Membership Report 2011.Pdf

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Membership Report 2011.Pdf World Organization of the Scout Movement European Scout Region Supporting Growth in Changing Times Membership Report 2011 Preface Dear Friends :lrhnpbee[^ZpZk^%Lniihkmbg`@khpmabg<aZg`bg`Mbf^lblma^ho^kZk\abg`ma^f^h_ma^ K^`bhgZeL\hnmIeZgmaZmpZlZ]him^][rGZmbhgZeL\hnmHk`ZgblZmbhgl]nkbg`ma^+)ma>nkhi^Zg L\hnm<hg_^k^g\^bg;knll^el%;^e`bnf%bgCner+)*)' Ahp^o^k%ma^blln^h_`khpmaaZl[^^gZ_h\nl_hkma^>nkhi^ZgL\hnm<hffbmm^^ho^kln\\^llbo^ mkb^ggbZ'Bmlghmg^pZmZee'>o^klbg\^ma^k^pZlZk^ZeblZmbhgmaZm]^\ebgbg`f^f[^klabi%bgm^kfl h_Z[lhenm^gnf[^klZg]fZkd^mlaZk^%pZlZlb`gZemaZmma^k^pZlZ\hfi^eebg`g^^]_hk\aZg`^% fZgrGLHlaZo^[^^gphkdbg`mbk^e^llermhZ]]k^ll]^\ebg^[rmZdbg`ma^g^\^llZkrlm^ilmh_ng]Z- f^gmZeerbfikho^^o^krZli^\mh_ma^bkhi^kZmbhgl'Lhf^h_mablaZl[^^g]hg^pbmama^lniihkmh_ ma^>nkhi^ZgL\hnmK^`bhg' Ma^k^aZl[^^glhf^ln\\^ll':l^ob]^g\^]bgmablk^ihkm%Zgnf[^kh_GLHlZk^^qi^kb^g\bg` `khpma%[hmabgm^kflh_Z[lhenm^gnf[^klZlp^eeZlfZkd^mlaZk^'Mablblan`^er^g\hnkZ`bg`Zg] ihbgmlmhma^_Z\mmaZmaZobg`ZlmkZm^`b\_h\nlho^kma^f^]bnf&m^kf\Zg[^k^pZk]bg`' Mahl^GLHlmaZmZk^^gchrbg``khpma%Zg]lhf^pahZk^bgma^ikh\^llh_bfie^f^gmbg`ma^bklmkZm^- `b^l_hk`khpmaZk^d^^gmh^glnk^maZmma^re^Zkge^llhgl_khfk^\^gm^qi^kb^g\^l'BgfZgr\Zl^l% l^o^kZeGLHlaZo^ng]^kmZd^g`hh]phkdmh`Zma^kf^f[^klabi]ZmZ%ZgZerl^bmZg]_hk^\Zlm_n- mnk^mk^g]l%bghk]^kmaZmma^r\ZgmZd^Z\mbhgbg`hh]mbf^'Ln\almkZm^`b\_hk^lb`ambl\hff^g]Z[e^' Pbmamablbgfbg]%ma^>nkhi^ZgL\hnm<hffbmm^^^f[Zkd^]hgma^\hfik^a^glbo^`Zma^kbg`Zg] ZgZerlblh_f^f[^klabi]ZmZ]nkbg`ma^eZlmmkb^ggbnf'Bmblphkmaghmbg`maZm^qmkZ\mbg`f^f[^klabi ]ZmZ_khfGLHl\Zg[^jnbm^\aZee^g`bg`'Pabelmlhf^aZo^ma^]ZmZk^Z]berZoZbeZ[e^%hma^kl]h ghm%\bmbg`eZ\dh_f^f[^klabifZgZ`^f^gmlrlm^flhkghmpblabg`mhikhob]^Û`nk^lmaZmfb`am\hg- mkZ]b\mpaZmaZlZek^Z]r[^^glniieb^]obZ\^glnl%b_bg]^^]Z\^glnlk^mnkgaZl[^^glniieb^]ZmZee' B_GLHlbg>nkhi^pZgmnlmh\hgmbgn^Lniihkmbg`@khpmabg<aZg`bg`Mbf^lp^g^^]\hgmbgn^] ZllblmZg\^bghi^gerikhob]bg`nlpbmamhie^o^ef^f[^klabi]ZmZmaZmblZlZ\\nkZm^Zlbm\Zg[^'Bg k^mnkg%p^\Zgnl^mablbg_hkfZmbhgmha^eib]^gmb_rmk^g]lmaZmfZr[^]^o^ehibg`Z\khllma^pahe^ h_>nkhi^%Zg]k^lihg]Z\\hk]bg`er' Hnkinkihl^bgk^l^Zk\abg`ma^f^f[^klabilbmnZmbhgbgGLHlZ\khll>nkhi^Zg]bgik^iZkbg`mabl \hfik^a^glbo^k^ihkmaZl[^^gmak^^_he]3 *' P^pZgmmh[^mm^kng]^klmZg]ma^lbmnZmbhgbg^Z\a\hngmkr%nlbg`ZeeZoZbeZ[e^]ZmZlhnk\^l% bghk]^kmh]^o^ehiZ>nkhi^Zg&pb]^i^kli^\mbo^maZmpbeeZllblmma^>nkhi^ZgL\hnm<hffbmm^^Zg] ma^Phke]L\hnm;nk^Zn>nkhi^ZgK^`bhgZeH_Û\^%bgikhob]bg`mZk`^m^]lniihkmZg]\hglnemZg\r% mhmZ\de^]^\ebg^pa^k^bmh\\nklZg]l^\nk^`khpmapa^k^bmaZlmZd^gkhhm' +' P^pZgmmhbglmbebgGLHlmaZmdghpbg`pahrhnkf^f[^klZk^blh_obmZebfihkmZg\^bgbg- _hkfbg`ma^]^o^ehif^gmh_L\hnmbg`%Zg]bgÜn^g\bg`lmkZm^`b\Z\mbobmrZmgZmbhgZee^o^e' ,' P^pZgmmh^g\hnkZ`^GLHlmhk^Ü^\mhgma^Û`nk^lmaZmma^raZo^ikhob]^]hkmaZmp^ aZo^lhnk\^]%pbmaZob^pmh\hkk^\mbg`ZgrZghfZeb^llhmaZm_nmnk^F^f[^klabiK^ihkmlZk^^o^g fhk^Z\\nkZm^' Bphne]ebd^mh\hff^g]=bfbmkbOZgNrm_Zg`^%DZmkbgD^eerZg]KZ]nLmbg`a^_hkma^bkphkdbg \kng\abg`ma^gnf[^klmaZmZk^bgmablk^ihkm%Zg]ZelhmhZeeh_mahl^GLHlmaZmaZo^\hgmkb[nm^] lhhi^gerpbmama^bkf^f[^klabibg_hkfZmbhg' Mablblma^Ûklmmbf^%bgZehg`mbf^%maZmp^aZo^ikh]n\^]ln\aZk^ihkmZg]ma^k^_hk^%ma^k^fZr p^ee[^lhf^bgZ\\nkZ\b^l'Bg_Z\m%p^Zk^^qi^\mbg`maZmmh[^ma^\Zl^'B_rhnghmb\^blln^lpbmama^ ]ZmZk^eZmbg`mhrhnkGLH%ie^Zl^Z]obl^nl' Rhnkllbg\^k^er Craig Turpie <aZbkfZg%>nkhi^ZgL\hnm<hffbmm^^ Introduction Mablblma^Ûklm\hfik^a^glbo^F^f[^klabiK^ihkmh_ma^>nkhi^ZgL\hnmK^`bhg'Ma^inkihl^h_ mablk^ihkmblmh`bo^GLHl(GL:lZgbglb`ambgmhma^f^f[^klabi]ZmZh_ma^>nkhi^ZgL\hnmK^- `bhg'Ma^k^ihkmbl[Zl^]hg]ZmZma^>nkhi^ZgL\hnmK^`bhgaZlk^\^bo^]_khfbg]bob]nZeGLHl% kZma^kmaZgink^erPHLF\^glnlÛ`nk^l'Pa^k^ZgGLHaZlghmk^lihg]^]mhma^k^jn^lm_hk ]^mZbe^]Û`nk^l%\^glnlÛ`nk^laZo^[^^gnl^]' What is growth? @khpmablbgfhlm\Zl^lbg\hkk^\merk^_^kk^]mhZl`khpmabgma^Z[lhenm^f^f[^klabiÛ`nk^':g bg\k^Zl^bgf^f[^klabiÛ`nk^blbg]^^]bfihkmZgm[^\Znl^bmlhg^bg]b\Zmhkh_Za^ZemarZg]k^e- ^oZgmZllh\bZmbhg%ghmmhf^gmbhgma^ihm^gmbZe_hkbg\k^Zl^]f^f[^klabi_^^bg\hf^' Ahp^o^k%ma^fhlmk^e^oZgm`khpmabg]b\ZmhkblfZkd^mlaZk^'Mablblma^f^f[^klabiÛ`nk^k^eZmbo^ mhma^ZoZbeZ[e^ihineZmbhgZmZiZkmb\neZkZ`^'Ma^oZlmfZchkbmrh_>nkhi^ZgZllh\bZmbhgaZo^ ma^bkrhnmaf^f[^kllhf^pa^k^[^mp^^g/r^ZklZg]+.r^Zkl'A^g\^%ma^mhmZefZkd^mlaZk^ Û`nk^l`bo^ma^i^k\^gmZ`^h_ma^ihineZmbhgh_/mh+.r^Zklhe]lbg\hngmkb^lmaZmZk^f^f[^kl h_PHLF' Marketshare FZkd^mlaZk^Û`nk^l\Zg[^\Ze\neZm^]Zm]b__^k^gme^o^elZg]bgmablk^ihkmp^nl^ma^mhmZefZkd^m laZk^Zlp^eeZlma^fZkd^mlaZk^i^kZ`^l^\mbhg'Bghk]^kmh\Ze\neZm^ma^l^bg]b\Zmhkl]ZmZ_khf >nkhlmZmaZl[^^gnl^]'>nkhlmZmikhob]^l]^mZbe^]lmZmblmb\lhg>nkhi^ZgNgbhgZg]\Zg]b]Zm^ \hngmkb^l' Ma^Z`^kZg`^l_hkma^>nkhlmZmihineZmbhglmZmblmb\lnl^]mh\Ze\neZm^ma^fZkd^mlaZk^i^kZ`^ l^\mbhgZk^ma^h_Û\bZePHLFZ`^kZg`^l'Ma^l^fb`am]b__^k_khfma^GLHlZ`^kZg`^l'Ma^k^- _hk^ma^fZkd^mlaZk^]ZmZfb`am[^]b__^k^gm_khfma^fZkd^mlaZk^]ZmZ\Ze\neZm^][rma^GLH' Ahp^o^k%mablZiikhZ\ablg^\^llZkrmhlmZg]Zk]bl^ma^Û`nk^lmh`bo^Z>nkhi^Zge^o^eho^kob^p' Average marketshare in the European Scout Region Ma^Û`nk^llahpmaZmma^>nkh- pean region has been growing 0.77% lbg\^+))/':_m^kZ]^\ebg^bg fZkd^mlaZk^_khf)%0)bg 0.75% +))-mh)%/1bg+))/%ma^ gnf[^kaZlkbl^gmh) +))1'Mablf^ZglmaZm)%0. 0.73% h_ma^/mh+.r^Zklhe]Zk^Z f^f[^kh_ma^>nkhi^ZgK^`bhg 0.71% PHLF'Lhho^kma^mhmZei^kbh] 2004-2008 there was member- labi`khpmabgma^>nkhi^Zg 0.69% K^`bhg'<nkk^gmerbmblmhh^Zker Market Share in percent mhlmZm^maZmma^>nkhi^ZgK^`bhg 0.67% PHLFaZl[n\de^]ma^]^\ebg- bg`mk^g]':+r^Zkkbl^bgfZk- d^mlaZk^]h^lghm`bo^^ghn`a 0.65% 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 ^ob]^g\^' EZk`^\hgmkb[nmbg`GLHl_hk :o^kZ`^fZkd^mlaZk^^ohenmbhg ma^kbl^lbg\^+))/Zk^ma^ND% ?bgeZg]%Lp^]^gZg]Mnkd^r'Ma^ Ghm^maZmma^fZkd^mlaZk^pZl\Ze\neZm^]ngmbe+))1[^- laZkikbl^bg+))1\ZgiZkmer[^ \Znl^ma^+))2ihineZmbhglmZmblmb\lZg]lhf^f^f[^klabi ^qieZbg^][rma^LI&?L!?bgeZg]" ]ZmZh_>nkhlmZmp^k^ghmr^mZoZbeZ[e^pa^g`Zma^kbg`ma^ ln[l\kb[bg`bml_^fZe^f^f[^klmh ]ZmZ_hkmablk^ihkm' PHLF'MablblZhg^&h__hi^kZ- mbhg' Total membership of the European Scout Region Country Membership 2010 Country Membership 2010 Country Membership 2010 Albania 1668 Hungary 8098 Norway 17608 Austria 10277 Iceland 4153 Poland 61394 Belgium 96780 Ireland 41418 Portugal 75321 Bosnia-Herzeg. 1235 Israel 26086 Romania 2272 Bulgaria 2109 Italy 101785 San Marino 147 Croatia 3787 Latvia 468 Serbia 3746 Cyprus 5328 Liechtenstein 752 Slovakia 3149 Czech Rep. 19196 Lithuania 2295 Slovenia 5138 Denmark 40229 Luxembourg 5241 Spain 54361 Estonia 1328 FYROM 1964 Sweden 49182 Finland 55621 Malta 2705 Switzerland 23086 France 75547 Monaco 47 Turkey 33938 Germany 115344 Montenegro 1015 UK 508570 Greece 15269 Netherlands 48845 1.48 1.47 1.46 1.45 1.44 1.43 Membership (millions) 1.42 1.41 1.4 1.39 Y2004 Y2005 Y2006 Y2007 Y2008 Y2009 :o^kZ`^f^f[^klabi >nkhi^Zgf^f[^klabi fZi Ma^mhmZef^f[^klabiÛ`nk^aZl_heehp^]ma^lZf^iZmm^kgZlma^fZkd^mlaZk^gnf[^k':]^\ebg^ _khf*%-,fbeebhgf^f[^klbg+))-mh*%,2bg+))/%ma^g_heehp^][rZkbl^nimh*%-0fbeebhgbg +))2'Ma^eZm^lmgnf[^kllahpZ_nkma^kbg\k^Zl^mh*'.