Copied from an original at The History Center. 2013:023

OCTOBER, 1967 Copied from an original at The History Center. 2013:023

rom the PRESIDENT'S DESK ...

Fellow Employees: There is a certain quality in some people which makes them a good team member whether it be at play or in th e workshop. This quality is usually inherent in a Winner. In a football game, th e coach would call it " team spirit." On the school campus, th e student or professor refers to it as "school pride." Jn th e armed services, the soldier or sailor expresses it as a phrase called "esprit de Corps." But in this work-a-day world, it is merely called " loyalty."

On the wall in Mutt Barr's office is a plaque containing these famous words by Elbert Hubbard:

"If you work for a man, in heaven's name work for him; Speak well of him and stand by the institution he represents. Remember, an ounce of loyalty is worth a pound of clever- ness.

If you must growl, condemn and enternally find fault, why­ re ign your position. And when you are outside, damn to your heart's content­ But as long as you are part of the institution do not con­ demn it.

If you do, the first high wind that comes along will blow you away and probably yo u will never know why."

I don't believe there is another quality more important to the success of an organization than the loyalty of its employees. Let us strive to make and keep our Company and ourselves a winner in this game of competition by working together with a loyal attitude, and doing our job each day to th e best of our ability. ROBE RT L. POLA D

2 Copied from an original at The History Center. 2013:023


T'S not too early to be thinking about Christ­ I mas, especially so far as the women are con­ cerned. T11E FOUNDRY Rou;-,-nuP offers the idea of doing something just a little different. This year why not make ornaments that th e Christmas tree can wear during the holidays and you can wear later as jewelry when the tree is long gone. They are merry, they are "mod" and the ORNAMENTS for the Christmas tree to wear now. cost of the making so modest. What's more, it's and which you can wear later as jewelry when the so simple, such fun and currently so IN to turn tree is gone, are made of clay concocte d of baking out boutique-type trinkets that every member of soda and corns tarch. The whole family can get in the family, from youngest to oldest, will want to on the fun of making them get in the act. Here's how to proceed. First, make a clay which is concocted of two of your household staples­ baking soda which you use in baking, as a denti­ Ornaments will harden overnight. To hasten frice, for cleaning and whatnot, and cornstarch. process, place on wire rack in warm (350 degrees) Combine thoroughly in a saucepan 2 cups of turned-off oven for a half hour. the baking soda and 1 cup of the cornstarch; then Paint in swinging shades with water color or add 11µ1_ cups cold water. Mix until smooth. Bring tempera; and for a ceramic-like fini sh, dip in clear to boil over medium heal, stirring cons tantly. shellac, spray with clear plasti c, or brush on clear Cook a minute longer or until mixture resembles nail polish. moi st mashed potatoes. Transfer to a plate and Now onto th e tree they go for gay, c are free cover with a damp cloth. (they' re fireproof) adornment. When dismantling When cool enough to handle, knead a little, roll day comes round, instead of packing them away out to 1µ1_ -inch thickness on a board and start creat­ in a carton for year-long hibernation, tuck th em ing. Since you can use cookie cutters for your into milady's jewelry box. The larger pieces can shapes-stars, tri angles, circles, animals, etc.­ be worn as pendants with a chain or a length of no particular talent is needed and even the smallest velvet ribbon strung through th e twi st of wire. Or hands can turn out pieces worthy to be hung on glue a pin to th e backside for a big, brazen brooch. the tree with pride. Smaller pieces can dangle fashionably from ears, For a bas relief effect, cut out smaller pieces hooked onto Five-and-Dime-bought earring back­ with aspi c cutters or bottle caps or mold free hand, ers. They're frivoious, fun and IN accoutrements moisten and press into pre-cut larger shapes. Etch to accent a wardrobe or to give as gifts for birth­ patterns with tip of knife or paper clip. Insert a days or as donation s to charitable s al es an d twi sted loop of wire into one edge for hanging. bazaars.

