Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County • Historic Monographs Collection Ik

Quartermaster General's Office, General Orders No. 19, JTiihc 8, 186S.

MdII of Hirno^

(No. XVI.)








" Though mixed with earth their perishable clay, Their names shall live while glory loves to tell, heir country, how they won the day, How firm the heroes stood, how calm they fell."


v. . 7 6

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Mrs. R.Myles Bell I

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Quartermaster General's Office, General Orders No. 19, June S, 186S.

Molt of Sottas

(No. XVI.)








"Though mixed with earth their perishable clay, Their names shall live while glory loves to tell, True to their country, how they won the day, How firm the heroes stood, how calm they fell."

WASHINGTON1: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. ' 1868.. For current National & State Veterans Burial records, please visit... http://www.interment.net/us/nat/veterans.htm Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County • Historic Monographs Collection



general orders i QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S OFFICE, No. 19. S Washington, D. 0., June 8, 1868. The following volume (XVIth) of the "Eolls of Honor," prepared in the eemeterial branch of this office under the direction of Brevet Brig. General A. J. Peeby, Q. M., U. S. A., containing alphabetical lists of names of United States soldiers interred at Brookline, Cambridge, Chelsea, and Worcester, Massachusetts ; Buffalo, Chautauqua, Cypress Hills, Fort Niagara, Lockport, Lodi, Madison Barracks, Plattsburg Barracks, and Rochester, New York ; Gettysburg, Mercersburg, Philadelphia, Beading, Tamaqua, and Upton, Pennsylvania; Brattleboro' and Montpelier, Vermont; City Point, Danville, Glendale, Richmond, and Yorktown, Virginia; is published by authority of the Secretary of War for the information of their surviving comrades and friends. M. C. MEIGS, Quartermaster General U. 8. A., Brevet Major General.


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QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S OFFICE, Washington, D. C, May 28, 1868. Bv't Maj. Gen'l D. H. Rttokek, Acting Quartermaster General, TJ. S. A., Washington, D. C. Genebal : I have the honor to transmit herewith, for publication, alphabetical lists of names of United States soldiers interred at the following places, viz: Brookline, Cambridge, Chelsea, and Worcester, Massachusetts; Buffalo, Chautauqua, Cypress Hills, Fort Niagara, Lockport, Lodi, Madison Barracks, Plattsburg Barracks, and Rochester, New York; Gettysburg, Mercersburg, Reading, Philadelphia, Tamaqua, and Upton, Pennsylvania; Brattleboro' and Montpelier, Vermont; And City Point, Danville, Glendale, Richmond, and Yorktown, Vir ginia. These lists, prepared in the cemeterial branch of this office, with a brief history of each Cemetery, contain 20,440 names, and will consti tute the XVIth volume of the " Rolls of Honor." Very Respectfully, Your obedient servant, ALEX. J. PERRY, BvH Brig. Gen'l, Q. M. U. S. A..

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QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S OFFICE, Washington, D. C, May 27, 1868. Brevet Brig. Gen. A. J. Peery, Q. M. U. S. A., Washington, D. V. Sie:

I. I have the honor to forward herewith, for publication, the records of interments of United States soldiers at the National Cemeteries at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, and at Richmond and Glendale, Virginia, together with those at many of the smaller Cemeteries in the States of Massachusetts, New York, Pennsylvania, and Vermont, and a number of names (additional to those heretofore published) of those buried in> the Cemeteries at Cypress Hill, near Brooklyn, N. Y., and at City Point, Danville, and Yorktown, Va., together with brief histories of the more important of such Cemeteries the whole constituting the XVlth volume of the "Rolls of Honor."

" n. A portion of the names contained in the record of Richmond National Cemetery," in this volume, have been previously published in volumes XII and XIV of the "Rolls of Honor.; " but this record not only contains many names since added, but differs from either of those pre viously printed, in having the number and section of the grave attached to all the names. The bodies previously reported were those buried at Belle Isle, Hollywood, and Oakwood Cemeteries, which bodies have since been removed and re-interred in the National Cemetery at Richmond, under the direction of Brevet Lieutenant Colonel J. M. Moore, Chief Quartermaster First Military District.

in. Of the 20,440 graves enumerated in this volume, the names of those buried in 8,625 (about 42 per cent) are known, and of those in is thus 11,815 (about 58 per cent.) unknown. The proportion of known less than one-half, or about 25 per cent, less than that which generally holds good throughout the country, which is thought to be about two- thirds known and one-third unknown. The extraordinarily small pro portion of known in this volume arises from the circumstance that the those of graves herein enumerated, particularly in Virginia, are mostly those who soldiers who fell in the early part of the war, (in Virginia of the fact that fell in the of 1862, on the peninsula.) Owing to the whole these graves were only temporarily marked, and that region of our forces for where they were buried was not again in the possession to a period "of two years, it has been impossible, in most cases, identify the remains.

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IV. This volume (the XVIth of the "Rolls of Honor") increases the total number of graves now recorded in printed form to about 155,000. Of the occupants of these graves, the names of about 100,000 appear as known, leaving about 55,000 as yet unknown. Many of these unknown remains were doubtless marked by their friends or comrades at the time. of their burial, and records of the names of many others were doubtless made at the time, (where buried in groups or from hospitals,) and may have been preserved (in connection with plans or schedules of the position of the graves) by the immediate friends of the dead, the officers in com mand of the burial squads, or the surgeons in charge of field hospitals. It is desirable that all persons who may have such records in their posses sion should know that it is the wish of this department to recover and make use of all such means of identification ; that the lists or plans may be forwarded to the Quartermaster General at Washington free of post age ; and that when they are received immediate steps will be taken to establish the identity of the remains, to enclose and properly decorate the graves, and to have the name and place recorded in printed form. . V. It is supposed that there yet remains to be printed the records of about 150,000 graves of the deceased soldiers and prisoners of war be to the Union an longing armies, making aggregate of 305,000 graves ; and that of this whole number of 305,000 graves, the names of 100,000 of the occupants will not at present, if ever, be recovered. VI. The whole number of soldiers who have fallen in the ranks of the Union armies for the suppression of the rebellion is supposed to be about the 355,000, exceeding number of recognized graves by 50,000. This number of whose are not men, graves recognized as in existence, either as known or is to be unknown, supposed made up approximately as follows, viz: 1. Killed in battle and never buried 25 ' 000 2. Drowned 5'oOO 3. Graves in remote localities and not found yet 15'oOO' 4. Graves covered by deposits of gravel and sand made by the Mississippi river and its tributaries in floods 2' 000 5. Graves carried away by the caving in of the banks of the same 3,000 Total 50,000

The number of those who died at their homes, after being mustered out, from wounds or disease contracted while in the service, is not embraced in any of the above enumerations. VII. The lists to be in future printed will contain the names of most of the soldiers buried in the States of , North and South

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Carolina, Louisiana, Mississippi, Arkansas, , Kansas, Iowa, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, and the various Territories, and of such portion of those buried in the States of Virginia, Georgia, Alabama, Texas, and Tennessee, as have not heretofore been printed.

VIII. When all of these shall have been printed in a detached form, similar to the present, it will- be very desirable that the whole work be reprinted in a consolidated form, the names of the soldiers to be arranged according to the States to which they belonged, and alphabetically under each State, giving the name of the Cemetery where each is buried, with the number of section and grave. This will enable the locality of the grave of any soldier to be found at once, without looking through the lists of some three hundred Cemeteries, contained in some thirty volumes, which would otherwise be necessary. This reprinting will also admit of the correction of many errors in the spelling of the names, and in the " company," " regiment," and " date of death," which have found their

' way into the present lists. These errors were unavoidable, owing to the fact that the lists, as now printed, were originally copied from the rude head-boards erected in the field, or from partially illegible records of the rebel prisons, and have been recopied by many different hands before printing. Such errors can be corrected only by a careful and thorough comparison of the lists, as now printed, with the records and muster-rolls in the offices of the Adjutant General and Surgeon General of the United States, and of the Adjutant General of the several loyal States. By this means of means, and by a zealous use of all the other manifold correction and identification which can be derived from the friends of the parties, to the friends and countless other sources, many blanks, now so painful of the deceased "unknown," may be filled up, and a record produced which will' be worthy of the nation, and which will gratify many genera tions of the descendents of the brave men therein commemorated.

IX. I would therefore respectfully recommend, as soon as the pressure for the completion of the out-door work on the National Cemeteries is over, as for that a zealous and conscientious officer be detailed, so long needed,

" this duty of perfecting the final revision and republication of these lists of the loyal dead. I am, very respectfully, Your obedient servant, CHARLES W. FOLSOM, Brevet Colonel, A. Q. M. Vols.

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No. of Name of Cemetery or Burial Place. Page. graves.


Brookline 3 1

Cambridge 19 2 Chelsea (Garden Cemetery) 16 4 Worcester (Hope Cemetery) 18 6 " (Rural Cemetery) 22 8 " (St. John's Cemetery) 19 9 " (Pine Cemetery) 1 9



Buffalo (Forest Lawn Cemetery) 26 10

" (Limestone Hill (Catholic) Cemetery) 10 12 " (Pine Hill Cemetery) 12 14 Chautauqua (Cherry Creek Cemetery) 10 16 Cypress Hills (additional to vol. xiii) 1,563 18

Fort Niagara (YoungstoWn, N. Y. ) . . 22 64 Lockport (Cold Spring Cemetery) 9 66 Lodi (Lodi Cemetery) 5 68 Madison Barracks, Sackett'a Harbor 573 70 Plattsburg Barracks 4 72 Rochester (Mount Hope Cemetery) 14 74


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No. of Name of Cemetery or Burial Place.


Gettysburg 3,650 76 Mercersburg (Methodist Episcopal Cemetery) 4 155

" (Presbyterian Cemetery) 4 156

". (in a field near) 1 156 Reading (Charles Evans Cemetery 7 157

" ( Aulenbach Cemetery) 3 158

Philadelphia (Lafayette Cemetery)... 159 " (United American Mechanics' Cemetery). 161 Tamaqua (Catholic Grave-yard) 163

Upton (Union Grave-yard) 164



Brattleboro'. 165

Montpelier. . 165


City Point (additional to vol. xiii) 4,104 167

Danville 365 265

Glendale 1,197 276 Richmond 6,425 286 Yorktown to Vol. (additional xv) 2,269 361

14, 360 Total number of graves, 20,441.

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Co. Remarks.

Barlow, Herbert S. Jan. 31, 1862 Stearns, George T-. July 6, 1864 Turner, Joseph June 24, 1862

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The lot set apart for the interment of deceased Union soldiers in the "Cambridge Cemetery" (situated about one mile weBt of Cambridge, and five miles from Boston, Massachusetts,) is in circular form, about forty-five feet in diameter, and is not separately enclosed. The graves are arranged around the circumference of the lot. Evergreen trees are planted at the heads of the graves, and a large larch tree in the centre of the lot. There are interred in this Cemetery the remains of nineteen deceased Union soldiers, all known.

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Regiment. Date of death. Remarks.

Anderson, Randolph Nov. 20, 1862

Barre, Alexander F 22d Massachusetts vols. , 1862 Blaney, William H Private. . July 25, 1862 Butler, Eldad ....do... Dec. 18, 1863 Cummins, Franklin J ....do... May 29, 1864 Erickson, Chr. ....do... July 29, 1864 Gilereas, John M ....do... 38th Massachusetts vols June 26, 1864 Hamilton, John ....do... 2d Massachusetts heavy art. Jan. 21, 1865 Hunson, William Henry. ....do... 9th Massachusetts battery.. May 7, 1867 Lawson, Thomas April 21, 1863 Leighton, Frank Private. Jan. 31, 1863 Thomas J ....do... 3d Massachusetts art. 1865 Long, heavy July , Manning, Elias ....do... Dec. 15, 1864 Moody, Henry C July 28, 1864 Pierce, William S Nov. 23, 1864 Price, William B 6lBt Massachusetts vols June 25, 1863 Skene, William H 5th Massachusetts cavalry. . Nov. 5,1864 Tibbetts, William Feb. 5, 1865 Tufts, William Nov. 11, 1864

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" in the eastern The soldiers' graves are situated near the entrance of the Garden Cemetery," part of the city of Chelsea, and about two and a half miles northeast of Boston. The ground originally belonged to the cemeterial corporation of Chelsea, and was purchased by the city for its present purpose. It is elliptical in shape, and contains about 700 square feet. The land is high, the view picturesque, and the soldiers' lot is enclosed by a granite curb, in good order. The improvements were commenced in the autumn of 1866, and completed in Jnne, 1867. There are interred in this Cemetery the remains of sixteen deceased Union soldiers, all known ; three of whom were removed from the battle-field of Yorktown, Virginia ; the remainder died at their homes, and in hospitals, from wounds received in battle. A monument has been erected at a cost of about $3,500, in the centre of the plot, bearing the following inscription : "A memorial in honor of the citizen soldiers of Chelsea, who, at the call of their country, and in defense of freedom and the American Union, sacrificed their lives in the civil war of 1861-65." Six of the graves have already been provided with marble head-stones, which are also'in course of preparation for the other ten.

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Name. Date of death.

Allen, Newell B Lieutenant. Massachusetts cavalry. June 16, 1865 Andrews, Walter B Private 1st Massachusetts infantry. - April 26, 1862 Barrington, John C Asst. surg. 28th Massachusetts inf Jan. 15, 1867 Massachusetts inf 1864 Batehelder, Josiah H Private. 35th %. May 28, Clough, Henry A ....do 35th Massachusetts inf Mar. 18, 1866 Dam, Charles E ....do 35th Massachusetts inf 27, 1862 40th Massachusetts inf 1864 Earle, George W ....do , Holmes, Sidney ....do 35th Massachusetts inf Dec. 7, 1863 Hurley, John W 50th Massachusetts inf Nov. 11, 1863 James, John M Private. . 1st Massachusetts infantry. . Feb. 11, 1865 Laslie, Charles ....do. 29th Massachusetts inf Jan. 28, 1868 Noyes, George A ....do. 1st Massachusetts infantry. - April 26, 1862 Richards, Charles H. V. Nov. 29, 1866 Smith, William D Private. . . 1st Massachusetts infantry. April 26, 1862 Veazie, William W ....do.... 4th Massachusetts cavalry. . Sept. 5, 1864 Wright, William T Corporal.. 1st Massachusetts vols Oct. 19, 1867

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as viz : There are four soldiers' oemeteries at and near Worcester, Massachusetts, follows, Hope Cemetery, containing 18 graves Rural Cemetery, containing 22 " St. John's Cemetery, containing 19 " Pine Cemetery, containing 1

Total 60

and are for The graves are marked with substantial head-boards, in good order, cared by the. friends and relatives of the deeeased. No separate enclosures surround these graves, as the bodies were buried in private lots.

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Date of death. &> a 4 Remarks. No. Name. Rank. Co. Regiment. o 43 d I 03 cl 3 M 1 A d rson Niles H 11th Massachusetts vols Aug. 15, 1865 O 2 C 51st Massachusetts vols Feb. 15, 1863 !2) 3 A 24th Massachusetts vols Jan. 24, 1864 Daniels, Henry W 36th Massachusetts vols May 12, 1864 C 36th Massachusetts vols 6, 1864 t-< May a AprU 22, 1865 C 51st Massachusetts vols Feb. 18,1863 H 1865 Ed July 29, m June 30, 1865

.. Mar. 1865 10 4th New Hampshire vols. 31, * June 20, 1865 H 1st Massachusetts cavalry.. Feb. 8, 1863 H W C 51st Massachusetts vols. , .. Feb. 1863 28, Ed 14 Oakley, William D Corporal 15th Massachusetts vols July 3, 1863 51st Massachusetts vols Jan. 18, 1863 16 Rockwood, Calvin A G 15th Massachusetts vols May 31, 1864 I 2d Massachusetts heavy art. Nov. 4, 1864 Stewart 'lamps 25th Massachusetts vols Dec. 3, 1862 H

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Allenton, Francis M May 21, 1863 Barnard, Edward L 25th Massachusetts vols . . Dec. 3, 1862 Boomer, George B May 22, 1863 Brooks, Lewis M 36th Massachusetts vols . Sept. 3, 1863 Chapin, Lucius D June 17, 1863 Cherrey, Dexter E 57th Massachusetts vols June 19, 1863 Converse, Merrick B 36th Massachusetts vols . . . Oct. 17, 1863 Curtis, Charles F 25th Massachusetts vols . . . Dec. 29, 1863 Cutting, Charles H 51st Massachusetts vols... Jan. 24, 1863 Estabrook, James E 1st Massachusetts cavalry. June 20, 1863 Estey, James R 25th Massachusetts vols ... Jan. 1, 1863 Fitts, Charles A 57th Massachusetts vols June 17, 1863 Groat, John William 15th Massachusetts vols Harrington, George G 42d Massachusetts vols Sept. 20, 1863 Jeffrey, Robert, jr Oct. 1, 1863 Lewis, John A 34th Massachusetts vols . . . Nov. 16, 1863 Parker, Dexter F 10th Massachusetts vols. .. May 30, 1863 Pratt, Harrison W 34th Massachusetts vols. . . Sept. 25, 1863 Spurr, Thomas Jefferson. 15th Massachusetts vols Sept. 27, 1862 Stratton, Eugene W 51st Massachusetts vols Feb. 3, 1863 Thayer, Benjamin D 25th Massachusetts vols... July 1, 1863 Ward, George H 15th Massachusetts vols . . . July 3, 1863

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Name. Regiment. Date of death.

Burke, Thomas 57th Massachusetts vols. June 4, 1864 Conlan, Patrick 25th Massachusetts vols. Mar. 17, 1865 Conway, William Aug. 5, 1862 Daley, William June 23, 1864 Dolaher, James 25th Massachusetts vols. 2, 1865

Hines, John 50th Massachusetts vols . , 1863 Holden, James 28th Massachusetts vols . Jan. 18, 1863 Hurley, Daniel 34th Massachusetts vols . Feb. 11, 1864 Hynes, John 50th Massachusetts vols. Aug. 6, 1863 Leary, John 57th Massachusetts vols. July 5, 1864 Longhernane, Michael . Nov. 8, 1863 McConville, Henry. Lieutenant. 25th Massachusetts vols. June 12, 1864 McDonald, Michael. 50th Massachusetts vols. Aug. 19, 1863 O'Neil, Thomas Captain . . 25th Massachusetts vols - June 14, 1864 O'Sullivan, Daniel 28th Massachusetts vols . May 2, 1865 Rawdon, James 34th Massachusetts vols . April 4, 1865 Smith, Walter W 6th New Hampshire vols April 1, 1865 Welch, David 15th Massachusetts vols . July 9, 1864 Whaley, Daniel 57th Massachusetts vols . Aug. 10, 1864


1 Haverstick, James.. 25th Massachusetts vols Jan. 17,1864

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This Cemetery is situated about three miles northeast of the city of Buffalo, Erie county, New York, and about the same distance east of Lake Erie, and contains two hundred acres of land. It is laid out with walks and avenues embellished with shade trees and shrubbery, and is enclosed by a good wooden picket fence. The ground is high, rolling, and well situated, and presents a very picturesque appearance. The graves (which are 26 innumber, all known,) are all provided with suitable head-stones, properly inscribed, and are all, with the exception of 8, those of commissioned officers. The numbers are as follows, viz : Commissioned officers 18 Non-commissioned officers 3 Private soldiers 5


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i & No. Name. Rank. Co. Regiment. Date of death. 1 Remarks. 43 V 1 on

1 Bidwell, D.D 3d brigade 2d Div. 6th corps. 2 Blackford, Samuel June 7, 1864 3 Brunk#C.F 4

5 Lieutenant - K 116th New York vols , 1863 6 ....do E 4th United States cavalry.. June 30, 1867 7 Ellis, William 49th New York vols Aug. 4, 1864 8 Lieutenant . A 100th New York vols May 12, 1862 9 Fatty,E.F 10 May 3, 1863 Killed at Fredericksburg, Va. 11 94th New York vols April 1, 1865 12 Fisher, CM Corporal... F 11th United States infantry. Oct. 16, 1864 13 FiBher, Otto I 91st New York vols Sept. 5, 1864 14 do 21st New York vols Sept. 29, 1862

15 United States vols. .. 1863 at Sergeant G 100th July , Killed Fort Wayne, S. C. 16 Lathrop, S. H Bvt. Major . 35th United States infantry. 17 Mulligan, George H Lieutenant. - A* 90th New York vols Aug. 20, 1862 Do. 18 do I 21st New York vols June 10, 1863 19 Private K 100th United States vols. .. June 10, 1863 20 Tillinghast, W. D do 21 Tuttle, David W. Captain C 116th New York vols July 13, 1863 22 Wallis, E.B Nov. 3, 1861 23 May 15, 1864 24 Wilcox, C.H 21st New York vols Nov. 7, 1862 25 Wilkerson, Bayard Lieutenant . G 4th United States art (batt). Killed at Gettysburg, Pa. 26 do K 100th New York vols May 31, 1862

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This Cemetery is situated about five miles from the city of Buffalo, Erie county, New York ; is beautifully laid out with walks and avenues, and is provided with an abundance ot shade trees and shrubbery. It contains about 150 acres of land, which is flat ; it is enclosed by a wooden board fence on the sides and rear, and a wooden picket fence in front. There are three officers and seven private soldiers interred in this Cemetery, of whom six are known and four unknown.

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d 1 a o No. Name. Rank. Co. Regiment. Date of death. a Remarks. i 03

1 9th New York cavalry May 25, 1864 1862 2 Darrigan, Richard 49th New York vols Nov. 5, ,

4 April 25, 1865 Col 6 7 g 9 10 A 15th New Hampshire vols.. Aug. 6, 1863


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This Cemetery is situated five miles from the city of Buffalo, Erie county, New York. It is located on a beautiful ridge, and is studded with many very beautiful shade trees. It contains about 100 acres, and is enclosed by a wooden picket fence. The graves (which are 12 in number, all known) are provided with suitable head-boards, properly inscribed.

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Name. Regiment. Date of death.

Bender, S Private.. Oct. 10, 1864 Bleiler, E ....do... Mar. 30, 1867 Creamer, Jacob ....do... 18th New York vols. Oct. 31, 1864 Havenmaster, John. ....do... Aug. 6, 1862 Kline, Louis ....do... 116th New York vols Nov. 13, 1864 Krewzbeinter, ....do... 100th New York vols Mar. 22, 1865 Schlehr, P.J ....do... 12th New York vols Mar. 9, 1864 Schulze, Frederick ....do... 49th New York vols May 23, 1864 Simpson, William ....do... 4th United StateB cavalry . Oct. 11, 1865 Stanber, Joseph ....do... 12th New York cavalry... Jan. 15, 1864 Weichsel, Michael ....do... Feb. ,1862 Young, Joseph Nov. 30, 1862


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This Cemetery is situated one-half mile west of the village of Cherry Creek, Chautauqua county, New York, and 15 miles southeast of the town of Dunkirk, on Lake Erie. It is laid out with walks and avenues, and is enclosed by a wooden fence. It contains about five acres of land, which originally belonged to Harry James. Shrubbery has been planted, and other improvements are being made which will render this Cemetery very beautiful and attractive. There are interred in this Cemetery one officer and nine private soldiers, all known, and marble monuments have been erected at their graves.

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Co. Regiment. Date of death. Remarks.

Private 112th New York vols. April 24, 1865 Bronson, Franklin...... do Feb. 26, 1863 Cox, G.W ....do 9th New York cavalry Jan. 15, 1863 Ells, Perry ....do 9th New York cavalry. -- - July 25, 1864 King, Willard Corporal... 112th New York vols Wounds. Va. . . at Bermuda Mount, George F. Lieutenant. . 112th New York vols Aug. 25, 1864 Killed Hundreds, Mount, Samuel V-. 112th New York vols Jan. 15, 1865 Killed at Fort Fisher, N. C. Putnam, Hartley- . . Private. New York heavy art. Dec. 9, 1864 Putnam, Orville ....do New York heavy art. Dec. 9, 1864 Walker, George F...... do 49th New York vols Oct. 13, 1863

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This Cemetery is situated about three miles east of the city of Brooklyn, Long Island, and forms part of the City Cemetery. The portion of ground set apart for the burial of deceased Union soldiers is divided into " five sections, two on the south and three on the north side of what is known as Cypress Way." It is situated in a very beautiful locality near the western entrance of the enclosure, facing the Williamsburg plank road, upon a high and rolling piece of ground, and contains about two acres. Interments of deceased Union soldiers in this Cemetery commenced in April, 1862. The Cemetery is enclosed by the fence which surrounds the entire grounds, and a Lodge has been erected for the accommodation of the Superintendent appointed to take charge of the grounds.

The bodies interred in this Cemetery were brought from the various hospitals and camps in and about New York city during the rebellion. The number of bodies buried here is as follows, viz : Number of officers known 5 Number of soldiers known 3,002 (white.) Number of soldiers known 190 (colored.) Number of soldiers unknown 78 (white.) Number of soldiers unknown 2 (colored. )

Total 3, 277

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Regiment. Remark

Abbott, James 4th Michigan vols Sept. 26, 1862 29 H Abelon, 8th New York heavy art. . Sept. 1, 1864 1788 Abrams, James 16th New York heavy art. Feb. 21, 1864 1041 Ackley, Henry June 22, 1864 1229 Albert Adams, 10th New York artillery. . Jan. 30, 1865| 2251 Adams, A. B 14th South Carolina Aug. 5, 1863 748 Adams, George W 122d Ohio infantry Aug. 27, 1863 826 Frederick Aely, 15th New York heavy art. . May 16, 1865 2795 Matthew S Agar, 8th New Hampshire inf. .. Jan. 8, 1865 2192 Agart, William 10th Illinois infantry Feb. 2, 1865 2272 Albred, William H.... 2, 1867 3275 Alexander, John 23, 1864 1931 Alkanus, Geo 91st Pennsylvania 4, 1862 301 H. M Allen, 4th East Tennessee cav. . . . May 11, 1865 2751 Allen, R.F, 38th North Carolina Sept. 21, 1863 861 Allen, Robert G 3d Wisconsin infantry Mar. 8, 1865 2344 Allen, Robert H 43d North Carolina June 14, 1865 2516 Ames, Gotlieb 9th Minnesota April 22, 1865 2586 Amos, David 1st Alabama artillery Dec. 1, 1864 1937 Anderson, Joseph R. .. 8th Virginia infantry May 12, 1865 2763 Anderson, Leroy 1st Maryland infa'ntry.'. Sept. 28, 1863 853 Andrews, Luerrin 56th Massachusetts inf. Sept.- 24, 1864 1937 Appel, Oscar 14fh Wisconsin infantry Aug. 11, 1865 3150 Simon Appleby, 7th Connecticut infantry. ... Feb. 8, 1864 1020 Archibald, Edward 7th New York artillery Dec, 20; 1864 Arqueringer, Albert . . . 97th New York infantry July 29, 1863 Armand, Abner 76th Pennsylvania infantry. Aug. 10, 1863 762 Armer, Robert A 37th Wisconsin infantry Oct. 22, 1864 2081 Armstrong, J. F 137th Pennsylvania inf. Jan. 14, 1863- 585- Armstrong, Henry 11th Alabama artillery Oct. 8, 1863 Armstrong, Merion M. . New York cavalry 15, 1862

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Regiment. Date of death.

Arnett, Hiram 66th New York infantry. . Oct. 21. 1862 487 Arnold, Jaques June 19 1867 3271 Ashcott, Robert May 19 1865 630 Ashlee, David B 19th Massachusetts inf. July 25 1862 258 Ashley, Francis H July 16 1864 1359 Attlebery, Charles 2d Texas cavalry Nov. 27 1864 2181 Atwood, Henry C Dec. 27^ 1862 576 Atwich,"F. I D. Island Aug. 13 1862 776 Auchenbach, William.. 93d Pennsylvania infantry. July 17' 1862 223 Austin, Thomas 31st Maine Oct. 17 1864 2000 Avidson, Avil Aug. 6 1867 3274 Avy, Barton 43d U. S. C. T Aug. 1 1864 1516 Backus, E.H April 15 1862 29 Bacon, Curtis 1st Connecticut cavalry... July 7 1864 1312 Badley, Erastus C May 14 1862 13 Bahinger, George 102d Illinois infantry May 26 1865 2886 Bailey, Benjamin 28th U.S. C. T Dec. 6 1864 1414 56th Massachusetts inf July 9 1301 Bailey, G. W. 127th New York infantry.. Oct. 26 906 Bailey, William June 30 148 Baker, Gilford D... 1st Georgia. July 5 1862 158 Baker, Harward A. Deo. 31 1862 556 Baldwin, Luserne.. 6th Connecticut infantry. .. Sept. 9 1864 1844 Baliff, Eugene 1st New York light inf. July 16 1862 219 Balls, Benjamin 143d New York infantry. .. May 29 1865 2903 Balsch, Judson 16th New York artillery . . . June 10 1865 2984 Banks, Phillip E 93d Pennsylvania infantry. . Aug. 1862 236

James A B 6th New York art. .. 1864 1586 Barber, heavy Aug- . Barnes, James A 1st Alabama artillery Nov. 15, 1864 1840 Barnett, Andrew - G 6th Tennessee infantry April 20, 1865 2564 Barnum, Eliakim K 11th Connecticut infantry . . Aug. 5, 1862 307

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Barrett, Benjamin 1st Vermont cavalry Sept. 15 1864 Barrett, William 161st New York infantry. . . Dec. 3 1862 Barrows, B. Franklin. July 16 1862 Barton, Henry 3d New Hampshire inf. Sept. 22 1864 Barton, William H Recruit Feb. 20 1863 Basell, John 16th Wisconsin infantry June 16 1865 Bass, Jethro 2d North Carolina infantry. June 3 1865 Bastick, Joseph Nov. 5 1863 Bates, Charles S 27th Michigan infantry. . . Aug. 8 1864 Batt, Charles 93d New York infantry. . Aug. 29 1864 Batten, John C July 7 1864 Baxter, Alfred 18th Virginia infantry . . . June 1 1865 Beard, J. O 1st South Carolina rifles. . May 24 1865 Beaver, Peter 52d Ohio infantry April 7 1865 Beck, Edward June 24 1862 Beekman, William H. 33d North Carolina inf. . May 19 1865 Belcher, Stephen May 13 1864 Bellamy, Harvey 26th U. S. C. T...... Mar. 25 1864 Bellshaw, John Virginia . . July 5 1865 Benjamin, J. B. Oct. 20 1864 Benjamin, Laythrop... 89th New York infantry Sept. 27 1864 Bennett, George N 58th Massachusetts inf..... Sept. 13 1864 Bennett, Theophilus.. 39th Maryland infantry Oct. 19 1864 Benson, Jesse W 45th North Carolina inf July 28 1863 Berkley, Charles P. .. infantry. Mar. 25 1865 Bernian, Conrad 15th New York heavy art.. Sept. 13 1864 Better, Joseph 165th New York infantry. . . Aug. 2 1864 Bigelow, Henry 5th New York cavalry Sept. 1 1864 Bigelow, Samuel L. . . 2d United States infantry . . June 14 1864 Billy, Indian Prisoner of war Oct. 1 1863 Bird, Josiah 40th North Carolina inf May 22 1864 Bird, W. L 2d South Carolina infantry. Aug. 31 1863 Birmingham, John 11th Mississippi infantry- .. July 28 1863 Bishman, J. P 79th Ohio infantry May 26 1865 Black, C 38th North Carolina inf July 21 1863 Blake, Thos 14th New York heavy art.. Aug. 10 1864 Bland, Taylor 2d New York cavalry Oct. 27 1864 Blankinship, John 37th North Carolina inf Aug. 24 1862 Blood, L.W G 13th M Aug. 15 1863 Bludgett, A.C Dec. 12 1862 Blunt, T.H D I 2d Georgia. Aug. 8 1863

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Blythe, Geo .T June 15, 1864 1193 Bock, Adam 6th New York heavy art. July 11 1864 1316 Bodine, Napoleon . . . 1st Connecticut artillery. . Oct. 19 1865 3204 Bogart, John 38th Indiana infantry Mar. 13 1865 2365 Bogart, Wallace 42d Pennsylvania inf Aug. 3 1865 300 Bohrmann, William. New York infantry. . Nov. 13 1862 531 Bolestelle, Daniel -- - 177th Ohio infantry ..... April 22, 1865 2576 Bond, Edwin April 30, 1864 1142 Bonie, Richard 20th U. S. C. T Mar. 29, 1864 1105 Borrer, Henry 56th.New York infantry Oct. 1863 889 57th Massachusetts inf Aug. 10, 1864 1609 Bougham, Henry L. 1st South Carolina infantry. May 22, 1865 2844 Boughton, Benj 203d Pennsylvania inf Feb. 7. 1865 2259 Bouldin, N.H 57h Virginia infantry May 1 1865 2677 Bound, Phillip 1st Rhode Island infantry.. Aug. 12 1864 1626 James 13th Florida 15 1863 651 Bourne, July ' Bowlett, Joseph 169th New York infantry. . . Aug. 1864 1538 Boyle, Stephen 55th North Carolina June 24, 1865 3049 Bozeman, M. .. . . 32d Georgia battery April 29 1865 2641 Bradbury, Wiley 41st Georgia infantry July 2' 1865 3080 Bradley, 57th North Carolina July 14 1862 199 Prisoner of war. Bradley, J Contract nurse Mar. 10i 1863 616 Bradshaw, J. P C. S. A Aug. 10 1863 772 Bradt, George Citizen refugee July lO! 1865 3099 Brady, James Feb. 17 1863 502 Branch, Henry June 18, 1864 1209 Branderburg, James. . 21st Michigan infantry. .. May 15, 1865 2788 Branham, William . . . 46th Virginia infantry. .. May 2854 Brannilly, John W- . . 13th New York infantry. . July 2& 266 Bratterbray, John July 13] 1864 1324 Brayden, John J 1st Maine heavy artillery. . . July 26, 1864 1463

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135 Bray, F. E 19th Maine infantry . . Jan. 3, 136 Brennan, Patrick 48th Illinois infantry. . Feb. 17, 137 Brewer, John C Recruit - - July 1, 138 Bridges, John F Nov. 30, 139 Brigham, J. W 23d New York infantry. .. Aug. 3, 140 Bristol, L. P Aug. 13, 141 Brittain, Andrew. 16th Michigan Infantry Aug. 26 142 Broad, Isaac W 55th Pennsylvania infantry. Mar. 8 143 Broadway, April 2 144 Brooks, Eben 93d New York infantry May 18 145 Brooks, JaGob 28thU.S.C.T Oct. 14 146 Browner, Johnson 50th Pennsylvania infantry. Dec. 27 147 Browner, John E 22d Indiana cavalry July 30 148 Brownings, Almond L . Maine July 21 149 Brown, Albert 12th New York cavalry May 22, 150 Brown, Cyrus 100th New York infantry. . . Aug. 15 151 Brown, Ellia A 117th New York infantry. . . Oct. 10 152 Brown, E. D 15th North Carolinainfantry July 21 153 Brown, Henry Virginia infantry.. April 28 154 Brown, H. E.. 13th South Carolina infantry Oct. 14; 155 Brown, John 34th North Carolinainfantry June 5 156 Brown, John H 19th Massachusetts infantry. April 1 157 Brown, J. J South Carolina cavalry May 6 158 Brown, T Mar. 31 159 Brown, William 7th New York artillery June 14 160 Bruce, George F 69th New York infantry . . Nov. 11 161 Brundage, L. B 169th New York infantry . Oct. 26 162 Bruner, Henry 2d New York cavalry April 5 163 Bryan, John J 48th Massachusetts infantry Aug. 24 164 Buck, Thomas June 21 165 Buckhauser, August 100th New York . Aug. 3 166 Buckler, Nicholas July 1 167 Bucklew, Wesley 9th New Jersey infantry. .. July 22 168 Bugg, Noah H 20th Indiana infantry. . . Aug. 31 169 Bullis, D.W 52d North Carolina infantry Aug. 4 170 Burch, Nathan 5th New Jersey infantry - June 23' 171 Burdick, G.W.C 14th South Carolina April 24 172 Burgie, Gotlieb 1st New York ind. battery May 15 173 Burkhart, Gotlieb 7th Illinois infantry May 4 174 Burnett, William 13th South Carolina infantry May 11 175 Burns, A.P 2d Iowa infantry , April 11

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Regiment. Date of death.

Burns, John 1st Maryland infantry - Aug. 1864 1562 Burns, Patrick Nov. 1864 1353 Burr, Lewis M Dec. 1862 552 Burrows, Dickinson.. 14th Illinois infantry . April 1865 2453 Burton, James 60th Illinois infantry . April 1865 2531 Busch, Johanna Feb. 1865 2327 Bush, Charles H 10th Connecticut infantry.. Sept. 1864 1873 Bushy, Henry 27th Massachusetts infantry. June 1865 2996 Butler, Charles Nov. 1864 2134 Cady, Dennis 14th United States infantry. Oct. 1863 873 Callen, James 10th New Jersey infantry.. July 1864 1417

.. Calvin, Mathew D. . . 7th Rhode Island infantry Sept. 1864 1949 Camden, J. S 31st Virginia infantry Aug. 1863 832 Cameron, Benton Feb. 1864 1012 Drowned. Camhill, Charles May 1865 3062 Cammell, Joseph 9th Vermont infantry. .. Nov. 1864 2170 Campbell, Charles .... Tammany regiment Dec. 1863 969 Campbell,E 16th South Carolina infantry 1865 2729 Campbell, Francis M. 179th New York infantry 1864 1535 Campbell, James 6th Michigan Nov. 1862 457 Campbell, R. J C.S.A April 1865 2571 Campbell, Robert 38th North Carolinainfantry 1865 2814 Camp, James 14th South Carolina militia. 1865 2708 Candage, George B. . . 15th Maine infantry Nov. 1865 3248 Canedy, Philo 10th Massachusetts infantry. Aug. 1862 423 Cannon, John 9th Florida infantry Feb. 1865 2302 Caple, Hamilton 16th battery April 1864 1143 Carey, John Jan. 1863 598 Carl, Andrew J 5th Michigan infantry July 1864 1435 Carlepp, Andrew 59th New York infantry . . . Nov. 1864 2182 Carlton, James 9th Florida infantry Mar. 1865 2334

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Carmahan, Lorenzo 4th United States infantry.. Sept. 11, 1865 Carpenter, Harding Mai". 27, 1865 J. A 10th Vermont infantry. June 15, 1864 Carpenter, 1864 Carr, George W Feb. 24, Carroll, Alex 47th New York infantry. Aug. 8, 1864 Carroll, Joseph 14th South Carolina infantry May 22, 1865 Carroll, Robert 3d Alabama infantry Feb. 19, 1864 Carter, Rollin W. 5th New York cavalry Aug. 9, 1864 Carter, Timothy 1st South Carolinainfantry. May 19, 1865 Cartland, Francis 10th North Carolina cavalry. May 29, 1865 Carver, Lewis 12th Virginia battery May 10, 1865 Casey, A. M Marion, S. C, artillery May 10, 1865 Castle, William S June 25, 1864 Cauldwell, Samuel - Connecticut infantry.. Aug. 18, 1863 Caulthart, W Jan. 25, 1865 Chamberlain, William.. 104th Pennsylvania infantry Sept. 26, 1864 Chambers, George W. - . 33d North Carolina infantry July 16, 1862 Chambers, Harvey 48th Alabama infantry. . Aug. 3, 1863 Chambers, R.B June 21, 1864 Champion, William 2d North Carolina infantry. June 19, 1865 Champlin, Lewis 177th Ohio infantry April 3, 1865 Chapman, Washington.. July 13, 1864 Chase, August 190th New York infantry. . . July 27, 1864 Chase, Lewis 20th U.S. C.T Nov. 11, 1865 Chasm, Thomas 39th Hlinois infantry Aug. 19, 1862 Check, Fenno 3d New Hampshire artillery Oct. 19, 1864 Cheesbrough, Spicer. - - 14th New York heavy art.. Aug. 26, 1864 Christianson, Ola 3d Minnesota infantry Oct. 2, 1864 Christopher, Richard.. July 14, 1862 Churchill, Calvin 4th heavy artillery 30, 1862 Clark, A.B 24, 1865 Clark, Charles 46th Pennsylvania infantry. 12, 1865 Clark, James July 9, 1863 Clark, James - 54th New York infantry. Oct. 18, 1864 Clark, Joseph W 53d Virginia infantry. . . June 14, 1865 Clark, Patrick June 21, 1864 Clark, Patrick June 21, 1864 Clark, R.W 177th Ohio infantry Mar. 8, 1865 Clark, William A 148th New York infantry. July 5, 1864 Clark, William F 179th New York infantry . . Aug. 18, 1864 Clark, William F 8th Maryland infantry. . Sept. 6, 1864

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Regiment. Date of death.

Clark, William F Pegram's Virginia battery. . 1865 2740 Clavanaugh, Joseph M. Nov. 1862 532 Clegg, Jesse H 100th Ohio infantry Oct, 1863 910 Clement, Theodore V.R.C June 1864 1168 Clendining, A. P 87th Indiana infantry April 1865 2478 Clifton, George 47th North Carolinainfantry 1865 2663 Clough, J.H 1862 397 Clymar, James Pennsylvania infantry. June 1862 93 Coburn, John Jan. 1863 595 Coffee, J. G 26th North Carolina infantry Aug. 1863 824 Colby, William July 1864 1294 Colcord, Louis May 1862 37 Cole, Alvah New York infantry .. June 1862 99 Cole, Daniel M 19th Maine infantry July 1863 714 Cole, George B New Jersey cavalry. . Oct. 1864 2030 Coleman, Azel 32d North Carolina infantry 1865 2812 Coleman, Daniel T 123d Indiana infantry. . . 1865 2889 Collamore, Foster H 14th Maine infantry 1865 3174 Collins, Cornelius 1862 56 Collins, James 24th South Carolina infantry 1862 345 Collins, Robert 51st New York infantry Oct. i862 445 Colvert, John May 1865 2921 Citizen of South Carolina. Rebel. Conden, James 18th New York cavalry. Mar. 1865 2402 Condry, Jefferson 14th Virginia infantry .. July 1865 3096 Conley, Thomas 100th Pennsylvania infantry July 1864 i440 Connel, Thomas 2d Vermont infantry July 1862 131 Connelly, Edward U.S.N Mar. 1864 1094 Connigan, John 2d United States infantry . . Jan. 1865 2249 Conradt, John 34th New York infantry Aug, 1862 314 Conroy, William 57th New York infantry April 1865 2459 Conway, Valentine 2d Pennsylvania heavy art. July 1864

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Coodall, C.A July 18 1862 Cook, A.L 8th Virginia infantry Dec. 9 1862 Cook.ClarkC 4th Vermont infantry July 25 1864 Cook, Isaac 53d Indiana infantry. April 28 1865 Cook,S.F 28th Georgia battery. May 6 1865 Cooke, Charles II 5th New Hampshire infantry Nov. 3 1864 Cooke, John Mar. 27 1865 Coombs, George E 28th Maine infantry Aug. 15 1863 Coon, George W 56th Illinois infantry April 2 1865 Copeland, George 20th U.S. C.T Mar. 18 1864 Corbin, Alonzo 2lst Michigan infantry Mar. 13 1865 . . . 12 1862 Cordell, Charles F. ... 18th New York infantry. July 10th New York 15 1864 Corey,E , infantry July Cornog, William 51st Pennsylvania infantry. Aug. 19 1864 Cornwall, Edgar 117th New York infantry. . . Nov. 8 1864 Cosart, Lewis June 28 1864 Coughlin, John 164th New York infantry. . . Aug. 8 1864 Coultrain, Jackson 35th North Carolinainfantry July 15 1862 Cousins, James A 41st Virginia infantry June 10 1865 Covey, Alfred C 157th New York infantry. .. Jan. 25 1864 Covington, Elijah 1st South Carolina artillery. May 25 1865 Cowell, Edward 4th New Jersey infantry. . . Jan. 28 1865 Craig, Stacy 63d Pennsylvania infantry . July 20 1862 Crane, Lewis H 62d Ohio infantry Sept. 6 1862 Crawford, A. G 4th North Carolina infantry. May 28 1865 Crawford, William Oct. 31 1862 Cravoly, Alex July 7 1864 Crease, Jbhn B May 18 1862 Oct. 2 1862 Critchlow, Adam W. . . 11th Pennsylvania infantry. Croin, S S.C.H.G.. April 30 1865 Cronan, Patrick 7th United States infantry. . Oct. 28 1863 Cross, Nelson 8th Michigan infantry July 10 1862 Crothin, Henry 24th Michigan infantry July 30 1863 Crowder, William Lucas's Virginia battery .. . May 12 1865 Crowley, Joseph 29th Missouri infantry April 13 1865 Cubbage, John 55th Virginia infantry June 7 1865 Cullen, William 48th New York infantry Sept. 7 1865 Culver, Alvin B 27th Michigan infantry Aug. 3 1865 Cummings, Benjamin- 108th Pennsylvania infantry Sept. a 1864 Cunder, Lyman M 108th New York infantry. - - Dec. IS 1862 Curlin, J 5th Michigan infantry June 17 1862

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Regiment. Date of death.

Currie, Thaddeus F. - 16th New York infantry Aug. 1862 342 Cutland, Milton 11th United States infantry Oct. 1865 3197 Cutting, Horatio A- . - 13th Massachusetts infantry. July 1863 663 Dabylon, Jeremiah- . - 100th Ohio infantry July 1864 1441 Daley, Peter. 55th New York S.M.... April 1865 2636 Dalton, George 1st New Jersey cavalry. Dec. 1863 960 Daly, M. 28th Massachusetts infantry. Aug. 1862 412 Damhum, Daniel J 21st Maine infantry Aug. 1863 804 Damon, Albert H 8th New York heavy art July 1864 1459 Danark, Thomas R. S. 12th Massachusetts infantry. July 1864 1242 Daniel, Robert B 27th Michigan infantry July 1864 1402 Darnold, James L 11th North Carolinainfantry July 1863 679 Dash, William 177th Ohio infantry June 1865 3031 Davenport, M. C 33d North Carolina infantry July 1862 261 Davidson, Charles E-. Nov. 1862 212 Davidson, Louis 11th North Carolina infantry July 1863 693 Davidson, William T. . 9th Alabama cavalry May 1865 2681 Davis, Allen - 10th North Carolina infantry June 1865 2949 Davis, Edward E Nov. 1862 534 Davis, Horatio L 13th Connecticut infantry.. July 292 Davis, J. K 97th Pennsylvania infantry. Dec. 569 Davis, James 34th Illinois volunteers 1865 3057 Davis, James R 7th South Carolina infantry. 1865 2759 Davis, John 143d New York infantry. .. 1864 1868 Davis, Sampson 1st Alabama infantry 1865 2294 Davis, William G 1867 3278 Day, George W 62d Pennsylvania infantry . 1862 50 Day, Pratt 4th United States infantry.. Oct. 1863 882 Dayton, H. C 112th New York infantry. . . Aug. 1864 1300 Dean, C 33d Massachusetts infantry. May 1865 2870 Dean, Daniel Oct. 504

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Debar, Lewis W 14th South Carolina militia. June 2 1865 2568 8 1865 2713 De Brady, De Young. . C.S.A May Dee, Patrick 22d North Carolina inf. May 23 1865 2856 Delameter, Martin 7th Miohigan cavalry Aug. 8 1864 1582 De La Reve, Anthony. 2d Delaware infantry June 18 1864 1202 De Long, Peter 24th New York cavalry Aug. 29 1864 1749 De Long, Silas H 20th U. S. C. T Mar. 12 1864 1071 Demarer, Baptiste 39th New York infantry. .. Feb. 17 1864 1032 Demias, Clement 32d Maine infantry Nov. 3 1864 2133 Demon, B. V 51st New York infantry July 27 1864 1481 Deneen, Solon 15th Michigan cavalry Sept. 1 1864 1779 Deprow, C June 14 1864 1188 Deny, Edward M 9th Maine infantry 11 1864 1544 Devoe, Isaac J 145th Pennsylvania inf. . 23 1864 1934 Devoy, Calvin July 16 1864 1370 Dewitt, C 16th Kentucky infantry. . . June 1 1865 2894 Dewitt, W. H Jan. 7 1863 586 Dickason, Samuel S 28th Wisconsin infantry .. . April 10 1865 2493 Dickey, Charles H 28th Maine infantry Dec. 16 1862 564 Dishman, Andrew Prisoner of war June 2 1865 2937 Dispenett, Newton 14th Indiana battery May 8 1865 2726 Dixon, John J Florida E. guards Dec. 20 1864 1465 Dominie, Priest 1st Veteran cavalry May 7 1864 1076 Donnegan, James 62d Pennsylvania infantry. June 1 1862 55 Donnety, C. A Nov. 24 1863 938 Donor, Frank C.S.A Mar. 14 1865 2375 Dorithy, Anthony 9th Massachusetts infantry. July 26 1862 268 Dorn, John J 4th Michigan infantry Sept. 23 1862 43

. Indiana 20 1865 2544 Dorranee, William B . 12th cavalry April Downer, Job 22d Indiana infantry May 25 1865 2878 Downs, Stephen Sept. 21 1862 18 Doyle, James 24th New York cavalry... Sept. 7 1864 1826 Draper, George W July 16 1864 1361 Draux, Jacob 5 1864 1756 1865 2471 . . inf 22 Drummond, James. . 14th South Carolina Drury, W. C 17th Vermont infantry May 4 1864 1145 Dubois, Isaiah 26th U. S. C. T Mar. 25 1864 1089 Duchane, Joseph 48th New York infantry July 20 1865 3118 Dudley, G.N 7th New Hampshire inf Sept. 26 1864 1947 Dudley, J Aug. 1 1863 725 Duff, Benjamin R Virginia battery. April 29 1865 2639

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Duff, James A 34th Virginia infantry. 15, 1865 2783 Duffees, George E May 8, 1865 2712 Dugan, John 85th Pennsylvania infantry. July 16, 1862 220 Duggin, J. R 21st North Carolina inf. Oct. 17, 1863 900 Duggon, Robert 9th Virginia infantry May 24, 1865 3052 Dunigan, Percy G 6th New Hampshire inf Sept. 21, 1864 1923 Dunlap, J. S -- - 12th South Carolina inf Sept. 6, 1863 841 Dunlop, S. R 1st Pennsylvania cavalry. . . Jan. 14, 1863 586 Dunton, David A 1st artillery July 21, 1862 244 Durand, Juba 9th New Hampshire inf Aug. 25, 1864 1711 Durisco, C. L 14th South Carolina inf July 24, 1863 664 Dura, Berry 1st South Carolina hy. art.. July 5, 1865 3089 Dusenbery, Henry... 14th New York heavy art. . Oct. 15, 1864 2047 Dye, Lewis 100th New York infantry. . . Oct. 10, 1863 891 Dyer, H. P Oct. 14, 1864 2039 Dykman, Martin 93d New York infantry May 22, 1864 1157 Dymond, George Infantry Feb. 22, 1865 2310 Early, H. T C. S. A July 25, 1863 673 Early, Silas D 34th Virginia infantry May 26, 1865 3031 Eastman, Charles A.. 9th Maine infantry Aug. 10, 1863 763 Eastman, Dwight IstNew York R Oct. 21, 1862 489 Eaton, Henry 0 13th Michigan infantry May 23, 1865 2858 Eberhart, Andrew 4th Pennsylvania cavalry.. Dec. 30, 1864 1448 Eberly, Isaac 93d Illinois infantry June 19, 1865 3017 Eckart, H 53d Pennsylvania infantry. . Sept. 5, 1862 392 Edwards, George S. . - 14th Connecticut infantry.. Nov. 1, 1864 2126 Edwards, James H. . . 1st Michigan sharpshooters. July 18, 1864 1381 Edwards, John H 16th North Carolina inf June 7, 1865 2950 Edwards, Thomas D. 1st North Carolina inf. Aug. 15, 1864 1643 Ehler, Israel June 15, 1863 636 Eicklin, John G 104th Pennsvlvania inf. . June 13, 1862 7.6

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Eldridge, David 37th North Carolina. July 1862 182 June 1864 1247 Eldridge, John W. - - inf. 1863 869 Eldridge, Solomon. .. 12th United States Oct. Eline, John A 76th Pennsylvania infantry. Sept. 1863 834 Elliott, J. Y 22d North Carolina inf May 1865 S845 Ellis, John 4th Tennessee infantry July 1863 703 Ellis, Samuel July 1867 3272 Ellmore, Jonas 55th North Carolina inf May 1865 3066 Ellwood, Frank Berdan's New York S. S. .. May 1862 21 Elmer, Henry Aug. 1862 306 Emerson, J. R 26th North Carolina inf Aug. 1863 773 Emerson, Samuel 8th Michigan infantry Aug. 1864 1766 Eninger, R 55th New York infantry July 1862 205 Enright, David 47th New York infantry July 1865 3090 Ensler, Samuel 33d North Carolina inf. May 1865 2784 Entry, Isaac 4th United States C. T Oct. 1864 2099 Ernest, Anthony W . 1st Minnesota infantry July 713 Ernstain', Ernest 14th United States infantry. Eskew, Henry 12th Indiana infantry 1865 2762 Estis, John M 22d North Carolina inf May 1865 2785 Evann, Jay 21st South Carolina inf. Sept. 1864 1841 Evans, John E 112th New York infantry. . . Mar. 1865 2391 Evans, John H June 1864 1243 Evans, W 56th New York infantry June 1862 118 Evans, Wesley Julv 1864 1447 Everts, Henry 16th New York heavy art. . Sept. 1864 1847 Fairbanks, Lafayette 92d New York infantry Oct. 1862 447 Falconer, Robert 8th New York ind. battery. . July 1864 1501 Fanraw, William H. 118th New York infantry... Aug. 1864 1598 Farmer, John L 1st South Carolina infantry. June 1865 2941 Farmer, William M . 24th Georgia infantry Sept. 1864 1838 Farrell, Patrick 14th New York infantry Mar. 1864 1083 Farrington, Henry.. 6th Maryland infantry May 1864 1156 Farrington, John 4th Missouri battery June 1865 2971 Farwell, Francis M. . 11th Vermont infantry 1864 1700 Fatbrook, William. . New York M. art 1862 19 Faust, Jacob 29th North Carolina inf April 1865 2612 37th North Carolina inf. .. . July 1862 210 Ferry, Orlen E 1862 295 Fiedero, Theodore. 4th United States infantry. . Sept. 1865 3183 Fieg, Henry 95th New York infantry Mar. 1866 3265

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Date of death.


Fields, Charles B... 132d New York infantry. . . May 1865 2585 Fiest, Harrison Feb. 1865 2215 Filton, Frederick 129th Indiana infantry April 1865 2482 Finch, Daniel 4th New York heavy art. . . Sept. 1864 1908 Finley, Anthony 140th Pennsylvania inf. Oct. 1864 1986 Finnerty, John 99th New York infantry Nov. 1863 943 Firth, Thomas J 3d Pennsylvania July 1862 274 Fisher, A. W 6th Louisiana infantry Sept. 1863 843 Fisher, George 97th Pennsylvania infantry. June 1865 2944 Fisher, William 10th New York infantry Dec. 1864 335 Fitzgerald, Owen Mar. 1864 1053 Fleming, J. E 59th Alabama infantry June 1865 2960 Flemming, John 65th Pennsylvania infantry. June 1862 87 Fletcher, Adelbert. . . General service Sept. 1864 1962 Fletcher, Charles .. . 8th Virginia infantry July 1865 3083 Flood, John Sept. 1864 1933 Flower, Franklin. . . 1st Tennessee artillery. Dec. 1864 2125 Flynn, Edward Fogarty, Bartley 1867 3277 Fogle, William Citizen of South Carolina. . June 1865 2933 Foley, J 9th Connecticut infantry . . Sept. 1863 845 Folsom, Ephraim P. Hosp. Stew'd Sept. 1864 1926 Ford, Dwight u. s. s. s Jan. 1865 2232 Ford, James 127th U.S.C.T Nov. 1865 3237 Forrester, Samuel C. 7th New York heavy art. Aug. 1864 1541 Foretell, Charles Jan. 1863 549 Foster, Carroles 8th New York heavy art. Aug. 1864 1613 Foster, George W 17th Maine infantry Sept. 1864 1813 Foster, Ralph S 89th New York infantry . . Sept. 1864 1843 Fowler, L. N 75th Ohio infantry Oct. 1864 3013 Fowler, S. B 57th Virginia infantry . . . May 1865 2703

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Fox, James F 14th North Carolina inf July 30 1803 Frank, Rolan C 9th New York heavy art. . . Aug. 8 1884 Franklin, Edward 14th Rhode Island infantry. April 19 1865 Franklow, R. L , 13th South Carolina inf M,ay 24 1865 Frary, Jerome A 28th Michigan infantry Oct. 31 1865 Frassary, Casper 2d Michigan infantry Aug. 23 1862 Frazier, Edwin 33d Indiana infantry April 28 1865 Freeman, John 1st South Carolinainfantry. June 7 1865 French, Ira J 8th New York artillery July 27 1864 Fretze, Isaac 33d Ohio infantry June 5 1865 Fryer, Edward Feb. 1 1867 Fulks, Joseph W 22d North Carolina inf. . . . May 13 1865 Fuller, J. P 5th Connecticut infantry. . Oct. 7 1863 Fullman, Phineas 109th New York infantry. . Sept. 13 1864 Fulton, Chester G 10th Iowa infantry April 28 1865 Furnham, Thomas S. . 59th Alabama infantry Sept. 2 1864 Furnum, Thomas Oct. 25 1862 Gaff, Lindsay 0 8th Maine infantry. Oct. 24 1864 Gage, Josiah H Jan. 28 1865 Gall, Robert Dec. 27 1862 Gallagher, F 60th New York infantry . . . Oct. 7 1862 Gallagher, Jerry 3d United States infantry. . Mar. 25 1864 Gallman, William July 3 1862 Gallonan, Patrick 88th New York infantry. . Sept. 1 1862 Galway, Thomas 16th Ind. corps April 29 1864 Gammon, Henry 38th Virginia infantry June 9 1865 Ganepp, Theodore . . . Aug. 25 1864 Gardner, Albert L 7th Maine infantry Oct. 26 1862 Gardner, F. M 12th South Carolina inf July 24 1863 Garing, John 156th New York infantry. . Feb. 22 1865 Garrett, James 59th Georgia infantry. July 28 1863 Garrison, William H. 69th New York infantry. .. Aug. 29 1862 Gartham, John M 20th U.S. C.T Jan. 28 1865 Gaul, JohnF 4th New Jersey infantry - . June 29 1862 Gay,N C.S.A June 23 1865 Geer, William H Nov. 29 1862 Gehinger, Aloid 7th New York infantry Nov. 19 1864 Geiser, George 50th New York infantry. . . July 6 1862 Geisler, James W 26th Tennessee infantry . . . May 29 1865 Gerfoss, Daniel 187th New York infantry. . April 21 1865 Gibbs, George T C. S.A April 13 1865

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Date of death.


Gibson, Charles 1st Maryland infantry 1905 Gice, C. M 1st Alabama cavalry April 1865 2542 Gilder, J. A 14th SouthCarolina inf. Aug. 1863 731 Giles, Richard 1st Virginia infantry Aug. 1863 815 Gillesper, D 55th Ohio infantry May 1865 2894 Gillett, James 39th Wisconsin infantry Aug. 1864 1666 Gilliland, C 18th South Carolina inf June 1865 3042 Gillo, Edgar 34th New York infantry Oct. 1862 491 Gipple, Henry 85th New York infantry Aug. 1862 329 Gladding, Edward S . 24th Massachusetts inf Sept. 1864 1931 Glasgow, James N. . . 14th South Carolina inf June 1865 2998 Gleason, Michael B. - . 1st Michigan sharpshooters. July 1864 1245 Gleen, James B 14th Illinois infantry Mar. 1865 2383 Glover, John R 1st South Carolina infantry . May 1865 2838 Godfrey, Eleazer 123d New York infantry June 1864 1225 Goding, G.T Feb. 1863 614 Gonan, Martin G 53d Indiana infantiy April 1865 2512 Gonell, Solan 6th New Hampshire infantry Aug. 1862 293 Good, A. H 7th Virginia infantry April 1864 1114 Gooding, Thomas 11th South Carolina infantry April 1865 2589 Goodman, Peter Mar. 1866 455 Goodwin, Samuel G.. 7th Maine battery Oct. 1864 1987 Gordan, Jonathan H. 35th North Carolina infantry May 1865 2796 Gordon, William 1st United States infantry Oct. 1865 3210 Gotte, Jacob C.S.A May 1865 3064 Gould, Joshua 24th Massachusetts infantry April 1864 1119 Grabiel, Augustus 15th Massachusetts infantry June 1862 86 Grace, Samuel S 46th Pennsylvaniainfantry. April 1865 2488. Grady, W.S 1st North Carolina cavalry . April 1865 2480 Graver, C. L 16th New York infantry Oct. 1863 760 Graves, Charles 2d New York infantry 1864 For current National & State Veterans Burial records, please visit... http://www.interment.net/us/nat/veterans.htm Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County • Historic Monographs Collection

James L Graves, 2d Maine infantry June 14 1862 Thomas T. . . Graves, 29th Wisconsin infantry . . . April 26 1865 Gray, Charles 8th Maine infantry Oct. 15 1864 Gray, John 24th Maine infantry Dec. 10 1832 Gray, Silas 21st Ohio infantry Oct. 7 1862 Gregg, William 38th North Carolina infantry July 21 1863 Green, James 34th New York infantry.. April 22 1865 Green, John Nov. 18 1864 Green, Mastin 44th North Carolina infantry May 9 1865 Greer, William H Dec. 19 1862 Greene, Benjamin M. . 5th Texas infantry.. Feb. 17 1865 Griffin, David T 55th North Carolina infantry Jan. 25 1864 Griffin, George H April 17 1863 Griffin, J.S 30th Illinois infantry May 29 1865 Griffin, Silas 14th South Carolina infantry June 3 1865 F O Griffiths, 51st Georgia infantry . . . Aug. 20 1863 Grover, Dennis 24th Maine infantry Nov. 22 1862 Grunbles, P.B 4th Texas infantry Aug. 20 1863 Guinor, John 55th New York infantry June 1862 Habernah, Lewis July 15 1864 Hackett, George H. .. 5th New Hampshire infantry Nov. 15 1863 Haffman, . Prisoner of war July 3 1862 Hafterling, A. B 10th New York infantry Nov. 15 1863 Haight, Thomas B... 11th New York artillery Sept. 26 1864 Hair, John B May 26 1865 Hair, W.J 1st South Carolinainfantry. Sept. 15 1863 Halbert, Chester A. . . 13th Michigan infantry Mar. g 1865 Hale, P.R 12th South Carolina infantry Aug. 6 1863 Hall, George A 21st Pennsylvania infantry. Oct. 17 1864 Hall, Joseph T 47th North Carolina infantry May 29 1865 Hall, William Recruit Mar. 10 1864 Hallenback, William . 12th Illinois cavalry May 30 1865 Halsenberger, John . . Substitute Nov. 3 1864 Halsey, Henry W 11th Georgia infantry July 28 1863 Halsey, James 14th United States infantry. Oct. 14 1865 Hamans, James 97th Pennsylvania infantry. Sept. 21 1864 Hiram Hames, 109th New York infantry .. Sept. 7 1864 Hamill, A 11th North Carolina infantry Aug. 30 1863 William Hammilt, 3d Vermont infantry. . June 22 1864 Hammock, J. H 59th Virginia infantry June 14 1865 Hanby, Abram 1st Delaware cavalry. July 15 1864

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Regiment. Date of death.

Hancy, James 69th Pennsylvania infantry. Oct. 13, 1862 473 Haney, John 11th United States infantry. Jan. 31, 1865 2252 Hanford, Joseph 7th Maine infantry Aug. 15, 1864 1650 Hanna, Henry 19th New York infantry .. . Aug. 4, 1865 3138 Hannah, E. B 45th Georgia infantry July 28, 1863 680 Hanson, Charles 3d New York artillery Oct. 23, 1865 3215 Hara, Michael C 8th Connecticut infantry. .. Aug. 5, 1864 1549 Harding, John C July 7, 1864 1280 Hardy, James M 89th New York infantry . . - April 2, 1864 1100 Hargraves, Edward.. 82d Pennsylvania infantry . July 11, 1864 1317 Harhianter, James... 37th Wisconsin infantry Sept. 3, 1864 1800 Harlow, John 29th Pennsylvania infantry, April 17, 1865 2521 Harman, James 120th Indiana infantry May 26, 1865 2888 Harman, Johnson 93d Pennsylvania infantry . . Aug. 25, 1862 359 Harmon, Daniel 28th North Carolinainfantry, June 16, 1865 3007 Harris, E.J 6th South Carolina battery- June 3, 1865 2936 Hartfield, John Florida Home Guards Feb. 20, 1865 2303 Hartmann, Louis 2d United States infantry.. Oct. 26, 1863 908 Harvey, Albert J 7th South Carolinainfantry. Mar. 25, 1865 2411 Harville, William 33d North Carolina infantry' July 22, 1865 3128 Hashar, N. A 177th Ohio infantry | May 1, 1865 2585 Haskell, Abraham 29th Massachusetts infantry, Oct. 4, 1864 1975 Hassell, John W 38th North Carolina infantry June 1, 1865 2925 Hatfield, George 24th New York infantry .. J Oct. 20, 1864 2067 Hattin, John 2d United States infantry..! Mar. 25, 1865 1315 Haven, Charles.- 51st Pennsylvania infantry. Nov. 3, 1864 2139 Haven, Loren 142d New York infantry Oct. 11, 1864 2027 . 2072 - Oct. 1864 Hawkins, Walker . - 10th New York cavalry 21, 1864 1351 Hawkins, William C - July 15, 1867 3274 Hawley, Edward J. .. July 30, . 2043 Hawley, Henry M 6th New York heavy art. Oct. 15, 1864

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Hayes, Hannibal 39th U. S.C.T.. Oct. 15, 1864 2042 Hayes, Michael Aug. 10, 1863 757 Hayes, William 63d New York infantry. Dec. 24, 1862 575 Haynard, Franklin 37th Wisconsin infantry Oct. 5, 1864 1989 Hazelgrove, Andrew S. . 15th Virginia infantry. . May 24, 1865 2863 Hazell, Henry 26th Pennsylvania infantry . July 18, 1862 236 Hearop, Jacob 62d Ohio infantry Aug. 19, 1863 795 Heavey, Thomas 115th New York infantry .. Aug. 4, 1865 3142 Hedges, W.W 127th New York infantry Mar. 8, 1864 1059 Heen, August 52d New York S. V June 21, 1862 104 Helliker,Elias R , 100th Pennsylvania infantry July 18, 1864 1389 Heltmayer, Jacob 157th New York infantry April 6, 1864 1121 Helton, Alfred 22d North Carolina infantry May 29, 1865 2901 Helm, A.J , 48th North Carolina infantry June 21, 1865 3033 Hemingway, Samuel- . 179th New York infantry . July 16, 1864 1366 Henderson, John July 7, 1864 1294 Hendrick, Peter , 126th Ohio infantry . Oct. 10, 1864 1998 Hendricks, James J 12th Indiana cavalry May 26, 1865 2848 Henly, C*C 14th South Carolina infantry June 20, 1865 3029 Hennison, C. S. A. July 25, 1863 672 Henry, Levi 185th New York infantry .. Nov. 3, 1864 2136 Henry, Matthew 6th New York S. S. Aug. 22, 1864 1688 Hentzer, J. B 203d Pennsylvania infantry. June 14, 1865 3003 Hermy, Louis 10th Minnesota infantry May 9, 1865 2692 Hersentine, Follen 3d United States infantry. . July 28, 1862 281 Hesse, Herman 15th New York heavy art.. Oct. 5, 1864 1990 Hestover, Charles 14th New York battery July 18, 1864 1376 Hidgeman, H 14th New York cavalry Sept. 12, 1864 1858 Hill, Henry 10th Vet. Vermont infantry. June 22, 1864 1230 Hill, James 96th Pennsylvania infantry July 25, 1864 Hill, JesBe 40th North Carolina infantry May 25, 1865 Hill, J.H 1st South Carolina infantry. April 30, 1865 2647 Hillman, Daniel 2d Rhode Island infantry .. Dec. 31, 1862 Hillock. B 3d Excelsior brigade June 26, 1862 Hilton, Nicholas 7th New York heavy art. .. Aug. 5, 1864 Hine, Charles W 32d Ohio infantry May 17, 1865 Hintee, John 52d New York infantry Sept. 25, 1862 53 Hitchen, Daniel 9th Maine infantry Aug. 3, 1864 Hodges, Alex 38th North Carolina infantry Julv 21, 1865 3124 Hodges, Mathews G. .. 37th Wisconsin infantry .- . Sept. 14, 1864 13th inf 1862 566 Hodgton, Henry C New Hampshire Dec. 26, -s

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Date of death.

Hoffman, July 1862 152 Hofftrian, Lewis 78th Ohio infantry May 1865 2831 Hogan, Walker P 53d Virginia infantry May 1865 2827 Hoge, Henry H 85th Pennsylvania infantry. Sept. 1862 437 Hohan, G 52d Ohio infantry April 1865 2519 Holbrook, William A. . 4th Massachusetts cavalry. - Aug. 1864 1700 Holhass, Henry 73d New York infantry Aug. 1863 739 Hollibinton, A. J 8th South Carolinainfantry. Sept. 1863 842 Hollinfield, Jacob 1st South Carolina infantry. May 1865 2735 Hollingsworth, Wm. J . 15th Georgia infantry July 1863 712 Holmes, Clarence 98th New York infantry... May 1862 41 Holmes, Egbert S 21st Michigan iufantry Feb. 1865 2279 Holmes, Henry 155th Pennsylvania infantry Aug. 1864 1655 Honnor, Dennis July 1864 1308 Hooper, William H 20th U.S. C.T... April 1864 1117 Hope, Luke Jan. 1865 2238 Hopkins, William G May 1862 34 Horan, P 1st Long Island volunteers . June 1862 109 Hordling, B.T 9th New York heavy art July 1864 1438 Horn, Caleb 97th Pennsylvania infantry. Jan. 1864 1006 Horn, J. A South Carolina militia April 1865 2640 Hough, John N 85th Pennsylvania infantry . June 1862 108 Howard, J. C 6th North Carolina infantry. May 1865 2709 Howard, Meron July 1864 1220 Howe, Frank loth Maine infantry Oct. 1865 3200 Howell, Harvey B C.S.A April' 1865 2602 Howell, Hedar 10th North Carolina infantry July 1865 3100 Howley, Daniel 51st Massachusetts infantry. Aug. 1864 1605 Hudspith, J. J 42d Mississippi infantry.. .. July 1863 705 Huffman, M 25th Ohio infantry May 1865 2732 Huffman, William E. .. 18th North Carolina infantry May 1865 2670

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Hugamer, David J 6th New York heavy art Oct. 5 1864 Hughes, James B 180th Ohio infantry May 25 1865 Hughes, John 1st South Carolina infantry, May 29 1865 Hugh, John M 24th Michigan infantry Aug. 15 1863 Hulett, George 20th U.S. C.T Mar. 10 1864 Humpbry, J.J 58th Virginia infantry April 17 1865 Hunker, John C 2d New York M.R Aug. 30 1864 Hunt, William B April 28 1865 Hurlburt, Edgar 7th New York heavy art. .. July 6 1864 Hurt, Jonathan 1st New Jersey cavalry Aug. 3 1864 Hutchinson, Orville W. June 29 1862 Huto, Charles 17th South Carolina infantry June 23 1865 Huttie, John 14th South Carolina infantry April 28 1865 Huyler, Lorenzo 72d Pennsylvania infantry . Aug. 13 1864 Hyde, Freeman 16th New York infantry ... Feb. 9 1863 Indian, William Prisoner of war Sept. 5 1863 Ingersoll, Albert July 1 1864 Ingolls, David 64th New York infantry . June 30 1862 Ingomar, Thomas J . 73d Ohio infantry July 28 1863 Ingram, James A July 8 1864 Irabinet, Archibald Citizen of S. C. Rebel May 30 1865 Jackson, Eylbert D 14th United States infantry Oct. 16 1862 Jackson, Jacob 9th New Hampshire infantry Sept. 10 1864 Jackson, James 20th U.S. C.T Feb. 11 1865 Jackson, John 6th U.S. C.T , Nov. 21 1864 Jackson, Owen 14th United States infantry Nov. 24 1862 Jackson, Thomas Colored infantry April 3 1865 Jacquott, Antoine 2d New York cavalry April 6 1865 Jagger, Daniel June 21 1864 Jamett, Thomas D 65th Illinois infantry July 10 1865 Jamison, Francis W 66th Ohio infantry Mar. 11 1865 Jamison, William H 99th New York infantry . . . Sept. 28 1864 Jeffers, Phillip 27th Michigan infantry Oct. 2 1864 Jenkins, Charles.. 16th North Carolina infantry May 19 1865 Jenkins, Pasley 24th Maine infantry Jan. 17 1863 Jenman, George 10th Connecticut infantry.. Sept. 19 1864 Jenning, S. William 28th N. C. or Georgia June 30 1862 Johnson, David 52d New York infantry Mar. 28 1865 Johnson, Edwin June 26 1863 Johnson, F. A 9th Virginia infantry June 12 1865 Johnson, Fleet 2d North Carolina battery. May 30 1865

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Regiment. Date of death.

Johnson, Henry 26th U.S. C.T Mar. 7, 1864 1058 Johnson, Jerome 2d Connecticut artillery June 18, 1864 1207 Johnson, John volunteer infantry Jan. 12, 1864 973 Johnson, John B 1st Alabama artillery Jan. 10, 1865 2207 Johnson, Joseph 2d New York infantry Oct. 18, 1863 897 Johnson, Mark 13th Michigan infantry May 12, 1865 2756 Johnson, Murdock D. 1st South Carolina infantry. May 25, 1865 2873 Johnson, Stephen 26th North Carolina inf June 10, 1865 2973 Johnson, Sylvester... 8th U.S. C.T April 27, 1864 1137 Johnson, Thomas N. . 34th Illinois infantry April 16, 1865 2514 Johnston, Stephen Mav 13, 1864 1150 Johnson, William H.. 7th New York heavy art. . . Sept. 2, 1864 1792 Jones, Charles P 48th New York infantry Aug. 16, 1864 1661 Jones, Emuel 184th Pennsylvania inf. Sept. 17, 1864 1887 Jones, F. M 17th South Carolina inf April lb, 1865 2501 Jones, Fred. O 12th Massachusetts inf May 15, 1864 1154

143d York .. . 1864 1530 Jones, George . New infantry Aug. 3, Jones, G. W. 13th North Carolina inf Aug. 24, 1863 818 Jones, Henry L 150th New York infantry. . . Sept. 5, 1863 839 Jones, J. W 43d North Carolina inf. Sept. 19, 1863 860 Jones, Murdock 64th Georgia infantry July 4, 1864 1216 Jones, Robert 7th Vermont infantry July 21, 1864 1418 Jones, William W 187th Pennsylvania inf. Oct. 4, 1864 1943 Jones, Wilson 38th North Carolina inf May 1, 1865 2662 Jordon, John 8th New Hampshire inf Sept. 1, 1864 1772 Jordon, John J 1st Georgia infantry July 6, 1862 164 Jowers, J. W 23d South Carolina inf May 29, 1865 2897 Joy, W. J 11th North Carolina inf Aug. 8, 1863 756 Joyce, Sullivan 45th North Carolina inf July 30, 1863 708 Kadle, B 60th Ohio infantry Sept. 1, 1864 1789 KanO, Henry Conscript infantry Feb, y,

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Karshubuter, Frederick. . 3d Wisoonsin infantry . May 2 1865 Kavanaugh, Murty W. . . 1st New York infantry. isng. 31 1862 Kearnes, Enoch B -July 23 1864 Kegley, W 1st Virginia infantry June 21 1865 Keenan, Hugh 36th Massachusetts inf. Feb. 11 1863 Keenan, John Nov. 8 1864 Keeney, Sampson 58th North Carolina inf April 21 18@5 Keep, Irwin H Pegram's battery June 9 1865 Keifer, Charles 5th New York cavalrv Aug. 22 1864 Keisler, G. H 13th South Carolina inf... . July 29 1863 Kelly, John J 5th Florida June 7 1865 Kempster, Francis 70th New York infantry July 1 1862 Kennedy, Felix 10th Vermont infantry Deo. 10 1863 Kennedy, Patrick 59th Georgia infantry Aug. 24 1863 Kenny, David 2d New York mounted rifles. Oct. 10 1864 Kent, Charles F July 11 1864 Kenyon, Horace A 117th New York infantry. . Feb. 8 1865 Kenzy, Nathan 7th Michigan infantry. July 24 1862 Keough, Peter 58th New York infantry .- . Feb. 21 1864 Kerchen, Julius 5th New York infantry Feb. 23 1865 Keyser, Wm. L North Carolina July 14 1862 Killman, 7th Michigan infantry June 27 1862 King, Alexander 157th New York infantry. . Feb. 19 1864 King, Henry W Nov. 6 1862 King, J.C 38th North Carolina inf. Aug. 19 1863 King, Lysander 29th Ohio infantry May 8 1865 King, M 44th Georgia infantry. - . Aug. 22 1863 King, Thos. J 1st Alabama artillery Dec. 1 1864 Kitenback, M Nov. 8 1862 Kline, Thos July 5 1864 Knight, Joshua July 15 1864 Knight, Thomas H 30th North Carolina inf. . June 6 1865 Knoble, Kasper 31st Wisconsin infantry.. Mar. 18 1865 Rosier, Alexander 3d Pennsylvania infantry.. Sept. 23 1862 Kreger, Daniel B. C 1st Pennsylvania infantry July 14 1862 Krell, William.. 7th New York infantry Sept. 1 1864 Kullmer, George 39th New York infantry. . Nov. 27 1864 820 Lamb, Mathew W 39th Dlinois infantry Oct. 3C 1864 821 Lambra, John July 28 1863 822 Lamere, Frank A Dec. 16 1862 1864 823 Lamika, Edward G | 9th New York infantry. . Aug. 22

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Lamoine, Henry Contract nurse June 22, 1865 3035 Lamont, Thomas 21st Maine infantry Nov. 30, 1862 540 Lampmann, Peter 2d Michigan infantry Dec. 17, 1864 2191 Lancaster, Ezra C 10th Massachusetts inf Aug. 7, 1862 313 Lancaster, L. L 14th South Carolina inf April 18, 1865 2543 Landrills, J. P 41st New York infantry Dec. 20, 1865 3256 Lange, Anias L 7th New Hampshire inf Aug. 4, 1865 3141 Langsden, John 1st Alabama artillery Dec. 3, 1864 1463 Lanless, J. J 1st Georgia infantry June 5, 1865 2940 Lanthroop, Wm Rebel citizen June 19, 1865 3018 Lapham, Amos 5th Maine infantry Aug. 9, 1862 402 Lapham, Jonathan A. 8th United States infantry. April 6, 1864 1120 Lawrence, J 2d Massachusetts infantry. Mar. 8, 1865 2349 Lawrence, J. L 35th Georgia infantry Aug. 24, 1863 819 Lawson, John Refugee , May 6, 1865 2702 Lawwinger, Oswald.. 132d New York infantry. .. July 17, 1865 3109 Ledford, William 58th North Carolina inf May 27, 1865 2726 Lee, Charles Substitute Jan. 21, 1865 2234 Lee, William H 67th New York infantry Mar. 23, 1864 1093 Len, Chas. H 26th U.S. C.T April 6, 1864 1116 Leonard, James Massachusetts vols Dec. 12, 1862 557 Leonard, J. D 12th South Carolina inf July 24, 1863 670 Leonard, Levi 35th North Carolina inf May 22, 1865 2837 Leonard, Peter infantry Oct. 20, 1865 3210 Leroach, Wm. T Rebel citizen of S. Carolina June 9, 1865 2903 Levy, B. F 91st New York infantry Oct. 20, 1864 2072 Lewis, Frank, cavalry Aug. 20, 1864 1646 Libe, S. A 14th Virginia infantry June 22, 1865 3036 Liebrand, Godfrey 2d Pennsylvania heavy art June 23, 1865 3045 Light, CM. 38th Virginia infantry July 30, 1863 710 Lilison, Daniel 1st Maine heavy artillery. . . Nov. 1, 1864 2125

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Lilton, George 29th Virginia infantry May 24, 1865 Charles .. Lingfellow, 143d Pennsylvania 19, 1864 Solomon infantry Sept. Link, 101st Pennsylvania infantry, 24, 1862 John B Aug. Lintern, 115th New York infantry .. Aug. 2, 1864 Listy, Wm. L 55th Ohio infantry May 29, 1865 Little, James H 22d Georgia infantry April 13, 1865 Little, Thomas...... July 4, 1864 Christian. 7th Littlebrand, New York heavy art. . July 11, 1864 John Livingston, 37th North Carolina inf. . . June 30, 1862 Isaac M . . . . . Lobdell, 107th New York infantry. . April 28, 1865 Loffland, Jacob 69th Ohio infantry Mar. 19, 1865 Loflin, Albert 4th United States infantry. April 18 1864 J. M Logan, 28th North Carolina inf. .. Aug. 15, 1863 T. C Logan, 18th Mississippi infantry. . Sept. 9, 1863 Long, Henry July 7, 1862 H. R Long, 22d North Carolina inf. . . June 3, 1865 Long, Simon 5th Louisiana infantry Sept. 13, 1863 Loomis, Issachari 20th New York infantry . May 4, 1863 Francis J Lord, 1st Maine heavy artillery. .. Aug. 2, 1864 J. M Lord, 22d Massachusetts inf. . .. Aug. 20, 1862 Loring, Andrew 13th New Hampshire inf. Oct. 17, 1864 Lounsberry, John W. infantry. Oct. 24, 1864 Lowell, Wm. H 2d Maryland cavalry Dec. 13, 1865 E. P Lull, Aug. 18, 1863 James Lundy, 179th New York infantry. . . Sept. 12, 1864 Lundy, James 1st South Carolina artillery. June 16, 1865 Lyman, S. H 62d New York infantry Aug. 27, 1862 Lynch, George 10th Virginia artillery May 26, 1865 Lynch, James 57th New York infantry Mar. 24, 1864 Thomas Lynch, 15th Connecticut infantry. . Jan. 12, 1863 J. Lyons, E. M 15th Maine infantry Sept. 6, 1862 McAdam, William Austin McCann, 59th Virginia infantry . May 27, 1865 McCardle, James Sept. 12, 1864 McCarthy, Michael... 1st Virginia battery May 18, 1865 McCarthy, Patrick... 5th New Hampshire inf Nov. 9, 1864 McCartie, C 25th New York infantry July 6, 1862 McClarman, Hugh 69th Pennsylvania infantry. July 5, 1862 McColleir, J. B. M... 155th Ohio infantry July 21, 1864 McColloge, Jos. C 1st Minnesota S. S Aug. 13, 1864 John McConnell, Citizen nurse July 7, 1863

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McConnell, R. I 11th Georgia infantry July 1863 709 McCorkey, James 106th Pennsylvania inf July 1862 269 McCoughel, Chas 23d Pennsylvania infantry. . June 1862 72 McCurry, John S 14th South Carolina inf Sept. 1863 855 MeCusker, John K 23d Pennsylvania infantry. . July 1862 227 McDermott, A. H 1st Alabama infantry Oct. 1864 1999 McDonald, Christopher. 38th North Carolina inf May 1865 2685 McDonald, James 4th New York cavalry April 1863 552 McDowell, David 24th Virginia infantry July 1863 707 McDowell, William 6th North Carolina infantry. July 1863 696 McElivian, B. W 105th Pennsylvania inf. June 1862 83 McFarland, John D 6th Maine infantry Aug: 1862 325 McFarland Samuel Aug. 1862 436 McFee, Daniel 32d Ohio infantry. June 1865 2577 McFinley, James July 1863 692 McFye, Michael 81st New York infantry July 1864 1357 McGarley, G 2d Mississippi infantry Oct. 1863 899 McGill, John 38th North Carolina inf July 1863 667 McGilney, John.^ 13th New York heavy art. . Oct. 1864 2008 McGovern, James 82d New York infantry May 1864 1148 McGraft, C 21st South Carolina inf. June 1865 3021 McGraw, Michael 13th Pennsylvania artillery. Aug. 1864 1640 McGregor, Richard July 1864 1415 1862 352 McGwinn, James - 2d New York infantry. Aug. McGwinn, Owen 9th New York light art ... . June 1865 2982 McIIenry, A lltli Mississippi infantry. . . Aug. 1863 820 McHenry, John A 155th Pennsylvania inf. Sept. 1884 1910 . 1863 645 Mclnleer, Christopher- .. 1st United States infantry. July Mclntyre, John J 73d New York infantry Aug. 324 McKay, Reuben 1st South Carolina rifles May 2715 2045 McKeary, James 5th New Hampshire inf Oct.

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MoKenna, Patrick 79th Pennsylvania infantry - May 17 1865 MeKenny, John July 15 1863 T 22d 24, 1865 McKenzie, Hardy Georgia battery May ~ McKethrand, J 1st South Carolina infantry. Aug. 1863 McLelan, William July 17 1862 McLoi-en, Alexander .. . 155th New York infantry. . . July 21 1864 McMullen, Daniel 9th New York heavy art .. . Aug. 26 1864 McMullen, Joseph 104th Pennsylvania inf. July 17 1862 McOwen, B 147th New York infantry. . . April 14 1863 McPugh, John 10th Pennsylvania infantry. July 7, 1862 McReynolds, John 9th Ohio sharpshooters Sept. 19, 1864 McRiley, Daniel 47th Alabama infantry Sept. 9, 1863 McRiley, Samuel. 35th North Carolina inf Aug. 1863 McVickar, William 38th North Carolina inf. . .. July 5, 1865 Mack, James 16th Illinois infantry April 6 1865 Macklenery, B. C 32d North Carolina inf . May 11 1865 Madden, Thomas 73d New York infantry Aug. 11. 1862 Madison, George M 12th New York infantry Jan. 22, 1863 Mahon, William Conscript May 2, 1865 Maine, Amos , 14th Indiana infantry April 6 1865 Mallon, Charles 1st New York m'ted rifles Aug. 25; 1664 Malone, Henry 10th New York infantry Aug. 17, 1864 Mansfield, Royal Sept. 10, 1864 Mantz, W Mapes, Selah Nov. 1863 Marour, Lee 2d Wisconsin infantry Jan. 1863 Marquent, Charles 7th New York infantry Aug. 1865 Martin, B. E 67th Virginia infantry. April 1865 Martin, Frederick 18th New York battery Nov. 1863 Martin, R. N. M 28th North Carolina inf July 1862 Marvin, Calvin 21st Michigan infantry Mar. 1865 Masmon, Nicholas 61st New York infantry July 1864 Mason, Elvin P 81st New York infantry May 1862 Mason, George H 2d Massachusetts infantry. . April 1865 Massey, John 2d Pennsylvania infantry. . . Oct. 1864 Massey, R. R 47th North Carolina inf May 1865

.. . Massingale, Robert H . 38th North Carolina inf. May 1865 Matchett, Edward 101st Pennsylvania infantry Aug. 1862 Matthews, E lst South Carolina infantry. July 1863 Matthews. James 13th North Carolina inf Aug. Mathias, Thomas 14th South Carolina inf May

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Regiment. Date of death.

