'WAYNE COUN-TY'S OLDEST 'WEEKLY NE'WSPAPER PUBLICATION NU"-'BER USPS 396880 12 P Io'ENTS III NO. 78 .October 15, 1990 . 50 CENtS _!11 I ~r1Ull I 1.tsout Issues• By MIKE TYREE easement on Six Mile at about 4:30 Staff Wnter p.m. when 1saw it;Thompson said. The blood was bright red and calVed Angela Thompson likes to take re- pieces of meat were on the ground lax1ng aft::moon horseback ndes next to It: along Six Mile Road In Northville Thompson found three dressed leg Township. sections of a deer wlthtn a couple of She thinks the rolllng. tree·l1ned feet of a sheet-covered deer carcas. mUe stretch between Sheldon and The deer - an anterless adult - ap- Beck roads offers perhaps the defini- parently had been killed and gutted tive sampUng of the township's rural elsewhere and wrapped In a sheet flavor. and newspapers and placed along The sparsely populated area also the Six MIle easement. provides abundant habitat for a vari- The sections of meat Thompson ety of animal life. 10cluding fox. rac- found are among portions of deer coon and deer. "Thompson especially flesh most coveted by hunters, U. enjoys watchtng deer and often views CM Johnson. dlstrtct su pervisor for them from atop her horse. conservation officers In a five-<:ounty But a Wednesday encounter with southeastern Michigan area, said. a freshly-butchered deer carcass has The dressed deer sections may left the township woman enraged - have been left behind by someone In and concerned. "I was rldtng my horse along the C

By STEVE KELLMAN neath Its southSide. and would be sl- d1 Stall Wnter that the addition would allow the mI1ar Inform to the east wing of dty fire department to run more effi- haIl. A new sidewalk from the pollce dently by gIvtng firefighters easier The latest plan to expand North- department parking lot would lead access to vehicles. The department ville CIty's fire hall was approved re- Into the basement storage area. must now park two of Its five trucks cently by the dty council. Measuring 28 feet wide by 51 feet behind the other three, because But the addition ts sUll more than deep. the addition would require the there are only three bays. a year CrombecomIng a reality. dty relocation of the polIce department's 'Stacklng your trucks Is not the officIals said. communication tower. It would be Ideal way to run your fire station. no The addition would ProWao~~tly less wide than the existing way; Allen said. explaining that new veplcle bays west of th~tlng ~e;t wall of dty hall. fire haIl and storage space undeJ;- Fire Chief Jim Allen told the coun- Continued on 4 Racing returns to the Downs

Harness racIng action retwns to ward at 7:30 p.m. DaIly Double wa- Eliminations. If necessary, will be Northville with the opening of the genngwlll take place on the first and held on week prior to the 1lnals, OCt. winter season tonight, Oct. 15. second races and perfecta and 20 and Nov. 3. respectively. Both The racIng meet. conducted by trifecta wagenng on every race. Tr1- events cany an estimated purse of Jackson Trotting AssocIation. will Super wagering takes place on the $100,000. span 66 programs, on a Monday- fifth and seventh races and consists The Oktoberfest pacing series. a through-Saturday basis concluding of pickl.ng the first three finishers 10 late closer for three and four-year- Monday. Dec. 31. Matinee racIngwlll the fifth races and the first four fi- olds go postward on Friday. Oct. 26. begin on Saturday. Dec. 1with post nishers Inthe 7th races (with a man- Eliminations wI1l be held one week Phokl by STEVE KEllMAN time at 1p.m. and the eventng prog- dantory payoff after the Tr1-Super prior to the finals (Friday. Oct. 19). ram following at 7:30 p.m. Matinee pool reaches $25,000). The Harvest Moon pacing senes, a Stubborn barn blaze racIng then continues every Satur- Four-year-old standardbreds will late closer for three-year-olds go day (Dec. 8, IS, 22, and 29), post time take center stage during October and postward on Saturday. Nov. 24. Ell- Northville Township firefighters worked the blaze, which reignited Wednesday after- 1p.m .. evening program follows with November In the Michigan Bred Pari- mtnations will be held on week pnor throughout the night last Tuesday to extin- noon (above) and again Friday morning. see thf.first event going postward at 7:30 Mutuel. Four-year-old colt trotters go to the finals (Saturday, Nov. 17). guish a barn fire on seven Mile near Napier. story on page 4-A. p.m. postward on Saturday. Oct. 27 and Three-year-olds move Into the: Spontaneous combustion may have created Post time will remain the same this four-year-old filly pacers on Satur- spotlight on Friday, Nov. 2 for the season, with the first race going post- day, Nov. 10. Ron Hodge Memorial Pace.

InSide News Briefs Sports Briefs INCLUDEDINtoday's paper,as She asked that anyone who knows of a photographer MUSTANG UPDATE: WOMAN'S CLUB MOVES MEETING: This Friday's usual, is "Suburban Cable able to do this type of work call the chamber office at According to Northville ba- meeting of the Northville Woman's Club is changmglocation. 349-7640. sketball coach Ed Kritch, Weekly," your guide to televi- Due to renovations at the First Presbyterian Church. the you'd have to go back four or sion on the local cable system. meeting will take place at the First United Methodist Church MOM AND SON DANCE: Celebrate Sweetest Day the five years to find a win as big TheTV listings arekeyed to the on Eight Mile at Taft. The club will meet In the Friendship Hall sweetest way. Boys ages 5 to 12 are lnvtted to bring their best as his team's 43-35 tr1urnph on the upper level of the church at 1:30 p.m. girl (mom) to the Sweetest Day Dance sponsored by North· actual channel numbers on the over previously unbeaten U- ville Recreation from 7 to 9 p.m. Frtday. Oct. 19. vonia Franklin on Oct. 11. local Omnicom cable syst(,nl YOUNG ARTISTS WANTED: The Northville Public U- The dance will Include dance music. refreshments. bal- -- 11 brary ts sponsoring an art festival for young masters. grades loon animals and a magidan.1t will be held at the community Itwas a huge victory and It kindergarten through 12. center. 303W. Main. CosUs $8 for mom and one date, $12for came In grand style. Trailing Works will bejudged withlnfourage categories and may mom and two dates. by four points heading Into be of any medium. not exceeding 11 by 15 Inches. Entr1es ItIs recommended that each child have a dance partner the final quarter. the Mus- must be submitted by Monday. Oct. 22, after which they will so no one is left out of the fun. Bring grandma. and aunt or tangs outscored the Patr10ts be displayed In the library. For more information visit the li- older sister. Registration deadline is Oct. 17 unless tllled ear- 16-4 down the stretch to pull brary or call 349-3020. lier. Registrations accepted at Northvtlle Recreation. 303 W. It out. A swanning tr1angJe- Main. and-one Northville defense U-M ALUMNI MEET: The newly formed University of held Franklin's top scorer - Michigan Club of Northvtlle will hold Its first meeting at 7:30 All-Stater Dawn Warner - to p.m. Thursday, Nov. 8 at Genitti's Hole-In-the-Wall. lOB E. just one field goal and six Main. A cash bar will be avaJIable. points. The meeting is open to all residents of the Northville/ Novi area who have recently Joined or are Interested InjolnJng "In this game, we finished the club. Membership is open to alumni, parents of students. It out without a breakdown: Index parents of alumnI and friends of the University of Michigan. Kritch Said. 111at's some- At Home SA The formal meeting will be followed by refreshments thing we haven't been able to Business 5A and a social hour. do this season. so maybe ClYteCalendar 3A we've learned something ClasstIloos 9A CHAMBER SEEKS PHOTOS •.• The Northville Com- along tile way.- Education 2A munity Chamber of Commerce 1s looking for photos of the second Victorian Festlval. Anyone willing to share thetr pic- Franklin entered the game Food 7A tures is asked to contact the chamber at 349-7640 or to drop at 11-0 and entrenched In Pollee News 4A the photos ofT at 195 S. Main. first place In the Western Update 3A Lakes Activities Association. TIle team already had a vic- ••• AND PHOTOGRAPHERS: The Northville Com- For l1:Suls on yOlK wanl ads caD The mUnity Chamber of Commerce hopes to find a photographer tory over Northville to Its cre- Green Sheet aI (313) 348·3022 to take Victorian-style pictures at the 1991 Victorian Festi- dit (a 53-4 1 decision In the val. Chamber Director Laurie Marrs said the festival may in- South Lyon Tournament Got any spare Vlctorlan Festival photos? The chamber of com- clude a setup where people can have their picture taken in back on Aug. 30), but that all merce would like to hear from you. the old photographic style In Victorian costume. changed iast Thursday.

~-~------~_. 2-THE NORTHVILLE RECORDITHE NOVI NEWS-Monday, October 15, 1990


," Northville '-',.. Students offer ': turns out to greet ideas to ease its alumni graduation day

By SUZANNE HOll YEA By SUZANNE HOLL YEA But the Idea sounded a little risq StaH Wnter StaH Wri1Br to some board members. Thornton said the women's high Everything at Northville High A group of 35 NOY1High SChool se- heels could damage the track. Trus- SChool was "under the sea" OCt. 5 niors agreed the commencement tee Raymond Byers saJd control of and 6. ceremony needed to be changed to the students would be lost If they Don·t panic; there wasn't a terrtble help control d1sclpllne problems, but were allowed to throw their mortar flood at the hJgh school last weekend. they drew the llne at mOY1ngthe cere- boards. The homecoming theme was mony inside. ·Under the and parade and ihat's where you lose it."he salc:l. sea· The newly formed Student AdvIs- "Assoon as they throw the hats you'lL dance decorations were chosen to fol- ory Counc1l reported Thursday to the 4 low the theme. never get them back under control. NOY1Board of Education on Its deci- Whether the students would at~ The week's festMtles were organ- sions to cut out several speakers, eU- ta1n the goal of decreasing d1sclpllne Ized by the Student Congress includ- mlnate performances by the band problems by shortening the ce~- Ing a parade through the center of dur1ng the ceremony. and add a Northvllle to the hJgh school. mony was a concern to several bc:IarQ short speech of between three and members. Floats were built by the individual five minutes by the valedictorians Novl High SChool PrIncIpal Robert classes and organizations and para- and salutatorians to the 1991 com- ded down Center Street. Youngberg said he expected dlsdp- mencement exercises. line problems to be solved or at least. The Junior float was a giant. purple The students also planned to add lessened because students have. octopus depleted choaklng a Chur- ribbons and sashes to the com- been given a voice In the p1arui1ng chlll Charger, the opponent for the mencement garb to denote honors process. night's football game. rather than having time spent at the "The relationship between stu: The freshman float came In second ceremony announcing each stu- dents, admlnlstrators and the board . place With a shark scene. A Northvllle dent's honors. Mustang was shown dangling a creates a good feeling and coqUi- They decided they absolutely cUd Church1ll Charger as shark bait. butes to good behavior: Youngberg not want the ceremony to be held in- ·Chomp the Chargers" was the fresh- saJd. side unless it rained. man slogan. Superintendent Robert PiwkG .. Students W1ll no longer be llned up A Mustang mermaid worked at noted that the students were becom: by height If the Student Advisory Ing sinking the U.S.S. Charger on the s0- frustrated with the board's sug .. Council plan Is put In action. They phomore 11oat. The sophomores re- gestlons after having spent so much -. ceived third place. W1ll have the students lined up al- time making decisions about th~ phabetlca1ly and alternating women The senior class came In fourth ceremony. and men. place With its float of a fIsh. Trustee Byers saJd the board W1ll The band's float was not included Board members began to com- accept whatever the students come ment on the students' decisions In the competition because It was not up With. but one parent was not when they heard the idea. llnlshed on time. convinced. AStudents AgaJnst Driving Drunk Secretary Sandra Thornton sup- ported the idea because parents George Hoffman said he was afraid Doat showed a car plunging Into a could find their chUdren easier. the board would not allow the stu - . body ofwater. "Don't Drink and Dive" dents to do the ceremony as planned. . the 110atwarned. The group's 110at Abbey Cross was named as Northville High's Homecoming Queen But President Robert SChram said did not qualify for the competition be- he thinks the procession looks better "fm concerned that Iheard some . daJIyactivities throughout the week when the students enter by height as meddllng on the part of the school cause their traJIerwas not the regula· players celebrated the victory at a Kerns. The queen was Abbey Cross. tlon size. before the homecoming football dance Saturday night. they have In the past. board: Hollinan saJd. At the football game, Northvllle game. Inthe homecoming court were se- Over 500 students attended the niors, KevIn Gill, Mark hilIlnger, Bob The students' most controversial won 28-14 In what assistant princi- dance, Redmond saJd. He suggested the board allow the Organizer of the actMties and Holloway. Ryan Kilner. Dave Mor- Idea would have the new graduates students full control aver the 1991 pal Ralph Redmond called an air proud senior, Beth Ursel. expected game. Over 200 yards and four "It was one of the finest homecom- ante, Marcie Dart. Kata Gurski. ShIr· surround the football1leld after re- commencement exercises and monlr touchdowns were gaJned passing. the seniors to win all along. ing dances we've had: he saJd. '"l1le ley Nagy, Jenlfer Pidruzny. Karen ceiving their diplomas. They planned tor the results. to on the football1leld and throw A week-long competition between students showed up early In the Vogt;junlors,Joe Rootuly, BethCan- run "Juniors have a big ego: she night and danced until the lights nlzzaro and Tracy Jambor: sopho- their mortarboards when everyone Hollinan was generally pleased Northvllle classes for the most splrtt joked. came on: mores, Bob Subotlch and LesUe Al- had received a diploma, but the stu- that the board was allO\\1ng the stu- went to the senior class. The competi- len: and freshmen. Rob Nelson and dent group had not yet approved the dents to participate In revising the tion based on participation In was The student fans and football The homecoming king was TIm Eve Rief. Idea. ceremony.

i Doc Doyle ~~1 The 'tough' teachers are often the best ones:~~ ers In the bunrll~_ My son's friends discussing were harci and fast ~'t50 but there Is no ority" types who think entertaJnlng :~; e on this Issue. ognlzed him untU the second semes- their teacher. recently. They com- the Idds - wasting class time - will refer to need teachers who set high taught me how to WJ1te: :;~ ter because the lights were always standards, teachers who require plained of one English t8acher who Some of the most effect1ve teach- endear themselves to their students, So, It seems Mrs. X Is not Inter; "tough," who really pours out." wa. very ers have non-eharismatic personall. Students In the ·Freddy Frater- quality work. teachers who prepare ested In being the most popuJ4; work Students don't like teachers who students for the challenge they wI1l the on. A student has to wot1( to ties but can teach up a storm. And, nity" class may InItIa11y appear to en- teacher. She wants to be a teacl)ee get an "A" from her - and these are grade ridiculously hard; a class In face In college. yes, many very chartsmatic teachers joy the antics but later on will com- students say prepared them for cpl~ which one has to be a FUlbrtght Scho- Indeed, University professors re- all hlgtHchlevlng students. Som.. can teach up a storm. 1bere Is no pla1n about what they didn't learn. lege and Ufe. : : = lar to get an A or B. spect and often personally know or at times, my son and his friends are fixed rule. When Iwas a high school counse· Teachers who use grades as a least know of those high school She Is the teacher students wl1l iJ1 working 111110:30p.m. on her assign- How can you tell a good teacher? lor, wevlsltedcolleges togetlnforma- ments. To me, she doesn't seem rea- means and a weapon to control class- teachers who deliver students well- ways remember, . ; . FIrst off, they care about the Idds and tion from our former students f'F- sonable. She doesn't seem to be very room behavior are not In the stu· prepared for college work. want them to be successful. Second, gardlnghowwecould doa betterj06. dents' hall of fame. popUlar the way the kids talk. Do you they are organized, they know theIr Candidly. Iknow the high school Dr. James Doyle Is aNortJwiJ1e ~S; The discussion Invariably came Also, teachers who give out almost think Ishould talk to her about this? subject and are continually. on a down to our teachers. principal of the teacher to whom you dent andJormerTh>y Schools adm¥- all A's and B's for mediocre perfor- refer. The principal says her students dally basis, self-evaluatlng their per- Teachers I thought were average or stTator. Questions Jor this co/utrv) No. Because you also told me that mances to be Uked by the Idds. or to Write letters of appreciation to her formance. Their self-evaluatlon Is marg1nal. whom the Iddscomplained should be sent to Doc Doyle, c/o obr- college-bound juniors and seniors In keep parents off their backs. are not from college. Many students visit her usually more stringent than their about the most while In high school, server & Eccentric Newspape,.!;; your high school pjl want to get Into really respected. Just to say thanks. principal's formal evaluation of their often turned out to be the teachers 36251 Schoolcraft Road. Uvoni.c:t her class. That tells a story. Accord- Teachers who lower a student's The students say, "Mrs, X really performance. they say helped them the most. They 48150. Ing to you. she expects that the stu- grade from an A to a B because the dents will write at a college level be- They set hJgh standards for them- also told us what they didn't Uke In student "mouthed off' In class one teachers. fore leaving her class. She does not selves and have high expectations for day creates an even more angry ado- their students. accept medlOCI1ty. Let's thank her. What don't they Ukel They don't lescent to deal With. Uke the "I'm your buddy" teacher. In- From myexpertence, the most pa- They don't "shoot from the hip: These above situations, of course, deed, their message Is: I've got my pular teachers are not necessart1y When class starts they're ready. are exceptions, but they do occur. own buddies, you be my teacher. the best teachers. Yes, a very popular Most teachers use reason and logic In They are not the arrested adoles- One teacher showed so many mo- FULLER·O'BRIEN PAINTS teacher can be one of the best teach- cent "Freddy Fraternity or Sally Sor- asslf11unents and are fair In grading. vies, the Idds would say. "I never rec- These college-bound students you ~~FALLING PRICES!1!1

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Richard Headlee said no to a wrtte- mUllon could come from freezes on at opponent Kelley In campalgn for governor on his be- state h1r1ng and on "unsound con· halfby the Oakland CountyTaxpay- "It's a waste oftheir votes, Allmy money. time and effort tracts" that the adm1nJstraUon has ers Assoctatlon. are going to rolling back (property) taxes and electing awarded "polJtlca1 a1l1es." Other sav· In normal times. a state attorney "It's a waste of their votes. All my Ingscould come from "tak1ngout lay- general can chase dishonest cellular money. time and effort are going to John Engler. who's helping me," ers" of employees In such depart· telephone dealers and transm1sSlon ments as IJcenslng and Regulation rolling back (property) taxes and Richard Headlee, repair shops. ·But these aren't nor- electing John Engler, who's helping and USIng state workers to provide mal times: said CM Taylor. me; said Headlee. 60. chairperson of Chair. Taxpayers Untted "protectJve servlces" rather than to The Repub1Jcan challenger said Taxpayers United. tlll four new Lansing office buJ1dJngs. Incumbent Democrat Frank Kelley With that he tossed a 5-eent piece Added Headlee: "State govern- falls to understand "the threat to d- on the table, symbolizing the weekly ment growth has been ahnost double V1lIzed life In our dtles· from organ- property tax rellef he and John En- they had frustrated the Intent of the Headlee's group would cut assess- the rate of 1nf1aUonsJnce 1982 (when Ized crime and drugs. ~r say Gov. James B1anchard's 1978 Headlee tax limitation ments from the current 50 percent of Blanchard was elected and the bot· -rm running against a 3O-year in- program will provide. amendment. market value to 45 and then 40 per- tom of the recess1on): He suggested cumbent. - Taylor, 47, told oakland 'Engler. the Republican guberna- Vincenti said his board acted with- cent CNertwo years. It will go on the dismantling the Infrastructure In the Young Republicans In Fannlngton torial nominee. came to HeaJlee's out consulting Headlee. -But In a free 1992 ballot unless the Legislature Department of5oclaJ Servlces, ellmJ· Monday night. "The only other publlc qplU1ers In the Alexander Hamilton election, we don't need his OK. Voters adopts It first. naung some of the 2,000 non- figures who have been around that lrisurance Co. In Farmington Hills to can vote for whomever they want: Cost estimates of that plan. which teaching employees In the Depart- long are Fidel Castro and Queen Ell· declare Blanchard's tax relief plan Headlee was the GOP's 1982 nom- Engler favors, range from $1 bl11Jon ment of Education and ousUng zabeth II. -an Insult: Inee for governor. (Headlee's) to $1.5 bl11Jon (House "thousands of Oaksters: -Unless one Is a dJvIne-right mo- Engler urged angJy voters to mail Taxation chairman Lyn JondabL D- Engler denounced the Influence of narch or a despot, 30 years are "~ngler endorsed Taxpayers Un- CUFF TAYLOR 1t~'S proposal to cut all property nickels to Blanchard's State capitol East lansing). Rellefwould go to bu- two teachers unions, the MIchIgan enough. Thirty and outr said Taylor. taXes 20 percent over two years - $1 office In lansing (ZIP 48913) to pro- sinesses as well as homeowners. EducaUonAssodaUon and MIchIgan echoing the auto Union's pension "These are not novel proposals. bUllon In rellef. test the governor's -meager, nickel a State government would have to Federation of Teachers, on slogan. They're law In many states; Taylor 'Headlee, 50, learned about the week In property tax fellef: reimburse local units the lost re- Blanchard's educational polley. "l11e Kelley. now 65. was appointed by said. wrltc;-In endorsement Tuesday Blanchard proposed capping venue If Headlee's plan becomes law. unions are flgbtlng refonn and are Gov. John Swalnson (1961-62) and A close associate of gubernatorial mqrnlng when he reached his office. homeowners' assessments at the The candidates differ on how It hypersenslUve to rich, out-of- won his current term with more than candidate John Engler, Taylor Is H!!oo,dbeen In a 5alt Lake Cltyhospl- rate of consumer price inflation and should be done: fonnula school districts, - he said. 65 percent of the vote. lmown In legal cIrc1es and Is c0- tal for tests three years to the day af· returnlng the dilference as an Income • Blanchard's treasury department Reminded that he was speaking In Nevertheless, Taylor, an East chairman ofa screening panel for the ter receiVIng a heart transplant. tax rebate. Cost to the state treasuI)': said, "1be most likely revenue source a r1ch. out-of·fonnula school distrlct. lansing trla1 and defense lawyer and appointment of federal Judges, bcimlnlck Vincenti, cbaInnan of $20mil1Jon a year, dMded by 9.3 mil- would be local revenue s~ - Engler didn't back dawn. equating former two·year assistant Ingham In an Interview and In reply tn ui~

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4-THE NORTHVillE RECORMHE NOVl NEWS-Monday. OCIObet 15. 1990 I Police News

OUllA: Township pollce arrested a speaker klck·box and cassette tapes 25-year·old NorthVille man Oct. 3 Ing an Improper turn and both vehi- in a case. cles were towed from the scene. The and charged him With dr1v1ng a vehi· The theft occurred between 2 a.m. man refused medical attention. cle under the Influence ofalcohol. Po· and 5 p.m .. the owner told po1lce. llce said the man was northbound on In the first of two accidents Oct. 7, SUver Springs near Lake Success FELONY WARRANT ARREST: a 17-year-old Northville man driving when he was arrested. Northville City po1lce arrested a man east on Edward Hines Drive lost con- A 29·year-old South Lyon man on an outstanding felony warrant the trol of his vehicle whUc' turning onto was charged With operating a vehicle night of Oct. 10. P01lce had been dis· eastbound Seven Mile and struck the under the ln11uence after he was ar· patched to Debra Lane to Investigate "Keep Right" sign on the median. He rested on westbound Six MIle near the report of a black man knock1ng was cited for dr1v1ng at an unsafe Northville Road Oct. 10. township on doors there. They found a speed. At 3:30 p.m., a 19·year-old poll~ said. 22-year·old Ann Arbor resident who Farmington Hills woman drtvlng east matched the descr1ption at Lany and on Eight Mile struck another east- MEIJER lARCENY: A 56·year· Jeffrey drive and asked for Identifica· bound car stopped for a red llght at old Northville woman was charged tion. A computer check revealed four wllh larceny after she was arrested NoviRoad. She was cited for faJ1lng to outstanding warrants, a felony war· stop. for shoplliUng at Meijer, 20401 Hag· rant for stealing a car in East Lans· gerty. township police said. The wo- Ing. a bench warrant for falling to ap· The next day, a glrl was injured man was arrested Oct. 4 at 1:12 p.m .. pear in court on a charge of assault when she fell off the tJ".mk of a car after she attempted to conceal Items and battery at M1chlgan State UnI· turnIng east onto Walnut Street from In her purse. pollce said. verslty (M5U). and two bench war· East Street. She was transported to rants for contempt of court In other 51. Mary Hospital In Uvonla by Com- LARCENY AT GAS STATION: A cases. The man was turned over to mUnity Emergency Medical Services. bearded white male descr1bed as East Lansing pollce after his arrest. 5' 5' WIth a medium buUd is sought Inconnection WIth the theft of20 car· CITY OUIL ARREST: Northville tons of ctgarettes from the MobUgas City po1lce arrested a 20-year-old MALICIOUS DESTRUCTION: A Pholo by BRYAN MITCHEll 1989 Ford pickup sustained $60 in station at 39425 Six MIle last week. Redford man for drtvlng under the in- The city council has approved a plan to rebuild the lot northeast of Main and center streets MobU employees said the man was fluence of alcohol Oct 12. The vehicle damage Wednesday night when an unknown person smashed out the wearing a blue 'Powerhouse" Jacket was stalled on eastbound Edward driver's side vent Wlndow. and black Jeans and stuffed the ci- Hines Drtve about 3:51 a.m. when a garettes In his Jacket and pants city pollee om.cer came on the scene. The owner of the truck informed pockets. The driver told the oIDcer he was reo Novl pollce that the vehicle was Lot rehuilding 0 Kd Employees said they WlSUcceSS· turning a frtend's car frol!l a party. He parked in front of his Vl1lagewood St. fully attempted to catch the man af- failed sobrtety tests and was ar- ter he fled the station anrl r.>n 'OI\1,th residence when the Incident rested. Hisblood alcohol level was la- occurred. Nothing was missing from By STEVE KELLMAN through a more efficient layout of left more room for landscaping on the down Haggerty. ter measured at .13 percent. above parking spaces. Most of the soaces The cigarettes were valued at the lnslde of the truck. Slaff Wnter comer; and added a row of par~ the state's legal Umlt of under .10 will run in rows from east to west. An along the west side of the Edwards $291. according to police records. percent. There were no known Witnesses The city council has approved a exit from the lot at the corner of Dun- caterer building in response tocoun. and there are no current suspects. $93,565 reconstruction plan for the lap and Hutton streets wll1 be closed. cI1 suggestions, VEHICLE LARCENY: Thieves FENDER BENDERS: Northville parking lot behind the MarqUis Council members were satisfied ransacked a 1979 Chevrolet Monte The new plan adds a total of 35 City pollce reported four accldents Theater. With several changes made to the Carlo that was stuck In the mud In a parking spaces to the 144-space lot, recently. On Oct. 6, about 3:30 p.m., Citizens wUh infOrmation about the The C'OstIncludes $75,884 for ~n- plan after an lnltIal review Sept. 10. field near Seven Mile Road, the cars at a cost of $2,456 per space If the a 24'year-old Brighton man driving a above incidents are urged to caU struction: $10,092 for englneering, City englneers McNeely & Uncoln owner told Northville Township contingency fund is not used. The re- motorcycle south on Griswold north Nort1wf1Je CUy PoUce at 349·1234. surveying and lnspections: and a Associates e1lmlnated a drtve Into the police. construction wll1 be funded by a of Main attempted to make a U-turn Northville Township Police at 10·percent contingency fee. northeast section of the parking lot The owner told pollce thieves stole recently-isSUed $130.000 specla1 u. and was struck by another south- 349-9400. or the Novi Pollee 7Tp line The reconstruction wll1 increase off the Hutton 5lref't entrance. a anAM/F'M cassette player, ampUfler. sessment bond, and should begin bound vehicle. He was cited for mak- at 349-6887. the lot's capacity to 179 spaces, move that added parking spaces and this month. Tough City fire hall blaze may expand wrecks if schools agree

Continued from 1 "I think it·s quite possible in 12 months we won't be using our Jail barn cells: he said. stacking often forces the department to move other trucks before being By MIKE TYREE Heating equipment between the able to respond to an emergency With proposed storage space and the ex- Slaff Wnter the appropriate vehicle, isting pollee department would pre- Spontaneous combustion is a pos- vent inside access to the area, Wal-. Allen said the staclt1ng is not the ters added. . sible cause of a fire that destroyed a only problem With the existing fire hay barn and damaged horse trailers station. "We've got no space for any at TJM Farms on seven MIle Road indoor trainlng at all right now: he Councl1 Member Jeny Mittman: last week. said. The station does not even have asked, "If there's any potentIal that Township F1re Chief Robert Toms room for storage lockers for the fire- we're going to comblne these services said the cause of the Oct. 10 early flghters themselves, he said. (with the township), is It Wise to do morning blaze has not been deter- this expansion now?" mined. But he said a chemlca1 reac- An alrcompressor to rechargeoxy· tion among bales ofhay and straw in- gen tanks has to be stored in the sta- Walters pointed out that the ex· side the building at 50265 Seven MIle tion's small office now because of the panslon is stlll more than a year away could have started the fire. lack of space, he added. at best. He said councl1 approval of •Absolutely. If you put green hay the pre1lmlnary plan wou:d merely inside a barn you're going to have a Architect Ron Cieslak was on allow him to approach Northville fire: he said. "Barn fires With hay are hand at the Oct. 1council meeting as Publlc School officlals about the not uncommon. We're not sure that's plan. The addition would extend sev· well. to explain the changes to the lat- eral feet west onto the school-owned what It was. but Irs part of our est plan. "The retalnlng walls to sup- Investigation: CommUnity Center property at 303 port that portion can, In effect. be the W. Main St., and school approval of No animals were lnslde the barn walls of a basement storage area." he and Toms reported no fire depart- said, the plan is needed before tlna1design ment inJuries. work and construction could begin. Township firefighters responded to a bUrning barn call at 1:58 a.m. Councll Member Paul Folino "' think it's baSically on hold at Oct. 10.Assistant ChlefRlckRosselle asked If a pollce garage could be in- that polnt. untU we get Into budget was at the scene by 2:02a.m. and im- PIlot) by STEVE KELLMAN corporated Into the proposed storage discussions In the sprtng." Waltets mediately reported a "condition red" Firefighters attack mounds of burning straw with a hose Wednesday afternoon. area, saying, "For 15 years I've been said. . fire. F1ameshad engulfed one barn by t:rylng to get a police security garage Firefighters were able to llmlt the Firefighters spent six hours Wed- water. down there: But City Manager Ste- that time and were threatening an fire to one building. which Toms said nesday morning attempting to douse "We'll probably have to take e

land, attract poachers to a deer herd Township Wednesday - but at 7 hunters have a legal right to take deer Coutblaed from ! tion officer dispatched to the scene. "Butchering deer and leaving' that the DNR said has no natural p.m., well after Thompson found the and would not have left the dressed he said. them alonslde the road to rot Is dis· ; enemies. butchered animal. animal. he said. Thompson said Ulegal deer kUls a huny to leave the carcass, town· Johnson said the animal found on "1here's absolutely no reason to do gusting.· she said. "' hope they (DNRl • Development Is pushing more deer will stay on her mlnd. wll1 patrol the area: ship pollce officer Matthew Mayes Six Mile displayed traits associated something like that: he said. said. Mayes Investigated the possible into area roadways. The DNR esti· mates that car-deer accidents have With a poachingvicUrn. He llald "sad- Bow·hunting is allowed In Nl)rth· poaching complaint and said the ville Township. Township ordinance doubled In the past four years. Last dUng", or str1pping off valuable sec· deer kUling was "suspldous'- forbids the use of firearms on all available statistics - from 1988 - tions of deer meat. can be accom· 'Somt:One that had permission to township land except designated rUle Indicate ISO car/deer accidents. plished With "a couple of s1lces With a .- L.1.kethe deer wouldn't have left the knife: ranges. meat like that: he said. Deer poaching In the area Is a The deer probably was not felled Johnson said a DNR·sponsored • Truffles And the hasty exit of the person or palnfull reality. Johnson said. by bow hunters, Johnson said. He poachlnghot1lne Is a good tool to cur- persons wl.o butchered the animal "We haven't had a lot of problems said a legal bow season Is open from tall poaching. Those who think gtves Thompson cause for concern. With poaching In Northville Township Oct. 1 . Nov. 14 and again Dec. 1 - poaching Is occurlng can call • Handmade "It makes me think Iscared them (but) we have had arrests: Johnson after the close offirearm season. Bow 1·800·292·7800 to get a conserva· away: she said. "I don't know what said. "1here are deer and there are Chocolates people like that wll1 do. It renlly undeveloped tracts (where poaching bothered me ... , was kind affright- could occur).- • Heart Shaped Chocolate ened later: DENTURE WEARERS Thompson's discovery of the Poachers take no small risk when ARE YOU HAVING TROUBLE WITH YOUR DENTURES? Dipped Brownies slaughtered anlmal - which town· they engage In their craft. Johnson said. Although I am a general dentist, not a ship pollee and Department of Na- spedallst, J ha~ treated denture wearers and tural Resources officials say prob· • Caramel Chocolate Apples Illegal possession or illegal k1l1lng their problems for aver 20 years. J may be ably was poached - brings to light able to help you. If you have any of the of a deer bring mandatory penalties. several points to consider when dis· following problems: looseness. aore spots. • Chocolate Roses Including a flne of between poor lower ridge. lIOI1Ietlmes even no lower cuss~ the local deer population. $500·1,000. a mandatory fivedays In ridl!e. '11oaUng" lower denture. Inrornx:t bite, • Tortes • Cheesecakes • Pastries Jail and loss of hunting prtvileges. inability to eat properly. teeth too shon. or • Plenty of deer UveWithin an elastic unnatural RppearlUlCe . boundary that Includes Northville 'n addition, the violator must pay No charge (or consultation. VISA, Township, despite the area's rapid MasterCard. and most Insurance accepted. $1,000 restitution to the state. Those OeDenJ deatiltly for: cbDdreD aDd tldulta, development. DNR WUdlife BiolOgist mandatory penalties do not Include lDclucllD& c:IeuIID&. z·ra,., 1IIJ1qa, CDmIIedc: located In the TIm Payne said five to ten deer per court costs. Johnson said. boadJD&, ellb'actioaa, CI'OWIIS, brtctCee, aDd Laurel Common~ ShoppmR Ccnrcr pudaI deatllla. square mUe inhabit the area. With 37120 W. 6 Mile higher concentrations In more reo Deer kllled by vehicles are offered mote portions of the township. to those lmolved In the accident. ac· MANUEL J. KANER, D.D.S., P.C. LIVONIA cording to township Pollee Chief Chip 29911 Welt Six Mile Rd. (JuI' W. of Mlddlebelt Rd.) In LivonIa • Those remote areas. including Snider. He saJd one car/deer accl· 464·8170 large parcels of state and county dent was reported In NorthV1lle 261·4320 Tues ·Fri 8-6. Sat 9.5 "



r~ary DiPaolo/Focus: Small Business i Home gas fees Firing is unpleasant but necessary remain steady

It's been said that Incompetence Is as visible as tence to move your business Into the potentlallt Is come your own. Despite soaring oU prtces, Consum- Consumers Power's gas custom- excellence, laziness as evident as dedication. capable of developing. Just as Incompetence must not be rewarded or ers Power Co. says Its natural gas ers can expect costs slmUar to last Is your business just getting by? Have you tolerated. neither can medlOC11ty.Successful bus- customers can anticipate stable wlnter - a 22-percent decrease Crom The first step In pruning your organization Is to home-heating prtces and ample sup- five years ago. For a normal month found that the future of your company Is being evaluate individual employee performance, per- Iness owners and managers rea1Ize that medio- pUes this wlnter. this wlnter, a typical CP resldenUal suffocated by lack of performance? Has your bot- haps using a 1 to 10 rating system, with 10being cJ1ty Is as contagious as excellence. Just as your tom line level of profit petered out with the passage top people inspire and motivate performance from The Jackson-based utility. selV1ng gas user w1ll pay $112.81. based on the highest score Indlcatlng exceptional perfor- many Oakland, nortllwestem Wayne consumption of25,OOOcubic feet. CP of time? If so. It may be time to prune your mance. Anyone with an overall score of 5 or under all their fellow empl'!1'ee=I,your medlocre perfor- organization. and Uvtngston suburbs, has 100 serves 3.4 million Michigan Is a candidate for pruning. mers erode the strength of your entire PnmIng means cutting away at weak or dead organlzaUon. percent of Its fuel requirements sec- residents. limbs so there Is more room and Ughtfor the strong Once this has been done, poor performers may ured by firm. long-term supply con- As a successful and competent business owner, tracts with Interstate pipeline sup- Home heating 011 and propane ones to grow. It makes complete sense to any gar- be given a short probation pertod to Improve per- you must accept the responsibility to cut the weak U d od ding consumers are seeing sharp cost In- dener, but It represents one of the most difficult formance. If they do not. be rld of them. Umbs away carefully so those remaining have p ers an pr ucers, accor to creases, and Morrts said the com- jobs there Is when the garden we're ta1kIng about ample oppottunity and space In which to sprout Michael G. Morrts. executlve vice Is your bUSiness. Although employees are seldom fired because president for natural gas and pany Is receiving 80 to 90 requests they are habitual goof-oft'sor IntJ1nslcally lazy, the and grow. Your business cannot afford to cany ar- keUng per day for Ildtural gas seIVIce - It's easy to put offth1s sometimes-painful man- vast majortty who are terminated simply are un- ound dead weight. mar1'hese 'agreements protect our double the rate of the same time last agement responslbUlty, but It's much worse to able to perform their duties satisfactortly. leave a bad situation alone. Without pertodlc eva- Mary DIPaolo IsaNortJu.;Ue resident. and owner customers against histortcally un- year. 1uation and realistic pruning. your company w1ll Assuming that you provide employees with the ofMarke1rends. a Fannlngton HUIsbusiness con- certain energy prtces which have ra- CPOslarge natural gas storage ca- become burdened with one or more employees approprlate training and support necessaIY to sulting.firm She Is also producer and host of the pldly Increased for other home heat- padty allows It to buy gas during 01I- who do not have the skills, moUvation and persls- succeed at their jobs. don't let their problems be· cable television series ·Chamber Perspectives.· Ing fuels,· Morrts told a lansing news season periods. when the cost of gas I______Business Briefs ------11 S~t~~t~'sjobiess . MADONNA COLLEGE, Uvonia. w1ll offer a seminar entitled ·Supervision and Management for the Woman Manager,· Saturday, Oct. 27, from 8:30 am to 3 p.rn. The cost Is $50. Major topics to be discussed Include the working rate heads down woman's role In the '905 and beyond. and balanCIng career. education, soctalllfe and famIly. Two highly successful women executives w1ll be Michigan's seasonally adjusted sumed fall classes. the presenters. unemployment rate dropped 0.7 per- Auto IndustIy employment held For more lnfonnatlon, contact the Continuing Education Depart- cent to 7.2 percent In September. steady In September. but construc- mentat591-5188. Madonna College Is located atl-96 and Levan Road, Jack C. Barthwell m, director of the tion and other manufactUring em- UvonJa. Michigan Employment Security ployment declined. Commission. reported. •A larger than normal number of According to estimates prepared summer jobseekers leaving the SHIRLEY MALONEY,longtlme resident of Northvllle. has recently for the state by the federal Bureau of workforce also contributed substan- returned from Oxford UniversIty. Oxford. England. Labor Statistics. the number of job- tlal1y to the drop In unemployment,' Maloney, occupational therapist and educator with the tlnn Oak- less workers declined by 31.000 In land County Occupational Therapy. Is well known for her work with Barthwell said. ~ost of these job September to 331.000. seekers were young people who chJldren and adults having learning disabilities or other In September 1981;l, Mlchigan's diagnoses stopped looking for work and re- that Impede progress In learning and/or socJal sItuations. She Is pur- jobless rate was 7.8 percent with turned toschool.· suing her doctorate In educational psychology. 360.000 out of work. Barthwell attributed the decline In The statewide unemployment rate DR. KATHRYN A. HOPPE, Northville dentist and resident. was re- unemployment partlally to employ- fell to Its lowest September level since DR. KATHRYN HOPPE cently recognIzed for her eight years of seIVlce as Chalrperson/ SHIRLEY MALONEY ment gains In retail and wholesale 1988 when the rate was 7.0 percent. trade, the service Industries and In l1lInolsand Michigan had the highest Member of the Dental Health Education Committee of the Detroit DIs- PrIor to his promotion, Blackwell was a membership seIVlces rep- government. where colleges, univer- September unemployment rate trict Dental Soclety. Dental health awareness and education of the sities and local school districts re- among the naUon's 11 largest states. public are the committee's pr1me goals. resentative In the CAM marketing department He holds a bachelor's '_ Hoppe worked dJUgenUy for the past several years to promote degree In advertising from Michigan State UnJverslty. Ch11dren's Dental Health Month (Februaxy) actlvltles, which Includes The Construction Association of Michigan Is a trade association the well known JXlster contest as well as class room seminars for stu- of over 3,000 members including owners, contractors. sub- 1·800·4·CANCER llents. She also worked with ·Senlor Smile Week:- (May) actMties forse- contractors and others Involved In the commercial construction nlor dtlzens. Industry. As a member oftheAmerlcan DentalAssoclation. Michigan Den- tal AssocIation. Detroit District Dental SocJety, the Detroit Dental CllnJc Club (a study club). and other assocJations, Hoppe keeps very active In advanced dental tralnlng. this Includes dental updates In Cosmetic Dentistry. bleaching. sealants and so on.

SCOTTW. BLACKWEll ofNovi has been promoted to the position of account executive for CAM Magazine. The publication Is produced monthly by the Construction Association of Michigan (CAM). Blackwell w1ll be resJXlnslble for advertising, promotional and sales efforts related to the ma~e which covers construction Indus- tty news throughout Michigan.

