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B u c h a n a n R e c o r d ,


aroiE33sr ca-_ zhzoxjImies- I am prepared to attend all cases in my ling upon short notice and i n ____ the best manner. T E R M S , S 1.5 0 P E R Y E A R PAYABLE IS ADVANCE. EMBALMING OEPJISIHGMES ME RHOWH OH APPLICATION, VOLUME XXII. BUCHANAN. BEEBIEN COUNTY, MICHIGAN, THUESDAY. DECEMBEE 20, 1888.' NUMBEE 47.

, , — .. . . ------~~— — ------A SPECIALTY. O FFICE—In Record BuildiES,OakStreet BABY HAS GONE TO SCHOOL. I found one to Suit me I’d see what brown eyes, and the same fluffy hair. Rag-Weed and “Hog Cholera.” Satisfaction guaranteed in both prices and the letter was like, and if that was Everything for an instant seemed As I was driving along the road one Avork. I also keep a full line of The baby has gone to sch o o l; ah, m e! bang-up, I’d answer it and marry the to whirl around Harold, and he al­ day last September with one of the B illness rectory. ' What will the mother do, girl.” most staggered as he rose in response most successful farmers in this section, to the introduction: W ith hover a caU to button or pin. :While the other was speaking, Har­ he called my attention to a forty acre PICTURE FRAMES, “Mr. Thompson, Miss' Alice Bent­ SABBATH SERVICES. Or tie a little shoo? old sought for the letter bearing the pasture which was literally covered How can sho keep hefself busy all day, ley,” SERVICES are held every Sabbath at lQ:30 number marked on tbe photograph, with rag-weed, aud said: “That infer­ And Mouldings for. framing, always on O o'clock a . at., at tho Church of the “ Larger With the little “hindering thing” away? ana haying found it, proceeded to read: By an almost superhuman effort he iope also, Sabbath School services immedlaie- nal weed will take this country yet! controlled himself, and then, being a hand. y after the nloralng meeting. Prayer and confer- “My D ear A ; H , I observed your It springs up.on the meadoAVS after we e .co meeting every Thursday evening. A cordial Another basket to fill with lunch, Avise young man and aware on which J - M I L E Y \ vitation is extended to all. Another “good-by” to say, advertisement in the Weekly Herald, have cut the liay, it takes the stubble and there is such a ring of sincerity in side his bread was buttered, exerted And the mother stands at the door to seo himself to please,and succeeded so well fields after we have removed the wheat 0 .0 . F.—Buchanan Lodge So. 75 holds its Her baby march away j it that I feel I can answer it with and oats, it covers the pastures like a W hat Key W est Looks Like. equally good faith, and hope, like Ruth, that on retiring he. was invited by 1 . regular meeting, at Odd Fellows Hall, on And turns with a sigh tha t is half relief, forest, it smothers the potato and gar­ The key has about as much shape as jach Tuesday evening. to find favor in .your sight. I do not Miss Bentley to call on her. And half a something akin to griet. den patches, it flourishes and stinks a camel, and in a general way Res east claim to be beautiful, but on the other This was ail invitation he lost no along the highway and in every spot Til & A. 3T.—Bnchanaa Lodge No. bS holds a She thinks of a possible future morn. hand my glass informs me, as well as time in accepting, and before long his and west and contains about six square ig ■ regular mootingllonday evening on or before and corner Avhere it can find a square miles. It is as fiat as a shingle, the ha fullmoon. in each month. When the children, One by one, my friends, that I am interesting in visits became so frequent that the of space to stand in, its nasty yellow Will go from their home out into the world, appearance. My photograph, however, ■ neighbors began to remark them ; but highest point being about fourteen OP H,—Buchanan Grange No 40 meets on To battle.with life alone. pollen fills the air and poisons every feet above the mean sea level. To the • the second and fonrth Saturday of each which I send, will speak better than I as Miss Bentley was complaisant be P And not oven the baby be left to olieer breath. Altogether it is the meanest, casual visitor it looks as though the no nth, at 2 o’clock r. n. • can on that point. I think I can All did not care a nickel for Avliat the The desolate home o f that future year. stinkingest and most abominable weed sea, particularly in a storm, would sub­ the other requirements of your adver­ neighbors said; so it happened that that ever stuck a root In the soil of ' O. G. T.—Buchanan Louge Xo 856 holds its tisement, and should I succeed in one evening, out on the placid bosom merge this insignificant rise, but it is a .» regular meeting on each llondav evening. Sho picks up garments here and there, ’ these United States. To successfully matter of record that it never has Thrown down in careless haste; , pleasing you sufficiently to induce you of the lake, he told the fair girl that he fight it we have two weapons which I O .r. 11 —Buchanan Lodge X o. PS holdsits done it. The city proper covers the And tries to think how it would seem ' to continue the correspondence and loved her, and won from her a blush­ know of: One is the ploAV and the oth­ A , renlar meeting the 1st ana Bd Friday even­ ing confession of a reciprocal feeling western end of the key, and It was, ing o f neh month. If nothing were displaced! eventually to kindle in your breast a er is sheep. I have fifty acres of sheep previous to-the great fire of March 30, warmer feeling than mere friendship, for him. If the house wore always as s till as this, pasture and there is not a ragAveed 1SSC, very densely settled, and about f i A. R. -IVm. Perrott Post No.24. Regular I shall be content. A3ielia Revere.” After the interchange of such cour­ (X . meeting on the first and third Wednesday How could sho bear tbe loaelinets? visible in it, while my forty-acre cat­ as un-American looking as could well vening of each month. Visiting comrades al­ ~lYaverty Magazine. There was something in the letter tesies as is usual between couples just tle pasture is overrun with the vile be imagined, bearing a strong resem­ ways welcome. POWDER which jarred on the feelings of the agreed to form a copartnership for thing. blance to a West India town. The reader, and he felt almost angry at the life, Herold told Miss Bently why he “Last August I turned a lot of fine •WOMAN'S RELIEF CORPS, Wm .Perrott Post Absolutely Pure. A M atrim onial Adventure. houses are of wood and quite plainly W No. SI. Meetings held regularly. In Good writer, came to Geneva, and the origin of the fat sboats into a twenty-acre field of Thispowder never varies. A marvel Of purity matrimonial advertisement. Alice built. There are, I think, only four or Templar's Hall, first and third Saturday even* strength and wholesomencss. 3rore economica “ What does such a bright looking wheat stubble to pick up the volunteer five brick buildings, and certainly not ngs o f each m onth. than the ordinary kinds, and cannot ho sold in BY W. E. 3IEEHA3I. girl ivant to write to such a confound­ heard him through with rising anger wheat, pig-weed and such like stuff, competition with the multitude of iowtest, short depicted in her face. more than six. The streets are of R. LEWIS W. BAKER, Physician and Snr. weightalumor phosphate powders. Sold only in ed puppy for?” he wondered wrathful- and they did finely until the rag-weed very good width, tolerably straight D goon. Night rails promptly attended to. cans. R oyai. B akixo P owder Co.. 106 Wall St., Augustus Hossefros was a red-head­ ly, half aloud. “How, dared you do such a thing? began to bloom ; then they began to ■Jlfice in Kinyon's block. X .Y . ' 19-15 and passably clean. The roadway is ed, freckled faced young man, with an "Eh? What was that'you said?” What must you have thought of me cough and mope about, and the first coral rock.. There Is no soil to speak rnHEOBORE F. H. SPEEXG, 31. I)„ may be acquired right to the title of H. D. queried Augustus, looking up at the When you first saw my photograph? thing I knew they Avere. dying. I took JL eonsulCd at his oillce until !t A. 31. and Rom of; what passes for soil is triturated i to 3 and alter 7 P. 31. Office on 31?in street,first How he ever managed to worry sound of the others voice, but not But I never knew it—indeed I did not.” them out, put them in a clean yard and coral, very rich in phosphates and toorsonth of Rough Bros'. Wagon Works. through college and secure his degree catching the words. “And did you knOAv nothing at all of supplied them with plenty of fresh making an excellent fertilizer, but by f r m M L was a perpetual source of wonder to “I said,” replied Harold unblushing- Miss Revere’s answering the advertise­ water in big troughs, and in a week or itself deficient in fat. To garden one FiU. R. HEXBEUSOX, Physician and Surgeon all who knew him, for he had always ! / Office over J. K. H ood s store. Residence ly, "can I have this photograph and ment, Alice?” ten days they were all right; but they must use a pick rather than a hoe. N o. Mil Front Street. been considered the greatest chuckle­ letter?” "Not a word, and I shall tell her had actually lost more flesh than the Yerv few vegetables are groivn here, head iu town. Yet get through col­ “Let’s look at it. Gad, wliab a pret­ What I think of her for daring to use best feeding would put on them in a and vegetation is confined mainly to F. BOWERS. 31 Id Physician and Surgeon1 u lege he did, and with some degree of ty gal! By Jove, that’s my gal for a my photograph for such a purpose!” month. This summer I turned a lot , Gallen, 3iichigan. coeoaut trees. Here and there can be ^H^TCtHTRiU. credit, at that, ranking number sixty- thousand! Where’s the letter? Great And her eyes flashed. of sows into my cattle pasture and seen a pine or an Alexander or a star J 4 - - * -f»0UT nine out of a class of seventy-two. etaphysical c u m in d c u b e r e t r e a t Ctdsar; what dandy writing! And “Don’t be too heard on her, dearest,” they got along all right and Avere doing of India or a royal poncana, a few mul­ M Home and Cnre fo r the Sick. 31ns. S. H This fact ivas a consolation to his what a name! I ’ll write to her right said Harold, “ You know if she had well until that stuff began to bloom, berry and prickly ash trees. Blowers T aylor, Proprietor and He aler. Buchanan, Midi friends, inasmuch as it tended to prove tf&*>Yorj\.gosli .. away.” And Gus’ eyes fairly snapped not sent that picture, I should ne\rer then they began to cough and lose and flowering shrubs grow in abund­ OW Ruyglta.GcoTPa5aT tTVtrffi that there were at least three men in with animation.” have known you.” flesh. I took them out and in about a ance. 3L W ILSON, Dentist. Office, first door north the world more chuckle-headed than Osculation followed. J o of the Bank, charges reasonable and satis­ Of] fl\% K?]ar!(ef in ‘-‘But,” said Harold, in dismay at the Aveek they were all right. I am well < 6 »- faction guaranteed. he. unexpected turn the affair had tak­ satisfied that it was the pollen from 1?K,^IlsrS E A ST. “Still, it must be confessed, darling, , Her Reason. He was a conceited little puppy, en, “you haven’t looked at the rest yet. the blossoms of the rag-weed which o n iy o n e 5 / i a ^ e - v LEAVE BUCHANAN. that she took a great .liberty, and, S, MEAD, 3'annfactnrcr o f Lumber. Cus holding more vanity in his diminutive and there may be something better therefore, I shall make use of her to did the damage. It seemed to choke, W e were running down, from , ton Sawing pri miit'.y attended to on short 3Iail, N o.4 ...... S:24A.M anatomy than many a man double his M notice. Buchanan, Mich. Bay Express, N o. 3...... 11:5SP. 31 there,” further my plan* of revenge against or rather suffocate them.” CharlestoAvn to Savannah, and the SX i%~ full /6ozjbJu$ Kalamazoo Accommodation, No. 10.... S:05P. 3f size. So full of it was he that the “Darn the rest! This one is good train was humming along at high Night Express,No. 12 ...... 12:32 A. 31 Gus for daring to lift his eyes to my In speakiDg of this matter to anoth­ tl\e mo st c 0nVe n/enf gibes of liis acquaintances glided off enough for me. Y ou can have the little love,” resumed he, presently. er stockman, a few days afterward, I speed. Avlien the danger signal blew TIRALIItTS "W E ST. him as ivater from a duck’s back. In­ rest. You can marry ’em all if you Then he unfolded to Alice his was somewhat surprised to hear him and tbe air brakes were put on hard. deed, he received them as most men do BEST BUILDING BRICK, to cut for jDocl^t or LEAVE BUCHANAN. Want to. I’m going to marry this scheme for extracting a final bit of state that his experience was A-ery sim­ As the train stopped all the passen­ flattery—with much complacency. ’ one,” and he siezed pen, ink: and paper, gers piled out to see what the trouble ------AMD ------Kalamazoo A ccom m odation,N o.lB .... 0:53 A . 31, fun out of bis old victim, and she, I ilar. His hogs, running in a pasture 3Iail, N o. 11...... 2:40P. 31. Among those who particularly de­ and began to reply to Amelia’s letter. wherein was a good stand of rag-weed, Avas, and we soon disqpvered that a to carry v/fjole. ' Day Express, N o.3..., ...... 3:32P .3l. regret to say, having something of a lighted in using him as a butt for rid­ Harold gazed at him in angry Cha­ love for mischief in her composition, were doing well until the weed began culArert arcund the short curve had W a i i K M © . Evening Express, No. 7...... 3:20 A. 31. icule was a young man named Harold A . F . P eacock, Local A gent. grin. Here was a pretty kettle of fish! gave a laughing assent. to bloom, theu they commenced cough­ been washed out. A negro woman had Having recently erected an I n s i s t on f]aVing t h e 0 . W . R yogi.e s, G .P & T. A . Thompson. How this gentleman was His whilom butt had taken the bit be­ ing and lost flesh rapidly. He thought flagged tbe train with a white apron, as good-looking a fellow as Augustus Before returning to his hotel Har­ Q enuine w/ffr 1/\e red }-] tween his teeth and become unman­ old had an interview with the parents they were attacked by cholera, so lie and of course we’ all looked upon her Improved Brick and Tiling Kiln Of everydescrlption ,atth was ugly, and as full of animal spirits ageable. So he left the office, fuming hurriedly put them in a clean yard, as a heroine. fin lag , m ade onjy RECORD SteasiPRINI- of A lice, fromavhieh he merged with by, as a colt. Hothing pleased him so “When did you discover that the IN G H O U SE . Warranted and defeated. such a delighted countenance that the administered various remedies and I am now prepared to furnish the , dbhn'finzer^Bro'Sybouisqille,^ to give satlsfatcion much as a practical joke, especially if culvert had gone? ’ I asked. ■ He had a faint hope that perhaps result thereof must have been highly supplied them with cooked food for the victim were some other than him­ “Jist about half an hour ago.” Amelia had only answered the adver­ satisfactory to him. about a week, when they seemed to self. tisement in jest, and would not con­ have fully regained their health and “And your first thought was to stop Recognizing in the young M. D. tinue the correspondence when there Two days later Harold took a ten­ friskiness. He returned them to the the train, wasn’t It ?” themarketaffords. AIs those sterling qualities which go to­ were signs that the other side was in der leave o f his betrothed and returned pasture and in a few days the '‘cholera” “Yes, sah.” wards making up a good subject for earnest. But this hope was dashed to to his native town, where he gave Au­ symptoms returned, and one of them “Well, you are a brave Avoman. We FIRST-CLASS jests, he attached himself to him. A t the earth, for in less than a week Au­ gustus such an extraAragant account of died. Then it struck him that the owe our liATes to you.” TILING first he considered Augustus a harm­ gustus came to him triumphant, hear Amelia that that gentleman would rag-weed might be the cause of the “Does ye? I nebber thought of ranging in size from two to eightinchcs . less sort of fellow, though conceited— ing an answer from the young lady; a have required an eighth heaven to trouble. He yarded the hogs again, that.” ^"O aH andsee my “brick and getprices just the man to furnish a little inno­ letter breathing the most tender senti­ haye held him and he been a Mohame- dosed them a little and they quickly “But you stopped the train.” cent fun; but a closer acquaintance ments. dan, and was for taking the next train recovered. He then had the rag-weed “Yes, sah; hut I didn’t want that h e n r y b o bg itt. revealed the fact that fie was spiteful, Harold was deeply humiliated, for, to Geneva and marry her immediately. cut down with a mower, raked up and bull-gine to git off de track an’ go mean, and, worst of all, a traducer of strange as it may seem, he had fallen But Harold, whose plans did not chime hauled off. A heavy rain fell soon af­ ploughin’ frew my cotton patch ah’ women; and Harold determined when head over heels in love with the ro­ Avith his proposition, with a total dis­ terward and he returned the hogs to frowin’ hot water all ober de place. BIX &WLIMSOEJ, opportunity offered, to teach him a les­ guish face of the photograph, and that regard for the truth which he sbftuld the pasture again, and though they re­ Dat’s why I stopped de train, sah.” son he would never forget. the original should demean herself by have had, assured him that Miss Rev­ mained there until late in the fall, not — «a e-a»------Meanwhile, acting under; Harold’s ere had the most ferocious, father it carrying on an. amorous correspon- • one of them ever coughed or manifest­ It’s Human Nature. .advice,. Augustus Opened an office in dence with a stranger was dreadful. had ever been his misfortune to meet, ed a “ cholera” symptom of any sort.