Key to Genera of Bothrideridae of South Carolina (Philips and Ivie 2002)

1 Eyes absent; length < 2 mm...... Anommatus duodecimstriatus (Müller) Eyes present; length > 2 mm...... 2

2(1) Front coxae contiguous or nearly so...... 3 Front coxae separated bv half or greater than width of one front coxa...... 4

3(2) Trochanters small and indistinct...... (see below) Trochanters large and distinct...... americanus LeConte

4(2) First abdominal sternum with distinct coxal lines that extend over half its length and usually reach the posterior margin...... Prolyctus exaratus (Melsheimer) First abdominal sternum with coxal lines at most vaguely indicated...... (see below)

Key to Species of Bothrideres of South Carolina (adapted from Stephan 1989)

1 Punctures of the raised interval that originates at the humerus very fine, arranged in two somewhat confused rows ...... B. geminatus (Say) Punctures of the raised interval that originates at the humerus coarser, arranged in a single row ...... B. cryptus Stephan

Stephan, K. H. 1989. The Bothrideridae and Colydiidae of America north of Mexico (Coleoptera: Clavicornia and Heteromera). Occasional Papers of the Florida State Collection of , Volume 6, Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Gainseville.

Key to Species of Sosylus of South Carolina (adapted from Stephan 1989)

1 Carina 1 extended to apical margin, carinae 2 and 3 not extended to apical margin ...... S. costatus LeConte Carina 1 not extended to apical margin; carinae 2 and 3 joined near apex and continued to apical margin ...... S. extensus Casey

Stephan, K. H. 1989. The Bothrideridae and Colydiidae of America north of Mexico (Coleoptera: Clavicornia and Heteromera). Occasional Papers of the Florida State Collection of Arthropods, Volume 6, Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Gainseville.