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______-.. ~ ..Jl 6-THE NORTHVILLE RECORMHE NOVI NEWS-Monday. Odobef 15. 1990 Panic attack can hit anyone IMarcie Walker/Child Care It's an equal School districts get opportunity in on child care game

disorder Nt the need for child care In· programs for preschoolers of dlffe. creases. more school districts are be- rent ages. Intoa state ofrelaUve ease and weU coming actively Involved Inthis busi- In addltion. the Center has a day being. a terrtfy1ng fef'ling of Impend ness as an extenUon of their services care program, which operates from 7 U1g doom Intervenes. overcoming Its to the community. a.m. to 6 p.m. Children In the day Victim. Not only do they offer before and care program may also be enrolled In Lynne Ponder. a Northville resI- after school programs. but day care the pmlChool, which is In the same dent. recalls her first panic attack In and preschool programs. as well. building. Just that way. Many Oakland county d1str1cis, The center makes use of Bloom- "Iwas 18years old and doing fine. such as 1Toy. Rochester Hills. West field Hills resources, with a SOCIal sitting In my coUegeclassroom. when Bloomfield and Bloomfield Hills. worker. speech pathologist and SUddenly my heart began to pound. I have developed a Wide range of child others to help children with specla) felt choked and dizzy. and Ibegan to care prof18JD8 to meet the needs of needs. Speda1 education programs hyperventilate: she said. their communities. are also offered there. "I was scared to death - thought I In 1985. the RttreaUon and Com- Most of the teachers at the Fox was having a heart attack." mUnity ServIces DMslon of Bloom- Hills Center have either advanced de- Ponder picked up her books and field Hills Schools opened the Fox: grees or specla.\J.zed training Inearly Just ran out of the class to her dorm Hills Early Childhood Center. In the childhood. room. resting unUl the dJzz1ness and former Fox: Hills ElementaJy School. In 1988-1989. the school distrlct hyperventilating stopped. which had been closed due to declin- partidpated In a coUarborative prog_ "When It did stop. I thought 1 had Ing enrollment. ram with Oakland University. had a mlnor heart attack. It was so According to Fox: Hills SUpervlsor PartIcipants Included 48 pre- real. so terrlfy1ng. 1 felt near death." Sally Smith. the Idea for the center school through second-~de teach- DIY Buegelelsen. a counseling was that of School Superintendent ers throughout the distr1ct who com- therapist In Southfield, has worked W. Robert DockIng. pleted a 2o-credJt program. with a large number of panic attack Virtually the enUre one-story. According to the J0lnt report on the Victims In her practice. open-wall style building has been project, this group was sIngled out "Some Victims fear they are having overtaken by hundreds of preschool- -because P-2 children learn diffe- a stroke or losing control of them- ers In a variety of programs. rently from older chlldren. Young selves. But people have panic attacks Opening withJust OYer 100 chlld- students acquire knowledge and sO- aU over the world. It's an equaloppor- ren In 1985, last year's enrollmental- dals1dlls best from active, hands-on tW11tycondition though there is a most reached 400. technfques Including games and dra. heredJtaJy tendency for it," she said." The Fox: Hills Center offers a vari- matic play'- " Dr. Hany Meisner, a Southfield In- ety of programs: parent-toddler clas- temist, said panic attacks are related ses:aprognunfor2 ~ to 3year oIds. Marcie Walker Isa.free-Iance Writer to agorophobla (abnormal fear of where the parent Initially stays with who has done ~ research on open spaces). the child until he is ready to be left by chJJd care In the metropolUan Detroit "'lbere is help forVicUms: he said. himself: and two. three. and ftve-day area. "'lbere are arudoUUc drugs which may help, and also counseling. Some people settle for less than the opti· mum. gIvlng In to the agorophobia to somewhat Umlt their Ufestyles: 1 Buegelelsen pointed out that panlc attacks are hard to diagnose since they mimic other conditions such as hypoglycemia and heart "TROOPER TALK" problems. "Agorophobla used to be thought Q. I am bUilding a dune buggy and want to license it for of as a homebound condition With use on the public highway. Do I need a hom? ~nous elements of fear. Fear of a paruc attack can be overwhelming: !>hesaid. A. All motor vehicles, including a motorcycle or moped, "General therapy is helpful for when operated upon a highway shall be equipped with a these people because they need ther- horn in good working order audible for 200 feet. The horn dpy to help with cogniUve thinking: cannot emit an unreasonable loud or harsh sound or For Ponder. that first attack. more whistle. than 13years ago. left her fearful and shaken. QUESTION A STATE TROOPER "I went to a medical doctor who Lynn Ponder recalls her first panic attack, whIch occurred while she was In college ABOUT TRAFFIC SAFETY found nothing wrong and said: 'You -' nay be bUrnlng the candle at both that are impoSsibly high for them- counseling. both from Oakland Uni- (once impossible for her). To reach send quesbons to ends: - she rc:caIled. sdves. have much anxiety, are afraid verSity. She utilizes the home study her. call 557-3960. -/::''ven though nothing specillc of life and U\ing and always think program of the Toledo center. and MICHIGAN STATE POUCE negatively." TRAFFIC SERVICES DIVISION showed up. Iwas put on heart medJ- tapes and attends many seminars. •As far as panic attacks, you can·t 7119 NORTH CANAL ROAD A veteran ofyears of helping panic Line and valJwn but conUnut"d hav Ponder has succeeded In changing tell by looking at someone. I know LANSING. MICHIGAN 48913 UlgpanJc attacks. sometimes once a Victims. she holds a master's degree her life and Is now speaking to now that laughter IS a \\ onderful way day. I had aU kinds of treatments un- 1I1 education and a master's In groups. studylng. and dr1V1nga car to handle anxiety: til I got counseUng recently that taught me coping skills. "Ileamed I wouldn·t dle from this and could recover from panic attacks • Before Ponder was out of the woods. she had become addicted to valJum. caund herself unable to dr1ve Keep in a (ar. and discovered beer and crossed the line to alcoholism which masked her symptoms. -I realized Ineeded treatment and touch went to a center for alcohol depen- dency: she said. When she was flnaIJy on the way to getting her own house In order, she with realJzed tha t she also wanted to be- come a therapist herself and help people find answers to their prob· yourself lems. Currently she attends an Oak- land University counseling program "where Div went." Buegelelslen. a native Detrolter who IS affiliated With the Midwest Center for Stress and Arudety In Your health IS Important to Toledo. exp1alned that panic attack you. It can be especIally Im- Victims have certain personaUty Lynn Ponder (I) and Dr. Dlv Buegelelsen, counseling therap- traits 1I1 L'Ommon. "'lbey set goals Ist, are interested In helping panic attack victims portant to the people close to you. That's why Jl'S so Vital 10 keep m touch WIth yourself with a breast self-exammalJon every month. And, if you are over 40. your health ean depend on a mammogram. A mammogram tS a Simple x-ray exammalJon thaI deteclS breast GOODJf'iEAR lumps long before you or your doctor WIll nOllce them. BUY AMERICAN! AMERICA'S LAST MAJOR TIRE COMPANY! ," 1$1000 OFF1r-- FREE-TIRE-' St. Mary Hospital offers two opportunities this rail to help you keep in touch with yourselr; I 4 WHEEL COMPUTER I II I BREAST AND SKIN CLINIC" WEDNESDA Y, OCTOBER 24, 3.S P.M. October I~ Brea~t Cancer Awarenes\ Month. Jom the fight agamst breast cancer With a com- I BALANCE AND I ROTATION plete Ilrra\t exam by a phYSICIanand mSlrUClIonon self-exammalJon. The cost IS$10." I R:g~Ja~~~~oo" I ...os T CARS A UGH T TRUCKS I I FALL WOMEN'S MONTH - Dunng the month of NOVEMBER, SI. Mary Health Care ~ ~T~~ :~"~ ~ WITH PURCHASE OF Center-NorthvIlle Will offer a complete gynecological exam and cancer screenrng. The COSIIS COMPUTERIZED I LUBE OIL & FILTER I $45." I FRONT END II' I o (If neccHar), a mammogram Will be done. usually covered by Insurance.) AppomunenlS are necessary. Please call 591·2913 for more mfonnauon or 10 make an I ALIGNMENT II REGULAR $1795 I appomunrnt. Your health may depend 011 u. I $14 OFF II $31.00 VALUE I lit 1_ W~.": (_~U~ [)~ 11 '~90_ ~ L __ ~S~~~OHT m~KS o_~ ~ C~~P ~s~ _o~

~St. Mal}" Hospital 16475 W. AVE MIlE RD. rormIIlgtoIl LIVONIA, MIOflGAN 4'1 :J4 330 •• Gn:Ind IIt¥If 28... L------464-41OO 477-8870 SI. Mary Hospital St. Mary Health St. Mary Health WIIIIand Family Medical CeRler Id. Cart Center. Livonia Care Center. NorthvUIe ... w.wan.... 1t33JM~Rd • " "'I MlddlelleltRd. G ... W.511 Mile Rd. L1w.... Mlcblpn 41152 711-1110 L1Y.... Mlclllpn 411. NortIIwIIII, Mlclllpn 41167 j''''. 474-2910 421"1162 347·1070 ."

= Mond8Y, OCtober 15, 1880-THE NORTHVUE RECORDITHE NOVI NEW8-7 b MONDAY FOOD fChef Larry Janes :IEleanor Be Ray Heald/Wine I "Bosso' left Cider Mill Season Catch up on behind some your reading Reading Is the key to mastering any subject. Wine Is no exception. great recipes PeriodIcals keep the sertous enophile lwIne lover) current about trends. market Issues and new wine releases. The neophyte finds topIcs of I am fortunate to have frtends llvtng In Interest and then, wtth the use of a reference other parts of the country who send me book. may broaden the base of information. weekly food pages from their hometown We write for several national publlcations. so newspapq-s. we'll start our recommendations wtth these Last \\&k, as usual. I received a large first. envelope stuffed with food sections from The Wine News Is tabloId format and pub- tPe Arizona Republic, compllments of John llshed bimonthly. Three regularly featured col- ,and Christie Gibson, formerly of Plymouth I umnists offer thelr personal. lively commen- and now heralding from the Grand Canyon tary In each Issue. Feature writers offer unlque l;)tate. perspectives on the world of wines Including accurate 'how to travel' pIeces. f' One of the features I enjoy most In thls I parUcuiat paper Is their "recipe request· The WIne News Buyllne Is a tasting recom- column that has readers request favortte mendation feature. Wines are tasted blind. ,n::dpes from the old days. Seems that one then rated on a numerical scale. J?aTt1cular reader had been searchlng for Subscriptions are $15 per year and can be ~e old \'mIlon of Rice Knsple Squares. ordered from The Wine News. 353 Alcazar Ave. • ' Fol1owtng the paper In dated sequence, I Suite 101-B, Coral Gables. F1a. 33134. qo~ that evetyone sent In their Rice The guarterly RevIew of WInes, published ~!lple Squares recipe that used the typI- four tlmes annually as the name denotes. pre- Cal butter and melted marshmallows. The sents wlne essays written by some of the most reader, however, was looking for an older knowledgeable wine experts In the Engllsh- version calling for corn syrup. vinegar, speaking world. including several Masters of butter and molasses. Wine from the United KIngdom. . 1.0 and behold, yesterday. while search- Each Issue Includes a Wine Quiz (with an- Ing for an oatmeal cookie recipe. I came swersl) to sharpen your wine wlts and some across an old recipe box: IDled wlth my wine revlews to sharpen your palate. late mother-In·laws hand-Inscrtbed recipes. An annual subscrtption Is $12.95 and can as I called her. would not have be requested from Quarterly RevIewof Wines. ·Bosso: PholD by BRYAN MITCHELL Garfield Ave.• Winchester, Mass. 01890. been put Into the category as one of the lfyou're Interested In the technical aspects world's better cooks. She could, however. Jim Mccann dumps apples Into the washing machine at Parminter's Northville Cider Mill of wine, then Practical Winery & Vineyard whip up a mean roast beef, complete wlth (PWV) Is for you. All you ever wanted to lumpy mashed potatoes and slightly over- mow and more about vlticulture (grape growing) and cooked green beans. I miss that roast beef. - I dldn't find an oatmeal cookie recipe In vlnlculture lwInemaklngl ftIl the pages of each Issue. Varietal revlews are exhaustive. If you the old box, but I did find a recipe for a tBfend Of appfes ma~s 6est cider want to know what the wlnemakers of the world classIc roast beef dinner. complete wlth I are thinking and doing, order thls bimonthly gravy. lumpy mashed potatoes and a By LARRY JANES red with a creamy white inside. They are flrmer flesh tends to hold up well during magaz1ne for $30 annually from Practical Win- chOice of overcooked green beans. carrots Specia/ Writer loaded with Juice and are flrm. crispy. yet cooklng. I ery & Vineyard. Grande Paseo. San Rafael. Ca- or broccoll. I felt llke a kid on Christmas tender, with a medium -tart flavor. Not only One of our state's best cooking-apples Is morning opening up my first present. I Fall In Michigan. the time of year for Is this apple a winner for eating out-of- the Rome variety (also called Rome Beauty). lif.94903. wonder If she stuffed that recIpe In the leaves. crisp evenings and foggy moms. hand but Its versatility Is unsurpassed for 1bIs medlum-to-Jarge variety holds its We read these publlcations and regard them box knowing that someday I might Just also heralds the blossoming apple crop. use In pies. sauces. dder and salads. shape, maintains its finnness and retains highly. find It and spend a few minutes rehashing Many of our area's apple orchards are Next In line for Michigan favorite Is the its lovely texture dUring the baking Decanter Magazine Is publlshed monthly In days that are gone forever. gearing up for heetic weekends. They Paula Reds. 1lle apple was named after an process. London. Coverage of the European wine scene Artist friends louie and Wilma -Hallibur- beckon suburban famllles to load up the orchard owner's wife. Pauline. and. again. Michigan Is considered a forerunner In Is unparalleled. British humor ltvens most presentations : ton of Ann Arbor were searching through car and head out for an afternoon of sIpping this Is a great all-purpose apple with a more Innovative teclmologtes and improved cul- and offers some delightfully unlque perspec- · old mementos when they came across dder, sampling doughnuts and enjoying tart flavor than Jonathans and a more tivation tec1mlques. which aid In the deve- tives. The annual subscrtption rate Is $80 air- : their momma's hand-scrtbbled notes and the gorgeous splendor let loose by Mother blush-colored fiesh. lopment of new varieties. Gaining In popu- speeded and can be addressed to Decanter Ma- · favortte recipes. They sent them to me. Nature. There's no secret why Michigan apple larity among MIchIgan favorites are the gazme. Subscrtptions Dept.. 23-27 Tudor St .• : and after sitting on them for a year or lovers enjoy the third most popular variety. WInesap. one of the oldest known varteties Among the nation's apple crop. MIchigan London EC4Y OHR · two. I sent them back wlthout even turn- dubbed the Mcintosh. ThIs apple has a In Amertca. brought here from Washington apples always attaln excellent status. The Connoisseurs' GUide to CalIfomla WIne ;Ing a page. After finding "Bosso's recipe snappy flavor coupled WIth an unmatched State and New York. and the Mutsu- ~ason In no small measure Is due to MlchI- makes the statement of what It's about In the :box: I now know why they did. gan's unique blend of c1lmate and soil. But orchard-fresh aroma. All the benefits of the Crispin. a Japanese variety that Is llght Macintosh were nearly lost to history. green to yellow In color. wlth a delicate title. The monthly publlcation rates CalIfornla o Unt1l today. I dldn't even own a recipe more than anythlng else. It Is due to the MI- I seems that In the early 18008. Ontario far- spIcy taste. having the barest hint of anise. I wines by variety. '~' All of my favorite recipes were either chigan apple growers themselves - people An upside-down glass tells you whJch wlnes. stuffed behlnd the spIces or scattered wlth an abundance of apple knowledge and merJohn McIntosh found some interesting Last but certainly not least on the Ilst of I apple trees on his land and transplanted In the opinion of the publlshers. you should throughout any one of three fl1Ing ca- experience, a deep understanding of the home-grown Michigan apples are the them to his garden. Only one of the trees Northern Spy and Cortland varteties. More I avoid. Addl't1onal symbols refer to ageability, binets. all In no order whatsoever. Unt1l latest In horticultural methods and a com- avallability and potential food complements. today. mltment to making a great product even survlved. popular In other apple-growtng areas ar- All the millions ofMcIntosh trees planted ound the country. these varieties are avail- The publlcation Is available for $37 per year •- Yep, my momma's got a recipe box. Yes- beUer. from Connoisseurs' Gulde to Callfomla WIne. terday. I stopped down for a vlslt and took since then owe their heritage to that one able through some selected Michigan apple But what makes the best apple dder? lonely survtvor. Also considered an aII- growers. P.O. Box V. Alameda. CaIlf. 94501. a few mlnutes to glance over some of the Plymouth Orchards says its award- Wine & Food Companlon suits the bill for ~asures hidden wlthln. Reclpes I haven't purpose apple. It's loaded wlth Juice, and But why are apples so popular? Statis- winning cider Is a blend of Michigan's best: the aroma makes for the best-tasting and tics show that the apple has become the those Interested In matching food and wine. enjoyed since I was a Detroit TImes In the early season. the cider mill starts off Wrttten and publlshed by Davld Rosengarten paperboy In Wyandotte. I found the old re- best-sme1llng apple pies around. fruit most favored by American consumers. with a blend of Paula Reds and Mclntoshes. Coming around the comer a llttle later with more than 93 percent of the famllles and Joshua Wesson. both knowledgeable ab- ~Ipe for "sllders" (not the gut bombs As the season progresses. It swltches to la- out wine and food. this pertodlcalls totally sub- Served at most hamburger JoInts) and for thls fall will be Mlchlgan's growtng crop of bUying apples regularly. The average ter haIvestlngs of Michigan Delldous and Ida Reds.lhIs cross between Jonathan and American eats more than 18 pounds of ap- scription drtven - no advertising. l).n old family favortte that st1ll gets baked Jonathans. Only In Its second year. the WIne & Food em everybody's birthday. German Chocolate' Wagener varieties was developed at the ples or apple products yearly. well behind In the earller part of the season. It takes Idaho Experiment Station and Introduced the average Dutchman who consumes a Companlon has packed each Issue wlth chal- Cake. wlth a coconut-pecan frosting. about one bushl'l ofapples to make one gal- I lengtng Ideas for food and wine palrings. , In addition to the l":cIpes, I found some commen:la1ly In 1942. The Ida Reds are whopping 100 pounds per year. Ion. As the season progresses and the ap- The bimonthly magazine Is avallable for $36 heritage. Remember "Prem'r How about late-ripeners. usually not coming Into the lfyou ever really doubted the facts. you ples begin to ripen more and soak up more annually by contacting The WIne & Food Com- "Blue Label KaraT Does "Annour Treet· Michigan picture t1ll mld-October. Again. would be surprised to know that the aver- of those crisp fall nights. the yield will be al- an aII·purpose apple. It Is flrm. crisp and age apple has 81 calories and Is chock-full panion, P.O. Box 639. !.enOl(Hill Station. New ring a bell? One of my favortte finds was most three and one-half gallons per bushel. York. N.Y. 10021. You may also phone the "No sugar. no shortening needed for JUicy and makes for a popular lunch-box: of good dietary fiber. VItamln A. potassium Michigan Is lmown as the apple vartety 1-800-888-1961 and charge a subscrtption to delldous All Bran Molasses Muffins· that snack because it keeps well under refriger- and carbohydrates while having zip In state, where many different kinds of apple ation and tends to resist brownlng. cholesterol and negllgtble amounts of fat a cred.lt card. came wlth a P.S. labeled: "Important! Dur- Robert M. Parker's The Wine Advocate Is an varieties are grown to meet the taste de- Another popular late-vartety MIchIgan and sodium. Ing these days of food shortages. help feed mands of folks 1lke you and me. Major var- Independent. bimonthly guide to the fine wines your famtly better." I don't remember, but apple Is the Empire. nus apple was deve- Apples are great for dental health. They Ieties grown In Michigan Include the late of the world. Parker has become the most in- Mom, Dad and I spent a whole hour re- loped by Roger Way at the Geneva AgrIcul- clean and massage the gwns much like a summer Paula Reds followed by major fluential wine crtUc In the U.S. membertng the days of food shortages. tIn- tural Experiment Station at Cornell Univer- natural toothbrush. Apples actually canre- year-round apples. the likes of Mcintosh. He rates wines on a 1OO-polnt scale and has foU savtng and aII·day bread-making sIty. The Empire Is a cross between McIn- duce tooth decay. eliminating 96,7 percent Jonathans. Ida Reds. Rames. Delldous. elevated some producers from Ilttle known to sessions. tosh and Delldous and was developed for of the bacteria In the mouth. compared to Golden Delldous. Winesaps and Spys. superstars wlth his evaluatIons. Correspond- If you know where the old recipe box: Is excellent storage under controlled condi- three minutes with a toothbrush. plus a With Jonathans leading the pack In MI- tions, In addition to being mild. medium- mouth rtnse. eliminating only 64.3 percent Ingly. the prtces of these highly-touted wlnes kept, make a mental note to someday escalate. Soon get It out, pour yourself a cup of cof- chigan's apple production, It's no wonder sized and a very attractive nearly red/solld of the mouths bacteria. fee and Just kick back and remember they are billed as the tlfth most popular red color. Best for eating fresh. It also can Anywayyou sllce it. Mlchlgan apples are Continued on8 where It came from. apple In the nation. Jonathans are brilllant be uSed for baking and cooking because Its the best. i~hef Mary Brady Take stock of your soup situation Last week I asked my contlnutng educatlon never want to be wlthout It. to separate the bones and vegetables from the llq- cIass what they would like their final lesson to The Ingredients for stock should always be uld. Cool stock as quickly as possible after C»ver. "Soup and stocks· was an almost unanlm- fresh. Do not use vegetables that have been In the stralnlng. ops cry. WIth the change In weather quickly upon refrigerator for months and lost their flavor. I save Place In large shallow containers and put In a us. and a flu bug rampaging, a cup of good, nutri- trimmings from celery. onlons and carrots when cold place. uncovered to avoid souring. Stock tious. soul-wannlng soup doesn't sound halfbad. cooking and use as a flavor booster. made wlth bones will gel uponcoollng. The easiest Soups and stocks are cullnary siblings. Stocks Leftover carcasses (Christmas or ThanksgMng way to remove fat from stock Is to IlfiofTafter It has WHITE STOCK are a means to an end while soups are a finished turkey). bones, chicken necks, backs. gtzzards, congealed from cooling. If Ume does not permit 4-S veBI bcnea cracked tf cut IOlO IHC8S 2 quatlIIrlld 0I'lI0l'I8 product. A stock Is water enrtched by the things stems from parsley, thyme or most herbs. meat this spoon the clear fat ofTthe surface and run a and \'egetable Juices can all be frozen and used as 2~ carroll cooked In It: meat. poultry or ftsh bones. various paper towel over the top to absorb the residue lefi 2 slllllla O&!ely cut mil) Z' pIeQl' vegetables and seasoning which have been slowly needed for stock. Buy bones from the butcher for behind. lllge bouquet gama (bay leal, tlyme In 1118 001Il$Ol) simmered together. Stocks are full of flavor and your meat stocks. They are generally inexpensive Moderate seasoning Is the key, so that flavors In 10 ptpperCQIn& nutritional value and Is the essentiallngrecllent and readily available Ifyou call ahead and reserve the final dish are prominent. Season at the end of 1 doole garltc for soups. them. rooklng since flavors become very concentrated as :H quar1ll walllt Although commerdally canned soup broths Bone your own chickens and save the bones the stock reduC'es. Do not season any stock you Put lll8 bones and vegetables III a nock po~ add the bouqlAlt gam. peppel'

Whenyou start shopping for a new a settlement). payment requirements than conven- mortgage with Identical. monthly recording the transfer of a property. the W1llor. in the absence of a will. be home. you may encounter some CLOSING COSTS - Charges paid tional loans. payments over the life of the loan. paid to a city. county. or other appro- eligible through state inherttance words and terms that are unfamiliar at settlement for obtaining a mort· FIXED RATE MORTGAGE - A MORTGAGE BROKER - A broker priate branch of government. laws. to you. 1be following glossary will gage loan and tranferrtng a real es- mortgage with an interest rate that who represents numerous lenders REALESTATE SETTLEMENTPRO- TITLE - Evidence (usually in the help you be a better new-home tate title. remains constant over the life of the and helps constuners find affordable CEDURES ACT (RESPA) - A federal form of a certificate or deed) of a per- shopper: CONDmONS, COVENANTS, AND loan. mortgages: the broker charges a fee law requiring lenders to provide son's legal right to ownership of property. ADJUSTABLE RATE MORTGAGE RESTRICTIONS(Ce AND Rs) - The FIXEDSCHEDULE MORTGAGE - only If the consumer finds a loan. home buyers with Infonnation about (ARM)- A loan whose interest rate Is standards that define how a property A mortgage with a payment schedule MORTGAGE COMMITMENT - A known or esttmated settlement TRANSFER TAXES - Taxes levied adjusted according to movements in may be used and the protections the that Is established at closing for the formal written communication by a costs. on the transfer of property or on real the financial market. developer makes for the benefit of all life of the loan. The payment and in- lender. agreeing to make a mortgage R-VLAUE- The resistance ofinsu- estate loans by state and/or local AMORTIZATION-A payment plan owners in a subdivision. terest rate are not necessartly level. loan on a specific property. speclfy1ng lation matertals (including windows) Jurtstictions. by whIch a loan Is reduced through CONVENTIONALLOAN- A mort- GRADUATED PAYMENT MORT- the loan amount. length of time and to heat passing through It. The VETERANS ADMINISTRATION monthly payments of prlndpal and gage loan not insured by a govern- GAGE (GPM) - A fixed rate. fixed· condiUons. higher the better. the greater the in· (VA)- A federal agency that Insures interest. ment agency (such as FHA or VAl. schedule loan that starts with lower MORTGAGE COMPANY- A com- sulating value. mortgage loans with very liberal ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE COVERTIBIUTY- 1be ability to payments than a level payment loan: pany that borrows money from a downpayment requirements for hon- (APR) - The annual cost of credit change a loan from an adjustable the payments rise armually over the bank. lends It to consumers to buy SALES CONTRACT - A contract orably discharged veterans and their over the life of a loan. Including inter- rate schedule to a fixed rate first 5 to 10 years and then remain homes. then sells the loans to between a buyer and seller which surviving spouses est. service charges, points. loan schedule. constant for the remainder of the Investors, should explain. in detail. exactly WALK-THROUGH-A flnallnspec. fees. mortgage insurance. and other CREDIT RATING - A report or- loan. GPMs involve negative MORTGAGEE - The lender who what the purchase includes. what tion of a home before settlement to items, dered by a lender from a credit bu- amortization. makes a mortgage loan. guamtees there are. when the buyer search for problems that need to be; APPRAISAL - An evaluation to reau to determine If the borrower ts a GROWING EaUITY MORTGAGE MORTGAGELOAN-A contract in can move in. what the clOSing costs corrected before ownership changes determine what a piece of property good credi t risk. (RAPID PAYOFF MORTGAGE) - A which the borrower's property Is are. and what recourse the parties hands. would sell for in the current DEFAULT- A breach of a mort- fixed-rate. fixed-schedule loan that pledged as collateral. It ts repaid in have Ifthe contract is not fulfilled or If WARRANTY- A promise, either marketplace. gage contract (l.e.. not making the re- starts with the same payments as a installments. The mortgagor (buyer) the buyer cannot get a mortgage written or implied. that the matertal APPRECIATION-The increas~ In quired payments). level payment loan; the payments promises to repay principal and in- commitment at the agreed·upon and workmanship of a product Is the value of a property. DENSITY- The number of homes rise annually. with the entire in- terest. keep the home insured. payall terms. defect-free or wU! meet a specified ASSESSMENT - A tax levied on a built on a particular acre of land. Al- crease being used to reduce the out- taxes. and keep the property in good SHARED MORTGAGE APPUCA- level of performance over a specified property or a value placed on the lowable densities are determined by standing balance. No negative amor· condition. TlON - A loan in which partners pertod orume. Wrttten warranties on worth of a property by a taxing local Jul1sdlctions. tlzation occurs. and the Increase in MORTGAGEORIGINAnON FEE- agree to share specified portions of new homes are either backed by in- authortty. DOWNPAYMENT-The difference payments may enable the borrower Acharge for the work involved in pre- the downpayment. monthly pay- surance companies or by the bull. ment. and appreciation. ASSUMPTION- A transaction al· between the sales price and the mort- to payoff a 3O-year loan in 15 to 20 paring and servicing a mortgage ap- ders themselves. lowing the buyer to assume responsl- gage amount. A down payment Is years. or less. plication (usually one percent of the TENANCYINCOMMON-A form of ZONING - Regulations estab- b1llty for an existing loan instead of usually paid at closing. HAZARD INSURANCE - ~tec· loan amount). ownership in which the tenants own lished by local governments regard. getting a new loan. DUE.QN·SALE - A clause in a tion against damage caused by fire. NEGATIVEAMORTIZATION- An separate but equal parts. To inhertt ing the location, height. and use for BALLOON- A loan that has a se- mortgage contract requlrtng the bor- windstorm. or other common ha- increase in the outstanding amount the property. a surviving tenant any gtven piece of property WIthin a rtes of monthly payments with the reo rower to pay the entire outstanding zards. Many lenders require borrow· when a monthly payment does not would either have to be mentioned in specific area. . : maining balance due in a large lump balance upon sale or transfer of the ers to tar!)' It out in an amount at cover the monthly interest due. sum payment at the end. property. least equal to the mortgage. NOTE- A fonnal document show- BINDER- A receipt for a deposit EARNESTMONEY-A sum paid to HOUSING FINANCE AGENCY - A ing the c:xlstence of a debt and stating paid to secure the rtght to purchase a the seller to show that a potential state agency that olTers below· the terms of repayment. Required reading for home at terms agreed upon by the purchaser Is serious about buying. market·rate home financ1ng for low pm - PrIncipal. interest. taxes buyer and seller. EASEMENT - The right-of·way and moderate income households. and Insurance (the four major com- BUYDOWN- A subsidy (usually granted to a person or company au- INDEX- The interest rate or ad- ponents of monthly housing the wine connoisseur paid by a bu1lder or developer) to re- thortzing access to the owner's land: Justment standard that determines payments). duce the monthly payments on a for example. a Utility company may the changes In monthly payments for POINT - A one-Ume charge CoDtIDued from 7 tasted blind In compartson to other mortgage loan. be granted an easement to install an adjustable mte loan. assessed by the lender at closing to wines of similar type In the same CAP- A limit to the amount an in· pipes or Wires. An owner may volun- INFRASTRUCTURE - The public Increase the interest yield on a mort· Parker puta his money where his price range. Not all publications do terest rate or a monthly payment can tartly grant an easement, or can be faciliUes and services needed to sup- gage loan. Generally. It is one percent palate Iswith his aubscrlption-drlven this. We've potnted out those that Increase for an adjustable rate loan ordered to grant one by a local port residential development.includ- of the mortgage amount. publication. We'd feel better if we state they do. either durtng an adjustment pertod Jurtstiction. ing highways. brtdges. schools, and PREPAYMENT - Payment of a knew that he tasted all the wines If you're wondertng. do we taste sewer and water systems. or over the life of the loan. EaUITY - The dilTerence between debt prior to maturtty. blind. blind for the reconunendaUons In INTEREST- The cost paid to a len- CERTIFICATEOF OCCUPANCY - the value of a home and wha t Is owed PRINCIPAL - The amount bor· Subscrtption requests. $35 annu· this column? Yes. we do der for borrowed money. A document from an offictal agency on It. rowed. excluding interest and other ally. should be mailed to The WIne WINE SELECTION OF THE WEEK JOINT TENANCY- A form of stating that the property meets the ESCROW - The handling of funds own· charg.:s. Adm.:ate. P.O. Box 311. Monkton. ership in which the tenants own a 1988 Foppiano Sauvignon requirements of local codes. ordi- or documents by a third party on be· PROPERTY SURVEY-A swvey to Md. 21111. Blanc($8) showcases exuberant. nances, and regulations. half of the buyer and/or seller, property equally. If one dies. the determine the boundaries of a prop· Every publication sets Its eduorla1. otherwould automaucally Inhertt the lively tropical fruit. Agenerous palate CLOSING - A meeting to sign do· FEDERALHOUSINGADMINISTRA- erty. The cost depends on the com· We happen to belieVethat ifwinea are fruit tmpreSSlon Is followed by a 00. enUre property. cumenls that transfer property from TION (FHA) - A federal agency that plexity of the survey. rated by some method - numbers. lanced. CI1sp. smooth and lengthy a ~ller to a buyer (also referred to as insures mortgage! WIth lower down- LEVELPAYMENTMORTGAGE-A RECORDING FEE - A charge for alar8 or the like - they ahould be ftnish. .

L --


BRIGHON ClIy Ouai't 2 01' 3 HARTlAND SCHOOLSI ..,. En rtaInme wellHARTlANDICtrdet!lsadlNIC8kept 3 bedroom ranch bedroom TClWrilouIe, 2 t»I bnck STRATFORD VILLA land Ad , soW1 01 Gordon Gleet 'MOND~Y B Ie ~Flnlshed basement, prelly gatage LJIIB New, IllOY8 ng,1 1ft MOBILE HOME COMMUNITY butldng S11llon 5 oounry aaes _ ~~ I" sen,"~, fenced yard Hurry I 1585 Iq h.(313)mc2G!l At98 01 /'lOll homll6 & plen't 0/ $82,900 ENGLAND REAL elbow room llrld conrad llIrmS ESTATE (313)6327427 $33,900 ENGLAND REAL ESTATE (313)632-7427 ~::'lf~,~g~~unbyty =H=-AR;"'T"'"LAN:"":'DO-:'':':';:Pa':''rk'""'.I'';;',ke-se-ltIIlg-:' Allordable ranch w/plfPI reed SOUTH LYON Country Lane Slnglll6 Club October 26 al sottng, lanced yard & canal front !:slales, new subdtvlSlOfl, 44 Phone Numbers 8:30 P m al the BamstlnTler, on Handy Lake Easy a:cess tl horne slles on beauMU, gendy lJS-23 and 1.4-36. FOI'Inlorma1lon, expresswayI $82,000 ENGlAND ro""ij 112tl 1 Bae partlIls, !rom ::-caI=-1 :-:-(3~13~)8~18-~:J)~22=--=,...,..,_REAl. ESTATE (313)632-7427 $35,~ From down1llWl'l SY YYi1II of Kent cabinet 1200 sq. h. StlVI and Ihe LaJr.a NOVI sewer, aI weather tOad, 1 mlIe GIANT BRIDAl. SALE :Jl'Y. tl refngeratormdudad On a _ from lhr; baaufifuf 1989 Skyine HARBOR SPRINGS SkI Chalet from 8Jrporl Bea, Ihe tnf1a1lon Thr; 14 X 70 home '98IUrll6 4 bedrooms, wak tl slu, land 70% off bridal gowns and lot 10 X 10 shed 6 monlhl old MEADOWS and get reOOy lor Ihe boom $ 85 elfiaent X MOBILE HOME COMMUNTY contract _jlOsslble $75,000 To place your circular or display ad: headpt9C8S 50 unllS 8iZabelh MUSI sell for $39,000 cash energy 2 6 c:onsrue- per sq It Irl bon, bedrooms.2 balhs,~ Bndal ManOl', 402 S MaIO. Locallld Meadow Lake EsllllllS 2 (313)349-8001 ROBERT M IUb, kI1chan skyttght bay window. NEW AMEFUCAN UFESTYLE LIvingston County Nor1tMIe (313)348-2783. Mob lie H 0 m e Park MlO 1 mle trom AuSabIe RIVer LAMBERT (517) 548·2000 C9tllng fan, central lIJI', new LAS VN:3AS par1y Sat Oct 20. (313)887-a:m We have new and pI'lHlWIl9d 2 cabins. separ1IId deeded lois, (517)546-0000 South Lyon area (313) 437-2011 Irom 4 pm· I~I12 a m At -==....,...,.,..,.....----,,....---- appIlMCOS, WIndow 1r98tnen15, Nonhvllie Eagles Club, 113 WHITE LAKE, For sale by and new shOO, Pnced to go at homll6 lor sale Home OWI19lShtp sauna. Borders nallonal forest 2 Milford area (313) 685-1507 owner 1990 Modular home 3 $22.500 (J13)437-9004 for less cost than most sepbCS. 2 wells Year·round Northvilie/Novi area South Canlar Sir99\, Norlhvlila bedrooms. 2 bathrooms, fire racreatJonal sports Will sen (313) 349-1700 Publx: welcome. place, bay wlfldow. bujHn china ~151 separate, (313)437,1093" DI Income Property cabmllt 1200 sq h. StlYe and , BeMhll ~ :::(3;13;)818-;;~~;;;;;;....;;;;;. 'LOSE WEIGHr rebgerator Included On a corner 'PlaylllllllS • For delivery problems, call: WANTED 36 people tl loose 10 lot 10 x 10 shad 6 monlhs old MUSI sell lor $39,000 cash • Haal9dRV stllag9pool, rew , VlUIl Property =: BTighton, Pinckney or Hartland . 29 pounds In next :J) days Wllh II ~~~~~~~~BRlGiTON. 9 lklIt brdI, plls (313) 227-4442 br.rld new. DIET DISC PR0G- Located 11 Meadow Lake Eslat9s , Professional management house on water Land Conlrlld. Howell/Fowlerville (517) 546-4809 RAM. NalUraI SabsladJon guar- Mobile Home Park Exchange possible Van L.uven (313)887-8393 NClW offemg a South Lyon area anteed Earn $$$ 116 you lose 1 Realty (313)629-5997 (313) 349·3627 (313)347-9511. BRIGHTON. ",",Slle Lake Stbd~ • Milford area (313) 685·7546 YISIOI'\ MolXIlaIn Rd 2-5 acres LakefroM $1,200 RENT Lot high on hili, wooded. ReaIEstale Northvilie/Novi area (313) 349·3627 $73,000. Old Town BUilders Houses CREDIT (313)227·5340 Wirlted BRIGHTON Sctools vety nlC8 " you move Y'JII' new 01' qualified RUNYAN LAKE - 57 on water, 3 pre·owned home In'O our 1oca1lonon Rx:k9ll Rd. AwoXl- A BarQlnlCash lor 9XJSung land bedrooms, 2 belhs. Gr98t room CXltTImlXlI't malllly 1Y, acra parcel, perked contracts Second m~agll6. wrth ~replace Prasent!y rented and ready to build Square nimals highest $$ Perry Realty Good Investmenl opporlUnlty (313)349~966 pan:el $29,900 (313)887-6623 (313)47&-7640 illmal SerVIces 155 Mobile Home Sites 072 Terms available Mary Ann evenngs 01' 1eave mll6S8Qll Lost 1 mile soulh of Grand RiYllI'Ava arm Animals 153 Office Space 080 TremaJne& Co (313}233-4663 off NapIer Rd_ WE buy UInd Contract Mon- FOWLERVILlE 1 27 acres, gages Full or partial rses & Equlpmenl 152 Rooms 067 PINCKNEY area Traler tl be Iocal9d on SOJ'gent Rd. west of (313)751-1220 ousehold Pets 151 Storage Space 088 moved SUl'able tor hunlers Fowlerville Rd Perced and aurwyed $9900 (313)227-5789 III Supplies 154 Vacation Rentals 082 GOLDEN Retnever miX, eo...... , cabin. 01' 'emporary houSing Wanted to Rent 089 neutered mae, 10110. Hamburg II 1964 Parllwood, 12 X SO, 8 It FOWLERVIlLE Nee 01'98WIIh Rd. Reward. (313)231-3492- expando IMng area $800 or lots 01CllloI1U Oaks and ~. besl. (313)665-6187. B98~ nalUraI surroundtngS MINIATURE Poodle, named B~~ utomotive For Sale BRIGHTON Hamilton Farms (313)878-6491 01' lalll lMIf1lng 11'. , 1% • 5% acre IoIs Only 2" P9ppI Lasl sean at 1.4-59 and SSICCars 239 Cemetery Lots 039 Condo lor sale by owner 2 (313)231-1250 miles souf1 of ~96 $10500, Byron Rd Reward bedroom. 2 fuI baths, end unrt NOVI 3 1015at Oakland fills lomoblles 240 Condominiums 024 SOUTH LYON. 19n FOI'emonl $11.500. $17,000 llrld lXJ11raC1 (517)546-9434, or ranch F LAI basement fireplace, terms availble. Perked and MemomI Ganlens, Garden of Duplexes 023 14 X 70, Good CondIOOn. $11,500 tos Under $1,000 241 (517)546-33)3, double Stlrrns, ca1hadralQIillngs surveyed (517)548-6688 Fidelity Lisl pnce, $1.500, 027 or best (313)437-2493- sacnfice lor $1,000 Wnlll tos ParIs & Service 220 Farms/Acreage NEUTERED mae IJg9r cat Black and nurrorad waJ Iraatmant All all to tos Wanted 225 Open House 020 and beige gray, wl1hID tag 9055 Window treatments and SOUTH LYONWoods. 14 X 65, 2 RlI6dent 8621 ~ 1Ivd. PemtlrOle PInes, 33024 ats & EqUipment 210 Houses 021 Harbour Wflj, north SIde 01 Sliver appianoos nduded Reduced to bedroom, 1 bath. new capel F1onda. $92,000 (313)229-6348 appliances $12.900 mpers, Trailers Out of State Property 032 Lake Mary (313)437-6083 (313~722 and EqUipment 215 Income Property 035 lMIf1llgS BRIGHTON HAMBURG fills Esta1llS. Mus' sol 1984 14 X 70 mobolehome HAMBURG TWP 2'1. acres Houses r-Wheel Drive Industnal/Commerclal 033 OWNER WEBBERVILLE, 1980 Skyline, Marrt opllOllS. Owners moYIng, across Irom Pmckney High Rent • Vehicles 233 Lakefront Houses 022 Has 2 homes, needs tl sol lhlS mor'gage assumable Call 14 X 56, 2 bedrooms. washer, School. hz gas on rt. on prMllll For torcydes 201 Lake Property 029 one tlday thIS nice 3 bedroom ('313)231-2943lor detais dryer. relngaratlf and StlYe slay road (313)818-3101 Hamitlfl Farms Condo Wllh 1 tull eallonal Vehlcfes 238 Mobile Homes 025 $11,500. Atter 4 p m plus 2 hat balhs, ftiI basement HOWEll. Fled Oaks Sub llm HARTlANDI RoIItngN:res Dnw BRIGiTON. Lakefront Enclosed Real Estate Wanted 037 (517)521-4468 wmoblles 205 C8'1ial IIr, gas fireplace, baclung sq h. on own lot Woodbumtng New deYeIopment off fibner Rd pordl, 2 baciooms. complel9tt 230 Vacant Property 031 stlYe In IMng room, WDlmanzed Gorgeous 10 acre parcels, fumlShed, carpeted, fireplace, cks BRIGHTON 3 be REAl. 31 $5SO monthly, SeCUrity 101 (517)223-3779 or (313)453-8700 ReiMax Cross- home. $6500. (517)521__ EqUipment 228 Anbques (517)54&-6254 roads RaaI1y conlrad. (3131227-7540 ESTATE r313)632-7427 deposit (313)476-2457 Aucbons 102 ployment BUilding Matenals 114 ness & ProfeSSional Clothing 105 ,bServlceS 185 Electronics 113 $usiness Opportumlles 172 Farm EqUipment 120 Household Service and Buyers Directory t":Schools 173 Farm Products 111 • Clencal 160 FlrewoocllCoal 119 161 Garage/ Day-Care FOR Ihe finest In I1tenor and Rummage Sales 103 Medical 162 exteror painttng Comrnart:8 01' Nursing Homes 163 Household Goods 104 BuDding and I, Electrical rllSldanlla/, new 01' redo Also Restaurant 164 Lawn & Garden Care Remodeling I deck refinlShmg and sprayed Help wantecllGeneral 170 and EqUipment 109 finIShes InslX"edand references Help Wanted/Sales 171 Miscellaneous 107 III------Call MIIB, (313)887-6245 Income Tax Service 190 Miscellaneous Wanted 108 ADDITIONS, decks lWld SI ttpes l B l'ainb"ij, a woman's tluch of 1llfl'lOdeling. We tal\e pnde In (517)546-n4a 20 yain 9Xpoo- Sltuualions Wanted 180 MUSical Instruments 106 ACTION EIeclnc. lJcaosed arod our work. CaI lor lree esbmalllS. tlf1C8 Froo esbmatas, ",surad, 186 Sporting Goods 110 MARBl£ & CERAMIC IIlSUfed Frea estimates M C Aecepllng Bids Four Seasons BUilding Q.ostom 1flS1aI1a1lon and Visa accepted 'M)fk ~teed Company Ray (313)818-3693or Free I16bmalllS,reesonabIe ralllS (517)S4&am For Rent Personal Mike (313)221-al56 CaI John. alIllr 6 pm 011 PETERSON PAINTING ~Partments 064 Bingo FREE design S9MC9speaakzJng (31~ 078 Card 01 Thanks 013 BUildings & Halls Irl 1IlnOY81Xlns, dormers, addi- Excavating Qondomlnlums & lions, custom kitchens and ';;'Townhouses 069 Car Pools 012 beaublul belhs Fully licensed ChImney Entertainment 009 and nsured. Clil If1e tnen

-----~-~------_--_-- __ 11111111 ... "'~ 'W'!rolI""" • ..a..c. nCV\.ln&"Nlnc I~YI '''C'9~-''" ~ I~, •• ""

NOVI 2 bedroom. 1'h bat!. near (;REAT DIne Pl4l'. ~C. tawn Houses 10 ~ and t.IelIdovo4lroo $58S and bnndIe. 8 ..... S3lO rncn~ (31~795 (517)548-581S. Iller 6 p.m. For ~ I(JSKY l!1IXed~. U1y bears II PINCKNEY Apts, $30 IlI:h. (517)546-1* KITTENS for good homes A Larg. 1 ~room. near ~ lillie. 2 short-tBred dcMnlOWn. ~ ~ "om femlle. Vlclnltld. Arm Mar ItlCl BVaon Ful (313)416-98llO BRlGHTOft 3 bednlom, 2 bIII\ b8semerC. ~ ~ ¥II)' B'-- PLOTT Hound. female. 1~ IIrge gnge .., ~ qUilt .r.1 Som. ~hhtles FlOAlOA. 10,. "om DI&ney years. tre"ng $100 kJlC8d yMl ".. 1l)Wn. $725 PfI Included 5430·$450 (517)546-1494 month (517)223·3779 (313)8J8..02S8. (313~ World, tmt shn ln1, b' sale IX (51~ rV( Frst ...... 01 o-tlb« PUPPIES Gordon Seller/ 1517\2ZHln Shephenl mer. Y!l't_~ RECEPTIONIST BRIGHTON 5i1nd LM.I .. " ~ home (511)655-2532. NI08 2 bedtlxlm. lLile ~ PINCKNEY Apts. POYPANO Balch. Flondl $425 monttVy plus Mainly House lBnced ywd. $200 per PlIlEBRED mmn poodIea, 11 (313)681 1019 ...... 1511l5'6-626Q weeks. III Ihots. $200 (313)348-0978. WALKER Coonhound pupI 6 weeks old $30 88ch (517)546-1494 WALKER Coonhounds. Male. lernaIe 5 ytBI. Excellent ree dogs. $150 llII:h. (517)54&-1494.

