July 23, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1111 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS

IN HONOR OF THE 75TH ANNIVER- grilling fish at the ‘‘World’s Largest Salmon est hour that has driven her efforts to expand SARY OF THE WELLES DEC- Barbeque’’ in Fort Bragg, California, which services in the Commonwealth. LARATION raises funds for fisheries. In addition to her tireless efforts for Ken- With his dedication to fish habitat restora- tucky Drug Courts, Connie has conducted HON. GEORGE HOLDING tion, it was fitting that in 1973 the Mendocino workshops for the National Association of OF NORTH CAROLINA County Board of Supervisors appointed Bill to Drug Court Professionals, the Kentucky the Mendocino County Fish and Game Com- School of Alcohol and Other Drug Studies, the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES mission where he served as chairman for 15 Department of Vocational Rehabilitation and Thursday, July 23, 2015 years until he retired in 1988. Throughout his Community Corrections and countless other Mr. HOLDING. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to tenure on the commission, Mr. Townsend partners and stakeholders impacted by the na- honor the 75th anniversary of the Welles Dec- worked tirelessly to support healthy fisheries tional drug abuse epidemic. laration. and integrate youth education into the Com- Connie’s passion and drive to help addicts Issued on July 23, 1940, by United States mission’s projects. achieve long-term recovery has been instru- Under Secretary of State Sumner Welles, this Mr. Townsend served as president of Salm- mental to the growth and success of Drug declaration condemned the Soviet Union’s ag- on Unlimited for three years starting in 1991, Courts across the Commonwealth. In fact, she gression against, and annexation of, Estonia, where he played an instrumental role in the has developed an expertise in training judges, Latvia, and Lithuania. development of the hatchery on Rowdy Creek teams and staff in nearly every county, helping This strong statement was the first an- on the Smith River. Included in his legacy of each leader confront the daily challenges of nouncement of the historic policy of non-rec- accomplishments is his work to secure the fish Drug Court with tremendous grace. ognition that was pivotal to empowering the hatchery at Coyote Dam, which was com- Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me resistance by democratic movements behind pleted in 1996 and renamed the ‘‘Bill Town- in recognizing the incredible impact that the Iron Curtain. send Fish Hatchery’’ in 2004. He also served Connie Neal has made in the efficiency and Until the restoration of their independence, his community on the Russian River Flood effectiveness of Drug Courts in Kentucky, evi- the United States maintained strong support Control Board for five years from 2005–2010, denced by the thousands of individuals who for the freedom of these Baltic States and ‘‘retiring’’ at the age of 97. have been reunited with loved ones and are their people. Mr. Speaker, it is fitting to honor and thank now living as productive, drug-free citizens of Mr. Speaker, at this particular moment in Bill Townsend for his many years of dedicated the Commonwealth. May her years of retire- history, I believe this anniversary holds even service. I am privileged to express deep ap- ment be richly blessed. more significance. preciation to Mr. Townsend for his profound f History has a way of repeating itself Mr. impacts on our rivers and convey to him my Speaker, and as we see aggressive military best wishes on his ninety-ninth birthday. CELEBRATING SHAPIRO & COM- PANY’S 100 YEARS OF SERVICE campaigns seeking to illegally gain dominance f over nations’ sovereign territory, we must have the same courage of our predecessors to TRIBUTE FOR CONNIE NEAL HON. JOHN P. SARBANES stand against tyranny and support those who OF MARYLAND yearn for democracy, freedom, and independ- HON. HAROLD ROGERS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ence. OF KENTUCKY Thursday, July 23, 2015 Mr. Speaker, I am proud to remember the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES role our nation had 75 years ago supporting Mr. SARBANES. Mr. Speaker, I rise today Thursday, July 23, 2015 Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania in their aspira- to congratulate Samuel Shapiro & Company, tions for freedom, and commend those nations Mr. ROGERS of Kentucky. Mr. Speaker, I Inc., a Customs brokerage and freight for- today for their commitment to democratic gov- rise today to pay tribute to a leader in the fight warding firm in Baltimore, on 100 years of ernance, their contributions to NATO, and the against drug abuse in Kentucky, Ms. Connie service to the international trade community. critical role they each play in promoting demo- Neal, upon her upcoming retirement from the In 1915, Samuel Shapiro, a newly licensed cratic ideals worldwide. Administration Office of the Courts, as the Customs House broker, opened a one-room f Drug Court General Manager for Kentucky. office at 29 S Gay Street with a $5 roll top Connie Neal received her Bachelor’s De- desk and two employees. He built his com- HONORING BILL TOWNSEND gree in Social Work from Morehead State Uni- pany on a foundation of integrity, respect and versity in 1985 and a Master’s Degree from the ability to create change. During World War HON. JARED HUFFMAN the University of Kentucky in 1992. She has I, Samuel’s young firm managed the U.S. gov- OF CALIFORNIA more than 22 years of experience in the field, ernment’s grain exports to war-torn European IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ranging from working with court committed ju- countries out of the Port of Baltimore. As busi- venile offenders, to the dually diagnosed men- ness expanded internationally, Shapiro & Co. Thursday, July 23, 2015 tally ill, to Child Protective Services, to Drug earned a reputation as the most trustworthy Mr. HUFFMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Courts. Since the inception of the Kentucky shipping firm in Baltimore. Samuel became an recognize Bill Townsend, who will be ninety- Drug Court Department in 1996, Connie has influential leader in the expansion of the Port nine years old on August 13, 2015, for his dedicated her career to this life-changing pro- and advocated for an autonomous Maryland many years of service to Mendocino County. gram, working her way up through the ranks Port Authority. Samuel’s son, Sigmund, Since 1947, Mr. Townsend has dedicated and taking the helm as General Manager in strengthened the company’s relationship with his time, talent, and energy to the health of 2012. Thanks in large part to her leadership, government officials at the local, state and na- our forests and rivers, and to the youth of more than 7,000 participants have success- tional level, becoming a voice for the industry Mendocino County. A lifelong sportsman, Mr. fully completed the program, more than 1,000 on regulation. Townsend has demonstrated an enduring babies have been born drug free, $5.3 million More than a family business, Shapiro & Co. commitment to preserving our natural re- in child support has been collected, and $5.7 is a family that cares for its own and its com- sources for future generations. For sixty years, million court obligations have been paid. munity. Samuel began the tradition of philan- he has volunteered his time, beginning with Today, Kentucky has more than 54 Adult Drug thropy early. At the close of his first full year his work at the Iron Gate Fish Hatchery in Courts, 5 Veteran Treatment Courts, one Men- of business, and having made a modest profit 1955. His contributions have included every- tal Health Court, as well as one DUI Court. It of $50, he gave 20% to the American Jewish thing from fish ladders, Pike Minnow Derbies, is her sheer courage and conviction to provide Relief Fund. That spirit of generosity has con- stream restoration projects, and 43 years of individuals with a second chance in their dark- tinued with the deep community involvement

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:25 Jul 24, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K23JY8.001 E23JYPT1 Emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1112 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 23, 2015 of Sig and Barbara Shapiro and the next gen- I look forward to working with my colleagues We saw this, for example, in the foot-drag- eration leadership of Samuel’s granddaughter, on the Assuring Contracting Equity Act to pro- ging that accompanied the appointment of a Marjorie. Shapiro & Co. sponsors a logistics vide a greater opportunity for success to the Special Envoy for the Great Lakes Region. In class at the University of Baltimore Business small businesses that deserve it the most. January of this year, then-Special Envoy Russ School, consults with nonprofit organizations f Feingold announced that he was stepping pro bono, matches its employees’ charitable down. I called on the administration to find a contributions and helps its employees’ children THE UNFOLDING CRISIS IN replacement as soon as possible, as the circle pay for college. With annual retreats and crab BURUNDI of violence was beginning to widen in Burundi. feasts, birthday celebrations, and a company In May, for example, I stated that a failure cookbook, the people at Shapiro & Co. enjoy HON. CHRISTOPHER H. SMITH to do so signaled a ‘‘disengagement when the time they spend together. It is little wonder OF NEW JERSEY lives are at stake.’’ I was afraid that we would that Shapiro is consistently ranked one of the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES see a repeat of the administration’s inaction top places to work in Baltimore. Thursday, July 23, 2015 with respect to the Middle East, where to date Over the last century, Shapiro & Co. has it has yet to appoint a Special Envoy to Pro- managed not only to adapt to new challenges Mr. SMITH of New Jersey. Mr. Speaker, a mote Religious Freedom of Religious Minori- but to flourish. Its offices now reach from New hearing that I convened yesterday was ex- ties in the Near East and South Central Asia, York to Georgia, but Shapiro continues to tremely timely, as events are unfolding in real despite Congress having created that position value the same old-fashioned customer serv- time in Burundi—a small nation that is often last August—almost one year ago. ice established at Sam’s roll-top desk in 1915. overlooked by the international community, in- At the beginning of this month, however, the I thank Shapiro & Co. for 100 years of dedica- cluding those of us here in Congress. administration finally appointed a Special tion to its customers, care for its employees, Many are familiar with the horrific genocidal Envoy. and leadership in its community, and I look violence that gripped Rwanda in the 1990s, as In 2012, the administration, to much fanfare, forward to the 100 years to come. Hutu and Tutsi butchered each other in parox- created an Atrocities Prevention Board, fol- ysms of ethnic hatred. f lowing a Presidential Study directive which Few know, however, that Burundi also went stated that ‘‘Preventing mass atrocities and INTRODUCTION OF H.R. 3175, THE through a protracted Tutsi versus Hutu ethnic genocide is a core national security interest ASSURING CONTRACTING EQUITY struggle that also amounted to genocide in the and a core moral responsibility of the United ACT 1990s. States.’’ The APB is supposed to provide early Few know that Burundi, without much fan- warning of mass atrocities, and mobilize inter- HON. SUZANNE BONAMICI fare and without the largess that the inter- agency resources to stop such atrocities. OF OREGON national community showered upon Rwanda, In Burundi, we can still make a difference. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES overcame its divisive civil war and, following a f peace brokered by Nelson Mandela solem- Thursday, July 23, 2015 nized in the Arusha Accords of 2000, has TRIBUTE TO FORMER OHIO Ms. BONAMICI. Mr. Speaker, today I am sought to heal the wounds of the past and re- CONGRESSMAN LOUIS STOKES proud to introduce H.R. 3175, the Assuring build a nation. Contracting Equity Act. Today, however, this peace is under the HON. MARCIA L. FUDGE This legislation promotes economic develop- threat of unraveling. The sitting President of OF OHIO ment for many of the small businesses and Burundi, Pierre Nkurunziza, in apparent defi- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES communities that were hit the hardest by our ance of the term limits set forth in the Arusha country’s recession and are still struggling to Accords and memorialized in the Constitution, Thursday, July 23, 2015 recover. is seeking a third term. While the constitutional Ms. FUDGE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in As I tour small businesses in my district, I issue is complex and unsettled, the rising po- tribute to my friend, mentor and predecessor, am constantly reminded of the critical contribu- litical violence and tension—not to mention the former Congressman Louis Stokes. Earlier this tion they make to our communities. But too roughly 160,000 people displaced and seeking week the world learned of his cancer diag- often our small businesses can’t access or are refuge in neighboring countries—is easy to un- nosis. unable to take advantage of federal con- derstand, and serves as a canary in the coal When the Congressman first told me about tracting opportunities. By raising the con- mine. his condition, I didn’t know quite what to say. tracting goal, the government will need to be Now there is a window of opportunity for ac- He had still been out, attending events and more proactive in its outreach to small busi- tion, where immediate and sustained attention doing things. He never stops. It is easy to nesses. More contracts will help small busi- can prevent the situation from escalating out think he is immortal. Because he is a fighter. nesses grow and hire more workers, empow- of control. For more than 30 years, he tirelessly fought ering them to continue to give back to our As in the case of the Central African Repub- for the people of Ohio, and he is still fighting communities. lic, over which we held two critical hearings in today. The first African American elected to The Assuring Contracting Equity Act will ex- the last Congress, timely attention and tar- Congress from Ohio, Congressman Stokes is pand opportunities for small businesses to se- geted intervention can stop an incipient con- the epitome of a public servant. cure contracts with the federal government; flict from metastasizing. Burundi is now ap- While in Washington, he was a trailblazer. particularly businesses owned by women, vet- proaching a tipping point, though it has yet to He was the first African American to serve on erans, and minorities. The bill also provides in- topple over. the powerful House Appropriations Committee, creased access to government contracts for There is still time, and we in Congress have and was a founder of the CBC Health small businesses located in economically dis- a role to play in sounding the alarm and prod- Braintrust. He constantly fought to combat per- tressed areas known as Historically Underuti- ding the administration to take action, followed vasive health disparities plaguing the African- lized Business Zones, or HUBZones. by oversight. We also need to avoid the temp- American community and served as a voice In addition, the ACE Act improves account- tation to be penny wise and pound foolish. As for people of color and all of our nation’s most ability and transparency by requiring the Small several of our witnesses explain, by spending vulnerable. Business Administration to report the percent- a small amount to further democracy and gov- Congressman Stokes once said, ‘‘I’m going age of all federal contracting dollars that are ernance efforts in fragile states such as Bu- to keep on denouncing the inequities of this awarded to small businesses as well as direct rundi, we can avoid much greater cost down system, but I’m going to work within it. To go agencies to prioritize large contractors that the road—and I mean not simply the dollar- outside the system would be to deny myself— maximize subcontracts to small businesses. and-cents expense of humanitarian interven- to deny my own existence.’’ His work has af- In my district and across the country, small tions, but more importantly, in terms of blood fected thousands. There is no one in Wash- business owners are striving to succeed. The lost and lives shattered. ington that does not know the name Louis Assuring Contracting Equity Act could redirect In Burundi, the administration must do more. Stokes, and no one who was not touched in an additional $10 billion in business every While often-lonely voices such as that of some way by his work and his kindness. year to the nation’s smallest companies, giving Samantha Power have called attention to the He is always a gentleman, someone who entrepreneurs the potential to expand their need for atrocity prevention, too often the ad- made you feel good about being represented businesses and continue creating jobs and ministration policy has been one of, if not ma- by him or just being in his company. When he growing our economy. lign neglect, then certainly non-benign neglect. speaks, people listen. Congressman Stokes

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:25 Jul 24, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K23JY8.004 E23JYPT1 Emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with REMARKS July 23, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1113 exudes leadership, vision, and purpose. He’s HONORING THE ‘‘EASTLAND’’ ond oldest Optimist Club in Michigan. Since its a giant of a man, an example for us all. It is DISASTER inception, the Optimist Club of Downtown Flint a privilege to work with him and walk in his has organized several other Optimist Clubs in Congressional footsteps. HON. DANIEL LIPINSKI the Flint area. The Club currently meets at the Thank you, Congressman Louis Stokes for OF ILLINOIS Flint Golf Club, but historically has met in the everything you have done. The nation is in- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Durant Hotel, Italia Gardens, and the Sarvis debted to you. We are grateful for your serv- Thursday, July 23, 2015 Center. The Optimist Club of Downtown Flint’s mis- ice. As you continue to battle this diagnosis, Mr. LIPINSKI. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to sion is to foster an optimistic way of life for the my thoughts and prayers are with you, your honor the victims of the Eastland disaster—a improvement of individuals and society family and your doctors. Let us all continue to shipwreck which resulted in the deaths of 844 through a network of Optimists dedicated to uplift and encourage the Stokes family. passengers and crew—on the 100th anniver- ever-expanding service to its members, the sary of the tragedy. youth, the community and the world. f One hundred years ago, thousands of em- The Club’s projects and service programs ployees of Western Electric were preparing for HONORING LOU LENART over the years are copious. To name only a a rare day off of work, taking a boat ride few, the Optimist Club of Downtown Flint has across Lake Michigan to enjoy an annual pic- been in partnership with Boys & Girls Club, nic. Tragically, for 844 passengers and crew Whaley Children’s Center, The Salvation HON. BRAD SHERMAN on the Eastland, their vessel listed and tipped Army, and Big Brothers Big Sisters. OF CALIFORNIA over, and they soon drowned in the Chicago Mr. Speaker, I applaud The Downtown Flint River. Many were immigrants from Central and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Optimist Club and extend my deepest appre- Eastern Europe, living in Berwyn, Cicero, and ciation to them for their years of service to the Thursday, July 23, 2015 the surrounding Chicagoland area, and their community. loss left an enduring mark on these commu- f Mr. SHERMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to nities—22 families were completely wiped out, honor the life of Lou Lenart, a hero to both the and 19 families were left without parents. I will TRIBUTE TO MR. LEROY JOSEPH United States and , who passed away always remember my grandmother talking JONES, SR. July 20, 2015 at the age of 94. Today we re- about the tragedy and the mark it left on her. member Lou for his service in the Marines The Eastland shipwreck remains to this day HON. DONALD M. PAYNE, JR. during World War II as well as in the Israel Air the greatest loss of life in a single disaster in OF NEW JERSEY Illinois history. It is a shame that the victims Force in 1948 when he was dubbed ‘‘The Man IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Who Saved Tel Aviv.’’ and heroes of the Eastland disaster have been largely forgotten by the American peo- Thursday, July 23, 2015 Lou Lenart was born in 1921 to Jewish ple. That is why I have introduced a resolution Mr. PAYNE. Mr. Speaker, I ask my col- farmers in a small village in Hungary. When commemorating the Eastland. I believe it is leagues here in the House of Representatives Lenart was 10, his family moved to the United absolutely necessary that we here in Con- to join me as I rise to pay tribute to Mr. LeRoy States to escape widespread anti-Semitism. gress pay our respects to the working class Joseph Jones, Sr., and the many contributions Sadly, he and his family were subjected to families who lost their lives on that terrible he made as a dedicated public servant in the anti-Semitic taunting in his new home of summer day. Along with honoring the victims State of New Jersey. Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. At 17, Lenart en- and survivors of the disaster, my resolution in- Born and raised in Orange, New Jersey, Mr. listed in the U.S. Marine Corps where he cludes references to the historical significance Jones had an extensive career in public serv- fought in World War II and won the Gold Star of the sinking of the Eastland and recognizes ice and worked tirelessly to improve the lives flying in Okinawa. In 1948 Lenart became one the brave first responders who risked their of the residents in his community. After grad- of the first members of Israel’s budding Air own lives to save hundreds of passengers and uating from Orange Public Schools in 1953, Force, which at that time had just four Czech- crew. Mr. Jones enlisted in the United States Navy built German Messerschmitt fighter planes. I would like to thank my colleagues from Illi- in 1954 and served his country honorably for On May 29, 1948, Egyptian forces of about nois for cosponsoring this measure. I think it 12 years. Following his military service, Mr. 500 vehicles were closing in on Tel Aviv, is also important to commend the hard work Jones earned an Associate Degree in Urban threatening the very existence of the two-week that the Eastland Disaster Historical Society Studies from Essex County College. In 1972, old state of Israel. Israeli commanders decided has done in researching, promoting, and edu- he attended the Community Action Training In- to risk all four planes to attack the advance. cating the public about this important historical stitute at Rutgers University and later earned As the most experienced pilot in the group event, and its broader effect on Chicagoland. a Bachelor’s Degree in Urban Studies at Shaw Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to remem- (and in fact the only pilot with combat experi- University in Raleigh, North Carolina. ber the victims and heroes of the Eastland dis- ence), Lenart led the attack, with future Presi- As a trailblazer, he served as President of aster, and to remain dedicated to avoiding dent Ezer Weizman as his wingman. Stunned New Jersey State Interscholastic Athletic As- such tragedies in the future. by the sight of bona fide Israeli fighter planes, sociation and Board 33 Referee Association, the Egyptians stopped their advance and were f where he became the first African American forced to retreat. Lenart’s key role in this mis- CONGRATULATING THE DOWN- President in the history of both organizations. sion earned him the title, in many news re- TOWN FLINT OPTIMIST CLUB ON He was appointed by Governor Brendan ports, as ‘‘The Man Who Saved Tel Aviv.’’ ITS 80TH ANNIVERSARY Byrne in 1980 to serve on the State of NJ Pa- Lenart later told the IAF journal, ‘‘It was the role Board Juvenile Panel from 1980–1983. most important event in my life . . . I survived HON. DANIEL T. KILDEE Mr. Jones achieved another first, when he World War II so I could lead this mission.’’ served as senior hearing officer on the State OF MICHIGAN of New Jersey Parole Board. Some of his Following the war, Lenart helped in airlifting IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES other accomplishments included Director of Iraqi Jews to Israel in Operation Ezra and Ne- Thursday, July 23, 2015 the Fellowship Civic Center in East Orange, hemiah. He also became a pilot for El Al Air- Mr. KILDEE. Mr. Speaker, I ask the United Assistant Director of Recreation for the City of lines and spent time living in Southern Cali- States House of Representatives to join me in Orange, Acting Director of the Orange Com- fornia, where he produced six feature films in- recognizing The Downtown Flint Optimist Club munity Development Program, member of the cluding and Iron Eagle II. on the occasion of their 80th anniversary. Orange Chamber of Commerce, Board of Lou Lenart’s legacy will live on in both Israel Optimist International is a worldwide volun- Trustee for the East Orange Neighborhood and the United States. He fought in our armed teer organization made up of more than 2,500 Development Corporation, Coach of the East services to protect our freedom, and then local Clubs whose members work each day to Orange Tigers, and member of the manage- risked his life again for Israel in its vulnerable make the future brighter by bringing out the ment board for the YMCA of Orange. and early stages. His life and story are an in- best in children, in their communities, and in His commitment to public service has spiration for those seeking hope and strength themselves. changed many lives throughout the state. His in the face of persecution. I send my sincerest The Optimist Club of Downtown Flint was contributions were recognized by numerous condolences to his family. chartered in 1934. It is believed to be the sec- organizations such as the National Council of

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:25 Jul 24, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K23JY8.007 E23JYPT1 Emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1114 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 23, 2015 Juvenile and Family Court Judges, the Na- THANKING FIRST RESPONDERS a number of very capable leaders over the tional District Attorney’s Association, NJ State AND VOLUNTEERS FOR THEIR past 150 years, to include our current minister Interscholastic Athletic Association and the SERVICE AFTER A DEVASTATING Rev. Matthew Schramm, who had the honor of American Correctional Association. TORNADO serving as a guest chaplain for the U.S. He was a devoted man that showed his love House of Representatives in the summer of for his family and his community through his HON. CHERI BUSTOS 2014. actions. My thoughts and prayers are with Mr. OF ILLINOIS In 1872, the name of the church was LeRoy Jones, Sr.’s family. He is survived by IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES changed to the ‘‘First Presbyterian Church of his beloved wife Rosan Jones, his four chil- Wenona’’, and finally in 1882 to ‘‘Westminster dren LeRoy Joseph Jones, Jr., Leanne Jack- Thursday, July 23, 2015 Presbyterian Church.’’ Also in 1882 plans son, Leisa Tynes-Merriweather and Lisa Mrs. BUSTOS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to were drawn for a new worship facility. Once Jones, his 11 grandchildren, 5 great-grand- thank the first responders and volunteers who again Henry W. Sage came forward and do- children, two brothers and two sisters, and a have been working tirelessly in Cameron, Illi- nated four lots on Midland St where the host of other relatives and friends. nois after an EF2 tornado devastated this church is presently located. On Christmas Day Mr. Speaker, I know my fellow members of small town in my district. While the storm in 1883, the congregation worshipped in their the House of Representatives agree that Mr. caused widespread property damage and sev- new semi-gothic style church. LeRoy Joseph Jones, Sr. deserves to be rec- eral injuries, the good people from across the In 1958, ground was broken for a new Fel- ognized for a job well done and for his many region who rushed to Cameron to help give lowship Hall, classrooms and a kitchen, and in years of service to the citizens of the State of me hope that this community will rebuild and 1969 the congregation endorsed a building New Jersey. This tribute recognizes his life’s become stronger than ever. program for the existing Sanctuary with formal work, his stellar career and his personal com- First responders and volunteers stepped in dedication ceremonies in September 1970. In mitment to improving the lives of his fellow at a time of great need and continue to pro- 2015, Westminster will begin its next 150 man. vide safety, material assistance and comfort to years with a campaign to update the facility for the good people of Cameron. They came from future generations. f all over the region bringing bottled water, tarps The congregation has been active in min- and even homemade blueberry pies to help istry and service for 150 years. From working HONORING BEHAILU ASSEFA this town of 600 people get back on its feet in USO activities, collecting metal for scrap after 125 mile per hour winds tore through it drives, and sending care packages to service- last week. HON. JOHN GARAMENDI men during the war years, to hosting literacy I spoke with many families who were af- programs for children and adults, serving free OF CALIFORNIA fected by the tornado, and there was a recur- hot meals to those in need, and providing ring theme that resonated with me: Cameron IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES quality Christian education for all ages today, was bent, not broken. With over 50 homes Westminster is well known in Bay City for its Thursday, July 23, 2015 damaged, community members and other community focus. The church is proud to have helpers have been working tirelessly to sup- been a charter organization for the Boy Scouts Mr. GARAMENDI. Mr. Speaker, I submit the port these families and straighten out all the following Proclamation: for over 50 years, and to open its doors for bends brought upon them by this disaster. programs ranging from job training for special Whereas, friends, colleagues, and the Ethio- Mr. Speaker, my heart goes out to all the needs young adults to music and theatre re- pian Community and Cultural Center wish to families this terrible tornado impacted and I hearsal, and to provide meeting space for acknowledge a hard-working, beloved, and in- am grateful for the brave and generous first countless community organizations. tegral supporter of California’s Ethiopian com- responders and volunteers who pour their munity; time, energy, and love into helping Cameron Westminster has been a proud partner with the Good Samaritan Rescue Mission in Bay Whereas, Behailu Assefa has been an ac- recover. City since its inception. Not only has the tive cultural and business leader on the local, f church been an annual supporter during each state, and national level; and CONGRATULATING THE WEST- of the mission’s ten years of operation, it was Whereas, Behailu served as the President MINSTER PRESBYTERIAN instrumental in the construction and opening of the Ethiopian Community and Cultural Cen- CHURCH OF BAY CITY ON THEIR of the men’s wing of the mission in 2008. In ter since its founding in 2001, he has also 150TH ANNIVERSARY 2015 Westminster helped sponsor the mis- served as the President of the Ethiopian Com- sion’s annual Golf Challenge Fund Raiser, munity in Minneapolis, was President of the which earned a near record $73,000 to pro- Ethiopian Sports Federation of North America HON. DANIEL T. KILDEE vide a place of hope and care for the needy and was a member of the Oakland and City of OF MICHIGAN in and around Bay City. Bahir Dar Sister City Program; and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Westminster actively supports missions in Whereas, as the founder ASC Engineering Thursday, July 23, 2015 Niger, India, Zambia, Thailand, and the Middle Services, Behailu has provided professional East, while also supporting disaster relief ef- certification of electrical products and served Mr. KILDEE. Mr. Speaker, I ask the United States House of Representatives to join me in forts throughout the world. Both pastors and clients spanning over 4 continents and 40 members of the congregation have assumed states over the span of 20 years; and recognizing Westminster Presbyterian Church in Bay City, Michigan, on the occasion of their an active role in leading the Lake Huron Pres- Whereas, as founder of Terra Global Energy 150th anniversary. bytery and the Presbyterian Church (USA) Developers, Behailu has utilized the experi- General Assembly. Westminster’s sacred story began on Au- ences of Ethiopian American Diaspora and gust 23, 1865, when 15 members organized a Through partnering with quality programs their ingenuity to introduce a new wind energy new Presbyterian Church in the Village of and organizations, sharing fellowship and project to the Ethiopian government; and Wenona. On the same day a cornerstone was service, inspiring teaching and worship, and Whereas, as the co-founder of Global Enter- laid for a house of worship on two lots do- outwardly-focused and selfless mission, West- prise Engineering, Behailu has expanded the nated by Henry W. Sage on Catherine St. The minster seeks to further its own legacy of global presence of his company to Germany, house of worship for ‘‘The First Presbyterian hope and care in Bay City since 1865, and Taiwan, China, Ethiopia, and Senegal; and Society of the Township of Bangor’’ was com- looks forward to the next 150 years serving therefore be it now pleted and dedicated on December 3, 1865 God and humanity, sharing the love of Jesus Resolved, that I, Congressman JOHN under the leadership of Missionary Donald B through faith, hope and love, with an open and GARAMENDI, of California’s 3rd District, do Campbell. genuine spirit. hereby recognize the exemplary service of His mission complete, Rev. Campbell left in Mr. Speaker, I applaud the work done by Behailu Assefa, and encourage all to join me 1868 and Rev. Elihu Turney Sanford became the Westminster Presbyterian Church in Bay in celebrating him in his lifetime of achieve- the first ordained minister of the new church. City and thank them for the service they have ments. Westminster has been privileged to be led by provided to the community.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:25 Jul 24, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K23JY8.012 E23JYPT1 Emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with REMARKS July 23, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1115 NATURAL GROCERS But how did we get here? Another area of concern for me lies in the Five years ago, Dodd-Frank was enacted in development of diversity assessment stand- HON. ED PERLMUTTER the wake of profound economic devastation as ards under Section 342 of Dodd-Frank, also OF COLORADO our nation was reeling from the impact of the known as OMWI. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 2008 financial crisis. Though Section 342 is not very long, it is a Millions of Americans suffered job loss, very significant step in the effort to improve Thursday, July 23, 2015 many small businesses closed down, fore- the hiring of women and minorities in the fi- Mr. PERLMUTTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise closures skyrocketed, the stock market suf- nancial services industry in which these today to recognize Natural Grocers efforts to fered large drops, and a looming repeat of the groups remain woefully underrepresented. promote healthy eating through their free edu- Great Depression was feared. However, due to misinterpretations of con- cational outreach over the last 60 years. I’m Specifically, in the six months before Presi- gressional intent, I am concerned that after happy to announce Governor Hickenlooper will dent Obama took office in February 2009, our five years the federal financial regulators have proclaim August 13, 2015 as ‘‘Natural Grocers economy lost a total of nearly 4 million private not developed standards requiring the disclo- Day’’ in Colorado. sector jobs—an unimaginable average of sure of diversity data, which would provide Natural Grocers by Vitamin Cottage was 650,000 jobs per month. much needed transparency to this industry re- founded by Margaret and Phillip Isely and is Nearly $13 trillion in economic growth and garding the promotion of diversity in its work- based in Lakewood, Colorado. In 2015, they $16 trillion in household wealth simply dis- place. were recognized as the 11th fastest growing appeared while close to 9 million individuals Like my congressional colleagues here Colorado public company. Their mission is to were displaced from their homes. today, I celebrate substantial achievements of provide shoppers with an affordable, healthy 2008 was truly one of the lowest economic Dodd-Frank and look forward to working to- lifestyle as well as empower them to take con- points in U.S. history. gether to find the appropriate tweaks to further trol of their own wellbeing. Yet, the American people weathered this facilitate its positive lasting effects on the fi- Not only does Natural Grocers supply Colo- storm and Congressional Democrats took ac- nancial markets and for consumers far beyond radans with healthy food options, they also tion by passing legislation to restore responsi- this five-year anniversary. provide customers personalized nutrition infor- bility and accountability in our financial sys- In order to continue being a successful na- mation to help them meet their nutritional tem, and to give Americans confidence that tion, we must capitalize on our diversity and goals. Since 1995, Natural Grocers has of- we were putting the tools in place to avoid an- tackle the inequality in wage and job growth in fered Coloradans free science-based nutrition other economic crisis. African-American communities. education programs with the creation of their In fact, since Dodd-Frank’s passage in July f Nutritional Health Coach program. Their health 2010, the American economy has experienced IN RECOGNITION OF MR. WANE A. coaches organize nutritional outreach pro- vast improvement in private sector job growth HAILES grams to numerous schools and businesses, with nearly 12 million jobs added; a lower un- as well as hold in-store cooking demonstra- employment rate, to 5.3 percent from the peak tions and nutrition classes. Additionally, I regu- of 10.0 percent in October 2009, and a recov- HON. SANFORD D. BISHOP, JR. larly hold my ‘‘Government in the Grocery’’ ering housing market. OF GEORGIA events at Natural Grocers stores around my Indeed, because of Dodd-Frank, financial IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES district. These events give me the opportunity regulators are now empowered to identify and Thursday, July 23, 2015 to visit with constituents in their communities address risks to our financial system through Mr. BISHOP of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, I rise on topics ranging from veterans issues, the increased monitoring and stricter rules for our today to honor and commend an outstanding economy and jobs to foreign policy. nation’s biggest banks in a timely way. citizen and respected community leader, Mr. Dodd-Frank also provided new authority to Mr. Speaker, it is my privilege to congratu- Wane A. Hailes, President and Publisher of the Securities and Exchange Commission late Natural Grocers for their accomplishment the Courier/Eco Latino, Columbus, Georgia’s (SEC), which, since 2011, has recovered more in promoting healthy eating through edu- premier African-American and Latino news- than $9.3 billion in civil fines and penalties de- cational outreach and I commend them for paper. The Courier/Eco Latino will be cele- spite Republicans’ repeated budget cuts to the their dedication to providing extraordinary brating ten years of providing the Tri-City Area agency. services to Colorado customers. I wish Natural of Columbus, Georgia, Fort Benning, Georgia, Like all comprehensive reform bills, how- Grocers all the best in their next 60 years of and Phenix City, Alabama with positive, high operation. ever, Dodd-Frank is not perfect. There are a few areas that I believe can be quality information. In celebration of this spe- f improved. cial milestone, the Courier/Eco Latino will be FIFTH ANNIVERSARY OF DODD- Nonetheless, it is important that we do not hosting the 2015 Community Service Awards FRANK ACT let the perfect be the enemy of the good. on Saturday, July 25, 2015 at the Columbus I believe we also have a responsibility to Convention and Trade Center in Columbus, SPEECH OF build upon and improve this legislation when Georgia. HON. JOYCE BEATTY needed. Wane A. Hailes was born in Richmond, Vir- One area of concern for many stakeholders ginia and grew up in Portsmouth, New Hamp- OF OHIO shire; New Brunswick, New Jersey; Clifton IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES in my district, and across the country, is the manner in which Dodd-Frank requires the Forge, Virginia; and Charlottesville, Virginia. In Wednesday, July 22, 2015 Federal Reserve to subject bank holding com- 1979, Wane graduated from Ottawa University Mrs. BEATTY. Mr. Speaker, I thank Ranking panies with more than $50 billion in consoli- in Ottawa, Kansas. He then served for fifteen Member WATERS of the Financial Services dated assets to enhanced regulatory super- years as Director of the YMCA in Missouri, Committee for leading today’s important dis- vision. Wisconsin, Florida, and North Carolina. In cussion on the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Re- However, if we are to subject smaller, re- 1990, the Chattahoochee Valley gained a pas- form and Consumer Protection Act. gional bank holding companies to the same or sionate and dedicated community leader when Earlier this week, House Democrats recog- similar supervisory requirements, then we Wane A. Hailes arrived in Columbus, Georgia nized the 5th anniversary of Dodd-Frank—the should do so in a way that balances our na- to serve as the CEO of the A.J. McClung most sweeping financial regulatory reform in tion’s financial stability without placing exces- YMCA. the United States since the 1930s. sive burdens on non-systemically important in- With thirty-one years of radio and news- Signed into law by President Obama on July stitutions by using a more deliberative assets- paper experience in cumulative sales, mar- 21, 2010, Dodd-Frank has changed—for the and-activities-based test should be considered keting, and public relations, Wane became a better—the way consumers, investors, and in determining the ‘‘systemic importance’’ of driving force in the Columbus media. He other market participants interact with our fi- bank holding companies. worked for the minority-owned radio station, nancial system. Earlier this month, Chair Yellen testified that Davis Broadcasting Inc., as an on-air person- It has provided oversight to Wall Street, giv- she was open to raising a threshold for deter- ality and sales consultant. He then worked at ing regulators the tools to end the era of ‘‘too mining a bank’s systemic importance. the Columbus Ledger-Enquirer as the Real big to fail’’ entities and outrageous taxpayer I look forward to working with her on this Estate, Employment and Automotive Sales bailouts, and has eliminated loopholes that al- issue and African-American job growth efforts. Consultant, before working at the minority- lowed risky and abusive practices to go unno- This is at the top of my priority list for im- owned Columbus Times as Vice President of ticed and unregulated. proving Dodd-Frank. Advertising and Sales.