3 Copied from an original at The History Center. 2013:023

Shop Talk

.\'1 1ES "\LI TTHE WS, :\Ia chine Sho p, J second shift, h ad Lwo da tes to celeb ra te in th e same week . H is wife ba ked a b irthda y ca ke a nd ~c n l it to J a mes and his co-worke rs o n Octo be r] . T he n on . he a nd hi s wife celeb rated their seco nd wedding a nni. w r"an -. The shop boys though t it " ·as a !!ood idea about th e b irthda ,· ca ke. a n ~ ! wi;: h othe r ,,-j,·es wo uld 1:i kc the h int.

\Ve exte nd our sympathr to th e DiStcph ano fa mily in their r ecent be­ r ean ·m e nt. V 1r. TOR D ISTEPHANO. T ool Room. lost his b rothe r, P ete DiSLcph a no . .r\.l;:o. the dPceased was th e fa the r of C lf -IRL ES DrSTEPH ANO. a new c111 - ployre on second shift. Trailer D iYi­ ;: io n.

The re a rC' ,.;c\·eral 11"<1) s to gel a head in tlii " 11·o rld. but one o f th e old est is to be Joh nny-on-the-spot to Your s uper ­ ,·i,;o r- o r a t least tha t's w li al th eY tell us. X ot ta king all\· cha nce$ o n. th e Lruth of th at sta tcnwn l. P .-IT P .~ HIH S H . :\ Tachine Shop, was on h a nd lo g recl his b oss. AL :\ L~LLO .\'EL whe n he a rri\ eel a t th e a irport f rom hi vaca­ tion. H e carried Al's luggage \rhich con;: isted, a mong othe r things. o f golf clubs. balk a nd as;: or ted rec reational tools. to his ca r a nd d ro1·e A l home . .\s Pa t san . a l ittk- cou rtcsv al wan pa vs. o ff- 0 1i'e wa .1· or th e othe;. ! .

\V e all 11c ·n · saddened to lea rn of the death of PFC Geor ge E d wa rd 0 1·c r­ MR. & MRS. JAMES MATTHEWS shi nc. wh o was killed in Vietnam on . . . celebrating 2nd. wedding an­ A 11 t•m ployee broug ht u,; I he fo l lo11 · . cptcmbcr 29. H e wa s the son of \VrnH niversary i11;r bil of good reading. must importa nt 11o rd,; : ~ ou g usta, T exas, with milita ry honors. depa rtme nt. ' d id a ~rno d job . Con g ratu l ati o n s to K enneth Ray When Cn· Pmn :LJ . rdi n ·d on Sep· Tlw fo ur mo:' t i mp o rt an t 11o rcb : R ob er t;:o n, son of CL lu OE R oR ERTSO :'I. tcmbn 29. hi s f!' ll ow 1 rnrkl'r ~ o n th<' Wha t i,; Your opi nio n '? M ach ine Shop , who was ma rricd to p umµi ng unit a:';;t·ml.Jv fl oo r of th e Jan ice Lee Childre;:;: last m on th . :\Ia chine Shop !!an · Ii i 111 a :'LI rpri;:e o- o i11 °·-a 11· a ,· o- ift C!'rtificatc A J Th!' thn·p mo:'l import a nt wo rd,:: If Our sympa thy is extended to EY­ H -1\ ' :l ~O . fo r ~ m ~n . a nd thirt y - ;;~ m e--o d c i you plea ;:c. :'I IOUR Cunns. Fo u ndry department. rnP n in that depa rtmcnt g ~t together upon th e death of his da ughter , M r;:. at the c l o~ < ' o f th e shift a nd \1·ished Th e' t11·0 1110,:t im porta n t \1o rd ;: : Betty Jo Groves. Guy a long a nd ha ppy rctire mrnt. pre­ Tha nk You. sentin g him a g ift certifi. cat·e to buv Our c on g rat u la t ion s to CuFFORO som eth ing thal ll'Oulcl b righten hi s lef­ Tht ~ om· rno;;; t im po rta nt 1rn rd : \Ve. LEE H A:'I ULTO:'I, Eng ineer in g depart­ sure hours. T he r epo rt is that Cuy " ·as m en t, upon his engagem ent and ap- truly ;: urprised a nd pleased . · The lt·a >' l: im po rta nt \\'o rd: I. "'