FOWlERVILlE. Nowmber 1 S5OO. plIt' monfl pU ~ (313)227·7514 • 5 pm. SOUTH l YON APTS Am::'" IWo8.Ri Pndu18y 2 • &'lC ; ~ ..,.;tallIe lor II REDEPTIONIST. part·llne lor rw. profesSIOnal office. Excellent bedroom. crpe*l. ~ ""'-.dol» 00CUlle"Cy ~ 2 HORSE l!IIIer. Good c:ondI8on. shed FUll l.lIkB IOC8K. tt> r ra'108 IaIpe ~1OI1IQ8 -. WEBSEPI/ILlE 80el IrlC IlJIc $700 (313)348-6215. after phone skiIs and light typtng d'ltIi:l"r a'll: _ MIIcome ClIbIe send _e tl Reeeplonl&t, pets S600 rncnHy pU S«UItr Slo.'age S:1C per month 6 pm. (313)87U91 5. 'l\' IVaI/Illl& 09"Ilra! .., 15'~'lA6S 41700 Gardenbnlok. Su«e 110. 3. 4 HORSE &lant goosenecIl, 7 HeM .... 48375. GLACIER HillS HIGHlJoND townslttp. llIl 8 It 1990. sacrifice NURSING OFACE mortIlleBse on IIrge 2 ~. ;3' 314,'37·5007 (313)461-1414 SECRETARIAl. Pocibon. PIII1- 1200 Earhar1 'l" c::w grage. 10 IlW1IJ* Narf\ tme. Acc:ounbrG skiIs requrad. (313)7li9-6410 01 lMIcrd SS75. ~ ItlCl AFFORDABLE new tack. light tyPing. Good phone AIDES/ASSISTANTS "'~ lAKE Free nan: um saddles; Western Pleasure. references requlr.d ~ .• s:. • IrlC :1 bed!ootT' manners. New Hudson BIlla Equal Employer Show. Qllling. English HIMlt. VlSlbng Nurse Home SuJlPO!1 0pp0r1UnI1y (313~15 'l;).JselioPl!1men1 S'5O anc (313)437-3470. 1fN~ cdt¥ ocnsole TV. 25'. Clo6e Con1llCl, DreG&age, llIld Serw::e& has C8&8& IMIIIeble in 555C IooIUI Incl~c.ci RECEPT1ONIST. MaUll perion OOWEll. 1 bedIootn tlouse S:>5t 0' bu: Ev.~,ngs English coals. shirts. bools. SECRETARY wanted. F"'lme your IrlIlI. Case vanety indudf1\l tS'3l62' >w.'O needed lor 1UI and pert-kne SllYe. relngetatlr $325 I IlV'tl 15':'\m.71n helmet&. HIJ;le d&axI1ls aI lack. 111 Howell. C&I (517)S4&«3n IIve·lns. bath ViSitS, hourly (51~197, .5 pm. pClSItons 111 oplomllln&l&' oIIice 111 (31~ a&s'llnmenls and homemaker 12 0Ib Mall. Some ~ II S8MC8&. EI10Y working do&e tl f()WEll. 4 beciocm. 2 bIIrs. SECRETARY and required. Wdl home. weekly pay checks. weekends 'lit c::w gr.Ig8. flj blIs8nlW1l ARAB SHOW MARE train. (313)34&-3377. , SSOO per mct'Ilh. (313)229-7526, Thermoli, Inc. ., es1abll&hed vacabOn benefits and much Beaubful Trained by DaVid REGlSTEFED tbse lor a IaIge, "6p.m Boggs. (313)347-2879. plaslJeS manufacturar In the more. C&I now: (313)354-0501. busy _ .doctor's olllce. CIII lAFOII> . New« 3 bect'ocJtoI (313)402·1840. 8fV1tln lII8& Is 688kircI a .. DENTAl. I..aIlaB model parson. time Engineenng SeCretary. (511)54&-0295. rrdl. frapI8ce. flj b8semerC. 2 HGH..A.I£ W-SQ and ~ some axpenenee prelerrad. C8I BABY CockaMIs, lor sale. FflgII' Individual must be malure. CII IQIci. 2 biII1"oomf.. $'25 rnontlIl II Joe. (313)227-7810. RN NURSING supervISor garage SSOOper rnontl pUs KJMEW.l. .... console p81O. and Ihoulder tamed. eonscienD.iS, delai orien1od IlI'ld security depOSIt Call plIs seo.n!) (313)2S4~ etcei:.n: condition (313)878-566l needed. 8:30a.m. to ~.m. (313)632 7427 ENGlAKl REAl able to work With mlmmal 101 bed 00ISIlll home.- A«if: I-K)WElL :1 ~ SlOVe, iS1S)8~ -.rvs. . Pnnq\I&itB6lort1l5 DMC tEALTH CARE CENTERS ESTATE. BARN lor r8I11 lor 1 10 2 horses. West Iickory HiMln, 3310 "W. retnQ4lra~r ~ "~ S450 CorllII, P8&U8. water. eIectIa1y. WOOOlAND CCfnmert:8, IX Ccntact, monll'\ly (S17lS48-41il; .11.. POSlbOn Includes l.tiIord. Central to HowelllPlnckney/ comlllU/lICatIOn &kiI&, axceIIen1 41935 W. 12 "'LE ROAD Donna Beebe: (313)685-1400. 5 pro, ORG~ Family Xmas g.lt. = NOV! ..... 48377 8fV1tln. (313)8~17. telephone etlquet1e. Word Between 9:30a.m. 3:3lp-!Jl. Thomas Wahbu. fine wood. Perfect, freelance Lotus and PHONE: (313)347-8200 ~ "W8' lWld IowIr llllIUII ~ 0IgI/lIZ8tl0naI sklls. App6o- RN'S AND lPN'S. Join the Wlt'1 I'lSli'UCtOn &heels $375. • Fie Clerk Ieadar II priYalI c1Il'f home ClII8, (51~ anls may BQPIy inJl8ISOll at: 6150 Ful IIl18 Temporary V~ Care. A jon YlIllU8 of PINCKNEYt1iamburg ar-.. 2 WIm10re I.W Road, Brightln, X-ray • T II MI48116. • TranscnpllOl1l&t the Onlvensity of Michi.Qan bednlom. Mo. dnrcl , Iot'Ml KJSKY BULDlNG' 24 x 40 x 8. X-ray • Plr1-lime Days Medical center and V"itlng ;rea No pets Avaiable NoiIem- $3.990 For garages. shops. SMAI.l. ollice needs part-Dme Nurse Association oj Huron bar 1st Iesl rnl ~ sIIlrage. Emanc:e llIld CMlI!leed trst, general ob help lor appr0xi- AIfiia*l WIfl The DelrDd MecicaI VaJley. LPN's earn up to $13.~ SSOO moTHy (313)426-5(XlS. NEW fU)S()I{ Pnvale bel'\. ~ 0ptcnaI eoIorod &idtIg. mately 20 hours per week tl Center, An Equal Opporllnrty per flOUr and RN's earn up to ~rtc."le~. lau"li'Y l)'TYlleQes Free quol8&. quICk COR5ru::l1on. starl. FlexIble hours. Employer. $16.50 per hour. Set your own (313)437·1 on LlcensEKl and expenenced. (313)227·1711). Ask lor Deanna. schedule. CaB Visltng cere PINCKNEY 1-aJO.292-OO79 today (313)229-0320. TYPING. lilmg. genenI oIfioe. EXPANSION OF BUSlt.ESS OVER 3lO It. 01 polXIld wall e~., lor &mal Cllf9IlllIlI offi:;e Two bedroo'n duplex. aae 01 forms. aft aa:e&son8&. 20 It near 12 Oaks. Bilnefils are Immedlllle .opemngs lor axper· SPEECH PATHOLOGIST land Fenced ywd Pill ok. Great Ilrldem axle raier. CaJl alIer Included. FleXible hours If schools Utitr room S535 IllOCod HOME HEAl.TH AIDES. 6 pm .• (517)6l»-2159. d8Slred. (313)347·2310 Mrs. LIVingston and Washtenaw 0U9linll. creaM ind $560 (313)3335-RENT. Evan&. 5eeIoIv (313)873-0258. CoIIlll8&. IMlMIIMI speech 1herapist. FuR New comJll!bM pay 1818&. ~ am. 10 4 p.m.) Posi1ion WIXOM. Free rent urd NtMm- 'PrenllUm Hc»day pay. fl our progessMI 181 ber 1st 2 bedrooms. S600 , 'PIIId OI1Q'ttabOn and IIK8IVIOlI Rehab Center III the Ilrbhtln monthly. $700 secunty educallOn. area. Ilaclqjrowxl i1 closed "head (313)624-9470 'PIIId C8I1lficatlon proglllll. injury 1& helpful. Work in WIXOM Ren1IsaIe. fbIse Ill' Earn an ax1ra $25.00 alter your ll8ISOll8Iaed atrrlO6p/lenJ WIfl a oIioe on ~ aae ~ freeway OPENING tcr IIl&ldenls. roost be first 40 hours of work. CaI: fleXible case Ioail. Excellenl A day on \he farm. Expenencod &alary and benefit package. Call fron1ag8. B-3 zoned GnIIl1 deal ambuBtlry Hammons avs., and icen&ed chid care. ~ ages lPJCH.I HEAl,1HCARE (313)62~ AfC (313)632-&Ul lor appoIIllmenl. Home (517)22303600 Games. stlnes.outside play SERVICES. • (313)973-9111. , HORSES WANTED (313)437-al62, Lakelrort COndomInilms, A prolesslonal Q)UpIe. looking lor ttauses TClWItiauses QUARTER HORSES and a mature &Iller. lor a new boriI. tl EXPERIENCED mental health tt/-Ing ~ PAINTS. Suitable for 4·H come mto my home, stanng WOI1CT AH 12 lIllrUe G'Ml tl OBTAINED AT YOlJl LOCAL NURSE ASSISTANTS hl&tonc downtown Own BOOKKEEPEIVOfhc:e Manager. CHLD care needed lor 011: 2'~ cen1er 01 HoweI Paved roads. NEWSPAPER OFFICE bedroom. WI" ballroom Prater Manulactunng company In and our 8 year old. Nonhvile rw::e speaous 2 bedroom. no GlaCIer Hils IS a sIuIed fIJISII'G non-smokar $275 per menfl. MIlFORD 2 llmly sales 1229 Hamburg. highly motivated. Twsp. home Non srnoksr. 40 Iaal4y aIfileled ..., fie T-=h- pets. $490 menflly. plus &8CUnty pUs S8CUI11y depose, lfJ ~ PIne Flldge. SouIh on CCfnmert:8 axpenenced 111 II p/l8&e& 01 hourWeek. (313)344-1712. IIlll NlISing Home prqed ~ the (517)521..c841 (313)349.4166 1~ mde& west 01 Man Oct 18. aa:cun"'Cl. CornpIQr knowledge DAY Care openngs. 1.Jcensed. lJnMlrslly of t.Idllgllll. Nurse FOWLERVIlLE. 2 bedrooms. 19. 9 am tl 4 pm AI1I:lues. a mus~ mallre. non-smoller. meaI&. lruc:tlnd play. llMng AssiStant POSltlOlls available. new mlcrovwave. stove. Xmas aalts, handmade IlilItMe (313)2:9-3105 8I'MIllfI1lent Slob8It, ~ F1axIbie ~ tl meet your ~ cIoilea. d.hwuher. also refngeralor. COI.FIJTER oper8lor Tax and ReI(31~ needs. PrevIous axpenence not c:arpetng. bIlnd&. dcsposal, laun- Commertlal ~Irud We prlMde III axe&- NORTHVILLE MoVing Sale 6nInelIlI llal8menl&. loc8I CPA DEPENDABI..E chdd ewe avai- dry laciklles. 2 car parlung. For Rent 46301 W Man S.... Odober inn. Part-tlm8 WIfl axn llmlI Iln, sLWOflNa. traII1ng propn Sb'lIgll 0111-96. $485 per mon~ able fl FowIerviIe. Nrt age. aI and onentaIIOn penod Apptf at 19. 20. 10 am to 6 pm. needed dunng tax season shIh&. meaI& pI'OYIdod Exoelent pUs depo&4. CaJl (517}223-7445 EwyilIng rnusl gal (313)1$-8000 GlaCIer Hils, 1~ ElIIIw1 ReI. or (313)454-3610 BRlGHTOft 1.700 sq It office rates. call anytime. Ann Arbor Near PIymoufl ReI at and warehouse, xleeI lor small SOUTH LYON Treasures llIld EXPERIENCED secretary (517)223-9051 FOWLERVILLE Large 2 U.S.·23 bU&lne65 Good acce66 to IMIIets 2S2lXl Frrilrl T8ITlaI. needed. comp8laM ~. good Et.ERGETlC IldMduaI needed bedIoom aparlment Close tl X·ways. $1.000 monthly ColonIII kre&. 011 Pol'CIIc TIllIl. beneils. must haYe ~ phone I 96 $435 per month plus tl ewe lor our 2 IIld 4 y'" old (313)229-1717 Saturday. 10 am to 4 pm skdll and be able to 11111 daughllrs In our Highland NURSING ASSISTANTS APPLICATIONS now being seany deposi. (313)4r0.3311 Sunday. 12 pm 10 4 pm lIIlII1edlaIely. If II1la18&led. eel COIIl'Y home. Ful llmlI pClSllJOn &:XlIl*d lor ine CXlOb, IIlld P$II f()WEll. 1 bedroonl &partnen~ (313)2:9-2075 Llvlng&1on Care Cen"r 1& WI" excellent pay and IeXJbIe cooks. Bon-Mbe Ra&lulIi( lMIiable tcr &enIOf allen. $310 worklng condttOlll. C8II alter undergang I oompIell I1MIIIIlz&. 56S08 Grand River, Nli PART· TIME cIer1I lypIIl Exp8l!- bOn Wlfl new 0WIl8IIhIp rnl per month, locaIod on Grand WOld perIect 6 pm (313)887-8534 fblson. (313)437-8788 .-It ~ enoe ..., recPred. UMlodll1le pin lor S1gndic:anl RMlr, next tl .... Cwe Center send resume and saIrIIy ~ ..... CfJoa " For IntormalOO CaI I.\rs Fnday, FORfleearaflalyourchid III1provernenls 10 care lor rt& menls tl Box :!382, Bna!a (313)352.Q202 needs Small group In my residents and staff. BARTENDER. paI1-bmI ~ ~I. 113 E Gr.,d IWer. we '"' Pinc:Mey home. C8II lor reler· 0If1Ifl ~ become the r.Ifl care 1()WEll. 1 bedroom apartnent IlriJltln Mi 48116 II lrlOIII and ral8&, (313)878-9078. pIlMder of choc8. ff you are III 1(8)6 E. GrInd ~ ADMIRAl. *:tne -.her llIld lor rent Nice area, utlbbes expenenced Indlor carblled dryer. liIe new. $400 QII Idler =DIETARY .. needed. 3 IIlCUIed $400 menlhtt C8I ahlJ IlUlSflQ Ill' fllal8&led fl pJit 6 p m (313)8J8..E980 5 pm. (313)231·11105 _.tant becomirQ one. seek ~ 10 7'3Op m and 4 p.m. "9 73lp m QII (313)685-1400 1lr I()WELL AYBlIabIe November NoAAW. flut free 21 abe It. ~C StbanIr'I ~ Alndlng It Wlfl oppon.nIy. and .." tl JOf1 SALES apply W.t Hckoty liMn. 3:!JO 1st Fumr;hed large 1 bedroom retngeralorthszer. 5 years old. stud ChampIOn background. a dynamic and char9nlI org&nI- apartment $525 monthly lOll meker Exoelent c:ondIton greel cisposlDI Itmxluciory lee zabOn. f1en we 8llOOUllIg8 you tl W Convnerea. "'1Iord ~. (517)54&0420 Ongf181 ~~ _mOO. aslung $250 Pat boring aYlllfable eel Ill' YIU our ,..., ...... EXPERIENCEO CillOkI Fill • $700 (517)548-5266 (313)231·1150 SECRETARY We are BYBIIable from II am tl plrt·tlml Apply l,l' Chtl 1()WEll. Forgel Wily bolls. 1 8 Pm MoncIay Ilru ANTIOUE oak dnng room .... 4 Numatics Incorporated, a Northwest Sunday R8Staurln~ lI485 W. Gra/Id bedIootn ap~ III town $435 RIver. Bnghton. MI or can II'dldes "*18&. (517)54G-5694 pre&&back chan, IlulIaI, rowxl Oakland County Manufllcturer, is seek- NORTHVU..E. 2CXXlsq It oll9rt pede&tal table $500. lMngston Care Cenler (313)227-6620 :. Industrad space. 2 overhead ing applicants for positions in its interna- 1333 W. GIWld FINer (313~1I All trne prep llIld IrlI ~ LEXINGTON MANOR APTS dooIa. Iocr «aans. heat. clelIn tional and domestic sales office. The HoweI. "" 48843 SPECIAL and sharp (313)348-33)0 AOUARIlJ.l 70 gal. WIth 1llrlCl. (517)548-1900 Expenencod Prelerred ~ succesful candidates will possess experi- Wltm Ill' c:aII J B's lDCl $100 011 5ecunly Deposrt light. IIlter. 'lc. $125. (313~721. II ence on P.Co's (including word process- Ibae. 101lKl E GrInd . Brvhtln (313)229-7881 (313)229-6902. •• ing) and an energetic work history. OCCUPATIONAL Olfb Spa FEST IIIIIWlt LH>EN Atgen,", ReI Talung Please send resume complete with salary THERAPIST AlJWfT rnani ger. Par1-llmlI. 110111: i ~ IMlle 2 bedIootn ForRIIt history to: F*,. Pinehurst Apartments. Seekr1a reg.tared 0 T. 10 work r- I'8&tuarl IXpInInoI \fII trlln Mlturl person. ClIO (313) 7JS. 7103 111 TBf Rehab Centar 111 .... HCItY8.L 8rInd ,. oIb'ntlaII NUMATICS, INC. Bnghton •• Expenanc:e 111 belween 9 a.m llIld 11 a.~ t£W HOOSON 1188, bland new (313)343.8232 •• condos Up to 3000 sq It 1450 N. MILFORD RD. phyaaI daabIhe& llIld YOC8D1- apment ~ lake 2 IYIilablt WIth menanlne lor II praparI'On • jlI8Ierrad Work bedroOm. II . IflducI. WANTED Ass".nt Mana~~ ... IX .. c.n dMcIe II*'- HIGHLAND, MI 48031 ho\n 9 a.m " 4 Pm (M.F) lobi hM 1'8&1ILnn1 rv .-her dry« Close tl Companya IIIiIy WId IierM1 1·116 $750 monthly. taking P.rflct lor p'ofeulonlls "*" lWld CiIlCIIq .... (313)437-7430 Or call L Strauss: 887-4111 pacllaga. CII (313)632~ b appIIdon& CeI (313~ ~ U' Qltf Aallllnnt, apjlOIlIrnent GrInd !Mr. 8fV1tln. ",::. ..: • •


ATTENTIONI Have you ii_iiii.:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;;; ever Generll presslblndery help IMMEDIATE openIngS, III sIWts, MECHANC IIld welder wanllld, SHNGLER needed Expenenced floI91t 01 nrq • I denllll wanted, no 8llpenence, part· 8Ddv Wl1hIl HoweI Soft Cklfl $8 00 10 slar\, oul5Ide wor1I lOb 0P:'0RT\.tfl1Y IN and dependable Call ~ 8S5l5lant'l We are WIlIng 10 t8I1 ... , ...... , weekends, $6 50 Wash, 1009 S PInckney Ad , srte, WlR r&Ifl (313)437-$109 NORTHERN~ • _ !he nght person lor ., n__ '"9 car (517)546-7739 _____ POSitIOn In • team onented ~ start. 1«*1 n person, Cano/trl IbwIl (517)546-7622 closed Mondays Gt&pha 01 MicIugan, 7530 LAN)SCAPE IebonIr Invnedalll QJaJrty Tec:hnClen Progf86SMI speoalrty pracbce Howl IIld MERVYN's 1115 mmecialll op8l'Il- II Shwberry lake R6ed, Hamburg full bme postbonS avaJiable automobve stamPIllll SlJPplltr ------wages fleXIble, part-time. 'ng lor reC8MIl9 assoaa1ll& and seekng IIldMdual 10 coordnalll START NOWI (313)68it·llc.4 Mi EqUlll OpporUttt Employer CaI m«chancise hanana 8SSOCalll5 quahtt assurance prevenbon Sheraton Oaks between 9 a.m and 3 pm, long & Short Tarm Is now FIexJble hours, ~ employee m1allld ac1JI'l\Ie5 loUt be lamohar acoepong app!lC8llOns for HAIR DRESSER ;:,/31;,:;3):::227~.~755::1:::--~-:-::::":" discount av&JIable Apply In With quakty planning, hxture 10 am through 8 pm Acoepbng appicabOnS tor gener- CIRCULATION L.AN>SCAPERS and Iewn man- concepVdeslgn, documenl al labor, proQJc:bon, assembly, AM WAIT STAFF ASSEMIl.ERS GROUP IOoE STifF Expenenced, 2 ~ per week. tenanee aew members, now n's, Nov1 Town Center control, advanced stall&bcal COORDINATOR Eq~ OpporI\I1ttt Emplafer warehouse, nspec:Ilon and more ThUrsdey and Friday needed bena hired 10 wor1l .. wne met.ods, as well as olher OA In !he ~hton.+lowell area. AM/PM BUSSERS ProgressIVe hospital supply We lIIlI rv1tI lIOC8Pt"9 eppica- W8&l BIoomfl8ld 1f8ll nulSlll9 GooC! sllnng PBf WIth benetils techniques Preferred pre- Person needed to oversee bonS lor ful bmt poslbonl MERVYN's 1115 lIMledlalll open- DISHWASHERS company II II need 01 haril home (313)681-7W) (::31;;3:;)231:.:.'-..:;22718:.:..:..,..--:-__ ~ requlSrte16 COP ~ficabon, WIth OPEN HOUSE worIung dedlC8l8d people. Great dls~ 01 newspepn IIld AppIan llQ1 have I poIIW8 If'9S for sales and gift wrap 4 or more y881S expenence ., a Apply In person oiler COfllIlII1Y. relaIed producls. dJde, WIIrlgnI5s 10 Ielwn, IIld UGHT IIldusrllll macIIne opera- aSSOCiates, With night and Tuesday, 10 am m 3 pm working environment, good weekend avallablrty 20'4 aJ~1lv8 relallld qwty EI'M .Mon·FrI. II am-5 pm W~I be available for agency fl8 eblity ~ Wlllll • I llIlIn. HAIR DRESSERS ter needed No exper!ance ronment Must be an indepoo. 27000 Sherllon Dr., Noyl benefllS, ~ lor as&islllnCle, carner IIld moJor S6 50 per hour ...., ~ necessary 1J shI'- API at employee discount available OpporIur'l1HlS tor boIh men & aclvacemerL II person at Bnghton Molded PtasbCS Inc "Wt n ~ 10 am fl/'OUdh den~ eager IndMdual, who WOfIc.s women Bnng drIVers ilC8llS8 and Tn- Slalll SI.wIY Corp route deIIveIy llOVerage when Amblbous people ortr ~. Chair rental or commISsIOn weI wrtIl others Send resume 1l8ClIS58IY.WI nn drMlrs and Fo r In tervle.. CIII Newly moWIllId I1ur sbJCio n Robertson and S18WarI, 1351 8 P m Mervyn's, NoY! Town sooal securrty ca'd 301 Carel HoweI. Center Equal Opporlunlty and salary requirements to make runs when 118C86S81Y,WIll (313)887-3021. Canton. Call DenISe RK:keII Ad ~htln, MI. MesICk Metal ProdudS, POBox ATTENTION canng homemak· 313) 981·2101 day 5, ... -, ==-=--:-_~..,.,...._=-.:--Employer ENTECH SERVICES, INC He, WIIUd ::II~ ~oceu~ =:DIREC=~T-=c..--=Good""-'-peopIe""-'-wm""'" 7'l3, MesICk, MI ~729. ers, blI '/OS own bOss and 8IIl1 313)397-3789 everwr.lS- MIG ProcU:tIOn Welder, Ful or 510 I-\gNand Ave 1 Atlenllon Ken Lullermoser, Mllord (Prospect Hil) General money helping others Call ment reports. High school good natural t8llclllng skills NIGHT AUDITOR part lime Weld·A~ Co Apply Personnel Malager. (313)347·2427. diploma and dependable vSlIde Qood pay. Blue CrOsslBlue I£A lING, Cooing lIIc:mr;.,1. • (313)685-7120 yelrs expeflence minimum between 9 am and 11 am 300 a '**Illy. SmOk&-hIe enwon- Slueid (313)88902338 experienced preferred. Frankln SU'88I, ~hkln. PART-TIME. Morrungs, malure II ResIdentaI, cornlll8fCllll. Good Please send resume to person Aunt Claras CooIues ment Benefits eIter 90 days ElECTRICIAN. ~ lOOl 5 pay, Benefits. (313)~, MILFORD arlll employer s9lllls (313)455a361 AGO HARDWARE ~ MANAGER probeD! penod We WIll tnIn ~ars minimum expaflenee. evenino.ls, (313)229-9421. P.O. Box 964, Novi 1111. amtxtlOuS people tor· nduslnaJ WAAfHOUSE cleaning and housekeeping PART·TIME 5erYI08 person. salt HOMETOWN rxom (313)66&OO9ll. I£LP W8flted, dellY8lY person 4837~ For Howell ofice, FarrntngIlln positions Call Joyce al deIIveIer, dencaI, and hAI bme based credit unIOn, proven NEWSPAPERS ElECTRICAl. - control panel Earn from $8 ~ $10 an hour sales posIbons lMIJlciJle Send Ahemoon shih, • p m start. Cook IIld pcua makers. 1«*1 n (313)234-2828 ActIOn Manage- J,pply at. 23333 Commerce communlC8bon, lending, and 323 E Grand RIver Aw. wmg. Expenenoe helpful, WI. ment Corporabon, 915 S Grand msume m Vllage and Counlly person at 8IlMlI Prua. 2163 UKE BEING A TEAM PI.A YER? Dnve, Fann~kln Hilki. Howell, MI 48843 IIUI. Wrxom. (313)66&-0099. T1lIV8IS8, Ant MI 48502. NAC IS Soft Wider, G2 Argentne Ad ~p~~~ resume PonIBc Trai, Waled lake JoIn !he Merry Matds clean teaml 1.Jnden, MI 48451 su: ENTRY IlMlI IacIory po6l11OnS. an Equal Oppor1unrty Employerl V~ 22981 Fannrog- No phone caIki, we are an equal No experience 1l8ClIS58IY.FIISt, I£LP wantad ScnIen pm! work Earn top pay, Monday lhru JTPA Sponsored ADEPT PlJ.STIC ANISHNG s~~ Expenence lIlIIorms PART-TIME stall dearing JOb, 1lln Ad, F8I'Iqkln, Mi. ~ opporUvIy employer. second or fIIrd shifts. 40-50 lal desulld Fnday, 6ay hours, C9' WIXOM 313)48S-1020 needed. PaJd mileage Call NEEDED Immedtately, general available on pnvate farm Itl BRIDGEPORT opera~ and ClEANNG po6IbOnS 8V8llable, hours per week. (313)227-1218 l (313)229-1008. laborers, assemblers and Mi~ord Need ~ be avadabIe 111 \..ookIlQ tor dependable, qualltt tool makers wanllId bolh shins perHme, days be mall.re EXPERIENCED ONLY, TOOL macl1ne opara1DtS lor 8n;lhm AM. 34 hot.rs a 6ay Monday Mrumum 10 years Iobt :-:HOS=T::-MOST=:;:E::::SSE=S-Ior;:-:-~prom==-~MACHINE TOOL - HydraulIC through Fnday. Must be rellllbkl, rrundecf people, tor I~t manufac. expenence. IIld reiabIe. CllI ~, ROOM HELPER. Day shift, and Ho«e11 IY88S 40 plus hours Test requll9d. n hew dependable b'ansporlabon IlJmg Day sl1ft orly. ExceIklnt AWt person (313~ manufac:U!19 laakty, Normae nenl Home-A-Rama builders Jealer 3 years mll'lmum expert- per week. Alia, (313)227-121a between 10 am. &nil 2 p.m. at model in 8f91kln Nee. Horne- .... 8IlOJ. WIXom. (31~. If Interested call Tern at ~=::---:-:--:"""""C:--- wag.es .. and benefits NEEDED prolesslonal framer lor (313)6lB-0077 BCR Tool Company, 1175 CNC lathe operltor. Soma Inc., 720 Eat Baselne Roed, Rama IUII5 from Oc*lber 4 - :-:':-:-:-:-===-"':':::::=::-:-~ (313)684-6736. RckatI Roed, Bnghm prognmnng, IamiiiIlr wm SPC. NorfMIe. (313)349-2644. Oc*lber 28. II Illerlilited, caJ MANAGER NEEDED 10 cordi- expllldlng framrng dep;rtment Fkixible hours. Wages negoU- PIZZERIA needs help. Aldt 111 Serid I85UIIl8 ~: P.O. Box 297, EXPERIENCED Collections 1313)338.2303 for more nalll3 person home n howell, f« person at Pizza Cutter, 346 N AFTERNOON SHFT CARPENTER laborer needed lor Mi. .al1&. person ~ eel on past due IIllormabOn. IndMduals wrth developmental able. Art Plus, (313)229-1901. 8f9'dm. Center, NorthVille dlSablll\le5 SaIaned, IuI benefilS, NEED x-Ira money? Now hllng. ',20 people needed for hght CONCRETE finisher wanted. lmlUl1lS. Typtng, phone arBWIll" (313)348-3333. ~~n:i~ Iobt have own r&nsporlabon lilli, efliaent record keeptng. -~IN=DUS=TRAJ=L-CONTR==01.""'--bachelors de!Jee needed. CaI tarnponuy second shIlL Hours WELDING paraprofeSSional iMlstnal pcl5l1IClnS III Am Arbor, CARRIER naeded lor poICh ELECTRICIAN (313)973-9771 ~ set en IIllllr- PREP person needed full or 1llad1er llJd, m 85561 cisadvan- (313)81&6738 aIllIr 6 pm.' ::.: ~a~~ are 3 p.m. 10 11~ m. 1«*1 In ~hm, Howell and Ypsllanb delNery of t.blday Green Sheet ::r~l~: Vt8W. Send msume Wrth Iett« of person at Handleman Co 1291 paIl-llIlle Immedtalll Op8I1Ing5, taged sludenlS Iobt hava 2 ,areas Hours 3 pm -11 pm. or 111 Souih Lyon WoOds 1raier pa1l EQupmenl, 51722 GrIIld RIver, Excellent opporlnly WIth 85lIIb- mtent to: Adult Learning Rx:ketI, Bnghton. llexille hours, WII tnIn BCBS years occupallOnal 8llpenence n A.pm. - 12~ am CaI CtrculabOn IeaVlllll name CONSTRUCTION WIXom, MI. 48393, Attenbon: Iahed local busileSs. Must have ~tems. 2230 HIIOIl Parkway weIdilgImadlll'lng. 18 houts per and address If Interested. ColIec:tJons. 5 years 01 electrical expenence or Am Arbor. Alln. Nancy. ~~Car~~~~ week. AWt m. Personnel Ofb, - No expenence requll9d (313)349-3627. OpponInty ~ Ielm l.aborer on NEWSPAPER 415 N. Barnard, Howell, MI, EXPERIENCED Framing wrth a good unders1ancing oi MANAGER needed tor quICk oi son Rd, Ul1Ion lake (next m - CompebtlYe wages large slle, large company. Commerce Dnve-ln) 48843 Beneflls CARRIER wanted lor porch ca!~enter's wanted. automated equipment, Allen change 111 l.iv1ngsm County. PRESS ASSISTANT Advancement lor mtelhgent. Bradley P.l.C. preferred. Please conlacl Mr. KnlQht at - Bonuses delNery 01 h! Monday Green responsible person. MirIrnum 40 (517)548-9274. NEEDED ~ backarouncl requr· 1(313)626-3741. :. FiAl line oppor1IJr'lty Sheet III Ore Lake, Hamburg hours year-lOUnd. S6 50 10 starl FACTORY foreman with FULL-TIME PRESS BRAKE OPER. area of Cowell, Hili Pomt, After 5 pm., (517)546-3265, mecharucal ability for local menlll ~ i1cIude: l>neumabC and :-:.. =..,,,..,="'=='''T=----:-...,...-,ic:----'--:-. WE Stall tomorrow, caR Bngh~nI Ardmore, Cranmore, Ore_ phone m.mber. Htdraubc COfllIllls, WI1h know- """''''''"''' .... ar;ry ...... M "-- h h school d...... Candidate must have • years Ieaw I1l8IIIIfacU1ng £Of11P8flY. Experl- ledge 01 mane shop &quip- C8Il. If you n good there IS a orUS~~t IIIWIth Howell (313)227-1218. Ann and Longworth Please call ~j mll'lmum expenence. Must be ence a must For intlll'fflW, caJ ment, Iah!. mill, welder, lll'OWlflll demand__~ lhI6 5erYI08 apbtude. If you have expenence ArborlVpsianb (313)572-8880. (517)546-44S5. ecc. able ~ read prill$, Wlllll Wllh COSMETOLOGIST Pe. Youngs, (517)546-6330. SEN> RESlIoAE: 111 Southyon ...... L,. youlf are would NEED CARRIER WlIlllld How8lI Willing to gIVe It bme and on a newspaper pras& or heights, gauge and other area. FARMERS If&II'lIIlC8 Group IS walking 1llUl9. lkwersIty, Pnnce- PEPSI-COlA promobon, 75% coml111&SlOfl,call ~ke ~ Ieam how to operate a measlllng devices, do his own Adrian Arpel Skin Care deveIoprlg ins:l'a/lC8 agencies n HELP ... ANNOUNCING lon, Cornall area Call Pat MNUACTlRNG Changes at (313)437-6886 ~ see S8I-IJp5 aild checlt hIS own wor1t Compeny, rv1tI IwIng IuI bme liVingston and Washtenaw J::::., ao:: Good fnnge benefits, worIung (517)546-4800. If you 8l'IPf betng wrth people 1aaalis15and meke up artist, at Coun1l85. We are in~ 755 S. McPherson Dr. MEAT CUTTER, expenenced. dependable people. Good condrtlOns Day shdt, 1Jvonta FREE 1bIsons, 8nlrwDod t.W. Good lhatlakB pnde III Ih8r work, • you Individuals who want ~ develop How8lI, MI. 48843 Full time. Excellent wlI\les. wages, brand new clean laaity area. Call after 3 p.m. TRAINING CARRIER WlIlllld How8lI area. PBf and benefi1S. II you IY8 .. own busi1ess. Start p;n- Benefits and profit sharing. wo wor1l III lII1d benefilS are are dependable and can be (313)522-9310 lMIJlable rather unusual houts FOR LAID OFF Wallung route. Hwns, lake, licensed, please call, bme Without glVll1g up your Sefe's Markets, Bnghton or available when a probation MI~h.19.anAve. Call Pat (313)525-1313. present employment Classes E.O.E. PROFESSlONAL pet groomer. we may have a JOb lor you. The WORKERS Howell. peood 16 completed. We also (517)54&48(l1 start in NoVerriber. CaI Dave FuR or p;n-bme CommlSSlOll8d bmdery deparlment at H0rne- COlMER Help. B and J Gas ... ------....., offer a smok&-lree enwonment Town Newspapers needs people CARRIER WlIlllld HowaII area. and 0.1. Excellent pay, Ileneits. Stanbury, (313)665-4747 or If tl1s ad SOlIlds ike a JOb that employee. 5aI0n or mobile SchoIaIshIPS available 1IYough (313)525-~. Health and dental benefits. m complete h! lilal slllP n Washtenaw Commlllrty CoI6ge Walking rout9. Stmmit, Ma

12. reduction in the frequency of Source: Office of injury to occupants Highway safety Planning, Michigan State police 16 and older: ______------_.-1 -- ""- ",'- ' 12-THE NORTHVILLE RECOROITHE NOVI N~y, 0Cl0ber 15, 1890

101M CHEVY VlWl. % ton,l*W 107. DODGE Dtrt. .... t MI' 1. ~YSLER lIIet. 1.o8ded, 1087 OUlSMOBllLE Cudau PONTIAC Bonn8VIIe SSE. 318 V~, 77,000 miIeI. Fbnda 11ft _OlIn. $1,800 or belt Moll IIcQy ~, FlAIy1.loaded. II 0Il'0f1', .1,000.. convertlon. powlr.leerlng/ e.. s. brakes, auto, 80,000 mil.. , OIl, no MI. NlIw N, 11ft oller. (51~7J. soulhern car, 31.,000 miles. mila $1.,400. (313)227~ $3.200. f313l:M7-6C88 good $2,000 or belt offer. 11* FOR> EXP. 5.ll88d, bIa:k, Warranty aVl/lab e. $7,500 between 8 am. lWlC! 5 pm.; • services (313)227·2128 $1500. (313)0'37-686' Ml'l/llII. Dealer. CIII after 4 pm, Aller 5 pm, (313)227·1367. : (313)~. 107B THlN>ERSIROT_ t:M. 1. ot.DS Cui8rII CIn. 2 AmNTlON AHYO+E WITH A 1. CAPRICEa.u:. V6, • 1911OSEREnA GT. loaded. 11== Everyt1f1g l8llOIVd nut .... door, aIr eondltlOn, loaded. 1nlIlnor, door, 8llCI8Ikrrt CXlIllbon. $7100. I.Ilroon grey V-8, ern.1m CASHERS LOAN OR DEBT We can helpl ery de .' Hal been Excellent condibon. $3000. •BUSINESS IS GREAT' Home ~, AurJ 1owJs, (313)30C9-4339lIIler 6 p.m. slllAlo WI;' caselIlI Alumnlm boat loans, heavy equipment . &bt see b beIM. :,;,(3,.,;,13~~=m=~-:-_-:- ~8lfect lot anywl1ere or 1Iff0ll8. HIllS ESCORT. 2 door. lIIIO .. NooY hrlllg lot c:ashI8lS, all shilts, loans, aedrt CIIId debls, we can =.: c::e.v..er~ ~Oo~s= $~J,o~ $1,700 or besl oller. run. Oood, .unroof, amnm help you save thousands 111 be, rVer cIeIoger, 35,00> 1111181, (313)437-3205 WIXOIlt lot allendents, aJ shdls, stldlers. (313)231·1800, homa. tterao. $l,1Il5. (313)227~. 4 am sllft Paoe Membersllp Interest payments, Ply' off mu.t .ell. $7000. Day •• 1090 PROBE GL, .peclal Warehouse, 2.800 Haggerty loan/debt sooner, bUild a (313)878-31~, WDIk, Joe. 1086 MONTE e.to 55, V~•.. , (313)887~ package, GT ground eflec1s, Road, Farmington Hills, apply subsllnlJal cesh rllServe, no 11180 MERCURY MalQuit. • T·., 35,000 1IlIIet, IlIlW GT 1988 HON>A CRX 51 37000 1 IOldea, warrenty Ivallable. w~l1n lIIfinan.:.1:l1l, no crocit c:heck, no door, air condilloned", new pka .... lI1IIO' IlIW thocks, owner, 5 tpeed, tunrOot,' lIfTlitr. $11,900. (313)229-83111 bniltet, good n. $1100 ",' Wi! tlereo, "aroon. $7500. iNTERESTED 10 I career pre-quaJ't~ ~' oller. (517)50t8-5266 (313)227-4005 • eateIl8, road lahti, 35 change? Wanted men and (313)261..&336 $7,500. (517)S46-~7. ~1IaaIObIes women prllSently employed 10 1081 BUICK Regal. ~,OOO 1086 MONTE e.to SS, bIa:k, mnll ~ (Mfnlfied Asset Management Ir8m as Insurance lrlQ9l11s " m_, .. condrtolWlg, power Ioeded, T.TOf" tIatm, under ~:"~eerC:::~ $1,000 InlerllSted. please call ilIl Cox ...-::~=~~~-~ &teerrlgAnkes. New biiIMI and 50,000 mil.. . S7 00 o. =:,~ ~ 800-798-6759 • SECRETARIAL ~, looks andlUl'ltQl1l8l. (313~ ~ 5 p.m. WIldawt.more. $6.250V-8, CIUIS8,(313)878-5~lIII", pita ~~~~~~~~:-: $2,350 or bell (313)685-«i12. and 0 p.m. PART· TIME sales POSition, SOLUTIONS TrucIlI alter • pm. 1972 VOU LTD, .. , virftl tip, ;:;"1986";"":'RENAUl.~=:::-T""Aliance."'-~$2."'OOO""""" evenlrgs and weekends, IadI9S 344-0098 11188 PONTIAC leMa,. Ill: pens. new tntnISSlOn, Ielwe clolhlng store 1st aass, 209 power stee~ng.1lrakes, goOd Cd aItIlr 5 p.m., (51~79. .terao, 18,000 miles. s6900: message (313)0'37-5787. West Main, Brighton ~ $1100 or bell 1987 CADIU..AC $edlrl DaV". (51~737 8Y8WllI'. 1976 0lDS Supreme.. (313)2279556 eu.as. 1. TEMPOGL. • door, pt:NI8I T·. ~ weal $600 or beI~ ROUTE SalespersM'roulll relief 1983 DA~ 11ft end driYes ~r-~ wmn. s~, at, CIUIS8. tit. oller. (517)548$7. Irke new, $1375 •• 5mpg, =~(3::':"i:)231::-::~~=-o;-- Must tBve good dnYI':lll record = ~ b:b, excellent 0llIldl1IDn. 19n PONTIAC Grand Pnx: wllng to wOr1c. hard Heaclquar: (313)3G-7t71, (313):M8-1068. ~11;S~ $ 5 •300. 0 r b es I e r RebuIII 8OQII18 and ratMlJssIOn, tared 11 ElrrdhbO,Wllh some DU1 == 0" 1983 V-6, 5 speed, 11187DAYTONA Shelly Z. 30 (313)62~. lest than 10,000 miel on bcfl. of bwn 1raYel Good paf and RREBRO. K. clean. Bergam. One owner...... 1088 Z2. CHEVY cavalier. $500. (313W37.()942. benefrts Send resume lrld WDIk S2000 or best oller. Cell alter IlIlW ... , IlIlW IUlUU, --'" history to Contlnenlal Linen 6 pm (313)668-W51. $6,300. (313}496-3599. 30,000 miles, loaded, sunroof. 1979 MUSTANG. Red, an.tn SeMce, 5079 Canlertlury, Elrrdht· Excellent condllon. $8000. 115,000 mdes. Good "",porta. 1983 PONTIJe 6aXl, body good 1087 ESCORT GL • door on. '" 48116. no phone calls (313)34&-4427 txln $500. (313)437.0369 ~e EOEImt alndcJon. • 000 lIlIIeI on nibuiI halchb8ck, • speed, auae, •. motor. 53000 or best. Clean. $3,600. (313):M8-2452. 1980 FORO Bronco II XLT. 1979 OlDS CuWa SUDnlme TElEMARKETER needed (313)887..45:M. 11187FOR> &oon Gl. • door, • Loaded. 26,000 miles. $12,500. V.fJ, bIeck, no rust. $975 Call 4 pm b 9 pm Monday 1h0l (313)68S-2638. alter 6 p.m. (313)632-6348 Fnday SaIasy plus COOlmlSSlDO. 1983 POtfI1AC 2000 SuItinl, • a::o~ Allstar Marketing ~ S~d,o:d' =lioc~30,000 milea. $3,500. 1989 FORO Escort. • speed, 2 11* CHEVETTE. Stick, runs (313)344-45:K) =. door, arMn. ",700. Dealer. CaB good, 60,000 miles. $1,000. bon and 'runt good. $1700, ~(31~3)3t9=-..,.9-00==I~2.=....".,_~", WNHED Hard walling IndlVldu· (313)349-9189 11187 MERCURY Cougar LS, alter • p.m., (313)~ :,.,(51"",7)~~::-2~=..,.,...-:--:----,. aIs who want b be SlJCC8SSlul1977 YAMAHA XS·75O, full 11* QEVY ClIlrice. • door fully loaded, black, excelent 1985 HORIZON .• door, • Trumendous firmnaal oppDItUOl· dr e 55 , 1 0 w n er , $ 750 , lIlIloI'nU:, rear de&o6ter Hdi condition. $UOO or be.. , 1989 TOPAZ LTS. I.b new, cylinder, 5 speed. Good oonchon Iy (313)229-4256 (313)878--'3405lMIIIIlgS. miles. Exoelent ClOIlChon. $1950.1313}3U.1115 evenings, loaded, ._yeer extended I8lYIC8 $1000 or best. Evenings, 1990KAWASNQ KX 125 $2.100. (313W37-8785. 313)390-~ days. Tam. plan. $9,5W. (313)229-9279. (313)3ot7~. Business 1989 I

