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Santa Fe New Mexican, 1883-1913 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

11-6-1890 Santa Fe Daily New Mexican, 11-06-1890 New Mexican Printing Company

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Recommended Citation New Mexican Printing Company. "Santa Fe Daily New Mexican, 11-06-1890." (1890). sfnm_news/2923

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Cleveland. Specials say there is little maintained. In fact, the train is a or no of An dcubt McKinley's defeat. hotel on wheel, with many conveniences . official be (Telegtaphic Tidings count, however, may necessary which no hotel can offer. S to catisfy Republicans. PIN B re- the ride and the of de- SPITZ, Columbun, Ohio Meagre returns During time -:- -- Watch - I ESTABLISHED IN 1874. Gnld and Silver ceived at Democratic state heidquartere parture is specially arranged with refer- Repairing STATE ELECTIONS. indicate the election of 14 congressmen. ence to the attractive portions of the A SPECIALTY. This estimate includes the defeat of road one may look out on as beautiful Return Slow and Complicated OftioUl and Fostor. Foster concodes his PINE FILIGREE JEWELRY defeat. Both claim scenery as three is in the world. The en- Counts Nscesnary to Determine parties McKiuley's district. tire train is heated by steam from tlie Results, Late returns show the Diamonds. Watchss, Clocks and SHvsiwaie. Louisville, Ky. engine, and lighted with I'intsch gas, GEO. W. HICKOX & congressmen, Montgomery, The vestibules between tho cars enable CO., Springfield, III., Nov. 6. Senator Hreckennde, .Stone, Ellis, Goodnight, Culliini Buys lit" ttiiuks Amberg and and Poynter are The passengers to pass from one to tho otlitr of tiO'KU McOeary Hrputihoau cornlulutes for ptate Democrats have carried Louisville and without either danger or dillicn'.ty. of The Mexican treasurer ami BiiperiHtfciiileut public the (5th congressional district, while the Tbe Central's four trarks Jewelers Diamond and Watcli and Stent1 invtruutiniiH, defeated. will the luth Filigree Seilii Repaiiiiig Promptly M Republicans probably carry and level road Danville, III. Geo. T. Rii'kin?baoi, and 11 til districts. bed permit the highest Republican, cliit-- f clerk of the liouso of speed with safety. OF SANTA FE, X. M. representatives, estimates that Congress- CongrcHstoual Kathnate. man Uanou is defeated by t.'uzcy iu tho New Yokk, Nov. 6. The Post says: Cape Cod crauberriOj, at Emmert's. loih district tiy 700 majority. "The number of coiig'essioual districts iu de- ORDERS BOLICIIED Coiiuressman Cuiioii roneedts his tins city in doubt are two, in California Hill and Contvaj, .Jr. from 2UO to 5l'0 in Iowa in two. g FROM feat by UJiijurity. several, two, Kentucky Typo-writiu- and Office, Palace Got. Prince. Mans. The Globe with It seems safe to however, that tbe translating. knit, opp. Bostou, says, say, GritBn's block. Northeast corner plaza. ABSENT PAHTIBS only a halt dozen tonus to hear from, Democratic majority iu the next house AND PROMPTLY FILLED. Groceries for is lead- w ill not be less than It looks as if Staple and Fancy Kussell, Democrat, ituvernor, eight. fresh sweet cider at the archbishop's ing by over 1U.U0H majority. Tbe Demo- it will remain close to that number. garden. crats probably liave the largest majority N. N. Ten Miss San Francisco St., S. W. Cor. Plaza, SANTA FE, on record in the lower house, not less Thooaand ng Dollars. Fine McBrayer wtiisky at Colorado sa- than 100 against 78, and 17 to 10 sena-ator- Trenton, N. J., Nov. 0. loon. against 11 lat:t year. Lieut. (iiv. Oliver R Duuhin, cf the defunct Mer- Hailu KJt through, but Auditor Ladd i chants' bank, of Atlantic City, will have PECULIAR INFATUATION. beaten by W. T. Jefry, the brut Democrat to explain iu court the disappearance of REASER The Second National Bank cbusen bv any lesser state ollice bince the $10,000 oi the assets. BROS, lirsl ol administration. Different methods of the In- -- year Republican Fif Women. Following DKALEKS IN-- Milwaukee. lire ret-ul-l in Wisconsin ii8aiioiuted junction ' Love One Another." OF NEW MEXICO. is still a matter of doubt. Payne has Camden, N. J., Nov 0. Frank Wilcox, conceded state senate as well as assem- of Muiviile, was married iu Camden to Mins fifty-fiv- e Do men ever fall in love with each S1BOJOC bly to the Democrats. Thomas, Repub- Ida M. Ricards, one oi CAPITAL PAID UP for 17tli ladies who to his advertisement other? bualiMi.a and ullnlu of the poblla lican, congress, in the district, is replied MI-:-ulN,-:-FOT- IlS Dim tenors! haiikluc patr.inti d ftated. is lor a wile. The couitsbip lasted four Women do. Not long ago a young Lafolette, Republican, woman in New Caahifl beaten in the third and it is believed hours. Jersey was married to a L. SPIEGEL-BERG- - Pm. W. (i. SUMMONS that Ad-vi.- laborer on her father's farm. McCurd is deleaied in the ninth. U'IihUiik Know Storm youthful at noon that Ilolzeu is sure of Some time afterward it was discovered say Toi.eijo, Ohio, Nov. b'. Steamer S. C. the a re election. Cimirinati Wall of the Dem- that husband was female; the Reynolds, with coal and jute, went upon wife ocratic state committee claims a majority young refused, however, though Lumber and Materials. SON. Colchester reef during a blinding snow earnestly entreated by her friends, to Building & of l'eck for vernor las-- SOL. LOWITZKI 36,000 lor g and storm t night. The canto caimht fire claims s.x out of the nine give up her chosen consort. The stran- ESTABLISHED 187S. congressmen. I'us were Bent to the relief. She will of was the Kas. News from tbe in- gest part the discovery fact Warehouse and OfHc: Topeka, stale probably be a total loss. She is worth bride knew was :- - dicate the Farmers' Alliance secured a that the her husband a Gasper Ortiz N. M. that $100,000, and the cargo half as much more. woman before she was led to the altar. avmtie, Santa Fe, An otlicial count will be luce-aar- y victory. No lives were lost. If men do not exhibit in- to whether Ms candi- this strange decide Willets, fatuation for of Feed V one their own sex, they, Stables for or Re- Drluker'8 Livery date, governor, Humphrey, Attempted Suicide. and at least, oftentimes, give evidence of the been elected. Indications e publican, has El Paso, Texas, Nov. 6. fact that love one another. Thero are in Willets' with most of the B. of they Best Stock of Horses and in town. favor, J. Leahy, this city, attempted sui- are instances on w Carriages western where burners are iu many record here one BANK counties, cide yesterday by cutting his throat with man bus his life for another. FIRST NATIONAL FURNISH UD. the to hear from. The Far- a razor. given HACKS IMtOMPTLY majority, There are many more instances where mers' Alliance have elected, beyond all is a but has -- OF- II IVIMAM three hoar mi the rooi.d Leahy quite wealthy man, men have life to another. Don't r tn iU TmiiQUK VIIXAOK; r. for given Ver tiie ( arerul uriv-- noubt, liaker, its eaudidate congress been drinking very heavily lately. His It is a issession the trip. Mir.lnl aitnr.n t" ouillt lng trTirs ciximrji. 5th to proud p knowledge in the district, and contributed the case is considered serious, as inflamma- that one has saved a human life. N. m of in precious Santa Fe, New Mexico. Lowr San Francisco St., SANTA FE, election Moonlight, Democrat, the tion may tet in and in that enso the con- is the home of such a and sure of elect- Meriden, Conn., 1st, seems reasonably sequence would be fatal. man. John H. Preston.of in the "Hi district. The happy that city, United ing Simpson July 11, 1890, writes: "Five I Designated Depository of the States. otli district is conceded to be close Gunld on Western Uallrond-- . years ago very was taken very sick, I had several ot the between Davis, Farmers' Alliance, ami New Yokk., Nov. t!. Mr. Jay Gould best and one all called it a The doctors, and - 1'hilhps, Republican. Republicans and Ins to i, George J. Gould, have re- complication of diseases. I was sick PEDRO President elected Fustou in the 2d. The 3rd and turned to New York after a PEREA, HOTEL two weeks' four years, taking prescriptions pre- CAPITAL, 4th districts are in doubt between the of Missouri 3VT. lour inspection over the Pacific scribed by these same doctors, and I T. B. Vice Pesident SANTAFEN. Farmers' Alliance and Kepublicaus system. Mr. Gould has assured his state I never to CATRON, will truthfully expected get The Fanners,' Alliance have a ineiids here that the railroad situation in better. At this time, I commenced - - in the The any PALEN. ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN, strong delegation legislature. the West is bound to improve, and he is to have the most terrible pains in my R.J. Cashier twenty-lou- r on Republicans Claim only confident that a restoration of ratesonthe back. One day an old friend of mine, Band ballot, is not lines w ill be Healthy and Mco RooniN on th Si'coiul Floor. Nightly joint lngallo' principal soon determined up- Mr. R.T. Cook of the Arm of Curtis & 1- believed to be LhairniHii Concert in of the Hotel, - tli Plaza. jeopardized on. He says there was absolutely no Cook, advised me to try Warner's Safe Front Chase, of the Fanners' Alliance, central foundation for the widely circulated state- Cuie, as he had been troubled the samu W. H. Willets SOEHNCHEN, Day.-:-Speci- al Board. says is elected for ment that a Vatiderbilt Rates, $1.50 and $2 per Rates for Regular committee, way and it had effected a cure for him. governor by 2,601). conference had been arrang- I bought six bottles, look the medicine ana U. TAMONY. Council illiiU, la. iiollmun, Democrat, ed to take place in St. Louis. as directed and am y a well man. Contractor Builder Proprietor. is elected to congress in tin th district. I am sure no one ever had a worse case Carpenter, Philadelphia, Pa. Wallers, Republi CONDENSED NEWS. of kidney and live- - trouble than I bad. can, lor lieutenant governor, and Stewarl, Before this 1 was ulways against proprie- lor ot internal JOBBING TO. Republican, secretary M. L. West w as shot and killed seven tary medicines but not now, oh, no." PROMPTLY ATTENDED. , B- - are elected, the de- - Frle.ndHhtn itHA'f in VArv H. CARTWRIGHT, notwithstanding miles from Guthrie, Okla., A. J. nxnrpKnpn leat ol the head ol the ticket. by but true Bick cf Hotel - Saiita he, N. M. to Complete 'peculiar ways sometimes; the Cap tal, !;iicesi.or (J,ll!IWkIOIIT tiUIWM, returns of ihls city show pluralities rang- iriend is the friend in need. II r. A I. HI l from 21.00U to"31,0u0. Thomas Jones, a wealthy farmer resid- ing sui-- The election ni Pattison, Democrat, for ing near Waldron, Mo., committed For Sal - at Great ide. Bargain! governor, is ceded by the Republicans b The (loubln brick cottage on Monte- A FEW FIGURES FROM THE BOOKS OF over 5,UU0. The Democrats have cer- Constable Mater, of Tarentum, Harry zuma avenue, built by Donoghue and tainly gamed two congressmen. Ph., was murdered at that place lust night FinB Monier. Beautiful in style of architect- Fancy Grins Pittsburg. Dalzell, K, publican, in 22(1 ; by thieves. ure and well built. Mi Stone, Republican, 2A, and Greevy, Tbe issue of standard silver dollars from thoroughly Twenty ii suitable for sanitarium firt-clas- s rooms; or Democrat, in 3lth district, are elected. ihe mints during the week ended Nov. i for the well known N. 11 No hoarding house. Apply to Geo. W. We re Mminntcturern' Ageatu Concord, doubt .McKinney, w as $743,313. "The Santa Fe. N. M. Three Giants" is to in tho 1st Knaebel, attorney, Democrat, elected congress The hotel at San Francisco Democrats claim Daniel's elec- Burlington was fire and the was Canned & tion in the bill destroyed by Grand John McCnilotigh Havana cigar, 5c, at Dew liranfl Fruit Vegetables second, Republicans says Total loss In- ' Drop Aloore is chosen. The badly damaged. $500,000. Colorado saloon. OF THE LIFE INSURANCE WORLD. legislature is very surance IMtent the cloee. light. A Ino agents in Santa Fe for Imperinl Flour, Bennett shot and fatallv wound- ducks and chickens Hour in Uiuaha, Neb. Returns from elections George Turkeys, Saturday Uncut the market. are still but in icale tlio ed John Werkhoffat Lafayette, Jjid. He morning, at Kmmert's. M- .- renowned I'KAUODY CREAM bid meagre, prmrable We k e In world , ol lor then attacki d W. II. Scott, shooting and Uonfei-tinnerj- etc. election lioyd, Democrat, governor Frenh Nuts, Type-write- r in all sizes It UTTER. Fruit, by a small plurality, complete returns killing him instantly paper and quali- BUSINESS OF 1889. No. 4 Bakery in Connection with the Store. may possibly elect either of the three can- The Dominion government lias decided ties for sale at the New Mexican office. didates, but large Democratic gain iu to reduce the rates of postage to a 2 cent Omaha and the eastern part of the state instead of a 3 cent rate throughout Cana- give Boyd the best chances. Tbe Dem- da and the . DIVIDEISTDS: one ocrats gain congressman, McKraghan, On the old Rupert homestead, juctwest Renewal Pre- - Dlv d'nds Pd; ' : Ke- - 2 1858 : isoo surely; probably another, Bryan. The of Argentine, Kan., was found a pot of mlum awl added to Per Cent election of Dorcey, Republican, iu 3d dis- H celved. Po.U'ies. gold Saturday, and by actual count the Hotel, 45 trict is not yet certain. in coins icmge New York Life $14,72H,024 $U,o;,i)28 $5,000 N. pot containing ranging JJ Mutual Life 14,933,089 5,951.638 39 Trenton, J. Later returns give the from $1 to $20. Democrats an increased majoriiy in both Equitable 18,320.80? 