World Organization of the Movement

European Scout Region

Supporting Growth in Changing Times Membership Report 2011


Dear Friends

:lrhnpbee[^ZpZk^%Lniihkmbg`@khpmabgnkhi^Zg L\hnmnkhi^ZgL\hnmo^klbg\^ma^k^pZlZk^ZeblZmbhgmaZm]^\ebgbg`f^f[^klabi%bgm^kfl h_Z[lhenm^gnf[^klZg]fZkd^mlaZk^%pZlZlb`gZemaZmma^k^pZlZ\hfi^eebg`g^^]_hk\aZg`^% fZgrGLHlaZo^[^^gphkdbg`mbk^e^llermhZ]]k^ll]^\ebg^[rmZdbg`ma^g^\^llZkrlm^ilmh_ng]Z- f^gmZeerbfikho^^o^krZli^\mh_ma^bkhi^kZmbhgl'Lhf^h_mablaZl[^^g]hg^pbmama^lniihkmh_ ma^>nkhi^ZgL\hnmK^`bhg'

Ma^k^aZl[^^glhf^ln\\^ll':l^ob]^g\^]bgmablk^ihkm%Zgnf[^kh_GLHlZk^^qi^kb^g\bg` `khpma%[hmabgm^kflh_Z[lhenm^gnf[^klZlp^eeZlfZkd^mlaZk^'Mablblan`^er^g\hnkZ`bg`Zg] ihbgmlmhma^_Z\mmaZmaZobg`ZlmkZm^`b\_h\nlho^kma^f^]bnf&m^kf\Zg[^k^pZk]bg`' Mahl^GLHlmaZmZk^^gchrbg``khpma%Zg]lhf^pahZk^bgma^ikh\^llh_bfie^f^gmbg`ma^bklmkZm^- `b^l_hk`khpmaZk^d^^gmh^glnk^maZmma^re^Zkge^llhgl_khfk^\^gm^qi^kb^g\^l'BgfZgr\Zl^l% l^o^kZeGLHlaZo^ng]^kmZd^g`hh]phkdmh`Zma^kf^f[^klabi]ZmZ%ZgZerl^bmZg]_hk^\Zlm_n- mnk^mk^g]l%bghk]^kmaZmma^r\ZgmZd^Z\mbhgbg`hh]mbf^'Ln\almkZm^`b\_hk^lb`ambl\hff^g]Z[e^'


Hnkinkihl^bgk^l^Zk\abg`ma^f^f[^klabilbmnZmbhgbgGLHlZ\khll>nkhi^Zg]bgik^iZkbg`mabl \hfik^a^glbo^k^ihkmaZl[^^gmak^^_he]3 *' P^pZgmmh[^mm^kng]^klmZg]ma^lbmnZmbhgbg^Z\a\hngmkr%nlbg`ZeeZoZbeZ[e^]ZmZlhnk\^l% bghk]^kmh]^o^ehiZ>nkhi^Zg&pb]^i^kli^\mbo^maZmpbeeZllblmma^>nkhi^ZgL\hnmnkhi^ZgK^`bhgZeH_Û\^%bgikhob]bg`mZk`^m^]lniihkmZg]\hglnemZg\r% mhmZ\de^]^\ebg^pa^k^bmh\\nklZg]l^\nk^`khpmapa^k^bmaZlmZd^gkhhm' +' P^pZgmmhbglmbebgGLHlmaZmdghpbg`pahrhnkf^f[^klZk^blh_obmZebfihkmZg\^bgbg- _hkfbg`ma^]^o^ehif^gmh_L\hnmbg`%Zg]bgÜn^g\bg`lmkZm^`b\Z\mbobmrZmgZmbhgZee^o^e' ,' P^pZgmmh^g\hnkZ`^GLHlmhk^Ü^\mhgma^Û`nk^lmaZmma^raZo^ikhob]^]hkmaZmp^ aZo^lhnk\^]%pbmaZob^pmh\hkk^\mbg`ZgrZghfZeb^llhmaZm_nmnk^F^f[^klabiK^ihkmlZk^^o^g fhk^Z\\nkZm^'

Bphne]ebd^mh\hff^g]=bfbmkbOZgNrm_Zg`^%DZmkbgD^eerZg]KZ]nLmbg`a^_hkma^bkphkdbg \kng\abg`ma^gnf[^klmaZmZk^bgmablk^ihkm%Zg]ZelhmhZeeh_mahl^GLHlmaZmaZo^\hgmkb[nm^] lhhi^gerpbmama^bkf^f[^klabibg_hkfZmbhg' Mablblma^Ûklmmbf^%bgZehg`mbf^%maZmp^aZo^ikh]n\^]ln\aZk^ihkmZg]ma^k^_hk^%ma^k^fZr p^ee[^lhf^bgZ\\nkZ\b^l'Bg_Z\m%p^Zk^^qi^\mbg`maZmmh[^ma^\Zl^'B_rhnghmb\^blln^lpbmama^ ]ZmZk^eZmbg`mhrhnkGLH%ie^Zl^Z]obl^nl'


Craig Turpie nkhi^ZgL\hnm

Mablblma^Ûklm\hfik^a^glbo^F^f[^klabiK^ihkmh_ma^>nkhi^ZgL\hnmK^`bhg'Ma^inkihl^h_ mablk^ihkmblmh`bo^GLHl(GL:lZgbglb`ambgmhma^f^f[^klabi]ZmZh_ma^>nkhi^ZgL\hnmK^- `bhg'Ma^k^ihkmbl[Zl^]hg]ZmZma^>nkhi^ZgL\hnmK^`bhgaZlk^\^bo^]_khfbg]bob]nZeGLHl% kZma^kmaZgink^erPHLF\^glnlÛ`nk^l'Pa^k^ZgGLHaZlghmk^lihg]^]mhma^k^jn^lm_hk ]^mZbe^]Û`nk^l%\^glnlÛ`nk^laZo^[^^gnl^]'

What is growth?

@khpmablbgfhlm\Zl^lbg\hkk^\merk^_^kk^]mhZl`khpmabgma^Z[lhenm^f^f[^klabiÛ`nk^':g bg\k^Zl^bgf^f[^klabiÛ`nk^blbg]^^]bfihkmZgm[^\Znl^bmlhg^bg]b\Zmhkh_Za^ZemarZg]k^e- ^oZgmZllh\bZmbhg%ghmmhf^gmbhgma^ihm^gmbZe_hkbg\k^Zl^]f^f[^klabi_^^bg\hf^'

Ahp^o^k%ma^fhlmk^e^oZgm`khpmabg]b\ZmhkblfZkd^mlaZk^'Mablblma^f^f[^klabiÛ`nk^k^eZmbo^ mhma^ZoZbeZ[e^ihineZmbhgZmZiZkmb\neZkZ`^'Ma^oZlmfZchkbmrh_>nkhi^ZgZllh\bZmbhgaZo^ ma^bkrhnmaf^f[^kllhf^pa^k^[^mp^^g/r^ZklZg]+.r^Zkl'A^g\^%ma^mhmZefZkd^mlaZk^ Û`nk^l`bo^ma^i^k\^gmZ`^h_ma^ihineZmbhgh_/mh+.r^Zklhe]lbg\hngmkb^lmaZmZk^f^f[^kl h_PHLF'


FZkd^mlaZk^Û`nk^l\Zg[^\Ze\neZm^]Zm]b__^k^gme^o^elZg]bgmablk^ihkmp^nl^ma^mhmZefZkd^m laZk^Zlp^eeZlma^fZkd^mlaZk^i^kZ`^l^\mbhg'Bghk]^kmh\Ze\neZm^ma^l^bg]b\Zmhkl]ZmZ_khf >nkhlmZmaZl[^^gnl^]'>nkhlmZmikhob]^l]^mZbe^]lmZmblmb\lhg>nkhi^ZgNgbhgZg]\Zg]b]Zm^ \hngmkb^l'

Ma^Z`^kZg`^l_hkma^>nkhlmZmihineZmbhglmZmblmb\lnl^]mh\Ze\neZm^ma^fZkd^mlaZk^i^kZ`^ l^\mbhgZk^ma^h_Û\bZePHLFZ`^kZg`^l'Ma^l^fb`am]b__^k_khfma^GLHlZ`^kZg`^l'Ma^k^- _hk^ma^fZkd^mlaZk^]ZmZfb`am[^]b__^k^gm_khfma^fZkd^mlaZk^]ZmZ\Ze\neZm^][rma^GLH' Ahp^o^k%mablZiikhZ\ablg^\^llZkrmhlmZg]Zk]bl^ma^Û`nk^lmh`bo^Z>nkhi^Zge^o^eho^kob^p' Average marketshare in the European Scout Region

Ma^Û`nk^llahpmaZmma^>nkh- pean region has been growing 0.77% lbg\^+))/':_m^kZ]^\ebg^bg fZkd^mlaZk^_khf)%0)bg

0.75% +))-mh)%/1bg+))/%ma^ gnf[^kaZlkbl^gmh) +))1'Mablf^ZglmaZm)%0. 0.73% h_ma^/mh+.r^Zklhe]Zk^Z f^f[^kh_ma^>nkhi^ZgK^`bhg 0.71% PHLF'Lhho^kma^mhmZei^kbh] 2004-2008 there was member- labi`khpmabgma^>nkhi^Zg 0.69% K^`bhg'