4 Copied from an original at The History Center. 2013:023

GUY POWELL. center wearing white shirt. was presented a gift certificate upon his retirement by his co-workers on the pumping unit assembly floor in the Machine Shop

Left: BARBARA ANN STRINGER and CLIFFORD LEE HAMILTON . .. to be married November 24

The '" Big B J amboree"' held c\·ery lhird Saturday ni gh t a t Burke is still going great g un s. They haYc t' nlarged th e building·_ anrl sti ll th ere i stand­ in g room ~n il · '"hen th e fo lks down Lh ~ t '"a'· co m ~ lo li sten to Lh c p icking and sin ging. i\Ian~ - Foundry emplo1·ees la kt' part in Lh c prog ram as well as fill lots of the seals as li stene rs . W. F. C tuGER. W elding & S tructural Shop, is master of ceremoni es, a nd extends t'\'PITOne a 11·clco me to come to the Ja miw rcc. There is no a dmi ssi on cha rgc. which is most unusual th ese d a \ · s ~ rolks \\ ho ha \·e atlencl ccl lhe c 1 · 1~ 11 t saY this i!'i th e most enl crtain­ nw nt at. no cosL to be found in the sla lf' of Texas. continued on page 10

5 Copied from an original at The History Center. 2013:023

- · ~ "\i S. C. DONAHOE j Jig Department, 41 Years

IJ FRED W. PHILLIPS i E. E. KI RK LAND Lathe Shop, 25 Years ,._. ~=""'.._~.....,.. t...; LmL...~~-M-a-ch-i -ne~Sh_o_p_. _12~Y-ea_r_s ~-"2~. ~·~~~~ · Copied from an original at The History Center. 2013:023

EARL DOVER Trailer Division, 12 Years

Tra iler Division, 21 Years Copied from an original at The History Center. 2013:023

\ /

DELMAR McGAUGHEY FLOYD WILEY ~ Foundry Depa rtment, 14 Years Foundry Department, 22 Years 1A\, ] ,;ti. w Y \,;,;.,"0,~,~

8 Copied from an original at The History Center. 2013:023

ROBERT D. CLARK railer Division, 17 Years ~ 1tilr.JJ 9 Copied from an original at The History Center. 2013:023