Matterson, Stillson.. 2d Rhode Island infantry. . June 1862 132 Matting, Zeb 153d New York infantry. . Feb. 1865 2251 Mattoon, E. H 3d New York light art April 1865 2605 Mattox, R. F 18th Virginia battery May 1865 2831 Maxim, James 6th United States infantry. Nov. 1863 928 Maxwell, Hudson 12th Virginia infantry June 1865 2958 May, James Aug. 1863 713 May, James W 8th Indiana battery Mar. 1864 1062 May, William, H 5th Virginia cavalry June 1865 2988 Medford, Albert 161st New York infantry. . Dec. 1862 549 Medlin, Francis 47th North Carolina inf. .. April 1865 2554 Mellack, Henry 6th Pennsylvania cavalry. July 1862 212 Melville, Jan. 1863 557

, Meng, Phillip 100th New York infantry. . Oct. 1863 869 Merron, Patrick 97th New York infantry. . . Oct. 1864 1969 Meseroe, D. E 13th New Hampshire inf. . Mar. 1863 615 Meyer, J H 1st South Carolina art May 1865 2682 Michael, Sylvanus C. July 1864 1321 Middleton, H. P Georgia July 1863 675 Middugh, Stewart D. 109th New York infantry. . Aug. 1864 1627 Milihan, Christian 7th U. S.C.T Nov. 1864 2120 Millard, John J 66th Wisconsin infantry. . . April 1865 2582 Miller, J. H 35th Illinois infantry Feb. 1865 2287 Miller, William Recruit Jan. 1866 3263 Miller, W. H Julv 1864 1315 Mills, Gilbert 56th North Carolina inf April 1865 2614 Mills, James Recruit April 1865 2452 Miner, Charles W 118th New York infantry... Oct. 1863 874 Minners, Joseph 3d New York infantry July 1865 3125 Mitchell, J. W 3d North Carolina infantry. June 3022 Mitchell, Joshua 15th Maine infantry Nov. 3224

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Mitchell, William Contract nurse Mar. 27 1865 2419 1000 Mitchell, William L... 11th Georgia infantry Aug. 8 1863 749 1001 Mixen, Richard 51st Georgia infantry July 24 1863 665 1002 Mondone, Nelson 20thU. S.C.T Mar. 21 1864 1077 1003 Montgomery, William. 33d North Carolina inf. . . July 16 1862 214 1004 Moody, Henry C 2d Maine cavalry Nov. 11 1865 3242 1005 Moore, Benjamin F 8th New Hampshire inf. . Nov. 3 1862 516 1006 Moore, Ephraim J 29th Maine infantry Sept. 6 1864 1822 1007 Moore, Gabriel E 1st Tennessee infantry. . '. Sept. 10 1863 852 1008 Moore, George L 64th Illinois infantry Feb. 2 1865 2267 1009 Moore, George W 76th New York infantry. . Aug. 16 1862 418 1010 Moore, George W 25th Indiana infantry May 24 1865 2869 1011 Moore, James Jan. 11 1865 2215 1012 Moore, John 142d New York infantry. . . Oct. 10 1863 892 1013 Moore, L. R Mar. 28 1865 2425 1014 Moore, Orlando L 100th New York infantry. . . Feb. 4 1864 1011 1015 Moore, William P 2d North Carolina infantry. Nov. 19 1863 935 1016 Moran, Peter July 9 1864 1300 1017 Moray, Phillip 7th New York infantry July 25 1862 195 1018 Morgan, J. A 26th North Carolina inf Aug. 22 1863 811 1019 More, Stephen April 2 1866 719 1020 Morell, John 96th Pennsylvania infantry. July 18 1862 235 1021 Morrell, Joseph W 1st New Hampshire cavalry. Sept. 21 1864 1918 1022 Morris, James 150th Pennsylvania inf. July 21 1863 657 1023 Morris, James 14th North Carolina inf May 13 1865 2769 1024 Morris, John S 14th South Carolina inf April 22 1865 2588 1025 Morris, Lewis 5th New York artillery Feb. 8 1864 1016 1026 Morris, Robert J 35th North Carolina inf May 4 1865 2526 1027 Morris, William 1st New York cavalry Aug. 11 1864 1612 1028 Morrison, Augus 1st South Carolina infantry. May 13 1865 2774 1029 Morrison, Peter 1st New York engineers April 2 1865 2441 1030 Morse, Charles J 95th Illinois infantry May 5 1865 2696 1031 Motag, Wellington 43d U. S.C.T Oct. 20 1864 2071 1032 Moulthroop, Horace... 6th Connecticut, infantry Oct. 22 1864 2082 1033 Mull, J. H 11th Georgia infantry Aug. 8 1863 718 1034 Munn, C. D 34th North Carolina inf May 29 1865 2896 1035 Munsey, George F 12th New Hampshire inf. .. Aug. 1 1863 717 1036 Murdock, J. G 58th North Carolina inf June 1 1865 2926 1037 Murphy, Enoch E 15th South Carolina inf Sept. 21 1863 863 1038 Murray, John 10th Louisiana infantry May 9 1865 2738 1039 Murray, William H.. July 19 1862 218

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Date of death.

Murry, Michael 5th Virginia infantry June 10, 1865 2985 Myers, G. W 48th Illinois infantry Jan. 20, 1865 2231 Mynerd, Norman 76th New York infantry. .. Dec. 29, 1862 581 Nakup, Daniel 57th North Carolina inf. - . Aug. 22, 1863 812 Naley, George 13th New Jersey infantry. April 13, 1865 2504 Nally, Owen 6th United States infantry. Dec. 16, 1865 3255 1647 Narcross, Joseph D . . 9th Maine infantry Aug. 15, 1864 Nash, P. C 48th Alabama infantry Sept. 1, 1863 833 Neal, Arthur 4th New York heavy art. . Sept. 27, 1864 1952 Neals, Enos J 3d Delaware infantry July 13, 1864 1327 Neil, James II 144th New York infantry. . Jan. 21, 1865 2235 Newcomb,- Seth P June 25, 1864 1252 Newell, George W 25th New York infantry. . July 25, 1861 1448 Newell, H.G.. Sept. 20, 1864 1908 Nicholas, Charles L. 4th Maine ind. battery. Aug. 8, 1864 1575 Nichols, Alver. A 10th Maine infantry Nov. 22, 1862 525 Nilan, Thomas Recruit Feb. 5, 1864 1014 Nix, Jacob A C. S. A June 24, 1865 3050 Noble, William L.... June 29, 1862 131 Norris, Horace 1st Vermont heavy art June 24, 1864 1241 Northing, John 1st New York heavy art Aug. 18, 1862 423 Northrup, William B. 1st Michigan sharpshooters. Aug. 16, 1864 1653 Norton, Nore C 1st Alabama infantry Jan. 31, 1865 2254 2892 Norwood, Joseph J. .. 47th North Carolina inf May 27, 1865 Nowell, Henry 47th North Carolina inf May 22, 1865 2843 O'Brien, John 4th New York battery Sept. 6, 1864 1811 O'Connor, Patrick 1st South Carolina infantry. April 28, 1865 2613 Olenhinze, Albert.... Jan. 15, 1864 977 Olevia, P. D 4th Louisiana cavalry Dec. 13, 1864 2164 Olmstead, Charles Substitute Oct. 3, 1863 877 Olsen, Anan 37th Wisconsin infantry. . . . 21, 1864 1925

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Ansel Orr, 147th New York . 23 infantry. July , 1864 Otts, Martin 1st South Carolina militia. June K 1865 Ould, Leonard, (or Thos). June IE 1862 Overfelt, Robert 57th Virginia infantry June 17 1865 Owen, Evan T 29th Pennsylvania infantry Feb. 1 ,1865 H Owen, William 50th North Carolina inf. . . . May 13 1865 Owens, A. P 1st South Carolina infantry Aug. 6 1863 Owcry, Henry 17th Wisconsin infantry April 20 1865 Pafelin, Fred 47th New York infantry Nov. 11 1864 Page, Theodore Aug. 8 1862 Pages, Moses P July 26 1862 M Palmer, 100th New York infantry. . . Oct. 12 1863 Palmeter, Allen 77th Ohio infantry April 11 1865 Parish, J. M 48th Alabama infantry July 28 1863 Park, Nicholas 187th Pennsylvania inf. Aug. 7 1864 A Parker, 102d New York infantry. .. Aug. 13 1862 Parker, C. F 7th Maine infantry Dec. 6 1862 Parker, George July 7 1864 James Parker, 1st South Carolina inf. . .. May 16 1865 James W Partin, 47th North Carolina inf. . May 25 1865 Paskill, Charles May 15 1862 Patten J. W 100th New York infantry. Nov. 1 1864 Patterson, Benjamin C.S.A Aug. 22 1863 Patterson, Fritz Oct. 4 1865 Patterson N North Carolina P. G. inf... May 19 1865 Patrick, Michael D 10th Vermont infantry April 25 1364 Pangh, EvanD June 14 1864 Pazly, Joseph Substitute Mar. 13 1865 Peacock, Isaac 14th United States infantry Oct. 12 1865 Pearsoll, Leonidas 38th North Carolina inf Jan. 19 1864 John Pease, C.S.A , July 28 1863 Peck, Jay 15th Michigan infantry June 16 1865 Pegram, J. E 52d North Carolina infantry Aug. 3 1863 Penhamer, George 49th Pennsylvania infantry. July 13 1864 James Pennell, 21st Pennsylvania cavalry. . Sept. 13 1864 Perry, Albert W June 22 1864 Perry, H.H 16th Georgia infantry Nov. 26 1863 Perry, N, E 47th North Carolina infantry May 8 1865

William . Perry, 4th Delaware infantry . Aug. 11 1864 Persons, Alex 16th New York artillery Oct. 17 1864 Pertee, John E 2d Texas cavalry Nov. 24, 1864

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Peterson, William 64th New York infantrv Mar. 11, 1866 2301 Pettingill, James A Jan. 16, 1863 593 Pfeifer, Frank 7th New York infantry Nov. 18, 1864 2133 Phelps, David 1st Alabama artillery Oct. 22, 1864 2074 Phillips, E. W , 39th Virginia infantry May 28, 1865 3065 Phillips, Richard 47th North Carolina infantry May 29, 1865 3069 Phillips, Shadrick 149th Pennsylvania infantry Aug. 22, 1863 810 Phipps, John 22d North Carolina infantry June 19. 1865 3019 Pike, Irving 44th New York infantry Sept. 25, 1862 52 Pillsinger, E. G Sept. 8, 1862 397 Pinnert, Isaac B 203d Pennsylvania infantry, Feb. 23, 1865 2320 Pinto, John 3JstU.S.C.T Mar. 3, 1866 3264 Place, Robert Nov. 13, 1862 188 Place, Summer 2d Virginia infantry Sept. 12, 1863 853

. Planter, W. H , 144th New York infantry. . Feb. 2, 1865 2270 Piatt, Sylvester C Aug. 7, 1864 1563 Plemos,W. C 11th Georgia infantry Aug. 6, 1863 746 Plummer, Anzil T 13th Ohio infantry Aug. 15, 1864 1646 Plumteaux, William R. 2d Minnesota infantry Mar. 6,-1865 2340 Pollard, G.W 1st Virginia infantry Mav 26, 1865 2056 Pollard, John 3d Rhode Island infantry.. Dec. 26, 1864 2195 Polaskie, Edward , 69th New York infantry Oct. 20, 1864 2075 Poole, Winfield S , 17th Illinois cavalry May- 7, 1864 1146 Poor, John W , 1st South Carolina artillery June 19, 1865 3024 Pope, William June 25, 1864 1245 Potter, Merritt 186th New York infantry . . June 6, 1865 2948 Powell, H.A 34th North Carolina infantry Aug. 2, 1863 732 Powell, James 2d North Carolina, colored, April 30, 1865 2648 Powell, Russell G 4th New Hampshire infantry Sept. 14, 1864 1870 Powell, Thomas 2d Georgia infantry May 17, 1865 2808 Powell, William Oct. 25, 1862 501

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1143 Power, W.H .. Dec. 1144 Powert, Charles R 19th Maine infantry July 1145 Powler, Charles 143d Pennsylvania infantry. July 1146 Pratt, Thomas 45th North Carolina infantry July 1147 Pray, Dennison P 67th Ohio infantry May 1148 Preble, Orwin 21st Maine infantry Feb. 1149 Prestwood, E 26th North Carolina infantry June 1150 Pridgen, J. O N. C. provost guard June 1151 Prime, Charles 26th U. S.C.T Feb. 1152 Pritchard, William S-. 4th Ohio infantry July 1153 Proctor, Thomas D 45th North Carolina infantry Aug. 1154 Puderlauch, Ezra 114th New York infantry. Jan. 1155 Pugh, Eli 50th Virginia infantry Aug. 1156 Punt, Patrick M Unassigned recruit Jan. 1157 Putnam, Israel Sept. 1158 Pyle, A.J 14th Georgia infantry Aug. 1159 Quackenbush, John G. 22d North Carolina infantry May 1160 Quinn, James Substitute Sept. 1161 Radcliffe, Benjamin . . . 1st V.R.C Aug. 1162 Rahyer, Frank 1st Maine infantry Oct. 1163 Rainey, James 14th Georgia infantry. . . May 1164 Ramsdale, John P 11th Maine infantry Oct. 1165 Randall, josiah 1st Maine artillery Aug. 1166 Randlemah, H. J 28th North Carolina infantry July 1167 Ransom, J. H 20th Georgia infantry- - . Aug. 1168 Rape, Samuel M 37th North Carolina infantry July 1169 Rarick, C.R 53d Pennsylvania infantry. . Aug. 1170 Rast, William R 14th South Carolinainfantry May 1171 Rawhauser, Jesse 57th Pennsylvania infantry. Aug. 1172 Ray, A. J 34th North Carolina infantry July 1173 Raynor, Henry U.S. A Jan. 1174 Reddix, James 58th North Carolina infantry June 1175 Redman, S.C 40th Virginia infantry. . Aug- 1176 Reed, Jeremiah N 7th New York heavy art June 1177 Reed, William A.. 17th U.S. C.T Sept. 1178 Reeder, Charles 1st Connecticut cavalry. July 1179 Reese, Harloid P . 125th New York infantry. - . 1180 Reese, Samuel W 3d Virginia battery Jane 10, 1181 Reeves, Morris 9th New York cavalry- . Sept. 1182 2d North Carolina artillery- May 11, 1183 Regan, Peter M. Nov. 13,

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. 1808 1184 Reib, Henry 48th Pennsylvania infantry Sept, 1864 1864 1992 1185 Renbottom, George 30th Ohio infantry Oct. 2319 1186 Rendall, David 9th Ohio cavalry Feb. 1865

.- 106 1187 Resenlark, W. D 1st Long Island infantry- June 1862 2993 1188 Resner, Henry Coit's Virginia artillery June 1865 . 1213 1189 Ribert, John 14th New Jersey infantry. June 1864 - 415 1190 Rice, Henry 14th United States infantry Aug. 1862 vault. 1191 Richards, B.B 17th Massachusetts infantry Oct. 1862 2617 1192 Richards, G. H 3d Michigan infantry May 1865 2659 1193 Richardson, Henry 174th Ohio infantry May 1865 911 1194 Richardson, John 8th United States infantry. Nov. 1863 1195 Richardson, Robert M. 53d Georgia infantry Aug. 1863 753 1864 1227 1196 Rickey, William 20th Indiana battery June Mar. 1865 2335 1197 way, Henry Substitute Ridge 952 1198 Eiggs, A 2d Mississippi infantry Dec. 1863 . . 886 1199 Riggs, George W 42d Mississippi infantry. Oct. 1863 1200 Ritsen, Mathew 64th New York infantry. . . Oct. 1864 2002 1201 Roberts, Edward C 117th New York infantry. . Jan. 1864 1003 1863 857 1202 Roberts, John A. W. . - 11th Georgia infantry Sept. 1203 Roberts, John M 45th Georgia infantry June 1865 2841 1204 Roberts, Warden 65th Illinois infantry May 1865 2752 Dec. 1865 3254 1205 Roberts, William D . . . 55th Tennessee infantry 1034 1206 Robertson, Joseph Feb. 1864 . . 740 1207 Robbins, Samuel 48th New York infantry Aug. 1863 840 1208 Robinson, J Sept. 1863 2925 1209 Robinson, James 16th North Carolina infantry June 1865 . 865 1210 Robinson, T.C 18th Mississippi infantry. Sept. 1863 1863 766 1211 Robneth, Lawson C 25th Virginia infantry Aug. June 1862 91 1212 Rodden,M.S Sergeant . 96th New York vols 1864 1946 1213 Roder, Phillip 58th Pennsylvania infantry .. 1862 115 1214 Rodgers, Owen 7th New Jersey infantry.

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Rogers, Albert Nov. 20 1864 Rogers, Augustus 53d Pennsylvania infantry . Dec. S 1862 Rogers, George Mar. 19 1864 Rogers, James B 13th North Carolina infantry April 13 1865 Rogers, Sanford J 2d Michigan infantry July 30 1864 Roland, Charles 38th North Carolina infantry May 30 1865 Roldder, J.G 48th Alabama infantry July 29 1863 Rollins, Thomas 1st South Carolina infantry. June 23 1865 Rominger, R 2d North Carolina infantry. Aug. 4 1863 Rose, Warren 22d New York infantry Aug. 2 1863 Ross, Thomas 143d New York infantry. .. Nov. 4 1862 Rossenstrauss, Seligmann. 4th New York artillery Nov. 4 1864 Rouche, F 41st New York infantry Nor. 8 1864 Rounds, D.H 60th New York infantry Oct. 13 1864 Rowe, John N 27th Ohio infantry May 8 1865 Rowell, Enos S 10th U. S. invalid corps April 2 1864 Rowland, Robert 10th Indiana battery June 28 1864 Royal, William H 38th North Carolina infantry June 5 1865 Royley, Irvin 94th Ohio infantry Mar. 6 1865 Rumsey, J 56th New York infantry Jan. 21 1865 Runnings, Emery C 1st Maine heavy art July 18 1864 Rush, Isaac S Oct. 15 1864 Rushing, Prisoner of war July 5 1862 Russell, A 33d North Carolina infantry Sept. 21 1863 Ryan, Patrick 1st Georgia infantry July 1 1862 Ryan, Patrick Dec. 12 1862 Saleor, John June 15 1864 Sale, William, A 1st South Carolinainfantry. Oct. 24 1863 Salone, Theodore 97th Pennsylvania infantry. May 26 1865 Sammis, Alcott June 25 1864 Sammis, Johnl Recruit Feb. 20 1865 Sampson, Peter 26th U. S.C.T Mar. 27 1866 Sandagreen, Allen 48th New York infantry June 7 1865 Sandberg, John 19th United States infantry. Oct. 27 1.866 Sanders, Nathan F 32d Wisconsin infantry Mar. 4 1865 Sanderson, Josh. W 20th Ohio infantry Feb. 24 1865 Sanfagan, Rini 15th Maine infantry Oct. 28 1865 Sapp, Francis M 8th Alabama infantry Aug. 28 1863 Sard, Peter May 15 1862 I Satterfield, G.A Jan. 16 1865 I Savage, Braxton 53d Georgia infantry. . July 24 1863 rjq

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Sawyer, R. A 33d North Carolina infantry June 30, 1862 145 Sawyer, William B 33d North Carolina infantry July 21, 1862 243 Scannoll, George 69th New York infantry . . June 9, 1864 1170 Scarlet, Frederick Substitute Feb. 25, 1865 2326 Schack, Clement 6th United States infantry. Jan. 3, 1866 3259 Schaff, S.M June 28, 1863 641 Schaub, Henry 100th New York infantry .. April 7, 1864 1124 Schlottman, Henry 10th independent corps Feb. 14, 1864 1028 Schmidt, George infantry. . . Sept. 30, 1862 127 Schrader, Samuel E 35th Virginia infantry - Aug. 10, 1863 759 Schreyer, William Aug. 12, 1867 3276 Sconlon, John 8th New York cavalry Aug. 10, 1865 3147 Scott, Henry 35th North Carolina infantry Aug. 1, 1863 723 Searles, David N 9th Vermont infantry Aug. 31, 1862 381 Searles, Joseph April 4, 1864 1116 Sears, Robert 35th North Carolina infantry May 24, 1865 3053 Sedbetter, Ward July 23, 1862 248 Semon, William 57th Virginia infantry Aug. 25, 1863 823 Senny, Henry C 43d Wisconsin infantry Feb. 25, 1865 2311 Serusion, Henry 7th New Hampshire infantry July 21, 1865 3121 Sever, Phillip 31st New York infantry May 15, 1862 25 Seymour, Robert 1st national volunteers Aug. 10, 1862 319. Shaffer, Christian 55th New York infantry .. . Oct. 31, 1862 509 Shambacker, George W. . 106th Pennsylvania infantry July 10, 1862 183 Sharp, George W 39th Maryland infantry Oct. 17, 1864 2050 Sharp, Washington 34th North Carolina infantry June 21, 1865 3034 Sharpe, George 5th U.S. C.T Nov. 26, 1864 2175 Sharpe, Joshua 39th U. S. C.T Dec. 11, 1864 1614 Shave, Martin 98th New York infantry. Sept. 25, 1862 51 Shaver, William 15th South Carolinainfantry May 15, 1865 2782 Shaw, Hugh 47th North Carolina infantry June 10, 1865 2991

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Shaw, James 1st New York cavalry Oct. 3 1864 Sheder, Andrew T. .. 180th Ohio infantry May 29 1865 Sheepan, Joseph 5th Connecticut infantry... April 30 1865 Shelberry, Perry E. . . 47th Ohio infantry Jan. 12 1865 Shellsworth, Samuel.. 1st Alabama infantry Nov. 18 1864 Shepherd, Jeremiah . . 49th New York infantry June 30 1862 Shields, Franc 81st Pennsylvania infantry. July 11 1862 Shore, William L 21st North Carolina infantry June 7 1865 Shorman, Moses ..'... 1st New York C. cavalry. . . Oct. 26 1864 Short, Robert Pegram's Virginia battery. . June 9 1865 Shufele, Jacob 98th Pennsylvania infantry. June 21 1864 Shuler, Daniel M 14th South Carolina militia. May 6 1865 Shultz, John 40th New York infantry .. . July 18 1865 Shurles, Henry C.S.A Sept. 30 1863 Shutzford, George Oct. 4 1862 Sillsby, Philo O 13th New York artillery... Mar. 24 1864 Sillman, Jeremiah Oct. 4 1862 Silwood, Silas A 102dU.S.C.T Jan. 30 1865 Simmons, B Lumber merchant, Del. AprU 28 1865 Simmons, Frank 26th U.S. C.T Mar. 13 1864 Simpson, Mrs. Mary. April 28 1865 Simpson, Richard 38th North Carolina inf July 7 1865 Sindrick, Frederick. 8th Massachusetts infantry. Sept. 30 1862 Skelton, Alexander. . 53d Virginia infantry Dec. 7 1863 Slaughter, Selim 53d Virginia infantry April 21 1865 Sleattry, John 13th Iowa infantry May 22 1865 Aug. 10 1862 Sleeper, John B Aug. 8 1862 Slufrew, B. W Sept. 21 1864 Sluster, Leander C - 75th Indiana infantry. April 10 1865 Sluvellan, Jacob. .. 13th Indiana infantry. Jan. 28 1865 Small, Joseph Nov. 9 1864 Smith, Alonzo 1st Tennessee artillery. .. Mar. 29 1865 Smith, B 129th Indiana infantry. . . April 30 1865 Smith, Henry 45th Georgia infantry Feb. 21 1865 Smith, I. S 4th Vermont infantry Sept. 30 1862 Smith, J. A 63d Georgia infantry Aug. 20 1863 Smith, J. H 12th South Carolina inf. . Aug. 3 1863 Smith, Jacob A Drafted May 24 1865 Smith, John B 15th Wisconsin infantry. . July 21 1864 Smith, Major Prisoner, contraband July 18 1862

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Regiment. Remarks.

Smith, Nathan D . . - 1st New York light art Aug. 1864 1768 Smith, Thomas 20th New York infantry. .. May 1864 1163 Smith, Tilton D Oct. 1863 903 Smith, W. R 1st Alabama artillery. Oct, 1864 2092 Smith, Wm 38th Indiana infantry. Mar. 1865 2401 Smith, Wm April 1865 2431 Smith, Wm. A 11th North Carolina inf. -. Oct. 1863 875 Smith, Zemerick 16th North Carolina cav- - May 1865 2701 Snow, Jesse L 1st South Carolina inf. May 1865 2770 Snow, Phillow 37th Massachusetts inf July 1864 1489 Snowberger, David. 55th Connecticut infantry. Jan. 1863 576 Snyder, May 1864 1152' Soder, Charles W- . 152d infantry . .. Oct. 1863 885 Soller, R.E.A 18th North Carolina inf. Sept. 1863 864 Sommer, Eben 185th New York inf.... Nov. 1864 2132 Splain, Samuel B. .. . 21st invalid corps Aug. 1864 1590 Spolle, Henry 4th Illinois battery April 1865 2496 Sproules, F.J 1st South Carolina inf. . - July 1863 685 Spulburg, May 1862 12 Spulding, O. K New York soldiers' home. . Mar. 1865 2377 Stacy, S. F 6th New Hampshire inf. . . Dec. 1862 558 Stamson, James M. . 36th U.S. C.T Feb. 1865 2301 Stan, Benjamin 7th Connecticut infantry. . April 1865 2526 Stanch, Gotlieb 20th Indiana infantry Sept. 1862 383 Stanly, Jethro 38th Wisconsin infantry. . . Sept, 1864 1892 Stanton, Willard S-. 49th New York infantry.. . Aug. 1864 1695 Stark, A.D 6th Pennsylvania infantry. Sept. 1862 470 Staten, M 37th North Carolina inf. .. Aug. 1863 791 Steele, Alfred P 19th Wisconsin infantry. .. July 1864 1404 Steely, S North Carolina inf. - . July 674 Steinberger, Wm 2d New York heavy art. .. Mar. 3266

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Steins, Wm 8th Illinois cavalry July 22 1862 Stemson, Wm 124th New York infantry. .. Oct. 6 1864 Stephens, F.N Maine batterv Oct. 19 1865 Sterrick, Wm 187th Pennsylvania inf. Aug. 22 1864 Stevens, Benjamin. . . 16th New York heavy art.. Sept. 4 1865 Stevens, C. S. F.... 9th Georgia infantry Aug. 3 1863 Stevens, Henry 18th New Hampshire inf. .. Nov. 1 1864 Stevenson, Frank... Nov. 5 1862 Stevenson, John. Aug. 24 1863 Stewart, Wm. F 10th New York infantry Sept. 1 1864 Stiedman, Chas. H.. 39th Massachusetts inf. July 11 1864 Still, Isaac 15th South Carolina inf May 17 1865 Still, Tobias South Carolina home guard, April 29 1865 Stilling, Hanson 26th North Carolina inf Aug. 27 1863 Stock, Herman J Reid's mounted rifle rangers Oct. 20 1863 Stocze, Henry 22d Massachusetts inf. July 29 1862 Stoddard, Charles 3d Vermont battery Jan. 20 1865 Stoddart, Orlando- .. 13th Michigan infantry Mar. 13 1865 Stokes, B. B 1st Tennessee artillery Dec. 21 1864 Stone, G.P 19th Mississippi infantry. .. June 3 1865 Stone, J. N 23d North Carolina inf. Aug. 3 1863 Stone, J. W 4th New York heavy art Sept. 6 1864

Robert 11th New York . Oct. 8 1864 Stone, cavalry. ... Stormout, William . . June 28 1864 Story, William 185th Pennsylvania inf. . July 15 1864 Stover, Andrew W. . Stragen, Thomas 8th New York heavy art. .. July 1 1864 Street, Jacob 46th New York infantry Aug. 13 1863 Street, P. S 11th North Carolina inf Aug. 19 1863 Streightiff, Jacob 125th Pennsylvania inf. Jan. 3 1863 Stroman, Absalom.. . 14th South Carolina inf May 1 1865 Struckland, H 26th South Carolina inf June 14 1865 Strum, G. B 14th South Carolina inf May 18 1865 Stubbs, H. S 1st Maine artillery July 21 1864 Sullivan, James 19th Massachusetts inf Aug. 19 1864 Sullivan, James 10th Alabama infantry June 7 1865 Sullivan, Wm 11th United States infantry. Dec. 29 1862 Snthard, Wm , 57th Virginia infantry May 18 1865 Sutton, Chas. E 60th Ohio infantry Aug. 16 1864 Swaine, Samuel H. 56th New York infantry. Dec. 17 1864 Swaley, George 10th Louisiana infantry Aug. 13 1863

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Swalt, Simeon O 15th South Carolina inf Julv 30, 1863 706 Swart, John A 152d New York infantry. ., Sept. 14, 1863 856 Sweeny, Edward 48th Pennsylvania inf. Aug. 17, 1864 1663 Sweet, James 27th Michigan infantry July 15, 1864 1346 Sweister, Theodore. . . 1st South Carolina inf. Nov. 23, 1863 937 Swink, L..-. June 15, 1864 1189 Symes, Albert A. C... 3d Vermont infantry June 28, 1864 1261 Symonds, Lamon R . . 14th United States infantry. Nov. 3, 1865 3227 Tasker, Adolphus Oct. 4, 1864 1956 Taylor, Benjamin 2d Vermont infantry June 30, 1862 140 Taylor, DiltonW.... 52d Pennsylvania infantry. . Mar. 14, 1865 2374 Taylor, George W. . .. May 15, 1862 18 Taylor, John 6th Pennsylvania infantry. . Sept. 22, 1863 866 Taylor, Joseph W 3d Vermont infantry Oct. 3, 1862 446 Taylor, Orriu L 36th Massachusetts inf July 4, 1864 1274 Templeton, H. B 14th South Carolina militia. June 2, 1865 2929 Tenike, Anthonv 20thU.S.C.T..; April 16, 1865 2511 Tew, M. D *. North Carolina militia. April 28, 1865 2616 Thibault, Aug 145th New York infantry. . . Oct. 13, 1862 474 Thomas, John 28th Pennsylvania inf. May 27, 1865 2895 Thomas, J. W 18th North Carolina inf May 22, 1865 2842 Thomas, Robert 28th U.S. C.T Sept. 28, 1864 1960 Thomas, Stephen M. - 144th New York infantry. . . Feb. 23, 1864 1045 .Thomas, William 57th Alabama infantry May 13, 1865 2767 Thomber, John 27th Michigan infantry July 27, 1864 1467 Thompson, Cornelius- 75th Indiana infantry Jan. 19, 1865 2230 Thompson, H. F 48th Virginia infantry Aug. 19, 1863 798, Thompson, James 2d New York heavy art Oct. 9, 1864 2007 Thompson, John July 30, 1867 3273 Thompson, Samuel... 12th Texas cavalry. Dec. 21, 1864 1630 Thompson Samuel 70th Ohio infantry.. Mar. 11, 1865 2359

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Thompson, Silas W. 34th New York infantry Oot. 22, Thornton, Henry 15th Illinois infantry April 28, Thornton, James 74th New York infantry Nov. 26, Thornton, John G. . . Contract nurse Sept. 16, Thrall, George N.... 16th New Hampshire inf. .. Oct. 14, Tibbitts, Isaac 3d New Hampshire inf. Sept. 17, Tidwell, Clark South Carolina guest guard. May 11, Tierney, Richard 3d New York artillery June 14, Tilley, William 14th South Carolina inf April 26, Timberlake, T 3d North Carolina artillery . Aug. 8, Tindall, Henry F... 5th South Carolina inf May 4, Tindell, Peter. Citizen of North Carolina .. May 2, Tindle, Peter L Citizen, rebel May 29, Tinlayson, Henry... 3d New York artillery April 17, Titus, David S June 22, Tompkins, N. M 51st Maine infantry Oct. 14, Townsend, William . ^ U.S. C.T Jan. 30, Towsley, James 20th New York cavalry.. May 12, Track, Joseph Sept. 9, Traiton, William 20th Georgia infantry Nov. 23, Traxler, I.J...... South Carolinia inf. . May 4, Tripp, I. N 26th Maine infantry Aug. 15, Trout, John 0 C.S.A Aug. 1, Truax, William 63d Ohio infantry April 30, Tryer, Charles 105th New York infantry. . June 7, Tub, Malvin 148th New York infantry. Aug. 9, Tupin, Artim 6th New York infantry June 9, Turner, Jackson 1st Alabama infantry Nov. 23, Tutt, John G Jeff. Davis's legion May 31, Tuttle, Luther 24th Maine infantry Dec. 5, Tuttle, Solomon 153d New York infantry. . Oct. 28, Tweedie, Thomas... 1st D. C. cavalry Sept. 12, Tyler, Emory H July 15, Tyler, James July 18, Tyree, Wm. B 13th Virginia cavalry June 10, Tyson, B. P 7th Michigan infantry July 1, Tyson, Wm. L C.S.A Aug. 10, Tyson, W. T 38th North Carolina inf. . . July 28, Uhl, Christian C... 15th Illinois infantry April 26, Unknown Aug. 25, Unknown Aug. 25,

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Date of death.

1864 1844 Unknown. - Unknown Oct. 1864 2112 Unknown Hospital battery. . Dec. 1864 2185 Unknown Jan. 1865 2123 Unknown April 1865 3234 1865 2592 Unknown April Unknown May 1865 2722 1865 2825 Unknown May 2835 Unknown May 1865

. 1864 1540 Van Anmann, B. F D J 2d New York heavy art Aug. 1862 26 Van Arsdale, Thomas . May Jan. 1865 2214 Vance, Simeon 10th Louisiana .. 1863 721 . Vandegriff, J infantry Aug. . 1864 1818 Vandewalker, Hiram.. 153d New York infantry Sept. . 2652 Vandick, John A 27th North Carolina inf. April 1865 Feb. 1864 1036 Van Loo, Francis 26th U.S. C.T 1864 1023 Van Osdal, John U. S. C. T Feb. .. 1864 1880 Van Osdal, Thomas G. 115th Pennsylvania inf. Sept. 1864 1224 Van John June Tassel, 1862 15 Van Vleek, Geo. S May . . 1864 1469 VarrVleit, Chas. H.... G 177th New York infantry. July . . Oct. 1863 902 Van Vleit, Darius C 112th New York infantry. 1864 1324 Van Wert, James C . . ^ July D South Carolina militia. May 1865 2753 Varn, Hangford 1865 2638 A. G 10th Georgia cavalry April Vaugh, June 1885 3023 Vaught, Wm. L 34th North Carolina inf New York June 1864 1232 Abraham C- . 8th artillery Vierson, Dec. 1864 2187 Vinson, Wm. J 1st Alabama cavalry Sept. 1863 869 Wadsworth, Benjamin. 1865 2621 Wadsworth, EliW.... 53d North Carolina April York June 1862 134 Waldem, Charles 74th New infantry.

For current National & State Veterans Burial records, please visit... http://www.interment.net/us/nat/veterans.htm Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County • Historic Monographs Collection Waldron, Cortland April 2, 1865 Walker, Francis G July 11, 1863 Walker, J. C. L 20th Georgia battery. . Mav 2, 1865 Walker, Lee July 7, 1862 Walkins,W. H 47th North Carolina inf. .. . July 13, 1865 Wallace, William 46th North Carolina inf June 16, 1865 Walsh, William 7th Maine infantry Dec. 3, 1862 Walter, Frederick 46th Pennsylvania infantry. April 26, 1865 Walthers, Patrick 3d New Hampshire inf Aug. 26, 1862 Wammamaugher, Samuel 12th Iowa infantry Jan. 8, 1865 Ward, W. H 47th North Carolina inf June 10, 1865 Warner, B. F 89th New York infantry Jan. 3, 1863 Warner, Joseph 7th United States infantry . . Oct. 17, 1863 Warrick, W. P 12th South Carolina inf July 28, 1863 Watsell, Benjamin Oct. 4, 1862 Watson, Jefferson 1st Alabama infantry Oct. 24, 1864 Watts, John 55th Pennsylvania infantry. Sept. 12, 1864 Wayne, Francis A 1st South Carolina infantry. May 11, 1865 Weatherby, J. B '. . 1st South Carolina infantry. Aug. 26, 1863 Weaver, Henry 4th Maryland cavalry Sept. 7, 1864 Weaver, L 97th Pennsylvania infantry. Oct. 14, 1863 Webb, J. alias Jno F.Chase 44th New York infantry May 16, 1862 Webb, John W 55th Georgia infantry May 30, 1865 Webber, H. S 3d Maine infantry July 1, 1862 Weber, S.J 16th New York heavy art .. Sept. 26, 1864 Webster, James 26th U.S. C. T April 2, 1864 Weekly, James H 100th Pennsylvania inf. Aug. 13, 1864 Weeks, Levi 8th Florida battery June 12, 1865 Weibke, John Substitute Jan. 12, 1865 Weir, Thomas July 16, 1862 Welch, H. F May 15, 1862 Welch, James Substitute . Sept. 14, 1864 Welch, John Sept. 7, 1863 Well, George 7 th Wisconsin infantry July 11, 1864 Wellbigh, James 3d Maryland infantry Jv.ne 27, 1864 Wells,. Henry Substitute April 10, 1865 Wells, John 2d United States infantry. . Oct. 7, 1863 Wenkoop, George U. S.C.T Jan. 19, 1864 Wentworth, John 8th United States infantry. Aug. 19, 1862 Westcott, James 3d New York artillery June 9, 1864 Wey, Addison A 29th Ohio infantry April 20, 1865

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Regiment. Date of death.

Weyser, Charles W 58th Massachusetts inf. .. . July 19, 1864 1399 Wheelan, George 61st New York infantry . . . Sept. 19, 1864 1905 Wheeler, John 43d U. S.C.T Oct. 1949 Wherry, J. A 12th South Carolina inf. . . July 1863 669 Whilton, Isaiah 20th Maine infantry July 1864 1193 Whittaker, Christopher. 6th tkited States infantry. May 1865 2775 White, Elisha 13th Smith Carolina inf July 1863 654 White, Franklin 40th North Carolina inf. .. Mav 1865 2875 White, Moses Sep't. 1864 1928 White, Richard 34th New York infantry.. AprU 1865 2480 White, WiUiamE 5th V.R. C May 1866 3268 Whiting, Andrew 14th New York infantry.. July 1864 1430 Whittier, Daniel 10th New York artillery. . April 1863 622 Whuma, Stephen 1262 Wickle, W. A 15th Connecticut infantry. July 1864 1280 Wicks, Thomas M 31st U.S. C.T Aug. 1864 1713 Wilbur, Stephen 7th New Jersey heavy art. July 1864 1313 Willbanks, W 12th North Carolina inf April 1865 2560 Williams, Dennis 4th Maine infantry Dec. 1862 547

R. F . Williams, 37th North Carolina inf. . Aug. 1863 801 Williams, Sidney 26th North Carolina inf. .. July 1862 200 WUliams, Wellington. . . 4th Delaware cavalry Oct. 1864 1747 Wilkinson, George 14th Virginia infantry April 1865 2570 Willis, James P 8th Tennessee infantry May 1865 2758 Willman, John C 12th Connecticut infantiy. . April 1865 2460 Wilson, Buonaparte 54th Massachusetts inf 1865 2418 Wilson, David 4th Georgia infantry 1863 831 Wilson, George H 62d "Ohio infantry 1864 1898 Wilson, George S 32d North Carolina inf May 1865 2813 Wilson, James 11th Iowa infantry Mar. 1865 2278 Wilson, James E 22d North Carolina inf. . .. May 1865

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1575 WUson, J. W 55th North Carolina inf. . . May 16, 1865 2798 1576 Wilson, John W 78tb Ohio infantry...... May 5, 1865 2697 1577 Wilson, Nathaniel 8th Tennessee infantry May 15, 1865 2789 1578 Wing, Phillip 18th. Ohio infantry April 16, 1865 2516 475 1579 Winkler, Nov. 11, 1862 Nov. 1862 523 1580 Winkler, , 6, . . 1863 785 1581 Winster, H. W 45th North Carolina inf. Aug. 15, 1863 1582 Witherell, David 18th New York cavalry... Nov. 23, .. 1863 1583 Wolfe, H.T 13th North Carolina inf. July 21, 1864 1584 Wolvert, Charles 6th New York cavalry 11, 1614 1864 1585 Wood, C. E 60th Ohio infantry 8, 1565 1586 Wood,E. C. C 26th Tennessee infantry . . . May 15, 1865 1587 Wood, Josiah Q. G 1st Massachusetts cavalry. Dec. 17, 1864 2189 1588 Wood, W 11th North Carolina inf... Sept. 4, 1863 1589 Wood, William H 47th North Carolina inf. .. May 13, 1865 1590 Woodall, M. J 24th North Carolina inf. . . Sept. 8, 1863 1591 Wooder, Walter H 11th Connecticut infantry . Sept. 7, 1864 1825 1862 327 1592 Woodhouse, George... Aug. 16, 574 1593 Woodman, Thomas W. Dec. 24, 1862 1864 1594 Woodruff, Richard K. . 31st United States 12, 1623 765 1595 Woods, John B 25th Virginia infantry 10, 1863 . . 1862 1596 Wrankle, Lawrence. .. 100th New York infantry. Aug. 26, 1863 1597 Wright, H. C 1st Texas infantry Aug. 19, 1598 H.V 15th North Carolina inf April 21. 1865 2568 Wright, 1862 401 1599 Wright, Henry S 60th New York infantry 8, 1864 1600 Wynn, William D..... From 51st street 23, 2194 1601 Yates, Cyrus 31st Maine infantry 1, 1864 1769 1602 Yaw, John W 44th North Carolina inf 14, 1865 3004 1603 Yedder, Stephen 3d South Carolina infantry. 12, 1865 2760 1604 Yiesley, Jacob 69th New York infantry Mar. 20, 1865 2400 .. 1863 780 1605 Young, Beverly D 11th Mississippi infantry. Aug. 30, 1865 2799 - 14th 1606 Young, Daniel C . Michigan infantry May 17, 1864 1607 Young, David 10th Batt. V. R. C April 27, 1138 .- 1862 476 1608 Young, John 64th New York infantry. Oct. 13, 1609 Young, John C.S.A June 23, 1865 3043 1865 1610 Younginar, Joseph 15th South Carolina inf April 30, 2645 1611 York, C.P 24th Georgia infantry Aug. 18, 1863 793 1612 Zarewich, John 21st New York hy. art Dec. 26, 1864 2196 1613 Zbilows, Joseph 26th Wisconsin infantry July 27, 1863 676 1614 Zehuder, Jacob 11th New York infantry. - . 6, 1864 1821

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on the one This Cemetery is situated about 150 yards east of Fort Niagara, Niagara river, New and mile from Youngstown, New York, seven miles from Lewiston, York, twenty-one miles from Lockport, New York. is .situated on a bluff feet on the It contains one and a quarter acres, and thirty high, margin of the Niagara river, and forms part of the government reservation. remains of The Cemetery is enclosed by a wooden fence, and contains the twenty-two deceased Union soldiers ; nineteen known, and three unknown. and Among those known are Colonel John Christie, 23d United States infantry, Adjutant Thomas Poe, Pennsylvania volunteers, who were killed, respectively, at the battles of Lundy's Lane and Lewiston, July 23, 1813.

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1 a .2 No. Name. Rank. Co. Regiment. Date of death. Remarks.


1 Armi e James 2 Baisaubler, Martin J Aug. 13, 1813 Killed at Fort George. B 1850 Cholera. 3 Sergeant , 4 Casey, Frederick C Jan. 13, 1854 S 5 23d United States infantry. - July 23, 1813 Killed at Lewiston, Ky. Conklin, Barnabas L;euten t April 18, 1839 1866 Drowned. 1 7 Private F , OS 8 Harrison, Robert M le 2d United States infantry.. Feb. 10, 1825 Mar. 29, 1817

McT hi"' Private B , 1850 1859 TToti^i!? T^C Asst. surg.. , Morris, Francis N Oct. 16, 1842 13

14 United States , 1813 ' e artillery Aug. t AprU 17, 1829 1813 Kflled at Lane. Poe Thn Lieutenant. . Pennsylvania vols July 23, Lundy's U k IS Unknown TT 1 n Cholera. Wilson Private B , 1850 B 1850 Wyman, William , 22 2d United States infantry.. May 26, 1830 ! P

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This Cemetery is situated two and a half miles east of ihe town of Lockport, Niagara county, New York, and ten miles from Lake Ontario. It contains about fifty acres of land, and is enclosed by a stone fence in front, and wooden fence on sides and rear. It is laid out with walks and avenues, and an abundance of trees and shrubbery has been planted. The ground, which was originally owned by Stephen Wakeman, is roUing, and presents a picturesque appearance. There are three officers and six private soldiers interred in this Cemetery, all of whom, except one, are known; and suitable marble monuments, properly inscribed, have been erected at their graves.

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i bb a No. Name. Rank. Co. Regiment. Date of death. a Remarks.

si OB a

Donnallv, Dudley 28th New York volunteers . Aug. 5, 1862 3 Hawkins, William Captain F New York heavy ait.. June 23, 1864 Do. 4 19th New York heavy art. - Oct. 1, 1863 Do. McCoy, Alonzo G Private B 8th New York heavy art. .. June 7, 1864 Do. 6 McCoy, G. N 19th New York heavy art. . Dec. 9, 1862 7 Rector, George W Lieutenant. . 8th New York heavy art. . . Oct. 29, 1864 .-., 8 Tulloch, M. ... Private F 8th New York heavy art - .. June 30, 1863 9

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This Cemetery is situated one mile west of the village of Lodi, Seneca county, New York, and two miles east of Seneca lake. It contains four acres of land. It is laid out with walks and avenues, and is enclosed by a wooden picket fence, with wire front. The land originally belonged to N. H. Wycoff. Shade trees abound, and the Cemetery presents a very attractive appearance. There are two officers and. three private soldiers buried in this Cemetery, all of whom are known ; and two have marble monuments erected at their graves.

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1 &> d No. Nanie. Rank. Co. Regiment. Date of death. Remarks. 1 sl 02

1 Corporal C 126th New York vols Feb. 6, 1864 Killed at Martin's Ford, Virginia. 2 Private E 148th New York vols Sept. 7, 1862

do . . E 148th New York vols July 19, 1864 1862 Killed at N vi' s George May , Vicksburg, Mississippi. Van Liew, Minah


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The, Cemetery at this post forms part of the enclosed grounds of the garrison, and is situated'.adjacent to the village of Sackett's Harbor, Jefferson county, New York, (which is about ten; mttes. from Watertown, New York,) and 500 yards east of Black river bay, on Lake: Ontario. It contains one and a half acres of land, purchased from Mr. Luff in 1814. The ground is flat;, but'is'i now being improved by setting out ornamental trees and shrubbery. This Cemetery contains the bodies of many officers of note, who fell in the war of 1812, and'. in. the. border difficulties of 1837, including the remains of General Pike, and Colonels Tuttle. and Dix. The total number of graves is as follows, viz : Number known 35 Number unknown 365

Total : 400

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to o No. Name. Rank. Co. Regiment. Date of death. Remarks. > sl 02 fi

dl Edmund Mar. 20, 1831 Feb. 4, 1825 3 Mar. 16, 1822 June 19, 1839 July 10, 1840 6 April 3, 1866 7 8 April 13, 1833 9 April 7, 1862 10 June 29, 1863 11 Hov Edward April 24, 1848 12 Tessut) Edward Jan. 31, 1840 13 Mar. 17, 1839 14 15 Kearney J Oct. 20, 1839 16 May 12, 1813 17 July 10, 1831 18 Jan. 3, 1862 19 June 12, 1802 20 June 15, 1852 21 Jan. 2, 1853 22 23 Mar. 15, 1852 24 Jan. 1, 1862 25 Tuttle, Colonel 26 27 28to3 Head-boards, with indistinct inscrip tions. Not enclosed. No marks for recogni tion.

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The National Cemetery at this post is situated in the southwest corner of the government reservation, one mile and a quarter south from the town of Plattsburg, Clinton, county, New York, and about half a mile southwest from the Saranac river. It contains about one and a half acres of flat land, and is enclosed by a substantial wooden fence, in good order. There are but six graves in this Cemetery ; four known, and two unknown.

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0> & No. Name, Rank. Co. Regiment. Date of death. 1 1 Remarks.

02 P

1 Gibson, W. H Sergeant E May 19, 1867 2 Private B June 11, 1867 Do. 3 Sergeant E July 5, 1867 Do. 4 E Sept. 4, 1867 Do.

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of Monroe New York, This Cemetery is situated two miles from the city Rochester, county, the Genesee seven miles south of Lake Ontario. and one quarter of a mile from river, with trees and and is It is laid out with walks and avenues, embellished shrubbery, enclosed by a wooden fence. and and the It contains about 160 acres of land ; the surface is rolling picturesque ; general is attractive. appearance of the Cemetery yery soldiers interred in this all of whom are There are nine officers and five private Cemetery, all their known; suitable marble monuments are erected at graves.

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1 Lb a Remarks. No. Name. Rank. Co. Regiment. Date of death. Jm

si 02

1863 Killed at 1 Lieutenant. . D 108th New York vols July 3, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Killed at 2 Dec. 11, 1862 Fredericksburg, Virginia. Killed at 3 Sept. 7, 1862 Autietam, Maryland. 4 Gannue, Thomas, jr Sergeant C 148th New York vols July 30, 1863 Oct. 1862 Killed at Bull Run, 5 Jennings, Charles E Captain . 26th New York vols 1, Virginia. 1862 Killed at Bull 6 Kidd, William, jr Lieutenant . 2d United States infantry.. Aug. 30, Run, Virginia. Jan. 1863 Wounds. 7 ears, a e- Private 108th New York vols 30, May 23, 1864 Wounds. 1865 Killed at 9 Montgomery, Charles S B'vt Major . 5th New York vet. vols Feb. 6, Petersburg, Virginia. 10 O'Reily, Henry B May 5, 1862 1863 Wounds. 11 Sergeant -. . E 108th New York vols May 19, Wounds. . -- 1863 12 Lieutenant - 33d New York vols. May 11, ov at Cold 13 'TnVm C June 3, 1864 Killed Harbor, Virginia. 1862 Wounds. 14 W 1 T 1 C Corporal. .. A Sept. 4,

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This Cemetery is situated on the battle-field of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, and embraces that portion of the ground occupied by the centre of the Union line of battle on the 2d and 3d of July, 1863. It is ou the west side of the Baltimore turnpike, and occupies one of the most prominent and important positions on the field. The' was fought on the 2d, 3d, and 4th of July, 1863, between the armies of General George G. Meade and the rebel General Robert E. Lee. The grounds of this Cemetery embrace an area of about 17 acres ; they are beautifully located, and command an extensive view of the surrounding country, which is highly pic turesque. They are laid out in lots for each State, proportionate in size to the number of known graves belonging to each. They are enclosed by a well-built stone waU, surmounted with ' heavy dressed capping stone, with a gateway of ornamental iron-work. A lodge for the accommodation of the keeper has also been built. At the head of each row of graves a continuous head-stone runs around the semicircle, upon which, opposite his grave, is cut the name of each soldier who is known. This Cemetery was consecrated by appropriate and imposing ceremonies on the 19th of November, 1863, when an oration was delivered by Hon. Edward Everett, and a short dedicatory address by President Lincoln. It is under the charge of a corporation, being controlled by the "Board of Managers'' of the Soldiers National Cemetery at Gettysburg, consisting of one commissioner from each State represented in the Cemetery, who is appointed by the governor of the same. The title of the land thus occupied is held by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in trust several for the States represented, in perpetuity, for the purpose to which it is now applied. It was purchased in August, 1863, about two months after the battle, through the exertions of Governor Andrew G. Curtin, of Pennsylvania. Governor Curtin appointed as his agent the Hon. David Wills, of Gettysburg, under whoBe direction the whole work has been done, and in whose immediate charge the Cemetery now remains. It is designed to erect an imposing monument, sixty feet in height, in the centre of the semi the corner stone of which was circle, laid with appropriate ceremonies on the 4th of July, 1865, when an oration was delivered by Major General 0. O. Howard. The number of interments made in this Cemetery is as follows, viz : Number known 2 533 Number unknown 979

Total. 3,512

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Date of death.

Allen, Eben S Ord. Serg't. 3d Maine volunteers Arnold, Hollis F Corporal. . . . 19th Maine volunteers - Barrows, William E 19th Maine volunteers - Bartlett, J Bishop, E Bragg, George M 4th Maine volunteers.. Brookings, Urosby R. .. 4th Maine volunteers. - Brookings, Samuel C .. 19tb Maine volunteers. Burdin, Calvin H 3d Maine volunteers Carey, John F 19th Maine volunteers - Carroll, Charles J 19th Maine volunteers. Coffin, Frank 19th Maine volunteers. Cole, A. H Corporal . 3d Maine volunteers Collins, Charles W.... 19th Maine volunteers. Crosby, Abijah 19th Maine volunteers. Cunningham, Edward- 1st cavalry

Curtis, Frank B. '. ... . 20th Maine volunteers. Davis, Moses 20th Maine volunteers. Davis, Samuel C 17th Maine volunteers. Day, Melville C 20th Maine volunteers. Day, William H 17th Maine volunteers . Devereux, Frank Corporal . 16th Maine volunteers . Dorman, Jesse A 'gea; 19th Maine volunteers . Dow, Enoch C do. 19th Maine volunteers. Dwelley, Samuel L 17th Maine volunteers. Eaton, Isaiah V 4th Maine volunteers.. Emory, Moses D 17th Jlaine volunteers. Fairbrother, Frank 16th' Maine volunteers. Farrington, Eben Corporal . 3d Maine volunteers Finch, R 17th Maine volunteers. Foss, Elfin J 20th Maine volunteers -

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Grant, Benjamin W. 20th Maine volunteers - Gray, John S 4th Maine volunteers.. Hanson, Austin Corporal - 17th Maine volunteers - Hatch, Samuel 0 17th Maine volunteers. Herriman, Charles E. 19th Maine volunteers. Hodgdon, George E.. 19th Maine volunteers . Hodgdon, William S- Corporal. 20th Maine volunteers . Hogan, Bernard ....do.... 17th Maine volunteers. Huntingdon, W. H 16th Maine volunteers . ickels, . -'- Ireland, Goodwin S.. 20tb Maine volunteers . Johnson, George F. .. 4th Maine volunteers .. Jones, George W 7th Maine volunteers . . Jones, John W 3d Maine volunteers Jones, Nelson W 3d Maine volunteers Jordon, W.S do. 20th Maine volunteers.

K W .. 20th Maine volunteers . , Corporal. Keen, John C Captain... 3d Maine volunteers Kelley, Louira A 19th Maine volunteers. Kendall, W.L Lieutenant. 20th Maine volunteers. Lathrop, Isaac N 1st Serg't . . 20th Maine volunteers . Little, J.L Corporal 3d Maine volunteers Lord, Alexander W- - 19th Maine volunteers . Lowe, W.H 19th Maine volunteers . Luce, Alsbury 3d Maine volunteers Luce, Sullivan 5th battery Marston, George D. . . . 16th Maine volunteers. Martin, Ira L 11th Maine volunteers. Merriam, John Corporal - . - 19th Maine volunteers. Mills, Albion B 16th Maine volunteers. Mills, Fessenden M. .. . 17th Maine volunteers-

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63 K 19th Maine volunteers 3 B 64 Newell, Robert T D 19th Maine volunteers 18 A 65 E 19th Maine volunteers 10 B

66 Ord. Serg't. K 20th Maine volunteers . 6 F 67 K 19th Maine volunteers 4 B 68 Surgeon I 19th Maine volunteers 11 A R9 G 16th Maine volunteers 9 D 70 B 17th Maine volunteers 11 D 71 H 17th Maine volunteers 5 D 72 K 4th Maine volunteers 8 V

73 Rideont, Thomas T 1st Serg't .. F 19th Maine volunteers 10 0 74 D 3d Maine volunteeis 16 B 75 D 19th Maine volunteers 11 c 76 Corporal.... K 7th Maine volunteers 4 G 77 K 19th Maine volunteers 5 B 78 K 4th Maine volunteers 6 (3 79 A 20th Maine volunteers 2 ,K 80 Serg't Major .... 3d Maine volunteers 7 G 81 Smith, G.D Captain 19th Maine volunteers 1 V RS>. K 7th Maine volunteers 10 K K3 E 3d Maine volunteers 16 B

84 Steel, Charles W 1st Serg't .. H 20th Maine volunteers 10 E K5 D 19th Maine volunteers 11 H 86 16th Maine volunteers 2 A 87 16th Maine volunteers 4 A 88 19th Maine volunteers 10 A 89 19th Maine volunteers 13 A 90 3d Maine volunteers 7 C 91 20th Maine volunteers 14 D 92 20th Maine volunteers 1 K 93 20th Maine volunteers 3 E 94 20th Maine volunteers 5 E 95 20th Maine volunteers 6 E 96 20th Maine volunteers 7 K 97 20th Maine volunteers 11 K 98 20th Maine volunteers 12 E 99 20th Maine volunteers 13 K ion 20th Maine volunteers 14 E mi 20th Mnine volunteers 7 F 1D2 K 20th Maine volunteers 4 E

103 Watterman, Alfred P . 19th Maine volunteers 7 A

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Regiment. Date of death.

Willey, George W 19th Maine volunteers.


Allen, Oscar D 5th New Hampshire vols . Bond, Joseph, jr 5th New Hampshire vols . Brown, Bartlett Buzzell, Charles V. 2d New Hampshire vols. . Chelsey, Joseph M. 2d New Hampshire vols. . Cleary. Cornelius . . . 2d New Hampshire vols..

. Cofren; Kendall H. , 2d New Hampshire vols . Dascomb, E 2d New Hampshire vols.. Green, S. R 5th New Hampshire vols. . Hawkins, James S. . 12th New Hampshire vols. Henderson, John 2d New Hampshire vols.. Jones, G. A, Sergeant . 2d New Hampshire vols.. Kelley, Charles T... 12th New Hampshire vols . Moore, Charles A 2d New Hampshire vols.. Palmer, Stephen H. . 2d New Hampshire vols. . Plummer, E.J 2d New Hampshire vols.. Spring, William H.. 2d New Hampshire vols. . Supposed

Taylor, Charles W. 2d New Hampshire vols. . Taylor, John 12th New Hampshire vols. Taylor, Roland 5th New Hampshire vols. . Totten, John 2d New Hampshire vols.. Unknown Do Do Do

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Unknown Do Do Do Do 2d New Hampshire vols. Do 2d New Hampshire vols. Do Do. 2d New Hempshire vols. Do 2d New Hampshire vols. Do. Do.

Do...... Do

Do...... Do. Do Do Do. 2d New Hampshire vols. Do 2d New Hampshire vols. Do 2d New Hampshire vols . Do Vittum, George S. 2d New Hampshire vols.


Archer, Richard C 14th Vermont volunteers. Ash, Antoine 2d Vermont volunteers. .. Ashley, Joseph 16th Vermont volunteers. Baird, L. L 14th Vermont volunteers. Baldwin, George L Corporal.. 14th Vermont volunteers. Baldwin, Moses P Sergeant . 16th Vermont volunteers - Blake, Thomas 13th Vermont volunteers . Carr, Orson S 13th Vermont volunteers. Cook, MartinJ 16th Vermont volunteers . Curley, Chas. (supposed). Davis, Edmond P 16th Vermont volunteers.

Doubleday, William O . . . 14th Vermont volunteers. Dyer, John 16th Vermont volunteers. Emery, Ira, jr 16th Vermont volunteers. Fletcher, W 13th Vermont volunteers. Green, William E 14th Vermont volunteers.

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HanriltOn, William H. 14th Vermont volunteers . 1 Howard, PhUip 16th Vermont volunteers. 5 Jeffrey, William G lst Vermont volunteers-. 2 Lamb, Zenal C 16th Vermont volunteers . 13 March, William 13th Vermont volunteers. 4 Marshall, John L 4th Vermont volunteers .. 27 Martin, Joseph M 16th Vermont volunteers. 9 Mead, Charles E Corporal . 14th Vermont volunteers. 4 M'Enerny, Michael ....do.... 13th Vermont volunteers. 29 Morse, Charles, jr ....do.... 16th Vermont volunteers. 16 Osgood, Andrew E 13th Vermont volunteers. 20 Pierce, WiUiam M 16th Vermont volunteers . 27 Rogers, Dyer 14th Vermont volunteers . 13 Roseboom, Garrett L- . 14th Vermont volunteers. 17 Ross, Charles W 14th Vermont volunteers . 3 Simmons, G. F 13th Vermont volunteers. 22 Smith, Henry H Serg't Alajor 13th Vermont volunteers - 25 Smith, Joel J 1st cavalry 21 Sperry, Ira E Corporal... 1st cavalry 26 Thompson, Rufus D .. . 1st cavalry _ 19

Unknown Vermont volunteers . . 1

Do. 14th Vermont volunteers - 5 Do. 14th Vermont volunteers. 6 Do. 14th Vermont voluuteers. 7 Do. 14th Vermont volunteers. 11

Do. 14th Vermont volunteers. . 12 Do. 14th Vermont volunteers. 14 Do. 1st cavalry 15 Do. 16 Do. 1st cavalry. 17 Do. 1st cavalry. 22

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Unknown: 1st cavalry - 23 B Do 1st cavalry - 24 B Do 25 B Do 26 B Do 1

- 12 B White, Henry C Corporal . 16th Vermont volunteers White, Pliny F 14th Vermont volunteers. 6 B 8 B Whitney, Charles W- .. 13th Vermont volunteers. 23 B Winship, Sylvanus A ... 16th Vermont volunteers. Wright, Benjamin N 13th Vermont volunteers. 9 B


A Aiken, Alexander 20th Massachusetts vols . 29

- 26 I) Allen, Jules B Corporal ... 33d Massachusetts vols

. 25 D Babcock, Alonzo J. . 2d Massachusetts vols. Bailey, George 2d Massachusetts vols. . 7 B Baldwin, William F. 32d Massachusetts vols . 21 (! Ball, Henry C 15th Massachusetts vols. 1 D 6 D Bardsley, Joseph. . - - 15th Massachusetts. vols. A Barry, E 20th Massachusetts vols . 11 Bass, George L 15th Massachusetts vols - 10 D (! Bassamunson, E 37th Massachusetts vols . 34 33d Massachusetts vols . 20 D Bicknell, N.B 11th Massachusetts vols - 13 D E Bixby, JohnT 15th Massachusetts vols . 7 Blain, 20th Massachusetts vols. 22 A Hugh A Brock, John M 13th Massachusetts vols . 35 Brodie, John 12 O B Brown, David B 2d Massachusetts vols. . 24 B vols- . 2 Bullard, William T. . 2d Massachusetts A Burke, John Corporal.. 20th Massachusetts vols - 28 9 D Burns, George E 15th Massachusetts vols - 5 A Burrill, Henry C 20th Massachusetts vols . 3 O Butler, James E 11th Massachusetts vols . 23 B . Butters, Theodore S. - 2d Massachusetts vols. Corporal A Cake, George F 20th Massachusetts vols. 18

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.. Carr, WUliam Sergeant 12th Massachusetts vols .

CasweU, John 28th Massachusetts vols .

Chase, James A 2d Massachusetts vols. . .

Clark, Barney 32d Massachusetts vols .

Coakley, J 19th Massachusetts vols .

Cody, Stephen 2d Massachusetts vols. .

Coffin, Gorham 19th Massachusetts vols . Peter Conlan, 2d Massachusetts vols- .

Covill, Elisha 37th Massachusetts vols -

. - . Crampton, James 3d Massachusetts vols. - Crasson, John 9th battery Cross, George W 15th Massachusetts vols -

. Danforfh, Jeremiah 19th Massachusetts vols . A Davis, Sumner 11th Massachusetts vols . John Deer, 2d Massachusetts vols. .

. Deitling, Augustus. 20th Massachusetts vols .

Dippolt, John 20th Massachusetts vols -

Michael ... Doherty, 11th Massachusetts vols .

.. . Downey, Thomas 20th Massachusetts vols - Dunton, Prince A Corporal . 13th Massachusetts vols.

Leavitt B... . Durgin, Sergeant. 2d Massachusetts vols. . H Eaton, David 1st Massachusetts vols. .

James T. . Edmands, 2d Massachusetts vols. . WUliam H Ela, 2d Massachusetts vols . .

Evans, Henry Corporal.. 1st Massachusetts vols. . F Fales, George Excelsior of New York . John E. Farrington, 2d Massachusetts vols. . T. H Fenelon, Corporal.. 32d Massachusetts vols . S Field, Calvin 22d Massachusetts vols . . Field, Edwin 13th Massachusetts vols..

. Fiske, Edgar A Sergeant 13th Massachusetts vols . .

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Flinn, Michael 15th Massachusetts vols 3 D Flint, Francis T 11th Massachusetts vols 11 c Flye, John 13th Massachusetts vols 38 A Ford, Joseph 19th Massachusetts vols 29 C Frothingham, Edw 5th battery 3 A Furbur, Joseph 2d Massachusetts vols. 11 R GaUivan, T. R 20th Massachusetts vols 9 A Gillman, WiUiam L... Corporal . . . 32d Massachusetts vols 23 O Goetz, F 2d Massachusetts vols. 22 B Golden, George 1st Massachusetts vols 31 B Gould, Frank A 13th Massachusetts vols 36 A Grady, John 15th Massachusetts vols 12 D Gurney, Charles 37th Massachusetts vols 33 O Hartley, Henry Lieutenant . 1st Massachusetts vols 29 B Harvey, Pierce 15th Massachusetts vols 14 D Haskell, James M Sergeant .. . 32d Massachusetts vols 19 a Healey,T.J 32d Massachusetts vols 26 O Hiekey, John 28th Massachusetts vols 17 D HUls, George Of New Bedford 23 D Hindeman, S 15th Massachusetts vols 8 K Hoey, Patrick 2d Massachusetts vols 14 B Holland, Daniel 19th Massachusetts vols 32 D Howard, Hiram B 20th Massachusetts vols 26 A Howe, Calvin 33d Massachusetts vols 27 1) Howe, E 33d Massachusetts vols 28 D Hudson, William D . .. 32d Massachusetts vols 17 C Inch, WiUiam 20th Massachusetts vols 16 A Ioekel, George 20th Massachusetts vols 12 A Johnson, J. L 11th Massachusetts vols 1 O Joy, John 2d Massachusetts vols 3 B Keirnan, Charles 2d Massachusetts vols. 27 B Kelly, Thomas 20th Massachusetts vols 6 A Kelren, William Sergeant . 1st Massachusetts vols 36 B Kesland, Jacob 1st Massachusetts vols 33 B Kettel, Frederick S.... 1st Massachusetts vols 30 B Kinarch, M 20th Massachusetts vols 10 A Knowlton, C.R.T Corporal.. 11th Massachusetts vols 7 O Kraft, Alios 20th Massachusetts vols 8 A Lamb, Alvin W 32d Massachusetts vols 20 C Lambert, G 15th Massachusetts vols 15 D Lane, James 20th Massachusetts vols 30 A

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Regiment. Date of death.

Laaghlin, Michael 13th Massachusetts vols . Lawton, George 16th Massachusetts vols . Leavens, James H 32d Massachusetts vols . Leonard, George F. . . 13th Massachusetts vols. Lewis, Francis A 15th Massachusetts vols. Lewis, George F 12th Massachusetts vols . Lucas, George 20th Massachusetts vols. McClarence, John 20th Massachusetts vols . McGinnis, Edward J. 1st Massachusetts vols- . McLaughlin, Eugene . 20th Massachusetts vols. Manning, Patrick 20th Massachusetts vols . Marsh, John 15th Massachusetts vols . Marshall, Joseph 11th Massachusetts vols . Marshall, WiUiam Corporal.. 2d Massachusetts vols. . Matthews, J 1st Massachusetts vols. . Maynard, Frederick . - 2d Massachusetts vols. . Mayo, Nathaniel Corporal.. 32d Massachusetts vols . Mooney, Edward Sergeant . 28th Massachusetts vols. Moore, Andrew 1st Massachusetts vols. . Moore, John F 22d Massachusetts vols . Murphy, Arthur 9th battery Murray, Hardy P 12th Massachusetts vols . Nelson, Andrew 2d Massachusetts vols. . Nincent, J. B 22d Massachusetts vols . O'Keefe, Patrick 20th Massachusetts vols. Paine, Sumner 1st Lieut.. 20th Massachusetts vols . Parkins, J.H Lieutenant. 37th Massachusetts vols. Peck,PhUoH 2d Massachusetts vols. . Pierce, C.H 33d Massachusetts vols . Plant, G.C 20th Massachusetts vols. Price, P. W 28th Massachusetts vols.

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128 Prouty, Sidney S 2d Massachusetts vols. . 21 B 129 Quinlin, Patrick 20th Massachusetts vols . 20 \ 130 Reed, C.H 15th Massachusetts vols. 6 F 131 Rice, J.S 11th Massachusetts vols. 9 C 132 Robinson, Sherman S .. . Lieutenant. 19th Massachusetts vols. 3 F 133 Roche, Edward 19th Massachusetts vols . 30 0 134 Rollins, Edward B Sergeant . . . 15th Massachusetts vols. 11 D 135 Roundey, G. P Massachusetts 1 E 136 Saddler, Rup. J Col. corp.. . 2d Massachusetts vols. . 12 B 137 Santnm, Francis 15th Massachusetts vols. 7 T)

138 Sawtell, William 11th Massachusetts vols . 8 O

139 Spannell, Patrick Corporal.... 19th Massachusetts vols . 24 D 140 Seavers, Richard 2d Massachusetts vols. . 6 B 141 SomervUle, James Corporal 20th Massachusetts vols - 15 A 142 Staples, Lucius 11th Massachusetts vols. 5 c 143 Stevens, O 15th Massachusetts vols. 4 1) 144 Stoddard, Daniel 32d Massachusetts vols . 24 O 145 Trask, Charles A 1.3th Massachusetts vols . 30 D

146 . Traynor, Charles 2d Massachusetts vols . 1 B 147 Trufent, Edwin F Corporal 11th Massachusetts vols. 6 C 148 Tuttle, Thomas W 19th Massachusetts vols . 31 C 149 Unknown 22 D 150 Unknown 3 E 151 John W 5th Verity, battery ._ 2 A 152 Wade, Henry T 32d Massachusetts vols . 22 a 153 Wellington, Charles H. . 13th Massachusetts vols. 31 D 154 Wells, Jeremiah 19th Massachusetts vols. 32 c 155 Whittier, Ruel Corporal.. 2d Massachusetts vols. - 17 B

156 . . Wiessensee, Clemens. 20th Massachusetts vols . 19 A 157 Wilson, Gordon S Corporal.. 2d Massachusetts vols. . 10 B 158 Wise, George S 13th Massachusetts vols. 32 A


Ballou, Henry H. Corporal 1st Rhode Island artillery. 2 B Beard, William.. 1st Rhode Island artillery. 1 B Bennett, Ira 1st Rhode Island artillery. 1 A Greene, John 1st Rhode Island artillery. 5 A Higgins, John 1st Rhode Island artillery. 6 A HUton, Alvin 1st Rhode Island artillery. 7 A King, David B... 1st Rhode Island artillery. 2 1 A

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Lonnegan, Patrick. 1st Rhode Island artiUery. Martin, Francis H. . 1st Rhode Island artillery. Powers, Charles 2d Rhode Island vols Simpson, Ernest 1st Rhode Island artillery. Zimmila, John 1st Rhode Island artillery -


Benson, Frank J 17th Connecticut vols . Cannells, WUliam. . . Carter, S 15th Connecticut vols. Cassidy, James 20th Connecticut vols. Clement, Moses G- - . 14th Connecticut vols. Confrey, Michael 27th Connecticut vols. Dibble, Alfred H. . . . 14th Connecticut vols. Diekerman, Joel C . . Corporal.. 20th Connecticut vols. Dunn, Patrick 27th Connecticut vols. Farr, Edward B 27th Connecticut vols. Flynn, James 17th Connecticut vols . Hodge, Nelson 14th Connecticut vols . Marsh, William D. . . 14th Connecticut vols. Metcalf, John W 17th Connecticut vols. Mulvey, Bernard 20th Connecticut vols. Perry, John D 20th Connecticut vols. Prudy, Daniel H j 17th Connecticut vols. Puffer, Joseph Corporal- 14th Connecticut vols - Roberts, Charles H 20th Connecticut vols . Whitlock, Joseph ! 17th Connecticut vols. Williams, I Corporal- 20th Connecticut vols. Wilson, William E 1 27th Connecticut vols.

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22 Ackerman, William H. . I 1st Excelsior G Allen, Eliska..--. A 59th New York vols 30 D Allen, John C 140th New York vols 132 B Allen, Morgan L C 147th New York vols 99 B Ambler, WiUiam H D 57th New York vols 91 E Andrews, George B 4th New York excelsior 54 C Anguish, Horace I 157th 112 A Archibald, F. A C 137th New York vols 20 E Armes, Alfred G H 2d New York excelsior 55 O Atkin, G. A D 14th New York S. M 14 A Atkins, Benjamin F F 40th New York vols 58 B Aylesworth, Edward G- G 147th New York vols 32 D Ayres, P K 60th New York vols 25 H I 52 D B , J; D 129th New York vols Babcock, G. H E 20th New York S. M 2 A Bailey, J. E I 111th New York vols 63 E Baker, George A 40th New York vols 87 G Baldwin, Stephen B 122d New York vols 92 A Bansell, Philip E 10th New York vols 94 A Barren, Thomas D 42d New York vols 19 C Barrey, John B 1st New York artillery 39 A Barry, Jeremiah E 134th New York vols 110 A Battel, Joseph A 2d New York excelsior. 51 1) Beck, J. J D 45th New York vols 22 1) Beckner, Philip D 140th New York vols 85 D Beers, Peter B 44th New York vols 99 D Bell, John E 123d New York vols 135 A BeU, WUliam H F 120th New York vols 111 F Bemis, G K 111th New York vols 37 B Beren, Edward I 125th New York vols 104 C Berman, H E 41st New York vols 70 E Berrer, Peter K 134th New York vols 77 C Besey, W. S C 104th 110 B Besimer, William D 137th New York vols 36 A Bice, Benjamin A 134th 76 C Bie, Sergeant. . A 1st New York excelsior 41 G 97 A Bigg, John G : . . . 5th New York ind. batt Bishop, Lewis C 154th New York vols 109 A BlackalhG Corporal - G 126th New York vols 27 C

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NEW YORK.Continued.

to Regiment.


Blackstein, Frederick. 40th New York vols 8 E Blair, Robert 140th New York vols . . . 79 .1) Blockman, John 86th New York vols 45

. .. Blunt, B. C --. 150th New York vols 10 (! Bogart, Theodore 120th New York vols . . . 115 K Bollinger, Corporal. . 41st New York vols 75 E Bonnell, Casper 66th New York, vols 29 D Bort, W. L 157th New York vols. .. 118 D B Bowie, J - 102d New York vols 88 Boyd, Thomas J 2d New York S.M 53 B Brady, Dennis 15thI.B.... 129 B Brentzel, Peter 42d New York vols 32 B Brockham, J. W 137th New York vols . . . 21 E Brown, Elbert 111th New York vols. . . 46 G Brown, W 111th New York vols... 15 C Brown, William M 4th New York excelsior. 48 D Bruner, Albert 2d New York excelsior. 38 B Bryan, Mathew 2d New York vols 55 D Bryan, WUUam 42d New York vols 51 B Bryant, E 137th New York vols... 100 A Buckingham, M 104th New York vols . .. 123 B Buggins, George 1st New York exeelsior. 44 G Burch, H 111th New York vols. .. 48 A Burgess, Horace 104th New York.vols. - . 90 (3 Burk, Henry Corporal . . 5th Exeelsior - 87 A 96 D Burnham, Leander T. . 44th New York vols Burns, John 59th New York vols 43 B Burns, Lafayette 2d Excelsior 107 C Burns, Michael 140th New York vols. .. 44 E Burns, Patrick 9th New York S.M.... 121 B

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C ,D Cadmus, Adam C 126th New York vols . . . Cady, Mike Col.serg. 42d New York vols Cain, John 122d New York vols Caldwell, C. A 64th New York vols Capper, John 2d New York S.M Carey, 9th New York vols Carey, John 5th New York vols Carmne, John 137th New York vols... Carpenter, C. H 44th New York vols Carpenter, Levi 164th New York vols. .. Carrigan, John 186th New York vols. . . Casad, J. A 137th New York vols . . . CaBey, D Corporal...: 122d New York vols Casey, Daniel 44th New York vols Cassidy, John 108th New York vols. -. Cautry, Daniel 2d New York excelsior. Chace, J. F 154th New York vols. . . Chaffee, A. J 44th New York vols Chamberlin, Chamburg, 134th New York vols Chapman, FranciB 76th New York vols vols Chapman, Francis A . 76th New York Chnstanna, G 120th New York vols Church, J. B 147th New York vols Clafflin, K. E.. New York vols Clark, Benjamin 137th New York vols Clark, Charles 9th New York S.M. Clark, Frederick D.. 78th New York vols Clark, George 65th New York vols Clark, W.W 60th New York vols Clax, George 111th New York vols Clegg, J Excelsior C ogswell, Amos Corporal... 71st New York vols Cohniff, J. J 4th New York excelsior. . . Cole, Franklin 61st New York vols Confer, Daniel L 136th New York vols Conn, John P 1st New York batt Conner, George 157th New York vols Conrad, 2d New York vols Conrad, B 125th New York excelsior.

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NEW YORK.Continued.

Cook, Daniel U. S. ambulance driver .. . 35 Corbett, Daniel 60th New York vols 27 Corbin, J. S 20th New York vols 1 Corcoran, Richard . 2d New York vols 56 Cotrell, Joseph 43d New York vols 52 CowUl, J. B 108th New York vols 95 Crafts, WUliam C. Corporal 44th New York vols 91 CrandeU, C. J 125th New York vols 90 Cranston, William . 76th New York vols 1

Cresler, J. W 1st New York excelsior. .. 42 Cripps, John 111th New York vols 29 Cross, WiUiam H.. 61st New York vols 33 Cullen, James 42d New York vols 17 Culver, M. A 157th New York vols 72

Curren, John C 4th New York excelsior. . . 85 Curtis, Thomas J_. 1st sergeant. 104th New York vols 139 Cush, James P Ord. serg't 59th New York vols 11

D , H. W.... 110th New York excelsior. 110 Dale, H. 135th New York vols 126 Corporal. . . 2d New York vols 60 Daney, Philip. 134th New York vols 116 Danice, WiUiam 39th New York vols 59 Darvoe, 1st New York batt 17 Davis, Henry J 125th New York vols 103 Dawson, John M. .. 76th New York vols 125 Dawson, Thomas.. 78th New York vols 11 ^ Day, C. E 94th New York vols 86 Day, Daniel 126th New York vols 90 Decker, I. L 70th New York vols 93 Delaney, James M. Corporal 120th New York vols 112 Delmot, 41st New York vols 72

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143. Dennen, George Lieutenant 144 Derbin, Frederick Sergeant .. . 78th New York vols 145 Develin, E 146 Devine, Thomas Ord. serg't. 2dNewYork S.M 147 DeVos, P 148 De Wit, Andrew Corporal... 120th New York, vols 149 Dicker, L. H Sergeant .. . 20th New York vols 150 Dicker, M 20th New York vols 151 Diecenroth, Frank... 108th New York vols 152 Diemer, Henry 2dNewYorkS. M 153 Dietrick, L 58th 154 Dilber, Jacob 119th New York vols 155 Doran, James 136th New York vols 156 Dore, J 137th New York vols 157 Dorset, Hannibal 158 Douglass, George A. . 14th New York S. M 159 Douglass, George W. 160 Droeber, Heinriek .. . 119th New York vols 161 Dunnell, Henry C 162 Dunning, John J 163 Easter, 14th New York S. M 164 Eaton, Loren 149th New York vols 165 Edson, Albert H Corporal... 166 Eiershan, 167 Eisenberg, Justice 168 Eiser, Jacob 134th New York vols 169 Ellenherger, August. . 59th New York vols 170 EUiott, Benjamin F-. Sergeant . . 2d New York S. M... 171 Eliot, R...... 2dNew York S.M 172 Elwell, C...C 136th New York vols 173 Englert, Marx 108th New York vols 174 EngHsh, Oliver 137th New York vols 175 Enosense, John 176 Estes, A. W Lieutenant. 177 F , F 2d Lieut .. 178 Fanning, P 137th New York vols 179 Fanssen, John F 2d New York- S. M 180 Farnsbroth, C 126th 181 Farrel, P Ord. serg't. 182 Farrington, Patrick.. Sergeant - . 2d New York S.M 183 Feight, Frederick

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NEW YORK.Continued.

Ferretzy, Julius 119th New York vols 52 Ferry, John 88th New York vols 99 Finlin, J., 15th New York ind. battery. 73 Fisk, Jabez 86th New York vols 54 Fitzner, John 108th New York vols 102 Flanegan, Michael 1st New York excelsior 27 Forrester, George W. Corporal . 14th New York vols 128 Foss, C. A: 2d Lieut.. 12th New York vols 84 Foster, W. Corporal - 137th New York vols 23 Fox, Charles F Sergeant . 137th New York vols 17 Franklin, William .1 36th New York vols 97 Freer, Simon 40th New York vols 60 Frento, Lewis 76th New York vols 119 Frey, Jacob 149th New York vols 79 Fuller, Samuel Sergeant - 105th New York vols 108 Furgeson, John 39th New York vols 60

G , W. A 125th New York vols 63 Gacon, Alexander 5th New York excelsior 39 Gage, Elias 136th New York vols 65 Gallagher, James 2d New York S.M 23 GaUiger, J 4th New York excelsior 63 GandJey, R 44th New York vols 33 Gannon, Thomas 6th New York cavalry 104 Garland, Frank K 2d Lieut. - 71st New York vols 35 Garrison, Mortimor 126th New York vols 127 Ganlk, Adjutant . 5th New York cavalry 94 Gaylord, Charles W. . . 126th New York vols 32 Gee, Josephus 137th New York vols 39 Germann, Bernard 119th New York vols 90 Giles, James 140th New York vols 45 Glair, J., jr 94th New York vols

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215 John 104th New York vols.. . Glair, York vols 216 Gloobson, Walter 40th New New York . 217 Godfrey, L. A 9th cavalry. 44th New York vols 218 Goodman, , Corporal- New York excelsior. . 219 Gorman, Charles 2d 2d New York excelsior . 220 Gorman, Charles New York vols 221 60th Gray,C Cowan's batt 222 Gray, James James 2d New York S.M Gray, York vols Griswald, F 44th New 111th New York vols. . . 225 Griswald, James H.. . 119th New York vols... 226 Hague, Samuel York vols . . . 227 Halbung, George 119th New HaUeck, J.L 20th New York vols.... Haley, Thomas 157th New York vols . . . 230 Hammond, D New York vols 231 Hannis, Elias 147th New York vols. . . 232 Harpell, Seth 5th Excelsior . . 233 Harrigan, James Sergeant.. . 136th New York vols. 234 Harrigan, T. 40th New York vols vols. . . 235 Harris, Charles T 126th New York 236 Hatch, Albert 157th New York vols. . . 237 Hawkin, T.D 111th New York vols . . . 238 Hawkins, H. 94th New York vols 239 Hayman, Hendrick... 39th 240 Hei Fred New York vols 241 Heinbacker, I 39th New York vols.... 94th New York vols 242 Hennessy, Lawrence . 243 Henschell, Harris 140th New York vols . . . 244 Alonzo Henstregt, excelsior . 245 Hess, Edwin A 5th New York 147th New York vols. . . 246 Heyden, - - 247 Higgins, James 1st New York excelsior. 248 HiB, Peter 137th New York vols. . . 249 Hilts, Hiram G 122d New York vols 250 Hitcbcock, Henry Independent N. Y. batt. . 251 His-eox, Mar. E 125th New York vols. . . 252 Hofer, John New York vols 253 Hogan, Charles 63d New York vols 254 Holland, David 2d Excelsior 255 Holmes, Edmund 4th Exeelsior - -- -

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NEW YORK.Continued.

Regiment. Date of death.

256 Holmes, R. P 126th Excelsior 257 Homan, James E. - . 124th Excelsior 258 Hoover, William. . 136fh Excelsior 49 359 Hopkins, P. J 126th Excelsior 95 260 Horner, J. Ross 20th Excelsior 69 261 Hotchkiss, O. W-- 120th Excelsior 56 262 Hough, Broughton 157th Excelsior 81 263 Howard, F. W 64th Excelsior 51 264 Hull, Daniel V 136th New York vols... 91 365 Hunniston, Amos. - . 154th New York vols. . . 14 266 Hunt, Thomas 2d New York S.M 83 267 Huntington, W. P.. 123d New York vols 30 268 Hurley, Thomas -. . 2d New York S. M 37 269 Huskey. G 3d New York excelsior. . 51 270 Hyde, Charles A... 76th New York vols 108 271 Hyde, Ezra 146th 65 272 Irons, John M- . 44th New York vols 100 273 Irvin, Henry 2d New York S.M 74 274 Ivers, James 14th New York vols 68 275 .James, Thomas 42d New York vols 42 276 Jayner, J. E 157th New York vols. . . 94 277 Jell,F 95th New York vols 36 278 Johnrid, Charles 5th New York excelsior. 112 279 Johnson, David R. . 2d New York S.M 38 280 Johnson, Henry Sergeant . . 137th New York vols... 29 281 Johnson, Jerry 151st New York vols . . . 282 Johnson, W 60th New York vols 283 Jolloff, John Excelsior brigade 284 Joloph, James F. .. 60th New York vols 285 Jones, Charles 9th New York cavalry. . 236 Jones, Jacob For current National & State Veterans Burial records, please visit... http://www.interment.net/us/nat/veterans.htm Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County • Historic Monographs Collection

Junk, Peter Corporal.-,. 119th New York vols 01 A Kapp, John 1st New York excelsior 50 F Kearns, Timothy 1st New York excelsior 84 E Kellog, Henry 157th New York vols 25 A Kelly, Luke Corporal . . 2d New York S. M 72 G Kelly, Timothy 40th New York vols 57 B Kenney, Patrick 63d New York vols 103 E Kent, J. C 136th New York vols 119 1) Kenton, John 4th New York cavalry 89 E Keyes, W. H 78th New York vols 83 B King, John 42d New York vols 54 B King, Thomas 2d New York excelsior 66 B Klebrenspies, 41st New York vols 76 E Knapp, David 111th New York vols 95 A Knight, Washington.. 5th New York excelsior 43 G K. J. C New York vols 111 1)

Knox, John Sergeant - . 5th New York vols 65 D 84 K Kough, J. .- 102d New York vols Krause, Ed. T...--- Ord. serg't. 19th New York vols 129 0 Krappman, A 40th New York vols 79 A Kreis, WUliam 52d New York vols 28 D Kurk, John 97th 107 B Lacy, William 4th New York excelsior 16 F Lally,T Sergeant . 4th New York excelsior 18 F Lambert, Samuel Corporal . 1st New York excelsior 49 D Lampheart, Geo. W. 76th New York vols 101 B Lanegar, John 5th New York cavalry 92 i<; Laning, Robert 86th New York vols 85 G Lappen, P 2d New York vols 133 A Larkins, John Sergeant . 2d New York vols 42 (3 Larvost, Joseph 140th New York vols 64 (3 Lasage, S Sergeant . 147th New York vols 46 E Leaned, F 104th New York vols 123 A Lee,L. H Sergeant . 2d New York vols 71 G Lerry, George 44th 88 D Lesser, Solomon 41st New York vols 74 K Limerick, Henry 136th New York vols 83 a Linck, Peter 134th New York vols 73 (3 Lines, D 76th New York vols 105 B Lohruss, J 104th New York vols 126 A Look, James 44th New York vols 83 D

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NEW YORK.Continued.

Regiment. Date of death.

Loomis, Elisha 137th New York vols Lower, R. D 157th New York vols Lynch, Patrick 4th New York excelsior. . 46 Mabee, George 137th New York vols... - 12 Mahoney, Daniel --. 69th New York vols 42 Mahoney, James 147th New York vols 92 Manly, T 63d New York vols 121 Manning, Charles. . 137th New York vols.... 10 Marks, William 140th New York vols 76 Martin, Ira 137th New York vols.. -- 34 Martin, James M. . - 59th New York vols 75 Martin, Patrick 61st New York vols 58 Marsh, Wm. C 78th New York vols 3 Martyler, Philip 39th New York vols 39 Maywood, David... 5th New York excelsior .. 65 McAboy, W. M 4th New York excelsior. . 62 McAffee, A. G Corporal. 111th New York vols 31 McBride, James 88th New York vols 101 McCarthy, Dennis. - 122dNew York vols 74 McClearv, G 4th New York excelsior. . 103 McClelland, L. W. . 20th New York S. M 41 McClellan, William. 88th New York vols 93 McConnell, Geo 14th New York S. M.... 34 McCormick, J. F... 10th New York vols 61 McCort, William 39th New York vols 57 McCram, Felix 42d New York vols 38 McDonald, P... 60th New York vols 14 McDonald, Patrick.. New York vols 27 McDowell, H 60th New York vols 66 McElligot, R 44th New York vols 97 McGill, D 10th New York battalion. 32

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359 McGillora, A 111th New York vols 36 B 360 McKendry, William. Corporal 94th New York vols 104 B 361 McKenny, Charles.. 1st New York excelsior 54 F 362 McMara, Patrick 43d New York S. M 15 D 363 Mead, J. H New York vols 67 g 364 Melchen, James 2d New York S. M 82 G 5 A 365 Millard, William 14th New York vols A 366 Miller, E. B 146th New York vols 4 367 Miller, Henry 141st New York vols 71 O 368 Miller, Henry 147th New York vols 121. A 369 Miller, William Corporal 137th New York vols 37 A 370 Miracle, Albert Col. corp'l. 154th New York vols 107 A 52 (3 371 Molloy, Wilson M. .. 4th New York excelsior 372 Moloy, Michael 149th New York vols 7 1) 373 Montgomery, James. 1st New York excelsior 128 B A 374 Moore, H ~ . 149th New York vols 103 375 Morgan, J 111th New York vols 16 0 376 Morgan, William 126th New York vols 50 (3 377 Morse, J. B 124th New York vols 55 B 378 Morton, H. F 147th New York vols 100 B 379 Moss, G. S 25th New York vols 123 \> 380 Mullen, Jas. H 127th New York vols 26 B 381 Munsun, F. E Sergeant. - . 97th New York 91 (3 382 Murphy, Hugh 42d 31 B 383 Murphy, J Sergeant . . 4th New York excelsior 47 1) 384 Murphy, Thomas 2d New York S. M 73 G 6 1) -- vols 385 Murphy, William . 60th New York 386 Myer, Gilbert Corporal - 120th New York vols 7 G 387 Myers, R. T 111th New York vols 37 E 388 Nash, David 44th New.York vols 87 I) 389 Newman, P 73d New York vols 55 K 390 Nichols, H. W 137th New York vols 11 K 391 Nicholson, George... 122d New York vols 73 B 392 Nickels, John 149th New York vols 35 A 393 Nolan, John 1st New York excelsior 66 G 394 Nole, George 44th New York vols 95 D

. 102 B 395 Norris, Elias A . Corporal 126th New York vols 396 Norris, Wm. N 44th New York vols 62 (3 397 Norton, John 60th New York vols 75 B 398 O'Brian, John 63d New York vols 59 A I O'Brien, J 2d New York excelsior, 105 C

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NEW YORK.Continued.


bb a

si m

O'Hara, Daniel 40th New York vols 89 A Olvany, Patrick 2d New York excelsior 68 F Ormsby, Rowland L. 64th New York excelsior. . 54 A Otis, Amos 146th New York excelsior - 107 E Owens, P 4th New York cavalry 85 E

P , K. H 126th New York vols 29 F Paine, Ambrose 42d New York vols 72 B Paquet, Nicholas .... 49th New York vols 5 E Pardee, Mahlou J 137th New York vols 18 E Partington, James. . . 124th New York vols 46 C Paugh, John 154th New York vols 70 (3 Paush, Theodore C. 1st Lieut . 39th New York vols 81 A Peisdale, William... 68th New York vols 59 B Penoyar, Ira Sergeant... 111th New York vols 67 B Peto, Edward 1st New York batt 117 (I Pettingill, Asa 147th New York vols 111 (I Pfeiffer, James. ..;... 145th New York vols 113 (3 Pharett, Joseph 157th New York vols 26 A Phelps, Frederick 137th New York vols 5 1) Philips, JohnK 126th New York vols 45 A Phillips, John H 95th New York vols 37 (3 Piper, W. H 1st New York excelsior. . . 40 u Piatt, 86th New York vols 68 A Piatt, F 72d New York vols 45 D Pooke, W 76th New York vols 138 A Post, A. N. 43d New York cavalry 98 E Potter, E. A 40th New York vols 78 A Purse], Joshua 126th New York vols 89 G Raden, C. W 1st New York artillery 100 (3 Raetchner, J New York excelsior. . 111 E Raish, Jacob 125th New York vols , 60 E

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431 Ralph, A Corporal - 62d New York vols 62 E 432 Rand, W. W 102d New York vols 15 E 433 Raymond, William. . . 126th New York vols 110 f! 434 Reagles, G. M 134th New York vols 96 B 435 Reed, David 59th New York vols 50 B 436 Rempmir, Frederick. 52d New York vols 57 A 437 Reynolds, Thaddeus. . 154th New York vols 118 A 438 Rhoades, Henry 108th New York vols 108 A 439 Riley, John 145th New York vols 49 E 440 Riley, Michael 42d New York vols 45 G 441 Rinboldt, P Sergeant. 39th New York vols 40 (3 442 Roberts, E. B 14th New York vols 8 1) 443 Roberts, H Sergeant.. 104th New York vols 140 A 444 Roberts, H. W 111th New York vols 26 (I 445 Roe, Martin 111th New York vols 109 D 446 Rodeloff, George 119th New York vols 74 (3 447 ! Root, Charles New York vols 6 K 448 | Rose, H 111th New York vols 50 1) 449 I Rosebill, Charles 119th New York vols 69 (3 450 ; Rosegrant, H. C 1st New York excelsior 83 K 451 : Ross, Ira W 86th New York vols 48 (3 452 ; Rush, Levi 150th New York vols 9 (3 453 Rush, Richard W 137th New York vols 23 E 454 ! Ryan, Michael 1st New York excelsior 51 V 455 Salsbury, John 64th New York vols 67 A 456 Sanders, Carlton Sergeant - 120th New York vols 61 1) 457 Sanders, Henry 94th New York vols 93 C 458 Saulspaugh, J. K. .. 126th New York excelsior 69 B 459 Schuler, t3onrad 2d New York excelsior 82 A 460 Schumne, William . . 54th New York vols 93 B 461 Scott, W. W 145th New York vols 136 A 462 Sebring, Thomas 126th New York vols 80 A 463 Secose, G. W 4th New York cavalry 86 E 464 Shaffer, George 39th New York vols 76 A 465 Shaw, Adam 4th New York excelsior 108 F 466 Shea, W Sergeant. . 104th New York vols 125 A 467 Sheets, P 147th New York vols 109 B Shepherd, Orin 60th New York vols 53 E 113 F, Sheridan, Richard. .. Corporal. 2d New York S. M Shields, Robert 140th New York vols 131 B Shuly, WUliam New York vols 57 G

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NEW YORK.Continued.