Market Share in percent mhlmZm^maZmma^>nkhi^ZgK^`bhg 0.67% PHLFaZl[n\de^]ma^]^\ebg- bg`mk^g]':+r^Zkkbl^bgfZk- d^mlaZk^]h^lghm`bo^^ghn`a 0.65% 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 ^ob]^g\^' EZk`^\hgmkb[nmbg`GLHl_hk :o^kZ`^fZkd^mlaZk^^ohenmbhg ma^kbl^lbg\^+))/Zk^ma^ND% ?bgeZg]%Lp^]^gZg]Mnkd^r'Ma^ Ghm^maZmma^fZkd^mlaZk^pZl\Ze\neZm^]ngmbe+))1[^- laZkikbl^bg+))1\ZgiZkmer[^ \Znl^ma^+))2ihineZmbhglmZmblmb\lZg]lhf^f^f[^klabi ^qieZbg^][rma^LI&?L!?bgeZg]" ]ZmZh_>nkhlmZmp^k^ghmr^mZoZbeZ[e^pa^g`Zma^kbg`ma^ ln[l\kb[bg`bml_^fZe^f^f[^klmh ]ZmZ_hkmablk^ihkm' PHLF'MablblZhg^&h__hi^kZ- mbhg'

 Total membership of the European Scout Region

Country Membership 2010 Country Membership 2010 Country Membership 2010 Albania 1668 Hungary 8098 Norway 17608 Austria 10277 Iceland 4153 Poland 61394 Belgium 96780 41418 Portugal 75321 Bosnia-Herzeg. 1235 Israel 26086 Romania 2272 Bulgaria 2109 101785 San Marino 147 Croatia 3787 Latvia 468 Serbia 3746 Cyprus 5328 Liechtenstein 752 Slovakia 3149 Czech Rep. 19196 2295 Slovenia 5138 Denmark 40229 Luxembourg 5241 Spain 54361 Estonia 1328 FYROM 1964 Sweden 49182 Finland 55621 Malta 2705 Switzerland 23086 France 75547 Monaco 47 Turkey 33938 115344 Montenegro 1015 UK 508570 Greece 15269 48845







Membership (millions) 1.42



1.39 Y2004 Y2005 Y2006 Y2007 Y2008 Y2009

:o^kZ`^f^f[^klabi >nkhi^Zgf^f[^klabi fZi

Ma^mhmZef^f[^klabiÛ`nk^aZl_heehp^]ma^lZf^iZmm^kgZlma^fZkd^mlaZk^gnf[^k':]^\ebg^ _khf*%-,fbeebhgf^f[^klbg+))-mh*%,2bg+))/%ma^g_heehp^][rZkbl^nimh*%-0fbeebhgbg +))2'Ma^eZm^lmgnf[^kllahpZ_nkma^kbg\k^Zl^mh*'.+/fbebhgf^f[^klbg+)*)' European Scout Region - -founding year map Contribution per country

Ma^`kZia[^ehpbg]b\Zm^lma^fZbg\hgmkb[nmhklmh`khpmahk]^\ebg^_khf+))-ngmbe+)*)'H_ \hnkl^ma^l^gnf[^klZk^bglmkhg`k^eZmbhgpbmama^lbs^h_ma^hk`ZgblZmbhgZlp^ee'EZk`^Zllh\b- Zmbhglfhk^^Zlbermnkgnibgma^`kZia[Zl^]hgma^bkla^^klbs^'





 European membership development in the World context


           896,766     815,981  812,430   787,896   

  652,973 650,969 650,511 645,421 619,176 612,895 587,362 581,560 562,153 556,658 539,633 533,584 530,973  514,998 450,900



           403,792 398,564  394,537 392,145 390,931 389,797   383,592             355,166 281,939 275,291 271,329 263,990 263,562 260,207 259,424 258,669 252,790 249,722 249,722 249,512  249,135




                 24,637,622  24,576,403 23,408,462 18,148,001  17,705,145    17,134,713  17,077,443  16,732,516 16,390,539 15,376,784  15,019,660 14,691,243 14,688,200  14,452,420 7,927,688 7,596,715 7,424,993 7,306,654 7,234,260 7,162,981 5,370,809                                 European membership development in the World context




          25,975 25,947 25,756 25,574 25,258 25,258 25,098 23,499

 22,302 21,852    15,157 14,941

 13,238         4,460 845 845  751 751 751 751 1,022                               





                       1,880,967 1,874,312

 1,850,262 1,813,563 1,749,267 1,738,943 1,730,003 1,724,328 1,719,995 1,668,106 1,609,396 1,537,948 1,526,502 1,457,617 1,450,607

 1,435,932 1,421,512 1,417,758 1,416,785 1,389,797 1,387,279





         6,774,922  6,745,874 6,590,278 6,402,837 6,186,741

 5,044,022 4,850,473 4,779,863 4,768,996 4,527,370 4,474,998 4,454,424 4,432,183 4,393,253 4,389,696 4,361,968 4,357,621 4,348,912 4,337,444 4,299,943

                                Membership by age sections

Ma^Z[lhenm^Û`nk^l`bo^bgm^k- ^lmbg`bglb`aml':lfZkd^mlaZk^ 450000 Zek^Z]rbg]b\Zm^]

200000 ?nkma^k]hpgma^`kZiama^Ik^& 150000 \n[l%L^gbhkL\hnmlZg]Kho^kl play more or less in the same Membership number 100000 [ZeeiZkd'Kho^klZg]L^gbhk 50000 l\hnmlaZo^\ehl^]ma^`Zipbma Ik^&\n[lbg+))1cnlmZlL\hnml 0 ]b]pbma

Ehhdbg`fhk^bg]^mZbeZmma^ gnf[^kli^kZ`^l^\mbhgp^l^^ maZmh_ZeeZ`^l^\mbhglma^nkh- i^ZgK^`bhgPHLF\Zga^g\^ 0.90% lmZm^maZmfhk^maZg*h_ma^ mZk`^mihineZmbhgblZf^f[^k' MablblghmZ[Z]Û`nk^'Ma^mabk] 0.70% eZk`^lmngbmZk^ma^L^gbhkL\hnml _heehp^]ZmeZlm[rma^Kho^kl' 0.50% Ik^&\n[lZk^ghmmZd^gnibgmabl

Market share in percent `kZia[^\Znl^hgerZfbghkbmr 0.30% h_GLHlaZo^ma^Ik^&

Cubs Scouts Senior Scouts Rovers r^Zkl"bllh[b`maZmZfZkd^m laZk^Û`nk^blghmk^e^oZgm' FZkd^mlaZk^i^kZ`^l^\mbhg Bg+))1Kho^k%L\hnmlZlp^ee ZlL^gbhkL\hnmlbg\k^Zl^]ma^ fZkd^mlaZk^lb`gbÛ\Zgmerpa^k^Zl

Country NSA - 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 25+ Austria PPö FOS LS Belgium SGV SGP Bosnia SIBiH Bulgaria OBS Croatia SIH Cyprus CSA Czech Rep. Junak KFUM DDS Denmark DBS KNSK FS Estonia Esü Finland SP-FS EEdF EEIdF France SGdF SMF EEUdF BdP Germany DPSG VCP Greece SHP Hungary MC Iceland BiS Ireland SI AGESCI Italy CNGEI Latvia LGSCO Liechtenstein PPL Lithuania FNEL Luxembourg LGS FYROM SIM Malta TSAM Monaco AGSM Netherlands SN NSF Norway YMCA Poland ZHP CNE Portugal AEP Romania ONCR Serbia SIS Slovakia SS Slovenia ZTS MSC Spain ASDE EC Sweden SS Switzerland MSdS Turkey TIF UK TSA The membership of the Region by age sections

         :mma^]Zm^h_ma^eZm^lmh_Û\bZe \^glnl!+))2"%ma^>nkhi^Zg L\hnmK^`bhgaZ]ma^Z`^lmkn\- ture presented in the graph on    ma^e^_m'  Ho^kZee%bmblZk^eZmbo^erp^ee]bl-  mkb[nm^]f^f[^klabi%pbma hger   -.h_f^f[^kl!h_ZmhmZe    ^q\en]bg`ohengm^^kl"ng]^kma^   Z`^h_**Zg]ma^k^lmh_..  ho^kmaZmZ`^'

Ahp^o^k%bghk]^kmhbg\k^Zl^ ma^^__^\mbo^g^llh_hnkphkdZg]   Z\ab^o^hnkFbllbhg%p^lahne]  ZbfmhaZo^fhk^f^f[^klbgma^ he]^kZ`^l^\mbhgl'Ma^`khpma bgjnZebmrh_hnkikhoblbhgblZelh f^ZlnkZ[e^bgma^ho^kZee[Ze-   Zg\^h_ma^Z`^l^\mbhgl'                     HgZo^kZ`^%ma^k^blhg^oheng- m^^k_hk^Z\a.'+rhng`i^hie^  bgma^K^`bhg'Mabl_heehplZ`^g-             ^kZe ni mk^g]%ebgd^]ikh[Z[er pbmama^]^\k^l^bgma^gnf[^k h_ohengm^^klbgma^fZchkbmrh_ >nkhi^ZgGLHl'

Young members/Volunteer Ma^k^Zk^\^kmZbgeran`^oZkb- 5.4 ZmbhglZ\\hk]bg`mhma^Z`^ 5.3 l^\mbhgl%ma^\hngmkb^laZobg` 5.2 [b``^krhng`Z`^l^\mbhglZelh 5.1 aZobg`Zgbg\k^Zl^]gnf[^kh_ 5 ohengm^^kl'Ahp^o^k%Zlma^k^bl 4.9 gh\^glnlhgma^ohengm^^kli^k 4.8 Z`^l^\mbhgbmbl]b_Û\nemmhaZo^ 4.7 ]h\nf^gm^]\hg\enlbhgl' 4.6 4.5 4.4 Y2004 Y2005 Y2006 Y2007 Y2008 Y2009 Age sections percentages in Europe

Bgma^`kZialhgmabliZ`^rhn\Zgl^^ma^  Mhi*) h_ma^\hngmkb^lZ\\hk]bg`mhma^ ;^Zo^kL\hnml i^k\^gmZ`^h_^Z\aZ`^l^\mbhg_khfma^bkmhmZe  f^f[^klabi!^q\e'ohengm^^kl"' Ma^mph`kZialZmma^[hmmhfehhdZmma^Mhi  *)[rZ]]bg`Zeef^f[^klng]^kZg]ho^kma^   Z`^h_**'  Ikh[Z[erghmlnkikblbg`mhl^^maZmma^g^p-   ^lm!Zg]lfZee"Zllh\bZmbhglbg\hngmkb^l_khf        >Zlm^kg>nkhi^aZo^ma^[b``^lmi^k\^gmZ`^h_  Z]he^l\^gmlZg]ihlm&Z]he^l\^gmlpa^k^Zlma^  eZk`^%p^ee&^lmZ[ebla^]%GLHlm^g]mhZmmkZ\mZ            ehmfhk^;^Zo^klZg]




O^gmnk^L\hnml Kho^kl  



Ho^kZee\abe]k^gng]^k** Ho^kZeerhng`i^hie^ho^k**  




                         Volunteers and professionals in Scouting


 !   ! !    !  ! !   ! !!      !                          