SHOP TALK continued

E -1H L Don:H. Traill'r Di1 ision. had MARKING AN ANNIVERSARY I a ni ce O' ttrprise Salurday ni g ht. Oc t. 21. }ft. 1Tcein·d a lele phone call from MACHii\E SHOP TRAILER DIVISION :\L1U Ht r E \V 11 .SO'i. former Li rn ekeeper En11•lo)·nu-•11t Yt'ars E1111•lo.Ymt•11t Yt-'1lr:-. \\' ith Co. in th e Trailer Di vision. who wa,- in Hate \\·itll ('o. Dat~ :-< . C. 1>011ahot" Oct. HJ;?() 41 ( ' . E. Hid,;s Oct. 19. 19:1ft '?9 J_j. 19.t:; •?•! Ha wai i on a :-h o rt r est and r elaxati o n ( ;t:'OJ".1-:"t' HH.\",1.:'00d 0.-t. 19 ~ 9 2 R l . t'~ LO\\"t'l'Y Oc·t . ._, .., C. ".\L Huh.,- ' in Vietnam. (;. ( '. ~tarrt:'U, .Jr. Od. I~. 1 9 ~1 '?G Earl .\I('(~ i 1,· r a Od. 7. lH-IH '? I 'I'. T.. \ ·a11sa11 Od. rn~ I 2 fi \\' i11sto11 Bit· hard Od. H . l H-lfi ;! I '.\fauriee has li et· n in V it·tna m for :-ix E . I•' li.irldarnl Od. l fJ-t•! ·? .) ,Ja.1Ut'S li.irlise)· Oc-t. 28. l94~ ;!0 1 !-:)0 1-; month ,-. and hl' has about: fin· mo re Flo)·ct H . \'a1111 (kt. lf'-Hi :! I Burnic·e ~(· arht•ro11 .~ · h Ort. :i. \\· ..\(. H ig·don 0..t . 19~~ 20 H o llis B111·11t>tl Oc-1 . :l. IH.jO 17 ·r; months to go . His wi fe fil' w to H a 1rnii ,f. T . La \\'rt" llc ·t" Oc-t. 19:)0 i-; IC n. ('larl; Od. ~. l!J.30 Bill L11e 41 Od. '? H. 1!};)0 I ~ E. .r. Ii.irk Oc-t . ~ - IH:) I Iii (;. I:). 1 !).)•! 1 .) lo be with him during his briPf vaca­ l>enzt>l llarri~ Od. 10, H}:YI lfi On·n Hiet-< Oc-t. \\' illiam. Yo1111t Od. ll. 19:)1 lH Ho.'· nruw11 Oc-t. :! 7. 19:91'? 1 .) tion from the fi g hting. Ea rl reporlt, d \ "ietor Stf"phano O(·t. :10. I ~ ) ;) I lfi Brown H . Ha.' ~ Oc-t. II , 19.>~ 1:1 l .. F. (;rimt-~ Od . •! 8. H);)•! 1.> Honald -h w kso11 Oc-t. :). l!}tt.) l '? that th e tel t·phone connection was good A . ( '. Hunt Od. 27. 19;;~ 1:l .f. H. \If• I ht ffie Oc·t. n. 19.).) 1'! .Jim E . 1:t'111t·.' Od . fi, 19.-,.3 l 2 ·..:arl l)O\'t"I' (kt. 2 -1 . l 9 C> ;) 1 '! a nd he had no difficult1· in h earin g Fred Uahhs Od. ] x. 19t1;) I ;! •rt ~ rry l'al1nt1re Od. lfi . Hw:-; ~ 19;);) (kt. ] •) lBfi-1 :1 -:\Iaurin>. who sounded happy. \Ve·1·e F. \\". Phillip~ Od. 2 7. 1 ~? .]imm,\· Allen .J. H. J ·: lliott Oet. "! 8. 19:) :) l_;! ('harles ( ; ~ 111 It Od . '?fi . 19fi-I :1 sent :\1aurice copies of THE tOU'\Dtn." .JoH «. Beal Oc·t. x. ]!);1(i 11 \\.ilb11r11 Hant·e Od. 11. 19(;.) T. L . .'\'t'rren (kt. '?:), lH:)(i ll f'. A . ( 'a.rf"11za Od. 4 . HHW 1 l9Hti Ho lli\DUP and lw to ld Earl it certainly ~ - E. l>t"JHna11 Od. 9. J!)fj1 Ii B. H . Carroll Oc·.t . -1. 1 ( '. \\'. ~""' o:-ol"er Od. JO. lf)(i I Ii Chester Jlodge. O ct. 2 -1 . 