Regiment. Date of death.

Shumdeher, George 39th New York vols 40 D Simmons, Josephus 44th New York vols. .. . 82 D Simond, J 4th New York excelsior . 17 V Skinner, Sidnev S 44th New York vols .... 89 1) Slattery, J. D.'. 40th New York vols 77 A Sloat, John 126th New York vols 86 G Sloven, John 61st New York vols. .. . 47 K Smith, Chester 44th New York vols. .. . 53 A Smith.D 57th New York vols 122 D Smith, Daniel 120th New York vols... 5 G Smith, George E 1st serg't . 120th New York vols... 56 (3 Smith, George S Corporal . 64th New York vols 71 A Smith, J 4th New York batt 81 E Smith, John 42d New York vols 18 (3 Smith, John 57th New York vols 90 E Smith, S. A Sergeant - 137th New York vols... 85 B Smith, Thomas 1st New York excelsior . 65 K Sneebecker, Joseph 146th New York vols . . . 105 D Snell, Chauncey 147th New York vols. - . 141 A Snyder, R 125th New York vols. . . 44 A Snyder, Tyler J 126th New York vols... 58 E Solomon, Lewis Corporal .. 1st New York vols 32 G Southerd, N 42d New York vols 13 1) Speisberger, Charles 140th New York vols. .. 84 D Spencer, Samuel G 76th New York vols 124 B Spitz, Albert 41st New York vols 78 E Sprague, Geo. Washington. 2d New York vols 70 g Staley, Frank 40th New York vols 61 B Stanley, M 60th New York vols 81 B Stanton, A 137th New York vols... 24 E Stevenson, P 60th New York vols 13 E

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503 Stewart, William M 2d New York S. M 44 B 504 Stills, Samuel 40th New York vols 105 A 505 Stone, Ed.,jr Color bearer 64th New York vols 50 A 506 Stone, L Sergeant 42d New York vols 41 D 51.7 Stone, Philander. .. Corporal .. . 167th New York vols 12 B 508 Stout, M 136th New York vols 80 G 509 Stowell, F. M New York excelsior 125 D 510 Stowell, John ] 136th New York vols 46 B 511 Stowtenger, Jo | 147th New York vols 112 (3 512 Stratton, John I Sergeant 94th New York vols 106 B 513 StrObridge, George j 140th New York vols 92 D 514 Strong, E I 34th New York vols 101 D 515 Strong, G. W 137th New York vols 87 B 516 Stuart, W. L 80th New York vols 44 (3 517 Sullivan, Patrick 4th New York excelsior 28 F 518 Sutliff, W. J 137th New York vols 41 R 519 Swart, A. W Sergeant. . 20th Now York vols 87 (3 520 Sweney, F 40th New York vols 64 E 521 Swift, Dean 137th New York vols 26 E 522 Tetworth, T 4th New York excelsior 107 F 523 Thayer, N. A 123d New York vols 122 B 524 Thoman, Max. A Lieut. Col. 59th New York vols 70 A 525 Thomas, J. B 134th New York vols 113 A 526 Thomas, Ross 140th New York vols 93 D 527 Thomas, Thurston 134th New York vols 11.4 A 528 Thompson, Eldridge G - . . 86th New York vols 88 A 529 Thompson, H 111th New York vols 77 G 530 Thompson. J. A ! Corporal.. 4th New York batt 58 O 531 Thomson, Rufus 120th New York vols 36 G 532 Tice, A.D 20th New York vols 3 F 533 Tilbury, P 137th New York vols 67 (3 534 Tolls, Cicero 134th New York vols 2 h' 535 Topping, Amasa 157th New York vols 8 B 536 Townsend, A. R 60th New York vols 9 K 537 Trainer, P 4th New York cavalry 88 E 538 Traver, Elbert 44th New York vols 14 F 539 Trudell, Alfred 78th New York vols 12 F 540 Tybal, Frederick 42d New York vols 16 1) 541 Uhner, G 149th New York 22 B 542 Usher, A. B 125th New York 91 A 543 Unknown ( d ngton) New York vols 117 B

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NEW YORK.Continued.

Regiment. Date of death.

6 Unknowi 14th New York S.M. Do. 14th New York S. M. 7 8 Do. 14th New York S.M. Do. 14th New York S. M. 9 Do. 14th New York S.M. 10 Do. 14th New York S. M. 11 Do. 14th New York S. M. 12 Do. 14th New York S. M. 13 Do. 147th New York vols. 15 Do. 147th New York vols. 16 Do. 147th New York vols. 17 Do. 147th New York vols. 18 Do. 147th New York vols. 19 Do. 147th New York vols . 21 Do. 157th New York vols . 23 Do. 157th New York vols. 24 Do. 157th New York vols. 27 Do. 157th New York vols - 28 Do. 157th New York vols. 29 Do. 157th New York vols. 30 Do. New York vols. . 32 Do. 38 Do. 111th New York vols . 47 Do. 111th New York vols . 49 Do. 96 Do. 98 Do. 101 Do. 129 Do. 130 Do. 134th New York vols. 131 Do. 134th New York vols. 132

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575 Unknow 143 A

576 Do. 76th New York vols. . 2 B

577 Do. 76th New York vols. . 3 B 578 Do. 76th New York vols.. 4 B

579 Do. 76th New York vols. . 5 B 580 Do. 157th New York vols. 7 B 581 Do. 157th New York vols. 9 B 582 Do. 157th New York vols. 10 B 583 Do. 157th New York vols. 11 B 584 Do. 157th New York vols. 13 B 585 Do. 134th New York vols. 16 B 586 Do. 33 B 587 Do. 35 B 588 Do. New York artillery. 41 B 589 Do. 77 B 590 Do. 78 B 591 Do. 79 B 592 Do. 80 B 593 Do. 134th New York vols. 111 B 594 Do. 134th New York vols. 112 B 595 Do. 113 B 596 Do. 114 B 597 Do. 115 B 598 Do. 126 B 599 Do. 127 B 600 Do. Supposed excelsior . 130 B 601 Do. 133 B 602 Do. 136 B 603 Do. 137 B

604 Do. New York vols. . 1 (3

605 Do. New York vols. . 2 (3

606 Do. New York vols. - 3 (3 607 Do. 157th New York vols. 4 (3

608 Do. 157th New York vols . 5 (3 609 Do. 157th New York vols. 6 O

610 Do. Sergeant. .. New York vols. . 7 (3 611 Do. Ord. serg't . New York vols. . 8 (3 612 Do. 13 <: 613 Do. 30 (3 614 Do. New York vols. 38 (3 615 i Do. 39 C

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NEW YORK.Continued.

i bi) Date of death.

si w R

616 Unknown 64th New York vols. . 63 C 617 Do 66 C

618 Do 154th New York vols . 95 (3 619 Do 96 C 620 Do 154th New York vols. 97 (3

621 Do 154th New York vols . 98 (3 622 Do 134th New York vols. 99 (3 623 Do 101 O 624 Do 108 C 625 Do 114 C Do 115 (3 Do 120 (3 Do 121 (3

- 629 Do. (supposed). New York excelsior. . 122 a

- 630 Do : .. . New York vols 124 c

- 631 Do New York excelsior. . 125 c

- 632 Do New York excelsior. . 126 (3

- 633 Do New York excelsior. . 127 O

634 Do New York excelsior. . 128 c 635 Do 130 (3 636 Do 131 (3 637 Do 132 (3 638 Do New York vols. 2 D 639 Do. cavalryman. 9 D 640 Do. 10 D 641 Do. New York vols. 12 D 642 Do. New York vols. 19 D 643 Do. New York vols. 20 D 644 Do. cavalryman . 26 D 645 Do. 20th New York vols.... 33 D 646 Do. 1st New York excelsior. 43 D

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647 i Unknown 44 D 648 1 Do. 64 I) 649 1 Do. 65 D 650 Do. 71 D ffi>l | Do. 72 D 652 Do. 74 D 653 Do. do 75 D 654 Do. 76 D 655 Do. 77 ']) 656 Do. 78 D 657 Do. 80 D 658 Do. 102 D 659 Do. 103 D 660 Do. 104 D 661 : Do. 106 .1) 662 Do. 107 1) 663 Do. 108 D 664 : Do. cavalry 113 D H65 Do. 114 D 666 Do. 115 D 667 | Do. 116 D 668 j Do. 117 D 669 Do. 127 1) 670 Do. 2d New York S M 2 E 671 Do. 3 E 672 Do. 4 E 673 Do. D 59 E 674 Do. 67 E 675 Do. 68 E 676 Do. 71 E 677 Do. 73 E 678 Do. 87 E

679 Do. 1st Serg't. . . 100 E 680 Do. 102 E 681 Do. 109 E 682 Do. 112 E 683 Do. 115 E 684 Do. 116 E 685 Do. 117 E 686 Do. 118 E 687 Do. 119 E

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NEW YORK.Continued.


688 Unknown Excelsior E 689 Do. 147th New York vols. F 690 Do. 147th New York vols . K 691 Do. 147th New York vols . F 692 Do. 147th New York vols. F 693 Do. 147th New York vols. F 694 Do. 147th New York vols . F a95 Do. New York vols. - F 696 Do. Excelsior F 697 Do. Excelsior 698 Do. Excelsior F 699 Do. cavalry F 700 Do. F 701 Do. F 702 Do. - Excelsior F

- 703 Do. New York vols . . F

- 704 Do. New York vols. . F 705 Do. -Excelsior F

- 706 Do. Corporal. New Yorks vols . F 707 Do. - cavalry F 708 Do. K 709 Do. K 710 Do. Excelsior F F 711 Do. - 1st division 5th army corps. K 712 Do. . 1st division 5th army corps. V 713 Do. . F 714 Do. . F 715 Do. -

716 Do. . F 717 Do. .

. F 718 Do. . .IE 5th army corps.

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49 F 7\9 1 Unknow 52 F 720 Do. 53 F 721 Do. 55 F 722 Do. 56 F 723 Do. 57 F 724 Do. 2d brig. 2d div. 5th A. C. 58 I' 725 1 Do. Corporal. 59 F 726 Do. 61 F 727 Do. 62 F 728 I Do. 63 F 729 Do. 64 F 730 Do. 65 F 731 Do. 67 F 732 Do. - 70 F 733 Do. vols. (supposed). 72 F 734 Do. do. New York vols . . New York vols.. 73 F 735 Do. do. . 1*' New York vols.. 74 736 Do. do. . 75 F - New York vols. . 737 Do. do. . F New York 76 738 Do. do. . 1'' New York vols. 77 739 Do. do. . 78 F 740 Do. do. New York vols. F New York vols. 79 741 Do. do. . New' York vols. 80 F 742 Do. do. . 81 F 743 Do. New York vols. 82 F 744 Do. New York vols. 83 1'' 745 Do. Excelsior. 84 F 746 Do. 5th army corps 85 I'1 747 Do. New York (supposed). 86 F 748 Do. do. Excelsior. Excelsior. 87 F 749 Do. do. . 89 F 750 Do. 90 F .51 Do. 91 F 752 Do. 11th corps.. 92 F 753 Do. Artillerist . . 94 F 754 Do. 96 F 755 Do. vols. 97 F 756 Do. . 126th New York Corporal 99 F 757 Do. 157th New York vols. 100 F 758 Do. (supposed). Excelsior 1 101 F 759 Do. Excelsior

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NEW YORK-Continued.


Unknown. Excelsior 102 F Do. Excelsior 104 F Do. Excelsior 105 F Do. (supposed). Excelsior 109 F Do. do. Excelsior 110 F Do. New York vols . . 114 F Do. (supposed). New York vols. . 2 G Do. do. New York vols. . 3 G Do. do. . 120th New York vols. 4 g Do. do. . 3d Excelsior 6 g Do. do. . Excelsior 8 G Do. do. . Excelsior 11 G Do. do. . Excelsior 12 G Do. do. . Excelsior 13 G Do. do. . Excelsior 14 G Do. do. . Excelsior 15 G Do. do. . Excelsior ie G Do. do. . Excelsior 17 G Do. do. . Excelsior 18 G Do. do. . Excelsior 19 G Do. do. . Excelsior 20 G Do. do. .. Excelsior 21 G Do. do. .. Excelsior 23 G Do. do. .. Excelsior 24 G Do. do. .. Corporal. Excelsior 25 G Do. . . do. Excelsior 26 G Do. .. do. Excelsior 27 G Do. do. .. Excelsior 28 g Do. do. .. Excelsior 29 G

Do. do. .. New York vols . . 30 G

Do. do. .. New York vols. . 31 G

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For current National & State Veterans Burial records, please visit... http://www.interment.net/us/nat/veterans.htm Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County • Historic Monographs Collection

NEW YORK.Concluded.

Date of death.

832 Webb, Sanford, 140th New York vols . 135 B

.. . 52 B 833 Webb, Sigm , Ord. serg't.. 52d New Y'ork vols 120 A 834 Webber, Charles F. - . 14th New York vols.. 835 Weight, William 84th New York vols. . 111 A 836 Weisensal, J C 45th New York vols. . 95 R 837 Welsh, D 147th New York vols. 137 A Welden, Charles 111th New York vols . 34 D Wells, John P 104th New York vols. 96 E Wentz, Frederick 41st New York vols. . 106 A West, Arzy 136th New York vols. 66 A West, Peter 42d New Y'ork vols. . . 43 (3 Wesley, Venerable... 137th New York vols. 33 A Wheeler, Wm. W 137th New York vols. 22 E Whitbeck,Wessel..., 111th New York vols. 31 1) White, Jesse 44th New York vols. . 90 I) Whitmore, E 111th New York vols. 58 D Whitmore, William... 111th New York vols. 28 (3 849 Wickham, James W. 122d New York vols.. 31 E 850 Wiggins, Z. C 136th New York vols. 64 A 851 Wilber, P. C 134th New York vols. 117 A 852 Williams, H 2d New York vols 73 A 853 Wilman, Aug Ord. serg't.. 54th New York vols. . 78 (3 854 Wilson, Albert D 157th New York vols. 124 A 855 Wilson, Henry 126th New York vols. 38 g 856 Wilson, J. B 2d New York vols 74 A 857 Wing, John P 150th New York vols . 21 B Wingate, Chase New Y'ork vols. . 11 (3 Winship, N. W Corporal . 86th New York vols.. 53 D Woell, ...do.... 41st New York vols .. 80 E 861 Wood,H 111th New York vols. 18 D 862 Wood, John 76th New York vols. . 20 A

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Wood, T 150th New Y'ork vols. 82 B 124 1) Wyer, William. 119th New York vols. 140th New York vols. 134 B Zubber, John. - .


New vols. 14 A Adams, W. . 12th Jersey George A John 7 Albright, 19 B .... B , J. .- 8 D Bauer, E 11th New Jersey vols 20 (3 - vols Berry, George W- . 7th New Jersey Joseph. 8th New Jersey vols 8 B Burroughs, A Button, J. W 5th New Jersey vols 21 A Copeland, Isaac II- 12th New Jersey vols 6 Creamer, 12th New Jersey vols 20 A Cutter, G 1st New Jersey batt - 5 A Dammig, Henry 13th New Jersey vols 12 B A.... 7th New vols 1 (3 E , W. Jersey 9 B Elberson, Henry. .. New Jersey batt 7th New Jersey vols ... 6 C 18 (3 Flanagan, Thomas - 7th New Jersey vols Fletcher, James 7th New Jersey vols 6 B Goff, Michael 11th New Jersey vols 7 B H ,J 7th New Jersey vols 20 B 17 B Hawkins, W.I--- - 12th New Jersey vols 12 A Hierman, Daniel- -. 12th New Jersey vols Jackson. B. C 11th New Jersey vols 4 B Kreisel, L 1st New Jersey batt 4 A Martin, George. 12th New Jersey vols 9 A Mclver, John 5th New. Jersey vols 2 B 7th New vols 11 D McN , J--. Jersey Parliament, J 13th New Jersey vols 15 B Parent, Stewart 11th New Jersey vols 23 A Piatt, O. S 12th New Jersey vols 10 A Preser, WUliam Egg Harbor City cavalry. 11 B Price, R. S 1st New Jersey batt 22 A B R ,H 7th New Jersey vols. . 21 Ray, William H... Corporal. 12th New Jersey vols 6 D 15 A Redrow, William. . . 12th New Jersey vols Riley, 2d New Jersey batt 18 B Rister, James B 11th New Jersey vols 7 D

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NEW JERSEY.Continued.


bo g. Regiment. *o "m ' > o g Sfl OQ P

Rue, John 11th New Jersey vols . 5 B Ryan, John 5th New Jersey vols. . 5 (3 Ryan, Patrick 5th New Jersey vols. . 1 B Sheik, Jacob 4th New Jersey vols- . 19 A Shuk, Daniel 3d New Jersey vols - . 14 B Smith, John 16 B Spacious, James 12th New Jersey vols . 8 A Spencer, William 16 A Stocton, Samuel Sergeant . . . 5th New Jersey vols. 10 B Sutphin, T 1st Sergeant. 5th New Jersey vols. 2 A 3 A T , I. L Townsend, Richard H 12th New Jersey vols- 1 A Unknown 11 A Do 13 A Do. 17 A Do. 18 A Do. 22 B Do. 2 C Do. 3 <3 Do. 4 (3 Do. 7 C Do. 8 C Do. 9 c Do. 10 c Do. 11 (3 Do. 12 C Do. 13 (3 Do. 14 (3 Do. 15 0 Do. 16 (3 Do. 17 C

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Unknown 1 D Do 2 D Do New Jersey vols. . 3 D Unknown (supposed). New Jersey vols.. 4 D Unknown (supposed). New Jersey vols.. 5 D Unknown (supposed). New Jersey vols.. 9 D Unknown (supposed). New Jersey vols. . 10 D Do. 12 D

7th New vols - 19 (3 V , M Jersey Van Cleaf, Thomas 8th New Jersey vols. 3 B Weene, P 6th New Jersey vols. 13 D Yearkes, Charles B 6th New Jersey vols. 13 B


Black, J. S 1st Delaware vols . 6 A Boster, Peter 2d Delaware vols. - . 1 B Boyd, Jacob Sergeant. . 2d Delaware vols. - . 4 B Carey Stephen 2d Delaware vols. - . 2 (3 Carey, T. P 1st Delaware vols . 5 A Cavanagh, Michael. Sergeant . 2d Delaware Vols. - . 7 A Dorsey, William ... 1st Delaware vols. 3 B Dougherty, James. . 1st Delaware vols. 1 (3 Downey, 1st Delaware vols. 3 B Huhn, A 1st Delaware vols. 5 B Plank, George G- -- 2d Delaware vols. . 6 B Seymore, Thomas . . Sergeant . 1st Delaware vols. 2 A Sheets, John S 1st Delaware vols. 4 A Stiles, Jacob.. 2d Delaware vols .. 2 B Strong, William Corporal. 2d Delaware vols _ - 1 A


Acton, Thomas 29th Pennsylvania vols .- 51 D 54 A Akan, R. J -- 145th Pennsylvania vols. Aker, John 26 D Allen, E. A 145th Pennsylvania vols. 41 B Allen, G.H 59th Pennsylvania vols.. 24 1) Allen, Thomas D.. 157th Pennsylvania vols. 28 B 33 B Ammerman, D. A. . 148th Pennsylvania vols. Amsley, James 107th Pennsylvania vols. 74 B

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Bainbridge, J 147th Pennsylvania vols . 29 A Barnelt, Samuel 140th Pennsylvania vols. 51 A Barr, 105th Pennsylvania vols. 8 F Beals, James E 148th Pennsylvania vols. 85 (3 Beary, Mark 1st Pennsylvania vols 71 D Beaumont, William. 88th Pennsylvania vols . - 73 B Beaver, William H. Lieutenant 153d Pennsylvania vols . _ 80 (3 Beegel, Henry W... 110th Pennsylvania vols. 47 1) Beider, I lst Pennsylvania vols 66 1) Bell, Robert W 56th Pennsylvania vols .. 46 A Belton, T. J 1st Sergeant Buck-tail regiment 91 B Bennett, Lawrence.. 141st Pennsylvania vols. . 66 A Berlin, E 83d Pennsylvania vols. .- 52 (3

. Berry, Martin Corporal --- 140th Pennsylvania vols 63 A Binker, James 106th Pennsylvania vols. 46 D Bishop, G. T 141st Pennsylvania vols. . 27 (3 Bittinger, A.J 11th Pennsylvania vols.. 38 D Bond, Elisha 27th Pennsylvania vols. . 65 D Bordenstedt, F 69th Pennsylvania vols . . 8!) (3 Borger, Gideon F 153d Pennsylvania vols .. 32 (3 Boyd, David W 140th Pennsylvania vols. 55 F Boyden, Alfred 149th Pennsvlvania vols. 78 H Boyer, John 74 D Boyle, Jeremiah Sergeant 69th Pennsylvania vols . 8 1) Briggs, Walter S Adjutant 27th Pennsylvania vols . 79 F Brookmeyer, S 37 V Brown, E. H 26th Pennsylvania vols . . 43 F Brown, William 71st Pennsylvania vols. .. 22 (3 Buchanan, John W. 1st Pennsylvania R. C 5 E Buckley, John 140th Pennsylvania vols . 84 D Bumgardner, D 141st Pennsylvania vols. . 24 C For current National & State Veterans Burial records, please visit... http://www.interment.net/us/nat/veterans.htm Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County • Historic Monographs Collection

Bunn, John 26th Pennsylvania vols 33 F Burley, Francis M 110th Pennsylvania vols 70 A Burnes, Thomas 2d Pennsylvania R. 0 26 A Burr. J.N 147th Pennsylvania vols 75 B Burrel, W.H 148th Pennsylvania vols 7 E 53 Butcher, James D . Corporal. 128th Pennsylvania vols I) Butterworth, Josiah... 114th Pennsylvania vols 25 A Caldwell, Samuel M... Corporal. 118th Pennsylvania vols 6 D Callan, William 26th Pennsylvania vols 74 A Campbell, J. D 140th Pennsylvania vols 26 E Campbell, Milton 11th Pennsylvania vols 39 D Campbell, 0. S 1 11th Pennsylvania vols 49 D Campbell, S. D - 142d Pennsylvania vols 59 .1) Carmer, Charles 57th Pennsylvania vols 62 A Carpenter, T. J 140th Pennsylvania vols 27 E Charrity, M 71st Pennsylvania vols 43 B Chesbro, Almond M . .. Sergeant.. 53d Pennsylvania vols 39 B Christ, Jacob 56th Pennsylvania vols 2 E Clark, William W 72d Pennsylvania vols 21 C Clary, James 69th Pennsylvania vols 34 A Clyde, Charles 150th Pennsylvania vols 58 B Coburn, Jesse 142d Pennsylvania vols 30 E Cogswell, George 156th Pennsylvania vols 32 F Collins, Cordillo 1st Pennsylvania R. C 37 D Comwell, Henry 121st Pennsylvania vols 36 B Conly William 140th Pennsylvania vols 42 A Connel, Charles M 11th Pennsylvania vols 25 D Conner,Carner,orCarver,Jo 148th Pennsylvania vols 27 F Coolbaugh, A. K 141st Pennsylvania vols 21 F Corbin, Ira 145th Pennsylvania vols 21 B Core, Joseph H Ord. serg't. 110th Pennsylvania vols 25 E 5 Cowpland, R. H Sergeant.. . 1,21st Pennsylvania vols A Cox, John F 2d Lieut.. - 57th Pennsylvania vols 81 E Coyle, C. D 83d Pennsylvania vols 87 A Coyle, James 69th Pennsylvania vols 35 A Coyle.J.G 75th Pennsylvania vols 44 l-I Cragle,W 143d Pennsylvania vols 56 B Crawford, William 18th Pennsylvania cavalry. 12 E Crawley, Abraham Corporal 68th Pennsylvania vols 31 A Creighton, Alexander. . 148th Pennsylvania vols 4 A Crowl, William 141st Pennsylvania vols 41 E

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Regiment. bo ^ g ^ " '> )25 CC P

Crusan, John W 56th Pennsylvania vols . - 64 B Danchy, William 1st Pennsylvania R. G 76 C Davis, A. S 1st Pennsylvania rifles 41 D Dearmott, Samuel 62d Pennsylvania vols 22 E Deisroth, G 137th Pennsylvania vols. 30 A Delinger, A 71st Pennsylvania vols. . - 81 A Dermandy, Jeremiah . 19th Pennsylvania voIr.- 60 A Devon, Jobn 26th Pennsylvania vols .. 73 A Dille, Louis 140th Pennsylvania vols. 44 B Dorman, Isaac E 145th Pennsylvania vols. 44 A Dorn, Wendell 139th Pennsylvania vols. 20 E Doty, K Sergeant. . 105th Pennsylvania vols. 9 E Douglass, William 155th Pennsylvania vols . 49 (3 Downing, John C 57th Pennsylvania vols - - 78 A Dunkinfleld, George. - 72d Pennsylvania vols 18 (3 Dunn, William H 62d Pennsylvania vols 76 D Dustim, Albert 75th Pennsylvania vols. - 38 B Eaton, Isaac 10th Pennsylvania vols.. 74 O Evans, Harry 88th Pennsylvania vols -- 61 F Evans, William 71st Pennsylvania vols. - . 19 (3 F ,L 53d Pennsylvania vols 60 C Farley, Hugh Corporal - - 57th Pennsylvania vols . . 68 I) Fell, George Sergeant. - . 143d Pennsylvania vols .. 51 E Fell, James G Serg't Maj - 141st Pennsylvania vols. . 46 B Finch, G. H Lieutenant. 145th Pennsylvania 43 A Finnefrock, J. J 6 A Finnefrock, Samuel 7 A Fish, A. H 150th Pennsylvania vols,- 15 E Fitzinger, Samuel Corporal 106th Pennsylvania vols. 51 V Frank, Anton 4t V. Frey, Jacob 105th Pennsylvania vols. 90 C

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Furgeson, Joseph A 139th Pennsylvania vols . Furrv, Patrick 115th Pennsylvania vols. 149th vols . G , D Pennsylvania

G , William Gallagher, F 69th Pennsylvania vols. . Gallagher, J 69th Pennsylvania vols . . Gallagher, James 71st Pennsylvania vols. . . Gardner, Charles T 111th Pennsylvania vols. Garvin, Samuel R 72d Pennsylvania vols. .. Gillhouse, Frederick Gordon, J. D Lieutenant. 56th Pennsylvania vols Gordon, W Corporal .. 26th Pennsylvania vols Govan,N. P 150th Pennsylvania vols... Graves, J 1st Pennsylvania vols Green, E. T 14th Pennsylvania vols Greenwood, John Col. serg't. 109th Pennsylvania vols. . . Griffin, Robert 83d Pennsylvania vols Gutelins, J. S Corporal. . . 150th Pennsylvania vols... Guthrie, J. W 105th Pennsylvania vols. ..

149th vols .. . H , Nathan Pennsylvania 74th vols Hamman, Gotfried ... Pennsylvania Hand, Thomas 99th Pennsylvania vols Hanna, D 29th Pennsylvania vols Hansel, Francis Merrian. 140th Pennsylvania vols-. . . Harman, William H 149th Pennsylvania vols... Harrington, Daniel 53d Pennsylvania vols Harrington, John 69th Pennsylvania vols Harvey, Jacob 18th Pennsylvania cavalry. Harvey, John 69th Pennsylvania vols Hassiler, Benjamin 93d Pennsylvania vols Hay,H. H..... 145th Pennsylvania vols. . . burn uel 106th vols... Hay , Sam Corporal Pennsylvania Hayes, Patrick 21st Pennsylvania vols Hayman, J 26th Pennsylvania vols Hemley, Frederick 74th Pennsylvania vols HemphUl, D 72d Pennsylvania vols Heneison, John 153d Pennsylvania vols Herbstfir, C 96th Pennsylvania vols Herfrich, George 72d Pennsylvania vols Herick, 110th Pennsylvania vols- . . Hider, Joshua M 106th Pennsylvania vols. . .

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HUes, George 63th Pennsylvania vols .- Hilgers, Peter 73d Pennsylvania vols Hill, James 142d Pennsylvania vols .. Hilt, Peter 68th Pennsylvania vols .. Hodges, Lorenzo Sergeant. . 150th Pennsylvania vols- Holmes, William Corporal.. 150th Pennsylvania vols . Hope, John 31st Pennsylvania vols. .. Howard, George 111th Pennsylvania vols. Hubbard, F Hunt, Patrick 99th Pennsylvania vols .. Hunter, J 57th Pennsylvania vols . . Hurley, John 69th Pennsylvania vols . . Inery, John K 2d Pennsylvania R. C Ingraham, George AV. Corporal. .. 68th Pennsylvania vols .. Irving, James 73d Pennsylvania vols Isett, M. G Ord. serg't. 53d Pennsylvania vols James, Samuel 106th Pennsylvania vols . Jenkins, Isaac 107th Pennsylvania vols. Johnson, Mathew 11th Pennsylvania vols.. Johnson, Robert 28th Pennsylvania vols. . Jones, J 142d Pennsylvania vols .. Jones, Tobias 153d Pennsylvania vols .. Kay, James 91st Pennsylvania vols. . . Keatings, James 90th Pennsylvania vols . . Keimpel, F 27th Pennsylvania vols .. Keirsh, Jacob Hampton's battery Kelley, Charles Kelley, James 69th Pennsylvania vols - . Kelley, M 106th Pennsylvania vols. Kelley, Stephen 91st Pennsylvania vols. - - Kelley, William 126th Pennsylvania vols.

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Kiker, William 72d Pennsylvania vols 37 A 40 B Kile, Joseph 53d Pennsylvania vols H. M 110th Pennsylvania vols 13 (3 Kinsel, 79 (3 Kleppinger, J 153d Pennsylvania vols David C 149th Pennsylvania vols 15 B Kline, 76 A Knickenbecker, Wm. H. 141st Pennsylvania vols 63 B Kramer, Samuel 142d Pennsylvania vols W A Kuukle, John 148th Pennsylvania vols 16 K Lees, A 150th Pennsylvania vols 40 A Lesher, Robert 71st Pennsylvania vols 19 E Ling, C. B 56th Pennsylvania vols Link, Absalom 64th Pennsylvania vols 64 A 41 A Linniger, Washington - -- 145th Pennsylvania vols Little, J 26th Pennsylvania vols 38 F Little, S. M 62d Pennsylvania vols 75 D Loby, Charles F 118th Pennsylvania vols 18 1) Lockhart, Robert 29th Pennsylvania vols 1 A Logan, James Corporal 149th Pennsylvania vols 19 A Londman, Richard 62d Pennsylvania vols 78 1) Long, Harison 148th Pennsylvania vols 56 A Long, John 62d Pennsylvania vols 85 D Lorner, John Sergeant. 69th Pennsylvania vols 68 B Loughery, John ....do.... 26th Pennsylvania vols 26 (3 Lowry, W. G Major 26th Pennsylvania vols 26 B Lukins, James 150th Pennsylvania vols 66 B Lusk, John 1st Pennsylvania R. C 78 (3 Lynn, James S 140th Pennsylvania vols 34 B Martin, Charles 107th Pennsylvania vols 19 F Mathers, John 62d Pennsylvania vols 80 1) Mauch, Jacob 150th Pennsylvania vols 59 B McCaU, Alonzo 10th Pennsylvania vols 82 B McCarty, Charles 72d Pennsylvania vols 30 B McCarty, H Ord. serg't. 114th Pennsylvania vols 32 E McCasland, John 72d Pennsylvania vols 55 A McClarey, A. P 63d Pennsylvania vols 63 D 94 A McCracken, Uriah Corporal. . . 153d Pennsylvania vols McCullongh, Thomas B. 148th Pennsylvania vols 59 A McGrew, William 1st Pennsylvania R. C 17 F McGuire, Robert 53d Pennsylvania vols 20 A McHugh, John 72d Pennsylvania vols 20 B 81 D Mclntash, Geo ge 62d Pennsylvania vols

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& Regiment. 6

Mclntyre, James 69th Pennsylvania vols 33 McKinney, Andrew R . 21st Pennsylvania cavalry. . 81 McKumey, John W 1st Pennsylvania vols 31 McMahon, E 140th Pennsylvania vols .. . 83 McMahon, Peter Corporal. 28th Pennsylvania vols 41 McManus, James ....do.-- 69th Pennsylvania vols 10 McNeil, William 26th Pennsylvania vols 48 McNutt, John 140th Pennsylvania vols... 28 McWitkin, N .- 15th Pennsylvania vols 67 Metz, John 68th Pennsylvania vols 60 Michaels, Robert 145th Pennsylvania vols. .. 47 Mickle, G--_ 72d Pennsylvania vols 66 Millard, W. D 149th Pennsylvania vols.. . 80 Miller, Charles. 111th Pennsylvania vols... 55 Miller, Moses 110th Pennsylvania vols. .. 51 Miller, Richard 140th Pennsylvania vols. . . 42 Miller, Reuben 1st Pennsylvania vols 1 Miller, T 1st Pennsylvania R. C. batt. 58 Miller, William L 153d Pennsylvania vols 34 Miller, Wilson 90th Pennsylvania vols 17 Mills, Alexander 72d Pennsylvania vols 32 Molineaux, J. W Ord. serg't . 91st Pennsylvania vols 83 Montange, Joseph 143d Pennsylvania vols 77. Morris, P Lieutenant. 62d Pennsylvania vols 86 Morrison, Robert 69th Pennsylvania vols 17 Morrow, James 29th Pennsylvania vols 52 Moyer, George 2d Pennsylvania R. C 36 Mullin, Michael Lieutenant. 69th Pennsylvania vols 50 Munsen, WilUam 1st Pennsylvania artillery.. 61 Myers, Franklin 99th Pennsylvania vols 23 Myers, J Sergeant 62d Pennsylvania vols 29

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Myers, William II. .. Corporal. 62d Pennsylvania vols. . - Newton, Joseph 81st Pennsylvania vols. . . Northrop, F. E 150th Pennsylvania vols. O'Bryan, P 69th Pennsylvania vols . . O'Connor, Patrick J. 91st Pennsylvania vols. . . Odare, S.S 71st Pennsylvania vols. - - O'Neil, James 69th Pennsylvania vols . . Orr, WUliam 62d Pennsylvania vols. .. Osborn, Francis A. . 16th Pennsylvania vols.. Osborn, J. S 62d Pennsylvania vols Osman, George 148th Pennsylvania vols. Oxford, Parks, James 139th Pennsylvania vols. Peckens, Philip 141st Pennsylvania vols . . Piatt, Robert L 144th Pennsylvania vols. Pomeroy, J. S Corporal.. Potter, Calvin 149th Pennsylvania vols. . Preifer, Emil 27th Pennsylvania vols... Purdy, H Hampton's battery Puryne, James S 1st Pennsylvania artillery. Quinn, J 99th Pennsylvania vols... Reaser, Nelson 151st Pennsylvania vols. .. Reimel, John 153d Pennsylvania vols ... Rendools, J. H 68th Pennsylvania vols... Reynolds, William.. Sergeant . . . 142d Pennsylvania vols . . . Rhodes, J 105th Pennsylvania vols. . Rice, James 69th Pennsylvania vols... Rich, J 106th Pennsylvania vols. - Richardson, John 111th Pennsylvania vols. . Robinson, Robert 4th Pennsylvania cavalry. Rowand, George 26th Rubbins, J 107th . . . Rutter, James S 1st Pennsylvania R. C-

S , G.M

Savage, Thomas M. . 2d Pennsylvania R. C Saylor, Theodore 72d Pennsylvania vols 149th Pennsylvania vols. Senslumyer, Robert. 2d Pennsylvania vols Shea, James M 59th Pennsylvania vols.. Sherran, Joseph 62d Pennsylvania vols Shields, Thomas 99th Pennsylvania vols . .

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PENNSYLVANIA.-. Continued.


bo a Date ol death. n-

(Zi 2 P

Shirk, Solomon 10th Pennsylvania vols. 65 B Shoemaker, S 24 B Shoner, Frederick. . 72d Pennsylvania vols 7 D Shultz, William.... 71st Pennsylvania vols 14 D Simonson, J 28th Pennsylvania vols 31 O Simpson, William . . 145th Pennsylvania vols... 15 D Slavach, Benjamin . 153d Pennsylvania vols 93 A Smith, F 20th Pennsylvania vols 44 D Smith, Mathew 1st Cal. brigade 49 A Smith, WUliam H.. Lieutenant 106th Pennsylvania vols. . . 42 f! Smittle, Fritz 74th Pennsylvania vols 97 A Sofield, A. J 149th Pennsylvania vols... 1 B Somercamp, E. N .. Sergeant . . 29th Pennsylvania vols 47 (3 Sorber, Mager 143d Pennsylvania vols 70 D Southwick, Guy 16th Pennsylvania cavalry. 43 E Stainbrook, David. . 71st Pennsylvania vols 20 C Stalker, G. W 83d Pennsylvania vols 85 A Stamm, William S. 150th Pennsylvania vols... 61 B Stark, Anthony 106th Pennsylvania vols... 16 D Stewart, George 2d Pennsylvania R. C 42 D Stewart, S. B T6th Pennsylvania vols 76 F Stockton, John 71st Pennsylvania vols 45 A Stoup, David Corporal.. 63d Pennsylvania vols 72 A Strause, William J. 151st Pennsylvania vols 87 C Stroble, J 11th Pennsylvania vols 18 E Strock, A. F 12th Pennsylvania vols 2 G Stottard, John 110th Pennsylvania vols... 23 E Sweet, Amos G 150th Pennsylvania vols... 37 (3 Swoop, T. P 111th Pennsylvania vols. .. 89 A Tafel, H. C 62d Pennsylvania vols 53 F Taft, James W 142d Pennsylvania vols 76 B

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23 B S 145th Pennsylvania vols. Taylor, 22 B Thomas, H. S 145th Pennsylvania vols. 110th vols. 82 (3 William . . Pennsylvania Thomas, (3 83d vols. .. 28 Robert . Pennsylvania Thompson, Corporal 6 E R. C- . . Townsend, N 1st Pennsylvania 140th vols. 17 D Charles . - . Pennsylvania Trisket, 88 B B.E 83d Pennsylvania vols. .. True, 57 B . B.F . 153d Pennsylvania vols. Ulrich, Corporal.. 9 A Unknown 149th Pennsylvania vols. 10 A Do 149th Pennsylvania vols. 13 A Do 149th Pennsylvania vols. 15 A Do 149th Pennsylvania vols. 16 A Do 18 A Do 149th Pennsylvania vols. 47 A Do 149th Pennsylvania vols 68 A Do 90 A Do 26th Pennsylvania vols.. 2 B Do 149th Pennsylvania vols. 3 B Do. 149th Pennsylvania vols - 4 B Do 149th Pennsylvania vols. 6 B Do 149th Pennsylvania vols. 7 B Do Corporal.. 149th Pennsylvania vols - 8 B Do 149th Pennsylvania vols- 9 B Do. 149th Pennsylvania vols. 11 B Do. 149th Pennsylvania vols. 12 B Do 149th Pennsylvania vols . 13 B Do 149th Pennsylvania vols. 14 B Do 149th Pennsylvania vols. 79 B Do 84 B Do 85 B Do 87 B Do Pennsvlvania vols . 89 B Do B Do 90 92 B Do -.. B Do 93 1 (3 Do 149th Pennsylvania vols . (3 Do. 149th Pennsylvania vols. 2 (3 Do 149th Pennsylvania vols. 3 (3 Do 149th Pennsylvania vols. 4 Do 149th Pennsylvania vols. 5 C

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Date of death.

369 Unknown. 149th Pennsylvania vols. 370 Do. - 149th Pennsylvania vols. 371 Do. . 149th Pennsylvania vols. 372 Do. . 149th Pennsylvania vols- 373 Do. - 149th Pennsylvania vols. 374" Do. - 149th Pennsylvania vols. 375 Do. . 149th Pennsylvania vols. 376 Do. -

377 Do. -

378 Do. .

379 Do. -

330 Do. .

381 Do. .

382 Do. .

333 Do. - Corporal-..

334 Do. -

335 Do. .

336 Do. .

337 Do. - Sergeant - 333 Do. -

339 Do. .

390 Do. .

391 Do. .

392 Do. .

393 Do. .

394 Do. .

395 Do. .

396 Do. . 149th Pennsylvania vols. 397 Do. . 149th Pennsylvania vols. 398 Do. . 149th Pennsylvania vols. 399 Do. . 149th Pennsylvania vols.

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Unknown. 19 D 20 ; I) Do. . 21 D Do. . Do. 22 D Do. 23 D Do. 26th Pennsylvania vols. 27 1) Do. 29 D Do. 31 1) Do. 32 D Do. 33 D Do. 34 D Do. 35 D Do. 45 0 Do. 148th Pennsylvania vols. 21 E Do. 29 E Do. 33 E Do. (zouave). 34 E Do. 35 E Do. (zouave). 36 E Do. 37 E Do. 38 E Do. 40 E Do. 46 E Do. Pennsylvania vols . 48 E Do. 50 E Do. (supposed). Pennsylvania vols. 52 E Do. do. Pennsylvania vols . 53 E

vols . 54 E Do. do. . Pennsylvania vols . 55 E Do. do. . Pennsylvania vols. 56 E Do. do. . Pennsylvania

vols . 57 E Do. do. . Pennsylvania

vols . 58 E Do. do. . Ord. serg't. Pennsylvania - vols- 59 E Do. do. . Pennsylvania vols - 60 E Do. do. . Pennsylvania

- vols - 61 E Do. do. . Pennsylvania

- vols - 62 E Do. do. . Pennsylvania - vols. 63 E Do. do. . Pennsylvania

- vols . 61 E Do. do. . Pennsylvania

- Do. Pennsylvania vols . 65 E Do. Corporal.. - Pennsylvania vols . 66 E - . 67 E Do. Sergeant . Pennsylvania vols

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Unknown Pennsylvania vols. Do. Pennsylvania vols. Do. Pennsylvania vols. Do. Pennsylvania vols. Do. Pennsylvania vols. Do. Sergeant . Pennsylvania vols. Do. (supposed). Pennsylvania vols . Do. do. - Pennsylvania vols. Do. do. . Pennsylvania vols. Do. do. . Pennsylvania vols . Do. do. . Pennsjivania vols. Do. do. . Pennsylvania vols . Do. do. . Pennsylvania vols . Do. Do. Do. (supposed). Pennsylvania vols. Do. Pennsylvania vols - Do. do. Pennsylvania vole. Do. do. Pennsylvania vols . Do. do. Pennsylvania vols. Do. (zouave).

Do. do. .

Do. do. ..

Do. do. ..

Do. do. ..

Do. do. ..

Do. do. ..

Do. . Sergeant . - Do. . Pennsylvania vols. Do. . Sergeant - Do. (zouave).

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Unknown Do Do

Unknown (supposed) . Pennsylvania vols. Do Pennsylvania vols. Do Pennsylvania vols . Unknown (supposed) . Pennsylvania vols. Do. do. Pennsylvania vols. Do. do. Pennsylvania vols. Do. do. Pennsylvania vols. Do. do. Pennsylvania voIb. Do. do. Pennsylvania vols. Do. do. Pennsylvania vols. Do. do. Pennsylvania vols. Do. do. Pennsylvania vols. Do. do. Pennsylvania vols. Do. do. Pennsylvania vols . Do. do. Pennsylvania vols. Do. do. Pennsylvania voIb. Do. do. Pennsylvania vols. Do. do. Pennsylvania vols. Do. do. Pennsylvania vols. Do. do. Pennsylvania vols. Do. do. Pennsylvania vols. Do. do. Pennsylvania vols. Do. do. Pennsylvania vols. Do.

Do , Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Van Buskirk, William. 142d Pennsylvania vols Vanderfeer, 71st Pennsylvania vols Vosburg, William 2d di v. 2d corpB Buford's cav. Walker, J. A 62d Pennsylvania vols Walker, John 110th Pennsylvania vols Wallace, James 29th Pennsylvania vols

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513 Walters, C Corporal.. - 142d Pennsylvania vols . 514 Warner, S. N 83d Pennsylvania vols. . 515 Watson, J 29th Pennsylvania vols. 516 Webster, Charles E. 26th Pennsylvania vols. 517 Weidner, John 68th Pennsylvania vols. 518 Welsh, 519 Werst, Joseph 153d Pennsylvania vols.. 520 White, John E 53d Pennsylvania vols. .. 521 Williams, W.N 143d Pennsylvania vols. . 522 Wilson, George W. . 155th Pennsylvania vols. . 523 Wining, David 18th Pennsylvania cav 524 Wireman, G. B 107th Pennsylvania vols. 525 Wogan, John 69th Pennsylvania vols. . . 526 Wood, EthielA 141st Pennsylvania vols. . 527 Wood, J.J 114th Pennsylvania vols. 528 Woodruff, Hiram 1st Penn. Buck-tail vols.. 529 Woods, John 0. H... 11th Pennsylvania vols.. 530 Woods, T. R 62d Pennsylvania vols 531 Young, George 150th Pennsylvania vols. 532 Zeckman, Samuel 6th Pennsylvania vols 533 Zimmerman, Jacob. . . 151st Pennsylvania vols. . 534 Zowvell, John


Bailey, Joseph. 1st Maryland vols. Barger, G. H-. 1st Maryland vols. Baxter, Frank . 1st Maryland vols. Conner, John. . lst Maryland vols. Eaton, W. H. . lst Maryland vols. Ford, Stephen. 1st Maryland vols.

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French, Peter 1st Maryland vols. 5 B Jones, William P 1st Maryland vols. 3 A Knott, M.F 1st Maryland vols. 4 (3 Krebs, David 1st Maryland vols. 3 (3 Lowry, G. W 1st Maryland vols. 1 C Miller, H.... 1st Maryland vols. 8 A Pritehard, Edward., 1st Maryland vols. 4 A Saterfield, A 1st Maryland vols. 3 B 1 A Stirling, Southey. . . . 1st Maryland vols. Stockman, John W.. 1st Maryland vols. 6 (3 Unknown 2 A Do 5 A Do. 6 A Do. 7 A Do. 6 B Do. 1 D


3 A Austin, Aaron. . . 7th Virginia vols 4 B Bailey, William . 1st Virginia cav 7th Virginia vols 5 A Brown, John. 7th Virginia vols. 2 A 2 B Collins, George mt . . 1st Virginia cav A .... . 7 Harris, William N. . . Captain 1st Virginia cav B Lacey, Charles 1st Virginia artillery. . 3 Maine, Simon 7th Virginia vols 1 A Scott, Martin L 7th Virginia vols 6 A Selbey, Garret 1st Virginia cav 1 B A Stewart, Theodore. -. 7th Virginia vols 4


B Ackerman, William . 72dOhio vols... 4 Aigle, John 107th Ohio vols. 5 D D Bain, WUliam 4th Ohio vols-. - 15 Barclay, John K 8th Ohio vols... 20 A Barrett, Joseph 73d Ohio vols... 18 0 Baughman, Samuel.. 75th Ohio vols.. 19 K Beverly, Baits 107th Ohio vols. 6 1) Bise, Jacob 107th Ohio vols. 21 E

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Blake, James R 73d Ohio vols... Blough, Francis H 82d Ohio vols... Bohrer, Casper 107th Ohio vols. Bradler, Rachard 82d Ohio vols. . . Briggs, Jasper 73d Ohio vols... Brigham, Ira L 8th Ohio vols... Brown, WUUam 8th Ohio vols... Busk, 82d Ohio vols... CaU, WiUiamR 73d Ohio vols-. . CampbeU, A. M 185th Ohio vols. Case, George 5th Ohio vols... Collins, David W 4th Ohio vols Conner, Samuel L 82d Ohio vols.... Crabaugh, Jeremiah N. - . 75th Ohio vols... Cunningham, Joseph W. 25th Ohio vols... Davis, Asa 0 4th Ohio vols Davis, John 75th Ohio vols... DaviB, Lewis 75th Ohio vols... Debolt, John Corporal . 4th Ohio vols Deity, Enoch M 73d Ohio vols.... Dewees, Caleb Sergeant 73d Ohio vols.... DUdine, Andrew J 8th Ohio vols Durm, Thomas 25th Ohio vols... Edgar, Addison 4th Ohio vols Edmunds, John 1st Ohio vols Farr, Haskell 55th Ohio vols... Folk, WUliam 82dOhio vols.... Ford, OziasC 55th Ohio vols.. . Gasler, Joseph 107th Ohio vols.. Gilleran, Thomas 61st Ohio vols Glouchlen, John 25th Ohio vols...

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23 C Goodspeed, James H. Corporal. . 75th Ohio vols Greincr, Geo. B 73d Ohio vols 10 (3 Hain, E. A 82d Ohio vols 7 A Harl, James W 4th Ohio vols 18 B Hartley, Benjamin F- 75th Ohio vols 16 (3 Haskell, Chauncey... 82d Ohio vols 14 C Haynes, William E... 73d Ohio vols 14 B Hayward, George 29th Ohio vols 18 D Heald, Nathan 73d Ohio vols 25 (3 Hines, Asa 11th Corps 12 D Hoff, Jacob.... 107th Ohio vols 3 D Houck, A 82d Ohio vols 26 A Hughes, Hiram 25th Ohio vols 17 E Jacob, Martin 82d Ohio vols 4 A 5 F Johnson, D. Josiah. . . 29th Ohio vols 12 E Johnson, Isaac Corporal . 1st Ohio artillery Juchem, Joseph 107th Ohio vols 20 E KisBka, John C Sergeant . 8th Ohio vols 2 F Klinefelter, Joseph 55th Ohio vols 27 A Ladd, Charles 25th Ohio vols 1 1) Laveden, J 75th Ohio vols 8 E Leake, Elisha L 76th Ohio vols 6 0 Lee, James H Corporal.. 73d Ohio vols 13 B Lovett, Edward T 25th Ohio vols 1 B Maddox, Ai 73d Ohio vols 7 B Martin, George H 4th Ohio voIb 21 B McCain, T. 29th Ohio vols 10 E McClearyJ John 66th Ohio vols 15 A McClue, William 13th Ohio vols 12 B McGary, George W-. 82d Ohio vols 2 A McGuire, Bernard 8th Ohio vols 19 B McKellips, John 8th Ohio vols 20 B McVey, WUliam 73d Ohio vols 11 1) Mervale, Anthony 5th Ohio vols 1 (3 Meyer, Frederick 1st Ohio batt 25 A Meyer, John R 55th Ohio vols 5 B MUler, Andrew 73d Ohio vols 11 B Miller, William 25th Ohio vols 24 (3 MiteheU, Jacob 55th Ohio vols 13 (3 Moore, Ozro 8th Ohio vols 18 A Mowery, Samuel 107th Ohio vols 24 B

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Myers, Andrew 4th Ohio volunteers Myers, Jeremiah . 74th Ohio volunteers.. Myers, William Corporal.. 8th Ohio volunteers Nixon, George 73d Ohio volunteers. .. Ophir, Henry 55th Ohio volunteers.. Overholt, WUliam. -- 73d Ohio volunteers Owens, John 75th Ohio volunteers.. Palmer, Daniel 73d Ohio volunteers Parker, Danford 8th Ohio volunteers 90 Pierce, John W 25th Ohio volunteers- . 91 Pollock, William E. 55th Ohio volunteers.. 92 Pontious, B. F 29th Ohio volunteers.. 93 Raber, August 107th Ohio volunteers. 94 Rakes, Wesley 75th Ohio volunteers.. 95 Ranch, Jacob I 8th Ohio volunteers 96 Ranney, Edward G. - Corporal.. .. 61st Ohio volunteers. . . 97 Ray, James 73d Ohio volunteers 98 Rhinehart, Charles.. 1st Ohio artillery 99 Rice, Thomas H 73d Ohio volunteers 100 Richards, George... 75th Ohio volunteers . .

. 101 Richards, Isaac . . 82d Ohio volunteers . . 102 Ross, Elmer L 82d Ohio volunteers 103 Samiller, Andrew.. - 107th Ohio Volunteers. 104 Schram, H lst Ohio volunteers 105 Senard, J 5th Ohio volunteers 106 Shaffer, Frank 8th Ohio volunteers 107 Sherman, B. F 61st Ohio volunteers. . . 108 Shiplin, Philip , 75th Ohio volunteers.. 109 Snyder, Adam 107th Ohio volunteers. 110 Sperry, Isaac J 73d Ohio volunteers 111 Stark, Henry 4th Ohio volunteers For current National & State Veterans Burial records, please visit... http://www.interment.net/us/nat/veterans.htm Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County • Historic Monographs Collection

Struble, Lucus 107th Ohio volunteers. 7 C Swackhamer, Jacob.. 73d Ohio volunteers. . . 11 c Taylor, Perry 75th Ohio volunteers.. 9 E Thompson, George H . 5th Ohio volunteers 3 E Tracey, Philip 8th Ohio volunteers... 22 B Unknown 12 A Do 13 A Do 14 A

Walker, G 82d Ohio volunteers- . . 22 D Warner, J 22d Ohio volunteers. . . 9 A Warren, OrvUleA 8th Ohio volunteers 17 A Welch, William Col. Corp.. 30th Ohio volunteers. . . 23 B Whitby, William 73d Ohio- volunteers... 9 B

Williams, William... 73d Ohio volunteers . . . 2 B Williams, W. Norton. Sergeant, . 108th Ohio volunteers. . 13 D Willis, Isaac 73d Ohio volunteers. . . 6 F

Wilson, George K 16th Ohio volunteers. . . 16 A Wiser, John 82d Ohio volunteers... 5 A

Yaple, AUen 73d Ohio volunteers. . . 15 B


Ambrose, H 20th Indiana volunteers. 7 F Antrim, L. C. 27th Indiana volunteers. 4 D Ashe, Amos D. 20th Indiana volunteers. 13 A

B S. . . . - , H. Corporal. 14th Indiana volunteers 1 G

27th Indiana volunteers - 11 I)

Batchelor, George W. 27th Indiana volunteers . 9 F Bulla, Levi 20th Indiana volunteers - 8 I)

Burk, Alexander 19th Indiana volunteers . 5 A Bussard, P. A 20th Indiana volunteers. 9 C

Calvin, D. C 27th Indiana volunteers . 5 D

Chapman, James 27th Indiana volunteers . 5 K

Clark, R 19th Indiana volunteers . 6 A A. Crabb, J 20th Indiana volunteers . 8 F D.T David, 27th Indiana volunteers . 11 K Davis, Jeremiah 20th Indiana volunteers. 1 F

Dougberty, 19th Indiana volunteers . 2 A Faust, Peter L 19th Indiana volunteers. 9 A Ferguson, Sergeant. . 19th Indiana volunteers. 11 A Fletcher, J. K 27th Indiana volunteers. 1 E

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be rt

sz; CO

Gardner, J 27th Indiana volunteers .. 4 C Gilmore, J 27th Indiana volunteers. . 2 (3 Holt,E 27th Indiana volunteers . . 12 (3 Hoover, or Honer, W- 19th Indiana volunteers. . 4 A Hunt,T 27th Indiana volunteers. . 12 1) Jones, R ~ 19th Indiana volunteers -- 1 A 1 K , F. H 6th Indiana volunteers B Lamb, A. C 120th Indiana volunteers. 7 (3 Lett, Thomas J 27th Indiana volunteers .. 7 E Lewis, Samuel R 27th Indiana volunteers.. 3 E Lister, A 27th Indiana volunteers. . 3 G Lynn, J. D 27th Indiana volunteers -. 6 K McKnight, E 27th Indiana volunteers .. 10 E Noble, JohnD 27th Indiana volunteers. . 4 E Pavy.R 3d Indiana cavalry 4 F Redrick, G. H 20th Indiana volunteers.. 8 a Richmond, Joshua 20th Indiana volunteers.. 2 B Robinson, J 7th Indiana volunteers 5 F Sager, John 20th Indiana volunteers. . 14 A Shehan, John Orderly for Gibbons 1 D Showalter, C 27th Indiana volunteers . . 11 C Simmons, WUliam 19th Indiana volunteers. . 10 A Smith, F. W 27th Indiana volunteers. . 6 F Smith, Jesse 3d Indiana cavalry 10 D Smith, Wesley 20th Indiana volunteers.. 12 A Stallup, E 27th Indiana volunteers. . 3 C Sticklep, James 19th Indiana volunteers . . 3 A Sulgroof, A 19th Indiana volunteers .. 7 A Sylvester, George 20th Indiana volunteers .. 3 B Tice, John 20th Indiana volunteers. - 6 1) TUlotson, William 14th Indiana volunteers .. 10 F

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Tumey.E- Ord. Serg't. 27th Indiana volunteers . 7 D Umphill, P 27th Indiana volunteers - 1 O 8 A Unknown. .

Indiana . 4 B Do. . 20th volunteers

- 5 B Do. . 20th Indiana volunteers

. 6 B Do. . 20th Indiana volunteers

. 7 B Do. . 20th Indiana volunteers 8 B Do. . 20th Indiana volunteers. 9 B Do. . 20th Indiana volunteers.

. 10 Do. . 20th Indiana volunteers B 11 Do. . 20th Indiana volunteers. B

Do. . 20th Indiana volunteers. 12 B

Do. . 20th Indiana volunteers - 13 B

Do. . 27th Indiana volunteers. 9 E

Do. . 2 F

Do. (with letters) . 2 G Do. (supposed) Indiana volunteers. 4 g Do. Indiana volunteers - 5 a Do. do '.'.'. Indiana volunteers. 6 g

Do. do Indiana volunteers . 7 G Upham, Silas 19th Indiana volunteers. 5 (3

. 3 F W , F 14th Indiana volunteers Wasson, Thomas J 19th Indiana volunteers. 8 I Weaver, John E . . . 3d Indiana cavalry 6 (3 Whitton, James W. 19th Indiana volunteers . 9 D WUliams. J 20th Indiana volunteers . 10 (3

Wills, Jesse 27th Indiana volunteers . 2 E Wilson, W. H 27th Indiana volunteers . 8 E Wishmyer, C. E... 27th Indiana volunteers . 3 D Wright, A. G...... 20th Indiana volunteers. 2 D


Ackerman, John Corporal. . 82d Illinois volunteers.. 5 A Dieffenbangh, David ....do 8th Illinois cavalry 4 A EUis, John 12th Illinois volunteers. . 2 A Miner, William Charles. 3 A Unknown (supposed)... 8th Illinois cavalry 6 A Wallikeck, J 82d Illinois volunteers. 1 A

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Regiment. Date of death.

Chester W. 5th vols. Alex , Michigan Allen, Nelson A 5th Michigan vols. Almas, Alwayra, Richard 5th Michigan vols Anderson, Frank 5th Michigan vols Artley, Asher D 5th Michigan vols Aylward, Richard 5th Michigan vols Bags, J 16th Michigan vols ... Ballard, Charles , 5th Michigan vols Barber, John W 1st Michigan artillery. Barse, Horace Corporal. . 5th Michigan vols Beagle, J.K 16th Michigan vols . .. Beck, Corporal. - 16th Michigan vols . .. Bedell, James T 7th Michigan cavalry . Beebe. Edwin 7th Michigan cavalry. Bennett, Carlisle 1st Michigan cavalry. Benson, A Corporal... 4th Michigan vols Bicker, Henry 5th Michigan vols Bisonette, S 4th Michigan vols. . . . Blood, Herson 3d Michigan vols Bond, Josiah G Corporal. 16th Michigan vols Barbour, Frank 5th Michigan vols Brennan, William 5th Michigan cavalry. Brink, Joseph 4th Michigan vols Brown, B 16th Michigan vols Brown, John M 3d Michigan cavalry. . Browning, E. B 24th Michigan vols Burgess, Charles B 3d Michigan vols Burton, Edward 16th Michigan vols Butler, Henry 5th Michigan vols Christopher, Samuel... 5th Michigan vols

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Clark, Artemus 5th Michigan vols 11 D Colburn, George 24th Michigan vols 1 A Cole, Moses 5th Michigan cavalry 14 F Cole, WUliam A 5th Michigan cavalry 14 D Cole, William H '5th Michigan cavalry 4 B Comstook, Ellis 4th Michigan vols 11 K Crouse, Charles 6th Michigan cavalry 9 I Crowell, W.A 5th Michigan cavalry 1.0 F Culver, Oliver N 3d Michigan vols 18 B Dickey, G. A Lieutenant . 24th Michigan 7 A Divit, Thomas Sergeant . .. 5th Michigan cavalry 8 C Dover, John 5th Michigan vols 9 H Durre, John 24th Michigan vols 1 B Evans, A. R 5th Michigan oavalry 22 A Evans, Andrew R 5th Michigan vols 13 (3 Ewey, (or Ervey,) G. W. 16th Michigan vols 11 K Falketts, J....' 5th Michigan cavalry 21 (3 Falls, J. T..... Corporal 24th Michigan vols 7 B Ferry, Noah H Major 5th Michigan cavalry 11 1 Folkerts, John G 5th Michigan vols 15 F Fountain, H. B 4th Michigan voIb 14 B Franklin, Luther 5th Michigan vols 2 E Geiner, J. . : 16th Michigan vols 10 K Generous, Peter Captain. 5th Michigan vols 9 G Gibbs, L.... 5th Michigan vols 20 (3 Godfrey, R.B Sergeant . 7th Michigan vols 18 D Gosha, Nioholas ,...do.... 7th Michigan vols 20 A Gregory, Charles W 4th Michigan vols 16 A Hall, 'J. R 16th Michigan vols 16 G Harlan, William C Corporal 5th Michigan vols 10 I Harman, R. R. . 24th Michigan vols 9 A Harris, Delos.. Corporal... 7th Michigan vols 12 D Harris, S. G 7th Michigan vols 3 G Harrison, Edward B 24th Miohigan vols 2 A Hart,H Corporal. . 6th Michigan, cavalry 16 H Hart, J 16th Michigan vols 19 E Hasty, Robert 7th Michigan vols 7 F Hazzard, James 1st Sergeant. 5th Michigan vols 4 C Hazzard, James do 5th Michigan vols 6 E Hill, Philip 5th Michigan vols 9 F Hoisington, A 24th Michigan vols 12 B

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Hone, Reuben Corporal. 5th Michigan vols Hopkins, Hiram Sergeant . 7th Michigan vols Howe, R Corporal. 5th Michigan vols Hulmer, C.H 7th Michigan vols Hunt, W.B 16th Michigan vols. . . Hyde, J 4th Michigan vols Jackson, W. H Detroit Jelioke, Charles 5th Michigan vols Jenks, A 24th Michigan vols .-. Jewett,W 16th Michigan vols .. . Kent, Francis R 5th Michigan vols Ketchler, George 5th Michigan cavalry . Kimbal, D. C 4th Michigan vols. . . . King, Norman Corporal... 4th Michigan vols Kline, George Sergeant - . 24th Michigan vols . . . Ladd, Charles Corporal. . . 24th Michigan Vols . - . Laird,D. C 4th Michigan vols 90 Lampman, L. W 4th Michigan vols 91 Lavaby, John 5th Michigan voIb 92 LaVall ey, Peter 5th Michigan vols 93 Lawrence, George 5th Michigan vols 94 Lindy, George W 7th Michigan vols 95 Luce, W.H Corporal.... 24th Michigan vols 96 Mallenbre, James Sergeant . . . 4th Michigan vols 97 Martin, C.W 17th Michigan vols 98 Mason, J 16th Michigan vols 99 Masters, Charles 5th Michigan cavalry. 100 McBrahmie, Charles.. Corporal... 16th Michigan vols 101 Mclibenny, Lieutenant. 1st Michigan cavalry. 102 McNish, J 24th Michigan vols 103 Merefield, D.M 5th Michigan vols

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Miller, Christopher. . 5th Michigan vols 3 D Miller, George H 5th Michigan vols 8 H Miuer, Charles E 7th Michigan cavalry 19 C, Moody, R 4th Michigan vols 16 E Moore, Alexander... 7th Michigan vols 12 G Moore, E Color Serg't 7th Michigan vols 7 G Motley, Thomas 7th Michigan cavalry 4 F Norris, A.S... 5th Michigan cavalry 12 F Nothing, John 5th Michigan cavalry 13 F O'NeU, James 3d Michigan vols 8 A Palmer, Mason 24th Michigan vols 1 E Pattin, C.J 24th Michigan vols 1 I Pease, C 4th Michigan vols 23 B Pendleton, James H. 4th Michigan vols 17 A Pettinger, George 24th Michigan vols 5 A Phelps, Charles 4th Michigan vols 11 A Pierce, James M . 3d Michigan vols 15 D Powell, John 24th Michigan vols 9 B Power, Reuben 3d Michigan vols 19 R Pryor, William A... Corporal.. 4th Michigan vols 13 A Purdy, George 4th Michigan vols 18 A Rarret, H.H Sergeant . 15th Michigan vols 15 H Raw, Henry 16th Michigan vols 21 D Rider, J.S'. 24th Michigan vols 4 G Riolo, Henry 5th Michigan vols 7 I) Roberts, John 5th Michigan vols 10 C Roberts, John 5th Michigan vols 17 D Rounds, David Corporal 24th Michigan vols 6 I Rouse, Charles A 4th Michigan vols 14 A Roy, Peter E 5th Michigan vols 4 K Rull, Charles 24th Michigan vols 5 I Scott, Isaac H 16th Michigan vols 20 D

Thomas. . l8t 21 B Shanahan, Michigan cavalry* Sheets, Fred. Sergeant - 14th Michigan vols 17 E Sholes, John 7th Michigan vols 5 (3 Shook, Jerome Corporal. 5th Michigan vols 15 B Sits, Charles 1st Michigan cavalry 10 H Skinner, J. M 5th Michigan vols 10 D Slafter, Albert 2d Lieut- 7th Michigan vols 13 G Sligh, Robert 5th Michigan vols 17 B Smith, Albert Corporal.. 5th Michigan vols. 8 G --,,

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Regiment. Date of death.

145 Smith, Erson H 3d Michigan vols 146 Southworth, Otis Corporal... 24th Michigan vols. 147 Stevens, G.W 16th Michigan vols. 148 Stevens, J.M Sergeant . 16th Michigan vols . 149 Sugget, Thomas Corporal. . 20th 150 Sutter, Joseph 5th Michigan vols. . 151 Thayer, Charles Corporal - 5th Michigan vols.. 152 Thelan, John P 1st Lieut . 5th Michigan vols.. 153 Thurlach, Charles 4th Michigan vols.. 154 Thurston, Silas E 3d Michigan vols. .. 155 Trip, E 4th Michigan vols. . 156 Tucker, Joseph 5th Michigan vols. . 157 Turner, Charles A. 5th Michigan vols.. 158 Tuttle, Emery 16th Michigan vols. 159 Underwood, William. 7th Michigan vols.. 160 Unknown 161 Unknown (supposed). 3d or 5th Michigan cav. 162 Vodria, Daniel A 1st Sergeant. 5th Michigan vols 163 Wade, Orin D 3d Michigan vols 164 Walters, Nelson 7th Michigan cavalry. - . 165 Warner, Edward A 5th Michigan vols 166 Webster, Mills A 5th Michigan vols 167 Weston, J. M Corporal . 16th Michigan vols 168 Wilcox, PMlip 1st Michigan cavalry 169 Williams, W 24th Michigan vols 170 WUson, C. H 4th Michigan vols 171 Worden, F. P Corporal . 4th Michigan vols- 172 Zimmerman, D . 4th Michigan vols

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Anderson, Henry 6th Wisconsin vols 16 B Balmes, Joseph 26th Wisconsin vols 19 B . . . 7th Wisconsin vols 2 C Barnum, William H. .. Corporal Barton, Thomas 3d Wisconsin vols 13 C Benda, Frantz 26th Wisconsin voIb 19 0 Bennetts, Philip 7th Wisconsin vols 7 c Branstetter, Charles... 2d Wisconsin vols 11 B 16 A Broket, Charles. . . Lieutenant. 26th Wisoonsin voIb

. 7 B Bull, Frank M Corporal. . 7th Wisconsin vols Castor, Silas._. 7th Wisconsin vols 6 (3 Chapman, Orin D 2d Lieut.... 6th Wisconsin voIb 7 I) Chase, Maroellus 7th Wisconsin vols 3 B

. . 6 R Christie, John T Corporal. . 2d Wisconsin vols Eggleson, Lewis H 6th Wisconsin vols 15 C 19 A Evans, William E .. . . . Corporal 6th Wisconsin vols Fleteher, Abraham 6th Wisconsin vols 1 (1 10 (3 Fowler, A... . 7th Wisconsin vols Gallup, WUliam Sergeant - .. 6th Wisconsin vols 15 B Gow, James 1st Sergeant, 2d Wisconsin vols 12 B Hasse, Charles 6th Wisconsin vols 9 D Hawes, George H 7th Wisconsin vols 3 O Heath, Edward H Corporal - 2d Wisconsin vols 4 A Kelly, James 6th Wisconsin vols 18 A King, Frank 6th Wisconsin vols 17 (3 Kinsman, PhUonas 7th Wisconsin vols 14 (3 Kraescher, Peter 26th Wisconsin vols 17 B Krauss, John Corporal. . 26th Wisconsin vols 16 (3 Kuhn, Peter. 26th Wisconsin vols 18 B Leaman, Edward 6th Wisconsin vo' 8 B 13 B McCollum, Henry R. . . 2d Wisconsin B McDonald, John Corporal . 2d Wisconsin vo. 10 McKinney, William D. 7th Wisconsin vo' 9 C Miller, Andrew 1st Sergeant, 6th Wisconsin vol 5 D Nichols, Fred. A 1st Sergeant, 2d Wisconsin vo' 9 B Palmer, Uriah 6th Wisconsin 3 D Perrine, James C 2d Wisconsin vo! 18 (3 Ramptben, William 2d Wisconsin vo 5 (3 Rouse, W. S 2d Wisconsin vo' 4 D

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Sain, George W Sergeant . 7th Wisconsin vols .- Scheivester, Mathias . 26th Wisconsin vols. Scott, John W 7th Wisconsin vols.. Shuhart, Ernst Corporal. - 2d Wisconsin vols.. Stedoman, Leiow". 6th Wisconsin vols . . Stier, Christian 26th Wisconsin vols. Stevens, George H. . Lieut. Col.- 2d Wisconsin vols.. Straight, John B 7th Wisconsin vols.. Tarbor, Albert E lst Sergeant. 6th Wisconsin vols.. Train M 2d Wisconsin vols.. , Spencer Tupper, Hanford C. . 2d Wisconsin vols.. Unknown Do Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. -Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

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Wagner, William 3d Wisconsin vols 12 0 Whmegan, William S. Lieutenant. 2d Wisconsin vols 8 A Young, Martin 1st Lieut. . 26th Wisconsin vols 1 D ZUsdorf, Fritz 26th Wisconsin vols 8 D MINNESOTA.

Baker, Charles Minnesota vo' 10 B Brandt, Clark Minnesota vo" 6 B Crowley, Timothy... Corporal . . . Minnesota vol 7 B Diehr, Frederick Sergeant - . . Minnesota vo' 4 B Dunham, Thomas L. Corporal. .. Minnesota vol 2 1) Durr, Israel Minnesota vol 9 A Ellsworth, John Minnesota vol 5 B Farrer, Walde Minnesota vol 14 B Glave, Freder. Minnesota vol 7 A Gove, Charles H Minnesota vol 6 A Grands, George W. . Minnesota vol 3 A Hale, Edward P Minnesota vo. 1 (3 Hamlin, PhUip Minnesota vo] 10 A Hayden, Alonzo C. . . Minnesota vo. 2 A Lawrence, Ervine . . . Minnesota vo' 3 1) Eufkin, Wade. '. Minnesota vo 7 (3 McKenzie, John Minnesota vo] 17 B Marks, Peter Corporal.. Minnesota vo] 8 B Messiek, Nathan "S. . Captain.. Minnesota vo] 4 A Moore, William Minnesota vo] 15 B Nickels, HeiBy -.' Minnesota vol 16 B Pari, Edwin Minnesota vol 1 1) Peck, William N Corporal . Minnesota vol 5 A. Periam, Joseph. Captain .. Minnesota vo] 9 B Prime, J. H Minnesota vol 17 A Simonson, Hans Minnesota vo] 6 D Sisler, Joseph V Minnesota vol 1 A Squires, L. J Corporal . . . Minnesota vo] 4 1) Unknown Minnesota vo] 11 A Do Minnesota vo] 12 A Do. 13 A Do. 14 A Do. 15 A Do. 16 A

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Unknown 1st Minnesota vols. . Do. (supposed). 1st Minnesota vols. . Do. do. 1st Minnesota vols. .

Do. do. 1st Minnesota vols. .

Do 1st Minnesota vols. . Do 1st Minnesota vols..

Do 1st Minnesota vols. .

Do 1st Minnesota vols. .

Do 1st Minnesota vols. .

Do 1st Minnesota vols. .

Do 1st Minnesota vols. .

Do 1st Minnesota vols. .

Do 1st Minnesota vols. . Do Ord. serg't. 1st Minnesota vols. . Welch, Byron 1st Minnesota vols. . Wellman, Wilber F Corporal . 1st Minnesota vols. . Welm, Peter 1st Minnesota vols. . Woodward, Oscar.. . 1st Minnesota vols. .


Agin, James 14th United States inf. 2 0- Albett, Christian. 4th battalion. 17 A Balder, Christian. 1st Lieut. 6th United States cav 32 0 Barrington, Corporal - 4th battalion 14 A Becker, William . . 4th battalion 11 B

. 19 Berchard, Frank . Corporal 14th United States inf. B Blanchard, S. B... 17th United States inf 30 A Bodman, Charles.. 11th United States inf. 12 D Brower, E 5th United States artillery. 30 B

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Byrue, William 17th United States inf. 14th United States inf. Carroll, M , Chamberlain, William Lieutenant. 7th United States inf. inf. Clock, D. W Sergeant -. 11th United States Conway, J 11th United States inf. Cook, Alfred E 11th United States inf. inf. Coriell, S - 17 th United States Creridon, John 11th United States inf. Curtis, WiUiam 7th United States inf. Davis, W. R 1 Oth United States inf. States . Dennis, E .- 4th United artillery. Drake, O. F 5th United States artillery. . Duffy, WiUiam 17th United States inf. Engers, Christian 4th United States inf. Erwin, Joseph W 4th Unitad States artillery.. Fallbright, John 2d United States inf. Fassette, Amest 4th United States artillery. . Fergeson, JuUus 17th United States inf. Furlong, Robert 3d United States inf. Gaertner, H Giles, Charles 12th United States inf.. Gray, J 2d United Griswold, L 5th United States artillery . Hamlet, Benjamin 1st United S.S Hammond, WUliam D 14th United States inf. Hare, John 2d United tates inf. Horton, Charles 11th United States inf. Howard, Edmund W 14th United States inf. Jamson, Mills Corporal 14th United States inf. Keefer, John O 11th United States inf. Keenan, John 7th United States inf. Kennedy, M 10th United States inf. States inf. Kinney, Daniel - 12th United Kupferly, Caspar 3d United States inf.. Lutz, J 14th United. States inf. Lye, Henry 1st United States S.S

M , M.B 7th United States inf. M , W.F Mare, W 4th United States inf. Marklein, John 1st United States artillery. Mottern, WUUam S 6th United States cavalry.

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McDenald, Roger.. 4th battalion McGrinity, P 1st United States infantry. - McKean, D. A 11th United States infantry. McManimus, Peter. 4th United States infantry.. Miller, C 7th United States infantry. . MUler, Silas A 12th United States infantry. Miller, Wesley, F.. 7th United States infantry. . Moles, J 12th United States infantry. Moran, G 12th United States infantry. Morrison, Robert... 4th United States infantry. . Mullegan, T. H 14th United States infantry. Murphy, James 4th United States artillery. . Murry, Thomas 14th United StateB infantry. Nelson, Augustus... 6th United States infantry . . O'Barre, Captain - 11th United States infantry. Padgett, Thomas 1st United States artillery. . Pattinson, John 6th United States infantry. . Patton, William 4th United States artillery. . Pine, John 3d United States infantry. . . Porter, John 5th United States artillery. . Rogers, H 12th United States infantry. Reeman, J 6th United States infantry. . ReUley, John 4th United States infantry. . Reynolds, WUliam.. 6th United States cavalry.. Ridder,C. T 4th United States artillery. . Robinson, Peter 4th United States artillery. . Rockford, 11th United States infantry. Rovey,F 14th United States infantry.

. . Russell, Ransom B. . 6th United States infantry Schmidt, Charles 14th United States infantry. Sheets, T. E 14th United States infantry-

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Sheldon, G. W 2d Lieut-. United States S. S Slograt, Martin United States artillery. Small, John Corporal.. 17th United States infantry. Smetzer, C. F 6th United States infantry. . Smith, George 7th United States infantry -. Stanton, James 11th United States infantry. Strickland, Levi G. 11th United States infantry. Sullivan, 5th United States corps Thatcher, Charles.. 1st United States. S. S Thetart, Judas 6th United States infantry.. Tighe, Patrick 3d United States artillery.. Unknown 2d battalion Do. 2d battalion Do. 2d battalion Do. 2d battalion Do. 2d battalion Do. 2d battalion Do. 2d battahon Do. Sergeant . 2d battalion Do. 2d battaUon Do. 2d battalion Do. 2d battaUon Do. United StateB infantry. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. United States infantry. Do. 6th United States infantry. . Do. 6th United States infantry. . Do. 6th United States infantry. . Do. 6th United States infantry. . Do. 6th United States infantry . . Do. 6th United States infantry. .

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123 Unknown 6th United States infantry 124 Do .. 6th United States infantry 125 Do 6th United States infantry 126 Do United States infantry. 127 Do 13th United States infantry 128 Van Buskirk, George . lltb United States infantry 129 Vincent, Eli S. B..... 1st United States S. S 130 Wallace, D 5th United States artillery. 131 Way, Benjamin 14th United States infantry 132 White, G.H 2d United States S. S 133 Whitford, Thomas United States artillery 134 Whitney, C. H 17th United States infantry. 135 Williams, E. M 3d United States infantry. . 136 Willis, John 2d United States infantry. - 137 Wilson, Charles 11th United States infantry 138 Woodruff, WiUiam H. 1st United States S. S 139 Woods, Playford 14th United States infantry


34 G North. 35 G North. 18 F K 23 L North. 6 22 F North. For current National & State Veterans Burial records, please visit... http://www.interment.net/us/nat/veterans.htm Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County • Historic Monographs Collection

H ,1. D North. H on bone South. , J., ring Hall, CM Paper on coat, child's likeness, Hilton, I Corporal.. North. South. Hooker, on cap Hutchins, South . Irwin, H North.

M , W Martin, William South. Michael, Ord. serg't Miley,G.W Morrison, John North. Riggs,M South. Thompson, Oley P Unknown, with gold watch South. Unknown, "4 F." on belt.

> Unknown. Lot north. 411 1 to Lot south. S- Unknown . 425 1 Lot inner circle.


Alcorn, A. P 1st Pennsylvania artillery.. Allen, W. K 1st Minnesota vols AUison, J. S Corporal. 75th Ohio vols August, Charles 2d Delaware Backus, J. K Captain 157th New York vols Baley, Cornelius S 126th New York vols Banta, A. E 140th New York vols Barber, A. J 11th United States infantry. Bigelow, Jeremiah 111th New York vols Blew, Samuel 126th New York vols vols Breidninger, Sidney R . 15th Pennsylvania Bump, James H 111th New York vols

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Regiment. Date of death.

Burns, Robert C - 144th New York vols Campbell, Joseph A 4th United States artillery. Clark, Aaron A 14th Connecticut Comstock, Henry 108th New York vols Diver, Thomas C 69th Pennsylvania vols Dixon, Albert E 94th New York vols Donarth, Herman Lieutenant 19th Massachusetts vols Dougall, John E 134tb New York vols Dudley, Wentworth E . . . Corporal... 64th New York vols Edwards, Evan Philadelphia Frey, Mathias Cleveland, Ohio Gallagher, Jeremiah 69th Pennsylvania vols . . . Gibbs, Charles 62d Pennsylvania vols Graw, A 68th Pennsylvania vols Greenlee, L. S Corporal . 140th Pennsylvania vols-. Gridley, William do 8th Ohio vols Grinnell, Edward 111th New York vols Hartman, Hiram H 1st Marylind vols Hobart, WUlie L- 126th New York vols , Hopping, J. S Kelley, George 126th New York vols LeClear, C. P New York vols Littinger, Frank Sergeant . . 3d United States infantry . Long, Charles 3d United States infantry . McAlpine, Arthur 111th New York vols McCleary, James 1st Pennsylvania artillery. MeGrow, Mathew 1st New York excelsior McVickers, Alpheas 7th Virginia vols Otterson, Robert 67th Pennsylvania vols . . . Owen, John B, 157th New York vols Park, WiUiam. Sergeant. .. 3d Indiana cavalry For current National & State Veterans Burial records, please visit... http://www.interment.net/us/nat/veterans.htm Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County • Historic Monographs Collection

Past, Marcus A 1st Minnesota voIb Potter, S 147th New York vols Sauford, Lewis A 73d Ohio vols Shaffer, WiUiam 62d Pennsylvania vols. . . Shoub, S.H Lieutenant . 4th Ohio vols Sofield, A.J Captain 149th Pennsylvania vols . Stinson, Edward 5th New Hampshire vols. Stronse, Jacob F 143d Pennsylvania vols. . Stewart, George 72d Pennsylvania vols Stewart, George W. . 55th Ohio vols Unknown 134th Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown

VanWirt, Benjamin . 111th New York vols . . . Welsh, E 14th Indiana vols Wood, George W... 26th Pennsylvania vols. Young, J.M Corporal.. 83d Pennsylvania vols. .


James, Ebenezer H. . 122d Pennsylvania vols. Story, William W... 3d Indiana cavalry


Batchelder, William . 16th Maine vols Brehl, Henry 44th New York vols. Brown, Sylvester L. . 5th Maine batt

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Conner, Nicholas 136th New York vols Cooley, John 2d United States infantry . . Cooper, Simeon Corporal.. 111th New York vols Coroden, James M. ... 149th Pennsylvania vols... Dinsmore, WiUiam H. 140th Pennsylvania vols... Donovan, Michael 12th United States infantry. Eckler, Adam 74th Pennsylvania vols Flagg, Job B 19th Maine vols Groesot, Charles 83d Pennsylvania vols Guyer, Ephraim 151st Pennsylvania vols Hagden, Michael 6th Wisconsin vols Heise, WUliam H 107th Ohio vols Herbstritt, Charles Sergeant . . 74th Virginia vols Holmes, Charles C 149th New York vols Hunt, Ira 27th Indiana vols Keiffin, Vincent A 105th Pennsylvania vols... Knerrin, Emet Corporal. . 143d Pennsylvania vols Lamb, Samuel Sergeant . 3d Indiana cavalry Moriartz, Thomas 22d Massachusetts vols Moril, W.A 16th Maine vols Patent, WilUam 107th Pennsylvania vols. . . Reedy, Thomas A 73d Ohio vols Rollins, Franklin A... 1st Minnesota vols Smith, Henry J 12th New Hampshire vols.. Stein, August 1st United States artillery.. Vogelbach, Michael 5th Ohio vols Wade, D.L 2d Massachusetts vols Werner, George 12th New Hampshire vols.. Zimmerman, D 9th New York S. M

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There are two Soldiers' Cemeteries at Mercersburg, Franklin county, Pennsylvania, viz :

" Methodist Episcopal Cemetery," containing 4 graves. " Presbyterian Cemetery," containing. 4 "

Total 8 AU known. These are regularly incorporated Cemeteries, and are both enclosed by substantial wooden fences. Great care has been taken to make them attractive.

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bb a No. Name.' Rank. Co. Regiment. Date of death. a Remarks.

S 5

Bowman, George W Private E 21st Pennsylvania cavalry. . Jan. 22, 1865 2 Briggs, Mayberry G ....do L 22d Pennsylvania cavalry . . Oct. 2, 1864 3 ....do G 17th Pennsylvania cavalry.. April 8, 1865 ....do H 107th Pennsylvania inf April 15, 1864


Carson, David Sergeant 126th Pennsylvania inf. Sept. 13, 1862 Ley, Michael Private 17th Pennsylvania cavalry. Oct. 20, 1864 McClellan, Andrew R ....do 126th Pennsylvania inf. Dec. 5, 1862 Unknown


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The remains of deceased Union Soldiers interred at Reading, Bucks county, Pennsylvania, are buried in the "Aulenback" and "Charles Evans" Cemeteries, both of which are incor porated Cemeteries, and are situated on the Reading pike, each about one mile distant from the railroad station. The land is high and rolling, and the general appearance good. The Cemeteries are well fenced, and contain the remains of ten deceased Union Soldiers, (aU known,) whose graves are marked with suitable head-boards.

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1 No. Name. Rank. Co. Regiment. Date of death. a Remarks. '? sl w P


5 Sergeant H


Eylor, Christian . Hoffmaster,.L Struben, D

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This Cemetery is an incorporated Cemetery, and is situated between Federal and Wharton and Ninth and Tenth streets, (26th ward,) Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The ground is low and flat, but presents a very fair appearance, and is enclosed by a hand some iron fence. There have been twenty-eight interments made in this Cemetery of deceased Union Soldiers aU of whom were removed from the various mUitary hospitals in Philadelphia during the war

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bb No. Name. Rank. Co. Regiment. Date of death. Remarks. p 1 p

July 23, 1863 d Oct. 6, 1862 3 Sept. 8, 1862 Sept. 14, 1863 !z| 5 Flake, S.E Nov. 10, 1864 6 July 13, 1863 7 1863 t-i July 13, V 8 Sept. 15, 1863 9 Oct. 3, 1862 IS w 10 July 13, 1863 03 11 Lund, H. J Sept.' 28, 1862 12 Private I 2d New York volunteers- .. July 11, 1862 13 Aug. 16, 1863 14 Private H 5th Pennsylvania vols July 8, 1862 IS 15 Oct. 7, 1862 16 Private F 85th New York infantry July 10, 1862 17 Sept. 8, 1864 u 18 July 23, 1863 19 Frederick A Private F 6th Maine volunteers 1862 M Sprague, July 4, i-3 20 1362 Sept. 30, P 21 Stodart, Samuel Private E 50th New York vol. inf July 14, 1862 22 ....do K 103d Pennsylvania inf. July 8, 1862 23 Nov. 3, 1862 24 D June 22, 1864 25 Sept. 10, 1864 26 Wentworth, George D Private D 5th New Hampshire vols July 14, 1862 27 July 13, 1863 28 Aug. 30, 1863

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" The lot set apart for the interment of deceased Union soldiers in the United American Mechanics' Cemetery," at Philadelphia, which is situated on the corner of Islington Lane and Twenty-first street, (21st ward,) contains eleven graves, all known, and is not separately enclosed. The Cemetery proper is enclosed by an iron fence, and the Cemetery Association has assumed the care and protection of the soldiers' lot. The remains interred here were received from the various mUitary hospitals in Philadelphia, during the war.