8 FT. Pick-up cover, • inches hlQh, fils up b 1987, $75. AfIer ______6 pm. (313)227-4831. __ iiiiii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;' Vall II ""r; Aulomob11e1 SINCERE canng In home cere TOWN & COUNTRY Dodge llIde, Interested In canng lor " , fit ---II ~;;:;::;;:;;;;;;;;, Over $1,000 18munally III or persons Just GRAND RIVER AT 9 M/LE· FARM/NGTON· OPEN MON. , THURS. 'T/L 9 needing special care In the . " o areas of Howell, FowIervllle, ~ .. OPENLATE ~ 1 WANT Ol..OSMOBILE98S OR 1986 DODGE Ven 6 cyindel'. 1915 MERCEDES 2400. Many Pooy, Byron I.Iooday through ,."KtA BlTE.OUT OF ::ut:. MON. & THURS. 474.6750 ::~~.:::=: 7f1.!/ CADlllACS. 19n 10 1982. 59,700 miles. $3,900. extra solid PrIOf' ...... ~ Fnday 9 am b 5 pm sch&- parts. Good car. • Until 9:00 dJie (517)~ ~RIME Please ~ DaJe. (51~~189. (313W37~193. $2500. Cd Ca1, (313)227-31Z3

..",,:;;;a.;:::;;;!ii::;;_""~jf~-1990 TAURUS LX

_ ~ delroster, anlllock bnlIIes, ~ speed sensitive steering. 11.110 Iarr9 system, casl aJurriinum 15,092 Was . 20,740 wheels. eleclronk; Instrumenl Discount 4441 cluster. keyless entry system 3593 power antenna, IuD iIlz8 spare, Rebate 1000 Rebate 1300 ITlJCh more. Stk.#DemoT02193Now$10,499* Stk.#DemoO01857Now$14,999*

1990 AEROSTAR ~~~', 1990 F150 ~ 1990TBIRD -lI.. --- 5.0 Rter V8 engine, lllItomallc over drive • - ::::--.. --...... ---.... PJr cc.ncIIlonIng, power windows, power locks, 'K~"" i "EDDIE BAUER" ~ _ transmission. lir oondtJonlng, pOlYer Yllndows, " power seat, electric de/roster. electronic 4.0 Iller engine, automatic transmission, quad • - -! power locks, 62SO GVWA rating, XL T tr!m, • ' ... AMIFM stereo cassetlo, cast aluminum captains chairs, trailer towing package. hi cruise control, tilt wheel, argenl styled road :::::;P wheels, luxuy group, automallc transmission, capacity air condtJon, power windows, power wheels, sliding rear window', tachometer, step _. power steering, power brakes, dual remote Was 22,650 \ocI(s, privllCY glasa, rear wiper washer, r911' Was 16,830 bu",*,. ITlJCh more. Was 17,207 rrIrroB. consoIe,lTl.ICh more. defrosler, lIoOr oonsole, aulse control, IlIt Discount 4051 wheel, ITlJCh more. Discount 3731 Discount 3108 Rebate 1800 Rebate 1100 Rebate 1400 Stk.# T 02305 Now $16,799* Stk. #T02415---_..Now $11,999* St!<. #02419 Now $12,699*

MOIfl"HLY FACTORY 1990 TEMPO GL LEASE SECURITY PAYMENT REBATE VEHIClE sn<.. TERM DEPOSIT INC. TAX DOWN PAYMENT ,,*!'!'F~~ Automallc tranamlslllon, air ooncltJonlng, pr7o¥8l" ~~!!,~LX ~~~===" ...... locks, mllTClrS, poIycas\ dual e/eGtrIc tDt wheel, d ~...,; power locka, AMIFM .tereo C8SMlte, tinted wheels, eIectrlcdeflO8t9l',lightgroup:A~M ~~ AEROSTAR T02305 48 400 381" 0 Y-- gtass, duIII eldie "*rora. culse control. wire stereo <:aaS8lte, power steering, lront wheel ~J tires, ~ Wheel oowra, _ power brakes. power T02415 48 Z75 27'Z" 0 00l1li, rrueh ll'lOre. .I-'ng, ITlJCh more. F150 Was 12,578 T-BIRD 02419 48 300 299'" 0 Was 12,189 Discount 2779 = IIJSTANG 01415 48 200 194" '1000 Rebate 1000 Discount 2190 TEMPO 02318 48 225 203'" '750 Rebate 1000 Stock #02318 Now $8799* "~on commerclal!e;,s" 1s1 paymenl and refund.ble security deposit due on delivery. Stock #1415 Now $8999* 'essl'(! allowed 1SOOOmiles ~r year, .ndls tesp"'nslble fot execss Vfl1M & le"r 11 ... _1iI cenls per mile for excess miles. For lolal of payments multiply paymenl by I",rm Option fo purchase at end of lease determined al time of Ineeptlon. 4....use lnx not --- Included In advertised wet'kly payment. McDONALD FORD 550 W. Seven Mile 8 Northville Conveniently Located 349·1400 between Northville Rd. a Sheldon Rd. PLYMOUTH· CANTON· NORTHVILLE

Monday - Sunday October 15· October 21 Page 2 Suburban Cable Weekly October lS-october 21

r • LEGEND. ~ ~ 1M fR ~ Start listing: Mon, October 15 &:00 1m I ra 11 ra 'E -4 End Listing: Mon, October 22 &:00 IIR I Show Types: LIVE SPORTS, MOVltES, NETWORK SERIES, SERIES, SPECIA ;LS, SPORTS SHOWS. ~ October 14 through October 20 By C.C Clark Channel Station City UBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) ARIES (March 21-April 19) • MTV Music: Manage your funds wisely, and take a Home and family will provide a great • CNNII I hard look at finances to begin planning comfort to you this week. Visiting D TWC Weatller for the future. Travel can give you a friends or family will help your spirits Chlnnel • VH-1 new outlook on life. rise. Watch finances closely. • LIFE UleUme SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) TAURUS (April 20-May 20) • PASS Troy II AMC Cllsslcs Your job sector experiences a trend It will seem that your emotions are •• WFUM flint toward organization. Take a chance taking a roller coaster ride. Talking out Premium and talk with that person you have your frustrations with someone close • MAX Premium • TMC Premium been dying to meet. • HaO eases the problem. .(2) WJBK Detroit SAGITIARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) GEMINI (May 21-June 20) e@ WDIV Detroit Relationships are strong for you. The You will accomplish much more than .CD WXVZ Detroit best way to spend your time is with usual this week. Be diligent where e()) CBET Windsor •• WKBD Detroit those you love and to share in their finances are concerned and payoff e. WTVS Detroit happiness. Don't be judgmental. debts as quickly as possible. e. WGPR Omit CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) CANCER (June 21-July 22) .9 WXON Detroit II) WON Chlelgo Your creative powers will surprise Straighten out problems between you AUlnll even you. A specific situation will and a mate or close friend. The • TBSFAM Family make you incredibly angry, but a great • ESPN Sports arguments you've been involved in are Nickelodeon good comes from your anger. caused by miscommunication. • NICK • USA Ne. Yon AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) • CNN News Seek a quiet place to find inner peace .. AaE Now is a good time to take risks and Financial this week. Your life isn't quite what look toward new horizons. This is a II• TNNFNN Nashville you would like it to be, and often that very successful cycle for you if you tit TNT AUanta is because of your selfishness. apply yourself. II TlC Learning Ch. .. BET BET Ntwk PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) .. CSPAN Government A new person in your life will send you Show patience toward loved ones. • DISC in search of better horizons. Spending While you think you are going through CI SHOW Premium If) DISN time with young adults and children a lucky phase, remember that you Premium can be very rewarding. make your own luck. · TV l.I\Img Inl Suburban IS/flAiR ~W/ Cable

S D E R S H W I N B S T R A I Weekly C W N A M E R 0 F B U R M T 0 is published every Monday by the Suburban Communications Corpo- H A K E I E N 0 S I R R A H G ration, 36251 Schoolcraft Road, Li- L S R Y D E 0 0 A P B G N E V vonia, MI 48150. A H E L E B T Z J H N All advertising published in the Sub- 0 T S M urban Cable Weekly is SUbject to the T I Y L I N D S E Y T B S F I conditions stated in the applicable T N A I Z N A M T L T E U 0 E rate card, copies of which are avail- able from the Advertising Department, E G D S U N Z T I L 0 L L R K 36251 Schoolcraft Road, Uvonia, MI , R T A Z C I D M A y 48150. Suburban Communications ; I C 0 E A I' Corporation reserves the right not to t J 0 D R L WA S R S S Z N M T accept an advertiser's order. Adtak- ( 0 N N L T H N U T B C N D 'T L ers have no authority to bind Subur-i N E y E H S U B ban Cable Weekly and only publica- \ S 0 E E o A L tion of an advertisement shall consti- E H L L S R D Y A D A C G R B tute final acceptance of the adver- P S F 0 R E M A y Z S I R T tiser's order. 0 The information in Suburban Cable C A R LAG ESE GAD U S G Weekly is provided by the networks They're Famou., By George and stations. Suburban Cable Weekly (Words In parenthe_ not In puzzle.) is not always notified of changes prior to going to press. All program sched- (George) Burns (George) G.shwln (George) SChlatter ules are subject to change. (George) Bush (George) GObel (George) 8egaI (George) CartIn (George) Hamilton (George) Strait To advertise, call 591-2300, Mon- (George) C. SCott (George) Harrison (George) Tak" day-Friday between 8:30 am and 5:00 (George) DI cenzo (George) Jon .. (George) Washington pm. Copydeadfine is 4:00 pm Friday, (George) Dzundza (George) Kennedy Lynda Day (George) 10 days before publication. (George) Foreman (George) Llnd .. y Phyllis (George) () TV Lllllln, Inc ,. q

October 15-October 21 SubUrban Cable Weekly Page 3 names in Steel's productions, under- stand families and that split families Author Danielle Steel's are real life, too. This undoubtedly gives them greater perspective and novels come to television sensitivity to their roles. Both are divorced, and both are very dedicated Family life important from her two childhood sisters by the moms. death of their parents. When a private to stars of melodramas detective (King) locates her sisters, Smith is divorced three times. But it By Amy Schmidt Smith's character hesitates at the is apparent that family is the most NBC hopes its made-for- TV movies prospect of a reunion. Rightly so, for important thing to her in the world. will attract female viewers who won't the meeting uncovers old secrets which Her children (Gaston and Spencer want to watch the World Series on could potentially destroy them all. In Margaret) travel everywhere with her CBS. Accordingly, the network is Fine Things, actor D.W. Moffett plays when she does a shoot. "I don't do well . throwing two of its best movies, a wealthy bachelor charmed by the without them. So we stick together," Danielle Steel's Kaleidoscope and wiles of a little girl. He subsequently she said. Smith has been trying to get Fine Things into the ratings ring, falls in love with her mother, played by her Houston-based parents to move to Monday and Tuesday. Tracy Pollan. After Pollan's character Los Angeles for a long time. "I believe in families being together. It's just that ' Both movies are based on author dies, he and his doting, Jewish mother Daddy loves Houston." When asked, Danielle Steel's best-selling melo- (Cloris Leachman) are left to care for Smith said she still believes in mar- dramatic novels. Jaclyn Smith and the girl. "I Perry King will star in Kaleidoscope, riage. haven't been through what the A parallel between Kaleidoscope, tabloids say I've been through," she while Cloris Leachman, Tracy Pollan and Fine Things is that both movies retorted. and D.W. Moffett line up for Fine involve familial separation. Amaz- Things. "Put evetything aside sit down ingly, Danielle Steel is the mother of After 23 years of marriage, Leach- . and just enjoy this thing. It's totally nine children, herself. If anyone man and her husband, producer/direc- . entertaining ... absolutely feature film understands families, she does. "She tor George Englund, divorced. "Family time," said Leachman of her project. writes all those books, and has all those life has always been very important to Smith had no less raves for her film and babies, " said Smith of Steel. Said me," said Leachman. "Of all the gifts in role. "I love Danielle Steel. She's just Leachman, "Danielle has a way of life, my family has given me the so popular world-wide, and I see getting her finger on the pulse. She's greatest satisfaction. My children have why." caught the human condition. It's real been my greatest joy because they are all so unique and so special." In Kaleidoscope, Smith plays a life. " network news executive separated Both Smith and Leachman, the big 't' TV L.'llng In~ 11Had My Doubts That Such Great Prices Could Buy The Quality I Demand." 'rout OnHSC, Irs Guaranteed." "I al~ays though.t I'd be the last person in the world to try shopping on TV. But WIth these mcredible bargains and Home Shopping Club's 30-Day Satis.factionGuarantee, I'd be crazy to go anywhere else." This holiday season, forget about traffic jams and long lines. You can find everything y~u're looking for in a place that's closer than you think. Shop f~r to~ quality brand names, bargain pricing and unbelievable convenience right m the comfort of your own living room. Not only will you save up to 50% off retail value, but first-time buyers will receive an extra 85.00 off any purchase. lMentionCoupon Code: 121821.) Home ShoppingSM - America's original live, discount, shop at home T.V.service.$ You'Ulike shopping with us. We guarantee it. 30 Day Satisfaction Guarantee Every purchase comes with our 30-day money back guarantee. If your purchase is not what you expected, or if you simply change your mind, just return it within 30 days from receipt for a full refund of your purchase price. (Guarantee excludes Bargathon~ or other liquidation sales.) OMNicOM $5.00 Off Any Purchase HOME First· Time Buyers Only SHOPPING Valid 10/01/90 -10/31/90 CAblEVisioN CLUB TO REEDPI:·1. Gall Home ShOPPing louch·tone phone. hold on and an Op· Every Buy's a 8argain~ Clul)S'llto place your order lor Iny mer- erator wllllake your call ) Have your SIX' chandise Item. Z. Flrst·lI"" c.JlI,. d'Olt coupon COdeready when the Op· Our flJusiness 'is 7"ou OIly: Press ·0· when TOOTlE," our erator takes your call 3. tntroductory autolYllted order- Oller Oily. Not tD.r, answers. (II valid for currenl Call: 459-7300 you don 1 have a Coupon Code: 121821 club members Serving Plymouth, Canton & Northville Communities ------

t I Page 4 Suburban Cable Weekly October 15-October 21 ~------.., By LARK L. SAMOUELIAN Executive Director, SW ();)klHr1d Cable Comm.

Politics and be it public, education or govern- series entitled "MY VOT COUNTS" Resident Julieann H elections pose ment is non-commercial. This an interesting means we may not advertise. Or in vanesian is chairperson and has ear- challenge for other words may not send out "a nestlv P'lcouraged the entire com- Community caJl for action." There are Broad- mitt~ .0 get involved with the me- Access Televi- cast and Cable companies and ad- dia options. sion as the vertising firms, along with inde- Dan Potter, the Director of the standards are pendent production houses, that are Denartment of Special Services, en- left to individ- available for hire to produce a com- coura~M Cable Coordinator David ual discretion. Most access centers mercial to say "VOTE FOR ME." Tietmeyer to lend technical support base their policies upon first come A smart candidate is involved and guidance. The purpose of the first serve. The very premise of with television 12 months a year by show is to directly increase voter freedom of expression encourages providing and sponsoring "informa- participation, increasing the quality those of opposing views to come for- tional" programming. For example and quantity of publicity and infor- ward. But these candidates need a many State Senators and Congress- mation regarding local elections. forum in which to express their men and County Commissioners The Committee members will take views and these fOrtL'IlSmust be put host their own shows to keep every- turns as interviewers and encourage together by the people who come to- one informed. A talk show or new guests from the public at large. gether to staff local access TV. If format is most common. Messages will be from "citizen to you stop and think about the fact Others are guests on shows that citizen" to get out the vote. The pro- that the general public's contribu- featur~ consumer concerns. A can- gram "MY VOTE COUNTS" may be _tion to the television process has didate or established office-holder seen on Tuesdays at 8:00 p.m. in been as an observer you can under- would be wise to send out a press Farmington, Novi and Farmington stand why most people are at sea release to all community television Hills. Plymouth, Canton and North- when they realize that the local op- studios in their districts to advise lo- ville may request to see the pro- portunity is there and yet how do cal producers of the subject matters gram through Omnicom. they access it? on which they are proficient. Men- Subjects which will be covered We, as television staffs, may en- tioning their schedule is also helpful. are Insights from a naturalized courage and listen without taking a Candidates can also participate in American voter from Hungary, Ide- stand. We must take this posture to public service announcements. as on "How to Judge a Candidate," remain detached enough to serve These are non-commercial commer- the November Ballot, etc. Suggested the general public. (Personally, I cials. This keeps them in the public topics will include interviews with have found this reserve to afford eye. experienced voters as well as those plenty of opportunity to gather The League of Women Voters as who never have voted. The Commit- much needed information and put it well as the Republican and Demo- t~ to Increase Voter Participation into the proper perspective to en- cratic factions host candidate de- is proud to present this program be- able me to enter the voting booth bates as well as issue forums. Most cause the concept speaks to the pub- and cast my ballot with confidence.) communities are comfortable with lic in terms of voter to voter and not Neutrality of the TV staff is a cru- this type of format. Once again 'it as an elected or appointed official to cial component to candidates and reinforces the concept of fairness. the public. leaders of an issue or cause. This All candidates and/or all sides of an Your vote does count and the staffing posture goes a long way to issue are invited. The show goes on Community service of Community insure an accomplishment of objec- with those who agree to participate. Television stresses this truth. Con- tivity. There are also Committees to In- tact your local cable company to un- In the months leading up to an crease Voter Participation. In derstand the guidelines which they election there is a flurry of activity. Farmington Hills this group has de- have pertaining to local election Remember, community television signed and is presenting a television coverage.

VOTE ...ltlmprove's .Your Constitution! . , ~ MICHIGAN MUNICIPAL LEAGUE I' 1\. ',\0<1 ",,,," " , " ,I', , -'. - .

I •J -

OCtober 15-OCtober21 Suburban Cable Weekly Page 5 NBC's comedy 'Dear John' ,persists in its third season

amount to much. But I was lucky to nutty One-Two-One Club, the singles Judd Hirsch plays grow up where I did, because eveD- support group around which "Dear tually I found the theater," ~ys the John" centers. But down-to-earth 'Taxi'-like role actor. John Lacey (Hirsch) holds things to- But not before he was to embark gether. By AMY SCHMIDT upon an everyman career. Hirsch Hirsch is not necessarily satisfied did a stint in the military, studied with that. "The whole time we did Two Emmy Awards, a Golden engineering and architecture, grad- 'Taxi' I was jealous of Chris Lloyd Globe Award, Obie Award, Tony uated with a degree in physics, and because his character could do any- Award and an Oscar nomination. got married. thing ... I want to play the crazy These are the impressive credits of A scheduling error at City College man, get in a funny wagon," he says. Judd Hirsch, star of NBC's half-hour of New YOrk landed Hirsch in a "Dear John" is not the hit "Taxi" comedy series "Dear John," airing humanities class in which the teach- was, though. The show, in its third Wednesdays. er had students act out scenes from season, managed to stay near the Not bad for a guy who plays eve- plays. Hirsch was hooked. He en- top 15 partly due to its powerhouse ryman. "John is typical of the char- rolled in three different acting positioning between "Cheers" and acters I play on TV," says Hirsch of schools simultaneously. His parents "L.A. Law." John Lacey, the title character on had a bit of trouble understanding Hirsch is still eager to see "Dear the show. "My character is always their son's aspirations. "It wasn't a John" do well. For one thing, it sup- the normal, believable person." happy time for them," he reflects. ports his expensive hobby of house Born into a working-class family, In the summer of 1962 Hirsch got building. ("It's no good for me to buy it seemed like lIirsch was destined his first professional acting role in houses," he says.) It also allows him not to play the part of a regular guy, the back room of a restaurant, in to maintain residences both in Cali- but to become a regular guy. By the Estes Park, Colo. In 1974, he landed fornia and New YOrk. And Hirsch time Hirsch was in the second grade his first TV role in the movie "The can't complain too loudly about his family had moved 13 times. He Law." being typecast. He has played a remembers compulsively combing IDrsch's two Emmys came from wide variety of roles in his career. his hair and worrying about his playing Alex Rieger on "Taxi." Like Recently, he portrayed a villain in looks as a kid. "Taxi," it is Hirsch's role which is the TV movie "She Said No" co-star- "The first thing I was given to the foundation for "Dear John." It's ring Veronica Hamel. Everyman know was that I wasn't going to a crazy world, as evidenced by the could do worse.

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• Page 6 Suburban Cable Weekly October 15-OCtober 21 MORNING MONDAY © 1990 TV Llsllno loc Ft Worth TX OCTOBER 15

6AM 6:30 7 AM 7:30 8AM 8:30 9AM 9:30 10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30 (:45) AM Business Reading Sesame Street Mr. Rogers Focus on W. Fashion 3-2-1 Sesame Weather File RainbOw .sooetY AJexander Pot. Contact Street Morning CBS News CBS This Morning Live With Regis & TIc: Tac Tn.mp card Price Is Right Bus. Kathie lee Dough News Today GeraIdo Instlrrt Concellbat'n Divorce M. Warfield Recall Cotrt tI (:15) (:45) Good Morning America Kelly And Company Donatul Sally Jessy Raphael News News , F.I.T. Wok With (:15) Tree Mr. Sesame Street Van DressuP Happntn' Video G.I. Joe OuckTaies Glmmi Dennis the Happy Days L.& Bewitched Webster Jeffersons News ~ Now Power Bears Menace Shirley American Change (:15) AM Eoonomics By the Fitness ITV Programming Sesame Street Mr. Rogers Adventure Reading 1m Life Weather USA Numbers Firm Rainbow M . Morning James Morris Imy lea Insight Kenneth 700 Club With Pat 1°; Stretch ~~, Robison M~ cerullo Robertson WXON Popeye Wake, Flintstones Mario New He- Movie: I Wa I MIl Order 8Itde All in the Rattle It's a ema ~~ Bros. Man V. Bertinelli, T. Wass Family Living 6 AM 6:30 7 AM 7:30 8AM 8:30 9AM 9:30 lOAM 10:30 11 AM 11:30 MTV (5:00) MUSIC Videos Awake on the Wild Side Downtown Julie Brown Show =III CNN Headline News CNN Headline News \lC Mormng Report Morning Report (~oo) PaId Power Breakfast V&1 mina Good Morning VH-1 Self-Improvement It FIglIeS Everyday Attitudes Baby Knows Baby Knows Jane Wallace IE Guide Workout Spenser. For Hire JlS (3:00) Off AJr (:15) LIdies' Day L Velez, Off Air 1jC tAlbert Crazy About the Movie: ... AlIbI T. Selleck, P. PotizkDva Movie: UnIImed T. Pr1MJr. s. Hayw;nJ Movies (PG) Movie: PrIsIdMfI Lady \ Movie Cont C.HBstrn (:45~VIolets ~ Blue S. Spacek (:15~ 011 DoubI T. ~t, , K. ;118 (PG13 J. (:05) MIyIowIr MIdIm C. Bergen, -t C. SanrickxI MOVIe Coot No Greater Gift Little Crypt Tales ur B. Thanas Women ~~H.SJaterM. (PG1 Movie: CousIns T. Dtmar, L FbsstJIlini (PG13) 'IN Movie Coot Faith 20 Paid Programming Wake, Bozo Rattle Bewitched Magntm,P.I. Joan Rivers CNN Flintstones Tom and Jerry's (:05) (:35) (:05) little House on (:05) Angel CIIr R Waite, P. Winfield --I Funhouse Gilligan Bewrtched the Prairie Today' With James FunTown Popeye Dinosaucers Littles (U House Marilyn Robison Funnies 700 CIOOWith Pat Sheila PaId 3 Robertson Bodies In Nation's BusIness Walsh EIN ~s Business SportsCenter Motion Today ladies Pro BowIets Tcu. Getting Fit Workout Hammond ( l8fl (R) Lassie Kids World K Mr. WIZard Don't Just Heathcliff lassie Sit There Maya the El.I8eka's Castle Fred Penner tti I: Bee Elephant ViA Program PdPrg Cartoon Express Show COOt. Lost in Space Divorce DIvorce DayBreak Business DayBreak DayBreak CotJ1 Court IN ~ness DayWatch Momina World Day OayWatch Global A&E In Search of the New World of Affair Preview Dream Globe TV: A TICket FlIQIlive Wilderness Survival to the World Avengers ~8uslness Lifestyles ~~ ~~Business Market Preview Momlllg Marketlll18 Supplements Marl

r ~ ~

, > October 15-October 21 Suburban Cable Weekly Page 7 J . AFTERNOON MONDAY 1990 TV lIS\lna Inc Ft Worth. TX OCTOBER 15 12 PM 12:30 1 PM 1:30 2 PM 2:30 3PM 3:30 4 PM 4:30 5 PM 5:30 Program Mr. Rogers Wdson W. Frugal Finance Reading Sesame Street Mr. Rogers S

D C Do It for S:guare Foot Rendezvous Tastes of Pasquale Do It for ~Foot Dr. Edell Ycu Mother Wildlife YOlIS8If ~ the World YOlISeIf Health! Nann ClvonlCles ~: T_ Wol TooJ Batemwl, K. Datt1I Movle: DeIdty CIrt C. Ladd. J Af/Ifr KIds-TV MovIe: FOIIII WIsh J MelIIoo, R ... ~W 8ett16s N lunch Box Music Box Otx Unsung Villains Dlrlger Bay Poood Raccoons care Bears Donald Duck Win. lose Kids, Inc. MICkey DtW ~ senes Presents Mouse

~ I:: :;; :: :::::::::::::: ( : :J.~.S$::~",,~ : ;;: <:1 12 PM I 12:30 I 1 PM I 1:30 I 2 PM I 2:30 3PM 3:30 4PM 4:30 5PM 5:30 I Fall Small Movie Fat Bob's Micro , Fest Claims "West Side Kid" KItchen Today Court ~ M.E.S.C Where the Wind Blows Elizabeth Clare This Is • Job Hot Air Ballooning Prophet the ute lIiI Show I - Page 8 Suburban Cable Weekly October 15-October 21 PRIME TIME MONDAY © 1990 TV Llsllna Inc Ft Worth. TX OCTOBER 15 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 01.1 MTV MTV PrIme With M.rtha Quinn MTVe MTV Com. Hot Seat CNNII CNN He.dllne News. Top Stories/Dollars & Sense/Sports/Stars & CNN Hadllne N.... Top Stories/Dollars & Style Sense/Sports/Stars & Style YH-1• (5:00; History of My VH-1 to Ground Zero Prlmetlme Music Staad-Up Candid Music Videos Generation One Spotlight C.mera UFE• Supermarket E.R. E.N.G.. Hildebrandt's LA. Law. Hand Roll MOVIE: Act of Violence. A career woman is II Sweep pal has a story. (R) Express brutally gang-mugged and re-evaluates her life. PASS Right Track Moore Frisbee. Australian Rules Football. Exhibition from Portland, OR Polo Hockey Ouldrs (T) (T) Wok • (5:15) MOVIE: Devil MOVIE: Phone Call From a Stranger (Drama) MOVIE: In N.me Only (Drama) 1939. A AMC Thumbs a Ride ltl52. The lone survivor of a plane crash manipulative, money-hungry woman refuses to D (Mystery) 1947 contacts the victims' relatives. 8. Davis. S. divorce her husband, who has fallen in love L. Tierney Winters with a beautiful widow. C. Lombard. C. Grant MOVIE: Karate Kid III (Drama, ESP) 1989. MOVIE: Stoae Killer (Adventure (:40) MOVIE: Prlnee of the City MAX When a young karate expert agrees to fight in Drama) 1973. A tough New York (Drama. ESP) 1981. Detective is a tournament. his Japanese teacher refuses to cop races to stop a gangland approached to aid a federal .. train him, causing a rift in their friendship. massacre. C. 8ronson (R) investigation on corruption. (5:30) MOVIE: Eight Men Out Movie MOVIE: III, lies and vldeollpe (Romantic Drama) MOVIE: About Last TMC (Docudrama) 1988. Key players Channel 1989. An outwardly happy marriage suffers Night •• (Romantic G) accept bribes to lose the 1919 Picture after a husband has a torrid affair with his Comedy) 1986 R. Lowe World Series. J. Cusack (PG) Show wife's sister. J. Spader, A. MacDowell (R) D. Moore (R) (5:4S) MOVIE: Sticky Fingers. Two BIbar. Gunplay MOVIE: Ghostbusters II (Comedy, ESP) 1989. HBO HBO out-of-work women musicians are Rhino War «ESP» After evil spirits threaten New York, the Comedy asked to watch over $900,000. Ghostbusters prepare for battle and discover a Hour • H. Slater. M. Mayron (PG13) river of slime underneath the city. 8. Murray Charles In Abbott and I Dream of Night Court Kennedy, Part 1 (Biographical Drama) 1982. The News WGN Charge Costello Jeannie Camelot years of Kennedy's presidency are CD) dramatized. M. Sheen. B. Brown (:05) (:35) Andy (:05) (:35) (:05) MOVIE: Land TIIat nme Forgot (Science (:05) (:35) TBS Beverly Griffith. Happy Jeffersons Fiction) 1975. Sailors discover an island Abortion Smokey and CD Hillbillies Barney's D.ys populated by prehistoric creatures. Denied the Bloodhound D. McClure, J. McEnery (PG) BIndlt FAM Batman Maniac Scarecrow and Mrs. MOVIE:Wild nmll (Pt 1 of 2) (Comedy) 1980. A 700 Club With Pat Mlnslon King fact based novel about cavalry scout. Hugh Robertson • Cardiff is brought to life. S. Elliott ESPN Motoworld SportsLook Sports Motorwllk NFL NFL World Serlll Specl.1 World Aerobics 8) Center JIIustrated M.tch-Up Magazine Championships NICK You C.n't Make the Inspector Looney Doble Gillis Bewitched GrunAcres Donna Reed Saturd.y Femwood Do TII.t on Grade Gadget Tunes Night Uve .. Television USA Cartoon Express MacGyver. MacGyver Murder, She Wrote Prime nm. Wrestling. Big Boss Man vs goes to Central Haku (l) .. America.(R) World Today CNNm Moneyllne Crossfire PrimeNews Larry King Uvel Evening News AlE Avengers. Emma plays New World of David L Wolper MOVIE: Stven DI.1s Peter Wlmsey: Murder the starnng role. Wilderness SUMval Prellnls: Trial at Mystery (Pt 2 of 3) Must Advertise (Pt 4 .. Nuremberg (Mystery Comedy) 1980 of 4) Investment FNN Ufeslyles Enlrepreneu Power Money Talk Focus Business Insiders Enlrepreneu AdvIce Power lID Profiles TOlllght Profiles (5:00) Video PM Funny Business With N.shvllle Now TNN Ch.rlle Chase V Crook' ID Chase GIIIIg.n's Bugs Bunny .nd Pals MOVIE: Court-M.rtI.1 of J.ckle Roblnon TNT Island MOVIE: Court-Martial . (Biographical Drama) 1990. Jackie Robinson is of J.ckle Robinson G court-martialed for refusing to bow to racism. (Biographical Drama) A. Braugher, D. Stem 1990 A. Braugher nc Eleg.nt Silin Glass C. Tennis MOVIE: As You Uke It E. Bergner. L. OliVier Appetite M.rtlnson Eleg.nt C. II Appetite M.rtlnsol Video LP Soh Notes BET Our Voices Sentn Frank's VIdeo Soul. Host Donnie Simpson plays • Scene Place videos and interviews recording artists. CSPAN (3:00) Viewer C.II-In Election '90. Arkansas Event of the Day .. House Gubernatonal Debate DISC Beyond 2000 Rendezvous World Monkeysl Wildlife DllCOYIry Shown .. A World Away • Monitor Apes Chrulcles (4:30) MOVIE: Return of Joe Formter MOVIE: Ole H.rd (Adventure) 1988. A no-nonsense SHOW Fourth (Adventure) 1975. A policeman (:15) MOVIE: DIad cop ISthe only hope for a small group of Pottl SocIety (Drama) Yf..a walks a beat in search of a hostages trapped on the upper floors of a .. (Drama) dangerous robbery ring. 1989 R. Williams. R. skyscraper on Christmas Eve. 8. Willis (R) Leonard (PG) bny I MOVIE: Muppets T.ke M'lhattan Avoalta. Sara intrudes MOVIE: lorita, tilt Gnft (Drama) 1964. A British DISN AIIdy (MUSicalComedy) 1984. The on the property of the Muppets seek success on wnter and a Greek peasant team up to taste wealthiest reSident of hfe to the fullest. A. Quinn. A. BatBS • Broadway. A. Garney, J. Coco Avonlea.

z 1

October 15-<>ctober 21 Suburba~ Cable Weekly Page 9 PRIME TIME MONDAY © 1990 TV llsllnq Inc Ft Worth. TX OCTOBER 15 6 PM 6:30 7PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM I 10:30 Business NlghUy MacNeil Lehrer MOVIE: Electrtc American experience. Richard Nixon's WFUM and !be Law Busin ... NIWlHour Grandmother (Fantasy) dramatic rise from congressman to president and ea Report 1981 M. Stapleton his fall from grace are documented. "- News CBS News Joker's Current Uncle Buck Major Dad Murphy Dnlgnlng Trials of ROlfe O'N.III WJBK Wild Affair Brown Women A client gets the wrong fBC2> impression. Newsbeat NBC Wheel of Jeopardyl Fresh Ferris MOVIE: Daniell. Steel', Kaleidoscope. A WDIV NlghUy Forlune Prince of Bueller detective is hired to reunite three daughters fI)(!) News Bel Air separated as children. J. Smith, P. King News ABC News ET. Tom MacGyver. MacGyver ABC Monday Night Football. Vikings at WXYZ Selleck is searches for a missing Eagles (L) .CD profiled. man. News Monilor Mom P.1. 'Alia. 'Alia Degralll CBCWI_r NaUonal and thl CBET Career High , Showcue-We'll MteI Joumal .(J) Moves I Again MOVIE: Deal of the Century (Comedy) 1983. A WKBD Growing Family WIIo"1ht Pmtew: News Pains n.. Boss? The Best pair of small-time gunrunners tries to sell a of tile New supermissile to a Latin American dictator. •• MacNen Lehrer AP Micbigan Club Connect. Racial American experience. Richard Nixon's WTVS NewsHour Gubematorlal Debste Sensitivity Test dramatic rise from congressman to president and .9 his fall from grace are documented. Hour of Truth SUCCIII-N-Ufe Greater Grace Temple .(6)WGPR New Dance StrIctly Speaking 227. Far Gimme a ALF. The Hogan MOVIE: Seventh Sign (Thriller) 1988. A woman Highway 10 Heaven. WXON From the Break! Gambler Family discovers a terrible secret about her unborn Jonathan combats dirty 8a Tree child. D. Moore, M. 8iehn (R) politiCS. ..J?: .. , , ~h...... ~...... "% ",{..,.. ..~ ... ~-. ..., / ~ ...... :. .. . . < ...... < .. / ...... < .... > ...... <: ...... /",,'~ " " LOCAL'ACCESS "'M it.'"ll >:<~~;/~~~ ';'0>" "'''' .. "~";- .. :t- ...... t ..~ .... "/'.. .. "," ~ >.. r ",," ~..~..~~ ..~~t.,:K>";~..3::.... on .. ¥...... , ' 6PM 6:30 7PM 7:30 8PM 8:30 9PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 I 11 PM I 11:30 WftIftA Prime TIme Northville Economic Cub Downriver Community e Plus Fglk& of Detroit Polka Forum Focus Buegrass Time WSDP Navy The Capitol legislative SAL Men's Quilt Town Videotunes • Radio News Report Forum Roor Hockey USA III Special 11 PM 11:30 12 AM 12:30 1 AM 1:30 2AM 2:30 MTV R MTV Corn. Club MTV Turn It Uo! Earth to MTV Music Videos CNNHEAD.a (9:00) CNN Headline News CNN Headline News CNN Headline News TWC II (9:00) Weather Watch Tomorrow's Outlook Pacific Outlook VH-1 Encvclooedia of Music Videos INew Visions VH-1 Allniahter Stand-Uol ICandid Camera LIFE :T. Ullman Mollv Dodd Moonliohtino Self ImDrovement Guide PASS Pit Road Wk Trackside Colleoe Football. Oklahoma State at Kansas State m AMC :Movie: Phone CaU From a Stranaer 8. Davis. S. Winters Movie: I. Nlme OIlY C. Lombard C. Grant WFUM fIlJl. !(9:00) Amencan Exoerience IMasteroiece Theatre Off Air MAX .... 1(9:40) Prince of the CtIv T. Williams MOVIe: Whit BaUer Stw 1(:55) New Centurion G. Scott S. Keach TMC m 1(10:00) About Last Nlaht.. IMovie: Married 10 the Mob M. Pfeiffer M. Modine Movie: ilL lies IIId vldlOtlae HBO ..m. I(Cont) Movie: Phantom of the Ollra R. Enolund li:05) 1st & 1(:35) Comic Relief '90 R. Williams WJBK mm News Niaht Court ICheers Arsenio Hall Taxi News Fuoitive WDIV .@ News Toniaht Show Instant Recall (:05) Letterman 1(:05) Bob (:35) News WXYZ m 9:00) Mondav Football News Nlohtline Challenaers ET Into the Nioht CBET .(1) News ':351 SCTV ':05) Persuaders (:05) Off AIr WKBD.am M"A"S"H Hunter Fall Guv IPerry Mason Kina', Row WTVS .A 9:001 Amencan EXDenence ' Guber. Debate American Exoenence WGPR CD Glorv Shower Am. Tomaht Wiseauv (:05) Stinorav Soul beat WXON .121 227 Love Connect Mv Talk Show A-Team Movie: SDItInJ L. Down. F. unoella WON IIi) Nloht Court To 8e Announced Movie: Rhvlhm Hits thl Ice E. Drew Movie: ouUaws of Stnte Fe TBS '10:35) smokey Ind the Bandit B. Revnolds (:35) National Geooraohic Exolorer 1(:35) Stm FAM .. Mamac Mans. Movie: Wild TImes (Pt 1 01 2) S. Elliott 8. Johnson Paid Proarammma ESPN III Scuba SoortsCenter NFL's Greatest Moments NFL's Greatest Moments NFL Yearbook SoortsCenter NICK II) Hitchcock PattY Duke Mv Three Sons Mr. Ed Room/DaddY IDobie Gillis Bewitched Donna Reed USA 1m Miami Vice Eaualizer New Mike Hammer Paid Proarammino CNN 1m Monevhne ISoorts Tomoht NewsNioht ShowBiz Todav INewsNiaht UDdate Soorts Nite AlE m Estelle Gettv at the Imorov David L. Wolner Movie: 7 Oil. 2 Peter Wimsey. Pt 4 FN~ lifestyles IFocus Bus. Tomoht Insiders Entreoreneur Power Profiles Monev Talk Focus TNt Funnv Busmess NashVille Now Crook & Chase CountrY Standard Time TNT m 10:00) Court-M. Robinson Movie: Court-Mlrtlll of Jlckle Robinson A. 8rauoh~r Movie: Court-M. RobIuot TlC m Movie: As You Uke h E. Berone~ L. Olivier GED Solstice Esoana v Las Americas BET Screen Scene IFrank's Place Mldmaht Love Rao City Video Soul CSPAN m '9:00) Event of the Day House Floor Debate or Public Policy Conference DISC m WIld Thinos Bevond 2000 World Mamtor About Wheels Motorcar Wheel Soort SHOW '10:15) Deld Poets SocietY R. Williams IMovle: In Cold Blood R. Blake S. Wilson DISN 'Cont) Movie: What'. UD. Doc? 8. Streisand 1<:10) Good Old Boy R. Farnsworth. M. O'Sullivan MIte .. lilting.. 2:30 .... to ...... on ...... • Page 10 Suburban Cable Weekly October 15-October 21 MORNING TUESDAY © 1990 TV llSlIn Inc Fl Worth TX OCTO.HER 16

6 AM 6:30 7 AM 7:30 8AM 8:30 9AM 9:30 10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30 sesame Street Mr. Rogers e:ness Watercolors Collectors 3-2-1 sesame (~~::re ~~ Contact Street Morning CBS News CBS This Morning Live With Regis & TIC Tac Trump card Price Is Right Bus. Kathie Lee Douah News Today Geraldo Instant Concentrat'n Divorce M. Warfield Recall Court Kelly and Company Donat1Je sally Jessy Raphael

F.l.T, Wok With Penner Mr. Sesame Street Yan Dressuo Happnln' G.I. Joe DuckTaies GlITlmi Dennis the Happy Days L. ~.._. Bewitched Webster Jeffersons News Now Bears Menace Shilltr/ Faces of Times (:15) AM ~~ness Business Lilias! nv Programming sesame Street Mr. Rogers Reading Culture Harvest Weather MYl and the LCM Rainbow LIl~~~~~~--&.,;;~~;;;;..;;,;,;,.;~-~--r-~+--~~~~~~--I~ SportsVIeW Morning Movie: ~ Canyon James Morning Morris Larry Lea Insight Kenneth 700 Club With Pat Today Stretch Tral R. rw ItS Robison Magazine cerullo Copeland Robertson Popeye Wake, Flintstones Muppet Police New He- Movie: DeIdIy Tower K Russell. R. Yniguez All in the It's a IXI Rattle Babies Academy Man Family Living (4:00) MUSIC Videos Awake on the Wild Side Downtown Julie Brown Show -.lrl CNN Headline News CNN Headline News TW~C--f~~~------~~~------tMorning Report Morning Report

