
The Essential Guide for Residents Old and New

Inside this Welcome Pack

Introduction 2 Churches / Sports 8 - 9 Ampthill’s Historic Past 3 Town Voluntary Groups 10 Ampthill Town Council 4 Community Events 11 Councillors 5 Local Services & Amenities 12 - 14 Local MP 5 Transport / Good Neighbours 15 Central Beds Council 6 Keeping you informed 16 Refuse and Recycling 6 In the Event of an Emergency 17- 18 Local Shops & Businesses 7 Our Supporters 19 Page 2 AMPTHILL WELCOME PACK


Whether you’re new to the area or have always been local, this Welcome Pack aims to give you an insight into what’s happening around you, the amenities on offer and who to contact for different services available to you.

The Ampthill Welcome Pack is the brainchild of long time Ampthill Resident and Ampthill Town Councillor/Central Councillor, Mark Smith and the aim is to keep the town informed, engaged and empowered.

You can follow the latest information about Ampthill via the Ampthill.Info Facebook Page (www.facebook.com/ampthillinfo), Twitter Page (www.twitter.com/ampthillinfo) or Instagram Page (https://www.instagram.com/ampthill/)

I’m sure you will soon learn that our community holds so much for you and if you have any questions please do not hesitate to get in touch. I would also ask that if you have any suggestions for other information that should be included in the Welcome Pack or find any errors then please contact me. I hope that you find the pack of use as you go about your daily lives.

Mark Smith, Ampthill Town Councillor & Central Beds Councillor Tel: 07896124933 Email: [email protected] Website: www.marksmith.org.uk Page 3 AMPTHILL WELCOME PACK

Did you know that you live in a town with such a rich historic past?

Some Historical Facts • Ampthill Charter Market established in 1219. The market originally traded on the market square and later moved to a new site off Bedford Street in 1987. The current location of the Thursday market is in the lower part of the town centre car park (nearest to the Church Street entrance). • Ampthill Castle becomes the property of Henry VIII in 1508 • Henry VIII divorces Katherine of Aragon in 1533 and she is held in Ampthill Castle. The site of the castle is now marked by a cross erected by Lord Ossory in 1770 with an inscription said to be by Horace Walpole on its base. • Houghton House built for Mary Herbert, Dowager Countess of Pembroke in 1615 • Colonel Richard Nicolls of Ampthill whilst commanding a fleet of Battleships accepts the surrender of New Amsterdam and renames the settlement New York in 1664. • Richard Nicolls serves as the first Governor of New York State from 1664 to 1668. • Richard Nicolls is killed whilst fighting the Dutch at Solebay in 1672. A memorial in Ampthill's St. Andrew's Church incorporates the cannonball that supposedly killed him. • John Bunyan publishes 'Pilgrims Progress' in 1678. Houghton House is said to have been the model for Bunyan's 'House Beautiful'. Indeed records show that he did visit the house to make repairs to cooking utensils. • Houghton House de-roofed and stripped of everything of value by order of the Duke of Bedford in 1794. • The picturesque thatched cottages built in Woburn Street were built between 1812 to 1816 • The Alameda of lime trees gifted to Ampthill by Lord and Lady Holland in 1827. • Ampthill Clock House in Ampthill town centre was built in 1852 • A memorial cross is erected in Ampthill Park during 1919 to commemorate the 707 men trained at the Duke of Bedford Training Camp that died in the First World War • Ampthill Council purchased Ampthill Park in Woburn Street in 1947 For more details of Ampthill's History Timeline visit:

www.ampthilltowncouncil.org.uk/history-and-tourism/ampthill-timeline Page 4 AMPTHILL WELCOME PACK

Who Serves and Represents Ampthill?

Ampthill Town Council In case you didn’t already know, the Town Council offices are based in Ampthill Park, off of Woburn Street. The Town Council Office is combined with the pavilion for Ampthill Town Football Club. The building is owned and managed by the Town Council. It is home to our staff and provides meeting space facilities and tourist information for those wishing to explore our historic town.. As well as managing this office, our services include maintaining Ampthill Great Park, Cooper's Hill, 2 allotment sites, the Burial Ground and Ampthill Park Hub. We offer community groups the opportunity to apply for a grant (every 6 months) to help with projects that benefit Ampthill residents. We communicate with residents via the Around the Pump newsletter, on our social media pages, our website, via emails and more traditionally by phone! • www.ampthilltowncouncil.org.uk • [email protected] Contact Ampthill Town Council The Town Council deals with Ampthill matters relating to: • Allotments • The Burial Ground • Environmental Improvements • Events and Activities • Ampthill Great Park • Cooper's Hill • Grants • Play Areas • Other Open Spaces • Ampthill Town Council Offices • The Coffee Lodge Ampthill Central Bedfordshire Council deals with other services for Ampthill residents, including Planning, Housing, Refuse Collections and Social Services. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the Town Council office by any of the following channels:

• Phone: 01525 404355 • Email: [email protected] • Twitter: https://twitter.com/AmpthillTC • Facebook: www.facebook.com/ampthilltc/


Who Serves and Represents Ampthill? Ampthill Town Councillors What they do: Your 12 Town Councillors are elected Members who make decisions for the benefit of Ampthill and its residents. In addition to making key decisions at Council meetings, they also, in their volunteer capacity, help at our events and some are champions of particular community initiatives. You can contact your Town Councillors via:

• Stephen Addy - 07557 351973 - [email protected] • Jake Bishop - 01525 402279 - [email protected] • Kirsty Bourne - 01525 841370 - [email protected] • Susan Clinch - 01525 403196 - [email protected] • Stephen Judge - 07748 785707 - [email protected] • Caroline O'Leary - [email protected] • Chris Redding - 07966 548917 - [email protected] • Kieran Richardson - 07711 088501 - [email protected] • Mark Smith - 07896124933 - [email protected] • Roy Tebbutt - 01525 755730 - [email protected] • Ian Titman - 07901 516000 - [email protected] • Margaret Wilson - 01525 750296 - [email protected]

Central Beds Councillors

• Mike Blair (Conservative) - Tel: 0300 300 8561. Email: [email protected] • Paul Duckett (Conservative) - Tel: 0300 300 8516. Email: [email protected] • Mark Smith (Independent) - Tel: 0300 300 8541 Email: [email protected]

Local Member of Parliament

• Nadine Dorries (Conservative) • [email protected] • Correspondence: House of Commons, London SW1A 0AA. • Telephone: 020 7219 5928 • Blog: http://blog.dorries.org Page 6 AMPTHILL WELCOME PACK

Central Beds Council

Many residents get confused about what the Town Council is responsible for compared to what the Unitary Authority, Central Beds Council (CBC), do. Here’s a list of departments and services which fall under CBC’s remit so if you have any enquiries for these matters, please phone 0300 300 8000:

• Amenity Areas • Planning

• Archives • Recreation & Leisure

• Education • Refuse Collections

• Environmental Services • Recycling

• Grants • Social Services

• Grass Cutting • Street Lighting

• Highways • Trading Standards

• Industrial Estates • Traffic Management

• Libraries • Youth Services

• Litter Clearance

Central Beds Council Website: www.centralbedfordshire.gov.uk

Refuse & Recycling Refuse and recycling collection days: Collections take place on Tuesday. Waste is collected weekly – once a fortnight for recyclables (green bin or orange bag) and garden rubbish and once a fortnight for household (black bin). Weekly for food waste (small brown bins). Email: [email protected] Website: www.centralbedfordshire.gov.uk/waste/ landing.aspx Missed Bin Collection Reporting: www.centralbedfordshire.gov.uk/waste/bins/missed.aspx

Nearest Recycling Centres Your nearest recycling centre is: Ampthill Recycling Centre, Abbey Lane, Off Oliver Street, Ampthill, Beds, MK45 2SA. Tel: 0300 300 8302 Website: www.centralbedfordshire.gov.uk/waste/tidy-tips/addresses.aspx


A Great Place for Shopping & Business

Ampthill is a "historic market town" that still serves as a commercial centre for surrounding villages. The town has a plethora of lively pubs, a wide variety of restaurants (indeed you can sample cuisine from all over the world), a Waitrose supermarket and a selection of small independent specialist shops. Also a number of small businesses such as solicitors, estate agents, financial services, hairdressers, and numerous independent shops are located in town, with larger businesses to be found in the commercial and industrial developments on the outskirts, along the town's bypass. Part of Ampthill's enviable charm, however, is that it has retained much of its 'olde worlde' feel, as the town boasts a traditional butcher, bakers, chemist, antique shops and a bespoke tailor. If you live in Ampthill or are considering visiting the town here are a few reasons for doing so in terms of the types of shops and businesses on offer:

• A Waitrose Supermarket • Numerous Public Houses/Bars • Numerous Restaurants • Coffee Shops (including a branch of Costa) • Antique Stores • Clothing - designer, bridal & bespoke tailor • Hairdressers/Beauty Treatments • Gift Shops • Carpet Shops/Flooring Specialists • Traditional Sweet Shop • Post Office • Newsagents • Musical Instrument Repairer • Gallery/Picture Framer • Estate Agents/Financial Advisors • Chemist • Furniture Retailers • Butchers • Bakers • Dry Cleaner • Interior Design Studios • Yoga Studio • Bathroom Showroom

Find out more at Ampthill Businesses Directory: www.ampthillbusinesschamber.co.uk/ampthill-business-chamber-directory If you run a business or shop in the Town join Ampthill Business Chamber via: https://ampthillbusinesschamber.co.uk/join-ampthill-business-chamber/ Page 8 AMPTHILL WELCOME PACK

Get Involved in Your Community


Church of England - St. Andrew's Church Church Square, off Church Street, Ampthill Bedfordshire Website: www.standrewsampthill.org

Roman Catholic Church Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Pope Close, , MK45 1JP. Tel: 01525 715109 Website: http://sacredheartflitwick.co.uk Ampthill Baptist Church Dunstable Street, Ampthill, Bedfordshire, MK45 2JS. Tel: 01525 841682 (Monday to Friday, 9:30am to 12:30pm) Web Site www.ampthillbaptist.org.uk

Ampthill Methodist Church Dunstable Street, Ampthill, Bedfordshire Website: www.ampthillmethodist.org.uk Sports

Angling Ampthill Angling Club - www.ampthillac.co.uk


Clophill Archery Club - See Alameda Sports Hall - www.alamedamiddleschool.org.uk/ page/?pid=60

Athletics Ampthill & Flitwick Flyers - www.affrunningclub.org.uk

Badminton Flitwick & District Junior Badminton Club, Ampthill & Toddington Badminton Club & Ampthill Wednesday Badminton Club - See Alameda Sports Hall - www.alamedamiddleschool.org.uk/page/?pid=60

Bowls Ampthill Bowls Club - http://bowlsclub.org/club/7817/


Get Involved in Your Community


Cricket Ampthill Cricket Club - http://ampthilltown.play-cricket.com/home/home.asp


Ampthill Town Football Club - www.ampthilltownfc.co.uk Five-a-Side Football - See Alameda Sports Hall - www.alamedamiddleschool.org.uk/ page/?pid=60


Ampthill Indoor Hockey - See Alameda Sports Hall - www.alamedamiddleschool.org.uk/page/?pid=60


Ampthill Karate Club - See Alameda Sports Hall - www.alamedamiddleschool.org.uk/page/?pid=60


Ampthill Rugby Club - www.ampthillrufc.com


Flitwick & Ampthill Lawn Tennis Club - www.flitwicktennis.co.uk

2 Free Tennis Courts are located in Ampthill Park

Sports Facilities Hire at Redborne Upper School

• A large sports hall and smaller school gym

• Outdoor floodlit MUGA’s suitable for 5 a side football, netball and hockey

• Outdoor floodlit tennis courts

• 1 Senior and 2 junior football pitches I senior rugby pitch

• 3G pitch has some availability during weekends 0800 to 1600

Bookings can be made by ringing 01525 842654 or at [email protected] Page 10 AMPTHILL WELCOME PACK

Get Involved in Your Community - Voluntary Groups

Air Training Corps (ATC) - 1985 (Flitwick) Ampthill Town Band Squadron Ampthill Allotment Association Ampthill Town Football Club

Ampthill Angling Club Ampthill Town Youth Football Club Ampthill Bowls Club Ampthill Velo Cycling Club

Ampthill Branch of the Women's Institute Ampthill Wednesday Badminton Club

Ampthill Town Cricket Club Aragon Ladies

Ampthill & District Archaeological & History Army Cadet Force - Ampthill Detachment Society Ampthill & District Camera Club Bedfordshire Leonard Cheshire Home

Ampthill & District Choral Society Cruse Bereavement Care Bedfordshire

Ampthill & District Community Rugby Club Flitwick and Ampthill Sea Cadets

Ampthill & Flitwick Good Neighbours Flitwick & Ampthill Lawn Tennis Club Ampthill & District Inner Wheel Flitwick & District Badminton Club Ampthill & District Lions Club Jigsaw Club

Ampthill & District Probus Club Kings Arms Path Gardens (Friends of)

Ampthill & District Roundtable Ladybird Pre-School Playgroup

Ampthill Festival Committee (inc. AmpGala, Mid Beds Citizens Advice Bureau AmpProms, AmpRocks & AmpLiterary) Ampthill & Flitwick Dramatic Society Ampthill Park Flexi Rotary Club

