2012 Tim Hortons Brier in Sasaktoon, SK from March 3 - 11,2012 at the Credit Union Centre
ORDER OF BUSINESS REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 2011 AT 6:00 P.M. 1. Approval of Minutes of meeting held on November 7, 2011. 2. Public Acknowledgements 3. Hearings (6:00 p.m.) a) Zoning Bylaw Text Amendments to Direct Control District 1 (DCD1) Applicant: Victory Majors Investment Corporation Proposed Bylaw No. 8981 (File No. CK. 4350-011-6) The purpose of this hearing is to consider proposed Bylaw No. 8981. Attached is a copy of the following material: • Proposed Bylaw No. 8981; • Report of the General Manager, Community Services Department dated October 11, 2011, recommending that the application to amend Sections and of Zoning Bylaw No. 8770, as outlined in the report of the General Manager, Community Services Department dated October 11, 2011, be approved; • Letter from the Secretary of the Municipal Planning Commission dated October 28, 2011, advising the Commission supports the above-noted recommendation; • Notice that appeared in the local press on November 5, 2011; and • Letter from Hank Drexler dated October 7, 2011, submitting comments. Order of Business Monday, November 21, 2011 Page 2 4. Matters Requiring Public Notice a) Proposed Closure of Portion of Lane Right-of-Way Adjacent to 620 Weldon Avenue (File No. CK. 6295-011-8) City Council, at its meeting held on November 7, 2011, deferred consideration of the following report of the General Manager, Infrastructure Services dated October 27, 2011 to this meeting: “RECOMMENDATION: 1) that City Council consider Bylaw 8977; 2) that the City Solicitor be instructed to take all necessary steps to bring the intended closure forward and to complete the closure; 3) that upon closure of the right-of-way, as described in Plan of Proposed Lane Closure and Consolidation, as prepared by Calvin W.A.
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