Extensions of Remarks E1111 EXTENSIONS of REMARKS
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July 23, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1111 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS IN HONOR OF THE 75TH ANNIVER- grilling fish at the ‘‘World’s Largest Salmon est hour that has driven her efforts to expand SARY OF THE WELLES DEC- Barbeque’’ in Fort Bragg, California, which services in the Commonwealth. LARATION raises funds for fisheries. In addition to her tireless efforts for Ken- With his dedication to fish habitat restora- tucky Drug Courts, Connie has conducted HON. GEORGE HOLDING tion, it was fitting that in 1973 the Mendocino workshops for the National Association of OF NORTH CAROLINA County Board of Supervisors appointed Bill to Drug Court Professionals, the Kentucky the Mendocino County Fish and Game Com- School of Alcohol and Other Drug Studies, the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES mission where he served as chairman for 15 Department of Vocational Rehabilitation and Thursday, July 23, 2015 years until he retired in 1988. Throughout his Community Corrections and countless other Mr. HOLDING. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to tenure on the commission, Mr. Townsend partners and stakeholders impacted by the na- honor the 75th anniversary of the Welles Dec- worked tirelessly to support healthy fisheries tional drug abuse epidemic. laration. and integrate youth education into the Com- Connie’s passion and drive to help addicts Issued on July 23, 1940, by United States mission’s projects. achieve long-term recovery has been instru- Under Secretary of State Sumner Welles, this Mr. Townsend served as president of Salm- mental to the growth and success of Drug declaration condemned the Soviet Union’s ag- on Unlimited for three years starting in 1991, Courts across the Commonwealth. In fact, she gression against, and annexation of, Estonia, where he played an instrumental role in the has developed an expertise in training judges, Latvia, and Lithuania. development of the hatchery on Rowdy Creek teams and staff in nearly every county, helping This strong statement was the first an- on the Smith River. Included in his legacy of each leader confront the daily challenges of nouncement of the historic policy of non-rec- accomplishments is his work to secure the fish Drug Court with tremendous grace. ognition that was pivotal to empowering the hatchery at Coyote Dam, which was com- Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me resistance by democratic movements behind pleted in 1996 and renamed the ‘‘Bill Town- in recognizing the incredible impact that the Iron Curtain. send Fish Hatchery’’ in 2004. He also served Connie Neal has made in the efficiency and Until the restoration of their independence, his community on the Russian River Flood effectiveness of Drug Courts in Kentucky, evi- the United States maintained strong support Control Board for five years from 2005–2010, denced by the thousands of individuals who for the freedom of these Baltic States and ‘‘retiring’’ at the age of 97. have been reunited with loved ones and are their people. Mr. Speaker, it is fitting to honor and thank now living as productive, drug-free citizens of Mr. Speaker, at this particular moment in Bill Townsend for his many years of dedicated the Commonwealth. May her years of retire- history, I believe this anniversary holds even service. I am privileged to express deep ap- ment be richly blessed. more significance. preciation to Mr. Townsend for his profound f History has a way of repeating itself Mr. impacts on our rivers and convey to him my Speaker, and as we see aggressive military best wishes on his ninety-ninth birthday. CELEBRATING SHAPIRO & COM- PANY’S 100 YEARS OF SERVICE campaigns seeking to illegally gain dominance f over nations’ sovereign territory, we must have the same courage of our predecessors to TRIBUTE FOR CONNIE NEAL HON. JOHN P. SARBANES stand against tyranny and support those who OF MARYLAND yearn for democracy, freedom, and independ- HON. HAROLD ROGERS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ence. OF KENTUCKY Thursday, July 23, 2015 Mr. Speaker, I am proud to remember the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES role our nation had 75 years ago supporting Mr. SARBANES. Mr. Speaker, I rise today Thursday, July 23, 2015 Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania in their aspira- to congratulate Samuel Shapiro & Company, tions for freedom, and commend those nations Mr. ROGERS of Kentucky. Mr. Speaker, I Inc., a Customs brokerage and freight for- today for their commitment to democratic gov- rise today to pay tribute to a leader in the fight warding firm in Baltimore, on 100 years of ernance, their contributions to NATO, and the against drug abuse in Kentucky, Ms. Connie service to the international trade community. critical role they each play in promoting