 Mhi*)\hngmkb^li^kgnf[^kh_ikh_^llbhgZel :mma^]Zm^h_ma^eZm^lm\^glnl  !+))2"ma^k^p^k^cnlmho^k +.)%)))ohengm^^klbgL\hnmbg`  bg>nkhi^'  Ho^kaZe_h_ma^fZk^k^`blm^k^] bgcnlm-\hngmkb^l!ND%@^kfZgr%    BmZerZg]?kZg\^"'

  Ma^k^Zk^ho^k/))PHLFikh-  _^llbhgZelk^`blm^k^]bg>nkhi^%        fhk^maZgaZe_[^bg`^fiehr^]  bg?kZg\^%IheZg]Zg]ND'            

" KZmbhrhng`f^f[^kl(ohengm^^klbg>LK  


" $  % $ $  #$#! ##"%"# "!" " "!%!% ! $ # " !              % # "  $ $                                                         Gender distribution in the European Scout Region

Ma^`^g]^k]blmkb[nmbhg]ZmZblo^kr aZk]mhbgm^kik^m`bo^gma^_Z\mmaZm fZgrGLHlZk^[hmaf^f[^klh_   PHLFZg]P:@@@LZg]%ma^k^- _hk^%]hghm]^\eZk^ma^bk_^fZe^ f^f[^klabibgPHLF\^glnl^l'  

?hkmablk^Zlhg%Zg]_hk\hfiZkblhg we will show in parallel the gender lbmnZmbhg[hma_hkZeeGLHlbgma^K^- `bhgZlp^eeZlma^lmZmblmb\l\hg\^kg- @^g]^klmkn\mnk^>LKZeeGLHlbg\en]^] bg`PHLF&hgerGLHl'Ma^gZmnk^ h_ma^]ZmZln[fbmm^]bgma^\^glnl pbeefZd^bmbfihllb[e^mhl^iZkZm^ ma^gnf[^klh_PHLF&hgerGL:l

pbmabgma^_^]^kZmbhgllhp^pbeemZd^   bgmhZ\\hngmhgerma^\hngmkb^lpa^k^   ma^^gmbk^GLHblZPHLF&hger f^f[^kZg]mahl^pa^k^ma^GLH blZlni^k&L:@GH!]^\eZkbg`[hma ma^_^fZe^Zg]ma^fZe^f^f[^klmh PHLFpabe^[^bg`ZelhZf^f[^k h_P:@@@L"' @^g]^klmkn\mnk^>LKPHLF&hgerGLHl!^q\e'ND" :elh%Zlma^Zllh\bZmbhgbgNDk^i- k^l^gmlln\aZan`^i^k\^gmZ`^h_

ma^PHLF&hgerf^f[^klabibgma^   K^`bhgZg]%manl%bml`^g]^k[ZeZg\^ pbeebgÜn^g\^ma^ho^kZeelmZmblmb\%bm pbee[^Zelhik^l^gm^]l^iZkZm^er'   :l_hkma^Z]he^l\^gmf^f[^klabi%bm bl\e^ZkmaZmma^g^pZg]lfZeeZl- lh\bZmbhgl_khf>Zlm^kg>nkhi^aZo^ Zfn\aab`a^ki^k\^gmZ`^h_`bkelbg ma^bkf^f[^klabi' @^g]^klmkn\mnk^ND

  Mhi*) `bkelf^f[^klabi Mhi*) `bkelf^f[^klabi  !Z[lhenm^gnf[^kl" !i^k\^gmZ`^_khfmhmZef^f[^klabi"   

                                                     Gender structure by age sections

; Ma^`^g]^klmkn\mnk^i^kZ`^l^\mbhg`bo^l C Zgbgm^klmbg`bglb`am' S O Ho^kZee!bg\en]bg`ma^PHLFf^f[^klh_ R L:@GHl"bml^^flmaZmma^k^Zk^fhk^`bkel bgL\hnmbg`bgma^he]^kZ`^l^\mbhgl'

MablblZelhoblb[e^bgma^NDpa^k^ma^k^bl Z\e^Zkikh`k^llbhgbgma^i^k\^gmZ`^h_ @^g]^klmkn\mnk^i^kZ`^l^\mbhg!>LKho^kZee" `bkelpbmama^Z]oZfg\^f^gmbgZ`^'

Bgma^PHLFhgerGLHlbml^^flmaZmma^ ikhihkmbhgh_`bkelblfhk^lmZ[e^Z\khllma^ Z`^l^\mbhgl!pbmama^^q\^imbhglh_;^Z- o^kl%pa^k^ma^rm^g]mh[^ho^kgnf[^k^] [r[hrl^o^krpa^k^"'

Ma^`^g]^k]blmkb[nmbhgh_ma^Z]nemoheng- m^^klk^`blm^k^]bgPHLFbg>nkhi^lahpl ; Zk^eZmbo^er[ZeZg\^],)&0)!mabl[^Zk- C bg`bgfbg]maZmfZgr_^fZe^e^Z]^klZk^ S ghmk^ihkm^]bgma^PHLF\^glnl"' O R



  ; C S O R

@^g]^klmkn\mnk^i^kZ`^l^\mbhgND @^g]^klmkn\mnk^Z]nemohengm^^kl

Membership Albania development 2005-10 Cub Scouts + 2 %

Total youth Scouts population 0.13% Albania WOSM Beslidhja Skaut Albania Senior S.

Rovers WOSM membership 2010

*//1 Overall Overall                                          !!                                                                      

Cub Scouts Cub Scouts                                       !"                                                                                 Scouts Scouts                                          !#                                                                       Venture Scouts Venture Scouts                             $&                                                                                   Rovers Rovers                            $%                                                                                    Member Rank in Europe Rank in Europe (absolute numbers) (markeshare)

600 1800 Albania has not reported any 1600 new membership numbers. 500 1400 It therefore also does not make Total membership sense to interprete the numbers. 400 1200 Besides the poor membership 1000 follow-up, the low overall num- 300 800 bers are a cause for concern.

200 600 Follow-up measures by the 400 Region have shown that the 100 declared numbers might not be a 200

Membership per age section mkn^k^Ü^\mbhgh_ma^k^Zebmr' 0 0 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Growth is likely as a conse- quence of new groupings joining BSA and true enhancement of the youth programme.

0.20 “There is great potential for

0.15 Scouting in Albania based upon a diverse and young population. The key would be 0.10 identifying appropriate lead- ership with effective training

age sections 0.05 and support” David McKee, Regional Direc-

0.00 tor Marketshare percentage per 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Membership development Austria 2005-10

+ 0.3 % Cub Scouts

Total youth population Austria 1.54% Scouts WOSM I_Z]Ûg]^kng] Senior S. I_Z]Ûg]^kbgg^g¥lm^kk^b\al Rovers WOSM membership 2010

Overall Overall *)+0.                      #$                                      ##                                            

  Cub Scouts Cub Scouts                       !"                                      ##                                             Scouts Scouts                      !"                                         #!                                                Venture Scouts Venture Scouts               #%                                                  #&                                           Rovers Rovers                   #$                                      %                                                    Member Rank in Europe Rank in Europe (absolute numbers) (markeshare)

4,000 12000 Both the membership mumber and the marketshare have re- 3,500 10000 mained quite stable in Austria.

3,000 Total membership 8000 MablfZrk^Ü^\mZk^g^pZeh_ 2,500 the training scheme facilitated by a Partnership Fund grant but 2,000 6000

equally the Association is well 1,500 represented in international 4000 events which are attractive to 1,000 the older age ranges. 2000 500 Membership per age section 0 0 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 In autumn 2010, the association carried out a survey about the image of Scouting in Austria. 500 Scouts (aged 12-19) and 500 randomly selected young 3.00 people were interviewed about the way Scouting in perceived. 2.50 The outcomes (published on the 2.00 Zllh\bZmbhglp^[lbm^"lahp^]

maZm0+h_ma^f^f[^klbgm^g] 1.50 to stay in the association for the foreseeble future and more 1.00 maZg2)]^\eZk^]maZmma^rk^ age sections proud to be Scouts. 0.50

0.00 Marketshare percentage per 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Membership Belgium development 2005-10 Beaver Scouts + 8.2 % Cub Scouts Total youth population 2.97% Belgium WOSM Guidisme et Scoutisme en Scouts Belgique Senior S. Rovers WOSM membership 2010

2/.2- Overall Overall    "                                                         !                                                        Cub Scouts Cub Scouts   &                                                         "                                                     Scouts Scouts    "                                                                                                                #  Venture Scouts Venture Scouts      '                                                       !                                                     Rovers Rovers                  $'                                                             $%                                Member Rank in Europe Rank in Europe (absolute numbers) (markeshare)

35,000 120000

30,000 100000 Total membership 25,000 80000 20,000 Both market share and member- 60000 ship numbers are increasing 15,000 indicating a healthy membership 40000 10,000 evolution. This is further sup- ported by the overall high level 20000 5,000 of market share. Membership per age section 0 0 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

7.00 The numbers in this document

6.00 concern WOSM members of the following associations of the 5.00 Belgium Guide and Scout Fed-

4.00 eration:  FOS Open Scouting (SAGNO) 3.00  Les Scouts (WOSM)

2.00  Scouts en Gidsen Vlaanderen age sections (SAGNO) 1.00  Scouts et Guides Pluralistes

0.00 de Belgique (SAGNO) Marketshare percentage per 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Membership development Bosnia-Hertzegovina 2005-10 - 37 %

LZoc^mbsobŎZądbahk`ZgbsZ\b- ja u Bosni i Hercegovini WOSM membership 2009

Overall Overall *+,,                                              !"                                                                 

Cub Scouts Cub Scouts

                                           !"                                                                        Scouts Scouts                                               !"                                                                    Venture Scouts Venture Scouts                                          !!                                                                      Rovers Rovers                                         !#                                                                       Member Rank in Europe Rank in Europe (absolute numbers) (markeshare)

1,200 2000

1800 Over the whole period only in 1,000 +))1g^pf^f[^klabignf[^kl 1600 Total membership were reported. Therefore this 1400 800 resulted in a sharp decrease 1200 \ab^Ürbgma^

be calculated. Membership per age section 0 0 The situation is not helped by the 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 fact that the constituent parts of the fedearion work separately.