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Chase, Isaac F July 5, 1862 Courter, WiUiam P. . May 18, 1862 Haines, Dewitte Jan. 18, 1862 Hudspath, Thomas- . June 21, 1862 Johnson, E. G 59th Pennsylvania vols.. Mar. 11, 1862 Johnson, John 112th Pennsylvania vols. Feb. 12, 1862 McDonald, W. W... May 22, 1863 Nixon, William April 20, 1864 Potter, Walter Dec. 2, 1862 Smith. Andrew C . . . Jan. 4, 1863 Whitelonar, WiUiam. Oct. 16, 1863

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There are three Soldiers' Cemeteries at Tamaqua, Schuylkill county, Pennsylvania, viz : u CathoUc Cemetery,'7 containing 2 graves. " Odd FeUows' Cemetery," containing 6 " " German Reform and Lutheran Cemetery," containing 4 "

Total 12 AU known. These Cemeteries are situated about one-fourth of a mUe from the town of Tamaqua, Penn sylvania. The land is high, and the grounds present a handsome appearance. The main Cemeteries are enclosed by substantial wooden fences. They are both regularly incorporated Cemeteries.


The "Union Cemetery," at Upton, Franklin county, Pennsylvania, contains the remains of four deceased Union soldiers, all known. It is very pleasantly situated, and is enclosed by a substantial wooden fence.

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c3 bb No. Name. Rank. Co. Regiment. Date of death. Remarks. o d Szi s R

1 Unknown. 2 CuU, Michael Do.


Frye, Charles Private. . 126th Pennsylvania inf. . . . Jan. 23, 1863 Frye, John ....do... 6th Pennsylvania infantry. Sept. 14, 1862 Mummert, Jeremiah. ....do... 21st Pennsylvania cavalry. Aug. 1, 1864 ScuUy, Andrew W...... do... 21st Pennsylvania cavalry. Dec. 8, 1864

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" The soldiers' graves at Brattleboro' are situated on Cemetery Hill," in the extreme southern part of the grounds owned by the "Prospect Hill Cemetery Association." The lot contain them is owned the United ing by States, and contains about 1,500 square feet. The is and ground high, roUing, picturesque. The lot is enclosed by a substantial wooden and contains 18 fence, graves, (16 known and 2 unknown,) which are marked with suitable head-boards, in good condition.


This Cemetery consists of one lot, about 15 feet square, set apart for the interment of " deceased Union soldiers in the Green Mountain Cemetery," about three-fourths of a mUe west of Montpelier, Vermont. The lot is on roUing ground, beautifully situated, near the bank of the Winooski or Onion river. The land was deeded to the United States by the town of Montpelier for its present purpose. It is enclosed by a substantial picket fence, in good condition, and contains two graves, which are marked by suitable headboards.

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Carter, Hiram 141st Pennsylvania Clatter, Henry 8th Ohio 1, 1864 Dosten, John 61st New York infantry 1, 1864 Gaube, Henry 20th Massachusetts infantry, Hammer, Christian.. Holt, Samuel B 4th Vermont infantry Joyall, George Nurse in hospital May 3, 1863 Mathern, WiUiam... 60th Ohio infantry Mayo, Henry 5th Vermont infantry Aug. 26, 1864 Mills, Frederick 120th New York infantry Murdock, Calvin A. . 8th Michigan infantry Aug"." "29,"iS64' Myers, Daniel 110th Pennsylvania infantry Rhodes, Isaac 53d Pennsylvania infantry. . RoUiston, George 6th New Hampshire infantry Unknown WaUs, Alex 63d Pennsylvania infantry . Westmeyer, Abe. ... 183d Pennsylvania infantry. Whitney, Charles B. 19th Maine infantry WUliams, Elijah 8th New York heavy art. .. Aug. 31, 1864


Hand, Thomas. . Private. . 2d battaUon V.R.C Jan. 8, 1865 Whitney, W. H. ...do... 1st Vermont cavalry Jan. 27, 1865

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This is situated on the road Cemetery to Petersburg, about one and a half mile from City Point, Prince George's county, Virginia, and about 9 miles from Petersburg. The is level. The surrounding country generally Cemetery itself is beautifully located on a slight eminence some 45 feet above the Appomattox river, one mile from the confluence of the James and at a where a Appomattox, point commanding view is had for several miles up and down those rivers, and over the surrounding country. It is near the used for the very ground general field hospitals of the army of the Potomac during the , in 1864. contains The Cemetery 7% acres, and has been laid off in the form of a square, with a semi circular entrance ; it is divided into six sections by avenues, and is provided with excellent drainage. It is enclosed by a picket fence, in good order, and the graveB are all sodded and provided with suitable head-boards, properly inscribed. The interments made are in number as follows, viz : Known 3,758 Unknown 1,384

Total 5,142

The burial of deceased Union soldiers in this Cemetery was begun in July, 1866, and was completed in September, 1867, under the direction of Brevet Lieutenant Colonel James M. Moore, C. Q. M. 1st military district of Richmond, Virginia. Those bodies which were not originaUy buried here were removed from a burial ground at City Point, established shortly after the occupation of that place by the United States forces, and from a site appropriated for cemeterial purposes during the war at Point of Rocks, about five miles up the Appomattox river.

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A James A Private 11th , Pennsylvania cavalry. Mar. 25, 1865 Abbott, C.H ....do 3d New Hampshire infantry Abbott, S.W ...do 23d Massachusetts infantry. July 18, 1864 111 Abell, J.A ....do 7th Connecticut infantry. . June 17,1864 78 Abraham, M .-..do 16th New York heavy art. Jan. 7, 1865 115 Adams, .---do 26th Michigan infantry 39 Adams, Clifton ....do 118th U.S. C.I Mar. 20, 1865 104 Adams, J ....do 39th U.S. C.I Sept. 17, 1864 109 Adams, J. W ...do 76th Pennsylvania infantry 59 Addanis, C ...do 188th Pennsylvania infantry July 4, 1864 7 Adkins, J ...do 31st U.S. C.I Sept. 8, 1864 106 Ahem, D ...do... 31st Maine infantry April 12, 1865 27 Ahern, C. A ...do... 10th New Hampshire hy. art June 12, 1864 59 Aikler, John ...do... 5th Pennsylvania cavalry Oct. 13, 1864 66 Aker, John ...do... 4th New York heavy art. 62 Aldin, Henry 84th July 25, 1864 27 Alexander, L. F .do. 21st Massachusetts infantry. June 29, 1864 32 Alexander, R .do. 31st U.S. C.I Sept. 9, 1864 162 Alfred, J _do. 1st New York engineers. Nov. 24, 1864 35 Allen, Alva .do. 6th New Hampshire infantry Aug. 12, 1864 96 Allen, C....' .do. 107th U. S.C.T Mar. 6, 1865 67 Allen, H .do. 8th New York heavy art 74 James .do. Allen, 10th U.S. C.T . 20, 1864 11 Allen, John .do. 6th New Hampshire infantry Aug. 12, 1864 96 Allen, Nathaniel .do. 7th Indiana infantry June 19, 1864 84 AUenback, Frank .do.. 1st Connecticut heavy art.. Aug. 10, 1864 25 Althof, WUliam .do.. 1st Connecticut heavy art.. Oct. 22, 1864 96 Alvis, D .do.. 23d U.S. C.T Nov. 3, 1864 124 Alwine, J .do.. 50th Pennsylvania infantry. 139 Amadon, H. D .do.. 27th Massachusetts infantry Aug. 26, 1864 127 Amennan, Oakley .do.. 187th Pennsylvania infantry| June 18, 1864

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. . Anchler, C Private. 6th New York heavy art. . . Feb. 14, 1865 Anderson, A ....do.... 39th U.S. C.T Oct. 8, 1865 Anderson, D ....do.... 107th U.S. C.T Jan. 19, 1865 Anderson, L ....do.... 19th U.S. C.T Feb. 20, 1865 Anderson, N ....do.... 117th U.S. C.T Sept. 14, 1864 Anderson, N ....do.... 119th U.S. C.T Feb. 2, 1865 Anderson, P. S ....do.... U.S. C.T Anderson, R ....do.... 7th U. S.C.T Mar. 2, 1865 Anderson, W ....do.... 19th U.S. C.T Aug. 2, 1864 Anderson, William...... do.... 9th U.S. C.T Andrews, W. N ....do.... 12th Georgia infantry Mar. 26, 1865 Ankies, A ....do.... 11th June 18, 1864 Anthony, ....do.... 118th U. S.C.T Aufcpt-Peter ....do.... 6th U.S. C.T Nov. 23, 1864 Aplin\H.S ....do.... 6th New Hampshire infantry Aug. 1, 1864 Applin, H.S ....do.... 6th New Hampshire infantry Aug. 1, 1864 Archer, Charles ....do.... 11th Vermont infantry Armstrong, E ....do.... 211th Pennsylvania infantry Oct. 23, 1864 Armstrong, M ....do.... 31st U.S. C.T Sept. 18, 1864 Armstrong, R .:..do.... 30th U. S.C.T Sept. 22, 1864 Arnold, O ....do.... 117th U. S.C.T Feb. 17, 1865 Arnold, Stephen ....do.... 104th Pennsylvania infantry Mar. 5, 1865 Arosting, Thomas S ...... do.... 16th New York heavy art.. Ash, Moses ....do.... 4th New Hampshire infantry Dec. 14, 1864 Ash,N ....do.... 27th U. S.C.T.... Oct. 2, 1864 Ashbrook, N ....do.... 117th U. S.C.T... Sept. 14, 1864 Asher, J ....do.... 10th U. S.C.T.... July 29, 1864 Asher, Richard ....do.... 114th U. S.C.T... Feb. 14, 1865 Ashley, F ....do.... 118th U. S.C.T... Mar. 31, 1865 Atherson, J ....do.... 116th U. S.C.T... Jan. 13, 1865 Athey, Austin ....do.... 11th U. S.C.T.... Feb. 11, 1864 Athey, Austin ....do.... 11th Virginia infantry Feb. 11, 1864 Atkins, Thomas ....do.... 155th New York infantry. Atkinson, CM Sergeant. . 7th South Carolina batt Aug. 21, 1864 Atkinson, D Private. .. 107th Feb. 10, 1865 Atkinson, J ....do.... 118th U.S. C.T Feb. 22, 1865 Atkinson, W.T ....do..-. 148th Ohio infantry Atwater, WUliam A...... do.... 89th New York infantry, April 25, 1865 Atwood, Robert ....do.... 4th New Hampshire infantry July 2, 1864 Atwood, WiUiam ....do.... 96th New York infantry Aug. 1, 1864 Aurell, J ....do.... 14th New York heavy art.. June 30, 1864

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bb a

1 in

Austin, E Private. . 9th Maine infantry Jan. 13, 1865 161 A Avery, A. C ....do... 9th Vermont infantry Dec. 4, 1864 82 A Ayers, Ezra . . ...do... 1st United States artillery. Sept. 12, 1864 175 E Ayers, J. R ....do... 3d Michigan infantry June 17, 1864 87 I)

- - ....do... 44th 1864 124 E B , Pennsylvania infantry. July 26, 1864 21 1) Baws, Levi ...do... 2d New Hampshire infantry July 18, Baccon, A ....do... Maine infantry Nov. 3, 1864 51 A Bacon, Arthur ....do... 28th U. S.C.T Feb. 23, 1865 177 D Badenschwartz, B ....do... 39th New York infantry 83 i<; Bahn, Isaac ....do... Q. M. Dep't. Colored 3 D Bailey, Andrew ....do... 36th U.S. C.T Sept. 16, 1864 91 F Bailey, Eleven ..,.do... 30th U. S.C.T Jan. 11, 1865 48 D BaUey, G. W ...do... 169th New York infantry. . . May 11, 1864 154 A BaUey, J ...do... 179th New York infantry. . . Aug. 24, 1864 98 A Bailey, J ...do... 179th New York infantry. .. Aug. 24, 1864 51 B BaUey, John 108th New York infantry. . . 44 (3 Bailey, John F 1st Connecticut heavy art.. July 17, 1864 160 (3 Bailey, R 28th U.S. C.T July 22, 1864 97 D BaUey, Reuben 45th Pennsylvania infantry. 100 (3 Baine, F 142d New York infantry- .. 46 D Baize, 143d Pennsylvania infantry. 104 D Baker, Arthur 11th Connecticut infantry .. Mar. 7, 1865 164 A Baker, G ". 29th U. S.C.T Oct. 9, 1864 91 D Baker, George 25th Massachusetts infantry 143 F Baker, H.H 96th New York infantry April 9, 1865 117 G June 1864 81 (3 Baker, J 24th New York cavalry , Baker, Nerson Indiana infantry 32 A Baker, R 4th Michigan infantry July 7, 1864 146 E Baker, W ...do. 21st Pennsylvania cavalry. - July 18, 1864 105 (3 Baker, William ...do. 11th New Hampshire inf 39 (3 Baker, WilUam ...do. 11th Maine infantry 6 E

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Balander, James Private. 79th Pennsylvania infantry - 168 D Balby, F.C ...do... 7th New Hampshire hy. art. June 22, 1864 110 (3 Balko,H ...do... New York heavy art- - 76 E Ball, Charles ...do.. 89th New York infantry June 29, 1864 129 (3 Ball, Samuel ...do... 5th Pennsylvania cavalry.. Jan. 3, 1865 172 A. Ballard, Albert 102d Pennsylvania infantry - Juno 18, 1864 33 D Ballinger, J Private, 13th South Carolina infantry Aug. 16, 1864 96 E Banbna, Gabrill ...do Q. M. Dep't. Colored. . Dec. 5, 1864 44 1) Bandy, C ...do 17th Maine infantry 91 I) Banker, D ...do 23d U.S. C.T Feb. 13, 18C5 61 F Bankhard, J. M ...do 7th Maine infantry Aug. 11, 1864 79 B Banks, Albert. ...do 41st U.S. C.T Jan. 16, 1865 51 F Banks, James ...do 4th U. S.C.T 94 F Banks,P ...do 7th IT. S.C.T May" 6,' 1865" 17 F

. . . 154 F Barber, C . . . do-. 39th Illinois infantry Barcook, C Serg't Major 6th Wisconsin infantry. . Aug. 19, 1864 74 D Barflet, Samuel Private 3d Delaware infantry Jv.no 19, 1864 41 D Barick, George F ...do 205th Pennsylvania infantry Feb. 1, 1865 131 C Barker, A ...do 61st New York infantry Feb. 1, 1864 166 0 Barker, David ...do 116th U. S.C.T Jan. 13, 1865 93 F Barker, Henry ....do 4th U. S.C.T.1 37 D Barker, T ..do 9th New York infantry 94 E Barnes, Alex ..do 109th U. S.C.T Dec. 7, 1864 21 F Barnes, Edward ..do Jan. 10, 1865 14 E Barnes, George ..do 67th Ohio infantry Feb. 16, 1865 82 F Barnes, Hay ..do 110th Pennsylvania infantry June 16, 1864 93 D Barnes, James ..do 131 E Barnes, John ..do 19th U. S.C.T Feb. 1, 1865 131 F Barnes, John ..do 29th U. S.C.T Feb. 28, 1865 83 F Barnes, M ..do 143d Pennsylvania infantry. June 28, 1864 125 13 Barnes, P ..do 39th U. S.C.T Oct. 5, 55 D Barney, A ..do 4th New Hampshire infantry 116 A Barratt, George ..do 118th New York infantry . . Nov. 12, 1864 14 A Barren, T ..do 41st U.S. C.T Dec. 25, 1864 117 F Barrett, E ..do 118th U. S. C. T Nov. 30, 1864 43 F Barrett, Ebezener ..do 4th New York heavy art June 19, 46 E Barrett, Jacob ..do 118th U. S.C.T April 5, 161 F Barringer, R. P 207th Pennsylvania infantry April 2, 129 (3 Barrington, A ..do. 43d U. S.C.T Nov. 23, 26 D Barrington, T.. ..do. 188th Pennsylvania infantry Dec. 20, 1864 98 A Barrow, Lewis ..do. 50th New York engineers . Aug. 20, 1864 108 C

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1 6) Regiment.

si 02

Barry, George Private. . 19th Virginia infantry. - - April 19, 1865 135 E Barry, Thimothy ....do... 51st New York infantry. 127 E Bartlett, William W. ....do... 14th Indiana infantry. .. June 17, 1864 97 E Barton, W.G do... 200th Pennsylvania infantry Mar. 25, 1865 88 C Bascard, M. D ...do. 2d Pennsylvania cavalry Sept. 6, 1864 122 E Basey, John ...do. 118th U.S. C.T June 27, 1865 95 F Bass, W. B ...do. 10th New York heavy art. . April 3, 1865 90 A Bates, David W ...do. 4th Massachusetts cavalry. . Sept. 9, 1864 155 E Bates, S.W 7th New Jersey infantry- .. June 15, 1864 96 D Batte, Isaac Private. . Pennsylvania inf 123 E Baxler, Richard S. -- ...do... 1st Connecticut artillery. . . . Oct. 6, 1864 88 E Baxter, E ...do... 39th U.S. C.T Jan. 28, 1865 94 F Baxter, Wm do... 1st Maine heavy art April 3, 1865 98 B Baxton, Leonard do... 7th New Hampshire inf Oct. 15, 1864 44 F Baynard, ...do.. 45th U.S. C.T Jan. 15, 1865 162 F Bealder, A ...do.- 43d Alabama infantry Mar. 18, 1865 126 E Bean, Geo ...do.- 1st U.S. C.T 155 F Bean, O. A ...do.. 211th Pennsylvania inf. Oct." 5, 1865' 137 A Bean, W ...do.. 9th Maine infantry Feb. 1, 1865 91 A Bean, WUliam F ...do.. 31st Maine infantry Dec. 16, 1864 46 E Beard, G ...do.. 43d U.S. C.T Sept. 21, 1864 o D Beard, John ...do.. 4th U.S. C.T Jan. 22, 1865 24 F Corporal . 9th Maine infantry 24 D Beasley, E Private. .. 109th U.S. C.T Feb. 9, 1865 30 A Beat, John ...do.... 24th Michigan infantry June 13, 1864 102 D Bebount, Wm ...do...- 142d Ohio infantry July 25, 1864 31 D Beck, Uhlrice ...do.... 2d Pennsylvania heavy art. July 11, 1864 61 E Beckman, C. P ...do.... 189th New York infantry.. Nov. 17, 1864 31 E Beckwith, W ...do.-.. 119 D Bedee, Charles ...do...- 118th New York infantry . Oct. 1, 1864 43 A Beeler, G ...do..-- 107th U, S.C.T Feb. 23, 1865 17 F

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25 A Beehman, P Private . 211th Pennsylvania inf. Feb. 7, 1865 Been, J ...do... 19th U.S. C.T Sept. 7, 1864 126 D F Bell, Geo ...do... 109th U.S. C.T Feb. 14, 1865 67 Geo ...do... 29th U.S. C.T Jan. 13, 1865 67 F Bell, F Bell, James ...do... 62d Ohio infantry Oct. 23, 1864 113 1864 132 A Bell, Jos. E ...do... 1st New York M. R Sept. 17, 14 1" Bell, P ...do... 14th U.S. C.T May 5, 1865 ...do... 9thU.S.C.T July 9, 1864 129 .1) Bell,R D Bell, Richard ...do... 26th U.S. C.T Feb. 15, 1864 43 Samuel ...do... 41st U.S. C.T April 19, 1865 79 F BeU, C Bell, William ...do... 205th Pennsylvania inf. April 2, 1865 33 E BelUs, Joseph ...do... 143d Pennsylvania inf. June 30, 1864 114 Belts, J. K ...do... 48th Pennsylvania inf. Aug. 16, 1864 97 O Benjamin, A.C ...do... 187th Pennsylvania inf. 7, 1864 153 E A Benlon, E ...do... U.S.S 104 Bennett, J ...do... 31st U.S. C.T 127 D Bennett, J ..do... 118th U.S. C.T Jan. 12, 1865 25 F Bennett, V ..do... 2d New York artillery June 27, 1864 105 (3 Bennett, Wesley ..do... 112th New York infantry. . . Oct. 24, 1864 17 A Benson, H ..do... 9th Vermont infantry Dec. 4, 1864 123 A Benson, Wm ..dou- 7thU.S.C.T Mar. 12, 1865 46 I' Benton, G ..do... 22dU.S.C.T 150 D Benton, Geo ..do... New York M. R 9 E Benton, T. J ..do... 43d U.S. C.T Dec. 7, 1864 12 F 1864 131 K Bentley, G Sergeant - 22d Massachusetts inf. June 18, 1865 136 A Bently, Smith Private. . . 20th New York cavalry Jan. 2, . E Bently, Wm ...do.... 4th New York heavy art- . June 19, 1864 69 2d art. June 1864 108 D Berger, C ...do.... Pennsylvania heavy , Berry, J ...do.... 114th U.S. C.T Feb. 19, 1865 50 F Berry, Lewis U.S. C.T Mar. 30, 1865 7 F Berwick, G 8th Pennsylvania cavalry.. April 2, 1865 34 E . F Bethka, C 7th Connecticut infantry . . June 2, 1864 89 Better, Wm 123d U.S. C.T 146 D Beverly, H 118th U.S. C.T Dee. 7, 1864 93 I' D Bidwell, Richard ...do... 19th Wisconsin infantry. -. . 31 Bigdon, James ...do... U.S. C.T 132 F Bigler, George ...do... 41st U.S. C.T Oct. 29, 1864 158 F BUdhasten, W ...do... 188th Pennsylvania inf. 52 A E Binginim, Wm. G ,...do... 21st Pennsylvania cavalry. . June 18, 1864 117 D Bird, JohnH ...do... 3d New York artillery Aug. 20, 1864 131 Bishop, Mack ...do... 35th U.S. C.T Feb. 11,1865 88 F

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Date of death.

217 Bishop, Wm Private. IstNewYorkM.R Jan. 3, 1865 83 218 BiBley, R ....do... 30th U.S. C.T Dec. 24, 1864 13 219 Bisnett, J ....do... 11th United States inf. .. Aug. 21, 1864 81 220 Bitts, John ....do... 188th Pennsylvania inf. . . Feb. 24, 1865 140 221 Black, E 8th U.S. C.T Dec. 24, 1864 42 222 Black, J 43d U.S. C.T Oct. 12, 1864 63 223 Black, Napoleon . 96th New York infantry. June 3, 1864 44 224 Black, P. J 1 17th New York June 31, 1865 119 225 Blair, W. M 1st North Carolina cav April 21, 1865 56 223 Blair, Wm ....do.... 117th U.S. C.T Nov. 24, 1864 41 227 Blake, Albert ...do.... 7th U.S. C.T June 25, 1865 81 228 Blake, J. M Corporal. . July 2, 1864 11 229 A. J. . Private -- 1st D. C. 1864 122 Blanchard, cavalry , 230 Blanchard, Geo...... do.... 1st New York heavy art. . . Aug. 10, 1864 158 231 Blanchard, J 9th Vermont infantry Dec. 16, 1864 69 232 Blanchard, J. P.. 207th Pennsylvania inf. ... 165 233 Blaney, Samuel . - 31st U.S. C.T Mar. 16, 1865 234 Bledson, Daniel. - 107th U.S. C.T Feb. 4, 1865 235 Bloom. WiUiam. - 4th Maryland infantry June 22, 1864 131 236 Bliss, John F. . . - 17th Vermont infantry Aug. 11, 1864 50 237 Bliss, John T 17th Vermont infantry Aug. 11, 1864 97 238 Bluff, John 32d Maine infantry July 1, 1864 60 239 Blunt, J.F Styles batt April 15, 1865 137 240 Board, L ...do... 118th U.S. C.T Dec. 23, 1864 7 241 Bocket, C ...do... 57th Massachusetts inf 21, 1864 13 242 Bogan, James B. . ...do... 211th Pennsylvania inf. .. . 55 243 Bogart, George .- ...do... 16th New York heavy art. Aug. 26, 1864 10 244 Booley, J ...do... 13th Indiana infantry Feb. 3, 1865 105 245 Boon, S ...do... 28thU.S.C.T 115 246 Boone, Peter ...do... U.S. C.T Oct. 17, 1865 104 247 Bolton, P ...do... 1st U.S. C.T Jan. 16, 1865 131 For current National & State Veterans Burial records, please visit... http://www.interment.net/us/nat/veterans.htm Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County • Historic Monographs Collection Bond, Thomas W Private 4th U.S. C.T 110 D Boner, Henry ...do 13th New York heavy art.. 18 A Boreskey, J ...do 199th Pennsylvania inf. May 8, 1865 U8 A Clifford ...do 12th Georgia artillery 121 E Borroughs, 93 A Bourn, M ...do 1st Maryland cavalry_ 36 B Bouse, John G Lieutenant. 6th New Hampshire inf inf. 158 A Bowers, J Private . . . 58th Pennsylvania Feb. 24, G ...do 109th U.S. C.T Jan. 15, 121 F Bowey, 140 D Bowker, Luke 27th Massachusetts inf July 17, 5 F Bowles, James 107th U.S. C.T Dec. 27, 8th Maine Feb. 1865 152 A Bowley, R.H infantry , 107 (3 Boyat, G. V 186th Pennsylvania inf. April 2, 1865 Boyd, H 29th U.S. C.T 114 D Boyd,J 31st U.S. C.T Sept. id,' 163 D Boyd, Wm 30th U.S. C.T Dec. 1, 57 F Boyer, Albert 4th U.S. C.T Mar. 4, 1865 161 F F Boyer, Henry SthU.S.C.T Feb. 13, 1865 101 Boyle, Thomas R 187th Pennsylvania inf. June 17, 1864 48 E 51st New York Feb. 1865 107 K Br , Edwin infantry 9, Bradley, A 27th Massachusetts inf Sept. 5, 1864 7 A Bradley, E 187th Pennsylvania inf. July 14, 1864 156 (3 Bradley, H 142d New York infantry. . . 95 F Braaley, John 211th Pennsylvania inf. Feb. 4, 43 F Brady, R. M 2dNorth Carolina inf May 16, 1865 19 A Jan. 1865 54 F Branch, Wm. . - Colored citizen 18, Brannen, J .do. 40th New York infantry Oct. 4, 1864 56 (3 Branstell, L .do.. 45th Pennsylvania inf. Aug. 6, 1864 86 E Break, David .do. 118th New York infantry. . July 21, 1864 66 E Breart, James M .do. 105th Pennsylvania inf. 121 1) Brees, Ezra .do. 50th New York engineers . . Aug. 4, 1864 133 C Brent, J .do. 127thU.S.C.T 22 1-' Bressell, Warren .do. 10th Connecticut inf. , Jan. 21, 1865 139 A Brewer, Eli .do. 31st North Carolina inf Oct. 31, 1864 51 A Brian, James .do. Maryland infantry June 19, 1864 100 E Brian, P. O .do. 23d Illinois infantry April 4, 1865 42 F Bricker, Wm .do. 10th U.S. C.T June 17, 83 D Brider, H .do. 76th Pennsylvania inf. .' 11 D Bridler, A .do. Naval battaUon April 21, 1865 125 B Brien, J. O .do. Connecticut infantry. Oct. 25, 1864 80 A Brien, J. O .do- 8th New York infantry Oct. 7, 27 (3 Brien, T. O .do 69th New York infantry Oct. 26 75 0

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Regiment. Date oi death.

Brien, Thomas O Private. . . 1st New Jersey cavalry. . . May 13, 1865 92 Brierly, E ....do.... 3d Pennsylvania artillery.. 151 Briggs, D ....do.... 39th U.S. C.T Dec. 10, 1864 164 Bright, J.W ....do.... 35th North CaroUna inf. . . May 17, 1865 57 Brink/E.O ....do.... 120th New York inf. June 17, 1864 124 Brink, S. H 39th Illinois infantry 9 Brink, Samuel H do. 39th Illinois infantry Sept, 22, 1864 135 Brinkley, G. T Private. . . 141 Brook, Henry V ...do.... 143d Pennsylvania inf. j'uiy"25,'i8S4' 47 Brooks, Boss Corporal . 69thU.S.C.T 29 Brooks, J ...do.... 3d New Hampshire inf June 17, 1864 115 Brooks, J Private. . . 3d New Hampshire inf June 17,1864 33 Brooks, James ...do.... 207th Pennsylvania inf. Nov. 18, 1864 24 Brooks, J. W ...do.... 6th New York heavy art. . . Mar. 4, 1865 177 Brooks, Thomas ...do.... 23d U.S. C.T 116 Brophay, J 4th United States infantry.. Jan. 2, 1865 148 Brothers, Lewis ...do.... 48th New York infantry 48 Brow, D ...do.... 14th Massachusetts cav Feb. 20, 1865 94 Brown, Andrew Corporal.. 91st Pennsylvania infantry. June 18, 1864 64 Brown, A. B Private. . . 10th New Hampshire inf. . . Nov. 3, 1864 104 Brown, A. G ...do..-. 28th U.S. C.T Jan. 4, 1865 25 Brown, A. M ...do.... 62d Ohio infantry April 15, 1885 72 Brown, B ...do.... 9th Maine infantry Jan. 14, 1865 34 Brown, Clement ...do.... 23d U.S. C.T Feb. 5, 1865 6 Brown, D 27th U.S. C.T 151 Brown, D Private. . 19thU.S.C.T Nov." "30,'i864" 10 Brown, Elisha ...do... 186th New York infantry. . . Feb. 15, 1865 108 Brown, E. J ...do... 21st Massachusetts inf 99 Brown, F ...do... 4thU.S.C.T July 2, 1864 172 Brown, G ...do... 10th Connecticut inf April 17, 1865 65 Brown, Geo I do. 29thU.S.C.T Mar. 13, 1865 124

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Brown, Geo Private. 9th U.S. C.T Sept. 12,1864 87 D Brown, Geo ...do... 2d United States sold Dec. 3, 1864 159 F Brown, H ...do... 5th U.S. C.T Nov. 25, 1864 83 F Browu, H 7thU.S.C.T.... 145 F Brown, H. L 1st Massachusetts heavy art. June 28, 1864 79 (3 Brown, H. M 32d Maine infantry June 30, 1864 111 B Brown,'James 16th New York heavy art.. Nov. 1, 1864 119 F Brown, John 79th New York infantry 51 0 John 1st Connecticut artillery Feb. 1, 1865 133 A Brown, E' Brown, J. M 32d Maine infantry June 17, 1864 49 Brown, J. W 32d Maine infantry June 17, 1864 81 A Brown, L 14th Connecticut C. T Nov. 10, 1865 59 D Brown, L. T 211th Pennsylvania inf. 71 C Brown, Moses 36th U.S. C.T 120 F 89th New York Mar. 1865 23 A Brown, Peter ,. infantry 8, June 1865 165 F Brown, S - 118th U.S. C.T 25, Brown, Wm 10th Connecticut inf Jan. 16, 1865 165 A Brown, W. H .: 29fhU.S.C.T Dec. 17, 1864 5 F 1864 27 D Browner, H - 29thU.S.C.T Aug. 17, Brace, D. R 27th Massachusetts inf 33 A 1865 95 A Bryant, J - 9th Vermont infantry Feb. 20, Bryant, M. 1st New York M. R 31 A Buchanan, S 142d Ohio infantry 2 F Buck, William 9th Vermont infantry Feb. 4, 1865 78 A Buckley, J 118th New York infantry. .. June 23, 1864 125 E BueU, John H 9th New York heavy art July 6, 1864 105 A Buise, H. H ...do.... 11th Maine infantry 85 A F Bulletts, J ...do.... 29th U.S. C.T Dec. 24, 1864 96 Bullock, L ...do---. 1st New York heavy art 179 D A Bunce, Orland ...do.... 16th New York heavy art.. Oct 11," 1864" 94 L ...do.... lst New York heavy art 179 D Bunding, C Bunker, A. D ....do.... 31st Maine infantry 46 F Burcker, John .-..do.... 10th U.S. C.T Sept. 13, 1864 120 1864 78 E Burgess, C. H Sergeant . 8th Maine infantry June 30, 1865 156 E Burke, CD Corporal - 60th Georgia infantry Mar. 27, 37 B C Private. - . 58th Massachusetts inf Aug. 23, 1864 Burlingame, 73 A Burnes, Geo ....do.... 9th Maine infantry Jan. 29, 1865 Richard 32d Illinois infantry April 4, 1865 74 F Burnes, K A 164th New York infantry -- 101 Burns, A . 96 Burns, J. M 55th Pennsylvania infantry Mar. 31, 1865 14 F Burns, AVUliam 127th U.S. C.T Jan. 1, 1865

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Burroughs, William. Private. . 19th Vermont infantry Mar. 25, 1865 158 Burt, JohnH ....do... 9th Maine infantry June 18, 1864 133 363 Burton, J. J. ....do... 10th Virginia infantry April 9, 1865 153 364 Bush, Jordan ....do... 4th U.S. C.T Dec. 14, 1864 48 365 Bush, N. W ...do... 8th U.S. C.T Mar. 27, 1865 51 366 Bush, P ...do... 22dU.S.C.T July 15, 1864 114 367 Butler, John ...do... 39th U.S. C.T Jan. 14, 1865 42 368 Butler, William ...do... 19th Wisconsin infantry 31 369 Button, F ...do... 11th Pennsylvania cavalry. . July 21, 1864 84 370 Buzell,S..._ ...do... 9th Vermont infantry Nov. 22, 1864 118 371 Byran, Lewis ...do... 169th New York infantry. . . July 4, 1864 170 372 Cabey,F ...do... 7th New York heavy art 28 373 Cable, William ...do... 13th Indiana iniantry Feb. 4, 1865 140 374 Cadwell, G ...do... 100th New York infantry. . . Jan. 24, 1865 70 375 Cady, Henry W 1st Connecticut heavy art . . Feb. 28, 1865 81 376 Cady, P. W .do.. 207th Pennsylvania inf. 6 377 Cain, William F .do.. 83d Pennsylvania infantry. . July 10, 1864 148 378 Cain, William F .do.. 83d Pennsylvania infantry. . July 11, 1864 92 379 Caldwell, J. C Massachusetts artillery . July 11,1864 116 380 Callaghan, Mathew.. ...do... United States marine corps. Aug. 3, 1864 175 381 Camp, Orion ...do... 112th New York infantry.. May 24, 1864 148 382 Campbell, A. A ...do... 1st South Carolinainfantry. April 10, 1865 101 383 Campbell, G ...do... 6th Ohio cavalry Sept. 14, 1864 7 384 Campbell, O. E ...do... 207th Pennsylvania inf. 91 Campbell, Thomas ...... do... 3d New York artillery July 8, 1864 72 Campbell, WilUam...... do... U.S. C.T 131 Can, George T ...do... 40th Massachusetts infantry. Sept. 7, 1864 9 Can, James ...do... 39th IUinois infantry Feb. 22, 1865 27 Canahy, James ...do... 142d New York infantry July 18, 1864 75 390 C analton, Richard ...do... 139th New York infantry. . . Sept. 13, 1864 391 Cancher, A. H ...do... 184th Pennsylvania inf. Oct. 27, 1864

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Nov. 75 D 3 Cannon, J Private. . 39th U.S. C.T 17, 1864 Cannon, L ....do... 39th U.S. C.T Oct. 21, 1864 62 D 3 Canover, WiUiam B ....do... 2d Pennsylvania heavy art. July 12, 1864 141 1.) 4 Capern, John E ....do... 10th U.S. C.T 126 D 3 Capon, Stephen B ....do... 17th Vermont infantry April 4, 1865 163 K 2 Card, John ....do... 16th New York heavy art.. Nov. 2, 1864 40 A 1 CardeUa, A ....do... 27th U. S.C.T Dec. 19, 1864 85 1*' 1 Carlen, Robert ....do... 19th Maine infantry 57 E 1 Carpenter, C ....do... 24th New York cavalry Sept. 2, 1864 74 B 2 Carney, WiUiam ....do... 10th U. S! C.T Mar. 20, 1865 64 I) 2 Carpenter, H ....do... 29th U.S. C.T Mar. 24, 1865 82 F 3 Can-, J. M ....do... 1st Vermont Infantry July 1, 1864 49 (3 1 Carr, John ....do... 7th U.S. C.T Sept. 8, 1864 100 V 3 Carr, S ....do... 169th New York infantry. .. June 30, 1864 9 D 4 Carrigan, J ....do... 36th Massachusetts inf 95 C 2 Carroll, E ....do... 117th U. S.C.T Dec. 22,1864 50 F 4 Carroll, WiUiam ....do... 189th Pennsylvania inf. 8 A 1. Carson, Alexander ....do... 155th Pennsylvania inf. June 28, 1864 175 (3 4 Carson, J. W Sergeant 2d New York heavy art 83 D 4 73 F 2 Carter, Bruce Private. . 107th U.S. C.T Mar. 12, 1865 Carter, James ....do... 117th U. S.C.T.... Mar. 24, 1865 140 F 3 Cartlan, Patrick ....do... 12ih United States infantry. Aug. 12, 1864 106 1) 1 178 E 2 Cartwright, William...... do... 2d Michigan infantry Carvine, George Corporal 37th New Jersey infantry.. Sept. 26, 1864 98 E 4 123 A 4 Case, James Private. .. 1st D. C. cavalry Oct. 11, 1864 3 Case, John ....do.... 50th New York engineers . . July 27,1864 56 C Casgrove, WiUiam ....do.... 3d New Hampshire inf Sept. 12, 1864 121 1) 4 Casmer, Joseph ....do.... 205th Pennsylvania inf April 2, 1865 25 (3 3

. . D 4 Castello, Thomas ....do...- 8th Connecticut infantry . July 16, 1864 143 Castleman, W ....do--. 118th U.S. C.T Dec. 9, 1864 19 F 2 Catch, James. ....do.... 43d U. S.C.T... July 27, 1864 157 1) 2 4 Gates, J ....do.... 8th Connecticut infantry. . 139 A Catlin, Simon ....do.-.. 48th Pennsylvania inf 53 E 2 Cation, Lewis ....do.... 4th U.S. C.T 87 F 4 Cavil, Charles ..do.... 9th U.S. C.T...-.- Dec. 3, 1864 33 1) 2 Caxton, John W ..do.... 1st Connecticut heavy art- Nov. 20, 1864 121 E 4 B 3 Ceahm, George ..do.... 8th New York artillerv- - - June 20, 1884 108 CecU, Jerry ..do.... 107th U. S.C.T ".... Dec. 25, 1864 95 F 4 CeUey, J. D ..do.... 76th Pennsylvania inf. 84 D 4 Cent, James J ..do.... 29th U. S.C.T 157 1) 3 3 Chamberlain, H. H 148th New York infantry. . Sept. 3, 1884 51 A

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ChamberB, George Sergeant - . 72d Pennsylvania inf. 125 Chambers, M Private ... 107th U. S.C.T Dec. 29, 1864 113 Chambers, S ....do 19th U. S. C.T Aug. 1, 1864 135 Chambers, Thomas...... do 42d New York infantry... Feb. 6, 1865 175 Chapman, Edwin B...... do 1st Connecticut heavy art . Aug. 15, 1864 48 Chapman, George ....do 1st Connecticut heavy art. July 28, 1864 23 Chapman,L. A ....do 36th Massachusetts inf July 18, 1864 21 Chapman, Samuel ....do 47th New York infantry. . . Chase, Joseph Corporal... 36th-Massachusetts inf Jan. 9, 1865 Chasen, C Private 36th U.S. C. T Jan. 19, 1865 Chavis, A ....do 27th U.S. C.T Nov. 15, 1864 173 Che, Thomas ....do 2d Maryland infantry July 15, 1864 7 Chen, John ....do 23d U.S. C.T Jan. 9, 1865 75 Childs, J ....do 8th Connecticut 110 Chin, Henry J ....do 19th Maryland infantry. . . 66 Christenat, R. G Lieutenant 1st Pennsylvania rifles June 17, 1864 144 Christian, James Private 6th New York heavy art- . June 7, 1864 106 Christie, Andrew ...do 105th Pennsylvania inf. June 18, 1864 135 Christie, William H.. ...do 187th New York infantry.. Mar. 12, 1864 120 Church, S ...do.... 119th New York infantry. . Jan. 21, 1865 123 Churchill, B. L ...do.... 6th New York heavy art- . Mar. 14, 1865 170 Churdee, ...do.... 64th New York infantry . . . Oct. 2, 1864 78 Claggart, L ...do.... 29th U. S.C.T Dec. 29, 1864 64 Clark, A ...do.... 6th New York heavy art. . Mar. 23, 1865 28 Clark, D. C ...do.... 188th Pennsylvania inf. ... July 1, 1864 20 Clark, Henry C ...do.... 31st Maine infantry July 7, 1864 Clark, Henry E ...do.... 2d New York heavy art. . . June 16, 1864 Clark, J ...do.... 3d New York heavy art. . . Feb. 13, 1865 Clark, Peter ...do.... 2dNewYorkM. R July 7, 1864 7 Clark, William P. H. ...do.... 209th Pennsylvania inf. . .. Mar. 25, 1865 154 Clarkslon, T ...do.... 117th U. S. C.T Dec. 11. 1864 70

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Clay, Henry Private U.S. C.T Jan. 8, 1865 Clay, W. H ....do 30th U.S. C. T Claymt, A ....do 1st U.S. C.T Claypoole, S ....do 15th U. S.C.T Mar. 4, 1865 Cleareland, H. C ....do 142d New York infantry. .. CleUum, M ...do 41st U. S. C. T May 1, 1865 Clemens, N ....do 24th New York infantry. . . Aug. 9, 1864 Clements, James O ...do 6th New Hampshire inf July 1, 1864 Clements, Nelson ...do 169th New York infantry. . . July 1, 1864 Clemhern, M ...do 6th South CaroUna inf Aug. 22, 1864 Cloud, C. S ...do 91st Pennsylvania infantry - Clough, Edward Lieutenant. . 24th Massachusetts inf. 13, 1864 Coates, John : Private 4th U. S. C.T Sept. 11, 1864 Cobb, Charles B Sergeant 32d Maine infantry Cobb.E.L. Private 203d Pennsylvania inf. Feb. 6, 1865 Coburn, H ....do 3d New Hampshire inf Jan. 27, 1865 Cochran, J ....do 2d Virginia cavalry April 25, 1865 Cochran, John ....do 55th Pennsylvania inf. - July 17, 1864 Cockeril, M ....do 41st New York infantry Feb. 16, 1865 Cod, William ...do 23d U. S.C.T Mar. 5, 1865 Codill, Peasny ....do 27th U. S.C. T April 2, 1864

J . Coffin, ....do 111th New York infantry. . Cohill, Daniel ....do 6th New York heavy art. .. Aug. 14, 1864 Cole,B ....do 4th U. S. C.T 4, 1864 Cole, Dorran ....do 36th Wisconsin infantry Cole, F. F ....do 31st Maine infantry July 18, 1864 Cole, George A ....do 38th U.S. C.T April 22, 1865 Cole, J ....do 1st Maine infantry Cole, J. H ....do 115th New York infantry. . . Cole, W ....do 14th New York heavy art.. July 5, 1864 Coleman, Charles ....do 9th U. S. C. T Jan. 19, 1865 Coleman, H ....do 117th U. S. C.T Dec. 25, 1864 Coleman, W ....do 9th U. S. C.T Nov. 2, 1864 Colman, Samuel ....do 41st U. S. C. T Feb. 16, 1865 Colman, Thomas C ....do 11th Pennsylvania cavalry. Nov. 21, 1864 Colenck, N ....do 148th Ohio infantry Aug. 14, 1864 ColUgan, W ....do 7th New Hampshire inf May 11, 1864 Collins, Archiball ....do 115th New York infantry. . . Sept. 18, 1864 Collins, L ....do 16th New York heavy art.. Mar. 10, 1865 Colton, J ....do 67th Ohio infantry July 19, 1864 Colwell, Samuel ....do 11th Pennsylvania inf. Mar. 8, 1865

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Regiment. Date of death.

Private 8th U. S.C.T Feb. 1865 129 ColweU,T , Comban, T ....do 51st North Carolina inf Aug. 21, 1864 179 Comers, Robert.. ...-do 21st Pennsylvania cavalry. . July 4, 1864 112 Common, H. W- . Corporal... 142d New York infantry 114 ConaJy, J Private 142d New York infantry July 5, 1864 29 Conch, Sterling...... do 118th U.S.C. T Feb. 28, 1865 29 Conden, G. D ....do 60th Ohio infantry July 11, 1864 132 Conds,E ....do 14 Cone, Patrick ....do 12th New Hampshire Feb. 8, 1865 148 Conivay, 8 ....do Quartermaster's Department Feb. 5, 1865 89 Connard, George. ....do 27th U. S. C. T 141 ConneU, J. O ....do 13th U. S. C.T Nov. 14, 1864 134 Conner, O Lieutenant. 15th New York heavy art.. 145 Conner, T. O 11th United States infantry. Oct. 15, 1864 120 Conrad, James... Private. 199th Pennsylvania inf. Jan. 7, 1865 65 Contras, Henry...... do. 10th U.S. C.T April 8, 1865 70 Conway, W ...do. 9th Confederate April 23, 1865 Cook, A ...do. 4th U. S. C.T Oct. 27, 1865 Cook, A 25th Massachusetts inf. May 10, 1864 74 Cook, Charles R. , 179th New York infantry .. Mar. 26, 1865 135 Cook, George W. . 93d New York infantry June 16, 1864 30 Cook, Holden 179th Pennsylvania inf. April 2, 1865 159 Cook, John 114th U. S. C.T Feb. 20, 1865 153 Cook, John C 18th Georgia infantry AprU 23, 1865 127 Cook, William 199th Pennsylvania inf. Feb. 25, 1865 141 Cook, WUHam. . . . 19th U. S.C.T : Jan. 13, 1865 84 Cooper, John 19th U.S. C.T Dec. 27, 1864 77 Cooper, Radon. 37th U. S.C.T 99 Cork, John H 179th New York infantry. .. 143 Cormick, J. M 1st Connecticut heavy art. .. May 30, 1864 Connish, Isaac 30th U. S. C.T Jan. 11, 1865

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Corney, C 21st South Carolina inf. Aug. 21, 1864 Cornhe, Parris 2d New York M.R June 27, 1864 Cornly, B Private. . 8th Maryland infantry Sept. 9, 1864 Corran, Edward. . ...do. 10th New York heavy art.. July 1, 1864 Corvill, H. F ...do. 9th Maine infantry Dec. 29, 1864 Corwin, D. L 141st Pennsylvania inf June 17, 1864 Cosgrone, S 57th Pennsylvania inf. June 16, 1864 Couch, E. B 7th Connecticut infantry Oct. 9, 1864 Couch, M. W 205th Pennsylvania inf. Cox, Joshua E 4th U. S. C.T Cox, Robin 10th U. S. C.T Jan. 10, 1865 Cowdel, W 14th North Carolina inf April 29, 1865 Cowell, G 16th U. S. C.T Feb. 3, 1865 Cowen, Calvin 10th New York heavy art.. Jan. 23, 1865 Cowles, E. V 199th Pennsylvania inf. Jan. 11, 1865 Cowrser, E 27th Connecticut C. T June 5, 1865 Coyle, Edward . . . 3d Pennsylvania cavalry Coyle, Patrick June 22, 1864 Cozzen, Ezzra 32d Maine infantry June 27, 1864 Craft, Daniel 14th New York heavy art.. June 23, 1864 Craft, James 12th South Carolina inf July 31, 1864 Cragill, Alonzo M. 1st D. C. cavalry Nov. 9, 1864 Craig, Jefferson 38th U. S.C.T Jan. 6, 1865 Craivner, WiUiam . 199th Pennsylvania inf. July 26, 1864 E. A Cramer, 2d Pennsylvania artillery. . . Oct. 26, 1864 Crane, Henry 6th U.S. C.T Cranter, M 16th Michigan infantry June 29, 1864 Craton, L. M 188th Pennsylvania inf. Mar. 3, 1865 Crawlev, John ._.do.. 139th New York infantry. .. July 20, 1864 Creff, J ...do.. U.S.S Nov. 16, 1864 Crego, Albert ...do.. 3d New York artillery Feb. 3, 1865 Crisler, T ....do.... 117th U. S.C.T Jan. 9, 1865 Crittenton, Almon. ...do.... 186th New York infantry. . . April 2, 1865 Crofard, G. M.... Major 44th Tennesse infantry June 23, 1864 Cronmett, S. A Sergeant. . 31st Maine infantry Dec. 1, 1864 Cropper, L Private. . . 10th U.S. C.T July 2, 1864 Crosby, E.P Chaplain. 185th New York infantry .. Mar. 31, 1865 Cross, W.R Captain.. 6th New Hampshire infantry Cross, William Private. . . 41st Virginia infantry. Aug. 21, 1864 Crosswait, G ....do.:.. 114th U.S. C.T April 2, 1865 Crouk, Leonard...... do.... 6th New York heavy art June 25, 1864

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Crowell, G.W Private. . 206th Pennsylvania infantry 176 Crowford, G ...do... 117th U.S. C.T Feb. 2, 1865 21 Crowningshield, L. ...do... 142d New York infantry- . Jan. 11, 1865 136 Cubbins, J. M ...do... 9th New York heavy art- . April 9, 1865 61 Cuff, Parker ....do... 127th U. S.C.T Jan. 31, 1865 10 Cummings, Moses...... do... 98th New York infantry. . . Aug. 11, 1864 54 Cummus, T ...do.:. 6th U.S. C.T Oct. 11, 1864 47 Cumon,W.C 1st New York M. R Jan. 9, 1865 39 Cunmer, J 1st New York engineers. . . Jan. 24, 1865 167 Cuny, Henry 28th U.S. C.T Feb, 14, 1865 148 Cuny, J 6th U.S. C.T Oct. 15, 1865 5 Curby, B 115th U. S.C.T -.. Mar. 10, 1865 41 Curtler, F.H 11th Connecticut infantry. Jan. 3, 1865 43 Curtin, Patrick 152d New York infantry- - Nov. 12, 1684 172 Curtis, C.S .do- U.S. C.T 35 Curtis, Charles .do. 1st Maryland infantry Aug, 19, 1864 112 Cusens, Neal .do. 150th Pennsylvania infantry July 22, 1864 138 Custard, A .do. 145th Pennsylvania infantry 150 Dachtter, H .do. 15th New York artillery June 24, 1864 133 Dafferty, J .do. 55th Pennsylvania infantry. Oct, 26, 1864 130 Daggart, R .do, 6th New York heavy art Mar. 5, 1865 45 DaUy, John .do. 47th New York infantry 100 Dalen, Simon _do. 48th Pennsylvania infantry. 82 Dalton, James .do. 146th New York infantry .. July 30, 1864 105 Dalton, P .do. 7th Connecticut infantry 4 Dalton, T .do. 1st Maine infantry April 12, 1865 96 Dan, George .do. 50th New York engineers.. July 21, 1864 109 Danbar, D. A 16th Wisconsin infantry. 149 Daniel, John P Private. . 16th New York heavy art. . Jan. 7, 1865 120 Daniels, Henry ...do. 45th U.S. C.T April 21, 1865 143 Daring, F ...do. 148th Pennsylvania infantry 175

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Daring, J Private. 30th U.S. C.T Mar. 15, 1864 89 D 3 DaBha, John . . . do . . . 9th New Hampshire infantry 10 E 1 Daubenspeck, D ...do... 206th Pennsylvania infantry F'eb'."l7,*i865' 124 A 3 Davenport, F 105th Pennsylvania infantry 19 T) 1 Davey, C.B U.S.S 131 B 4 Davidson, Francis 1st Connecticut heavy art Nov. 14, 1864 157 E 4 Davidson, R. W 190th Pennsylvania infantry June 22, 1864 96 B 4 Davis, Alexander 10th U. S.C.T 68 D 2 Davis, E '-. 124th New York infantry. .. July 18, 1864 47 E 1 Davis, G 115th U.S. C.T Mar. 7, 1865 92 F 3 Davis, H 4th Massachusetts cavalry.. Jan. 18. 1865 38 A 4 Davis, H. A 12th North Carolina infantry April 24', 1865 122 E 3 Davis, Joseph 8th Connecticut infantry . . Mar. 10, 1865 68 A 3 Davis, P. A 28th U.S. C.T Dec. 1, 1864 151 D 2 Davis, WiUiam 8th U.S. C.T April 14, 1865 155 F 2 Dawsey, Samuel 38th U.S. C.T Oct. 3, 1864 97 F 4 Dawson, A 6th U.S. C.T 62 D 2 Dawson, L 9th Vermont infantry Feb. 7, 1865 119 A 3 Dawson, WUliam 9th U.S. C.T 146 D 2 Dean, A, 118th U.S. C.T F"e'b'.'"l9,~i865" 34 F 3 Dean, Thomas 6th Wisconsin infantry 142 C 2 Deboice, J 31st U.S. C.T Sept. 9, 1865 49 D 3 Decker, Benjamin 148th New York infantry. July 6, 1864 101 D 4 Decker, G 16th New York heavy art Oct. 9, 1864 156 A 4 James -do. 211th Nov. 1864 132 C 2 Decker, Pennsylvania infantry' 29, Deens, H .do.. U.S.S 75 B 4 Deevitt, J. A .do. 97th New York infantry. - . 47 F, 3 Degan, Patrick .do. 47th New York infantry. . . Jan. 21, 1865 90 A 3 Delaney, C .do. 118th New York infantry. . 164 D 4 Delany, N .do. 48th Pennsylvania infantry April 23'," 1.865" 89 E 2 Delimore, E -do. 6th U.S. C.T 74 1) 3 Demevert, Samuel .do. 141st Pennsylvania infantry June 13, 1864 113 D 1 Deming, W _do- 76th Pennsylvania infantry 68 F 1 Den, WUliam ,do. 199th Pennsylvania infantry Feb. 14, 1865 127 A 2 Denison, .do. 207th Pennsylvania infantry April 4, 1865 137 (3 2 Dennis, Isaac _do- 130th Ohio infantry 148 B 4 Denson, A .do. 24th New York cavalry June 30, 1864 55 B 4 Dent, F .do. 203d Pennsylvania infantry. 174 A 4 Derrick, J. W .do. 7th West Virginia infantry. May 8, 1865 103 A 4 Derroin, N .do. 97th Pennsylvania infantry . June 27, 1864 38 D 4

. 127 C 2 Derverest, William F. . .do- 52d New York infantry. Dec 23, 1864

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VIRGINIA.Continued .


Desellen, J -' Private .. 85th Pennsylvania infantry - June 18,1864 Devans, WiUiam E.. Corporal.. 15th New York heavy art-. June 11, 1864 Deven, George Private. . . 85th Pennsylvania infantry - May 20, 1864 Dever, M ....do.... 17th South Carolina infantry May 13, 1864 Dever, R ....do.... 52d New York infantry Devine, M 2d Pennsylvania R. V. C - . . Dial, J Private . 85th Pennsylvania infantry Dickerson, T ....do... 107th U. S.C.T Dec. 12, 1864 Dickson, G ....do... 45th Connecticut C.T...... Nov. 18, 1864 Dillingham, E.H...... do... 36th Wisconsin infantry.. - DUlon, Timothy ...do... 3d New York heavy art Nov. 8, 1864 Dingal, Benjamin...... do... 20th New York infantry Jan. 28, 1865 Dingo, Smith ...do... 187th Pennsylvania infantry Aug. 7, 1864 Dirnick, H ...do... 50th New York engineers . . April 12, 1865 Dishman, ...do... 118th U.S. C.T Oct. 25, 1864 Dixon, Abraham ...do... 30th U.S. C.T Mar. 4, 1865 Dixon, George ...do... 36th U.S. C.T Sept. 16, 1864 Dixon, Stephen ...do... 23dU.S.C.T Feb. 12, 1865 Doan, Franklin ...do... 11th Pennsylvania cavalry. Nov. 30, 1864 Doane, E.E ...do... 7th Connecticut infantry Dodson, R ...do... 23dU.S.C.T Jan. 8, 1865 Donald, Moses ...do... U.S. C.T July 4, 1864 Donelly, Arthur ...do... 170th New York infantry .. Nov. 27, 1864 Donham, J. P ...do... 81st New York infantry Aug. 7, 1864 Donnitt, John ...do... 158th New York infantry .. April 10, 1865 ...do... June 1864 Donohue, H 55th Pennsylvania infantry. , Donty, L ...do... 10th U.S. C.T Oct. 21,1864 Doran, T..- New York engineers .. Dorety, Michael 5th New Jersey infantry. .. June 18, 1864 Dorsan, G. F Dorse, 48th U.S. C.T... Sept. 2, 1864

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Dorsey, Fred Private . 19th U.S. C.T Jan. 14, 1865 26 A 2 Dorsey, N -- ...do... 4thU.S:C.T Oct 29, 1864 128 F 4 Dorsey, William ...do... 38th U.S. C.T Mar. 30, 1865 1 F 2 Doty, Frank ...do... 138th Ohio infantry 171 A 4 Doty, John ...do... 39th New Jersey infantry . . 97 K 2 Dougherty, John ...do... 8th Connecticut infantry . . . Aug. 15, 1864 128 D 4 Douglass, J ...do... 29th U.S. C.T Oct. 30, 1864 17 1) 3 Douly, WiUiam 48th Pennsylvania infantry. 3 (> 2 Dowd, Thomas 3 E 1 Doyen, H. L 1st D. C. cavalry Aug. 4, 1864 123 A 2 Doyier, WUliam 38th U. S.C.T Mar. 30, 1865 100 F 2 Doyle, James 169th New York infantry. .. July 1, 1864 138 D 4 Doyne, WUliam C 11th Pennsylvania cavalry . Jan. 1, 1864 116 F 1 Drake, Salmon 6th New York artillery Feb. 25, 1865 138 A 3

39th New York . .. Oct. 1864 101 D 2 Dubois, Joseph infantry ' 15, Dudley, Joseph 34th Massachusetts infantry April 4, 1865 2 A 4 Duff, A 43d U.S. C.T May 6, 1865 25 F 3 Duff, George 41st U.S. C.T. Jan. 1, 1865 159 F 2 Duff, Robert 1st Connecticut artillery .. April 2, 1865 146 O 2 Duffy, Joseph 1st Maryland infantry July 28, 1864 53 E 1 Duffy, William 157th New York infantry. . 63 E 1 Dugal, Edward 119th Pennsylvania infantry AprU 2, 1865 99 (3 2 Duggan, James 9th Vermont infantry. .. 154 A 1 Duglas, C 23dU.S.C.T Sept. 22, 1864 80 D 3 Dundardy, R. C 100th Pennsylvania infantry Aug. 19, 1864 139 B 1 Dungan, J. C 37th North Carolinainfantry Aug. 9, 1865 165 E 3 Dunham, H 7th Connecticut infantry. Feb. 18,1865 128 A 3 Dunham, Harvey 8th New York heavy art. 29 E 1 Dunham, T.J, 45th North Carolina infantry Mar. 26, 1865 103 E 3 Dunken, A 43d U.S. C.T Nov. 12, 1865 54 D 3 Dunn, Rease 37th U.S. C.T Oct. 23, 1864 175 F 4 Dutcher, G.W 76th Pennsylvania infantry. 3, 1864 134 A 2 Dutton, H 118th New York infantry .. 23, 1865 21 A 4 Duyer, John 9th Vermont infantry Feb. 1, 1865 142 A 4 Duyer, Michael 51st New York infantry July 24, 1864 112 (3 2 Dyer, T.J 25th Massachusetts infantry Sept. 18, 1864 6 A 4 Dwinell, R.E 17th Vermont infantry June 17, 1864 25 (3 2 Eames, Jacob 199th Pennsylvania infantry Nov. 13, 1864 112 A 4 B 3 Earle, G.H 36th Wisconsin infantry. . June 26, 1864 134 Earley, Solomon 4th New York heavy art. 8, 1865 157 B 4 Eastman, O, R 11th New Hampshire inf. 70 E 2

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a Date of death. .2

O 02 P

Eaton, Charles Private. . 5th New Hampshire infantry 171 E 2 Eaton, W.W ....do... 9th Maine intantry 32 A 3 Eaves, Jeny.- ....do... 118th U. S. C.T Jan. 8, 1865 172 F 2 Ebinier, H Lieutenant. 7th New York heavy art. April 10, 1865 173 R 4 Eder, L. C Private. 25th New York infantry. May 30, 1864 154 D 4 Edwards, G Sergeant. .- 58 F 1 Jirm Edwards, Private Quartermaster's dep't. . 27 T) 2 Edwards, John ....do 107th U. S.C.T Jan. 5, 1865 35 F 3 Edwards, John ....do.... 37th U. S.C.T 138 F 3 Edwards, Moses ....do.... 4th New Hampshire intantry July 6, 1864 44 D 4 Edwards, Patrick. . Corporal.. 15th New York heavy art June 26, 1864 124 1) 1 Edwards, S 8th Ohio infantry 62 E 1 EgUn, R.B Private . . 23d U.S. C.T 161 D 3 Elderkin, D.M...... do.... 111 D 1 Eldred, C.W 17th Vermont infantry 12 E 1 Eldridge, A.C 50th New York engineers. . Aug. 12, 1864 72 A 2 J Eldridge, 100th New York infantry . . Feb. 19, 1865 155 A 4 E. Elheny, Mq 93d Pennsylvania infantry. . June 19, 1864 120 E 1 Elkins, WUliam H. 20th New York infantry Jan. 16, 1865 20 g 3 Elley, Henry H 206th Pennsylvania infantry Nov. 23, 1864 38 A 1 Elliott, Henry 9th Maine infantry Dec. 28, 1864 89 A 3 Elliott, S.T 13th New Hampshire inf. . July 1, 1864 38 .1) 1 Ellis, Geo 17th 101 B 4 Ellis, Thomas 17th Virginia infantry April 27, 1865 154 E 3 EUis,Wyatt 108th U.S. C.T 123 F 3 Elmer, WUliam 117th U.S. C.T 70 F 3 Els, Emil 61st New York infantry Oct. 17, 1864 84 A 2 Els, Enril 61st New York infantry Oct. 17, 1864 56 E 2 Elsington, D. R 1st North Carolina infantry . July 30, 1864 95 E 3 Emanuel, Victor 6th New Hampshire infantry July 6, 1864 115 E 2 Emerson, L 119th Pennsylvania infantry | Oct. 30, 1864 150 F 1

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Emery, Edward I Private 41st U.S. C.T Mar 4, 1865 Emmons, George M do 1st New York engineers. . . Mar. 1, 1865 Emstreet,A.P do 146th New York infantry . June 18, 1864 Enes, Lewis do 30th U.S. C.T Frank do 4th U.S. C.T Engler, 1864 English, Seth do 4th Michigan infantry June 21, Chas do 35th New York infantry .. July 1, 1864 Engste , Entwistle, Ralph do 2d Miohigan M. R June 21, 1864 1865 Erhart, J do 119th Pennsylvania infantry April 24, A do 2d Pennsylvania heavy art. June 22, 1865 Erlins, 1865 Ernet, Henry do 1st Maryland cavalry Feb. 19, Erwin,H do 20th Indiana infantry June 26, 1864 Estey, H.P do 4th New Hampshire infantry Jan. 24, 1865 Eten, Francis do 67th Ohio infantry Etherge, Jerome do 10th New York artillery- . July 13, 1864 1864 Etheridge, J do 10th New York heavy art. July 13, Evans, Andrew do 28th U.S. C.T Evans, Charles H do 28th Connecticut infantry. Evans, Joseph do 28th U.S. C.T 1865 Everage, John do 38th U.S. C.T AprU 2, Everet, J. B do Everhart, Jeremiah do 19th New Y'ork batt 1865 Evern, John do 5th Maryland infantry Feb. 1, Eves, Wilson do 118th U.S. C.T Feb. 15, 1865 Ewell, R.N do 3d New York heavy art. . . Oct. 23, 1864 Ewers, J.E do 142d Ohio infantry Aug. 3, 1864 1864 F Ik, J do 7th Maryland infantry June 23, . 1?65 Fairweather, H do 19th Wisconsin infantry. Feb. 8, 1864 Fallamsbe, W do 11th New Hampshire inf. June 27, Fammings, T do 37th New Jersey infantry James do 4th Rhode Island infantry.. July 26, 1864 Farley, 1865 Farley, Samuel do 28th U.S. C.T Jan. 1, FarraU, P do 25th Massachusetts infantry Farrell, James do 29th U.S. C.T 1864 Farren, F do 7th New Hampshire infantry Oct. 13, O ..-do. 27th U.S. C.T Farthing, 1864 Fawkes, Isaac Lieutenant 97th Pennsylvania infantry May 20, . 1864 Feagles, G. A Private 148th New York infantry. June 18, .. 1864 Febis, Autwine do 118th New York infantry. July 9, Feeley, James do 4th Massachusetts cavaliy Jan. 19,1865 . 1864 Ferris, Captain ... Wisconsin infantry July ,

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Ferris, E. B 118th New York infantry. . July 5, 1864 Fesler, H Private. . 109th U.S. C.T April 29; 1865 Fibbett, Wm. H ....do... 31st Maine infantry Jan. 14, 1865 168 Fields, C ...do... 5th U.S. C.T 71 Fields, Henry ...do... 109th U.S. C.T Dec. 9, 1865 158 Fields, J Aug. 27, 1864 66 Fields, J 107th U.S. C.T Jan. 16, 1865 77 Fields, Robert 118th U.S. C.T Mar. 23, 1865 154 FUlman, Judah 155th Pennsylvania Inf. . . . 86 Filton, H 37th U.S. C.T Jan. 31, 1865 122 Finch, Samuel A New York infantry. - Aug. 15, 1864 119 Finegan, Daniel 55th Pennsylvania inf. Oct. 6. 1864 31 Finke, T 39th U.S. C.T Nov. 13, 1864 20 Finnman, B 9th U.S. C.T 11

Finnel, 11th South Carolina inf. . . 21 Fish, Henry 2d New York heavy art. .. June 18, 1864 96 Fish, Oscar P 179th New York inf. July 2, 1864 8 Fisher, A United States S 67 Fisher, M 7th West Virginia inf April 28, 1865 40 Fismire, Wm 16th New York heavy art. Nov. 29, 1864 127 N Fissler, .do. 107th Pennsylvania inf. ... Dec. 19, 1864 64 Fitehett, Andrew 10th U.S. C.T Feb. 14, 1865 147 Fitzgerald, J Serg't Major. 11th Connecticut inf Jan. 19, 1864 54 Fitzpatrick, B Private 81st Pennsylvania inf Aug. 1, 1864 118 Fitzpatrick, Samuel ...do Jlth Connecticut inf .- Mar. 10, 1865 68 Fitzsimons, P ...do 4th New York heavy art. . 98 Flanders, S .do. 9th Vermont infantry Mar. 5, 1865 15 Flanery, John Band. 10th United States inf. April 15, 1865 170 Flanigan, M Private . 36th U.S. C.T Jan. 22, 1865 179 Fleming, John ...do... 11th New York infanty . . . June 16, 1864 117 Floyd, Henry ...do... 7th New York infantry Oct. 20, 1864 151

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Floyd, Thomas Private. . 10th U.S. C.T April 28, 1865 76 D 2 115th inf. June 1864 6 B 4 Flynn, D , ...do... Pennsylvania 25, Fogeman, M ...do... 203d Pennsylvania inf Jan. 15, 1865 45 A 4 Foley, Thomas ...do.. 6th Ohio cavalry July 24, 1864 110 E 4 Folks, Salmon ...do.. 9th U.S. C.T Feb. 22, 1865 42 F 2 Folley, WUliam ...do.. 51st New York infantry Aug. 1,1864 136 C 2 Fook, Truman ...do.. 1st Connecticut heavy art.. Sept. 19, 1864 96 E 4 Foot, Simeon S ...do.. 208th Pennsylvania inf. April 2, 1865 27 (3 2 Foote, Herman ...do:. 1st Pennsylvania inf Mar. 25, 1865 136 C 4 Ford, H 76th Pennsylvania inf. July 7, 1864 30 1) 4 Foresman, F ...do... 30th U.S. C.T July 2, 1864 120 T) 3 Forfe, Jacob ...do... 1st Connecticut heavy art.. Mar. 15, 1865 130 E 4 Forth, John ...do... 7th Wisconsin infantry July 30, 1864 88 K 1 Fortune, Robert ...do... 98th New York infantry Jan. 9, 1865 176 A 3 Foster, 2dNewYorkM.R June 18, 1864 110 C 2 Foster, A ...do... 142d New York inf. Dec. 23, 1864 36 A 3 Foster, Daniel ...do... 2d Pennsylvania heavy art. April 6, 1865 99 A 4 Foster, E. D ...do... 11th Maine infantry 71 E 2 Foster, J. R ...do... 80 E 1 Foster, 0 ...do... 1st New York dragoons May 5, 1865 84 A 3 Foster, T. M ...do... 58th Pennsylvania inf. July 14, 1864 75 D 4 Foulk, Benjamin ...do... 22dU.S.C.T 15 8 4 Fowler, Wm ...do... 29th Connecticut C. T Oct. 13, 1864 138 F 4 3 Fowler, W. P , do.... 58th Pennsylvania inf. 88 A Fox, John ...do.... 3d Pennsylvania artillery .. Jan. 14, 1865 163 A 3 Fox, John ...do.... 158th New York infantry . . Jan. 24, 1865 59 A 4 Fox,L ...do.... 122dU.S.C.T April 26, 1865 71 F 3 Frayor, John ...do.... 21st North Carolina inf Mar. 31, 1865 114 E 3 Frances, John ...do.... 43d U.S. C.T Jan. 4, 1865 107 F 4 Francis, Charles .--do.... 16th New York heavy art. . Nov. 2, 1864 40 A, 1 Francis, S ...do.... 31st U.S. C.T Oct. 27, 1864 15 D 3 Frank, H ....do.... 43d U.S. C.T Nov. 26, 1864 70 1) 3 Franklin, P ....do.... 116th U.S. C.T Jan. 19, 1865 20 F 3 Frasier, C ....do.--. 39th U.S. C.T , Jan. 28, 1865 72 1<' 3 Frask, W. P .-.do.... 11th Maine infantry 11 A 3 Fraville, J ...do.... Hamp. Legion May 13, 1865 140 E 3 Freeman, John Sergeant. . 45th U.S. C.T Oct. 30, 1864 179 F 4 Freeman, Julias Private. .. 31st U.S. C.T 120 D 2 French, Johu ....do.... 116th New York inf. 29 A 1 Frenwith, Robert Corporal.. 118th Pennsylvania inf. Aug. 12, 1864 151 D 1

. F S Freny, Geo Private. . 22dU.S.C.T 125

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> bb a Regiment. Date of death. a

o Sz; 02 P

865 Frost. G. W. H. . . Private. . - - 1st D. C. cavalry , Sept. 6, 1864 82 A 3 866 Frost, William ....do 19th Wisconsin infantry . . Jan. 19, 1865 97 A 1 867 Frothingham, G. -. ....do 1st Massachusetts artillery June 24, 1864 4 B 3 868 Fry, Christopher- . ....do 35 C 2 869 Fry, FrankUn do 200th Pennsylvania inf. . Nov; 17, 1864 112 F 1 870 Fry, H do 1st New YorkM.R June 2, 1864 34 (3 2 871 Fry, J. C ....do...... 23d U. S. C. T Aug. 13, 1864 173 D A 872 .Fuller,Y ...do 19th U.S. C.T July 13, 1864 111 D 2 873 Fnrgerson, John- . 8th North Carolina inf. . Oct. 1, 1864 169 F 3 874 Furgurson, J. H- . ..do 4th South Carolina eaV. Aug. 1, 1864 75 R 3 675 Fuze, James ..do 45th U.S. C.T Mar. 19, 1865 105 F 3 ..do 125 F 1 876 G^ , J.C 99 I 877 G , L.E...... do United States S A Gabert, Herbert. - - New York infantry . June 18, 1864 114 D 1 Gabriel, James. ....do 127th U.S. C.T Mar. 19, 1865 17 A 2 Gage,H.C Lieutenant. 31st Maine infantry 107 B 4 Games, C.W Private 95th Pennsylvania inf. 47 !) 4 Gale, Lewis ...do 118th U.S. C.T Jan. 22, 1865 37 V 2 Galey, Simon...... do 7th Maryland infantry Aug. 19, 1864 86 E 1 Galiger, Anthony . ...do 48th Pennsylvania inf. June 17, 1864 150 e 2 Gallaway, Elisha. . Lieutenant. 36th Wisconsin infantry. . 73 B 4 Gamble, S. S Private 206th Pennsylvania inf. .. 55 A 1 Gamer, Stephen ...do...... 43dU.S.C.T...... Jan. 28, 1865 41 F 2

. Gangtoff, Charles - ...do 6th Connecticut infantry 21 A 1 Gardner, James ....do 38th U.S. C.T Dec. 11, 1864 6(5 F 4 Gardner, J ...do 15th South Carolina inf. . July 31, 1864 166 F. 3 891 Garett, John ...do 23d U.S. C.T 96 D 2 892 Garling, Melch 66th New York infantry. . Oct 25, 1864 24 E 1 893 Garman, Henry ...do 11th New Hampshire inf. 16 a 2 894 Garner, H ...do 31st U.S. C.T Feb. "2,"i865" 62 F 3 Garnett, Corporal - . 97th New York infantry. . 49 E 3 For current National & State Veterans Burial records, please visit... http://www.interment.net/us/nat/veterans.htm Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County • Historic Monographs Collection

Garrison, F Colored teamster Jan. 27, 1865 78 F 3 Garrott, W Private 23d U.S. C.T Doc. 10, 1864 172 D 2 Garrow, Geo .-. ...do 98th New York infantry. . . Aug. 30, 1864 116 A 3 Gathain, B ...do 10th New York heavy art. April 2, 1865 98 A 1 Gauss, Denny ...do 6th U. S.C.T 77 F 3 Gay, Fred ...do 118thU.S.C.T DeV." 21,"i864" 100 F 4 Gesalter, T ...do 43d U.S. C.T Sept. 22, 1864 93 D 3 Gibes, T ...do 23dU.S.C.T 112 D 2 Gibson, Charles Corporal. - 1st D. C. cavalry Sept." 'l6",'i864" 36 A 4 Gibson, Clark Private 19th Wisconsin infantry. . . Feb. 8, 1865 125 A 1 Gifford,D ...do 8th Connecticut infantry- . 72 E 4 Gilbert, Henry ...do 115th U. S.C.T Mar. 3, 1865 49 F 4 Gilbough,N 5th U.S. C.T Dee. 9, 1864 48 F 4 Gilding, H 25th Massachusetts inf 173 A 2 Giles, T 39th U.S. C.T Aug. 13, 1864 179 D 3 GiUie, F New York M. R 6 E 2 Gill, A. C 32d Massachusetts inf. 63 E 2 Gilland, Wm 27th U.S. C.T Dec. 29, 1864 111 F 4 Gillen, M'l 32d Maine infantry 100 E 2 GiUispie, Wm 5th Maryland infantry Jan. 9, 1865 40 A 3 Gilmartin, Michael 7th New York artillery ... 177 A 4 Ginnes, Samuel 122dU.S.C.T Mar. 24, 1865 141 F 3 Gittle, J,B ...do 118th Pennsylvania inf. . . . July 23, 1864 149 1) 4 Gizzle,P Lieutenant. 4th Texas infantry Oct. 17, 1864 22 A 2 Glancy, J Private 2d Pennsylvania cavalry- . Julv 14, 1864 80 E 4 Gleason, Jesse D ....do 36th Massachusetts inf July 25, 1864 73 (3 2 Glenard, Wm. E ....do 115th New York inf. 115 D 4 Glover, Wm. ....do 16th New York heavy art. Mar. 31, 1865 127 A 4 Goders, J. D ....do 18th Pennsylvania cav Aug. 9, 1864 107 E 4 Godfrey, S ....do 179th New York infantry. . 150 E 4 Golding, Charles ....do 6thU.S.C.T July 14, 1864 139 1) 3 Goldsbore, Charles ....do 28th U.S. C.T Feb. 23, 1865 31 D 3 Gomeray, Geo. Y ....do.:... 186th New York inf 57 (3 2 Gons, A ....do 4th Pennsylvania cav April 5, 1865 157 A 1 Goodman, D ....do 8th Maryland infantry 79 D 4 Goodrich, CO ....do 12th Virginia infantry Nov. 22, 1864 125 E 3 1 Goodwin, D ....do 4th New Hampshire inf. . . June 25, 1864 89 E Goodwoods, G ....do 21st Georgia infantry April 6, 1865 158 E 3 Goody, Geo. A ..-.do 11th Maine infantry 7 A 1 1 Gordon, G. W ....do 6th New York heavy art. . June 19. 1864 138 E Gorham, Wallace ....do 118th New York inf July 12, 1864 106 D 4

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Goss, Charles Captain. 21st Maine infantry June 17, 1864 172 Gongh, John Private. . 38thU.S.C.T Oct. 7, 1864 126 Gough, Thomas ....do... 38thU.S.C.T Oct. 13, 1864 98 Gould, Henry 16th New York heavy art. Mar. 31, 1865 37 Goull,G 28th U.S. C.T Nov. 25, 1864 179 Gozney, Edward.. 39th U.S. C.T 113 Graff, Samuel ....do 76th Pennsylvania inf. Oct. 10, 1864 162 Grant, Asa ....do 13th Ohio infantry July 22, 1864 93 Grany, N. W Serg't Maj . 93d New York inf- June 16, 1864 72 Grasstare, C Private Pennsylvania inf. .. . 102 Grause, J. B ....do 167th Pennsylvania inf. ... April 2, 1865 106 Graves, Chas. H...... do.... 51st New York inf. 79 Graves, T ....do.... 27th Michigan inf July 11, 1864 103 Gray, James ....do.... 4th U.S. C.T June 18, 1864 Gray, Joshua B .'...do.-., 11th New Hampshire inf. - June 16, 1864 Greamsh, Patrick.. ...do.... 35th Massachusetts inf July 30, 1864 Greeley, D ....do.... 102d Pennsylvania inf June 19, 1864 39 Green, Albert Corporal . 125th New York inf. June 17, 1864 87 Green, Bill Private. .. 107th U.S. C.T Feb. 1, 1865 52 Green, G ...do.... 43d U.S. C.T July 26, 1864 58 Green, Geo ...do.... 22dU.S.C.T Oct. 19, 1864 119 Green, John ...do.... 115th U.S. C.T Feb. 13, 1865 167 Green, John ...do.... 28thU.S.C.T July 2, 1864 116 Green, Joseph ...do.... 109thU.S.C.T Jan. 9, 1865 153 Green, J.F ...do.... 10th New York artillery . . 178 Green, J. K ...do.... 11th Maine infantry AprU 24, 1865 170 Green, M ...do.... 9th Maine infantry Feb. 5, 1865 121 Green, Obial ...do.... 6th New Hampshire art- . . 77 Green, Solomon ...do.... 4th United StateB inf. Sept. 19, 1864 172 Green, William ...do.... 104th New York inf July 18, 1864 156 Greenleaf, Geo. W. ...do.... 4th New Hampshire inf May 23, 1864 146

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Gregory, A Private... 207th Pennsylvania inf. Dec. 26, 1864 150 A 4 Greyson, D ...do.... 45th U.S. C.T Dec. 25, 1864 69 F 3 Griflen, John ...do.... 44th Alabama infantry Oct. 14, 1864 52 A 2 Griffin, J ...do.... 116th U.S. C.T Dec. 16, 1865 16 F 3 Griffin, JuUen ...do.... 1st Connecticut heavy art.. Aug. 17, 1864 177 E 4 Griffin, Wm ...do.... 67th Ohio infantry April 4, 1865 164 A 2 Griswold, Preston ...do.... 62 E 2 Gross, Green 117th U.S. C.T Mar. 2, 1865 47 F 4 Gross, N --- ...do.... 9th U.S. C.T Mar. 6, 1865 34 A 2 Groves, J ...do.... 9th Maine infantry Jan. 31, 1865 128 A 4 Gunner, John ...do.... 30th U.S. C.T Jan. 8, 1865 38 F 3 Guyld, A ...do.... 100th New York inf Dec. 28, 1864 156 A o Hack, Joseph ...do.... 10th U.S. C.T Feb. 3, 1865 145 D 2 Hackett, P ...do.... 39thU.S.C.T April 21, 1864 67 I) 3 Hadden, S. T Sergeant . 105th Pennsylvania inf. 84 E 1 Hadon, Chas. E Private. .. United States S Sept. 8, 1864 152 A 1 Hagan, James ...do.... 76th Pennsylvania inf. 70 1) 4 Hain, Samuel ...do..-. 98th New York inf 171 1) 4 Haines, Henry ...do.... 58th Pennsylvania inf. Jan. 24, 1865 118 A 2 Hammond, Barlett ...do.... 207th Pennsylvania inf. April 2, 1865 119 (3 2 Hale, James O Sergeant . 4th New Jersey batt May 20, 1864 53 F 1 HaUday, George E Private. . . 39th New Jersey inf 85 E 2 Hall, ...do.... 6th Wisconsin inf. 146 E 1 HaU, A ...do.... lBtU.S.C.T Dec. 2, 1864 63 F 4 HaU, A 22dU.S.C.T..' Dec. 10, 1864 35 F 4 HaU, Benjamin 107th U.S. C.T 57 F 3 Hall, Chas 31st New Hampshire inf. . . Jan. 2, 1865 60 F 1 HaU, EU W 148th Ohio infantry 34 A 1 Hall, H. D 3d New Hampshire inf. 62 F 1 James 148th Ohio June HaU, infantry ' 25, 1864 129 V 1 Hall, James 8th U.S. C.T 126 F 4 Hall, John H 28th U.S. C.T Feb. 19, 1864 143 I) 2 Hall, T 63d New York inf July 27, 1864 54 B 4 Hall,Z 38th Virginia inf Mar. 19, 1865 109 E 3 Hallett, B 2d U.S. C.T Sept. 4, 1864 12 F 2 Halman, A 9th Vermont inf. Dec. 3, 1864 65 F 1 Halman, J. H - 117th U.S. C.T April 6, 1865 119 F 2 Halse, P 49th U.S. C.T July 12, 1864 160 D 2 Halsinger, Wm 155th Pennsylvania inf. June 18, 1864 147 D 1 Halsner, John 15th New York heavy art.. July 24, 1864 81 A 3 Halso, George 10th U.S. C.T Sept. 9, 1864 83 D 2

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1009 Hamelton, John Private. 5th New Jersey batt Sept. 13, 1864 172 1010 Hamilton, J ...do... 11th Maine infantry. . ; Mar. 12, 1865 124 1011 Hamilton, J ...do... 8th Maine infantry Mar. 31, 1865 114 1012 HamUton, J ...do... 16th New York heavy art. Jan. 22, 1865 95 1013 Hamilton, L. W ...do... 39th Illinois infantry May 20, 1864 47 1014 Hamlin, A 20 1015 Hamm, John 5th Maryland infantry Dec. 16, 1864 122 1016 J Hammer, 209th Pennsylvania inf. . . . April 2, 1865 102 1017 Hamming, Pleasant. 36th U. S. C. T Mar. 30, 1865 169 1018 Hammond, C 117th U. S. C.T Feb. 21, 1865 15 1019 Hammond, M 29th Connecticut inf. Dec. 18, 1864 15 1020 Hamon, R 1st U.S. C.T 59 1021 Hanbit, J. F 45th Pennsylvania inf. July 9, 1864 76 1022 Hand, Henry 19th U. S. C.T Feb. 13, 1865 68 1023 Hand, J 19th U. S. C. T Aug. 13, 1864 127 1024 J Hanford, 6th New Y'ork heavy art. . Mar. 20, 1865 147 1025 Hankly, Jordan 107th U.S. C. T Jan. 16, 1865 77 1026 Hannah, D 102d Pennsylvania inf June 18, 1864 15 1027 Hanno, George 9th New Jersey infantry. . July 21, 1864 2 1028 E Hanson, 11th Connecticut infantry. . Mar. 16, 1865 137 1029 Hanson, Jacob 67th Ohio infantry 38 1030 Hopel, A 46th Virginia infantry July 2, 1864 129 1031 Hopling, J. B 10th New York heavy art. 4 1032 Harald, J United States soldier Feb".' 5/1865" 149 1033 Harden, Whatt 101 1034 Harding, D 67th Pennsylvania inf. July 6, 1864 91 1035 Harga, Jason 117th U. S.C.T June 28, 1864 18 1036 Hargood, George 48th Pennsylvania inf Aug. 15, 1864 79 1037 Harlan, H 4th Pennsylvania cavalry. Oct. 2, 1864 48

1038 . . Harland, Jefferson- 81st New York infantry. . . 113 1039 Harman, J. T 43d U. S. C.T 140

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Harmon, G Private. 11th Maine infantry Feb. 4, 1865 1 A 3

G ...do.. . Harning, 207th Pennsylvania inf. . . April 2, 1865 85 (3 2 Harnish, W ...do.... United States S ... . 73 A 1 Harnret, W. O ...do.... 1st Virginia infantry April 5, 1865 93 E 3 Harp, N ...do.... 22d Massachusetts inf. July 2, 1864 177 F, 2

A . . Harrington, ...do.... 117th Pennsylvania inf. . July 17, 1864 73 D 4 Harris, George ...do.... 5th U.S. C. T Jan. 29, 1865 61 V 3 Harris, Jesse ...do.... lOtli New York heavy art . April 2, 1865 41 A 3 Harris, R ...do.... 2d Now York M.R 21, 1864 25 B 4 Harris, S ...do.... 27th U. S.C.T 28, 1864 82 D 3 Harris, S. B ...do.... 59th Massachusetts inf June 23, 1864 46 E 3 Harris, W.H ...do.... 45th U. S. C.T Mar. 25, 1865 64 F 2 Harris, WUliam J Sergeant - 39th Illinois infantry May 20, 1864 47 A 1 Harrison, A Private. . . 43d U. S. C.T Nov. 23, 1864 103 D 3 Harrison, A. H ...do.... 121st Pennsylvania inf June 18, 1864 144 1) 1 Harrison, J ...do.... 8th U.S. C.T Jan. 7, 1865 37 F 4 Harrison, J. W 43d U. S. C.T Oct. 20, 1864 65 D 3 Hart, David 11th Pennsylvania cav Feb. 13, 1865 44 A 1 Harvey, Chester F. .. 50th New York engineers. Oct. 27, 1864 161 (3 3 Harvey, Jesse 76th Pennsylvania inf July 8, 1864 119 D 4 Harvy, Henry United States soldier Sept. 7, 1864 11 A 3 Haselton, C 14th New York heavy art. July 30, 1864 115 B 1 Hass, Gidson 5th New York cavalry Jan. 21, 1865 79 F 1 Hastings, J. C June 18, 1864 37 (3 2 Hathaway, A 85th Pennsylvania inf 62 A 1 Hathaway, A 109th U. S. C. T Mar. 8, 1865 4 F 2 Hathaway, Adolphus. 85th Pennsylvania inf. 4 A 1 Hauff, PaulC 50th New York engineers . Aug. 2, 1864 19 O 3 Hawes, J 118th U. S. C.T Jan. 28, 1865 166 F 2 Hawes, LeRoy 34th Massachusetts inf April 3, 1865 14 A. 4 Hawkenberry, S 11th Pennsylvania cav Feb. 13, 1865 44 A 1 Hawker, A 116th U.S. C.T Jan. 13, 1865 88 F 4 Hawkins, J 19th U. S.C.T Mar. 14, 1865 1 A 2 Hawkins, J. T 19th U. S.C.T Oct. 15, 1864 100 D 3 Hawkins, W 11th West Virginia inf. . . . May 23, 1864 147 F 1 Hayden, H 43dU. S. C.T Nov. 28, 1864 22 D 3 Hayes, Alexander. 40th Massachusetts inf Aug. 31, 1864 71 A 4 Hayes, Nat 22d Massachusetts S. S .. . 123 E 2 Hayes, WUUam 1st U.S. C.T Nov. 9, 1864 136 F 3 Hayes, WUliam 107th U. S.C.T Feb. 4, 1865 49 F 3 Heal, W. E 8th Maine infantry Nov. 6, 1864 154 A 4

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Date of death.