Ampthill & Flitwick Flyers Rotary Club of Ampthill & District

Ampthill Girlguiding - 1st Ampthill Brownie St. Andrew's Church Bell Ringers (Ampthill Pack, 2nd Ampthill Brownies, 2nd Ampthill Ringers) Rainbows Ampthill History Forum Wingfield Club Ampthill Scout Group

Google for details of the groups shown above. In addition you can find details of local volunteering opportunities via Community Voluntary Service Volunteering via http:// cvsbeds.org.uk/become-a-volunteer1 Page 11 AMPTHILL WELCOME PACK

Community Events Annual Events Ampthill Festival This is the town’s most anticipated community event. Each year there’s a different theme which spreads throughout the whole weekend of events that include AmpRocks, AmpProms and AmpGala. The event is held in Ampthill Great Park on the first weekend of July each year. www.ampthillfestival.com Ampthill Fireworks On the first Friday of every November a dedicated band of volunteers stage a fantastic display for the community. Any profits are ploughed back into good causes in the local area www.ampthillfireworks.co.uk Ampthill Three Legged Race Many years in existence, this fun race around the pubs in the town in fancy dress, raises funds for projects in Gambia and within the local community. It takes place on the Saturday that occurs before the Spring Bank Holiday Monday. www.ampthillthreeleggedrace.com Aragon Day Festival Bringing Ampthill's Tudor heritage to life in a one day festival that takes place during July each year. www.aragondayfestival.org.uk Ampthill Christmas Lights Switch On The switching of Ampthill's impressive Christmas Lights occurs on a Sunday in mid to late November each year. The switch on is preceded by a funfair and attractions. www.ampthilltowncouncil.org.uk/history-and-tourism/christmas-lights

Overseas Links

Ampthill Twinning with Nissan Lez Enserune Ampthill has been twinned with Nissan-lez-Enserune in France since 2010. Nissan-lez-Enserune is situated in the Languedoc-Roussillon region of France, 10 miles from the Mediterranean and approximately eight miles south of Béziers. Béziers- Vias airport has regular flights directly from London Luton by Ryanair. The twinning has opened up many opportunities of experiencing life in France and has allowed French visitors to come and experience Ampthill. www.ampthilltowncouncil.org.uk/history-and-tourism/twinning


Your Local Services & Amenities

Ampthill Schools

Russell Lower School - caters for children age 4+ to 9 years • Queens Road, Ampthill, Beds, MK45 2TD • Tel: 01525 755664 • Website: www.russell.lower.co.uk

The Firs Lower School - caters for children age 4+ to 9 years • Station Road, Ampthill, Beds, MK45 2QR • Tel: 01525 402735 • Website: www.firslower.co.uk

Alameda Middle School - caters for children age 9 to 13 years • Station Road, Ampthill, Beds, MK45 2QR • Tel: 01525 750900 • Website: www.alamedamiddleschool.org.uk

Redborne Upper School and Community College - caters for children age 13 to 18 years • Flitwick Road, Ampthill, Beds, MK45 2ND • Tel: 01525 404462 • Website: www.redbornecommunitycollege.com

Ampthill Pre-Schools

Ladybird Forest Pre-School • Russell Lower School, Queens Road, Ampthill, Bedfordshire, MK45 2TD • [email protected] • 01525 406703 • https://www.ladybirdpre-school.org.uk/

The Saplings Pre-School • The Firs Lower School, Station Road, Ampthill, Bedfordshire, MK45 2QR • [email protected] • 01525 402735 opt 5 • www.firslower.co.uk


Your Local Services & Amenities

Health Services Doctors : • Greensand Surgery - The Health Centre, Oliver Street, Ampthill, Beds, MK45 2SB. Appointments: 01525 631391. General Enquiries: 01525 631390. Website: www.greensandsurgery.co.uk • Houghton Close Surgery - 1 Houghton Close, Ampthill, Bedford, MK45 2TG. Tel: 01525 300898. Website: www.houghtonclosesurgery.co.uk • Oliver Street Surgery - Oliver Street, Ampthill, Bedford, MK45 2SB. Tel: 01525 631395. Website: www.oliverstreetsurgery.co.uk

Dentists: • Ampthill Dental Practice - 19 Dunstable Street, Ampthill, Beds, MK45 2NJ. Tel: 01525 403205. Website: www.ampthilldentalpractice.co.uk