— Law and Abstract Office, his native town, and having had the He tried to be angry with her, and and that if he went to Geneva he most P ick ett in O. J, Parm er. “It’s funny,” said a conductor, “how good fortune to have a father well en­ certainly would fail in the accomplish­ • I3 S T - reason himself into the belief that she ------nervous a man will sometimes get BUT AH SELL HEAL ESTffi dowed ivith worldly goods, and the was not worth thinking of; but it was ment of his desires, for the bloodthirs­ when he is out of his element. Most sound sense to depart this life early, useless; lie was too far gone; and no ty parent would, without doubt, use Artesian W ells in Memphis. people who travel are anxious about was enabled to fit it up in luxurious sooner did he bring forward a bill of every endeavor to have his life. The cities of the Mississippi valley their tickets. Only the other day I MONEY TO LOAM* style. But patients not showing that indictment against the fair Amelia This news discomposed Augustus have never been noted for thq purity was amused at a Chicago man who was n large or small sums, atlow rates, on Improvec alacrity in patronizing him that he than he ay as ready Avith a strong de­ exceedingly, for bravery was not of their Avater supply, as they have de­ a passenger on my ta-ain. He is a farms only. thought they would, he consulted Har­ fence. A dozen times a day he drop­ among bis characteristics, and he ask­ pended largely on river water. Re­ Board of Trade operator, and they say COrXTY OFFICE BOLDING old, and that young man, perceiving ped into the doctor’s office and took a ed Harold what course he thought he cently, the city of Memphis has been a bold one, too. Y et when I came his opportunity of carrying into effect look at the photograph, and went away had better adopt. experimenting with artesian Avells, and along and asked him for his ticket, and Also, Ecoolj Agents for REMINGTON TYPE WHITER his scheme, gravely informed him that more deeply enamoured than ever, ' That young gentleman advised him has found an inexhaustible supply of he looked first in one pocket and then the cause of his having no patients was A month passed. Augustus, was in to write to his betrothed and ask her the best Avater directly under its site. another and couldn’t find it, you ought Wy BERRSEW SPRINGS MICH his single state. It. was a well-known frequent correspondence with Amelia, to meet him in his native tOAvn, and A true artesian basin covered by a to have seen horv excited he got. His fact, he said, that sick folks, especially and Harold’s misery increased with proposed, in order that the affair might perfectly impervious stratum has been hand fairly trembled, and he was so of the gentler sex, preferred a married each missive tbe other received. be the more romantic, and at the same discovered, Avhieh is now fast displac­ flustered that he hardly knew Avhat he doctor to a single one. Therefore he was about. The value of the ticket ----- AND----- The tables Avere completely turned. time render his identification the more ing the unsatisfactory W olf River as a advised him to take to himself a.wife Harold, who had sown with the pros­ complete, he should wear a large red source for water. Hitherto this river which he had lost was less than W\ 1 without delay. A t the same time lie pect of an abundant harvest of droll­ rose in the lappel of his coat, and wait has supplied the city’s wants. Thirty- a dollar, but be made himself pos­ on T \rTI? TWFTTTO solemnly cautioned him against select­ ery out of an advertisement, Avas reap­ for her at a specified time in front of two artesian wells have been driven itively miserable over it. You take ing a partner from among the ladies of ing, instead, nothing but misery. A u ­ the principal hotel. To these propos­ over an area 2,000 by 800 feet. They that man in his element—the Board of B enton H arbor. U licli. liis tow’n, for that fact would tend to gustus was unconsciously revenging als the other gave a ready assent, arid are driven to a depth of about 430 feet. Trade—and you couldn’t stampede him excite jealousy among the young maid­ himself for all the other’s Avitticisms Avithin a short time the letter was on They first pass through 20 feet of bluff an inch. He’d meet a loss of thou­ 11th Session Begins Sept. Sd, 1883. ens who had not been so fortunate as at his expense. its way to Miss ReArere. loam, then through 24 feet of sand and sands of dollars at one turn of the This Inslitnto offers the highest inducements to be the chosen one, which was a ca­ At length Harold could bear it no On the day appointed Augustus hied gravel, and finally through 150 feet of market and not give it a .second to students in Business, Teachers’, Acade­ tastrophe to be avoided. longer. The matter had become too himself to the renaezvous, and there hard, impervious day. The water­ thought.” mic, hlnsic, Elocution. and Art Courses. This seemed to strike Augustus fa ­ Business course as thorough as and cheaper serious. The doctor had proposed in | paraded himself, red rose and all, up bearing stratum is then reached, than at any other school. Teachers' course vorably, but lie intimated that outside writing, and had been accepted. A and down the sidewalk. He kept a Avhieh consists of perfectly clean sand under the direct charge of tlic Principal. of the town he was not acquainted Long Range Gannon. Academic DIPL03LAS HONORED IN ALL joke was a joke, but that Amelia sharp lookout for his betrothed; but seven hundred feet deep. The water COURSES of Michigan, Wellesley, and other with anybody of the feminine gender. should marry such an idiot as Augus­ of course in this matter he was at a rises far above the level of the Missis­ Universities and Colleges. According to a recent statement Harold assured him that that circum­ tus was carrying the joke a little too disadvantage, since he had never seen sippi River. Permanent works are made by General Maitland, a Long- Superb collection of apparatus; 13 experi­ stance need not trouble him; that in enced instructors; daily Calisthenic and Mili­ far, and as he—Harold—felt that he her face, while Miss Amelia, who came now in progress. A large well is to be ridge Avire gun mede at Woolwich has tary dr Hi; plensaut rooms: delightful loca­ these days there were many men who was primarily responsible for the af­ along presently, recognized him at sunk 80 feet below tbe surface. Prom thrown a shot 12Js miles, with an in­ tion. The most popular school for higher were so deeply absorbed in business education in the West. fair, he felt it his duty to make her ac­ once both bv his picture which she had, this a horizontal tunnel 2,000 feet long itial velocity of 2,300 ft. per second. Scud for elegant new Catalogue free. that they had no time to go through quainted with the kind of a man to and by tbo red rose in his coat, and, will be carried through the hard clay. G. J. EDGCUMBE, A .31., Ph.D the ordinary routine of courtship, andi 34tf Principal. Avhieh she proposed to ally herself. rushing up to him exclaimed: This tunnel Will be live feet in diame­ therefore advertised for a wife; and Eilled with this philanthropic and “Here I am, Augustus!” ter, and the wells will he connected Bneilleton. lie advised the doctor to adopt this disinterested design, he packed his va­ The young man gazed at her in as­ Avith it. The water will be pumped Said a little boy who, during a visit ’ method, which was possessed o f sd lise, and armed with a letter of intro­ tonishment, thinking that she was from the large well. The tunnel can to Florida, was obliged to drink con­ many advantages. duction to a Mr. Mellville in Geneva, some lunatic. b e . extended indefinitely, and more densed milk, “Mamma, I just wish that ^ L i l S I ES Augustus snapped at the suggestion, Combining a Parlor. Library* Smok­ the town from which Amelia’s letters “Y ou have the adyautage of me, mad­ wells can be bored as tbe supply may condensed cow would die!” ing. Reclining, or invalid CHAIR. and a few days later the Weekly Her­ Were dated, he took a train for that need extension. The temperature of LtiUHGE, BED. fifes* and ald contained the following advertise­ am,” he stammered'at length. Charcoal is recommended as an ab­ or COUCH. Price up. place, ,and in due course of time, ar­ •‘Don’t you know me? 1 am your the water is practically uniform, and TVemake the largest variety of , E tc,,- ment: rived there. averages about 02 ° Pah, It is impos- sorber of gases in the milk room where Adjustable, Reclining, Physicians* betrothed, Amelia!” And she made a and Surgeons’ Operating, Isvafis “A gentleman of education, social He; presented liis letter, as soon as . sible to overestimate the importance foul gases are present. It should he _ Rolling.! Hammock, Office, Library, motion as though about to embrace freshly powdered and'kepfc there con­ fancy Carpet folding* Reed and Rattan CHAIRS and position and wealth, wishes to corres­ possible, and was by Mr. Melville in­ him. Of this development as far as Memphis ROCKERS BICYCLES.TRICYCLES.VE- pond with a young lady—object matri­ troduced to liis wife, who, looking alone is concerned. But the same bas­ tinually. LOCIPEDES and SELF PROPELLERS. “You are mistaken madam,” cried mony. He is twenty-six years of age, kindly at his handsome face, received in includes many other cities,’ and . The usual fall shooting in Nebraska ALL KINDS OF APPLIANCES FOR INVALIDS. GALL AT THE and ’ prepossing in appearance. The him' to her full favor, and undertook Augustus, the perspiration pouring eventually a large area-may he bene­ doAvn his face, for a crowd was gather­ has been poor. Lack of water and pro­ gABY C OACHES lady need not be wealthly, but she to make his stay at Geneva as pleas­ fited by the discovery so happily made longed warm weather have kept the ing. "I don’t know you.” Oyer fOO different designs. must be accomplished socially, and un­ ant as possible. at Memphis. Mr. R. C. Graves, mana­ wild fow l away. Oar Patent Automatic Brake on all Car- “Do you mean to say,” said Amelia, riages+free. We have discontinued derstand the art of housekeeping, and It was several days before Harold ger of a local ice company of that city, wholesaling; by placing your orders while beauty is not absolutely essen­ could summon sufficient courage to in­ sternly, “that you didn’t write to me had used artesian water for making Wheel manufacturers think the time direct with the makers yon can sens to meet you here to fulfil a matrinio- sereraZ profits. Our slashtxg prices/ tial, she must not be positively plain. quire of Mrs. Melville whether sh e. ice, and to him is largely due the cred- not far off when wheels will be made and special. Barcn.1 ns will astonish A nial engagement?” . it for the new Memphis water supply. of steel. The proper timber for wheels yoa. Goods sola under a guarantee r Ladies desirous of opening a corres- was acquainted with Miss Revere; and and delivered fr e e to any point in V pondence must send their name and at the same time he took the trouble . “But,” shouted he, in desperation, ------•< a t>------grows scarce. I'nitfil States. 23’"'Send stamp for Catalogue, and: state class o f goods you wish it for, addresses together with photograph.” 1 to explain that she was the friend of “the lady I expected to meet is young Policeman (to tired citizen) : “Do yon L U B O R G MFC. C O . A few days after the insertion of a particular friend of his, who has pic­ and pretty, while you are—” Curious Chinese Motions, think you can get home alone, Mr. *4d Nortli£iciicU Street, i*hilndelphin, Pa* this advertisement Harold strolled in­ tured her in suCh. gloAving colors that "'What!” Before lie could make his Both savage and semi-barbarous peo­ Smith ?” Tired Gitizen: “ Yesh, I can to Augustus’ office and found that he was quite desirous of meeting her. escape she had her long fingers in his ple have always exhibited a great re­ (hie) get f fron’ door ’Jone, but after worthy seated at his desk with a great Mrs. Melville laughed, and--informed shirt-collar and began bumping his pugnance to any surgical operation, that i guesli I ’ll have company.” h e h i t e pile of Opened and unopened letters •; him that she hot only knew the lady, head against a tree, exclaiming Avith hOAvever necessary, which involves T W before him, and a look of. bewilder­ ! but that She would introduce him, in each blow. “I ’m not young—nor pret­ amputation.. The Horth China Herald, A little four year-old created a rip­ ------x s ------ment on his face. order that he might see for himself ty, ain’t I? And I ain’t tbe person in commenting upon this circumstance ple by remarking to tbe Sunday school “Just look,” he cried, as Harold en­ i what good taste his friend had in such you expected to meet— ain’t I ? Well, points out that the Chinese have al­ class: “Our dog’s dead. I’ll bet the (ROE’S BLOCK.) tered. “ Tpn my word, I hadn’t an matters. you are the person I expected to meet, ways shown this repugnance, not on angels were scared when they saw idea , that there were so many girls in She was as good as her word. That anyhow. Take—that—and that—and account of fear or pain, for they aro him coming up the walk, He’s awful the world who wanted to get married. evening lie was ushered into the parlor that!” very patient under all kinds Of physi­ cross to strangers.” I have Opened over a hundred letters of Miss Revere. Here Amelia’s strength began to cal suffering, but because they look up­ An East Saginaw lumber firm just Factory: Chicago, 111. - - already, and there must be nearly a The door was bpened. Great Jove, fail, and Gus. who had been incessant­ on it as a duty to keep the body intact. purchased 14,080 acres of timber land thousand here that I have not touched what a sight met his vision, yet, clear ly .roaring for mercy, broke from her I f they submit to the amputation of a in British Columbia, that will cut sev­ yet.” . ? and distinct, as the person stepped for­ grasp, and through the laughing crowd, limb, they invariably ask for the sev­ eral hundred million feet o f lumber. Harold laughed and said that he had ward, came the words of introduction. made the greatest possible speed to ered member, and keep it in a box, to Gold is said to be deposited on the no doubt but* that the reason for so “Amelia, my dear, allow me to pre­ ; his office, and tarrying there only just