'WAYNE COUN-TY'S OLDEST 'WEEKLY NE'WSPAPER PUBLICATION NU"-'BER USPS 396880 12 P Io'ENTS III NO. 78 .October 15, 1990 . 50 CENtS _!11 I ~r1Ull I 1.tsout Issues• By MIKE TYREE easement on Six Mile at about 4:30 Staff Wnter p.m. when 1saw it;Thompson said. The blood was bright red and calVed Angela Thompson likes to take re- pieces of meat were on the ground lax1ng aft::moon horseback ndes next to It: along Six Mile Road In Northville Thompson found three dressed leg Township. sections of a deer wlthtn a couple of She thinks the rolllng. tree·l1ned feet of a sheet-covered deer carcas. mUe stretch between Sheldon and The deer - an anterless adult - ap- Beck roads offers perhaps the defini- parently had been killed and gutted tive sampUng of the township's rural elsewhere and wrapped In a sheet flavor. and newspapers and placed along The sparsely populated area also the Six MIle easement. provides abundant habitat for a vari- The sections of meat Thompson ety of animal life. 10cluding fox. rac- found are among portions of deer coon and deer. "Thompson especially flesh most coveted by hunters, U. enjoys watchtng deer and often views CM Johnson. dlstrtct su pervisor for them from atop her horse. conservation officers In a five-<:ounty But a Wednesday encounter with southeastern Michigan area, said. a freshly-butchered deer carcass has The dressed deer sections may left the township woman enraged - have been left behind by someone In and concerned. "I was rldtng my horse along the C<Jntinued on 4 A deer stands near the site where a horseback rider found a deer carcass last week Photo by BRYAN MITCHELL Fire hall may expand By STEVE KELLMAN neath Its southSide. and would be sl- d1 Stall Wnter that the addition would allow the mI1ar Inform to the east wing of dty fire department to run more effi- haIl. A new sidewalk from the pollce dently by gIvtng firefighters easier The latest plan to expand North- department parking lot would lead access to vehicles. The department ville CIty's fire hall was approved re- Into the basement storage area. must now park two of Its five trucks cently by the dty council. Measuring 28 feet wide by 51 feet behind the other three, because But the addition ts sUll more than deep. the addition would require the there are only three bays. a year CrombecomIng a reality. dty relocation of the polIce department's 'Stacklng your trucks Is not the officIals said. communication tower. It would be Ideal way to run your fire station. no The addition would ProWao~~tly less wide than the existing way; Allen said. explaining that new veplcle bays west of th~tlng ~e;t wall of dty hall. fire haIl and storage space undeJ;- Fire Chief Jim Allen told the coun- Continued on 4 Racing returns to the Downs Harness racIng action retwns to ward at 7:30 p.m. DaIly Double wa- Eliminations. If necessary, will be Northville with the opening of the genngwlll take place on the first and held on week prior to the 1lnals, OCt. winter season tonight, Oct. 15. second races and perfecta and 20 and Nov. 3. respectively. Both The racIng meet. conducted by trifecta wagenng on every race. Tr1- events cany an estimated purse of Jackson Trotting AssocIation. will Super wagering takes place on the $100,000. span 66 programs, on a Monday- fifth and seventh races and consists The Oktoberfest pacing series. a through-Saturday basis concluding of pickl.ng the first three finishers 10 late closer for three and four-year- Monday. Dec. 31. Matinee racIngwlll the fifth races and the first four fi- olds go postward on Friday. Oct. 26. begin on Saturday. Dec. 1with post nishers Inthe 7th races (with a man- Eliminations wI1l be held one week Phokl by STEVE KEllMAN time at 1p.m. and the eventng prog- dantory payoff after the Tr1-Super prior to the finals (Friday. Oct. 19). ram following at 7:30 p.m. Matinee pool reaches $25,000). The Harvest Moon pacing senes, a Stubborn barn blaze racIng then continues every Satur- Four-year-old standardbreds will late closer for three-year-olds go day (Dec. 8, IS, 22, and 29), post time take center stage during October and postward on Saturday. Nov. 24. Ell- Northville Township firefighters worked the blaze, which reignited Wednesday after- 1p.m .. evening program follows with November In the Michigan Bred Pari- mtnations will be held on week pnor throughout the night last Tuesday to extin- noon (above) and again Friday morning. see thf.first event going postward at 7:30 Mutuel. Four-year-old colt trotters go to the finals (Saturday, Nov. 