Carson, Katie m Subject: FW: Metrolinx Update Attachments: Item 8 - Regional Express Rail Progress Update (Infrastructure Update).pdf; Item 8 - Regional Express Rail Progress Update (New Station Analysis).pdf; Item 10 - GTHA Fare Integration Update.pdf; Item 9 - Rapid Transit Capital Projects Update.pdf From: CEO (Metrolinx) [mailto:
[email protected]] Sent; October-20-15 11:03 AM To" CEO (Metrolinx) Subject; Metrolinx Update Good morning, I am writing to provide you with an update on some key Metrolinx projects and planned engagement activities. Metrolinx is championing long-term transportation and transit solutions that enhance prosperity, sustainability, and quality of life. Currently there are more than 200 projects underway across the region. More than $16 billion in investment has been made and construction is under way on our First Wave of projects, helping to realize the Big Move vision. More is yet to come. At our recent Board of Directors meeting, updates were provided on the following projects. GO Regional Express Rail Metrolinx is working with the Government of Ontario to bring faster, more reliable service to the GO network, a 10-year program that will provide significant new travel choices across the GTHA. With 63 existing stations and 7 stations currently planned or under construction, the GO Train network is the backbone of our regional transit network. More GO rail service will mean all-day electrified service every 15-minutes or better in both directions through core areas and running four times the number of off- peak trips including evenings and weekends with a mix of all-stop and express service to meet demand and reduce travel times.