Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 453 Proceedings of the International University Symposium on Humanities and Arts (INUSHARTS 2019) Mise-en-Scène Analysis on Heteronormativity in Queer Narrative “San Junipero” from Black Mirror 1st Dominick Wulandhani 2nd Andika Wijaya* English Studies Program, Faculty of Linguistics Department, Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Indonesia, Humanities, Universitas Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia Depok, Indonesia
[email protected] [email protected] Abstract—As one of the most interesting episodes from the device on their temple, close their eyes, and sleep. The device famous sci-fi British TV series Black Mirror, “San Junipero” allows their consciousness to be transferred to the virtual warrants analysis, specifically from the perspective of science town’s database. Each person can choose their own time and technology. Nevertheless, gender and LGBT issues have not setting for the town each time they visit it, and this decision commonly been explored in sci-fi content like Black Mirror. contributes to their appearance and age. For example, Yorkie Through an analysis on the mise-en-scène, or cinematographic is a 61-year-old woman, but when she visits San Junipero, she elements (setting, color, costume, camera work, and chooses the ‘80s era, so she appears as her 20-year-old self in performance), and the representation of queer characters in the that town. media, this article attempts to identify whether the episode, as a queer narrative—dubbed “a celebration of queerness” by the When visiting San Junipero in the 1980s setting, Yorkie fans—is really free from any heteronormativity elements. The accidentally meets a girl named Kelly, a free-spirited and study found that heteronormativity is still depicted in the adventurous party girl with whom she instantly falls in love.