17). guish a barn fire on seven Mile near Napier. story on page 4-A. p.m. postward on Saturday. Oct. 27 and Three-year-olds move Into the: Spontaneous combustion may have created Post time will remain the same this four-year-old filly pacers on Satur- spotlight on Friday, Nov. 2 for the season, with the first race going post- day, Nov. 10. Ron Hodge Memorial Pace. InSide News Briefs Sports Briefs INCLUDEDINtoday's paper,as She asked that anyone who knows of a photographer MUSTANG UPDATE: WOMAN'S CLUB MOVES MEETING: This Friday's usual, is "Suburban Cable able to do this type of work call the chamber office at According to Northville ba- meeting of the Northville Woman's Club is changmglocation. 349-7640. sketball coach Ed Kritch, Weekly," your guide to televi- Due to renovations at the First Presbyterian Church. the you'd have to go back four or sion on the local cable system. meeting will take place at the First United Methodist Church MOM AND SON DANCE: Celebrate Sweetest Day the five years to find a win as big TheTV listings arekeyed to the on Eight Mile at Taft. The club will meet In the Friendship Hall sweetest way. Boys ages 5 to 12 are lnvtted to bring their best as his team's 43-35 tr1urnph on the upper level of the church at 1:30 p.m. girl (mom) to the Sweetest Day Dance sponsored by North· actual channel numbers on the over previously unbeaten U- ville Recreation from 7 to 9 p.m. Frtday. Oct. 19. vonia Franklin on Oct. 11. local Omnicom cable syst(,nl YOUNG ARTISTS WANTED: The Northville Public U- The dance will Include dance music. refreshments. bal- -- 11 brary ts sponsoring an art festival for young masters. grades loon animals and a magidan.1t will be held at the community Itwas a huge victory and It kindergarten through 12. center. 303W. Main. CosUs $8 for mom and one date, $12for came In grand style. Trailing Works will bejudged withlnfourage categories and may mom and two dates. by four points heading Into be of any medium. not exceeding 11 by 15 Inches. Entr1es ItIs recommended that each child have a dance partner the final quarter. the Mus- must be submitted by Monday. Oct. 22, after which they will so no one is left out of the fun. Bring grandma. and aunt or tangs outscored the Patr10ts be displayed In the library. For more information visit the li- older sister. Registration deadline is Oct. 17 unless tllled ear- 16-4 down the stretch to pull brary or call 349-3020. lier. Registrations accepted at Northvtlle Recreation. 303 W. It out. A swanning tr1angJe- Main. and-one Northville defense U-M ALUMNI MEET: The newly formed University of held Franklin's top scorer - Michigan Club of Northvtlle will hold Its first meeting at 7:30 All-Stater Dawn Warner - to p.m. Thursday, Nov. 8 at Genitti's Hole-In-the-Wall. lOB E. just one field goal and six Main. A cash bar will be avaJIable. points. The meeting is open to all residents of the Northville/ Novi area who have recently Joined or are Interested InjolnJng "In this game, we finished the club. Membership is open to alumni, parents of students. It out without a breakdown: Index parents of alumnI and friends of the University of Michigan. Kritch Said. 111at's some- At Home SA The formal meeting will be followed by refreshments thing we haven't been able to Business 5A and a social hour. do this season. so maybe ClYteCalendar 3A we've learned something ClasstIloos 9A CHAMBER SEEKS PHOTOS •.• The Northville Com- along tile way.- Education 2A munity Chamber of Commerce 1s looking for photos of the second Victorian Festlval. Anyone willing to share thetr pic- Franklin entered the game Food 7A tures is asked to contact the chamber at 349-7640 or to drop at 11-0 and entrenched In Pollee News 4A the photos ofT at 195 S. Main. first place In the Western Update 3A Lakes Activities Association. TIle team already had a vic- ••• AND PHOTOGRAPHERS: The Northville Com- For l1:Suls on yOlK wanl ads caD The mUnity Chamber of Commerce hopes to find a photographer tory over Northville to Its cre- Green Sheet aI (313) 348·3022 to take Victorian-style pictures at the 1991 Victorian Festi- dit (a 53-4 1 decision In the val. Chamber Director Laurie Marrs said the festival may in- South Lyon Tournament Got any spare Vlctorlan Festival photos? The chamber of com- clude a setup where people can have their picture taken in back on Aug. 30), but that all merce would like to hear from you. the old photographic style In Victorian costume. changed iast Thursday.
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