3,059,510 10 branches of the legislature. The seuato At Kingstone, Tenn., JohnM. Webster. Southeast eor. will stand, Democrats 13, Republicans 7; Jr., the tow n marshal, w as shot by, James Plaza, Democrats 43, Kenublicaus 17. Edwards, whom tbe marshal was trying DEATH LOSSES: assembly, NewPrem'ms New Ore. Wilson, for to arrest, and Webster in turn shot Ed- SANTA N. to. p'emluun Portland, Republican, FE, New'Preii's pal l dea'h did not ptjr congress has a majority in the neighbor- wards. Both men are dead. Kec'v'd. Death Losies. losi. s.and left death ! 4 ot. hood of the ma- Rcfl a profit to wltbln. (i,UU0, though Republican A boarding house at Kansas City Leotiall) bca'eo, tntire!) ttted, reach" 70 $7,928,441 $5,123,218 $2,805,225 jority in the legislature may on burned A. 8. Wood-rui- r New York Life Tuesday morning. Mutual Life 8,329.7 9 7,079,151 650,608 joint ballot. from ihe second story and IXPOBTBK BHD JOBBRR Of ans jumped 6,409,015 6,825,797 statile, Wash. The indications that was hurt. He may die. Samuel Equitable $357,783 Wilson's is badly (KepJ majority lor congress Martin also jumped from a second story TERMS $2 per Day 5,000. Bo h branches of the legislature window and broke both ankles. Income of 188!) an C nn with 1888 : are On ballot the Re- Interest pared Republican. joint one of the best known will have 40 Rollins Bingham, 1S!W. 1K89. Oaln. publicans probably majority. men in Kansas has Special Rates by the week Little Ark. Returns at the Re- young City society, Now York Life $,23d.83l $4,587,605 $350,774 Rock, from his home and ac- indicate elec- disappeareil his Equitable 4,911,104 6,035,705 124 001 publican headquarters the know-wher- of union iu the 2d customed haunts. His friends Mutual Life 0,001,519 6,124,059 62,540 tion Laiigley, labor, has but and union he gone, they decline to J. T. FORSHA, 1 district, Featherstone, labor, reveal his whereabouts. Propr iu the 1st district. The Farmer's Alliance - Genera Merchandis U33 XI? 23 IT SIC JVC --A. IT --A. O- 33 3VE : voted sol idly with the Democrats. An extensive robbery, which has been OP (Jul. It is estimated carried ou for over six mouths, during Total premiums Sau Fraucisco, receive 1. Per Cent. for is which time thousand of dollars worth of Expone. that Alarkham, (Rep.) governor, New York Lite $24,242,517 $5,845,128 24 claim gold has been stolen from the American elected by 10,000. The Republicans Miss A. g 2 Wat. h Case of N. Mugler, t,quuanie zj.J'X.o-- j o.iio.zoi the election of five out of six congress- company Newark, J., Mutual Life 6,015,500 28 last ar- 23,727,858 men, a gain of one, leaving the 2d con- was brought to light night by the district iu doubt. rest of Adolph Newman, of . New premlurai P'd Newrrem'na SAN FRANCISCO gressional all aud did no1 par STREET, 5i. Y. Latest returns in- eiuae - Middletowu, iline New premiums Total oxpeuirs leftabalau- exnemtiio dicate the election of Beaker (Dem.) to IHE LUXURY OF TRAVEL. received. ce of. within the assembly. If correct the Democrats New York Life $7,928,441 $5,845,128 $2,083,313 will have a majority of two on joint ballot. A Splendid Train and a Great Four Track Mutual Life 8,328.759 6,615,500 1,714,199 Detroit, Mich. Gen. Kallrnad. Equitable 6,408,015 0,775,261 $307,246 Dickinson the Democrats have . says Fancf Goods, Largett and Moat Complete Stock of Oarf 0 "indite gained live congressmen, and if present NOTE. All the figures used above are taken from the 8WOUN STATEMENTS MADE To those who traveling in Dec-mb- er returns continue we have elected W inans. appreciate BY EACH COMPANY to the Insurance De' arrment of tbe State ol New Yo k, tor Carried ia the Entire Southw we commend the New York and The city goes Democratic and the entire comfort Si, in each year. Further details all showing tho bet of resons why you should take a policy of New York Cen- GRIFFIN BLOCK, furnished by county Democratic ticket is elected. The Limited the with the NEW YORK lilinC, promptly Republicans, by a cumulative system of tral. In the construction of this splendid elected three members to the leg- Southeast Cor. Av. L-AuZlSTI- voting, the of the Washington - - E, islature. At the Democratic traiu, high reputation Wagner "W- headquar- for and GEO- - ters the lower house is claimed, with the Palace Car company beauty per- SANTA FE, N.M. for New Mexico. --FeEl. JSIJEQ W MEX senate in doubt. fection of appointment has been fully Special Agent lSTETW 3VLE22IICO COlMEIILSrGr THE COUNTRYf T The Mesilla Valle" its Garden Spot! 79

DEEDS GIVEN. Writ lor Uhutrated folder. mil I.hiuIh for .ale o time witl. low Interest. WARRANTY !lrr,Kaiea l,nroei Uhl.npror.altracUvel, ,!.., long Ui 1 K LIVINGSTON, WD Las W. Cenral Agent. RIO CRANDE LA COMPANY. Cruces.

K Liz-- - Mrk railroad are wanted in Now The Hew Mexican Mexico. My MJ3Ajm1j JO. OTEL JNO. IIAMPEL, TUTJ M A YWlfl T T AMI PTJ AWT tor (ho best and cheapest job rk mi By NEW MEXICAN PRINTING CO, Tar Grave" Roof al the Nuv Mkxicas j.rintini: nincc. fin, and lllJj lililA mill inll.U itmiu Entered us Second Class matter at rhe -- i down the exorbitant I'een of auta Fo Post Office. the PLUMBING M GAS HHIIS, sheriff and collector and give that official BATES OF SCBStKlTTIOS. a good R!ary ; that's the way to do it. l.ovrest prices and tl ft el tVnr Daily, per week, by carrier ? RUMSEY Dally, per mouth, by carrier 1 LOWER TisiHCO ST., t'AVI I K N- M rm 1 Fe and the citizens First Fa b good Land Dolly, per moutb, mail. !;asia county Kaily, three by mall 2 month, of Santa Fe have dono nobly ; two Dally, an mouths, by mall county, Daily, one year, by mall ID years from now they will do atill better; UNDER IRRIGATING DITCHES. Weekly, pet mouth this and must have Class. Weekly, per quarter county city good BURNHAM SIMON FILCER Weeekly, pet six mouths 1 Weealy, per year 'i Tituiu: must be an economical and hon- Contractor & Builder. ADVEItTISINO RATES. Mce Mountain and Lands near tiie foot Hilh est in this for the Valley S government couuty 2 coming two years; corruption and dishon- Cabinet Making of all klnda, and repair-ln- t law Santa Nev Mexico done promptly and in a flratolaaa ma esty and disobedience of the must F, S-AJLjI- ner; and E- cease. filing repairing iawi t 5(1 1 7r--l oo::i 00 FOR Inch; 601 FAIR PLAY FOR THE WEST. The Old Home. Bhop, fonr doora below Schuepple'a, i Inch 1 00 1 1 DDI I 7r ooi 6 iiO Viaitlng :: Inch! I t 1 75! if 00' 2 'ii 001 7 fit) llo'K9T government in this county; For the first time in history, and solely If you have n mind a trip to the old on 'Friaco S reel. I lnruj'2 00 i a, 1 0 2 7;i jO1 10 00 001 12 irO in ; and to r luch:2 i 7.,! ;i Ooi 3 ij clean government this county law and through the courage and the foresight of homestead, have decided go via. 0U1 st 1.1 00 it Im:U; 3 00' Ml! 4 (XI 00 order in this This is what the a west to Chicago, remember that the Santa Fe 7 Inch ;S 00; S Aul 4 OOi 4 i0i S i'0 tl 00) l7 bO county. Republican congress, the day s luihls M 4 (JUi 4 o ;i 00 DO H ;jo1 20 00 l?ood cilizens demand and w iil have and has gtinranted to it a liberal share of the route runs three through trains botweeu t luch;3 7o: 4 b 00 fi m IV tl .4)' 7 Oo!22 00 CONTRACTOR 7 7 the New Mexican will till such is Kansas and at ARCHITECT and 10 lu.,1 00, 0 ou: o A), li 00 00: ou24 00 help protective interests given the country by City Chicago, (two night 4 Coi i4 n! 6 6U i.l 7 00' UO ! 00 s .10120 00 one in if OOI 11O ooUsoo accomplished. the of tho bill. Here- and the morning) ; so that ticket 12 111. .n Uul 0 7ft t 1.0! 8 passage McKinley 001 i'i 111 .10 li 2o! 7 00, 7 !' U 00 ;u 00 tofore there has been a sort of a limits permit, a little time can be spent at 14 1U 6 7 00, a do; OU II ,J 10 ooiio ;0 32 00 In 7 61'! D 10 00 00 the past twenty years the Central benefit Kansas without obliged to wait lii lu. It) s.oj iliO IX), u attached tottie tariff measures City being ANTONIO WINDSOR 111 s vol tio 10 00 11 OOill 00 30 00 iu. Pacific road has expended $3,000,000 in formulated seemed to twenty-fou- r hours for the next train east. 17 ln..;t 8 auj 10 OU'U 00 12 UU'i2 00 3. 00 by congress; they IN In ,7 9 00 10 ;o; 12 00 13 OO! 13 00 JO HO the construction and maintenance of labor under the impression that the New G. T. Nicholson, G. P. & T. A., Santa IS) 7 ipo! 14 10.42 0(1 In.. ! iiO'M 00! (2 is snow sheds Nevada He route, Kas. ; J. J. A. M In Id 00 U 00113 !0 lo 00! II) ou u 00 over the Sierra States where the manu- Topeka, Byrne, j7 England alone, & T. CLOSE FIGURING! in 11 OO'Kt fall 15 0CU6 Ou'lV 00 loot) O. P. A., Chicago. :'l In. mountains. It is a heavy item of ex- is thould full ef- )p" I Col ci Moii4 Ou; III Uv, (7 ,rO i 00 facturing done, reap the that southern and eastern ronds do MODERN METHODS I pense fect of protection while tho west was To Tourists. liMortions In "KohuiI About Town" cmiirnu 2j not have to contend with. cents a Hue, each Insertion, scarcely considered. But the new bill Do you wish to bathe in the health SKILLED MECHANICS! Preferred locals 10 centa per Hue first insertion radically changes this ancient system of waters of Hot breathe the huu ticeuts line each anbstsineut insertion. giving Springs, per M vvoit Grant, of New York, and who with liifal H Inch lor first dealing the tariff, and places the aroma of orange blossoms in California, anvurtlsiug per per day is also of the United States of fnrnlahed on mx iuiertiiiii!, 7.' cciith jK'.r iu'li per day fur uext president west iu a position thai to be of witness a of Mex- Plant and Specifications ap six on ought very or bull fight in the City insertions, could per day fur MiOHeiueut Tammany, wants a recount for the city m.itruons. great benefit to every western interests. ico? If so, the A., T. & S. F. R. R. Co pllcalf oi.. Correspondence solicited. of New York and his claim- All contracts autf Mils foi advertising payable principality The McKinley bill provides for increased will sell you round trip excursion tickets monthly, a of hundred OFFICE, Po N U ing that there are couple duties iu the agricultural schedule that to all these points, at greatly reduced Uwer'FTfsco Street. OdllldCinti r 0, H. 1. AH communications intended for publication thousand more in than rates. must, be aud people the city, are particularly important in the west. accompanied Dy the writer's uaine Write to Geo. T. G. P. & T. addreNB uot lor publication but as an evidence the census gives it. His wish, however, Hero is a of some of them Nicholson, oi be aildrusseU to and or call on W. M. Is good faith, and should the will not be New York is a A., Topeka Kas., Smith, Ttlg O acknowledged editor, letters pertaining to buxiuesu ahoutd gratified. the figures attached show the amount local Santa N. M., for rates, the leading remeriv foe ou aildreued to iNliw agent, Fe, In A Jlnius f riutuiK do. big town, but it is not the whole of i Al lonorrhca (Jleet. nauta t'e, Isew Mexico. yet American money last year sent out of niits. etc. .(jurcs The only sine remeriv for fl,fMxiumoUxA not 10 SJ country. the because of the lack of home ameiur. LencorrhoeaorWhites. v country mvw sdm I feel tXp-Th- Nkw MaxiCAN Is the oldest news-pipc- i orescrlbe it and In New Mexico. It Is sent to production : SI Mfilanlrbf safe in recommending ft every post is evident the American is iTHtfcWH8CHiM"'"Co Cilice iu the and has a and grow- It that thig llor.' s and inulcs to all sufferers. Territory lare J'J,0:t7.r2 SOL. GELBER6 A. circulation tne and in .It !o 1. 2, S2 SPlt CINCmT1,0.K""JH J. DlUIVtK, si. u.. ing ainoui; intelligent the winner San Miguel couuty. When 1'B.l.ATUK. people of the southwest. -- liecp I K.444 Ujl it comes to the of between :iti7.4HS Sold by Itrninriata. point choosing "tlier nnitnal.s The old reliable merchant t Cnta l'BICE 81.00. this noble banner, emblem of liberty, aud I'.irK-- ryl.H.xi!) ;. Hurl y malt liii.itlii 1 Mt4 ( N,, thuksday, November that soiled and bedraggled rag w hich in- latmeai i '.l ;suO K, lista added largely U ii. Wwitt 112,333 dicates White C'apisui, the people of Las Wheat flour ... l,ol'J hin stock of BLACK MAGIC Kstahmku the ofliceof county surveyor- - Vegas and of San Miguel county evident- HiiiUt 13,11 !' en. ce 1.29a,. S hidden treasure, or locate mines, the ly understand their business. We con- Coiulouwd ml.k ' Vat irriiniBon of and Taller between Ratoa and Heaua and GENTS' tb the prairies Hon. Emrenio Romero and his pea 117,702 GOLD MAGNET of A riKTTER school law is wanted iu New gratulate Ei'K 2,07 1,1) 2 BJ?B M bandrftd unies large Irrigating canals bar bean tmlt, ar followers Hay 1,1I3,44j Combines and tr ta ooorae of oonstructioD, with water for acres of lOM Mexico. upon tight they have ' electricity. Magnetism 75,000 thegallaut Hops l.OhH.Olfi chemical affinity, and attracts gold and Taaaa lands with water will be sold and an tka I cila I S'.IS perpetual rights cheap aaty won. i)l' 36.) FURNISHING GOODS silver as an ordinary magnet does iron. of (111 seeds ,H3D,0,7 w. term Un aanual with 7 per cent interest. A d err e n and more stringent revenue Address: a. vjHzLi.