Logistics of Vine-Shoots Harvesting in Treviso Province
UNIVERSITY OF PADUA COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE Department of Land, Environment, Agriculture and Forestry Logistics of vine-shoots harvesting in Treviso province Supervisor: Professor Raffaele Cavalli Co-supervisor: Dr. Stefano Grigolato MSc student: Matteo Albergucci 607067-AB ACADEMIC YEAR 2010-2011 2 3 Acknowledgments I would like to warmly thank all the people that made this work possible, and who have accompanied me along this path. My precious family, and all my special friends and pals here at the university and outside in everyday life, near and far. Professor Raffaele Cavalli for being my supervisor along these years, and doc. Stefano Grigolato, for his needful support; thanks also to the team of forest operations management, of whom I do not remember the name. I am very grateful to Nicola Breda, which has been an invaluable companion for this work: thanks mate, enjoy your Erasmus! I wish to thanks also all the kind people in the farms that allowed us to made our research, and sometimes offered us a drink. I would like to thanks everyone who were involved, but I know I won’t remember all the names: may they know they are in my mind. To everyone I forgot to mention: sorry, you are in my heart. I think it’s all, just a thing more... “Avete ragione di parlare di "inferno", giacché da quando vi ho lasciato, vivo in una specie di inferno intellettuale, ossia in un paese ove l'intelligenza e la scienza sono reputate cose infernali da chi ha la bontà di governarci”. Camillo Benso, conte di Cavour; da una lettera a De La Rive Happy Birthday, Italy Conegliano, March 18th, 2011 4 5 INDICE 1 Background ..................................................................................8 1.1 The rule of the wood biomass for energy production ..............................8 1.2 The energy utilization of vine-shoot ..................................................9 1.3 Objectives .............................................................................
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