1961i 1 11 as good lo get: the 11 e 11·s from h ome Edwa.rtl (;ard11er Od. 11. 196 1 n ~ f. l~ :. A r11old Od. lH. 19fil 6 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT about: th e ft·ll ow s h(· workt·d with . U . \\". (;ilt's Oc·t. 18. 19(iJ Ii l~ mt>lo) · ment Years Hilly (', Hi<"c ~ Od. 2 --1 . l~il Ii <_;ary Grc~enin,i.:· Ort. 2-t , 1961 1; l>att­ 'nth Co. Llo)·d I·:. · 1~ Jld11~ Oct. 17. 19!> •! :) ( '. (_;-. lh•r1..d ~ O c t . 12 . 196~ 3 Our s v mp a thY goes to R -1DCO:\'D H . H . A11tho11)· O ct. 19W? ii .J. \\'. 1-fiflt'S Oct. 18. HW6 1 \\'t-sley ( ' loud)· O«t. :1~ : 19fl:l -I :\IcC01.1XJ\I and his wife on the death •J a mes T. Cai es Od . 2R, 191; ~ ~ MATERIAL CONTROL G . E. Ht>)0 1tolds Od. 28, 191;:1 4 Em1>loyment Yt>ar·s of Johnni P Stubhld1eld . Ra y mond ;J. E. \'oun,i.:-hlooc-1 Oct. 2, 191;~ :1 llate " "ith Co . •John n. \\ ~ hitt> Oc-1 . 14. l!J(;~ :1 Ot't. Ii, 19Mi 11 1rnrks in th e W e ldin g &: St ructural l!ltH :1 .J. :\. Lairtl ·htnws .E. ('olt' 0.-1. 2" .\ . I •. \\' hitt.• Oc-t. 9, 19!H G S ho p, thircl s hift. lVIr. Johnnie was his -_\f. \\". ~huell Oct. 27. UHH :1 )f. 'I'. \\.ilso11 Oc-t. l , l.H6:) 2 lNDUSTRIAL ENGlNEERING father-in-la"-. l<. ( '. Stridda.1111 Oc·t. ::->, 19();) 2 \\', I >. Wri!:"hl O c l . 19H:) ., E1111•lo)·me11t Yt"ars 1-r. H. l>omi11t•y Oct. 19(j;; 2 Hate " ·;1 h Co. l'. (;. ( 'louil,,­ Oet. 19tHi 1 Od. IH . 1961 G \\'illia.m \\"illiarus O c t. .t9fjf; 1 Ho usTOS DAVIDSO'i, Brass Fou11d1T lf. H . .\l arshall Oct. 17. 1966 ] PATTERN SHOP \\' . A . ~heldo11 Oct. ;?;') , J9Hfi 1. Em1>h>)·ment Y ears d e partment. is h appy tha l his son, A . n. Ut-y1111 lcls (}(-1. :n. 1966 1 Date " .ith Co . John. has fini s hed his tour o [ duty in O ct. I:l, I 9 H!l 1 FOU~DRY DEPARTMENT J a pan a nd has b e('fl discharged from E1111•lo,.·ment Years MAIN OFFlCE Datt' " "ith Co. J·:m1>lo,,·mt"l1i Yt"nrs the Sen ·icc. H e is enrolled now rn Dnte ,\.ith ( ' o . Ht"fll".\' .\l antooth Ot't. 2 1, 19:n :rn 2 .) Stephe n F. Austin S tate College. H . 4'. t>rcwtor Od . 1 :!, 1942 2.~ ( 'lt"f is Fuller Oct. 1 2, 19-1 '! .1.- lo)·d \\'ilt'.' ' O c t. 9. 194;; :!2 J ~ t"ro.' ' \ \-' illmon Oct. 2 7, 1947 20 John -Elijah Od. 22. 194'1 :!2 J ~ t"e nurnett Oct. ;?4, 195l rn ;John Fornt'.\. Oct. 2'?, 19.J;; :?·? ~h e rman Cole O c t . :10. 19:>1 1H 10 \\'ihmn U11n1t ~., - Oc-t. 2 L, 194-; 20 T . ( ' . .\le)lulle11 Oct. 2:>, 195; Found r y hunt e r s arr· oiling a nd 1 \\' . ")f, Gilbert" Oct. I(), ]!),)fl 17 Patri,·ia Southern Oct. :1. 1966 P'atrit-ia lient O c t . :1 . 