1 (5:00) Paid Power Breakfast Good Morning VH·l --1 '''If'''' ,,ming self-Improvement It Figures Everyday Attitudes Baby Knows Baby Knows Jane Wallace Spenser: For Hire Guide Workout --ll~S~~~~(3:00) Off Au ---t ~C (4:30) Off ~r (5:45) Clnemax Movie: BrIakIn' 2: Bectrtc Boogaloo L lAcJcey Movie: 11 Cry Tomorrow S. Hayward, Comedy Sold Gold SessIons R. Blades A (AjinaJes lPG) R. Cmte Experiment CacIIIc --J~c--f~;;;;';;;";";';"';=;"-'...L,;";";~;;;"':';'~-...,...- -..-.a.;.;.~;..-.----t" ....I.,,;;"'__ """";;;;;;;;;""" (5:45) Eight Men Out J. Cusack. C. Sheen Movie: A Site Place T. weld. J. Nichdson Movie: Clnclnnal Kid S. McQJeen. 'IB" '(PG) (PG) E 1tJbinsoo MOVIe: TIme WIbr a MurphY. S. WIZaI'd of ~ovie:"lmmediale FamIy G. CIos8. J. Ktms M~ ..!~ Twill Remember Belamte (PG) Oz IPG13J R yiJlJfi1n. T. CooIev (PG13) When Facts of Faith 20 Paid Programming Wake, Bozo Bewitched Magnum, P.I. Joan Rivers Lrte ~ CNN Fhntstones Torn and Jerry's (:05) (:35) (:05) Little House on (:05) WIdow M. Learned, 8. Dillman Funhouse Gilligan Bewitched the Praine Today With James FIIlTown Popeye Dinosaucers Littles au- House 700 Club With Pat Sheila Paid Marilyn Robison Funnies Robertson Walsh BodleStn NatJon's BusIfl8SS Nation's Business NFL PGA Golf. Las Vegas Invit. Getting Fit Workout -IN Motion Today Today Yearbook final round IRl ..Ji~K:--t:~~~~~~~~~...... r,:;.~~~~~::..,;-~~-~-~~ Lassie Kids World Mr. WIZaI'd Don't Just I~ Lassie Maya the ElIlleI

Foo Zone FraoaIe Mt.WBt Mo\18: CoIIt-Maflll 01 JackIe RaI*IUI ll~::-;=----I'D::'::u::-----;~---r.-:-.:~~~~~----1RoC1< Show A • D. Stem EffectIVe EffectIVe AJ! All Teacher Teacher Achtevement CooIoog B.!'dQe Focus 00 Basics E

.~ 591·2300 ,.., , TODAYI u ur a able Weekly October 15-October 21 Suburban Cable Weekly Page 11 AFTERNOON TUESDAY © 1990 TV Llslina Inc Ft Worth, TX OCTOBER 16 12 PM 12:30 1 PM 1:30 2 PM 2:30 3 PM 3:30 4 PM 4:30 5 PM 5:30 Program Mr. Rogers Master Watercolors Strip Marketing Read' sesame Street Mr. Rogers one Lr:l:& III COOt. Chefs aulltina Rain~ r News Youn~ and the Beautiful As the World Tums Guiding Light News PersonaJIty News Hard Copy IJ~ Res ess News Generations Days of Our lives Another World Joan Rivers Cosby Show Inside Newsbeat Lr~ Edition ;r~ News loving All My Children One life to Live General Hospita/ Oprah Winfrey News Midday Country Practice Coronation Take the High Road Do It for Talkabout Danger Bay Video Hits Five Thirty 81~ Street Yourself Head of FlI:ts of Hmooner I love Quiz Kid Alvin Peter Pan Chip 'n Tale Spin T~ the III lUCY ~lth ~:~Challenae Dale Class Life Reading GED Write s-wre One Victory Leam to 3-2-1 Sesame Street Zoobilee rone F= 1m Garden Read Contact Zoo RainbaN ColISe Success-N-life Movie: Penny Snnade I. Oume, C. Grant Romance Movie: 11uIder In III CIty News IGU Theatre E. 1tJbinsm. N. Bruce Good Times Mama's People's Judge love Mario Woody ~=Ninja Merrie Jetsons 21 Jump Street WXON _a Family Court Connect Bros. Woodpecker Turtle Melod~ Club MlV Remote Daisy Fuentes Music Videos Y~ I" Control CNN Headline News Carn CNN Headline News Weather & You Weather & You JC Afternoon Jam Afternoon Jam Conrd History of Music Vii 1 Videos Frugal Day by Day Supermarket E.R. cagney & Lacey Attitudes Movie: DistDItIaIIS O. Itlssey, S. Railsback IE Gourmet Sweeo (:45) EMU (:45) PIS Guide Football Northville C Movie: Palntld Desert (:05) WIke Me WIlen ft', Over E. KMCS W W-seMi C. Galie M. Ma7e (11 SolId Gold Cadillac Movie: CarpetbIggen G. Peppard. C. Baker (PG) Movie: GIIItIghI at III 0.1t Conal m B. l.ancaster, Flemina 'fr J lldav, P,-liOOiJlas R. TMC Movie: Cold Feet K. Garradine. S. Movie: Towering Intemo S. McQJeen, P. Newman (PG) Movie: ~ L ram, J. Almont (G) 1m Kirkland (Rl (:45) Pen 0 Program Movie: ReIum of the Swl1re ThIng Movie: Dove J Bottrms. D. Raffin (PG) Movie: 3 WOItds 01 GuIIvIr _1 Cont. D. Durock, H. Locklear (PG 3) K. Mathews, J. Moo'ow Pals Geraldo News Dick Van Hmooner e.toon cartoons DuckTaJes Chip 'n cartoons vaiN ~rth Dyke Club Dale (:05) (:05) (:35) Good (:05) Perry Mason (:05~Smashup on Inletstalll 5 R. CaIrad (:05) T & (:35) (~ is B. bsen J Flintstones Flintstones Laverne Times Eat Well! Healthy Movie: Corsican Brothers D. Fairbanks. Jr. Father Father FunTown Popeye C.O.P.S. Popeye ~M Kids R. Wcrwick Knows Knows Funnies Harness BodIes In Seiko Super Tennis, Final from Tokyo (T) European Golf L~s of World Monstr -IN Motion B~iS lino CJass Wrestlino Truck Racino '90 Noozles Maya the Lassie Flipper looney Heathcliff Yogi Bear Outta Here Hey Dude David, little Koala T=S . [lK Gnome Bee Tunes Hot Potato Chain WIpeOUt Press Your High Just the ORe A Httchcock Name That Bumper H: -PartY USA i Presents Tune Stumoers Reaction Luck Rollers Ten of Us NewsHour Sonya Live in lA NewsDay International Hour= NewsDay Ear1yPrime ShowBiz 'IN Todav

MOVIe: SUmmertime K. Hepburn, R. Brazzj lffe on Earth Movie: lilli Lord FIUIIIIny F. 8aithoIanew Fugrtive IE M.1bJney Midday Market Report Investment Market Investment Market Wall Street ColJltdown MarketWrap ~ Advice Watch Advice Watch Amencan TlIP Card Remodeling Dinah Country Standard Time American Top card Remodeling Crook & Video PM IN Magazine Maoame Chase MOVl6: Gaslight I. 8ervnan. &1jer (:25) KInd lady M. EVWJS, E. /JanyTT1a"e Mov,te: CoIIt-Mlrtlll of JacIde RobInson c. A . D. Stem Wl Qt.ilt in a Wilson Acrylics World In Motion French in French in World Food Day All About Achievement GED 'C Cooks Action ActIon Teleconference lV Dav Rap Screen Family Video Vibrations Video Soul City J Scene FKJUies U.S. House of Representatives U.S. House of Representatives ~N Square Foot Rendezvous Antiques Tastes of Pasquale Do It for Square Foot Dr. Edell Your Mother Wildlife C Do n for Chronicles DI Yourself Gardenino Roadshow the World Yourself Gardenina Health! Nam MOVIe: Big T. Hanks. E. Perkins (PG) Movie: Mac lInd Me C. Ebersole, J WsnI (PG) Movie: HlllllllInd ~W GrIllI (=1,....PraIIIems Kids, Inc. MlCI

! LOCAL ACCESS ..Tuesday t Afternoon :': '1 ) ) l I 1 I ?t ?? . dp: h:t 12:30 I 1 PM I 1:30 I 2PM I 2:30 3PM 3:30 4PM I 4:30 5PM 5:30 I • 12 PM I Fall Uvlng In Movie Fat Bob's Micro Fest '90 lakes Area "Bowery at Midnight" Kitchen Today

First Presbyterian TNT True Magic of Historic church of Northville Adventure Bill Heiney St. Anne's Church •III Trails II -

Page 12 Suburban Cable Weekly October 15-October 21 PRIME TIME TUESDAY © 1990 TV Llstintl Inc FI Worth TX OCTOBER 16 6PM 6:30 7PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 Dial MTV MTV Com. Hol Seal MTV Prime With Marilla Quinn MTV• \ CNNII CNN Headline News. Top Stories/Dollars & Sense/Sports/Stars & CNN Headline N.... Top Stories/Dollars & II Style Sense/Sports/Stars & Style VH-1 (5:00) Hlslory of My VH-1 10 PrlmeOme Music Slind-Up Candid II Music Videos Oenel1l00n One Spotlight Camera UFE Supermarkel E.R.. Only E.N.G •. The newsroom LA. Law. Hand Roll MOVIE: Lan ChUd A. Madigan, B, Bridges (R) -; II Swnp a Nurse takes sides. (R) Express PASS (5:45) Discover (:15) Red NHl Hockey. Chicago Blackhawks at Detroit Red Wings Wanen Weight Northville Michigan Wings (L) Miller Room • (:15) Classics Swing MOVIE: We're Nol Married (Comedy) Salute to MOVIE: Mr. and Mrs. Smith (Comedy) 1941. 1 AMC 1952. Six couples learn that their the Siaies Alfred Hitchcock's comedy features a bickering • marriages aren't legal. D. Wayne, California husband and wife who find an obscure legal • G. Rogers ruling that makes their marriage illegal. MOVIE: Spaceballs (Comedy, ESP) 1987. When MOVIE: Pink Cadillac (Adventure Comedy) 1989. MOVIE: Blind Fear MAX the planet Spaceball runs out of air, the evil A wily bounty hunter's excursion to Nevada to (Suspense) 1989 President Skroob plots to steal the atmosphere find the wife of a dangerous criminal leads to S. Hack. .. of a neighboring world. M. Brooks, J. Gandy a series of comic misadventures on the road. J. Langedijk (R) MOVIE: Immediate Family (Drama) 1989, A MOVIE: St. Elmo's Fire (Drama) 1985. Seven MOVIE: Cocktail (Drama) TMC couple faces harsh choices when the mother of intimate college friends face life after their 1988 T. Cruise, &) their adopted child decides she wants the baby graduation and make decisions that mold their B. Brown (R) back. G. Close, J. Woods (PG13) lives and test their friendship. J. Nelson (R) (5:45) Pen MOVIE: Body Slam (Comedy) 1987. A MOVIE: Hawks (Comedy) 1988. A pair of terminal MOVIE: Immedlale HBO Pals. wrestling team and a rock band cancer patients decides to escape from their Family (Drama) 1989 fD Foreign create a rock 'n' wrestling craze. hospital ward for one last wild fling. G. Close. J. Woods Pen Pals D. Benedict. T. Roberts (PG) T. Dalton, A. Edwards (R) (PG13) Charles In Abbon and I Dream of Night Court Kennedy, Part 2 (Biographical Drama) 1982, The News WGN Charge Coslello Jeannie Camelot years of the Kennedy presidence are lID dramatized. M. Sheen. B. Brown (:05) (:35) Andy TBS (:05) (:35) (:05) MOVIE: People Thai TIme Forgol (:05) MOVIE: American Beverly Griffith Happy Jeffersons (Adventure Fantasy) 1977. A small search Gl1ImtI (Comedy) 1973 II Hillbillies Days party seeks a marooned World War I Naval R. Dreyfuss. hero who is lost on a tropical island. (PG) R. Howard (PG) FAM reatman Big Brother Scarecrow and Mrs. MOVIE: Wild TImes (PI 2 of 2) (Comedy) 1980. A 700 Club With Pat Jake King. A Relative fact based novel about cavalry scout, Hugh Robertson .. Situation Cardiff IS brought to life. S. Elliott ESPN Run & RIce Sportslook Sports SuperBouts. 1972: All Mickey Thompson NHRA Racing IROC Ql CInter vs. Quarry Highlights You Can'l Make the Inspector Looney Doble Gillis Bewitched Green Acres Donna Reed Best of Fernwood NICK Do That on Grade Gadget Tunes It's MagIC II) saturday '2Nlght Television Night Uve USA Cartoon Express MacGyver MUrder, She Wrole Budweiser Presents: Tuesday Nlghl Fights. .- (L) CNN World Today Moneyllne Crossfire m Prime News Larry King Uve! evening News Avengers. Steed IS New World of Biography: Woodrow Ormandy Conducts the Philadelphia Design AlE deserted on an Island Wilderness Survival Wilson/DIg Orchestra. Eugene Ormandy and Classics CD With a mystery killer. HammlrskJold the Philadelphia Orchestra perform. Inveslmenl lifestyles. Enlrepreneu Power FNN Money Talk Focus Buslneu Insiders Eatrlpreneu Power Advice AutoTrends Profiles em Temlghl Profiles (5:00) Video PM. Country musIc Videos are Church On Stage. NashVille Now. Shirley Caesar TNN featured. Crook 6 Streel Shelby Chase GD SIIUon Lynne Gilligan's Bugs Bunny and Pals MOVIE: Cover Girl (MUSical Comedy) 1944. A (:20) MOVIE: Ume Hut TNT Island glamorous model, the dancer she loves and a II) (Comedy) 1957 wealthy editor learn about life. R Hayworth. D. NIVen. S. Granger G. Kelly TLC Eleganl Computers Bus Traln'g Easlern Europe: Faces O' Comes o' Elegant II Appellle at Work Speaking Camp Golf Digest Breaking With Ihe Past Japan Age AppeUte Video LP Soft Notts BET Our Voices Screen Family Video SOUl Gl Scene Figures CSPAN (3:00) Viewer CllI-ln Evenl of the Day lit House DISC Beyond 2000 Rendezvous World Survival. Disaster at BeyOnd Invention Blue RevoluOon. Monitor Sea Tomorrow HerdlOg sea ammals • (5:15) MOVIE: Flipper (Adventure) 196.3. A MOVIE: Mississippi Burning (Drama) 1988. Two SHOW Professor (:05) MOVIE: Number fisherman's son cares for a wounded FBI agents investigate the disappearance of Popper's One With I Bullel Gl dolphin that becomes hiS pet. three CIVil nghts workers 10 a small Problems C. Connors, L. Halpm (G) (Comedy Drama) 1987 MISSissippI town In 1964. G Hackman (R) R. Garradine (R) MOVIE: Parenl Trap II (Comedy) 1986 Witch's flnllsla: The Creilion Sign of Four. Sherlock Holmes and Dr. DISN Two girls scheme to uMe their Night Out o' a Disney Classic. G) respective parents In wedlock. Watson hunt for a one-legged convict and hiS Michael Tucker IS the savage companion. H. Mills. T. Skemtt host.

d October 15-October 21 Suburban Cable Weekly Page 13 PRIME TIME TUESDAY © 1990 TV Llsllna Inc Ft Worth. TX OCTOBER 16 6 PM 6:30 7PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM I 10:30 Against Nightly MacNeil Lehrer Nova. The mission of FronUlne. How drug Waman WFUM Odds Buslnell NeWlHour the Voyager is money corrupts police .a Report chronicled. News CBS News Joker's Current Major League Baseball. World Series. Game 1: American League WJBK Wild Affair Champion at National League Champion (L)

.~Newsbeat NBC Wheel of Jeopardy! MOVIE: Danlelle Steel's Fine things. A New York executive deals WDIV NlghUy Fortune with the loss of his wife and the care of the children she left behind EI)@ NeWl T. Pollan, C. Leachman News ABC News ET Who's the Head of the Roseanne. COlch thlrtysomethlRg. Gary WXYZ BoIS? Cia IS Goodbye and Susaflnii~l faeu a .HD Mr. Right crisis. News Babar Airwaves. Playing for Keeps. Mlrket Mln Alive NaUonal and the CBET Reunion Topic: Teenage Single Place Joumal flHI) Mothers Growing Family Who's the NBA Basketball PreSeason. Boston Celties vs. Detroit News WKBD Pains TIes BoIs? Pistons at Hartford (L) IDa MacNeil Lehrer Nightly Great Lakes Nova. The mission of FronUlne. How drug Power In the PlcIfIc. WTVS NIWlHour Buslnlll Outdoors the Voyager is money corrupts police China and Japan after ma Report chronicled. World War II Ne* Dance P~~tQ' Uberty MOVIE: Grand Clnyan Succeu-N-Ufe Christ Is the Answer WGPR Snlad Temple Trail (Western) 1948 IDU R. Rogers 227. The Glmme a ALF Hogan MOVIE: Volunteers (Comedy) 1985. A rich snob Highway to HeIVln. WXON Audit Breakl Family becomes a Peace Corps volunteer to flee a Chad Allen guest fDa oamblina debt. T. Hanks, J. Candv (R) stars. , -, \ ~.. .. ~.. ~: ;; ~ .... ,- " - ...... ~~~'~;~:,~~~~~t~~: .. - ;...... '- «0:: LOC , v / .. ...-: "->..)~vZ"f: " - - '(' ...... '" ~AL',ACCE.~-,TU"CI8,rE~~.ln 6PM 6:30 7PM 7:30 I 8 PM I 8:30 I 9PM 9:30 10 PM I 10:30 I 11 PM I 11:30 New England Consumer Northville Omnicom Sports High School Football Outdoor Foliage Folk & Magazine Access Blue Grass SALMen's Mother Mustang Christeen's C~bletalk Off the Youthview • Floor Hockey Jones Week Wall III Reviow 11 PM 11:30 12 AM 12:30 1 AM 1:30 2AM 2:30 MTV R MTV Com. Club MTV Turn It Uo! Music Videos CNNHEAD.Il 1(9:00) CNN Headline News CNN Headline News CNN Headline News TWC 0 (9:001 Weather Watch Tomorrow's Outlook Pacific Outlook VH-1 &'I Encvclooedla of MUSICVideos New Visions VH-1 Allniahter Stand-Uo! I Candid Camera LIFE R T. Ullman Mollv Dodd Moonliahtina Self -Imorovement Guide PASS 0 Tennis Maa. Inside Golf NHL Hockev. Blackhawks at Red Win s (R) 1(:45) Off Air AMC 6 MOVie: We're Not Mlrrled O. Wavne State Salute Movie: Mr. Ind Mrs. Smith C. Lombard. R. Montoomerv WFUM mID Newton ADDie Talkin' CountrY Austin City Limits Off Air MAX m (ConU Movie: Black Rain M. Doualas A. Garcia Il:35) Dlmned River TMC D (10:001 Cocktail T. Cruise I Movie: Cold Feet K. carradine S. Kirkland Movie: Sl Elmo', Fire HBO .m. (ConU ·1:40l Return of the SwamD Thlna O. Ourock 1t:10l Screwball Hotel M. 8enadetti J. Greenman WJBK tam News Nloht Court Cheers Arsenio Hall lTaxi News FUOltive WDIV III(l) News Tomaht Show Instant Recall Il:05) Letterman 1(:05) Bob 1:35) News WXYZ mm News Niohthne Challenaers Koiak lET Into the Nloht CBET imCI.l News 1(:351 SCTV l:05\ Risina Damo I(:05\ Off Air WKBD mg M·A·S·H Hunter Fall Guv I PerrY Mason DUthtraD WTVS mQl Bema Served National Geooraohic Soeclal Animals Nova Frontline WGPR fJD(D Raas Corner Am. Tomaht Wiseauv ':05\ Wolf Soul beat WXON ml2l 227 Love Connect My Talk Show A·Team I Movie: Stlrk N. Surow. M. Henner WGN 1m Nlaht Court TodaY's FBI Movie: W T. Twioov. M. Witnev Hooan's Heroes TBS m 10:05\ American Graffiti R. Ore'lfuss ':35) To Be Announced FAM .. Brother Jake Movie: Wild TImes tPi 2 of 2) S. Elliott B. Johnson Paid Proarammma ESPN III Cont) SoortsCenter Liahter Side National Old Timer's Baseball Classic Run & Race SoortsGenter NICK 0) Hitchcock Patty Duke My Three Sons Mr. Ed Room/DaddY Dobie Gillis Bewitched Donna Reed USA .. Miami Vice EauaUzer New Mike Hammer Tuesdav Fiahts. (R CNN 1m Monevhne Soorts Tomaht NewsNiaht ShowBiz Today NewsNiaht UDdate Soorts Nite A6E m Jack Scaha at the Imorov Blooraohv: Woodrow OrmandY Conducts the Phlladelohla Orchestra Deslon FNN m lifestYles Focus Bus. Tomaht InSiders Entreoreneur Power Profiles Monev Talk Focus TNN Church St. On Staae Nashville Now Crook & Chase Countrv Standard Time TNT :1(10:201 Ullle Hut O. Niven :20l French Un. J. Russell G. Roland ':35) DlDur TlC m Eastern Eurooe Faces. Jaoan leomes of Aae GED JumDstreet Tram' a Camo Golf Diaest BET Screen Scene Sanford & Son Midnlaht Love Rao Cltv Video Vibrations CSPAN 1(8:00\ Event of the Dav House Floor Debate or Pubhc Policy Conference DISC iWlnas Vietnam TWorld Monitor Nature IA World Awav SHOW m 1(10:051 Number On. MOVie: II. lies Ind video..... J. SDJldtr 1':45) Mln Who Loved Women B. RBvnoIds DISN OZ.lHamet Movie: IVlnhoe R. Taylor. E. T,vlor MOVie: t Mln In .... World Mite owt II.tlngl, 2:30 em to' em .... on ,... M • .. Page 14 Suburban Cable Weekly October 15-October 21 MORNING WEDNESDAY © 1990 TV Llstlna Inc Ft Worth. TX OCTOBER 17 6 AM 6:30 7 AM 7:30 8 AM 8:30 9AM 9:30 10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30 (:45) NIt Business Reading Sesame Street Mr. Rogers FlIl With 3-2-1 Sesame --U Weather File Rainbow F= ~ Oil Contact Street Mormng Trump card Price Is Right CBS News CBS Thts Morning Live With ~ & T~ ~~ Bus. Kathie Lee News Today GeraIdo Instant Concentrat'n Divorce M. Warfield I~ Recall Ccut ('15) (:45) Good Morning America Kelly nl Compcr1y DonatlJe 8aI1y Jessy Raphael ....Jl'J!j News News \ F.l.T. Wok With (:15) Tree Sesame Street ~~ Yan ~ Pd Prg Video GI Joe DuckTaJes GOOllni Dennis the Happy Days Bewitched Webster Jeffersons News ~ rfl Power Bears Menace L)~S' WTVS Amencan Change (:15) NIt Economics By the Fitness ITV Prognrnming sesame Street Mr. Rogers ReadIng .9 Adventure life Weather USA Numbers Firm Rainbow S~rtsVleW Morning Movie: Far fnInIier James ~ Morris Larry Lea Insight I~oo Club With Pat IGR oday Stretch R. Rogers Robison cerullo ~ Robertson Popeye Wake, Flintstones Moppet Police New He- Movie: PI'*Iype C. Pltmmer, D. Mne Allin the It's a WXI Rattle Babies Academy Man Farntly Living • 6 AM 6:30 7 AM 7:30 8 AM 8:30 9AM 9:30 10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30 L..Ir MUSICVideos Awake on the Wild Side Downtown Julie BraNn Show CI" CNN Headline News CNN Headline News TflC Morntng Report Morning Report (~oo) Paid Power Breakfast Good Morning VH-l ~1 mlllO E Self-Improvement It Figures Everyday Attitudes Baby Knows Baby Knows Jane Wallace Spenser: For HlI'e 'i Guide Workout 1SC (430) Off AIr MAX MOVie ConI MOVIe. Have Rocket, ((~) Nate and Hayes T. Jones, M. O'Keefe Movie: S1IgecoactI A. Marglet. 8. Crosby Buchanan m Will Travel RIdes TMC (5:45) Cincinnati Kid S. McQJeen PWe Movie: Man of 8 Thousand Faces J Ga{1Pey (:05) Stormy Monday M. Griffith. T. Jooes mJ E. FkJbinson Show D. MaIooe '(R)' 0 ( 10) HBO Family E Brown Nature Movie' Hanover Street H. ForrJ, L Down (PG) Movie: JudgmenI K Garradine, 8. America 'a P1avhouse Watch Danner Undercover Pd Prg Faith 20 Paid Programming Wake, Bozo Bewitched Magnum, P.I. Joan Rivers ~N Rattle CNN Fhntstones Tom and Jerry's (:05) (:35) (:05) Little House on ('05) IndIscnJet C. Grailt, I. fJer{JrJm is Funhouse GHfiaan Bewitched the Prairie Today With James FunTown Popeye Dinosaucers Littles Quo House 700 Club With Pat Sheila Paid ~ Manlyn Robison FunnIeS Robertson Walsh Bodies In Natlon's Business NatIon's BuSInesS EI£N SCr Lacanau Pro Water Sloers T0tX Getting Fit Workout MotIon Today Today Pro Surfina NIK LaSSie Kids World Mr WlZ3f'd Don't Just Heathcliff =LassJe Maya the ElJ'eeka's Castle Elephant Fred Penner Sit There ': Bee Show (530) Pald cartoon Express Lost In Space Divorce Divorce LJr ProciramfTllll Court Court CNN DayBreak BUSiness DayBreak BUSiness DayBreak DayWatch World Day DayWatch m Morning Day Global A&E PreVll1 on Concertos New World of life on Earth FugrtJve Avengers IE Affatr PreVIeW Wilderness &IvIvaI ~Buslness World Business Lifestyles Market PrevIew Morning Marketltne StwIements MarketWatch A.M. ~N Update IN (300) Off AIr VldeoMornlng TNT Fun Zone Popeye Hour Muppet MOVIe: Where Danpr Uves R. Mitchum, GD F~ Show F. Afncans Econormcs EconomICS EncolIlters It's About Tme: A Self Taste Dolt Encounters Li U$A USA celebration riliOoo ImDf0V8 Yourself T (400) Paid Pald Programroog =, Paid Programmng Quo VOICes Proorammll1Q House Floor Debate or Pubhc Policy V'I!!Wer Call-In POO. U S House of Representawes ~N Conference Address C (3 00) Off AIr Assqlment Discovery Tastes of Pasquale Dr. Edell Your =t the World Health! S~ W MOVIe Coni (.~ MissInQ UnIl P f/lKJtt (:25~ KIds Don' Tel M {)Jtfc8W1, MovIe: NorIt by NoItIwIIt C. Gtant, f. Saint . '(I JI J /liMns DlSN MouserClse You and MICkey! Care Bears Donald Duck Pooh Tree IDlInbo's Movie' V-. ApIa K Reeves, R. Casper 1m Me, Kid Senes Presents Comer CIrcus lk1ch

...·orpeople who have better things to do than stand in line ••• Direct Deposit. 0 Call a~y Social Security office and ask for direct depoSIt of your Social Security or 551 check.

< -

October 15-<>ctober 21 Suburban Cable Weekly Page 15 AFTERNOON WEDNESDAY © 1990 TV LlsllnQ rnc Ft Worth. TX OCTOBER 17 12 PM 12:30 1 PM 1:30 2 PM 2:30 3PM 3:30 4 PM 4:30 5PM 5:30 Program Mr. Rogers Fun With Joy of FII'l8IlC8 Readilg sesame Street Mr. Rogers One Wild LJlI COOt. Oil Piintina ~ancv Rainbow r America , As the World Turns Guiding News Personality News Hard Copy News Y=the Beautiful Light -'~News Generations Days of Our lives Another World Joan Rivers Cosby Show Inside Newsbeat -I~' Edition Jls.YZ News loving All MyChiklren One life to live General Hospital Oprah Winfrey News Midday CountrY Practice Coronation Take the High Road Do It for Talkabout Danger Bay Video Hits Five ThtItY 1/; Street YcxneIf Head of the F~of Hmooner I love C\iz Kid Alvin Peter Pan Chip 'n Tale Spin T~ lUCY ~ ~ Chalierlae Dale Class life LD Read' Western Si\tuare One Health learn to 3-2-1 Sesame Street Zoobilee One GED 1m Matters Read Contact Zoo r Rain~ Tradition ~~ Success-N-llfe Movie: scaa of .. AnIIn:IIc J. Mills. Romance MoYie: Wortd Gone Mad P. O'Brien News O.Bard Theatre LCalhem ...n People's Judge love Mario Ninja Menie Jetsons 21 Jump Street Mama's ~= Good Trmes Waooyoeckel III Family Cwt Conned Bros. Wood Turtle Melodies Remote Daisy Fuentes Music Videos Yo! M1V Club M1V 'W Control Raps CNN Headline News CNN Headline News CU" ~ Weather & You Weather & You TWCD Aftemoon Jam Afternoon Jam Coot'd HIStory of Music Vli1 Videos Frugal Day by Day Supermarket E.R. cagney & lacey Attitudes Movie: Prescrlplon for Mwder K. Lynch. 'IE Gourmet sWeeo J. Amos (:45) George (:45) PIS Guide Per1es Northville Movie~MonIIna BIle J. 1WeI1. MOYie: Daddy Long Legs F. Astaire \;C S. LfaM (11 :30) Buchanan Movie: CnIIsIn' iJown in8 nner Movie: DinaIuuII W Ramsey. P. Movie: SUpennIn IV: The Quest indiana MAX RIdes Alone R. Scott O. Havmes. A Totter Lukather for PIleI C. Reeve. G. Hackman Jones • MoVIe: Tears In lie RaIn S. Stooe. Movie: 001II' time on (:25) (:55) PlIIChIInI S. Field. T. Hanks (R) TMC6=) C. Gazeoove PIaMI Earll "{PG) Picture Program ~~: invisible KId J. lJJderMxJd, K. Black WIZ3I'd of E. Brown Movie: MOVie: Nalonal m'l PG) Coot. E VICdon Q1ase Oz K 1° Chlp 'n cartoons Geraldo News ~an Hmooner Cartoon cartoons DuckTales 'IN ~ Club Dale (:05) (:35) Good (:05) Perry Mason (:05) DedI of ocean VIew PIn (:05) T & (:35) (:05) (~ is M. Cooncxs. M. Landau J Flintstones Flintstones laverne Times Amencan Pd Prg Movie: Mlrt of zona T. Pr1MJr. L Damell Father Father FunTown Popeye C.O.P.s. Popeye 'M snaoshots Knows Knows Funllies N Bodies In Body Off-Road Racing S=C1Ubof ElIOJ)eaJl Golf legends of World Monstr ActIve EI Motion shaoina Class Wrestrna Truck lrte5tvte Maya the Lassie Flipper looney Heathcliff Yogt Bear Outta Here Hey Dude N~K DaVId, Little Koala Noozles T=5 . Gnome Bee Tunes Hot Potato ChaIn WlJ)eOUt Hollywood Press Yox High Just the DMce A H~chcock Name That ~'ooq -PartY USA '1 Presents Tune sr~oers Reaction luck Rollers Ten of Us Sonya live mlA NewsDay International Hour NewsDay Ear1yPmne ShowBiz «iN NewsHour Todav Movie: Dad lucky N. Farrell, W G;minara Fugitive E Movie: ~)the lines J. Heard. life on Earth --I. J. Goldblum fR Midday Market Report Investment Market Investment Market Wall $treet Countdown Ma1

Historic V1deotunes Madonna M.E.S.C. The St. Anne's Church Magazine Job Wednesda •III Show Report

______d 7 r

Page 16 Suburban Cable Weekly October 15-October 21 PRIME TIME WEDNESDAY © 1900 TV Llslino Inc fl Worth TX OCTOBER 17 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:'30 10 PM 10:30 MTV Dial MTV MTV Com, Hot Seat MTV Prime With Martha Quinn II CNNII CNN Headline News. Top Stories/Dollars & Sense/Sports/Stars & CNN Headline News. Top Stones/Dollars & II Style Sense/Sports/Stars & Style VH·1 (5:00) History 0' My VH·1 to PrImeUme Music Stand·Up Candid Music Videos Generation One SpoUlght Camera LIFE Supermarket E.R. E.N.G.. The newsroom LA. Law. Beauty and MOVIE: Women 0' Valor. American Army nurse~ "II Sweep covers a rape story. Obese are captured by the Japanese In 1942. 1 PASS (5:45) Outdoorsman Gus Macker World Chris Evert Celebrity Tennis Classic. From PGA Tour Front Page Northville Tour Boca Raton, FL (T) Highlights Football • (4:30) MOVIE: Daddy MOVIE: Government Girl (Comedy Drama) 1943. A MOVIE: Nothing Sacred (Comedy) 1937 Salute to AMC Long Legs (Musical flirtatious secretary plans to discredit her boss A reporter exploits a woman's rare the States tJ Comedy) 1955 but winds up falling in love with him. disease for publiCity. F. March MISSOUri F. Astatre, L. caron O. Havilland, S. Tufts C. Lombard (5:30) MOVIE: Indiana Jones and the Last MOVIE: Weekend at Bernie's (Comedy) 1989. Two MOVIE: She's Back MAX Crusade (Adventure, ESP) 1989. Indy and his guys find their boss murdered at his beach (Drama) 1988 C FIsher dad Jom forces to find the Holy Grall. house. A. McGarthy, J. Silverman (PG13) R. Joy (R) .. H. Ford, S. Connery (PG13) MOVIE: True Confessions (Drama) 1981. A priest MOVIE: Banker (Thriller) 1989. A high-powered MOVIE: Working Girl TMC and hiS brother, a Los Angeles detective, find banker murders prostitutes in accordance with (Comedy Drama) 1988 CD themselves at the center of a scandal after a an ancient ritual while a detective relentlessly M. Griffith, H. Ford murder makes front-page news. R. Niro (R) pursues him. R. Forster, J. Conaway (R) (R) (5:00) MOVIE: Inside the NFL MOVIE: Judgment (Drama. ESP). An MOVIE: National Lampoon's HBO SpaceCamp 8-year-old boy is sexually European Vacation (Comedy) 1985 tD (Adventure) 1986 molested by a pnest. K. Garradine C. Chase. 8. D'Angelo (PG13) K. capshaw (PG) 8. Danner Charfes in Abbott and I Dream of Night Court Kennedy, Part 3 (Biographical Drama) 1982. The News WGN Charge Costello Jeannie Camelot years of the Kennedy presldence are em dramitized. M. Sf'een, 8. 8rown (:05) (:35) Andy (:05) (:35) (:05) MOVIE: Red Sonja (Fantasy Adventure) (:05) MOVIE: Midway TIS Beverly Griffith. Happy Jeffersons 1985. Swords and sorcery are used against an (Drama) 1976 CHeston Hillbillies Aunt Bee's Days Once a evil queen. 8. Nielsen, A. Schwarzenegger H. Fonda (PG) .. Romance Fnend (PG13) Batman Rlnnn Scarecrow and Mrs. MOVIE: Saskatchewan (Western) 1954. A Mountie 700 Club With Pat FAM The Curse Tin, K-9 King. Amanda IS tries to stop an army of renegade SIOUXfrom Robertson .. of Tut Cop drawn into a plot. Inciting Canada's Indians. A. Ladd ESPN Inside the Sports Look Sports Baseball Amer. Gulnness Records Snooker·Pool Shootout Bodybulldln fI) PGA Tour Center Mag Events World of Sports You Can't Make the Inspector Looney Doble Gillis Bewitched Green Acres Donna Reed Best of Fernwood NICK Do That on Grade Gadget Tunes A Is for The Saturday 2Nlght • Television Aardvark Decorator Night live Cartoon Express MacGyver. Men steal Murder, She Wrote MOVIE: Web of Deceit (Suspense) 1990. Former USA gUided missile parts. lovers are pitted against each other In a murder m (R) trial. L. Purl, J. Read CNN World Today Moneyllne Crossfire PrimeNews Larry King lIvel Evening News m Avengers The New World of Churc,"-III. Crusade In Our Century. The Wings Over the World AlE Avengers investigate a Wilderness Survival ClOSing the the Pacific Germans mount their A Tale of Two German ED murder aboard a train. L. Greene Ring last great offenSive. Giants FNN Investment lifestyles Entrepreneu Power Money Talk Focus Business Insiders Entrepreneu Power m Advice Profiles Tonight Profiles (5:00) Video PM Randy Travis • Happy Nashville Now. James Gregory, Crook & TNN Trails. Montana Doug Stone Chase em Cattle Dnve Gilligan's Bugs Bunny and Pals MOVIE: Harlow (Biographical Drama) 1965 Jean Harlow. who (:45) Blby TNT Island grew from a bit player Into a malar star dUring the 1930s. Doll GD dies at the peak of her career C Baker, P Lawford (Drama) 1956 .- TLC Elegant Wilson French In Golf Digest Learning Learning Matters Western Elegant Maslers II Appetite Cooks Action Matters Call-In (L) Tradilion Appellte Tech BET Video lP Soft Notes Our Voices Screen Desmonds Video Soul em Scene CSPAN (4:00) Viewer Call-In Event of the Day G House DISC Beyond 2000 Rendezvous World Wild About Motorcar Wings The warhorse Profile. 0' World AllYe e Monhor Wheels of the air Nature MOVIE: Immediate family (Drama) 1989. A MOVIE: Twins (Comedy) 1988. Genetically National Lampoon SHOW couple faces harsh chOices when the mother of enhanced twinS With different personalities Comedy Playoffs m ttlelr adopted child deCides she wants the baby search for their long-lost mother. Leslie Nielsen IS the back. G Close J Woods (PG13) A. Schwarzenegger, D. DeVIto (PG) host. MOVIE: Chipmunk Adventure Danger Bay MOVIE: MacAuley's Daughter (Drama) 1987 An Best of Abbott and DISH (Fantasv) 1987. The Chipmunks Live Wires ex-boxer takes custody of hIS 10-year-old CosteUo live. Who's m and the Chlppettes race around the daughter and shares adventures With her on the On First? And More world. (Animated) (G) open road In 1953 Australia. 8. 8rown

c October 15-October 21 Suburban Cable Weekly Page 17 PRIME TIME WEDNESDAY © 1990 TV llSling Inc Fl Worth TX OCTOBER 171 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM I 10:30 Business Nightly MacNeil Lehrer MOVIE: Looking for Miracles (Comedy) 1989. A Debut SIX young WFUM and the law Business NewsHour 16 year-old and his younger brother go to camp VirtuOSOSfOrtH a lI)a Report for the summer. G. Spottiswood. Z Bennett chamber mU!sI(. group News CBS News Joker's Current Major league Baseball. World Senes. Game 2. Amencan league WJBK Wild Affair Champion at National league Champion (l) fB(]) Newsbeat NBC Wheel 01 Jeopardyl Unsolved Mysteries. MOVIE: OpposUes Attract (Romantic Comedy)- WDiV Nightly Fortune An aspinng Journalist T'IIO adversaries for mayor of a small town fI)@ News disappears. become romantically Involved. J Forsythe Hews ABC News ET Wonder Growing Doogle IMarried Cop Rock LaRusso IS ( WXYZ Years Pains Howser, People Jailed and charged flHZ) M.D. with murder. I News Beachcomber Inside Night Heat. Reporter Nature of Things. National and the CBET Constance Stories gets a mystenous note Healthy babies from Journal ern from a cop killer. (R) Ghana. GrOWing Family Who's the Preview: MOVIE: Maid to Order (Comedy) 1987. A bratty News WKBD Pains Ties Boss? The Best young heiress IS forced to give up her life of fD9 of the New easy money. A. Sheedy. T. Skerritt (PG) MacNeil Lehrer Nightly Wild MOVIE: Looking for Miracles (Comedy) 1989. A Debut SIX young WTVS NewsHour Business America. 16-year-old and his younger brother go to camp VirtuOSOSform a fB9 Report Evergreen for the summer. G. Spottiswood. 1. Bennett chamber musIc group. New Dance EMU Great Faith Ralph Jack Van Success-N-L1fe Images WGPR Football Temple Martin Impe eo Review 227 The Glmme a ALF Hogan MOVIE: Creepshow 2 (Horror) 1987 Stephen King Highway to Heaven. A WXON Talk Show Breakl Family and George Romero 1010forces to present three bum IS charged With ma more tales of horror. L. Chiles. G. Kennedy stealing wine LOCAL ,ACCE$S • Wednesda'~ Evening 6PM 6:30 7 PM I 7:30 8PM 8:30 9PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 I 11 PM I 11:30 Community Forum Paul Robeson To Catch Small Claims Tribute to A Cloud Court Elvis