- oo. payments, Lock Box SO. Trucltee. Nevada County, CaL addition to above there are af laa CittEK JrKTii Ol'muN decides In other words upward of $20,000,000 la the 1,400,000 acres law is wanted in New Mexico. k that of was sent abroad last for Ml, consulting mainly agricultural lands. ballots should not be numbered ; Attor- year these pro- In And those need of any article A Tha climate is and aad trait of ducts which to have come to the box of Safety Matches free to Smokers of angarpaased, alfalfa, grain al And so it seems that even ney General Bartlett decided that ballots ought paw to perfection and in abundance. w w west and which, under the of In hit Hoe would do well has gone Democratic ; hat a should be numbered, what ia to be done operations Tha A., T. A S. F. railroad and the D., T. A Fort Worth railroad law the new law, will in future remain amis when doctors disagree? Change the on property, and other roads wul soon follow. at to call blm. and make it more explicit; the election home. Think of sending Thoae wishing to view the and can secure special rates oa Ihs GivK the assessor a fair but do $3,000,000 out of the for twads, sad will bare a rebate also an the sams if should ISO a salary law passed by the 2Jth legislative assem- nearly country ON SAN FRANCISCO STRFET they bay with fees now collected horses and mules w hen so broad ar nor of land. away the large bly is a great improvement and has many DUBSCIIIBIC FOP. officials. acres of are available by these worked very well, but will bear some more pasturage in the southwest; or $5,000,000 in Deeds Given. changes for the better, specially in this expending T Fearless, free, conoistc t Warranty Some of the counties in New Mexico foreign countries for the item - matter of numbering ballots ; this should single grain ( Far full particulars apply to be cat in of w hen New Mexico lands J. Hlaitsei"tirialoi:u- are too large. Let them two; be made clear and specific. barley can WELTMER it an of bushels to will be better all around. yield average forty the BOOK, STATIONERY AND Tjl td by no acre g -J The Co Whkrf. the property will stand inspec- year after year. It is equallyamaz-in- g I.e. Maxwell Land Grant a smaller number of to find that over a miilion a is Hioa licenses and tion and title is good there should not year ut .CI RATON, NEW M73XIOO ; for drinking places the good people of this now be the least difficulty in disposing of sent away beans and peas, while eggs a s territory w ill have this reform. mines to eastern capitalists. All the to the value of over $2,000,000 are year'y rlews Depot! ia " All these enumerat 1 metals are up and active as to price, and imported. products 11 A all s and make them ed in the above table should be Tax orporati-j- and silver and lead mines specially, thanks pro J E tO MA8IE, TODD & CO.'S GOLD PENS .1 bear the burdens of government. The a have duced in the west; the object in protect- to Republican congress, protected ft " --J specially should be amount almost to a guar- ing them is to stimulate their production a express companies interests that Vresb Oandlea Specialty. Vine Olgara, OlALlt U out-pu- t. and real effect to be to looked after. antee of fair prices for their fine here, the ought stimulate Tol aero, Notions, Cte year ago silver was iiioted at (K) cents very materially agriculture and A Pprria'y is ail and add to the value of all farm lauds. Aside 09 Bkknauu.ii couuty right, per ounce, whereas it is now $1 .12, while devoted to tho w from southwest can inte.-CB- ts comes up ith a good strong Republican lead which one year ago sold at 33.' cents this, the especially A. T. GRI3G & CO,, mj, of A new law for its majority. That is proper and correct. is now worth 0 cents. Mining men cer- rejoice over the kindly Pctow end promising iA Mernalillo doeB the correct treatment of the leal and wool industries of usually thing. tainly ought to prosper under this changed Dealers in coming ;ew?le'co. HARDWARE in The effect of condition of things. particular. general all E From all indications it seems as if the this ought to be that intelligent men all EV.'SYCDY T7AII7.J IT Peoples' ticket has been successful in A Missouri scientist has discovered over the west will flock to the support of Furniture, Crockery to the when an Miguel county ; tuis is bad for the that irrigation in the west is eventually Republican party, they fully for of New Missouri and most of understand the merits of the es- APPLY FOR INFORMATION Gas & Steam county and bad the people cause the mighty system AND GLASSWARE. Plumbing, Fitting. Mexico. the other streams to flow so small a vol- tablished by the McKinley bill. Abont

ume of water as to wholly stop navigation. All Kino: of and Won A e u d e d to Ward McAllister's effort deal Repairing Carpet literary Here is a pointer for congress. He says 1801. The Great Southwest with tiie social life of New Yortt-"Fo- ing during the past year only two boats have Some people agree with the Sun s opin- Wagner & Haffner's Old Stand. Hundred," ou,iht to have been and ions about men and and some been plying the Missouri thesp, things, 2IW York from the Al WHOI.KSALb AND KRTAIL Whppf lant year farmers netted '100 to THEPILZANG christened "New Society which were built with a peculiar light people don't; but everybody likes to get IIUCI C per ai re for fruit, grown n laud that of Social Gourmand." can be duplicated for 30 per ncro. Standpoint the for shallow hold of the which is never ak Wl draught, especially water, newspaper ,ive !on" ' a""lta haVi wonh $12 per A have now had to b.e withdrawn because dull and never afraid to speak its mind. MllCIc ton, wan grown on laud like of which can be forfih per acre. BREWING CO. Tiikbk are 12,000 saloons in New York of the low water. Then would it Democrats know that for twenty years J. W. OLINGER. boughi CAPACITY why Who no many, many oth r products, such at City. To maintain the police force there not be a scheme for congress to the Sun has fought iu the front lino for IIIICIC sweet potatoes, tomatoes and early BARRELS good fits than PROPRIETORS 150,000 it costs about a Democratic Undertaker-.-and-- :- EmbalmeK vegetables, netted as larae aud largerpr. the people .$5,000,000 cease appropriating millions of public principles, never wavering or fruit. PEH ANNUM year. It evidently takes a good many for dredging and other weakening in itsloyalty to the true inter- the "urnmors are cool, the winters money annually WhppoIVIICIC unknown aud ma- urewea exclusively or tsonemian nopa look after saloons. in- mrm, cyclones policemen to 12,000 improvements of the navigable ests of the party it serves witn fearless laria unheirdof. and Selected Colorado Barley. those funds toward aid- telligence aud disinterested vigor. At Marble and Granite Uhoro there Is the best opeu'uglu the world Bottled Beer a streams and turn IIIICIC or bont-t- t pilserjer Specialty times have differed as to the Industry. The salubrity of New Mexico's climate in the more development of opinions best To W. F. WUITK, ing perfect means of thec.ommon Traffic A., T. & S. K K. K ADOLPH J. ZANG, General Manager. w hile as accomplishing pur- Passenger Mtnager, is indicated by the fact that yet waters for reclaiming the arid lands? is not the fault if OrllKMtY F. GRIKKaON, pose; it Sun's it has V. K. Wo buow has fallen in of the ter Immigration Agent, ,'l.&8 K., any part seen further into the millstone. 623 Klalto'Bullding, Chicago, 111. ninety-on- e wil B. HANLEYs Local ritory, not even on the highest moun The statistical division of the agricul- Eighteen hundred and This railway passes through twelve stateB and Agent. oc be a great in American politics, and territories, and having no andsof i'sowntiisoll tain peaks, unusual early snows have tural makes a wonderful year of department everybody should rend the Sun. Of Ilit! Km has no nt.ject in aiivam ing Ine in'ercstB any curred elsewhere in Colorado, Minne- - IU Oefys locality, or iu giving any other than ab of Colorado's Truly, -- WO. special showing prosperity. Daily, per month 50 solulely reliable liiformatiun. It realizes thai sota, New York, Tennessee and Indiana. be - - of of the south- the Centennial state seems to blessed. naily, per year, fl.00 AT LOWEST POSSIBLE the prosperity the farmers great -- RATES. west m t" Itself a 'eo aud fs thUB ZED y - S.OO aiis prosperity No section of the union is making umlny, per ear, to aid the as much tairaS ajaiiiirlr w naturally willing immigrant P? rtoT a few western readers ho delight Daily and per year, H.OO Cor. Water and Onn Oa ar Sin., as more rapid progress in all things material Sunday, . possible. in perusing; "Bob's Babbling's" in the Daily and Sunday, per month, II 70 S.A.lfl-'X'A- TVCBX than our neighbor on the north. Capital one I .OO of the west will be Weekly sun, yxar, metropolitan journals for any enterprise she may undertake is Address "he SVN, N.w York. Feed and Transfer. glad to know that the author thereof is a at her the whole command; state, and All kinds sf hoagn and Finished Lam her: Texas at the lowest Market rrloa. W: real woman, Mrs. Mallon, of Baltimore, Twice a a a Flooring every class of industry therein seems to Week for Dollnr Tear. Laws New Mexico ows aud fJoors. whrt her labors in an hum- Tiie of St. Louis will Book of Also narry eu a general Transfer hnslness and deal In Bay and Brala. began literary be on a veritable boom. Is it not possible Weekly Republic publishing ble for Butterick's Bazar. to its subscribers twice a week way by writing that this unlimited public confidence in go during OHH c near A., T. & S. F. Depoi. She ;i a widow and her work as a rule is November and one sheet of Colorado is largely due to the superior December, Ktery deaerlptlou of Bowk and fall of and good sound six pages being mailed every Tuesday and Of 1889, womanly dignity character of the men she has sent to rep- sense. another everv Friday. This will give the OUDROW & HUGHES, resent her in the halls of the national readers news from one to five Pamphlet work promptly and Proprietors the days ' congress for the past few years? Un earlier than heretofore, aud part of it Notw nisi andino it is an "off year," ahead of no such men as Teller, Woloott any weekly paper, matter neatly executed. Estimate! when Republicans usually do not care to doubtedly where or what issued. The; Sr. EUsTGrHiISKr and Townsend have had much to do with printed day ISH THE SANTA FE BAKERY take much of a hand in politics, it is evi- price will be unchanged, $1 a year, with it and Ad- furnished on If dent from latest advices that the Demo- by the manly, straightforward tne usual commissions to agents. application. Bread, Pies and Calces. earnest course they have followed while dress all orders, The Republic, St. Louis, crats have fcally Blipped up in their cal- in Mo. yon hare manuscript write to culations for tiie national house of repre- Washington. Groceries and Provisions. sentatives. The American flag is evi- For su: orior worlt tho lino of Lrmli Haul a Kb. New Mexico, to the Try the Nw Mbxicas'b new oitOt of ii dently not yet ready to surrender to the l indi.'ig call at the New HIexha.-- i of- material and when you want F. of and and no pro- machinery fice. Ordcro nail SCHNEPPLE, Proprietor. party hog hominy fiaa by given prompt NEW CO At. New job printing or blank book work. MEXICAN PRINTING tlio Mexican Ofllce. - tection for that, either. l,Batlcn (IllCKT, SANTA PC, N. It-

BaEn iaifair lajajiijl aJaaaaaaf JLmmA B aaSSavaaSBaa m laa JJkm JL--Jl " JL m THE GREAT NEW MEXICO ! 1000 Miles earer all Eastern Markets than California0 The canal system of the VIX'OS ILIRIGATIOX AM IMPKOVE9ICNT COMPANY covers 300,000 acres of MAGNIFICENT LAND in this MATCHLESS LOCALITY. Tlio land Is all PUBLIC DOMAIN ami enteral)!' at tlui (jovernmcut price, of $1,25 ONE DOLLAR AND TWENTY-FIV-E CENTS PER ACRE! 8125 CHnrr imurr uio iraicii, xi..niri vniiiiie, rreui itin ur iiniiiacni LIIUH. XliBSOIllsa ricn, Clifico ato-eclorr- siiliflV loalll. Irnill six t In.-nt- v twt. iindnrlniil hv llmn.Mtnnn. fi fnn 1r .. o IN IUCIINnri, KSS iamouH rtn. ot UNSUKPAKSKO by the Cmnberlni.,1 Valley. With an ultitudc of 3.500 foct above sea Wei, it bas A CLIMATE A ONTJERFULLY EQUABLK AND HEALT1TYI No snows; n.. Kortliora; no laitipneM; no malaria; no consumption ! PUKE, nnd ABUNDANT WATER; no 1 hero produce five cuttings of alfalfa the ear. and two crops of trmtn; oats and irtov in June and corn then cut in the Autumn. For further wheat, t Inlng havct1 planiad m 'Mainland o.n.ff pa. ticulars, address, TH pC03 (RRICATION AN0 IMPffOV EMRNT COMPANY," Bddy. Eddy County, Krw Mxieo.