The numbers in this document concern WOSM members of the following associations of the Bosnia and Herzegovina Scout Federation:  KYn]rArnaŁYăY>]\]jY[ab]

Bosne i Hercegovine age sections  KYn]rArnaŁYăYJ]hmZdac] Kjhkc] Marketshare percentage per Membership Bulgaria development 2005-10 Cub Scouts - 38 % Scouts Total youth population 0.13% Bulgaria WOSM Organizatsia Na Bulgarskite Skauty Senior S. Rovers WOSM membership 2009

1,) Overall Overall                                   #"                                                             !#               

Cub Scouts Cub Scouts

                                                   !"                                      #%                             Scouts Scouts                           #!                                                               #&                       Venture Scouts Venture Scouts                              #%                                                                 !$                 Rovers Rovers                                       !$                                                     #"                   Member Rank in Europe Rank in Europe (absolute numbers) (markeshare)

1,800 3000

1,600 2500 1,400 Total membership

1,200 2000

1,000 1500 800 Until 2009 membership numbers ]^\ebg^]lb`gbÛ\Zgmer[nmma^ 600 1000 marketshare remained stable. 400 The decline of membership 500 numbers can be explained by a 200

Membership per age section population decline. 0 0 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 In 2010, the association in Bulgaria reported a decrese of fhk^maZg.)pab\akZbl^l questions regarding the rel- evance of previous data. 0.50 The low overall market share 0.40 bg]b\Zm^lZlb`gbÛ\Zgmihm^gmbZe to grow. 0.30

0.20 age sections 0.10

0.00 Marketshare percentage per 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Membership development

- 10 % Cub Scouts

Total youth population 0.33% Scouts Croatia WOSM Senior S. Savez izvidaca Hrvatske Rovers WOSM membership 2010

Overall Overall ,-1+                                 !#                                                       !#                      

Cub Scouts Cub Scouts                            !"                                                         !"                              Scouts Scouts                                   !#                                                         !#                       Venture Scouts Venture Scouts                                  !$                                                         !$                     Rovers Rovers                               !#                                               !%                                  Member Rank in Europe Rank in Europe (absolute numbers) (markeshare)

1,400 6000

1,200 5000



0.00 Marketshare percentage per 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Membership

Cub Scouts + 40 %

Total youth population 2.26% Cyprus WOSM Scouts Soma Proskopon Kyproi

Senior S. Rovers WOSM membership 2010

.,+, Overall Overall                           !#                                    $                                                 

  Cub Scouts Cub Scouts                          !"                                 #                                                     

   Scouts Scouts                            !!                                      %                                               Venture Scouts Venture Scouts                           !#                                    &                                                   Rovers Rovers

                                                                                                                Member Rank in Europe Rank in Europe (absolute numbers) (markeshare)

3,000 6000

2,500 5000 Total membership

2,000 4000

1,500 3000

1,000 2000

500 1000 Ma^

Nevertheless the last reported gnf[^kllahpZlb`gbÛ\Zgm increase in market share, which 6.00 would indicate a growing reten- tion of youth members. 5.00



2.00 age sections


0.00 Marketshare percentage per 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Membership development

- 18 % Cub Scouts

Total youth population Czech 0.65% Republic WOSM Scouts Cng§d&loZsldZnmœZldZnm^d Senior S. Rovers WOSM membership 2010

Overall Overall +*2*-                  !#                                                           !%                                    Cub Scouts Cub Scouts 

                     !"                                                        $&                                  Scouts Scouts                     !#                                                 !'                                             Venture Scouts Venture Scouts 

                                                                                                                Rovers Rovers            !$                                                           !'                                        Member Rank in Europe Rank in Europe (absolute numbers) (markeshare)

9,000 30000

The membership numbers have 8,000 25000 ]^\ebg^]lb`gbÛ\Zgmer[^mp^^g 7,000 +))-Zg]+))2[nmZk^o^kl^ Total membership trend is shown in 2010 which 6,000 20000 fZrk^Ü^\mma^bfiZ\mh_ma^ 5,000 15000 renewal of the youth programme 4,000 for all age sections. 3,000 10000

The total marketshare went 2,000 down further. However looking 5000 1,000

at the detailed numbers there Membership per age section Zk^lb`gbÛ\Zgm]b__^k^gmmk^g]l 0 0 for the individual age sections. 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 The Senior Scout section has ]khii^]mhs^khbg+))/Zg] has been added to the Scout l^\mbhgmaZmlahplZlb`gbÛ\Zgm 1.75 increase. 1.50 In recent years the market share 1.25 numbers are stable indicating that the NSO has been able to 1.00 buck the negative trend. This is 0.75 visible in all age sections report- 0.50 ed in 2010, where all numbers age sections (with exception of volunteers) 0.25 are growing. 0.00 Marketshare percentage per 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Membership Denmark development 2005-10

Beaver Scouts Cub Scouts + 6.8 %

Total youth population 2.19% Denmark Scouts WOSM Fællesrådet for Danmarks Drengespejdere Senior S. Rovers WOSM membership 2010

.*/*0 Overall Overall

           !$                                                     #                                                    Cub Scouts Cub Scouts                !"                                                     !%                                          Scouts Scouts         #                                                    &                                                         Venture Scouts Venture Scouts            !$                                                "                                                    Rovers Rovers            !$                                                  '                                                   Member Rank in Europe Rank in Europe (absolute numbers) (markeshare)

25,000 60000 Membership numbers declined 50000 20,000 ho^kma^i^kbh]+))-&+))1[nm

Total membership through hard work based on a 40000 correct analysis of the situation, 15,000 positive thinking and support 30000 mechanisms the trend has been

10,000 k^o^kl^]pbmaZ+)bg\k^Zl^ 20000 between 2009 and 2010. Each of the major associations 5,000 10000 have had large international camps and a successful centen- Membership per age section 0 0 ery celebration brought all the 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 associations together in a joint event.

The numbers in this document

6.00 concern WOSM members of the following associations of the 5.00 =ZgblaL\hnm

2.00  ?jÍfdYf\kKh]b\]jcgjhk (SA-

age sections GNO) 1.00  >ÍjgqYKc¶lYj¦ö (WOSM)  C>ME%Kh]b\]jf]a

Marketshare percentage per (WOSM) 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Membership development Estonia 2005-10

Cub Scouts

+ 46 % Scouts

Total youth population 0.39% Senior S. Estonia WOSM

Rovers Eesti Skautide Ühing

WOSM membership 2010

Overall Overall *-.1                                           !$                                         %$                           

Cub Scouts Cub Scouts                                                  !"                                              !&                  Scouts Scouts                                               !#                                       %$                             Venture Scouts Venture Scouts                                         !%                                      %'                                Rovers Rovers                           %!                                         '$                                            Member Rank in Europe Rank in Europe (absolute numbers) (markeshare)

700 1600

600 1400

1200 Total membership 500 Membership numbers in Estonia 1000 are on the rise supported by an 400 even bigger increase in market 800 share. This points to a healthy 300 evolution. 600 200 400 The low total membership num- [^klZk^k^Ü^\mbo^h_ma^^magb\ 100 200 Membership per age section makeup of the country. 0 0 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Estonia hosted the 2011 edition 1.00 of the annual gathering of the Friends of Scouting in Europe. 0.80 The 5 elected members of the Board of European Scout Foun- 0.60 ]Zmbhgmh`^ma^kpbma,.h_ma^ most active supporters of Scout- 0.40 ing in Europe met for a long age sections weekend to discuss further ways 0.20 to fundraise and support the work of European NSAs. 0.00 Marketshare percentage per 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Membership Finland development 2005-10 Cub Scouts + 95 %

Total youth population 3.60% Scouts Finland WOSM Suomen Partiolaiset Finlands Scouter ry Senior S. Rovers WOSM membership 2010

./)), Overall Overall

       #                                                   &                                                     

Cub Scouts Cub Scouts              !!                                                 '                                                        Scouts Scouts

    "                                                      &                                                      Venture Scouts Venture Scouts (         !%                                                                                                       Rovers Rovers       $                                                   &                                                       Member Rank in Europe Rank in Europe (absolute numbers) (markeshare)

25,000 60000 ?bgeZg]lahplZlb`gbÛ\Zgm increase in membership numbers 50000 20,000 bg+))1'Mabl\Zg[^mhmZeerZm- Total membership tributed to the fact that as from 40000 +))1?bgeZg]Zelhk^`blm^k^]bml 15,000 female members to WOSM. 30000 10,000 Looking at the evolution before 20000 Zg]Z_m^k+))1%Zleb`am]^- cline in membership numbers 5,000 10000 and market share can be seen (sharper in the period 2005- Membership per age section 0 0 +))0"' 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 This seems to be changing in 2010, when an increase of khn`aer*)))f^f[^klblk^- ported. 7.00


5.00 Finland will host the 2012 edi- tion of Jgn]joYq k]]&^]]d& 4.00 ^gddgo !. Based on the previous 3.00 experiences from Portugal. Italy

2.00 and Iceland this might have a age sections positive impact on the last age 1.00 section membership.

