Chloroplast Er
Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-68277-0 - Phycology, Fourth Edition Robert Edward Lee Index More information CHLOROPLAST E.R.: EVOLUTION OF TWO MEMBRANES Index The most important page references are in bold, and page references that contain figures are in italics. abalone, 126 algal volatile compounds, 340 Antarctic, 513–4, Cryptophyta, 325; Acanthopeltis, 99 algicide, 66, 387 cyanobacteria, 61; Phaeophyta, Acarychloris marina, 43, 90 alginic acid, 10, 427–8, 458, 459, 466, 441, 464; Rhodophyceae, 89 accumulation body, 277, 297 470 Antarctic circumpolar current, Acetabularia, 22, 175–8; acetabulum, algology, 3 513–14 177; calyculus,176; crenulata, 176; alkadienes, 211 Antarctic coastal current, 513–4 kilneri, 176; mediterranea, 176 alkaloids, 65 Antarctic lakes, 515–6 acetate, 256 alkenes, 396 antheridium, Chlorophyta, 162, Achnanthes exigua, 393, 395; longipes, allantoin, 115 163–6; Rhodophyceae, 117–18, 378, 379; lanceolata, 395 allelochemical, 66, 513 125, 127, 155 acidic water, 155–7, 197, 258 allelopathic interactions, 66 Anthophysa, 342; vegetans, 337, 341 acritrachs, 277 alloparasite, 97 anthropogenic effects, 173, 189 Acrocarpia paniculata, 471 allophycocyanin, 17–18, 43, 90, 323 antibiotics, 68 Acrochaetiales, 107, 108, 115–16 alveolus, 310, 312 anticlinal division, 432, 446, 466 Acrochaetium, 96, 115; asparagopsis, ammonia, 26, 42–3, 47, 54, 72 anti-herbivore chemicals, 66 106; corymbiterum, 102 amnesic shellfish poisoning, 387–8, Antithamnion, 95; nipponicum, 106; acronematic flagellum, 7 509 plumula, 96; vesicular cell, 97
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