A. L ,'aifcaMaxfcJa- - as r is A, SANTA FE. :?S S flie Hew Mexicai Bermuda Bottled. J. R. HUDSON, Daily 'You limit Kit id Ilcrimiila. ao not not i - A Pew Informa- ynu mil he c.immisI- HAM' VACTURKR OF Facts for the General oie imp me consequences." Hut doctor, I ran afford neither the tion of TturistB and Sight-Seer- s READAI5LE PABAOHAPIl!. nine nor me a Is money." "Well If Kjjsa. a that impossible, try Visiting the Ail vice to Mothers. d2 8 should as; o Mrs. WLnslow'fl Soothing Syrup Mexican always be used when children rue cutting Filigree Jewelry, CAPITAL CITY OF HEW MEXICO. teeth. It relieves the little sufferer at SCOTT'S! SES3 : ESE! as ; WATCH REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. . Co 3 ; a gd a once it produces natural, qtiiet sleep by relieving the child from pain, and the lit- ; OFFICIAL DIRKOTORV. rt pa r as as abutton." Sen !S"" ji tle cherub awakes "bright FfJULSIOfJ lug Machine Repairing and all kinds of Sewing Maohlne Rapplles. It is very pleasant to taste. It soother A Flue Line of Bpeotacles and Ee Glasses. the softens the all Baa a a TERRITORIAL. child, gum, allays pain, Photographic Views of inula Fe and Vicinity O. Delegate lu Congress Ahtbort Joseph relieves wind, regulates the bowels, and OF PURE NORWEGIAN (JOTeruor L. Bbadvobd Pbinci is the best kn own remedy for diarrhoea, South Hide ol' SANTA N. M UI aecretarv B. M. Tmoma COD Plaza FE, Solicitor General Edward L. Babtlktt vhether arising from teething or other LIVER OIL. J ALARID C Twenty-nv- e a I sometimes call It Bermuda Bot- Auditor TRINIDAD upps. cents bottle or a Treasurer ANTONIO Oetii y Salajae tled, and many cases 5 - Adjutant General w. 8. Fletcher A HOBSB WHO OA TALK I Sec'y Bureau ol Max Fbosi Thore ia a concert of action as between CONSUMPTION, : s 3 Immigration 7body n heard of a "home laugh." rc" equine wits the man who eats rapidly, the man whore Bronchitis, Cough Prist EsrkJ C. JUDICIARY. power of speechr?? Such an animal would J. SCHUMANN, Ik S - 5. & or Severn Cold '- Chief Justice Supreme C'oBrt, Jas. O'Brien pronounced a miraclo; but ao would tha fused to support his party's candidate and I CT'ItF.D B 5 . u.. w and the have with It: ni - - ,K Associate justice ist aisiner. v. hitbm ah telegraph telephone a hundred yeart ) 5 "a Associate 24 W. D. ago. Why, even the man who escapes from prison They ndvniitaare ia that the most Justice district Lee Tory recently a euro for eon- - scn. ! Leather and 3 : Associate Justice 80 district J. R. McFm wiucu m tire stomach ran take It. Another Boots, Shoes, Findings to.uptiuu, universally acknowledged all bolt. thins; which commends la ! WALKER Presidium Justice 4th district Jab. O'Brien be acrofula lt the - affoctlng the lungt, would have ! s Associate Jus lc- - 6th district K. P. Heeds oeen looked upon as stimulating; of the II 6 asa aaaaaa mlraculoiu, but now peo- - properties v ! ttl C U. s. K. A. are to Shlloii's Vitaliser nophosphltes which It a: 0.01 District Attorney... Fisee Elo beginning realli that the disease on And contains Keeps on band a fall assortment of Ladles' and C. 8. Marshal Trinidad Romero incurable. Dr. Pleroe'e Golden Medio: loss of J will it for sale nt your ! lerit wiu cure Is what you need for constipation, Druggist's but see sret J Children's Fine Shoes: also the Mdlam and the rf1. Supreme Court Summers Buekhabt it, ir taken in t me and you the Of N CI H "u,""),1a and all of WCOTT'S J M given fair trial. Thla rem-ed- y appetite, dizziness, symptons original EMIjLMION." Cheap g"des. I would call especial attention wUl not make new e BOOT LAND DEPARTMENT. but it will re Price ten and seventy-liv- Calf LlrM WALKER diseased onea to lung, dyspepsia. my jd Kip Boots, a bo . a state 8. Burreyor General Edward F. Hobart other means have healthy when cents per bottle. 0. M. Creamer. lor men who do heavy work and aeed a soft b1 u. 8. Laud A. L. Morrison failed. Thousand! a s Register fully testify to this, ft is the mosT serviceable apper leather, with subrtaa . c CP. Receiver Public Moneys Wm, M. Bkboer pCj to heavy, " "HL, jjook ageuc i'.uitor can l sell you if. blood-cleans- er alterative, or tlal, triple soles and standard screw fastest ; e o and r. Customer Oi wan' tu see some fur r 2i , or our U. 8. ARMY. medical nutritive, new book, "Thoughts on thellereaft Orders by mall attended to. acc. eo ; SnSwn science. For Weak promptly Ft. 8imon Lunga, cloves. Dealer Any special fur? Cus Commander at Marcy, .... Col. Snyder SPiS?"' F.'00?' Bronchitis, Asthma, er"? Editor No uso for it ; desk Box LiiBUT. o. i rn the Head, and my P. 0. I43, Santa Fa, N. II Adjutant .hrybi all Lingering Coughl tomer Tu kape me hands warm o' course, to wuartermaster Lieut. Pi.ummer it tsan uncquale3 remedy. jam up the uieam heater. ?aa s a Disbursing M capt. J. w. btunmeruayea, S,nnthMt0ff8eh- - ",Ter boela! fndieeS! el"? - o. a. Biliousness,tf? ior "Livei Shlloh's Catarrh D. 8. Rev. Collector. ,.L. A. Huoheb Kemedy, lut. Complaint,'' Chronio DiarrheaTand kindred Ep'.ch. Is A cure for catarrh , and rrt. . ailments, it a sovereign remedy positive Diphtheria me transition irom Canker Mouth. C. M. Creamer. loiij, linaering ani & HISTORICAL. "Golden Medical painful sickness to roLust Albuquerque Foundry Machine Comp'y GUARANTEED. " is tha only med- health marks f'a a Santa Fe, the city of the Holy Faith of icine) of its class, sold an epoch in the lifo of tho : a Miss Aysee I was encored three times i'li'ividunl R. P. HILL, Secretary and Treasurer. St. Francis, is the capital of New Mexico, cntn a remaritaulo event is i3 3 waBD'tlt?" Mme. Logee Yes, thecom-pan- froa3'tred in trade sanitary, tl.o n r.nd IKOX AND BRASH CASTINGS. OKE, CML AND LnMRFK CARS, BAFT-IN- center, archepiacopal seemed to that you need etiiory tho asiency wherehy t , ey for will recognize Fl lXltV-- GKATKS BARM, RABBIT MKTA1.S, COLUMNS and also the headquarters. paid lt be promptlj Rood health has been 1 ia see, military refundoi ed attair.c AND J lies, I) u. practice." gratefully HON FRONTS FOH Bt'II.Ttl tJS. An Indian pueblo had existed on the vFyrgin, j wosld's Mid. Asm. Jiesseti. Hence it is to the that fo mtit REPAIRS ON MINING AND A & RIO site previous loth century. Its in 01 MILL MACHINERY SPECIALTY. SANTA FK BOl'THtKN AM) DENVER name was but it had been Sleepless Nights liledric l;ittrs. Sd oRANUb RAILWAY (J08. many frel that tlicy own their restoration haiidoned loni: before uoronado 8 time. OFPERED Made miserable by that terrible cough. to Scenic Routt-o- the West and Shortest line to of Dr. health to ti.e use ol the irrpat. alterativs olo. The town of Fe was found-- Saw's Ctar,? ""uii?" Shiloh't Cure is the remedy for you. C. Albuqueique, New Mexico. Pueblo, Colorado Springs aud Leiiver.- iSpanish rianta uouimol. case of l' 11 are trouMe.! N. M., 6. lftUO. tetarra la tt Head. M. Creauor. yoa with a.iv Santa m, June )d in ltiOo, lt is tnerelore tne second old nM-- ,e oi Mail aud No. 1 and 2 La ly except Kidneys, liver or slomach, Stress est settlement stul extant in - J. Sunday. European irsl.ort shindins:, yo-- i will s'lr-- l the United States. In 1804 came the The report sent out from Chicago a few 119 Sauta Fe.N.M.. 7:J m Lv uini runu ,iv M I'ii' I'.iMpra. HoM U pm American trader i 1.20 am first venturesome to the effect that a trust was :ii;n t pm Espauola 9.0 - days ago soap (i per u..ti;eat (.'. M. Cw Herviletta I) 12 'la pm the forerunner ol the great line of mer- cr's diu ; 2:i( pm D.. Business ia process of formation is a lye on the face tturo. 12:1 pin .Antonito.Colo i:80 pm hants who nave made trahic over the 8 Directory -:- - -:- - 10 20 ani B . Alamosa.. 4:4; pm fianta Fe world-wid- e in its of it. Veta 8:26 pm celebrity. Forty-uln- e The 7.2 an, ....I.a Hours to St. LouU. San 6.0 am B Cuchara Jo. 9:30 pm Don't Felipe 4:i6 ani .1 ueblo ll:.') pm the cumatk Is Life Worth Living? forget that the A., T. & S. 2:2u ani Colorado springs 1:65 am ATTORN KVS AT LAW. Not if the world a train ino. 4 . 6:00 am of New Mexico is considered the finest on you go through dyspep carries through Pullman ALBUQUERQUE N. M. LTll:8i) pni tic. Acker's tablets are a 9:20 pm Kansas City, Mo. 2dd 7:00 am the continent. The high altitude in John P. Dyspepsia post Palace sleeper to St. Louis via Burton 9:00 an ,Ht. Louis. 6:46 pm Victory. tive cure for the worst forms of dyspepsia, Hiirea rirvness and Duritv (esDeci&liv Catron, Knaebel ft Clanry. making connection with tho 'Frisco The Ar 6:o pin iud.Deuver.Colo.... 8:30 am Lv to cure of indigestion, flatulency and constipation Leading Hotel in New Mexico 1:00 d 6:4 am Ar lapted tae permanent pul Kdnard L. Bartlott. Lt pm ..Chlcago,IU.2d as hundreds will be Guaranteed and sold by A. C. Ireland, jr. "Flyer," passing through Wichita, Os' Colo .... 1.00 am v monary complaints, K. A. Fluke. Y25T ani ....Pueblo, trom to druggist. wego, Columbus, Springfield and other Etv MANAGEMENT. 10.30 pin salida 6:18 am Lt witness,) and by traveling point Geo. W. Knaebel. BEFITTED AND REFURNISHED. Lt 7 :60 pni Leadvllle 7:i am Ar point almost any desired temperature R. It. important cities, St. Louis 7 :2o ftTBICTLY FIRST CLASS. Twltchell A Long Journey. reaching TOURISTS' I1BADUCABTEB Ar 'i.M am Pueblo, Colo,.... 2.10 am Lt may he enjoyed. The altitude of some of Max. Kroat. the pecond of 10:46 6.2u am Silver to Kansas the morning out Santa Fe pm Halliia the principal points in the territory ia Geo. C. Preston. From City City 10:00 am . Jc 6:30 pm irain yo. 2 also reaches Burton ..(rand a ioliowb: ouuut distanco via. Santa Fe route is 1,197 in time Hotel Coach 7:i0 pn, Salt Lake, City, Utah 9:16 am to, i,vtt, vostuia, DENTISTS. to connect with the 'Frisco and Carriage in Waiting at All Trains. LT 6:40 pin Ogdeu 10:40 am Ar 7,774; Tierra Amarilla, 7,455; Glorieta, miles; to Chicago, 1,655 miles, and to St. "Flyer.' M wliicb also carries free Ar 6:au pn, day ugdeu o:4o am Lt 7,587; Taos. 6,950; Las Vetjas. j,452: Louis, 1,615 miies. reclining chairs Lt 6:90 am iau Francisco, 2d da 10.46 pm Ar D. W. Manley. least oi in of ,489, Bernalillo, 6,704 ; Albu These may seem lone distances. If uurion; equal point equip SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS FOR FAMILIES AND Cimarron, ment and time to that via Kansas querque, 4,918; Bocorro, 4,o&; urn BDKVBVOK9. one hud to travel the buukboard or stage City. LARGE PARTIES. General freight and ticket office tinder the For further particulars address O. T vomer oi wuere an lnior-tnalio- Cruces, 3,844; SUver City, route, it might look like a big undertak- Capital Hotel, piaza, 6,4; ft. JNichoIsou, P. & T. call relative to through freight aud ticket 5,800. The mean Wm. White. ing to go that distance ; but the i. A., Topeka, or sa.60 toT3.oo G. W. MEYLERT tick- Stanton, temperature superb on . m. per rates will be cheerfully given aud through at station at Santa service on the Santa Fe line makes the it nraiin, local agent. d,y Pfopr. et sold. Free elegant new chair cars Hauta fe to the government Fe, H INKS. Cuchara Junction. Through Pullmau sleepers for the years named was as follows ; 1874, journey a pleasure. between i ueblo, Leadvllle aud ugdeu. Passeu-ger- s 48.9 degrees; 1876, 48.0 degrees; 1870, First National Rank. U. i.. Mcholson, U. f. & 1. A., for Denver take new broad gauge Pullmau ior lame back there is nothing better 48.1; 1877, 48.3; 1878, 47.0. 