Edward Hasted the History and Topographical Survey of the County of Kent, Second Edition, Volume 1 Canterbury 1797
Edward Hasted The history and topographical survey of the county of Kent, second edition, volume 1 Canterbury 1797 <I> THE HISTORY AND TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEY OF THE COUNTY OF KENT. CONTAINING THE ANTIENT AND PRESENT STATE OF IT, CIVIL AND ECCLESIASTICAL; COLLECTED FROM PUBLIC RECORDS, AND OTHER AUTHORITIES: ILLUSTRATED WITH MAPS, VIEWS, ANTIQUITIES, &c. THE SECOND EDITION, IMPROVED, CORRECTED, AND CONTINUED TO THE PRESENT TIME. By EDWARD HASTED, Esq. F. R. S. and S. A. LATE OF CANTERBURY. Ex his omnibus, longe sunt humanissimi qui Cantium incolunt. Fortes creantur fortibus et bonis, Nec imbellem feroces progenerant. VOLUME I. CANTERBURY: PRINTED BY W. BRISTOW, ON THE PARADE, M.DCC.XCVII. <II> <blank> <III> TO THE RIGHT HONORABLE CHARLES MARSHAM, LORD ROMNEY, BARON OF ROMNEY, IN THE COUNTY OF KENT &c. &c MY LORD, IT is with much diffidence and respect, that I pre= sume to offer this Volume to your Patronage, a liberty I should not have presumed to take, had I not been encouraged to it by the well-known libe= rality of your Lordship’s sentiments, and the many singular favours you have condescended to honour me with; but your beneficence, my Lord, is uni= IV versal, and in your generous protection, the dis= tressed and the unfortunate are sure to find both succour and relief. Your Lordship’s conduct, in= deed, is uniform; ever good and benevolent in pri= vate and domestic life, ever foremost in patriotism and love for your country, you have, my Lord, stood forth in your concern for the public welfare on every occasion, as well in the field as in the senate.
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