1966 l cleaning their g uns in anticipation of Ocli :oi (~arrwr OC't. 2-t , 1 H:-,o 17 lit"UU.t'th )l_urre ll O c·t. .t!i. 1.9:i0 n's .\l orn O ct. 10, 191W 1 the d eer season whic h opens l\ove mbe r lla,,·wfM)d. ·H e nde r son O ct. 1-t. l!Jo):! 1.; .J1u.h· TaHiH1 Oc·t. 10, 1966 1 l>e l mur )lcf;au. .1. d•ey Od. 1:1. 1953 H !Ja uell ) J_illt-'r Oct. '? i . uurn 1 16. THE Rousou P would like to use Ze1,ha.11iah Atl.-:i11!!0011 O c t. R. 19'>~ 1:1 l .01u1ie (jrt•er Oc-t. 11 . 19,H L:l MILL SUPPLIES a s many pictures of deer kills as w e St·e,·e E11g·1ish Oct. 9. 195H 11 J.-:O mtllO.\'IHt'Uf Years ca n get. ] f vou don' t have a cam e ra -.\l"eh· i11 .\)(· Farland Oct. 17. 196·! 4 D a t e 'nth Co. Lt'nard .-\11clt· r~ O c t. ;!'?. 19H2 -I Bob Ta.,·lor· Oct. '?7. 19-11 i! H 11·ith vou to take the pic ture, drive by Elmo H . S cott Od. '· 19fi~ :l Bnrlmra Pldl.'her Oc-t. UI, 19-lll 18 \\·. \\·. ~wiru ll e Od. 2a. 19H.; 2 Ht•ht"rt · 1~1Lrroug· hs Oet. l ;), 19:32 1:; THE i~ o U'i D LT P office and we' ll take th~ H . <'. Bivius Oct. I , 19!W l Harold ~ · ro.i.:· g iu~ O ct. x. l.9:ifi 11 H .A.~o t'I Od . lH, ·1n6lo)·111ent Years O c t. "!:-L 1 !);)(; 1 l .Jotlitt Glt·en Oat e \\"ith Co. Harn~ .' · Gra.hnrn Oct. 5 . L9ffl 6 .r. n. J'.ostt-1· O c t . 2 ';. 19(>1 H Hobert ~pauldin ~r Oc·t. II, 1 u :~ ; :10 ' I'. A . Han ta Oct. 2H. 19-1!1 18 .r. G . ~te1>h erson Od. O. 19fi-l ;-; .Jerry )fullt'"rt O c t . H, 19H:l -I ~r. \\". Courtney Od. R, 191;;; 2 H . )f. (}uintero Oct. 19. 19fl4 :l ~ . I> . ~wi11dl ~ Od . 2 :). 19fi:) ., \\'. f'. ~her1na11 Ori . l , 19();) Lois li.:a11ffma11 Oct. I. 196.) ~ ASSEMRL Y & SHIPPING .rarlf-'i Ht-'rtzlf"r O c t. 2 ;j, 1965 ~ J '.: mplO)' lllt'llt ) ' ear ~ Date 'nth Co. TRAILER SALES & SERVICE H . H . \\"at:-0011 Oc·t. :1 . 19,·,o 17 E1111>lo,,· ment Yt•nrs .h1,·k _l.e \\·is Oc-t. lO. l!Wl lH nat e \\"ilh Co. f'. ~tont­ Ot't. '? i . 1961 (; Jl. Walker O c t. 1:1 ()(•t. l ;). "I 9H:! ;) .r. .E. ·' 1-'arr• H. -\\·. Bo)«I Oct. 12 Od. 17, 1H62 ;) 1: ~~ '.~~ James ·n-. ,\lle n Errwst nailt'\- Oct. ;?2. ]9;)(j "II I>. l{in_· rs 0f't. lH. lHW! :) r . ()c-t. 4 (. ] .. Hollis Oc-t . J . .191;6 l .r. Ji. )farsh~lll. Jr. ' · 191;;1 H. l .. 1-hin·ick Oct. 2 1. 19H:1 4 B . F . .\la) ·fit·ld Oct. 2 H, 1n6-t. :1 SECURITY GUARD .r. T. Hr.nu1t ()c-t. H , 191;,; J ..: 1111•loymt"llf Yenr~ Othe l Ha,\.llt'S ()c-t. 2:3, l.9fi:) Datt' \\.it h Co. I>. J{. Thrasher O c t. 1(), 196!l .Johnie I> . _Howe Oc-t. 10. 196tl 1 l .t>~ U. _Freeman Oc·t. l_·J _IH(Ui )fat he.'· J .. . .Li_:;:: ·htt'oot Oc-t. H. 1966 l .J . T . .\l•· Pht'rson Oct. '?·I. l!HHi