1879, 60.B; Second Nation! Rank. Kas. sleep rs from Cuchara. All traius now go over than to saturate a flannel cloth with Coxnaui-h- in berths se ured by 1880, 46. ti ; which shows an pass daylight, extraordinary INSURANCE telegraph. J. T Helw, Ueu. oupt. uniformity. For tubercular diseases the OK NTH. A Duty to foorsair. Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bind it death rate in New Mexico is the lowest in It is will use a on the affected Darts. CLOSING OF MAILS. J. W. Schofleld, Fire and Life. surprising that people Try it and you the union, the ratio being as follows. wnen can Be' A. M. r. U. T. M. common, ordinary pill they win be surprised at the prompt relief it TIMMER. 4:16 New 25 ; 14 ; South- HOUSE Ma east 7:3o England, Minnesota, MERCHANTS. cure a valuable one for the same Ucloslng going English atlords. Tho same treatment will cure Mail closes goiug west 7:80 ern States, 0 ; and New Mexico, 3. money. Dr. Acker's English pills are a Mail arrives from east 12:05 10:34 A. Wholesale rheumatism. For sale C. M. Cream Mi arrives trom west 6:50 Btaab, Merchandise. positive cure ior sick neaaacne ana all by distances. liver troubles. are er, druggist. GROCERIES. They small, sweet, Silver New Mezico. fcnta Fe is distant from Kansas City easily taken and do not gripe. Sold by City, DIRECTORY. A. C. CHURCH t tiles; from Denver, 338 miles; W. N. Emmert, No. 6. Ireland, jr., druggist. Notice for Jrsinidad, 210 miles; from Aibu--- i ft vn. Publication, Lo var Cartwrlsrht llrlawnlcl. 4. HomeBtead Mkthodist Episct l Al Uuurch. e te, 86 mi'es; from Deming, 316 2117. I P. Pas- - Antomatic.weighing machines are the FRED.O. ban tranciflco St. f .(i. Fry a from El Paso, 340 miles ; from Los HARDWIRE, Land Omen at8anta Fb, N. M.,l WRICHT, Manager: Fran-.1,28- of tor, residence next the church. t 1,032 miles; from San 1 latest object thieves' attacks. They October 1, 1890. ) Grant St. ev. (s, W. A. McKenzle. Pkehbytkkian Church. miles. drop a jimmy in the slot and take out the JSotice is hereby given that tho follow- - George U. Smith, Pastor, residence C R. D. Frani. elevations. nickels. ;ng named settler has tiled notice of his T. Gardens. CLOTHING AGENTS' FURNISHING. intention to make final in A. Kpis-Copal- ;. proof support :p.r,o Uhukuu of thk Hly Faith I base of the monument in the The Home Truth of a Troverb vi ins ana mat said will be MOSES, Pa.' ace Avenue. liev. Foreign ciaim, proot Upper nd plaza is, according to latest Sol. Splegelberg;. The Hjmnish bavo a proverb demaiado os made before the register and receiver at tfiiiward VV. B. A. ),rosi-lenc- e Meany, (Usou 7,019.6 feet above the pellgrjso "toomnch isdarg,-roHs.- If eanta IN. M., on Jiiovember Cathedral St. DRUUOISTS. "brevity te, 6, 1800, rvel of the sea; Bald mountain, toward is tho soul of wit," this means a great deal. viz: Joseph Routledge, for the e)4 nw k', Conukkuational Ghiiroh. Near the northeaft and at the extreme north- tlie C. M. Creamer. Exnei si's and other itnprufonces lu eating and University. ern end of the Santa Fe mountains, aro of one tremendous lie. A. C. Ireland, Sr. drinking productive The Yost level ; Lake to Machine. 12,tibl feet above sea Peak, evil the progenitor of many others and these He names the following witnesses to Fe creek has Writing . FEATEENAL ORDERS. the right (wb )re the Santa GENERAL MERCHANDISE. are among the follies to which this pithy saying prove his continuous resideunce upon, ; the divide I he New and its is 12,046 feet high has direct The evil to we and cultivation of said - Hither Standard. source), application. which land, viz: Isaac nas- n .aw J9t'r'iir UUMTKZUltlA LOUUK, No. 1, A. F. A A. (Tesuque road) 7,171; Agua Fria, 6,480; Abe Gold. allude Is to the relief aud cure of N. Stone, James N. Martio M. u of indiges'ion, Stone, Armijo Meets the first Monday each mouth. La which Hosti tter's Stomach Hitters has couirib-u- t' Mr. Yost (the inventor ef the two No. R. A. Cieneguilla (westi, 6,025; Bajada, and Crescendo Reibal, all of other SANTA FK CHAPTKK, 1, MISCELLANEOUS. d niore than any medicine which science nas Ulorieta, typewriters whose tne Is world-wld- has Masons. Meets on the seconu of each 6,614 ; mouth of Santa Fe creek (north of Santa Fe N. M. Monday gfveu to the American people. TblsiuvJgoratlug county, perfected this machine upon simplified mouth. Pena Blanca), 6,226; Sandia mountains A. T. & stomachic and corrective is the means uot onl A. L. Morrison, BANTA FK No. 1, Grigs Co., Furniture, fte. Register. COMMANDKKY, point), 10,608; Old Placers, Jim. Hamnel. tiu. tar. irravel riMttlnir. Aa. of ref'Tinnig a dl.,,rderedorenfeebieo condition NO RIBBON. DIRECT Knights Meets on the fourth Monda) (highest dlif" of - PRINTING; PER Templar. Los Cirrillos mountains (south), Miss A. nugier, mlliuery and fanev uro,ds oi the tlve rgans, but renewing- helthy Vvknt ALIGNMENT. tes- of each mouth. 0,801; l1. . ol tne Dowels tne I Exhaustively Aehuepple, ction liver jteside. this, Cronp, Whooping Cough ted an Guaranteed a. to NHEE0, . SANTA ( K LU1WE OF FKKFKCTION, 5,684 feet in height. nskfry, lt counteracts a t i rheumatism and M AN i strength A. A. 8. R. Meets on the 4. Klrschuer. tendency And bronchitis tnd nil PINO POWEK. No. 1, 14th degree third ,let kiducv comiilslut, extirpates and prevents roa1- - immediately relieved by deuU-- of mouth. POINTS OF INTEREST. John Olluger, Undertaker ft Rmbalmer Uiprec introduction; 80C0 adopted Monday each A. FlurlSt. urious disease. Is a potc trestoratlve of streDgib Shiloh s Cure. C. M. Creamer. the first year. A41I.AN LOUUE. No. 8, I. O. 0. F, Bovle, which is In ne. hastens couvaWscence and are some various of J. Weliuier. Book Store. L. Meets every Friday night. Thero forty points Fischer Co., mltigiites the tnnrmities oi ago. m EVANS, Sen'l Agt, Denver. SANTA FK No. 2, K. of P. Meets lesB historic interest in and about Krewlng Brewery. loiiuk, more or J. u. Hchuiuauu, shoe Merchant. An honest Swede tells his in ' L. A. drat aud third Wednesdays. : Sol. Lowltiki ft story plain f PEEEY, Ter.Agt, UKKMAN1A LOUUK, No, 6, K. I P. the ancient city Hon, Livery Stable. Albuquer Dodrow ft Transfer Coa but unmistakable for XI. Meets zd and 4th Tuesdays. The adobe palace stands on the spot Hughes. Teams, Round trip tickets to Las Vegas hot language the benefit que, M. NKW No. 1, Uniform and Lumber. of ftlKXICO DIVISION, where the old Spanish palace had been springs and return, good for ninety days, the public. "One of my children took Rank A., of 1' Meets flrut Weduesday lu each erected after 1005. That ancient NEW mouth. shortly HOTELS. on sale at $5 at A., T. & S. F. railroad a severe cold and got the croup. I gave MEXICAN PRINTING CO, Local CATHOLIC KNIGHTS OF AMERICA. structure was destroyed in 1680 and the Agt. otfico. her a teaspoonful of Chamberlain's cough Meets seeoud Thursday In the mouth, present one was constructed between Alamo Ifotel. SANTA KU LOUbk, No. W), U. D. 0. 0. F. remedy, and In five minutes later I Meets aud third Thursdays. 1697 aud 1710. Palace Hotel. Many old soldiers, who contracted gave No. 8, A. O. 0. W. of San was built be- Hotel. her one more. this time bad to UOLllUN LOUUK, The chapel Miguel Exchange chronic diarrhoea while in the service, By she For Dyspepsia Meets ciery secoud and fourth Wednesdays. tween 1636 and 1680. In the latter years the in her throat. And Liver Complaint, vou have a nrintAH CAKLKTOK No. , o. A. K., meets JEWELERS. cured of cough up gathering DR. BANDER'S foal, the ludiaus destroyed it. Fully restored have since been permanently on bottle of iirst uuC third Wednesdays of each mouth, at Then she went to Bleep and slept good for guaranty every Shlloh's Vital hen hall, south aide if plaza. in 1711, it had previously, and after 1693, it by Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and never falls to cure. M 8. Spitz. fifteen minutes. Then she and izes it C. ELECTRIC BELT been the only Spanish chapel in Santa J. R. Hudon. Diarrhcra Remedy. For sale by C. M. got up Creamer. Fe. It still remains the oldest church in vomited ; then she went back to bed and CARI'tlNTUKS. Creamer, druggist. use in New Mexico. slept good for the remainder of the The dressmaker is old date in night. often heard Baying to The walls of the cathedral A. URRILITATICUUroMh IF Windsor. She got the croup the second nUht and an DI6CHKT107l&rltXCi8lt 1022 is . All kinds of legal blanks, deeds, apprentice: "I told sew." part from ; but the edifice proper Plla-er- justice you 'ni i'i.:BMANf:yrLrcuRKibyu?ini i Simon I her the same irmtn CUH.H bt tbu Nb. from the of note etc. gave remedy with the trfirr.TBlC AND SUSPENSQI. 