0.00 Marketshare percentage per 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Membership development France 2005-10 Beaver Scouts

+ 21 % Cub Scouts

Total youth population 0.34% WOSM France Scouts Scoutisme Français Senior S.

Rovers WOSM membership 2010

Overall Overall 0.,1*     #                                                                                  %#                        

Cub Scouts Cub Scouts       !                                                                                %&                             Scouts Scouts          "                                                                                                           %!   Venture Scouts Venture Scouts     !                                                                              %&                              Rovers Rovers        $                                                                             %!                           Member Rank in Europe Rank in Europe (absolute numbers) (markeshare)

25,000 80000

The membership numbers in 70000 France are showing an increase. 20,000 60000 Total membership The positive trend has been 50000 maintained year on year. 15,000

40000 The increase in total market 10,000 laZk^blZk^Ü^\mbhgh_ma^k^&]^_- 30000 inition of young volunteers: from 20000 +))1Zeeohengm^^kl_Zeeng]^k 5,000 Senior Scouts, which impacts the 10000

market share positively. Membership per age section 0 0 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

The numbers in this document concern WOSM members of the following associations of the Scoutisme Français: 0.60  Eclaireuses et Eclaireurs de 0.50 France (SAGNO)

 Eclaireuses et Eclaireurs is- 0.40 raélites de France (SAGNO)  Eclaireuses et Eclaireurs un- 0.30 ionistes de France (SAGNO)  Scouts et Guides de France 0.20 (SAGNO) age sections 0.10  K[gmlkEmkmdeYfk\]>jYf[] (SAGNO) 0.00 Marketshare percentage per 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Membership Macedonia (FYRO) development 2005-10 Cub Scouts 0 %

Total youth Scouts population 0.36% FYROM WOSM Sojuz na Izvidnici na Makedonija Senior S.

Rovers WOSM membership 2010

*2/+ Overall Overall                                     !$                                                   "&                      

  Cub Scouts Cub Scouts                                          !"                                                  "#                        Scouts Scouts                                         "#                                              "'                         Venture Scouts Venture Scouts                         "%                                                            "(                            Rovers Rovers

                                                                                                                Member Rank in Europe Rank in Europe (absolute numbers) (markeshare)

800 2500

700 Ma^gnf[^klZk^ÜZmho^kma^^g- 2000 tire period indicating that Mac-

600 Total membership edonia (FYRO) has not reported Zgrg^pÛ`nk^l' 500 1500

400 Eurostat was not able either to

1000 provide recent polutation data 300 so that also market share data

200 can not be interpreted. 500 100 Ma^k^aZl[^^glb`gbÛ\Zgm Membership per age section changes in the management of 0 0 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 the association who have yet to determine an effective strategy for development.




0.20 age sections 0.10

0.00 Marketshare percentage per 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Membership development Germany 2005-10 Beaver Scouts - 1.3 % Cub Scouts

Total youth Scouts population 0.53% Germany WOSM Senior S. Ring deutscher I_Z]Ûg]^ko^k[ªg]^ Rovers WOSM membership 2010

Overall Overall **,1,0  #                                                                                #"                             

Cub Scouts Cub Scouts        !                                                                              #"                              Scouts Scouts   "                                                                              ##                                   Venture Scouts Venture Scouts

   !                                                                             #$                                Rovers Rovers  $                                                                  $"                                             Member Rank in Europe Rank in Europe (absolute numbers) (markeshare)

50,000 140000

45,000 120000 40,000 100000 Total membership The absolute membership num- 35,000 30,000 ber in Germany is relatively 80000 lmZ[e^pab\ablk^Ü^\mbo^h_Zg 25,000 60000 increase of market share, due to 20,000 the fall in youth population. 15,000 40000 The trends on membership 10,000 20000 growth vary between the differ- 5,000 Membership per age section ent associations in Germany. 0 0 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

The numbers in this document 1.20 concern WOSM members of 1.00 the following associations of the

German Scout Federation: 0.80  :mf\\]jH^Y\Úf\]jaff]f mf\H^Y\Úf\]j(SAGNO) 0.60  <]mlk[`]H^Y\Úf\]jk[`Y^l KYfcl?]gj_(WOSM) 0.40  N]jZYf\;`jaklda[`]jH^Y\- age sections 0.20 Úf\]jaff]fmf\H^Y\Úf\]j

(SAGNO) 0.00 Marketshare percentage per 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Membership Greece development 2005-10

Cub Scouts + 7.5 %

Total youth population 0.57% Greece WOSM Scouts Soma Hellinon Proskopon Senior S. Rovers WOSM membership 2010

*.+1/ Overall Overall                      !#                                                         &%                               

  Cub Scouts  Cub Scouts                  !"                                                           !#                                 

   Scouts Scouts                        !#                                                          &!                               Venture Scouts Venture Scouts           !$                                                         !'                                           Rovers Rovers                                       $%                                                       &#                 Member Rank in Europe Rank in Europe (absolute numbers) (markeshare)

7,000 18000 The absolute membership num- 16000 bers in Greece is very stable 6,000 showing a payback on the con- 14000 Total membership centration on developing Scout- 5,000 12000 ing in new areas to celebrate the <^gm^gZkrh_ma^Zllh\bZmbhgbg 4,000 10000 2010. 3,000 8000

6000 However, the 2010 census shows 2,000 a slight decrease in membership 4000 across age sections (with the ex- 1,000 2000 ception of the newly introduced Membership per age section 0 0 Rover age section). 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Overall, the average market- share change is positive in the eZlm/r^Zkl'





0.40 age sections


0.00 Marketshare percentage per 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Membership development Hungary 2005-10

Beaver Scouts - 28 % Cub Scouts

Total youth population 0.26% Scouts Hungary WOSM

Senior S. FZ`rZk

Rovers WOSM membership 2010

Overall Overall 1)21                           !$                                                                     "!               

Cub Scouts Cub Scouts

                       !!                                                               !'                            Scouts Scouts                                                      "#                                                   "(          Venture Scouts Venture Scouts

              %&                                                                         !'                         Rovers Rovers                        !!                                                               !'                         Member Rank in Europe Rank in Europe (absolute numbers) (markeshare)

3,500 10000 The irregular reporting of mem- 9000 [^klabi]ZmZf^ZglmaZmbml 3,000 ]b_Û\nemmh]kZpk^e^oZgm\hg\en- 8000 Total membership sions. 2,500 7000

6000 It seems that the association 2,000 is relatively stable in terms of 5000 1,500 numbers but has great potential 4000 for growth. 1,000 3000 2000

are allocated to various age Membership per age section sections led to some erratic data 0 0 [^mp^^g+)).Zg]+))1'Mabl 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 seems to be “back to normal” in the last two years.



Ang`Zkrahlm^]ma^-ma^]bmbhg 0.70 of the =mjgh]YfK[gmlKqehg- 0.60 kame, one of the most important 0.50 steps in the preparation of the K^`bhgZeL\hnmIeZg+)*)&+)*,% 0.40 with over 100 participants rep- 0.30 age sections k^l^gmbg`.->nkhi^ZgZllh\bZ- 0.20 tions. 0.10

0.00 Marketshare percentage per 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Membership Iceland development 2005-10 Beaver Scouts - 33 %

Total youth Cub Scouts population 1.40% Iceland WOSM

Scouts Bandalag íslenskra skáta Senior S. Rovers WOSM membership 2011

-*.,# Overall Overall                                            #%                         '&                                               Cub Scouts Cub Scouts

                                !"                               ''                                               Scouts Scouts

                                                                               !(                                   #$  Venture Scouts Venture Scouts

                                        ##                                ')                                      Rovers Rovers                                           #&                             '$                                        Member Rank in Europe Rank in Europe (absolute numbers) (markeshare)

800 1600 B\^eZg]lahplZlb`gbÛ\Zgm 700 1400 decrease (in percentage) over ma^i^kbh]+))0&+))1'Ahp^o^k%

600 1200 Total membership in real terms, this only meant

500 1000 h_]b__^k^g\^h_e^llmaZg,)) members, which was quickly 400 800 recovered in the year after.