be buried in due time Avith the o wner. same land. many replies was that each fair writ­ sent to you a friend of husband’s, Mr., long enough to pack bis valise, took • Sometimes they will actually eat it, er had detected the sterling qualities Harold Thompson. Mr. Thompson, Miss the first train from the town, and has thinking it only right that that which Postmaster Barkley, of Crosby, hurt A. DRYFUSS, of- the advertiser, and had- naturally Revere.” not gone back to it since. has been taken from the body should himself internally by lifting a cake o f desired to secure for herself - a good There could be no doubt of it. It In the meantime, Amelia, as soon as be returned to it. On the same prin­ ice, and suffered untold agonies until thing when .she saw jt. This seemed was ' certainly the name. But the her recreant lover had made his escape, ciple, an extracted tooth will be care­ he tried the prayer cure, a while ago. to suit the fancy .of Augustus, for he form and features! What a travesty gathered up her gloves and parasol, fully preserved, or ground to powder It relieved him instanter. brighted up and resumed the perusal on those of the photograph! Miss and remarked to the crowd as coolly as and swallowed in water. Another Father—“Tommy, you should try Manager Buchanan Branch, of his' mail with some ardor, while Amelia Revere, the real, was forty though she had not ’done anything curious phase of the same idea is seen and be a better boy. You are our only Harold began running over the photo­ years of age; tall in stature, angular in very extraordinary: in the belief that a sick paient can be child, and we expect you to be good.” graphs which the; maidens bad sent. outline, and severe in expression of “There, I guess that little puppy cured by broth made from flesh cut Tommy—“It ain’t my fault that I am They were of all sorts and kinds, from countenance. Her hair was of the won’t forget me in a hurry!” from a living child, and it is looked your only child. It’s tough on me to the young, giddy miss of sixteen to the most vivid red, and her voice had the A month later there was a pleasant upon as a sign of filial piety for the be good for a lot of brothers and sisters mature and sedate spinster of forty. sound of the-rasp of a file. little wedding at Geneva, at Avhieh a child to submit himself to an operation I haven’t got.” Presently he came to a face which The truth, flashed across him with certain brnwn-eyed, roguish-faced for that purpose. The child is sup­ DENTISTRY Clarence Bunnell, of Lincoln, Ber­ U N E S ^ P g ^ caused an involuntary ejaculation of the rapidity of lightning; she had— young lady: named Alice Bentley, and posed to be of tbe vital essence of the D olour Own Dyeing, nt Home. astonishment and admiration to burst not trusting to the power of her own a good-looking young fellow named parent, and if a portion of this essence rien co., aged 13, stuck tbe breech of ThAy will dye everything;-; They are sold every­ from .him. It was a pretty and roguish charms—substituted the photograph Harold Thompson, officiated as princi­ is returned to the fountain-head, the an old gun barrel into the fire to see if THE BEST SATISFYING where*: Price lO c. a package. Theyhavenoegual it would not loosen the breech-pin, and for Strength, Brightness, Amount in Packages - face, crowned ivith a mass of fluffy of another. ~ pals.— Waverley Magazine. parent will be greatly strengthened. or for Fastness o f Color, or non-fading Qualities. hair. The lady represented was ap­ Then a fearful joy took possession of The peace-loving nature of the Chinese discovered instead thaf it loosened the They do not crock or smut; 40 colors. For salu hy parently not more than twenty years his breast,. and he foresaw, after all, is said to be largely due to this re. bullet, AA’liieh came out of tbe barrel W. n K eeler, aotj D odd’ s • Dhyg & Book Store. of age. heaps of amusement ahead. He took , Good-looking Cannibal (in side show; spect for the human body.—Cham­ suddenly and with a loud noise, and is An uncontrollable desire came upon the earliest opportunity of bringing for­ to susceptible spinster)—Clially moo— bers's Joitrnal. now buried in the boy’s body near the backbone. I f he lives through it he’s Harold to know, more of-this being ward the name of Augustus, and won po. po—wanga—recksi—cutaguol-me •——— <•«-»— — — whose face interested him, so strongly- from 'Miss Revere the bashful admis­ molly you. lucky. He Wanted a Preacher. ON THE M ARKET. “Suppose, Gus,” he said, “you should’ sion that she was acquainted with him. . Old Maid blushing (to lecturer)— An employe of Jay Gould recently DR. OSTRANDER take a fancy to on e'of these pictures; He endowed, I- grieve to say,-the. Tell the gentleman tnat this is very A good old colored brother thus sent remarked : “ George Gould and his fath-’1 I t s R ange o f W ork zs Unequalled. how would you know of- whom it was young M. D., with every grace of person sudden. I am wholly unprepared-for, word to the bishop to send a minister er loA’e each other, as much as any fath­ such an offer. Really, I must have a It Sell# on its Merits. ol Detroit has onened a Dental office in the a likeness? Y ou have pitched them and mind that man could possess. out to preaeli to his church in Alexan­ er and son I ever saw, and the same Is Redden block, where he is prepared to do all all in one heap,' and the letters in an­ While thus engrossed, fate was pre- short rime for reflection. dria Valley last Sunday: ‘’Send us a Its Workmanship is Unsurpassed. kinds of Dental work In a first-class manner: the case Avith the other boys, Avho con­ other.” ,paring"fpr ljim a Surprise that he cer- • Lecturer—What do.you think the bishop to preach. I f you can’t send us sequently are always glad to go home N o ,Cog Gearing. Teetli E xtracted W ith ou t P ain. “Oh,” responded Augustus, without ’tainly did not deserve, considering the chief said, miss?' a bishop send a.sliding elder; if you to their parents. Gould has imparted Bo not Buy Any Other Before Trying Notice to the Ladies! looking up from his task; “I ’ve num­ awful falsehoods'he was uttering. The ' Old Maid—'Why, sir, he made a fair can’t send us a sliding elder send us a to bis sons skill enough to take care FINE GOLD FILLINGS A SPECIALTY. bered ’em 'all on the back, and a cor- parlor floor opened for th e second ti me, proposal of marriage. stationary preacher;-if you can’t send of.themselves. .One of his hoys is a =*Lecturer — Indeed-, you- misunder­ THE WHITE, D r. E . S. D odd & Son, Artificial Teeth made, on Rubber,, Celluloid, . responding number on the letter:’’ and standing before his astonished vi- him'send us a circus pider; if you can’t good telegraph operator, another is a Gold, Platinum or Aluminum, at reasonable “Have you looked at this picture?” -sion, ,'glowing j^ith all the health and stood him. He said that you have spare him send xts.a locus preacher; if good stenographer. The old man can' Druggists and Booksellers, have the agency for p rices. • Prices:and Terns Hade Satisfactory. the enleofthe famous specific, “Orange Blossom,’ ' ^Haven’t looked at any Of .’em yet. freshness ?ofi=youth, was the original passed the pot-pie’ age, ,and that you you Can’t spare a locus preacher send go alljOver tTiisland and dictate his1 apoRitive cure for-all Female diseases. Every ' Thought I’d open all the letters first, of the: -'picture'; tbe" same bright, ro- would take too much, boiling to be use­ us au exhauster?” That settled it lady can treat herself. Call for “A Plain Talk to ALL WORK WARRANTED: dispatches' to one boy and the other one J. W. BEISTLE. Agent, Buchanan, ' Ladiesl”, Trial boxiree. - 6y then go over the photograps, and when .. guish face, the same large, melting ful in his country. • and’he got a preacher. can send them by wire.” RWJg RBUWt ■■HU. J S M B u c h a n a n R e c o r d . 1SS9—‘‘Ironand Steel.”— 1889. I f I can put some touches of a rosy Bono Scratching Extraordinary. Estate of Amoa H. Clark. sunset into the life o f any man or wom­ The Latest and Brightest Christmas and Herbert Sperry, Tremont, 111, had First publication Dec. 6, 1888. A Large and Varied INtnv T e a r ’s A n n u a l, l>y “ A M a n ” o t an, then I feel that I have walked with •erysipelas In both legs, was confined TATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Berrien, S3.— 'JOHN C. HOLMES, Editor. tUo Great ItoeJv Xslnnd Route*. God. to the house six weeks. “ When I was SAt a session of the Probate Court for said conn- able to get on my legs, I had an itching tv, held at the Probate office, in the Tillage of Thousands of readers who scanned An Irish theatrical manager has ad­ 3errien Springs, on the third day of December, In A ssortm ent vertised for “a broth of a boy.” It is sensation that nearly run me crazy. I the year one tnonsand eight hundred and elghty- THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20,1SSS with eager delight the pages of “Watt scratch them raw to the bone. Tried eiglit. supposed he wants to make a “ supe” Present, Da v id E . H enman, Judge of Probate. Stephens, the Genius o f steam” (1SS5), everything without relief. I was tor­ “Yoltagal, the Genius of Electricity” o f him. In- the matter o f the estate o f Amos H. Clark, ------OF------The democratic caucus action re­ mented In this Way for two years, I deceased. (18S6), “Petroleum and Natural Gas” On reading and ffling the petition, duly .verified garding the admission o f Dokofca, is a then found your Papillon (Clarke’s ex­ of Ettio White, an heir o f said deceased, praying (1SS7), and “Goal and Coke” (1S8S), will tract o f flax) Skin Cure at the drug that the resignation,of Alonzo Sherwood, Execu­ sort of death-bed repentance.' be happy to know that the latest addi­ A Hew Gateway. Store. IT HAS CURED 3D3 SOUND AND tor of said estate, be accepted and that adminis­ tion to the famous Rock Island series, tration de bonis non, with the will annexed, ot By the completion of a new bridge w e l l . §1.00 a bottle at reliable drug­ said estate, may he granted to William A. Palmer Michigan State Orange resolved to “Iron and Steel” (.1889), dedicated to across the Missouri River at Rule, gists, Sent prepaid on receipt of price. or to some other^suitable person. the “Boys and Girls of America,” "is Hebraskn, the Burlington Route has Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, the 31st la y ask President Harrison to appoint Pafillon Company, Chicago, 111. ot December next, >nt ten o’clock in the forenoon, now ready for distribution. . established, for the entire distance OC assigned for the hearing ot said petition, and Jonathan J. Woodman, of Paw Paw, Enclose (10) cents in coin or stamps over its own track, a new, direct, Life is too short to eivwd it with .hat the heirs atlaw of said deceased, and ail oth- (for postage! and your address, written resentments. ir persons interested in said estate, are required commissioner of agriculture. through line from St. Louis to Kansas ,o appear nt a session of said Court, then to he plainly, to Geo. II. Smith, Assisstant City, St. Joseph, Atchison and Denver. Poor Hilt Honest. joldeu in the Probate office, in the Village of Ber­ General Ticket and Passenger Agent, rien Springs, and show cause,’ If any there bo, Over this line is run “ The Burlington’s Charlie Sullivan is a poor but hon­ A’liy the prayer o f the petitioner Should not be The Three Rivers Tribune wants R. Chicago, and a copy will be sent you Denver Express”—a solid train with est Irish lad, who, While walking down granted: And it is further ordered, that said pe­ R . Pealer, of St. Joseph county, to be by return mail. Copies of previous through sleeping car from St. Louis to titioner give notice to the persons interested in Washington street, found a wallet con­ said estate; of the pendency of said petition, and: SILVER WARE, Justice of supreme court, in place of Annuals also furnished at same rate. St. Joseph and Denver, and a through taining cheeks and money to the value •ae hearing thereof, by causing a copy ol this or­ “Iron and Steel” embodies a vast sleeping car from St. Louis to Kansas of several hundred dollars. Although der to be published in the Buchanan Record, a T. R. Sherwood. deal of useful information. In the jewspaper printed and circulated in said county, City. The connections made by this almost destitute, he returned it to its turee successive weeks previous to said day of company of his boy and girl visitors, train at the Missouri River, at Denver owners, Messrs. A . P. Ordway & Co., blaring. NOVELTIES, &C The Reed City Clarion is out for “A Man” penetrates the mines, ex­ and at junction points en route are proprietors of Sulphur Bitters, who, (A ti ue copy.) D AVID E. HINMAN, James McMillan for United States Sen­ plains their underground workings such that one can directly reach it by gave him a liberal re ward, and also [ebad.] Judge or Probate. The newest designs and the finest follows the mined product to tbe fur­ all points in Hebraska, Colorado and gave him six bottles of Sulphur Bitters Last Publication December 27,1888. goods of the season. Our low prices ate, and J. Byron Judkins, of the nine­ nace and smelter, and describes the all sections of the West and South west, for his mother, Who has been a terri­ m ake these beautiful goods all bargains. teenth judicial circuit, for candidate various processes to which it is sub­ as well as all Pacific coast points. This, ble sufferer with rheumatism, and who 1 8 8 9 . for supreme court judgeship. jected and the machinery that compels is in addition to “ The Burlington’s returned many blessings after being it to assume the multiform shapes of Humber One” well-known solid vesti­ cured by their use.—Weekly World. vails, piping, nails, tools and other bule train between Chicago and Den­ Harper’s Young People Watch Repairing Woman’s suffrage received a strong Cultivate charity. She’ll sit down fabrics for general use. ver and Cheyenne, with which direct AW ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY. advance by the recent municipal elec­ it "... l■ee^^egeas•~’^^iT’^r^ll'■^nal connection is made by C. B. & Q. R. R. on covetousness every time. well done at moderate prices. tion in Boston, when over 16,000 ladies train from Peoria, and by wiiich you H akpeb’ s Y oung People begins its tenth vol­ Goblins and. Giants. English Spavin Liniment removes ume with the first Number in November. During voted. The Boston people rather like can make the run between Chicago all Hard, Soft or Calloused Lumps and the year it will contain five serial stories, includ­ J. HARVEY ROE. “AX EXqrsiTE CHRISTMAS PKESEXT.” and Denver without being more than ing “Dorymates,” by Kirk Monroe; “The Red the idea, and extension ot‘ the privilege Blemishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Mustang,” by w . O. Stoddard: and “ A D ayin Christmas is at hand, and so is one night on the road. Por tickets via Curbs, Splints, Sweeney, Ring-Bone, Waxland,” by R. K. Mnnkittrlck; “Neis Thur- School Books, Tablets, Pens, Ink, is likely to follow. the Burlington Route and for special low’s Trial," bv J. T. Trowbridge; “The Three S9SI SewiDg-lffachineJlT Palmer Cox, with another of his inim­ Stifles, Sprains, all Swollen Throats, Wishes," by FiAnstey and Brander Matthews; * T lTo at once eitablish j I excursion folder, call on any ticket Coughs, Etc. Save §50 by use of one a series of fairy taleB written and illustrated by Intrude in all parte, by 1 1 itable “ Queer People” books, but this /placing our aaachlneeX______De Lessep is now likely to fail in agent of connection lines, or address bottle. Warranted. Sold by W. E. Howard Pyle; “Home Studies in Natural Histo­ r.and poods where the people can eee hook surpasses both the others in the ry,” by Dr. Felix L.; Oawuld; “Little Experi­ ^ them, we will send f r e e to one weirdness of its wit, dealing as it does P. S. Eustis, Gen’l Pass, and Ticket Runner, Druggist, Buchanan, Mich. ments." by Sophia B. Herrick; “Glimpses of ^person in each locality,the very his Panama canal scheme and the beat sewicr-machine nude ia Paper and School Supplies, Agent, C. B. & Q- R- R.. Chicago, 111. Child-life from Dickens,” by Margaret E . Sang- with gay goblins, grim giants, comical 4 0 y l L the world, with all the attachments. whole enterprise go down, unless ster; articles on various sports and pastimes, 1 We will also sendfpeea complete clowns, merry monarchs and all sorts A tenacious memory—A creditor’s. short stories by the best writers, and humorous Aline of our costly and valuable art American capital he invested and push of queer folks. papers and poems, with many hundreds of illus­ ■samples. In return we ask that you ------JL.T ------Burlington Route Daily Excursions trations of excellent quality. Every line in the ■show what we send, to those who the work through to completion, and By long odds this is the jolliest Biteklcn's Arnica Salve. t may call at your home, and after 9 to the Pacific Coast, Colorado paper is subjected to tbe most rigid editorial mmontbsall shall become your ovra as the American capital is looking to Christmas book we have yet seen. Hon. The best Salve in the worldfor Cuts, serntiny, In order that nothing harmful may en­ ropertr This ennd machine ia Wyoming and Utah. Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum. ter its columns. jade after tbe s i n g e r patents* the Nicaragua route as the most feasi­ D. X. Richardson says: “If yon don’t ^which have run out; Before patenta Railroad ticket agents of theEastern, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, a ran out it told for S9 3 . with the get a supply o f it into my ward soon An epitome of everything that is attractive and ■attachments, and now sell* for RUNNER’S CORNER BOOKSTORE. ble, there is an appearance that the Middle and Western States will sell, Chilblains, and all Skin Eruptions, desirable in juvenile literature.—Boston Courier, _ * 8 5 0 . Best, atrongeet, most use. the neighbors’ children will tear my ■ftil machine m the world. All la Panama work will not he finished. house down.” Critics of all classes on any date, via the Burlington Route and positively cures Piles, or no pay A weekly feast of good things to the boys and ______rafree. No capital required. Plain, girls in every family which it visits.—Brooklyn brief Infractions given. Those who write to us ae once canse. commend it. Major General O. O. How­ from Chicago, Peoria or St. Louis, required. It is guaranteed to give union. cure f r e e the best sewin?*machIoe in the world, and the round trip tickets at low rates to San perfect satisfaction, or money refund­ It is wonderful in its wealth of pictnres, infor­ finest line ofworke ofhtcb art over shown together in America. Stock Larger That Ever! In the river and harbor hill, as re­ ard says: “It is singularly happy, and mation, and interest.—Christian Advocate, IV. Y. TSUE dt CO., JBox 910, Augusta, Maine. will be popular among old and young ” Francisco, , San Diego, ed. Price 15 cents per box. For sale' ported to Congress, the sum o f So,000 by W. F. Runner, Druggist. 24yl is all that is asked for the improve­ The eminent novelist, Geo. W, Cable, Portland, Tacoma, Seattle, Vancouver, DEEDS of DARING ment o f St. Joseph river and harbor says: “His pages are ever welcome or Yictoria; also to Denver, Cheyenne, A fleeting memory—A debtor’s. TERMS: Postage Prepaid, $2 00 Per Year. Prices Low as the Lowest! next year. Thus the §25,000 appropri­ visitors in a house with children in it,” Colorado Springs, or Pueblo. For a YOU Y , begins November 6, ISSs. special folder giving full particulars of A Woman’s Discovery .—% Bv BLUE & CRAY. ation recommended some time ago has while the elegaut Amelie Rives writes Good, serviceable second-hand Books, of such kinds as are in use, taken a “one does not have to wish oue’s self a these excursions, call on your local “Another wonderful discovery has The great collection of tho most thrilling per­ dwindled away to the measly sum of been made and that too by a lady in Specimen Copy sene on receipt o f a Itco-cenl sonal adventures on hoth sides during the Great fair price in exchange. Large stock of shelf-worn and second-hand hooks a §6,000. I f the matter could have been child again to enjoy such books, be­ ticket agent, or-address P. S. Eustis, staniyi, Civil War. Intensely interesting accounts of ex* cause one feels a child still, after read­ Gen’l Pass, and Ticket Ag’t, C. B. & Q. this county. Disease fastened its ploits of scouts and spies, forlorn hopes, heroic reduced prices. First come, first served. delayed a little longer we probably clutches upon her ancl for seven years Single N umbers Five Cents each. bravery, imprisonments and hair-breadth escapes, would have got along with no appro­ ing them.” General Lew Wallace pro­ R. It.. Chicago, 111. romantic incidents, hand-to-hand straggles, hu­ she withstood its severest tests, hut Remittances should be made by Post-Office morous and tragic events, perilous journeys, bold priation at all, and may get none as it nounces it “An exquisite Christmas Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. present for the little ones of the house­ her vital organs were undermined and dashes, brilliant successes and magnanimous ac­ is.—B enton H arbor H ews. death seemed imminent. For three JVeicspapers are not to copy this advertisement tions on each side the line. 60 chapters. PRO - hold,” while Mrs. Lew Wallace de­ M o r r is t o w n , T enn., July 4, x8S3- without the express order o f H a r p e r & B rothers . rtJSE IiX XLjLUSTRXTKR to the life. 2*o oth­ It depends considerable upon wheth­ The Swift Specific Co., , Ga.: months she coughed incessantly and er hook at all like it. AGENTS WANTED. clares, “Many a child will dance with Address: HARPER & BROTHERS, New York. Outsells everything. er Grover Cleveland gets his hands up­ delight over this charming Christmas Gentlemen—Eire years ago I was so Tin. could not sleep. She bought of us a bottle of Dr. King’s Hew Discovery for Time for payments allowed Agents short of For the Next 30 D ays, on the bill before his veto power ex­ gift.” fortunate as to contract an extremely bad funds. PLANET BOOK CO., Box6S18, case of blood poison. My bones ached and consumption and was so much relieved New Book of Travel, Discoyery and 46 , Pa., ob St. Louis lio. pires. Prom an avalanche of such commen­ A d v e n tu r e . dations one more should he added. my muscles began to swell and contract. 1 on taking first dose that she slept all Robert J. Burdette, the noted humor­ was under treatment o f the physician from night and with one bottle lias been FROM POLE TOURS AROUND Election Notice. Apparently we have not heard the ist, exclaims, “Happy and gifted in­ the inception o f the disease until I found miraculously cured. Her name is Mrs. OR, that he could do me no good. Then, The annual election of the Farmers’ Mntna last of the sacking of Saekville. So deed is Palmer Cox, who can take a Luthur Lutz.” Thus write W. O. Ham­ through; the advice of a friend I began tak­ rick & Co., of Shelby, H. C.—Get a free TO POLE; • THE ¥ O E D . Fire Insurance Association of Berrien County: far from that, it appears to have just pencil in one hand and a pen in the Wild sports of the jungle and plain; journeys Michigan, will be held at the office of the Seen, ing S. S. S. Your medicine seemed to have bottle at W. F. Runner’s Drug Store. tary, in the village o f Bnchanan, on Satnrday Jan W . L. H ogue entered upon the beginning o f a seri­ other and draw pictures and write in nultnown lands; fights with savage men and an immediate effect. I took six bottles, and ferocious animals; sublime scenery: the deeds ol nary 5. A. D. 1839, at 2 o’clock P, M., at which ous controversy. The President prob­ p.ems for all sorts of people, from the to-day am sound and well. That was two or Cremation day—Friday. hero discoverers; through the Torrid and Frigid time there will be elected a President, a Secretary ably thought he had tbe last word ages o f five to fifty.” in all of which three years ago, but I have seen no evidence Zones; adventurous voyages, shipwrecks and and fonr Directors. Also, tbe question of extend­ Tlie Verdict Unanimous.—3 marvelous escapes among the islands of the sen, ing the Charter of the Association for thirty years when in his last message he severely praises we heartily concur, f t is a of tbe return of the disease, and I take this from the date of its expiration w ill be submitted W. D. Suit, Druggist, Bippus, Ind. etc., etc. Over 300 engravings. A G E N T S W ill sell all goods in their stock animadverted upon the conduct of d aisy. opportunity to thank you for what it has done W AN TED. Livliest selling book ever produced. to tbe members at that time, and to transact snch for me. It saved my life. You can refer testifies: “I can recommend Electric In both English and German. other business as may lawfully come before the the late British Minister, but, if all re­ The three new beauties by Palmer meeting. any one to me. R. M. W aia. Bitters as the very best remedy. Eve­ SCAMMEL & CO., Box 8973, ports are true, Minister Phelps may be Cox are Paws and Claws, (§1.U0). St . L ouis, M o., or P hiladelphia, P a . 47 FREEMAN FRANKLIN, Secretary. gently hut firmly boosted out of his Wings and stings, (7.jets.) Giants, ry bottle has giveu relief in every case 30days’ time given Agents without capital. 46 snug place at the Court of St. James Goblins, &3., (,§1.00) either of which F armersvillb , T ex., June =2, iS3S. One man took six bottles and was The Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga.: cared of rheumatism of ten years' by Lord Salisbury, who is distantly re­ are for sale by all booksellers or will Gentlemen—The mother o f a member standing.” Abraham Hare, druggist, AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, lated to Lord Saekville and has taken be mailed on receipt of price by the of our firm was afflicted with a cancerous Belville, Ohio, affirms: “The best sell­ the latter’s dismissal much to heart. publishers, Messrs. Hubbard Bros., 723 sore on her face for about twenty years. To all appearances Lord Salisbury has Chestnut Street, Pliila. ing medicine I have ever handled in During the past few years it troubled her my 20 years’ experience, is Electric made a personal grievance of tile af­ very much by' continued pain and itching. In order to reduce stock before invoicing. front put upon Lord Saekville, and She used your S. S. S., and the sore has Bitters.” Thousands of others have does not propose to recognize the Unit­ The Publishing and Patent Offices of disappeared and is apparently well. Should added their testimony, so that the ver­ dict is unanimous that Electric Bitters ed States by the appointment of a di­ the Scientific American. it break out again, will advise you. plomatic representative at Washing­ Very truly, do cure all diseases of the Liver, Kid­ ton until the present administration Perhaps some of our readers have P e n d l e t o n , Y e a r l y & R ilet, neys or Blood. Only a half dollar a steps down and out. Under such cir­ visited the extensive offices of the Druggists. bottle, at W. F. Runner’s Drug Store. ^V.The Best and Purest Medicine cumstances it would be manifestly hu- Scientific American, at 361 Broad way, 'SgSL EVER MADE. is is Advertising Dodge- A violent sea—Lunacy. 1 Three books mailed free on application. milating to allow Mr. Phelps to re­ Hew York, but many have not, and to such tue following account may he of THE SWEPT SPECIFIC CO., main in his present position. AH that Estate of James Callayian. can be done is to send for him to come interest. A correspondent who recent­ Drawer 3. Atlanta, Ga. * ly had this pleasure informs us that First publication Dec. 20,1SSS. I i^ L Itw ill drive the Humot from your. home and leave the legation in charge TATE OF MICHIGAN, County ofBerrien.sS.— system, and make your skin he was greatly surprised at the magni­ At a session of the Probate Court for said coun­ 4>„ ■*. clean and smooth. Those! o f the Secretary. That is probably S ° ’ o V ^.Pim ples and Blotches what Lord Salisbury wants. Mean­ tude of the establishment. It suggest­ ty, held at the Probate office, in the village o f Ber- — -vide ed to his mind an- enormous insurance PH ACTS AA'D PHYSIC. ru-n,Springs, on the 19th day o f December in the while, if the President himself were year one thousand eight hundrediand eighty-eight. W E M EAN I U not an obstinate and unforgiving man company or banking house. A t the When inclined to hire a hall, don’t Present, D av id E. HtNitAX, Judge o f Probate. main office, which is principally devot­ hire alcohol. In the matter o f the estate o f James Callayhan, he would long ago have overlooked the deceased. mistake of his iriend, Lord Saekville, ed to the patent buiness—forming as P e rso n a l. On reading and filing the petition, dnly verified, who was doing his best, thougti in a it does so important a part of the es­ A young lady of seventeen summers, ot George W. Noble, praying that a certain in­ And will divide our profits with al tablishment—may he seen the mem­ strument now on file in this Court, purporting to clumsy way, to aid his re-election.— highly educated, refined, and of pre­ be tbe last will and testament ol said deceased, * Chicago Tribune. bers of the firm and their able corps of possessing appearance, desires to form may be admitted to probate, and that administra­ examiners. Ready access to the prin­ tion or said estate may be granted to the peti­ the acquaintance of some nice young tioner, the executor named in said will, or to THE LADIES’ FAVORITE. cipals is afforded to every one; and man, whom she would advise, if trou­ some other suitable person. NEVER OUT OF ORDER. who will favor us with a call. State Items. here may he seen inventors from all bled With dyspepsia to use that great Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, the 1-1 til I f you desire to purchase a sewing machine, parts of the country showing their day of January next, at ten o’clock in the fore­ ask our agent at your place for terms and Snow enough in Northern Michigan blood purifier, Sulphur Bitters. noon, be assigned for the hearing of said petition prices. It you cannot find our agent, write models and drawings, and explaining and that tlic heirs at la w ol said deceased, and all direct tonearest address to youbelow named. for logging purposes. other persons interested in said estate, are required tneir inventions. The models left by When a man learns how ignorant he to appear at a session of said Courr,then to be hold- inventors form a large and interesting- is he is in possession of a valuabl e cn at the Probate office, in the village of Berrien NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE G.ORANGE.MASS. Kalamazoo Telegraph attempts to Chicago - 28 im)0_N SQUARE1NM DALLAS, collection, and are kept in a room by piece of knowledge. Springs, and show cause, if any there be, why the The D ose ATLANTft^A:sANFRAMC|Tff.ALj make the rest of the fraternity green themselves. The large corps of prayer of the petitioner should not be granted: small—only a tea% ? ST LOUIS. MO. . Don’t You Relieve It. And it is further ordered, that said petitioner give spoonful.SDGonful. At It ISis thofcUU V . *6^*0 * % & v5_ ■Or, • V„ with envy, with its Christmas extra. draughtsmen who prepare the patent notice to the persons interested in said estate, of l>est and cheapest^^ Q_ dfcv*,. V* drawings are for the most part exper­ There is nothing just as good. Its the pendency of said petition, and the hearing medicine, T ry ft,av, ^ -< 5. v ^>1^ WALLACE RILEY, AGENT. There are some severe cases of su­ thereof, by causing a copy of this order to ho pub­ youuu ■willn u i beuv satisfied. ^ 1 ienced mechanics, electricians, or engi­ equal does not exist. Papillon (Clarke’s mac poisoning in the vicinity of Cass- extract of flax) Catarrh Cure. Emi­ lished in the Bnchanan Record, a newspaper Get it of your Druggist. neers, some of them having been con­ printed and circulating in said county, three suc­ Don’tWait. Getitatoxce^ opolis. nected with the U, S. Patent Office. nent physicians recommend it to you. cessive weeks previous to said day oi