a B B u c h a n a n R e c o r d , PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY, aroiE33sr ca-_ zhzoxjImies- I am prepared to attend all cases in my ling upon short notice and i n ____ the best manner. T E R M S , S 1.5 0 P E R Y E A R PAYABLE IS ADVANCE. EMBALMING OEPJISIHGMES ME RHOWH OH APPLICATION, VOLUME XXII. BUCHANAN. BEEBIEN COUNTY, MICHIGAN, THUESDAY. DECEMBEE 20, 1888.' NUMBEE 47. , , — .. ----------~~— — ---------------------------------- A SPECIALTY. O FFICE—In Record BuildiES,OakStreet BABY HAS GONE TO SCHOOL. I found one to Suit me I’d see what brown eyes, and the same fluffy hair. Rag-Weed and “Hog Cholera.” Satisfaction guaranteed in both prices and the letter was like, and if that was Everything for an instant seemed As I was driving along the road one Avork. I also keep a full line of The baby has gone to sch o o l; ah, m e! bang-up, I’d answer it and marry the to whirl around Harold, and he al­ day last September with one of the B illness rectory. ' What will the mother do, girl.” most staggered as he rose in response most successful farmers in this section, to the introduction: W ith hover a caU to button or pin. :While the other was speaking, Har­ he called my attention to a forty acre PICTURE FRAMES, “Mr. Thompson, Miss' Alice Bent­ SABBATH SERVICES. Or tie a little shoo? old sought for the letter bearing the pasture which was literally covered How can sho keep hefself busy all day, ley,” SERVICES are held every Sabbath at lQ:30 number marked on tbe photograph, with rag-weed, aud said: “That infer­ And Mouldings for. framing, always on O o'clock a . at., at tho Church of the “ Larger With the little “hindering thing” away? ana haying found it, proceeded to read: By an almost superhuman effort he iope also, Sabbath School services immedlaie- nal weed will take this country yet! controlled himself, and then, being a hand. y after the nloralng meeting. Prayer and confer- “My D ear A ; H , I observed your It springs up.on the meadoAVS after we e .co meeting every Thursday evening. A cordial Another basket to fill with lunch, Avise young man and aware on which J - M I L E Y \ vitation is extended to all. Another “good-by” to say, advertisement in the Weekly Herald, have cut the liay, it takes the stubble and there is such a ring of sincerity in side his bread was buttered, exerted And the mother stands at the door to seo himself to please,and succeeded so well fields after we have removed the wheat 0 .0 . F.—Buchanan Lodge So. 75 holds its Her baby march away j it that I feel I can answer it with and oats, it covers the pastures like a W hat Key W est Looks Like. equally good faith, and hope, like Ruth, that on retiring he. was invited by 1 . regular meeting, at Odd Fellows Hall, on And turns with a sigh tha t is half relief, forest, it smothers the potato and gar­ The key has about as much shape as jach Tuesday evening. to find favor in .your sight. I do not Miss Bentley to call on her. And half a something akin to griet. den patches, it flourishes and stinks a camel, and in a general way Res east claim to be beautiful, but on the other This was ail invitation he lost no along the highway and in every spot Til & A. 3T.—Bnchanaa Lodge No. bS holds a She thinks of a possible future morn. hand my glass informs me, as well as time in accepting, and before long his and west and contains about six square ig ■ regular mootingllonday evening on or before and corner Avhere it can find a square miles. It is as fiat as a shingle, the ha fullmoon. in each month. When the children, One by one, my friends, that I am interesting in visits became so frequent that the of space to stand in, its nasty yellow Will go from their home out into the world, appearance. My photograph, however, ■ neighbors began to remark them ; but highest point being about fourteen OP H,—Buchanan Grange No 40 meets on To battle.with life alone. pollen fills the air and poisons every feet above the mean sea level. To the • the second and fonrth Saturday of each which I send, will speak better than I as Miss Bentley was complaisant be P And not oven the baby be left to olieer breath. Altogether it is the meanest, casual visitor it looks as though the no nth, at 2 o’clock r. n. • can on that point. I think I can All did not care a nickel for Avliat the The desolate home o f that future year. stinkingest and most abominable weed sea, particularly in a storm, would sub­ the other requirements of your adver­ neighbors said; so it happened that that ever stuck a root In the soil of ' O. G. T.