Joey's Canton Lions Canton Lions Study 10 • Spotlight on FreshmanFootball Jr. Varsity Football Scriptures 11.1 Come<:ly 11 PM 11:30 12 AM 12:30 1 AM 1:30 2 AM 2:30 MTV 51 Sav Julie! Club MTV Turn It Uo! PostMdrn MTV MUSICVideos CNNHEAD R [(9:001 CNN Headline News CNN Headline News CNN Headline News TWC 0 1(9001 Weather Watch Tomorrow's Outlook PaCifiC Outlook VH·1 III Encyclooedla of MUSICVideos New VISions VH-l Allninhter Stand-Uo! Candid Camera LIFE a T. Ullman Mollv Dodd Moonllahtina Self-Imorovement GUide PASS B Golf Show Trackslde Colleae Football lTl AMC D MOVie. Government Girl O. Havilland S. Tufts MOVie' Nothlno Sacrtd F. March. C Lombard State Salute With Ammals 1Mvsterv! Off Air WFUM m13 Wild Amenca - - [(:05\ American Gloolo R. Gere. M. Orake MAX m Contl MOVie: In DanGerous ComDlny C. YOUnD , - TMC D 10:001 WorkinG Girl Movie' StormY Mondav M Griffith T. Jones MOVie Banker R Forster HBO m 1st & Ten MOVie: Old GrinGO J. Fonda G Peck 1(:351 Streets o' Gold K Brandauer WJBK 18m News Nlaht Court Cheers Arsemo Hall Taxi News FUQltive WDIV fI) (1) News Tomoht Show Instant Recall 1(:051 Letterman I( 051 Bob 1l.351 News WXYZ mm News Nlohtllne Challenaers KOIak ET Into the Nlaht CBET mm News 1(:351 SCTV 1(:051Me and :351 Me and 1c.05\ Off Air WKBD IDA MOAoS'H Hunter Fall Guv Perry Mason lite Show WTVS fBSil Fresn Fields Heart of the Draaon Animals MOVie: LookinG 'or Miracles G SoottlsWOOd. l !!em/eft WGPR m..o. Church Hoooin Am. Tomaht Wlseauv '051 Nloht Heat 1/-'01 Off Ali WXON 1m13 227 Love Connect My fdlk Show A-Team 1MOVie Starcrosled B Bauer J SDadef WGN 1m Nlaht Court Rousters Movie' SUDerlroo G. Madison K. Wood Hoaan s Heroes TBS In [(10051 Mldwav C. Heston. H. Fonda 1{ SOl Zeppelin M. York E. Sonlmel FAM m RIO Tm Tm MOVie: Siskatchewan A Ladd. S. Wmters Paid ProarammlOa ESPN Ol [(Contl SoortsCenter Soorts Car Club of Amenca Auto Raclna IHAA RaCing In PGA Tour SoortsCenter NICK 1m Hitchcock Patty Duke Mv Three Sons Mr Ed Room/Daddv Doble Gillis Pd Pro Donna Reed USA m Miami Vice Eauallzer New Mike Hammer Pnme Time Wrestllno CNN m Monevllne SoortS ToOlaht NewsNlaht ShowBll TodaY NewsNlaht Uodate - Soorts Nlte AlrE m Robert Enalund at the (morov Churchill Crusade Our Century Wmos Over the World FNN m lIfestvles Focus Bus. Tomaht InSiders Entreoreneur Power Profiles Money Talk IFocus TNN m Randv TravIs· Haoov Trails NashVille Now Crook & Chase Country Standard Time TNT m 1t10:451 Blbv Doll K Malden C Baker 1('151 Hollvwood Uncensored 0 Murra J Russell Iin Italiano French Soal1lsh TLC fa Learn Matter LearOlna Matters W Tradition GED BET 1m Screen Scene Desmonds MldOlaht Love Rao Cltv Video Soul CSPAN II) 1(8.0m Event of the Dav House Floor Debate or Public Pollcv Conference DISC 1m Bevond Tom w InventIOn Hitler World MOOltor Adventurers Challenae SHOW Oft MOVie Forever Emmanuelle A. Berle IMOVie' Immediate Famllv G Close J. Woods 1("10) Good Mother D. Keaton DISN 1m Oz /Harnet MOVie 9 to 5 J. Fonda. L. Tomlm MOVie Young Again K Reeves. R. Uflch Nit. owl netlnge, 2:30 inn to • am etart on ,.... 34 <

october 15-October 21 Page 18 Suburban Cable Weekly MORNING OCTOBER 18 THURSDAY @ '990 TV L,sh Inc Ft Worth TX 10:30 11 AM 11:. 6AM 6:30 7 AM 7:30 lAM 1:30 lAM 1:30 10 AM M of Bucl< 3-2-1 Sesame Street Mr, Rogers BusineSS Paint With (:45) AM Amencan sesame -Mat Pittard Paulson Contact S1reet Weather Adventure XI : Trump card Price Is Rq1t Morning CBS News CBS This Morning live With Regis & T~ Bus. Kathie Lee JiM GeraIdo Insurrt Concentrat'n Divon:e M. Warfield News Today Recall Cot.Rt [l~ sally Jessy Raphael (:15) (:45) Good MomlflO America Kelly ;pi CornImY DonaflJe News News 'tt'!Jj Street F.l.T. Wok With Penner Mtiresu sesame Van ~~ Happy Days Bewitched Webster Jeffersons News Pd Prg Video G.I. Joe DuckTaies Gt.mmi Dennis the l. ~irIev I,KBD·9 Power Beers Menace Sh' !TV Propnmi1g Sesame Street Mr. Rogers Read' WTVS Faces of Change (:15) AM Business-Mai' Business Lilias! Rain~ m~ Culture Life Weather andthe~ Morris lMTY Lea Insight K!'1neth . 700 Club With Pat S~rtsVteW Morning MOVIe:Heart 01 .. James ~ Robertson IGa' oday Stretch Golden west Robison cerullo New He- Movie: SUpInIomI O. Janssen. O. Mills (NR) All in the It's a Popeye Wake, Fllntstones M~ Police Family living leI Rattle Babies Academy Man 6AM 6:30 7 AM 7:30 lAM 1:30 9AM 9:30 10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30 I" (4:00) MUSICVideos Awake on the Wild Side Downtown JIM! Brown Show CNNII CNN Headline News CNN HAiIine News IJ TWC Morntng Report Morning Report II (5 (0) Pard Power Breakfast Good Momilg VH-1 V~1 Proorammtng LIFE Self-Improvement It Figures Everyday Attitudes Baby Koows Baby Knows Jane Wallace Spenser: For Hire Q GUide Workout PASS (3 (0) Off AIr D AIC (430) Off AJr MAX MOVie Cont MOVIe: n Happened 10 Jane O. Day, MOVIe: Twins A 5chwanenegger. O. oeVdD ~~~)by DaIh E 8nJman ID J Lemmon lPG) TMC (545) Man 01 a Thousand Faces J. Gaf11eY Movie: MogImbo C. Gable, A Gtm1er Movie: PIny MIlan: The Cae at lie G) D. Malone sar.dlloul SCGuIdnd R. Burr. 8. Hale MOVie Cont ('45) Best ~f Babar Inside the NFL ~ ':" ua T. Willicms. J. Movie~1Let ~ Ride R. Dreyfuss, T. 1° En Ja Garr PG13 Pd Prg Farth 20 PalO Programrmng Wake, Bozo Bewitched Magoon.P.I. Joan Rivers ~N Rattle CNN Fhntstones Tom and Jeny's (:35) (:05) little House on (:05) SCIItel O'HIrI War T. Clxtis, 'is Footloose (~~ Bevmched the Prairie S. GIess Today Wrth James FunTown Popeye DinosaucerS Littles Quo House 700 Club With Pat Sheila Paid ur Manlvn Robtson Funmes Robertson Walsh Gettrlg Fit Workout Bodies In Nation's BuSiness NT=S Busiless Mastering Horse Show ~Hramllac EI:N Motion Today ~ Golf American Gold R LaSSie Kids World Mr. WlZal'd Don't Just Heathcliff lassie Maya the EIReka's Castle Elephant Fred Penner ~K Sit There I~ Bee Show (530) PaId Cartoon Express lost in Space Divorce DivorCe Procirammlo Court ~ Court CNN DayBreak Busmess DayBreak Business DayBreak DayWateh WOI1d Day DayWatch em Momma Day Global A&E Audubon New World of Life on Earth ~ugitive Avengers IE Affair PreVIeW Wilderness SIrvivaI World BUSiness LWestyies Market Preview Morning M;vketIine SlPments MarketWatch A.M. ~ :,N Reoort ~=tIBustnessU te N (3 (0) Off AJr VldeoMorning 1'J Fun Zone Popeye Holr F:=e MoVIe: Blood on .. Moon R. MitclHm. J B. GeddBs ConStitution That ~Inst Computers AJgetn Golf DIgest Tennis PaInting Rare ~n = Achievement Delteate Balance ds ~~ at Work I~ Ci (4001 Paid Paid Programming Paid Programming OtJ'VOICeS III Proorammlng CSPAN House Floor Debate or PubliC PolICY VWNtef call-In Pub. U.S. Hoose of Representatives 0) Conference Address (3 (0) Off AJr AssIgnment Discovefy Tastes of IPasquaie Dr. Edell Yoor --IC theWor1d Health! S~W MOVie Salsa R Fbsa. R Harvey (PG) Movie: KaI* The PItce ell JuItIce Movie: You Iftd Me S. SlctIey. PIIcIIIn T. SavaJas. K NeJ1kaJ G. RIft III Halt DISN Mouserctse Yoo and MICkey! care Bears Donald Duck Pooh Tree Dlmbo's Movie: SIowIwIV STemple, Witch's em Me. KId senes Presents Comer CIrcus RY~ Night OUt


.. 0 - . YOU COULD LEARN A lOT RIOM A DUMt« , (- '.~ l~ BUCKlf YOURSAFElY BEll 0 ...... ----110"-......

cd o VW •

OCtober 15-<>ctober 21 Suburban Cable Weekly Page 19 AFTERNOON THURSDAY © 1990 TV L'Slin Inc Ft Worth. TX OCTOBER 18 12 PM 12:30 1 PM, 1:30 2PM 2:30 3PM 3:30 4PM 4:30 5PM 5:30 Program Mr. Rogers Art of Buck Pant'Mth HerbaJ Marketing Read' Sesame Street Mr. Rogers Oegrassi :ll Coot. Paulson Pittard Harvest Rain~ ~One News :II Y~the Beautiful As the World Turns Gtidmg light News Personality News HaId Copy News Generations Days of Our lives Another World Joan Rivers Cosby Show Inside Newsbeat :J:~ Edition News Loving.' . All My Children One life to Live ..J.~ General Hospital ~ Afterschool News MidlJay Coun1ry Practice H~ Take The High Road Do It for Talkabout Danger Bay Video Hits Five Thirty ...R~ Yoursetf Hmooner !love Oliz Kid Alvin Peter Pan Chip 'n Tale Spin Lucv Head of the Facts of 1'1- ~ Challenoe Dale ~ Class Life One Strip Learn to 3-2-1=~8esame Street Zoobilee s-wre One Reading GED Wnte L.D Quiltlno Read Contact Zoo SWS Rainbow Course F: Success-N-l.Jfe Movie: SprIng In hrk lane A Neagle, Romance Kids Enjoy Movie: Women Mull Oms News -1°; M. Wildino Theatre Yourselves M. Ganbell, G. GMIon Good Times Mama's People's' Judge Love . Mario Nirf Merrie Jetsons 21 Jump Street III Family CotJt Connect Bros. W~peckerWood T~ Melodies Remote Daisy Fuentes Music Videos 'ar Control Y~MTV Club M1V CIII CNN Headhne News CNN Headline News LlC Weather & You Weather & You

YH·1 Afternoon Jam Afternoon Jam Coord History of Music Lli. Videos E Frugal Day by Day Supennarket E.R. Gagney & Lacey Attitudes Movie: LeIIr L Remick. R Pickup i Gourmet Sweeo PIS (:45) CMU (:45) Guide Football Northville C Movie: Renegades of (:05) CIIIe In lie (:15) TIne I tile west T. Keene oe.t S. Toler Mi•• tll... W. Abel (:15lt::SI ~~ IS. tile Movie: Queen Bee J. Crawford, 8. Sullivan Movie: AdvInUIrI 8. FehmIU, C. Bergen (PG) 'W Da B.', B. Lawrence TMC Movie: MIdnIght Rill R. Niro, C. Grodin (R) Movie: SpaHn M. Dietrich, Movie: \HIgII Spills O. HanntiI. S. Guttenberg Ii) R Scott (PG133 Movie: ~)In tile Heart S. Field. Movie: SIng L 8Iacco, P. £Jobson (PG13) GlJlI)Iay Best of Encyclopedia Aloha 1° O. GkNer(PG s.... ytJN Geraldo News ~van . Hmooner cartoon Cartoons DuckTaies Chip 'n CcItoons ~ Club Dale (:05) Perry Mason (:05) PaseIdon AdvenUe G. Hackman. S. Stevens (PG) (:35) (:05) (:35) (:OS) (:35) Good is Flintstones Aintstones Brady laverne TIfTles ~M Eat Well! Healthy Movie: COIIIt of MontI CrtstD R Donat, Father Father FlIlTown Popeye C.O.P.S. Popeye Kids E Landi Knows Knows Funnies Bodies In Bodybuilding Black EIN B~r Masters Bowling. (In Other Side legends of Wortd Monstr Ball auz Motion S '00 From Las V lO3s R Soorts of VICtOfV Class Wresttino Truck Davtd, Little Koala Nooztes Maya the lassie Flipper T= lCXllleY Heathcliff Yogi Bear Outta Here Hey Dude Ll.K Gnome Bee S . Tunes ~A Hitchcock Name That 8lJnper' Hot Potato Chain Wipeoot I Press Your H' h Just the Dance LJ Presents Tune Stumoers Reaction id Luck £Jers Ten of Us -PaitV USA N NewsHour Sonya Lrve in LA NewsOay International Hour NewsDay EarlyPnme ShowBiz ~ .~ == i(ij8Y' MoVIe: love l.GIIeIy O. Niven, P Cunmins Life on Earth MOVIe: CoIIt MIItIII of GIarge AnnInng Fugitrve Ui CUIW B. Keith. K. ItMtarrJ LJ~N Midday Market Report Investment Market Investment Market Wall Street CoIJltdown Marl

This is Mother TNT True Christeens Oft the • the Ufe Jones Adv. Tales C8bletalk III Wall

$ Page 20 Suburban Cable Weekly OCtober 15-October 21 PRIME TIME THURSDAY © 1990 TV Llstlna Inc Ft Worth. TX OCTOBER 18

6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 MTV Dial MTV MTV Com. Hot Seat MTV Prime With Martha Quinn II CNNII CNN Headline News. Top Stories/Dollars & Sense/Sports/Stars & CNN Headline News. Top Stories/Dollars & II Style Sense/Sports/Stars & Style VH-1 (5:00) History of Milestone Special VH-1 Top 21 Countdown. Guest HliO)t:OIeta Stand-Up Candid 11 Music Videos Edition Adams SpoUlght Camera LIFE Supermarket E.R•. Mr. E.N.G.. Morgan makes LA. law. Becker MOVIE: Into Thin Air. This fact-based drama Q Sweep Fix-It a dangerous find. goes too far. chronicles the disappearance of a teenager. PASS (5:45) Walt (:15) Red NHl Hockey. Montreal Canadiens at Detroit Red Wings PGA Tour Sportswrite Northville Badorek Wings (l) Highlights • (5:15) MOVIE: Three MOVIE: Tender Comrade (Drama) 1943. Women MOVIE: Vigil In the Night (Drama) 1940. When a AMC Musketeers turn to each other for support while their young nurse makes a fatal mistake, her older B (Adventure) 1935 husbands are at war. G. Rogers, R. Ryan sister takes the blame. C. Lombard, W Abel, P. Lukas A. Shirley (3:30) MOVIE: Peyton Place (Drama) 1957. The secrets of a small MOVIE: Heathen (Comedy Drama) 1989. A MAX New England community are laid bare w~en a girl from the popular girl defies her friends to date a sexy CD Adventurers wrong side of the tracks murders her stepfather. high-school hood, which leads to a bizarre, 1970 (PG) L. Tumer, H. Lange grim turn of events. W Ryder, C. Slater (R) MOVIE: Bat 21 (Drama) 1988. A reconnaissance MOVIE: Parenthood (Comedy Drama) 1989. (:05) MOVIE: 'Burbs TMC pilot risks his life and a court-martial to rescue Familial love, devotion, acceptance and . (Comedy) 1989 fB a downed missile-Intelligence expert he's forgiveness transcend the age between four T. Hanks, never met. G. Hackman. D. Glover (R) generations. S. Martin, M. Steenburgen R. Ducommun (PG) (5:30) MOVIE: Aloha (:15) MOVIE: SWHt lies (Comedy) 1988. An MOVIE: Blick Rain (Action Drama) 1989. Two HBO Summer (Comedy insurance investigator goes to Paris on New York City detectives are assigned to tD Drama) 1988 assignment and encounters three beautiful escort a captured Japanese mobster back to C. Makepeace (PG) women who try to sabotage his mission. (R) Osaka. M. Douglas, A. Garcia (R) Charles In Abbotland I Dream of WON Night Court Movie News Charge Costello Jeannie 1m (:05) (:35) Andy (:05) (:35) (:05) MOVIE: Beastmester (Fantasy) 1982. A young man in TBS (:35) Beverly Griffith. Happy Jeffersons feudal times uses his supernatural powers, pagan rites and Gre,t II Hillbillies Barney's Days George's thrilling sword play to avenge his father's murder. Escape Physical Help M. Singer, T. Roberts (PG) 1963 Batman Black Scarecrow and Mrs. FAM Stand-Up Comics Take A StandI. Eight 700 Club With Pat Stallion. King. life of the finalists compete in a unique stand-up comedy Robertson .. Stowaway Party competition. ESPN Thoroughbre Sportslook Sports World Series Special Baseball Top Rank Boxing. From Atlantic City, N.J. III Center Mig (l) You Can't Make the Inspector looney NICK Doble Gillis BewItched Green Acres Dopna Reed Best of Fernwood Po That on Grade Gadget Tunes Room at The Cat's Poodle SaturdlY 2Nlght G1 Television the Bottom Meow Parlor Night Live Cartoon Express MacGyver USA.. Murder, She Wrote Benny Hili Special CNN World Today Moneytlne Crossfire m PrimeNews Larry King Llvel Evening News Avengers. Nannies are New AlE World of World In Eagle Ind Joe louis: For All nm •. The life and times m suspects. Wilderness SumYal Actfon the Bear of Joe louis are remembered. FNN Investment lifestyles Enlrepreneu Power Money T.lk Focus Bus'ness Insiders Entrepreneu Power lID Advice Profiles Tonight Profiles (5:00) Video PM. Country music videos are TNN American On Stage. Nashville Now. Roy Clark; Doug Crook I featured. MUilc Shop Robin lee II) Kershaw Chi" GU"gan's Bugs Bunny NFL Stadium TNT NFL FOOtball. New England Patriots at Miami Dolphins (l) m Island and Pels

TLC Elegant America's Pizza Captlln'. Movlegalng learning State to Stlte Eleglnt Traln'g 18 Appetite Backyard Gourmet log Family Mlnera Appetlt. Camp Video lP. Soft Notes Our Voices Screen Rlmsey Video Soul W Scene lewis Jazz CSPAN (4:00) Viewer Call· In Election '90. Illinois Event of the Day • House Gubernatorial Debate DISC Beyond 2000 Rendezvous World Mystery Tena X Beyond 2000. Airport Adventurers AdYtntum .. Monitor Wrld designs of the future In Diving MOVIE: Kolak: The Price of JusUce (Drama) SHOW MOVIE: Gnaw: Food of Ibe God. II SUPlr Dave IBF (:45) 1987. DetectIve KOlak becomes involved with (Horror) 1989. Giant rats rampage Super Dave Boxing Coil ilion a woman accused of murder. T. Ssval's, K. through a college campus and Course .. Nelligan continues create gnawing havoc, P. Coufos his quest. MOVIE: ShagllY Dog (Comedy) 1959. Prompted by DIIN MOVIE: CanttrYtne MOVIE: Miracle of the Heart A (:35) curiosity a man utters magical words and Ghost (Drama) 1985 Boys Town Story (Drama) 1986. A AchllYlra II becomes a sheep dog. F. MacMurray. R. Kiley, C. Jacobs priest and a troubled youth help Babe Ruth J. Hagen each other rediscover themselves. October 15-October 21 Suburban Cable Weekly Page 21 PRIME TIME THURSDAY © 1990 TV L,s!tnQ Inc Ft Worth TX OCTOBER 18 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM I 10:30 Against WFUM Nightly MacNeil Lehrer Mll;hlgan Great Lakes High School This Old Mystery!. Two lovers Odds Business NewsHour Outdoors Outdoors Challenge House are accused of murder . • a Report WJBK News CBS News Joker's Current Top Cop, Flash. Barry's secret Doctor, Knots Landing. Karen Wild Affair is uncovered. is trapped by Jeff . • (2) Doctor Newsbeat WDIV NBC Wheel 01 Jeopardyl Cosby Show Different Cheers Grand. The LA. Law. Ex-partner Nightly Fortune It's All in World Healing Rosalind Shays claims &H!) News the Game sexual discrimination. News WXYZ ABC News ET Father Dowling Gabriel's Fire. Heller Prfmetlme Live Mysteries. Sister has an affair with a em Steve helps a friend. client. News CBET On the Road E.R. Adrienne Clarkson Codco Kids In the National and the Again Presents Hall Journal .(1) Growing WKBD Family Who's the Preview: Simpsons. Babes. Beverly Hills, 90210. News Pains Ties Boss? The Best Simpson and Temper, Brenda gets caught fD9 of the New Delilah Temper shoplifting. MacNeil Lehrer Nightly Michigan This Old Frugal Race to Save the Mysteryl. Two lovers WTVS NewsHour Business Outdoors House Gourmet Planet. The price of are accused of murder. _9 Report progress is examined. New Dance , Skallng Straight Gate Church Search the Success-N·L1fe Hour of Deliverance WGPR Center Scriptures 180 227 The Glmme a ALF. Come Hogan MOVIE: Short Circuit (Comedy) 1986. An affable Highway to Heaven . . WXON Sing-Off Breakl Fly With Family robot must elude the security team that would Neo-Nazis terrorize a ma Me destroy him. A. Sheedy, S. Guttenberg (PG) man .

; I' ./ .. ~ ~} .. ~~ .. A .~QCAL ACCESS ...Thursday Evening " " -' 6PM 6:30 7PM 7:30 8PM I 8:30 9PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 I 11 PMI 11:30 Germany Uve Music in Omnicorrr Sports High School Football NewEngland the Park Foliage Youthvlew Navy Magic of Mustang Elizabeth SAL Men's Floor Hockey • News Bill Heiney Week Clare Prophet lD Review 11 PM 11:30 12 AM 12:30 1 AM 1:30 2AM 2:30 MTV .II. Blo Picture Club MTV Turn It Uo! Music Videos CNNHEAD .. 119:001CNN Headline News CNN Headline News CNN Headline News TWC It9:oo) Weather Watch Tomorrow's Outlook Pacific Outlook VH-1 Encvcloaedra of MUSIC Videos New ViSions VH-l Allmohter Stand-Uo! Candid Camera LIFE T. Ullman Mollv Dodd Moonliohtmo Self-lmDrovement Guide PASS ;ItContl Trackslde NHL Hockey. Canadiens at Red WinOS tRl AMC m Movie: Tender Comrade G. Roaers. R. Rvan MOVie: Viall In the Nlaht C. Lombard A. Shirlev WFUMIIJ 1110:001Mvsterv! Noya Off Air MAX .. MOVie: True Love R. Eldard A. Sciarra 1t:451lnto the Fire A. Hindle. S. Ansoach :101 Best Seller J. Woods TMC m :110:051 'Burbs T. Hanks MOVie: Me Ind Him G. Dunne E. Greene Movie: Parenthood S. Martin HBO fD InSide the NFL MOVie: Scandll J. Hurt 8. Fonda i ':50) HBO Comed1 Hour WJBK .~ News Nioht Court Cheers Arsenio Hall Taxi News FuOltlve WDIV .(1) News Tomoht Show Instant Recall 1(~05) Letterman 1':051 Bob 1/:351News WXYZ 1m News Nlohtline Challenaers KOiak lET Into the Nloht 1(:051 Off Air CBET I(f') News It:351 SCTV ':051 Lauoh It:351 Mv Boy WKBD •• MOA"SOH Hunter Fall Guv PerrY Mason Gloria WTVS IlDl '10:001 Mysterv! S. Holmes Outdoors ThiS Old House Outdoors man Race to Save the Planet WGPR .0 Video Reouest Am. Tomoht Wlseouv 11:051Pnsoner Soulbeat WXON .Im 227 Love Connect My Talk Show A-Team Movie: Fist Walklna J. Woods K. Lenz WGN am Nloht Court To Be Announced Movie: On the Loose J. Evans. M. Doualas MOVie: Mlnlna Woman TBS In '10:351 Great EselDe J. Gamer S. McQueen !t:051 FlahUna Ladv FAM III Black Stallion Stand-Uo Comics Take A Stand! Paid Proaramminc Secrets Thorouohbred SoortsCenter ESPN 1m Taroet Shoot SoortsCenter Ladles Pro Bowlers Tour Room/Daddv Dobie Gillis BeWitched Donna Reed l!ICK II) Hitchcock Patty Duke My Three Sons I Mr. Ed Hitchcock HollYWood MOVie: Challenae of McKennl USA Miami Vice Eouallzer ShowBIZ Today NewsNloht Uodate Soorts Nite CNN ~ Monevllne Saorts Tonioht NewsNloht Joe LoUIS: For All Time AlE m At the ImDrov Diad Luckv Eaole & Bear EntreDreneur Power Profiles Monev Talk I Focus FNN LifestYles Focus Bus. Tomaht InSiders Crook & Chase CountrY Standard Time ITMN ~ MUSICShOD On Staae NashVille Now MOYie: Dill 1119 M. ThomDson V. Field TNT NFL Stadium Movie: Court-Mlrtlll of Jlckle Robinson A. Brauaher GEO Piua Gourmet Patnttno 00 It Vrself TLC ..IMovle FamilY Learn Matter It's About Time Rao Cltv Video Soul BET :Screen Scene Ramsev LeWIS MldnlOht Love House Floor Debate or Public PolicY Conference CSP kN Election '90 I Ftreoower World Monitor World Alive IAmenca Coast to Coast DISI ~ Survival Carners ':151 Red H.lt A. Schwarzeneooer. J. Belushi [IConU MOYie: Rive, of Delth M. Dudikoff JI10YL .. Movie: StOWIWIY S. Temole. R. Youna DISN .II Oz.lHarnet MOYle: tUah RoId to Chl.1 T. Selleck. B. Armstrooa Nlte ow'lt.tlng •,2:30 am t0'.m .t.. on .....34 I I , .,,------~I \1 •

Page 22 Suburban Cable Weekly October 1S-october 21 FRIDAY MORNING © 1990 TV llstl Inc FtWorth. TX OCTOBER 19 6 AM 6:30 7 AM 7:30 8AM 8:30 9AM 9:30 10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30 (:45) AM Computer Read' Sesame Street Mr. Rogers Editors Welcome Weather Chronicles Rain~ to Blitz on 3-2-1 Sesame --D My Studio Contact Street Morning CBS News CBS This Morning tJJ~ Bus. Live With Regis & Trump Card Price Is Right Kathie Lee T~ News Today ...J.D~ GeraIdo InstcIlt Concentrat'n Divorce M. Warfield Recall Court (:15) (:45) Good Morning America I~ News News Kelly And Company 00naI1Je 5aI1y Jessy Raphael F.I.T. Wok With (:15) Tree Mr. Sesame Street ~YJ Yan Dressuo Pd Prg WKBD Video G.I. Joe DuckTaJes Gummi Dennis the fl:Hm Power Happy Days Bewitched Webster PdPrg News Bears Menace L.Sh':irIey Busmess Business (:15) /JNe New New Fitness FIle I1VProgramming Sesame Street Mr. Rogers Read' 1m File Weather literacY llteracv Finn Rain1:w IGPR Soulbeat Morning Movie: Idaho R. fbgers :g James Morning Morris Larry Lea Insight Kenneth Stretch H.Shanoon Robison 700 Club With Pat Maoazine cerullo Robertson WXON Popeye Wake, Flintstones Muppet Police New He- Movie: SIIadaw Play D. wallace, C. Leachman All in fl)a Rattle Babies Academy Man the It's a (R) Family Living 6 AM 6:30 7 AM 7:30 8AM 8:30 9AM 9:30 10AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30 MTV MUSICVideos Awake on the Wild Side Downtown Julie Brown Show .. CNNII CNN Headline News D CNN Headline News TWC Mormng RepOrt II Morning Report VH-1 (5:00) Paid Power Breakfast U Prociramming Good Morning VH-l Selt-Improvement It FlQUres Everyday HealthlJnk Baby Knows Baby Knows ~E GUide Workout Jane Wallace Spenser. For Hire PIS (3.00) Off ~r AMC (430) Off Air 0 MAX (~~)ca=il) MOVIe: Operalon Mad Ban J. Lemmon, 16 lit G. I R £ Kovacs Movie: Bel, Book Ind Cindie J. Stewart, K Cinemax Sessions Novak R. Blades TMC MOVie' Erik the Viking T. FkJbbms, T. Jooes MOVIe: Faces 01 Lao T. Randall 1m (PG13) seven Dr. Movie: ~ 01 Dust J. Wilby, K Thomas A O'Connell lPG) 0 (5.05) Red Heat WIZard of MOVIe: Dove J. Bottans. D. RaHin (PG) 1 L. BJatr Oz T~l er G" fair S. Kellerman, G. CousIns =PG13) T. Dansm Facts of Farth 20 PCiJdProgramming "N Wake, Bozo Bewitched Magmm, P.I. life Rattle Joan Rivers CNN Fhntstones Torn and Jerry's (:05) (:35) (:05) Little House on ---.IS Funhouse of 1StrIpper L Wanen. GllflQan BeWitched the Prairie (:05=£ FAM Today With James FunTown Popeye Dlnosaucers Littles Our House m Manlyn Robison Funnies 700 Club With Pat Sheila Paid Robertson Walsh BodIes rn NatIon's BusIness EljN Nation's Business Thoroughbre ATP TOll' Mobon Today Today S~r Nice Triathlon. From Getting Fit Workout Tennis NICe, France (R) LaSSie Kids World Mr. WIZard Don't Just N~K InspectOi Heathcliff lassie Maya the ElIlleka's Castle Sit There Gadoet Elephant Fred Penner Bee Show A (530) Paid Cartoon Express 'i Proorammtn Lost In Space Divorce Divorce DayBreak BUSiness Court Court IN DayBreak Busllless DayBreak DayWatch Morning Day World Day DayWatch Global A&E Fronbers New Affair World of Life on Earth Fugitive IE PreVIew Wilderness SurvIval Avengers World BUSIness ~N World BusIness lifestyles Market Preview RePOrt UPdate Morning Marketfme Supplements MarketWatch A.M. TNN (300) Off ~r m VldeoMomlng TNT Fun Zone Popeye Hour GD F~1e Muppet MoVIe: DeIh Me G. Gwsm. R Hart Show \ Western Western Oceanus oceanus Urnverslty Lecture C. Tradmon Tradmon Sew ~Ifla MICrowaves Stain Glass Service J Martinson What's New (400) Paid Paid Programming ~. If Proarammlng Paid Programming ClAN House Floor Debate or Pubhc POlICY Conference Journalists' RolJldtabIe and Gall· Pub. U,S. House of Representatives In Address C (3'00) Off ~r --.l Assignment DISCOverY Tastes of Pasquale Pulse Your Kids-TV the World Health! MoVIe Teen Wolf Too J Bateman, (:25) to ... Avam, ~w K Darby lPG BICIc 8IICtI F. A FumCelIo PG) ~ -- PIlI " ... Forest F. March, N Mouserclse You and MlCkeyl DtW Care Bears Donald Duck Pooh Tree Me, KKl Senes Dtrnbo's Ba::? In China C. Spinney, B. Presents Comer Circus 't':.. RADON. THE HEAlTH HAZARD IN YOUI HOME TUT HAS A SIMPlE SOLUTIOI. Call t-800-S0S-RADON to get your Radon test information. - october 15..()ctober 21 Suburban Cable Weekly Page 23 AFTERNOON FRIDAY © 1990 TV Lls\ln loc Ft Worth TX OCTOBER 19 12 PM 12:30 1 PM 1:30 2PM 2:30 3PM 3:30 4PM 4:30 5 PM 5:30 Tracks Program Mr. Rogers ~cometo Reading sesame Street Mr. Rogers One Cont. ~h Studio Rainbow r Ahead News Beautiful As the World Turns~=Gliding Light News News Hard Copy Y=dthe = PersonalitY :B News Generations Days of Our Lives Another World Joan Rivets Cosby Show Inside Newsbeat JIJ Edition wxn News Loving All My Children One Life to Live General Hospital Oprah 'Mnfrey News Midaay Country Practice Canadian Take the High Road 00 It for Talkabout Danger Bay Video Hits Five Thirty -fi~ Reflections Yourself Head of the Facts of Hmooner I Love OtizKid AMn Peter Pan Chip 'n Tale spn T= -lID LucY ~~ ChaiJenae Dale Class IJfe Square One Joy of learn to =ies3-2-1 Street Zoobilee GED World sesame ~One 1m TV PaintiIlQ Read Contact ZOO : ~ G Success-N-Llte Movie: Great Gabbo E. Strri1eim, D. Douglas Romance M

[ LOCAL ACCESS • Frid8y A~ernct' ) :;.. ; :; 5:30 1 PM 1:30 I 2 PM I 2:30 3 PM I 3:30 4PM 4:30 1 5 PM 12 PM I 12:30 I I Community Forum Northv. Omnlcom Sports High SChOOlFootball Folk & Bluegrass Navy WSDP Canton Uons I~anton News Radio Jr, Varsity Uons •III VariRv

• Pa~e 24 Suburban Cable Weekly October 15-October 21 --_ , ,------'------.;...------.,PRIME TIME FRIDAY © 1990 rv LlstJO Inc Ft Worth. TX OCTOBER 19

6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 MTV Dial MTV The day s ten most Hot Seat MTV Video Mu,lc Award, Arsenio Hall hosts this year's ceremony II reques~cd v:oeos are counted down. honoring the best videos. CNNII CNN HUdline News Top Stones/Dollars & Sense/Sports/Stars & CNN Headline News. Top Stories/Dollars & II Style Sense/Sports/Stars & Style VH·1 (5:00) History of My VH·1 to VH·1 a Go-Go. Enliven your day (or evening) with a few hours of hip Music Vidtu,is Generation - One shakin', finger poppin' musical fun! LIFE" Super;;'larkel ER. E.N.G. Stnklng Out l.A. Law. Brackman's MOVIE: Father Clements Story. A real-life _.0 Sweep . mother dies. priest devotes himself to helpIng children. PASS (5:45) 1',n Mason Harness Pistons NBA Pr.season Basketball. San Antonio PI,tons This Week D Northvii~e .J Insider Spurs at Detroit Pistons (L) Update In CART (5:45) Mo w'IE "harlle AMC MOVIE: ScarfaCl (Drama) 1932. A powerful MOVIE: Bolero (Musical Drama) 1934. 'Salute to Chan 1:' Murder Over gangster rules a brutal bootlegging empire with Marriage and war prompt a popular the States U New YUIK (M)'5Iery) unquestioned authonty. P. Muni, G, Raft Parisian dance team to separate. Illinois 1940 S lofer G. Raft, C. Lombard MAX MOVIE' Cocoon: The Return (ScIence Fiction) MOVIE: Breaking In (Comedy) 1989. (:40) MOVIE: Dead Calm (Thriller, 1988 Spdce traveling seniors return to Earth An aging thief tries to pass on his ESP) 1989. A vacationing couple OJ to he.;> an allen fnend whom they fear IS the knowledge to a young apprentIce. finds terror on a sailboat cruise. subJeCt01 gOvernment experiments. J. Tandy B. Reynolds, C. Siemaszko (R) S. Neill, N. Kidman (R) TMC (5:15) MOVIE: Mac and MOVIE: Erik the Viking (Comedy) 1989. A mild- MOVIE: Hot PU,.ult (Comedy Adventure) 1987. A Me (SCience Fiction) mannered Viking is called upon to end the young man misses the boat to a dream G) 1988 C. Ebersole, J. Earth's ICy gloom. T. Robbins. T. Jones vacation with his girlfriend and finds one Ward (PG) -~ (PG13) mishap after another as he pursues her. HBO MOVIE- Dream a UUle Dream (Comedy) 1989. Two MOVIE: Summer Job (Comedy) 1989. MOVIE: Screwball Hotel (Comedy) teens exchange bodieS with an older couple Coeds take jobs staffing a trendy 1988. Military school dropouts ED dunng an expt:nment and race against time to summer resort. S. Rose. open a gambling parlor in an old find a way back J. Robards, C. Feldman J. Summer (R) hotel. M. Benadetti. J. Greenman Charles in Abbott and WGN I Dream of Night Court MOVIE: lulu Belle (Drama Romance) 1948. A News Charge Costello Jeannie Natchez torch singer brings only rUin to the IE men who love her. D. Lamour (:05) (:35) Andy (:05) (:35) (:05) MOVIE: Forbidden Planet (Science (:05) MOVIE: Vigilante TBS Beverly Griffith. Happy Jeffersons Fiction) 1956. A spaceship is sent on a Force (Drama) 1976 Hillbillies Ople loves Days ED rescue miSSIon to return a professor to Earth. K. Kristofferson, J. Helen W Pidgeon, A. Francis Vincent (PG) Rln Tin New Zorro Maniac FAM Big Brother Beauty and the Beast. Beauty and the Beast. 700 Club WIth Pat Tin, K'9 Freedom of Mansion Jake tB A tunnel cave-in traps Gang war threatens a Robertson Cop the Press -, Vincent. young couple. ESPN School Sports Look Sports NFL NFL's Greatest America's Wilderness Great American Events OJ Sport Center Moments Moments You Can't Make the Inspector NICK Looney Doble Gillis Bewitched Green Acres Donna Reed Best of Fernwood Do That on Grade Gadget Tunes Hunger G) Television Saturday 2Nlght Stnke Night live Cartoon Express MacGYVf:f MacGyver I USA Murder She Wrote Hitchcock Ray Hitchhiker Swamp corfronts a terronst. (R) m Presents I Bradbury Thing 1.--,- Theatre CNN World Today Moneyllne m Crossfire Prime News Larry King live' Evening News Fugitive A deadly New AlE World of Whose Baby? (Part 1 of 2) (Drama). Two Inside Track With game ot card 5 Wilderness Survival. rnfants may have been aCCidently switched m Koala Graham Nash. Guest: lion Grab years ago. A. Punch·McGregor, D. Forsythe Mlck Fleetwood FNN Investment •ftestyles Entrepreneu Power Money Talk Focus Business Inside,. Entrepreneu Power m Advice Prollles -""''''''', Tonight Profiles (5:00) Video PM Country mUSIC Videos are Telas On Stage TNN featured Nashville Now. MinOie Pearl; Crook & 1m Connection Jeff & Shen Easter Chase GIlligan's Bugs Bunny and Pals MOVIE: Ada (Drama) 1961. An ambitious woman TNT Island (:15) MOVIE: Conflict from the wrong Side ot the tracks uses an (Mystery) 1945 ED easygomg man as a ticket to the governor's H. Bogart, A. Smith ~ .. mansIon. S. Hayward, D. Martm Elegant Martin Van nc University Lecture Germany LIve. Growing Up. Graduate- Elegant Do II Appetite Philosophy m Luneburg Health Then What? Appetite You,.el' BET Video lP Soft Notes News Personal Black Ent. Q) New Odd Video Soul Diary Couple (4:00) CSPAN Viewer Call·ln Event of the Day 01 House Beyond 2000 DISC Rendezvous World Wild Things Shark! Carrie,. Firepower HlUer. Hitler plans hiS .- Monitor global conquest. (:25) MOVIE: Teen Wolt Too (Comedy) 1987 A MOVIE: Package (Suspense Drama) 1989. ASSigned MOVIE: Back to the SHOW teenager who {urns Into a werewolf vows to to escort a court·mdrtlaled soldier to the Belch (Comedy) 1987 Gl defeat hiS mherlted curse J Bateman, United Stales, an Army sergeant learns of a K. Darby (PG) F. Avalon, plot to assassrnate the Soviet premier. (R) A. Funicello (PG) National Family Safety MOVIE: Here Come the L1t1les Anny & MOVIE: Honey, I Shrunk the Kids (Comedy) 1989 DISH Test B Hudson, (Fantasy Adventure) 1984. Two Andy Four kids toy With their sCientist dad's G) C Williams Pint-Sized people are trapped In a expenmental ray gun and aCCidentally reduce , sUitcase. (AOImated) (G) themselves to microscopiC size. R. Morams

t ------_ ....._-----_.. October 15-October 21 Suburban Cable Weekly Page 25 PRIME TIME FRIDAY © 1990 TV listinG Inc. Ft Worth, rx OCTOBER 19 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 Off the Nightly MacHell Lehrer Waahlngton Wall$trHt Gmt PtrformIICII. Samuel Ramey sings the WFUM Record Business NewsHour Wilkin Week title role in an opera based on the Faust mOJ Report RtvItw legend. News CBS News Joker's Current Major League BaHbll1. World Series. Game 3: National league WJBK Wild Affair Champion at American league Champion (l)

.~Newsbeat NBC Wheel of Jeopardyl Quantum Leap. Sam Hight Court WIIp. Midnight CaUer. WDIV NlghUy Fortune saves a beautiful Can't Buy Sports and Killian proposes to fJ)(!) Hews model. Me love leisure Devon. News ABC Hews ET Full Houn Family Perfect QoIIg 20/20 WXYZ Stn...,. PIHeI ern Manen News Front Page Second Strut Legal AnIt Murny'a 8rIttIIt Nation' and the CBET Challenge Chance HIta, Vol •• 2 1989 Journal fJD® K. Rogers. K. Oslin Growing Family Who's "'e Preview: AmerlcI's Molt Wanted OEA. The agents cope HIWI WKBD Pains. Ties . Boss? The Beat A child molester is with a murder. (R) fD8 ChOices of the He. interviewed. MacNeil Lehrer NIAhUy Money Wnblngton wan Street Off tile Htmtfront Powel Cmlty Jr. and WTVS NewsHour Business World Wilkin WHk Record till 28tII century fB9 Report RnItw Contempo Zion Evangelist Ke" to the Great Faith SIICCtII·H·UfI Inp. Detro" WGPR klllldom Temple Millie Comedy fJ)(@ 227. Men's Glmme a ALF. la Hogln MOVIE: Ghoulill II (Horror Comedy) 1988. Those Highway to Heaven WXON Club Breakl Cucaracha Family mischievous devils are back and they're tma nastier than ever. O. Martin. R. Dana (PG13) " LOCAU. ACe... ',,, :" '>'~ :I~,r~;~~:/;'< , 6PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 P.., 8:30 9 PM l 9:30 10 PM 10:30 T 11 PM I 11:30 Football t:rme Music Uving in Fall Auto Paul Robeson Continued Harwell In Park Lakes Area Fest 'go Talk Football The Quilt Town Astrologic Rockln' Suburbanites --III Continued Wednesday USA Music Videos Report , , , 11 PM 11:30 12 AM 12:30 1 AM 1:30 2AM 2:30 MTV 51 Dial MTV Music Videos CNNHEAD. 9:001 CNN Headline News CNN Headline News CNN Headline News TWe D 9:001 ThiS Weekend This Weekend Pacific Weekend Outlook VH·1 B Stand-Uo! Fllx SDecial Candid Camera VH-1 a Go-Go Stand-Uo! Flix SDecial LIFE r.I T, Ullman Mollv Dodd Or. Ruth Esauire ISelf·lmDrovement Guide PASS U Indv Raclno Trackslde NBA Preseason Basketball. 5Durs at Pistons ,R\ IOff Air AMC B MOVIe: Scarface P. Mum G. Raft Movie: BoItro G. Raft. C. Lombard State Salute WFUM m9 (9.001 Great Performances TNature Off Air MAX rD 'Contl MOVie: Dead AIm E. Marinaro C. Bernsen 1:05) YOUIIa LMv ChlbrllV II H. McBride 1t:40l Breaklna TMC m MOVie: sex. lies and wldeotaDe J. Soader A. MacDowell Movie: C.H.U.O. II 1:25) KIss J. Pacula HSO m 1':151 1st & IC:451Return of lb. Swama ThIItfJ O. Durock ":15) Inside the NFL 11:15\HBO ComedY Hour WJBK .m News Cheers Arsenio Hall TaxI News Fuaitlve WDIV film News TOnlaht Show Instant Recall ,':05) Letterman 11:051News 1(:35) Pd Pro WXYZ film News Nlahtllne Challenaers Koiak ET Into the Nloht CBET mm News Good Rock,"' ToOlte Movie: Gambler K. RoDBrs B. Boxleitner (:45) Off Air WKBD fDA M"A"S"H Hunter Fall GUY Perrv Mason SerDlco WTVS fDLUl Husband Movie: Laura G. Tiemev. C. Webb Movie: baeI aid .... lIdma. J. W,avne (:40) Half WGPR me Fashions Am Tomaht Wlseouv :05) Ov.r the TaD S. Stallone R, LDDDia WXON fm9 227 love Connect Mv Talk Show A-Team Movie: 0.. of MY WIYa Is Mllliia WGN ft!) Nloht Court To Be Announced Movie: HotDrlous Mr. MIlIa V. Ralston Movie: ClmDill Hon.vmoon TBS m 110051 Vlallant. Force It:oS) Mid MI. M. Gibson. J. samuel 11:05) 011Heavenlv ODD FAM m Bordertown Beautv and the Beast I Beautv and the Beast I Paid Proorammino ESPN II) SoeedWeek SDortsCenter Tovota Atlantic Auto Racina Truck & Tractor Surfino SnnrtsCenter NICK 1m Hitchcock Pattv Duke Mv Three Sons IMr. Ed Room/Daddv I Dobie Gillis BeWitched Donna Reed USA 1m MIamI Vice MOVie: 10 B. oerek O. Moore Curious F.mlle CNN 1m Monevltne Soorts Tomaht NewsNloht IShowBIZ Todav NewsNioht Uodate Saorts Nlte Whose Babv? tPart 1 of 2\ A. Punch-McGf1I{1lY I Graham Nash AlE AD Glvnn Turman at the Imorov , IBus. Tnnioht .Bm!eDreneur p...-. , IMonev Talk , IF~us FNN LIfestYles Focus , , . II Now, Ctook,.,~ " . Time TNN :Texas Conn On Staae TNT m 10'15) Contllct H Booart ':10\ Two Mrs. Carrolls H. Booart. B. StanWllClt J:l0) ',DaIIln '001 Murder TLC IR Wilson Cooks Gardenlna Stain Glass Art Is fun 2 GED Martin Van Achievement Achievement BET m News Personal Dlarv Mldmnht Love Screen Scene Black Ent. Video Soul CSPAN m '8'001 Event of the Day House Floor Debate Dr Public Policv Conference DISC Monkeys/ADes Wildlife Dlscoverv Showcase World MMltor IDivino Adv. TDe-lV SHOW :(Conti Mike Movie: 011H.~ B. Willis B. Bldtli. :15\ C. Laure DlSN G) Ol Hamet John and Voko's Imaome IMovle: PlckuD II SodIItnIt R, Widmllk Movie: HocklV Nlallt Nit. owl Hetlnp, 2:10 em to' em lleft on pege M Page 26 Suburban Cable Weekly October 15-October 21 MORNING SATURDAY © 1990 TV llstln Inc Ft Worth TX • OCTOBER 20