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:25 Jul 24, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K23JY8.015 E23JYPT1 Emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1116 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 23, 2015 In March 2005, Wane founded the Courier/ next time you visit New England, make sure music in that mill setting on the pond that Eco Latino, a bi-weekly publication with a cir- you visit The Narrows to see all that it’s doing drew people. A move to an adjacent room, culation of 15,000 dedicated to acting as ‘‘the to showcase artists throughout the community. where the brick walls were sandblasted and some couches and chairs put in, broadened voice of the people.’’ It is published in English [From The Boston Globe, July 22, 2015] the appeal. and Spanish and remains the only bilingual THE NARROWS ISACLUB TO CALL HOME Then a developer bought the mill. publication in the Tri-City area. (By Robert Kerr) ‘‘He wanted four times the rent,’’ says Nor- Wane’s goal in founding the Courier/Eco Tom Rush has taken his music to a lot of ton. Latino was to provide his readers with real places in 50 years, but no place quite like They couldn’t afford it. Norton and Harlow stories about the African-American and Latino The Narrows. went looking. At one point, the mayor of experience in Columbus. He continued to tell ‘‘Those old, creaky floorboards—you can New Bedford offered them free downtown almost imagine the ghosts of the people who space. those stories in his book, A View from a Pew, ‘‘But we’re Fall River guys,’’ says Norton. used to work there,’’ says Rush, who has sold a thoughtful examination of African-American They met Sam Shapiro, who owned a mill out the old mill music venue a record 11 life and culture in the South. on the waterfront that needed tenants. times. As well as receiving local recognition for his ‘‘He liked what we were doing,’’ says Nor- There is something in those floorboards ton. ‘‘From day one, he wanted to make this work, Wane received the prestigious Georgia and in the slightly slanted ceiling and in the work.’’ Minority Small Business Champion Award and big windows that provide a striking view of They moved in in July 2001. And it has the Region IV Minority Small Business Cham- the Braga Bridge and Mount Hope Bay. worked, but it hasn’t been easy. There was pion Award from the U.S. Small Business Ad- There is history, reminders of a time when the building inspector who showed up after people did indeed work hard in Fall River ministration in 2007. their first show to point out the need for a mills and, among other things, produced Dr. Benjamin E. Mays often said: ‘‘You few improvements, such as enclosing the more cotton cloth than any other place on make your living by what you get; you make stairways. your life by what you give.’’ Not only has earth. ‘‘When things look a little dicey, some- And now there is music in this wonderfully Wane established a legacy of multicultural thing seems to happen to pull us through,’’ unlikely top floor place. There is music that says Norton. journalism in Columbus, Georgia, but he has draws more and more people to listen in an also done a tremendous job of giving back to There was also the time early on when easy and intimate way. The musicians are Harlow said to Norton, ‘‘Let’s book Richie the city, and I am very grateful for his tireless close and the audience has climbed those Havens.’’ advocacy to make the community stronger. A stairs or ridden that elevator to listen and Norton thought it was too big a reach. Ha- man of great integrity, his efforts, his dedica- savor and maybe chat up a favorite singer or vens, the man who kicked off Woodstock, tion, and his expertise in his field are unparal- guitarist. was going to cost four or five times what leled. ‘‘In 14 years, we’ve never had idiots,’’ says they had ever paid anyone. Kathleen Duffy, referring to the clear ab- There are not enough words to describe the They gambled. They booked Havens. sence of boozy hustle at The Narrows Center ‘‘The energy that came off that man was impact that Wane A. Hailes has had on the Af- for the Arts. rican-American and Latino communities of Co- incredible,’’ says Harlow. ‘‘That was our first She is a retired speech therapist who bakes sellout.’’ lumbus. Not only does he care about each the brownies that have become a part of And it was a message to people that there member of these communities, but he also music nights at The Narrows. She is one of is music in Fall River worth driving for. works tirelessly to unite them through the Cou- the dozens of volunteers who keep this mill Maybe settle in for some excellent Por- rier/Eco Latino newspaper. I am very grateful town miracle going. tuguese chow at a nearby restaurant, then to Wane for his efforts to improve this diverse ‘‘We couldn’t do it without volunteers,’’ take in the kind of music people take per- says Patrick Norton. ‘‘They help load in community. sonally. Tom Rush, Richard Thompson, Los shows, load out, sell refreshments. Many Lobos, Dr. John—all have come to The Nar- No hay suficientes palabras para describir el have been here eight to 10 years. They’re a impacto que Wane A. Hailes ha tenido sobre rows and claimed a unique stop on the musi- hard core, grizzled bunch.’’ cal road. las comunidades afroamericanas y latinas de Norton, a former aide to Congressman Jim ‘‘The audience there is special,’’ says Rush, Columbus. No solo le importa la vida de cada McGovern, is the executive director of The who returns in November. ‘‘They come for uno de los miembros de estas comunidades, Narrows. the music. And they come for a good time, pero trabaja incansablemente para unirlos a ‘‘I’ve been a music junkie my whole life. and they’re not going to let me stop them.’’ trave´s del perio´dico Courier/Eco Latino. Me I’ve been in bands. I wanted to be a rock Perhaps the one downside to the story of star.’’ The Narrows is that it has succeeded almost siento muy agradecido a Wane por sus Instead, he resides at the soundboard and esfuerzos para mejorar esta comunidad in spite of the city it’s located in. Fall River, books the performers and does what has to a city too well known for squandering oppor- diversa. be done. He is one of the two people pri- tunity, has not been a big factor in The Nar- Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join marily responsible for making it all happen. rows’ success. And when, on show nights, me, my wife, Vivian, and the more than It began humbly, very humbly, about 20 someone asks for a show of hands from Fall 730,000 residents of Georgia’s Second Con- years ago in Bert Harlow’s carpentry shop in River residents, there are sometimes three gressional District in honoring Mr. Wane A. a mill on the bank of South Watuppa Pond. or four, sometimes none. Hailes and thanking him for his meaningful It was in that part of Fall River known as ‘‘We’re attracting the Providence-Bar- contributions to the Tri-City community. The Narrows that is between the North and rington crowd,’’ says Norton. ‘‘Maybe it’s South Watuppa. shabby chic.’’ f Harlow is a carpenter, a skilled wood- Still, there is a local connection at The BOSTON GLOBE STORY ON THE worker who has worked in, among other Narrows that Norton and Harlow have in- places, Trump Tower in New York City. He NARROWS sisted on and which extends their reach be- even remembers sharing an elevator with yond the stage. It is the ‘‘community piece.’’ Trump, who didn’t say hello. ‘‘I feel lucky to be involved here,’’ says HON. JAMES P. McGOVERN He is also a Marine veteran of Vietnam Norton. ‘‘Being around Bert all these years, OF MASSACHUSETTS whose combat memories play a part in shap- he’s like a big brother. And we want to give ing what is an enduring sense of community back to the community. We believe in Fall IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES obligation. With his skilled hands, he cre- River.’’ Thursday, July 23, 2015 ated an art gallery in the front of the mill There are five artists’ studios at The Nar- where his shop was. He had a vision of restor- rows and a gallery designed by Harlow. Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, for more ing the mill and creating a park. There is a lot to look at before and after the than 10 years I had the pleasure of rep- ‘‘I want to be involved in doing something music. And kids come to learn about art and resenting Fall River, a great city with great po- good,’’ says Harlow. ‘‘For me, it’s a way to music. The Narrows even provides buses. tential. One of the jewels of the city is The heal.’’ Norton’s especially proud of the connection Narrows Center for the Arts. He thought a coffeehouse would be a good with People Inc., the organization that does Founded in 1995, it’s a vital part of the com- idea. So there was a coffeehouse. It was cre- such good work with the developmentally munity that’s helping to promote the visual and ated in the mid-’90s by a small group of disabled. performing arts. Patrick Norton, one of my friends, including Norton, who moved some On a spring morning, musician Mark Cut- of Harlow’s equipment to one side, cleared a ler was onstage with some of the clients of former aides, is doing excellent work as the small performance space, put some coffee on, People Inc. He had been writing songs with Executive Director of The Narrows, making it and invited musicians to perform in a dif- them—songs that include ‘‘Do You Hate a one-of-a-kind destination. ferent kind of place. Mondays Too?’’ and ‘‘Mind Your Own Busi- I urge my colleagues to read this article in It was the beginning. Audiences were small ness.’’ Cutler played his guitar and his young The Boston Globe about The Narrows. The at first, but there was something about friends picked up microphones and sang in

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:25 Jul 24, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A23JY8.002 E23JYPT1 Emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with REMARKS July 23, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1117 ways that amazed the people who work with IN RECOGNITION OF THE 50TH AN- cessfully combining informative broadcasting them every day. It was a wonderful show. NIVERSARY OF THE MATAWAN with consumer protection. A few weeks later, Cutler was back on- ITALIAN AMERICAN ASSOCIA- For the past 50 years, Telemundo 47 has stage, this time leading the Schemers, the TION done an outstanding job of broadcasting both iconic Rhode Island rock band. It was a CD release party. entertaining and informative programs to many Cutler is positive The Narrows is the only HON. FRANK PALLONE, JR. viewers in my district. I am confident that place he could have played those two gigs. OF NEW JERSEY Telemundo 47’s success will continue for dec- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ades to come, and I congratulate them on this important milestone. f Thursday, July 23, 2015 f PERSONAL EXPLANATION Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to congratulate the Matawan Italian American As- RECOGNIZING JOSEPH HAMILTON HON. SAM GRAVES sociation as its members celebrate its 50th an- niversary this year. OF MISSOURI HON. CHRIS COLLINS Currently under the leadership of President OF NEW YORK IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Frank Giammarino, the Matawan Italian Amer- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, July 23, 2015 ican Association executive office consists of a Thursday, July 23, 2015 Mr. GRAVES of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, on 1st Vice President, Treasurer, Financial Sec- Mr. COLLINS of New York. Mr. Speaker, I Wednesday, July 22, I missed a series of Roll retary, Corresponding Secretary, Recording rise today to recognize the distinguished ac- Call votes. Had I been present, I would have Secretary and Sergeant at Arms. It is also ad- complishment of a constituent in my district, voted ‘‘YEA’’ on #450, #451, and #458. Addi- vised by a Board of Trustees. Its membership Joseph Hamilton, on the occasion of his 2015 tionally, I would have voted ‘‘NAY’’ on #452, is comprised of residents of Italian descent NFIB Young Entrepreneur Award. #453, #454, #455, #456, and #457. and their spouses who meet monthly in fellow- ship and community service. Mr. Hamilton from Lancaster, New York started ‘‘Charlie and Checkers’’ to provide live, f For 50 years, the Matawan Italian American Club has worked to preserve and promote unique entertainment for people of all ages. RECOGNIZING NYA BARTON Italian heritage and improve the community Joseph created the business alongside his through charitable donations, scholarships and brother and they now perform a blend of com- HON. JOE WILSON activities. It supports various local and national edy, magic, juggling, and music. The brothers non-profits, humanitarian and community orga- have also performed for the homeless, dis- OF SOUTH CAROLINA nizations, including the National MS Society, abled, and elderly as a way to give back to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Ronald McDonald House, and the Bayshore their community. Thursday, July 23, 2015 Senior Center, among many others. Its efforts As a 2015 NFIB Young Entrepreneur Award winner, Mr. Hamilton has earned a financial Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. Mr. Speak- to support the local community and to offer an scholarship and will be attending Canisius Col- er, today I am grateful to welcome Nya Sole association of Italian culture are truly admi- lege next year. Barton on her visit to the Capitol. Nya will at- rable and I am honored to be one of the past I want to wish him nothing but the best for tend Lemon Road Elementary School in Falls recipients of the Man of the Year Award. Once again, I sincerely hope that my col- his future entrepreneurial and educational en- Church, Virginia this fall. leagues will join me in congratulating the deavors. Often named to the Honor Roll, Nya has Matawan Italian American Association on its demonstrated superior academic achievement, f 50th anniversary and recognizing its numerous and is active in martial arts and dance. I con- contributions to the community. OUR UNCONSCIONABLE NATIONAL gratulate her parents, Darlene and Jacob Bar- DEBT ton, on raising an impressive young lady, and f I am confident in her future success. TELEMUNDO 47’S 50-YEAR HON. MIKE COFFMAN ANNIVERSARY OF COLORADO f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HAPPY 10TH ANNIVERSARY TO HON. ALBIO SIRES Thursday, July 23, 2015 LOGOS PREP OF NEW JERSEY IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. COFFMAN. Mr. Speaker, on January 20, 2009, the day President Obama took of- Thursday, July 23, 2015 HON. PETE OLSON fice, the national debt was OF TEXAS Mr. SIRES. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to $10,626,877,048,913.08. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES honor the upcoming 50th Anniversary of Today, it is $18,151,821,652,004.79. We’ve Thursday, July 23, 2015 Telemundo 47. Telemundo 47 began oper- added $7,524,944,603,091.71 to our debt in 6 ation on July 30, 1965 as a television station years. This is over $7.5 trillion in debt our na- Mr. OLSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to to serve Spanish-language viewers in the New tion, our economy, and our children could congratulate Logos Preparatory Academy on York Tri-State area. Since then, it has been have avoided with a balanced budget amend- its 10 year anniversary. the main source of information and entertain- ment. Logos Prep opened their doors on August 6, ment for the Spanish-speaking community f 2005 and ever since, they have provided a across the Tri-State area, including New Jer- high quality, Christ-centered education to our sey. INTRODUCTION OF THE LIFELONG future leaders. Logos Prep began when four Telemundo 47 has evolved with its audience IMPROVEMENTS IN FOOD AND families in Southwest Houston joined together over the past 50 years, and recently experi- EXERCISE (LIFE) ACT to create a Christ centered educational insti- enced a boost in its local news operations. tute. In its first year, Logos offered 3rd–10th Today, the station broadcasts more than 20 HON. ELEANOR HOLMES NORTON grades with an initial enrollment of 232 stu- hours of local news and programming each OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA dents. Now, 10 years later, over 500 students week and provides viewers with local news- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES are enrolled in its K–12 college preparatory casts seven days a week. To support this program. The school’s superior academic boost in demand, Telemundo 47 has hired ad- Thursday, July 23, 2015 record speaks for itself—students are thriving. ditional journalists and launched a new week- Ms. NORTON. Mr. Speaker, today, as we Thank you to the teachers and staff at Logos day newscast aired at 5:30 p.m. approach July 25, and the 6th annual National Prep for their dedication to seeing their stu- A particular program worth noting is Dance Day, I rise to reintroduce the Lifelong dents succeed. Telemundo Responde, a new consumer inves- Improvements in Food and Exercise (LIFE) On behalf of the Twenty-Second Congres- tigative unit that is charged with fighting for Act, authorizing a national initiative to attack a sional District of Texas, congratulations to and helping consumers who have been major health problem in the United States that Logos Preparatory Academy for 10 successful wronged. The unit has already recovered cannot be remedied through the health care years educating our leaders of tomorrow. more than $1.4 million for consumers, suc- system alone. Increasing rates of overweight

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:25 Jul 24, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A23JY8.003 E23JYPT1 Emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1118 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 23, 2015 and obesity are now found in Americans of too much fat, a factor in the doubling of the Mr. L.H. Threadgill and others in the com- every age, race, and major demographic percentage of overweight youth. Data show an munity were instrumental in purchasing the group, and threaten the health of Americans increase in unhealthy eating habits for adults property, obtaining a deed, and getting a like no other single disease or condition. In and no change in physical activity. building to establish a post headquarters fact, the key to eliminating many of the most According to a recent study conducted by where it is still located today. serious health conditions is not only to reduce the American College of Sports Medicine, the The Thompson-Clemons Post #200 of overweight and obesity but also to encourage District of Columbia is the fittest city in the Greenwood, Mississippi has a distinct track exercise of all kinds. On National Dance Day United States, and yet, obesity continues to be record of encouragement to veterans with across the nation, Americans will be dancing, a severe problem even here. Most of the obe- issues, be they from serving abroad; in com- one of the most enjoyable and popular forms sity epidemic is exercise-food-related. One- bat situations or statewide service. Issues of exercise. fifth of the District of Columbia is considered range from transportation to Regional Office This bill would provide $25 million to the to be obese, and if the number is this high in and VA Hospital for medical disability claims, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention the nation’s capital, one shudders to think how educational and skill training, housing and (CDC) for a coordinated national effort to re- high it is for other areas of the nation. We other activities including establishing collabo- verse increasingly sedentary lifestyles and need to act now. rative partnerships with community organiza- diets that are high in fat and sugar. I urge my colleagues to join me in support tions to provide emergency services such as We see rising consciousness of the need to of this important legislation to mobilize the utilities, homes for the homeless, counseling get moving, from the First Lady’s ‘‘Let’s Move’’ country now, before entirely preventable and assistance in understanding the myriad of campaign for children and the television health conditions, which often begin in child- services provided by the VA. shows ‘‘So You Think You Can Dance,’’ ‘‘The hood, overwhelm the nation’s health care sys- The VA community activities include spon- Biggest Loser,’’ and ‘‘Extreme Weight Loss’’. tem. sorship of little league baseball teams, voter education classes, veterans day celebration, Yet, the United States continues to have star- f tling rates of obesity among adults and chil- adopt a school program, donations to needy dren. In 2010, estimates from the CDC Na- HONORING THE THOMPSON- families, Boys State Program and the National tional Center for Health Statistics showed that CLEMONS POST #200 American Legion Oratorical Contest, where since 1980, the percentage of children who candidates sponsored by Post #200, have won the Mississippi State Championship four are overweight has more than doubled, and HON. BENNIE G. THOMPSON times, and three out of the past four years. the percentage of adolescents who are over- OF MISSISSIPPI IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Leadership activities include a weekly live weight has tripled. Today, the 13 million over- call in radio talk program aired on WGNL weight children have an 80 percent chance of Thursday, July 23, 2015 104.3 FM in Greenwood, Mississippi where being overweight adults, with the health condi- Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Mr. Speak- veterans can actually dial up and talk about tions that follow, such as high blood pressure, er, I rise today to honor The Thompson- issues that affect them and their community. heart disease, and cancer. The CDC reports Clemons Post #200 of Greenwood, Mis- Partnering with organizations such as the Na- that Type 2 diabetes, considered an adult dis- sissippi. tional Association of the Advancement of Col- ease, is now widespread in children. The ris- The Thompson-Clemons Post #200 of ored People (NAACP), Greenwood Voters ing cost of the health care system, including Greenwood, Mississippi was the first African League, Mississippi Valley State University insurance premiums, reflects the epidemic. American Post established in the State of Mis- and other community based groups that advo- The consequences for kids will follow them sissippi and came about due to the persever- cate for social justice. throughout their lives if we do not act quickly ance of eighteen determined Black Veterans Thompson-Clemons Post #200 is well inte- and decisively. If we are serious about control- of World War I and World War II in the Mis- grated into the fabric and culture of the Mis- ling health care costs, we must start where the sissippi Delta. sissippi Delta and should be recognized as a most serious health conditions begin: over- These veterans attempted to join Keesler- Post that has the interest of our service men, weight and obesity. Hamrick-Gillespie Post #29 which refused their families and community at heart. This bill seeks to provide the first national them membership. Given that this was the The American Legion Post #200 is moving strategy to combat the epidemic by directing 1940s and Mississippi being a segregationist forward to continue the legacy of those early the CDC to do three things: train health pro- state, Post #29 could not get a majority vote veterans who honorably served their country fessionals to recognize the signs of obesity of its members to allow black veterans to join and had the vision that through the American early and to educate people concerning their post. Legion and its core principles, they could con- healthy lifestyles, such as proper nutrition and The eighteen black veterans filed a petition tinue to protect and build an America and Mis- regular exercise; conduct public education to start a new post and presented it to the sissippi. campaigns about how to recognize and ad- Mississippi Department of the American Le- Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me dress overweight and obesity; and develop gion. Mr. Solomon N. Dickerson, a black vet- in recognizing a remarkable organization, The intervention strategies to be used in everyday eran, postal worker and co-worker of Mr. Au- Thompson-Clemons Post #200, for its dedica- life, such as in the workplace and in commu- thor H. Ritchter, the Adjutant of post #29, tion to serving our veterans and giving back to nity settings. This legislation is the minimum worked to get the petition through the District. the African American community. necessary to address our most important It was due to their vigorous and persistent cor- f health crisis. Today, chronic diseases, many respondence to the District and the Mississippi CONGRATULATING DR. JAMES of which are caused or exacerbated by over- Department of the American Legion that they COFER ON HIS FULBRIGHT weight and obesity, account for 70 percent of were allowed to form a separate post if they SCHOLAR ACHIEVEMENT all deaths in the U.S., and 60 percent of U.S. could find a sponsor. medical care costs. According to the Surgeon Keesler-Hamrick-Gillespie Post #29 agreed General’s Call to Action to Prevent and De- to serve as a sponsor to assist Thompson- HON. BILLY LONG crease Overweight and Obesity, the cost of Clemons Post #200 in getting the temporary OF MISSOURI obesity in the U.S. was more than $117 billion charter, paving the way for other charters to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES in 2000. The CDC has highlighted a study that be granted to other black veteran’s groups Thursday, July 23, 2015 estimates the annual cost to be $147 billion. It throughout the state of Mississippi. Mr. LONG. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to rec- is estimated that between 300,000 and Originally, the post was called the Mis- ognize and congratulate Dr. James Cofer on 400,000 deaths per year are related to obe- sissippi Delta Post #200. Mr. L.H. Threadgill, receiving a renowned Fulbright Scholar award. sity. principal of Stone Street High School, a vet- Dr. Cofer, a Springfield resident and former A focused national health initiative would eran of World War II, proposed that the post Missouri State University president, was provide guidance to the states to engage in be named after two former students of Stone awarded a Fulbright Scholar grant to lecture similar programs, as mayors of some cities Street High School, that were killed in action and perform research at Pontifical Catholic have done. National focus could lead to full during WWII. The motion carried and the University of Rio Grande do Sul in Brazil. As participation in high school physical education name was adopted. Thompson-Clemons Post a Missouri State University marketing pro- classes, participation in which has dropped #200 was granted a permanent charter on fessor, Dr. Cofer devoted his research efforts from 42 percent in 1991 to 33 percent in 2005. July 28, 1949, becoming the first Black post in while in Brazil to studying college and univer- Changes in nutrition are equally critical be- the State of Mississippi. The first Post Com- sity administration and developing models for cause 60 percent of young people consume mander was Mr. Solomon N. Dickerson. the Brazilian higher education community.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:25 Jul 24, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A23JY8.011 E23JYPT1 Emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with REMARKS July 23, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1119 The Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program pro- THE 25TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE I applaud and congratulate Jill for receiving vides teaching and research grants to distin- AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES this award and for providing excellent patient guished U.S. faculty and experienced profes- ACT care in Iowa’s 3rd Congressional district. I am sionals. Dr. Cofer has no doubt played a proud to represent her in the United States major role in spreading American ideas and HON. JOYCE BEATTY Congress. I know that my colleagues join me contributions in Brazil. OF OHIO in congratulating her and wish her nothing but The Missouri State University community IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES continued success. and Ozarks community at-large should be f proud to have a scholar like Dr. James Cofer Thursday, July 23, 2015 representing them abroad. I urge my col- Mrs. BEATTY. Mr. Speaker, since its enact- HONORING JERUSALEM OUTREACH leagues to join me in congratulating Dr. Cofer ment on July 26, 1990, the Americans with CHILD & ADULT LEARNING CEN- for his dedication to such significant research Disabilities Act (ADA) has helped remove bar- TER and for receiving this esteemed award. riers to education, employment, and tech- nology for people with disabilities. HON. BENNIE G. THOMPSON f For a quarter-century, this landmark legisla- OF MISSISSIPPI tion has enabled people with disabilities to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HONORING MARIA HARRISON have the same civil rights and public use en- Thursday, July 23, 2015 joyed by other citizens in all areas of public HON. ELEANOR HOLMES NORTON life. Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Mr. Speak- er, I rise today to honor the Jerusalem Out- OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA The signing of the ADA was a pivotal mo- reach Child & Adult Learning Center in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ment in history, not just for people with disabil- ities, but for all Americans. Charleston, MS. It is locally referred to as Thursday, July 23, 2015 The ADA protects individuals with disabil- JOCI (Jerusalem Outreach Center Incor- Ms. NORTON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to ities from discrimination and allows them to porated). ask the House of Representatives to join me participate fully in the workforce and in their JOCI was established as a nonprofit organi- in honoring Maria Harrison, an outstanding communities. zation in the year 2000. JOCI was one of the public servant who retired after over 41 years Today, there are over 55 million people liv- partners in a countywide effort to provide serv- of dedicated service to the federal govern- ing with a disability in the United States. ice to citizens living in hard to reach and un- ment. In my home state of Ohio, the Ohio County derserved communities in Tallahatchie County On Monday, June 18, 1973, Maria Harrison Boards of Developmental Disabilities serves like Paynes and Glendora. JOCI’s goal is to began her career in government with the Fed- more than 90,000 children and adults in all 88 meet the educational and health and social eral Aviation Administration (FAA). She was Ohio counties and many more receive serv- welfare needs of both children and adults re- one of many who benefited from Mayor Mar- ices from nonprofit partners and organizations. gardless of race. Their partner Glendora Eco- ion Barry’s jobs program he so famously cre- In the third congressional district of Ohio, nomic and Community Development Corpora- ated. On January 3, 2015 Maria retired from we have outstanding centers, such as the tion (GECDCo) focuses on the development the United States Department of Transpor- Helping Hands Center for Special Needs, needs of the communities like housing, recre- tation (USDOT) after 41 years and 6 months which strives to meet the educational and ation, jobs, and more. of service to our country as a federal em- therapeutic needs of children with autism and In order to achieve the above goals JOCI ployee. Except for 10 months at the Small other developmental disabilities. hosts health fairs and provides a long list of Business Administration, her career was spent As it did twenty-five years ago in 1990, the services. The services include, but are not lim- in the transportation field. Her exact sequence ADA continues to help individuals with disabil- ited to: personal counseling, referrals to out- of service follows: ities achieve their goals, realize their dreams, side resources, depending on the issue; social Department of Transportation/FAA 06/18/ and give back to their communities. therapy for special needs clients; child care; 1973–07/30/1977. Today, I celebrate the strides we have after school care and services; educational classes; tutoring; and more. Since 2000, Small Business Administration 07/31/1977– made since the ADA’s enactment and honor JOCI’s record of achievement has attracted 05/20/1978. its goals of equality of opportunity, full partici- new partners to their effort: Mississippi State Department of Transportation/Office of the pation, and high quality of life for Americans University Early Childhood Institute, Quality Secretary (OST) 05/21/1978–04/03/1982. with disabilities. f Stars, the Department of Human Services, Department of Transportation/MARAD (Mari- and the Tallahatchie Early Learning Alliance time) 04/04/1982–12/24/1983. TRIBUTE TO JILL SWANSON (TELA). Department of Transportation/FAA 12/25/ Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me 1983–06/04/1988. HON. DAVID YOUNG in recognizing the Jerusalem Outreach Child & Department of Transportation/Federal Rail- OF IOWA Adult Learning Center in Charleston, MS for road Administration 6/05/1988–11/03/2001. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES their work in those hard to reach communities Department of Transportation/OST 11/04/ in Tallahatchie County, MS. 2001–Present. Thursday, July 23, 2015 f Maria retired from the Office of Govern- Mr. YOUNG of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I rise mental Affairs at USDOT where she has been today to honor Jill Swanson, from Adair Coun- STOP WILDLIFE TRAFFICKING IN of assistance to my office and constituents nu- ty Health System in Greenfield, Iowa. Ms. ITS TRACKS merous times. I can say with certainty that Swanson was awarded the 2015 DAISY every office in the U.S. Senate and countless Award Friday, June 12, 2015. HON. TED POE offices in the U.S. House of Representatives Jill Swanson was recognized for her accom- OF TEXAS have benefited directly from her good work. As plishments during the Fourth Annual DAISY IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES much as her colleagues at USDOT will miss Award Ceremony at Mercy Medical Center in her, she has earned the right to spend more Des Moines, Iowa. The award is given to a Thursday, July 23, 2015 time with her friends and family, especially her nurse from each of their network’s facilities to Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, The Wild- granddaughter whose pictures adorn the desk recognize their excellent work. life Conservation Society is doing great work of her office. Maria has also earned the deep- Jill is frequently requested by patients and to save wildlife and wild places. est gratitude from those of us in the U.S. Con- families when they visit because of her atten- The public knows more about wildlife today gress. Above all else she has earned the tiveness and willingness to go above and be- than they have at any other point in history. thanks of the country she has so unselfishly yond what is expected for each of her pa- New technology like Go-Pro cameras can served for over 41 years. Thank you, Ms. Har- tients. Throughout her 27 years of service, she be put on top of birds to track their migration rison. has always been a team player who puts oth- patterns and see how they deal with their Mr. Speaker, I ask the House to join me in ers before herself. Her genuine care for pa- young in the nest. honoring Maria Harrison for her more than tients and hard work ethic make Adair County Scientists can dive deeper into the oceans four decades of service to the federal govern- Health Systems proud to have her as a mem- than ever before and are discovering new spe- ment in the transportation field. ber of their team. cies that have not been identified.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:25 Jul 24, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A23JY8.013 E23JYPT1 Emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1120 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 23, 2015 But with all this knowledge and fancy tech- THE IRAN DEAL: A DANGEROUS join me in extending the highest regards and nology, in 2015 animals are still becoming ex- GAMBLE FOR THE U.S. AND OUR wishes for continued success. Mr. Silas’ pas- tinct. ALLIES sion for music and humanitarianism will surely The situation for elephants and rhinos is continue to touch lives for years to come. bad. HON. KENNY MARCHANT f OF TEXAS The elephant population in Tanzania has 2015 NATIONAL SEAPERCH CHAL- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES dropped by 60 percent in just the last 5 years. LENGE MIDDLE SCHOOL CHAM- Thursday, July 23, 2015 A total of only five northern white rhinos are PIONSHIP TEAM left in the world today. Mr. MARCHANT. Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong opposition to the administration’s nu- A big reason why is money. The black-mar- HON. FRANK A. LoBIONDO clear deal with Iran. ket price of ivory in Africa is over $1,000 per OF NEW JERSEY Earlier this year, over 350 Members of Con- pound. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES gress—myself included—wrote the president Rhino horn is now worth about $27,000 per with objectives that a deal must reach before Thursday, July 23, 2015 pound. That’s twice the value of gold and plat- we’d consider sanctions relief. We said there Mr. LOBIONDO. Mr. Speaker, I come to the inum and more than cocaine or diamonds. must be anytime, anywhere site inspections. floor today to celebrate the accomplishment of When a person lives on less than $2 a day Above all, it must stop Iran’s march toward a the Egg Harbor Township Police Athletic like many of the poachers do, that’s a lot of nuclear weapon. League’s SeaPerch Challenge Middle School money. The deal before us does not meet these ob- Team. The Submersibles placed first in both jectives. Yet, it gives Iran upwards of 100 bil- Poachers are willing to risk getting caught or the obstacle challenge and the finesse course lion dollars in sanctions relief almost imme- even shot because the payday is just too big. of the 2015 National SeaPerch Middle School diately. Money it can use to finance the Championship. One rhino horn is enough for them to sup- spread of terrorism and violence. This is a remarkable accomplishment stem- port their whole family for a year. This agreement is a dangerous gamble. The ming from months of hard work and deter- That might be why some locals in the com- security of America and our allies is on the mination and one in which these bright young munity refer to ‘‘rhinos’’ simply as ‘‘billions’’. line, and the deck is stacked in favor of a men can feel proud. Their accomplishments In all, the illegal wildlife trade is estimated sworn adversary to the United States. this year, as well as their first place finish in I will be voting to reject this bad deal. I en- as a $10–20 billion per year business. the 2014 championship, are certainly deserv- courage all my colleagues to do the same. ing of this special recognition. It is not just low level poachers getting most f of the profits. On April 24, 2015 the team won the Phila- CELEBRATING THE CAREER OF delphia SeaPerch Regional competition at Transnational criminal organizations and ter- BRIAN SILAS Drexel University giving them the opportunity rorist groups are getting billions of dollars a to compete at The University of Massachu- year from this business. Al-Shabab [al-Shah- HON. BRIAN HIGGINS setts in Dartmouth on May 29th and 30th. At Bob] and Joseph Kony’s the LRA are two ex- the national championship, the team defeated OF NEW YORK amples. 71 other teams nationwide to secure their sec- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The same groups that traffick elephant ivory ond national SeaPerch title in 2 years. and rhino horn also traffick drugs and weap- Thursday, July 23, 2015 SeaPerch is an innovative underwater robot- ons. So this isn’t just a wildlife problem. It is Mr. HIGGINS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to ics program that equips teachers and students a national security problem. honor the brilliant career of Brian Silas, a re- with the resources to build an underwater Re- Currently, I have been working with my col- nowned pianist from India. Mr. Silas is beloved motely Operated Vehicle (ROV). The program leagues on the Foreign Affairs committee to by many, not only for his music but for his provides students the opportunity to learn make sure the U.S. government is doing ev- dedication to humanitarianism. about robotics, engineering, science, math, erything we can to stop wildlife trafficking. Mr. Silas’ passion for the piano began early teamwork, leadership, and public speaking in his life. He was raised in Kanpur, where he while competing against their peers at a na- Part of the solution is understanding the was immersed in music and tradition, leading tional level. problem. him to his affection for the piano. His instinct The National Championship team includes: Ranking Member on my Terrorism Sub- and desire to perform drives his musical pro- Jhadyn Seward (Egg Harbor Township), Aidan committee, Mr. KEATING and I have amended ficiency. Mr. Silas’ talent has led him to some Himley (Egg Harbor Township), James the Intelligence Authorization bill to require the of the world’s largest stages and venues, with- Massey (Egg Harbor Township), Brandan Director of National Intelligence to produce a out any formal training. Kusnirik (Hamilton Township), Anakin report on wildlife trafficking, how terrorist orga- Mr. Silas’ desire to share his gift of music Leatherwood (Egg Harbor Township), Luke nizations are involved, and its impact on U.S. has allowed him to perform his life’s work at Williams (Northfield), and coaches Mike and national security. various venues across the globe. During his Denise Massey. In addition to this a GAO study is being con- career he has packed auditoriums, theatres Again, I wish to extend my sincere con- ducted to evaluate the job being done so far and runways from the United States to Mauri- gratulations to the Submersibles and I wish at trying to stop wildlife trafficking. Both of tius. No matter the venue, Mr. Silas’ perform- them all the best in their future endeavors. these should help us understand the problem ances are met with the highest of praise. One f better. of his highest honors was in 1998, when Mr. Silas was invited to perform at the United Na- TRIBUTE TO CHANDRA MCCANN I’m happy to be an original cosponsor of tions to celebrate India’s 51st year of inde- Chairman ROYCE’s bill to encourage countries pendence. to work together on this problem and elevate HON. DAVID YOUNG Mr. Silas’ gift to the world does not stop be- wildlife trafficking as a predicate offense under OF IOWA hind the piano. He donates his time to multiple racketeering and money laundering statutes. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES charitable organizations, who aid the under- Thursday, July 23, 2015 It is a strong bipartisan bill that I hope is privileged, sick and neglected. Mr. Silas is passed into law soon. deeply involved with the ‘‘Artists of Empower- Mr. YOUNG of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I rise Working together will stop wildlife trafficking ment’’ who provide gender bias rehabilitation today to honor and congratulate Chandra in its tracks. for victimized women. He has striven to help McCann, from Greenfield, Iowa for her retire- ment from the Adair County Courthouse after In the 1950s there were only a few hundred those affected by HIV by endorsing organiza- 35 years of service. white rhino left in the world. Thanks to the tions such as ‘‘CORE’’ who strive to educate Through her countless years of dedication work of people like Ian Player, today there are police personnel on the virus. Mr. Silas also to the citizens of Adair County she was able over 15,000. frequently fundraises for organizations such as ‘‘Prayaas’’ who provide homes for the home- to provide valuable services to those who The threat has been beaten back before less. passed through the Adair County Courthouse. and it can be done again. Mr. Speaker, I thank you for allowing me to She always came to work with a smile on her And that’s just the way it is. honor Mr. Brian Silas. I ask my colleagues to face and a willingness to serve.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:25 Jul 24, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A23JY8.018 E23JYPT1 Emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with REMARKS July 23, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1121 I applaud and congratulate Chandra for her 25TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE Jay was married to Betty, the love of his life, accomplishments and for providing excellent AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES 47 years. During their joyous life together, customer service to Adair County and its citi- ACT they lived, loved, and prospered as one. zens. I am proud to represent her in the Proud parents of seven children, grandparents United States Congress. I know that my col- HON. DAVID G. REICHERT of eighteen, and great-grandparents of four- leagues in the U.S. House of Representatives OF WASHINGTON teen, Jay and Betty kept family at the center join me in congratulating Chandra and wish IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of their lives. her nothing but the best in her retirement. While we mourn Jay Bojorquez’s passing, Thursday, July 23, 2015 f his presence was a blessing for all who knew Mr. REICHERT. Mr. Speaker, today I rise to him. The positive impacts he had on the lives CELEBRATING THE 50TH ANNIVER- recognize the 25th anniversary of the Ameri- of others will live on and remain in our hearts SARY OF NORTHWEST NEW JER- cans with Disabilities Act (ADA). This land- forever. SEY COMMUNITY ACTION PART- mark legislation was critical to ensuring all f NERSHIP Americans living with disabilities were guaran- teed equal access to opportunities to live a full IN HONOR OF CORPORAL STEVEN HON. RODNEY P. FRELINGHUYSEN and meaningful life without being discriminated L. LEVY OF NEW JERSEY against. With over 55 million people living in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES our nation with disabilities, it is sometimes HON. DONALD NORCROSS Thursday, July 23, 2015 hard to realize that before 1990, so many bar- OF NEW JERSEY riers stood in their way to leading happy, suc- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. FRELINGHUYSEN. Mr. Speaker, I rise cessful lives. Thursday, July 23, 2015 today, to celebrate Northwest New Jersey My own godson lives with significant disabil- Community Action Partnership, otherwise ities and if this law had not been enacted be- Mr. NORCROSS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today known as NORWESCAP, located in Morris fore he was born, his life would have turned to honor the memory of fallen officer Corporal County, New Jersey, as it celebrates its Fif- out very differently—it would have been dif- Steven Levy of the Washington Township Po- tieth Anniversary. ficult to access transportation, public and pri- lice Department in Gloucester County, New In 1965, NORWESCAP was incorporated by vate spaces, and receive an education. It is so Jersey, for his extraordinary sacrifice and ex- a group of concerned citizens from Hunterdon, important that we continue building upon the emplary service to the citizens of New Jersey Sussex and Warren counties, whose mission successes of the ADA and that we do every- and the United States. was to eliminate poverty in the area. thing within our power for those who need us Corporal Levy was a decorated officer of the NORWESCAP is one of twenty-three Commu- to fight just a little bit extra for them, and that Washington Township Police and a volunteer nity Action Agencies in the State of New Jer- is why we must remember this anniversary. member on the Gloucester County Critical In- sey. The agency actively supports low-income f cident Team. Serving as a police officer is an households, as these citizens develop their admirable quality in itself, but answering the abilities to become self-reliant and build rela- TRIBUTE TO JACOB ‘‘JAY’’ call of CIT duty requires a superior level of tionships within the community. BOJORQUEZ dedication. Over the past fifty years, the agency has ex- On October 21, 1999, Corporal Levy was panded its reach into Morris, Somerset, and HON. JOHN R. CARTER killed in the line of duty while responding to a Passaic Counties. NORWESCAP assists more OF TEXAS call about a domestic standoff in Woodbury, than 35,000 individuals each year, with a port- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES NJ. His untimely death left behind his beloved folio of emergency, preventative and self-suffi- wife, Mrs. Janeen Levy and two children, Thursday, July 23, 2015 ciency services. With 270 full and part-time Kevin and Jessica. employees and 1,400 volunteers operating 15 Mr. CARTER of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I rise I have the pleasure of knowing his son, unique programs, the agency has been work- today to celebrate the life of Jacob ‘‘Jay’’ Kevin, who is following his father’s example of ing to improve the lives of low income individ- Bojorquez. A resident of Temple, Texas, Jay public service and interning in my office this uals and families by ‘‘Creating Opportunities’’ became an angel on July 13, 2015. My summer. It is because of Kevin, and the fami- and ‘‘Changing Lives.’’ An example of one of thoughts and prayers are with his family and lies of fallen public safety officers like his, that their programs is the Family Success Center, friends during this difficult time. I decided to cosponsor The Children of Fallen which brings together residents and leaders in Jay was a native son of Monticello, New Heroes Scholarship Act, which makes the chil- the community to address the struggles that Mexico. His was a life of service and devotion dren of law enforcement officers, firefighters, poverty-ridden families deal with every day. to causes bigger than himself. Growing up in EMS workers, and fire police who died in the Another significant program that the rugged Land of Enchantment instilled in line of duty eligible for the maximum available NORWESCAP provides is the Child and Fam- Jay a desire to protect our environment and, Pell Grant. ily Resource Services. With twenty-five years as a young man, he volunteered to fight forest Mr. Speaker, public safety workers like Cor- of enhancing the accessibility and quality of fires in the scenic Black Range Mountains. As poral Steven Levy dedicate their careers to early care and education, the agency has a Korean War veteran, Jay experienced first- serving their communities, putting their lives proven its dedication to strengthening families hand the sacrifices our men and women of the on the line every day to protect us. The loss and communities in the area. The Child and armed forces make for the cause of freedom. of these selfless men and women is a dev- Family Resource Service staff is committed to Blessed with a fierce intellect and aptitude astating loss for our communities, but no one the belief that all children deserve access to with numbers, Jay graduated from Western suffers more than their families. Although quality affordable child care. Furthermore, by New Mexico University with a bachelor’s de- nothing can replace the loss of a loved one, providing information, referrals, various child gree in accounting. He applied his talents as we owe it to local heroes, like Corporal Levy, care subsidies, education and collaboration of a financial auditor for El Paso’s Thomason to honor their memory by taking positive ac- efforts among all those involved in child care, General Hospital. tion on behalf of their families. this team has had a positive effect on the Committed to public service, Jay played an f community. CFRS has been cited for ‘‘a num- active part in making any community he re- ber of best practices regarding the manage- sided in a great place to live and work. Jay TRIBUTE TO MARY O’RILEY ment of the programs they implement.’’ They served as an elected member of the Horizon became Child Care Aware Quality Assured in Regional Municipal Utilities District Board of HON. DAVID YOUNG 2005; this identifies the agency as one that Directors, Commander of the American Legion OF IOWA strives for excellence. Post, President of the Lion’s Club, President IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES It is apparent that NORWESCAP’s value to of the Horizon Communities Improvement As- the public is priceless, and I express great ad- sociation, Treasurer of the Horizon Volunteer Thursday, July 23, 2015 miration for their service. Fire Department, and a member of the Troop Mr. YOUNG of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I rise Mr. Speaker, please join me in congratu- Committee for Boy Scout Troop 55 (Yucca today to recognize and congratulate Mrs. Mary lating NORWESCAP, its Board of Directors, Council). He also served on the City of Tem- O’Riley, of Creston, Iowa for being selected as administration and employees, as it celebrates ple’s Tax Increment Finance Reinvestment Union County’s 2015 inductee into the Iowa its Fiftieth Anniversary. Zone Board. 4–H Hall of Fame.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:25 Jul 24, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A23JY8.022 E23JYPT1 Emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1122 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 23, 2015 Mary will be inducted during a ceremony at HONORING DEBORAH KALCEVIC ON making people-to-people connections. It also the Iowa State Fair on August 23, 2015. She THE OCCASION OF HER RETIRE- gives participants a chance to help with impor- was chosen because of her long-standing de- MENT FROM THE CONGRES- tant issues across the globe and gain valuable votion to 4–H and her commitment to helping SIONAL BUDGET OFFICE skills, giving them the necessary experience to each child develop to their full potential. She lead our future generations. With over 360,000 also is being recognized for 30 years of serv- HON. TOM PRICE participants since its creation, the Fulbright ice as show ring announcer at the Union OF GEORGIA Program serves an important role in educating County Fair. Mary’s additional contributions to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES our young people and improving our diplo- 4–H include 13 years as a club leader, work- matic relations. ing with 4–H as an extension employee, judg- Thursday, July 23, 2015 Mr. Speaker, it is with great respect and ad- ing 4–H project work, and serving as a mem- Mr. TOM PRICE of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, I miration that I recognize Stephanie today. It is ber and officer of the Union County Friends of along with Representative KLINE, Representa- the young people like her who are willing to 4–H Foundation. tive VAN HOLLEN, and Representative SCOTT work hard and make sacrifices for the better- Mr. Speaker, the example set by Mary dem- of Virginia wish to pay tribute to Deborah ment of society that will lead our future gen- onstrates the rewards of harnessing one’s tal- Kalcevic, who is retiring this month after 40 erations. I know my colleagues in the U.S. ents and sharing them with the world. Her ef- years of distinguished service to the Congress House of Representatives join me in congratu- forts embody the Iowa spirit and I am honored at the Congressional Budget Office (CBO). lating Stephanie on this outstanding achieve- to represent her, and Iowans like her, in the She is the longest serving employee in the ment and wish her nothing but continued suc- United States Congress. I know that all of my history of CBO. Since joining CBO in 1975 cess moving forward. colleagues in the United States House of Rep- she has spent most of her time in the Income f Security and Education Cost Estimates Unit. resentatives will join me in congratulating Mary PERSONAL EXPLANATION for her achievements and wish her nothing but Ms. Kalcevic has worked closely with the continued success. Budget Committee and the authorizing com- mittees on issues related to student loans and HON. KEN CALVERT f higher education. As one of the foremost ex- OF CALIFORNIA perts on student loans, Ms. Kalcevic has been IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES invaluable in helping the Budget Committee PERSONAL EXPLANATION Thursday, July 23, 2015 fulfill our responsibilities under the Congres- sional Budget Act and in assisting the Edu- Mr. CALVERT. Mr. Speaker, I would like to HON. ELIZABETH H. ESTY cation and the Workforce Committee with clarify my vote on H.R. 3009, Enforce the Law countless reforms to the Higher Education Act. for Sanctuary Cities Act (ROLL CALL 466). I OF CONNECTICUT Ms. Kalcevic is held in high esteem by both was on the floor and inserted my voting card IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Republicans and Democrats for her tireless to record a ‘‘YES’’ vote for H.R. 3009. Unfortu- nately my vote failed to register. On the re- Thursday, July 23, 2015 and diligent work. Her knowledge of student loan programs is legendary, as is her ability corded