CONTENTS Page Notices 2 Reviews and Articles 4 Books and Publications 16 Affiliated Society Meetings 18 NOTICES Newsletter: Copy Date The copy deadline for the May 2017 Newsletter is 20 March 2017. Please send items for inclusion by email preferably (as MS Word attachments) to:
[email protected], or by surface mail to me, Richard Gilpin, Honorary Editor, LAMAS Newsletter, 84 Lock Chase, Blackheath, London SE3 9HA. It would be greatly appreciated if contributors could please ensure that any item sent by mail carries postage that is appropriate for the weight and size of the item. **************** LAMAS 161st Annual General Meeting and Presidential Address Tuesday 14 February 2017 Notice is hereby given of the LAMAS 161st Annual General Meeting and Presidential Address to be held on Tuesday 14 February at 6.15pm in the Clore Learning Centre at the Museum of London, London Wall. Light refreshments will be available from 5.30pm. The AGM will be followed by the Presidential Address by John Clark, entitled New Troy to Lud’s Town: Geoffrey of Monmouth’s London revisited. Minutes of the 160th AGM, held on 9 February 2016, will be available. The 161st AGM Agenda is as follows: 1. Apologies for absence 2. Minutes of the 160th AGM, 2016 3. Annual Report and Accounts 4. Election of Officers and Members of Council 5. Appointment of Examiner(s) 6. Election of President 7. Any Other Business Council would welcome nominations of anyone interested in becoming a member of Council. These should be addressed to the Chair at the address given on the back page of the Newsletter, or by email to the Secretary (
[email protected]) to arrive no later than Tuesday 17 January 2017.