6AM 6:30 7 AM 7:30 8AM 8:30 9AM 9:30 lOAM 10:30 11 AM 11:30

Government ~mment Marketing Marketing HlITlaO Htrnan By the By the 1.1 bv Consent Consent F= F=: Behavr Behavr Nunbers N\ITlbers . Ebony Jet Munsters Krypton Bill & Ted M~Babies Garfield and Friends 1 Mutant Ninja 'l~ Showcase Todav Factor ~~ofW . Open Doors Ask a Silly KJdBits Guys Next camp Gandy :" N & the Super Kid=n' Play ChiprTUlks America's ID~ Question DOor ario Brothers r ~BeI~ Too Ten InSport Great Bear Likely WIl~ WIZaI'd of Slimer & the Real 8eetIejtice New Kids Bugs 8llmy & Tweety IXce Scare Stoiv '~ Pooh Oz Ghostbusters Show Ed Allen Tree Elephant Street Wonderstruc Sesame Street ..J.FlJ Show Cents WKBD Newshne In RevIew Zazoo U F~ ~'s T.:;oo Tomatoes ~ Fox FlI1 Paid Programming eBB W d Kids PIQs House Health Health Joseph campbell sesame Street Tracks Taste VICtOry Motorweek This Old 1m Issue Issue Ahead Garden '91 House NewV=Works WGPR ' Sou/beat PeppermInt Movi~~ of the Cowboys SportsVIeW Today Wrestling: George New Dance m(g Place R. • J. Bush Cannon V~~ WXON LIVing In Madonna Perceptions Metro Art Fight Back! Transition Green Acres Addams IMovie: ReIum of the PInk PInIher P. Sellers ma The Lakes Magazine Review Family C. Plummer (G) 6 AM 6:30 7 AM 7:30 8AM 8:30 9AM 9:30 10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30 (4:30) MUSICVideos Music Videos Best Of Pauly Yo! MTV Raps (The Rock 'N Jock Diamond LJr Weekend Edbj' 'DerbY lll" CNN Headhne News CNN Headline News TWC ThIS Weekend This Weekend D VH-l (~, Paid Hall & Oates saturday Hall & Oates Satoolay coord e rammlna , LIFE Self-Improvement self-Improvement Guide Arts,Crafts Baby Knows She's the Day by Day Attitudes f:J GUide Sheriff PIS (:15) Windsor, ~ht (:15) Northville at the Races. AMC (430) Off Pur IJ (5:50) Clnemax MOVIe: Teen WltI:h R. Uvely. ~oviellnk C8dIIIIc C. Eastwood, 8. Peters Movie: 8reakln' 2: EIedrIc sessIOnS ~ Z Rubinstein (PG13) PG13 L DicJaN. A Quinones TMC Movie: Paint Your Wagon L Marvin, C. EastVtfJOd (PG) (:45) DoIn' TIme 011 Planet (:15) ~ A McCarthy (~_5) G) Earth N. Strouse, H O'Brian J( CattraJl PG MOVie Cont MOVIe: MuppetsT,)Manhalan (~~) Shag, The MovIe P. Cates, P. Hannah Inside the NFL Movie: Body Slam ~ A GameY, J. Coco G O. Benedict iPGY WGN Welcome Bunker's Larry Jones World U.S. Farm People to Charlando Heart of MIOOrity Good NWA Pro Wrestling m Back PI. Tomorrow Report People Chicaoo Bus fishing TBS Hogan's Between the (:05) tmA Main (:05) National GeographIC Explorer ED Heroes Lines Event Wrestling WfJ) RoItercoaIIer G Segal, R Witkna1k FAM (430) Paid Prograrrlmlng American American Gerbert Popeye Popeye New ZOllO ar~TheLost m Snapshots BabY" l~ E' ATP Tour EIN Motorweek S~rts Mark Scsln Ultimate Fly FIS~ Grt J. Houston FlShin' Crooked Amer. College TenniS Illustrated nter theW Outdoors Hole Creek Events GameDav K LasSie Spartakus Eureeka's Kids Court Heathcliff Heathcliff Inspector Count Count Think Fast Double Dare --I. Castle l=r Gadaet Duckula Duckula 'ljA PaJd Programming Pd Prg HollWlOod cartoon Express Youthquake D2.nce Insider -PaitV USA IN DayBreak Int'! Corr. DayBreak Sports DayBreak BIQStory (:10) Moneyweek (:10) Style (:10) Sci- Football Healthweek ShwBiz Tech WIt Pvw ~E Suzanne Somers Presents: Tnple Crown of Journey to World of MovIe: Lang JoIIt SIIlIIr R Newton. Footsteps of Man Comedy Adventure SurvivaJ C. Gilchrist ~N Wall $treet Final Supplements Europe Bus, Supplements Your Future High Tech. IRS Tax Entrepreneu Corp limited Beat Amenca Edition IN (3:00) Off Pur = Backyard Joy of Creative Side by celebrity Remodeling Amenca Gardenina Livina Side Outdoors TNT MOVie, PraIrie 11uIder D Foran. E. NatIOnal Travels of Jalfllfe Hondo How the West Was MoVIe: ~ McCII, GD Clancy Velvet McPheeters Won iJC A~lnst ~lnst Converse~ Con Adllevement AchMMlment Success Series From QUit in a In Italiano SlJvrvai ds ds the Medea Arts Dav s::,~ SoanlSh (400) Paid Paid Programrntng Video LP Jackson 5 Video Soul RapCrty III Proorammlno C;AN House Floor Debate or PublIC PolICY VttIWef call-In House Floor Debate or Public CommtJ'latJonsToday Conference PoIicv Conference (3.00) Off Pur -.-Ie Bi" BlJTud's Anllnal Profiles of World AlIVe ~eys/ Wildlife "")' ...... )' Nature ChronICles MOVIe Back ~I SctIooI R, DangerfJeId, MoVIe: A ForeIgn AffaIr J Atthur. MOVIe: JnAhoI R ray/«, E. ray/« [Y S Kellerman PG131 M. DIetrich MouserClse You and Pooh Dumbo's MICkey! DiN Mother F=e Donald Duck Movie' ChIpnuaIc AdvInIure (G) Mouse Club Me, KJd Comer CIrcus Goose Presents h, TIME TO ADVERTISE IN ALL ;.fj 591·2300 ,.~ rTODAY! , uburba~able Weekiy

, ; • October 15-October 21 Suburban Cable Weekly Page 27 AFTERNOON SATURDAY @ 1990 TV Llsllntl Inc FI Worth. TX OCTOBER 20 - 12 PM 12:30 1 PM 1:30 2 PM 2:30 3PM 3:30 4 PM 4:30 5 PM 5:30 Herbal Victory Frugal ThsOId Woodwright Hometime MotoIweek CoIIectoJs Michigan Great lakes ...II Harvest Garden Gourmet House '91 r: OutdOors OUtdoors H~~ =r~ College Football. (L) College Football. Milwni at Notre Dame (l) Due Health PGA Golf. Walt Disney/Oldsmobile Classic (l) SteepIechas TICMIl Show Rooaway ~::AreYoo tlD~ Process Talks ~ ? little Rosey Scooby 000 WWF~~restling Kojak Crime College Football. (L) JllJj SPOt! ht Stoooer A'lything Disability Canadian Fish 'N Driver's Turbo Cup SportsWeekend. Bowling (T)~FIQlA Skating (T) r~ Grows Network Gardener canada Seat ~ KBD Movie: Alamo J. Wayne, R. Wfdmait Movie: Lone S1ar C. Gable. A GwTkJer New lassie in I C: MichlQal1 Great lakes At Home Cats & Dogs World Adventure Collectors Hometime F!UQaI Wdson Health ~~·s n Outdoors OUtdoors Goirmet Cooks Matters IGPR Program S~rtsvrew College Football. (l) Contempo :(g Coot odaY WXON MOVIe: Timeslalkers M. Schultz. ~ Devane Movie: T~ of Tenor K Black. Movie: A ...... Elm S1rIet A-Team EiJa (NR) R. Burtoo ( ) 2: frlddy'l R. EtIf1und rar World 5enes Weekend Music Videos Top 20 Video Countdown CNN Headline News Cln CNN Headline News . TWC This Weekend This Weekend D 1 Daryl Hall & John Hall & oates Saturday coot'd Hall & Oates Satlrday Daryl Hall & ~ Vi Oates Rock Tokvo coord Oates Rock t Frugal E.R. Supermarket T Ullman Moonlighting E.N.G. Spenser: For Hire LA Law iE Goormet SweeP PASS Big Wheel Great lakes College Football. (L) -- Ed Randall Fish· the Indy car Time Trials D Power Boater W~ AMC Movie: Desert fol J. Misoo, Movie: Desert Rats R Burton. Movie: ThillInd Is MIne C. f..aI4tJtaJ. IJ C. Hardwick8 J. Masoo M.O'Ha!a MAX (~~~) Her Albi T. Selleck. P PorizJcova Movie: Mommie Dearest F Dunaway. 0. 5carwid (PG) Movie: ~ .. Kid II R Macchio m P. Mtxita PG) TMC (11 :45) PhysIcal EvIdence Showcase Movie: Cold Feet K carradine, S. r:Iron ElgIe U L Jr., M. Hlmphrey Fl D B. R8'vOOiiJs. T. Russeil-1R) KirfdMld (R) PG) Brown 0 Movie Cont. MOVIe: InvisIIIe Kid J. tkJdeIwood, K Black HBO M~ JIk't) Two G. Newbern. Movie: 91D 5 J. Fooda, L Tomlin 1 (PG) Musicals L. PG13 (PG) Soul Tram Movie: Any Wednesday J. Fonda, J. Fb/mJs Movie: GrIll 1ft Robbery 1MosteI, 21 Jump Street ~N , K Novak MOVie Cont. (:35~ Disappearance 01 flight (:05) AorIda RIght 90 R. Masur. S. Macht (:05) (:35) (:05~Andy (·35) is 41 G. Ford. B. Dillman Munsters Hbltlv G· 'HaDov Bonanza FAMm Vlrglman Rifleman Wagon Train Big Valley GtIlsmoke N Program College Football. Iowa at MIChigan (L) F'baIl College Football. (L) EI Cont. SCore K Denms the DenniS the Lassie Lassie Little Red Golden JunIOr Olympics CNI't on TV OUt of Mr. WlZllrd Dennis the Ni Menace Menace Goose Control Menace MOVie: ~ Dark Nr J Baker. MOVIe: RazDrbIck G. Hamson. A Whitely (R) 00ubIe It's Your Miami VICe 'lr H. Alexan -Wfllls (f Trouble Move Future EarIyPnme Newsmaker NewsDay Evans and NewsDay Newsmaker (:10) Style On the YOOI Money (~ IN Novak Saturday Healthweek Meoo Watch Saturday FugrtJve In Search of the DaVId L. Wolper Hoond of the Baskervilles T. Baker Movie:~~) IE Dream MvIIIrY 2 01 3 On the Real Estate L~estyles L~estyIes SCORE card SCORE card SCORE Card SCORE card ~N Move Maaaz,ne Coontry Side by Gomg Our Remodeling Coontry Gospel Tommy Hunter Dinah Gospel Country On Stage wr Kitchen Side Way Kitchen Jubilee Jubilee Week TNT MOVie Cont. ('35) They Were ExpendIbIe R Montgomery. J. ~yne Movie: PIlI No. 5 Log~"s fV1 II F. Tone, M. lUll Wilson Painting MaJonglt Improve AchJeVement AchJevement Success 5eries From Stain Glass Amenca's Dolt GMdelllng iJC Cooks Hmn Yourself the Media Arts Ycuself Family Pd~ College Football. S. carolina St. at Flonda A&M (L) RapCrty If FKlJf8S CI»AN House Floor Debate or PublIC PolICY Conference House Floor Debate Of Public Policy Conference MOVIe Last Ark A World Away Discovery ShowcaSe Blue RevolutIon Motorcar Wild About DJjC Wheels MOVie: Clmpus Mln M. Fairellll(/, (:35L Some KInd 01 WondIIfuI E. Stoltz ~Dave Movie: CIIIIICII Ale R. .k.. C. Shepherd (PG) S~W J.liIe (PGl L. (PG13) Avonlea Here's ZOllO MovIe' Shaggy Dog F. Macl\tJnay, J. Hagen MovIe: YCMmII HIny HoudInI DJaN Boomer W Wheatm, J Ferrer I(·~S kicks

LOCAL ACCESS • Saturday Aft.noon) ) ) I )) I 12 PM 1 12:30 I 1 PM 1 1:30 I 2 PM I· 2:30 3PM 3:30 4PM 4:30 . I 5 PM 5:30 Auto Talk Downriver Northville Omnicom Sports High SChool FootbaH Polka TIme Folk & Bluegrass Bread of Life canton Uona canton Jr. Varsity Football Lions •III Varsity Page 28 Suburban Cable Weekly October 15-October 21 PRIME TIME SATURDAY e 1990 TV LISIIIlQ Inc Fl Worth. TX OCTOBER 20

6 PM 6:30 7PM 7:30 8PM 8:30 9PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 MTV Week In Big Picture Jobn VIdeo MTV's All Request SIIow. Saturday nights, Yol MTV R.ps (TIlt Rock Coupr CoIIICIIon MTV plays requests called in by viewers. Weekend EdlUon) CNNII• CNN He.dllne News. Top Stories/Dollars & sense/Sports/Stars & CNN He•• e ...... Top Stories/Dollars & II Style sense/Sports/Stars & Style VH-1 Hall & Oates Saturday. The Ambassadors of Blue-Eyed Soul HII , 01111 Saturday Daryl Hall & John e COlI" 0.... Rock Tokyo LIFE MOVIE: Penalty PIIa... A judge learns police MOVIE: Cracked Up. A track star's use of crack T. Ullm.n Molly Dodd e violated the rights of a criminal. P. Strauss threatens his life and relationships. E. Asner PASS (5:00) Indy C.r TIme PIstons NRA Pren.s. Balleetball. Seattle PIItonI This WHk In NASCAR Trials Insider SuperSonics at Detroit Michigan (l) Updlte • MOVIE: Don't Bother to Knock MOVIE: VIoIeIIt Slturd.y (Drama) 1955. The lives MOVIE: Higher .nd Higher (Musical AMC (Drama) 1952. A disturbed girl is of people in a small town are forever changed Comedy) 1943. A former rich man a tempted to kill the child she's after a brutal bank robbery. V. Mature, plots with his servants to raise baby-sitting. M. Monroe R. Egan money. M. Morgan, F. Sinatra (.:30) MOVIE: THn WItch (Fantasy) 1989. MOVIE: Pink C.dlHac (Adventure Comedy) 1989. MOVIE: Black Rlln MAX Karate Kid A shy, unpopular girl learns she is A wily bounty hunter's excursion to Nevada to (Action Drama) 1989 III 1989 a witch. R. Lively, find the wife of a dangerous criminal leads to M. Douglas, .. (PG) Z. Rubinstein (PG13) a series of comic misadventures on the road. A. Garcia (R) (5:30) MOVIE: FIX (Thriller) 1986. A MOVIE: M•• aequla (Comedy) 1987. An MOVIE: ...... Id videotape (Romantic Drama) TMC special-effects genius is tricked artist falls in love with a 1989. An outwardly happy marriage suffers It into performing an assassination. mannequin that comes to life. after a husband has a torrid affair with his B. Brown, B. Dennehy (R) A. McCarthy, K. cattrall (PG) wife's sister. J. Spader, A. MacDowell (R) (4:30) 9 MOVIE: Transytvanla Twist (Horror MOVIE: Sh.g, The MnIt (Romantic Comedy) 1989 On LacaUon: Bob HBO to 5 Comedy) 1989. A singer races her In 1963, lour friends head for a final fling at Gohttbw.1t (Comedy) ED (Comedy) uncle to get an ancient book of the beach. P. cates, P. Hannah (PG) 1987. Is He like 1980 (PG) the supernatural. R. Vaughn (PG13) That All the Time? Superforce Charles In I Drelm of WGN $100,000 MOVIE: Rel.x, Freddie (Suspense Comedy) 1966. News Charge Jelnnle Fortune A secret agent must try to crack a diabolical I,i) Hunt kidnapping ring. M. Grunwald, H. Borlc (:05) World Championship WresUlng (:05) MOVIE: Survlvllll: A F.mlly II CrIIIs (Drama) 1985. Two TBS teenagers in love die in a suicide pact and their families must cope II) with the shattering event. E. Burstyn, M. Mason

Bordertown. Craddock Rln TIn TIn, K·9 Cop. FAM MOVIE: G.UIII Gun (Adventure) 1972. Various scan ROIl: Dream and Bennet have to A friend of Hank's is forces fight to acquire Gatling guns after the Street .. settle a cattle dispute. shot. Civil War. G. Stockwell, W Strode (PG) ESPN (4:00) College F'b.1I College Football. (l) F'ball Football. (L) Score Score • Family Tales From Inspector NICK Looney Looney Bewitched Green Acres Donna R.... Best of Fernwood Double Dare the Whoop Gadget Tunes Tunn Siturday 2Nlght fI) Night Uve MacGyver. MacGyver USA Counterstrlke MOVIE: Monster In the Closet (Comedy) 1986. A Hitchhiker Hitchcock tracks renegadeagent. ridiculous monster kill his victims in their Presents 1m (R) closets. C. Akins, S. Stevens (PG) CNN NewsWatch Pinnacle Capital Sports PrlmeNews ShowBiz East Mnts Evening News 1m Gang Slturday This WHk Wilt Avengers Escape In AlE All Creatures Great and Whole Baby? (Part 2 of 2) (Drama). Two Caroline's Comedy Hour' Time Small. England infants may have been accidentally switched at Carol leifer hosts. m loses a monarch. birth. A. Punch-McGregor, D. Forsythe FNN SCORECard SCORECard SCOREC.rd SCORE SCORE Final Fantasy m Card . C.rd SCORE Ball Country Beat. New musICVideos TNN Randy Travis • Happy Grand Ole Barbara Mandrell .1Id Amerlean Texas feature country songs. rock, jazz Trails. Montana Opry Uve the Mandrell Sisters Music Shop Connection fI) and blues. Cattle Drive Bugs Bunny and Pals TNT MOVIE: Murder, My SWHt (Mystery (Colorized» MOVIE: Detective Story 1944. Raymond Chandler's detective, Philip (Suspense Drama) 1951 m Marlowe, becomes Involved in homicide and K. Douglas, blackmail; based on Farewell, My lovely. E. Parker TLC Achievement Achievement College USA Elegant "'s About TIme: A M•• ters Meehl.leal Smithsonian Microwaves m Appetite Celebration of Aging Tech "nlverse BET Teen Summit Flmlly Bilek Ent. Coll.. e Football. S. Carolina St. at Florida A&M (R) 0) Figure. , CSPAN National Press Club America Ind the Courts Public Affairs Addrau Journ.llsts' Rouldtlblt Dlacu•• lon Hou.. 0) Address Floor DISC Beyond 2000. Airport America Coast to COI.t Ch.llenge. leaving WIng•. The cause of Vletn.m: The Ten .. deSigns of the future Alaska civilization behind controversy Thouund D.y Wlr MOVIE: Flrewell to the King (Drama) 1989. In (:35) MOVIE: Back to School SHOW MOVIE: Campus M.n (Comedy) 1987. 1942, a U.S. Army deserter IS washed onto a A college student develops an all- (Comedy) 1986. A millionaire GD Borneo beach and found by native headhunters male calendar to raise money. joins his son in college. and becomes king after a VICIOUSstruggle. M. Fairchild. J. Dye (PG) R. Dangerfield, S. Kellerman D.nger BlY World of MOVIE: Bllckbeanl's GbOIt (Fantasy Comedy) MOVIE: Apple Dumpling Gang (Comedy) 1975. A DISN live Wires Horaes 1968. The restless spirit of a pirate is doomed gambler and three frisky orphans strike it rich m to wander the earth until it performs a after a zany bank robbery in EI Dorado. redeeming act of good. P. Ustinov, D. Jones 8. Bixby, S. Clark (G)

/~ ..... tI october 15-October 21 Suburban Cable \Veekly Page 29 PRIME TIME SATURDAY © 1990 TV Llsltnn loc Ft Worth. TX OCTOBER 20 6PM 6:30 7PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 WUd Talkin' Austin City umtts. lawrence Welk Nat King Sherlock Mystery!. Two lovers WFUM America country Featuring John Hiatt Cole Holmes are accused of murder . • 9 And Los Lobos (3:30) College You"e Come a Long Major League Baseball. World Series, Game 4: National league WJBK Football. Miami at Way, Maybe Champion at American League Champion (L) Notre Dame (L) .~News NBC News Wheel of Fame Ind Parenthood Working It Golden Empty Nest Carol & American WDIV Fortune Fortune Cards and Out Girls Company Dreamer tJ)@ Cars (3:30) College News $1,000,000 MOVIE: Adventures In Babysitting (Comedy) 1987. Twin Peakl. Cooper wxn Football. (L) Video S.O.S. call turns babysitting into the adventure is puzzled by a em Challenge of a lifetime. E. Shue, K. Coogan (PG) request. CBC Saturday Report Real Don NHL Hockey. Philadelphia Flyers at Montreal Canadiens; Chicago CBET Fishing Cherry's Blackhawks at Toronto Maple Leafs; Boston Bruins at Calgary Flames fI)(l) Grapevine (L) Preview: On Scene: Star Trek: The Next Totally Haywire COPS American Comic Strip Uve WKBD The Best Emergency GelleraUon. Suddenly Hidden Chronicles tD9 of the New RespOnse Human Video Club Connect. Racial Blanchard-Engler: Off lawrence Welk Championship Ballroom Dancing AUltin City WTVS Sensitivity Test .... Record. Pre- 1990.Ballroom Dance Umltl m~ election interview. On the Beam Strictly Spiaklng Movie Arab Voice of Detroit WGPR ectJ Superforce Superboy Mama's Mr. MOVIE: Popeye Doyle (Drama) 1986. Doyle must Monsters Tales From WXON Family Belvedere. solve a homicide that is linked to a terrorist the mla Inky plot. E. O'Neill. M. Lawrence Darkslde ,L99~ ~OC~S$ ~~t~~~ay Evening , , .. ~... ~ 6PM 6:30 7PM 7:30 8PM 8:30 1 9PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 1 11 PM I 11 :30 Fabulous Fur New England Fall Germany Live Micro Football Today Continued Fashions Foliage Fest '90 Football Capitol Legislative Joeys SAL Men's Videotunes • continued Report Forum Spotlight Floor Hockey III Comedy 11 PM 11:30 12 AM 12:30 1 AM I 1:30 2AM 2:30 MTV .11 This Is Horror Headbanller's Ball CNNHEAD ~OOI CNN Headline News CNN Headline News CNN Headline News TWC n 9:00) Weekend Uodate Weekend Uodate PacifiC Weekend Outlook Stand-Uo! Candid Camera VH-1 D Stand-Uo! Candid Camera Hall & Oates Saturday conrd UFE m l.A. law Dr. Ruth 1Esauire Self-Imorovement Guide Off Air PASS .... Trackslde at lad broke ORC NBA Preseason Basketball. SuoerSonics at Pistons (ll ·1Movie: Don' Bother to Knock M. Monroe AMC B IConU 1Movie: this Lind Is Mine C. Lauahton M. O'Hara WFUM .... 1(10:001 MYsterv! Frontline Off Air 1(:40) She'l Back C. Fisher. R. Jov MAX III 1(10:00) Black Rlln :051 Heldhunter K. Lenz. W. Crawford MOVie: FIX 8. Brown 8. Dennehv TMC Am MOVie: Surroaate C. Laure A. Hindle Phantom 01 HBO Movie: Caddvshack C. Chase: R. Danaerfield 1(:401JumDln' Jack Flash W Goldbera. S. Collins ..m Fuaitive WJBX .(2) News Arsenio Hall's Weekend Jam Bvron Allen ISoul Train lTake 30 Remarkable WDIV .(1) News saturdav Nloht live IBla Break 1Movie: Sea 111111 Not Hive Them WXYZ .m News MOVIe: BeYlrtv Hitis Madam F. OIlnawav. L. Jourdan CBET :151 News Nlaht MUSIC .m INWA World Wide Wrestllno hreasure 01 WKBD New MuSIC MOVie: Vice Souad S. Hublev. N. BlackwOOd m.a To Be Announced Off Air WTVS Contl Or. Who late Nlaht WGPR me 10:00) Arab VOice of DetrOIt Airwolf MOVie: Three on a Dlte WXON Im~ Fndav the 13th: The Senes A-team IMovle: Tlmlna SuftOn's Gal hwlllOht Zone Suoerforce Monsters WGN 1m Honeymooners "I MOVIe: Seven Guns to Mesa MOVie: Nlaht 01 the Cobra Woman J. Bana 1(:45) Nlaht TBS U.S. OlvmDlc Gold INiaht Tracks: Chartbusters IZoia LeVitt Paid Proarammina JeWish VOice Paid FAM ~ Bordertown Vldeosvncracv Senior PGA Golf. TransAmenca Chamo. 2nd round fTl SoortsCenter Motoworld ESPN m I(ConU SoortsCenter Mr. Ed Room/DaddY 1Doble Gillis BeWitched Donna Reed NICK 1m On the TV Hitchcock My Three Sons Movie: Vice Acadomv L. Quialev. G. Allen StarhoDI USA MOVie: CuriOus femlf. A. Pettvlohn Evans 1(:10) Travel 1Pinnacle Int'I Corr. Soorts Nlte CNN ~ CaDltal Gano Soorts Nlte NewNloht Whose Babv? (Part 2 of 21 A. Punch·McGreaor Caroline's ComedY Hour AlE m Tom Wooat at the Imorov Proline NFL Final SCORE Final SCORE FNN Final SCORE EarlY Action Final SCORE JI MUSIC Shoo hexas Conn. Chamolonshlo Rodeo TNN Church Street Ole ODry Barbara Mandrell It:151 You Never Can Tell O. Powell P. Oow Movie: Mlllina 1ft the Dirk TNT In 10'00\ De'ective Starv , . Achievement I Achievement . , '.utl It ~1M1f~ .Tlt It'! AboUt Tjma .~'~">r~,"_.Ai E, L'e ' 'JI Idniaht Love Video Vibrations BET Video Soul House Floor Debate or Public Policy Conference CSPAN '10.301 House Floor Debate Mysterv Wrld Terra X Blue RevolutIOn I Nature of Thlnos DISC m TOC·TV It:10llncomlna Freshmen L. Glalock 1,:40) Bat 21 G. Hackman O. Glover SHOW 11:151Motown on Showtlme J(;15) Sh, Doa F. MacMurray. J. Haoen DISN Jl MOYie. PrIde of the Vlnkeel G. Caooer T. WflOht Nlte owIllatlng .. 2:30 am to' am atert on 34 • • Page 30 Suburban Cable Weekly OCtober 15·October 21 MORNING SUNDAY © 1990 TV UsMa Inc n Worth. TX OCTOBER 21

6 AM 6:30 7 AM 7:30 8AM '8:30 9AM 9:30 10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30

Sesame Street Sesame Street Mr. Rogers Reading Long tvJ & ~One Rainbow FarA~ --U Mass for Miracles World Larry Jones Itls Focus CBS Sunday Morning Take 2 Michigan IJM Shut-Ins Now Tomorrow Written Detroit .Replay Ask a Silly KidBits Open Doors World Sunday Today Inside Movie = Blilder's .-J.DIJ Ouestlon Tomorrow Washinoton ()pen House (5 (0) Off ~r Home Again This Is the Black Forun Singsation Movie Young D. Brinkley IX~ life PeoPie (3 (0) Off ~r (:25) Ed Allen Mr. WIZard Real Estate Coronation Street Best Years IJYJ Wannup KBD It's Your Washington Robert SChuller With Church of Today CHiPs WNF Wrestling American Gladiators I·9 Business Reporf the Hour of Power Challenae WTVS Portrait of Portrart of Voices & Visions (NR) Sesame Street Sesame Street Long Ago & Reading American Editors fD9 a Family a Family FarA~ Rainbow Interests MOVie Bible Day of E=ist Liberty W.V. Grant March of Hour of NFL Jimmy Swaggart IG~ Adven. Discovery Temole Faith Deliverance Football WXON Success Health Pd Prg D. James Kennedy Perceptions ERA Real Widget Beenie and Funtastic World of Hanna-Barbera ma Advantage Estate cecil 6 AM 6:30 7 AM 7:30 8 AM 8:30 9AM 9:30 10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30 MTV MUSICVideos Music Videos S~rt'g Just Say Top 20 Video tJ 001 Julie! Countdown CNN Headhne News CNN Headline News ~II TWC Weekend Update Weekend Update D VH-1 (500) Paid Weekend Jam VH-1 Sunday Brunch II Programming Country LIFE (4 (0) Self-Improvement GUide Living With Orthopaedic Fam Internal II Diabetes Practice Moo ~~IogyU ate °r~ynU ate PASS (:15) Northville D C ( 15) Chartle Chan In Panama Off Air I S. Toler. J. Fb;ers MAX MOVie Cont. MOVie: Spaceballs M. Brooks. J Gandy (PG) Movie: Gong Ho M. Keatoo. G. Watanabe Movie: Last Rebel J. Namath, OJ (PG13) J. £lam (PG) TMC (.05) Hounds of Notre Dame T. Peacocke. B. Movie: Trapped by (:15) Bean BIacIde's ChInese Movie: PreIIy In PII* M. Ringwald m) Morse Boston BIackie Venbn C. Morris. J. ~ry A McCarthy (PG13) HBO ( 15) 3 Wortds 01 Gulliver K. Mathews. J. Babar WIZard of Movie: Iron ElgIe II L Jr., (:~ SIng L Bracco. P. Dobsa1 ED Morrow Oz M. Humphre lPG) '(F 13) Welcome Bunker's D. James Hour of (:15) Heritage of Mass for Leave ~ Star Search This Week ~N Back PI. Kennedy Power What's Nu? Faith Shut-Ins to Beaver L~ in Baseball World TBS It Is T&J (:35) (:05) (:05) (:3~AndY (:05) Good (:35) K~ asllle m Tomorrow Wntten Flintstones Fhntstones (~. Brady G ith News Gambler .=.. C. Belford FAM NewSlght James D. James Kennedy Swi~1y Gerbert Pole C.O,P.S. Popeye Batman Bonanza: The Lost m '90 Robison Fami Position EDisodes Mastenng ESPN's Body Inside the Formula~ne Road Racing. Grand Prix of Wkin EI:N S~rts S~ Go" SoeedWeek nter Shaotng PGA Tour Japan SPOrts S&:r LaSSie Spartakus Eureeka's Kids Court Heathcliff Heathcliff Cartoon Flipper Yogi Yogi Bear Tales From ~K Bear Cartoon Castle Kablooey Kablooey the Whoop 'ljA Diamonds CallIOpe Cartoon Jem Cartoon Express Express CNN ( 10) Style DayBreak BIQ Story DayBreak Evans and DayWatch Your Money (:10) On Newsmaker (:10) NFL m Healthweek Novak the Menu Sunday Travel Preview Golden Age Heroes USA Mountbatten Journey to World of Movie' Falin Idol R RicharrJson, M Morgan A & E Entertainment IE Adventure SuMVal Revue ~N ShopTalk BUSiness Supplements Focus Supplements Lifestyles Lifestyles Real Estate On the limited Entrepreneu Donoghue Weekend Maoame Move EdrtJon StrateoteS (3 (0) Off ~r Speed Truclon' Truck Hidden ~ton Champion- IN Wor1d USA Power Heroes shlD 3T Eddie s Dad Eddie s Dad F~e F~e Popeye Hour Bugs Boony and Pals MOVIe: Toy T1ger J Chandler. L. Day New New Wnte Wnte Achievement MakJng It Se" Self Success Senes From Achievement Amencan -.i Literacy Literacy Course Course Happen Improve Imorove the Media Arts SPOtllaht (4 (0) Paid Paid Programming Bobby Jones Gospel For the Video Our VOICeS III ProgrammlllQ Record Gospel AN House Floor Debate or PublIC PolICY Vtfffler Call-In Amencan Stock Exchange CI. Conference C (3 (0) Off ~r Deaf Orphans of Amencan Medical TeleYlSlOfl -I MosaIC the Wild W A Homerun for Love Kid Who Wouldn't Movie' Hansel and Gretel Kids-TV MOVIe. Who Framed Roger RabbIt B. Hoskins SI RScnbner Qurt M Ihss C. Uoyd (PG) Mouserclse You and DISN Pooh Oumbo's MICkey! Mother F~1e Donald Duck Movie: ~I Shr1I1k III KIds R, Mcxanis m Me, Kid Corner Circus Goose Presents M. Frewer ( )

For people who have better things u.s. [)epMtmmt 01 Heahh and Human Servtces to do than stand in line ••• Social Security Administration o Direct Deposit. Call any Social Security office and ask for direct deposit of your Social Security or 551 check, • ______1l1li October 15-0ctober 21 Suburban Cable Weekly Page 31 AFTERNOON SUNDAY © 1990 TV llSltna lne Fl Wortll 1.< OCTOBER 21 12 PM 12:30 1 PM 1:30 2 PM 2:30 3 PM 3:30 4 PM 4:30 5 PM 5:30 DiscoVering D.C. Week Wall Street Mclaughltn Firing Line To Be Announced Women of Mehfil Planet Earth II Ps Week GrOUD- the Nile Wayne Today NFL Football. Regional Broadcast (L) NFL Football. Regional Broadcast (L) Fontes ~r~ NFL Live [1MD~ Meet the NFL Football, Regional Broadcast (L) NFL Football. RegIonal Broadcast (L) Press WXYl Program Spotlight Movie Movie To Be Announced &)(1) Cont Meeting Place Coun2 Hymn Sing SportsWeekend CFL Football. Lions at Eskimos (L) IYJ Canaa I/BD Star Trek: The Next Movie: Gauntlet C. Eastwood, S. Locke (A) Star Search Lifestyles of the RICh PrevIew: The Next .~ Generation & Famous Seven Days WTVS McLaughlin Amer Asia Now European South T Brown Great Performances m9 Grouo Defense Journal Afnca Now GPR Business Transition Yugoslav American TV Time of Larry Jones Bountiful Fred K. Pnce I.cg = Sharino Blessma Wonderful World of Wonderful World of Movie What a Mr. Out of ThIs III Disney Disney Dummy ~en~ Belvedere World 12 PM 12:30 1 PM 1:30 2 PM 2:30 3 PM 3:30 4 PM 4:30 5 PM 5:30 MTV (11:00) Top 20 Week in World Series Weekend Music Videos II Video Countdown Aock J~ar CNNII CNN Headltne News CNN Headline News II IC Weekend Update Weekend Update VH·1 Brunch Conrd My Weekend Jam VH-1 to VH-1 to VH-1 Top 21 U Generation One One Countdown LIFE Physicians' Journal Internal OrthopaediC Fam Cardiology Dentistry Fam Disease Endometnos Wave of Aheumotolog II UDdate Med Practice Update Update PraetJce the Future MuscleSport USA Milt Wilcox PASS Canfield Grand College Football. (T) . S~ D Nationals, (A) C MOVIe: Three UtIle Girls In Blue J. Haver, V. Movi: the Fleet F. Astaire, This Is Brmdos I Blaine G. Your life G. Peck MAX Movie: Stagecoach A. Maruret, 8. Crosby Movie: Peyton Aace L. Turner. H. Lange MOVIe: SlUdlythe 1411 M. ID 8Icll R. Walstoo, A Schreiber TMC Movie Cont. MoVIe: Bat 21 G. Hackman, D. Glover (A) PIcture MOVIe: ~ Ind '" Tenar C. Naris, MOVIe: Manted to Ihe m Show 5. James A Mob M. Pfeiffer (A) MOVie Cont. MOVIe: Sweet Lies T. Williams, J. MOVIe: Judgment K. Garradine, 8. MOVIe: CousIns T. Danson. I. Fbsselltni (PG13) --I Pawla (A) Danner =.. MOVie: PIstol Packln' MOVIe: Gilt In Room 13 Movie: Mlrked for Murder T. Ritter. M~ KIUI Rockne. AI Amertcan P. O'Brien ~N Mama R. 1i fTY . 8. Donlew D. O'Brien G. MOVIe Cool. (:35) Patsy J. Lewis, I. Balin (:50) T & (:05) Good, the BId IIId HuckIebeny Hound (:05) T & (:35) J J J ·caDt. Virginian Alfleman Wagon Train BIQ Valley Goosmoke Bonanza ~M NFL GameDay Road Race Budwetser Racing Across America ~T Racing. Champion Spark Plug 300k SenIOr PGA Golf E~N Budweiser IntematJonal (L Whrte Seal Alice's Adventures in can't on TV OUt of Mr. WlZ3fd DennIS the Wild and DenniS the Lassie Lassie M: ~K Crazy Kids Menace Bra I Wonderland Control Menace All Amencan MacGyver MOVI8: Apology L. ~, P. ~Ier Double Dog House Swamp Hitchcock WrestllnO Trouble Thino Presents LI Week In ReVlElW World Report EarIyPrvne Newsmaker NewsDay Set-Tech NewsDay Moneyweek IN Wk. SlIlday DesIgn Inside Track With Joe LOllS: For All Time Eagle and Crusade III Ormand~ Conducts the the PaCIfic Phllade iohm Orchestra Cla5SICS Graham Nash the Bear -Jr SCORE Card SCORE Card IRS Tax High Tech. Your Future Corp SCOAE Card SCOAE card Beat Amenca J Speed celebrity Outd OUtdoor Hidden Amencan Sports cavalcade ~ton Program S= NT~ World COOt Outdoors News Heroes Ccut-MII1III of JICkiI RobIIIOI MOVIe: LIdy Takes I Flyer L. Turner. Movie: My FoaIiIh Hart D. .4nd'ns. Mo\18: ---' 5.Havw8rd A ,D. Stem J. f1Iancler J Achl8V8fl18flt Amencan It's Yru TennIS GoIfDIQ8st Fun With Improve Achievement Success Senes From Painting Sootliaht Business F~ Galhoraohv Yourself the Media Arts -.i Paid Programming Paid Programming ....I PublIC PolICY Conference PublIC PoItcy CI.AN Program EIectJon '90 Conference CoiIt. Amenca Coast to Bill BumJd's Animal SlJvJval VI8tnam: The Ten Camels Flfepower C Collector's House Thousand Day War Coast Odvssev (:15) IBF --I. (:45) BIg T. Hanks. E. Perkins (PG) CoIIIS1Of'l ~1nwIdIItI W MOVI8: T1me MIchIne R. Tay/«. Y. Course Cham . BoXlllQ G. Close Miml8UX(GI --2 MOVI8: Oh, Godl You DevIl G. Bums. T. wass MOVIe: AmIZIng Mr...... L Naismith, L MovIe: c.... (M Unsung VillainS GIIoIt R, Kiley DIN (PG) FredBnck (G)

/ r Page 32 Suburban Cable Weekly OCtober 15-October 21 PRIME TIME SUNDAY © 1990 TV Llstlna Inc Ft Worth, TX OCTOBER 21 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8PM 8:30 9PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 MTV (5:00) Week In MTV VIdeo Music Awards. Arsenio Hall hosts this year's ceremony John Video • Music Rock honoring the best videos. Couglr Colltcllon CNNII CNN Headline News. Top Stories/Dollars & Sense/Sports/Stars & CNN Hndllne News. Top Stories/Dollars & II Style Sense/Sports/Stars & Style VH·1 (5:00) VH·1 Top 21 Stand·Up Weekend Jam Weekend Jam • Countdown SpoUlght LIFE Internal NSAIDs Internal Milestones Cardiology Internal OB/Gm Fam Physicians' Journal D Med Med In Medicine Update Mid Update Pnetlct! Update PASS USWA Main Event CCHA College Hockey. Lake Superior at Michigan State (T) Detroll WresUlng Digest Marathon • (5:30) MOVIE: Bravados (Western MOVIE: Dear Wife (Comedy) 1949. A MOVIE: Purple Heart (Adventure Drama) 1944. AMC Drama) 1958. A vengeful man girl upsets a town's political The Japanese treat eight American flyers as tJ searching for killers has a change machine during a Senate election. war criroinals rather than prisoners of war. of heart. G. Peck. J. Collins W Holden. J. Caulfield O. Andrews, F. Granger MOVIE: My Mom's a Werewolf MOVIE: Superman IV: The Quest MOVIE: Gung Ho (Comedy, ESP) 1986. A MAX (Comedy) 1989. A lonely for Peact (Adventure) 1987. Japanese company takes over a defunct m housewife behaves strangely after Superman saves the world from American auto plant. M. Keaton. haVing an affaIr. S. Blakely (PG) Lex Luthor and Nuclear Man. G. Watanabe (PG13)