3ANDEN ELFC'i flICTRU past century. the peace blanks, books, IMIMVtOtJ? ielT crHKrTM) iosKY, Hidt for thlupwiiftfi put Old Fort Marcy was first recognized . same good results. I write this because on Face mt. Hfiriantf.lBESrRUflSMADI all stock at the Nuw Mbxican office Pimples tbe poifl, Cure of fltatrallr) IT firing Frvolf, BIM Seetl used as a by InR, Csikllsiiwtit CoitcbU (not,or Klrotiiott through all WRA II.KKniiluriiiiiPLHtciior itr.ri.3irn mrj and strategic military point I thought there be some one in the Denote an impure state of the blood and PA inlrftltNI-IN- Ki.kctkicTRUHS1oV ,..UB might RT8. reatortog tbem lo HEALTH ud t HJOROtB 8TR1SOT the l"uetilo Indians when revolted Blettrie CurrMt or we eas Pftrrffl KKTA MKItt giving InbtawtHi in they TO WEAK MEN same need and not know true merits are looked upon by many with suspicion. Fell IniUntlr, forfeit 96,000 tu ml Ct'UK. Worn with Kane A' m 1680 drove out The and the Stag;e. the BKLT aad aaipvaurr CowprtU asdap Wont eaaaaf against Spanish rule in and Pulpit Acker'p Blood Elixir will remove all Vorad Sealed Md fla?. ThU S linonlioncomhlnei Srienoe. I'uf' -- of naaeatlj in ihrN aooUu. paaphtet Fra. fort.ilght after the city for the effects Rev. F. M. Iirimi, United Breth- this wonderful medicine." Charles A. rower, nma iimpiij oh wfn. mrr iiMUB the enemy besieging Buffering from of youthful errors, early pastor and leave the complexion smooth iANOtl ELECTRIC CO., SKINNCR ILOCI, BE1VEI, CO DI.SANOEN. SRINNLRBLOCKaBtHV- t- under weakness, lost manhood, I will ren P.luti "1 ltfrM, nine days. The American army decay, wasting etc, church, Mound, Kas., says: Thompseen, DesMoines, Iowa. Fifty and clear. There is nothing that w ill so constructed old Fort in send a valuable treatise (sealed) containing full leel it tm duty to tell what wonders Dr. Kearney Marcy particulars for borne cure, ar EE of charge. A cent bottles for sale by C. M. Creamer, Uiorotlimlv hni dnnthncnnntitiitinn nnri. p New Discovery has done for me. 1846. splendid medical work l should be read by every King's druggist. fy and strengthen the whole systen. Sold Fort Marcy of the present day is gar- man who is nervous and debilitated. Address, My lungs ere badly diseased, and my aud A. C. I could live a guaranteed by Ireland, jr., risoned by two companies of the loth Prof. p. C. FOnXEB. Hoodoa. Conn. parishioners thought only unionist. U. S. infantry, under command of Col. few weeks. I took five bottles of Dr. Notice for Publication. FQRJ.1EN ONLY! New and am sound and and here at 9 a. m. daily occurs King's Discovery Homestead No 2127. Snooks There few lOaaeral aad HKRVOUS DEBttlT?! Snyder, H were very people at feature of well, iiti s in weight." ! of BxW and guard mounting, a military gaining Land Office at Santa Fk, N. M.,) the funeral of Dr. w of to the Arthur Luve, Love's Funny Soonover. Snaugs No ILSAlXJUJAllof JSrror. or Exo.iiaiiBoTd'frrii maneuvering evei interest tourist. n,anuger Oct. 10, 1890. f ol to the tourist : Folks combination, writes: "After a wonder; hardly any of his patients Have ''"rik" OKosvsuriD Other interest Job following-n- ikwllil.lT wi, TRSATMSST-lVi- points Printing. trial and I Notice is hereby given that the Uliat HOIS rsu I. . are : The Historical Society's rooms ; the thorough convincing evidence, survived him. Dr. New amed settler has filed notice of his the military quarter ; chapel and am confident King's Discovery "Oanta," Banks. Iasa cures intention to make final proof in of Our Lady of tiie Kosary ; the ror Itaak Mines, for Consumption beats 'em all, and support Tbe Rev. Goo. H. cemetery else fails The of his claim, and that said proof will be Thayer, church museum at the new cathedral, the anee Baal Estate), Basinet' when everything greatest Of "Both Companies, 1 do thousand made before the or receiver at Bourbon, Ind., says: myself church of our Our kindness can my many register wife archbishop's gardens; i to Santa Fe, N. M., on November 17, and my owe our lives to Shiiohs' ol with its rare old works Men, ete. Particular attention given friends is to urge them try it." Free 1890, Lady Uuadalupe at C. M. Creamer's store viz i Martin M. Wiiisor for the e Consumption Cure. ol the soldiers' uionumeut, monu- of Mining Frvnei trial bottles drug nei, SUBSCRIBE FOR art; Descriptive Pamphlets B WV eX sec. 34, r 12e. THE SHORT LINE TO Path-Finde- r, Kit uuiilar if" ami $1. tp. ll)n, ment to the Pioneer Hesej,names Are Ton Going East? the O. A. K. of New ties. We make apeolalty ef the following witnesses to J Carsoc, erected by his continuous residence and If so will ask for tickets via f Fearless, free, consistent St. Vincent hospital, conducted Salvationist (stopping Jack on the road prove upon, you Mexico; cultivation of said land, viz: Mell M. WABASH LINE. tails editorial opin-ion-s, Sisters of Charity, and the Orphans' man, are you ready to die? by Young Cooper, James F. Cooper, Jack Rauss WHY? Because in the first place H hamper- - EL industrial school; tne Indian training SHORT MOTIOK, Look I'm CHICAGO, and the Jack here, my friend, entirely and John Finn, all of (Jlurieta, Santa Fe it is, to many of the principal cities in the " school; Loreto Academy chapel cent about N. M. east the of unarmed and haven't a me. county, VtVL of Our Lady Light. LOW PRIDES, A. L. Morrison, E The aiaht-see- r here may also take a Register. SHORT LINE and, because, on all Bnoklen'a Arnica Salve. trains there free to new and ele- ST. LOUIS, vehicle and enjoy a day's outing with are, all, si nlonsnrn mid DTOUl. ALIO various run: work, The best Salve in the world for cuts, gant S M if of interest to be visited are Tesuque bruises, sores, ulcero, Bait rheum, feve-sore- RECLINING CHAIRS, and from spots MECTUTION chilblain pueblo, axing in the divide en route; PROMPT tetter, chapped hands, points in the Rocky monntain region on fit A E NEW YORK, Monumunt rock, up m picturesque Sauta corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi- all throuuh trains iff mineral cures or no pay required. It X ie canon; the Aztec springs; tively piles, and to ; the is to give satisfaction, THROUGH PULLMANS, Nambe pueblo; Agua Fria village guaranteed perfect the climax of all trains aro asmuisiiut-tio- u or refunded. Price 26 cents cap luxury, turquoise mines; place oi the money per fed on BOSTON, of Oovernor Perez: San lldelonso Stock Certificates hox. Forsalfat A. C Ireland's. T to! DINING CARS. pueblo, or the ancient win aweiiera, With your name and address, mailed 8pecUQy Bio Grande. H. M. Sunn. ) 0. M. Hampbon, the "Send this car to the repair shop," the Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Go., Is k. A devoted to the And All Points Eact. ok bahta n ill sis ef J. T. Helm, f Com. Agt., 1,227 thk city ordered the inspector. "Yes, sir. What to obtain an treat- T. Santa Fe. 17th Denver. growing Interests ef a modern growth ; has small Job Printing swraane necessary interesting Agt., St., is making steady tienwi" "I notice that two ol the the liah and promising Mm now a oi 8,000, and has every ise on the blood and the diseases incident F population dispatch. Es IsMtes U Kale' windows Have them attend Itate of New Mexico. C. M. HAMP80N, ussurance of becoming a beauulul modem (It Wk open easily. Lives a double life The contortionist. coming are liberal aud enter- We ase the to it. E Commercial Her people to order ed to." . Aft., city. and en- The man who always has a "pull" DBNTEB, COL. and stand ready to foster ETB1TB0ST WAIT8 vTlndiar BlOok. prising, hav- The IT. courage any legitimate undertaking Chamberlain's Ere and Skin barber with a dull razor. aad im- ing for its object the building op Ointment. of the place. Among the People Everywhere provement which A oertain cure for Chronio Sore Eyes. Skin Eruption Cored. present needs of Sauta Fe, and lor FINEST STANDABD PAPE! Confirm our statement wnen we say that caau or lauds could un- Tetter, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, OlC HARTSHORNS SHADEROLLERS liberal bonuses in One of my customers, a highly respected and Acker's English Remedy is in every way FOR HEN ON. be secured, may be mentioned Chronio Sores, Fever Sores, Eczema. Influential citizen, but who Is now absent from to all other Bowaro of Imitations, doubtedly superior any and preparations . J) sv" ; wool used Swift's POSITIVE off a canning factory scouring plant Itch, Prairie Scratches, Sore Nipple the city, has Specific with azcelltnt for the throat' and lungs. In whooping J NOTICIJ Skilled labor of all kinds oIfWuWEfxi AUTOGRAPH LABEL and tannery. and Piles. It is cooling and soothing. result. Be says it cured him of a akin eruption cough and croup it is magic and relieves 1. it. rlnmsnd at Mod WatlBS. The COSt of that he had bees tormented with for at once. We offer a bottle Or HE GENUINE Hundreds of cases have been cured by thirty year, you sample CUBEeTerlloW living U reasonable, and real prppeity, and had resisted the csrattvs qnailtle of many free. Remember, this remedy is sold on suburban. If ad It after all other treatment had failed. "'"iiMr.Roaa thsjtbsst- - bsu TaV faothWdt and 'duy The New Mexican otim medicine. a positive guannted by A. 0. Ire) and, Jr., It is put up in 95 and 00 cent boxes. r Pails tm. nwuttnlMf Ciseo, Druggist, City, druggist. , f j ,7.'; Mills over Ward, St; Hardy over THE FIGURES FOR IT, ( ionzales, S2. The Mexican Highest of all in Leavening Power.- TJ. S. Gov't 1S89. Daily ta In precinct. No. 'J the majority for the Report, Aug. 17, 1'eoplch' candidate for sherill' is estimated All Pr; cincts at 3b in precinct No. ! Joseph roctived NOVEMBER ti. Unotticial Eeturns from THURSDAY, a nuij.i.'iiv of t; ; f.-- A; I.opc., Mill, 48; in t ho Count PftvoraMo Hardy, US; in product No. o, Joseph, 60; j ' til) ; in No. & the Republicans,, precinct li, Lopez, t; Saddler in precinct No. 0, Lopez, 3i ; in precinct Hardware.Crockery j' No. :;l ; in Lopez, precinct 1, Lopez, - (.'utnli-l.vtfi- BAIN MOLINi- A re oi the Minor Democratic s IS ; in jirnclnct Joseph, 2; I.nprz, 20; Agent for C. M. CREAMER Mill-)- , 41. Get in the f'ldn 4s; Hardy, may by in precinct No. 2i) Engenlo Romero, of Their Teeth. ior shoiitf, received a majority of 63; in Farm & precinct S3, Otero 11, Romero 4, Ward Spring Wagons 11, Lionzules -- b; in precinct No. S7, Ro-- and San Pedro Irregularities at Galisteo mcro '20 ; in precinct No. 39, Romero 5 ; No. Romero that will Republican in precinct SI, Otero 13, 20, ABSOLUTELY PURE RACINE BUCKBOARDS. Enlarge Ward Uonzales 4L ?, of in Las and Retail Majorities. The result the balloting East Tli VhoU4e No. was as follows: the New Vegas, precinct 29, Msxican yesterday made by L. Fresh fish and oysters Friday morning, For Otero 247, 230; A in the delegate, Joseph M. Hartley, is incorrect. Dr. at Emmert's. Republican Delegation Legisla for l'omero Symington sherill', 270, Lopez Mr. ; says that Meily did not - ture and a Republican Board of 237 assessor, Lnppz 728, Segura discharge Milk 10c a quart ; 5c a glass, at Colo- ! !lii8; Ward San- Hartley for voting the rado saloon. Commissioners, councilmen, Republican ticket, County chez 2B9, Mills Vigil ICG; but discharged him for under the Plaza Restaurant 20, being Turkeys, Chickens and Ducks reprcsoutatives, lorsytlic, 38.i; Urtega, influence of liquor. at Emmert's. KeuuMi-cu- n 321 ; 292; morning While the major part of the 282; Lucero, (iallegos, Aragon, Newton Beers who "The Circus ISO; Garcia, 107; Montova, 187; Herrera, plays HOURS OR NIGHT. SHORT ticket of this is New Em- - MEALS AT ALL DAT county unquestion- 120. Eider," "Lost in London," "Enoch Jersey Sweet potatoes, at elected it will an mert's. ORDERS A SPECIALTY. ably probably require Hot Springs I'recinct Delegate, Otero, Arden" and such performances, has con- official count to decide two or thrco of the 18; Joseph, IS; sherill', Komoro, 18, tracted to appear at Gray's opera bouse Are You Married? 