10 Copied from an original at The History Center. 2013:023

CREDIT Are You UNION LOSING Money On NEWS Insurance Coverage? HY is it Lh at Lufkin Foundry Wand Machine Company employees borrow money from many places and are charged higher interest rates rather th an borrow from LFM Ft>dt>ral Cr t> dit Oni on? That's a good question ! Probably Lhere is no one answer, but there is an answer that fits most of the time. They just are unaware of how often and in how many ways th e AS there been a change in yo ur This has a vital effect upon the Credit Union can help them. family? A new baby? A son or amount of deductions from an em­ H pl oyee's pay check. ff you're thinking of buyin g a new daughtt>r who has reached the age of 19 ? To make a change in insurance cov­ ca r, ~ r a used car, check with your erage, employees should drop by the Credit Lnion and see how easil y yo u If yo u answer yes to any of these questions, there is another question to Insurance Department in the P ersonnel ca n borrow the money and at low in­ follow. Have you brought your insur­ building and sign a new card which terest rates. ance coverage up-to-date? If not, you will bring th e number of dependents up-to-date. P e rhaps yo ur hou se seem s too may be losing money unnecessarily. On hourly employees' insurance, un­ crowded; a new bathroom or family To have proper insurance coverage at all times, employees are reminded married, dependent children from 14 room is needed to thin out the traffic days of age to their 19th birthday are jam. The Credit Union is the place to Lo notify the Jnsurance Departmen t of any changes in tht> number of depend­ covered. There is no coverage for the go to get the money to do the joh. ents. employee's dependent childre n a fter they reach their 19th birthday. Has yo ur refrigerator about " had Joe R. P erkins, insurance offi cer, Such children are not dropped auto­ it?" Does your wife still have to wash says that the addition or loss of de­ pendents will result in a change from matically by the insurance department in an antique washing machine? Dot>s when they reach 19 years of age. It she hang out wet cl othes on a drooping one to anoth er of th e following classi­ fications: Employee with one dependent is the employees' responsibility to sign clothes line in th e cold winter months or Employt•e with two or more de­ a new card reflecting the number of and in bad weather, does she have to pendents. dependents he has who are covered by drive th e wet clothes to a coin laundry the group insurance policy. If such a to dry th em ? change is not made, and the 19-year­ old child keeps the employee in the two l s Christmas coming and you don't or more dependents classification, the see any po ssibilit y of putting aside deductions continue to be taken from some of yo ur paycheck for shopping? his pay check and he is paying for M::fJ Do you have kids in college and the something he cannot collect on if the r1a1~J bills keep rolling in and you wish you occasion ever arises. co uld find just a few hundred dollars ~Of /A U Also, if there is an addition to the to tide you through this school year? family of an employee and he is al­ There are hundreds of questions like ready carrying at least two dependents th ese, and they all can be answered at on his insurance, the new baby can yo ur Credit Union. You'll be doing be added to his coverage without ad­ yo urself a favor and helping the Credit ditional charge. But the addition must Union, too, if you'll stop in to talk be noted by the employee on a new over your fin ancial needs. It's most card in the fil es of the insurance De­ confidential, of co urse. partment. The Credit Union Office is located If additional information is needed in the white frame building across by any employee concerning his de­ from the Main Offi ce. It is open two pendents and his insurance coverage, days each week- Monday and Friday he should come by th e Insurance De­ Join now if y ou are not a member - from 12 noon until 5:30 p.m. partment.