hearing. Dr. A. E. ORR, Prominent newspapers and reliable (A true copy.) Dayid E . Hinjian, If yon are suffering from K id^h Most of the correspondence is carried [L. SJ Judge of Probate. nev Disease, and wish to live Pour hundred and ten old veterans on by type writers, and this necessi­ people who have been cared of this Last Publication Jan. 10.1S89. old age, use SULPHUR BITTERS^ offensive disease, all unite in saying i t They never fail to cure. are now accommodated at the Grand tates a separate department, where a i s t h e b e s t for Catarrh, Hay Fever, On January 1, we chall close our Rapids soldiers’ home, and it is really number of experienced female type Estate of Hannah A , Hart, Send 3 2-cent stamps to A . P. Ordway & Co., Veterinary Surgeon. Rose Cold, Coryza, etc., etc. Ask re­ writers and stenographers are con­ Boston.Mass., for best medical work published? over-crowded. liable druggists for it. §1.00, sent pre­ First publication, Dec. 201SSS. (Graduate o f Ontario Veterinary College.) stantly employed. The dark room, TATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Berrien,—ss. hooks, and all trade after that date A n effort is on foot at Sturgis to paid on receipt of price. SSS Solid Oold W iiA l where the photographs of the patent A t a session of the Probate Court for said Coun­ Sola for SX O O . uutU lauly. I —-.SALX, C A SE S—- P a p i l l o n C o m p a n y , Chicago, ill. S build a road from that place to con­ drawings are copied, and where the ty, held at the Probate office, in the tillage of Ber­ 1 1 >6®SK H 8lfl fiat (85 watch in tb« World, f rien Springs, on the 14th day ol December, In the I Perfect timekeeper War-X nect with the narrow gauge road from photographs for the architectural de­ A genuine bird-fancier: The house year one thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight. f / S f /ajffiBgBPyiF ranted. Heavy Solid Gold must he for cash. Present, David 1-L IIIAAIAA", Jndge o f Probate. - “ ^LHuotinc Cases. Both ladtea' Attended With Promptness and Skill, that place to Lawton. Three Rivers partment are developed, is also on this cat. In the matter of the estate o f Hannah A. Hart, ■and gents’ sizes, with works floor. On the floor above may be found A and cases of equal value. Itch, Mange and Scratches on human deceased. I One Person Id each lo~ Ten years’ practical experience in break, is on a direct line between these two the editorial rooms, compositors’ and On reading andifiling the pelition.dnly verified, caltiy can secure 000 free, or animals cured, m 30 minutes by of George W. Bntler praying that a cortain in­ together with our large pad vaU ing and training horses. points, and stands a clianee of getting subscription room, and the engravers’ cable line of* H o u fe b o ld Office in Catheart building, Main street, Wollfoicl’s Sanitary Lotion. This nev­ strument now on file in this Court, purporting to } S a m p les* These eamplei, as the line by making proper effort, if it department. be tbe last will and testament of said deceased, well as the watch, we send Buchanan. '46 er fails. Sold by W. F. Runner, Drug­ may be admitted to probate, and that administra­ F r e e , and after yon have kept is put through. The Architectural Department occu­ gist, Buchanan, Mich. 40m6 tion of said estate may be granted to the petition­ them Its your home for 8 months and shown them to those pies the top floor, and here may be seen er, the executor named in said will, or to some who may bare called, they become your own property. Those ib on file In Philadelphia m m i s m u who write at once can bo sure of receiving the W f t t c h at tbe Newspaper* Adveiv The pipes for heating the court the .manager of this department, and Sometimes it is the man who carries other suitable person. end S a m p le s. Wepay all express, freight,eta Address THIS PAPER,,.,Meisra_ Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, the 14th Stinson ds Go., S o x S12» Portland, H uiae* N. W . AVER * SON.our authodaed aaents. house were ready for use yesterday, also a number of draughtsmen at work the lantern for others .that falls into day of January next, at ten o’clock in the the ditch. forenoon, be' assigned for the bearing of and both the jail and court house are preparing the plans and general de­ to m ake it an object for customers to signs for the Architect and Builder said petition, and that the heirs at law ol Consumption Surely Cured. said deceased, and all other persons interested now heated by steam. The new ap­ edition of the Scientific American, in said estate, are required to appear at a session paratus works admirably, and the which is published monthly, and lias To t h e E d i t o r — Please inform your o f snid Coiu-t, then to be holdeu in the Probate trade with us. readers that I have a positive remedy Office, in tbe village o f Berrien Springs, and change seems to he a good one.—Cass- attained a widespread circulation. The show canse, if any there be, why the prayer of tbe printing o f the papers is carried on in for the above named disease. By its petitioner should pot be granted: And it is ojpolis Vigilant. timely use thousands of hopeless cases further ordered, that Eaid petitioner give notice a separate building. A t the entrance to the persons interestedinsaid estate, of tbepend- Supt. Sears o f the state public school of the mam offiee, which alone occu­ have been permanently cured. I shall ency of said petition, trad the hearing thereof, by be glad to send two Bottles of my rem­ cansing n copy o f this order to be published in the for dependent children at Cold water, pies a’floor space of CO by 165 feet, may Buchanan Record, a newspaper printed and cir­ be seen one of Prof. Draper’s remark­ edy f r e e to - any of your readers who culating in said County, three successive weeks says Hew Y ork pays §2,000,000 a year will send me their express and post previous to said day of hearing. We Can Sell Be able recording barometers, with which for the care of its dependent children; Instrument a complete record is kept office address. Respectfully, T. A. (A true copy,) DAVID E. HINMAN, [se al.] Jndge o f Probate, - Plush Toilet and Manicure Sets, Ohio, §300,000; California, §200,000, S l o c u m , M. C., 101 Pearl st., N, Y . 44yl of the atmospheric changes. This ba­ Last publication Jan. 10, ISSp. for less money than on the credit sys­ and Michigan, §S5,000. rometer was built specially for the I f you amuse a man he'll be likely Scientific American, and it is a remark­ to forgive you for cheating him after­ Albums, Odor Cases, Just before we left the farm we ably fine and sensitive as well as a ward. RETORT OF THE CONDITION tem, and have determined to do so. bought a Berkshire sow with ten little very expensive instrument. pigs sired by a Poland China. In one Some idea may be had of the extent Tlie First National Bank at Buebanan, in year we sold §110 worth of pigs from of the business done at the office of the the State o f Michigan, at the close F E B F U K k Scientific American when we state of business, Dec.,12,1SSS. her and had the mother and nine fine When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria, BISHOP & KENT. that over one hund» ed persons are em- When she was a Chad, she cried lor Castoria, pigs left. She is still doing business ploped by Munn & Co. on their several RESOURCES. When she became Mies, she clang to Castoria, Loans anddisconnts...... S 8,398.06 Perfume Bottles for all at the most at the old stand.— V erm ontville Echo- publications and in their extensive U.S. Bonds to secure circulation.,..'.... 12,500.00. patent departments. When sho had Children, she gave them Castoria, Due from approved reserve agents...... 43,071.85 reasonable prices. The Bangor Reflector gives the fol­ Realestate, furniture and fixtures...... 1,700.00 Current expenses and taxes paid...... 641.53 lowing quotations from answers to Premiums paid on bonds...... 3,009.38 Checks and other cash items...... 1,037.95 Call and See Me Before Purchasing. questions put to applicants for teach­ Jj'ueilleton. B ills o f other banka...... 2,130.00 It is easier to vanquish a man In an Fractional paper currency, nickels and ers’ certificates at a recent examintion Coal slack or cinders, burnt cobs, or cents...... 37.81 argument than it is to convince him. in Yan Buren county: “The glands in charred walnut wood, in the hog yards, S p ecie...... 12,110.65 BAJFIMORB^S Legal-tender notes...... 5,500.00 the neck are ligaments which help keep is frightening to the “swine plague”— Tbe HomeliestlUaii in Buchanan Redemption fond with U. S. Treasurer the neck in place.” “ The larynx is the If accompanied with plenty of rock as well as the handsomest, and others (5 per cent o f circulation)...... 562.50 Little Drug Store Around the Corner. salt. are invited to call on any druggist and Total...... §91,319.73 vocal organ. It consists o f transverse get f r e e a bottle of Kemp’s Balsam for glands, meeting at the edges hut not Ho matter how chicken-hearted a the Throat and Lungs, a remedy that LIABILITIES. young lady may he, she will always Capital stock paid in ...... $50,000.00 in the middle. This leaves a chink or is selling entirely upon its merits and National bank notes outstanding...... 5,000,00 undergo the pain of havihg her ears is guaranteed to relieve and cure all Individual deposits subject to check..... 18,459.36 slit, the rough edge o f these called, pierced for a pair of solitaires. Domand certificates of deposit...... 17,426.69 Chronic and Acute Coughs, Asthma, Interest...... 330.02 G . W . N O B L E cords.” “The knee joint is covered A Maryland paper asserts that a Bronchitis and Consumption. Large Premium on drafts...... 133.60 with a thick gizzle called a pan.” bottles 50 cents and §1. 42yl sportsman, while out gunning near Total...... $91,349.73 Has just opened a-Mammoth Stock of The river and harbor bill as reported Barnesville, shot a partridge out of a The existence of life is sometimes State op M ichigan, 1 „„ hawk’s mouth and did not injure the Count}-of Berrien. j 88, contains theLbllowing items for Mich­ measured by the memory Of its bur­ I, Jn-i. F, Reynolds, Cashier of the above-named hawk l dens. * bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement igan: Charlevoix, entrance La Pine is true to tho best o f m y knowledge and belief. lake,§1,000; Cheboygan, §5,000; Prank- Do not fret, It only adds to your Some IToolisU People JNO. F. REYNOLDS, Cashier. Allow a cough to run until it gets be­ Subscribed and sworn to before me this 18th fort, §S,000; Grand Haven, §20,000; burdens. To work hard is very well; day of December, 1888. B. D. HARPER, but to work hard and worry too Is yond the reach of medicine. They of­ Notary Puplic. Grand Marias, §35,000: Ludington, ten say, “ Oh, it will wear away,” but Correct—Attest: CONSISTING OF more than human nature can hear. . E . W . Sanders,] §40,000; Manistee, §10,000; Black lako, in most cases it wears them away. J. H . R oe, [-Directors. §5,000; Monroe, §3,500; Muskegon, Captain Joshua Slocum and family, Could they be induced to try the suc­ L . L . R edden, J after a perilous voyage from Brazil of Suits for Men, Youths and Boys, School §20,000; Ontonagon, §8,000; Pentwa- cessful medicine to cure, they would QURES PILES, 4,200 miles in a two and one-half ton immediately see the excellent effect S A L T RHEUM, ter, §0,500; Portage lake harbor refuge, boat, have touched our Southern coast after taking the first dose. Price 50c and are safely sailing northward. T E T T E R , BURNS Garments, Overcoats, Underwear, §10,000; Sand Beach, §20,000; St. Jo­ and §1.00. Trial size free. A t all SCALDS, SCRE3, seph, §5,000; South HavCn, §0,000; Among thejstudents at Miss Porter’s druggists. 42yt WOUND!}, IN '’ White River harbor, §7,500; Marquette school, Farmington, Conn., are a He who reforms himself has done FA NT’S SORES Hat,s Caps and Furnishing Goods. §20,000; Thunder Bay, §10,000; Hay daughter of James G. Blaine,- a niece something toward the reformation of AND CHAFING, of the late ex-President Arthur, and a the crowd. SORE NIPPLES. lake channel, $170,000; St. Clair flats A N IN V AL U ­ daughter of ex-Governor Alger, of A Sensible Man canal, §100,000; St. Mary’s river falls Michigan. AB LE R EM E OY Would use Kemp’s Balsam for the FOR CATARRH. ' canal, §500,000; Grosse Pointe, §100,- The Empress Josephine used to hold Throat and Lung'S. It is curing more 000; Saginaw river, §4.000; Clinton her handkerchief so as not to display eases o f Coughs, Colds and Asthma, R eliab le d r u g g is t s s e l l river, §6,000; St. Joseph river, $2,000 ; her colored teeth. She made handker­ Bronchitis Croup and all Throat and 2 5 < i T-s p o n a P o s it iv e G u a r a n t e e ; was never more complete. Now i» the time te ghee the aV? chiefs fashionable. Before that time Black river, §6,000; Rouge river sur­ Lung Troubles, than any other medi­ they were seldom exhibited, and never cine. The propietor has authorized dren with hie fame** vey, §3,500. made use of in public. any druggist to give you a Sample Bot­ TO ADVERTISERS tle F ree to convince you of the merit A list of 1000 newspapers divided into STATE S WOOD & HOFFMAN, A little city hoy, Who had just re­ AND SECTIONS wlU he sent on application— Red School-House Shoe, turned from his first visit on a farm, of this great remedy. Large Bottles FltBB. . It is.said that in Leominster, Eng­ 50c ancl §1. 42yl To those who want their advertising to pay; we land, there are growing together an gave this description of butter-making: can offer no better medium for thorough and effec­ EVERY PAIR WARRANTED. “You ought to just see liow auntie tive workthan tho various sections of our Select oak and ash which appear to have only I f we did but half we are able to do Zoenl List. GEO. F. EOW fXL & CO., one common trunk for four feet and makes butter with a barrel and a we wonld be' surprised at the sum of Newspaper Advertising Bureau, BUCHANAN, MICH. then divide. broomstickl” our diligence. ' 46 10 Spruce street,New York, THIS SALE IS FOR CASH. H E23ZSO E:

W e wish our readers all a merry A t a meeting of the School Board, had worked faithfully for Tom in poli­ matter is composed of practical ques­ B u c h a n a n R ecord. Christmas next Tuesday, and wish we held in thi3 office last evening, the res­ tics, A t any rate $15 o f the fellows tions asked by farmers and answered by practical men. I t answers all ques­ O. A. SIMONDS & GO., fine was remitted. A Judge is sup­ might furnish them each with a fat ignation of Miss May Haller, as teacher tions and prescribes for sick animals, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20,1SSS. turkey, but unfortunately that fs a in the First Primary department, was posed to keep a .padlock on his temper, free of charge. I t exposes all Swind­ luxury not known to newspaper busi­ accepted and Miss Eda Beardsley given or in the parlance of current slang, “ to lers who seek to prey lipon the farm­ w . ^Entered at the Fost-office at Buchanan, Mich., ness this year; her room for balance of the year. Ho keep his shirt on.” ing community and admits to its ad r\ -e^ a?second-class matter. vertising columns none but reliable ad one has yet been secured for Miss vertisements. For thirteen years it 43 MAIN STREET, The Christmas Sunday school will" Beardsley’s place. It is understood A n injustice is being done the direct­ has been an unflinching champion of NILES, MICH. have a Christmas tree, and a Cantata that Miss Haller will take a school of ors of Buchanan Manufacturing Com­ the farmer in its conflict with the rings W. T R E N B E T H , entitled “Santa Glaus’ Mistake, or The one pupil to manage. She has a whole pany by statements made affecting the and monopolies that have been rob­ W e have tlie largest stock in Berrien County, and will always divide profits with. Buchanan legality of the increase of stock made bing him. I t started the,Farmers A l­ customers. Bundle o f Sticks”, on Christmas eve. town-full of warm friends, especially liance and is the friend of all organi­ The public .is invited to be present, among the little ones who have been last year, these statements being car­ zations that are for tlie farming com­ IT WILL PAY YOU TO COME AND SEE US. also tbe privilege of putting presents" under her tutelage during her several ried even to the witness stand. Any munity. It was the first journal to on the tree. years service as teacher in that depart­ one who is interested will be shown by agitate the government supervision of railroads and the first to demand leg­ ------*-8 ------ment, who wish her as good success in the company’s books that tbe required islation to protect the dairy from the Eon Sale.—-A new Cook Stove. Th e Hiles Star vents nearly a whole her new calling as she has had in the ten days’ notice was given stockholders BOXES TO RENT IN THE Has constantly in. stock the largest unscrupulous bogus butter manufac­ WALLACE RILEY. column of spleen upon a Michigan Cen­ school room. by postal cards, of which they have turers. In a word, it is a paper for the stock and most desirable Candy! Candy! Candy! Candy! Can­ tral conductor, because he collected copies. Hearly 1,200 shares of stock farmer, bis wife and children, for the man who believes in justice between dy! Candy! Candy! Candy! Gandy at fare when the editor rode to South Marriage L.censes. were represented at the meeting, and NO, class and class and for all who believe MORRIS’ FAIR.W FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC Bend, "and wouldn’t trust him for it. , 0 Ox e more R ecord this year. Workmen, will deliver a lecture in age. I f so let us court the friendship Lacrone is doing finely, however. of ‘‘whiskey drinking,” saloon-keeper W e are in tbe market to stay and MEACH & HUNT’S. AND SATINS, AT Chas. D. Pelter’s children have been •Rough’s Opera House next "Wednes­ and gamblers together with otbor dis­ will sell as low as tbe lowest. See A . E. Moore can get a letter by call­ quite ill for a week past, but are now A bargain for you. A ll wool trecot day evening, Dec, 20, In tbe interest of reputable caracters. hand hills. TREAT BRO’Sjq ing at the Post office. that order. The public is invited to improving. flannel, 54 inches wide, only 50 cents at John Steinbauer is quite ill with A fine assortment of Pocket Books BOYLE & BAKER’S./" attend. Mr. Wilson is a pleasant speak­ Thanes.—We extend our heartfelt N othing has yet been heard from rheumatism, being confined to bis bed. at MORRIS’ FAIR, b ' er, and bis lecture will be well worth thanks to all our friends, to tbe mem­ Plush Goods for all, at Cents per Yard* the lost Mr. Blakeslee. Mrs. Mary Hess and her son Frank, We can sell yon Dolls cheap, bearing. bers of William Perrott Post of Bu­ BARMORE’S. 1 ■ ■■ d > — ------and his children of Crawford county, “ “ “ “ Doll Caps. “ chanan, and Auten Post Ho. 8, and Just call at Morgan’s and get Cash K erosene is being sold in Benton If some of tbe Buchanan young Ohio, arrived at Berrien Centre, Tues­ “ “ “ “ Scrap Books “ Sons of Yeterans of South Bend, for Prices on Crockery, Luster Band and Many of these goods sold for $1.25 Harhor for 8)4 cents a gallon. ladies make their visits to tbe depot, day evening last. They will spend the “ “ “ “ Albums “ their many kind acts during the sick­ White, before buying. S to see traveling men safely out of mo3t of the winter here among friends. “ “ “ Toys" “ per yard. Dress patterns and rem­ ness and burial of our father. A lso to - Sore cases of scarlet fever are re town, less frequent they will gain re­ .The quarterly meetings spoken of in “ “ “ “ any thing cheap­ Meach & Hunt sell for cash conse^ Miss Hahn and the Messrs. Beistle and nants, all for 50c. Please call and see ported in this vicinity. Some of them spect to themselves. There are some last week’s items were well attended, er in our line, tban any body in Ber­ quently cheap. ~ j Roe for music at funeral. in town. kinds of business that Improve with and interesting to all attending, rien county at MORRIS’ FAIR/-2, I have one Six Octave Mason & them. A few A . J. Garuthers and wife. more close attention. This is not one H. S. Robinson, Town Treasurer of Everybodv come and see what a bar- Hamlin Organ, new, for rent or sale, John Ba r r . Some elegant goods are being offered of them. Don’t make the publication Berrien township, will be at the Citi­ bain we will give you for Christmas in at a bargain. J. G. HOLMES. by our merchants for Christmas pres­ P r an k Ba r r . of names necessary. zens Hatlonal hank, in Hiles, to col­ Chriftmas presents. / 0 A Good Change to M ake Money ents. lect taxes, on the 22d and 29th inst. HIGH & DUNCAN. ■------Miss Berxie Earl was 14 years old The experience of the Buchanan this W in t e r —W e want some more The Grangers have arranged for a Oh! Those Xmas Booklets, at the ,. M r. R iley W r a y is enjoying a visit Sunday, and Saturday afternoon her Manufacturing Company may be a les­ reliable men to sell onr nursery stock; Christmas tree, in their hall at this P. O. HEWS DEPOT.* 7 left cheaper than ever. by Ins brother and lady, from Minne­ parents had her invited out to tea, and son to those .who hold insurance poli­ place, on Christmas eve. guaranteed first-class, true to name as The trade of W. L. H ogue & Co., sota. while she was away had an elegant cies, that they should read the printed Mrs. H. N. Rapp Sundayed at Ben­ ordered, and delivered in good, healthy has doubled in the last two weeks. Mason and Hamlin upright piano part o f the policy carefully and then ton Harbor, returning on Monday. condition. Salary and expenses, (or The Dress Goods are going fast, also W hy? Because they are selling at D on’t fail to hear 3Ir. Wilson in his moved into the parlor, and about thir­ be careful to abide by the contract. Mrs. Mary Webster has been visiting commission If preferred). Apply, stat­ prices that beats them all. f ( talk for the A. O.U. W., next Wednes­ ty of her school mates there for a We venture the assertion that nine her sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Cox; this ing age, to W . L.M oK A Y , the Table Linens. day evening. Free lecture. party, the whole a surprise. She would out of every ten policy holders have week. Come! Come! Come! Come! Come! Geneva, N. Y . 7 most likely not be averse to having her never read their policies, and will nev­ A little daughter of William H. Jen­ Come! Come! Come to the FAIR/^v • When visiting Niles call at the City OT. 2^ B - A - 2 d I S 0 3 S r . Mr. A bram F rame, living seven birthday come ofeener than once a er know what they say until they burn kins was buried at South Berrien Cen­ It pays to trade with , Restaurant for a good meal. miles south of this place, has been se­ year. „ out, and then perhaps to their sor­ tre cemetery, on Saturday. C. HIGH & DUNCAN. IRA EMMONS. riously ill during the past week. row. In the case of the Manufactur­ The firm of W. L. H ogue & Co., do Handkerchiefs from one cent to §1, Masonic E lection—A t theregular < ti» ’------ing Company the policies were made FROM CALIEN. just as they advertise to do, divide found at HIGH & DUNCAN’S./ £ meeting of Buchanan Lodge Ho. 08, F. M rs. P e r m e u a Eastwood, former­ void by stopping work, and also by a Mr. William Green, who has been to profits on all goods with their custom­ & A . M., the following officers were Call and see our new line of Holiday ly of Dayton, died at the home o f her complication in credits, either one of Ann Arbor for treatment, returned ers, and it pays them as their trade elected for the ensuing year: Goods. W .H . K E E LE R .^ son, J. K. Eastwood, in Perry, N. Y., which is fatal to the policies, audit home the latter part of last week a has been more tban doubled in conse­ H. Hamilton, W. M. W e are to the front once more with Oct. 23,1SSS, aged 72 years. was simply a question of avoiding a sound man. quence. ( J C. H. Baker, S. W. the handsomest lins of HangingLamps II. A. Hathaway, J. W. dozen or more complicated law suits Mr. Mell. Smith, who has been enjoy­ Ca f t . L eitcii, of the Benton Har­ Barnum and Santa Claus are with Aaron Miller. Treas.' that they settle. ing a vacation, returned back .to this ever brought to town. ^7 bor salvation army, is threatened with me now. Come and see. /$ B. D. Harper, Sec. village a few days ago," and has settled TREAT BROS. a breach of promise suit by a young Geo. Churchill, S. D. MORRIS’ FAIR. H iles is “all broke up” over tbe down to his former business. "Albums and Scrap Books, at lady from Hartford. C. O. Hamilton, J. D. Grand Jury business. The subpoenas • Go to H ig h ' * D u n c a n for anything BARMORE’S. ------a a s- The installation of officers will be Mr. Gus Desoma received, a visit that have been served give the citizens you want, and get the worth of your TherE w ill be a shooting match public, and will take place on the even­ from his father, who lives in Michigan I f you have a Watch or Clock that of that place the ague chills. From money. I b Christmas afternoon, in Buchanan, for ing of December 27, at which time the City, will not run, take them to J. J. ROE. the fact that when any one points Elegant Linen Handkerchiefs for turkeys, back of the mill. Ho. 22 rifle balance o f the officers will be oppoint- Mrs. John Hutchinson is visiting He can fix them. a finger at Hiles saloons the Star al­ Ladies and Gents, at / cd by the W. M. relatives in Kalamazoo, Mich. Go to H ig h & D u n can for Hosiery^ will be used. CHARLIE HIGH’S 1 ways squirms, it is fair to infer by the Mr. W. A. Blair and wife and Mrs. —— —

ZX2EBS33BS3 s m

steamer every week. If there had boon but Through Et. Taul, "Minnesota; tuid from luo tho original discoveries,' except ni correct feet. She I s called tho Eureka, and Is a ona a month that wooid . have decided him.?’ .very start flic legislature has made laws as if tion. These discoveries were made long ago, * “pneumatic yacht.” She is a rakish looking He Was transferred to tho army under Gen... for two separate [commonwealths. There is William Morrison is supposed to have lived craft, low down in the water, and looks very Fremont, and was made a general for “ gal­ a Dakota university at Vermillion, and a at Itaska in 1S03. ■ Frequent-visits havo been trim. Tho vessel is tho result of fifteen VETERANS MAY FIGHT OVER THEIR lant and distinguished services at tho battle University of Kortk Dakota at Grand Forks; made since, but to Schoolcraft and to Nicol­ months, experiment *by Mr. John Secor. o f Cross Hoys,” Liking Frament still less let* nre duo the credit of making the first maps Tho vessel has been built for. some time, BATTLES WITHOUT BLOODSHED. a penitentiary for the south at Sioux’ Falls evbr laid down of this interesting region. than McClellan ho was transfeired to Sigol and ono for tho north nt Bismarck, and and had soverol trial trips in 1887, but a n d resigned be­ normal schools-, agricultural colleges and she was not quite, satisfactory at that Gladstone’s Secret o f Ilcatyli'. Polemos.. Invented In England—Example cause, as ho wrote, other institutions iu liko duality, and all of It is reported that Mr. Gladstone ascribes Children of a Game—Infantry, Cavalry and Ar­ ha could not endure fine modern finish and appointments. A t the conduct of Goa. his splendid health and longevity, .says The tillery in KCimie Battle—An Enemy A t­ Yapkton 8215,000 were expended in erecting Milroy at Winches­ a hospital for tho insane, and in 1SS3 another Sanitary Era, to having early learned the For PITCHERS tacked, Cut Off, Surrounded and Captured. ter. 'Holocated m was erected at Jamestown, for. North Dakota. .simple.physiological lesson, namely, to; make Hew York as editor Both aro models in their way, and that of tho twenty-five bites at every bit of meat.- Al­ A new war game has been invented by Dr.' though the twenty-five bites might not make 0. B. Griffith, of Brighton, England. The of ThoHewKatiou. north, under tho administration of Dr. b e e a m o a promi Archibald, has acquired a world wide reputa­ any impression on tho meat in some cases, game is called “ Polemos,” and is played on a the interesting process Of Counting in every cloth ten feet by five feet, divided into nent social figluo ' tion for its success in tho non-restraint sys­ and labored to helpj,sn| p lt»'i tem. Tho visitor would think, unless other­ mouthful must -ho aspecies of rumination squares, each representing 400 yards. The yery diverting to the mind, and congenial to field may be varied by the addition of hills, th e Fenians. H wises , informed, that he was at a pleasant w a s offered t h »—> rural retreat, a country hotel on a scientific: tho statistical bent of tho great treasury f f i - 1 rivers, towns, redoubts, etc., which are to he minister. For .the purpose Of mastication, contended for- There is no chance in the place of command- ” \ basis. —----- • *- e r -in -c h ie f, and ijft Only Texas and California have larger however, shaving the meat off thin across, the game, The winning point is a matter to be fiber with a .harp knife would be more mutually determined between the contest­ a g r e e d to b e g in GE2f c l u s e r e t . areas than Dakota; the former reserved tho effective and more favorable to sociability A Practically Perfect Preparation for Children’s Complaints. ants. An equal force is given to each player. hostilities w h e n right to divide into five slates, while in Cali­ at meals. furnished with 10,000 men. With two others fornia thero is a strong movement in favor of A n example o f a single game, played over ho inado a tour of England and Ireland, a division in two, and ono of her representa­ IN CHARGE FOR PARIS. a field through which a river runs, will best examining tho British fortifications; but as tives has introduced into congress a bill to illustrate- the method of procedure. The the 10.QOQ men did not materialize he went to that effect. But it takes much moro than George ST. Bailey, by Adoption S e n eca country represented m the accompanying cuts France and commenced a newspaper crusade mere area to mako a state. Hovada has 110,- “ B ear.” . is about five miles by seven. Tho river run- against Louis Hapoleon’s military projects. 000 square miles and fewer people Jhan sho When last Juno tho French government In IS®) Hapoloon issued an imperial order had in 1S70, not 40,000 whites, if her voto is invited the government of the United States DE. HUMPHREYS’BOOS for his expulsion, reviving an old law which tho test. The lino o f tho forty-sixth parallel to participate iu tho centenary celebration of makes foreigners of those who servo in any is popularly accepted in Dakota as the bound- the French revolution, she also set aside Cloth & Cold Binding foreign army, Cluseret protested as an ary of the two states to bo. In population, ISA Sages, itfth Steel EograTiaj^ 75,000 squaro feet of floor space in her big That “ poor back ” is held responsible for more than Its share of the sufferings of MATIliRIl FfiEB, American, and by the intervention of Minis­ wealth, etc., the region south of that lino Is exposition buildings, and promised to ex­ A3flre«LP. O. BoxlfllO, & 7, ter Washbnrno secured a brief delay. He to that north about as 5 to 3. This ratio empt from customs duties all goods sent from mankind. , Jf your dog bites a man who kicks it, do you blame the dog? On the same EUREKA AND MACHINERY, In n60 30 yoais.—Special Prescriptions o f apnealed to congress in a florid memorial, will servo fairly for most o f tho following America for exhibit, She also promised principle the kidneys ulter their protest against nervousness, impure blood, and *>n eminent Physician. Sim ple, Safe and Sure* but when brought to final account protested statistics; time. On her trial trips the Eureka required 2*05. CURES. FJUCK. to protect American manufacturers from resulting constipation, '1 liese force them to do extraordinary work in ridding the as a Frenchman, saying that “in America the Dakota as a whole has 4,800 miles of rail­ piracy of invention a dynamo and an engine to furnish elec-, 1 F evers, Congestion, Inflammations.. system of the poisons which are the result of effete matter retained in the 2 W o rm s, 'Worm.Ifever, Worm Colic.., *2 5 war of giants, which lasted four years, way, more than either of twenty-six states or design. Con­ tricity and an air pump to keep the cylinder 3 Crying Colic, or Teething of Infants .25 blood. Then the*sufferer says the 4. Diarrhea of Children or Adults...... 