+/fbebhgf^f[^klbg+)*)' European Scout Region - Scouting-founding year map Contribution per country Ma^`kZia[^ehpbg]b\Zm^lma^fZbg\hgmkb[nmhklmh`khpmahk]^\ebg^_khf+))-ngmbe+)*)'H_ \hnkl^ma^l^gnf[^klZk^bglmkhg`k^eZmbhgpbmama^lbs^h_ma^hk`ZgblZmbhgZlp^ee'EZk`^Zllh\b- Zmbhglfhk^^Zlbermnkgnibgma^`kZia[Zl^]hgma^bkla^^klbs^'<hngmkb^lbg\k^Zlbg`hk]^\ebgbg` pbmafhk^maZg*)))f^f[^kllahpnibg]bob]nZeerbgma^`kZia'Ma^,eZk`^lmihlbmbo^\hgmkb[n- mhklZk^k^li^\mbo^erma^ND%?bgeZg]Zg]Mnkd^r' European membership development in the World context 896,766 815,981 812,430 787,896 652,973 650,969 650,511 645,421 619,176 612,895 587,362 581,560 562,153 556,658 539,633 533,584 530,973 514,998 450,900 403,792 398,564 394,537 392,145 390,931 389,797 383,592 355,166 281,939 275,291 271,329 263,990 263,562 260,207 259,424 258,669 252,790 249,722 249,722 249,512 249,135 24,637,622 24,576,403 23,408,462 18,148,001 17,705,145 17,134,713 17,077,443 16,732,516 16,390,539 15,376,784 15,019,660 14,691,243 14,688,200 14,452,420 7,927,688 7,596,715 7,424,993 7,306,654 7,234,260 7,162,981 5,370,809 European membership development in the World context 25,975 25,947 25,756 25,574 25,258 25,258 25,098 23,499 22,302 21,852 15,157 14,941 13,238 4,460 845 845 751 751 751 751 1,022 1,880,967 1,874,312 1,850,262 1,813,563 1,749,267 1,738,943 1,730,003 1,724,328 1,719,995 1,668,106 1,609,396 1,537,948 1,526,502 1,457,617 1,450,607 1,435,932 1,421,512 1,417,758 1,416,785 1,389,797 1,387,279 6,945,456 6,774,922 6,745,874 6,590,278 6,402,837 6,186,741 5,044,022 4,850,473 4,779,863 4,768,996 4,527,370 4,474,998 4,454,424 4,432,183 4,393,253 4,389,696 4,361,968 4,357,621 4,348,912 4,337,444 4,299,943 Membership by age sections Ma^Z[lhenm^Û`nk^l`bo^bgm^k- ^lmbg`bglb`aml':lfZkd^mlaZk^ 450000 Zek^Z]rbg]b\Zm^]<n[lZg] L\hnmlZk^ma^eZk`^lmZ`^l^\- 400000 mbhgl'=n^mhZlm^^ibg\k^Zl^ 350000 bg+))1L\hnmllahkm^gma^`Zi pbma\n[lpbmaZ]b__^k^g\^e^ll 300000 maZg*)')))f^f[^klmhaho^k 250000 cnlmZ[ho^-))%)))f^f[^kl' 200000 ?nkma^k]hpgma^`kZiama^Ik^& 150000 \n[l%L^gbhkL\hnmlZg]Kho^kl play more or less in the same Membership number 100000 [ZeeiZkd'Kho^klZg]L^gbhk 50000 l\hnmlaZo^\ehl^]ma^`Zipbma Ik^&\n[lbg+))1cnlmZlL\hnml 0 ]b]pbma<n[l' Y2004 Y2005 Y2006 Y2007 Y2008 Y2009 Pre Cubs Cubs Scouts Senior Scouts Rovers Volunteers Bg+))1p^aZ]Zefhlm+,*%)))

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