demo- Neal, upon her upcoming retirement from the In 1915, Samuel Shapiro, a newly licensed cratic ideals worldwide. Administration Office of the Courts, as the Customs House broker, opened a one-room f Drug Court General Manager for Kentucky. office at 29 S Gay Street with a $5 roll top Connie Neal received her Bachelor’s De- desk and two employees. He built his com- HONORING BILL TOWNSEND gree in Social Work from Morehead State Uni- pany on a foundation of integrity, respect and versity in 1985 and a Master’s Degree from the ability to create change. During World War HON. JARED HUFFMAN the University of Kentucky in 1992. She has I, Samuel’s young firm managed the U.S. gov- OF CALIFORNIA more than 22 years of experience in the field, ernment’s grain exports to war-torn European IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ranging from working with court committed ju- countries out of the Port of Baltimore. As busi- venile offenders, to the dually diagnosed men- ness expanded internationally, Shapiro & Co. Thursday, July 23, 2015 tally ill, to Child Protective Services, to Drug earned a reputation as the most trustworthy Mr. HUFFMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Courts. Since the inception of the Kentucky shipping firm in Baltimore. Samuel became an recognize Bill Townsend, who will be ninety- Drug Court Department in 1996, Connie has influential leader in the expansion of the Port nine years old on August 13, 2015, for his dedicated her career to this life-changing pro- and advocated for an autonomous Maryland many years of service to Mendocino County. gram, working her way up through the ranks Port Authority. Samuel’s son, Sigmund, Since 1947, Mr. Townsend has dedicated and taking the helm as General Manager in strengthened the company’s relationship with his time, talent, and energy to the health of 2012. Thanks in large part to her leadership, government officials at the local, state and na- our forests and rivers, and to the youth of more than 7,000 participants have success- tional level, becoming a voice for the industry Mendocino County. A lifelong sportsman, Mr. fully completed the program, more than 1,000 on regulation. Townsend has demonstrated an enduring babies have been born drug free, $5.3 million More than a family business, Shapiro & Co. commitment to preserving our natural re- in child support has been collected, and $5.7 is a family that cares for its own and its com- sources for future generations. For sixty years, million court obligations have been paid. munity. Samuel began the tradition of philan- he has volunteered his time, beginning with Today, Kentucky has more than 54 Adult Drug thropy early. At the close of his first full year his work at the Iron Gate Fish Hatchery in Courts, 5 Veteran Treatment Courts, one Men- of business, and having made a modest profit 1955. His contributions have included every- tal Health Court, as well as one DUI Court. It of $50, he gave 20% to the American Jewish thing from fish ladders, Pike Minnow Derbies, is her sheer courage and conviction to provide Relief Fund. That spirit of generosity has con- stream restoration projects, and 43 years of individuals with a second chance in their dark- tinued with the deep community involvement ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:25 Jul 24, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K23JY8.001 E23JYPT1 Emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1112 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 23, 2015 of Sig and Barbara Shapiro and the next gen- I look forward to working with my colleagues We saw this, for example, in the foot-drag- eration leadership of Samuel’s granddaughter, on the Assuring Contracting Equity Act to pro- ging that accompanied the appointment of a Marjorie. Shapiro & Co. sponsors a logistics vide a greater opportunity for success to the Special Envoy for the Great Lakes Region. In class at the University of Baltimore Business small businesses that deserve it the most. January of this year, then-Special Envoy Russ School, consults with nonprofit organizations f Feingold announced that he was stepping pro bono, matches its employees’ charitable down. I called on the administration to find a contributions and helps its employees’ children THE UNFOLDING CRISIS IN replacement as soon as possible, as the circle pay for college. With annual retreats and crab BURUNDI of violence was beginning to widen in Burundi. feasts, birthday celebrations, and a company In May, for example, I stated that a failure cookbook, the people at Shapiro & Co. enjoy HON. CHRISTOPHER H. SMITH to do so signaled a ‘‘disengagement when the time they spend together. It is little wonder OF NEW JERSEY lives are at stake.’’ I was afraid that we would that Shapiro is consistently ranked one of the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES see a repeat of the administration’s inaction top places to work in Baltimore.