2 5 counted nono but volunteer armies.” Tho a » l eight territories. She lias (at the least) gress appointed supplied. How the electricity is to be fur­ back aches; the kidneys are dis- 5 " ' ~ ...... Hew York Tribuuo condemned his course, 000,000 people, being ahead of nino states and commissioners gen­ nished by storage batteries, and tile Cylin­ eased. “ Not yet j” but they will be unless the nerves are strengthened, 6 and this was his retort: any other territory. Also, 209 banks, exceed­ ders: supply themselves with air’ automati­ UUUfiUSt S/V4U* DiUflVUi _____ eral to represent •the blood purified, and the constipation removed. These are the causes 8 Neuralgia, Toothache, Faceachs.... .25 ‘■Horace Greeley, young and poor, had ing two-thirds o f tho states; and in schools, the United States, cally, so that the little ship can be cleared He&daclies, Sicklleadiiche, Vertigo,. ,2 5 :0f kidney troubles; and Paine’s Celery Comnound removes them quickly, jlO Dyspepsia. Bilious Stomach...... *25 himself pelted for the freedom o f tho blacks. colleges, churches, and other indices of civili­ agreed t-o p a y out fore and aft below deck, for her motive Suppressed or Painful Periods, *25 Fat, blonde, old and an arch-millionaire, ho zation sho ranks far ahead of many states, power will occupy less than fifteen squire With its ionic', purifying, and laxative effect, it also strengthens the weak W hites, too Profuse Periods...... 2 5 transportation on ||| Crouj), CoughfDifficult Breathing..,. .2 5 has adopted tho bourgeois motto, ‘Every one and is almost equal to all the territories. all exhibits from feet of space in the stern. It is simple kidneys,' making' it almost infallible in curing all diseases of tlie neives aud kid- 111 Salt ilh e m n . Erysipelas, Ernp'tions.. .2 5 in his own home, every one for himself. Her product of wheat in 1SS7 was greater enough, consisting of tw o. cylinders o f steel 515 Rheumatism, Kucumatic Pams...... «2sT Hew York to the neys. If your hopes of cure have not been realized, try Paine’s Celery Com­ fli6 F ev e r and A g u e, Chills, Malaria.*.,, *5 0 Amen.’ ” than that of any other state or territory; in exposition grounds 1J4 Inches thick, 10 feet long and 20 inches in |i? Piles, Blind or Bleeding...v...... 5tt He had to leave France,-but returned after oats sho exceeded all but Iowa and Illinois; diameter at their outboard ends. They have pound; it gives perfect health to all who camplain o f “ their poor backs.” Price $1.00. 118 Ophtimlmy. or sore, or wenk Byes.. .5 0 lilliiSWl&v going and return­ the fall of tho empire, joined tho Commun­ in corn sho was excelled by only nineteen no pitch to speak of, and the ends When out ■ So ld b y D ruggists. S end f o r I ll u stra ted Pa p e r . PLATING POLEMOS. ing, and a'ppropri- ists, and attempted to discipline them and re­ states, and in rye, buckwheat and root crops of water look like the muzzles of two heavy He^EOP&THlg ning through it is unfordable and winds be­ a te d §350,000 to strain their destructive fury, but in vain. sho fell but little below theaverage of all the defray tho ex­ guns, one on each side of tho sternpost. To W E ’PLS, RICHARDSON & CO., Proprietors, Cntarrh, acute or chronic; Influenza, 50 tween the hills. Two bridges cross tho river, A s minister of war to the Commune ho was states. insure easy steering, a space of about the W hooping Cough, Violent Coughs., ,5 0 the one at C, the other at B, several miles penses of tho Am­ 5 0 condemned to death by the Thiers govern­ It was suggested that with division on tho Same length as a propeller wheel would oc­ BURLINGTON, VERMONT. .5 0 above. erican exhibit. .5 0 ment, hat escaped to Belgium in the disguise lino of the forty-sixth parallel, tho north To • take- charge G. M. BAILEY, cupy is left between the sternpost and the General Debility, Physical Weakness ..5 0 The forces engaged are supposed to balO,- of a priest. Ho lived there and in Genova, should tnko tho namo of Lincoln; but tho rudderpost, the rudder being shipped on a Dropsy, and Scanty becretoms...... 5 0 men on either side, consisting of cavalry, of certain exhibits whoso senders could, Sea Sickness, Sickness from Biding ■.5 0 000 supporting himself by writing till tho am­ people do not -favor it. “ Pembina” and shoe or extension of tho keel. infantry and - artillery. In the cut the de­ not accompany them tho commissioners ap­ K id n e y D isea se...... ,.5 0 nesty gave him. tho right to return to Franco. “ Huron” mot with soma favor, but tho hearts A t the inboard end; of the cylinders are air IDIEB- BZEBZEJ'^2vr ZHjZEB IVexrous D eb ility , Seminal 'Weak­ fending force is marked by a flag composed pointed Mr Georgo M. Bailey of Buffalo, ness. or Involuntary Discharges....! ,GO His “ Memoirs of tho Siege” condemn tho of the people seem to bo sot ou tho namo chambers, into which a given amount of of three perpendicular divisions of black and N. Y., a journalist and veteran of the late Respectfully calls your attention to the following cnreil or Sore Mouth. Canker... .50 Communists severely, and almost everybody Dakota. It is an intensely local name—tho petroleum is to be conducted through leaden Urlnnr .50 whiter and the attacking force by diagonal war. His success in organizing the Indian materially' benefited !>y his method of treating Chronic Painful. _ ,50 else to some extent. Ho is an unparalleled designation cf qlltho Sioux-Indians, and is pipes from a tank, and by means of elec­ D iseases. .OO divisions of black and white. On tho key department of the Buffalo exposition of 1SS7 Diseasesui u»u j. egotist, handy aliko with pen and sword, as said to mean “alliance,” “ union,” a league of trodes supplied by storage batteries and con­ Epilepsy, Spafon,St.\itas Dance.,,1..00 plan the defending force is designated by proved his fitness for the task;, ho remains at Diphtheria. Ulcerated Sore Throat ..50 ready to fight as to write. His motto in the kindred or friendly ones. So tho two states trolled by the engineer exploded at regular black squares, and tho attacking force by Buffalo ready to give nil information to lato was, “ The Commune means will probably be Horth Dakota and South intervals in the cylinders. The compressed squares of black and white. ■would be exhibitors till the opening of the freedom and regeneration, not destruction.” Dakota. ______* air rushing out continuously propels the A town is supposed to be some distance Paris exposition. He will then go to Paris PEOIFIOS. And on that platform the peasants o f tho. de­ yacht at a speed which, Mr. Secor declares, from the battlefield on tho left. The duty of for tho entiro six months, and visitors frem Sold by Druggists, or sent postpaid on receiptof partment of Tar have elected him against alt ‘ Tile Bisgor Kali. will be almost unlimited. A t a pressure of pricoi—HmgHRCYa,aiEDIClXBCQ.10gFntt038t.5,¥y the defensive player is to cover this town America will find there in his charge speci­ the appeals of the Conservatives. “ Bobby,” said bis mother, “ did you give mens of all the distinctively American inven­ 4,000 pounds he expects to drive the Eureka from the enemy, fifteen miles distant to the MUMPHSEIS’ Tight. The attacking force is divided. About •half of the orange to your little sister?” tions. . through tho water at the rate of sixteen “ Oh, yes, ina. I gave her more than that,” one-third, consisting of one regiment of cav­ The Earl of Loom During the Buffalo exposition Mr. Bailey knots an hour. HOMEOPATHIC VE m iH A B Y S H eiH C S replied Bohbv, vi.Jli a generous air, There is also being perfected at one of the alry and three battalions of infantry, is on The Earl of Lucan, whose death took place edited The International Fair Journal, and For Horses, Cattle, Sheep, “ Did you, indeed, Bobby? Why, that was Brooklyn docks a hydraulic vessel that is ex­ the left bank of tho river fthe upper bank in recently in London, and of whom a portrait his Seneca Indian friends were so pleased . Dogs, Hogs, Poultry, very nice of you.” pected to go at the rato of thirty miles an the plan), while the main body, consisting o f is here given, achieved a farno in a few min­ with his success in organizing their depart­ ] 500 RAGE BO OK. on Treat, the general and staff, two batteries fsix guns utes which will doubtless run through song “ Yes, r.:a, I sucked tho juice out and gave ment that they decided to adopt- him hour. Conservative engineers say that it is meat of Annuals and each), one regiment of cavalry and five bat­ and story for centuries. During the Crimean her all tue rest.”—Hew York Sun. as a member of tho Bear clan of their tribe. impossible, but the inventor is confident of ___ Chart Scut Free. talions of infantry, are on the right bank. war he misinterpreted an order to charge tho A BIG UNION DEPOT. Tho ceremony took place Sept. 17 in true Humphreys’ Hed. Co., 109 Fulton St., K. Y. The defending force, as has been said, equals enemy’s guns. Leading his men up to works aboriginal fashion, the two Seneca chiefs, OHI DR. TUMBLETY. its enemy in numbers, and is divided into the which it was impossible should he taken-by It ITUs Recently Finished in Indianapolis Ho-wah-no (“ The Stubborn”), or Solomon same corps. Both forces at tho opening of his Single brigade of light cavalry, his men and Is a Fine Structure. Obail,. and Tow-so-naw-tob, or Andrew He Was Charged with Being the W h ite­ the game advance towards tho bridge, G, were shot down in snch numbers that only Indianapolis has recently completedher new Snow. Ho-wab-no is 90 years old, and a chapel Fiend—-Where Is Ho Now? CURES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS. which is, of course, a very important point. a small portion lived to ride back. Lord an*I commodious central depot, which was grandson of the once noted Cornplanter, the Best Gough S*yrup. Tastes good- Use The defending general sends forward one Lucan was not blamed for undertaking an badly needed, as the city is distinctively a contemporary of Red Jacket. The ceremo­ Dr. Tumblety, the American who was sus­ lutime. Sold by druggists. battery, one regiment of cavalry and two impracticable feat. railroad center. 'Ho other state has a capi­ nies were very simple and impressive. The pected of being the Whitechapel murderer battalions of infantry to occupy the hill It is the duty of a tal so central* in all respects, territory, popu­ adopting speech was in the language Of the and arrested in London not long ago, but marked Ho. , on the left or further bank of SCneeas, and at its close the Indians chanted soon after released; is a man. with a singular Chas. Johnson, Sturgis, iTich., Nervousness; Geo. Wyman, Clingcr 1 soldier ta obey, not 3 ^ lation, wealth and lines of travel, as Indiana. I believe Piso’s Cure the war song. This proceeding is very rare history. Between 1860 and 1864 he was as Lake, 3Iich., Kidnej;s;”Jolia Dalton, Van 35uren, Iud., Heart Disease; the river, and they take position in front of to question. On It is almost exactly equidistant from tho. Mrs.'Packard Hanier, Union City, Mich., Heart Disease; Mrs. Sylvester for Consuc'.ption saved it. On the opposite side of the river the de- t h e contrary, ho Mi boundaries ou all sides; it is In the center of among the Indians, and in'"their tribe con­ well known on the streets of Brooklyn, . Pellars, Hoduok, Mich., Lungs: John .Yost, Yan Boren, Ind., Kidneys; - m y life.—A , H . D ow ell, and a few of his the great central plain of the state, and fers high honor upon Mr. Bailey, who is now where he posed as an Indian herb doctor, as by the withdrawal of the battery which was, the other belongings of a first class union lute.; The eloquence, force and logical clear- scathed, unharmed. His notoriety in connec­ Estate ol Thornas Vanderliooi, deceased. nesi of Canon Little made this Advent week tion with the Whitechapel horrors is but Tbe undersigned having been appointed by tbe in the beginning, sent over to the left bank, Two hundred years ago the romancing depot. The annexed cut presents the ex­ Judge of Probate of said county, Commissioners and the moving forward of the invaders’ traveler and explorer, Baron La Hontan, was terior view; and, as will be seen, it ranis a memorable* season to Trinity.- another instance of this. on Claims in tbe matter o f said estate o f Thomas JO B PRINTING, force on that side, have again advanced. The on the upper Mississippi, and met some In­ among the finest depot buildings in thO;: Yanderhoof deceased, and six months from tho Fatl-.ct- Garrigan. What Good Teeth Mean. fifteenth day of October, A D.1SS3, having been al­ United States. The main waiting room is lowed by said Judge o f Probate to all persons dians whom he calls Outagamis, who told Rev. P. J. Garrigair, who has been ap­ CALL AT THE When I say Cuee I do not mean merely to him that in their territory, many leagues 120 feet long, with glass roof sixty feet above Good* teeth mean, to a certain- extent, good holding claims against said estate, in which to stop them for a time, and then have them re­ the floor. The cost, including tho payment pointed vice rector of tho new Catholic uni­ digestion, and consequently good- health, present their claims to ns for examination and ad­ turn again. I lUEAK A RADICAL CUR14. away, was a salt lake without an outlet, versity at Washington, is a man of scholarly justment. Notice is hereby given, that we will for the site, is set at §1,800,000, which is while bad teeth often mean the 'contrary. meet on Thursday, the 10th day o f January, A. It. RECORD OFFICE. I have made the disease of around which the spirits kept guard. Recent shared by the following roads: the Jefferson­ attainments and great executive ability. He Too mats‘people force the stomach to do the 1889, and on Monday, the 15th day ot April, TITS, HPILEPSlT m 0 writers once believed that this meant the ville, Madison and Indianapolis; the Cleve­ was born in Cavan county, Ireland, in 1841, work that the teeth should have, done, and A. D, 1889, at 9 o ’clock A.M . of each day, at the Great Salt lake of Utah, but more likely it land, Columbus, Cincinnati and Indiana­ and when quite young emigrated to the the much abused, long suffering stomach re­ office of John C. Dick, in the village of Buchanan, United States with his parents. He received in said county, to receive antr examine such You Can Make Money! was the Minne-waukan, “ devils’ ” or “ spirits’ polis; tho Cincinnati, Indianapolis, St. Louis bels at this new function thrust upon itj and claims. A life-long study. I wauraxt my remedy to and Chicago; the Chicago,, St, Louis and his first training iu the public schools of the most -dangerous results follow as a Dated November 27,1888. q uietly, by an entirely new method, Perfectly le Core the worst cases. Because others have lake,” o f Dakota. A hundred years later but gitimate. Won't interfere with your regular bns Pittsburg, and the Vandalia combination. Lowell, Mass., and having evinced a desire natural consequence.—Hsrs,ld. of Health. JOHN C. DICK, ) failed is no rcasonfor notnowrcceivuigacure. little more was known, and the fow French to take religious orders, lie was 'sent to St. _ CHARLES F. HOWE, ^-Commissioners. ness, orprove tobea humhug. Satisfactory results Seed at oncefor atreatise and a FbebBottlb ENOS HOLMES, ) guaranteed. Eitli er sex. Send stamp explanation. of my Infallible Remedy. Give Express who traversed the region thought it unfit for Charles’ college, Maryland, and afterward to . c o s r or rseiner c r ip p ie a . KET PLAN, THIRD POSITION, THE FATHER OF WATERS. Last publication, Dec, 27,1SSS. SU REK A PROCESS CO.. P. O. B ox 51, Provi­ and Post Office. It costs you nothing for a civilized occupation—a land for game and St. Joseph’s seminary, Troy, H. Y ., where A table prepared for a -workingman’s dence, R. I. trial, and it-will cure you. AddresB* enemy, which is intrenched, repulses them, Indians. Down to 1860 it was included on Recent Visitors to Itasca Basin Correct bo pursued his the­ society in Leipsic represents that the loss H.Q. ROOT, fifl.C., 183 PearlSt., KewTQRIv and for the second time the defensive party ological course. Iu of different parts of the body reduces tile fall back to Hill 2. the maps in that “ Great American Desert,” tlio Old Maps. which has proved so hard to locate and de­ 1S70 he was ordain­ capacity of gaining a living in the fol­ The party of defenders which crossed Last fall two men, Messrs. J. V. Brown fine. ed to the priesthood Bridge B, consisting of a battery, a regiment and W. A. Avery, left Saint Paul to explore lowing precentages: Loss of both eyes, Fifty years ago it was mapped as Missouri and was appointed i*hB U i SRB* Ul* ID E is of. cavalry and two battalions o f infantry the source of the Mississippi river. Mr. or arms, or hands, or legs, or feet, 100; SgJv issued March a_*l Sept.