Congressional Record—House
H28 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 23, 2002 Mr. HAYWORTH. Mr. Speaker, I rise though we say good-bye to him at age Mr. EVERETT (at the request of Mr. this afternoon to pay tribute to a great 94, we will not forget his contributions ARMEY) for today and the balance of American and great Arizonan. It is my to our way of life, and encompassing the week on account of official busi- sad duty, Mr. Speaker, to report to the all of that was Paul Fannin the person. ness in the district. House of Representatives that former As a private citizen, I had the privi- f United States Senator and former Ari- lege of being involved in Rotary Inter- SPECIAL ORDERS GRANTED zona Governor Paul Fannin passed national and being in the same club, away during our district work period Phoenix 100, as Paul Fannin. And upon By unanimous consent, permission to and holiday recess. We laid him to rest our first meeting I said, sir, please help address the House, following the legis- in Arizona last week. me with the protocol. I am confused. lative program and any special orders Mr. Speaker, Paul Fannin, a native How should I properly address you? heretofore entered, was granted to: of Arizona, a success in business, chose Should I call you Senator? Should I (The following Members (at the re- to move from the arena of business to call you Governor? He answered, oh, quest of Ms. JACKSON-LEE of Texas) to elected office in the year of my birth, JD, just call me Paul.
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