Healey, Daniel Private. . 2d Pennsylvania heavy art Feb. 15, 1868 161 Heath, James ....do... IstU. S.S.S June 18, 1864 92 Heath, John ....do... 2d U.S. C.T Oct. 24, 1864 129 Heburn, C ....do... 13th Ohio infantry July 19, 1864 15 Heine, J ....do... 19th Wisconsin infantry 152 Heise, C ....do... 45th Pennsylvania inf. Jan. 31. 1865 29 Heintze, Charles T.. ...do... 15th New York heavy art.. July 25,1864 139 Heintze, Frederick- . ...do... 97th Pennsylvania inf. 128 HeUishhom, Peter. . ...do... 48 Hemer, John ...do... 1st Connecticut heavy art.. July 24, 1865 124 Henderson, S ...do... 116th U. S. C.T Nov. 14, 1864 170 Hendrick, D ...do... 186th Pennsylvania inf. Oct. 4, 1864 58 Hendy, Charles ...do... 37th U.S. C.T 102 Henmon, H 19th U. S. C. T Henry, J 127th U. S.C.T Jan. 11, 1865 Henry, J 199th Pennsylvania inf. Feb. 4, 1865 Henry, John 4th Rhode Island infantry. . July 28, 1864

Robert 1 12th New York .. . 144 Henry, infantry June , 1864 Henry, Thomas 6th U.S. C. T Jan. 21, 1865 19 Henry, WUliam 209th Pennsylvania inf. Feb. 12,1865 71 Hense, Peter 16th Michigan infantry April 15, 1865 104 Henson, Nat 39th U. S. C. T 94 Herbut, Eli 12th West Virginia inf. Mar.'""s","i865' 20 Hersh, J 4th United States inf. May 10, 1865 144 Hertgog, W. E 39th Illinois inf June 18, 1864 95 Hevener, Charles E. 117th New York infantry. . . Oct. 25, 1864 Hewes, E. B . - 40th Massachusetts May 16, 18S4 35 Hewzman, S 10th Virginia infantry Feb. 7, 1865 174 Hicks, A 22dU. S.C.T :.... Jan. 29, 1865 160 Hicks, Y 14th U. S.C.T July 23, 1864 155 Higgins, Henry 7th U.S. C.T Aug. 31, 1864 73

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Hill, 148th Ohio infantry July .19, 1864 Hill, Charles Private. 4th New Hampshire inf Hill, Cornelius Sergeant . . 148th Ohio infantry July 19, 1864 Hill, G. W Private 9th Maine infantry Feb. 5, 1865 Hill, J ....do 27th U. S. C.*F Nov. 24, 1864 HiU, John ....do 205th Pennsylvania inf. April 2, 1865 Hill, John .-..do 30th U. S.C.T Jan. 13, 1864 Hill,W ....do 38th Wisconsin infantry Sept. 17, 1864 HUls, Wilson .--.do 21st Connecticut infantry. . . Sept. 3, 1864 Hilton, J. E ...-do 31st Maine infantry April 2, 1865 Hinkley, Leonard B . . ..-.do United States S Hinton, E ....do 13th New Hampshire inf. .- May 18, 1864 Hinton, William. ..-. ....do 37th U. S. C. T..- Nov. 21, 1864 Hires, William do 14th. U-.-C. T.../. July 27, 1864 Hitchcock, M. R ....do 116th Ohio infantry April 22, 1865 Hitchen, T. H .do.. 107th Pennsylvania inf Hite, Scott .do.. 188th Pennsylvania inf . April 12, 1865 Hoagdom, William L. .do.. 83d Pennsylvania inf June 21, 1864 Hoaghen, John .do.. 115th New York infantry. . . Hocom, M -do.. 96th New York infantry July 7, 1864 Hodgdon, E. F .do.. 3d New Hampshire inf Hodges, H. G .do.. 142d Ohio infantry July 25, 1864 Hodges, William .do.. 32d flunois infantry Mar. 4, 1865 Hoffman, B .do.. 4th New Hampshire inf Hoffman, George .do.. 15th Virginia infantry Jan. 22, 1864 Hoffman, H .do.. 67th Ohio infantry Oct. 27, 1864 Hoge, G .do.. 25th New York infantry Hogeman, Charles .do.. 6th New York heavy art. . . June 22, 1864 Hoke, L.M -do.. 27th U. S. C. T July 4, 1864 Holders, John .do. 2d Pennsylvania heavy art. Feb. 7, 1865 Holland, A .do.. 31st U. S. C.T Oct. 9, 1864 Holland, John .do. 1st Maryland infantry Jan. 17, 1865 HoUand, WUliam .do- 79th New York infantry Sept. 2, 1864 Hollaway, C -do. 118th U.S.C. T Jan. 12, 1865 Holler, James .do. 21st Pennsylvania cavalry . . June 20, 1864 Holliday, John .do. 43d New York infantry 2, 1864 HolUn, John .do. 30th U. S. C.T HoUinger, J. A .do. 21st New York cavalry - July 29, 1864 Holt, Conway .do. 38th U. S. C.T Holt, John .do. 99th Pennsylvania inf. Honk, Michael .do. 1st Connecticut heavy art.. Mar. 15, 1864

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Date of death.

Honson, E Private 19th U. S.C.T Aug. 1864 125 Hony, A. H Lieutenant. . 100th New York inf. May 1864 52 Hood, James Private 91st Pennsylvania inf June 1864 147 Hood,S.R ....do 211th Pennsylvania inf. . . . 148 Hooder, C ....do 67th Ohio infantry Mar. 1865 142 Hoot, C. R ....do 81st Pennsylvania inf April 1865 48 Hope, John ...do 36th U. S. C.T Dec. 1864 110 Hopkins, James ....do 12th U. S. C. T Mar. 1864 162 Hopkins, Thomas ....do 39th Illinois infantry May 1864 59 Hopp, Christian ...do 6th Wisconsin infantiy June 1864 103 Horn, Martin ....do 2d Pennsylvania artillery - Nov. 1864 74 Horner, WiUiam ...do 155th Pennsylvania inf. June 1864 175 Horton, Charles ...do B 25th Massachusetts inf May 1864 13 'Hotock, William ...do I 23d Massachusetts inf. July 1864 116 HonghtUng, J ...do B 24th New York cavalry. .. July 1864 69 . . . 40 Houghton, S -- I 51st New York infantry July 1864 Private. Vermont June 1864 64 Houston, J -B-r^th"_"^ infantry Howard, Charles ...do... C. 10"ftrt>nwfieticut inf. Jan. 1865 79 ^m. . ...do... H 41st U. sTcIttt^, Feb. 1865 6 .HowardJtsaa^ _. r Howard, J -- ....do... G 8th Maine infantry 1864 163 Howard, John M ...do... Richmond, Virginia Jan. 28^tS64_ 173 Howard, P 1st Vermont heavy art June 1864 Howe, New York cavalry June 1864 118 Howe, Ozra B 62d Ohio infantry April 1865 12 HoweU, Samuel 7th South Carohna inf Nov. 1864 20 Howes, Samuel 50th New York engineers . Dec. 1864 132 Hoyer, C 48th Pennsylvania inf. Aug. 1864 58 Hoyt, George 10th U. S.C.T July 1864 138 Hoyt, H 6th New York heavy art. . Feb. 1865 66 Hubbard, George 28th U. S.C.T Mar. 1865 73 Hubbard, R. W 32d Maine infantry 1

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Huchins, William Private. . 9th Maine infantry 13 D 4 Hughes, E ...do... 6th U.S. C.T Oct. 12, 1865 31 F 3 Hughes, Grefinin ...do... 3d Pennsylvania artillery.. 120 A 4 Hughes, Isaac ...do... 39th U. S.C.T 130 D 2 Hughes, O. H ...do... 117th U. S. C. T Feb. 3, 1865 32 F 3 Hulbert, John 1st New York M. R Jan. 25, 1865 146 A 3 Humphrey, T 39th Illinois infantry May 20, 1864 117 F 1 Humphrey, W. C 184th Pennsylvania inf. Aug. 6, 1864 40 E 1 Humprey, F 22d IT. S.C.T 1 .1) 3 Hunt, J 28th U. S.C.T Aug. 13, 1864 161 J) 2 Hunt, Phillip 142d Ohio infantry 111 A. 1 Hunter, John 31st Michigan infantry 166 E 2 Hunter, O- 103d Ohio infantry 57 F 1 Hunting, J. C 10th New York heavy art.. 62 D 4 Huntington, L 142d New York infantry. . . Dec. 23, 1864 144 A 3 Huntley, James F 1st Connecticut heavy art.. Aug. 4, 1864 47 E 4 Hurd, J 51st Pennsylvania inf. June 25, 1864 48 B 4 Hurley, John 139th New York infantry. .. Jan. 22, 1865 153 A 1. Hutehings, G. H 21st Connecticut infantry. .. July 1, 1864 '1 D 4 Hutchinson, A 11th New Hampshire inf. . . June 28, 1864 56 (3 2 Hutt, A. J 203d Pennsylvania inf. Feb. 11, 1865 177 A 2 Huttenhouse, J 104th Pennsylvania inf. 176 E 2 Huxley, Charles 50th New York engineers . . July 18, 1864 136 C 3 Hyatt, Washington 142d Ohio infantry 143 A 2 Hyatt, WilUam 30th U. S. C. T 105 1) 2 Hyde, WiUiam 2d Pennsylvania artillery.. Dec. 14, ] 86 A 4 Hyman, B. F 11th West Virginia inf. 147 A 1 Ingalls, Walter U. S. steamer '* Pequot" July 6, 1864 25 F 1 Ingram, T 114th U.S. C.T Mar. 14, 1865 93 F 2 Ives, Albert 187th Pennsylvania infantry June 18, 1864 153 D 1 J Ernst H 51st York , New infantry. Oct. 19, 1864 34 E 2 Jackson, A 30th U.S. C.T Oct. 25, 1864 14 I) 3 Jackson, A 30th U.S. C.T Nov. 8, 1864 94 D 3 Alfred 4th New 1864 78 I) 1 Jackson, Hampshire infantry' Sept. 4, Jackson, Daniel 5thU.S.C.T July 21, 1864 119 D 3 Jackson, Fred 29th U.S. C.T Mar. 3, 1865 103 F 4 Jackson, G. W 15th Virginia infantry. . Mar. 14, 1865 177 F 3 Jackson, George 23d U.S. C.T Nov. 30, 1864 32 1) 3 Jackson, H 30th U.S. C.T Sept. 26, 1864 154 D 3 Jackson, J U.S. C.T Nov. 10, 1864 54 1' 4 Jackson, J. H 39th U.S. C.T Dec. 2,1864 86 D 3

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Regiment Date of death.

Jackson, James Private. 10th U. S.C.T.... Aug. 22, 1864 9 Jackson, P. A ....do... 31st U.S. C.T... . Nov. 19, 1864 166 Jackson, R 21st U.S. C.T. . .. July 3, 1864 137 Jackson, Thomas 28th U. S.C.T.... Mar. 1, 1865 79 Jackson, William 4th U.S. C.T Nov. 25, 1864 81 Jackson, William 28th U. S.C.T.... Dee. 8, 1864 30 Jacobs, B 122d U. S.C.T... . Mar. 23, 1865 46 Jacobs, J. A 20th South Corolina infantry Aug. 24, 1864 97 Jacobs, M Q. M. Department troops. . Jan. 1, 1865 30 James, A 22dU.S.C.T Oct. 11, 1864 42 James, David 28th U.S. C.T Sept. 14, 1865 60 James, M 81st New York infantry. . . Sept. 23, 1864 148 James, P 8thU.S.C.T: May 3, 1865 127 James, T 27th South Carolina infantry Aug. 21, 1864 159 Jameson, T 23d U.S. C.T Dec. 30,1865 92 55 Jasper, W 76th New York infantry, Jeffrey, W 28th U.S. C.T Dec. 2, 1864 87 Jenkins, George 25th Massachusetts infantry July 10, 1864 99 Jenkins, H 142d New York infantry May 20, 1864 140 Jestive, L ...do--.- 36th North CaroUna infantry Aug. 24, 1864 169 1864 4 Jewell, A. A Corporal. . 72d New York infantry June 16, 1864 9 Jeweft, E Private. .. 30th U. S.C.T Oct. 30, Jiff, J ...do.... 2d New York heavy art. . . June 29, 1864 54 Jinken, C.A ....do.... 11th United States infantry June 26, 1864 47 Jobes, John ....do.... 148th Ohio infantry 78 Johns, Elex ....do.... 4th U.S. C.T Sept. 19, 1864 34 Johnson, Benjamin ...do.... 203d Pennsylvania infantry. Oct. 30, 1864 120 Johnson, C ....do.... 19th U.S. C.T Dec. 12, 1865 57 Johnson,D ...do.... 29th U.S. C.T..... Jan. 8, 1865 106 Johnson, D. H. C ...do...- 50th New York engineers . July 20, 1864 63 Johnson, Edwin R ,...do.... 1st Connecticut heavy art. Oct. 27, 1864 132

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Johnson, G... Private. .. 31st U.S. C.T Dec. 2, 1864 178 D 2 Johnson, G ....do.... 37th U.S. C.T Jan. 10, 1865 105 F 4 Johnson, George ....do.... 89 1) 1 Johnson, J ...do.... 29th Virginia infantry. . April 24, 1865 18 A. 2 Johnson, J 134th Ohio infantry 4 F 1 Johnson, J ...do.... 117th U.S. C.T... Jan. 38, 1865 59 F 3 Johnson, J. V ...do.... 56th North Carolina infantry May 6, 1865 53 A 2 Johnson, John ...do.... 29th U. S.C.T 160 D 3 Johnson, John A ...do.... 29th Virginia infantry.. Mar. 20, 1865 110 E 3 Johnson, John H ...do.... 39th U.S. C.T Sept. 28, 1864 136 1) 3 L ...do.... 19th Johnson, , U.S. C.T Nov. 24, 1864 75 D 3 Johnson, Lewis ...do.... 36th U.S. C.T Aug. 29, 1864 113 F 3 Johnson, M ...do.... 29th U.S. C.T Dec. 30, 1864 73 F 4 Johnson, M ...do.... 23d U.S. C.T Feb. 19, 1865 39 F 3 Johnson, P. C ...do.... 48th North Carolina infantry April 3, 1865 49 A 2 Johnson, Peter ...do.... 29th U.S. C.T Jan. 9, 1865 111 F 2 Johnson, R ...do.... 39th U.S. C.T Dec. 4, 1864 174 D 2 Johnson, R .do. 116th U.S. C.T Dec. 30, 1864 123 F 2 Johnson, Stephen. ... Corporal.. 84 th Pennsylvania infantry. June 19, 1864 154 E 1

.. Johnson, Stephen Private. 85th New York infantry .. . June 16, 1864 108 D 1 Johnson, T ....do.... 45th U.S. C.T Dec. 31, 1864 137 F 2 Johnson, W 43d U.S. C.T Feb. 24, 1865 68 F 3 William Johnson, 17th New York infantry . . . May 5, 1865 5 A 3 Johnson, William 41st U.S. C.T Dec. 12, 1864 10 F 4 Johnson, Z.B 2d New York M.R 87 (3 2 Joiner, J. E 41st Virginia infantry Aug. 21, 1864 172 E 3 Jones, B 1st U. S. C. cavalry 56 D 2 Jones, Benjamin P 40th Massachusetts infantry Jan. 7, 1865 39 A 1

Charles . Jones, 4th New York heavy art. . Oct. 24, 1864 36 E 1 Jones, Charles 187th Pennsylvania infantry June 20, 1864 156 E 2 E Jones, 170th New York infantry .. 128 D 1 Jones, Elijah 109th U.S. C.T Jan. 23, 1865 31 A 3 G. Jones, W 179th New York infantry .. Aug. 23, 1864 76 B 2 Jones, George 8th New York heavy art. . . 51 E 1 Jones, George 118th U.S. C.T Jan. 27, 1865 84 F 3 Jones, J 13th Indiana infantry Jan. 8, 1865 151 A 4 Jones, J. H United States soldier Feb. 7, 1865 10 A 4 Jones, James 107th U.S. C.T Nov. 24, 1864 37 F 3 Jones, Jefferson 127th U.S. C.T Feb. 28, 1865 78 F 9. Jones, Joseph United States S 16 F 1 Jones, N 118th U.S. C.T Jan. 28, 1865 4 A 2

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159 1297 Jones, O Private. , 10th U.S. C.T July 22, 1864 1298 Jones, R ....do... 28th U.S. C.T Aug. 4, 1864 118 1299 Jones, R. M 168th New York infantry. . . Mar. 14, 1865 56 1300 Jones, Richard 36th U.S. C.T Sept. 20, 1864 152 1301 Jones, Richard 37thU.S.C.T Mar. 4, 1865. 78 1302 Jones, Silas 37th U.S. C.T Oct. 25, 1864 73 69 1303 Jones, WUliam . .. 22dU.S.C.T 1304 Jordan, John 116th U.S. C.T Jan. 11, 1865 72 1305 Judd, Benjamin 10th New York heavy art.. July 1, 1861 5 1306 Jump, Philo 50th New York engineers.. Sept. 23, 1864 124 112 . .- 1307 K , Jacob 87 1308 Kaling, Leonard. . 199th Pennsylvania infantry Dec. 5, 1864 1309 Kail, P 39th New York infantry Aug. 19, 1864 35 1310 Kane, R Private. . 155th New York infantry . . 72 do... 1864 94 1311 Katto, Be July 2, 1312 Kedont, John ....do... 7th U.S. C.T Sept. 11, 1864 36 1313 Kee, James ....do... 10th Virginia infantry Feb. 17, 1865 178 1314 Keefer, J .-..do... 28th U.S. C.T Sept. 29, 1864 29 1315 Keeler, Joseph ....do... 10th U.S. C.T Mar. 20, 1865 64- 1316 Keegan, J ....do... 142d NeW York infantry. .. Jan. 23, 1865 124 1317 Keichman, Rolley A. ....do... 10th New York heavy art.. Aug. 4, 1864 14 1318 Kelle, George ....do... 132d Ohio infantry 13 1319 Kelley, D ....do... 12th New Hampshire inf July 5, 1864 102 1320 Kelley, George ....do... 117th U.S. C.T Feb. 6, 1865 45 1321 Kelley, J ....do... 28th U.S. C.T Aug. 24, 1864 152 1322 Kelley, James ....do... 1st Connecticut heavy art.. July 6, 1864 85 1323 Kelley, M ....do... 188th Pennsylvania infantry July 3, 1864 3 1324 Kelley, T ....do... 5th Maryland infantry- - Mar. 15, 1865 13 1325 Kelley, William H...... do... 97th Pennsylvania infantry - Aug. 29, 1864 2 1326 Kelly, William ....do... 15th Massachusetts infantry 65 1327 Kellog, Alfred D...... do... United States S - - . 175 For current National & State Veterans Burial records, please visit... http://www.interment.net/us/nat/veterans.htm Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County • Historic Monographs Collection

Kellogg, Horaoe R Private 1st Connecticut heavy art-. July 26, 1864 100 E 4 Kellum, William ...do 6th New York heavy art Feb. 28, 1865 143 A 3 Kemp, William B ...do 26th Virginia infantry June 15, 1864 130 E 3 Kendell, S ...do 10th U.S. C.T .' Nov. 11, 1864 16 1) 3 Kending.E. B ...do 21st Pennsylvania cavalry. . Oct. 29, 1864 142 D 4 Kendrick, R ...do 1st Maine cavalry Nov. 25, 1864 81 D 4 Kenkapot, Levi ...do 2d New York heavy art 5 E 2 Kenkled, John ....do 199th Pennsylvania infantry April 15, 1865 129 A 1 Kenney, George W Corporal- .. 85th Pennsylvania infantry. Mav 20, 1864 1 A 1 Kenney, W Private 51st Pennsylvania infantry. Oct. 26, 1864 42 B 2 Kenyon, John ....do 81st New York infantry Sept. 3, 1864 10 A 3 Kepford, PhiUip ...do 209th Pennsylvania infantry Oct. 26, 1864 116 A 4 Kerchner, George ....do 97th Pennsylvania infantry 167 1) 4 Ketchum, Rolla A ....do 10th New York heavy art. . Aug. 6, 1864 39 D 1 Kethenen, Fred ...do 148th New York infantry . . 85 D 1 Keys, John ....do 91st Pennsylvania infantry June 22, 1864 141 E 2 Kidder, Gustavis ....do 19th Wisconsin infantry Aug. 7, 1864 81 E 1 Kien, Michael ....do Oct. 4, 1864 143 (3 1

John Lieutenant 72d York . 1864 108 (3 4 Kiener, New infantry June , Kilborn, L Private 6th New Hampshire infantry Nov. 14, 1864 76 B 2 Kilburn, J. A ....do 23d Illinois infantry Mar. 2, 1865 126 F 1 Kilroy, John ....do 7th Rhode Island infantry. . June 30, 1864 31 (3 2 Kimball, Richard ....do 15th New York engineers . . 64 (3 3 Kimber, S. A ....do 50th New York engineers . . July 28, 1864 131 (3 3 King, Chester B ....do 58th Pennsylvania infantry . July 17, 1864 103 D 4 King, John H ....do 2d Maryland infantry Mar. 5, 1865 17 (3 2 King, Lewis ....do 96th New York infantry July 2, 1864 6 1) 1 King,R ....do...... 48th Pennsylvania infantry . 5 (3 2 King,R ....do 118th U.S. C.T Mar. 25, 1865 47 1' 2 King, S 31st U.S. C.T July 23, 1864 131 D 2 King, WUliam 50th North Carolina infantry Mar. 26, 1865 111 E 3 Kingsbury, James M 1st Pennsylvania rifles June 18, 1864 159 1) 1 Kinter, Robert 76th Pennsylvania infantry Jan. 27, 1865 52 A 4 Kinton, William H 41st U.S. C.T Oct. 31, 1864 101 F 4 Kirkpatrick, J 1 99th Pennsylvania infantry Feb. 2, 1865 28 F 1

Kive . . 94 D 1 , R 55th New York infantry June --, 1864 Klice, Fred 20th New York cavalry Jan. 6, 1865 147 A 3 Knap, Daniel O 51st New York infantry 79 E 2 Knapp, Ira 56th Pennsylvania infantry 99 D 1 Knight, G 118th U.S. C.T Feb. 24, 1865 152 F 2 Knight, W.D 9th Vermont infantry Jan. 22, 1865 121 A 4

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> a' Date of death. cm .2 '> S R

1369 Knist, J Private. . 97th Pennsylvania infantry . July 15, 1864 45 D 1 1370 Knobles, J ...do... 11th Pennsylvania cavalry . June 15, 1864 131 A 2 1371 Knoid, John ...do... 79th New York infantry Nov. 26, 1864 53 A 1 1372 Knowles, Seth ...do... 2d Michigan infantry 140 E 2 1373 Knox, Samuel ....do... 2d New York heavy art Aug. 4, 1864 42 (3 2 1374 Krame, F ....do... 3d United States artillery.. Aug. 5, 1864 174 E 4 1375 Krins, PhiUip -- ....do... 45th Pennsylvania infantry. 136 E 2 1376 Kroes, Peter 23 F, 2 1377 Kroger, Henry S 50th New York engineers. Jan. 8, 1865 125 C 3 1378 Kuhn, Andrew -. 8th Connecticut infantry.. Dec. 23, 1864 90 A 1 1379 Kurn, D. O 48th Pennsylvania infantry 59 (3 2 1380 Ladro, Peter 9th Vermont infantry Feb. 1, 1865 159 A 1 1381 Laferman, J 184th Pennsylvania infantry Mar. 6, 1865 132 (3 3 1382 H 13th New York art. June 1865 137 A 2 Lagre , heavy 26, 1383 Lakeman, Charles E- 13th New Hampshire inf. . Mar. 11, 1865 29 F 1 1384 Lamb, Dustin 181st New York infantry. . Feb. 6, 1865 133 E 2 1385 Lamb, J. H 13th Indiana infantry July 7, 1864 105 1) 4 1386 Lamb, John F 9th Maine infantry. .. June 30, 1864 22 D 1 1387 Lamb, L 1st Massachusetts heavy art 103 E 1 1388 Lamb, Lucien G Citizen. Clerk in Q. M. D Sept. 26, 1866 145 A 4 1389 Lamb, WUliam C Private. . 11th Pennsylvania cavalry June 9, 1864 109 A 4 1390 Lambreeht, John ....do... 1st Connecticut heavy art- Jan. 15, 1865 61 E 4 1391 Lampford, Z ....do... 2d U.S. C.T : Aug. 16, 1864 133 D 2 1392 Lampson, WUliam 39th New York infantry .. AprU 2, 1865 148 C 2 1393 Landers, W 148th Pennsylvania infantry April 8, 1865 56 A 4 1394 Lane, E 32dU.S.C.T Sept. 20, 1864 99 D 3 1395 Lane, G, H 5th New York cavalry. . Nov. 8, 1864 25 A 3 1396 Lane,T 5th Maryland infantry. . Feb. 12, 1865 159 A 3 1397 Lane, WUliam 69th New York infantry Oct. 17, 1864 22 E 1 1398 Laneer, Lewis 8th Maryland ... 138 D 1 1399 Lanklever, J 5th U.S. C.T July 12, 1864 143 D 3

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Lankoff, Henry Private. . 35th Massachusetts infantry Feb. 8, 1865 90 E 2 Lannon, A. W ...do... 104th Pennsylvania infantry Feb. 26, 1865 46 F 1 LaPage, A ...do... 10th New York infantry Aug. 8, 1864 31 E 1 Lapham, D .0.0. 170 E 2 Laping, J ...do... 117th U.S. C.T Feb. 14, 1865 79 F 3 Lasaman, Frederick...... do... 5th Pennsylvania cavalry .. Sept. 2, 1864 5 A 4 Lathenhouse, A ...do... Quartermaster's dep't. . Dec. 1, 1864 107 V 3 Lathrop, Edgar H. . .'. . ...do... Nov. 20, 1864 105 (3 2 J. P ...do... 1864 56 Lathrop, Pennsylvania infantry July , F 1 Laughbough, Samuel. . ...do... 209th Pennsylvania infantry Dec. 30, 1864 39 C 3 Lawber, WUliam P ...do... April 2j 1865 155 (3 2 Laws, J ...do... 109th U.S. C.T Jan. 6, 1865 150 F 2 Laws, Sax ...do... 9th U.S. C.T Mar. 8, 1865 91 F 2 Layton, James ...do... 4th U.S. C.T 110 D 3 Layton, S. M Captain. 11th New Jersey infantry June 16, 1864 73 (3 4 Lazarman, Fred Private. . 5th Pennsylvania cavalry 80 A 1 Leabman, E. R ...do... 5th Maryland infantry. . . July 20, 1864 72 D 4 Leary, Thomas R ...do... 1st Massachusetts heavy art 108 E 1 Leasell, A ....do... 116th U.S. C.T Dec. 19, 1864 119 F 4 Leathers, John ...do. 13th New Hampshire inf. Mar. 25, 1865 110 F 1 Lebolt, Chas. B ...do. 41st Pennsylvania inf. 41 O 2 Leddis, James ...do. 118th New" York inf July 4, 1864 67 1) 1 Lee, Enoch 146th New York inf. April 3, 1865 86 B 1 Lee,G ...do.... 39th U.S. C.T Sept. 23, 1864 111 1) 3 Lee, J ...do.... 19th U. S.C.T Aug. 25, 1864 165 J) 2 Lee, Thomas ...do.... 4th Maryland inf 107 E 1 Lee, WUliam ...do.... 5th U.S. C.T Jan. 6, 1865 71 F 4 Lefever, T ...do.... 31st U.S. C.T Dec. 2, 1864 62 F 4 Lefingwell, R. B ...do.... 169th New York inf. July 14, 1864 152 K 1 Lefhan, John Corporal.. 17th Maine infantry June 18, 1864 126 E 1 Lehman, S Private. . . 207th Pennsylvania inf 24 (3 2 Lenny, D ....do.... 45th Pennsylvania inf. Aug. 12, 1864 109 B 1 Lenoth, Joseph ...do..-. 169th New York inf. 67 A 1 Lent,W.F 1st Pennsylvania cavalry Oct. 3, 1864 45 D 4 Lent, Wm. N Private . 6th New York heavy art. . . June 18, 1864 79 E 1 Leonard, John ....do. 97th New York inf. 60 K 3 Lequi, Bonay ....do. U.S. C.T Nov. 26, 1864 34 D 3 Lesley, G. W ...do. 25th South Carolina inf Aug. 25, 1864 173 F, 3 Letes, A ...do. 118th U.S. C.T Feb. 3, 1865 156 F 2 Lettage, J ...do. 13th New York heavy art .. Jan. 26, 1865 58 A 3 Lettage, J ...do. 13th New York artillery Jan. 26, 1865 162 A 3

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03 a to Date of death. a '> 02 P

1441 Letty, John Private. . 2d Pennsylvania heavy art. Jan. 6, 1865 125 C 2 .1442 Lewis, Chas ....do... 27th U.S. C.T Dec. 13, 1864 52 F 2 1443 Lewis, J ....do... 48th Pennsylvania inf June 17, 1864 138 (3 2 1444 Lewis, Samuel ....do... 29th U.S. C.T Mar. 29, 1865 95 F 2 1445 Lewis, WU1 ....do... 6th U.S. C.T Oct. 3, 1865 121 F g 1446 Libolt, Albert ....do... 87th New York inf Jan. 15, 1864 154 A 2 1447 Lidner, Jack ...do... 107th U.S. C.T Mar. 3, 1865 161 F 4 1448 Liebreck, G. S ...do... 2d Pennsylvania heavy art . 49 I) 4 1449 Liesner, A. H ...do... 35th Massachusetts inf 66 (3 2 1450 Limburgher, Lewis.. ...do... 23dU.S.C.T 123 D 3 1451 Limpner, H ...do... 12th New Hampshire inf 5 F 1 1452 Lincoln, Chas. B ...do... 31st Maine inf 132 E 2 1453 Lincoln, E ...do... 10thU.S.C.T Oct. 31, 1864 46 I) 3 1454 Lindenster, J ...do... 5th Pennsylvania cavalry . . Dec. 16, 1864 136 A 4 1455 Linder, C ...do.... Hal. Legion April 8, 1865 14 B 1 1456 Lindsley, W ...do.... 2d New York M.F July 28, 1864 67 (3 2 1457 Lines, S. E Corporal . 57th Pennsylvania inf. June 18,1864 68 D 1 1458 Linn, Thomas Private. . . 9th Maine inf Oct 20, 1864 30 A 4 1459 Littenberry, S 97th Pennsylvania inf. 174 D 4 1460 Little, Alfred Private. . 58th Pennsylvania inf. Jan. 17, 1865 49 A 3 1461 Little, James ....do. 16th New York heavy art.. June 24, 1864 50 1) 1 1462 Little, J. A ...do. 28th North Carolina inf Oct. 9, 1864 100 E 3

1463 . Little, William D.... Drummer 12th New Hampshire inf- . . July 18, 1864 42 D 4 1464 Littlefield, E Private United States S 121 B 4 1465 Littlehate, J. G ...do 11th Maine inf. May 10, 1865 174 A 3 1466 Livoneman, A ...do 15th New York heavy art.. June 25, 1864 164 (3 4 1467 Lockey, L. ...do 118thU.S.C.T Dec. 19,1864 131 F 4 1468 Logan, Patrick ...do 16th New York heavy art.. Sept. 15, 1864 155 E 4 1469 Logan, Wm. E ...do 58th Virginia inf Mar. 26, 1865 144 E 3 1470 Lombard, John ...do 9th Maine inf. Jan. 5, 1865 171 A 3 1471 Long, Joseph ...do 50th Pennsylvania inf. Nov. 30, 1864 148 E 2

For current National & State Veterans Burial records, please visit... http://www.interment.net/us/nat/veterans.htm Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County • Historic Monographs Collection

Long, Moses Private. 107th U. S. C. T Dec. 10, 1864 59 V 4 Long, N ...do.. 148th Pennsylvania inf. .. . July 13, 1864 51 B 4 Longhouse, D. L...... do.. 2d New York M. R 129 E 2 Loomis, Henry N.. ...do.. 21st Connecticut inf Aug. 21, 1864 62 D 4 Lord, Andrew ...do.. 202d Pennsylvania inf. . . . April 2, 1865 63 (3 2 Lord, W ...do.. 30th U.S. C.T Sept. 16, 1865 52 I) 3 Loren, Nero ...do.. 118th U.S. C.T Dec. 5, 1864 18 F 4 Losee, B. F 139th New York inf. 19 A 3 Loshine, Lewis New York heavy art. 137 D 1 Love, J 8thU.S.C.T..._. May 6, 1865 84 D 2 Love, J 54th Pennsylvania inf. May 6, 1865 169 A 3 Lovis, Wm 8th Maine inf. July 21, 1864 82 D 1 Lowe, James U. S. steamer "Pequot" . .. July 19, 1864 120 A 1 Lowe, John W 1st New Jersey batt May 19, 1865 86 (3 3 Lowne, A. J 8th Maine inf. 18 A 4 Loyd, C... 28thU.S.C.T Oct, 5, 1864 90 I) 3 Loyd, G ....do..-- 28th U.S. C.T Nov. 2, 1864 13 D 3 Luby, Thomas ,...do.... 56th North Carolina inf. . . 139 E 3 Lucas, B ...do.... 1st Virginia batt April 24, 1865 134 E 3

H. . Lund, C Corporal 4th New Hampshire inf. .- Sept. 3, 1864 147 E 1 Lydrick, E Private. . . 208th Pennsylvania inf. . .. Nov. 12, 1864 51 F 1 E. H Lyke, ....do.... 4th New York heavy art- . 110 E 2 Lyman, J. B ....do.... 211th Pennsylvania inf Nov. 23, 1864 57 A 3 Lymons, R. G ....do.... 139th New York inf Dec. 2, 1864 49 A 4 Lynch, James ....do.--- 76th Pennsylvania inf. Jan. 30, 1865 109 F 1

J ...do.... New inf. . - 6 D 4 Lynch, 4th Hampshire July , 1864 Lynch, John ....do---. 39th Illinois inf. May 10, 1865 32 F 1 Lyon, Nathan T...... do.--. 1st Connecticut heavy art. Aug. 19, 1864 165 E 4 Lyons, John ....do.... 6th New Jersey inf ... June 19, 1864 158 E 1 Lyons, P ....do.... 28th U.S. C.T Dec. 16, 1864 81 D 3

M Boston- . . . . . 98 , do.... Quartermaster's Dep't. Feb. 20, 1865 F 4 Mabb, E do..-. 11th Connecticut inf Mav 23, 1864 126 A 1 Mackey, Henry do.... 29th U.S. C.T Dec. 24, 1864 142 F 4 Maclenm, W .do.... 5th Pennsylvania cavalry. - Jan. 4, 1865 53 A 4 Mactamore, M .do.... 28th U.S. C.T Oct. 17, 1864 125 D 3 Macteller, W .do.... 5th Pennsylvania cavalry. . 92 A 3 Madrid, J .do.... 38th U.S. C.T Dec. 10, 1864 122 F 2 Magary, J .do.... 25th Massachusetts inf 4 A 4 Wm Mahar, .do.... 1st Connecticut artillery.. . 147 E 2 Major, John .do.--- 48th Pennsylvania inf. July 17, 1864 66 F, 2 Malcomb, Thomas.. .do.-.. 21st Massachusetts inf. .. . 125 D 4

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Date of death.

1513 Mallen, J Private. . 7th Connecticut inf. July 20, 1864 97 1514 Malley, Cornelius...... do... 1st Connecticut heavy art. Mar. 23, 1865 64 1515 Maloney, Jacob ....do... 205th Pennsylvania inf. . . . Nov. 10, 1864 70 1516 Mame, G. A ...do... 17th Maryland iuf Jan. 19, 1865 110 1517 Manan, S ...do... 107th U. S.C.T Feb. 25, 1865 118 1518 Manck, O ....do... 23d U.S. C.T 142 1519 Manderbeck, M 55th Pennsylvania inf. Feb. 27, 1865 179 1520 Manley, Thomas...... do. 7th U.S. C.T Dec. 24, 1884 143 1521 Manly, J do. 138th U.S. C.T 158 1522 Manning, John do. 2d New York M.R 1 1523 Manning, W. F do. 50th New York engineers. . Jan. 29, 1865 154 1524 Mansfield, J. M.... 6th New Hampshire inf. -. July 17, 1864 118 1525 Manshey, H 2d New Hampshire inf. ... Feb. 10, 1S65 101 1526 Marks, ...do 179th New York inf : 64 1527 Marks, CD ...do 1st New York M. R Oct. 7, 1364 100 1528 Markson, S. W ...do Indiana inf. .' July 30, 1864 140 1529 Marlton, Isaac ....do 118th New York inf Feb. 21, 1815 108 1530 Marnett, H. W ...do 179th New York inf 11 1531 Marquis, Joseph ...do 13th Indiana inf. June 30, 1864 2 1532 Marrell, UgoneM.. ...do 24th New York cavalry. . . June 17, 1384 75 1533 Marshall, J. ...do 118th U.S. C Dec. 27, 1864 40 1534 Marshall, Wm -..do 18th New Hampshire inf. . Mar. 29, 1865 151

- . 1535 Martin, Sergeant 104th Pennsylvania inf. . .. Jan. 4, 1885 138 1536 Martin, Andrew J. . Private 21st Pennsylvania cavalry. July 27, 1864 44

. 1537 . - Martin, Charles Corporal. 7th New Hampshire inf. . June 18, 1884 33 1538 Martin, F Private 130th U.S. C.T May 30, 18G5 75 1539 Martin, Frank ...do 12th United States inf. June 27, 1884 122 1540 Martin, George ...do 4th Rhode Island inf. 125 1541 Martin, J.T ...do 4th Mississippi inf : .. . Aug. 21, 1864 178 1542 Martin, J.W ...do 4th New Hampshire inf- -. Sept. 3, 1864 145 1543 Martin, Lewis ...do 9th Vermont inf. Nov, 10, 1864 108 For current National & State Veterans Burial records, please visit... http://www.interment.net/us/nat/veterans.htm Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County • Historic Monographs Collection

Martin, O Private. - . 36th U.S. C.T Nov. 5, 1864 8 F

. . . 155th inf...- June 1864 105 E Martin, Thomas. ...do.... Pennsylvania , Martin, Thomas ...do.... 56th Massachusetts inf Dec. 31, 1864 154 E Mason, ...do.... United States S 148 F Mason, A ...do.... 118th New York inf 169 D Mason, David ...do.... 97th New York inf July 12, 1864 129 I! Mason, John C ...do.... 21st Connecticut inf. Sept. 14, 1864 73 A Mason, L ...do.... 23d U.S. C.T Oct. 10;" 1865 51 D 53d 15. 1865 50 A Mason, W , Virginia infantry April Mathew, John ...do.... 107th New York inf 71 E Matkins, E ...do.... 31st U.S. C.T Dec. 10, 1864 167 D Matson, S. W Sergeant . 67th Ohio infantry May 10, 1864 82 A Matt, G Private .. 57th Massachusetts inf July 22, 1864 16 B Mattlebar, G ...do.... 43d U.S. C.T 103 D Mattix, M ...do.... 37th U.S. C.T Jan. 6, 1865 177 F Mattixin, C ...do---- 199th Pennsylvania inf. . .. Feb. 1, 1865 107 F Maulker, J ...do.... 117th U.S. C.T Mar.- 12, 1865 40 F Max, Goo ...do.... 1st Maryland inf July 8, 1864 92 E L. E.'...... do ... 8th Maine inf Oct. 11, 1864 142 A Maxwell,"" y, J.C ...do.... 20th North Carolina inf. .. Mar. 26, 1865 105 E Mayman, P ....do.... 91st New York inf. May 12, 1865 121 (3 Maynard, J. G ...do.... 3d Pennsylvania artillery. July 11, 1864 112 B Mayor, Levi ...do.-.. 114th U.S. C.T Feb. 23, 1865 66 A McAdder, P 206th Pennsylvania inf. . .. Jan. 12, 1865 18 F McAUister, Daniel. 13th New Hampshire inf. - 24 F McAllister, David. 187th Pennsylvania inf. . . . June 18, 1864 59 E McBride, L 118th U.S. C.T Dec. 12, 1861 45 A McBride, W. C... 13th New York heavy art. 133 A McCall, John 97th New York inf '.. 100 B McCane, N 107th U.S. C.T Jan. 20, 1885 2 A McCann, A 125th U.S. C.T Jan. 16, 1865 29 F McCarey, L 118th U.S. C.T Mar. 5, 1865 118 F McCarston, C 1st Ohio artillery Jan. 25, 1854 41 (! McCarter, J. A 49th North Carolina inf. . . April 1, 1365 132 E McCarthy, A 111th New York inf 42 E E McCarthy, James . 1st Connecticut heavy art. Nov. 4, 1884 45 McCarty, J 118th New York inf Dec. 18, 1864 173 A McClose, R 84th New York inf. 50 E McClure, A 52d Virginia inf- Mar. 25, 1884 101 K

- 75 A McClure, J. G- . . 148th New York inf AprU 4, 1865 McCluskey, John. 11th Pennsylvania inf. Aug. 7, 1884 157 D

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McCoakin, P Private. . 170th New York inf. June 19, 1864 119 B McColley, Robert ...do... 25 E McConn'ell, Charles . - ...do... 31st Maine infantry April 2, 1865 164 E McCornish, C ...do... 206th Pennsylvania inf. Feb. 27, 1865 179 A McCorthy, T ...do.-.. 10th New Hampshire inf May 15, 1864 81 F McCovison, George S- ...do.... 1st Delaware cavalry Sept. 12, 1864 118 E McCown, Alexander. - ...do.... 15th U.S. C.T Mar. 21, 1865 166 D McCuUough, C ...do.-.. 1st Connecticut Jan. 29, 1865 104 A McDade, Joseph ...do.... 4th New Hampshire inf. July 26, 1864 148 E McDermott, Thomas . ....do.--. 58th Massachusetts inf July 5, 1864 41 E McDonald, Henry ....do..-. 211th Pennsylvania inf. Feb. 18, 1865 36 C McDonald, James ....do---. 10th United States infantry. June 21, 1864 136 D McDonald, John ....do---. 35th Massachusetts inf. Mar. 28, 1865 50 C McDonald, J. W ....do.... C. S. batt. April 7, 1865 155 E McDonald, S ....do--.. 31st U.S. C.T Nov. 26, 1865 134 F McDonnell, J ....do-... 11th Connecticut inf June 19, 1864 27 D 37 McDonnell, M. ....do.... 23d Illinois infantry April 14. 1865 r F McDowell, W ....do.... 29th U. S.C.T Dec. 30, 1864 F McEIwee, J _...do.--- 2d Pennsylvania artillery. . . Mar. 3, 1865 122 McFadder, George do 118th New York infantry . . Sept. 15, 1864 169 McFarlin, Henry ....do---- 69th New York infantry 152 McGall, J ....do---. 1st Maryland cavalry June 22, 1864 158 McGee, H.-. ....do---- 4th U.S. C.T Jan. 4, 1865 63 McGill, John ....do.--- 45th U.S. C.T Dec. 2, 1864 155 McGinnis, J ....do---- 61st New York infantry Aug. 20, 1864 147 McGovern, M ....do.-._ 4th United States inf. Jan. 1, 1865 169 McGowan, Edward ....do---- 3d Delaware infantry 132 McGray, Bernard ....do.... 4th New Jersey artillery. .. Nov. 13, 1864 141 McGray, 0 ....do.... 118th U.S. C.T Jan. 23, 1865 173 McGuire, Thomas ....do.... 2d Maryland infantry July 26, 1864 31 McGunnel, D ....do.-.. 84th New York infantry

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C, 4 Mcintosh, J Captain . 142d New York inf July 1864 36 inf. A 1 Mclntyre, C. L Private . 61st Massachusetts May 1865 149 Mclntyre, W ...do... 43dU.S.C.T...._ Dec. 1864 108 F 4 McKee, WUliam ...do... 91st Pennsylvania inf 120 E 2 McKern, Patrick ...do... 170th New York infantry. . . 84 E 2 McKiffe, George 188th Pennsylvania inf. Sept. 1864 97 A 3 MeKinny, J .do 49th North Carolina inf AprU 1865 176 E 3 York June 71 1) 4 McKinney, W. A .. . .do 92d New infantry McKissick, PhUlip-. .do 43d U.S. C.T July 124 I) 2 McKuhn, John -do 51st New York infantry July 126 i-s 2 McLane, H .do 118th U. S.C.T Mar. 1865 32 F 2 McLane, James .do 118th U. S. C. T Dec. 1864 14 F 4 94 A 4 McLaughlin, G. A. - . .do 55th Pennsylvania inf. Sept. 1864 McLaughlin, J -do 54th Pennsylvania inf. Mar. 1865 77 A 3 MeLellen, Robert.-. .do 2d New York infantry 19 C 2 McManns, John -do 10th New York infantry Nov. 1864 74 E 2 McMasters, J -do 2d New Hampshire inf Dec. 1864 10 F 1 . . 1864 55 E 1 McNeff, M .... .do 104th New York infantry. July McPown, John .do 1st Maryland cavalry 167 A 2 166 B 2 McSkerber, William . .do 83d Pennsylvania inf. June 1865 McWilliams, C -do 142d Ohio infantry July 1864 121 F 1 Mead, Joseph .do 5th U.S. C.T 1864 22 F 4 Medergron, James... -do 5th IT. S.C.T 1864 144 F 3 Medows, Robert .do 170th New York infantry. 17 E 1 Mellinger, C .do 2d Ohio cavalry April 1865 75 E 4 Mellis, John .do 2d United States artillery. July 1864 33 <: 3 Mellon, M .do 5th New Hampshire inf. 27 E 1 Menklcbery, Henry. ..do engineers 1864 95 D 1 Merrick, Alfred .do 117th U.S. C.T Feb. 1865 30 F 2 Merrill, Asa G .do 9th Maine infantry May 1864 12 A 1 Merrm, John .do U.S. C.T 51 1) 2 F, 2 Mersey, MarshaU... .do 17th Vermont infantry- . June 25 Messer, V .do 2d New York heavy art June 68 (3 1

. D 4 Metcalf, David ..do 76th Pennsylvania inf. . July 1864 40 MetcaU', J ..do 11th New York infantry 1864 33 E 1 (3 2 Metcalf, T ..do 207th Pennsylvania inf. . 74 105 E 2 Metter, Henry T. .. ..do 31st Maine infantry Mexwell, G ..do 5th U. S.C.T Oct. 1864 146 F 3 1865 33 A 2 Meyers, Abraham 1 - ..do 114th U. S.C.T Feb. D 1 Meyers, Charles do 10th United States inf. . . July 1864 77 89 C 3 Meyers, J j do 39th New York infantry, Nov. 1861

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1 ^ a Regiment. n- .2 .%

& CO R

Meyers, William Corporal .. 31st Maine infantry Feb. 21 1865 4 E 1 Milburn, E Private 38th U.S. C.T Sept. 22. 1864 116 F 3 Miles, J ...do 19thU.S.C.T Oct. 27' 1864 23 D 3 Miles, Samuel 2d U.S. C.T Dec. 13. 1884 60 F 2 Millard, A .do... 142d New York infantry Feb. 6, 1865 87 A 3 Miller, Brock .do... 22dU.S.C.T Mar. 3' 1865 139 F 3 Miller, George -do... 11th New Hampshire inf. Feb. 2' 1865 144 K 2 Miller, G. P .do... 1st Maryland cavalry May 13i 1865 160 A 3 Miller, Henry .do... 208th Pennsylvania inf. . Jan. 1 1865 78 C 3 Miller, Johann .do... 47th New York infantry. July 2, 1864 3 1) 4 Miller, J. A .do... 10th New York heavy art.. April 2, 1865 98 A 3 Miller, John II .do... 50th New York engineers.. Nov. 8, 1864 97 (3 3 Miller, L. A. J .do... 12th Georgia infantry Mar. 25, 1865 108 E 3 MUler, Nathan .do... 50th New Y'ork engineers .. Nov. 17, 1864 37 (3 3 Miller, Peter. .do... 5th Maryland infantry Oct. 15, 1864 169 A 2 Miller, R .do... 31st U.S. C.T Aug. 14. 1864 120 1) 2 Miller, W 115th U. S.C.T Dec. 17' 1864 121 F 4 Miller, William B... do. 191st Pennsylvania inf June 20, 1864 104 F, 2 MUligan, Owen W-. 3d Pennsylvania heavy art. Jan. 23, 1865 30 E 4 Mines, J. J do 29th U. S.C.T Oct. 10 1864 177 F 4 Miner, Isaac do 117th U. S.C.T Jan. 26 1865 101 F 3 Minick, William do 21st Pennsylvania cavalry. . June 20. 1864 77 E 2 Mitchell, Edward... do 116th U. S.C.T Jan. 30. 1865 76 F 3 Mitchell, G do 39th U.S. C.T Dec. 24 1864 24 F 4 Mitchell, G.W .do 8th Connecticut infantry Jan. 15 1864 32 D 1 Mitchell, H '....do 38th Pennsylvania inf. April 19 1865 115 B 3 Mitchell, J j do Q. M. Department Mar. 25, 1865 75 F 3 Mitt, Henry F ! do 31st Maine infantry April 3, 1865 122 E 2 Modcn, Isaac I do 28th U.S. C.T Jan. 24 1865 45 1) 3 Monroe, James do 114th U.S. C.T Feb. 12 1865 9 F 4 Moore, A. T ! do 39th Illinois infantry April 3 1865 61 F 1

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Moore, Charles Private. 30 C 3 Moore, George do... 109th U.S. C.T April 2, 1865 71 D 2 Moore, Joshua do... 3CthU. S.O.T Dec. 13, 1864 65 A 2 Moore, William lstU.S;C.T Jan. 31, 1865 157 If 3 Moorebonse, D. J 8th New York artillery ... June 20, 1864 145 B 3 Moorse, J 14th New York artillery. . Sept. 5, 1864 44 B 2 Moose, J 17th Virginia infantry April 28, 1865 44 A 9, Moran, Daniel 69th Pennsylvania inf Nov. 6, 1861 133 D 1 Morehead, Y 29th U.S. C.T Sept. 21, 1864 66 D 3 Morgan, Charles llth Pennsylvania inf. Nov. 7, 1864 80 A 4 Morgan, E ...do. 37th U.S. C.T Nov. 24, 1864 133 F 3 Morman, Henry ...do. 117th U. S.C.T Nov. 16, 1864 10 1) 9, Morman, S ...do. 118th U.S. C.T Jan. 10, 1865 29 A 9, Morrill, G. F ...do. 23d Massachusetts inf. July 29, 1864 48 D 1 Morris, Joseph ...do. llth Connecticut infantry . July 25, 1864 139 E 1 Morris, Y. G ...do. United States S 89 A 1 Morrison, Daniel ...do. llth New Hampshire inf 85 A 2 Morrison, Daniel ...do. llth New Hampshire inf 17 E 2 Morse, C ...do. 119th Pennsylvania inf. . . . Feb. 10, 1865 14 F 1 Morse, John ...do. llth Connecticut infantry . Mar. 4, 1865 70 A 4 Morse, Moses ...do. 29th Connecticut infantry . Oct. 27, 1864 63 A 1 Morte, Coba ...do. 11th Maine infantry 165 A 4 Morton, A. B ...do. 9th Maine infantry Feb. 4, 1865 101 A 3 Morton, G ...do. 24th New York cavalry .. . Aug. 16, 1864 20 B 1 Morton, Sidney ...do. 1st New York M. R Nov. 9, 1864 27 A 4 Mosley, C. W ...do. 48th Pennsylvania inf. Jan. 17, 1865 92 (3 2 Moss, joll ...do. 127th U.S. C.T Jan. 5, 1865 34 F 2 Moulton, James ...do. Feb. 8, 1865 88 E 9. Mowbry, C ...do. 3d U.S. C.T Sept. 9, 1864 168 D 9, Mower, A. C ...do. 55th Pennsylvania inf. Jan. 28, 1865 103 F 1 Moyer, Amandes ...do. 209th Pennsylvania inf. . . . Mar. 25, 1865 65 O 3 Mucddy,R. S ...do. 2d New YorkM. R 61 E 2

. 6 Mulholand, James ...do. 16th New York artillery. . Sept. 15, 1864 K 4 MuUen, Doctor ...do..-. Q. M. Dep't, colored 23 D 9. Mullory,H ...do...- 5th U.S. C.T Oct. 30, 1864 129 F 2 Munford, P ...do...- 19th U. S.C.T Jan. 14, 1865 26 A 9. Munchuan, H ...do.--. 1st United States artillery. Nov. 7, 1865 145 F 1 Munck, J ..v.do.... 9th New Jersey infantry 34 F 1 Murphy, Hugh ...do---. :"th New York infantry Oct. 14, 1864 28 E 4 Murphy, James ...do.... United States S 60 A 1 Murphy, J Corporal . 155th New York infantry 83 D 1

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Date of death.

1729 Murphy, John Private .. 9th Maine infantry Jan. 14, 1865 160 1730 Murphy, J. A .-..do-.-. 9th New York infantry April 3, 1865 83 1731 Murphy, Robert Corporal.. 63d Pennsylvania inf 127 1732 Murry, W Private. .. llth Maine infantry April 18, 1865 59 1733 Murry, WiUiam do. 28th U.S. C.T Jan. 7, 1865 4 1734 Musgrane, P Corporal. 1st Massachusetts heavy art. 130 1735 Myers, H Private. . . 117th New York infantry. . . July 8, 9 1736 Myers, J ....do...- 100th New York infantry. . . 168 1737 Myers, James ....do.... 29th Connecticut infantry. . . Sept. 18, 1864 60 1738 Myers, T. M ....do.... Confed. N. B April 19, 1865 133 1739 Myrick, C. P Sergeant. . 4th Rhode Island infantry. . July 3, 1864 78 1740 Nagle, W Private. .. 2d Pennsylvania heavy art. Nov. 13, 1864 61 1741 Nailor, N. A ...do.... 4th U. S.C.T 148 1742 Nathans, G. W ...... do.... 8th Maryland infantry 'Feb.""V,"i865 168 1743 Naunemaker, John. Sergeant . 2d Pennsylvania heavy art. Mar. 28, 1865 73 1744 Naylor, J Private. . . 23d U.S. C.T Sept. 22, 1864 80 1745 Neal, Simon ...do.... 27th U. S.C.T ; Jan. 29, 1865 44 1746 Nealy, Charles 115th U.S. C.T Mar. 4, 1865 85 1747 Neglinfin, Thomas.. 15th Wisconsin infantry Aug. 15, 1864 1748 Neich, J 132d Ohio infantry July 22, 1864 1749 NelUs, William G- - 29tb Connecticut infantry.. Dec. 6, 1864 1750 Nelson, F. A llth New Hampshire inf. .. . 35 1751 Nelson, H 114th U. S.C.T April 25, 1865 65 1752 Nelson, John 31st U.S. C.T Mar. 16, 1865 169 1753 Nephan, R. B 5th Pennsylvania inf. 69 1754 Nephuy, Edward 83d Pennsylvania inf. June 21, 1364 168 1755 Nette, James U.S. C.T 178 1756 Newby, G 28th U.S. C.T Dec. 3, 1864 176 1757 Newcom, T 67th Ohio infantry July 31, 1864 24 1758 Newman, F. C 2dNew YorkM. R 9 1759 Newman, William . . 9th Vermpnt infantry , , Feb, 27, 1865 43

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Nichols, A. B 7th Connecticut infantry... May 17,1864 106 A 4 Nichols, A. S Private. . 39 E 4 Niohols, F ....do... Q. M. Department Nov. 22, 1864 66 D 2 Nichols, J 34th North Carolina inf April 7, 1865 157 E 3 Niohols, James 117th U.S. C.T Jan. 20, 1865 12 F 3 Nicholson, H 199th Pennsylvania inf. Feb. 10, 1865 62 A 4 Niokels, Howard 186th New York infantry. . . 18 E 1 Niles, John 6th Wisconsin infantry 115 E 1 Nobles, Lester 13th Indiana infantry Dec. 5, 1864 49 A 1 Nolan,D 170th New York infantry. . . June 23, 1864 114 B 3 North, E 9th U.S. C.T 109 F 3 North, E 9th U.S. C.T 16 F 4 North, John 27th Massachusetts inf May 11, 1864 50 F 1 Norton, G 24th New York cavalry Aug. 16, 1864 20 B 1 Noyes, A. T 5th U.S. C.T Dec. 8, 1864 86 F 2 Nugan, John .do.... 117th New York infantry... Oct. 11, 1864 158 A 1 Nuff, WUliam .do.... 211th Pennsylvania inf. . -- . Feb. 26, 1865 142 (3 3 Nunham, S .do.... 20th Michigan infantry July 4, 1864 34 B 4 Nunn, Draper .do.... 117th U.S. C.T Jan. 26, 1865 128 F 3 Oakes, Thomas .do---- 36th Massachusetts inf Aug. 4, 1864 133 (3 2 Oaky, George .do.... 29th U.S. C.T Jan. 12, 1865 59 A 2 Oberly, William ...do.... 187th Pennsylvania inf. Jan. 18, 1864 145 D 1 O'Brien, Michael ...do.... 3d New Hampshire inf Oct. 30, 1864 28 A 1 Odingee, Henry ....do.... 7th New York heavy art Aug. 30, 1864 54 A 3 Odum, James ...do.... U.S. C.T April 14, 1865 20 F 2 Offord, John ...do.... 22dU.S.C.T April 22, 1865 147 F 2 Offord, R ...do.... 90th U.S. C.T 20 1) 2 Ogan, Levi ...do.... 142d Ohio infantry 155 A 2 Oglesman, Charles ...do.-.- 20th Massachusetts inf Nov. 6, 1864 62 I) 1 Olden, Samuel A ...do---- 1st Michigan infantry Aug. 10, 1864 150 1) 1 Oman, Henry ...do ... 134th Ohio infantry 150 A 1 O'NeU, James ...do.--- 3d Rhode Island artillery.. Mar. 7, 1865 167 A 4 O'Neil, Lester A ...do.... United States S April 11, 1865 35 A 1 Ormeton, WUUam ...do.... 118th New York infantry. .. Oct. 6, 1864 153 A 3 Orr, J. H ...do...- 25th Massachusetts inf 50 A 1 Osborn, Lewis ...do.... 139th New York infantry. . . July 20, 1864 36 K 4 Osburn, W.- ...do..-. 89th New York infantry Oct. 13, 1864 61 A 3 Oscott, James ...do.--. U.S.C. T 47 1) 2 Otis, J. D ...do.--- 10th New Hampshire hy. art July" "l," 1864' 113 D 4 Ousley, Adam ...do.... 189th U. S.C.T Feb. 27, 1865 164 F 2

, . 1865 Owens, Corporal C.S.A , Mar, 27, 147 E 3

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> a, Regiment. Date of death. 1 "1

fc m P

Private . P , w.s United States S.. 28 A 4 Pace, Calvin A ....do... 58 D 1 Pace, Samuel ....do... 9th Maine infantry Dec. 2, 1864 132 A 1 Packard, J. Wesley. - . 36th Massachusetts infantry. July 30, 1864 38 (3 2 Page, A 39th Illinois infantry May 12, 1864 139 F 1 Page, Albion 0 4th 58 E 2 Page, G 7th Wisconsin infantry 36 D 1 Palston, D 117th U.S. C.T Jan. 19, 1865 135 F 3 Papier, Green 45th Virginia-infantry AprU 19, 1865 146 E 3 Park,L 9th U.S. C.T ." July 2, 1864 171 D 3 Parkam, E United States S 74 A 1 Parker, David 117th U.S. C.T Jan. 4, 1865 79 F 4 Parker, Gale U.S. C.T 141 F 4 Parker, George 9th Vermont infantry Nov. 16, 1864 30 A 3 148th York 1864 22 A Parker, Henry New infantry.-. May , 2 Parker, Joseph 2d U.S. C.T Sept. 5, 1864 127 F 3 Parker, M 127th U.S. C.T Feb. 27, 1865 106 F 2 Parker, M C.S.batt Aug. 21, 1864 161 E 3 Parker, P 117th U.S. C.T April 8, 1865 87 F 2 Parker, R 19th U.S. C.T Aug. 29, 1864 88 D 3 Parkham, William M. 8th Massachusetts infantry 78 E 4 Parkins, H.W. 9th Vermont infantry Mar. 8, 1864 81 A 4 Parkinson, J ....do.... 8th Connecticut infantry . . 172 A 3 Parks, Henry ...do-.-. 39th Illinois infantry April 4, 1865 23 F 1 Parsners, T.S Sergeant - 9th New Hampshire infantry July 30, 1864 80 K 2 Parsons, JuUus L Private. - . 1st Connecticut artillery Oct. 14, 1864 134 A 1 Pary, J ...do.... 29th Maine infantry Dee. 4, 1864 26 A 1 Passage, Hiram 2d New York M.R July 7, 1864 94 A 2 Passage, Hiram 2d New York M.R July 7, 1864 19 E 2 Patterson, A 169th U.S. C.T Dec. 31, 1864 25 A 2 Patterson, D 58th Pennsylvania infantry April 29, 1865 131 A 4

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1332 Patton, H Private . 10th New Y'ork heavy art.. Jan. 26, 1865 22 A 1833 Patrick, Lewis ...do... 4th U.S. C.T Oct. 5, 1865 61 A 1834 Peabody, Samuel...... do... 9th Maine infantry July 8, 1864 11 D 1835 Peacock, S. L ...do.... 112th New York infantry. .. 82 D 1336 Pearsall, J.H Sergeant . 88th New York infantry 128 K 1837 Pearson, AVilliam . . Private. . . 2d Pennsylvania cavalry June 18, 1834 143 D 1838 Pease, Thomas G. - - ...do.... 117th New York infantry. .. Oct. 29, 1864 20 A 1839 Pedenger, Edward. 115th U.S. C.T Feb. 3, 1865 153 1) 1S40 Peet, John S 97th Pennsylvania infantry. Jan. 6, 1865 86 A 1811 Pell, James L 21st Pennsylvania cavalry .. July 20, 1864 95 E 1842 Pendleton, A 8th Maine infantry 157 A 1843 Penlrs, Nehemiali . . 5th New Jersey battery Sept. 14, 1864 154 E 1814 Pennel, F 13th Maine infantry 32 E 1845 Perkins, C. S .do... 32d Maine infantry June 24, 1884 14 E 1846 Perkins, Daniel .do... 8th Maine infantry July 7, 1864 148 D 1847 Perkins, H. J .do... 38 E 184S Perkins, James .do... 7th New Hampshire infantry Sept. 14, 1864 119 E 1819 Pero, Joseph .do... llth New Hampshire inf July 18, 1864 24 E 1850 Perrin, It .do... 117th U.S. C.T Oct. 28, 1864 163 F 1851 Perry, J Quartermaster's department. Feb. 14, 1865 176 F 1852 Perry, John 29th U.S. C.T April 22, 1865 66 F 1853 Petello, F 1 E 1854 Peters, Jason 61st U.S. C.T..... Jan. 17, 1865 10 F 1855 Peters, S Lieutenant. 81st Pennsylvania infantry June 17, 1864 109 B 1856 Peters, William Private .. . 29th U.S. C.T 135 F 1857 Pierce, Ira ...do 24th New York cavalry June"l7','i864" 147 C 1858 Pierson, Nathou II . ...-do 81st New York infantry Aug. 1, 1864 10 D 1S59 Pigery. C.F 5th New Jersey artillery. .. Sept. 22, 1864 40 C 1860 Pinckuey, S 8th Maine infantry Oct. 5, 1861 118 A 1861 Pinkbam, W 10th New Hampshire inf. . Feb. 25, 1865 137 F 1862 Pinsow, J 5th Texas infantry Oct. 29, 1864 55 A 1883 Piper, S.W 12th New Hampshire inf- . May 16, 1864 14 A 1864 Pipkins, William... 23d U.S. C.T...... 128 D 1865 Pittsley, E 51st Pennsylvania infantry Sept. 22, 1864 77 0 1866 Phalon, John 196th New York infantry. . . 114 E 1867 Phillips, J 29th U.S. C.T July 3, 1864 134 1) 1838 Phillips, Perry 155th Pennsylvania infantry June 18, 1864 70 E 1869 Phillips, Richard... 38th U.S. C.T Oct. 13, 1864 8 F 1870 Phillips, William... 2d U.S. C.T Mar. 2, 1865 99 F 1871 Phonoax, J 6th New York heavy art. . Feb. 20, 1865 166 A 1872 Piatt, WilUam M. . . 5th South Carolina cavalry Oct. 26, 1864 98 E

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> bij cm Regiment. O

O S3 s P

1873 Plechet, L Corporal. 130th Ohio infantry 140 B 4 1874 Plummer, M Private. . . 31st U.S. C.T Feb. 16, 1865 13 A 2 1875 Poff, Charles ....do.... 15th New York engineers .. Feb. 25, 1865 84 (3 3 1876 Poliver, George W. 28th U.S. C.T Feb. 12, 1865 144 D 2 1864 153 E 4 1877 Pollard, Charles . .. 1st Connecticut heavy art.. Jan. 9, .. 1864 24 A 4 1378 Pollard, Thomas- -- 16th New York heavy art Oct. 27, 1879 Poppy, E. A 18th Georgia infantry April 18, 1865 151 E 3 1880 Porter, Moses 29th U.S. C.T " 138 1) 3 1881 Porter, W 9th New York heavy art. .. May 1, i865 123 (3 4 1882 Post, James 50th New York engineers.. July 13, 1864 72 (3 3 1883 Potter, D 21st Massachusetts infantry, Aug. 27, 1864 22 B 2 D 21st Massachusetts 27, 1864 100 A 2 Potter, infantry, Aug.' ' 4th New 1864 77 1) 4 Potter, F.T Hampshire infantry July , Potter, G.H 9th Maine infantry Feb. 10, 1865 135 A 3 Potts, Henry 8th Maine infantry Jan. 29, 1864 35 D 4 Powell, J 109thU.S.C.T Mar. 5, 1865 156 F 3 1889 Powell, S 28th U.S. C.T Nov. 8, 1864 97 D 3 1890 Pradeen, C 32d Maine infantry July 3, 1864 38 E 2

.. . 1864 135 1) 1 1891 Preman, Charles. . 1st New York heavy art. July 3, 1892 Prescott, A 8th Maine infantry 135 A 4 1893 Prescott, Daniel 31st Maine infantry July 10,1861 11 (3 2 1894 Price, C 15th New York heavy art. 37 D 1 Price, John 23d U. S.C.T 115 D 3

.. 49 1 Pricket, Joseph A. - 91st New York infantry. E 1897 Pritchard, J.H 2d Connecticut artillery. .. July 1, 1864 64 B 4 1898 Proctor, Eli 117th U.S. C.T Dee. 12, 1864 55 F 2 1899 Prody, Henry 8th New York heavy art. . 142 E 1 1900 Profilers, W 38th Wisconsin infantry. - . 68 B 1 36 F 3 1901 Prudenea, George. . 2d U.S. C.T Mar. 2, 1865 Mar. 1865 80 I) 2 1902 Purnell, William. - . 10th U.S. C.T 2, 1903 Putman, G. L | 76 C 2

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Jan. 1865 36 F 4 1904 F 30th U.S. C.T 9, Putman, Richard E 1 B 9th New -- 14, 1864 150 1905 Thomas J- - Jersey infantry- July Putman, 1865 91 A 3 1906 J. P.. F 9th Vermont infantry April 29, Quaokenbush, Oct. 1864 94 B 2 M B 94th New York infantry 13, 1907 Quanlev, 8 D 3 1908 T D Quen, 1865 69 (3 2 M T 207th Pennsylvania infantry April 2, 1909 Quigle, A 1 - - - June 1864 81 1910 J B 7th Connecticut infantry 2, Quiner, June 1864 141 D 1 1911 H 150th Pennsylvania infantry 20, Quinin, Joseph June 1864 109 E 1 1912 R John F 7th Wisconsin infantry 18, , 115 D 2 1913 P Rady, 28 E 2 1914 F A Rafferty, A 2 . - Feb. 1865 126 1915 J.D K 2d Pennsylvania artillery. 1, Rallison, 37 B 4 1916 J.T Ramey, 1864 176 F 3 1917 D. R C 46th Virginia infantry June 2, Ramsey, Mar. 1865 160 E 3 1918 T. A 1) 28, Ramsey, 1865 35 D 4 1919 Randall, L A 2dNew York M.R Mar. 16, 1865 142 F 3 1920 E K 117th U.S. C.T Jan. 28, Randel, 133 F 4 1921 R Randell, 1864 117 A 2 1922 Alex K 85th Pennsylvania infantry. July 23, Rankin, 1864 140 (3 2 1923 H E 205th Pennsylvania infantry April 2, Rapsie, 1864 171 A 2 1924 Rasbeck, B 16th New York heavy art.. Dec. 12, George 1865 145 A 2 1925 Ratliff, P.H B 10th West Virginia infantry AprU 9, 1804 86 (3 2 1926 S - - G 2d New Hampshire infantry July 31, Rawson, Harvey 70 (3 2 1927 Dewitt Ray, 1864 175 E 3 1928 J.H Aug. 21, Ray, 1864 19 F 1 1929 J.T '. - B Aug. 7, Ray, 1864 93 E 2 1930 Isaac (3 July 5, Raymond, 1864 175 A 3 1931 V I 13th New York artillery Dec. 28, Raymond, 1865 167 F 4 1932 W. H 1 45th U.S. C.T Jan. 15, Raymond, 1864 117 F 4 1933 Walter . .. B 8th U.S. C.T Sept. 9, Raymond, 165 A 2 1934 J. L Reams, 49 (3 2 1935 Norman A . .. K Rease, 58 E 1 1936 John Redan, 1864 125 F 4 1937 Redrick, Harrison. . . G 10th U.S. C.T Sept. 17, 1864 134 E 4 1938 Redmond, John A lf.th New York heavy art.. Sept. 16, 1865 106 E 3 1939 Reed, 4th Georgia infantry Mar. 25, Degaffin 1864 130 D 3 1940 G.I D 1st U.S. C.T Oct. 16, Reed, 39 F 2 1941 Reed, T 29th U.S. C.T George 1865 142 F 2 1942 Reed, L E 31st U.S. C.T Aprii 10, George 1864 154 F 4 1943 John A 27th U.S. C.T Dee. 1, Reed, 13 F 3 1944 Reed, Joseph

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> bb Regiment. a

1 02

- . 8 O Reed, Norman A Private. . 186th New York infantry. Reed, Samuel ....do... 58th Pennsylvania infantry Feb. 3, 1865 35 F Reed, Samuel ....do.... 1st New York M. R July 31, 1864 130 A 2 A Reese, J. E ...do.... 10th New York artillery April 3, 1865 1865 72 1) Reese, AVilliam ...do.... U.S. C.T April 3, F Reeves, WUUam ...do.... 27th U.S. C.T Jan. 30, 1865 106 (3 Reich, Henry ...do.... 107th Pennsylvania infantry June 23, 1864 91 Reid, Eugene ....do.... 207th Pennsylvania infantry 157 K Reid,G.W ....do.... 1st South Carolina rifles. - Oct. 27, 1864 99 K 105 B Remington, Orange ....do.... llth Vermont infantry June 18, 1864 171 (3 Repler, Daniel ....do.... 5th Pennsylvania inf. June 21, 1864 inf 1865 111 (3 Reynolds, Charles W- . ....do.... 58th Massachusetts April 2, Reynolds, G ....do...- 89th New Y'ork infantry. - Feb. 13, 1865 129 A art Oct. 1864 117 E Reynolds, Ranson N. -. ....do.--. 1st Connecticut heavy 7, .-- B Riccor, L Band ICth United States inf. Sept. 1, 1864 133 90 D Rice, James M Private. -- 148th New York infantry 50 A Rice, Owen ....do---- 58th Pennsylvania inf 1) Rice, Thomas ....do..-- 22d South Carolina cavalry. June 23, 1864 55 Richard, Jacob ....do...- 183th Pennsylvania inf. . Oct. 3, 1864 150 A Richards, A ....do.... 22dU.S.C.T 38 1) Richards, John G ....do..-. llth Regiment C.T... . Oct. 15, 1334 100 A Richards, T ....do.._. 13th New York artillery Feb. 26, 1365 105 A June 1364 107 A Richardson, Frederick . ....do.... 1st Connecticut artillery 14, Richardson, P ,...do...- 115th U.S. C.T Mar. 23, 1865 72 F .. Mar. 1865 22 A Richardson, Thomas...... do.... llth West Virginia inf. 18, - . - 120 0 Riche, Nathan ...do..-- 47th Pennsylvania inf. June 17, 1865 Richmond, Albert ...do.._. 17th New York infantry - Juno 28, 1864 1 1) A Rickelson, H ...do-... 118th New York infantry. Oct. 27, 1864 102 Rickett, H ...do.... 10th New York heavy art 62 D ...do.... 9th U.S. C.T 1865 144 F Ridder, L. W... -,..-- April 9, Riddick, George Corporal. 6th New Jersey infantry - June 17, 91 D

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1976 Rierson, J. W Major 53d North Carolina inf Mar. 1815 1977 26, Riley, Michael Private. . .. 3d New Hampshire inf May 18, 1304 1978 Riley, William ....do 107th U.S. C.T Jan. 1835 1979 15, Riner, Henry S ....do 25th New York infantry. . . . 1980 Risinger, J ....do 211th Pennsylvania hit Oct. 17, 1864 1981 A. Rister, J ....do 89th New York infantry . . . July 24, 1867 1982 Ritz, Jacob ....do 58th Pennsylvania inf. Feb. 16, 1865 1983 Rhodes, J. W ....do 10th West Virginia inf April 18, 1865 1984 Rhndy,H ....do 118th U.S. C.T May 4, 1865 1985 Roach, David ....do 47th New York inf Feb. 25, 1865 1986 Roach, E Serjeant . . IstNewYorkM.R 1987 Roach, John Private 3d New Hampshire inf. Oct, 7, 1864 1988 Roads, A ....do 16th New York 1989 cavalry Robbins, Egbert W ....do 2d New York 1864 1990 infantry Aug. 13, Robbins, F. J --..do llth Maine infantry April 3, 1865 1991 Robbins, J. L .-..do 130th Ohio infantry 1992 Robbinson, William .-..do 45th IT. S.C.T May 28, 1864 1993 Robert, John ....do 107th U.S. C.T 1994 Roberts, A ..-.do 14th U. S.C.T 1995 July "4,1864 Roberts, J -..do 118th U.S. C.T Jan. 1885 1996 28, Roberts, J ....do 29th U.S. C.T Feb. 1865 1997 5, Roberts, Nelson ....do 10th U.S. C.T Jan. 1865 1998 27, Robertson, J. A ....do 5th North Carolina inf May 13, 1865 1999 Robertson, P ....do 24th New Y'ork 2000 infantry Robertson, W. N --..do 43d Alabama infantry Mar. 29, 1865 2001 B. F ....do Robins, 10th New Hampshire inf. .. 1864 2002 July 9, Robinson, A ...-do 109th U.S. C.T Feb. 1865 2003 11, Robinson, A -...do 9th Maine infantry Dec. 26, 1864 2004 J : ....do.--.. Robinson, 29th Connecticut infantry .. Mar. 11, 1865 2005 J. R ....do Robinson, 9th New Jersey . . 23, 1334 2006 infantry. Aug. Robinson, Joseph ....do 29th Connecticut infantry.. Dec. 4, 1884 2007 Robinson, P ....do 118th U.S. C.T Mar. 1865 2008 29, Robinson, P ....do 41st U.S. C.T Jan. 1365 2009 11, Rochner, Frederick .-..do 117th New York infantry.. June 30, 1864 2010 Rock, Henderson -...do 118th U. S. C. T Dec. 1864 2011 27, Rodgers, W ....do 31st Maine infantry 1864 2012 July 24, Roe, Hartley ....do 2d Pennsylvania art. June 1, 1864 2013 heavy Roff,L ....do 67th Ohio 27, 1864 2014 infantry July Rogan, M ....do 97th Pennsylvania inf. June 29, 1864 2015 Rogers, A --..do 15th U.S. C.T Jan. 28, 1865 2016 Rogers, John W, ....do 19thU.S.C,T Jan, 28, 1865

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Date of death.

Rogers, S Private 4th New Hampshire inf Jan. 13, 1865 Rogers, Samuel ....do 38th U. S. C.T...-- Aug. 20. 1864 120 Rogurman, B Lieutenant. 43d Alabama infantry Mar. 28, 1865 art-. 1864 8 Rolleston, William . Private 1st Connecticut heavy May 20, Rollison, J ....do 2d Pennsylvania artillery. . . Feb. 1, 1865 144 144 Roltson, WUliam...... do 22dU.S.C.T Rooney, L ....do 63d New York infantry July' 18,* 1864 123 Roos, C. R ...do 130th Ohio infantry July 14, 1864 26 Rose, E. F ...do 10th New York cavalry July 26, 1b64 138 Rose, P ...do 3d Maine battery 88 Rose, Samuel R ...do 1st Connecticut heavy art.. Mar. 1, ] 58 Rose, T. E ...do 8th Connecticut infantry 9 Rosell, William ...do 2dU.S.C.T Feb. 17, 1865 59 York .. 1884 73 Rosenstrone, And. . ...do 140th New infantry. Aug. 8, Rosley, Race ...do 1st United States heavy art. April 28, 1865 78 Ross, John ...do 22dU.S.C.T 147 Ross, Noah ...do 29th U.S. C.T -- Jan. 23, 1865 40 Rouser, John 5th Pennsylvania cavalry . Oct. 23, 1864 42 Roush, William 206th Pennsylvania inf. .. . Feb. 11, 1865 153 Rowe, R. W 9th Maine infantry Sept. 17, 1865 3 41st U.S. C.T Mar. 1865 157 Rowen, Andrew , 4, Royce, Charles B-. 6th Connecticut inf. ." June 1, 1864 109 Rudar, Charles 5th Maine infantry Jan. 12, 1865 106 Ruhm, J 8th New York infantry Nov. 16, 1864 176 1864 108 Rummber, Robert- - 1st United States artillery. May 16, Runnells, J 28th U.S. C.T Oct. 3, 1864 159 Rupell, W 23d U. S.C.T., 100 Rupert, G. W 211th Pennsylvania inf. . . . Dec. 9, 1864 146 Russ, A 31st Maine infantry 8 Russell, Charles... 17th South Carolina inf- -- 115 115 Russell, Henry 36th Massachusetts inf

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Russell, George Private. . 45th U.S C.T April 5, 1865 99 F 2 Ruth, Patrick ...do... 1st Connecticut artillery. . Jan. 14, 1865 102 A 4 142d New York inf 1864 175 D 4 Rutley , James ...do... 2, Ryder, T.N ...do... 9th Maine infantry Jan. 16, 1865 157 A 4 Ryeson, George W ...do... 9th Maine infantry July 9, 1864 135 D 4 New York M.R... . 36 E S , Frank ...do... 2 S ...do... 121 E 1 , Phillips Sabaston, W ...do... 116th U.S. C.T April 27, 1865 48 F 3 Sales, Thomas ...do... 9th New Jersey infantry. . . 63 v 1 Sampson, William ...do...- 39th New York infantry.. . . AprU 2, 1865 148 0 2 Sanders, George K 118th U. S. C. T Nov. 6, 1864 164 F 4 Sanders, John ....do F 6th U. S.C.T Nov. 5, 1864 27 F 4 Sands, George ...do C 29th U.S. C.T Mar. 24, 1865 26 F 2 Sanford, Edwin ...do C 8th Maine infantry Aug. 14, 1864 34 D 1 Sapp, Isaac ...do D 97th Pennsylvania inf. Mar. 12, 1865 36 A 3 Sargent, N. F ...do 9th Maine infantry Dec. 31, 1864 126 A 3 Sargent, WiUiam ...do B 8th Maine infantry Jan. 28, 1864 122 E 1 Saville, James R ...do I 25th Massachusetts inf July 31, 1864 114 E 1 Sawlbrig, H Lieutenant . I 98th Pennsylvania inf. April 4, 1865 163 B 4 Sawyer, John Son of a Co nnec ticut soldier 67 F 1 Sayer, George W Private M 50th New York engineers . . Aug. 29, 1864 160 c 4

. 65 Seanlan, Ml H Drummer. . B 16th Michigan infantry July 22, 1864 E 2 Schaffer, C Private D 76th Pennsylvania inf. July 4, 1864 66 D 4 Schaffer, M do K 6th New Hampshire inf 86 A 2 172 D Scher r, ...do E 2d Pennsylvania heavy art. June 29, 1864 4 178 Schling.S ...do 9th New Jersey infantry. .. D 4 Schmidt, W ...do 15th New York artillery Aug. 5, 1864 45 B 2 Schmidth, Lemuel ...do 12th United States inf July 18, 1866 25 1) 1 Schockton, Benjamin...... do 139th New York infantry .. 119 A 4 Schoff, Jacob ...do 118th Pennsylvania inf. 173- D 4 Schoffer.M ...do 6th New Hampshire inf 55 E 2 Scholl, C.H ...do Purnell Legion June 17, 1864 151 E 1 Schuard, ...do 39th New Jersey infantry.. 97 E 2 Schwabb, Adolphns...... do 1st D. C. cavalry Aug. 10, 1864 32 A 4 Seoff, M ...do 21st South Carolina inf. Aug. 25, 1864 174 E 3 Scofield, S ...do 58th Pennsylvania inf. May 11, 1864 87 A 4 T 23 A Scoflet, ...do 4th Massachusetts cavalry. . 1 Scott, Caleb ....do 6th Pennsylvania inf. 101 A 4 A Scott, John ....do 148th New York infantry. . . 29 4 Scott, S. C Lieutenant . 148th Ohio infantry 123 F 1 Scott, W Private. . 7th New Hampshire inf 135 F 1

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Regiment. Date of death.

2089 Scotta, John. Private. . 1st Pennsylvania artillery. Nov. 24, 1864 120 2090 Scudder, S-. ....do... 20th New York cavalry .. . Jan. 6, 1865 71

.. New . 1864 76 2091 Sculley, J. ....do... 9th Jersey infantry. July , 2092 Sears, S. S...... do... 12th Virginia infantry Jan. 11, 1865 168 2093 Seayfoot, WUliam ...do... 2d Pennsylvania artillery. Dec. 29, 1864 92 2094 Sebald, H ....do... 199th Pennsylvania inf. .. . Feb. 5, 1865 51 2095 Sedore, E ....do... 16th New York heavy art. Feb. 3, 1865 155 2096 Seete, P ...do... 1st U.S. C.T 60 2097 Seigar, S. S ...do... 19th Pennsylvania inf. Aug. 3, 1864 17 2098 Seigar, S. S ...do... 90th Pennsylvania inf. Aug. 3, 1864 73 2099 Seneca, J ...do... 23dU.S.C.T Oct. 2, 1864 118 2100 SevUl,E. J ...do... 31st Maine infantry 33 2101 Seward, ...do... 155th New York infantry . 69 2102 Seward, B 13th Indiana infantry 144 2103 Shackels, John. 1st Maryland cavalry Dec. 7, 1864 64 2104 Shaferty, J 95th Pennsylvania inf. 157 2105 Shark, 67 2106 Sharp, S 4th U.S. C.T 122 2107 Shattock, J. F. 1 211th Pennsylvania inf. Aug. 2, 1864 89 2108 76th Pennsylvania inf. 77 York art.. 103 2109 Shaw, Arthur G. 16th New heavy Nov. , 1864 2110 Shaw, James 1st New York heavy art- . . Nov. 1, 1864 111 2111 Shaw, J. A 97th Pennsylvania inf. May 20, 1864 140 2112 Shawgr, John .. 5th Maryland infantry Oct. 27, 1864 76 2113 Shelly, C 60th Ohio infantry Nov. 14, 1864 55 2114 Shelly, C 60th Ohio infantry Nov. 24, 1864 83 2115 Shepfield, T 2d U.S. C.T Nov. 1, 1864 51 2116 Shephard,A 1st Massachusetts artUlery. June 25, 1864 105 2117 Shephard, G. Y. 15th Vermont infantry July 17, 1864 150 2118 Shephard, J 142d Ohio infantry 3 2119 Shepherd, John. 2dU.S.C.T Nov. 15, 1864 56

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Sheridan, Pat Private .. 69th New York infantry. 66 E I Sherman, A. C ...do...- 115th New York inf.... Jan. 16, 1865 178 A 3 inf. . 59 D 4 Sherman, James...... do.... 27th Massachusetts Sherrod, L. R ...do.... 83d Pennsylvania inf. . . June 21, 1864 59 E 1 Sherwood, E ...do.... 132d Ohio infantry July, 22, 1864 160 A 2 Sherwood, Enos...... do.... 130th Ohio infantry July 22, 1864 136 F 1 Sherwood, L. S ...do.... 19th New York batt.... July 29, 1864 '82 E 2 Shider, ...do.... July 12, 1864 39 D 4 Shields, L ...do.... 76th Pennsylvania inf. 27 1) 4 Shields, Wm ...do.... 19th U. S.C.T Oct. 11, 1865 50 D 3 ShUlard,M ...do.... 117th U.S. C.T 64 F 4 Shippeon, Daniel.. ...do.... 21st Connecticut infantry. . 72 A 4 Shisler, Noah ...do.... 132dOhio infantry 78 F 1 Shockly, Eli ...do.... 5th Massachusetts cavalry . June 16, 1864 57 1) 2 Shoop, George Corporal.. 27th New York batt. June 17, 1864 75 E 2 V 3 Short, Phfflip Private. . . 7th U. S.C.T Mar. 7, 1865 63 H.. ...do.... 15th New York 111 B 4 Shre , Jacob engineers. Shrive, Alex ...do.... 9th New York infantry Sept 19, 1864 76 A 4 Shusehel, Charles. ...do.... July 12, 1864 39 I) 4 Shultz, C ...do.... 35th Massachusetts inf. .. . 64 E 2 Shultz, J ...do.... 116th Pennsylvania inf ... Oct. 18, 1864 151 E 2 Shultz, ...do.... 158th New York inf Nov. 10, 1864 105 A 3

. 3 Sides, PirkleyS... 35th North Carolina inf. . April 4, 1865 92 E Siff, M 107th U. S.C.T Nov. 24, 1864 7 F 3 Siher, Wm. H.... 9th New York.inf 26 1) 4 Simons, F 29th U.S. C.T Nov. 24, 1864 3 D 3 Simons, H. S 9th Maine infantry Feb. 16, 1865 91 F 1 Simons, Ira A 164th New York inf. June 18, 1864 83 E 1 Simons, J 30th U.S. C.T Aug. 13, 1864 136 D 2 Simpson, A. H 148th New York inf. Mar. 6, 1865 41 A 4 Sims, Archibald U. S. steamer Machinaw. - . June 6, 1864 86 F 1 Sims, G 142d Ohio infantry 156 F 1 Sims, W 29th U.S. C.T Oct 23, 1864 84 D 3 Sipe, James S 10th United States inf. July 9, 1S64 52 E 1 Sisco, E.F 4th Pennsylvania cavalry. 2, 1864 137 E 4 Sivers, J 117th U.S. C.T Jan. 14, 1865 67 A 2 Skinner, M. H 19th Wisconsin inf Feb. 25, 1865 54 A 1 Slack, James llth Pennsylvania cav 50 A 4 Slat, Phelan 45th Pennsylvania inf- 119 E 2 Slater, John 9th Maine infantry Aug. 5, 1864 122 A 1 C 2 Slattery Jessie 58th Massachusetts inf. . . . AprU 2, 1865 116

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Date of death.