300 600 This, combined with an increase 200 400 in the young population aged *-mh+.e^]mhZg^ohenmbhgh_ 100 200 &,,bgma^fZkd^mlaZk^%mahn`a Membership per age section 0 0 the absolute difference in mem- 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 [^klabiblhgerh_,*L\hnml'

Taking all this into account, the membership situation in Iceland is very stable. 5.00 B\^eZg]ahlm^]ma^,k]^]bmbhg

4.00 of Jgn]joYq Gh]fMh !, with more than 2500 young par-

3.00 ticipants from all over Europe gathering for 10 days of ex- changes, discoveries, learning 2.00 and fun all around the island.

age sections The event seem to have had a 1.00 positive impact on the quality of the programme for the last age 0.00 Marketshare percentage per 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 section in Iceland. * Starting from 2011 Iceland registers both female and male members to WOSM - this is the most up to date Û`nk^_hk;BL'Ahp^o^k%_hkma^lmZmblmb\l%ma^h_Û\bZeÛ`nk^h_+)*)!*%-.0"pZlnl^]' Membership development Ireland 2005-10 + 4.5 % Beaver Scouts

Cub Scouts Total youth population Ireland 3.47% WOSM


Senior S. WOSM membership 2010

Overall Overall -*-*,             !#                                                 $                                                 

Cub Scouts Cub Scouts             !!                                                     %                                                   Scouts Scouts                 !"                                                 $                                                    Venture Scouts Venture Scouts

            !#                                                     !!                                              Rovers Rovers

                                                                                                                Member Rank in Europe Rank in Europe (absolute numbers) (markeshare)

14,000 45000

After a strong decline in 2005 40000 on the account of Scout sec- 12,000 35000 tion all sections have increased 10,000 Total membership membership. Also the market 30000 share remains stable at a high 8,000 25000 level which indicates a healthy membership situation. 6,000 20000 15000 The launch of the new pro- 4,000 gramme in the last years led to 10000 2,000 an even more consistent increase 5000 Membership per age section in membership, showing the 0 0 clear link between the quality of 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 youth programme and member- ship retention.







age sections 2.00


0.00 Marketshare percentage per 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Membership Israel development 2005-10 0 %

AbmZa]nmAZMshÛf VeHaTzofot BeYisrael WOSM membership 2010

+/)1/ Overall Overall

        $                                                                                                            Cub Scouts Cub Scouts

    !                                                                                                            Scouts Scouts

                                                                                                                   "#  Venture Scouts Venture Scouts

           "%                                                                                                    Rovers Rovers    &                                                                                                             Member Rank in Europe Rank in Europe (absolute numbers) (markeshare)

14000 27000 Ma^gnf[^klZk^ÜZmho^kma^i^- kbh]+))-&+))2bg]b\Zmbg`maZm 26000 12000 BlkZ^eaZlghmk^ihkm^]ZgrÛ`-

25000 Total membership ures. The census of 2010 shows 10000 Zlb`gbÛ\Zgmbg\k^Zl^bggnf[^kl 24000 8000 !^q\^imohengm^^kl"k^Ü^\mbg` 23000 the revision of the fee payment 6000 agreement in operation. 22000 4000 21000 Eurostat was not able to provide recent polutation data so that 2000 20000 also market share data can not

Membership per age section be interpreted. 0 19000 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 The numbers in this document concern WOSM members of the following associations of the Israel Boy and Girl Scout Federa- tion:  @]Zj]oK[gml9kkg[aYlagf (SAGNO) 

- 2.4 % Cub Scouts

Total youth population Italy WOSM 0.74% Scouts Federazione Italiana dello Senior S. Scautismo Rovers WOSM membership 2010

Overall Overall 220/.   "                                                                         #$                                      Cub Scouts Cub Scouts 

 !                                                                         #$                                    Scouts Scouts  !                                                                           #%                                     Venture Scouts Venture Scouts 

                                                                                                                Rovers Rovers   "                                                             #&                                                 Member Rank in Europe Rank in Europe (absolute numbers) (markeshare)

40,000 120000

35,000 100000

30,000 Total membership Ma^f^f[^klabiÛ`nk^l_hkBmZer 80000 are quite stable and the differ- 25,000 ences from year to year rather small, for such a large organisa- 20,000 60000 tion. 15,000 40000 However, it should noted that 10,000 20000 +)*)blma^Ûklmr^Zkpa^gma^ 5,000

Italian Federation has reported Membership per age section ng]^k*)))))f^f[^kl' 0 0 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010


The numbers in this document 1.25 concern WOSM members of the following associations of the Ital- 1.00 ian Scout Federation: 0.75  9kkg[aYragf]?ma\]]K[gmlk

;Yllgda[aAlYdaYfa(SAGNO) 0.50

 ;gjhgFYragfYd]?agnYfa age sections Esploratori ed Esploratrici 0.25 Italiani (SAGNO) 0.00 Marketshare percentage per 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Membership Latvia development 2005-10 Cub Scouts - 1.8 %

Total youth Scouts population Latvia WOSM 0.06% Latvijas Skautu un Gaidu centrala organizacija Senior S. Rovers WOSM membership 2010

-/1 Overall Overall                                                  !$                                                !'                Cub Scouts Cub Scouts

                                               !"                                               !(                Scouts Scouts

                                                                                                                   !# !!  Venture Scouts Venture Scouts                                         !&                                                       !(                Rovers Rovers                                            !%                                                    !(               Member Rank in Europe Rank in Europe (absolute numbers) (markeshare)

300 600 Membership has declined by fhk^maZg*.ho^kma^i^kbh] 250 500 to less than 500 members. It

Total membership should be noted that the same 200 400 f^f[^klabiÛ`nk^lp^k^mhma^ \^glnlbg+))-%+)).Zg]+))/ 150 300 and this led to a large decline on +))0'Ma^k^pZlZo^kreZk`^ 100 200 ]^\ebg^bgma^

0.25 However, these can hardly be considered trends as they refer 0.20 to changes of 20-50 members.

0.15 Marketshare has remained [khZ]erÜZmZ\khllma^i^kbh]

0.10 with the exception of the Scout and Senior Scout section which age sections 0.05 has seen an increase.

0.00 Overall the very low numbers Marketshare percentage per 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 should be a cause for concern. Membership development Liechtenstein 2005-10

+ 14 % Cub Scouts

Total youth population 6.85% Liechtenstein Scouts WOSM I_Z]Ûg]^kng]I_Z]Ûg]^kbg- Senior S. nen Liechtensteins Rovers WOSM membership 2010

Overall Overall 0.+                                                !#         $                                                      

Cub Scouts Cub Scouts                                                            $                                                       !" 

Scouts Scouts                                                   !#         $                                                        Venture Scouts Venture Scouts                                            !"              $                                                       Rovers Rovers                                         !!                $                                                       Member Rank in Europe Rank in Europe (absolute numbers) (markeshare)

300 800

700 250

Althought the absolute num- 600 Total membership ber of membership is low, the 200 500 strength of the association should not be underestimated. 150 400

300 Liechtenstein has the highest 100 market share of all NSOs in the 200 European Region and on top of 50 that is even growing in terms of 100 marketshare and membership Membership per age section 0 0 numbers. 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010






4.00 age sections


0.00 Marketshare percentage per 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Membership Lithuania development 2005-10

Cub Scouts

Scouts + 47 %

Total youth population 0.24% Lithuania WOSM Senior S.

Rovers WOSM membership 2010

++11 Overall Overall                                         !$                                                      !&               

   Cub Scouts Cub Scouts                                               !"                                                   !!              

  Scouts Scouts                                       !#                                           $&                               Venture Scouts Venture Scouts                            $%                                                      $'                             Rovers Rovers                                 $"                                                  $%                            Member Rank in Europe Rank in Europe (absolute numbers) (markeshare)

1,200 2500

1,000 2000 During the period Lithuania

Total membership evolved positively. Both market 800 share and total numbers in- 1500 creased. 600

1000 However, each age section 400 behaved differently so the trends should be interpreted taking this 500 200 into account. Membership per age section 0 0 There were no new numbers 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 lbg\^+))1lhbmbl]b_Û\nemmh evaluate the current situation.






0.20 age sections


0.00 Marketshare percentage per 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Membership development Luxembourg 2005-10 - 5.8 % Beaver Scouts Cub Scouts

Total youth population 2.88% Luxembourg WOSM Scouts Luxembourg Boy Scouts Association Senior S. Rovers WOSM membership 2010

Overall Overall -/,-                          !$                                  &                                                   

Cub Scouts Cub Scouts                              !"                                 &                                                    Scouts Scouts                           !#                               #                                                         Venture Scouts Venture Scouts                                   !%                          '                                                   Rovers Rovers                            !"                              #                                                     Member Rank in Europe Rank in Europe (absolute numbers) (markeshare)

1,600 5,000

4,500 1,400 4,000

1,200 Total membership 3,500 1,000 3,000

800 2,500 Although total membership num- 2,000 bers are on the rise, the market 600 share is declining even though it 1,500 400 remains, overall, at a high level. 1,000 200 500 Membership per age section 0 0 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010


The numbers in this document 5.00 concern WOSM members of the following associations of the Lux- 4.00 embourg Boy Scout Federation:  >­\­jYlagfFYlagfYd]\]k 3.00

Eclaireurs et Eclaireuses du 2.00

Dmp]eZgmj_ (WOSM) age sections  D°lr]Zm]j_]j?ma\]fY 1.00 Scouten (SAGNO) 0.00 Marketshare percentage per 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Membership Malta development 2005-10 Beaver Scouts + 26 % Cub Scouts

Total youth population Malta 2.18% WOSM of Scouts

Malta Senior S. Rovers WOSM membership 2010

+2+* Overall Overall                                  !#                         '                                                    

   Cub Scouts Cub Scouts

                               !"                           $                                                      Scouts Scouts                                     !#                          %                                                      Venture Scouts Venture Scouts

                                     $&                         #                                                  Rovers Rovers                                           $%                                     !!                               Member Rank in Europe Rank in Europe (absolute numbers) (markeshare)

1,200 3500

3000 1,000 Total membership 2500 800 Overall membership has in- 2000 creased over the period but 600 when the effect of introducing 1500 ik^

Membership per age section Membership has increased all 0 0 across the age sections (with the 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 exception of Scouts), the high- est percentage being shown by Rovers.