—Buchanan Louge Xo 856 holds its tisement, and should I succeed in one evening, out on the placid bosom merge this insignificant rise, but it is a .» regular meeting on each llondav evening. Sho picks up garments here and there, ’ these United States. To successfully matter of record that it never has Thrown down in careless haste; , pleasing you sufficiently to induce you of the lake, he told the fair girl that he fight it we have two weapons which I O .r. 11 —Buchanan Lodge X o. PS holdsits done it. The city proper covers the And tries to think how it would seem ' to continue the correspondence and loved her, and won from her a blush­ know of: One is the ploAV and the oth­ A , renlar meeting the 1st ana Bd Friday even­ ing confession of a reciprocal feeling western end of the key, and It was, ing o f neh month. If nothing were displaced! eventually to kindle in your breast a er is sheep. I have fifty acres of sheep previous to-the great fire of March 30, warmer feeling than mere friendship, for him. If the house wore always as s till as this, pasture and there is not a ragAveed 1SSC, very densely settled, and about f i A. R. -IVm. Perrott Post No.24. Regular I shall be content. A3ielia Revere.” After the interchange of such cour­ (X . meeting on the first and third Wednesday How could sho bear tbe loaelinets? visible in it, while my forty-acre cat­ as un-American looking as could well vening of each month. Visiting comrades al­ ~lYaverty Magazine. There was something in the letter tesies as is usual between couples just tle pasture is overrun with the vile be imagined, bearing a strong resem­ ways welcome. POWDER which jarred on the feelings of the agreed to form a copartnership for thing. blance to a West India town. The reader, and he felt almost angry at the life, Herold told Miss Bently why he “Last August I turned a lot of fine •WOMAN'S RELIEF CORPS, Wm .Perrott Post Absolutely Pure. A M atrim onial Adventure. houses are of wood and quite plainly W No. SI. Meetings held regularly. In Good writer, came to Geneva, and the origin of the fat sboats into a twenty-acre field of Thispowder never varies. A marvel Of purity matrimonial advertisement. Alice built. There are, I think, only four or Templar's Hall, first and third Saturday even* strength and wholesomencss. 3rore economica “ What does such a bright looking wheat stubble to pick up the volunteer five brick buildings, and certainly not ngs o f each m onth. than the ordinary kinds, and cannot ho sold in BY W. E. 3IEEHA3I. girl ivant to write to such a confound­ heard him through with rising anger wheat, pig-weed and such like stuff, competition with the multitude of iowtest, short depicted in her face. more than six. The streets are of R. LEWIS W. BAKER, Physician and Snr. weightalumor phosphate powders. Sold only in ed puppy for?” he wondered wrathful- and they did finely until the rag-weed very good width, tolerably straight D goon. Night rails promptly attended to. cans. R oyai. B akixo P owder Co.. 106 Wall St., Augustus Hossefros was a red-head­ ly, half aloud. “How, dared you do such a thing? began to bloom ; then they began to ■Jlfice in Kinyon's block. X .Y . ' 19-15 and passably clean. The roadway is ed, freckled faced young man, with an "Eh? What was that'you said?” What must you have thought of me cough and mope about, and the first coral rock.. There Is no soil to speak rnHEOBORE F. H. SPEEXG, 31. I)„ may be acquired right to the title of H. D. queried Augustus, looking up at the When you first saw my photograph? thing I knew they Avere. dying. I took JL eonsulCd at his oillce until !t A. 31. and Rom of; what passes for soil is triturated i to 3 and alter 7 P. 31. Office on 31?in street,first How he ever managed to worry sound of the others voice, but not But I never knew it—indeed I did not.” them out, put them in a clean yard and coral, very rich in phosphates and toorsonth of Rough Bros'. Wagon Works. through college and secure his degree catching the words.
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