2161 Slaughter, B. W. Private .- . 8th New York heavy art Mar. 22, 1865 75 2162 Sleek, Rudolph...... do United States S 57 2163 Sleeper, R ...do 29th U.S. C.T Sept. 8, 1864 107 2164 Slocum, John ....do 179th New York inf. July 24, 1864 68 2165 Small, Reuben...... do 1 1 th Maine infantry Sept. 16, 1864 4 2166 Small, Wm.H...... do 9th Maine infantry Feb. 26, 1865 121 2167 Smalley, Thomas. ...do 31st U.S. C.T Mar. 8, 1865 93 2168 Smay, Albert ...do 1st New York'M. R Feb. 28,1865 8

inf. . . 1864 13 2169 Smell, L. D ...do 10th New Hampshire July , 2170 Smith, Asa ....do 4th New York heavy art. .. 34 2171 Smith, Chas ....do 1st D. C. cavalry 103 2172 Smith, D ...do 5th U.S. C.T 107 2173 Smith, E. B ...do 10th New York inf 103 2174 Smith, Frank ...do 1st Connecticut heavy art.. Sept. 1, 1864 67 2175 Smith, Frank L... Q. M. Sergt. 1st Connecticut heavy art.. May 4, 1865 149 2176 Smith, G Private 3d Georgia infantry June 27, 1865 142 2177 Smith, Geo. N...... do 29th Connecticut infantry.. 85 2178 Smith, Geo. W. . . . .do.... 189th New York inf. July 21, 1864 38 2179 Smith, H .do.... 37th U.S. C.T Dec. 30, 1864 115 2180 Smith, Henry .do.... 83d Pennsylvania inf. Aug. 1, 1864 42 2181 Smith, J Sergeant . 29th Connecticut inf. 2 2182 Smith, J Private. .. 96th New York inf. Oct. 16, 1864 170 2183 Smith, J ...do.... Naval batt AprU 19, 1865 43 2184 Smith, J ...do.... 35th Massachusetts inf. June 26,1864 2 2185 Smith, J ...do.... 19th New Hampshire inf July 17, 1864 49 2186 Smith. J ...do.... 59th Alabama inf. April 1, 1865 118 2187 Smith, James ...do--.. 1st Connecticut heavy art.. Mar. 25, 1865 27 2188 Smith, John ...do..-. 189th New York inf. 166 2189 Smith, John ...do...- 116th U.S. C.T Mar. 14,1865 49 2190 Smith, John Colored citizen Dec. 7, 1864 53 2191 Smith, Joseph frivate. . 10th U. S.C.T Mar. 2, 1865 81

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Smith, Joseph R. . Private. . 8th U.S. C.T Sept. 23, 1864 113 D 3 Smith, M.D ...do... 17th Vermont infantry 43 E 2 Smith, N ...do... 39th IlUnois infantry April 4, 1865 118 F 1 Smith, 0 ...do... 7th Connecticut inf Jan. 17, 1864 101 A 1 Smith, Samuel ...do... 186th New York inf Dec. 15, 1864 155 E 2 Smith, S. S 118th New York inf 137 D 4 Smith, T 29th U. S.C.T Oct. 30, 1864 7 1) 3 Smith, Thomas 146th New York inf April 4, 1865 71 B 1 Smith, Wm 1st Maryland cav 21 A 3 Smith, Wm 53d Pennsylvania inf HI E 2 Smith, Wm 2d New Hampshire inf. .-. Sept. 8, 1865 47 F 1 Smith, Wm llth West Virginia inf April 17, 1865 148 F 1 Smith, Wm. M 106th Pennsylvania inf. . - . Mar. 12, 1865 127 A 3 Snead, James 22dU. S. C.T. 72 1) 3 Snoder, Sylvester. Maryland infantry. . . Aug"l9,'i864 93 E 1 Snodgrass, H 4th Virginia infantry April 20, 1865 138 E 3 Snook, Lewis 205th Pennsylvania inf... 167 E 2 Snowden, M 38th U.S. C.T Feb. 13, 1865 62 F 2 Snyder, A. M 25th North Carolina inf. - . April 7, 1865 150 E 3 Sommers, Levi 1st Connecticut heavy art. Mar. 28, 1865 133 E 4 Soper, Edwin 118th U.S. C.T Dec. 25, 1864 160 F 2 Soper, J. H 6th New York heavy art. . 47 A 3 Sopher, Alex 6th New York heavy art- . June 20, 1864 172 (3 4 Sorbear, Samuel... 187th Pennsylvania inf. . - - June 18, 1864 102 E 1 Southwick, W. B. . llth Maine infantry 110 B 4 Soves, Martin 5th U.S. C.T Sept. 21, 1864 143 F 3 Spalding, John 107th U. S.C.T Jan. 18, 1865 128 F 2 Sparks, Geo ...do 188th Pennsylvania inf. . . . 55 D 4 Speays, Thomas ...... do 114th U.S. C.T Feb. 4, 1865 88 F 3 Speen, Nelson ....do 5th U.S. C.T Nov. 21, 1864 44 F 4 Spence, Wm. ....do 58th Pennsylvania inf. Mar. 23, 1865 115 A 2 ....do 98th New York inf. . Oct. 1864 130 A 3 Spencer, J. H , 13, Spencer, L ...do 9th New Hampshire inf. . . Aug. 26, 1864 34 B 2 Spigemer, S - Lieutenant 59th Alabama inf. April 24, 1865 123 E 3 Spiller,F.K Private 199th Pennsylvania inf. . . . Mar. 1, 1865 179 A 3 Spingteen, S ....do 98th New York infantry. - . Oct. 6, 1864 153. A 4 Sprague, H ....do 9th Maine infantry Jan. 13, 1865 6 A 3 Sprague, Martin. . . 20th New York cavalry ... Jan. 11, 1865 156 A 3 Stack, G.W.L.... 5th Maryland inf Mar. 9, 1865 55 A 3 Staller, W 15th Virginia infantry Feb. 28, 1865 175 F 3 Stan, Chas. B 29th Connecticut inf 176 A 4

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160 2233 Stanley, Fred Private. 186th New York inf. Jan. 30, 1865 2234 Stanley, John ....do... 115th U. S.C.T May 1, 1865 94 2235 Stanmore, J ....do... 23dU.S.C.T Nov. 18, 1864 64 1 2236 Stanton, A. B Lieutenant 86th New York inf.. June 16, 1864 2237 Stanton, Henry Private 27 2238 Stanton, M.V Lieutenant 26th New York inf Jan. 19, 1864 144 2239 Starks, Thomas Private 5th U.S. C.T Oct. 8, 1864 114 2240 Starweather, H ....do 20th New York cav Jan. 20, 1865 151 2241 Steadman, John H ....do 207th Pennsylvania inf. April 2, 1865 135 2242 Stearnes, J ....do 8th New York cav April 12, 1865 86 2243 Stearnes, Warren ....do 20th New York cav Mar. 22, 1865 12 2244 Steckner, Tranez ....do 15th New York heavy art .. June 22. 1864 36 2245 Steddings, G ...do Palmetto State guard Oct 16, 1864 41 2246 Steel, W.H ...do 207th Pennsylvania inf. April 2, 1865 93 2247 Steepry, W 85th Pennsylvania inf. 2248 Stein, John B 15th New York engineers.. Oct. 30, 1864 2249 Stephens, A 1st Pennsylvania artillery. . April 21, 1865 159 2250 Stephens, M 1st New York engineers. July 18, 1864 41 2251 Stephens, O 25th Massachusetts inf. June 15, 1864 7 2252 Steplens, C. H 4th New Hampshire inf. Oct. 6, 1864 69 2253 Sterling, G 6th U. S.C.T Sept. 4, 1864 17 2254 Stevens, Henderson 19th U.S. C.T 149 Feb. 1865 103 2255 Stevens, W - 107th U. S.C.T 27, 2256 Stevenson, Jas. B 211th Pennsylvania inf. Jan. 14, 1864 65 2257 Stevenson, S 97th Pennsylvania inf. 4 2258 Stevenson, S 107th U.S. C.T Jan. 10, 1865 I 2259 Stewart, J 117th U. S.C.T Jan. 12, 1865 2 2260 Stewart, Levi 19th U. S. C.T 176 2261 Stewart, OUver R 10th United States inf. July 28, 1864 115 109 2262 Stewart, S 4th U. S.C.T July 17, 1864 1864 133 Stickle, 188th Pennsylvania inf. Sept. 11,

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.. Stlllwell, C Private. . . 5th Pennsylvania cavalry Oct. 11, 1864 117 A 1 Stillwell, W ...do.... 14th New York heavy art.. June 29, 1864 62 B 4 StUson, ...do.... 7th June 31, 1864 134 E 1 Stines, Henry ...do.... 210th Pennsylvania inf. April 5, 1865 45 B 1 Stines, J. H ...do.... 126th Pennsylvania inf. June 18, 1864 117 E 1 Stingwood, J -..do.... 4th U.S. C.T Dec. 9, 1864 46 A 2 Stoffleld, Ray A ...do.... 31st Maine infantry 58 0 2 Stone, Benj ...do.... 123dU.S.C.T Feb. 25,1865 24 F 2 Stone, Geo ...do.... 55th Pennsylvania inf, May 9, 1864 83 A 1 Stone, J ...do.... 1st South Carolina inf. July 29, 1864 73 E 3 Stone, MUton ...do..-- 115th U. S.C.T Mar. 4, 1865 49 F 4 Stone, S ...do.... 19th U. S.C.T July 17, 1864 95 D 2 Stoney, Garnett ...do.... 35th New York infantry Mar. 1, 1865 138 B 4 Stookel, F. L 67th Ohio infantry 133 F 1 Stooples, J Private. . 97th Pennsylvania inf. May 18, 1864 77 A 4 Stores, Wm ...do.... 10th New York heavy art.. Aug. 21, 1864 89 D 4 Stoveil, Charles ...do.... 107th U.S. C.T Mar. 22, 1865 86 F 3 Stowell, Wm ...do.... 109th U. S. C.T Mar. 2, 1865 76 F 2 Stramber, Wm ...do.... 4th Virginia infantry 107 E 3 Stratton, Clinton ...do.... 118th New York inf. Aug. 2, 1864 116 D 4 Strickland, P ...do...- 7th North Carolina inf 131 E 3 Street, James ....do.... 69th Wisconsin inf. 176 1) 4 Striker, J 207th Pennsylvania inf. April 2, 1865 109 C 2 Struen, John ...do-.-. 55th Pennsylvania inf. 47 A 4

J 12th New inf. .. D 4 Struhk, ...do-.-. Hampshire June , 1864 109 SuUivan, J Corporal.. 139th New York inf. July 8, 1864 69 D 4 Sullivan, M Private. . . llth Maine infantry April 6, 1865 69 A 3 Sullivan, Michael 24th North Carolina inf Mar. 26, 1865 177 E 3 SuUivan, T.J Drummer. - 40th Massachusetts inf Aug. 21, 1864 9 D 1 Summer, Benjamin Private 2d Pennsylvania heavy art. Dec. 24, 1864 1 (3 2 Summer, Dempsey .--.do Signal corps Mar. 10, 1365 75 1) 2 Surtyman, H ...do 58th Pennsylvania inf. Jan. 8, 1865 17 B 3 Sutton, Geo ....do 112th New York inf. July 15, 1864 145 1) 4 Sutton, M.H ...do 199th Pennsylvania inf. May 1, 1865 29 A 3 Sutton, Wm ....do 98th New York inf July 18, 1864 110 A 1 Swan, Wm ....do..... 38th U. S.C.T Mar. 29, 1865 111 F 3 Swartz, G ....do 3d New York cavalry 122 A 3 Sweet, Eugene. ....do 16th New York heavy art.. 31 A 4 Swiber, J ....do 20th Indiana infantry Mar. 16, 1865 98 (3 3 Swift, G. C ....do llth New Hampshire inf. July 22, 1864 54 E 2 G. C ....do llth inf. 1864 92 A 2 Swift, , New Hampshire July 22,

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Swift, J. W Private. 20th Massachusetts inf Nov. 12, 1864 81 ....do... 205th inf. Mar. 1865 12 Sykes, Enoch Pennsylvania , Tabias, Asheel ....do... 179th New York inf 161 Taler, Henry ....do... 24th North Carolina inf Mar. 26,"i865 152 Tails, Daniels ....do... 8th U.S. C.T Mar. 3, 1865 149 Talmadge, Augustus . ....do... 1st Connecticut heavy art. . . July 6, 1864 84 Tann, L 28th U.S. C.T... 122 Tanner, Joseph Private. . 117th U. S.C.T Feb. 10, 1865 60 Tart, John 118th New York inf Aug. 26, 1864 161 Tate, H. C 4th Georgia infantry Mar. 25, 1865 117 Tate, James United States S Dec. 28, 1864 104 Taylor, Byron 51st New York infantry 72 Taylor, C.B . 117th U. S. C.T Feb. 19, 1865 96 Taylor, Geo 109th U. S. C.T Jan. 21, 1865 29 Taylor, G. W 28th U. S. C.T Jan. 7, 1865 6 Taylor, Jessie 19th U.S. C.T Mar 4, 1865 44 Taylor, W. 1st U.S. C.T Oct. 15, 1864 87 Taylor, Walter 1st U. S. C.T Oct. 15, 1864 97 Taylor, Wesley 117th Pennsylvania inf. June 23, 1864 158 Taylor, Wm 142d New York inf Feb. 16, 1865 75 Taylor, Wm 205th Pennsylvania inf. 19 Taylor, Z 28th U.S. C.T Oct. 25, 1864 92 TeUy, J 114th U.S. C.T Feb. 14, 1865 7 Tery, V.B 6th Connecticut infantry. .. Nov. 1, 1864 83 Thaggart, J.B 36th North Carolina inf June 27, 1865 143 Thalheim, Henry 45th Pennsylvania inf 106 Thomas, A. L 179th New York infantry. .. 2 Thomas, C.H 23d U.S. C.T Mar. 25, 1865 9 Thomas, Charles 91st Pennsylvania inf. June 18, 1864 43 Thomas, F.M 39th Illinois infantry June 17, 1864 59 Thomas, G 23dU,S.C.T Feb. 14, 1865 43

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D 2 Thomas, G Private. . . . HthU.S.C.T July 6, 1864 158 Thomas, Henry ...do 186th New York infantry . . Mar. 9, 1865 7 E 2 E 2 Thomas, John Corporal . . 2d Maryland infantry Aug. 20, 1864 162 Thomas, John Private 41st U.S. C.T Jan. 1, 1865 26 F 4 Thomas, Joseph ...do 189th Pennsylvania inf. AprU 3, 1865 79 B 1 Thomas, Samuel ...do 85th Pennsylvania inf. Feb. 18, 1865 129 A 3 Thomas, William G...... do 1st New York dragoons July 11, 1864 57 (3 3 Thomas, William J ...do 8th Pennsylvania inf. 42 D 1 Thomburg, ...do..... 13th Indiana infantry 6 F 1 Thompson, A ...do U.S. C.T 104 D 3 Thompson, A. E ...do 9th Vermont infantry Jan. 9, 1865 173 A 4 Thompson, Charles ...do 9th Maine infantry Jan. 9, 1865 27 A 3 Thompson, Ely ....do 3d New York artillery Oct. 31, 1864 131 F 1 Thompson, F ....do 117thU.S.C.T Jan. 27, 1865 3 A 2 Thompson, G ....do 117th U. S.C.T.. 112 F 3 Thompson, Henry ....do 29th Connecticut inf. Nov." 2," 1864 111 F 1 118 F 2 Thompson, J ...... do 43dU.S.C.T April 7, 1865 Thompson, J ....do 28thU.S.'C.T Nov. 4, 1865 58 D 3 Thompson, William...... do Maryland 137 E 1 Thompson, William S Engineer.. Iron-clad "" April 6,1865 123 A 1

- - . F 1 Thorn, George W Private ... 199th Pennsylvania inf. Jan. 21,1865 30 Thorpe, EUsh ....do 199th Pennsylvania inf. - .. Jan. 6, 1865 100 A 4 Thurston, S ....do llth Maine infantry 159 A 2 168 E 2 Tibbetts, William H...... do 31st Maine infantry Jan. 14, 1865 Tifield, G ....do 9th Maine infantry Jan. 27, 1865 12 A 3 Tilden, F ....do 142d New York infantry. . May 13, 1864 19 A 1 Tilford, J -...do 3d New York artillery Dec. 18. 1864 109 A . 3 TiUman, H ....do 14th New York heavy art. July 24i 1864 108 B 1 Todd,W ....do 118th U.S. C.T Feb. 6, 1865 22 F 2 Tooley, John ....do 2dNew York M.R 130 E 2 Tooney, M 47th New York infantry. . . Nov. 2, 1864 72 A 3 Toothaker, W do llth Maine infantry Jan. 2, 1865 99 A 3 Townsend, Sidney do 1st Connecticut heavy art. Aug. 4, 1864 120 K 4 Townsend, W do 23d Massachusetts inf July 2, 1864 130 F 1 Tracy, Fred do U.S. C.T Aug. 19, 1864 77 D 3 Trask, Charles do 24th Massachusetts inf Aug. 3, 1864 146 A 4 Travers, John do 4th New York heavy art. . April 7, 1865 139 A. 1 Travis, Smith do 115th New York inf. 71 A 1 Tripp, A do 37th U.S. C.T Dec. 31, 1864 109 F 4 3 Tripp, Augustus L.-.do 16th New Y'ork heavy art . Sept. 15, 1864 125 A Tripple, N.L !....do 10th New York heavy art. April 2, 1865 36 A 1

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2377 Tromlee, Thomas Private. . 96th New York inf. Aug. 3, 1864 12 2378 Trout, Alexander ...do... 12th U.S. C.T Oct. 24, 1864 157 2379 Trout, Phillip ...do... 5th Maryland infantry Mar. 14, 1865 2380 Troxee, WUliam 205th Pennsylvania inf. April 2, 1865 2381 Tryson, George Private. 1st Maryland cavalry 119 2382 Tucker, Byron ....do... 1st Connecticut heavy art.. Nov. 27, 1864 52 2383 Tucker, Richard B ....do... 1st Connecticut heavy art.. Mar. 28, 1865 42 2384 Tucker, WUliam ....do... 118th U.S. C.T Jan. 5, 1865 97 2385 Tucker, WUUam 7th New Hampshire inf June 18, 1864 53 2386 Tulley, Charles 6th New York artillery April 14, 1865 125 2387 Turck, Lewis 109th U.S. C.T Nov. 17, 1864 110 2388 Turgeon, E 7th New York artiUery Nov. 25, 1864 46 2389 Turner, Benjamin 43dU.S.C.T Mar. 10, 1865 99 2390 Turner, Charles 118th U.S. C.T Jan. 8, 1865 172 2391 Turner, Charles E 43dU.S.C.T Jan. 2, 1865 69 2392 Turner, George 5th U.S. C.T Sept. 16, 1864 31 2393 Turner, H 19th Virginia infantry April 19, 1865 148 2394 Turner, Joseph 28th U.S. C.T Jan. 8, 1865 170 2395 Turner, Joseph 5th Maryland infantry Mar. 27, 1865 132 2396 Turner, WUUam H 13th Georgia infantry Mar. 30, 1865 116 2397 Twichell, WUlard llth United States inf. July 24, 1864 129 2398 Twick, A 16th Pennsylvania cavalry . July 30, 1864 104 2399 Twiner, J 43dU.S.C.T Dec 31, 1864 41 2400 Tyler, Aaron 31st Maine infantry 142 2401 lwarner, Jacob 15th Pennsylvania inf. 118 2402 "R. S.T." on left arm. Aug. 18,1864 113 2403 Albert " soldier" 138 , Michigan

2404 , Isaac 2Sth Massachusetts inf. 16 2405 40th Massachusetts inf. 67

. 46 2406 , Richard. 2407 Upper, C.P B 31st Maine infantry. . 2

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Usher, Rias Private. . 29th U.S. C.T Dec. 2, 1864 45 F 4

. . . Utsler, David ...do... 13th Indiana infantry. . June 13, 1864 143 E 1 Uyston, C ...do... 25th Massachusetts inf. 124 F 1

>7 unknown ...do United States S. . 86 A 1

Unknown Lieutenant . U. S. officer 84 A 1

>7 unknown Private U.S.S 92 A 1

[5 do .do.. .do. 93 A 1

U do .do. 94 A 1

[6 do .do. .do. 105 A 1 [7 do .do. 106 A 1

>j8 do .do. 112 A 1 ^4 do. .do. 113 A 1

V5 do. .do. 128 A 1

V8 do. .do. 138 A 1

>6 do, ... U.S. C.T. 6 A 2

S8 do...... do 8 A 2

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Date of death.

>5 unknown. Private. -U.S. C.T.

'7 do. ...do...... do

do. .do. j>7 do.

Unknown Confederate

^5 unknown - U.S. C.T.

^6 do.

Unknown. . Do. U.S.;


Unknown. -U.S. C.T. Do. ...do

Do. . ...do Do.

Do. . Do.

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>3 unknown. Private. . U.S.S. 99 A 2

[4 do. . ...do... 102 A 2

[4 do. . ...do... 110 A 2

>3 do. . .do. 113 A 2

Unknown U.S. C.T. 121 A 2 Do U.S.S 132 A 2

>8 unknown. 149 A 2

>6 do. . 152 A 2

[5 do. . 162 A 2

[4 do. . 19 A 4

[4 do. . 55 A 4

[i do. 159 B 1

>i do. . 53 B 2

U do. 54 B 2

^6 do. . 162 B 2

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bo a

o t

2598 Unknown. . Private. . 10th Vermont infantry. April 6, 1865 12 B 3 Do. 2599 ....do... l6t Vermont artUlery. . April 1, 1865 45 B 3 2600 Do. ....do... U.S.S June 22, 1864 69 B 3 2601 Do. June 22, 1864 112 B 3 2602 Do. Aug. 19, 1864 141 B 3 2603 to -do. 163 B 3 2612 2613 I Pennsylvania inf. April 5, 1865 169 B 3 2614 to >15 unknown. 19 B 4 2628 2629 Unknown .do. 76 B 4 2630 Do .do. 76 B 4 2631 Do .do. 85 B 4 2632 Do .do. 102 B 4 2833 Do .do. 102 B 4 2634 Do .do. 113 B 4

2635 ..... Do. .do. 115 B 4 2636 Do .do. 115 B 4 2637 Do .do. 116 B 4 2638 Do .do. 116 B 4 2639 Do .do. 124 B 4 2640 Do -do. 124 B 4 2641 Do .do. 132 K 4 2642 Do .do.. 132 B 4 2643 Do .do.. 135 B 4 2644 Do .do.. 135 B 4 2645 Do .do.. 137 B 4 2646 Do .do.. 137 B 4 2647 Do .do. 139 B 4

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Unknown. Private . u. s. s. 139 B 4 Do. . ...do...... do... 141 B 4 2650 Do. ...do...... do... 141 B 4 2651 Do. ...do... 160 B 4 2752 Do. . ...do... 160 B 4 2653 Do. ...do... 20th Massachusetts inf. June 26, 1864 39 C 1 2654 to >3 unknown. .do. 123 C 1 2656 2657 to 9 c 2 2662 2663 to 10 c 2 2670 2671 to 30 c 2 2684 2685 to 44 c 2 2692

2693 Unknown. . 45 c 2 Do. 45 c 2

54 c 2 2703 2704 Unknown.. 60 c 2 2705 Do. 60 (3 2 2706 Do. 62 (3 2 2707 Do. 62 C 2 2708 to 77 c 2 2713 2714 to 80 c 2 2721 2722 Unknown. 83 c 2 2723 Do. 83 c 2 2724 to 88 c 2 2731

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Private. . U.S.S. 2738 2739 to ....do...... do... 2746 2747 to 2754 2755 to 2758 2759 to 2764 2765 114 C 2 2766 114 0 2 2767 121 (3 2 2768 121 C 2 2769 to 124 C 2 2774 2775 139 c 2 2776 139 (3 2 2777 156 r, 2 2778 156 a 2 2779 34 (3 3 2780 34 (3 3 2781 45 (3 3 2782 45 0 3 2783 126 C 3

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. 3 >3 unknown Private. . 127 C

do. ...do... 134 c 3

do. 149 c 3

Unknown. 150 c 3 Do. 150 c 3

155 c 3 >2 unknown .

Unknown 159 c 3

>2 unknown 167 c 3

Unknown 171 c 3 Do. 172 c 3 Do. 173 c 3

3 ! 11 .unknown . 174 c

4 Unknown. . 53 c Do. 109 c 4

163 c 4

7 do. 179 c 4

8 do. 12 D 1

S do. U.S.! 28 D 1

8 do. ...do. 40 D 1

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a fen c- No. Regiment. 'o CO P

>6 do. Private. 43 D 1 2856 2857 >6 do. ...do... 46 D 1 2862 2863 9 do. ...do... 51 D 1 2871 2872 >5 do. ...do... 56 D 1 2876 2877 >4 do. ...do... 80 D 1 2880 2881 >8 do. ...do... 97 D 1

do. .do. .do. 120 D 1

2896 U. S. C. 1 D 2 2897 Do. ...do.. 2 D 2 2898 Do. ...do.. 2 D 2 2899 Do. ...do.. 4 D 2 2900 Do. ...do.. 5 D 2 2901 Do. ...do.. 5 D 2 2902 Do. ...do.. 6 D 2 2903 Do. ...do.. 6 D 2 2904 Do. ...do.. 7 1) 2 8 D 2 2905 Do. ...do..

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Unknown. Private. . U. S. C. 11 D 2 Do. ....do...... do.. 12 D 2 Do. ....do...... do.. 13 D 2 Do. ....do...... do.. 13 1) 2 Do. ....do...... do.. 14 D 2 Do. ....do...... do.. 14 J) 2 Do. ....do...... do.. 15 D 2

16 D 2

Unknown. 17 D 2 Do. 17 1) 2 Do. 18 1) 2 Do. 19 D 2 Do. 21 D 2 Do. 21 1) 2 Do. 22 D 2 Do. 26 D 2 Do. 31 D 2 Do. 32 D 2 Do. 34 D 2 Do. 35 D 2 Do. 36 I) 2 Do. 37 D 2 Do. 40 D 2 Do. 40 D 2 Do. 41 D 2 Do. 42 D 2 Do. 43 D 2 Do. 45 1) 2 Do. 45 D 2 Do. 46 D 2 Do. 48 D 2 Do. 48 1) 2 Do. 49 D 2 Do. 50 D 2 Do. 52 D 2

53 D 2

61 D 2

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> bb a' a Remarks.

02 P

63 D 2 63 D 2 92 D 2 92 D 2

33 D 3

105 D 3

106 D 3

108 D 3

112 D 3

113 D 3

129 D 3

134 D 3 2999 3000 155 D 3

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>4 unknown Private. . U. S. C. 156 D 3

Unknown ...do...... do.. 163 D 3

>2 unknown ...do...... do.. 164 D 3

>3 do. .do. 167 D 3

Unkno 168 D 3 Do. 170 D 3 Do. 174 D 3

? 5 unknown 8 D 4

>5 do. 126 D 4

.10 do. 151 D 4

>8 do. 13 E 1

>7 do. 36 E 1

>8 do. 60 E 1

8 do. 91 E 1

>8 do. 111 E 1

136 E 1

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.do. 15 E 2

2 .do. 16 E .

.do. 20 E 2

.do. 22 E 2

-do. 51 E 2

.do., 137 E 2

.do.. 149 E 2

.do. 174 E 2

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1 E 3

do. 2 E 3

Unknown. 3 E 3 Do. 3 E 3 Do. 4 E 3 Do. 4 E 3 Do. 6 K 3 Do. B E 3 Do. 8 E 3 Do. 8 E 3 Do. 9 E 3 Do. 9 E 3

19 E 3

^8 do. 20 E 3

Unknown. . 21 E 3 Do. 21 E 3 Do. - 24 E 3 Do. 24 E 3 Do. 25 E 3 Do. 25 E 3 Do. 26 E 3 Do. 26 E 3 Do. 27 E 3 Do. 27 E 3 Do. 28 K 3 Do. 28 E 3 Do. 29 E 3 Do. 29 E 3 Do. 30 E 3 Do. 30 E 3 Do. 31 E 3 Do. 31 E 3 Do. 32 E 3

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VIRGINIA.Continued. K>

1 No. Name. Rank. Co. Regiment. Date of death. Remarks.

02 P

3215 U.S.S 32 E 3 3216 Do do ...do 34 E 3

3217 Do. ... do ...do 34 E 3 3218 Do do ...do 35 E 3 3219 Do do ...do 35 E 3 3220 Do do ...do 37 E 3

3221 Do . do _.-do 37 E 3 3222 Do do ...do -.. 38 E 3 3223 Do do ...do 38 E 3 3224 Do. do ...do 39 E 3 3225 Do do ...do 39 E 3 3226 Do ....do ...do 40 E 3 3227 Do do ...do : 40 E 3 3228 to do ...do 41 E 3 3237 3238 do ...do. 42 E 3" 3239 Do do ...do 42 E 3 3240 Do ....do ...do 43 E 3 3241 Do. do ...do 43 E 3 3242 Do Jo ...do E 3 3243 Do ....do ...do fS E 3 3244 Do do ...do 51 E 3 3245 Do do ...do 51 E 3 3246 Do ...do ...do 52 E 3 3247 Do ...do ..do 52 E 3 3248 Do ...do ...do 53 E 3 3249 Do ...do ...do 53 E 3

3250 Do .. do ...do 54 E 3 3251 Do ...do ...do--: 54 E 3 3252 Do ...do ...do 55 E 3

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Unknowr do 55 E 3 Do. ....do .56 E 3 Do. ....do 56 E 3 Do. do 57 E 3 Do. ....do ...do 57 E 3 Do. do ...do 58 E 3 Do. do ...do 59 E 3 Do. ....do ...do 59 E 3 Do. ....do ...do 61 E 3 Do. do ...do 61 E 3 Do. ....do ...do 62 E 3 Do. ....do ...do 62 E 3 Do. do ...do 63 E 3

Do. do ...... do 63 E 3 Do. do ...do 64 E 3 Do. do ...do 64 E 3

Do. do . .. do 65 E 3

Do. do .. do 65 E 3 Do. ....do ...do 66 E 3 Do. ....do ..do 66 E 3 Do. do ...do 67 E 3

Do. do ...... do 67 E 3 Do. do ...do 68 E 3

Do. do .. do 68 E 3

Do. do ...do .- 69 E 3

Do. do ...... do 69 E 3 Do. ....do ...do 70 E 3 Do. do ..do 70 E 3 Do. do ...do 71 E 3

Do. do .. do 71 E 3

Do. ....do .. do 45 E 3 Do. do 48 E 3 Do. do ...do 72 E 3 Do. do 72 E 3 Do. do 77 E 3

Do. . do 77 E 3 Do. do ...do 78 E 3 Do. do ...do 78 E 3

Do. do ,- do 79 E 3 Do. ....do ...do 79 E 3 Do. .---do ...do 80 E 3

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bb a

V sl W. P

Private. . u. s. s. 80 E 3 ....do...... do... 81 E 3 ....do... 81 E 3 82 Y. 3 82 E 3 83 E 3 83 E 3 84 E 3 84 E 3 85 E 3 85 E 3 86 K 3 86 E 3

87 E 3

.do. .do 88 E 3 .do. .do 88 K 3 .do. .do 89 E 3

.do. -do , 89 E 3 .do. .do 90 E 3 .do. .do 90 E 3

.do. Confederate. . 91 E 3 .do. -do 102 E 3 -do. .do 104 E 3

-do. .do 124 E 3

.do. .do 128 E 4

For current National & State Veterans Burial records, please visit... http://www.interment.net/us/nat/veterans.htm Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County • Historic Monographs Collection

Private. 11 E 4

...do... 12 E 4

...do... 13 E 4

.do. 14 E 4

^6 do. 15 E 4

1st United States artillery. Oct 1, 1864 19 E 4 U.S.S 26 E 4 46 E 4 46 E 4 57 E 4 57 E 4 63 E 4 63 E 4 65 E 4 65 E 4

>8 unknown. 91 E 4

Unknown. . .do... 93 E 4

Do. . .do... 93 E 4

1-5 unknown. .do... 94 E 4

.do... 129 E 4 .do... 129 E 4 .do... 156 E 4 .do... 156 E 4 .do... 169 E 4 .do I 169 E 4 .do I 171 E 4. .do I 171 E 4

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Szi no.

Private. . 54 F 3400 3401 to ....do... 70 F 3408 3409 to ...do... 85 F 3416

3417 Captain. 10th New York heavy art. . 88 F 3418

to Private . U.S.S 90 F 3429 3430 to 98 F 3432 3433 to .do. 106 F 3440 3441 to .do. 142 F 3445 3446 to .do. 149 F 3449 3450 to -do.. 151 F 3454 3455 .do. 153 F

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to >6 unknown U.S.S.... 155 F 1 3464 S 3465 ) to ?6 do. U. S. C. T. 2 F 2 3470 s 3471 > to r do. ....do 3 F 2 3476 s 3477 to r do. ....do 8 F 2 3483 ) 3484 > to r5 do. ....do 11 F 2 3488 \ 3489 i to }7 do. ....do 15 F 2 3495 } 3496 ) to Mi do. ....do 16 F 2 3501 ) 3502 > to ?H do. ....do 23 F 2 3507 s 3508 to id do. ....do..... 33 F 2 3513 \ 3514 i to rfi do. ....do 35 F 2 3519 5 3520 ) to ^ do. 36 F 2 3525 s 3526 to in do. 38 F 2 3531 \ 3532 ) to ^6 do. 43 F 2

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feb No. Name. Rank. Co. Regiment. Date of death. eg Remarks.

05 P

3538 U.S. C.T 48 F 2 3543 3544 to do >6 ....do ....do 54 F 2 3549 3550 to do >5 ....do do 63 F 2 3554 S 3555 to do U ....do do 66 F 2 3559 3560 to do ie 71 F 2 3565 3566 to do ie ....do do 74 F 2 3571 3572 to >6 do ....do do 89 F 2 3577 3578 to do ....do ....do 90 F 2 3585 [a 35S6 to do ....do ....do 96 F 2 3589 [4 3590 to ie do ....do ....do 102 F 2 3595 s For current National & State Veterans Burial records, please visit... http://www.interment.net/us/nat/veterans.htm Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County • Historic Monographs Collection

to >5 unknown Private. . U. S.C.T. 105 F 2 3600 s 3601 to ib do. ...do...... do 110 F 2 3605 \ 3606 j to U do. ...do... ..do 113 F 2 3611 } 3612 > to tb do. ...do...... do 116 F 2 3616 S 3617 to c7 do. ...do...... do 125 F 2 3623 \ 3624 ) to r3 do. ...do...... do 126 F 2 3626 ) 3627 i to f6 do. ...do...... do 135 F 2 3632 S 3633 i to S-8 do. ...do...... do 138 F 2 3640 \ 3641 1 to r5 do. ...do...... do 141 F 2 3645 5 3646 ) to ?6 do. ....do...... do 145 F 2 3651 s 3652 ) to ?H do. ....do...... do...... 146 F 2 3659 s 3660 ) to ?6 do. ....do...... do 148 F 2 3665 s 3666 ) to ?5 do. ....do...... do 149 F 2 3670 s

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Name. Regiment. .2 f P

5 unknown . Private. U.S. C.T. 151

6 do. . ...do... .-..do, 163

do. . ...do... do 165 3686 ^5 3687 >6 do. ...do...... do 168 3692 3693

>6 do. . ...do...... do 171

>6 do. . ...do... .do. 174 3704 3705 to ...do... 176 3710 3711 to 4 3716 3717 3718

3723 ) to >6 3728 I )

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>5 unknown. 151 F 3

.do. 154 F 3

Unknown. ...do....;. 166 F 3

Do. . ...do 167 F 3

Do. . Confederate. . 176 F 3

Do. . U.S. C.T... 3 F 4

...do 32 F 4

^6 do. ...do 61 F 4

>5 do. ...do 90 F 4

is do. ...do 91 F 4

U do. ....do 127 F 4

[lO do. U. S. S. .. 134 F 4

V5 do. U. S. C. T. 137 F 4

\7 d0- u. s. s. .. 147 F 4 >10 do. ....do 150 F 4

....do 160 F 4

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No. Regiment.

>5 unknown. Private. . U. S. C. T. 162 3814 3815

!-6 do. . ...do...... do 168

...do...... do 172 3826 3827 to do. ...do...... do 173 3831 3832

to 8 do. . ...do... 174 3839 3840 Unknown ...do... 178 3841

to 3 unknown . u. s. s. 96 3843 3844

to 6 do. . .do. 3849 3850 to do. .do. 3854 3855 Vainer? Ralph... .do 29th U.S. C.T May 14, 1865 5 3856 Valentine, G .do 41st U.S. C.T Jan. 5, 1865 133 3857 Valentine, W .do 107th U. S.C.T.... 23 3858 Van Buren, M .do 2d U.S. C.T Jan. 22, i865 33 3859 Van Buren, P .do 69th Ohio infantry . Jan. 21, 1865 132 Vanderhiden, H. . .do , 2d New York M.R. Aug. 27, 1864 32

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Vandusin, J Private. . 207th Pennsylvania inf. 117 C 3862 April 2, Vangdon, A. G ...do... 98th New York infantry . . . 140 A 3863 Vanivan, J ...do... 107th U.S. C.T Jan. 12, 1865 40 A Vankison, P ...do... 41st U.S. C.T Feb. 24, 1865 27 A 3865 Van Martin, ...do... United States S 15 F 3866 Vanorman, Charles.. ...do... 50th New York engineers.. April 1, 1865 143 a Vanoute, James ...do... 4th New York heavy art. .. June 26, 1864 32 E Van Vann, J ...do... 1st New York engineers 108 A 3869 Van D Winkle, ...do... 158th New York infantry. .. May 22, 1865 20 A 3870 Varlett, Y.F 3d New York heavy art Nov. 3, 1864 133 A 3871 Varney, Richard ...do. 4th U. S.C.T Oct. 6, 1864 164 F 3872 F ...do. Vauloon, 47th New York infantry .. . Mar. 18, 1865 23 A 3873 Veats, D.A 7th Connecticut infantry 14, 1864 37 A 3874 May ...do.... . Vergenary, 7th New York heavy art. . Oct. 22, 1864 67 E 3875 Vernes, C ....do.... 9th New Jersey infantry 102 F 3876 Vinegar, W ...do.... 115th U.S. C.T Mar. 1865 139 F 3377 11, Vogenety, A Corporal.. 14th United States inf. 1864 40 B 3878 Aug. 21, Wadams, M Private. .. 39th Illinois Feb. 20, 1865 56 A 3879 infantry Wadill, J ...do.... 2d New York M.R 2, 1865 123 1) 3880 April Wadleigh, E ...do-... 5th New Hampshire inf Oct. 1864 173 E 3881 8, Wagner, Charles ...do.... 107th U.S. C.T Dec. 1864 28 A 3832 9, Wait, M. B ..do. 25th Massachusetts inf 8 A 3883 B ..do. Walker, 158th New Y'ork .. 1865 42 A 3384 infantry. April 4, Walker, Henry ..do. 31st Maine infantry April 2, 1865 2 (3 3885 J ..do. Walker, 142d New York infantry. .. Dec. 1864 113 A 3886 14, Walker, N 4th U.S. C.T 152 1) 3887 Wall, J. B ...do... llth Pennsylvania cavalry. Mar. 12, 1865 77 A 3888 WaUace, John ...do... 200th Pennsylvania inf. 1865 130 !3 3889 July 30, Wallace, Joseph ...do... 1st United States C. cav 54 I) 3890 R ...do... Wallace, 25th . . May 9, 1864 122 F 3891 Mississippi infantry. WaUace, W.B ...do... 2d Pennsylvania art. 1864 20 (3 3892 heavy July 8, Walley, Henry ...do... 43d Ohio infantry 11 A John ...do... . Walsh, 158th New York infantry. . 60 A Walston, G ...do... 19th U.S. C.T Sept. 19, 1864 28 1) Waltenmyer, C ...do... 199th Pennsylvania inf. 1865 85 A 3896 April 1, Walter, C ...do... 28th New Jersey infantry.. 30 E 3897 Walter, James ...do... 117th U.S. C.T Mar. 3, 1865 130 F 3398 Walters, J ...do... 97th Pennsylvania inf. June , 1864 65 D 3899 Waltz, John ...do... 8th New York art Nov. 1864 98 E 3900 heavy 25, Ward, A.F ,. ....do... 97th Pennsylvania inf. 15 A 3901 Ward,D ....do... 19thU.S.C.T Sept. 26, 1864 135 D

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Regiment. Date of death.

3902 Ward,E.S Private . 36th Massachusetts inf. 68 3903 Wardlke, S ....do... 3d United States artillery.. Oct. 11, 1864 145 3904 Ware, A. H ....do... United States S 99 3905 Warren, E ....do... 2d New York heavy art 5 3906 Warren, Josiah W ....do... Maryland infantry 85 3907 Warren, P ....do... 23dU.S.C.T Mar. 19, 1865 58 3908 Wase, D ....do... 207th Pennsylvania inf. 128 3909 Washington, G ....do... 7th U.S. C.T May 3, 1865 31 3910 Washington, G ....do... 21st U.S. C.T Dec. 14, 1864 154 3911 Washington/George. - ....do... 29th U.S. C.T 139 3912 Washington, George. - ....do... 29th U.S. C.T 102 3913 Washington, O ....do... 29th Connecticut C. T May 1, 1865 107 3914 Washington, Palmer...... do... 127th U.S. C.T May 16, 1865 115 3915 107 Washington, William. ...do... r United States S 3916 Waters, H ...do... 110th Pennsylvania inf. May 8, 1865 73 3917 Feb. 1865 111 Waters, J. C ...do... 4th New Jersey batt , 3918 Wather, James .do... 5th U.S. C.T Nov. 14, 1864 6 3919 Watson, G. W .do... llth Maine infantry Mar. 3, 1865 93 3920 Watson, Henry .do... 5th U.S. C.T Jan. 17, 1865 3 3921 Watson, J .do... 38th U.S. C.T April 30, 1805 53 3922 Watson, J.S 2d Maryland infantry July 1, 1864 121 3923 Watson, James Private. llth Pennsylvania cavalry. Sept. 13, 1864 18 3924 Watson, John ...do.... 41st U.S. C.T Jan. 24, 1865 175 3925 Watson, WilUam do 127th U.S. C.T Feb. 28, 1885 81 3926 Wayor, G ...do.... 4th Massachusetts infantry. 55 3927 Weaver, J ...do.... 39th U. S.C.T Feb. 12, 1885 148 3828 Weaver, Jacob ...do.... 5th Michigan infantry June 18, 1864 52 3929 Weaver, Joseph ...do.... llth Pennsylvania cavalry. 174 3930 Webber, David Corporal.. New York heavy art. . Aug. 16, 1864 92 44 3931 Webster, E Private. .. 16th Pennsylvania inf. 3932 Webster, H. A ; ...do.... 1st New York artillery April "3," 1865' 22

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Webster, Harvey R. Private. 207th Pennsylvania inf. April 3, 1865 149 C 2 Weeks, George ...do... 2d New York infantry July 16, 1864 23 (3 2 ...do... 1st Minnesota 102 I) 4 Weeks, John ...... infantry

. . Weeland, William...... do... 5th Pennsylvania cavalry Dec. 11, 1884 76 F 1 Weiser, George ...do... 155th Pennsylvania inf. June 18, 1864 149 D 1 Welch, E. R 96th New York infantry Aug. 29, 1864 87 K 1 Welch, F.B Sergeant . 83d Pennsylvania inf June 19, 1864 152 F. 9. Welch, J Private. .. 170th New York infantry .. 126 D 1 Well, Jeremiah ...do.... llth West Virginia inf. April 10, 1865 147 F 1 Weller, N ...do.... 117lh U.S. C.T Nov. 24, 1864 41 F 4 Wells,H ...do.... 23d U.S. C.T 140 D 2 Wells, Samuel ...do...- 211th Pennsylvania inf. Nov. 7, 1864 38 A 3 Wentbwort, E ...do..._ lstNewYorkM.R 46 A 3 Wescott, Cyrus ...do.... 118th New York infantry. . . July 23, 1864 155 D 4 Wescott, Loshett ...do.... 17th Vermont infantry July 4, 1884 116 E 2 West, E ...do.... Confederate Feb. 25, 1865 167 E 3 West, Francis ...do.... 39th Massachusetts inf July 26, 1864 108 (3 1 West, T ...do.... 143d Ohio infantry 93 F 1 Western, Thomas B. ...do.... 2d Michigan infantry 145 E 2 Wetherill, J ...do.... 97th Pennsylvania inf. May 20, 1864 152 F 1 Wetherll, W ...do-.-. 6th Connecticut infantry Feb. 12, 1865 153 A 4 AVetman, Newton...... do.... 21st Massachusetts inf June 20, 1864 103 (3 2 Whatford, Alex ...dO---- 37th U.S. C.T July -, 1864 162 F 3 Wheeler, C.W ...do. 37th Massachusetts inf 144 A 4 Whitacker, W ...do. 58th Pennsylvania inf. Oct. 12, 1861 124 A 2 White,A ...do. 28th U.S. C.T 162 D 3 White, D ...do. Q.M. Dep't. Colored Dec. 2, 1864 38 D 2 White, D 116th U.S. C.T Mar. 22, 1865 23 F 3 White, George 31st U.S. C.T Nov. 28, 1864 159 F 3 White, H 118th U.S. C.T Dec. 26, 1864 65 F 4 White, John ....do.... 200th Pennsylvania inf. Dec. 2, 1864 158 A 3 White, Lewis ....do.... 6th U.S. C.T 130 F 4 White, R ....do.... 3d Arkansas infantry 54 A 2 White, S ....do.... 14th U.S. C.T June 19, 1864 91 D 2 White, W ....do.... 27th U.S. C.T Nov. 29, 1884 169 1) 2 Wbiteford, J ....do.... 142d New York infantry. .. May 2, 1864 159 F 1 Whitehart, C Corporal - 56th North Carolina inf Aug. 24, 1884 170 E 3 1865 K 2 Whiteman, R. A Private. . . 7th Rhode Island inf. Mar. 21, 30 Whiting, E ....do---. 9th Maine infantry Feb. 28, 1865 162 A 4 Whiting, John ....do.... 6th U.S. C.T....'. Sept. 7, 1884 123 F 4 Whitney, E ....do.... llth Maine infantry 3 A 3

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Date of death.

Wickliff, P Private. . 118th U. S. C. T Jan. 2, 1865 156 Wiers, P. H ....do... 5th Michigan infantry June 16, 1864 65 Wiggin, Leonard...... do... 3d New Hampshire inf 45 Wiggins, M ....do... Q.M.D.C.T 25 Wigglesworth, H-. ....do.... 45th U.S. C.T Mar. 24, 1865 28 Wiggs, Thomas T...... do.... llth New York infantry . . June 16, 1864 60 Wilcox, J. P Captain .. 6th Connecticut infantry. . May 10, 1864 87 Wilday, H Private. - . 61st New York infantry June 26, 1864 35 Wildham, H. C...... do.... 7th Connecticut infantry. . June 17, 1864 115 Wilding, George 4th New Hampshire inf. .. July 25, 1864 Wiley, John 155th New York infantry. . Wilkins, William .- Purnell Legion 71 Will, Anthony 118th U.S. C.T Oct. 27, 1864 171 Willets,A ...do... 21st U.S. C.T Dec. 21, 1864 86 Willey, Joseph ...do... 10th New Hampshire inf. . Dec. 18, 1864 64 Williams, A. T ...do... 50th New York engineers. July 19, 1864 107 Williams, C ...do... 69th Pennsylvania inf. 73 Williams, E ...do... 117th New York inf. 155 Williams, F ...do... 109th U.S. C.T Jan. 12, 1865 112 Williams, G ...do... New York heavy art. 37 Williams, George . . ...do... 29th U.S. C.T 119 Williams, G.W...... do... 43dU.S.C.T Mar. 3, 1865 153 Williams, H Sergeant . 10th U.S. C.T Aug. 31, 1864 82 Williams, H Private. .. 29th U.S. C.T Sept. 9, 1864 24 WUliams, Henry ...do.... 10th U.S. C.T 58 Williams, Henry ...do.... 28th U.S. C.T Ju"n"e"l4','i865" 21 Williams, Henry F. ...do.... 1st Connecticut artillery . . July 8, 1864 134 Williams, J ...do.... 38thU.S.C.T Oct. 3, 1864 92 Williams, J ...do.... 118th U.S. C.T Jan. 1, 1865 122 Williams, John ...do.... 146th New York infantry . Aug. 10,1864 107 Williams, John ...do.... 8th U.S. C.T May 6, 1865

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WUliams, John Private . 58th Pennsylvania inf. . . . Mar. 13, 1865 Williams, Lafayette ...do... 28th U.S. C.T June 16, 1865 WiUiams, M ....do... 1st New York heavy art- May 11, 1865 Williams, M ...do... U7thU.S.C.T Jan. 14. 1865 WilUams, M ...do... 29th U.S. C.T Feb. 7, 1865 Williams, M.F Captain . 2dNew York M.R Williams, N Private. . 41st U. S.C.T Dec. 8, 1864 Williams, S ....do... 39th U.S. C.T WiUiams, T ....do... WilUams, Thomas ....do... 45th U.S. C.T Jan. 18, 1865 WiUiams, W 41st U.S. C.T May 2, 1865 WUliams, WUliam 13th Indiana infantry Sept. 21, 1864 WUliams, William 107th U.S. C.T Dec. 2, 1864 WUlis, Charles 31st U.S. C.T Sept. 13, 1864 Wilson, CO 9th Vermont infantry Feb. 23, 1865 WUson, David 4th U.S. C.T Aug. 20, 1864 WUson, J 4th U.S. C.T July 15, 1864 WUson, J lmhu.s.c.T Jan. 26, 1865 WUson, J 5th U.S. C.T Wilson, James 58th Pennsylvania inf. Wilson, John U. S. steamer " Com. Perry' June 17, 1864 Wilson, John S 19th Maine infantry Wilson, Martin 188th Pennsylvania inf. Oct. 6, 1864 Wilson, P 10th U.S. C.'T July 2, 1864 WUson, Perry G 2d New York M.R July 13, 1864 Wilson, Perry G 2dNewYorkM.R July 13, 1864 Wilson, R 22dU.S.C.T Aug. 27, 1864 WUson, Robert Lieutenant. 2d Virginia cavalry AprU 20, 1865 WUson, T Sergeant . . 155th New York infantry . . Wilson, Thomas Private 3d Pennsylvania heavy art. Sept. 18, 1864 Wilson, W Corporal . . 12th New York infantry . . . Nov. 6, 1864 Wilson, W.D Private ... 45th Pennsylvania inf. WUson, WUliam ....do 8thU.S.C.T 16, 1864 Wilson, Wyatt ....do 29th U.S. C.T Jan. 27, 1865 Winberger, E ....do 24th Pennsylvania inf. Nov. 22, 1864 Wince, Lewis ....do 76th Pennsylvania inf. Winchester, James ....do llthU.S.C.T Windeer, H.S ....do 150th Pennsylvania inf. July 3, 1864 Winden, Samuel ....do 9thU.S.C.T May 20, 1865 Wineberry, G. H ....do 19thU.S.C.T Sept. 23, 1864 Winfield, Jacob ....do U.S. C.T

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feb a Regiment. ^ *o '% o J2? 02 P

Wing, James Private .. llth Pennsylvania cavalry. Nov. 30, 1864 65 A. 1 Wing, James-- ....do.... 10th U.S. C.T 133 D 3 Wingate,T.H ,...do...- 70 D 1 Wington, Edgar ....do.... 88th New York infantry 53 J) 1 Winows, J. H ...do.... 1st New Jersey infantry July 20, 1864 3 (3 1 Winser, N ....do.... 39th U.S. C.T Aug. 24, 1864 149 1) 2 Winslow, Henry ...do.-.. 5th U.S. C.T Oct. 2, 1864 137 F 3 Winsor, J ...do.... 72 F 1 Winter, A ...do...- 67th Ohio infantry April 8, 1365 127 A 1 Winters, S ...do.... 10th New York artillery .. . Feb. 25, 1865 143 A 4 Wise, B ...do.... 93d Pennsylvania inf June 19. 1864 159 E 1 Witt, Clarke ...do.... 116fhU.S.C.T Feb. 2< 1865 50 F 2 Wolf,H ...do.... 1st New York engineers . . . Jan. 24, 1865 144 A 1 Wolffor, H ....do.... llth United States artillery July 24, 1884 146 I) 4 Wolfran, Adolphus ....do.... 20th Massachusetts inf 63 K 1 Wonderly, George ....do.... 18th Pennsylvania . . 134 E 2 Wood, C.J. ...do.... llth Maine infantry May 13, 1865 115 A 3 Wood, Samuel ...do.... 40th Massachusetts inf Aug. 21, 1864 5 D 1 Woodhouse, C ...do.--. 86thU.S.C.T Oct. 6, 1865 18 F 3 Woodiongh, WiUiam ...do.... 56th Massachusetts inf Aug. 11, 1864 27 E 2 Woods, ....do.... 6th Connecticut 76 A. 1 Woods, W Sergeant . 5th New Hampshire inf 26 E 2 Woodson, J Private .. 5th U. S.C.T Dec. 8, 1864 28 F 4 Woodward, J. G ....do.... 85th Pennsylvania inf 179 A 4 Woodward, SUas ...do.... United States S 75 A 4 Wooley, Charles H ...do.... U.S. C.T Mar. 3, 1865 39 I) 2 Wooster, William ...do.... 41st U.S. C.T Mar. 8, 1865 11 A 2 Worth,E ...do.... 9th U. S. C. T 132 F 3 Wouldridge, M ...do.... 23d New York cavalry July 4, 1864 23 B 4 Wrieran, Peter ...do.... 16th Michigan infantry. . : . . July 30, 1864 45 K 2 Wright, Charles ...do.... 4th U. S. C.T Feb. 6, 1864 71 A 2

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Wright, George Private E 29th U.S. C.T. April 13, 1805 57 F 2 Wright, H ...do June 25, 1864 90 (3 4 Wright, John ....do 107th U.S. C.T Doc. 28, 1864 74 F 4 Wright, JohnH Lieutenant . 5th Virginia infantry Mar. 27, 1865 113 E 3 Wright, Oliver Private 31st U.S'. C.T Dec. 24, 1864 82 F 4 Wright, P ....do 19th U. S. C. T Jan. 31, 1865 74 F 3 Wright, Richard ....do 1st Connecticut heavy art. June 8, 1864 44 A 3 Wright, W. B ....do 117th New York inf. 3 A 1 Wrightwell, C . ....do 19th U. S. C. T Sept. 13, 1864 171 D 2 Yager, J ....do 10th West Virginia inf Mar. 30, 1865 91 A 1 Yarnell, V ....do 97th Pennsylvania inf. July 4, 1864 35 1) 1 Yast, H ....do 3d Pennsylvania artillery. Mar. 15, 1865 136 A 2 Yates, James ....do.... 16th New York heavy art. Nov. 3, 1864 110 A 4 Yetton, Benson ....do.... 9th Maine infantry Dec. 31, 1864 125 A 2

- York, George Corporal 7th New Hampshire inf. . . 79 A 1 Young, A Private. . . 6th U.S. C.T Oct. 11, 1864 28 F 3 Young, D. J ....do.... 207th Pennsylvania inf. ... June 27, 1864 106 (3 2 Young, Frederick 138th Pennsylvania inf. ... 128 A 4 Young, George 146th New York infantry . June 18, 1864 142 D 1 Young, James 48th regiment Aug. 2, 1864 25 A 1 Young, R United States S 89 B 4

Z , J United States S 137 A 1 Zeegles, John 1st Maryland cavalry 15 A 4 Zeet, John 76th Pennsylvania inf 16 A 1 Zeller, Jacob 16th New York artillery.. Oct. 23, 1864 118 A 3 Zingling, John 105th Pennsylvania inf. . .. 78 D 1. Zinmer, C 5th U.S. C.T Jan"."31,"i864' 168 F 4


Abbott, G. W Private .. 9th Maine Nov. 20, 1864 59 A 4 Akler, C Corporal.. 4th Maine Jan. 4, 1865 152 B 4 Albert, Private. .. Hospital servant Feb. 12, 1865 127 B 3 Aleander, R ....do.... Michigan reserves Nov. 1, 1864 62 A 3 Amie, J ....do.... 27th United States C .. Nov. 8, 1864 162 B 3 Amol, J ....do.... 1st Michigan Feb. 21, 1865 143 A 3 Amsworth, J. R...... do.... 27th Wisconsin Feb. 21, 1865 149 A 4 Anderson, J ....do.... 28th United States C . . Nov. 7, 1864 157 B 3

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a Cm

sl s

Attic, A Private. . lst Maryland Oct. 27. 1864 3 A Baley, J 23d United States C. Nov. 28i 1863 164 B Balton, J Private. . 9th Tennessee Jan. 3, 1865 41 A Bamer, W ....do..: llth Ohio Mar. 26, 1864 7 B Banchart, A ....do... 14th Pennsylvania Dec. 17, 1864 114 B Bangarden, . ....do... 115th Illinois April 10. 1864 46 B Bangle, J ....do... 106th New York Dec. 9 1864 69 B Beaman, M ....do... 8th Michigan Dec. II 1863 157 B Bear, S ....do... 16th Pennsylvania Nov. m 1864 108 A Belhart, G 122dOhio Sept. 23. 1864 149 A Benjamin, H ...do.... 31st United States Dec. 2 1864 44 B Bishop, N Sergeant - 23d United States Nov. 26; 1864 89 B Bixby, A Private. .. 19th New York Nov. 19, 1864 112 A Blarkley, R 28th United States C . . Dec. 23 1864 152 B Private. 8th Michigan Dec. 26; 1863 42 A BoUardson, F...... do.... 109th New York Mar. 1865 156 A Borden, W ...do.... 10th Wisconsin Aug. 13, 1864 132 B Botton, F. M...... do.... 99th Ohio Jan. 5, 1864 54 A Bowsman, J ...do.... 93d Pennsylvania May 15; 1865 132 B Bran, W ...do.... 31st Maine Dec. 15, 1864 98 B Brower, J ...do.... 23d Kentucky Jan. 15 1864 51 A Brown, G. W...... do.... 3d batt. llth U. S. inf. . Jan. 1865 7 A Buckford, E ...do.... 22d Michigan Dec. 1863 97 A Bummel, E ...do.... 123d Ohio Dec. 5, 1864 45 B Burdy, J ...do.... 2d Massachusetts Jan. 24, 1865 42 A Buttom, J ...do.... 115th New York Aug. 12, 1864 123 B Carle, W ...do.... 10th New York Dec. 16 1864 110 B Carret, J ...do.... 126th Ohio Nov. 26! 1864 8 B Carrol, J ...do.... 4th Kentucky Mar. 18, 1864 60 B Casterbough, D. ...do.... 23d Illinois Jan. 24 1865 149 B Castor, A ...do.... 13th Virginia Dec. 11 1864 85 B

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Choppe, A. S Private .. Nov. 24, 1864 Clauey, F ...do.... Oct. 27 1864 Clerest, H ...do.... 58th Massachusetts Nov. 12 1864 Clutter, L Corporal . 4th Virginia cavalry Mar. 11 1865 Coleman, J Private. .. 18th Maine Jan. 6 1865 Conklin, T...."...... do.... 4th New York Dec. 13 1864 Cook, W. H ...do.... May 23 1866 Cory, C. W ...do.... 1st New Hampshire Nov. 3 1864 Cox, J Corporal.. Feb. 14 1865 Coy, G Private. . . April 5 1864 Coyfort, J ...do.... Dec. 10 1863 Crowl,T Sept. 18 1864 Cum, J Mar. 28 1864 Curtney, P 19th Ohio May 23 1864 Daniels, J. C 56th Massachusetts July 29 1864 Daprembple, W... Feb. 8 1865 Daugberty, L .do.. 1st United States cavalry. .. Feb. 2 1865 Daughty, G. W... .do.. July 21 1864 Deyman, J .do.. 183d Pennsylvania Dec. 22 1884 Dickerson, M .do.. 73d Illinois June 22 1864 Dito,G .do.. 28th United States C Jan. 27 1865 Domeust, G. W... .do.. Dec. 11 1864 Dorall, P.O .do.. 10th New York Nov. 18 1864 Dubuny, J .do. 22dOhio Duesimo, L. L .do.. 1862 Ehrle, George .do. 151st New York Dec. 3 1864 Evans, W .do. 51st Ohio Nov. 27 1863 Feak, N .do. 9th New York Nov. 12 1864 Fiery, J .do. Nov. 16 1864 Flagertv, J .do. 38th Wisconsin Dec. 29 1865 Fober, S. H .do. 58th Massachusetts Aug. 25 1864 Froman, J .do. 31st United States Sept. 26 1864 Fry,F .do. 4th Ohio Dec. 25 1863 Gaven, J. M .do. 91st Ohio Nov. 2 1864 Geer, W. C .do. 151st New York V Feb. 26 1865 George, W .do. 31st United States C Sept. 28 1864 Gibbs, C .do. 39th United States C Dec. 27 1864 Gibson, R .do. 9th United States Oct. 27 1864 Goodlow, G .do. 23d United States C Oct. 28 1864 Gordan, J. A .do. Jan. 22 1864 Gosmer, .do. Dec. 28 1863

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1 a bb a Regiment Date of death. Cm 6 ft 02 P

Gotty, A. S Private. . 144th Ohio Jan. 4, 1885 150 B 4 Gray, J ....do.... 23d United States C... Dec. 24, 1864 149 B 3 Green, R ....do.... 29th United States Nov. 18, 1864 58 B 3 Gustin,F ....do.... 22d New York Jan. 18, 1865 60 A 4 Guy, J ....do.... 8th Tennessee Dec. 23, 1863 27 A 2 Hagsith, H ....do.... 2d Michigan Nov. 13, 1864 44 A 1 N ....do...... Haines, United States C , 1865 144 A 1 Hainsworth, W , ....do.... 122dOhio Sept. 11, 1864 119 A 1 Hall, H...: ....do.... 9th New York Nov. 23, 1864 22 B 4 90 Hall, L. F ....do.... 57th Massachusetts Nov. 22, 1S64 4 B 4 91 HaUaway, G. W ....do.... 44th Indiana Mar. 7, 1864 28 B 2 92 Hamasay, P ....do.... 59th Massachusetts Feb. 8, 1885 100 A 4 93 Harnish, E ....do.... 77th Pennsylvania Mar. 27, 1864 16 B 4 94 ....do.... 23d United States C... Dec. 19, 1865 130 B 3 95 Heavens, J...... do.... 3d Tennessee Dee. 24, 1863 78 A 2 96 Hendrick, L...... do.... 9th New York Nov. 24, 1864 14 B 4 97 Henwick, L ...... do.... 31th Ohio Dec. 4, 1864 84 B 4 98 Herd, W ...do.... 144th Ohio Nov. 29, 1864 34 B 4 99 Hess, J Corporal., 8th Tennessee Mar. 19, 1865 153 A 2 100 Heyland, J Private. . . 5th New York artillery. . Jan. 22, 1865 39 A 4 101 Hill,T ...do.... 2d Michigan Feb. 17, 1865 159 A 4 102 Holden, B ...do...- 31st United States S Nov. 17, 1864 51 B 3 103 Homer, J. A...... do.... 1st Michigan Dec. 16, 1864 135 B 4 104 Hopwood, G...... do.... 7th Wisconsin June 25, 1864 99 B 2 105 Horn, J.T...... do.... 18th United States C... Dec. 29, 1863 126 B 3 106 Hormell, H. C. ...do.... 25th Illinois Feb. 22, 1864 112 B 2 107 Hovey, G I ...do.... 37th Wisconsin Sept. 9, 1864 123 A 1 108 Howard, J. E. ...do...- May . 1862 45 B 3 109 Hullett, J ...do.... 2d Maryland Sept. 29, 1864 147 A 1 110 Hunsinger, A.. ...do.... 2d Pennsylvania . Sept. 27, 1864 24 A 1 111 Jacobson, J ...do.... 10th Wisconsin . . Jan. 4, 1864

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E Jackson, Private 31st United States C... Dec. 28, 1864 146 B 3 Jacksop, G ...do 31st United States C... Nov. 6, 1864 151 B 3 Jackson, J ...do 23d United States C... Dec. 24, 1864 145 B 3 Jackson, S ...do 31st United States C... Dec. 2, 1864 151 B 3 Jones, J ...do 28th United States Nov. 29, 1864 77 B 3 Jones, T ...do 23d United States C... Jan. 20, 1865 140 B 3 Josselyn, A. J 122dOhio Mar. 2, 1865 152 A 3 Kaweliffe, ...do 1st Rhode Island Feb. 18, 1864 24 B 2 Keely, M ...do 37th Wisconsin Jan. 6, 1865 147 B 4 Kengon, T. C Lieutenant. 10th Michigan cavalry. April 8, 1865 55 A 4 Kimble, S. D Private 15th New Jersey Dec. 16, 1864 99 B 4 Kirkier, C ....do 2d Virginia Dec. 18, 1864 133 B 3 Kirrick, G. H ...do 79th Illinois Dec. 2, 1863 122 A 3 Kizer, P ...do 126th Ohio Mar. 8, 1865 148 A 2 Knox, J ....do 37th Wisconsin Sept. 4, 1864 154 A 1 Kosmer, G. W ....do 17th Pennsylvania Nov. 23, 1864 23 B 4 Lailagaka, W 12th Pennsylvania Dec. 7, 1864 90 B 4 Lamorent, J. R 16th United States C. Jan. 16, 1864 123 B 3 Laudon, J 9th New York Dec. 20, 1864 120 B 4 Lanse, L. M 89th Ohio Mar. 17, 1864 72 A 3 Lester, N. C- 13th Tennessee Feb. 27, 1865 88 A 3 Lewis, J 18th Ohio May 17, 1864 20 B 1 Lilly, T 31st Maine Nov. 15, 1864 105 A 1 Litton, E. M 1st Virginia Mar. 5, 1865 155 A 2 Luckner, J 9th New York Jan. 28, 1865 28 A 4 McCanley, B. M 119th Pennsylvania Sept. 30, 1864 116 A 1 McMara, M 58th Massachusetts Dec. 21, 1864 111 B 4 Malcony, J 1st Maryland Nov. 27, 1864 37 B 4 Mannie, W llth New York Nov. 24, 1864 36 B 3 Martin, R 43d United States C... Nov. 13, 1864 153 B 3 Mathir, N 51st Pennsylvania Jan. 11, 1865 69 A 3 Matsler, A 14th New York Nov. 29, 1884 31 B 3 Mayhan, G 21st Michigan April 15, 1864 44 B 1 Medder, J 73d Illinois Dec. 30, 1865 142 A 3 Milcan, T. M 89th Iffinois Feb. 26, 1864 114 B 1 Miles, G. W 3d Maryland ; . Feb. 16, 1865 144 A 4 Miller, J 39th United States C -- Jan. 30, 1865 129 B 3 Miller, J 23d United States C... Nov. 26, 1864 163 B 3 Morgan, S 32d Maine Mar. 6, 1865 150 A 2 Morris, J. B 122dOhio Dec. 30, 1884 116 B 4 Murphy, J 18th Pennsylvania Mar. 8, 1865 151 A

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Date of death.

.. 153 Murphy, W Private. 58th Massachusetts . . Nov. 27, 1864 4 154 Musher, S ....do.... 109th New York.... Feb. 23, 1865' 158 155 New, C ....do.... 37th Wisconsin Oct. 5, 1864 60 156 Newcomb, L. P. . ..._do-.-- United States S Nov. 6, 1864

H - 157 Nichols, ....do.... 45th Pennsylvania. - Oct. 6, 1864 158 Oalesby, W. P...... do.... 9th Alabama May 11, 1862 85 159 Osgood, J 3d batt. llth U. S. I. April 8, 1866 1 H 160 Paleman, Private. 87th Pennsylvania. .. Oct. 2, 1864 120 161 Parker, A ...do.... 23d United States C - Nov. 23, 1864 110 162 Parker, R ...do.... 23d United States C. Oct. 21, 1864 49 163 Parson, T ...do.-.. lst Michigan Sept. 14, 1864 155 164 Peck, J. G ...do.... 2d Massachusetts Feb. 12, 1865 131 165 Perick, W. C...... do.... 57tb Massachusetts.. Jan. 6, 1865 31 166 Phenderson, J ...do.... 100th Pennsylvania. . Aug. 23, 1864 132 167 Poster, J. W ...do.... 1st Virginia cavalry. Feb. 7, 1865 106 168 Powell, R. F ...do.... 31st Maine Jan. 2, 1865 3 169 Pouch, S. A ...do.... 33d Ohio Mar. 28, 1864 37 170 Pusley, W. S ...do. 3d Tennessee Mar. 17, 1864 19 171 Quilbran, H. II...... do. 1st Ohio April 19, 1864 4 172 Rice, E ...do. 13th Wisconsin July 10, 1864 153 173 Richland, B ...do. 2d Michigan Mar. 18, 1865 124 174 Rieves, T. E ...do. 12th Mississippi May 18, 1862 54 175 Ronling, J ...do. 184th Pennsylvania.. Jan. 20, 1864 45 176 Rotter, G Corporal. . 4th Maryland Mar. 10, 1865 86 177 W .. Russell, Private. 58th Massachusetts. . Jan. 10, 1865 17 178 Saley, J. S ...do.... 10th New York Dec. 30, 1864 115 179 Sattm, G ...do.... 119th New York.... Sept. 21, 1864 160 180 Savage, A ...do.... 23d United States C- Nov. 7, 1864 159 181 Seitez, A ...do.... 99th Ohio Jan. 6, 1864 50 182 Sergent, J ...do.... 3d Michigan Jan. 16, 1864 63 183 Shamaway, J. W . ...do.... 151st New York Dec. 5. 1864 102

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J.L Private. . ., 8th Kansas April 25, 1864 2 B 1 J. H ....do... Shinney, 32d Maine Sept. 22, 1864 52 A 1 E Slomfer, ...do... 1st Maryland Oct. 6, 1864 68 A 1 Smith, E ....do... 31st United States. . . Sept. 16, 1864 122 A 1 Smith, R ...do... 23d United States C. Jan. 28, 1865 141 B 3 Soper, A. J 21st Wisconsin July 13, 1864 65 B 1 Southerlin, J 3d Kentucky Mar. 10, 1864 57 B 2 Spankey.W. H... 2d United States Mar. 27, 1364 6 A 4 Sprague, P 138th New York.... Oct. 19, 1864 15 A 1 Spraight, E 2d Massachusetts Mar. 25, 1865 164 A 2 Starkey, B. F.... 5th Wisconsin Jan. 3, 1865 66 A 3 Struwatter, E 19th United States .. Nov. 27, 1863 147 B 2 Sulivan, J 23d Illinois Dec. 8, 1864 107 B 4 Summers, H 12th Pennsylvania. . . Jan. 4, 1865 157 B 4 Sunpoon, B 6th Kentucky Jan. 11, 1864 55 B 2 Swaine, J. W May 22, 1862 53 B 3 Talibenmerkle, C . 9th Ohio Jan. 15, 1864 20 A 2 Tarham, W. J. . - . 65th Ohio Jan. 21, 1864 154 B 2 Taylor, J 21st New York Feb. 23, 1865 152 A 2 Taylor, J 179th New York... Feb. 23, 1865 149 A 2 Teny, E 2d Illinois Nov. 28, 1863 81 A 3 TheUer, W. H.... 9th Indiana Jan. 15, 1864 142 B 2 Tining, T United States S Dec. 11, 1864 130 B 4 Trail, B. S 28th United States. Nov. 25, 1864 86 B 3 Trent, C 1st Tennessee Sept. 26, 1864 135 A 1 Tucker, J. W 100th Ohio Dec. 21, 1864 128 B 4 Unknown U.S.S Oct. 16, 1864 2 A 1 Do ...do Oct. 5, 1864 16 A 1 Do Oct. 16, 1864 22 A 1. Do Oct. 17, 1864 27 A 1 Do Oct. 20, 1864 93 A 1 Do Oct. 9, 1864 141 A 1 Do 1864 5 A 2 Do 1864 8 A 2 Do 1864 14 A 2 3 unknown 1864 39 A 2 3 do 41 A 2 3 do 44 A 2 Unknown 46 A 2 Do 48 A 2 Do 49 A 2

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a SO Regiment Date of death.

izi 02 P

1864 59 A 2 Unknown... Private. U.S.S. , 1864 61 A 2 3 unknown. ....do...... do.... , 62 A 227 Unknown...... do...... do.... 2 73 A 2 228 Do...... do... 1865 74 A 2 229 Do...... do... 23, 1864 75 A 2 230 Do. ... 1864 76 A 2 231 Do. ... u. s. s. 1864 81 A 2 232 Do...... do.... 1864 83 A 2 233 Do...... do.... 1863 84 A 2 234 Do. ... 1864 85 A 2 235 Do. ...

, 1864 86 A 2 236 Do. ... 237 3 unknown.. 1863 89 A 2 1864 90 A 2 238 Unknown. . . 1864 92 A 2 239 Do. ... 1.864 93 A 2 240 Do. ... 1864 94 A 2 241 Do. ... 1864 97 A 2 242 Do. ... 1864 107 A 2 243 Do. ... 1864 108 A 2 244 Do. ... 1864 110 A 2 245 Do. ... 1864 111 A 2 246 Do. ... 1864 113 A 2 247 Do. ... 114 A 2 248 Do. ... ,1863

, 1864 115 A 2 249 Do. ...

, 1863 116 A 2 250 Do. ... 1864 117 A 2 251 Do. ... 1863 118 A 2 252 Do. ... 1865 126 A 2 253 Do. ... 1864 131 A 2 ... ..do... 254 Do. 1864 146 A 2 255 Do...... do...

For current National & State Veterans Burial records, please visit... http://www.interment.net/us/nat/veterans.htm Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County • Historic Monographs Collection

3 U.S.S , 1863 91 A 3 , 1863 92 A

Do , 1863 95 A 3

Do. ....do ...do , 1865 108 A 3

Do ....do ...do , 1863 110 A 3

....do ...do , 1864 111 A 3 ...do Feb. 23, 1865 113 A 3

Do ....do ...do , 1863 114 A 3

Do. ....do ...do , 1864 120 A 3 3 Do ....do ...do , 1864 121 A 125 A 3 Do ....do ...do , 1864 126 A 3 Do do ...do , 1864 127 A 3 do ...do , 1863 129 A 3 do ...do , 1865 131 A 3 .-...do ...do , 1863 3 3 do do ...do , 1865 132 A 140 A 3 2 do do ...do , 1864 3 do ...do , 1864 145 A 146 A 3 ....do ...do , 1863 148 A 3 ....do ...do , 1864 A 3 Do ....do ...do , 1863 149 A 3 Do ....do ...do , 1863 156 159 A 3 Do ....do ...do , 1864 Do do ...do ,1864 161 A 3 162 A 3 Do ....do ...do , 1864 163 A 3 Do ....do ...do , 1863 164 A 3 Do ....do ...do , 1863 4 A 4 Do ....do ...do , 1865 9 A 4 Do ....do ...do , 1865 4 Do do ...do , 1865 52 A Do ....do ...do Feb. 20, 1865 58 A 4 4 Do .. do ...do Feb. 23, 1865 101 A Do do ...do Feb. 3, 1865 109 A . 4 Do. ....do ...do Feb. 20, 1865 129 A 4 Do ....do ...do Feb. 20,1865 132 A 4 B 1 Do do ...do , 1864 10 70 B 1 Do ....do ...do , 1864 136 B 1 Do ....do ...do , 1864 13 B 1 Do do ...do , 1864 B 2 Do ... do ...do 20 B 2 ...do , i864 131

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Sz; 02 P

297 2 unknown. Private. U.S.! 1864 7 B 3

298 Unknown...... do...... do. 1862 9 B 3

299 Do...... do...... do. 1865 10 B 3

300 Do...... do... 1862 11 B 3

301 Do...... do... 1864 27 B 3

302 Do...... do... 1862 24 B 3

303 Do...... do... 1865 25 B 3

304 Do. ... do... 1864 28 B 3

305 Do. ... do... 1864 29 B 3

306 Do. . . 1862 40 B 3

307 Do. ... April 8, 1865 42 B 3

308 Do. ... 1864 55 B 3

309 Do. ... 1864 56 B 3

310 Do. ... 1864 57 B 3

311 Do. ... 1865 59 B 3

312 Do. ... 1862 62 B 3

313 Do. ... 1864 76 B 3

314 Do. ... 1862 78 B 3

315 Do. ... 1864 79 B 3

316 Do. ... 1864 81 B 3

317 Do. ... 1865 82 B 3

318 Do. ... 1865 87 B 3

319 Do. ... 1864 88 B 3

320 Do. ... 1865 90 B 3

321 Do. ... 1864 91 B 3

322 Do. ... 1864 93 B 3

323 Do. ... 1862 97 B 3

324 Do. ... 1862 111 B 3

325 Do. ... 1864 113 B 3 3 326 Do. ... 114 B 115 B 3 327 Do. ...

For current National & State Veterans Burial records, please visit... http://www.interment.net/us/nat/veterans.htm Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County • Historic Monographs Collection

. Unknown Private. . U.S.S , 1864 116 R 3

Do ...do... ..do , 1864 117 B 3

Do ...do... ..do , 1862 118 B 3

Do ...do... ..do , 1864 119 B 3

Do ...do... , 1862 120 B 3

Do ...do... , 1862 121 B 3 Do ...do... ,1865 128 B 3 Do .do.. Feb. 18, 1865 142 B 3 Do .do.. ..do 17 B 4

Do. ..- .do.. ..do 129 B 4 Do ..do 145 B 4

E. C 9th New . . 1864 126 A 1 Vamey, Hampshire , Aug. 10, Vanlear, W 31st United States 8, 1864 83 B 3 Sept. ' -" " Volk, C 3d New Jersey Dec. 58 B 4 Walley, J 6th Kentucky Dec. 5, 1863 11 A 2 Walters, A 8th Pennsylvania Sept. 2, 1864 92 B 1 Ward, F 98th New York Aug. 21, 1865 94 B 3 Ward,H 79th New York Mar. 5, 1864 108 B 1 Wardman, J 99th Massachusetts Dec. 6, 1864 68 B 4 Warton, J 8th Kentucky April 9, 1864 82 B 1 Welsh, W 59th Massachusetts Sept. 26, 1864 110 A 1 Wesbrook, G. W. 38th Massachusetts Mar. 19, 1865 150 A 3 Wesgate, N.B 1st New York cavalry Jan. 1, 1864 5 A 4 Whitinhouse, . - 16th United States Mar. 17, 1864 107 B 1 Wickworth, R 6th Michigan Nov. 25, 1864 2 B 1 Wilfony, J.R.... 21st Ohio Aug. 1864 127 A 1 William, W 33d United States cavalry.. Dec. 1864 108 B 3 WUliams, R 23d United States cavalry.. Aug. 1864 112 B 3 Willis, A 89th Ohio Dec. 25, 1863 52 A 3 Withers, L 20th Michigan Dec. 19, 1864 76 A 4 Worwood, A 2d Maryland Jan. 10, 1865 2 A 4 Wright, S Private. 28th United States cavalry. Dec. 11, 1864 148 B 3 Wyiie,A ....do. 38th Illinois Dec. 22, 1863 124 B 2 Yond, J ....do. 32d Maine Dec. 8, 1864 106 B 4

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Thi3 Cemetery is located on the Quaker road, two miles from Malvern Hill, and 14 mUes from Richmond, Virginia. This was the immediate locality ofthe fight called the "battle of Nelson's farm," or "Glen- dale," which was fought on the afternoon of June 30, 1862, being the fifth day of the seven days' fighting, on the retreat of the army of the Potomac to Harrison's landing, under General McClellan. The "battle of Malvern Hill," which wa3 fought July 1, 1862, took place two miles further east on the following day. The surrounding country is gently undulating, well timbered, and in a good state of culti vation. The site selected for the Cemetery is laid off in the form of a circle, and divided into four sections.. In the centre is raised a mound, on which is erected a flagstaff, where the national colors are daily displayed. The entire enclosure composes 2-jV acres, and is surrounded by a paUng fence, in good order. Operations at this Cemetery began May 7, 1866, and were completed July 14, 1866, under the direction of Brevet Lieutenant Colonel James M. Moore, C. Q. M. 1st Military District. Each grave is distinctly marked by a neat white tablet, bearing the name, rank, regiment, &c, of the deceased soldier. The bodies interred in this Cemetery were principally collected from Malvern Hill, FrazierVi farm, Charles City C. H., &c, and are in number as follows, viz : Known 237 Unknown 960

Total. 1,197

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Regiment. Remarks.


Abrams, Joseph C. . . Private .. 1st Maryland light art. 11 Agnew, John ....do.... 5th United States art.. 16 Allen, George E Sergeant . 2d Vermont 35 Aman, William Private. . . 143d Ohio N.G 106 Ames, George H ....do..-. llth Massachusetts 42 Anderson, Samuel B. ....do.... 5th New. Jersey 38 Andrews, O. A ....do.... 3d Michigan 35 Angell, WUUam H...... do.... 1st U.S. S.S 24 Arent, WUUam ....do.... 7th Virginia 22 Atchison, J. M 163d Ohio N.G 73 Atkins, John Private. . 7th Michigan 4 Avery, James C ....do. 163d Ohio N.G 90 Baetman, Henry ....do. 94 Baley, John W ....do. 18th Pennsylvania 46 Barnes, B. E ....do. 1st Maine cavalry 31 Baxter, Lewis ....do. 1st United States C. cavalry 128 Bemon, B ....do. 37th New York 47 Benning, J. W ....do. 62dOhio 25 Benway, Henry ....do. 2d New York 44 Berbaker, Christian. 45 Bowers, Charles Private. . 2d United States infantry. . 9 Brisling, John 8th Pennsylvania cavalry . 36 Britt, J Private. . 69th New York 33 Bullock, Chancey...... do.... 34th New York 41 Burns, J Corporal . 9th Maine 5

- . . 3 Burton, Charles Private. .. 96th Pennsylvania R. C Cain, Nelson ....do.... 102d Pennsylvania 20 CampbeU,T.J ....do.... 2d Maine 4 CaroC A.C ....do.... 53d Pennsylvania 9

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*. . 25 Carpenter, Henry Private. 92d New York 10 Carpenter, J. W ....do.... 1st Michigan Cass, Edwin ....do..-. 5th Maine , 24 Cealrow, W ....do.... 1st California 8 Chadderdon, PhUe D. ....do.... 6th New York cavalry 163 Chubb, James ....do.... 2d batt. 14th U. S. infantry 10 Churchill, Thomas...... do.... 18th Massachusetts 9 Clark, H ....do.... 24th Massachusetts 27 Clark, James M ....do.... 8th Maine 48 Cleeland,A.K ....do.... 83d Pennsylvania 15 Clovish, C.E ....do.... 1st Maine 39 Cole, D.D ....do.... 184thNew York 8 49 Conners, Thomas Sergeant . 33d New York 7 Coombs, E. M Corporal. . 18th Massachusetts 46 Crane, Allen W Private. . . 6th New York cavalry Dalrymple, Jesse ....do.... 32 Daugherty, R.J ....do.... 9th Pennsylvania R. C 15 Day, W.S 28th U. S.C.T 83 Dealing, William Private. 2d artiUery 11 Dennis, John ....do. 143d Ohio N.G 123 Denson, Merrel ....do. 50th New York 12 Derby, Edwin A ....do. 1st Massachusetts 34 21 Dettinger, Romains...... do. 98th Pennsylvania Deveney, John ....do. 10th New York 14 Devire, A 57th New York 11 Devlin, Michael ....do.... 1st California 7 Dillie, M Corporal. 163d Ohio N.G 88 1 Dougan, Turner Private. . . 33d New York Doherty, Niel ....do.... 1st Massachusetts cavalry. 34 ....do.... 8th Pennsylvania cavalry . 144 Donely, Phillip 15 Dover, Joseph ....do.... 2d Maryland artillery

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Driscoll, Daniel Private 33d New York battery 126 C Dunnan, Robert S...... do 1st Pennsylvania artillery. 18 A Eagle, George ....do 163d Ohio N.G 113 C Eastman, S. C ....do 1st U.S. S.S 16 D Enser, Conrad ....do 98th Pennsylvania 24 C Ewers, W. 0 ....do 163d Ohio N.G 68 c Fairbanks, J. H Lieutenant. 36 c Fanshaw, S. A Private 6th New York cavalry 42 0 Farnham, John C ...do 16th New York artiUery 75 O Farnsworth, David...... do 7th Michigan 47 D Feauge, James ....do 184th New York 1 B Fetcher, Samuel ...do 7th Michigan 8 B Fisher, Henry ...do 98th Pennsylvania 18 C Flasbury, N ...do 77th New York 45 A

Flexer, Elias B 163d Ohio N.G ... 79 C Fryar, P Private. . 94th New York 34 C Geer, J ...do.... 6th New York cavalry 44 C Gibson, Alexander .. ...do.... 1st New Jersey cavalry 33 D M GUroy, ...do-... 2d United States artillery . . 163 D Glover, Joel C ...do.... 143d Ohio N.G 124 C Goddard, John ...do.... 143d Ohio N.G 107 c Goodrich, WUliam ...... do.. 50th New York 13 B HaU,J.M ....do.... 184th New York 7 A Handlin, Samuel ....do.... 102d Pennsylvania 30 B Harden, Charles ....do.... 6th New Jersey 40 D Harris, E ....do.... 34th New York 35 D Harris, W 1st Lieut . 1st Maine cavalry 87 C Hasper, Samuel Private. .. 1st California 49 c Healy, John ....do.... 47th New York 19 D Henderson, ....do.... 7th Michigan 50 D Henderson, J ....do.... 12thNew York 1 C Hertlin, Joseph ....do.... 98th Pennsylvania 22 C Hill, WUUam W...... do.... 4th New Jersey vols 39 B Histerer, Joseph F...... do.... 1st New York artillery 15 D Hoffman, George ....do.... 4th New York 3 1) Hosack, John M ....do.... 102d Pennsylvania 28 C Houghland, Samuel. ....do.... 2d Ohio cavalry 38 C Howard, David ....do.... 18th Pennsylvania cavalry. 40 C Howe, Daniel 42dNewYork 3 C Hurbiron, James 2dP.R.V.C 20 B Hurter, A. B 2d Rhode Island 19 B

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Regiment. Date of death.

Jenkins, Nelson Private 14fh New York 12 Jennings, R 143d Ohio N.G 119 22 Jiffman, C. S Private. . 1st U.S. S.S Jones, Ed.F ....do.... llth Massachusetts 36 Jubb, John ...do.... 16th Massachusetts 23 Keefover, Jacob ,...do.... 62dOhio 46 12 Keeney, J. C Corporal . 12th Mt P. R. V. C Keirans, Michael Private. .. 8th Maine 44 Kelley, J ...do.... 76th Pennsylvania 17 Kenedy, Daniel ...do.... 37th New York 41 Keney, L ...do.... 9th Maine 33 Kerrigan, Luke ...do.... 1st United States cavalry. . 6 Klock, Dewitt ...do.... 16th New York artillery- . 81 Kunkell, Peter ...do.... 1st Pennsylvania R. C . 30 Ladere,W.H llth New York 49 Lahiff, Michael ....do.... 16th Massachusetts 25 17 Lawrence, WUUam H . ....do.... 1st California Leonard, A. A ....do.... 184th New York 2 Leonard, F ...do.... 4th Michigan 2 28 Lewallen, Joseph C ...... do.... 95th Pennsylvania Logan, S. D ....do.... 5thP.R.C 16 Long, Joseph D ....do.... 8thP.V.R.C 20 Long, S.W ....do.... 1st Maryland cavalry 21 29 Loveles, N -. ...do.... 5th Excelsior brigade Lyon, M.E ...do.... 24th Massachusetts 29 Mann, William ...do.... 106th Pennsylvania 23 Mann, WUUam ...do.... 106th Pennsylvania 25 31 Mason, J. H Corporal . 1st Massachusetts cavalry. 28 Melcher, F Private .. 98th Pennsylvania Frederick ...do.... 98th Pennsylvania 32 Melcher, 22 Melvin,S.K 1st U.S. S.S

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MoCall, JohnS Private 48th Pennsylvania McClure, E.D Sergeant 4th Maine MoClure, Norman Private 59th New York McCoy.G.W ...do llth Pennsylvania cavalry. McGlowry, Andrew J. ...do 102d Pennsylvania McGuire, ...do 32d New York McHvane, J ...do 69th Pennsylvania McKelUps, George P. . ...do 1st battalion 17th U. S. I. .. McLaughlin, Cyrus A. ...do 7th Michigan McLaughlin, M.J ...do 63d Pennsylvania Minkler, Corporal . .. 6th New York cavalry Mitcheson, Thomas Private 72d Pennsylvania Mitter, O ...do 7th Virginia Mooney, John. ....do 69th New York Moran, D ...do 2d New York Morris, WUliam ....do 1st United States C. cav Motley, O.J ....do 8th New York cavalry Murtha, James ....do 39th New York Nagle, Frederick ...do 143d Ohio N.G NeS, M ....do 81stNew York Newell, B.A Sergeant . . 1st Massachusetts cavalry. . Nolan, John Private llth Massachusetts Norcross, Alfred ....do 3dNew Jersey.". Osborn, ...-.do Connecticut vols Owens, A ....do 13th Pennsylvania Patterson, N. A ....do 49th Pennsylvania Peach, George ....do 66th New York Pelton, W.M ....do 34th New York Percival, G.E ....do 5th New Hampshire vols. .. Petril, E.M ....do 10thP.R.C PhUUps, David L Corporal.. 6th New York cavalry Piggah, Joseph Private. . . . 16th New York artillery Pinkham, Cyrus C ....do 8th Maine Plumer, J. L ....do 163d Ohio N.G Potter, B.F ....do 4th Maine Pratt, J.R ....do 16th Massachusetts Prosser, C.E ....do 10thP.R.C Randall, Charles E Corporal. 3d Michigan Reed, WUliam H Private. . . 62dOhio Reen, Adam ....do lstP.R.C Reeves, William G ....do.... 4th Ohio

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Rice, Jesse Private. 67th Ohio 19 Ringleb, A ....do... 1st New Jersey cavalry. 34 Roach, Michael ....do... 2dNewYork 45 Root, Jacob ...do... 93d Pennsylvania 17 Rothlingshefer, J ...do... 1st Maryland light art. . 10 Roundebrish, J. W...... do... 143d Ohio N.G 105 Sanborn, S. E 1st Michigan 11 Scifer, George Private. . 20th New York cavalry. 50 Scott, Robert ...do. 28th Indiana 65 Sessler, E ...do- 53d Pennsylvania 6 Seward, Eli 143d Ohio N.G 125 Shaw, WiUiam Private. .. 18th New York 30 Shay, I.D ...do.... 6th independent N. Y. batt'y 37 Shay, P.D ...do.... 6th United States 4 Sheldon, G ...do---- 18th New York 8 Shonberger, WUUam. 14th New York 13 Simonds, E. M Corporal.. 2d Vermont 37 A Sergeant . 1st Maine cavalry 96 fmith,mith, Albert Private. - . 1st Maryland cavalry 23 Smith, George E ...do.... 16th New York 26 Smith, W.H ...do.... 13th Pennsylvania cavalry 50 Smith, William ...do.... 3d Michigan 43 Smith, WUUam ...do.... 1st New Jersey cavalry 29 Spaulding, George H. ...do.... 1st Connecticut artillery 26 Stewart, W ...do.... 143d Ohio N.G 115 Stiver, David ...do.... 53d Pennsylvania 5 Sullivan, Jeremiah O. Corporal . 19th Massachusetts 21 SuUivan, John Private. . . 5th Pennsylvania cavalry. 42 Swanwick, Edward.. ...do.... lst New Jersey artillery . . . 41 Tarbell, W. S ...do.... 1st U.S. S.S Tarbox, H ...do.... 1st Massachusetts

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Tatro, Joseph Private. . . 1st U.S. S.S 18 B Taylor, Fred ....do.... 1st Massachusetts cavalry.. 44 B Tenell, George W. ....do.... 10th Connecticut 31 C Terrell, James ....do.... 1st U.S. S.S 28 A Thomas, H ....do.... 16th Pennsylvania cavalry. 40 A Thompson, C. A. . 1st United States C. cav 109 C Tlbbetts, John Private. 5th United States cavalry.. 14 B Travoc, Lieutenant 39th Illinois 17 O Trembly, O.W.... Private 3d Michigan 45 B vere, J ....do Ohio N.G 121 O 51 A } \ >264 unknown- U. S. s. to to .. 162 A \ 51 B 1 do. to to ^245 f 163 B \ 51 C j >22 do. to to ( 64 C s

>i do. 70 c

do. ^4 . 72 c

do. 74 c

f-4 do. 76 c

U do. 78 c

[4 do. 80 c

>4 do. 82 c

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Date of death.

>4 unknown. u. s. s.

>3 do. ...do...

91 i-3 do. ...do...

