The London Gazette, November 27, 1857
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4162 THE LONDON GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 27, 1857. immediately adjoining thereto, at his residence, are empowered to raise, and, if necessary, to and that, ou or before the 31st day of December enable the same three companies, or any of them, next, printed copies of the said intended Bill will to raise additional capital for the purpose of such be deposited at the Private Bill Office of the House contribution, whether by shares or by borrowing, of Commons. and to attach to the additional capital so to be Dated this 2nd day of November, 1857. raised, such preference or priority in payment of G. F. Holroyd, Secretary to the East interest or dividends as the Bill shall define. Kent Railway Company. 4. To enable the Worcester and Hereford Railway Company and the commissioners of the town of Great Malvern, the committee of commo- East Kent Railway. ners, the surveyors of the highways, and any (Dover Extension.—Extension of Time for Pur- other persons interested in the matter, to agree chase of Lands and Houses, and for Completion for the purchase, by the said company, of any of Works ; Amendment of Acts, &c.) common land, or commonable rights vested in TVj OTICE is hereby given, that application is the said commissioners, or other persons, in the i. 1 intended to be made to Parliament, in the parish of Great Malvern; such purchase being ensuing session, for leave to bring in a Bill to in consideration of a rent charge or other price, extend the time limited by the "East Kent Rail- instead of a sum in gross. way (Extension to Dover) Act, J855," for-the The said Bill will also confer similar powers completion of (he railways and works by that Act upon the Trustees of the AYorcester Municipal authorized, and to extend the time limited by Charities, and also upon the Governors and Super- " The East Kent Railway (Extension to Dover) visors of the Free School and Alrashouses of the Amendment Act, 1857," for the compulsory pur- city of Worcester, commonly called the Six Mas- chase of lands and houses for the purposes of such ters, and upon any other persons being trustees, railways and works, and to postpone the period at tenants for life, or otherwise not seized in fee, or entitled to dispose of absolutely for his own benefit, which under the provisions of the said first-men- any lands required by the company, for the sale tioned Act the sum therein mentioned to have to the company, in consideration of a rent charge been deposited with the Court of Chancery is, in of any lands belonging to such bodies or persons certain events, to become forfeited to Her Ma- respectively. jesty. 5. To vest in the Newport, Abergavenny, and And it is intended by the said Bill to amend or Hereford Railway Company the railway now con- repeal the powers and provisions, or some of them, structed in the city of Hereford, and referred to of the following Acts (that is to say), " The East in the 21st section of "The Newport, Aberga- Kent Railway Act, 18f)3." " The East Kent Rail- venny, and Hereford Eailway (Deviation at Here- way (Extension to Dover) Act, 1855," " The Act ford) Act, 1853," (16 and 17 Viet. cap'. 179), and (Local and Personal) 18 and 19 Vic., cap. 94," in the 73rd section of " The Worcester and Here- and " The East Kent Railway (Extension to ford Eailway Act, 1853," (16 and 17 Viet. cap. Dover) Amendment Act, 1857." 184), together with the laud whereon the same And notice is hereby further given, that on or railway is constructed, and the works, approaches, before the 31st day of December next, printed and appurtenances connected therewith, and to copies of the proposed Bill will be deposited in enable the Newport, Abergavenny, and Hereford the Private Bill Office of the House of Commons. Eailway Company to sell and transfer the same Dated this 12th day of November, 1857. premises, or any part thereof, or any interest G. F. Holroyd, Secretary of the East therein, and all or any of the rights, powers, and Kent Railway Company. privileges connected therewith, to the Worcester and Hereford Eailway Company, and to enable the last named company to purchase the same, for such consideration as the Bill shall define. Worcester and Hereford Eailway. Eor the purposes aforesaid to amend and en- (Extension of Time; Alteration of Capital; Sub- large " The Worcester and Hereford Eailway Act, scriptions by other Companies.) 