Opticians: • Allders Opticians - 17 Bedford Street, Ampthill, MK45 2LU. Tel: 01525 403647. Website: www.alldersopticians.com Public Halls Parkside Hall • Woburn Street, Ampthill. • Booking: Call 01525 634215 or email [email protected] • Website: www.parksidehall.org.uk

Parkside Hall has a large hall (for up to 250 people), stage, kitchen and ample parking. Small meeting rooms, disabled access. Seating for up to 180 for dinner dances. Suitable space for exhibitions, conferences, public meetings, judo classes, keep fit groups, karate, line dance classes, salsa dances, tea dances, wedding receptions, stage shows, antique fairs, dog shows, concerts, W.I., blood donor sessions etc.

Connolly Hall

Located at Redborne Upper School and can be hired outside school hours by the wider community. The hall can accommodate up to 400 people.

Bookings: Call 01525 842654, email [email protected]


Your Local Services & Amenities

Ampthill Library

1 Dunstable St, Ampthill, Bedford MK45 2NL. Tel: 0300 300 8053

Opening Hours: • Monday - Closed • Tuesday - 9.00am –1.00pm • Wednesday - 2.00pm - 6:00pm • Thursday - 9.00am –1.00pm • Friday - 9:00am - 1:00pm & 2:00pm - 6:00pm • Saturday - 9:00am - 4:00pm • Sunday - Closed At Ampthill Library you are able to access a wide range of services. They offer a range of events like Knit & Natter, Adult Colouring, Reading Groups, local and family history information and Good Afternoon Talks. For younger members they have Crafty Tots, Mega Blocks, Lego Club, Chatterbooks and a Teen Reading Group. During the school holidays there are lots of fun things to do, like daily craft activities and the Summer Reading Challenge. They also have FREE wifi, newly upgraded computers and customers can access numerous online resources. Flitwick Leisure Centre January 2016 saw the opening of a brand new state of the art Leisure Centre facility in neighbouring Flitwick. The Centre provides a packed fitness classes schedule ranging from more relaxing exercises, e.g. Pilates, through to high intensity sessions, such as Insanity and other aerobics classes. The gym has a very impressive Fitness Suite with a separate area for weight training. For those who prefer ‘Wet Side’ activities, the Centre offers aqua fitness classes and a large pool for general swimming. Other sports include the indoor Climbing Wall, squash, badminton courts and 3G football pitches. www.sll.co.uk/saxon/Flitwick


Local Transport

Flitwick Railway Station Neighbouring Flitwick has excellent train links from its own railway station. There are direct trains to Brighton and London St Pancras can be reached in 50 minutes. Blackfriars and the City of London are only an hour away. If you’re needing to fly somewhere then Luton Airport can be reached directly in 20 minutes whilst Gatwick Airport takes 1 hour 50 minutes. With a change at Bedford Station, the north in the shape of Nottingham, Leeds can easily be reached to.

For enquiries relating to Flitwick Station please visit:

• www.nationalrail.co.uk/stations/flt/details.html

Local Bus Services

Commercial Buses Timetables for Stagecoach and Grant Palmer: • www.centralbedfordshire.gov.uk/transport/public/bus-timetables-routes.aspx

Community Buses

• Flittabus - Enquiry Desk 01525 406561 - Website: www.flittabus.co.uk

Ampthill & Flitwick Good Neighbours

Ampthill & Flitwick Good Neighbours is a Voluntary Group that provides a link between those residents in Ampthill, Flitwick, Maulden, Westoning, & Millbrook needing help and those who are willing to offer it. The Group acts as a safety net for all residents, young and old. Using local volunteers Ampthill & Flitwick Good Neighbours builds on existing help already provided in the town and also fills gaps in that provision. Volunteers can provide help with Shopping / Running Errands, Doctor / Hospital / Clinic Appointments, Collecting Prescriptions, Small jobs (e.g. changing light bulbs) and Befriending

If You Need Help? Then Call: 07833 314 903

Please contact Good Neighbours at least 48 hours before the time and date that you require help. For help involving driving, you will be charged 45p per mile to cover our volunteer car drivers expenses www.afgn.org.uk Page 16 AMPTHILL WELCOME PACK

Keeping you informed

Town Newsletters:

Around the Pump (Town Council Newsletter): Contact Details – Donna Searle, Ampthill Town Council, Park Lodge, Woburn Street, Ampthill, Beds, MK45 2HX. Tel: 01525 404355. Email: [email protected]. Delivered to every household in the town every two months. Download copies from www.ampthilltowncouncil.org.uk. The Fuddler - available from local pubs and shops. Contact: [email protected] or ring 01525 841434. Website: www.thefuddler.com The Ampthill & Flitwick Directory (Bedfordshire Oracle) - Delivered to every house in the town. Contact: Pemberley Publications at [email protected] or by ringing 01234 215191.