93 [3 do. ...do...

95 S-3 do. ...do...

97 do. ...do... to [20 104 [4 do. ...do... 108

110 H do. ...do...

[4 do. ...do... 112

114 '4 do. ...do...

For current National & State Veterans Burial records, please visit... http://www.interment.net/us/nat/veterans.htm Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County • Historic Monographs Collection

>2 unknown. U.S.! 116 C 827 828

? 3 do. . ..do. 118 C


? to 4 do. . .do. 120 c 834 835

4 do. . 122 c

.3 do. . .do. 127 c

129 1 -30 .do. to > O 871 143 S 872 145) to > O 162 S 899 Unknown. 66 O

900 Do. . Officer.. 163 0

901 Do...... do.. 163 0 902 51 ) to >272 unknown. -do to > I) 1173 161 S 1174 Unknown Ofiicer ...do 162 D 1175 Van Antwerp, James Private. 14th New York 14 1) 1176 Vanderhoof, John...... do 2d Vermont 47 D 1177 Vandyke, J. W ....do 62dOhio 1 A 1178 VeU, Henry C ....do 106th Pennsylvania 27 A 1179 Vincent, J.T ....do 1st United States S. S 24 B 1180 Waid, Jairns ....do 10th Pennsylvania R. C. . . 13 c 1181 Waidden, D. B ....do 7th Michigan 19 A 1182 Wait, J ....do 5th Wisconsin 43 A 1183 Ward, John ....do Rickett's batt'y Penn. art. - 50 B 1184 WeUs, Thomas ....do 3d United States infantry . 14 C 1185 Wesley, S. R ....do 47 0 1186 Wheeler, O.D ....do 16th New York artillery. 77 0 1167 White, Richard Corporal... 1st United States C. cav. 117 c

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Williams, Chancey. . Captain 39th Illinois WiUiams, George B. Private 26th Pennsylvania. . WUliamB, Monroe...... do 63d Pennsylvania.. Williams, Sylvester. ....do 7th Virginia Wilson, J ....do 14th New York.... Wiltlinger, G Band 4th Ohio Winkley, Christian.. Private 98th Pennsylvania . Woods, Thomas ....do 42dNew York Wright, George ....do 163d Ohio N.G.... Young, William L...... do 5th Wisconsin


Abbord, Joseph Acres, C. B Corporal 50th New York June 9, 1862 Aldridge, George... 123d Pennsylvania June 4, 1864 Alexander, J Pennsylvania vols June 3, 1864 Alexander, Samuel. 185 Allen, WUliam 2d Maryland Jan. 31, 1864 42 Allison, James 48th Pennsylvania June 3, 1864 140 Alpin, John llth United States infantry. Sept. 10, 1866 51 Anderson, A 3d Wisconsin Aug. 6, 1865 121 Andrews, Joseph. . . llth United States infantry. Sept. 11, 1866 65 Anthony, 28 Apply, Albert 42d Pennsylvania 13 Asb,D 142d Pennsylvania May 23,1864 40 Asher, J lftth Wisconsin Oct. 8, 1863 5 Ashford, J 5th Indiana Jan. 9, 1864 162 Asnew, W. M Corporal. . . 140th Pennsylvania 192 Assar, John 4th Missouri cavalry Sept. 28, 1863 207 Atherton, William.. llth United States infantry. Sept 9, 1866 85 For current National & State Veterans Burial records, please visit... http://www.interment.net/us/nat/veterans.htm Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County • Historic Monographs Collection

3d New York vols -, J. w., 104th Pennsylvania vols Babcock, William 199th Pennsylvania May 30, 1865 Bagley, J 3d regiment May 23, 1864 BaUey, B 15th West Virginia May 11, 1865 BaUey.C New York Bailey, C New York BaUey, Rowland S llth United States infantry. Aug. 30, 1866 Baker, Baker, Ephriam 36th Wisconsin Baker, Henry llth United States infantry. Oct. 11, 1866 Baker, M. G New York Baley, J. W. (colored) . . . 24th U. S. C.T July 25, 1865 O. G Ballon, 2d Lieut 100th Ohio Feb. 6, 1864 Frederick. Barkersterger, 5th United States artillery. . July 18, 1866 Barnard, W 2d Tennessee Feb. 18, 1864 Barnes, James llth United States infantry. Aug. 14, 1S66 Barry, John United States Bartholomew, W Bartlett, N 16th Maine. Dec. 10, 1863 Bates, B Bates, WUliam H 31st Maine. Beard, A Beardsley, A 10th New York cavalry Oct. 3, 1863 Beatson, Boswell 47thNew York Beaufort, J. D 100th New York June 26, 1865 Beck, J. G 12th United States infantry. Oct. 19, 1865 Bell, H 1st engineers Bell, Orlando 14th Bell, W. C BeUows, E Benn, L llth Maryland July 2, 1865 Bennett, H 60th Ohio S.S Bennett, J. L llth Maine May 10, 1865 Bewler, Jacob llth United States infantry. Sept. 23, 1866 Bigdy, G. C Biggard, F 45th Ohio. Feb. 1864 Binee, L , Bird, J 64th Michigan. Bissell, Edward 5th Iowa Dec. 27, 1863 R Blackburn, 2d Tennessee. . Dec. 11, 1863

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> tb Rank. Regiment. a I

Sfl m R

Blinkman, H. Y llth United States infantry. it. 12, 1866 52 C 1 Bloss, H 1st Kentucky 40 B 3 Boely, M 99thNew York 206 B 1 Bohannan, D 3d Tennessee cavalry Feb. 6, 1864 19 B 3 Bolton, R llth United States infantry. Sept. 24, 1865 101 0 2 Booth, John B 7th Michigan June 1, 1864 132 0 4 Bowler, J. W 199th Pennsylvania vols .. . June 14, 1865 145 0 2 Bowman, B 20th Pennsylvania cavalry. Oct. 20, 1863 204 0 1 Box, Michael llth United States infantry. Sept. 12, 1865 14 0 2 Boyle, Cornelius llth United States infantry. Sept. 17, 1886 24 0 1 Brady, Charles llth United States infantry. Sept. 11, 1866 35 0 1 Braxton, Robert llth United States infantry. Aug. 18, 1866 169 0 2 Brennan, J llth United States infantry. Nov. 25, 1865 213 (! 2 Briggs, J 83 B 3 Brocius, G. W 199th Pennsylvania June 9, 1865 106 (! 2 Brooknall, James llth United States infantry. June 10, 1865 192 0 2 Brotschi, A. D 173d New York Oct. 8, 1863 17 B 1 Brown, D., (colored). 24th U.S. C.T Aug. 2, 1865 46- 0 2 Brown, John 77th Pennsylvania 21 B 3 Brown, Lewis llth Maine May 11, 1865 129 C 1 Brown, R. E 1st Maryland cavalry 134 0 3 BrowneU, John W... 95th New York vols June i, 1864 172 0 4 Bryant, C 22 B 3 Bryant, Ellenhaht llth United States infantry. Sept. 17, 1866 16 0 1 1864 119 0 4 Bullman, Frederick . . 6th New York artillery June 3, Bunion, J. O... 167 B 3 Bunker, R Corporal. llth Maine May 1, 1865 58 0 1 Burdhaupt, A 58th Pennsylvania. . July 18, 1866 80 V, 2 Burk, James June 14, 1865 168 0 2 Burke, John llth United States infantry. Sept. 14,1866 20 0 1 Burke, Michael New Hampshire vols. . May 31, 1864 16 0 4 For current National & State Veterans Burial records, please visit... http://www.interment.net/us/nat/veterans.htm Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County • Historic Monographs Collection

Burly, George 27th Michigan Burnes, Paul llth United States infantry. Sept. 12, 1866 Burns, A 1st Kentucky Feb. 5, 1864 Butcher, L 7th Ohio cavalry Feb. 27, 1864 Buttler, G.A 8th Maine Sept. 5, 1865 Buttler, O 1st Serg't . New York Buttram, T. L 143d Pennsylvania Cain, Owen llth United States infantry. Sept. 2. 1866 CaUaghan, Sergeant . llth United States infantry. Mar. 13, 1866 Campbell, Andrew. llth United States infantry. Sept. 14,1865 Campbell, Isaiah 8th Michigan June 1, 1864 Carleton, H 37th Massachusetts June 1, 1864 Carlisle, R 3d Maine June 3, 1864 Case, Joseph llth United States infantry. Sept. 2, 1866 Case, Thomas 135th U. S.C.T May 16, 1865 Casper, Joseph llth United States infantry. Feb. 22, 1866 Cass, William Cassidy, T 3d Pennsylvania. June 9, 1865 Casson, B 4th Indiana Ceicy, Maley Cereville, Samuel- . llth United States infantry. Aug. 27, 1866 Chalafauk, Nelson.. llth United States infantry. Aug. 15, 1866 Chamberlain, C Chamond, R Champside, J. llth United States infantry. Oct. 17, 1865 Chanand, J 92dOhio Chanerey, D 1st Maryland cavalry Chapin, Harry llth United States infantry. Aug. 30, 1866 Charaw, Solomon. - Corporal.... llth United States infantry. Sept. 10, 1866 Charrion, T 19th Wisconsin May 5, 1865 ' Cheenan, J 12th United States infantry. Sept. 22, 1865 Chesihier, A 14th United States infantry. July 10, 1865 Chick, John 59th Ohio Christianson, John. llth United States infantry. Aug. 21, 1866 ChurcheU, Samuel. . Citron, Tony U. S.C.T Clark, A 6th Wisconsin Oct. 14, 1863 Clark, William L.. 14th heavy art. . . . Clarke, Ed. R U. S. steamer "Wabash". Sept. 14, 1863 Clayton, 7th Wisconsin May 23, 1864 Clements, Evatus.. llth Missouri infantry Nov. 26, 1866

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Date of death.

Clements, W 12th New Hampshire vols. Oct. 20, 1863 213 Cline, J.. 55th Pennsylvania Aug. 15, 1865 175 Chilian, C 159 Cluts, Jacob May 5, 1865 130 Cobran, H 130 Coffeman, T 30th Iowa 19 Cofield, P 12th United States infantry. Aug. 14, 1865 138 Colby, A. J 1st Vermont cavalry May 1, 1864 63 Colclaser, G. W 1st Maryland cavalry Sept. 23, 1863 140 Cole, James 31st Maine June 3, 1864 136 Colson, Thomas llth United States infantry. Sept. 18, 1866 93 Conlong, T. L United States N Aug. 2, 1865 201 Connor, Hugh 1st engineers Sept. 10, 1864 6 Conner, William llth United States infantry. Feb. 17, 1866 10 Conray, J 2d United States Oct. 27, 1863 214 Conway, W Citizen Feb. 19, 1864 165 Cooly, John 103 Corcoran, M 1st Serg't. 28th Massachusetts. Dec. 7, 1863 11 Cordray, T 49 Crabb, Robert llth United States inf. . Sept. 10, 1866 22 Crabtree, G.W 39th Illinois April 30, 1865 62 Crakl, J.E 162 Crane, H. J Captain. 67th Ohio 23 Crawford, T.T llth Tennessee cavalry. Mar. 28, 1864 6 Creghton, llth United States inf.. . Sept. 23, 1865 123 Cremonds, CorneUus. llth United States inf. . . Aug. 14, 1865 181 Croopts, T 93 Cross, M 3d Michigan 166 Crow, H 72d Pennsylvania. Jan. 5, 1864 167 Cube, Nicholas,. 133d New York... July 4, 1865 193 Cunningham, P Oct. 30, 1865 112 For current National & State Veterans Burial records, please visit... http://www.interment.net/us/nat/veterans.htm Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County • Historic Monographs Collection

Curran, P 14th New Jersey Nov. 14, 1863 Curry, Richard... llth United States inf.. Sept. 11, 1866 Curtes, W.G.B...... Dailey, W. G 139th New York June 8, 1865 Dan, William Daneuhower, 1. 1. Corporal .. . 18th Pennsylvania cavalry. Darling, Frank... United States employs' Aug. 31, 1866 Davis, A...' 131st Davis, David llth United States inf. Aug."" 4," 1865" Davis, Thomas Pennsylvania vols Day, A 24th Massachusetts Sept. 3, 1865 Day, A.M llth United States inf. Day, Jacob L 50th New York vols j'une" 8,'i862" Decker, James 76th Pennsylvania Delberk, C.A. ... Corporal . . 136th Wisconsin Delkerson, J 77th Pennsylvania Detrow, Wilh 10th Kentucky Oct. 14, 1863 Devine, J 20th New York S.M Oct. 12, 1865 Dickson, F Dickson, H llth United States inf. . Sept. 27, 1865 Dihery, T. 151st New York Dec. 14, 1863 Dim, WUliam F... Dipper, J 63d Ohio Jan. 4, 1864 Domers, Joseph . . . 100th Ohio Oct. 7, 1863 Doneahoe, James . 14th New York zouaves. . Jan. 26, 1862 Donetie, P 3d Pennsylvania cavalry. June 7, 1865 Donovan, John - - . llth United States inf. Sept. 18, 1866 T Donovan, June , 1865 Doolan, Patrick. . . 48th Pennsylvania vols.. May 30, 1864 Douglass, . . llth United States inf. Nov. 2, 1866 Drake, B.C llth United States inf. Sept 17, 1866 Draton, Spencer.. . Corporal. . Dreutler, L 20th New York S. M. . . Oct. 9, 1865 Dulhaut, John llth United States inf. . April 4, 1867 Dunn, John Corporal.. llth United States inf. . Nov. 5, 1866 Dupyee, Charles. Dyne,W.E. 0... Dec. 26, 1863 E G , 1st Michigan cavalry.

E , L.W... Eagear, H. E Ivania Easton, Dan Nov. 14, 1863

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Eckerson, W 44th New York vols 173 Edmonson, T.F 2d Minnesota May 18, 1865 33 Eggemeier, 2d battalion 12th U. S. I. . . . June 1, 1864 133 Elkin, 38 EUiot, C.G ElUs, Cabdial 5th United States artiUery. Sept. 9, 1866 Emery, A.P llth New Hampshire vols.. June 3, 1864 138 Evans,E llth Tennessee Feb. 9, 1864 9 Evans, H.L Corporal 150th Pennsylvania June 3, 1864 131 63 F , J Fall, Samuel 20th New York cavalry . . . Aug. 29, 1865 180 1863 10 FUlhauer, William . 107th Ohio Oct. 27, Finical, J 13th Pennsylvania 13 Finkpener, Charles. 73dNewYork Dec. 26, 1863 164 Fisher, John llth United States inf. Aug. 14, 1865 198 FUek, W.L "... 45th Pennsylvania vols... June 3. 1864 114 Fiinn, John llth United States inf. Mar 4, 1866 221 Floyd, B 18th Kentucky cavalry 139 Fobet, John 20th New York cavalry. .. July 9, 1865 115 Follett, A.H 9th New York V. artillery. June 8, 1864 53 Foltz, J Pennsylvania 154 Foneas, G.H 1st Vermont 182 Forbes, 200 Ford, Julius 135th Pennsylvania June 16, 1865 57 Foster, A 13th Minnesota June 13, 1865 4 Fox, Patrick llth United States inf.. Aug. 30, 1866 40 Frank, H 134 Franklin, R 76 Free, C.H Pennsylvania" vols. 83 92 Friday, 100th Henry 1865 107 Frier, J 1st Maryland cavalry Sept 7,

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Frigts, Lewis llth United States inf.. . Sept. 2, 1866 131 C Fulton, James F... 45th Pennsylvania vols. June 3, 1864 111 V, FultonUng, T 90 B Furlong, J...- lBt New York M. R Aug. 21, 1865 52 C Gabbett, G 1st New York Nov. 17, 1863 21 B llth New vols. June 1863 139 Gage, A.P Hampshire , O Gallagher, John. llth United States inf. Sept. 15, 1866 50 O Galvin, Thomas llth United States inf. Sept. 9, 1865 104 c Galvin, William llth United States inf. Sept. 17, 1865 81 0 Gardner, J 14th United States inf. June 20, 1865 163 c Garrison, John 8th New York vols June 1, 1862 5 c Garritb.B 218 H Gattenberry, V. N. . 1st New York vols May 4, 1865 37 C Germain, Henry llth United States inf. Mar. 23, 1866 172 V, Gerry, E Corporal.. 8th Maine Nov. 16, 1865 5 a Gibbons, J.B 81st New York vols 227 B Giberson, O. D Ohio S.S 96 a GUlengham, R 73d Pennsylvania vols Feb. 21, 1864 33 B

. GiUifiilan, Daniel L. 150th Pennsylvania vols. . 94 c Gillingham, R 73d Pennsylvania vols Feb. 6, 1864 119 B GUmartin, Michael. llth United States inf. Sept. 12, 1866 29 C Glass, John 14th United States inf. May 13, 1865 71 O Goodhue, 6th Maine 213 B Goodrich, H Rlinois 164 B Goodwin, Isaac 5th United States artillery. Oct. 11, 1865 209 B Goratze, P 5th United States artillery. July 22, 1865 162 O Gould, WiUiam 1st battalion llth U. S. I. . Aug. 26, 1866 150 F Gowan, Alex Corporal - . . 48th Pennsylvania 130 F GoweU, Leroy A 32d Maine 135 F Gracia, W. W Sergeant. . . . 46th Pennsylvania 89 B Graham, F 148th New York June 8, 1865 73 C Graham, Joseph 150th Pennsylvania Oct. 27, 1863 153 O Graham, W 1st United States inf Jan. 15, 1864 203 O Graham, WUliam .. 149th Pennsylvania 82 O B Granby , 184 B Gray, John llth United States inf. Sept. 17, 1866 141 (J Green, H 4th Massachusetts cavalry. Sept. 28, 1865 9 O Green, H.W 20th New York S.M Dec. 4, 1865 88 c Green, J 127 B Green, WUUam A 1st Pennsylvania artUlery. May 30, 1865 96 c Gregorry, F C 18th Pennsylvania June 5, 1864 187 c

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Date of death.

276 GreUer,A.R 185 277 Grove, S.W 45th Ohio. June 31, 1864 2 278 Grubb, J.L 35

. 7 279 Gunnison, Francis. . llth United States inf. Sept."l5,'i866 280 Hagan, L 31st Maine 65

. 1865 36 281 Hainford, Thomas. . . llth United States inf. Nov. 7, 282 Halcroft, Edward... llth United States inf. . Sept. 8, 1866 45 283 Hall, George 120th New York Jan. 17, 1863 198 284 HaU, Peter 14th United States inf. . July 18, 1865 174 285 Hallabaugh, S 101 Hamacher, 82d Illinois Oct. 17, 1863 226 1866 223 Hammond, Frank- . . llth United States inf. Aug. 18, 24 Hampton, Robert -- . Corporal. 14th New York Hanlon, James llth United States inf. Dec. 30, 1865 84 290 Hanover, James 4th Massachusetts cavalry. Nov. 22, 1865 149 291 Hanson, H. H Lieutenant. . 67th Ohio Oct. 28, 1864 41 219 292 Hardee, W Sergeant . . . 4th Massachusetts cavalry. Oct. 20, 1865 293 Hardeen, C 151st New York 27 294 Harman, J 7th Maine 132 295 Harris, A 48th New York 199 1865 147 Harshberger, Jacob . 3d New York artillery June 10, Hart, A 27th Wisconsin 56 Hart, John llth United States inf. Sept. 17,1866 105 299 Hart, Michael 98th New York July 5, 1865 157 300 Harte, James llth United States inf. Sept. 8, 1865 82 301 Hartman, John 5th Pennsylvania cavalry. June 15, 1865 164 302 Hartshorn, C U.S. C.T Aug. 15, 1865 90 S. I. . Jan. 1866 76 303 F. . 1st battalion llth U. 8, Harvey, 220 304 J '. Harvey, 99 305 Harvey, M. H llth United States inf. . 1866 Hasson, Alexander- . G Aug. 28,

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Hatch, H 25th New York.. Hauenstein, J 100th New York. June 11, 1865 Hawley, William.. " Hawsey, J 95th New York Feb. 9,'i864 Hayes, H. L 10th Ohio Hayes, John 9th Vermont July 8, 1866 Haynes, T Sergeant . llth United States inf Nov. 23, 1865 Hays, John 39th Illinois V. vols July 4, 1865 Hearlsey, W 5th Pennsylvania cavalry. Sept. 6, 1865 Heath, F.E 2d Maine Hendri, W.F llth New York cavalry Oct. 18, 1863 Henery, S. K. llth United States inf. 11, 1866 Henesley, H Henry, A. B 14th New York heavy art. June 1, 1864 Henry, E.P Sergeant . 24th U.S. C.T Sept. 1, 1865 Henson, Henry llth United States inf. Aug. 6, 1865 Herbert, Joseph. - . llth United States inf. Dec. 26, 1865 Herbert, S llth United States inf. Dec. 15, 1865 Herkness, T 154th New York Jan. 28, 1864 Hickmot, C Captain . . 49th New York vols Nov. 27, 1865 Higgins, J. M 1st Maryland cavalry Aug. 6, 1865 Higgins, R.B 31st Maine June 1,1864 Hilber, G llth Kentucky Jan. 5, 1864 Hilgher, F HUl, G.W 1 1th United States inf. Sept. 6, 1865 Hill, Jesse 71st Pennsylvania vols. . . Nov. 14, 1863 Hillsinger, Martin. 19th Massachusetts May 10, 1865 Hines, James 4th New Jersey June 16, 1865 Hines, John Hinton, O.B Hobbe, Thomas . . . U.S. C.T May 24, 1865 28th Massachusetts Hoffman, C 4th United States artillery. July 24, 1865 Hoffman, W llth New York Feb. 5, 1864 Hofhints, F 5th Pennsylvania cavalry. Mav 23, 1865 Hogerson, M Holvis, Kent llth United States inf. . Sept. 17, 1866 Hooper, Hope, R Hopkins, A.T... 100th New York. June 10, 1865 Hopper, Edward . 40th U.S. C.T... May 13, 1867

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Home, Gustavus P.. llth New Hampshire vols. June 3, 1864 137 349 Horner, C 199th Pennsylvania June 16, 1865 127 350 Howath, F 24th Massachusetts May 23, 1866 77 351 Howe, J. B llth Pennsylvania cav June 1, 1865 63 352 Huber, F.-... 14th United States inf. July 31, 1865 74 353 Huchens, J. Q llth Maine June 24, 1865 152 354 Huffman, L llth United States inf Dec. 19, 1865 8 355 Hughes, J 14th United States inf. - . . July 24, 1865 159 85 356 Hull, H Corporal . llth Maine Oct. 25, 1865 357 Hunt, Charles E 18th Maine vols June 1, 1864 121 358 Hunt, James 7th Michigan 171 359 Hunt, John llth Maine June 22, 1865 99 360 Hunt, J. A 45th Pennsylvania June 3, 1864 110 361 Hunter, J 2dNew York 138 362 Huntley, 0 123d Ohio Aug. 5, 1865 195 363 Hynes, M 221 364 Inhoff, J 9th Massachusetts - 20 365 Iris, G 142 366 Irvin, WUUam J llth United States inf. . Sept. 17, 1866 62 122 367 J , C. M 4th 185 J , P Jackson, J 12th United States inf.. Sept. 8, 1865 143 370 Jences, M 26th Wisconsin Oct. 8. 1863 225 371 Jenkens, W 8th Maine May 29, 1865 15 372 Johnson, C.J U.S. C.T July 26, 1865 179 373 Johnson J 12th United States inf.. Sept. 17, 1865 105 374 Johnson, John 136 375 Johnson, J. D 125th New York.. Oct. 7, 1863 40 376 Joiner, J. W 42d Pennsylvania. 16 124 'Joneles" on the coffin. 377 Joneles, marked 1.865 210 378 Jones, H.T 1st Maryland cavalry. July' 28,"

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379 Jones, Lucy Servant . Sept. 9, 1866 48 C i 380 Jones, Thomas 44th Ohio.... 60 B 3 381 Jordan, W.H 23d Illinois... July 18, 1865 134 O 2 382 Judd, Levi 9th Vermont.. June 18, 1865 167 C 2 383 K , M.W... 116 c 4 384 Kaler, George W-. 87th Indiana May 15, 1865 53 0 2 385 Kate, William 1st Michigan oav Nov. 14, 1863 24 B 1 386 Keeler, 20th Michigan vols 174 O 4 387 Kelly, Andrew llth United States inf. Aug. 31, 1866 107 O 1 KeUy, H 14th United States inf. Oct. 7, 1865 120 0 2 Kemper, Samuel.. llth United States inf. Sept. 7, 1866 92 a 1 390 Kemple, J. R 1st Virginia Jan. 4, 1864 219 a 1 391 Kendall, O 9th Vermont Sept. 1, 1865 115 (3 1 392 Kendrick, George. 100th New York July 24, 1865 75 O 1 393 Kennedy, James.. Captain 7th New York heavy art. - 5 A 2 394 Kennedy, M 8th Maine Nov. 141 O 2 395 Kent, 91st Pennsylvania May 61 c 3 396 Keoring, F 74th Pennsylvania 197 B 1 397 Kholmine, T 2d Minnesota May 20, 1865 16 (5 2 Kidd, M 1st Kentucky Nov. 18, 1863 151 O 1 Killear, J 95th New York-.--. 137 B 3 400 King, J 5th Pennsylvania cav June 17, 1865 154 O 2 401 King, J. B. lOthNew York July 31, 1863 178 B 1 402 Kinney, S. E 16th New York heavy art. 44 A 2 403 Kirk, E 81stNew York May 17, 1865 60 O 2 404 Kirk, W. H 9th Maryland cav 25 A 2 405 Kiser, Reynolds. .. 14th Michigan 10, 1865 116 C 1 406 Kitchen, J. F 4th New York 21, 1865 147 B 1 407 Kledens, Jacob 1st New York engineers June 30, 1865 59 O 2 408 Klokenhemper, F. 39th Rlinois July 8, 1865 25 O 2 409 Knolts, Joseph llth United States inf. Aug. 21, 1866 3 O 1 410 Kridder, A. W.... 45th Pennsylvania June 3, 1864 115 O 4 411 Krom, D 20th New York S. M 204 B 4

412 . L , Patrick. 5th New York cav 116 O 3 413 Labay, R. R 4th Michigan 110 B 3 414 Ladd, Reuben. ... 4tbVermont Dec. 8, 1863 205 O 1 415 Ladon, W 1st Kentucky . Jan. 3,1864 49 B 1 416 Lagher, P 22d Massachusetts 74 O 4 417 Lally, Peter llth United States inf. Aug. 21, 1866 2 c 1 418 Lamareau, A 143d Pennsylvania .. Oct. 20, 1863 202 c 1 419 Lamay, Stephen . . 98thNew York June 27, 1865 148 0 2

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1 a Regiment. Date of death.

si 02 R

420 Lambert, Wm. F 7th New York . 140 C 3 421 Lamer, George 17 c 4 422 Larabee, B.B 32d Maine June 3, 1864 126 c 3 423 Latoure, J 14th United States inf. . July 5, 1865 119 c 1 424 Lattey, John 100th New York July 27, 1865 103 c 9, 425 Lawrence, CharleB E. 2d New Hampshire June 9, 1865 32 c 9. 426 Leekington, W. B 225 B 1 427 Lee, James 4th Massachusetts June 28, 1865 186 0 2 428 Lee. Levi 14th United States inf. . . May 26, 1865 10 0 2 429 Legacy, Joseph llth Maine June 1, 1865 98 0 2 430 Leidsinger, W. S 56th Pennsylvania vols . Feb. 3, 1864 76 B 1 431 Leister, H 52d New York Nov. 9, 1863 178 C 1 432 Leituber, John llth United States inf. . . Jan. 19, 1866 148 F 2 433 Letarky, C 87th Illinois May 18, 1865 23 C 2 434 Leutz, Franklin A 54th Pennsylvania July 8, 1865 84 0 2 435 Lewis, H 119th Pennsylvania Feb. 12, 1864 15 B 1 ' 436 Lewis, John llth Kentucky Feb. 1, 1864 135 C 1 437 Liller, J 10th Vermont June 30, 1864 120 B 1 438 Limbarker, W 4th Michigan Oct. 25, 1863 159 C 1 439 Linet, Charles 212 B 1 440 Linsey, 59th Ohio. 47 B 3 441 Linsey, F 155 B 3 442 Linsey, S 206th Pennsylvania June 18, 1865 50 C 2 443 Loehran, H 2d Virginia Nov. 14, 1863 160 C 1 444 Lockiney, B llth United States inf. . Aug. 24, 1865 129 0 2 445 Long, H. G 24th Michigan 17 C 3 446 Long, Michael llth United States inf. . Nov. 29, 1865 165 0 2 447 Long, S. W 1st Maryland cav 137 V, 3 448 Lono,F.H 25th infantry 114 B 3 449 Lord, William . 120 B 3 450 Loyd, L. S 58th Pennsylvania vols. . 1 . July 11, 1865 199 C 2

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James Lumer, llth United States inf. . Jan. 20, 1867 144 a 1 Adeline Lutz, Oct. 17, 1865 34 A 2 Lymons, Owen llth United StateB inf. . Sept. 17, 1866 13 C 1 John Lynch, llth United States inf. . Sept 3, 1866 145 C 1 McAldian, 102 B 3 MoCannauckle, 16th Illinois Feb. 22, 1864 158 C 1 McCarty, Daniel llth United States inf.. Oot. 25, 1865 67 c 2 John McCarty, llth United States inf. . Sept. 15,1866 100 O 1 McClabe, Lawrence.. llth United States inf.. Sept. 10, 1866 127 O 1

.- McClaine, Andrew- llth United States inf. . Aug. 18, 1866 200 c 2 MeCluney, A 224 B 1 McConomay, A 18 A 2 McCorkle, L llth United States inf.. Sept. 18, 1866 139 C 1 McCormick, George. - llth United States inf.. Aug. 30, 1866 101 c 1 MeCrew, Willis H... llth United States inf. . Sept. 2, 1866 32 O 1 MeCuite, John 14th United States inf.. July 16, 1865 91 O 2

. McDonald, Edward.. Corporal llth United States inf. . Sept. 16, 1866 117 0 1 McDowell, 96 B 3 McDowell, James 16th Pennsylvania 10 B 3 McFarland, Amos 62dOhio May 17, 1865 20 O 2 McFarland, P llth United States inf. . Oct. 11, 1865 125 C 2 McGines, 14th Pennsylvania Feb. 18, 1864 138 c 1 McGrath, Joseph llth United States inf.. Sept. 11, 1866 140 c 1 McGreen, J. H 123 B 3 McGroudy, M May 20, 1865 19 C 2 McGuire, Barnard llth United States inf. . . . Sept. 23, 1866 124 O 1 Mcintosh, Alexander. 77th Pennsylvania May 31, 1864 32 O 4 McKann, Henry... .. 48th Pennsylvania May 30, 1864 118 0 4 McKeay, G. W Sergeant - . . 3d Pennsylvania cav June 15, 1865 176 c 2 McKinsey, John 71st Ohio Oct. 31, 1863 199 0 1 McQuade, WUliam... llth United States inf. .. . Aug. 14, 1865 126 C 2 M , 7th Wisconsin 176 r, 3 Mabury, John 100th Pennsylvania Vols. May"","i864" 152 c 4 Madigan, M 1st Maryland cavalry July 8, 1865 31 A 2 Mahoir, Theodore West Virginia May 4, 1865 48 O 2 Mahoney, P. J 12th Massachusetts 30 B 1 Moses Malo, llth United States inf.. .. Jan. 8, 1866 79 O 2 Maloney, J 139th New York May 20, 1865 7 0 2 Maloney, J 100th New York Aug. 15, 1866 78 C! 2 Manen, John 135th U.S. C.T July 3, 1865 177 C! 2 Manton, J llth United States inf. Oct. 23, 1865 64 C 2

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. Dec. 1865 146 492 Maran, Felix 12th United States inf. 4, Nov. 1863 37 493 Marsh, N Ringold's battery 22, Nov. 1863 155 494 Martin, C 18th Massachusetts 14, 1865 30 495 Marundy, L 33d Indiana May 12, 1865 63 496 Mason, C. W. E.. 12th Virginia Aug. 21, 179 497 Mason, John 1866 14 Born October 1859. 498 Masters, Robert J. Sept. 8, 18, 154th New York Oct. 1863 43 499 Matison, Alf...... 12, 1865 24 500 Maucha, John 62dOhio June 15, 175 501 Maxfield, C 122dOhio . 136 502 John llth United StateB inf. June 29, 1865 May, 51 503 J. W... llth West Virginia June 21, 1865 Mayhugh, 92 504 Henry... 5th United States art... July 29, 1866 Menard, 14 505 MicheU, H._ 4th Maine 1865 110 506 MicheU, Hugh 45th U.S. C.T May 26, States inf.. . June 1865 188 507 Miles, Newell W. . llth United 11, 75 Name on coffin. 508 MUler, C 100th Pennsylvania . 39 509 Miller, Henry llth United States inf.. Sept. 15, 1866 86 510 Miller, J 62dOhio Oct. 1, 1865 192 511 Miller, J 2d West Tennessee cav. Nov. 1, 1863

. 77 512 Miller, John Missouri light art. Dec. 25, 1865

.. 161 513 MUler, L 1st Maryland cavalry. May 21, 1865 195 514 Miller, T. P 12th Massachusetts Feb. 22, 1864 515 S. H Pennsylvania S.S. 3 Milleroy, 33 516 Millman, Herman. llth United States inf. .. Sept. 27, 1866 1864 120 517 Mills, E 7th Indiana. May 23,

. 61 518 John llth United States inf. . Aug. 14, 1866 MUls, 13 519 John 17thVermont Minor, 43 520 J 58th Pennsylvania July 18, 1865 Mitchell, 1864 143 521 S 42d Massachusetts June 2, Mitchell, 1863 122 Mong, WUliam 28th Illinois Sept. 15,

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J. H Moon, 20th New York S. M. 146 B

Thomas- . Morriss, 91st Pennsylvania . May 23, 1864 185 O G Moser, 67th Ohio July 24,1865 183 C 526 Moser, W 152 R 527 Moss, H. T 4th Maine Jan. 3, 1864 46 B 528 Moulder, WUUam. llth United States inf. Feb. 5, 1867 128 O 529 Mulhive, James . - . llth United States inf. Aug. 30, 1866 98 C 530 Mulkey, G.L Private. . 137th New York 1 A 531 J Mulligan, 4th Massachusetts cav..... Oct 22, 1865 72 0 532 Mullinix, E. K.... Pennsylvania S.S June 1, 1864 68 O 533 Munford, C 20th New York cav July 27, 1865 137 O 534 Murphy, DenniB.. llth United States inf. Oct. 3, 1866 44 (3 535 Murphy, John llth United States inf. Sept. 17, 1866 27 a 536 Murphy, Patrick. . llth United States infantry. Oct. 4, 1865 97 O 537 Murray, John llth United States infantry. Sept. 1, 1866 H9 c 538 Myer, Alexander.. llth United States infantry. Sept. 22, 1866 148 0 539 15th New Jersey May 30, 1865 12 c 540 Myers, Frederick. llth United States infantry. Sept. 8, 1866 103 c 541 Myers, Henry llth United States infantry. Sept. 24, 1866 183 O 542 Myers, J 8th Pennsylvania cavalry . . Sept. 22, 1863 4 B 543 Nalon, Edward... llth United States infantry. Sept. 8, 1866 46 O 544 Nave, Charles llth United States infantry. Sept. 26, 1866 112 O 545 Needam, G. W.... 2d Tennessee Jan. 23, 1864 171 o 546 Nelson, W. T 23d Massachusetts 31 B 547 Nelty, Isaac 7th Michigan May 23, 1864 113 c 548 Newist, John llth United States infantry. Sept. 11, 1866 97 0 549 Newman, Egbert. . 78th Illinois. May 12, 1865 87 0 550 Nicholaus, George. 10th West Virginia July 21, 1865 37 O 551 Nolan, James llth United States infantry. Aug. 17, 1866 224 (3 552 Nolan, James F. . 196th New York Jan. 26, 1866 140 C 553 Nolan, M 117 B 554 Nolenger, 194 B 555 Noon, P .-. 20th New York S.M...... 202 B 556 Norris, John 58th Pennsylvania May 28, 1865 9 O 557 North, James 154th New York Sept. 18, 1863 31 B 558 North, J. W 149th Pennsylvania 166 O 559 O'Briene, James .. 24th Connecticut Feb. 3, 1866 120 C 560 O'Brine, Patrick.. llth United States infantry. Sept. 8, 1866 34- 0 561 O'Connor, John . . . llth United States infantry. Sept. 22, 1866 102 c 562 OlaBon, M 4th Michigan Oct. 27, 1865 196 (3 563 O'NeiLJohn 5th United States artiUery. . April 5, 1865 133 C

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bo a

0- o ^ fc OQ P

564 Orford, llth United States infantry. 3, 1866 136 C 1 565 Oeworth, John E . . llth Sew York 165 B 3 566 Otto, D Corpora] . llth United States infantry. Aug. "2"4","i866" 106 C 1 567 P , J. F 16th Massachusetts 198 B 1 568 Packard, Hart H .. 12th United States infantry. Nov. 30, 1865 87 C 1 569 Palmer, Charles H. llth United States infantry. Sept. 15, 1866 19 c 1 570 Palmer, Henri 123d Ohio Dec 8, 1863 197 c 1 571 Parke, George llth United States infantry. Oct. 16, 1865 78 c 1 573 Parker, C 30 A 2 573 Parsons, L 78th Blinois June 20, 1865 207 C 2 574 Patton, Samuel 74th Pennsylvania vols . June 3, 1864 155 c 4 575 Patton, Z. M 162 B 1 576 Paul, S. B 1st Kentucky . Jan. 8 B 1 577 Peaking, C 67 B 3 578 Pendleton, Frank... 40th New Jersey July 3, 1865 8 C 2 579 Pepper, J. M 10th West Virginia. . 1, 1865 119 c 2 580 Perry, D. H 28 A 2 581 Perry, Leander 9th Vermont May 16, 1865 41 C 2 582 Pettyjohn, Edward. . 27th Missouri Dec. 10, 1863 194 C 1 583 Piece, J 5th Michigan 73 B 3 584 Pierce, H 1st Michigan 51 B 3 585 Pohlman, H. C 18th United States Nov. 27, 1863 9 B 3 586 Potten, J. S 22d Michigan 58 B 3 587 Potter;L 14th Michigan July 8, 1865 40 C 2 Powell, Amos 7th Michigan May. 31, 1864 107 0 3 Pretor, H Pennsylvania S. S 34 c 4 590 Price, S. W llth United States infantry. Dec. 14, 1865 204 c 2 591 Price, WUUam llth United States infantry. Sept. 10, 1866 88 c 1 592 Proutty, Robert 3d New York July 2, 1865 83 c 2 593 Putts, C 14th United States infantry. Jan. 29, 1864 105 B 1 594 Pyeerson, George... 6th Michigan .59 B 3

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595 Quirk, Mary W Soldiers' child 4 C 596 Rabb, F 16th Pennsylvania 70 B 597 Rady, Patrick llth United States infantry. Mar. 18,1866 184 C 593 Ramsey, G. W Government employs' Oct. 3, 1865 150 (3 599 Ramsey, H 95 B 600 Randall, Watson 20th New York cavalry July 11, 1865 206 O 601 Randall, W. F 1st New York engineers. - . . May 28, 1865 65 (! 602 Redell, Ransom Corporal 39th Illinois 43 A 603 Reiley, James llth United States infantry. Aug. 25, 1866 121 O 604 Reinick, Shirk llth United States infantry. Mar. 15, 1866 217 C 605 Reynolds, Daniel L . 80 (3 606 Reynolds, Martin . . . llth United States infantry. Aug. 26, 1865 122 C 607 Rice, George L 24th Massachusetts Nov. 7, 1865 108 O Rice.S 214 B Richards, E. O 39th Massachusetts 164 C 610 Richards, R 4th Maine Oct. 28,1863 190 0 611 Rickards, J 61st Ohio 1 B 612 Rickett, W 97thNew York Nov. 8, 1863 210 (3 613 Rickwite, L. B 14th New York heavy art. . June 1, 1864 15 C 614 Rieley, Patrick llth United States infantry. Sept. 2, 1866 95 0

615 Dav , 45th Nov. 1863 200 O Rigg, Pennsylvania , 616 Rillhatt, J. B 3d Pennsylvania cavalry. .. July 5, 1865 95 0 617 Risling, WiUiam 76th Pennsylvania vols Nov! 2, 1863 132 c 618 Rix, Q.H 176 B 619 Robe, William 26 B 620 Roberts, John D 22d Massachusetts. . 77 0 621 Roberts, Samuel A. . 22d Massachusetts. . 77 c 622 Roberson, William.. 146 B 623 Robinson, A 41st New York May 3, 1865 135 C 624 Robinson, Ludivio . llth United States infantry. Sept. 1, 1865 80 C 625 Robinson, R 4 B 626 Roch, James 20th New York cavalry July 25, 1865 113 (J 627 Roies, William 45th Pennsylvania 112 C 628 Rolbt, S 54th Ohio 98 B 629 Rond, CM llth Vermont July 3, 1864 82 (3 630 Rone, J. W Corporal, . 1st Massachusetts cavalry.. 152 O 631 Rowe, B 16th Michigan 191 B 632 Ruggiman, John llth United States infantry. Sept. 17, 1866 60 C 633 Ruggles, S - 3dM 109 B. 634 Ryne, Dennis Nov." 24,"i863" 176 O 635 Saughton, H 10th Massachusetts . 142 B

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Saunders, Will 2d West Tennessee Oct. 20, 1863 Sautwell, Thomas.. llth United States infantry. Sept. 4, 1866 Schliner, Simon llth United States infantry. Sept. 12, 1866 Schlotman, F 110th ...-. Schneider, C 19th I. V Dec. 28, 1863 Schreiber, F 2d Delaware vols Scburick, A 81st New York June' "ll,"i865" Scott, A. W Scudder, G. P Seic, Malay 78th Selrick, J 1st Maryland Seth, A 53d Shanahan, A llth United States infantry. Oct. 20, 1865 Sharp, J 37th Pennsylvania Dec. 23, 1863 Sharrow, A 1st Maryland cavalry Aug. 26, 1865 Shea, Robert llth United States infantry. Sept. 22, 1866 Shel, Albert Shelker, E 155th Pennsylvania Shelton, 3d Tennessee Sheneler, B 16th Maine Jan. 9, 1864 Sherwood, Charles. 12th United States infantry. Jan. 15, 1866 Shields, James llth United States infantry. Sept. 17, 1866 Shill, Arthur 1st Massachusetts Shinault, 12th United States infantry. Sept. 13, 1866 Shindler, 0 31st Wisconsin Dec. 13, 1863 Shintes, G 4th Michigan Shond, Charles 103d Pennsylvania Shong, John OhioS. S Shult, J Simm, A 10th Ohio Simpson, J C 199th Pennsylvania. June 19, 1865 For current National & State Veterans Burial records, please visit... http://www.interment.net/us/nat/veterans.htm Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County • Historic Monographs Collection

Sines, Isaao 82d Ohio vols 47 A 2 Slark, H 4th Maine Oct. 27, 1863 7 B 1 Slearns, W 13th New York May 29, 1865 11 O 2 SUne, John Son of a soldier Sept. 3, 1866 211 n 2 Smith, A 104th New York Oct. 25, 1863 211 c 1 Smith, A llth United States infantry. Nov. 23, 1865 110 c 1 Smith, C. H 17th July 3, 1864 91 c 4 Smith, Eben 8th Maine July 26, 1865 22 0 2 Smith, E. H 7th Michigan 183 B 1 Smith, G.B 5th Pennsylvania May 30, 1865 2 O 2 Smith, James llth United States infantry. Aug. 26, 1865 83 O 1 Smith, John 14th United States infantry. July 10, 1865 216 c 2 Smith, John llth Connecticut July 18, 1865 142 c 2 Smith, J. A 85th Pennsylvania April 12, 1865 15 A 2 Smith, JohnF llth United States infantry. Aug. 30, 1866 143 C 1 Smith, Patent U. S. employe' Jan. 11, 1867 117 F 2 Smith, R. R 2d Maryland 79 B 3 Smith, R. R 121 B 3 Smithson, G 9th Vermont July 14, 1865 31 C 2 Spalks, M. W 1st Maryland cavalry July 29, 1865 158 c 2 Spees, L. H 45th Ohio Dec. 25, 1863 209 c 1 Sprauge, John 12th Pennsylvania Dec. 18, 1863 170 (3 1 Staeetman, 4th Massachusetts 140 B 4 Starkweather, W - . 64th New York Oct. 16, 1863 28 B I Statzer, C. S 55th Pennsyluania June 16, 1865 18 (3 2 Ste , H 85th New York 10 A 2 Stedman, W 3d Tennessee cavalry Nov. 17, 1863 147 (3 I Steele, Daniel 12th United States infantry. Sept. 6, 1866 42 (3 1 Stephens, B 45th New York Jan. 5, 1865 48 B 1 Stephens, Henry... llth United States infantry. 26, 1866 70 C 1 Stephens, S. J. W.. llth United States infantry. 12, 1865 17 (3 2 Stephens, Thomas. . llth United States infantry. Aug. 28, 1866 71 (3 1 Stephens, W. S.... 104th New York April 10, 1864 8 B 3 Sterling, James A.. llth United States infantry. Sept. 2, 1866 86 (3 1 Stewart, C . .. 5th New York artillery June 8, 1865 153 (3 2 Stewart, Edwin llth United States infantry. 11, 1866 64 (3 1 Stiles, Isaac 13th Pennsylvania 111 B 3 Reuben Stipes, Loudon rangers Jan. 26, 1864 152 <: 1 Stoen, Gustavus llth United States infantry. Sept. 17, 1866 96 (3 1. Strek, J 34 B 3 Stroms, John Corporal.. D 100th New Yqrk. June 25, 1865 89 C 2

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20th Maine June 2, 1865 Strout, J -- 8th Maine Nov. 1, 1865 Stutevant, L 7th Summer, J Michigan 101st Ohio vols.. Lewis 0 . - - Surry, 1665 G. H... 148th New York. 6, Swathort, 5, 1863 Letters on coffin. T , N. C... F Tap], 20th Indiana Nov. 17, 1863 Tattee, C 39th Illinois veteran vols. . May 12, 1865 Taylor, B. E 100th Ohio Oct. 20, 1863 Taylor, Samuel - .. Temmins, W. J S.S Temple, J 60th Ohio Thorn, WiUiam... 12th Thomas, 149th Pennsylvania Thomas, Garuthy. 2d Pennsylvania artillery. llth United States 21, 1865 Thompson, C infantry Aug. llth States 8, 1865 Thompson, J United infantry. Sept. 62dOhio.... June 30, 1865 Thompson, J. E. . . June 1864 W. A.. 148th Pennsylvania vols. 1, Thompson, Y'ork Thornton, D 15th New 40th New York vols Oct. 31, 1863 Francis ... Thorp, 1865 Three. John llth United Statesinfantry July 26, United States inf. Dec. 29, 1865 Thurston, John... llth 20th Indiana. Nov. 13, 1863 Tibbet, James Tinhot, T.H Tomson, June 1865 Tause, Doe 30, Tres, H.W J Tromp, 4th New York.. - Tunday, U. S.C.T.. June 2. 1865 Turney, H

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Tuttle, S.D.. 60th Wisconsin. May 23, 1864 196 C 3 Tylerson, G. 8th Michigan... 78 B 3 Ulrich, T.... 6th Iowa May 11, 1865 21 A 2 These bodies were taken from the battle fields around Cold Harbor, where many were interred without ( 1 A 1 coffins, and in many instances the < to to to bones were scattered overthe ground A 1 (227 (an exact description of the graves could not' be obtained) between Games' miUs and the Raleigh road. 2 Unknown. . 3 A A 2 Do. . 8 22, 26, A 2 29, 40, to to 45 A 2 All unknown bodies buried in this 46 A 2 were taken from the farm Jnknown. . section 48 2 of Mr. on the WU- Do. . A Mountcastle, 50 A 2 below the third Do. . Uamsburg turnpike,

. line of unless other Do. . Corporal.. artillery 52 A 2 breastworks,

- 2 Do. . Sergeant 54 A wise mentioned.

Do. . Officer 55 A 2

Do. . 59 A 2

Do. . 61 A 2

Do. . 62 A 2 These two (2) bodies were taken from the hotel grounds at Ashland, Va., Do. 66 A 2 and were buried in one grave, heads Do. 67 A 2 to the west. No. 66 was the body taken from northern side of ,. grave. These bodies were taken from the Do. 68 A 2 farm of Wm . James, atAshland, Va. Do. 69 A 2 were removed by Mr. James, Do. 70 A 2 They and were buried in coffins in one Do. 71 A 2 are said to have been 74 A 2 grave. They Do. members of the 12th Mass. cavalry. Do. 72 A 2 Do. 73 A 2 ( 75 A 2 1 to to to (227 A 2

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bb a Date of death. a Remarks, No. Name. Regiment. i "> 5 si R s

1 A 3 1148 l 3 3 2 A 3 1149 2 3 7 3 A 3 1150 2 6 1 4 A 3 1151 1 4 1 5 A 3 1152 2 3 8 6 A 3 1153 1 1 3 7 A 3 1154 2 2 3 8 A 3 1155 3 2 7 9 A 3 1156 2 2 2 10 A 3 1157 2 3 2 11 A 3 1158 1 3 8 12 A 3 1159 3 4 1 13 A 3 1160 2 6 9 14 A 3 1161 2 2 1 15 A 3 1162 1 7 1 16 A 3 1163 3 1 3 17 A 3 1164 1 3 7 18 A 3 1165 1 5 1 19 A 3 1166 2 4 2 20 A 3 1167 1 6 1 21 A 3 1168 1 1 9 A 3 1st. The bodies in this section were 1169 3 6 1 22 A 3 removed from the north side of the 1170 1 2 2 23 A 3 Richmond The 1171 2 1 11 24 City hospital. graves 25 A 3 ran east and at 1172 1 1 2 west, right angles A 3 with Fourth the first 1173 1 2 3 28 street, grave 27 A 3 of each row about five feet 1174 3 2 8 being (5) 28 A 3 from the road. Grave No. 1 of row 1175 2 1 3 29 A 3 No. 1 was situated on the northwest 1176 1 3 2 30 A 3 corner of the Most of the 1177 4 7 6 group. 31 A 3 graves contained more than one body. 1178 Do 2 7 1

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2 Unknown, 3 3 32 A 3 As the coffins were Ufted out of the Do. 3 4 a 33 A 3 graves they were numbered 1, 2, 3, Do. 1 6 2 34 A 3 &c, and are so designated in this Do. 1 7 4 35 A 3 record. Do. 2 5 5 36 A 3 2d. Five bodies were removed Do. (5) 2 6 1 37 A 3 from Cemetery, in Rocket, Do. Sharp's 2 1 6 38 A 3 Richmond, Va. Grave No. 1 of this Do. 3 6 8 39 A 3 row was in the southern part of the Do. 2 4 5 40 A 3 Cemetery, and five (5) feet from Les Do. 3 1 5 41 A 3 ter street. Do. 1 5 5 42 A 3 Do. 2 2 5 43 A 3 Do. 1 4 4 44 A 3 Do. 3 3 8 45 A 3 Do. 4 6 1 46 A 3 Do. 1 6 4 47 A 3 Do. 1 2 7 .48 A 3 Do. 2 6 3 49 A 3 Do. 3 6 3 50 A 3 Do. 1 6 8 51 A 3 Do. 1 6 3 52 A 3 Do. 2 4 1 53 A 3 Do. 2 7 6 54 A 3 Do. 1 4 5 55 A 3 Do. 2 1 5 56 A 3 Do. 1 4 9 57 A 3 Do. 2 1 5 58 A 3 Do. 2 5 2 59 A 3 Do. 3 1 8 60 A 3 Do. 2 4 4 61 A 3 Do. 2 3 5 62 A 3 Do. 2 1 4 63 A 3 Do. 1 4 2 64 A 3 Do. 2 2 7 65 A 3 Do. 2 6 4 66 A 3 Do. 1 5 2 67 A 3 Do. 2 1 8 68 A 3 Do. 2 5 1 69 A 3 Do. 1 1 6 70 A 3 Do. 2 6 8 71 A 3 Do. 1 3 5 2 72 A 3

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u bo a No. Name. Regiment. Date of death. Remarks.

0 Sz; R 02

kn 3 6 2 73 A 3 1 3 9 74 A 3 1 1 4 75 A 3 1223 1 3 4 76 A 3 1224 3 1 11 77 A 3 2 3 5 78 A 3 Do 1 2 4 79 A 3 1227 1 2 9 80 A 3 1228 2 3 4 81 A 3 1229 1 1 5 82 A 3 1230 1 2 8 83 A 3 1231 3 7 5 84 A 3 1232 3 2 6 85 A 3 1233 1 1 11 86 A 3 1234 1 1 6 87 A 3 1235 2 2 6 88 A 3 1236 2 2 8 89 A 3 1237 Do 3 4 6 90 A 3 1238 1 7 5 91 A 3 1239 3 5 4 9.2 A 3 1240 1 6 7 93 A 3 1241 2 4 6 94 A 3 1242 3 9 6 95 A 3 1243 Do 1 4 7 96 A 3 Richmond City hospital. The graves 1244 Do 1 7 4 97 A 3 ran east and west, at right angles 1245 2 4 8' 98 A 3 1246 Do 1 1 8 99 A 3 of each row being about five (5) feet 1247 Do 2 8 4 100 A 3 1248 2 8 7 101 A 3 No. 1 was situated on the northwest 1249 3 4 7 102 A 3 corner of the group. Most of the X250 Do 2 7 5 103 A 3 graves contained more than one body

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1251 Unknown. 1 4 6 104 A 3 As the coffins were lifted out of the 1252 Do. 2 4 7 105 A 3 graves they were numbered 1, 2, 3, 1253 Do. 1 4 3 106 A 3 and are so in this 1254 &c, designated Do. 2 14 1 107 A 3 record. 1255 Do. 3 6 7 108 A 3 2d. Five (5) bodies were removed 1256 Do. 2 5 4 109 A 3 from in 1257 Sharp's Cemetery, Rocket, Do. 1 4 10 110 A 3 Richmond, Va. Grave No. 1 of this 1258 Do. 1 6 7 111 A 3 row was in the southern of the 1259 part Do. 1 5 4 112 A. 3 and five feet from Les 1260 Cemetery, (5) Do. 2 3 9 113 A 3 ter street. 1261 Do. 2 1 7 114 A 3 1262 Do. 1 2 6 115 A 3 1263 Do. 2 1 9 116 A 3 1264 Do. 2 4 3 117 A 3 1265 Do. 3 1 7 118 A 3 1266 Do. 3 4 9 119 A 3 1267 Do. 1 1 7 120 A 3 1268 Do. 2 6 5 121 A 3 1269 Do. 2 4 9 122 A 3 1270 Do. 1 5 3 123 A 3 1271 Do. 3 3 6 124 A 3 1272 Do. 2 4 10 125 A 3 1273 Do. 1 3 6 126 A 3 1274 Do. 1 6 5 127 A 3 1275 Do. 3 6 9 128 A 3 1276 Do. 2 7 4 129 A 3 1277 Do. 2 5 3 130 A 3 1278 Do. 2 11 4 131 A 3 1279 Do. 1 6 9 132 A 3 1280 Do. 3 3 1 133 A 3 See remark No. 2. 1281 Do. 1 4 1 134 A 3 1282 Do. 3 4 10 135 A 3 1283 Do. 1 11 4 136 A 3 1284 Do. 3 3 7 137 A 3 1285 Do. 3 3 9 138 A 3 1286 Do. 3 12 3 139 A 3 1287 Do. 1 4 12 140 A 3 1288 Do. 1 5 7 141 A 3 1289 Do. 4 13 2 142 A 3 1290 Do. 1 3 11 143 A 3 1291 1 Do. 1 2 12 144 A 3

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VIRGINIA.- -Continued.

> a a Regiment Date of death. en Remarks. 1 sl fl 02

1292 Unknc 1 14 1 145 A 3 1293 Do. 1 2 9 146 A 3 1294 Do. 5 3 11 147 A 3 1295 Do. 1 11 5 148 A 3 1296 Do. 1 5 12 149 A 3 1297 Do. 1 1 1 150 A 3 1298 Do. 3 10 4 151 A 1299 Do. 2 5 8 152 A 3 1300 Do. 1 5 8 153 A 3 1301 Do. 2 12 4 154 A 3 1302 Do. 1 5 10 155 A 3 1303 Do. 1 5 6 156 A 3 1304 Do. 4 5 9 1.57 A 3 1305 Do. 1 3 10 158 A 3 1306 Do. 3 2 9 159 A 3 1307 Do. 2 5 10 160 A 3 1308 Do. 2 2 9 161 A 3 1309 Do. 2 3 10 162 A 3 1310 Do. 3 5 9 163 A 3 1311 Do. 1 4 11 164 A 3 1312 Do. 2 2 10 165 A 3 1st. The bodies in this section were 1313 Do. 2 5 10 166 A 3 removed from the north side of the 1314 Do. 3 5 8 167 A 3 Richmond city hospital. The graves 1315 Do. 1 2 11 168 A 3 ran east and west, at right angles 1316 Do. 2 3 1 169 A 3 with 4th street, the first grave of 1317 Do. 3 5 6 170 A 3 each row being about five (5) feet 1318 Do. 1 2 10 171 A 3 from the road. Grave No. 1 of row 1319 Do. 1 5 9 172 A 3 No. 1 was situated on the northwest 1320 Do. 1 5 11 173 A 3 corner of the group. Most of the 1321 Do. 2 5 fi 174 A 3 graves contained more than one 1322 1 Do. 1 8 4 175 A 3 body.

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1323 2 5 11 176 A 3 As the coffins were lifted out of the 1324 Do. 1 6 10 177 A 3 graves they were numbered, 1, 2, 3, 1325 Do. 1 3 1 178 A 3 &c, and are bo designated in this 1326 Do. 2 6 10 179 A 3 record. 1327 Do. 2 3 10 180 A 3 2d. Five (5) bodies were removed 1328 Do. 1 13 2 181 A 3 from Sharp's Cemetery, in Rocket 1329 Do. 1 3 12 182 A 3 Richmond, Virginia; grave No. 1 1330 Do. 3 3 11 183 A 3 of this row was in the southern 1331 Do. 1 8 5 184 A 3 part of the Cemetery, and five (5) feet from Lester street. 1332 Do. 1 1 185 A 3 > See remark No. 2. 1333 Do. 2 1 186 A 3 1334 Do. 3 8 5 187 A 3 1335 Do. 188 A 3 1336 Do. 3 8 3 189 A 3 1337 Do. 2 8 3 190 A 3 133S Do. 2 11 2 191 A 3 1339 Do. 1 8 3 192 A 2 1340 Do. 2 5 9 193 A 3 1341 Do. 2 8 4 194 A 3 1342 Do. 1 10 2 195 A 3 1343 Do. 1 10 1 196 A 3 1344 Do. 1 13 1 197 A 3 1345 Do. 1 11 1 198 A 3 1346 Do. 1 9 1 199 A 3 1347 Do. 3 8 4 200 A 3 1348 Do. 1 8 2 201 A 3 1349 Do. 1 10 3 202 A 3 1350 Do. 2 8 2 203 A 3 1351 Do. 1 204 A 3 1352 Do. 2 9 1 205 A 3 1353 Do. 206 A 3 These bodies were collected from the around Cold 1354 1 ) grounds Harbor, and came from the to 206 unkno to > A 4 following \ named farms : Mrs. 1559 1 206} Mary Wein's, Watts', Gatterights', Higgins', and Slauback's. 1560 Unknown. 4 10 3 B 1 1561 Do. 27 8 6 B 1 1562 Do. 26 7 12 B 1 1563 Do. 1 7 13 B 1

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Regiment. Date of death.

Unknown. . Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. in this section came from Do. The bodieB Belle and were collected in Do. Isle, on the island in Do. one grave-yard after the evacuation. This Do. 1865, was situated on the Do. grave-yard extreme northwestern of the Do. part and was west of the Do. island, directly old Do. prison pen.

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1 8 70 B 1 The rows of graves in the yard ran Do 19 7 71 B 1 with the river, and grave Do 20 4 72 B 1 Sarallelo. 1 of row No. 1 was in the Do 23 4 73 B 1 northwest corner of the yard. Do 18 8 74 B 1 Do 29 1 77 R 1 Do 20 6 78 B 1 Do 21 2 82 B 1 Do 5 9 83 B 1 Do 1 29 84 B 1 Do 5 7 85 B 1 Do 18 7 86 B 1 Do 4 8 87 B 1 Do 28 6 88 B 1 Do 21 5 90 B 1 Do 18 5 91 B 1 Do 8 11 92 B 1 Do 19 3 93 B 1 Do 18 2 94 B 1 Do 21 9 95 B 1 Do 27 2 97 B 1 Do. 20 3 98 B 1 Do 17 1 100 B 1 Do 18 6 101 B 1 Do 22 5 102 B 1 Do 27 3 103 B 1 Do 28 2 104 B 1 Do 19 9 106 B 1 Do 27 5 107 B 1 Do 22 6 108 B 1 Do 21 6 109 K 1 Do 29 2 no B 1 Do 29 3 111 B 1 Do 1 12 112 B 1 Do 5 18 113 B 1 Do 20 9 115 B 1 Do 2 9 116 B 1 Do 17 4 117 B 1 Do 2 11 1.18 B 1 Do 27 6 1.21 B 1 Do 4 7 123 B 1

For current National & State Veterans Burial records, please visit... http://www.interment.net/us/nat/veterans.htm Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County • Historic Monographs Collection


> bb No. Name. Regiment. Date of death. Remarks.

O P 02

1636 7 14 125 3 1 1637 Do 5 14 126 B 1 1638 Do 5 10 128 B 1 1639 Do 3 14 129 B 1 1640 Do 1 13 131 B 1 1641 Do 2 22 133 B 1 1642 Do 7 7 135 B 1 1643 Do 8 2 137 B 1 1644 Do 3 2 139 B 1 1645 Do 8 1 141 B 1 1646 Do 1 4 143 B 1 1647 1 23 145 B 1 1648 Do 7 6 150 B 1 1649 Do 4 12 151 B 1 1650 Do 2 20 153 B 1 1651 Do 7 8 156 B 1 1652 Do 8 3 157 B 1 1653 Do 2 19 159 B 1 1854 Do 8 6 160 B 1 1655 Do. 1 5 161 B 1 1656 Do 1 11 164 B 1 1657 Do 1 12 167 B 1 1658 Do 1 24 168 B 1 1659 Do 1 25 169 B 1 The bodies in this section came from 1660 Do 1 13 170 B 1 Belle Isle, and were collected in 1661 Do 1 14 173 B 1 one grave-yard on the island in 1662 1 Do 3 4 174 B 1 1865, after the evacuation. This 1663 Do 4 8 175 B 1 grave-yard was situated on the 1064 Do 5 12 177 B 1 extreme northwestern part of the 1665 Do 3 18 180 B 1 island, and was directly west of 1666 3 27 B 1 Do 1 184 1 the old prison pen.

For current National & State Veterans Burial records, please visit... http://www.interment.net/us/nat/veterans.htm Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County • Historic Monographs Collection

Unknown 5 11 The rows of graves in the yard ran Do. 8 8 parallel with the river, and grave Do. 7 12 No. 1 of row No. 1 was in the Do. 6 9 northwest corner of the yard. Do. 6 8 Do. 1 3 2 unknown do. t do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. The bodies buried in this section were j^ do. taken from their original graves at t> do. Oakwood Cemetery previous rto t"1 at date an do. April 14, 1867, which 0 do. 136th order was issued to give a descrip- y do. tion of each grave from which an 3, do. unknown body was taken. ^ do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do.

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fcb a No. Name. Regiment. Date of death. a' Remarks. > O '> P 1 P 02

2 unknown 136 B 3 The bodies buried in this section were 139 1750 2 do B 3 taken from their original graves at 142 B 3 Oakwood Cemetery previous to 1755 3 do 145 B 3 AprU 14, 1867, at which date an 1757 2 do 147 B 3 order was issued to give a descrip 1760 3 do 148 B 3 tion of each grave from which an 1762 2 do 149 B 3 unknown body was taken. 1764 2 do. 150 B 3 1766 2 do 151 B 3 l 1768 2 do. 154 B 3

1770 2 do. . 157 B 3 1772 2 do 158 B 3 1774 2 do 160 B 3 1776 2 do 166 B 3

1778 2 do. ..^... 168 B 3 1780 2 do 169 B 3 1782 2 do 170 B 3 1784 2 do 171 B 3 1787 3 do 172 B 3 1790 3 Ao 173 B 3 1792 2 do 174 B 3 l 1794 2 do 175 B 3 1796 2 do 176 B 3 1798 2 do 177 B 3 1800 2 do 180 B 3 1802 2 do 183 B 3 1804 2 do 186 B 3 1S06 2 do 1 B 4 1808 2 do 2 B 4 1811 3 do ::::::::.:: 3 B 4 1 1813 2 do 4 B 4

For current National & State Veterans Burial records, please visit... http://www.interment.net/us/nat/veterans.htm Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County • Historic Monographs Collection

1814 unknown 5 B 4 1815 do. 6 B 4 1816 do. 24 5 7 B 4 1817 do. 30 4 8 B 4 1818 do. 20 5 9 B 4 1819 do. 26 5 10 B 4 1820 do. 19 3 11 B 4 1821 do. 10 7 12 B 4 1822 do. 7 8 13 B 4 1824 2 do. 14 B 4 1826 2 do. 15 B 4 1828 2 do. 16 B 4 1830 2 do. 17 B 4 1831 do. 17 4 18 B 4 1832 do. 17 5 19 B 4 1833 do. 30 1 20 B 4 1834 do. 21 2 21 B 4 1835 do. 28 3 22 B 4 1836 do. 4 8 23 B 4 1837 do. 9 7 24 B 4 1838 do. 11 7 25 B 4 1839 do. 11 6 26 B 4 1840 do. 21 5 27 B 4 1842 2 do. 28 B 4 1844 2 do. 29 B 4 1846 2 do. 30 B 4 1848 2 do. 31 B 4 1849 do. 32 B 4 1850 do. 33 B 4 1851 do. 34 B 4 1852 do. 35 B 4 1853 do. 30 B 4 1854 do. 37 B 4 1855 do. 38 B 4 1856 do. 39 B 4 1857 do. 40 B 4 1858 do. 41 B 4 1860 2 do. 42 B 4 1863 3 do. 43 B 4 1865 2 do. 44 B 4 1868 3 do. 45 B 4

For current National & State Veterans Burial records, please visit... http://www.interment.net/us/nat/veterans.htm Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County • Historic Monographs Collection


1 a No. Name. Date of death. .2 a Regiment. O Remarks. S '? o o o <5 M s 03

1871 46 B 4 1874 3 do 47 B 4 1876 2 do 48 B 4 1878 2 do 49 B 4 1880 2 do 50 B 4 1882 2 do 51 B 4 1884 2 do 52 B 4 1885 do 34 2 53 B 4 1886 do 10 6 54 B 4 1887 do 24 2 55 B 4 1888 do 8 5 56 B 4 1889 do 19 5 57 B 4 1890 do 25 5 58 B 4 1891 do 7 4 59 B 4 1892 do. 9 6 60 B 4 1893 do 5 4 61 B 4 1894 do 13 1 62 B 4 1896 2 do 63 B 4 1898 2 do 64 B 4 1900 2 do 65 B 4 1902 2 do 66 B 4 1905 3 do 67 B 4 1907 2 do 68 B 4 1909 2 do 69 B 4 1911 2 do 70 B 4 1913 2 do 71 B 4 1917 4 do 72 B 4 1919 2 do 73 B 4 1920 do 14 6 74 B 4 1921 do 34 3 75 B 4 1922 do 23 5 76 B 4

For current National & State Veterans Burial records, please visit... http://www.interment.net/us/nat/veterans.htm Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County • Historic Monographs Collection

unknown. 13 7 77 B 4 ! do. . 17 6 78 B 4 do. . 15 7 79 B 4 do. . 12 7 80 B. 4

do. . 13 6 81 B 4

do. . 35 2 82 B 4

do. . 36 2 83 B 4

do. . 84 B 4

do. . 85 B 4

do. . 86 B 4

do. . 87 B 4

do. . 88 B 4

do.. . 89 B 4

do. . 90 B 4

do. . 91 B 4

do. . 92 B 4

do. . 93 B 4

do. . 94 B 4

do. . 16 4 95 B 4

do. . 7 2 96 B 4

do. . 32 2 97 B 4

do. . 32 4 98 B 4

do. . 6 1 99 B 4

do. . 6 18 100 B 4

do. . 14 7 101 B 4

do. . 5 1 102 B 4

do. . 33 2 103 B 4

do. . 22 5 104 B 4

do. . 105 B 4

do. . 106 B 4

do. . 107 B 4

do. . 108 B 4

do. . 109 B 4

do. . 110 B 4

do. . 111 B 4

do. . 112 B 4

do. . 113 B 4

do. . 114 B 4

do. . 115 B 4

do. . 116 B 4 do. . 417 B 4 1

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03 No. Name. Regiment. Date of death. Remarks. >

(2 M s P 02

1986 27 3 118 B 4 1987 do 119 B 4 1988 8 2 120 B 4 1989 do 121 B 4 1990 do 122 B 4 1991 do 5 2 123 B 4 1992 do 124 B 4 1993 do 9 2 125 B 4 ( 126 2015 22 do to B < 4' >2 in each grave. ( 136 2016 do 3 6 137 B 4 2017 do 9 1 138 B 4 2018 do 7 5 139 B 4 2019 do 1 9 2 141 B 4 2020 do 10 3 143 B 4 2021 do 2 1 2 144 B 4 2022 do 1 3 2 146 B 4 2024 2 do 147 B 4 2026 2 do 148 B 4 2028 2 do 149 B 4 2031 3 do 150 B 4 2033 2 do 151 B 4 2036 3 do 152 B 4 2039 3 do 153 B 4 2041 2 do 154 B 4 2043 2 do 155 B 4 2045 2 do 156 B- 4 2047 2 do 157 B 4 2048 do 2 1 1 158 B 4 2049 do 1 9 4 159 B 4

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2050 in known 1 2 1 160 B 4 2051 do. 1 1 2 161 B 4 2052 do. 2 5 7 162 B 4 2053 do. 1 1 1 163 B 4 2054 do. 1 7 1 164 B 4 2055 do. 1 5 8 165 B 4 2056 do. 1 5 3 166 B 4 2057 do. 1 3 3 167 B 4 2059 2 do. 168 B 4 2061 2 do. 169 B 4 2064 3 do. 170 B 4 2066 2 do. 171 B 4 2068 2 do. 172 B 4 2070 2 do. 173 B 4 2072 2 do. 1.74 B 4 - 2074 2 do. 175 B 4 2076 2 do. 1.76 B 4 2078 2 do. 177 B 4 2079 do. 1 2 2 178 B 4 2080 do. 2 1 5 179 B 4 2081 do. 1 5 4 180 B 4 2082 do. 2 4 3 181 B 4 2083 do. 1 5 9 182 B 4 2084 do. 1 3 1 183 B 4 2085 do. 1 4 1 184 B 4 2086 do. 2 5 8 185 B 4 2087 do. 1 4 2 1.86 B 4 2088 do. 15 11 15 (3 1 2089 do. 11 12 17 (3 1 2090 do. 59 (3 1 2091 do. 4 1 163 V, 1 2092 do. 1 6 168 (3 1 2093 do. 177 (3 1 2094 do. 3 1 1#l (I 1 2095 do. 2 2 184 (3 1 2096 do. 1 2 191 (3 1 2097 do. 2 1 206 (3 1 2098 do. 3 2 215 (3 1 2099 do. 2 7 217 (3 1 2100 do. 6 3 218 C 1 2101 do.

For current National & State Veterans Burial records, please visit... http://www.interment.net/us/nat/veterans.htm Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County • Historic Monographs Collection


> C3 a No. Name. Regiment. Date of death. Remarks. =3

8 R 02

2102 5 1 1 2 2103 do 11 1 13 C 2 2104 do 1 8 28 2 2105 do 13 4 35 P 2

2106 do 14 6 June , 1865 54 P 2 2107 do 11 1 May 30,1865 70 P 2 2108 do. .. 12 3 June 2, 1865 93 2 3 2109 do 17 Dec. , 1865 94 2 2110 do 7 11 1865 124 Aug. , 2 2111 do 8 8 July 5, 1865 130 2 2112 do 2 11 July 29, 1865 156 2 2113 do 13 -7 July 5, 1865 166 2 2114 do 9 7 July ,'1865 171 2

2115 do 14 6 June , 1865 182 c 2 2116 do 13 4 Co. 4th Missouri L, June , 1865 185 c 2 2117 do 13 187 2 2118 15 2 190 2 2119 8 16 201 2 2120 15 3 202 2 2121 do 10 2 208 2 2122 do 14 11 1865 212 Aug. , 2 2123 do 15 15 214 2 2124 do 12 11 225 c 2 2125 do 13 12 227 2 2127 2 do 1 3 Removed from Meehanicsville. 2128 2 p 3 Removed from Henrico county. 2129 3 3 Removed from Hanover county. c 3 2137 8 do 0 3 [Removed from Hanover county, and P (J 3 f two (2) interred in each grave. US c 3

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12 a 3 Removed from Hanover county. 13 O 3 52 do < to (3 3 >See remark on No. 2137. ( 39 (3 3 2 do 41 O 3 Removed from Pole Green Church. 2 do 42 C 3 Removed from Pole Green Church. ( 43 O 3 36 do < to O 3 > See remark on No. 2137. ( 60 (3 3 2 do 64 (3 3 ( 66 C 3 30 do 1 to (3 3 >See remark on No. 2137. ( 80 (3 3 2 do 81 (3 3 Removed from Charles City road. ( 84 (3 3 38 do < to (3 3 > See remark on No. 2137. (102 (3 3 do 103 C 3 Remov'd from Ground Squirrel bridge, Hanover county. fl04 C 3 I 105 c 3 8 do > See remark on No. 2137. 1 106 c 3 tl08 (3 3 2 do -^ 109 c 3 fill c 3 112 (! 3 114 (3 3 14 do <( 115 (3 3 See remark on No. 2137. 117 (3 3 118 (3 3 119 (3 3 2 do 120 (3 3 Removed from Beaver Dam. (121 (3 3 4 do > See remark on No. 2137. l22 C 3 do 123 (3 3 4 do (125 (3 3 > See remark on No. 2137. ) 127 <3 3 do (129 (3 3 > See remark on No. 2137. do ) 130 (3 3 do 131 C 3

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> 03 a bb a No. Name. Regiment. Date of death. Remarks. o 1 P P 02

fl32 C 3 133 c 3 135 c 3 136 c 3 138 c 3 139 c 3 < 141 c 3 142 c 3 144 c 3 146 c 3 147 c 3 ,148 c 3 do 149 c 3 Removed from Hanover county. C 150 c 3 2371 6 do < 151 c 3 ^ 153 c 3 2373 2 do 154 c 3 Removed from Henrico county. fl55 c 3 I 156 c 3 2381 8 do 1 157 c 3 U59 c 3 2383 2 do 160 c 3 C 162 c 3 2389 6 do 1 163 c 3 /165 c 3

2391 2 do ... 167 c 3 do 168 c 3 2394 2 do fl69 c 3 1 171 c 3 J > Removed from Hanover 1 172 c 3 county. 2399 (.173 c 3 J For current National & State Veterans Burial records, please visit... http://www.interment.net/us/nat/veterans.htm Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County • Historic Monographs Collection

2401 2 unknown - 174 C 3 f175 (3 3 177 C 3 178 (3 3 179 (3 3 18 do. { 180 (3 3 See remark on No. 2137. 181 (3 3 183 (3 3 184 (3 3 188 O 3 2 do. 188 (3 3 Removed from Cold Harbor. T189 0 3 190 (3 3 10 do i 191 O 3 See remark on No. 2137. 192 C 3 I 193 (3 3 fl94 (3 3 I 195 (3 3 See remark on No. 2137. 1 197 O 3 1 1.98 O 3 do. 199 C 3 2 do. .200 0 3 > Removed from J. Fountaine's farm. 2 do. 201 c 3 2 do. 203 c 3 Removed from Dr. Anderson's farm. 2 do. 204 c 3 Do. do. 2 do. 206 (3 3 Removed from Dr. Rowzie's farm. ' C 4 ) These bodies were removed from 22 do. to > Oakwood, and there are two in- )\ H (3 4 ) terred in each grave. 2 do. 17 (3 4 2 do. 13 (3 4 > Removed from Mechanicsville. 2 do. 19 (3 4 ( 20 C 4 18 do. to > See remark on No. 2472. ) 29 (3 4 3 do. 30 (3 4 Removed from Oakwood. 2 do. 35 (3 4 2 do. 36 (3 4 > Removed from Mechanicsville. 2 do. 37 (3 4 2 do. 38 (3 4 2 do. 39 C 4 Removed from Munlev's mill.

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c3 lb No. Name. Regiment. Date of death. w Remarks. -a 03

! P 02

40 c 4 Removed from Mechanicsville. c 4 2531 18 do to >See Remark on No. 2472. r( 49 c 4 ( 53 c 4 ) Thesebodies were removed from Pole 2549 18 do to > Green Church, and there are two 61 c 4 I ) (2) interred in each grave. 2552 3 do 62 C 4 Removed from Oakwood. C 63 c 4 2560 8 do to > See remark on No. 2472. \ 66 C 4 2561 69 C 4 Found under hickory tree front of P. Butler's farm. 2563 2 do 70 c 4 Removed from Pole Green Church. 2565 2 do 71 c 4 Do. do. do. 2568 3 do 72 c 4 Removed from Munley's mill. 2570 f 73 c 4 75 c 4 76 c 4 These bodies were removed from > 2584 14 do <^ 78 c 4 Miss Mary Wein's farm, and there 79 c 4 are two interred in each grave. 81 c 4 82 c 4 3587 3 do 83 c 4 Removed from Oakwood. 2589 2 do 84 c 4 Do. do. 2592 3 do 85 c 4 bodies were removed from 2594 "2 do 86 c 4 (These Oakwood. 2596 2 do 87 c 4 (

For current National & State Veterans Burial records, please visit... http://www.interment.net/us/nat/veterans.htm Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County • Historic Monographs Collection

f 95 C 4 97 C 4 J See remark on 2584. 1 99 C 4 LlOO c 4 2 do 102 p 4 Removed from Hanover county. C 103 c 4 12 do See remark on No. 2472. \ 108 c 4

fll7 c 4 120 c 4 These bodies were removed from i< 10 do i 122 p 4 Hanover county, and there are two y 123 c 4 (2) interred in each grave. g 124 c 4 fl25 c 4 I 126 c 4 d 127 c 4 128 c 4 129 c 4 22 do 1 145 4 > See remark on No. 2472. 146 c 4 147 c 4 148 c 4 149 c 4 U50 c 4 f 153 c 4 154 c 4 26 do * 156 4 > See remark on No. 2630. to 166 c 4 3 do 167 4 3 do 168 4 2 do 169 4 > Removed from Oakwood. 2 do 170 4 2 do 171 4 C 176 c 4 12 do > See remark on No. 2830. ( 181 c 4 ( 182 c 4 ) These bodies were removed from Cold 12 do > Harbor, and there are two (2) in- \ 187 c 4 ) terred in each grave.

For current National & State Veterans Burial records, please visit... http://www.interment.net/us/nat/veterans.htm Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County • Historic Monographs Collection


1 a No. Name. Regiment. Date of death. Remarks. I i '> p p S P 02

riss C 4 1 189 C 4 190 C 4

< 191 c 4 195 c 4 to .206 c 4 ("These bodies were removed from their original graves previous to April 14, 1867, atwhich time an order was issued to give a description of each from which an unknown ' D 1 grave was removed. Each in 3187 to body grave this section contains two ] 207 D 1 (2) bodies, ( excepting Nos. 29, 31, 64, 74, 83, 85, 87, 104, 125, 126, 127, 147, 150, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 182, 185, 189, 196, 206, and 207, which contain three bodies each. . (3) ' Thesebodies wereremovedfrom Oak- wood Cemetery, and are the remains of prisoners who died in and around the city during the war. No record of the names of the dead has been * D 2 kept at this and 3608 421 do to Cemetery, consequently most of the bodies taken from the |^206 D 2 Cemetery areunknown. Each grave in this section contains two (2) bodies, exceptingNos. 11, 51, 62, 66, 88, 111, 177, 188, and 203, which contain three bodies each. , (3)

For current National & State Veterans Burial records, please visit... http://www.interment.net/us/nat/veterans.htm Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County • Historic Monographs Collection

unknown. 2 D 3 1 2 do. . 3 D 3 do. . 4 D 3 2 do. . 5 1) 3 2 do. . 6 D 3 do. . 7 1) 3 2 do. . 8 D 3 2 do. . 9 D do. . 10 D 3 2 do. . 11 1) 3 2 do. . 12 1) 3 do. . 13 D 3 2 do. . 14 D 3 2 do. . 15 D 3 do. . 16 D 3 17 D 3 do. 18 D 3 do. 19 D 3 do. 20 D 3 These bodies were removed from the do. 22 D 3 battle field at Cold Harbor, and do. 23 1) 3 were scattered over the ground do. 24 D 3 and tl'.i ongh the woods from Gurth- do. 25 D 3 right's farm to the Raleigh road. do. 26 D 3 do. 27 D 3 do. 28 D 3 do. 29 1) 3 do. 30 1) 3 do. 31 D 3 do. 32 D 3 do. 33 D 3 do. 34 1) 3 do. 35 D 3 do. 36 1) 3 do. 37 D 3 do. 38 1) 3 do. 39 D 3 do. 40 D 3 do. 41 D 3 do. 42 D 3 do. 43 D 3 J

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1 bb a Date a No. Name. 1 Regiment of death. Remarks. o p P 02

3676 44 D 3 3678 2 do 45 D 3 3679 do 46 D 3 3681 2 do 47 D 3 3683 2 do 48 D 3 3684 do 1 49 D 3 3686 2 do. 50 D 3 3688 2 do 51 D 3 3689 do 52 D 3 3691 2 do 53 D 3 3693 2 do 54 D 3 3694 do 55 D 3 3696 2 do 56 D 3 3698 2 do. 57 D 3 3699 do 58 D 3 3701 2 do. 59 D 3 3704 3 do 60 D 3 3705 do 61 D 3 3707 2 do 62 D 3 3709 2 do. 63 D 3 3711 2 do. 64 D 3 3712 do 65 D 3 3714 2 do 66 D 3 3715 do 67 D 3 3717 2 do 68 D 3 3719 2 do 69 D 3 3720 do 70 D 3 3722 2 do 71 D 3 3724 2 do 72 D 3 3725 do 73 D 3 3727 2 do 74 D 3 For current National & State Veterans Burial records, please visit... http://www.interment.net/us/nat/veterans.htm Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County • Historic Monographs Collection

3729 2unknov, 75 D 3 3730 do. 76 1) 3 3732 2 do. 77 1) 3 These bodies were removed from the 3734 2 do. 78 1) 3 battle-field at Cold Harbor, and 3735 do. 79 D 3 were scattered over the 3737 ground 2 do. 80 n 3 and through the woodB from Gurth- 3739 2 do. 81 D 3 right's farm to the Raleigh road. 3740 do. 82 1) 3 3743 3 do. 83 1) 3 3745 2 do, 84 1) 3 3746 do. 85 D 3 3747 do. 86 1) 3 3749 2 do. 87 D 3 3750 do. 88 1) 3 3752 2 do. 89 D 3 3754. 2 do, 90 D 3 3755 do. 91 1) 3 3757 2 do. 92 D 3 3759 2 do. 93 1) 3 3760 do. 94 D 3 3762 2 do. 95 D 3 3764 2 do. 96 D 3 3765 do. 97 I) 3 3767 9, do 98 D 3 3769 2 do. 99 1) 3 .3770 do. 100 D 3 3772 2 do. 101 1) 3 3774 2 do. 102 D 3 3775 do. 103 1) 3 3777 2 do. 104 D 3 3779 2 do. 105 D 3 3780 do. 106 1) 3 3781 do. 107 D 3 3783 2 do. 108 D 3 3784 do. 109 1) 3 3786 2 do, 110 D 3 3788 2 do. 111 D 3 3789 do. 112 D 3 3791 2 do, 113 1) 3 3793 2 do; 114 D 3 3794 do. 115 D 3

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03 bb Date of death. Remarks. No. Name. 5^, Regiment

P 1 P si P 02

3796 2 k 116 D 3 117 D 3 118 D 3 119 D 3 120 D 3 3804 121 D 3 3806 122 D 3 3308 123 D 3 3809 124 D 3 3811 125 D 3 through the woods from Gurth- 3313 126 D 3 rights's farm to the Raleigh road. 3814 127 D 3 3816 128 D 3 3818 129 D 3 3819 130 D 3 3821 131 D 3 3823 132 D 3 1331 to

184 f These bodies were removed from the 186 I battle-field at Cold and D J Harbor, 3915 187 f | but one body interred in each 190 I grave. to 229 (" ThesebodieswereremovedfromOak- 1 No. which was 3934 J to D 4 wood, excepting 5, } 1 taken from Hanover and I 20 J county, I but one (1) interred in each grave. 22~\ f These bodies were removed from to !> D 4 1( 230 j I. (1) in each grave.

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4145 2 n nknov 1 E 1 4147 2 do. 2 F, 1 4149 2 do. 3 E 1 4151 2 do. 4 K 1 4152 do. 2 4 5 K 1 4153 do. 1 4 6 E 1 4154 do. 6 5 7 E 1 4155 do. 5 6 H F, 1 4156 do. 7 3 9 E 1 4157 do. 7 4 10 E 1 4158 do. 2'' 10 11 E 1 4159 do. 9 5 12 E 1 4160 do. 3 3 10 13 E 1 4162 2 do. 14 E 1 Twenty-six (26) ofthese bodies were 4165 3 do. 15 K 1 removed from the farms in the 4167 2 do. 16 E 1 vicinity of Fort Harrison, and the 4169 2 do. 17 K 1 remainder from the vicinity'of the 4170 do. 1 9 3 18 E 1 poor house, Richmond, Virginia; 4171 do. 1 3 7 19 K 1 some of the graves containing 4172 do. 1 6 4 20 E 1 three bodies/'and all graves num 4173 do. 2 2 10 21 E 1 bering from the north end of the 4174 do. 1 2 8 22 E 1 4175 do. 2 3 11 23 E 1 4176 do. 1 5 7 24 E I 4177 do. 1 2 6 25 E 1 4178 do. 1 2 4 26 E 1 4179 do. 2 8 3 27 E 1 4182 3 do. 28 11 1 4184 2 do. 29 E 1 4186 2 do. 30 E 1 4183 2 do. 31 E 1 4189 do. 2 3 10 32 E 1 *. 4190 do. 1 2 3 33 K 1 4191 do. 1 4 11 34 E 1 4192 do. 1 4 5 35 E 1 4193 do. 3 4 11 36 E 1 Forty-one (41) of these bodies were 4194 do. 1 2 9 37 E 1 removed from the farms in the 4195 do. 2 3 12 33 E 1 vicinity of Fort Harrison, and the 4196 do. 1 1 6 39 E 1 remainder as per remark on No. 4197 do. 2 1 6 40 E 1 4145 to 4193. 4193 do. 2 1 7 41 E 1

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03 bo a No. Name. Regiment. Date of death. Remarks. t ffl es P P 02

42 E 1 43 E 1 2 do 44 E 1 2 do. 45 E 1 4209 2 do. 46 E 1 4211 2 do 47 E 1 2 do. 48 E 1 2 do 49 E 1 2 do 50 E 1 3 do 51 E 1 Forty-one (41) of these bodies were 2 do 52 E 1 removed from farms in the vicinity 4223 do. 2 5 6 53 E 1 of Fort Harrison, and the remain 54 do 2 1 3 E 1 der as per remark on No. 4145 to do 1 3 8 55 E 1 do 2 4 6 56 E 1 4227 do 1 3 9 57 E 1 do 1 2 5 58 E 1 do 2 3 8 59 E 1 do 1 4 7 60 E 1 do 2 2 5 61 E 1 do 1 3 5 62 E 1 4234 2 do 63 E 1 3 do 64 E 1 4239 2 do 65 E 1

- 4241 2 do. . .. 66 E 1

2 do...... 67 E 1 2 do 68 E 1 4247 2 do. 69 E 1 4249 2 do. 70 F, 1 .. 4252 71 E 1 72 ] E 1 4254 For current National & State Veterans Burial records, please visit... http://www.interment.net/us/nat/veterans.htm Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County • Historic Monographs Collection

4256 2 11 nknov. 73 E 4257 do. 1 5 10 74 E 4258 do. 1 2 12 75 F, 4259 do. 1 9 9 76 E M 4261 2 do. 77 E iS. 4262 do. 1 4 4 78 E | 4263 do. 1 1 5 79 E to 4265 2 do. 80 E w 4266 do. 1 9 8 81 E 4268 2 do. 82 E 4269 do. 1 7 9 83 E 4271 2 do. 84 E 4274 3 do. 85 E 4276 2 do. 86 E No. 4253 to 431350 of these bodies 4278 2 do. 87 E were removed from farms in the 4280 2 do. 88 E vicinity of Fort Harrison, and the 4283 3 do. 89 E remainder from the vicinity of the 4285 2 do. 90 E poor-house, Richmond, Virginia. 4288 3 do. 91 E 4290 2 do. 92 E 4292 2 do. 93 E 4294 2 do. 94 E 4297 3 do. 95 E 4298 do. 2 5 10 96 E 4299 do. 1 3 10 97 E 4301 2 do. 98 E 4302 do. 1 1 7 99 E 4303 do. 1 9 6 100 E 4305 2 do. 101 E 4306 do. 1 7 5 102 E 4308 2 do. 103 E 4309 do. 1 8 4 104 K 4312 3 do. 105 E 4314 2 do. 106 E 4317 3 do. 107 K 4320 3 do. 108 E 4323 3 do. 109 E Sixty-five (65) of these bodies were 4326 3 do. 110 E removed from farms in the vicinity 4328 2 do. 111 E of Fort Harrison, and the remain 4331 3 do. 112 F, der from the vicinity of the poor- 4333 2 do. 113 E house, Richmond, Virginia.