^ Territory, a little later as the Mandan dis­ to,the Springfield (the battery being reduced to three guns), Brown has made some correction in the map loss of right band, 40; of the right each year. It is an ?ncy- trict, and in 1S49 congress included most of it diocese. M MAM laid down by Hicollet in 1S36. Hicollet thumb, S3 1-3; of one eye, 23; of the left K'l elopedia of useful ifffor. now take up the following positions: The His first mission UNACQUAINTED WITH THE GEOGRAPHY OF THE COUNTRY, W ILL OBTAIN battery moves down the river between Hills in the territory o f Minnesota, organized that named three lakes as existing in the region, thumb, or.right index finger, 14; of left 4, £ ril matioa. for all who pnr- year. In 1S54 Nebraska was made a terri­ was to St, John’s MUCH VALUABLE INFORMATION FROM A STUDY OF THIS MAP OF 2 and 3, and engages the enemies’ battery on and selecting the largest feeder of Itaska index, or any other finger of the left chase the luxuries or the tory, including nearly all of Dakota. In church, Worcester, IE- ueoessities of life. We Hill L The cavalry gallops over Hill 3 to lake, designated it the “ Infant Mississippi.’’ hand, 5.—Arlsansaw Traveler. . 1S61 congress created the territory of Dakota, where excellent re­ cah clothe you and furnish you with cover tho flank of the infantry in front of The stream rises in a small lake further up (1) reaching from Minnesota to the summit of sults crowned his all :!-e nacossaiy and. vtnneoessary Hill 2. The two battalions march to Bridge on the map, and which is the true source of the aijabi* ape? ro nde, wr.'k," dance, sleep, the Rocky mountains; but when the first exertions for th e Before the' Camera. Mississippi. Tho recent explorers’ report that j i h 1 u .vovk, go to church, A to resist the crossing o f the invading force welfare of his peo­ Women are generally willing to have over the pontoon bridge, and hold their com­ territorial legislature met, in 1S62, the entire Nicollet's third lake does not exist. 0 t -o-tra and in various sizes, ple. His, next ap­ •then* photographs taken, and in country munications with the town. This is the situ­ whito population was below 5,000. In 1863 Of the three great branches of the main v lc. quantities. Just figure ous pointment was to ation which is pictured in the cut. congress cut off the territory o f Idaho; in trunk of tho Mississippi, extending from REV. P. J. GARP.IGAN. places I have frequently had tkbm cluster 1 1 ed to do all these things direct St. Joseph’s 1 CpT43 4 n 1 you can mate u fair The following is the closing of the contest: 1SG4 the east half of Idaho was organized Cairo to Hew Orleans—the Ohio, the Upper around the caniera for this object; but Theological seminary, at Troy. In tho fall r a oi tn„ due o f the BU YE RS’ The invading battery on Hill 1 silences tho into tho territory of Montana, and in 180S Mississippi, and the Missouri—the Missouri men are less -eager, and in. m any Cases congress clipped off* S9,655 more square miles of 1S75 he was appointed to St. Bernard’s GO IB B , which w ill be . r»t upon defenders’ three gun battery which advanced is by for the largest, originating in British when requested to become part of a rc-o?‘ iu o f cents to pay postage, church, at Fitchburg, Mass', and retained 10 to the right river bank, to engage it, The from Dakota and created the_ territory of America some 590 miles f **>m the Pacific group I have seen them stand in the control of St, Bernard’s until bis recent ap­ 0 silencing battery descends to the river bank Wyoming. Still another dip was soon made Ocean. That branch which *'s called the Mis- background and SO overshadow the face fv; >?TCO?«EF;Y WARD & CO. pointment. He is a prominent advocate of the i i i - ' 1 4 ?.;i-ui:..--*-i- *■ ven u e,O h ioa so,X U . and opens fire on the defenders’ troops on to square the: boundaries,, and still Dakota as to make their picture- unrecognizable. had, and has, 149,100 square miles, of which temperance cause, and at presSitt is treasurer —Philadelphia News." 1,500 aro covered by Water. It is as if Hew of the Catholic Total Abstinence union .of Ameriq- York, Pennsylvania, Hew Jersey, Maryland, Treatment for Pick Headache. ASK FOR IT Delaware and Virginia were all in one com­ Sill: Threads in Bank Notes. * The headache 'of indigestion, accom­ monwealth, and therefore Dakota wants to The paper on which bank notes are printed panied by scotoma, or scintillations and be two states. ------THE SELF-THREADING is called “ distinctive paper,” being used ex­ dazzliugs of light before tbe eyes, is al­ The development o f this region is phenom­ clusively by tbe government for the printing ways due to acidity and evolution of enal, even in this land o f rapidly growing of bonds and current notes. The mills where states. In 1S6D the present area o f Dakota gases In tbe stomach. lYhen not accom­ it is manufactured are at Glen Falls, Chester panied t>y aphasia* or by a want of co­ contained bat 2,400 white people; in 1S70 cqnnty, Fa. Ail agent of the treasury de­ there were but 14,181, and even in 1877 the ordination, it is easily cured by common partment receives the paper direct from the* saleratus or supercarbonate of soda. Let increase was not notable, except- along the hands of the manufacturer; and. every pre­ northern Pacific railroad. InlS79 the won­ the patient take one-fourth of a teaspoon­ caution is observed to prevent any loss.. fu l in much water-—say four to six table­ derful “ boom” began, and increased so rap­ Short scraps of red silk are mixed with the* spoonfuls, or more—wait a few minutes, THE ,GREAT SSLAIM9 ROOTE, In it are com­ idly that in a single season one railroad liquid pulp in an. engine. The finished ma.- RGGK brought in 80,000 immigrants. Census takers and if hot relieved Tepeat the dose. The bined tbe fin­ Hill 3. The two battalions there are com­ terialis couducleil'to a wire cloth without (Chicago, Hock Island & Pacific and Chicago, Kansas'& Mebraska Eys.) pelled. to retire, and; are pursued by the three could not keep up with the increase. In 1880 passing through, any screens, which might .glimmering soon Ceases, and the pain est mechanic­ battalions of tho invaders, which have mean­ the national census put the population at forgets to follow . H ot water* can “be, Its main lines; branches anti extensions west, northwest and southwest retain: the silken threads. An arrangement include Chicago, Joliet, Ottawa, Peoria, La Salle, Moline, Bock Island in al skill, the while forced a passage over pontoon bridge 135,177; in eighteen months it had dohbled; above the wire doth scatters a shower of fine* used if the stomach .is very weak, land * - ILLINOIS—Davenport, Muscatine, Ottumwa, Oskaloosa, "West Liberty, Iowa most useful in 1SS5, in June, a territorial census put it A , and thus Severed their enemies’ communi­ scraps of blue silk thread, which falls updit Bondault’s pepsin will sometimes relieve City, Des Moines, Knoxville, 'Winterset, Atlantic, Audubon, -Harlan, Guthrie and practical cations. Hill 3 is of course captured by the at 415,263; but the railroad and land office the paper while it is being formed The side, it without -the soda.—Dr. S. F. Landrey Centre, and Council Bluffs-in IOWA—Minneapolis and St. Paul in MINNE­ on which the blue, silk is; deposited is used’ SOTA—Watertown and Sioux Falls in DAKOTA—Gallatin, Trenton, Cameron, elements, and invaders, and the defenders are driven into the returns showed it to be increasing at a rate in PoDlilar ,Science News. '. St. Joseph,' and Kansas City in MISSOURI—Beatrice, Fairbury, and Nelson valley between Hills 2 and 3, where they are exceeding 1,000 a week. In , 1SS0 the total for the back o f notes, and the threads are so* in 'NEBRASKA—-Horton, Topeka, Hutchinson, Wichita, Belleville, Norton, all known ad­ exposed to an enfilading fire from the battery vote oxceeded 100,000; and the present popu­ deeply imbedded as to remain' permanently < Abilene, Caldwell, in KANSAS—Colorado Springs, Denver, Pueblo, in COLO­ vantages that lation. cannot be below 600,000, and may THE ITASCA BASIN. fixed. Eacb sheet is registered as soon as *it> RADO. -Traverses new and vast areas of rich farming and grazing lands, on the opposite side of the river,, which has is made.—St. Paul Pioneer Press. . ; affording the best facilities of intercommunication to older: States and to ail make a sew­ taken a different position lower down. Tho greatly exceed that. Thetotal assessment o f sissippi, a part of tho main stem o f the State 6e Onto, Cit y of Toledo, £ . L ucas County, S. S. ) ' towns-and cities in Southern • Nebraska; Kansas, Colorado, Utah, New ing machine •main body of the offensive force lyingbeforo property in 1SS7 was 8157,084,366; the real great river, has its origin in Minnesota, a WITHOUT STEAM OR SAIL. * Mexico, Indian Territory,. Texas, Arizona, Idaho, California, and Pacific desirable to value now cannot be much below §300,000,000.' thickly populated state, and comparatively F rank J. Cheney makes oath that * coast and trans-oceanic Seaports. ... H ill 2, seeing that their own troops hold Hill sell or use. 3, attacks, the enemy on Hill 2 and the plain near by. The exploring party who set out A Pneumatic Yacht That Is Expected: ~to lie is the senior partner of the firm of ./SOLID FAST VESTIBULE EXPRESS TRAINS last October followed up the main feeder of About. Thus at last the defenders are sur­ Travel Sixteen. Knots an Hour. ' F. J . Cheney & Co., doing- business in Of Palace Coaches—leading all competitors in splendor of. equipment and rounded, and have lost their line of commu­ Lake Itasca. They report Hicollet’s first E L D R E B © g M W ® . GO, Tho wonderful possibilities of electricity the City-of Toledo, County and State luxur^ of apcomrnodations^run' through, daily between Chicagcrand Colo- nications. There is nothing for them to do lake (*2) ou the map to be filling up with the aforesaid, and that said firm will pay rado *s, Denver and Pueblo. ar MAGNIFICENT 3STIBULE Yictory and “Wholesale OSoe, Belviieie, HL but surrender!. natural wash of a deep valley. Nicollet’s are being illustrated every- day. Street ears the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOL­ second lake (1) on the map is round in shape, run by electricity are-becoming quite com- , iZDC» Wttbrtsh Avc.% Chicago* ^ LARS for each and every lease !6£ :Ca- 30 jRrlxui Street* Wwo JTarTc. - and the surrounding scenery is described as mon; the phonograph and graphophone arj tarr.h that cannot be cured by the. use . sions.daily.. Choice uf routes to and, from Salt* ______a k e -City,______Portland, L___ os GENERAL CLUSERET. very beautiful. From this_ little body of now acknowledged to be successful;. Edison Angeles; San Die’go, San Francisco, alia intervening localities. Quick time, J. J- EOE, Agent,IBdcbanan, M cIl water quietly resting among the beautiful of Ha le ’s Catarrh, Cure. . * ’prompt connections and transfers iff Ipiion Depots. H « Is Charged in France with Being as even talks-of in venting an electric newspaper! Minnesota hills emanates* the mighty river, The scheme js too large and complicated to , ■ f r a n k : j ; c h e n e y . ■ American Citizen. THE-FAMOUS ALBERT LEA ROUTE the longest, on the globe,* famed for the bo recited- here, but* the wizard* of Menlo - ■ Sworn toheforeme and'■ subscribed There is an interesting item in the recent legends of primitive races that once lived on. Park claims that it* is quite*practicable.. Tho in iny presence, this sixth* day o f De­ Runs superbly equipped'Express Trains daily each way between Chicago, t h s Y A m i m m news from France: Gen. Gustave Cluseret, its banks, for the early stories, of Jesnit mis­ children of the land will -bo playing with cember, A . D.-1S86.; v. , - • , : ■’ -Rock Island, .AtemsOn; St.'Joseph, Leavenworth, Kansas City and Minne- la one o f the Oldest and Best and tlio Cheapest apolis and St. Paul. The Favorite:Tourist Line to the scenic resorts, and Weekly Family Story Paper iu America. the former FrencU-American soldier, editor sionaries, and later for (ho contests of the** electi-ic dolls.bofore long--dolls that can sing, C , a . VT. G L E A S O N , hunting. and'fishing grounds’.of the Northwest. Its Watertown Branch Jbrty ooirmms o f fatelnarln# siorfes every, woelc and Fenian, critic of McClellan, Fremont, civil war, whieb'took placeon its bosom and -converse, dance, do almost everything; tiffs . | seal) | . Notary Public. ■ , courses through the most productive lands of Northern Iowa, Southwestern Rrlce, 82.00 a irear- One year on trial to now on its br^ks.. . . ’ . - Minnesota; and-East Southern Dakota. su bscribers, o n ly Sl.O O . Sontl stamp for sample Greeley, and almost everybody else, has been- is another invention, which Edison is now copy. Prater is Butter. BnbUshers, 20 Hawley -St. Tho source of this stream, which stretches perfecting. • ‘ THE . SHQRT LINE -VIA' SENECA AND KANKAKEE Offers facilities to Boston. Mass. ’ elected; to the assem bly from the deportment N a ll’s Catarrh jQute is taken intern* travel.between Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Lafayette,.and Council Bluffs,,St. almost through’ a continent, is a little lako But think .of a yacht propelled without sail allyand acts directly .upon tbe blood .*: Joseph, Atchison,.Leavenworth, Kansas City, Minneapolis, and St. Paul. o f Vor in the southeast. His election will be THE CAPITOL AT BISMARCK. sheltered.by"hills in Minnesota. * The entire or steam! - ...... k .. - ■ • contested on the ground that he is an Ameri­ Population, started in tho northeast and and* mucus ^surfaces - o f ’tHe system. - ... For Tickets, Maps, Folders, or: desired information, apply to any Coupon A A New Carar comb Itaska basin is full of interest. "The scenery That ia the next thing on the programme. Send.for testimonials. - Ticket‘Office in tho United States or Canada, or address . . \ jJ 3 h JAr V/JC ram* cliina. ■ Queen can citizen, but that will make it all the more, southeast corners, and spread towards the in­ "is beautiful, and. thousands'of boiling spj*ings- — i Homspitnl and London. Saeh a vessel-now lies.at one of the docks in - ; ■ F . t CHENEY & CO./. .- E. ST. JOHN, E. A. HOLBROOK. . pleasant forhim, as that is just the kind of terior, leaving a broad, unsettled tract be­ are doubtless the source o f its lakes, which’, Brooklyn,-N. Y.’ She. is* 100 feet long, ifith • Cancer Hospital rcporl cures.’—JV. Y . E atress tween. Far-many years travelers from- one : -- :•* . - - 'TqlejJo'-O. , General Managers . C H I C A G O ; I L L . ' Gen’i Eckot & Pass. Agent. Endorsed by Mgdical Journals. Cnre^varantced a; fight he- likes. He is a radical, almost ta are in turn the source of tke river. It is not abeam o f 12 feet and a : draught' o f about *4 , of these sections to tho other~camo and Went iDSFTSolA by Druggists, 7 & cents,.; ; . - Circnlarfl-Yree. GDH"WiOO:, Ear 42,lEtlio- Cila, tha extent of being a communist; and os tho claimed by Mr. Brown that he* hasvadded to. ; . : -1 - - e - *. f- -.."-■•L'.: *. - - - '■ .* : - *; : - v .* . - ■*- - - - ■ - pv<.- ..--i ■ * . " * ’ jftection Was on a Sunday and a fine day, the ntry fumed |}imto a man, and A him against^ terrific opposition.