanitation, health care and formal education.