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03 bb a a Remarks. ' Regiment. o3 | P si P OQ

4335 2i nknov 114 E 1 4337 2 do. 115 E 1 4339 2 do. 116 E 1 4340 do. 1 7 6 117 E 1 4341 do. 1 2 9 113 E 1 4343 2 do. 119 E i 4344 do. 1 3 11 120 E i 4345 do. 1 2 10 121 E l 4347 2 do. 122 E i 4348 do. 3 2 11 123 E l 4351 3 do. 124 E l Sixty-five (65) of these bodies were 4352 do. 1 6 3 125 E l removed from farms in the vicinity 4355 3 do. 126 E l 4357 2 do. 127 E l der from the vicinity of the poor- 4360 3 do. 128 E l house, Richmond, Virginia. 4362 2 do. 129 E l 4365 3 do. 130 E l 4367 2 do. 131 E l 4369 2 do. 132 E l 4372 3 do. 133 E l 4374 2 do. 134 E l 4376 2 do. 135 E l 4378 2 do. 136 E l 4381 3 do. 137 E l 4382 do. 2 4 10 138 E l 4383 do. 1 3 12 139 E l 4385 2 do. 140 E l \ 4386 do. 2 4 11 141 E l 4387 do. 1 6 2 142 E l 4390 3 do. 143 E i 4391 do. 144 E 1

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4393 2 nnknov 145 E 1 4394 do. i 7 7 146 E 1 4396 2 do. 147 E 1 ! 4398 2 do. 148 E 1 4401 3 do. 149 E 1 4403 2 do. 150 E 1 4405 2 do. 151 E 1 4407 2 do. 152 E 1 4409 2 do. 153 E 1 4412 3 do. 154 E 1 4415 3 do. 155 E 1 22 of these bodies were taken from 4417 2 do. 156 E 1 Oakwood Cemetery, 30 from Fort 4419 2 do. 157 E 1 Harrison, and the remainder from 4420 do. 158 E 1 tho vicinity of the poor-house, 4421 do. l 2 10 159 E 1 Richmond, Va. 4422 do. l 7 8 160 E 1 4424 2 do. 161 E 1 4425 do. 2 2 11 162 E 1 4426 do. 1 10 12 163 E 1 4427 do. 164 E 1 4428 do. 2 4 12 165 E 1 4429 do. 166 E 1 4430 do. 3 3 11 167 E 1 4432 2 do. 168 E 1 4435 3 do. 169 E 1 4437 2 do. 170 E 1 4439 2 do. 171 E 1 4440 ( 172 to 8 do. < to E 1 4447 ( s ( 175 4449 2 do. 176 E 1 1 4451 2 do. 177 E 1 4453 2 do. 178 E 1 4454 Ho. 1 8 5 179 E 1 4455 do. 1 5 180 E 1 16 of these bodies were removed 4456 do. 181 E 1 from Oakwood and the 4458 2 do. Cemetery, 182 K 1 remainder from the of the 4461 3 do. vicinity 183 E 1 Va. 4462 poor-house, Richmond, do. 5 5 184 K 1 4464 2 do. 185 E 1 4466 2 do. 186 E 1 J

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VIRGINIA .Continued.

No. Name. Regiment. Date of death. Remarks. > i p

All the bodies in this section were taken from the pits northwest of Miles Gathright's house, at Cold j the bones were all 5024 _ Harbor, Va.; 3 mixed up together, and it.was im- 2 possible to describe the situation of each body. They are interred oo O three in each grave. 'This was taken from body Chaff's y farm, near Griffin's springs, north- M west of Richmond, on Fredericks- S 6035 do burg road. He was shot at a party go held] at the in 1865. No- springs- M thing further could be learned of !z| him. g These three bodies were found in bushes northwest of Cemetery, on j Williams' farm, and were prison- H ers who were wounded and taken f 5(Wfi 3 do prisoners at Seven Pines, Va., and w were en route to Richmond, June ^ 5, 1862, where they died and were thrown into an old spring and cov ered with rocks.

These eight (8) bodieB were buried in the ditch in front of third line of works, 110 feet from the Wil 5036 8 do. liamsburg road, turning to the left while going to Seven Pines. The men belonged to the cavalry who attacked the works in 1864.

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("These twenty-nine (29) men were taken from the White Oak swamp, (on a part of it owned by Robert 3 King,) and they died in 1862, and < were thrown into the swamp in 3 one place. Nothing could be as certained as to their names or regi ment The one buried in grave No. 1. 39 was taken from B. Green's farm. 3 "I 3 These five bodies were found by Mr. 5 do 3 > Eacho on his farm, and within one 3 hundred (100) yards of his house. 3 J 3 S These five men were found at Beaver 3 Dam Station, and belonged to the 5 do 3 > cavalry. They were buried at the 3 Station, on land belonging tothe R. 3 J R. Co., within six feet of the track. 3 ~) These thirteen men were sent by raU- 3 road from Savage's Station, on the 3 York River R. R., on the 8th of 3 June, 1862, and were retained at 3 Richmond, in the depot, until the 3 superintendent of the road ordered 13 do 3 > one of the employees to bury them 3 on the first level spot outside of 3 Richmond. They were buried 380 3 yards from the foot-bridge over the 3 York River R. R., and within 15 3 feet of the left track out of Rich- 3 J mond. 3 *) o These six (6) men were found at Hu- o gary Station, but no person knew 6 do o ) when they were buried. They o were buried in a culvert, right at the station.

3 ) 11 men taken from a pit near Liberty 11 do > Hall, Hanover co., N.E. of Gaines' 3 MUls. to ) . Nothing identify them.

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( These six (6) men were taken from < Carter's field, just outside of Me- ( ehanicsville. (26) bodies were taken from Doctor Garnett's farm, near Meadow Bridges, on the road from Richmond, Virginia, to Cold Har bor; they are the remains of sol diers who were killedm May, 1862. {Twenty-sixbodies were found in a creek near Frederickshall Station, Vir ginia Central Railroad; but no (Thesething was known of them. men were found on Shaw's farm, Trevillian's Station, and were a part of Gen. Dix's forces; (Thesethey were killed in July, 1863. ( These bodies were found in the grave- . yard at Mechanicsburg, Hanover I. county; nothingwas known ofthem. men were buried in the col ored grave-yard at Rocketts, Rich mond, Virginia, and are said to be men who were taken prisoners at Fort Harrison September 29, 1864, and died en route to prison. {TheseThese bodieB were taken from Day's farm, Melton Station, on the Vir ginia Central Railroad, but the people would give no information concerning them.

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[These bodies were taken from the grounds of the Railroad Com pany at Gordonsville, Virginia, and were prisoners who died on 1 the cars.

flGO I 161 [These men were taken from Stan- 1 162 [ ley's farm, Lollersville, Va. 1.163

Taken from the door at Mad ( 164 yard der's farm, near Pottiesville, Va., the house having been used as a hospital in 1862.

rTakenfrom Green's farm, near Bum- fl74 pass Turnout; these men were 175 wounded somewhere in that vicin 176 ity, and had been taken prisoners, L177 but were left in an out-house, and

,, died there.

These bodies were taken from Dab- ney's farm, near the Mills of the same name, and were kUled in

'Eighteen men from Hanover Junc tion, who died while prisoners, haying been taken at Fredericks burg, Virginia, December 17, 1862. .

' Bodies taken from Johnson's '206 farm, near on the R. F. 207 Taylorsville, and P. R. R. No one knew who 208 but their and 209 they were, clothing equipments showed them to be " ,210 Union soldiers.

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Date of death.

These bodies were removed from the vicinity ofthe City Hospital, Rich mond, Va. A number ofpits were formed on the east side of the hos pital, and on the west side of ravine, about fifteen (15) feet from the hospital fence; each pit is numbered, commencing with the most soutberly, and each body is numbered as it came from the grave, commencing at the eastern extremity of the pit. This remark applies to all bodies interred in Division E, Section 4. Unknown, Do. Do. 2 13 Do. 3 14 Do. 9 Do. 2 13 Do. 2 11 Do. 13 Do. 1 11

Do. . 1 9

Do. . 19

Do. . 5 12

Do. . 2 12 Do. 13

Do. . 3 13 1 Do. . 12

Do. . 10

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Unknown, 3 12 4 18 E Do. 2 12 3 19 E Do. 2 9 6 20 E Do. 1 12 6 21 E Do. 14 3 22 E Do. 2 11 6 23 E Do. 3 12 7 24 E Do. 12 3 25 E Do. 4 12 7 26 E Do. 2 8 5 27 E Do. 5 3 28 E Do. 4 9 4 29 E Do. 2 9 2 30 E Do. 25 I 31 E Do. 4 8 5 32 E Do. 1 9 5 33 E Do. 11 1 34 E Do. 1 9 2 35 E Do. 4 8 6 36 E Do. 23 2 37 E Do. 1 12 8 38 K Do. 1 11 2 39 E Do. 12 2 40 E Do. 2 12 9 41 E Do. 1 13 5 42 E Do. 17 2 43 E Do. 3 11 7 44 E Do. 3 12 8 45 E Do. 1 3 48 E Do. 1 14 4 47 Hi Do. 1 11 7 48 E Do. 14 2 49 E Do. 3 11 6 50 E Do. 2 11 7 51 E Do. 11 2 52 11 Do. 2 12 8 53 E Do. 2 12 6 54 K Do. 16 2 55 E Do. 2 9 5 56 K Do. 2 14 4 57 K Do. 13 3 58 E

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Name. Regiment. Date of death.

5310 Unknown. 1

5311 Do. . 6

5312 Do. . 18

5313 Do. . 3

5314 Do. . 2

5315 Do. . 14

5316 Do. . 5

5317 Do. . 4

5318 Do. . 11

5319 Do. . 1

5320 Do. . 1

5321 Do. . 15

5322 Do. . 3

5323 Do. . 3

5324 Do. . 10

5325 Do. . 2

5326 Do. . 1

5327 Do. . 9

5328 Do. . 1

5329 Do. . 22

5330 Do. . 23

5331 Do. . 1

5332 Do. . 1

5333 Do. . 16

5334 Do. . 4

5335 Do. . 2

5336 Do. . 3

5337 Do. . 1

5338 Do. . 2

5339 Do. . 19 4 5340 Do. .

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5341 Unknown. 3 13 14 90 E 4 5342 Do. 1 12 11 91 F, 4 5343 Do. 2 14 2 92 E 4 5344 Do. 1 13 4 93 E 4 5345 Do. 1 2 94 E 4 5346 Do. 1 12 5 95 E 4 5347 Do. 1 12 7 96 E 4 5348 Do. 2 13 8 97 E 4 5349 Do. 3 11 9 98 E 4 5350 Do. 6 1 99 E 4 5351 Do. 1 11 9 100 E 4 5352 Do. 7 5 101 E 4 5353 Do. 22 3 102 E 4 5354 Do. 7 4 103 E 4 5355 Do. 7 3 104 E 4 5356 Do. 7 2 105 E 4 5357 Do. 7 1 106 E 4 5358 Do. 7 5 107 E 4 5359 Do. 6 7 108 E 4 5360 Do. 8 7 109 E 4 5361 Do. 1 9 7 110 E 4 5362 Do. 1 9 12 111 E 4 5363 Do. 2 14 6 112 E 4 5364 Do. 3 12 10 113 E 4 5365 Do. 3 9 8 114 E 4 5386 Do. 1 15 5 115 E 4 5367 Do. 2 9 8 116 E 4 5368 Do 2 11 9 117 E 4 5369 Do. 8 6 118 E 4 5370 Do. 1 9 8 119 E 4 5371 Do. 1 14 8 120 E 4 5372 Do. 1 4 121 E 4 5373 Do. 2 12 10 122 E 4 5374 Do. 2 13 7 123 E 4 5375 Do. 24 3 124 E 4 5376 Do. 3 9 5 125 K 4 5377 Do. 3 11 5 126 E 4 5378 Do. 1 2 127 F, 4 5379 Do. 3 11 2 128 E 4 5380 Do. 5 10 4 129 E 4 5381 Do. 12 2 130 E 4

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a Regiment. Date of death. 6b* "> sl P 02

Unknown. 131 E 4

Do. . 132 E 4

Do. . 133 E 4

Do. . 134 E 4

Do. . 135 F, 4

Do. . 136 E 4

Do. . 137 E 4

Do. . 138 E 4

Do. . 139 E 4

Do. . 140 E 4

Do. . 141 E 4

Do. . 142 E 4

Do. . 143 E 4

Do. . 144 E 4

Do. . 145 K 4

Do. . 146 K 4

Do. . 147 K 4

Do. . 148 E 4

Do. . 149 E 4

Do. . 150 E 4

Do. . 151 E 4

Do. .. 152 E 4

Do. .. 153 K 4

Do. .. 154 E 4

Do. .. 155 E 4

Do. .. 156 E 4

Do. .. 157 E 4

Do. .. 158 K 4

Do. .. 159 E 4

Do. .. 160 E 4

Do. .. 161 E 4

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5413 Unknown 6 2 162 E 4 5414 Do. 10 2 163 E 4 5415 Do. 5 2 164 E 4 5416 Do. 1 12 10 165 E 4 5417 Do. 20 1 166 E 4 5418 Do. 1 14 6 167 E 4 5419 Do. 23 1 168 F, 4 5420 Do. 3 6 169 E 4 5421 Do. 17 1 170 E 4 5422 Do. 8 3 171 E 4 5423 Do. 20 4 172 E 4 5424 Do. 6 3 173 E 4 5425 Do. 5 1 174 E 4 5426 Do. 23 4 175 E 4 5427 Do. 5 2 176 E 4 5428 Do. 4 2 177 E 4 5429 Do. 2 4 178 E 4 5430 Do. 1 1 179 E 4 5431 Do. 18 2 180 E 4 5432 Do. 10 3 181 E 4 5433 Do. 2 1 182 E 4 5434 Do. 2 3 183 E 4 5435 Do. 18 1 184 E 4 5436 Do. 1 15 7 185 E 4 5437 Do. 3 12 11 186 E 4 5438 Do. 25 1 187 E 4 5439 Do. 30 1 188 E 4 5440 Do. 1 14 6 189 E 4 5441 Do. 5 6 190 E 4 5442 Do. 1 13 8 191 E 4 5443 Do. 7 3 192 E 4 5444 Do. 17 5 193 E 4 5445 Do. 1 14 7 194 E 4 5446 Do. 2 12 4 195 E 4

5447 Do. . 17 4 196 E 4 5448 Do. 18 4 197 E 4 5449 Do. 12 1 198 E 4 5450 Do. 5 4 199 E 4 5451 Do. 7 1 200 E 4 5452 Do. 24 1 201 E 4 5453 Do. 7 4 202 E 4

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Unknown. 203 204 Do. . 205 Do. . 206 Do. - 207 Do. . 208 Do. . 209 Do. . 210- Do. .

Do. . 211 212 Do. . 213 Do. .

Do. . 214

Do. . 215

Do. - 216

Do. . 217

Do. . 218

Do. . 219

Do. . 220

Do. . 221 : Do. . 222

Do. . ! 223 I Do. . 224 ! Do. . 225 1 Do. . 226

Do. . 227 Thirty-nine bodies were taken from farms in the vicinity of Old Church, Hanover county: Allen's two 39 unknown. farm, bodieB ; Rodman's farm, eleven bodies; Darling'sfarm,seven bodies; Easterbrook's farm, four bodies.

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These bodies were taken from the farm of Mr. J. Jackson, at Piping Tree, near the ferry, and are said to be the bodies of six (6) Union soldiers, who escaped from prison at Richmond, Virginia, and were overtaken and shot. TakenfromNeviU'sfarm, at Crump's X roads, Hanover county ; killed 0) in 1862. Jd 'These bodies were taken from Fair q Oaks Station, close to the raUroad jg bank, where the Nine-mile road g crosses the track. Q These bodies were found on Savage's 3 farm, Savage Station, and were buried under a tree, i2j 55 ) persimmon which stands about 200 from > to > yards the site of the old house. No. 55 3 75) lay directly north and south; No. O 56 lay next to the right, when g facing the north. jr1 These bodies were interred in a trian- gularenclgsure, at Bottom's Bridge, ^ Kent road crosses where the New g the Chickahominy river. No. 76 y was No. 1 grave, on the southwest H corner ofthe triangle, and the rows ^ followed the hypothenuse. ^ ~ These bodies were taken from the farm of T. Carter, called Long battle ofSeven Pines, and lay upon 75^ the ground i.ntil notbing but bones remained, and then they were put in one grave. Taken from Weim's farm, near Long Bridges, over the Chickahominy river, six miles from Bait cross roads. Nothing could be ascer- g3 tained in relation to them. M

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c3 a bb a No. Name. Regiment. Date of death. Remarks. 03 V i d p Szi P 02

These bodies were 193 ) taken from Tay- f lor's 5679 to > F 1 J farm, near Malvern hill, and were killed 206 ) | during the seven days' I fight. 5680 2 1 4 _ 1 F 2 The bodies interred' in this section 5681 Do 1 1 3 2 F 2 were removed from pits northwest 5682 Do 17 8 3 3 F 2 of Miles Gathright's near 5683 Do 1 8 13 house, 4 F 2 the present cemetery at that place. 5684 Do 1 10 10 5 F 2 5685 Do. .-. 13 5 6 F 2 5686 Do 1 8 12 7 F 2 5687 Do 1 9 8 F 2 5688 Do 7 6 9 F 2 5689 Do 1 10 11 10 F 2 5690 Do 1 8 7 11 F 2 5691 Do 9 4 12 F 2 5692 Do 1 7 20 13 F 2 5693 Do 1 10 1 14 F 2 5694 Do 20 3 15 F 2 5695 Do 1 7 19 16 F 2 5696 Do 1 8 11 17 F 2 1597 Do 16 4 18 F 2 5698 Do 1 8 10 19 F 2 5699 Do 14 4 20 F 2 5700 Do 2 7 19 21 F 2 5701 Do 1 7 15 22 F 2 5702 Do 15 4 23 F 2 5703 Do 2 8 4 24 F 2 5704 Do 1 9 15 25 F 2 5705 Do 12 4 26 F 2 5706 Do 1 10 8 27 F 2

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Unknown. 28 F 2 Do. . 4 29 F 2 Do. . 9 30 I' 2 Do. . 16 31 F 2 Do. . 4 32 F 2 Do. . 14 33 F 2 Do. . 13 34 I' 2 Do. . 2 35 I' 2 Do. . 4 36 F 2 Do. . 14 37 F 2 Do. . 1 38 F 2 Do. . 18 39 F 2 Do. . 16 40 F 2 Do. . 4 41 F 2 Do. . 12 42 F 2 Do. . 5 43 F 2 Do. . 5 44 F 2 Do. . 10 45 F 2 Do. . 7 46 F 2 Do. . 4 47 F 2 Do. . 6 48 F 2 Do. .. 4 49 F 2 Do. . 5 50 F 2 Do. . 1 51 I' 2 Do. . 17 52 F 2 Do. . 5 53 F 2 Do. . 17 54 F 2 Do. . 2 55 F 2 Do. . 6 56 F 2 Do. . 3 57 F 2 Do. . 16 58 F 2 Do. . 6 59 F 2 Do. . 18 60 F 2 Do. . 18 61 F 2 Do. . 5 62 F 2 Do. . 16 63 F 2 Do. . 18 64 F 2 Do. 5 65 F 2 Do. . 17 66 F 2 Do. . 13 67 F 2 Do. . 5 68 F 2

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Name. Regiment. f 03 1 P K

5748 Unknown 1 9 10 The bodies interred in this section 5749 Do. 1 7 11 were removed from pits northwest, 5750 Do. 7 5 of Miles Gathrighfs house, near tm? 5751 Do. 2 8 6 present cemetery at that place. 5752 Do. 1 8 6 5753 Do. 8 6 5754 Do. 1 9 11 5755 Do. 1 9 12 5756 Do. 2 6 5757 Do. 2 8 5 5758 Do. 1 4 10

5759 Do. .

5760 Do. . 2 4 9

5761 Do. . 1 4 9

5762 Do. . 8 5

5763 Do. . 2 4 8

5764 Do. . 1 3 6

5765 Do. . 6 6 5766 Do. 1 4 8

5767 Do. . 1 9 7

5768 Do. . 14 5

5769 Do. . 1 2 15

5770 Do. . 2 2 15

5771 Do. . 22 2 4

5772 Do. . 3 2 14

5773 Do. . 1 2 14

5774 Do. . 12 5

5775 Do. . 2 2 14

5776 Do. . 2 2 13

5777 Do. . 22 4

5778 Do. . 1 2 13

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5779 100 F 2

5780 . Do. 101 F 2

5781 . Do. 3 2 12 102 F 2

5782 . Do. 2 2 12 103 F 2

5783 .. Do. 104 F 2

5784 . Do. 105 F 2

57S5 . Do. 106 F 2 5786 Do. . 107 F 2

5787 . Do. 108 F 2 5788 Do. . 109 F 2 5789 Do. .. 110 F 2 5790 Do. . 111 F 2 5791 Do. . 112 F 2 5792 Do. . 113 F 2 5793 Do. . 7 .3 114 F 2 5795 2 unknown 115 F 2 5796 116 F 2 5798 2 unknown 118 F 2 5799 119 F 2 5801 2 unknown 121 F 2 5802 122 F 2 5804 2 unknown 123 F 2 5805 124 F 2 5806 Do. .. 125 F 2 5807 Do. .. 126 F 2 5809 2 unknown 127 F 2 5810 128 F 2 5812 2 unknown 129 F 2 5813 19 5 130 F 2 5814 Do. . 131 F 2 5817 3 unknown 132 F 2 5820 3 do. 133 F 2 5821 134 F 2 5823 2 unknown 135 F 2 5826 3 do. 136 F 2 5827 137 F 2 5829 2 unknown 138 F 2 5830 1 4 3 139 F 2

5831 Do. . 140 F 2

5832 Do. . 141 F 2

5833 Do. . 142 F 2

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1 6b a' No. Name. Regiment. Date of death. .2 a' Remarks. I 'P (5 i P 02

5834 143 F 2 \ 5835 Do 144 F 2 5836 Do 3 9 1 145 F 2 The bodies interred in this section 5837 Do 146 F 2 were removed from northwest t pits 5838 F Do 149 2 of Miles Gathright's house, near I 151 F 2 the present cemetery at that place. 5894 to <206 F 2 These bodies came from the battle field at Cold Harbor, and were about in such a 1 F 3 lying confused state that would be 6121 227 do 5 to < recognition perfectly The information I 227 F 3 impossible. only that can be given about them is that they are undoubtedly the re- mains of Union soldiers.

These bodies were found in a well in front of Fort Gilmore, on land of Captain Childrey. The well has been for the 1 F 4 sought during last two but none of the 6165 43 do 5 to years, neigh bors could show where the i 43 F 4 well had been. The men were sup posed to have been killed at the charge upon Fort GUmore, October

. 2, 1864.

f These bodies were removed from 44 F 4 I Fool near Malvern 6179 15 do to Lurprey bend, \ from the farm of and I 58 F 4 | Hill, Ginnis, L were killed in 1862.

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These bodies were taken from the F 4 farm of Childrey, near to Alpheua Fort Harrison, and were buried in F 4 the hollowjust below the cemetery. 'These bodies were taken from the farm of Mr. Throckmorton, which F 4 adjoins Alpheus Childrey's. They to were killed in taking Fort Harri F 4 son, and then carried to the rear and buried on the above named farm. ' These men were buried at the junc tion of the New Kent and Charles and were the men of F 4 City roads, McClellan's army who were killed to in a skirmish at that and F 4 point, were gatheredtogether and thrown into a hollow, and then covered with rails and dirt. These bodies were taken from a field on the farm of near F 4 Whiteside's, Seven Va., and they were to Pines, killed on that farm in 1862, but F 4 werenotburied until aftertherebels took possession of the ground. These men were removed from Arne's F 4 farm, near Whiteside's, and no to further record of them could be F 4 found. F 4 Were taken from Arne's farm, near to Seven Pines, and were kUled at F 4 the farm while making a charge. These bodies were taken from the Half-way house, on the Petersburg turnpike, nine miles from Rich F 4 mond, Va. They were a part of to Butler's command, and were buried F 4 together on the left side of the turnpike, about 300 yards from the house, in a hollow formerly used as a field hospital.

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men were buried on Miner's five miles from Man 34 unknown. farm, (5) chester, Va., and died whUe en (Theseroute to prison in 1864. Valentine, D 125 " VandudesUn, 132 Name on coffin." Vanlack, A. S 144 Vansel, J 1st Tennessee cavalry. . Nov. 12, 1863 180 Vaulcer, WUUam 38th U.S. C.T 14 Venmen, H 97 104th vols. 57 , WUliam Pennsylvania 1865 51 , WUUam April 18, 10th Ohio 188 W , W D 45th vols. 113 , Corporal. Pennsylvania Wacox, William 82 Wade, J.N 2 Walch, N.C 34th Massachusetts. June 26, 1865 173 Walcott, 54 Walker, CM 7th United States.. 190 Walker, Dan Walker, George llth Connecticut April 20, 1865 Wallace, R llth West Virginia. June 10, 1865 Wallace, T 100th New York... June 19, 1865 61 1866 41 Walsh,Mrs. Mary,andchUd , Walsh, P 1st Maryland cavalry. July 29, 1865 155 Walter,A.G 27th Michigan 194 Waltons, H 125th New York Dec. 26, 1863 183 Wanst, Claus 92d New York Nov. 29, 1863 174 Ward, E.C llth Kentucky 36 Ward,N.S Michigan Ward, W 150th Pennsylvania . . For current National & State Veterans Burial records, please visit... http://www.interment.net/us/nat/veterans.htm Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County • Historic Monographs Collection

6376 Warnach, E llth United States infantry. Sept. 24, 1865 132 C 6377 Washburne, A 14th New York S. vols 224 C 6378 Washburne, Charles.. New York cavalry 205 C 6379 Washburne, David L. Corporal.... llth United States inf. Aug. 27, 1866 43 O 6380 Watherspoon, D 75th Ohio Deo. 25, 1863 220 U 6381 Watts, J. Minnesota .... Jan. 2, 1864 37 B Watson, W 18th Kentucky June 14, 1865 21 C Wayne, John llth United States infantry. Sept. 27, 1866 53 C Weaver, D Pennsylvania vols 170 O Weber, L 2d Maine vols Feb. 18, 1864 114 B Webster, Captain. 2 A Weiber, L 124th Ohio Nov. 1, 1863 193 (3 Welce, John 5th Maryland Aug. 19, 1865 69 (3 Welch, W 14th Connecticut. Feb. 20, 1864 179 (3 1864 49 A 6390 Wescoat, G.W , 6391 Westerman, P 16 B 6392 Westlake, Oscar Captain.. 3d New York June 2, 1864 192 C 6393 Wheeler,C 14th Connecticut Feb. 17, 1864 79 B 6394 White, J llth United States infantry. Sept. 15, 1866 73 (3 6395 White, John 150th Pennsylvania Nov. 13, 1863 173 C 6396 Whittim, H 10th Wisconsin Jan. 26, 1864 201 C 6397 WUkinson, Henry llth United States infantry. Aug. 22, 1866 194 O 6398 Wilkson,W 25th Illinois June 25, 1865 56 C 6399 Williams, C 38th U.S. C.T April 8, 1865 11 A 6400 Williams, J 188th Pennsylvania vols. . . Oct. 9, 1865 144 O 6401 WiUiams,P.L llth United States infantry. Dec. 12, 1866 82 (3 6402 Williamson, H Sergeant . 20th New York S. M Sept. 19, 1865 205 B 6403 Willis, Beck 30th Iowa Oct. 6, 1863 166 C 6404 Willis, E 39th Illinois June 15, 1865 102 (3 6405 Wilson, C.A Corporal . llth United States infantry. 21, 1866 94 O 6406 Wilson, H 5 K 6407 Wilson, Thomas llth United States infantry. Dec. 30, : 196 C 6408 Wiollett, N 61 B 6409 Wise, A 4th Maine 188 B 6410 Wiskrom, 20th New York S.M July 21, 1865 158 B 6411 Wittmer,P 12th Pennsylvania 211 B 6412 Wixon, Henry 69th New York vols June 4, 1864 110 O 6413 Wolf, Adam llth United States infantry. Aug. 21, 1865 191 (3 6414 Wolfe, P 1st Tennessee Jan. 5, 1864 52 B 6415 Wolfe, Simon 51 (3 6416 Wonorad, Patrick llth United States infantry Aug. 15, : 220 C

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Name, Rank, Regiment. Date of death. Remarks,

6417 Woodburn, A, G. 1st Virginia Jan. 4, 1864 6418 Wrenn, James llth United States infantry. Sept. 4, 1866 28 6419 Wright, W 7th 100 6420 York, E 24th U.S. C.T Sept. 26, 1865 226 6421 Young, Samuel . . , 150 6422 Zimmerman, G... 163 6423 Zimmerman, P. S . 149th Pennsylvania vols. 145


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This Cemetery is located on the extension of the WUliamsburg or main telegraph road, leading from Yorktown to Fortress Monroe, Va. It is about three-quarters of a mUe from Yorktown, and about half a mile from the York river, and the same distance from the fortificationB. The ground is undulating, and rises some 45 feet above the York river. The site taken is the most suitable one for cemeterial purposes in that vicinity, and iB within a hundred yards of the spot where the British surrendered to the American forces in October, 1781. This ground was within the rebel lines during the siege of Yorktown, in April and May, 1862, but was outside of their interior main work or citadel. This Cemetery covers 2\ acres of ground, and is in excellent condition.. It is divided into sections, intersected by walks and avenues, well graded and graveled. There is a mound in the centre of the grounds, on which a flag-staff has been erected. Each grave is provided with a head-board, properly inscribed. The Cemetery is enclosed by a substantial picket fence five feet high, in good order, and trees and shrubbery abound. Interments of deceased Union soldiers in this Cemetery began July 13, 1866, and were completed February 23, 1867, under the direction of Brevet Lieutenant Colonel James M. Moore, C. Q. M. 1st Military District of Richmond, Virginia. The bodies interred here were removed principally from the White House landing, King and Queen's Court-house, Cumberland landing, West Point, and Warwiok Court-house, Virginia, and number as follows, viz : Known : 746 Unknown 1, 434

Total. 2,180

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1 bo a

'> 1 il P 02

Abrahams, Thomas. 139th New York 298 B Achley, A 5th Michigan. 11 D Ack, H Private.. 6th Michigan 261 A Ackly, Edmond ...do... 85th New York 305 a Acton, F 7th Michigan 388 T) Adams, A 1st New York artillery 19 D Adams, L. B Private. . 52d Pennsylvania 340 0 Adveson, Patrick...... do... 122dOhio 388 A Agnew, Jacob 52d Pennsylvania 236 D Alden, A.P 92d 382 D AUard, G Private . 20th Indiana 30, 1864 369 A Ames, Edward ...do... 38th New York May 21, 1862 115 B Ames,E.M New York 93 D Anderson, Charles. . . New York ind. batt- . . Aug. 2, 1862 320 D Andrews, C 3d Michigan June 19, 1862 164 C Angel, A 64th New York June 16, 1862 244 D Anguany, A 104th Pennsylvania June 6, 1862 288 1) Annis, A. H llth Maine Dec. 11, 1862 240 D Anviden, P Private. 7th New York artillery 327 A Appleman, L. B ...do... 49th Pennsylvania 192 B Archley, A 5th Michigan 5, 1862 11 D

C Private. . 101st 1862 342 1) Arnold, Pennsylvania , Avely, J ...do... Army of the Potomac 282 C Axtell, G ...do... 6th Vermont April 16, 1862 5 K Ayers, A Q. M. Se 96th New York June 3, 1862 335 D Ayler, Fred Private. . 122dOhio June 6, 1864 64 A A 9th New 1864 273 1) , I.K.P.... Jersey April 3, Bailey, A.H 3d Vermont AprU 18, 1862 237 I) Baird, George C 85th Pennsylvania April 29, 1862 231 B For current National & State Veterans Burial records, please visit... http://www.interment.net/us/nat/veterans.htm Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County • Historic Monographs Collection

Banks, WUliam . . . 4thU.S.C.T Mar. 26, 1864 Barlow, J Private. 4th Maine May 29, 1862 Barmer, R ...do... 9th New York cavalry June 2, 1862 Barnard, WUUam. 9thVermont Barnes, Jesse Private. 85th Pennsylvania May 13, 1862 Barnes, J ...do... 56th New York... Barney, M ...do... 6th Vermont Aprii"l6,"i862' Walter 59th Barns, Pennsylvania cavalry. -, 1862 Barr, S.P 103d New York May 22, 1862 Barto, A. B 2d New York cavalry June 8, 1863 Barton, Jasper W. Private. 7th West Virginia batt June 3, 1864 ...do... 6th Vermont April 16, 1862 ;, J 1st United States artillery.. May 28, 1862 Bates, Hugh Private. . 73d New York May 5, 1862 Batman, George ...do... 93d New York Batten, J ...do... 3d Vermont April 16, 1862 Battz, Peter 104th Pennsylvania Nov. 16, 1862 Bauman, Babtist 16th New York artillery. .. July 8, 1864 Bayday, M Beardmore, Thomas. 23d Pennsylvania June 6, 1864 Beardsley, H. C 7th Michigan June 23, 1862 Becker, James Private. . 72dNewfork Beger, Michael ...do... 5th Pennsylvania Belger, J.W 5th Pennsylvania June 25, 1862 Bell, A. P 2d New Hampshire June 6, 1862 Bennett, J.W 81st New York May 30, 1862 Bennett, S Private. . 93dNew York Bennett, W llth Maine June 10, 1862 Benson, W. R Private. . 1st Massachusetts Bentley, W. C 143dNew York Berge, John 3d New York artillery April 16, 1864 Bertolet, A 5th United States artillery. Sept. 28, 1862 Bichford,T Private. . 6th Vermont April 30; 1862 Biggs, John ....do.. 6th New York battery June 13, 1862 Biglow, Chas. P 16th New York artillery. . . May 4, 1865 Bills, Wm. H Private. . 36th Wisconsin June 11, 1862 Bishop, E.R ....do... 16th New York May 7, 1862 Bishop, Wm. L 2d Michigan April 16, 1862 Black, Robert Private. . 63d Pennsylvania May 14, 1862 Blackelev, R.T ....do... 6th Vermont Blanckard,T. C 5th June 2, 1862

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Regiment. Date of death.

Blaye, Jos Private . 9th Vermont Aug. 17, 1862 172 Bohni, John ....do... 148th New York Dec. 29, 1863 243 BoUn, John ....da- 1st Vermont cavalry. 1864 385 Bonel, G. F 2d Michigan June 7, 1862 216 Bower, A 104th Pennsylvania 292 Bower, N. B Private. . 8th Pennsylvania cav. . . June 20, 165 Bowey, James ....do... 15th Massachusetts . May 30, 1864 391 Bowman, J ....do... 106th Pennsylvania May 24, 1862 262 Boyce, J 50thNewYork June 9, 1862 312 Boyee, W. H 77th New York 376 Boyd, WUUam Private 101st New York 5 Boynton, A. L ....do 3d Vermont AprU 16, 1862 84 Bradley, Charles ....do 92d New York 273 Brady, Lieutenant. 42dNew York May 31, 1864 398 Brett, E. J. (Rebel) . Private 18th North Carolina June 14, 1862 204 Brewer, J 5th New Jersey June 28, 1862 271 Briggs, P. R Private 17th New York May 3, 1862 201 Briggs, W. H Lieutenant. 3d Maine May 30, 1864 258 Brisland, Edward. . - Private. 125th New York. May .30, 1864 362 Broden, W. S ...do 67th Pennsylvania 85 Brophey, John F. P. ...do 20th Pennsylvania cav. . May 28, 1864 381 Brot, D ...do 77th New York May 20, 1862 363 Brown, E. A 9th Corps, 1st Division. . July 21, 1863 121 Brown, James do. 6th Michigan cavalry . . . 315 Brown, J Private. . llth Massachusetts June 30, 31862 147 77th New York... 253 Brown, J ...do...... Brown, W. L 103d Pennsylvania May 28, 386 Bryant, R 98thNewYork June 13, 1862 123 Buffington, O. W..-. 1st sergeant. 62d New York May 5, 1862 26 Bugbee, Wm. H Captain 1st Excelsior brigade. . . May 5, 1862 370 . . 375 Burka, Thomas Corporal.... 2d New York cavalry. June 4, 1863 For current National & State Veterans Burial records, please visit... http://www.interment.net/us/nat/veterans.htm Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County • Historic Monographs Collection

B Burk, James 103d Pennsylvania . 227 Burk, Thomas 37th New York May 5, 1862 12 1) Bushelloy, F 14th United States. . June 23, 1862 297 D Butts, Henry H 44th New York May 22, 1863 124 D 322 D B , A. F 116 B B , C 66 B Cadwelh'c.'B.!"" 7th Massachusetts batt. Aug. 11,1862 286 D Cady, B. F 96th New York June 2, 1862 84 D Calihan, G 61st New York June 22, 1862 266 D Callahan, W Private. . 34 B Callan, Jas Mate Schooner Plandome June 21, 1862 141 (3 Call, or Loll, Geo... 16th New York artillery . . . Jan. 24, 1865 77 B Cambell, D Private 3d Vermont April 16. 1862 98 B 17th cav June 1864 218 A Campbell, J. C ....do Pennsylvania , Cann, Seth Corporal.. 6th Michigan cavalry May 28, 1864 348 A Card, W. H 8th New Jersey June 5, 1862 370 I) Care, D Private. . 73d New York May 5, 1862 342 B Carlace, James Master's mate U.S. Daylight Mar. 12,1862 25 A Carpenter, E. C 31st Pennsylvania June 15, 1862 151 (3 Casey, Michael 20th New York cav June 24, 1864 270 A Casey, William 81st Pennsylvania 312 (3 Carson, J. H 49thNew York May 8, 1862 187 K Oartell, G 97th New York June 27, 1862 291 D Carts, P llth Maine June 2, 1862 338 D 135 Cavdish, James Private. . 9th New York S. M A Chape], Jacobb ...do... 169th Penn. V. militia 277 A Chapman, Lak. T.. ...do... 103d Pennsylvania June 23,1863 178 A Chatman, A. W 16th New York Mav 8, 1864 386 B Cheney, A. R 19th Wisconsin July 16, 1863 142 D Chovin, A 26th Michigan July 15, 1863 83 D Church, Horace L. Private. 1st Rhode Islatfd artillery. . May 31, 1864 354 A Church, W ....do... 3d Maine May 30, 1864 332 A 1863 366 1) Church, ThomaB. . 98th New York Oct. 2, Clark, Charles Pennsylvania V. R. bat. 278 B Clark Edgar 142d June 11, 1863 383 D Clark, Thomas 5th United States battery. . . April 26. 1862 288 H Clark, Wm Private 183d Pennsylvania May 30, 1864 229 A Clifford, S ...do 8th Vermont May 1, 1862 134 K Clough, George ...do 3d Maine 93 B Cobb, C. W ....do 4th Wisconsin artillery Sept. 18, i863 271 A For current National & State Veterans Burial records, please visit... http://www.interment.net/us/nat/veterans.htm Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County • Historic Monographs Collection


1 liegiment. Date of death. ~ a

si 02 P

E. Private. . 6th Colburn, Chandler Vermont , April 16, 1862 9 B Cole, D ....do... 52d Pennsylvania Dec. 16, 1862 358 C Cole,W.W ....do... 2d New Hampshire May 5, 1862 55 D Collins, Aaron ....do... 5th Pennsylvania cav Dec. 17, 1862 25 n CoU, WUliam ....do... 22dU.S.C.T Mar. 2, 1864 361 B Congdon, A. G Corporal. 12thNew York April 30, 1862 226 B Congo, Wm. T Private. - - 22dU.S.C.T AprU 3, 1864 364 B ConneU, P ....do.... 6th Vermont.' April 16, 1862 3 B Conroy, James ....do.... 4th New York V. C. C.-.. May 31, 1862 230 A Cook, J 7th New Jersey May 5, 1862 15 D ' Cookman, J Private . 3d Vermont AprU 16, 1862 94 B Cooper, H. D 38th N. Y. Scott's guard. . Jnne 16, 1862 365 D Cooper, Stephen Private. 3d Maine May 30, 1864 390 A Corcoran, Richard ....do New York May 13, 1862 270 0 Coryeb, A ....do 148th New York Mar. 1, 1864 169 a Cornelius, J. W Lieutenant 150th Pennsylvania June 5, 1864 142 A Cottepair, J 55th New Jersey June 26, 1862 274 D Cotter, Patrick 4th Massachusetts cav Nov. 24, 1864 67 B Cowary, J. B Private. . 22d Massachusetts SSS April 20, 1862 250 B Croll, S. R ...do... 31st Pennsylvania June 7, 1862 208 C Crook, W. O. R 1st New York mounted rifles June 5, 1864 211 D Cross, John M Private. . 12th New York April 30, 1862 238 B Crow, E 3d Pennsylvania April 11, 1862 299 B Nathan Private. . . 118th York Curtis, New , 1863 269 A C ,J.B Sergeant . 5th Excelsior 77 C C ,W.B Private. . . 4th Maine 210 B Daggitt, C. R ...do.... Vermont 58 A Dale, Chas ...do.... 22(1 Massachusetts June 12, 1862 220 0 Danforth, D 3d Vermont April 16, 1862 1U2 B Daniels, Louis 13th Pennsylvania v. cav June 26, 1863 353 D Daniels, T 6th Vermont April 16, 1862 261 B For current National & State Veterans Burial records, please visit... http://www.interment.net/us/nat/veterans.htm Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County • Historic Monographs Collection

Dapall, J. 67th Pennsylvania May 22, 1862 Davis, A. J. Private. . 44th New York June 20, 1862 Davis, Harry ...do... 92d New York ,1862 Davis, Wm. J 7th Pennsylvania May 24, 1862 Davis, Private . 56th New York Dawson, Charles D ...do... 168th New York June 6, 1863 De Bonds, G. F. (rebel) . 18th North CaroUna June 21, 1862 Decker, David Staten Island Feb. 2, 1864 Deeds, Charles 64th U.S. C.T Nov. 5, 1864 J Demarias, Private 1st Vermont May , 1864 Demouth, ...do 7th New Jersey Denmore, Thomas ....do 50th New York Dewitt, C.S Corporal . . 38th New York May 5, 1862 Dible, D. J Private. 4th Vermont Dickins, Jackson ....do 141st New York June l,'i863" Diebler, Private 26th Pennsylvania Dillam, F ...do 81st Pennsylvania . Dinkele, John ....do 31st New York May 7, 1862 Dodge, C.R ....do 6th Vermont April 16, 1862 Dormody, Wm Pennsylvania R. batt. . Dougherty, Jas Private. . 6th New Jersey May 11, 1862 Doule, J.H ...do.. 1st Pennsylvania cav Dower, C 2d New York heavy art May 31, 1864 DowUng, W. H Private. llth Maine Nov. 19, 1862 Downer, W. H ....do 2d Vermont April 16, 1862 Drew, Charles ...do 16th New York artillery... Feb. 28, 1864 Dreggs, John ...do 2d New Hampshire Oct. 9, 1865 Dunn, Peter ...do 52d Pennsylvania Dusenbery, 1st Long Island June 21, Dye,V Lieutenant. . 1st New Jersey cavalry May 28, 1864 Earle,RoyalF Private 20th New York cavalry June 24, 1864 H. 63d 1862 Eberman, W Pennsylvania AprU , Eddy, Edwin Sergeant 1st New York mounted rifles Jan. 23, 1864 Eddy, E.W Private 1st New York mounted rifles Jan. 12, 1864 Edwards, Henry ....do 6th Michigan cavalry. May 28, 1864 Edwards, Wm ....do 6th U.S. C.T June 15, 1364 Egleston, N 62d New York A. zouaves May 5, 1862 Elason, R 23d Pennsylvania June 17, 1862 Eligan, Private. . 4th U.S. C.T Feb. 21, 1864 Ellsworth, H. J 1st Connecticut heavy art. June 26, EUwell, G.W Private. . 85th Pennsylvania

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a a Regiment. i 6 f 02 P

Elms, W. F 13th New York 380 D Emery, Thomas 14th New Jersey May 9, 1862 22 D English, M Private. . 8th New York June 8. 1862 377 0 Errukoo, Jonathan ...do... 14th New Jersey 355 A Esmay, Rufus ...do... 44th N May 1, 1862 197 B Estes, J.B 16th New York artillery . . . July 8, 1864 75 B Evans, G. W Private. .- 44th New York May 24, 1862 313 C Evans, John Sergeant . 8th New Jersey 347 A Evans, W.H 101st Pennsylvania June 27, 1362 294 D FairchUds, J. V Private. 14th New York June 3, 1863 352 (3 Fargo, Thomas ....do... 73d New York 139 D Farrell, Michael ....do... 53th Massachusetts June 7, 1864 144 A Feeny, Charles 61st New York June 26, 1862 102 D Fenchter, Fred New York independent bat. June 17, 1862 184 D Ferris, R.H 16th Wisconsin July 26, 1863 101 D Finney, E.D 5th Pennsylvania Oct. 25, 1862 195 D Fisher, J 311 A Fisher, Harris D Private. . 278 A Fisher, H ...do... 12th United States artiUery. 12, 1862 53 D Fisk, M. W llth Maine Dec. 5, 1862 265 D Fletcher, Duncan 16th New York artillery Sept. 12, 1864 103 D Fletcher, J. B Private . 3d Maine May 24, 1862 319 (3 Flickinger, Samuel ...do... 29th Pennsylvania May 4, 1863 256 B Flint, R 6th Vermont June 18, 1862 180 D Follet,T 93d New York June 27, 1862 295 D Fosmer, Abraham Private. . 1st Pennsylvania artillery.. Oct, 23, 1862 35 B Fobs, Chas. W ...do... 10th New Hampshire June 6, 1864 4 A Foster, Albert G 139thNew York June 16, 1862 44 B Foust, P. W Corporal . 39th Pennsylvania April 22, 1862 145 B Fox, J.W ...do.... 4th Michigan April 17, 18S2 213 B Private. .. 1st Pennsylvania art Mar. 20, 1864 27 * Frankford, Washington. For current National & State Veterans Burial records, please visit... http://www.interment.net/us/nat/veterans.htm Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County • Historic Monographs Collection

Franklin, W 64th New York June 26, 1862 Franton, J. D 105th Pennsylvania Frasier, H. C 6th New York battery Freals, James 127th New York Jan. 23,1863 Fredrick, Omeman New York ind. batt July 17, 1862 Freeman, B. C 9th New York cavalry May 3, 1862 Freeman, Lewis 127th New York June 17,1862 French, Henry 10th Massachusetts AprU 19, 1862 llth Maine 1862 French, R , Fridley, Henry Private. 169th Pennsylvania militia. June 24, 1863 Frill, G. E ...do... 103d Pennsylvania July 1, 1862 Fryer, J ...do... 57th New York Fuller, Henry H 5th New York May 30,1862 Fullerton, C. W Private. . 70th New York Gales, S. W ...do... llth Maine Dec. 22, 1862 Gallagher, John 37th New York May 5, 1862 Gallagher, T 7th New Jersey - GaUoway, J Private. . 6th New Jersey Gannon, Austin ...do... 16th New York artillery . .. Feb. 10, 1865 Gardner, J ...do... 73d New York May 5, 1862 Garoner, B 1st Connecticut artillery Garrison, D 56th New York May 30, 1862 Garrison, R. A 7th New Jersey May 5, 1862 Geere, or Leer, F 16th New York heavy art. . Oct. 17, 1864 Gehreb, J. R 5th United States artillery.. Oct. 8, 1862 GennervUle, F Private. . 3d Vermont. April 16, 1862 Gentey, A. (rebel) ...do... 37th North Carolina June 14,1862 George, Joseph ...do... 142dNewYork July 6, 1862 George, M ....da... 3d Vermont April 16, 1862 Gibson, Jerry 7th U.S. C.T June 9, 1864 1862 GistS 105th Pennsylvania April , Glover, Harvey B Private.. llth Massachusetts Goddings, J. W. (rebel), ....do... 14th North CaroUna June 9, 1862 Godfrey, W. C llth Maine Nov. 11,1862 Godfrey, W.W Private. . 6th Vermont . April 16, 1862 Goltsehalk, WUUam 178th Pennsylvania July 13, 1863 Goodrich, Frederick M. Private.. 10th Massachusetts AprU 26, 1862 Goodrich, Joseph, W-. 3d Excelsior brigade Google, M. G... 168th New York Mar. 19, 1863 Gorden, W. W. (rebel) North Carolina Gorman, Patrick 105th Pennsylvania

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Date of death.

Grady, M 61st New York June 11,1862 210 Grancoe, Henry C llth Massachusetts May 5, 1862 10 Grant, John Army of the Potomac. - 311 Graves, W. S 4th Wisconsin battery. 184 Gray, West Private. . 5th U.S. C.T 249 Gross, Charles ...do... 2d Michigan cavalry. . - 321 Guire, T ...do... 57th New York 224 Guess, A ...do... 183d Pennsylvania 331 Gustin, J. S ...do... 7th New Jersey 314 Gntsel, John ...do... 5th Excelsior May 8, 1862 2 H ,D 364 Hadden, Tim Private. . 1st U.S. S.S May 30, 1864 367 Hakeman, R. (rebel).. 18th North Carolina June 22, 1862 280 HaU, A. B Private. . . 50th New York May 14, 1862 1 HaU, A. G ...do.... 5th United States cavalry.. June 8, 1864 146 Hand, .. ...do.-.. 31st New York May 7, 1862 126 Hann, Corporal . llth Pennsylvania 26 Hanna, John Private .. 6th Michigan May 28,1864 249 Hannahen, Thomas...... do.... 40th New York May 31, 1864 372 Harney, Patrick ...do.... 3d United States artUlery.. May 11,1862 52 Harris, J 57th Pennsylvania May 2, 1862 138 " Harts, J Private . 50th Pennsylvania. June 18,1864 174 Harvey, Michael ...do... llth United States inf Oct. 13,1866 197 Hary, John 51st New York 89 Hasenfling, S. D Private. 169th Pennsylvania mUitia. July 6, 1863 267 Hatch, James N ....do... 3d New York battery May 30,1864 342 Hatfield, A 52d Pennsylvania June 6, 1862 350 Haner, Charles 31st New York May 7, 1862 23 Haumer, J. C 141st New York June 1, 1863 377 Havington, E May 14, 1862 280 Haws, A F 96th New York. June 19, 1862 119 For current National & State Veterans Burial records, please visit... http://www.interment.net/us/nat/veterans.htm Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County • Historic Monographs Collection

Haws, Samuel A Private 1st Pennsylvania cavalry . . Aug. 28, 1864 Hayden, G. L Corporal.. . 77th May 29, 1862 Hayne, J 73dNewYork June 7, 1862

P. H 1st Lieut. . Hays, 37th New York , 1862 Heavs, J Private New York July 1, 1862 Helbe, John ...do 31stNew York May 7, 1862 Helleys.J.H ...do 17th Pennsylvania June 2. 1864 Hellock, Ole 4th Wisconsin battery Mav 5, 1863 Hemm, Francis Private. . 2d New Jersey Hendrickson, H ...do... 5th New Jersey May 9, 1862 Henni, J ...do... 1st New York ind. battery. . June 19, 1862 Henry, David ...do... 100th Pennsylvania Hermin, 2d New York Hern, J. O 19th Massachusetts June 27, 1862 Herser, Christian Private. . 12th New York May 21,1862 Hewitt, L- 92dNewYork Hilbon,T.W Private... 84th Pennsylvania May 30, 1864 Hill, H Corporal . 3d Vermont AprU 18, 1862 HiU, John Private . . 93dNewYork Hinman, WiUiam ...do.... 2d New York M. rifles Hobby, J.W. D 19th West Virginia July 31, 1863 Hodges, J., jr Private. . 74thNew York May 5, 1862 Holbert, Joseph 149th Pennsylvania militia. April 22, 1862 Holden, Wesley 20th New York cavalry Dec. 26, 1864 Hollis,R.F Private. . 56th New York Jan. 16, 1863 Horn, John 6thNew York June 26, 1862 Hopkins, E Private . 4th Delaware Feb. 25,1863 Hotchkiss, H 3d New York artillery May 2, 1864 Hough, Levi Private .. 53dNewYork Howard, Almond ...do.... 16th New York artillery . . . Feb. 24, 1865 Howard, A. H ...do.... llth Maine Dec. 1, Howe, H 1st United States S. S June 22, 1862 Howe, S.W 1st Lieut - 1st Excelsior brigade May 5, 1862 Howell, V Private. . . 87th New York June 12, Hubbell, Jacob O 16th New York artillery... Sept. 2, Hughes, Thomas llth United States inf...... Oct. 16, 1866 HummeLT... 5th United States artiUery.. Nov. 15, 1802 W Hummel, ., 5th United States Oct. 12, 1862 Hunter, D- 5th New Hampshire June 23, 1862 Hurd, Jam,esH 141st New York June 16, Hurly, J 6th United States inf June 7,

For current National & State Veterans Burial records, please visit... http://www.interment.net/us/nat/veterans.htm Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County • Historic Monographs Collection


1 & a Date of death. CM O d S

1862 132 B Hutchinson, A Private . 3d Vermont April 18, ....do... 96th New York . . 120 B I , JohnH -_.

. 319 D Inks, J 85th Pennsylvania. June 1, 1862 June 1864 105 A Irwin, Andrew J Private. . 17th Vermont 11, 395 D Irwin, J June 1862 149 (3 ... Private.. 18th North Carolina. 10, J , (rebel) 191 D J , E. W June 1864 36 A Jackson, Edward Adjutant. . 82d New York 6, 255 Jackson, John Private 7th New York art A

- 156 A Jackson, R. W ....do 1st Pennsylvania cavalry. 1864 131 A Jackson, Stine ....do 24th Michigan June 6, . 1863 235 C Johnson, Theo Citizen of Baltimore, Md. Oct. 10, Johnson, G. A. (rebel) Lieutenant. 18th North Carolina June 9, 1862 112 0 283 (3 Jones, C. H Private 92d New York May 24, 1862 47 B Jones, C.S 16th New York heavy art. Sept. 26, 1864 356 C Jones, V 92dNewYork 186 D Jordan, S. S 49th New York June 18, 1862 B K- ,S. M 274 Corporal.. 31stNewYork May 7, 1862 122 (3 1862 222 B Kelly, Edward Private. . . 63d Pennsylvania May 13, 1864 60 B Kelly, H. O 20thNewYork Sept. 3, 1862 168 B N Private. . 64th April 23, Kelly, 39 B Kennedy, Henry ...do... 20th New York cavalry. Dec. 20, 1864 166 C Kennedy, J ...do... 104th Pennsylvania June 26, 1862 1862 184 B Keys, E...... do... 6th Vermont April 27, 1862 6 B KUby, Ebenezer 4th New York art May 8, 1862 192 D KUler, H. D 85th New York June 17, A Employe Q. M. Dep't. . . June 6, 1862 315 D King, 1863 50 B King, George A 142d New York.. June 23, States inf... Dec. 1866 199 A James - Private. llth United 10, King, 1862 345 O Kline, Gustave 2d Lieut... 1st New York art May 16, For current National & State Veterans Burial records, please visit... http://www.interment.net/us/nat/veterans.htm Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County • Historic Monographs Collection

Koebler, Adolph... Private... 3d Excelsior May 6, 1862 Kreamer, John Corporal.. lBt Pennsylvania cavalry... Kress, George W Private .. 73d New York May""5,"i862 L ,M ...do.... 49th New York Ladd, W. S ...do.-.. llth Maine June 7, 1862 Lall, or Call, George 16th New York artillery .. . Jan. 24, 1865 Lambert, Corporal- Mott's United States batfy. April 16, 1862 Lane, C. W Larkin, A. M Band... 6th New Hampshire AprU 23, 1362 Latham, H Private . 148th New York Dec. 1, 1863 Latham, H. V 16th New York artillery. . Oct. 22, 1864 Lathrop, Albert N 14thNew York June 6, 1862 Layer, V . J Private .. 61st Pennsylvania Layhen, WiUiam ...do.... 98thNew York June 25, 1862 Leady, John J ...do.... 168th New York June 2, 1863 Leary, J. O 1st Lieut. 37th New York May 5, 1862 Lee, Warren 142dNewYork June 12, 1862 Leed, C. L 3d Massachusetts battery. . April 5, 1862 Leffords, Rufus Private .. 8th Maine April 2,1862 Leighton, WUUam 2d Massachusetts cavalry. . Mar. 24, 1863 Leine, Private ... 3lst New York May 7, 1862 Lenord, E ...do 5th United States cavalry. Lenox, Robert ...do 1st United States cavalry. . Lent, Henry J Corporal... 143dNewYork July 1, 1863 Leo, John Private . . . !48thNew York Feb. 15, 1864 Lester, E ....do 16th New York artillery.. Feb. 19, 1864 Levis, D.D 92d New York June 7, 1862 Lewis, Edward, A 143dNewYork June 21, 1863 Leyton, Surgen Private 6th Maine Libbe, WiUiam H ...do 16th New York artillery .. Feb. 16, 1865 Liley, G. R. (rebel) 18th North CaroUna June 6, 1862 Linsuer, W Private ... 31stNewYork May 7, 1862 Lock, S ...do 2d Vermont Long, W. W. (rebel)...... do 18th North CaroUna June 25, 1862 Lookup, Charles ...do 38thNew York May 11, 1862 Lord, George.. ...do llth Maine May 16, 1862 Lord, K 16th New York battery. .. Sept. 5, 1863 Lorgan, P. F Lieutenant 56th New York Aug. 15, 1862 Love, G.P Corporal... 16th New York May 7, 1862 Love, M 50th New York May 30, 1862 Loveland, N 19th Massachusetts June 27, 1862 For current National & State Veterans Burial records, please visit... http://www.interment.net/us/nat/veterans.htm Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County • Historic Monographs Collection


1 to g .2

S 02 R

Lowry, J ... Private . 16th Pennsylvania cavalry. 325 A Ludden, S ....do... llth Maine Dec. 16, 1862 299 C Lyon, Seymour ...do... 118th New York Feb. 18, 1864 198 C Mace, C. H Corporal . 144th New York May 22, 1863 16 c Madale, J Sergeant . 168th New York June 12, 1863 160 D Magher, Private .. 7th New Jersey May 7, 1862 37 C Manier, Samuel 8th New York artillery April 16, 1864 261 D Mann, Benj Private . . 6thU.S.C.T Mar. 5, 1864 247 (3 March, W 77th New York 140 D Marcross, S. B 6th New Jersey May 5, 1862 25 D

J . 12thNew York Markham, Corporal , 1862 252 C Marks, Rubin Private . . 81st New York Oct. 7, 1862 332 C Martin, John ...do.... 17th Pennsylvania cavalry . June 21, 1864 39 A Mason, James 81stNew York Nov. 11, 1862 181 D Mathews, Noah Private. .. 5th New Jersey May 11, 1862 4 B Mathews, Thomas . . . Corporal . 2d New Hampshire 207 A Mattack, T Private. . . 183d Pennsylvania May 30, 1862 317 A Mayhew, O. W Corporal. . 16th New York battery June 9, 1863 316 C McBride, Lewis Private. .. 5th New Jersey May 13, 1862 12 B McCaffray, Richard . ...do.... 5th Excelsior May 31, 1864 314 A McCaffrey, H ...do.... 98th New York Nov. 3, 1862 240 C McCarthen, O Private. .. 106th New York June 6, 1864 180 A McCarty, A. B ...do.... 7th New Jersey May 26, 1862 268 C McCarty, T Sept 2, 1864 45 B McCary, John 37th New York May 5, 1862 20 D McCaw, WiUiam Private. . 168th New York June 25, 1863 259 B McDevitt, D 37th New York May 5, 1862 16 D McDonnel, J Sergeant 61st New York June 18, 1862 188 D McDougall, James. . Private. . 31st New York May 7, 1862 128 (3 McDoweU, C Army of the Potomac. 347 (3 McGrath, Michael... Citizen of Maryland. . Sept. 27, 1866 285 D For current National & State Veterans Burial records, please visit... http://www.interment.net/us/nat/veterans.htm Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County • Historic Monographs Collection

McKay, J 103d Pennsylvania. Jan. 3, 1862 257 D McKenna, P 5th New Jersey June 8, 1862 185 D McKinstry, A 315 B McLain, Peter Private. . 6th Michigan cavalry. May 28, 1864 375 A McLellan, George O. - . ...do... 7th Maine April 22, 1862 189 B MoLearn, John ...do... 26th Pennsylvania 247 B McMahon, E 88th New York June 22, 1862 268 D McNeil, W.H. (rebel). Private. . 18th North Carolina. . June 14, 1862 121 O Mead, George W 1st Excelsior brigade. 98 D Means, A. O llth Maine May 30, 1862 328 D Meise, C May 2, 1862 373 O Meissner, Herman Private . 1st United States S.S. April 28, 1862 234 B Merpary, Calvin ...do... 5th New York 313 A Metcalf) George F 276 B E. R 27th June 1864 Miheeler, do. Michigan , 152 A Millan, Burton geai 5th Wisconsin AprU 7, 1862 186 B Millen, John H Private. 2d New York cavalry. . July 4, 1863 366 C MUler, 156 B MUler, C.H Private. 12 r. Miller, C.J New York June 5, 1862 352 D Miller,G 1st New York artillery July 10, 1862 330 D MUler, J 87th New York June 1, 1862 313 D Miller, Jacob Private. 31st New York May 7, 1862 374 A MiUer, J.H ...do... 2d New York cavalry July 4, 1863 368 C Mills, Abraham ...do... 3d New Jersey April 10, 1862 237 B MUls,B.H ...do... 183d Pennsylvania 379 A Minnie, Elmne ...do... 118th New York 276 A Minnier, J ...do... 6th Pennsylvania cavalry. June 11, 1862 222 C Mitchell,H 63d Pennsylvania June 2, 1862 196 D Monroe, John K Private. . 3d Excelsior May 5, 1862 14 B Moody, G 26th Michigan July 15, 1863 141 D Moore, B Private. llth Maine Oct. 13, 1863 369 C Moorehouse, C Mott's U. S. battery April 16, 1862 188 B Morgan, H.O 16th New York artillery. . Oct. 9, 1864 73 B Morrell, T.G Private. . 3d Vermont April 16. 1862 217 B Morrell, WUUam 2d New Hampshire May 5, 1862 9 D Morse, Henry E Private. . 9th Vermont Sept. 23, 1862 349 O Moun, A. McK 5th New York June 2, 1862 337 D H. H 1862 Mountain, 85th Pennsylvania , 32 A Moylan, Richard llth Massachusetts May 6, 1862 18 D | Mullen, John Private. . 2d Virginia cavalry Mar. 20, 1865 177 A

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Murdough, J llth Maine June 1, 1862 396 1862 Murphy, James. .- 31st New York May 7, 120 Murphy, L 5th New Hampshire June 15, 1862 252 Musselman, J 52d Pennsylvania Nov. 27, 1862 170 Myers, G. S 7th New Jersey May 5, 1862 13 Nagel, Samuel Private. -- 1st Pennsylvania heavy art. Jan. 23, 1863

. Nebekis, George. . Corporal. 51st Pennsylvania June 21, 1864 New, V.W Private. . . 93d New York May 13,1862 375 Newman, David...... do.... 2d Rhode Island Newton, G.T ....do.... 15th Massachusetts June 10, 1862 159 Newton, Sylvester . ....do.... 16th New York July 7, 1862 33 Niles, S.B 4th Vermont 240 Noble, M ...do.. 85th Pennsylvania 320 Nolan, V ...do.. 2d New York M.R Mar. 17, 1865 170 Norton, T. W ...do.. 1st Minnesota May 14, 1862 287 Oakes, J 6th Vermont May 30, 1862 326 O'Brine, James 29th United States infantry. Sept. 16, 1867 341 O'Connor, P 266 O'Connor, P 1st Connecticut heavy art.. June 24, 1862 351 O'Connor, P llth Massachusetts June 18, 1862 190 OUba, A New York 340 Oliver, Charles.... 52d Pennsylvania June 11, 1862 200 Orfa, JohnB Private. . 62d Pennsylvania April 17, 1862 198 Owens, C. (rebel).. ...do... 37th North Carolina June 15, 1862 155 Owens, D. D ...do... 6th New York artillery Mar. 2, 1864 262 Owens, W ...do... 4th U.S. C.T Feb. 21, 1864 177 Palmer, Charles ...do... 2d Michigan June 18, 1863 Palmeter, H 16th New York artillery . . . Oct. 9, 1864 Palsey,P Private. . 16th New York artillery . . . Sept. 6, 1864 372 Parker, L ...do... 96th New York June 13, 1862 197 Parks, J 6thNew Jersey May 5, 1862 51 For current National & State Veterans Burial records, please visit... http://www.interment.net/us/nat/veterans.htm Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County • Historic Monographs Collection

ParviUier, A Private. Mott's U. S. battery April 16, 1862 180 B Payne, H ...do... llth Maine Dec. 20, 1863 229 C Payne, William ...do... New York battery. . . April 25, 1862 178 B Peck, Henry II ...do... 112th New York July 3, 1863 141 A Pecof, P.G ...do... 16th New York May 7, 1862 114 (3 Peffer, John G ...do... 83d Pennsylvania April 29, 1862 244 B Pelton, James E 8th Connecticut AprU 8,1864 275 D Penn, George P Private. . . 20 C Perry, T Sergeant. . 3d Vermont April 16, 1862 219 B Pettet, C New York 136 B Phelps, Private. . . 1st United States S.S. 235 B Phias, James B Corporal. . 139th New York ,1862 240 A PhUlippin, Henry May 5, 1862 7 D PhiUips, M 5th New Jersey June 8, 1862 183 D Pierce, Allen P Private. . 7th Rhode Island 179 A Pierce, James H llth Massachusetts May 6, 1862 8 1) Pierson, George Private. . - 44th New York May 5, 1862 207 B Ping, R ....do.... 6th Maine 109 O PoUard, A ....do.... 3d Maine June 26, 1862 152 C Pollock, T.G Corporal. . 103d Pennsylvania June 9, 1862 113 c Potter, Drown 2d Serg't. 16th Michigan June 13, 1862 224 A Pratt, J.M Piivate... 9th New York cavalry 286 B Pratt, S.E ....do.... 15th Massachusetts June 25, 1862 148 a Pross, Jacob 2d New York Fire zouaves. 46 D Pte, Cant 73d New York 143 D Pullen, F.M 15th Michigan May 5, 1862 21 D Purnell, WUUam E 85th New York May 24, 1862 341 C Pwevis, John A 143dNewYork June 19, 1863 99 D Quinn, John 1st New YorkM.R Dec. 25, 1863 2 1) Quint, L Indiana battalion June 9, 1862 332 D Ranboff, WUUam 183d Pennsylvania May 31, 335 A Randal, D 64th New York June 14, 1862 399 D Reasler, A 101st Pennsylvania June 5, 1862 310 D Reee, D.M Private. . 72dNewYork June 11, 1862 338 O Reden, D 168th New York July 14, 1863 123 D Redford, Pat Private. . 27th Massachusetts 12 A Redson, Stephen 1st Pennsylvania artillery.. Oct. 2, 1863 54 B Reed, S Private. . 103d Pennsylvania 233 B Register, T. P. (rebel). ....do... 7th North Carolina June 12, 1862 218 C Renney, James B ....do... 52d Pennsylvania Dec. 17, 1862 263 C Reynolds, T.C llth Maine Nov. 25, 1862 169 D

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1 a a, a Date of death. '> si P 92

Reynolds, William H. 169th Pennsylvania mUitia. 284 A Rhodes, W.M 64th New York June 22, 1862 272 D

Private. . 96th 1862 234 A Rich, Harrison New York , Richers, Charles ....do... 96th New York June 9, 1862 115 C Riley, John ...do... 70th New York May 5, 1862 22 (3 Ripley, L ...do... 44th New York AprU 22, 1862 242 B Roe, L. G ...do... 2d Ohio cavalry June 9, 1864 83 A Roger, John ...do... 9th New York cavalry May 6, 1862 269 B Rogers, T ...do... 31st Pennsylvania 337 A Rogers, W.J Citizen of New Jersey July 23, 1865 284 D RolUns, J.C 2d New Hampshire June 17, 1862 246 D Romney, Private. . 1st U. S. chasseurs 287 B Rose, Anson ...do... 98th New York Nov. 21, 1862 292 (3 Rose, Charles ...do... 168th New York Feb. 22, 1863 298 (3 Ross, George D ...do... 5th M. I 113 D Ross, J 5th Michigan June 4, 1862 358 I) RouusavUy, Isaac Private. 6th New Jersey May 11, 1862 22 B E June 1864 162 A Rouse, James 2dNewYorkM.R , Roux, Peter Private. . 118th New York Sept. 1, 1863 281 A Rue, W. H 20th Indiana June 26, 1862 299 D Runnels, S.E 3d Maine June 17, 1862 270 D Russell, James 72d New York June 4, 1862 360 D Russell, WUUam 1st New York excelsior May 5, 1862 344 B Ryan, Moses Private. 62d Pennsylvania May 5, 1862 200 B 79 C R , J 5th Excelsior Sackley, L.W Corporal. 130th New York July 20, 1863 145 D Sampson, L. A ....do.... 98th New York June 14, 1862 153 (3 Sanbo,E Private. .. 57th New York May 2, 1862 150 B Savourey, J. H ...do.... 2d Vermont April 18, 1862 15 B Sawer, Anthony Sergeant - 1st United States S.S AprU 25, 1862 236 B Schnoder, Private. . . 76th New York 196 C For current National & State Veterans Burial records, please visit... http://www.interment.net/us/nat/veterans.htm Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County • Historic Monographs Collection

Scofield, I. 1st New York artillery. . Sept. 19, 1862 Scott, William 3d Vermont April 16, 1862 Sears, Daniel 4th Wisconsin battery. . May 3, 1864 Sebbett, J. (rebel). 18tb North CaroUna June 10, 1862 Seymour, M. J 7th Michigan June 23, 1862 Shannon, P 9th Vermont Sept. 15, 1862 Shary, James 7th Maine April 22, 1862 Shelba, Charles... Sheridan, James-. Private. . 56th New York ...do... Sherman, Henry. . 2dNewYork Jan. 22, 1863 Shove, F ...do... 8th ind. batt Jan. 14, 1864 Shuenk, J 106th Pennsylvania June 11, 1862 Silver, A Private. 104th Pennsylvania May 24, 1862 ...do... Massachusetts May 5, 1862 Smith, Benjamin R. llth Maine May 14, 1862 Smith, C 61st New York May 30, 1862 Smith, E 101st Pennsylvania July 3, 1862 Smith, F 7th New Jersey May 13, 1862 Smith, W.J 61st New York June 19, 1862 Somers, Fred 1st Pennsylvania artillery.. Dec 6, 1862 Southand, Walter.. 139th New York Oct. 11, 1863 Sower, D.E 93d New York Spears, W.E 1st Berdan's S. S Spencer, G. D Maine May 27, 1862 Spicer, Frank Citizen of Baltimore, Md... Aug. 26, 1865 Spiner, Nicholas Private. 16th New York artUlery . . . Jan. 1, 1865 Sprague, W. C ...do... 2d Vermont April 21, 1862 Staley, J.H 5th Michigan June 17, 1862 Stamm, H. H 5th United States artillery. . Oct. 20, 1862 Standish, A 3d Excelsior May 13, 1862 Stanford, R 57th New York June 27, 1862 144th New York June 14, 1363

. Private. 81st York 1863 Stanson, S. New , Stathers, WUliam...... do... 1st Pennsylvania heavy art. May 6, 1862 Steadman, John ....do... 7th Michigan May 30, 1864 Stein, Edward ....do... Pennsylvania cavalry. Mar. 29, 1863 Sternberg, Addison...... do... 64th New York April 27, 1862 Stevens, B ....do.., 2d New Hampshire Stewart, Henry 141st New York June 2, 1863 Stewart, J 2d Michigan June 28, 1862 StUes, F.C 6th Vermont April 18, 1862 For current National & State Veterans Burial records, please visit... http://www.interment.net/us/nat/veterans.htm Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County • Historic Monographs Collection


Date of death.

96th New York June 1863 108 Stone, A .. 25, Stone, E.V McClellan's dragoons. May 16, 1862 54 Stone, F llth Maine June 15, 1862 367 Stoneman, E. W. 13th New York 211 Stott, William... 223 Stranger Army of the Potomac. 96 Army of the Potomac. 359 June 30, 1862 145 Army of the Potomac 246 331 Strunk, J. L Corporal. . 57th"New York "May" 30," 1862" 205 . . York Stundifund, John. . Private. 13th New Sturges, G. W 85th Pennsylvania June 2, 1862 167 SuUivan, William., Private. . 26th Michigan July 14, 1863 122 Sutton, W.W ...do... 141st New York July 2, 1862 28 Swayman, G 52d Pennsylvania June 26, 1862 279 Sylvester, D Private. llth Maine Dec. 9, 1862 322 1863 255 Symington, Daniel. . ...do... 168th New York May 17, 4th Maine 212 S , Y. H 279 Taft, Josiah Private. . 118th New York 6th Vermont 1862 176 Talbot, L ...do... AprU , Taylor, John H...... do... 2d Rhode Island April 16, 1862 320 Teed, W. M 1st New York M. rifles May 26, 1862 309 103 Tennant, Dallas P.. Private. . 17th Pennsylvania cavalry. June 21, 1864 Tenney, Moses E...... do... 4th Massachusetts cavalry. . Oct. 20, 1864 52 Terry, E. K New York May 5, 1862 17 Thomas, F Corporal... 3d artiUery April 16, 1862 92 Thomas, Samuel... Captain Schooner Saco May 10, 1862 321 Thompson, A Private 85th Pennsylvania June 1, 1862 143 Thompson, L ...do 3d Vermont April 16, 1862 100 Tichler, Lewis ...do 2d New York artillery May 31, 1864 251 TUloston, Robert 143d New York *. June 13, 1863 339 For current National & State Veterans Burial records, please visit... http://www.interment.net/us/nat/veterans.htm Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County • Historic Monographs Collection

Tinney, Charles Private. . 169th Pennsylvania militia. AprU 23, 1863 265 A Tolmie, J. G ...do... 7th New Jersey 24 (3 Towsend, Elijah 80 D Trefeethin, T. G 2d New Hampshire - . . June 29, 1862- 269 D Trickier, F ... 2d Wisconsin battery. Sept. 29, 1803 351 D TuEp, M 52d New York June 14,1862 157 (3 2 unknown (chfldren) . 356 I) 2 do June -, 1864 1 A 3 do. June 2 A 2 do. June 3 A 2 do. 6 A 2 do. 7 A do. 8 A 2 do. 9 A 2 do. 10 A 2 do. 11 A 2 do. 13 A 2 do. 15 A 2 do. 16 A 15 do. 17 to 24 A 10 do. 26 to 30 A 5 do. 33 to 34 A 4 do. 37to 38 A 12 do. 40 to 45 A 23 do. 47 to 57 A 6 do. 59 to 61 A 2 do. 63 A 17 do. 65 to 73 A 16 do. 75 to 82 A 4 do. 84 A 6 do. 86 to 88 A 27 do. 90 to 100 A 4 do. 102 A 3 do. 104 A 14 do. 106 to 111 A 4 do. 113 to 114 A 36 do. 116 to 127 A 3 do. 130 A 7 do. 132 to 134 A 10 do. 136 to 140 A 2 do. 143 A For current National & State Veterans Burial records, please visit... http://www.interment.net/us/nat/veterans.htm Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County • Historic Monographs Collection



7 unknown 7 do. 11 do. 10 do. 4 do. 6 do. 7 do. 11 do. 3 do. 18 do. 13 do. 5 do. 4 do. 8 do. 8 do. 7 do. 2 do.

6 do. .

8 do. .

12 do. .

2 do. .

2 do. . o do. . 9 do. .

4 do. .

9 do. .

2 do. .

9, do. .

8 do. .

41 do. .

do. . For current National & State Veterans Burial records, please visit... http://www.interment.net/us/nat/veterans.htm Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County • Historic Monographs Collection

1165 Unknown 316 A 1172 7 do. 318 to 320 A 1174 2 do. 322 A 1175 do. 324 A 1176 do. 326 A 1177 do. 328 A 1180 3 do. 333 to 334 A 1181 do. 336 A 1186 5 do, 338 to 339 A 1189 3 do. 344 A 1191 2 do. 346 A 1299 8 do. 351 to 353 A 1206 7 do. 357 to 359 A 1209 3 do. 361 A 12H 2 do. 364 A 1213 2 do. 366 A 1215 2 do. 368 A 1217 3 do, 373 A 1223 6 do. 376 to 378 A 1225 a do, 380 A 1231 6 do 382 to 383 A 1233 2 do 389 A 1245 12 do. 392 to 397 A 1246 do. 10 B 1248 9, do, 18 B 1250 9, do. 24 B 1253 3 do 29 to 30 B 1254 do. 32 B 1260 6 do, 36 to 38 B 1262 a do, 42 B 1263 do. 46 B 1265 2 do. 49 B 126/ 9. do 51 B 1271 4 do, 57 to 58 B 1278 7 do. 61 to 65 B 1283 5 do 68 to 70 B 1285 9. do. 72 B 128/ 9. do. 74 B 1289 2 do. 76 B 1291 2 do. 78 B 1298 7 do. 80 to 83 B For current National & State Veterans Burial records, please visit... http://www.interment.net/us/nat/veterans.htm Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County • Historic Monographs Collection


No. Name. Rank. Co. Regiment. Date of death. | Remarks. si 02

85 B 2 do 87 B 1307 5 do 89 to 91 B 1309 g do 95 B

1311 2 do 97 B ' 1313 2 do 99 B 1315 2 do 101 B 1317 2 do 103 B 1322 5 do 105 to 107 B 1327 5 do 109 to 111 B 1330 3 do 113 to 114 B 1334 4 do 117 to 119 B 1335 do 122 B 1348 13 do 125 to 131 B 1350 2 do 133 B 1352 2 do 135 B 1366 14 do 137 to 144 B 1370 4 do. 148 to 149 B 1377 7 do 151 to 155 B 1381 4 do 157 to 159 B 1382 do 161 B 1384 2 do 163 B 1388 4 do 165 to 167 B 1391 3 do 169 to 170 B 1392 do Mott's U. S. battery 171 B< 1393 do 175 B 1394 do 177 B 1396 2 do 181 B 1398 2 do 183 B 1400 2 do 185 B 1402 2 do 191 B For current National & State Veterans Burial records, please visit... http://www.interment.net/us/nat/veterans.htm Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County • Historic Monographs Collection

Unknown... 193 B do. . 196 1!

do. . 199 B do. . 202 B

do. . 204 B

do. . 208 B

do. .. 214 to 216 B

do, . 218 B

do. . 224 to 225 B

do. . 229 B

do. . 230 B

do. . 239 B

do. .. 243 B

do. . 245 to 246 B do. 248 B

do. . 253 to 254 f!

do. . 260 B

2 do, . 264 B

4 dd, . 267 B

2 do. . 270 B

do. . 273 B

2 do. . 275 B 2 unknown. 277 B

do. . 233 B do. 285 R do. 289 to 290 B do. 294 to 297 B do. 301 B do. 303 B do. 305 to 307 B do, 311 to 314 B do. 316 to 319 B do. 321 B do. 323 to 341. B do. 343 B do. 346 to 351 B do. 353 to 360 B do. 362 to 363 B do. 365 to 366 B do. 368 to 370 B do. 373 to 379 B For current National & State Veterans Burial records, please visit... http://www.interment.net/us/nat/veterans.htm Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County • Historic Monographs Collection


1 M No. Name. Rank. Co. Regiment. Date of death. Remarks. o .1 1 Szi 02

1587 381 to 383 B 1589 2 do 385 B 1594 5 do 387 to 389 B 1606 12 do 391 to 397 B 1611 5 do 2 to 4 C 1613 2 do. 6 C 1617 4 do. 8 to 9 c 1619 2 do 11 c 1624 5 do 13 to 15 c 16.29 5 do. 17 to 19 c 1651 22 do 26 to 36 c 1674 23 do 38 to 50 c 1676 2 do 54 c 1680 4 do. 56 to 57 c 1681 do Officer...... 58 c 1706 25 do 59 to 71 c 1707 do 72 c 1714 ? dov :73to 76 c 1715 do i 78 c 1717 2 do 80 c 1719 2 do 82 c 1738 19 doi 84 to 93 c 1744 6 do 96 to 98 c 1750 6 do 100 to 102 c 1760' 10 do 104 to ioa e. 1762 2 do 118 c 1763 do. 125 c 1765 2 do 127 c 1770 5 do 129 to 130 c 1771 do 135 For current National & State Veterans Burial records, please visit... c 1773 2 do 136 c http://www.interment.net/us/nat/veterans.htm Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County • Historic Monographs Collection

1774 unknown 140 a 1775 do. 142 (3 1776 do. 144 V, 1777 do. 146 a 1778 do. 158 c 1779 do. 160 c 1780 do. 168 O 1782 2 do. 170 to 171 c 1783 do.- 173 c 1785 2 do. 175 to 176 c 1786 do. 178 c 1790 4 do. 180 to 183 V, 1794 4 do. 185 to 188 a 1800 6 do. 190 to 195 O 1803 3 do. 199 to 201 c 1804 do. 203 c 1805 do. 205 O 1806 do. 207 c 1807 do. 209 c 1808 do. 211 c 1809 do. 213 c 1810 do. 215 c 1811 do. 217 0 1,812 do. 219 O 1813 do. 221 c 1814 do. 223 c 1817 3 do. 226 to 228 O 1818 do. 230 0 1821 3 do. 232 to 234 V, 1824 3 do. 236 to 238 o 1826 2 do. 241 to 242 c 1828 2 do. 244 to 245 O 1829 do. 248 c 1831 2 do. 250 to 251 c 1834 3 do. 255 to 257 c 1835 do. 259 a 1838 3 do. 264 to 265 O 1839 do. 267 c 1840 do. 269 (3 1849 9 do. 271 to 277 (3 1850 1 do. 279 c For current National & State Veterans Burial records, please visit... http://www.interment.net/us/nat/veterans.htm Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County • Historic Monographs Collection


C3 bb Regiment.

si 02

unknown. 281 c 284 to 285 (3 2 do. . 290 to 291 0 2 do. . 293 to 297 (3 5 do. . 300 to 304 (3 5 do. . 306 (3 do. . 308 to 310 (3 3 do. . 323 (3 do. . 325 to 329 (3 5 do. . 331 (3 do. . 333 to 335 (3 3 do. . 337 (3 do. . 339 (3 do. .. 342 to 344 (3 5 do. .. 346 (3 do. .. 350 (3 do. .. 353 to 354 (3 do. .. 360 to 361 (3 do. .. 367 (3 do. -. 371 to 372 (3 do. .. 374 (3 do. .. 378 (3 do. .. 380 to 289 (3 do. .. 391 to 398 C do. .. 27 to 31 D do. .. 33 to -45 D do. .. 47 to 49 D 41 do 56 to 78 D 88 D 90 1) 92 D For current National & State Veterans Burial records, please visit... http://www.interment.net/us/nat/veterans.htm Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County • Historic Monographs Collection

S001 unknown 94 D 2003 2 do. 105 to 106 D 2006 3 do. 117 D 2009 3 do. 119 to 120 D 2010 do. 125 1) 2012 2 do. 127 to 123 D 2013 do. 130 1) 2016 3 do. 133 to 135 D 2017 do. 137 D 2018 do. 148 D O 2021 3 do. 151 to 153 D 2026 5 do. 155 to 159 D 2030 4 do. 163 to 166 1) H 2031 do. 168 D 2032 do. 171 .1) 2033 do. 174 D 2034 do. 177 D 2035 do. 179 .1) i> 2036 do. 182 1) H 2037 do. 189 D O 2038 do. 193 1) a 2039 do. 302 D 2041 2 do. 204 to 205 D 2042 do. 207 D Q 2043 do. 209 1) H 2051 8 do. 212 to 219 D g 2054 3 do. 221 to 223 D 2056 2 do. 227 to 228 D tsl 2057 do. 230 1) Stf 2061 4 do. 232 to 235 D ! 2062 do. 238 1) 2065 3 do. 241 to 243 D 207O 5 do. 247 to 251 D 2071 do. 253 D 2072 do. 256 D 2075 3 do. 258 to 260 D 2076 do. 263 D 2077 do. 276 D 2078 do. 282 1) 2079 do. 287 D 03 2080 I do. 289 D C> For current National & State Veterans Burial records, please visit... http://www.interment.net/us/nat/veterans.htm Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County • Historic Monographs Collection


Date of death.

unknown. 298

do. . 304 i do. 306 to 308

do. . 316 do. 318 do. 324 do. 327 do. 329 do. 340 do. 343 do. 345 to 346 do. 349 do. 355 do. 357 do. 359 do. 361 do. ;68 to 369 do. 379 do. 381 do. 391

do. (rebel) . 394 do. 397 Uretting, Albert 18th Massachusetts . April 26, 1862 209 Vacant, 370 Vacant, 399 Vance, Wm Private. . 3d Vermont April 16, 1862 86 I Vanderventer, J.W. ....do... 4th Wisconsin battery. Aug. 22. 1863 111 I Vandeze, Charles . . . 5th New Jersey May 5, 1862 24 Vaneller, J llth United States June 8, 1862 354 Varick, F Private . 57th Pennsylvania 206

W , Geo .do... 330 For current National & State Veterans Burial records, please visit... http://www.interment.net/us/nat/veterans.htm Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County • Historic Monographs Collection

W , T ?3dNew York 352 R Waddle, A. F Private 63d Pennsylvania.' 206 C Wales, L.W Sergeant.. .. 6th Vermont 7 B Walke, R <> D Wall, Fred 4th Massachusetts cavalry. 53 B Wallard, Joseph 6th New Jersey 25 B SS24 l> Walsh, Chares D. O. Independent battery. . 100 D Wavosley, WUliam. . . 56th New York Wanner, New York ind. battery. 104 I> WHrd, J. B 5th 32 I> Ward, Jacob Private 5th Pennsylvania cavalry 51 (3 Ward, William ...do.. 9th New York cavalry...'. 110 D D ...do.... 13th New 210 A Warner, % Hampshire Warner, J ." ...do.... 115th New York 220 B Waterman, E. D ...do.... 3d Vermont 232 K 149 D Watson, B. F Sergeant . 4th Wisconsin battery 131 O Webster, Charles Private. -- 104th Pennsylvania 363 D Weels, William J Sergeant . 92d New York 188 A Wells, Seymour Private. . . 17th Vermont West, D llth Maine 341 D 112 D Westeol, George Private. . 118th New York Whatten, F 16th Massachusetts 323 1) 133 (3 Wheeler, E Private. . 64th New York Wheeler, John do-"1 2Cth New York cavalry.. 3 D White, Edwin F ....do... 61st New York...... T23 B Whitney, D ...do... 16th New York 146 D 137 C Whitney, Olando . 9th Vermont Whitney, W 33d New York 317 D Wigins, Charles 2d New Jersey 284 B Wiley, A. F 3d Vermont 19 B Willey, Edward J.... 61st New York 74 A Williams, George Private.. 100th New York 118 D Williams, Henry ....do... 13th New York - 260 A Wilmer, C.A 3d Michigan 283 D 96 B Wilson, D. C Corporal. . 3d Vermont Wilson, Henry.. Private. .. 92d New York 260 O WUson, James 122dObio 41 A Wilson, R 3d Vermont 104 B Wilson, R.J .do. 7th New Jersey 5 (3 Wilson, Thomas. U. S. gunboat Sebago 213 A Wilson, Thomas H... Sergeant ... B 57th New York 180 B For current National & State Veterans Burial records, please visit... http://www.interment.net/us/nat/veterans.htm Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County • Historic Monographs Collection


Date of death.

U. S. C.T May 5, 1864 201 2163 Wilson, W - 1864 302 L. A 16th New York artillery July 7, 2164 Winslow, 21. 1862 292 Palmer.. Private. . 2d Michigan April 2165 Wishepard, June 1862 220 L. M llth Maine , 2166 Witham, 6, 1862 251 . May 2167 WoUe, E Private. 104th Pennsylvania 4th AprU 18, 1862 203 2168 Wood, A. R do Michigan 6th Ohio June 3, 1864 115 2169 Woodworth, O ...do... cavalry May 31, 1864 360 2170 Woolse, Charles do. 26th Michigan York 14, 371 Andrew G. . 64th New May 2171 Worden, Corporal. 30, 1864 . . 36th' May 2172 Wortman, F. V Private. Michigan 6th Vermont 2173 Wyman, J. E ...do..--

2174 Y , H 3d Maine April 27, 1862 271 2175 Roscoe G. - - Private. Yewing, 232 2176 Young, P. S ...do... 16th cavalry. May" 24,'i864" 247 2177 ZowSr, William ...do... Pennsylvania

For current National & State Veterans Burial records, please visit... http://www.interment.net/us/nat/veterans.htm Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County • Historic Monographs Collection

For current National & State Veterans Burial records, please visit... http://www.interment.net/us/nat/veterans.htm