1853," also "The Newport, Abergavenny, and rTlHE Worcester and Hereford Railway Com- Hereford Eailway Act, 1846," "The Newport, JL pany intend to apply to Parliament, in the Abergavenny, and Hereford Eailway (Deviations) next session, for leave to bring in a Bill to effect Act, 1847;" "The Newport, Abergavenny, and the following, or some of the following, among Hereford Eailway (Extension to Taff Vale Eail- other purposes: way) Act, 1847;" "The Newport, Abergavenny, 1. To extend the time granted by " The Wor- and Hereford Eailway (Tiff Vale Extension) Act, cester and Hereford Railway Act, 1853," for the 1853 ;" " The Newport, .Abergavenny, and Here- completion of the railway thereby authorized. ford Eailway (Deviation at Hereford) Act, 1853;" 2. To declare the capital of the said company, and " The Newport, Abergavenny, and Hereford and to diminish the same capital either by dimi- Eailway (Branches) Act, 1857;" "The Oxford, nishing the number of shares therein, or by Worcester, and Wolverhampton Eailway Act, reducing the nominal value of such shares, or by 1845;" "The Oxford, Worcester, and Wolver- any other means; and also to reduce the borrow- hampton Eailway (Amendment) Act, 1846;" ing powers of the company, and to enable the " The Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton company to attach to any part of the same capital Eailway (Amendment) Act, 1848;" " The Oxford, a preference or priority of dividend, or other Worcester, and Wolverhampton Eailway (Devia- advantage, and to vary the rights and privileges tion) Act, 1848;" "The Oxford, Worcester, and of the present shareholders in the company. Wolverhampton Eailway (Amendment) Act, 1850;" 3. To enable the Newport, Abergavenny, and "The Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton Hereford Railway Company, the Oxford, Wor- Eailway (Extensions of Time) Act, 1852;" "The cester, and Woverhampton Railway Company, Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton Eailway and the Midland Railway Company, or any of (Branches and Extension) Act, 1853;" "The those companies to contribute to the capital of Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton Eailway the Worcester and Hereford Railway Company (Stratford and Stourbridge Branches) Act, 1854 ;" out of the monies belonging to the three first "The Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton named companies, or which the same companies Eailway (Chipping Norton Branch) Act, 1854;" THE LONDON GAZETTES-NOVEMBER 27, 1857. 4163 " The Oxford, "Worcester, arid "Wolverhampton Bill as they are authorized to take upon the line Railway (Improvements andBranches) Act, 1855;" for which the.same is to be substituted. " The Oxford, Worcester, and "Wolverbampton For the purposes aforesaid, and in other re- Railway (Capital) Act, 1856;" and "The Oxford, spects, the Bill will amend and enlarge the powers "Worcester, and Vfolverhamptou Railway (Exten- of the Act 33rd George 3rd, cap. 95, and also sion of Time) Act, 1856." Also the 7 and 8 Viet, " The Newport, Abergavenny, and Hereford Rail- caps. 18 and 59; the 8 and 9 Viet. caps. 38, 49, way (Branches) Act, 1857," and the other Acts 56, 90, and 181; the 9 and 10 Viet. caps. 51, 102, bearing the name of and relating to the Newport, 156, 157, 163, 203, 243, 254, 255, 272, 301, 311, Abergavenny, and Hereford Railway Company, 326, and 340; the 10 and 11 Viet. caps. 122, 135, namely, 9 and 10 Vic., cap. 203; 10 and 11 Vic., 150, 191, 214, 215 and 270; the 11 and 12 Viet, caps. 86 and 177; and 16 and 17 Vic., caps. 178 caps, 21, 88, and 131; the 14 and 15 Viet. caps. and 179. 57, 88, and 113; the 16 Viet. cap. 33; the 16 On or before the 30th day of November, instant, and 17 Viet. cap. 108; and the 19 and 20 Viet. duplicate plans and sections of the intended de- cap. 54. viations and works, together with a book of refer- Printed copies of the proposed Bill will he ence to the said plans containing the names of the deposited in the Private Bill Office of the House owners, lessees, and occupiers of the lands and of Commons, on or before the 31st day of De- property shown thereon, and a published map cember next. showing the direction of the intended deviation of Dated this 12th day of November, 1857. the railway in the parish of Aberdare ; and also a Johnston, FarquJiar, and Leach, 65, Moor- copy of this notice will be deposited, for public gate-street, London. inspection, with the Clerk of the Peace for the county of Glamorgan, at his office at Cardiff, and a copy of so much of the said plans, sections, and book of reference as relates to the several parishes Newport, Abergavenny, and Hereford Railway. of Aberdare and Merthyr Tydvil, and a copy of (Diversion of Vale of Neath Branch and of this notice will be deposited, for public inspection, Aberdare Canal.) with the Parish Clerk of the said parishes respec- ri^HE Newport, Abergavenny, and Hereford tively, at his place of abode. JL Railway Company intend to apply to Par- Printed copies of the intended Bill will be de- liament, in the next session, for leave to bring in. posited in the Private Bill Office of the House of a Bill to enable them in the construction of the Commons before the first day of January, 1858.