11 Copied from an original at The History Center. 2013:023

The Foundry Roundup BULK lATE U. S. POSTAGE Lufkin Foundry (5' Machine Co. PAID P. 0 . Box 849 Perm it Ho. 5340 LUFKIN , TEXAS 75901 HOUSTON, TEXAS RETURN REQUESTED

Wife Lo husband: "You'll have to Three men in th e shop were dis­ take me out to dinner tonight. I can't cussing what most people wanted to cook because the electricity is off." get out of a new car. Husband: " But we cook with gas !" "Dependability," said one. Wife: "Yes, but what about the elec­ " Styling," said another. tric can opener?" "Economy," answered the third. About that time, a fourth man who Professo r: " What's wrong with our recently had bought a new car entered football star ; he looks so unhappy?" the room. They decided to pose the Coach: " It's becau5e his father is question to him. always writing for money." " What is the thing you'd li ke most "Gee, Mom," he complained, " none to get out of your new car?" he was There's a new gasoline that puts a of the other guys are wearing lipstick." asked. rabbit in your tank- it's for short "Shut up, stupid! We're almost at "My teenage son! " he replied. hops. the draft board." A woman on a television audience· A woman tourist posed for a snap· Bus Station Manager: " Did you miss participation show was asked th e name shot in front of the fallen pillars of an the bus, sir?" of her favorite author. ancient temple in Greece. Disgusted Passenger: "No; I just " Why, it's my husband," she an. " Don' t get the car in the picture," didn't like the looks of it so I chased swered. she warned, "or my husband will think it out of the station." " Your husband?" questioned the in­ I ran into the place." terviewer, " What does he write?" Look out the window from the break­ The woman smiled brightly, then an. " Pa!" fast table and you see the bird after swered, "Checks." "Yeah, Son?" the worm, the cat after th e bird and "How come Noah didn't swat both the dog after the cat. It gives you a She's such a poor driver the police flies when he had the chance?" little better understanding of the morn- gave her a season ticket. m. g ' s news. " Were there any powder marks on In Russia the state owns everything. the body of your d ea d husband?" Proud Mother: " He's eating solids Over here, it's the finan ce companies. asked the coroner. alr·eady- pencils, keys, n e wspap'e r s, "Certainly th e r e were powder rubber bands, spiders and ashtrays." You save a lot of unnecessary con­ marks," said the wife, " that's why I versation if you remember that people shot him! " Sign in public school: " In the event are not going to take your advice un ­ of atomic attack, th e federal ruling l•ess yo u charge them for it. " Fathe r, " aske d the small boy, against praye r in this school is tem­ " which can go fa s te r, horses or porarily suspended." buses?" "Buses, of course," repli ed the father Doctor: " You're coughing more easily thi s morning." impatiently. PatiPnl: T ~ ho ul d. I practi ot:> d all The Foundry Roundup " Then why," asked th e boy, " don't night." Volume 25 Number 10 you bet on the buses?" Published Monthly for You can't fool all of the people all Employees and Their Families Steve : " Have yo u heard about th e th e time, but those hig hway inter­ by man in Wiscon sin who coul d turn change signs come pretty close. grass into butter?" LUFKIN FOUNDRY & MACHINE! CO. Lee : "Nope. How did 'he do it?" We're constantly amaZ'ed at those VIRGINIA R. ALLEN , Editor Steve: "Al l he needed was a cow an~ young things with their fancy -dos a churn." and skin-tight pants. And the girls are t'Ven worse ! Dad: " Now, son, I told you not to eat your peas with a knife." A perfect autumn day is one when Son: " I can't help it. My fork leaks." the lawn no longer needs mowing and the leaves hav.en't yet started to fall. Brownie : " Did you hear about the karate expert that joined the Army?" There's nothing like a dish towel for Blackie : "No, what happened?" wiping the contented look off a hus­ Brownie : "The first time he saluted, band's face. he nearly killed himself." Member As the sexton said as he rang the of the And then there was this lady who bells louder and longer: " If they ain't International Council applied to the Post Office for an un­ coming to church, they ain't sleeping of Industrial Ed itors listed zip code number. either."