(5:00) MOVIE: Married MOVIE: sex. lies and videotape (Romantic Drama), r"OVIE: PrIIIy In Pink (Comedy) 1986. When a TMC to the Mob (Comedy) 1989. An outwardly happy marriage suffers wealthy, POPUlar boy falls in love with a poor (i) 1988 M. Pfeiffer, M. after a husband has a torrid affair with his girl. their relationship causes animosity among Modine (R) wife's sister. J. Spader, A. MacDowell (R) their respective high school friends. (PG13) (5:30) MOVIE: Sticky (:15) MOVIE: II (Action Drama) MOVIE: Nelt of Kin (Action) 1989. An angry HBO Fingers H. Slaler 1988. Russians and Americans join forces to Chicago policeman and his kinfolk seek ED M. Mayron (PG13) battle nuclear terrorism. L. Jr., M. Humphrey vengeance on the gangsters who murdered his (PG) brother. P. Swayze. A. Baldwin (R) MOVIE: Stagecoach MOVIE: No Room at the MOVIE: Sam Marton, PrIvate Eye (Comedy) 1980 News (:40) WGN Express (Western) 1942 Inn (Drama) 1950, A man so admires Humphrey Bogart that he Instant tI!) O. Barry, L. Merrick J. Shelton has surgery to look like him. R. Sacchi (PG) Replly (:05) NWA Main MOVIE: Charge at Feather River (Western) 1953. Na1l0nll Geographic Explorer. Singing Apes TBS Event Wrestling American cavalrymen rescue two women from of Thailand, Cameramen Who Dared and tD Indians and soon have to contend with an Australia's Improbable Animals (Pt 3 of 3) Indian uprising as a result of the rescue. Big Brother Maniac New Zarro Black Bordertown American Chartes Stlnley Changed John FAM Jake Mansion Freedom of Stallion Wild Snapshots Uves Ankerberg • the Press Horses ESPN (5:00) Senior PGA NFL PrlmeTIme NASCAR Racing. AC Delco 500 from Rockingham, N.C. (T) €I) Golf Family Wild and Tales From Looney Looney Bewitched Green Acm Donna Reed Best of Fernwood NICK Double Dare Crazy Kids the Whoop Tunes Tunes Ling Ling Saturday 2NIght €It Night Uvt Murder, She Wrote MOVIE: Web of Deceit (Suspense) 1990. Former Coun,-rstrIke ' Equalizer USA lovers are pitted against each other in a murder ., trial. L. Purl, J. Read CNN This Week inside NewsWatch Sports PrlmeNews Week In R"I .. Evening News em In Ibe NSA Business Sunday Biography: Woodrow World of Challenge In Search of the Dream MOVIE: Lon Godde .. es Arts and entertainment A&E Wllson/Dag Survival of the Seas Host: Haskell Ward (Documentary) 1978 Revue. Film and m Hammarskjold celebrity news FNN SCORE Card SCORE Card SCORE Card SCORE Card Final SCORE Gl Truckln' Road Test American Sports Cavalcade. NHRA Inside Outdoor Championship Rodeo. TNN USA Magazine Hosts: Steve Evans and Brock Today Winston News From Mesquite, Texas m Yates Cup Racing Network MOVIE: Hot Rods to Hell (Drama) 1967. A family MOVIE: Obsession (Drama) 1976. Businessman (:05) MOVIE: Midnight THT IS threatened by a group of Juvenile grieving the death of his wife and daughter, Lace (Suspense Drama) II) delinquents after begmnmg a new life as motel meets a young woman in Italy who is the 1960 O. Day, operators. 0, Andrews, J. Cram image of hiS dead wife. C. Robertson (PG) R. Harrison TLC Traln'g Watercolors American Movlegolng Growing Up. Life on Eastem Europe: Economics College USA m Camp SpoUlght family the Dark Side Breaktng WIth the Past USA BET Paid Programming Bobby Jonn GOIpel For the Video 0) Record Gospel CSPAN (5:00) Public Policy Conference Booknot ... Gene QuesUon Election 190 Public Policy Addresa 0) Edward Smith nme DISC Wild Things, Sharkl Best of the BBC Nature .f Things . DlIcoYIry _.ay. The causes of most animal .. Innovations in surgery attacks on humans are examined. (5:00) MOVIE: Roger Rabbit and the MOVIE: Who Framed Roger "abblt (Adventure MOVIE: Big (Comedy) 1988 SHOW Immediate Family Secrets of Toontown. Comedy) 1988. After a respected comedian A carnival wish (Drama) 1989 G, Close The Making Of The becomes a murder suspect. a private detective transforms a toy Into a .. J. Woods (PC 1\ Film J Cassidy : hlrecl to find the real culprit, B. Hoskins • gro~ man overOlght. - ...... 4 ...... --.-..-- -- "'-''' ..~ ...... - Avonled .sara l'ltru(. ...~ 8al~ lG Hannibal: Re1;J'.: (., : ,HI ~4wytJj ~ life and Adventures Of NichollS Nlckleby DISH on t ,.- ;(;erty of ~lle Huck Finn. Tom ano , • , i, tr. N,e.t'()I;.~ ,t.,,'JI:5 to London after hiS '3the ' , ..../. . I m r:'sldent of Hannibal to investigate I ~II' aM f,nl1~ ~ lob WIth hiS miserly unr.le Ilt


, - I. October IS-october 21 Suburban Cable Weekly Page 33 PRIME TIME SUNDAY @ 1990 TV llstrna Inc Ft Worth. TX OCTOBER 21 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 Black Newlon'. WFUM Undersel World of Nlture Misterplece Thelin '1IIIng Innovation Community Apple Jlcques Coustau Through Summn •• (4:00) NFL Football. 60 Mlautes WJBK M*, Lague BneblU. World Series. Game 5: National League .(2) Regional Broadcast (L) Champion at American League Champion (If necessary) (L) (4:00) NFL Football. Hull High. The bus Uftltorlll NBC Sulldly Night Movie WDIV Regional Broadcast (L) breaks down on a ski tJ)(!) trip. News ABC World WXYZ ABC's World of Funny AmerIcI's MOVIE: BrIde la BIIcIc (Drama). A widow ..... Discovery. Cougar: VIdeos FuIIItIt examines the past of her husband when he is 11HZ> SURday Ghost of the Rockies People murdered on their Wedding day. S. Lucci Bonanza Road to AYOIIIeI. MOVIE: UtIt IOdIIppen (Drama) 1990. Two war (:25) Venture CBET Felix needs Peg's orphans focus their love and affection on a .(1) magic. lost baby. C. Heston. C. Miller Star Trek Troll Colors Parker IIUvIIg Get I Ufe Married ••• Good Grief Against the lIw WKBD LtwII Color A Family WIth e. Affair ChlldrtI Bill Moyers Marilyn NIUonll~phk Nlture.Norwegians ...... of TIIIIp. I Masterpiece .Theltre. WTVS MacKay's Special. Monkeys are challenged. Never Planned On Mary has Japanese's ms Autograph teach man about man. This son. (:15) Fill Islam at a Middle Elst TV W.V.6ralt Jack VII 1I11III Hope of Day of WGPR Film Glance Dlscovlry IDU Mama's It's a 21 Jump Streit N~ Rlcltr DracuII: Superforce New Adlm- New WXON Family UvIng The S8rItI 12 Dragllt IDa

LATE NIGHT SUNDAY @ 1990 TV Llstlna Inc Ft Worth. TX OCTOBER 21 11 PM 11:30 12 AM 12:30 1 AM I 1:30 2AM 2:30 MTV ... Unoluaaed Buu 120 Minutes Music Videos CNNHEAD.a 1/9:001 CNN Headline News CNN Headline News CNN Headline News TWC .. 1/9:001 Week Ahead Mondav's Outlook Pacific Outlook VH·1 New VISions: Jazz VH-1 Allniahter LIFE -: Bnef Summarv of Prescriblna Information 5e1f·lmorovement Guide PASS I (Contl Innerview Colleae Hockev. Lake Suoerior at Michinan State (RI AMC B• Your Life Movie: Bravldos G. Peck. J. Collins I Movie: Our Wife W Holden. J. caulfield WFUM 1m'" Race to Save the Planet Off Air MAX .. MOVie: SDeliblader T. DB/v. K. Preston 1c:401 Brelklna II 8. Revnolds 1(:15) Ultimlte Wlrrlor TMC fa Movie: Hero Ind the Terror C. Norris S. James Movie: Touch of Evil C. Heston J. Leioh HBO Dream On 1st & Ten Movie: Jullamenl K. carradine 8. Danner 1c:35) Nlahl of the Demons M. Kinkade WJBK ;~ News Cheers Jesse Jackson Mission: Imoossible IMlsslnn ILeaton of WDIV .(J') News Soorts Fmal Mannum P.1. Movie WXYZ .m News Snorts Uodate Memories ISiskel & Ebert It's Showtime at the Aoollo IMovie: OrlllllS After Dirk CBET .(1) News 11:351Children of the Full M_ D. Dots C. GfIH1DfV WKBD •• M"A"S"H M"A"S"H K. Coneland IWorld Vision IOff Air I National Geooraohic Soeclal . WTVS .51 Shellev Wild America National Geooraohic Soecial Nature WGPR .... Late Nloht Off Air WXON 1119 Sledoehammer All Famllv Reunion Movie I MOVIe Darkslde WGN Monsters St. Elsewhere Movie: House of WomtI S. Knioht A 0u0Dan IPd Pro IPd Pro IPd Pra Larrv Jones TBS Network Earth Pd Pro Pd Pra World Paid Proorammino FAM John Osteen Winnina Walk Larrv Jones i NFL PrimeTime NFL's Greatest Moments SoortsCenter ESPN SoortsCenter Pd Pro Paid PrMrammino Bewitched Donna Reed NICK ~ On the TV I Hitchcock Pd Pro Paid Proorammino USA Miami Vice Hollvwood Soorts Nlte CNN • In BUSiness ISoorts Tonioht World Reoort Final Edition Movie: loVI Boddlss .. Arts and Entertamment Revue AlE caroline's Corned' Hour In Search of the Dream Final SCORE Final SCORE FNN Fmal SCORE Coaches Show FNN Zone Hidden Heroes Winston Cuo ICeI. Outdrs Chamoionshio Rodeo TNN Sneed World Truckln' USA Truck Power .. 11:551Rults of till 811M M. OB/io N. GnKJor TNT m 10:051 Mldllallt lice D. DBv 1(:251Trailer Iw. Tradition I Movie Familv Achievement I Achievement nc Growlna Uo University Lecture Paid Proarammina BET •1m Paid Proorammino Election '90 Conoress'l Hearina House Floor Debate CSPAN Booknotes Question Time .. Best of the BBC Discoverv Sunday Winos 1(:45) Good Mother D. Kilton L. NHson Fortvtr SHOW 'Contl 11:451 Lamooon Plavoffs Movie: Ott Godl You Devil •DISN • Movie: Quo VldIs? R. T'vIor, D. Kerr .. Page 34 Suburban Cable Weekly October 15-October 21 NI G B T 0 W L LI S T I NG S ~, F R 0 M 2 • 3 0 a m t 0 8 • 0 0 a m MONDAY OCtober 15 .. Sports LateNlght small-town cop tries to rid his town of m Golf Digest Driving for Distance undesirables. Philippe Noiret, Isabelle ©1990 TV listing Inc Ft Worth. TX 2:35 m MOVIE: Dinner at Eight (Comedy, Huppert. 2:30 ... MOVIE: -King'. Row (Drama 1989) The hostess of a chic dinner party 3:05. MOVIE: Stand by Me (Drama, 1986) (Colorized). 1942) Tragedy and drama finds her plans going awry. Lauren Bacall, Four boys set out to view the body of a befall the people of a small Midwestern Marsha Mason. kid hit by a train. River Phoenix, WlI town. Ann Sheridan. Robert Cummings. 2:55 fD MOVIE: The Kiss (Horror, ESP, 1988) Wheaton. 'R' 8) SportsCenter A young woman tries to escape from an ID MOVIE: Night of the Demons (Horror, m Sports Lat~Night ancient family curse. Joanna Pacula, 1989) After a Halloween seance, two GD Wheels In Sport The fastest ma- Meredith Salenger. 'R' teenage girls are possessed by chines on land, sea and in the air are demons. Mimi Kinkade, William Gallo. 'R' examined. 3:00. MOVIE: Old Man Rhythm (Musical. 1935) A college boy tries to teach his 3:30 0) NHRA Racing Seafair Nationals from 2:35 G MOVIE: Sam Whiskey (Western father some elementary economics. Seattle (R) Comedy, 1969) A widow talks a man into Buddy Rogers, Barbara Kent. 3:35" MOVIE: Working Girl (Comedy Drama, salvaging gold bars from a sunken Power in the Pacific China and 1988) A struggling secretary is deter- riverboat. Burt Reynolds. Clint Walker. .9Japan change drastically after World mined to climb the corporate ladder. 'PG' War II. Melanie Griffith, Harrison Ford. 'R' 2:50 lID MOVIE: Incoming Freshmen 0) SportsLook 3:55 em MOVIE: The Endle .. Game (Thriller) (Comedy. 1978) A girl learns more than 3:05 1m Fantasia: The Creation of a Disney Only one man can find out the truth she expected to at her liberal arts Cla,sic Innovative animation tech- behind a brutal murder. Albert Finflfy, college. Leslie Clalock, Debra Lee Scott. niques make Fantasia a masterpiece. 'R' - Christian Scott Thomas. 3:10. MOVIE: Me and Him (Romantic 4:00 .. a MOVIE: The Day the Earth Moved 3:00 IJMOVIE: Mama Loves Papa (Comedy Comedy. 1989) A man's Inner self (Suspense, 1974) Two men battle to save 1945) Mama tries to push (Colorized), . developes a voice that makes embar- a town about to be destroyed by an Papa into a big-time public service job. rassing comments. Griffin Dunne, Ellen earthquake. Jackie Cooper, Stella Stevens. Leon Errol. Lawrence Tierney. Greene, 'R' em MOVIE: Panic on the 5:22 (Drama, 8) SportaLook 1974) A group of wealthy passengers Is 1m MOVIE: Zorba, the Greek (Drama, 3:30 8) Top Rank Boxing From Las Vegas (R) taken captive and terrorized. lna Balin, 1964) A British writer and a Greek Bernie Casey. peasant taste life to the fullest. Anthony 3:40 II MOVIE: 976-EVIL (Horror. 1989) A CD MOVIE: Between the Unes (Drama. Quinn. Alan Bates. nerdy teen creates havoc when he 1977) Friends unite to save a new- 3:35 fD MOVIE: Distant Thunder (Drama, discovers a phone line to Satan. Stephen spaper from a corporate takeover. John 1988) A son tries to connect with his Geoffreys, Sandy Dennis. 'R' Heard, Jeff Goldblum. 'R' distant, traumatized father. John Uthgow, 3:508 MOVIE: Cocktail (Drama. 1988) A II) MOVIE: MacAuley'S Daughter Ralph Macchio. 'R' young man Indulges in the notoriety of (Drama, 1987) An ex-boxer shares 3:40. MOVIE: The Girt In a Swing (Drama, being a hot new bartender. , adventures on the open road with his 1988) A shy man becomes obsessed Bryan Brown. 'R' daughter. Bryan Brown, Noni Hazlehurst. with a woman who has a mysterious 4:00. D MOVIE: The Big Uft (Drama, 1950) 4:30 8) IROC Highlights past. Meg Tilly, Rupert Fraser. 'R Two Gis fall for the same German 4:35. MOVIE: Road House (Action Drama, 16 MOVIE: About Last Night .. (Romantic woman in postwar Bertin. Montgomery 1989) A soft-spoken bouncer cleans up Comedy, 1986) Young lovers struggle to Clift, Paul Douglas. a brawling, blood-soaked nightclub . salvage their tenuous relationship. Rob ..a MOVIE: Covert Action (Adventure. Patrick Swayze, Ben Gazzara. 'R' Lowe, Demi Moore. 'R' 1978) Former CIA man's life Is Imperiled m MOVIE: Clean and Sober (Drama, 4:00. CD MOVIE: D.O.A. (Mystery, 1949) A after he tells of his experiences. David 1988) A cocky young executive comes businessman discovers he has ingested Janssen, Arthur Kennedy. to grips with his chemical dependency. a slow-acting poison. Edmond O'Brien, em MOVIE: Reflections in a Golden Eye Michael Keaton, Ka.thy Baker. 'R' Pamela Britton. (Drama, 1967) Army officer becomes 5:45. MOVIE: Man of a Thou88nd Faces II) a MOVIE: Shertock Holmes and the obsessed with private who rides hor- seback naked. Elizabeth Taylor, Marlon (Biographical Drama, 1957) Film biography Mask of Death (Suspense, 1984) Sher- of Lon Chaney details his amazin\:l gift lock Holmes tries to solve a series of Branda. CD MOVIE: Summertime (Romantic for makeup. James Cagney, Dorothy murders. Ray Milland, Anne Baxter. Malone. 0) NASCAR Racing Late Model Stock Drama. 1955) An American woman In Venice falls in love with a married Italian Car, Lowes 150 from North Wilkesboro, THURSDAY October 18 N.C. (R) man. Katharine Hepburn, Rossano Brmi. MOVIE: The Rage of Paris (Romantic 4:35 fD MOVIE: Body Slam (Comedy, 1987) A m 2:30 •• MOVIE: Gloria (Drama. 1980) A Comedy. 1938) An actress and a waiter wrestling team and a rock band create former mob mistress protects a young help a French girt snare a wealthy a rock 'n' wrestling craze. Dirk Benedict, husband. Danielle Dameux, Douglas Fair· Tanya Roberts. 'PG' boy from New York gangsters. Gena Rowlands, Buck Henry. 'PG' banks Jr.. 4:45. MOVIE: Imagine: John Lennon • MOVIE: Incident at Dark River 0) SportsCenter (Documentary, 1988) Home movies of ID Sports LateNlght (Drama, 1989) A man tries to prove his John Lennon offer a unique portrait of 2:50 MOVIE: Ole Hard (Adventure, 1988) A daughter' was a victim of toxic-waste the artist. 'R' fD dumping. Mike Farrell, Tess Harper. no-nonsense cop is the only hope for a 5:2511 MOVIE: Hansel and Gretel (Musical 4:20 II MOVIE: Teen Wolf Too (Comedy. small group of hostages. Bruce Willis, Fantasy, 1954) A version of the Brothers BOnnie Bedelia. 'R' 1987) A teenager struggles against his Grimm tale is performed by puppets. curse to be a werewolf. Jason Bateman, 3:00. MOVIE: Caught Plastered (1932) Kim Darby. 'PG' 5:4516 MOVIE: The Ciocinnati Kid (Drama, Two people help an old woman save her 1965) A gambler is determined to defeat 5:00 .. secreta of Speed Showroom Stock failing drugstore. , Robert the king of stud poker. Steve McQueen, Car Racing Woolsey. Edward G. Robinson. • II Mysteryl A songwriter and her 5:30 fD MOVIE: Warning: Medicine May Be lover are accused of killing her elderty Hazardous to Your Health (1986) WEDNESDAY October 17 husband. Families learn about the dangers and myths of medicine. • SportsLook 2:30 ., II MOVIE: The Late Show (Mystery • MOVIE: Ceiling BUlldog Drummond 5:45" MOVIE: Eight Men Out (Docudrama, Comedy. 1977) A Los Angeles private eye (Drama. 1951) Detective Bulldog Drum- 1988) Key players accept bribes to lose searches for his ex-partner's killer Art mond Is called out of retirement for a the 1919 World sertes. John Cusack, Carney, Lily Tomlin. 'PG' new case. Walter Pidgeon, Margaf8t Charlie ShB6n. 'PG' • Sport'Center Leighton . • Sports LateNlght lID MOVIE: Shaggy Dog (Comedy. 1959) TUESDAY ~ober16 3:00. MOVIE: Charlie Chan in City of A man reads an Inscription on a ring and Darkness (Mystery, 1939) Charlie Chan, becomes a sheep dog. Fred MacMurray, 2:30 .. IIMOVIE: Deathtrap (Mystery Drama, lead by supernatural events, follows a Jean Hagen. 1982) A fading playwright plots to ateel trail of murder. Sidney Toler, Lynn Bari. 3:05. MOVIE: Bedroom Eyes II (Thriller, a brilliant Idea student. from a Mlchatl 1989) A stockbroker finds his life Caine, Christoph" RHve. 'PG' • SportIcenter I de Torchon (Comedy manipulated by three women. Wings Mystery=~~uP(Subtitled), 1981) An ineffective Hauser, Kithy Shower. 'R'

r october 15-OCtober 21 Suburban Cable Weekly Page 35 NIGHT OWL LISTINGS FROM 2:30 am to 8:00 am

3:30. Jimmy Houston Outdoora 3:40 18 MOVIE: The Plot Thickens (Comedy, 1987) A young man attempts to rescue 3:45. MOVIE: Immoral (Drama, 1983) A 1936) A sharp-witted schoolteacher his kidnapped girlfriend. Mike Norris, woman with amnesia learns she is a investigates a museum robbery. laSu Deborah Goodrich. 'R' prostitute. Sylvia Lama, Yves Jouffroy. 'R' Pitts, Louise Latimer. 3:25 lID MOVIE: Chances Are (Romantic 4:00 • D MOVIE: Cyrano de Bergerec 3:55 lID MOVIE: Midnight Run (Action Comedy, Comedy, 1989) A reincarnated man (1931) A shy poet with a long nose is in 1988) A bounty hunter and a bail- learns he's dating his daughter from a love with a beautiful girl. Adolphe Mejou, jumping accountant run from the mob. past life. Robert Downey Jr., Cybill Shepherd. Pat O'Brien. Robert De Niro, Charles Grodin. 'R' 'PG' • a MOVIE: Not Above Suspicion 4:00 lID e MOVIE: The Courtneys of Curzon 3:4518 MOVIE: Whistling in Dixie (Mystery (Western, 1955) An outlaw takes over a Street (Romantic Drama, 1947) An upper- Comedy, 1943) A radio detective runs into western town until the Lone Ranger crust gentleman marries a housemaid in •trouble while vacationing in the South. steps In. Clayton Moore, Jay Silverheels. early 1900s Britain. Anna Neagle, Michael Red Skelton, Ann Rutherford. ID MOVIE: Rituals (Drama, 1978) Five Wilding. 4:00 IIi) MOVIE: Sex and the Married doctors on a camping trip fall prey to ema MOVIE: Laslie: Voyager Woman (Comedy, 1977) A couple's some mysterious evil. Hal Holbrook, (Adventure, 1966) Lassie finds adventure marriage is thrown into turmoil because Lawrence Dane. 'NR' in historic areas of the Southeastern of the wife's book. Barry Newman, Joanna .. Fishin' Hole . U.S. Robert Bray. Pettet. m MOVIE: The Court Martial of George lID MOVIE: Gangs of the City (Mystery, m MOVIE: One Trick Pony (Drama, Armstrong Custer (Drama, 1978) Cus- 1941) A debutante works with a reporter 1980) A veteran artist has problems ter's survival at Uttle Big Horn leads to to capture smugglers. Wendy Ban'ie, Philip keeping integrity in the music business. a court martial. Brian Keith, Ken Howard. Terry. Paul Simon, Joan Hackett. 'R' .. Senior PGA Golf TransAmerica 4:05. MOVIE: The 'Burbs (Comedy, 1989) A 4:05 fD MOVIE: The KIlling Time (Thriller, Championship. 1st round from Napa, suburbanite's plans for a quiet vacation 1987) A hitchhiker masquerades as the Calif. (R) is shattered by neighbors. Torn Hanks, deputy sheriff he has murdered. Beau Rick Ducommun. 'PG' ., MOVIE: Taureg: The De.. rt Warrior Bridges, Kiefer Sutherland. 'R' (Adventure) Mark Harmon, Rita Brown. 4:30" Crooked Creek m MOVIE: The LoneUne .. of the Long 4:30 • MOVIE: The Banker (Thriller, 1989) A 4:45" The Kid Who Wouldn't Quit A teen Distance Runner (Drama, 1962) A young banker murders prostitutes in order to with Down's syndrome battles the odds man in reform school is chosen to run a feel more powerful. Robert Forster, Jeff to continue in school. Marion Ross, Shelley cross-country race. Michael Redgrave, Conaway. 'R' Berman. Torn Courtenay. 4:45 II MOVIE: Higher and Higher (Musical 5:00" Action Outdoors 4:05 •• MOVIE: American Gothic (Thriller, Comedy, 1943) A former rich man plots with his servants to raise money. Michele 5:05 MOVIE: Red Heat (Thriller, 1987) 1988) Three couples are stranded on an fD Morgan, Frank Sinatra. Romance turns to nightmare when a island inhabited by a strange family. Rod . coed goes behind the Iron Curtain. Linda Steiger, Yvonne De Carlo. 'R' • 4:50" MOVIE: seven Hours to Judgment Blair, Sylvia Kristel. 4:20. MOVIE: China Girl (Action Romance, (Suspense, 1988) A judge has one night to gather the evidence to convict a 5:10" MOVIE: California Split (Comedy, ESP, 1987) A girl from Chinatown and a boy from Little Italy fall in love. Sari Chang, murderer. Beau Bridges, Julianne Phillips. 1974) A young writer and a gambler 'R' embark on betting adventures. George Richard Panebianco. 'R' Segal, Elliot Gould. 'R' 4:55 fD MOVIE: Graveyard Shift II: The 5:00 m Sports LateNight Understudy (Horror, 1989) A vampire 5:30 fJ) (!) Bayliner's Water Sports World FRIDAY October 19 invades a movie set and makes the cast 5:40 fD How to Raise a Drug-Free Child and crew his victims. 'R' 2:30 II Filx Special (ESP) Practical advice is given on how to • a MOVIE: serpico (Drama, 1973) A 5:00 IIO MOVIE: Crooked Circle (Drama, prevent drug abuse in children. gripping, true life drama of a young New 1958) A sports editor suspects that a York cop. AI Pacino, Cornelia Sharpe. 'R' prizefighter was murdered. John Smith, SUNDAY October 21 Fay Spain. .. SpomCenter 2:30 • (]) MOVIE: Legion of the Lawle .. .. MOVIE: Curious Female (Science SATURDAY October 20 (Western, 1939) Outlaws band together Fiction) It's 2087 and computerized ~ex to get ahead in life. George O'Brien, Virginia is the name Iof the game. Angeltque 2:30 fD MOVIE: Phantom of the Opera Vale. Pettyjohn, Charlene Jones. (Horror, 1989) An actress appearing in a m Sports LateNight m Sports LateNlght London opera is terrorized by a aD MOVIE: Forever Emmanuelle 2:40" MOVIE: Breaking In (Comedy, 198~) phantom. Robert Englund, Jill Schoolen. (Fantasy, 1979) A sensuous woman An aging thief tries to pass on hiS 'R' seeks erotic pleasure in the Philippines. knowledge to a young apprentice. Burt e (!) MOVIE: The Remarkable Mr. Annie Berle, Emmanuelle Arsan. 'R' Reynolds, casey Siemaszko. 'R' Pennypacker (Comedy, 1959) A respect- 2:50. MOVIE: Shadow of a Doubt (Mystery • Ii MOVIE: Half Shot at Sun.ri.. able meat packer is found to have two Drama, 1943) A murderer eludes police (Comedy, 1930) Two WWI American different families. Clifton Webb, Dorothy by hiding out at his sister's house. Teresa doughboys go AWOL and roam around McGuire. Wright, Joseph Cotten. Paris. Bert Wheeler, Robert Woolsey. • • MOVIE: Treasure of the Amazon (Adventure. 1983) Treasure seekers face 3:00 II MOVIE: The Purple Heart (Adventure 3:00 II MOVIE: Charlie Chan at the Circus the dangers of the Amazon. Stewart Drama, 1944) American flyers are treated (Mystery, 1936) The big top turns into a Whitman. Donald Pleasence. 'NR' as war criminals instead of POWs. Dana carousel of death. Warner Oland. Keye .. Motoworld Andrews, Farley Granger. Luke. .. MOVIE: Starhops (Comedy, 1978) • & Masterpiece Theatre Mary unwit- • (}) MOVIE: The Women of Pitcalm Three sensational-looking girls take tingly becomes the concubine of a Island (Romantic Adventure, 1957) The over a failing drive-in. Dorothy Buhrman, Japanese nobleman. (Pt 2) survivors of the mutiny of the ~.M.S. Sterling Frazier. 'PG' .. College Football (R) Bounty rule an island. James Craig, Lynn ID Sports LeteNlght • Final SCORE Bari. 2:50 .. MOVIE: Physical Evidence 3:05. MOVIE: Hawks (Comedy, 1988) Two e CD MOVIE: Lest of the DesperadoS terminal cancer patients decide to have (Western 1955) A sheriff and his deputy (Suspense, 1989) A cop tries to prove his innocence after he Is arrested for one last fling with life. Timothy Dalton, head for a showdown with Billy the Kid. Anthony Edwards. 'R' James Craig, Jim Davis. murder. Burt Reynolds, Theresa Russell. 3:30 18 MOVIE: Night Must Fall (Drama, 1937) G)SpmaLook 'R' A killer terrorizes the countryside until a 3:20 fD MOVIE: Graveyard Shift (Horror, 3'00 II MOVIE: Violent saturday (Drama, . 1955) A small town is dramatically girl learns his identity. Robert Montgomery, 1987) A vampire masquerad~~ as a New Rosalind Russell. York cab driver. Silvio Ollvlero, Helen affected by a bloody bank robbery. Victor 3:50. MOVIE: Tropical Snow (Drama) A Papas. 'R' Mature, Richard Egan. .. College FootbaU (R) desperate young Columbian couple 3:30 .. NFL V.. rbook '89 Atlanta Falcons: II Final SCORE smuggles drugs Into the U.S. Madeline 25 Years of Falcon Football aD MOVIE: The Apple Dumpling Gang Stowe, DaVid carradine. 'R' If) MOVIE: Honey, I Shrunk the Kids (Comedy, 1975) A gambler and three (Comedy. 1989) A group of kids is 4:00 .. & Nova The mission of the Voyager orphans become involved in a bank is chronicled. acc!ldentally shrunk do~n t6 micros- robbery. 8111Bixby, Susan Clark. 'G' MOVIE: Superargo (Science Fiction, copic size. Rick Morams. Matt Frewer. ID 3:15" MOVIE: Survival Game (Adventure, 1968) Superargo Is summoned by 'PG' r Page 36 Suburban Cable Weekly OCtober 15-October 21 NIGHT OWL LISTINGS FROM 2:30 am to 6:00 am

secret police to investigate robberies. murder. mother moves in. Ronald Reagan, Charles Guy Madison, Ken Wood. 4:40" MOVIE: Dead Reckoning (Mystery Coburn. II NWA Main Event Wreatllng Drama, 1947) A WWII vet seeks revenge tD Sports LateNight • MOVIE:The Fellen Idol (Drama. 1948) for the murder of his war buddy. A young boy idolizes a household Humphrey Bogart, Lizabeth Scott. 5:20" MOVIE: Me and Him (Romantic servant who is suspected of murder. Comedy, 1989) A man's inner self Ralph Richardson, Michele Morgan. 4:50. MOVIE: Next of Kin (Action, 1989) A developes a voice that makes embar- • MOVIE: Mlulng Unk (Docudrama. Chicago policeman seeks revenge for rassing comments. Griffin Dunne, Ellen 1988)A prehistoric ape man sets out on his brother's murder. Patrick Swayze, Greene. 'R' a journey of discovery. Pete Elliott. 'PG' Adam Baldwin. 'R' If) Beck to Hannibal: Retum of Tom 5:30 II) MOVIE: Hansel and Gretel (Musical sawyer & Huck Finn Tom and Huck 5:00. MOVIE: Lou'" (Comedy, 1950) A Fantasy, 1954)A version of the Brothers return to Hannibal to Investigate a man's household is changed when his Grimm tale is performed by puppets.

Heather Locklear NFL not upstaged TNT drama profiles staying busy by World Series Jackie Robinson By Anne Wheeler By Steve Paschal By Amy Schmidt Heather Locklear, who plays bright, The 86th World Series may be the The Court-Martial of Jackie Rob- determined Alexandra Burton on most precious jewel in the CBS sports inson, an original TNT movie, ABC's Going Places, has had an acting crown this week, but the network isn't premieres Monday, Oct. IS. Before he career many only dream of. about to forget its legions of football broke the color line in baseball, Jackie At age 20, Locklear had little more fans. Robinson fought for racial equality on than Tame Creme Rinse and Sea and On Sunday, Oct. 14, NFL Today an Army base in Texas. Andre Ski lip balm commercials to her credit. kicks off a full day of football featuring Braugher of GJoryplays one of the 20th Yet she managed to beat out 450 a doubleheader of regional telecasts. century's greatest heroes. hopefuls for the part of Krystle's niece First, viewers will see either Detroit at Gene Hackman stars in the critically Sammy Jo on Dynasty. Her storyline Kansas City, Green Bay at Tampa Bay acclaimed political thriller The initially ran only 13 weeks, so she or San Francisco at Atlanta. Then, the Package Sunday, Oct. 14, on Show- auditioned for and promptly won the majority of the country will see the time. Hackman uncovers a right wing part of policewoman Stacy Sheridan on New York Giants clash with the plot to end an American-Russian T.J. Hooker. Soon her Dynasty char- Washington Redskins while the rest nuclear disarmament treaty, and, acter was resurrected, and Locklear will see the Dallas Cowboys take on the himself, becomes an assassin's target. found herself on both shows simultan- Phoenix Cardinals. There's never been anything like it, so eously, a pace she continued for four say the promoters of the five-part TBS years until T.J. Hooker ended. The fans have their hopes high in environmental special Voice of the She interspersed three more years on Kansas City, where the Chiefs showed Planet, beginning Monday, Oct. 15. Dynasty with guest spots on series and glimpses of playoff potential last year William Shatner portrays a disillu- roles in TV movies and feature films, and finished the season winning five of sioned author/ecologist who retreats to including her debut in Firestarter. their last eight. a Buddhist monastery. There, the voice The 29-year-old actress' success The battle in the NFC East lead of Gaia (Faye Dunaway), the spirit of continues. In addition to Going Places, between the Redskins and Giants is the Earth, teaches him the wonders of Locklear will be seen this fall in the TV even more significant because both the Earth. movie Dangerous Woman, and in the teams have somethinJ to prove. The Gunplay: The Last Day in the Life of feature film The Big Slice. This month Giants nosed out Philadelphia for the Brian Darling is a dramatization of the Locklear, a six-year spokesperson for conference title with a 12-4 record last real-life accidental shooting of 10- the Health & Tennis Corporation of year, but suffered a frJ,lstrating 19..13 year-old Brian Darling, and airs on America, will release her MCA home overtime loss to the LOs Angeles Rams HBO Monday, Oct. 15. The special video, Heather Locklear Presents Your in their first playoff game. Washington delineates safety measures which Personal Workout. But the actress has struggled to a mediocre 5-5 record should be taken by parents and not always been so fitness minded. "I'd through the first two-thirds of their children. Brian's parents helped eat M&Ms for breakfast," she con- NFL schedule but caught fire to win produce this special, which is tastefully fessed. She is married to Tommy Lee, their last five. Redskin fans think a and provocatively done. Watch it with the drummer for the group Motley 13-3 loss to a 1-~5 Dallas team kept your kids. You can't afford not to. Cr.le. () TV ll\t1ng Inc them out of the playoffs. (lJ TV l"lIng Inl' • TV 1."lIng Inr

______1 a

Suburban Cable W pekly Page 37 __ • PJZ'ElC/El£ • ------Donald Sutherland Rick Dees will continue plays a German spy in what film? hosting 'Into the Night' By Steven Alan McGaw The ABC late night entertainment Questions: series Into the Night Starring Rick 1. Here~s the story: Donald Suther- Deeshas been renewed for an addition- land stars as a German spy who uses a al 13 weeks. In making the announ- stiletto to eradicate those who get in his cement, Michael Brockman, Pre- way. What's the movie? (Bonus: Name sident, Daytime, Children's and Late the author of the novel on which the Night Entertainment. ABC Network film is based.) Group, commented, "We're extremely 2. In the film The Fleet's In, where pleased with the creative growth of the are the sailors on leave? program during its first seven weeks on .. 3. Name the actor who plays the title the air. We're hopeful that viewership ... role in The Amazing Dr. Clitter- will continue to grow in the ensuing house. months as we carve out our niche." 4. Identify the performer; her real name is Concetta Franconero. Ahmad Rashad, a popular and versa- 5. Who sang the theme song to The tile broadcaster for· NBC Sports, has Girl Can't Help It? been named one of NBC's courtside reporters for National Basketball ~ 6. I~entify the performer; his real Rick Dee. Association (NBA) coverage beginning name is Krekor Ohanian. this fall. 7. Who directed the first screen Bridget Gless, the niece of series star version of Frankenstein. In what You can look for ABC's long, long, Sharon Gless, will appear in a recurring year? long-running Scooby 000 series to role on The Trials of Rosie O'Neill.She Answers: soon come to the end of its line. After plays Barbara Navis, a lega) assistant in 20 years, TV'c; longest-running cartoon the office where ROSIeO'Neill (Sharon '0161 show is aho'Jt to bite the dust. Gless) works as a public defender. U! ~lel S.A~n~qS A.mw JO UOlSJ~A lSJy ~ql ~pew UOS!P3 sewoq.l .L Helen Hayes, who celebrates her TV viewers have "an appalling lack of 'SJouuo:) ~)(~W '9 90th birthday this year, has just knowledge about geography," says 'pJ~qJnl ~nl!l .~ completed taping 26 shows for a new Jack Reilly, executive producer of 's!JueJ~ ~!uuo:) '17 syndicated series, Canterbury rinema ABC's Good Morning America, so he~s 'UOSU!qoll'D pJeMp3 .£ Classics,produced by White Mountain named Georgetown University Profes- 'OJSIJUeJ~ ues ·z Entertainment. Each of the two-hour sor Harm de Bhj as geography editor to 'n~no~ U~)I S!Joqlne programs features a film classic from help inform viewers on how geography ~41~~IP~~N~q~JO~A3S!wIY ~q.l '1 the 1930s, '40s or '50s. affects world events.

·ffr~/: Nlcollette Sheridan' stars as Knot'. Dana De.any and Robert Plcardo atar In ABC'. Vietnam War saga CItN Paige, broadcast on CBS "'ndlng'. Beach, Saturdays. Thursday •. Lillian Sanderson Associate Broker 453-8700

Keep this coupon for Complimentary Crossroads Realty Horne Market Analysis 7664 Canton Center Rd. Canton, Michigan 48187 Page 38 Suburban Cable Weekly OCtober IS-october 21 Yfjr !u~ rJ/£ ~ 'WlOJ WJ rar/~ 1ArlJfZJ ~J -~ YllA 'PJ !!IIDlr

1 3 ... 6 7 8 2 * Too much time 9 * spent on storylin~.. * By Candace Havens 12 Dear Candace: My question is about * The Young and the Restless, concern- 17 20 ing the Katherine Chancellor kidnap- ping and attempted murder of Cassan- dra. The crimes were committed, but 21 there was nothing in the news or on Who is the actor who television about the trial, especially on 25 played America's 26 the Chancellor kidnapping. There was favorite dad for 10 absolutely nothing about the effects on years during the Esther or Katherine. Rex didn't even 27 1970s, and now 28 * admit Katherine was a victim of a cruel plays an inquisitive hoax. We saw no one pay for the crime. Father? 30 31 The .story line showed empathy for Gina, but it was as if everything else 32 was left in the air. * Itappears to me that a lot could have been brought out about victims coping 39 afterward and people really caring. Rex was supposedly in love with Katherine, 43 yet he acts as though she was at fault. * Katherine told the law enforcement 47 officers who should be jailed and which ones should be free. I realize this is not real, but I just felt it was ridiculous to The answer to the Crossword Quiz is found within the answers in the set it up and then leave it hanging. puzzle. To find the answer, unscramble the letters noted with asterisks -Alice, Big Spring, Texas within the puzzle. Dear Alice: The only answers I can give you are, maybe the writers were ACROSS 11. Sgt. Mary Beth Lacey's portrayer 1. Brokaw and Selleck 14. Nelson Eddy's birthplace: abbr. just as happy as we were that the these 5. Wander 15. Monogram for actress Grimes long, drawn-out storylines were over. 9. Days of Our Lives role 18. Welcome Back, _ The other answer is, you only go to trial 10. Distribute 19. Betty, Danny or Heather 12. Dreyfuss, for Harry, Carol and Barbara 22. Amphibian on a soap if you are really innocent. 13. Carney and Linkletter 24. Vigoda and Lincoln While I'm glad the storylines are over, 16. sauce 29. Metal fastener 17. Initials for Matlock's portrayer 31. The _ of Night: soap I have to admit that the writers are 18. Rider opera of yesteryear sadly lacking in following up on these 20. Nolte's monogram 34. Ms. Chase stories. Look how quickly Danny has 21. Oz visitor 35. -_ unto others .... 23. The Skipper's portrayer on Gilligan's Island 36. Prefix for case or fold gone to trial. We must remember that 25. Period 37. Barbecued favorites consistency is not one of Y&R 's better 26. Kimono accessory 40. Lanka traits. 27. Like Santa Claus 42. Darryl Bell's role in A Different World 28. Margarefs nickname 44. Movie alien Dear Candace: In reading your 29. Commanded 46. Monogram for Popeye's sweetheart column and what others are writing 30. Arthur of tennis 32. Insigne for Travis you, I decided to get my 2 cents in. 33. Young_ I've been watching Days of Our Lives 38. Goal for Joe Montana: abbr. since my son was 12 years old, and he 39. Sounds of relief 41. Actress Anderson is nearly 50. I've never been so sick to 42. Tractor-trailer death of a soap as I am right now with 43.80_ this one. I turn off the TV after 45. Pat, Debby or Daniel 47. Actress Moreno Generations. I've had enough of all the 48. Musical number deaths on the show. The storyline stinks of death. I want to see someone PQWN happy for a change. -Thelma Robin- 1. Best Picture ot 1972 (2) son, Los Angeles, Calif. 2. cereal 3. Middle ot the alphabet I want to hear from you! If you have a 4. Penn or Connery favorite soap scenario you would Uke to 5. Skin pro~m sound off about, or a question about the 6. Levanrs Initials 7. Sportscaster Michaels and others soaps. write to Candace Havens. Soap 8. WilliS/Shepherd hit show Talk. P.O. Box 17748. Fort Worth, TX 9. Argument ~ TV L.\llOg Inc 76102-0748. ~ TV LIl,lIng Inc.

------_ ...._------october 15-aetober 21~fJ~~1!I!lI!JSuburban Cable Weekly Page 39 '21 Jumpstreet' still going, but without Johnny Depp By Polly Vonetes City, S.D. Q: Could you tell me what other films A: The film you are referring to was besides Cry Baby that John Waters called Fatal Judgment, and it was directed? Would you also tell me what based on the book Fatal Dosage, a true Nightmare film got Johnny Depp story by Gary Provost. Anne Capute started acting? How about aD address (Patty Duke) was suspended and stood and the date of his birthday? Is 21 trial on an indictment of murder one. Jumpstreet still on teleyision? -Dane She was found "not guilty," however, Brado, Malta, Idaho she was suspended from Iiursing for a A: I am not sure I have a complete period of four years. She is currently list of John Waters' films, but he did working again in her chosen pro- Johnny Depp direct Pink Flamingos, Desperate fession. Living and Hairspray. Johnny Depp's may entertain you. If you still disagree I first movie was A Nightmare on Elm Q: heard that Nathan Coo~ who with the networks' choices, I suggest Street, followed by Private Resort. played on Hotel, was dead. What you write to the presidents of entertain- Depp was born on June 9, 1963, in hapPened to him and where is his family ment, whose job at each of the Owensboro, Ky. 21 Jumpstreet, i~now now? -Mrs. E. Williams, Vidalia, networks is to select the programs their in production for syndication this fall, Ga. network will air. Write to: Mr. Jeff however actor'Michael Bendetti has A: Nathan Cook died on June II, Sagansky, President, CBS Entertain- replaced Depp on the series. Write to 1988, from an allergic reaction. No ment, Television City, 7800 Beverly Johnny Depp, clo ICM, 8899 Beverly other details were given. He is survived Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90036; Mr. Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90048. by his .wife, actress Kara Grannum, Warren Littlefield, President, NBC Q: Ve.ryrecently we watched a moYie and two sons, Cameron, born Sept. 17, Entertainment, 3000 W. Alameda on TV stJuring Patty Duke as a licensed 1984, and Jordan, Dec. 4, 1986. The Ave., Burbank, CA 91523; Mr. Robert practical nurse. She was accused of family has their home in Malibu, Iger, President, ABC Entertainment, giring oyerdosages of morphine to a Calif. 2040 Avenue of the Stars, Century terminally ill woman. I think the moYie City, CA 90067. was called Fatal Justice or something Q: I'm so disgusted with the so-alled like that. She was found "not guilty," elJtertJUnmenton TV - moYies, serials, Send your questions about the world of but the rest of the explanation of the etc., etc. To whom can 1writeabout tbis? entertainment to: Polly Vonetes, Let's results wasn't on the screen long enough Please reply! -Mrs. Percy Peterson, Talk, P.O. Box 17748, Fort Worth, to read. Since I am a retired registered Ellison Bay, Wis. Texas 76102-0748. Because of the nurse with oyer 30 years semce, 1am A: The new fall programming is now volume of mail, only questions of interested in the results oithis case. Can in the process of premiering, perhaps general interest can be answered. you help me? -Betty Howe, Rapid there will be something on now that It) TV L"lIng Inc

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