The total market share shows 6.00 Zlb`gbÛ\Zgmbg\k^Zl^pab\a

5.00 translates to a healthy evolution of the entire association. The 4.00 introduction of pre-cubs had a eZk`^bgÜn^g\^hgma^f^f[^k- 3.00 ship evolution and their numbers continue to grow. 2.00 age sections


0.00 Marketshare percentage per 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Membership development Monaco 2005-10

Association des Guides et Scouts de Monaco WOSM membership 2010

Overall Overall -+                                                    !"                                                           

Cub Scouts Cub Scouts                                                       !"                                                            Scouts Scouts                                                    !"                                                                Venture Scouts Venture Scouts

                                              #$                                                                  Rovers Rovers

                                                                                                                Member Rank in Europe Rank in Europe (absolute numbers) (markeshare)

25 60

50 20 Total membership 40 15

30 The size of the numbers are too 10 small to discuss trends. 20

5 10 Membership per age section 0 0 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 age sections Marketshare percentage per Membership Montenegro development 2005-10

Cub Scouts - 12 %

Total youth population 0.65% Montenegro WOSM Scouts


*)*. Overall Overall                                             !#                                    $$                              

Cub Scouts Cub Scouts                                           !"                                         $"                                    Scouts Scouts                                        !"                                   "&                                      Venture Scouts Venture Scouts

                                                                                                                Rovers Rovers                                   $%                                      "'                                      Member Rank in Europe Rank in Europe (absolute numbers) (markeshare)

600 1120

1100 Until 2010 Montenegro only 500 k^ihkm^]gnf[^klbg+))0Zg]

1080 Total membership these have been extrapolated 400 1060 for the years after.

300 1040 In 2010, the association re- 1020 ihkm^]g^pÛ`nk^l%pab\alahp 200 a small decrease (despite the 1000 perception that the graph on 100 980 the left might induce, it is only a

Membership per age section ]^\k^Zl^h_lhf^0.L\hnml"' 0 960 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 The number of volunteers has never been reported.





0.50 age sections


0.00 Marketshare percentage per 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Membership development Netherlands 2005-10

Beaver Scouts

- 19 % Cub Scouts

Total youth population WOSM 0.99% Netherlands Scouts

Senior S.

Rovers WOSM membership 2010

Overall Overall -11,0          ""                                                               "#                                        Cub Scouts Cub Scouts 

      !                                                                   "#                                      Scouts Scouts          ""                                                                "#                                         Venture Scouts Venture Scouts 

         ""                                                          "$                                            Rovers Rovers       #                                                        #                                                   Member Rank in Europe Rank in Europe (absolute numbers) (markeshare)

25,000 70000

60000 20,000 Total membership 50000

15,000 The Netherlands show a sig- 40000 gbÛ\Zgm]^\ebg^[hmabgm^kfl 30000 of market share and absolute 10,000 numbers. This is mainly due to ZlaZki]^\ebg^bgma^




1.00 age sections 0.50

0.00 Marketshare percentage per 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Membership Norway development 2005-10 + 33 %

Total youth Cub Scouts population 0.92% Norway WOSM

Speidernes Scouts Fellesorganisasjon Rovers WOSM membership 2010

*0/)1 Overall Overall                    !#                                               !%                                                Cub Scouts Cub Scouts

                     !"                                          !&                                                 Scouts Scouts

                                                                                                                   !# !'  Venture Scouts Venture Scouts

                                                                                                                Rovers Rovers              !$                                                    !!                                              Member Rank in Europe Rank in Europe (absolute numbers) (markeshare)

9,000 25000


7,000 20000 Total membership Ma^]b__^k^gmpZrlh_]^Ûgbg` 6,000 15000 the age sections led to erratic 5,000 reporting over recent years. 4,000 This makes any analysis almost 10000 impossible. 3,000

2,000 5000 Overall the marketshare has bg\k^Zl^]lb`gbÛ\Zgmer%[nmma^ 1,000

Membership per age section absolute numbers seem to have 0 0 fallen slightly. 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010


4.00 The numbers in this document concern WOSM members of 3.00 the following associations of the Guides and Scouts of Norway: 2.00  Fgj_]kKh]a\]j^gjZmf\ (SA- GNO) age sections 1.00  Fgj_]kC>MC%C>ME%kh]a\]j] (SAGNO)

0.00 Marketshare percentage per 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Membership development Poland 2005-10 + 7.7 % Cub Scouts

Scouts Total youth population 0.55% Poland WOSM Senior S. Spbĵs^dAZk\^klmpZ Polskiego Rovers WOSM membership 2010

Overall Overall /)+11       $                                                                            !!                             

  Cub Scouts Cub Scouts 

      $                                                                       !"                                  Scouts Scouts                      "%                                                     !#                                       Venture Scouts Venture Scouts 

         "!                                                               "$                                      Rovers Rovers   &                                                                              !!                              Member Rank in Europe Rank in Europe (absolute numbers) (markeshare)

35000 80000

30000 70000

60000 Total membership 25000 50000 The last change in the member- 20000 ship numbers in Poland dates 40000 back to 2005 - which indicates 15000 that no census has been realised 30000 10000 since. 20000

5000 10000 Membership per age section 0 0 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010




age sections 0.40

0.00 Marketshare percentage per 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 U!i!y !!" Di!!!!ity Membership development Portugal 2005-10 + 2 % Cub Scouts

Total youth Scouts population 2.69% Portugal WOSM

Senior S. Federação Escotista de Portugal Rovers WOSM membership 2010

Overall Overall 0.,*)    #                                                       %                                                    

Cub Scouts Cub Scouts

      !                                                          &                                                      Scouts Scouts  

    "                                                        "                                                    Venture Scouts Venture Scouts

 $                                                       $                                                      Rovers Rovers      "                                                     $                                                      Member Rank in Europe Rank in Europe (absolute numbers) (markeshare)

25000 80000 During the period the member- ship numbers in Portugal have 70000 remained fairly stable. There 20000

60000 Total membership was a decline in 2005 followed 50000 by three years of increase after 15000 which the evolution turned nega- 40000 tive again. The membership 10000 Û`nk^lZg]fZkd^mlaZk^aZo^ 30000 slightly different evolution as the 20000 population of scout and senior 5000 scout age range have had a 10000

]^\ebg^bg+))-&+))1k^lnembg` Membership per age section in an increase in market shares 0 0 during those years. 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Ma^Ûklm^]bmbhgh_ma^>nkhi^Zg 5.00 and Rover event - Jgn- ]joYq%H]ghd]afEglagf was 4.00 a^e]bgIhkmn`Ze%bg+)),'Ma^ event, which set the standards 3.00 for all the subsequent ones, was a great success and let to an increased focus on the relevance 2.00 and quality of the programme age sections for the last age section all over 1.00 Europe. 0.00 Marketshare percentage per 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Membership Romania development 2005-10 Cub Scouts - 51 % Scouts

Total youth population 0.03% Romania WOSM Organizatia Nationala Senior S. <^k\^mZlbbKhfZgb^b Rovers WOSM membership 2010

*11/ Overall Overall                                       !#                                                             !&           

   Cub Scouts Cub Scouts                                            !"                                                         !'               Scouts Scouts                                          !!                                                          !'             Venture Scouts Venture Scouts

                          $!                                                                     !#                 Rovers Rovers                                 $%                                                              !#                 Member Rank in Europe Rank in Europe (absolute numbers) (markeshare)

2,000 6000

1,800 5000 The massive decrease in mem- 1,600 bership registered between Total membership 1,400 4000 +)),Zg]+)).bl^qieZbg^] 1,200 [rma^Zllh\Zmbhgl]^\blbhgmh tighten the membership manage- 1,000 3000 ment and start registering the 800 exact number of active Scouts. 2000 600

400 Lbg\^+))/ma^gnf[^klk^i- 1000 k^l^gmZ[^mm^kk^Ü^\mbhgh_ma^ 200

Membership per age section reality in the country. 0 0 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Ma^ÛklmGZmbhgZeCZf[hk^^lbg\^ the rebirth of the association in 0.20 1991 was organised in 2011, under the motto LYc]l`]F]pl Kl]h & 0.15 *.))L\hnml!lhf^1)h_ma^ total membership of the organi- 0.10 sation) gathered between 11 and 21 August on Saliste to mark this historical event, meant to revi- age sections 0.05 talise Scouting in Romania and bg\k^Zl^bmloblb[bebmr%ikhÛe^Zg] impact in the society. 0.00 Marketshare percentage per 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Membership development San Marino 2005-10

Associazione Guide e Esplor- Zmhkb

Overall Overall *-0                                                  !"                                                                Cub Scouts Cub Scouts 

                                                 !"                                                              Scouts Scouts                                                  !"                                                                 Venture Scouts Venture Scouts                                             #$                                                                    Rovers Rovers

                                                                                                                Member Rank in Europe Rank in Europe (absolute numbers) (markeshare)

70 180

160 60 140 Total membership 50 120

40 100 The size of the numbers are too 30 80 small to discuss trends. New 60 numbers have only been report- 20 ^]bg+))1' 40 10 20 Membership per age section 0 0 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 age sections Marketshare percentage per Membership Serbia development 2005-10 Cub Scouts - 26 %

Total youth Scouts population Serbia WOSM 0.23%

Senior S. LZo^sBsobŎZąZLk[bc^ Rovers WOSM membership 2010

,0-. Overall Overall                                !#                                                               %$                

Cub Scouts Cub Scouts

                               !"                                                             !&                         Scouts Scouts                                 !#                                                                %!               Venture Scouts Venture Scouts                        !$                                                            !'                           Rovers Rovers                        !$                                                         !%                              Member Rank in Europe Rank in Europe (absolute numbers) (markeshare)

2,500 6000 In order to remain relevant, only the numbers reported starting 5000 2,000 pbma+))0%pa^gma^L^k[bZgZl-

Total membership sociation separated from the one 4000 in Montenegro, have been taken 1,500 into account. 3000

1,000 The numbers reported show a 2000 lb`gbÛ\Zgm]^\k^Zl^bgZeel^\- tions except Rovers. 500 1000 Likewise the marketshare number dropped dramatically. Membership per age section 0 0 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 The volunteers number (15) rep- resents, most probably, an error in reporting. Ma^1maL^k[bZgGZmbhgZeCZf-

0.70 boree - KegljY*()), celebrating 100 years of Scouting in Serbia, 0.60 took place in the town of !abac,

0.50 west of Belgrade, on the shores of the Sava river. It was attend- 0.40 ^][rho^k+)))L\hnml_khf