Notice boards:

Town Council Notice boards (Town Centre Car Park – on the side of the toilet block & Ampthill Hall, Dunstable Street). To display posters contact Ampthill Town Council – 404355 Other Notice boards: Waitrose Supermarket, Cottage Bakery (Dunstable Street), Candy Joys (Russell Drive)

Town Websites:

Ampthill Town Council – www.ampthilltowncouncil.org.uk – the Town Council’s site Ampthill Weather Station - www.ampthillweatherstation.info – discover the latest weather forecast for the town Ampthill TV – www.ampthill.tv - video & photos of current and past events Ampthill Images - www.ampthillimages.com – historic images of the town Page 17 AMPTHILL WELCOME PACK

What to do in the event of an Emergency

No one likes to think about emergencies, but being adequately prepared is something for which we all need to take responsibility. Support systems are in place across Bedfordshire to assist in times of crisis – but if an emergency arose, would you know what to do and where to go for help? Be Prepared Vital information to help you prepare for any emergency can be found on the Bedfordshire Prepared website at www.bedfordshireprepared.org.uk Planning for Emergencies - Ampthill Town Council & Central Beds Council have emergency plans in place, however in the first instance your first response should always be to contact the following emergency services depending on the incident: The Emergency Services Ambulance Service In an emergency, call the Ambulance Service on 999 Alternatively: Call NHS 111 Hospitals Your nearest hospitals with A&E departments are: Bedford Hospital - Kempston Road, Bedford, MK42 9DJ. Main Switchboard: 01234 355122. Website: www.bedfordhospital.nhs.uk Luton & Dunstable Hospital - The Luton and Dunstable Hospital, Lewsey Road, Luton LU4 0DZ. Website: www.ldh.nhs.uk

Fire Service In the event of a fire, call the Fire Service on: 999 Non-Emergency: 01234 845000 Police In an emergency, call the Police on: 999 For non-emergencies contact: 101 Report Online: www.bedfordshire.police.uk/report/

Shared Blue Light facility at Ampthill Fire Station Ampthill & Flitwick Policing - www.police.uk/bedfordshire/70/ Page 18 AMPTHILL WELCOME PACK

What to do in the event of an Emergency

Utility Emergency Reporting British Telecom • To report a telephone fault - Phone: 0800 800 151 • To check or track phone or broadband problems online - Web: www.bt.com/ consumerFaultTracking/ Electricity helpline If you spot a potential hazard on or near an overhead electricity line warn anyone in the vicinity to evacuate the area and contact the National Grid: • Phone: 0800 40 40 90 • Website: www.nationalgrid.com/uk/Electricity In the event of a power cut please contact our local provider, EDF Energy: • Phone: 0800 783 8838 • Website: www.edfenergy.com Gas helpline To report an emergency, call the National Gas Emergency Service: • Phone: 0800 111 999 (this line is available 24 hours a day). • Website: www.nationalgrid.com/uk/Gas/Safety/Emergency/ Water helpline If you find a leak or burst pipe in your home, you should telephone a plumber immediately. If you see a water leak or burst pipe in the road, on a pavement or any other place, phone Anglian Water Leak Line: • Phone: 0800 771 881 (this line is available 24 hours a day). • Website: www.anglianwater.co.uk In the Event of Snow Salt Bin Locations (for use by residents): • Elms Lane - by junction Russell Drive by shops • Queens Drive - opposite No. 37 • Park Rd and Chapel Lane junction • Brewery Lane - near No. 7 • Station Road - outside The Firs Lower School • Station Road - junction with Dunstable Road • Glebe Road - junction with Flitwick Road • Ampthill Hill (B5300) - Hazelwood Lane • Ampthill Hill (B530) - top • Maulden Road - near Ailesbury Road Roundabout • Chandos Rd - junction with Katherine's Gardens • Ailesbury Rd - between Rushbrooke Close and Church Street Page 19 AMPTHILL WELCOME PACK

Supported By

Disclaimer Every effort has been made to ensure that the content on this Welcome Pack is accurate. The Pack has been created on a voluntary basis, so if you spot any mistakes please let Mark Smith know on 0789 612 4933 or at [email protected]