final total tally, I am listed as having Ms. ESTY. Mr. Speaker, I want to state that and willingness to help people more fully un- ‘‘NOT VOTED’’ even though I intended and at- on Wednesday, July 22, I unfortunately derstand the important aspects and nuances tempted to vote in favor of the bill. Imme- missed three roll call votes as I was attending of those programs. The work she did was in- diately prior to vote on final passage, my vote a classified briefing at the White House Situa- credibly important, and we are grateful to Ms. against the Democratic Motion to Recommit is tion Room on the recently announced Joint Kalcevic for her assistance, expertise, and recorded. I also spoke in favor of H.R. 3009 Comprehensive Plan of Action with Iran. Had dedication over the last four decades. on the House Floor. I been present I would have voted: In short, Ms. Kalcevic exemplifies CBO’s f high standard of professionalism, objectivity, 1. NO—Ordering the Previous Question STUDENT TAX RELIEF ACT OF 2015 (Roll #450). I would have voted no in order to and nonpartisanship. In fact, she twice has re- ceived the CBO Director’s award, the agency’s allow a vote on H.R. 3064, the GROW AMER- HON. JIM McDERMOTT ICA Act. I am a proud cosponsor of this robust highest recognition for outstanding perform- OF WASHINGTON six-year expansion of funding for our Amer- ance. As the Chairmen and Ranking Mem- ica’s transportation and infrastructure, which bers, we greatly appreciate the commitment IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES would provide much needed certainty for that Ms. Kalcevic has shown in assisting the Thursday, July 23, 2015 those projects and the jobs that rely on them. Budget and Education and the Workforce Committees and the Congress. We wish her Mr. MCDERMOTT. Mr. Speaker, I rise today 2. NO—Approving H. Res. 369 (Roll #451). well in her future endeavors, including her de- to introduce the Student Tax Relief Act of I would have voted no on H. Res. 369, which sire to spend more time with her family and 2015. This bill is meant to help the students prevented the House from considering either close friends. who attended Corinthian Colleges, Inc. H.R. 1599 or H.R. 1734 with the appropriate The legislation is designed to help students f deliberation and open debate such important affected by the sale of 53 Corinthian College matters deserve. TRIBUTE TO STEPHANIE LOISELLE Inc., campuses to Zenith Education Group, a 3. AYE—Approving the Journal (Roll #452). subsidiary of Education Credit Management I would have voted AYE on approving the HON. DAVID YOUNG Corporation (ECMC). It will also help students Journal. OF IOWA who get debt relief as a result of a successful IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES in asserting in defense against repayments. f My bill, at the time of introduction, has 23 Thursday, July 23, 2015 original cosponsors and has the support of PERSONAL EXPLANATION Mr. YOUNG of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I rise nine outside organizations—American Federa- today to recognize and congratulate Stephanie tion of Teachers (AFT), AFL–CIO, Campaign Loiselle of Clive, Iowa for receiving a coveted for America’s Future, Consumers Union, Na- HON. SCOTT GARRETT Fulbright award during the 2014–2015 Aca- tional Education Association (NEA), New York OF NEW JERSEY demic Year. Stephanie is a recent graduate of Students Rising (NYSR), One Wisconsin Now the Monterey Institute of International Studies (OWN), Young Invincibles, Student Debt Cri- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES with a Master’s degree in Teaching Foreign sis. Thursday, July 23, 2015 Languages and International Education Man- Corinthian Colleges, Inc. was the parent of agement. She will travel to Colombia in Au- several private, for-profit institutions of higher Mr. GARRETT. Mr. Speaker, on July 16, gust 2015 and begin working in an English education, the Everest Institute, Everest Col- 2015, the House of Representatives consid- teaching assistantship. leges, Heald Colleges, and Wyotech Technical ered H.R. 2898 and several amendments to Established by Congress in 1946, the Ful- Schools. that bill. On that day, I was in New Jersey to bright Program is funded through an annual The Zenith formed for the purpose of buying attend my daughter’s wedding and, therefore, appropriation to the U.S. Department of State. 53 campuses form Corinthian Colleges, Inc, could not vote on that legislation. It serves as a valuable foreign affairs tools by and completed the purchase in 2015. As part

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:25 Jul 24, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A23JY8.027 E23JYPT1 Emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with REMARKS July 23, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1123 of the final agreement Zenith agreed to pro- sonal consequences, in spite of obstacles and Officers Chestnut and Gibson exemplified vide $480 million in debt relief on Genesis dangers and pressures, and that is the basis what the incredible sacrifice is that police offi- loans advanced by Corinthian Colleges, Inc. of all human morality.’’ cers make every day when they head out into As part of the agreement Zenith forgave 40% On July 24, 1998 this idea was given tan- the community to protect and serve their fam- of the principal balance on the Genesis loans. gible expression when Officers Chestnut and ily, friends, and neighbors. The servicers who are servicing these loans Gibson lost their lives while serving others in Mr. Speaker, this is why I am proud to re- will write down the loans without a borrower the line of duty. member the heroic actions of the Capitol Po- needing to take any action. As the assailant opened fire in the hall of lice Officers J.J. Chestnut and John Gibson on As many as 170,000 individuals may qualify the Capitol, Officers Chestnut and Gibson re- this day in 1998. for this reduction. Under the tax code, gen- acted by putting themselves between the gun- The Scriptures teach that no great love hath erally, discharged income becomes taxable in- man and the innocent persons and represent- any but that he lay down his life for another. come to the taxpayer. Therefore, the amount atives present in the Capitol that day. Officers Chestnut and Gibson showed great that is discharged from the Genesis loans will Who knows what carnage would have un- love for their fellow men and women on July result in the borrowers having to pay in- folded had Officer Gibson not brought an end 24, 1998, and for their heroism, they will al- creased taxes. to this violence by neutralizing the assailants. ways be remembered. However, this bill specifically prevents the I vividly remember being here in this very f amount discharged under the agreement be- chamber when the shootout started in 1998, tween the Education Department and the Con- RECOGNIZING THE LIFE OF PAT and I know that their heroic actions saved EPSTEIN sumer Protection Financial Bureau from being many lives. included in gross income. Officer Chestnut was on his second tour of According to the Congressional Research public service, previously serving in the Viet- HON. LUCILLE ROYBAL-ALLARD Service, ‘‘Borrowers who attended a Corin- nam War as an officer. OF CALIFORNIA thian Colleges, Inc. school that was purchased His military leadership skills translated IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES by Zenith and borrowers who attended a Co- seamlessly into his Capitol Police Officer role Thursday, July 23, 2015 rinthian Colleges, Inc. school that closed but and were recognized when he was named Ms. ROYBAL-ALLARD. Mr. Speaker, a dear who are ineligible for closed school loan dis- Capitol Police Officer of the Year. friend, Patricia (Tananbaum) Epstein, passed charge may seek debt relief on their Federal Even though Officer Chestnut was close to away quietly on July 22, 2015, after a long Family Education Loan or Direct Loan pro- retirement his tireless effort to fulfill his role as and wonderful life filled with extended family gram loans by asserting certain defenses protector saved many lives on that tragic day. and friends. She leaves her devoted husband against repayment. In certain circumstances, Officer Gibson not only was active and re- of more than 66 years, Jerry. Together, and borrowers of Direct Loan program loans may spected by his colleagues here on Capitol Hill, as individuals, they have been a very special be able to assert as a defense against repay- his commitment to his local community was and unforgettable couple who have had a ment of their loan ‘acts or omissions of an in- exemplary. meaningful impact on the lives of so many. stitution of higher education,’ as specified in An eighteen year veteran of the department, That is also true of the lives of my parents, regulation. ED has determined in regulation Officer Gibson was described as a model offi- former Congressman Edward R. Roybal and that such acts and omissions are those that cer who always followed the golden rule and my mother Lucille Beserra Roybal. And it is would ‘give rise to a cause of action against treated others with respect whether in uniform most certainly true of the joy and friendship the school under applicable State law.’ ’’ or not. Pat and Jerry brought into my life and that of ‘‘If the borrower’s defense is successful, I would also like to thank all of the Capitol my husband Ed. We loved having dinner with Education Department will determine the Hill Police Officers who protect me and my them and hearing Pat’s laughter and the jokes amount of debt relief to which the borrower is colleagues in Congress as well as the thou- she loved to tell. And we loved seeing the ex- entitled, which can include relief from repaying sands of Americans who visit their national amples of her talent in her beautiful works of all or part of the outstanding loan balance and Capitol every day. art. reimbursement for previous amounts paid to- These guardians protect more than the in- Pat was born in Atlanta, Georgia, on May ward the loan.’’ nocent people around them that day. 28, 1924, the only child of Leo and Hannah It is unknown how many individuals will ulti- They serve as examples of the oath all of Tananbaum. She met Jerry, the love of her mately end up using the Defense to Repay- our men and women in uniform take when vol- life, when he was a student at Emory Univer- ment provision, but the bill will provide tax re- unteering to serve their nation as Capitol Po- sity after the end of World War II. They mar- lief for taxpayers who get their loans dis- lice Officers: ried on December 26, 1948, in a beautiful charged under the Defense to Repayment pro- We protect the legislative process, the sym- ceremony at the Mayfair Club in Atlanta, at- vision. The bill will ensure that amounts dis- bol of our democracy, the people who carry tended by family and friends, many of whom charged due to Defense to Repayment claims out the process, and the millions of visitors had traveled on a private train from New York will not be considered gross income to the tax- who travel here to see democracy in action; City for the event. Their wedding would be payer. Every American who visits the Capitol, as only the first of many spectacular parties Pat It is important that the students who at- well as those visitors from around the world, is and Jerry would plan and host over the ensu- tended Corinthian College Inc. schools and a member of our protected community and ing decades, as Pat became the consummate have suffered already not have to suffer any- sees first-hand how we are the best of Amer- gracious and lively hostess. more by paying extra taxes on loans that get ica’s spirit and diversity; Pat and Jerry settled permanently in Los discharged. As an agency, we are a microcosm of Angeles in December 1949. For decades, in- f America, representational of many races, col- cluding up to the last months of her life, Pat REMEMBERING THE FALLEN CAP- ors, religions, political affiliations, sexual ori- was a sculptress, working primarily in alabas- ITOL POLICE OFFICERS J.J. entations, and ages. Our workforce derives ter and later in papier-maˆche´. Her work can CHESTNUT AND JOHN GIBSON from almost all 50 states and territories, with be found at St. John’s Hospital, the Jewish some representation from other countries. We Home for the Aging, and in many private HON. SHEILA JACKSON LEE embrace and celebrate a diverse workforce, homes around the country. where we believe inclusion makes our work- Pat enjoyed her involvement with the Advi- OF TEXAS place stronger and respecting each individual IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES sory Board of the Fashion Institute of Design as a person and as a professional is essential; and Management (FIDM). Thursday, July 23, 2015 and; Pat was also active in Hadassah and the Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, I rise in We represent the best in American policing. Irene Dunne Guild of Saint John’s Hospital in remembrance of Jacob ‘‘J.J.’’ Chestnut and We act on the world stage every day of the Santa Monica. The doctors, nurses, and staff John Gibson, who lost their lives on July 24, year, as a model in security, urban crime pre- at St. John’s Hospital were not just caregivers, 1998, protecting the Members of this Chamber vention, dignitary protection, specialty re- but many became close friends for over four and the public while rendering honorable serv- sponse capabilities, and homeland security. decades, and their compassion and attention ice as members of the U.S. Capitol Police De- We are often the first face that visitors and were particularly meaningful during the last partment. employees encounter, and we leave a lasting months of Pat’s life. President John F. Kennedy once remarked: impression that is reflective of the Legislative Pat and Jerry’s generosity and dedication to ‘‘A man does what he must in spite of per- Branch and its role in America’s democracy. their many friends and family is legendary,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:25 Jul 24, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A23JY8.033 E23JYPT1 Emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1124 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 23, 2015 and they leave a legacy of ‘‘adopted’’ children to benefit from their loving advice and assist- Ed and I will miss Pat greatly, but feel and grandchildren who have and will continue ance. blessed that we had the good fortune to have known such a great lady.

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