0.30 Serbia and other countries. The event was a great success and it 0.20 age sections is hoped it will boost the image

0.10 of Scouting in Serbia and will contibute to further improve the 0.00

Marketshare percentage per programme in the association. 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Membership development Slovakia 2005-10 - 21 % Cub Scouts

Scouts Total youth population 0.19% Slovakia WOSM

Senior S. Slovensky skauting

Rovers WOSM membership 2010

Overall Overall ,*,)                            !$                                                               !"                       Cub Scouts Cub Scouts 

                                   !"                                                            '%                Scouts Scouts                               !#                                                              '(                      Venture Scouts Venture Scouts                       %"                                                        !(                                  Rovers Rovers                   %&                                                              !%                               Member Rank in Europe Rank in Europe (absolute numbers) (markeshare)

2,500 5000


The market share and total 2,000 4000 membership show a consider- Total membership able decline. There is reason for 3500 concern with the membership 1,500 3000 data. 2500

1,000 2000 Both the fact that numbers are only reported once every two 1500 years and the remarkable differ- 500 1000 ences in evoluation between age 500 Membership per age section sections might indicate that the 0 0 quality of the data is not high 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 enough.




age sections 0.15

0.00 Marketshare percentage per 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Membership Slovenia development 2005-10

Cub Scouts + 16 %

Total youth Scouts population 1.29% Slovenia WOSM Senior S. Zveza tabornikov Slovenije Total youth population Rovers WOSM membership 2010

.*/2 Overall Overall                          !!                                             #$                                       

Cub Scouts Cub Scouts

                            !"                                           #$                                                Scouts Scouts                           !"                                           #$                                          Venture Scouts Venture Scouts                         !#                                       #%                                                 Rovers Rovers                           !"                                       #!                                              Member Rank in Europe Rank in Europe (absolute numbers) (markeshare)

2,500 7000 There has been a decline in f^f[^klabih_fhk^maZg*) 6000 2,000 over the period. Marketshare

Total membership has remained broadly steady, 5000 with Scouts showing a small 1,500 4000 increase but is based on very small numbers so this is not 3000 1,000 statistically valid. Numbers for Senior Scouts and Volunteers 2000 appear to have declined dra- 500 fZmb\Zeerbg+))0[nmk^\ho^k^] 1000 bg+))1&mablblebd^ermh[^Zg Membership per age section error in reporting. The mem- 0 0 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 bership decline appears to be across all Sections with similar declines across the age ranges and amongst volunteers.


2.00 L`],(l`Ogjd\K[gml;gf^]j]f[] Yf\l`])*l`Ogjd\K[gmlQgml` 1.50 >gjmewill be organised in Slove- gbZ%bg+)*-%ZmEcn[ecZgZ>qab[b- 1.00 mbhgZg]

0.00 Marketshare percentage per 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Membership development Spain 2005-10

Beaver Scouts

+ 6.3 % Cub Scouts

Total youth population Spain 0.43% WOSM Scouts Federación de Escultismo en Senior S. España Rovers WOSM membership 2010

Overall Overall .-,.2         !"                                                                            #&                            

Cub Scouts Cub Scouts           !"                                                                           #&                             

Scouts Scouts              !#                                                                       #&                              Venture Scouts Venture Scouts       $                                                                 !'                                        Rovers Rovers        %                                                                           #&                             Member Rank in Europe Rank in Europe (absolute numbers) (markeshare)

16,000 70000

14,000 60000

=nkbg`ma^i^kbh]+))-&+))1 12,000 the membership numbers in 50000 Total membership Spain decreased slightly. Both 10,000 40000 market share and total numbers 8,000 declined, mainly due to the 30000 g^`Zmbo^^ohenmbhgh_

The trend has been overturned 2,000 10000

_khf+))1ngmbe+)*)%pbma[hma Membership per age section 0 0 absolute numbers and market- 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 share showing an increase.

The numbers in this document 0.80 concern WOSM members of

the following associations of the 0.60 Federation of Scouting in Spain:  Egnaea]flgK[gml;Yl¶da[g (WOSM) 0.40  >]\]jY[a¶f\]9kg[aY-

ciones de Scouts de España 0.20 (WOSM) age sections  >]\]jY[a¶;YlYdYfY \=k[gdlake]a?maYl_](SA- 0.00 GNO) Marketshare percentage per 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Membership Sweden development 2005-10 Beaver Scouts Cub Scouts - 13 %

Total youth population 1.46% Scouts Sweden WOSM

Svenska Scoutrådet Senior S.

Rovers WOSM membership 2010

-2*.. Overall Overall

          !$                                                        !$                                                Cub Scouts Cub Scouts

           !"                                                         !#                                           Scouts Scouts             !#                                                      !$                                                  Venture Scouts Venture Scouts

       &                                                     '                                                    Rovers Rovers         !%                                                     '                                                    Member Rank in Europe Rank in Europe (absolute numbers) (markeshare)

30,000 60000 Although Sweden has been able 25,000 50000 to increase membership number Total membership in the last years the overall trend 20,000 40000 is fairly negative. Numbers of the different age sections also 15,000 30000 vary a lot which might indicate some problems in reporting con- 10,000 20000 sistently and on the same basis every years. 5,000 10000 Membership per age section 0 0 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 The numbers in this document concern WOSM members of the following associations of the Lp^]blaL\hnmZg]@nb]^

5.00 cil:  Kn]fkcYK[gml^¹jZmf\]l (SA-

4.00 GNO)  Kn]fkcYEakkagfkcqjcYfk

3.00 Mf_\geK[gml (SAGNO)  C>MC%C>MEkK[gml^¹jZmf\

2.00 (SAGNO)  Fqcl]j`]lkj¹j]dk]fkK[gml^¹j- age sections 1.00 Zmf\(SAGNO)  >j©dkfaf_kYje­fkK[gml^¹j-

0.00 Zmf\(SAGNO) Marketshare percentage per 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Membership development Switzerland 2005-10

- 13 % Cub Scouts

Total youth population 1.16% Switzerland WOSM Scouts Mouvement Scout Senior S. de Suisse Rovers WOSM membership 2010

Overall Overall +,)1/                !"                                                     !#                                             Cub Scouts Cub Scouts 

             !#                                                      !#                                           Scouts Scouts                !"                                                   !%                                                Venture Scouts Venture Scouts                   !$                                                               &&                               Rovers Rovers            !%                                                  $                                                   Member Rank in Europe Rank in Europe (absolute numbers) (markeshare)

10,000 30000 During the period the member- ship numbers in Switzerland 9,000 25000 have decresed slightly. Both 8,000 Total membership market share and total numbers 7,000 ]^\ebg^]_khf+))-mh+))/ 20000 6,000 Zg]_khf+))1mh+)*)%fZbger due to the negative evolution of 5,000 15000 Scout numbers. The numbers and 4,000 10000 marketshare of Senior Scouts 3,000 and Rovers have remained sta- 2,000 ble during the period. 5000 1,000 Membership per age section The decrease of the total market 0 0 laZk^bljnbm^lb`gbÛ\Zgm' 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

In the past two years all age sec- tion show a decrease (with the ^q\^imbhgh_

Ma^Ûklm_^]^kZeCZf[hk^^lbg\^ 2.00 *22-pZlhk`Zgbl^]bg+))1% ng]^kma^gZf^h_

Total youth Scouts population Turkey WOSM 0.12%

Türkiye Izcilik Federasyonu Senior S.

Rovers WOSM membership 2010

,,2,) Overall Overall              !$                                                                                     #"            

  Cub Scouts Cub Scouts              !"                                                                                  #!                   Scouts Scouts             !#                                                                                     #"              Venture Scouts Venture Scouts       %                                                                                      &'                     Rovers Rovers          !!                                                                               &(                       Member Rank in Europe Rank in Europe (absolute numbers) (markeshare)

16,000 40000 Over the period membership

14,000 35000 pZl[khZ]erÜZm_hkma^Ûklm_hnk years with a very large increase

12,000 30000 Total membership in the last two years. Member- ship more than doubled between 10,000 25000 +))0Zg]+))1Zg]mablbg- 8,000 20000 crease was maintained in 2009.

6,000 15000 This increase was across all Sec-

4,000 10000 tions of the NSO mainly due to: - working with local authorities - 2,000 5000 particularly in Istanbul Membership per age section - working in development camps 0 0 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 in Istanbul and the South-East - creating a popular image among young people - very simple branding: red and white 0.25 - new membership management software meaning more accurate 0.20 reporting - building on the volunteer ethos 0.15 As expected given the increase

0.10 in numbers marketshare saw an increase across all age ranges in age sections 0.05 +))1'Mablbg\k^Zl^aZl\hgmbg- n^]bg+))2_hk

Total youth Cub Scouts population UK 2.54% WOSM

Scouts The Scout Association

Senior S. Rovers WOSM membership 2010

Overall Overall .)1.0)#  !                                                               #                                                

  Cub Scouts Cub Scouts 

 !                                                             $                                                  Scouts Scouts  !                                                               !%                                                    Venture Scouts Venture Scouts 

 !                                                              #                                                 Rovers Rovers             !"                                                                           &$                       Member Rank in Europe Rank in Europe (absolute numbers) (markeshare)

160000 600000

140000 500000

120000 Total membership 400000 100000

80000 300000

60000 200000 The Scout Association has been 40000 100000 able to maintain its membership 20000

number and its marketshare Membership per age section fairly stable. 0 0 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Being the largest association of the European Scout Region this has supported the membership number in the entire region hid- ing negative evolutions in indi- 9.00 vidual countries. 7.50



3.00 age sections


0.00 Marketshare percentage per 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 #Mablblma^fhlmnimh]Zm^Û`nk^_hkMa^L\hnm:llh\bZmbhg'Ahp^o^k%_hkma^ÛklmiZ`^lmZmblmb\l%ma^h_Û\bZe k^ihkm^]Û`nk^h_+)*)!-+2%1,-"pZlnl^]'