1 1 victors. Lopez, 20 ; assessor, Lopez, 10; Segura, If not. sond address to fl! li on the 20th and the two following nights, your the American 0 1ms 17; eouni ilmen, J. H. Ward, 21, Sanchez, P. O. Box X. A. MULLER, 0 All tlio situation 643, PropV. d:iy political "Cricket on the Hearth" at Corresponding Club, - 10, Vigil, lt, Mills, 18; representatives, presenting Olarkshnri:, W. Va. the returns from Chilili Ual-leuo- hinged upon pre- Forsvthe, 20, Ortega, 20, Lucero, 20, a family matinee on Saturday afternoon, cinct, and the query "Have you heard 20; (tarda, 17, Montova, 17, Ara-go- the 22d. from Chilili?" has been afloat on the air, 17, Herrera, 17. BUSINESS NOTICES. Kiveuburg lias seven men at work m but at 3 o'clock afternoou the De this query tags I'ov.vrv. . packing fruit trees for shipment through- ohn ceased when District T itched 6. coun-t- v Allan, Attorney via. Nov. Taos J Taos, Kmbudo, out tho Hon. A. of from gives Otero a little less than 100 majori- territory. Gusdorf, ANTED 10,000 old magazines to be bound telegraphed Secretary Hughes at the Nkw Mkxk an h b(Mik bindery. : the w ticket is elected. Taos, sends down an order for 1,600 trees. w that Chilili returns a majority ty hole Republican icTAUn.siiitn isse. l.amy pve The board of directors of the Santa Fe ANTED. 1.000 Bounds old tvne metal at of 11 for the Democratic ticket. VALKNCIA COI NTV. vv this office. Electric A I'ower had a Real Estate Los Li Nov. We returns Light company Dealer, sas, (. have AS IMPORTANT DISC'OVI'liV. business FUli SALK, eleven session this forenoon at Mr. ( from fifteen precincts, from the At ialistoo, says Anastacio Sandoval, Catron's oflice. river and four from the mountains, which SALE, New Mexico laws ot 1889 at the ono of the judges of election who served What's the matter with the scheme to FOR Nkw Mexican ottice; paper binding, SANTA FE, give 733 majority for Otero; thir- :;; sheep blildlll there, the Democratic election judges sink for artesian water in the la Have customers l'or in all parts of the city. Lea re teen to follow will give Repub- plaza? Spanish, property threw out ten votes for Messrs. Cntron precincts side-wal- The now k the of property with me. lican from 450 to 5U0. The aloDg govern- fTHlR HAI.E. -S- heriffs' blank Tax Sale Certlfl-J- ? description jour and Staab because the names of Martinez majority Mkxi-ca- ment palaco is a positivo comfort. cales at the ottice ef the Daily Nuw and Creamer were scratched out and Democrats have not carried n single pre- lielcn where Musical and literary entertainment at those of Messrs. Catron and Staab written cinct, precinct, the great T,X)K SALE. Hlank otters of Guardianship Feli hlch In all the church and Bond in pencil.'' The fact that these names V0" C1"T8 Vresbyterian 1; Guardians' and Oath at theolliee : I we lost from 30 to !0. oi the Nkw Mk.vican Printius company. were not.J written in ink was the sole the vears past have Cerardinelli has sent to Denver for half The iHarke' a of 33 for the which these tickets were gives Republican majority a dozen brick masons. HALE. Option blanks at office of Nkw City ground upon whole where Telosfor I.OIt ESTABLISHED IN 1S&9 We have in stock a line of Toilet excluded. It is learned also that the ticket. Tome, t riming company. same occurred at Canoncito Jaramillo, tho Democratic candidate for Article thing pre two a PEltSOSAh. TjOR SALE. Coal Declaratory Statements at ofevery description; sherill' lives, which vears ago gave the ottii-- oi New cinct. i I A Sj Daily Mexican. AUGUST also a full lineot Import-e- d .n,i.i ml,..;in r.F U7 ttifao tic KIKSCHHEH, Prcpr. ballots for . M Lead were a so , Twelve ( Jm.tjori(y win Bot bc Mr. Jose A. Lucero returned MOR HALK. Teachers' blank KogisWr Books UKALKK IN ALL KINDS Or & be-- majoritv. Hea Cigars Imported thrown out in the (.a listen ! , " at the olllce of the Dail New Mexican. precinct tlmn in Valencia county. to Espanola. & California Wines cause his name was wruien 011 uie i.ckci )tpro.a ,Iiajori,y is al)out 700 ; w hole Ke- and IJrundie.'i. rn ' Hon. T. I!. Catron left this afternoon Fresh and Salt Meats anJ cf a!! Kinds pencil. publican ticket elected bv same majority. CARDS. Sausays At San Pedro four Democratic ballots :1 for Las Vegas to attend court. PE0FESSI0NAL SiAH FRANCISCO ST., SVNTA Ft, N. M wore counted which were cast bv persons ariiNAMi i.o eotsrv. nat-- 1 Mr. and Mrs. took the who had only taken out their "hrst" Hie Republican ticket and Otero carry Waddinghain ATTORNEYS AT LAW. uralizatmn papers, and, therefore had (i,e contv j,v from fiut) to tiOO majority, train this afternoon for Las Vegas nndthe no right to vote, and the ballots of two the onlv Democrat elected hoina Harris. east. tiEO. C. l'KKSTOM, New Store! New Goods! lemocrats were counted when the par clerk. Attyinmv nt I.AVB. 'rnniitt mid nnrtfiil i., tmirlmi county to all business utmsted to ties who cast them had been in the pre- Later 3 in. Entire lion, l'edro 1'crea lias luketl Quarters given him. win p. Republican practice iu all courts of the territory, cinct hut four days. ticket is elected. Hero's majority is 800. at frt. inceut a sanitarium. Mrs. I'erea AT THE OLD STAND. All the details relating to these irregu- arrived from RALPH K. TWITt'HELL, 1 In to KI.HCT10S DOTH. Iiernalillo take pleaiaie calling attention of the pnlille my stock ef larities are iu the hands of the Republi Attorney at Law Splegelbcrg block, Santa Fe, can central committee anil will lie used Republicans are jubilant. New Mexico. at the TKlk UITOICI A L TIPS. proper time, Facundo I'ino is entitled to a medal for MAX FKOST, Goods and THK WINMZIt. his faithful work. Attornxy at Law, Santa Fe, New Mexico. Dry The new mill, consisting of three tmir AND Clothing, The are the most reliable and '"Have heard from Chilili ?'' was HATS, CAPS, BOOTS SHOES, admits wc tlio following you of Bower's concave convex rolls, twelve! oko. w. Kvertbody carry the all last ' knakbil, latest figures showing the majorities of cry night. Hungarian amalgamating pans or bowls Office in the Bona Building, Palace Avenue, lorgest stock In the territory will Collections and the successful candidates : Tho ollicial count materially cut and nine concentrating tables, etc., at Searching Titles a specialty. & Groceries. In our Hue, Consequently down those "vindication" Staple Fancy Catron 23. Mavo 13. Itead 1. Staab. 1. figures. l'inos Altos, is nearing completion, and eowaku No ah- p worn, dmti nor fttale itoniln In th hon; Tirythiiij u Aimnk, npan We defy competition to a ma- - is expected to be in within l. bktxktt, new I am ty from BMtni anotlt murt mi hte to and WILL netl Nntbitt 4,'i, Garcia 14, A. J. Ortiz 20, Everything points Republican put operation Lawyor, Santa Fo, New Mexico. Ottice over rot1i 11 1 mt rantAru Hay Grain mid I'oed a Goods to or In the liHth a very few weeks. he anti-- 1 second National Bank. prices. apdolalty ullvred part quality prices. Valdez 50, l!ro. Butolph 100, Chavez jonty in legislative assembly. capacity of the olty Give niw a call aud Bare nmnej. Ortiz is tons 01 gold fr. 130, Delgado 2, Holmes 28, (i. 17. The Republicans didn't loso any sleep cipaieu eignt quartz per HKNKV L. WALDO, Tiiese do not include the twelve last over the result in day. All the gold mills of l'inos Altos figures night possible and Silver Attorney at Law. Will practice in the several ABE San Francisco St. tickets illegally thrown out. at Galisteo Chiliii. City are running. The Good COLD, Lowr ui it- to to and the six irregular Democratic ballots Tlio ,1.. ,mt ""l": lumo jjuiic iiniuuimii, in en ail ousiuess intrusted his care. r,li.l,,iu miles southeast of Silvor w counted at .San Pedro pre-- 1 Citv, hich (Golden) Infsi.I bnllot bnv. but that cuts T' C0NWAY- - P08lrY- - sni,i tl, created great interest on account of the r hawkihs. duct, and which on a fair and no & canvass of tlie ollicial returns tigure. extraordinary high grade of its gold and conway, posky Hawkins, just Counselors at Law, Silver muKt the above for A Republican board (if county commis- silver ore and its position geologically in AorneyMnd City augment showing will New Mexico. Prompt attention given to ab the candidates and corre- sioners take charge of Fe a new horizon among the ore bearing business intrusted to our cam. Practice all FOR Republican ia county affairs on January 1. Tis well. strata of the country, still continues to the courts ot the territory. S.I.E spondingly decrease the figures opposite the names of the Democratic candidates. The La Baiada figures came too lato for produce and is said to morn than hold its K. a. own fimkk, insertion in our tabular statement with increasitiit development. and Connselor at Law, P. O. Box HIEKHA COUNTY. Attorney The vote there was 21, the Democrats Clavton note: YVm. lligyins sold his '"Saut Fe, N. M., practices in supreme aud b;ight in Sierra Lake a of J3. clnim'nonr riuvtnn on i a" district courts of New Mexico. Special at Fruit precincts county, r having majjrily n;i VeMV? tention given to mining aud Spanish and Mex-05- There be some at- to Otto&Schleter. firm of Ottto Kan laud ardens, Valley, Hillsborough, Kingston, I'alomas, may skulldugery grant litigation. OPEN DAY OR NIGHT the Chilili ballot if & " Fairview and tempted with box, kit &'h'etet have made money in this B.""cATnoii, .. w. Grafton, HcrmosR, Chloride y t. j. clanct so somebody will bo very so-r- about it country. Five years ago they oflered to: RANCHES, ETC. Cive UU; ... lollowing majorities: .loEeph, before the end comes. sell out their sheep for $!),0UU, hut could ct,w Re- Attorneys at Law and Sollcitorr in Chancery Bantz, 15; Hums, 101; Kali, !. Late dispatches indicato that Joseph's not get it. This year they sold $40,1)00 Santa Fo, New Mexico. Practice in all the Deuio-ctati- of Ono firm maining six precincts gave Otero a major- electi in is by no means certain. c worth wool and their ranches and Courts in tho Territory. of the will be are ho at all times iu Kama Fe. Several choice orchards right in Santa Fe, N. M , one-hal- f to twenty acres, from SCOOt o ity of til in SS8. losses are reported from almost sheep said to worth between 20,0i0. METEOROLOGICAL. 50,1)00 and OR ANT COl'XTY. every ccunty, and much hinges on San $60,000. WILLIAM WHITE, Also, dafrr, forty cows, ei .'ht acres of choice laud, 400 aborted fruit trees, fine kitchen Office OnsEKViin. ( U. D. H. wn.'le bottom of Miguel Pecan is one of the 8. Deputy Surveyor and Deputy Mineral garden; outfit, K9.000, Net incmue pa t year, IV!), could be cilv' Santa Fe, X. M., November .'j, 1s!0. Seventepn pre:incts give Lockhart 1(18 county. farming growing doubkd Beautiiully located iu the of San a re; also industries of the states. After the Surveyor. city , majority, Otero , Archeta 130; these are Already it is understood an attempt gulf Locations made upou public lauds, furnishes will be made certain Democrats to trees have once begun to bear thev in-- : lur.ii.n.afi.,1.. ralaflt,.. Inw n'nuu,uLn.,,1.1, auua.. uiDUtailIl..ln Republicans. by '"" omes in Kirschner Block, second o have the board throw out volve no labor or expense, and vield. it grants. 