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BOOK REVIEWS Lewis R. Fischer, Harald Hamre, Poul that by Nicholas Rodger on "Shipboard Life Holm, Jaap R. Bruijn (eds.). The North Sea: in the Georgian Navy," has very little to do Twelve Essays on Social History of Maritime with the North Sea and the same remark Labour. Stavanger: Stavanger Maritime applies to Paul van Royen's essay on "Re• Museum, 1992.216 pp., illustrations, figures, cruitment Patterns of the Dutch Merchant photographs, tables. NOK 150 + postage & Marine in the Seventeenth to Nineteenth packing, cloth; ISBN 82-90054-34-3. Centuries." On the other hand, Professor Lewis Fischer's "Around the Rim: Seamens' This book comprises the papers delivered at Wages in North Sea Ports, 1863-1900," a conference held at Stavanger, Norway, in James Coull's "Seasonal Fisheries Migration: August 1989. This was the third North Sea The Case of the Migration from Scotland to conference organised by the Stavanger the East Anglian Autumn Herring Fishery" Maritime Museum. The first was held at the and four other papers dealing with different Utstein Monastery in Stavanger Fjord in aspects of fishing industries are directly June 1978, and the second in Sandbjerg related to the conferences' central themes. Castle, Denmark in October 1979. The pro• One of the most interesting of these is Joan ceedings of these meetings were published Pauli Joensen's paper on the Faroe fishery in one volume by the Norwegian University in the age of the handline smack—a study Press, Oslo, in 1985 in identical format to which describes an age of transition in the volume under review, under the title The social, economic and technical terms.
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