3 Bf 2 2,2. liurns, Democrat for legislature in same county Espan- .. -- . " """r.naiirn re. n m THE AZTEC MINERAL SPRING a 2 2 IBin o - I .,, j.. nn PROPERTY, 4 21 2;- -i s o receives a of iU and ola, which is largely Republican. The DCiiu, nu UIIAJIUB ml iruui f.juu IU l,OUU 2 precincts, majority an Consisting of 160 acros, magnificently located In Oigante canon, four miles from Fall one of 5i. courts will see to it that this scheme is acre, according to the quality of the San a fe. B O nuts. Pecan trees D. W. MANLEY, r not successful. are very thrifty in the Tn. water is 'qual In en ry to the cetohra'e l BufTali wit r analysis to he had 1110 AI1RI1IA. Pecos and on at office. 5:Ma.m. an NE 1,'loudh valley, many people who have application my MfOn this property are xtune quarries; coal aire ly Vote f,r Sunt Fe Novenibr r e- uudi-v- 2 17 Cloudls i'ounty, timber claims will nlRnr. ih-- inctAu-- nt discovered; K"'l, silver, copper ami led mine., as oped. c nery Returns from Plaza Alcalde precinct iu oilic- CO 4, 18UO. grandest the world. This property is oned by uu ol armv r who is desirous the Cottonwood. Eddv A DENTIST.Otere,M.Crean..r'iDraf 1 Maximum Teniiwrature these : 12IS; gUS. 8tr. of hl east amoui an .Is inopt-rt- is ttieremr offered at tne low . N4 give figures Otero. Joseph, - - dy relatives, aflnin: am Temperature. OFFICE HOCK9, 9 to 13, to 4 price of the true is fabulous. e PntAinltatlon .00 says the Raton Reporter : Express 910,000, altuough price Tlt perfect. 130; Jaramillo, 122; Sullenburger, 132; " " 1.. .urn. rates were to be advanced after Novem-- 1 W. WIDMIYSB, fjerK, niRiiai a 3 r- n w -- T IniliPatos tnapnroeiahle Read, 126; Garcia, 128; Candelano, 129; k k hoc 1 ami ova A Note procit)''ln 5Bi Si S - ni.hulili, TI.a. CHOICE BUILDING ? 5 r S PLAT, Caldwell, 125; Martinez, 12!); Baca, 125; r--r : a in -- : k 3 si taiuly high enough before, fact were so L C. TETAD & CO., Palace Avenue, front of 157 feet by bout average depth oi 150 feet, The choicest Cordova, 115; Sanchez, 133; Lucero, g: : bS: i high that nothing is sent by express that building pla. in ennta Fe. Price very rensouaule. ".-- can be handled as 102; Serna, 62; Abeytia, 125 ; Chavez, 1 (I possibly freight. It East Las X.M., strikes the ordinary business man that a Vegas, 127; Martinez, 130; Durns, 13!) ; Lopez, reduction would increase the volume and Wells-Farg- o lliG; Vargas, 09; Grant, 129, Romero, - fS of the more s - C. - it . Kit- V. O 4. l qdosof profit company COMMISSION 1ST hue c rt i urctt- - y than a raise. 125; Montoya, 122, Larragoite, 132. TIMBER LA. IDS i jS . fas : 51 i ti - w a a 5 uoamo note: Thousands of Las Pinos I'recinct ; !c i tel Eddy curlew have 11f- - A Joseph, Otero, y. 7 i; z o MERCHAUTS, I Solicit CoiiRlnnmcnts ot Fruits 7.00O Acre 7,0 been flying around the town and even Vegetables, 24; Sullenberger, 41 j Jaramillo, 34; J and Produce Genera ly. Tract, 1 5 S g as 5 S SS fc within the limits of the same during the About tbir'y-elgh- t miles north ast of Santa Pe, N. M.and about twetvo miles from 11 39 3(5 43 ; D. & K. Ci. K. K. Garcia, ; Read, ; Candelario, week, furnishing excellent sport for the siation. Covered with ubuudance of excellent timber. Very cheap i Western IHtIsIoii.; Caldwell, 32; C. Martinez, 44; A. Baca, fortunate owners of shot-guns- . Ducks are ALSO A TRACT OF ACRES 31 ; G. Cordova, 43 ; Sanchez, 32 ; L. Lu- coming in rapidly and quail seem to 43,000 oe ACADEMY Within ten miles of T. 8. V. R. N. M. ; cero, F. Serna, 32; E. wnuoui numDcr. A., 4 It. and thirty mi'es of Santa Fe, 430,000,000 42; Abeytia, 43; lj,le timber on this tract by estimate of Down dlrtct to railroad au l good 3STO. iCh-iis- i; v. r. 'x 2. Jas. C. Leary has circulated the OF roa I. A exptrts. grade TABLE F. Chaves, 42 ; J. Martinez , 40; Burns, ti report (treat oara u. TIMF that the stockmen have over 2,000 car- In cflcct June 1, 1M0. F. A. tn3! 39; Lopez, 42; I). Vargas, 9; loads of cattle waiting for cars in the Apply to Ben of fwEBTWARl). Grant, 43; Romero, 32; Torres, 43; neighborhood Clayton. This repre- Our STATIONS. sents over 50,000 head. of GEO. W. KNAEBEL, Attornev. 2. 4. Archuleta, 32; Montoya, 43; Larragoite, Lady Light! DO. 8. NO. 1. NO. NO. Palace SANTA 32. A hunting party composed of Dr. Kas-te- r, Av., ntar Court House, FE. I2:36al 7 :00p!i. v. .Albuquerque. Ar It :1ft a 3:'.0a Joe Saint, .Sam. and J. T. CONDCCIED BY THE 10:0f" ICimcno, Nov. 0. Seven precincts in Heddy Coolidce 7:00" Murray left Albuquerque for the moun- r.SO- -' 12:'J- Wiugate 6.17 "i iAi" Rio Arriba give Otero about 300 ( 6:fi0"l 9:16" county tains near Blue Water on the Atlantic & TM ' 1:0S 'I allup. i;yri5SEy?iS2fisrll SISTERS. OF 10SETT0-I- 9:66" 2:40" .. .Navajo Springs. .. 3:S9 "j 6:i6" Republican majority and the county Pacific. FISCHER BREWING CO. 2:15 "I b:M" Jl:!B-- ' 4:U," Holbrook ticket a little more. zndo'i for and Seven Rivers leave SANTA FE, N. M. MAKVrAOTUKEBa OF Lll&p S.'.'O" Wilislow l:10al 4:l!0" btges Eddy 7:M-- ' 11:00"! 1:61" . Pecos in the Flagstaff KOCOBItO op City morning and go through !l:40" COUNTY. r rB" 9:40' Williams lil:S0p in twenty-fou- hours. Fare to 10. liilOp'.-Frencot- 7:06 9:40 Eddy, staV' t Junction . Seventeen out of forty-tw- o precincts iu 4 cents. The Annual Session on 1st. -- 5:06 8:10" Express, per pound, bigins Sept. !l;60" ....i'eachSprings.... a -- tl zapuA 11:46" 4:U0"W .... 2:4S 6.42" Socorro county give 804; Otero, j Pure Beer! Kingman " Joseph, j Prof. Carrea has been authorized to Strictly 12:20 3:06 u 'js Lager J:li)B 6:40"' The eedles..... p -- v ax -- MAM PI"Oi a 1:27a 6G0: Contreras, 769; Baca, 746; George, rt i c ?. 4..i ma x o make report on the Bennett and 4:11" 8:23" Feuner lu:'' j. FWFoi Information, 1:33 a 6:03" 8:27" 663 ; Stephenson mines for capital-- 1 "ddross, :KJ" DKett 616, Torres, 689 ; Ortiz, Whitmore, . English J :4, ?:0f "I Barsi ow 5:40" 8:06 p gzgisgsasfegl-o- ists. MOTHER FRANCISCA LAMY 'f 4:40"Lv M' iave .Ar 402; Robinson, 745; Dednck, 70o. The from are west, Socorro AO W J A concert by home talent ia talked of FINEST MINERAL WATERS. preempts to hear oi r.IMHflMlf- C x r. Wi -i U' ocl for eve at. Las Cruces. t CONNECTIONS. city and will not help the Republican KM - Mlu Thanksgiving of from Al.BUQCKBQtJE A.,T. A.S. F. Kallwa lor all candidates much. Outside sheriff, IMJ)MpMa i5oMxgl hHOJIl noints east and south. the outlook, the whole ticket has gone A Roy of Hope j SUBSCRIBE FOR all with a chance for gESxMgMS8S51-"li-- For who are held by the chains of j PreRCf-t- t & Arirona Democratic fighting l'RESCOIT JUNCTION Baca for The bet art medium in the Central rail-nay- (or tort Whipple and freii Robinson for sheriff and Jose a al p'"'v scroula or other diseases of the blood vrtllnp GREAT REDUCTION eotL and a election of . i' s;i ss ? seSs sis $ entire southwest, unit giving acti councilman, possible comes from Hood's Satsaparilla, which c C -- i i: S w into H day ibe curliest an. fullest report --California Southern rail ay for Ortiz to the legislature. a a IjAKSTOW Ii by imparting the elements of good health of the leg. la, lie and court pro- --I3ST- Anpeits, Kan Jjiego and other scuthuu MORA COUNTY. fornla points. .'agSfiSgSag8SS$Sl and strength to the vital fluid, dissolves ceedings, military movements hu1 Nineteen out of twenty-eigh- t precincts thor matters of general interest MOJAVK f outhern Paciflo for Fan Francisco, the bonds of disease and sets the captive California in Mora give a majority of eciirrlug at the territorial capital. Sacramento and northeru point. county Joseph free. No other remedy in existence 500. Bt3J0 2 combines B the positive economy, the pe- COLFAX COUNTY. 3 culiar SUMMER GOODS! merit and the medical power of Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars. Ten out of twenty-fiv- e 0 precincts give Hood's Sarsaparilla, No change Is made by Sleeping car passenger Joseph, Democrat, 493, Otero, Republi- between Ban Francisco and Kansas City, or 0.' Lost. Los can, 421, about the same as the vote to a To room for tau liiego and Angeles and Cblcago. Chateleine with silver and sil- make our Fall and Win- 1888. Valdez, Democrat, for council 556 vinagrette ver and ivory tablet attached. Canon of the Colorado for council 339 writing ter Stock, we offer fcr the next "t votes; Hartley, Republican, Finder will be rewarded on for house 619 KOUND ABOUT TOWN. returning votes; Walker, Democrat, same to Mrs. C. Palace e iiiaoccss?bJ,to tourists, can easily for house Q. Preston, via Peach votes, Sanchez, Republican, led by taklnf Jhls line, 380 votes. Indications are that the en- The Westingbouse dynamo for the aud a stage ride hence of but twenty j, cauon'as the grandest aud tire Democratic ticket is elected Fischer electric Emmert 0 miles. lhi except Brewing company's light . has decidedly the best butter M of nature'r worlt. is still in ta Fa. DATS, STOCK ouderful sheriff. The legislative ticket came to band from the east in town. Try it. doubt. plant yester day and is being put in place to day. It Connected Stop Off at Flagstaff SAN MIGUEL COUNTY, More of those nice New sweet with the tubll.hmrnt will be by the same that Jersey I. Jab utrlve The ticket is elected iu San operated power potatoes at Emmert's. newly snrnlsh.d with ! ,t detr end wild turkey in the 1'copies' mate ial and of SummerIGoods bear, runs the ice manufactory, and baa a mach.urej, In which illat Half Cost U rests of the Ban Francisco al- cent plue M'guel county by from 300 to 600, Fresh work it tinned out Ins; or visit the ancient ruins of the capacity of fifty lights. It is hoped to ranch eggs at Emmert's. expeditiously though two of the Republican nominees nil cheap.); und hlnd.ry whose have it in readiness for nn exhibition run of There are Great Cliff Dwellers. for county commissioners may be elect- THIS PAPER is en file ol E. O specialty fine blank book work Bargains to be Had. See! and on kept and ruling l Qalland ed. Saturday night. Pake's advertising agency, 64 and 65 j ut excelled by any Dr. informs the New Mex- Merchants' JiN SON, General Manager. In precinct No. 1. Joseph'8 majority Symington Exchange, San Francisco, W, A. Bissau., Gen, Pass, Agt statement Cal., whore contracts for can eveeyeodt"wa5ts it. on- - N. over Otero is over ican that the that appealed in advertising GRUNSFELD, LINDHEIM rrt, J Agt,, Albuquerque, 96; Lopez Romero, he mnilo for it, & CO.