University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Santa Fe New Mexican, 1883-1913 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 11-6-1890 Santa Fe Daily New Mexican, 11-06-1890 New Mexican Printing Company Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/sfnm_news Recommended Citation New Mexican Printing Company. "Santa Fe Daily New Mexican, 11-06-1890." (1890). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ sfnm_news/2923 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Santa Fe New Mexican, 1883-1913 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. DAILY MLEX ICAiN VOL. 27. SANTA FE, iN. M., TIIUltSUAY, NOVEMBER 0, lyo. NO. 219 Cleveland. Specials say there is little maintained. In fact, the train is a or no of An dcubt McKinley's defeat. hotel on wheel, with many conveniences . official be (Telegtaphic Tidings count, however, may necessary which no hotel can offer. S to catisfy Republicans. PIN B re- the ride and the of de- SPITZ, Columbun, Ohio Meagre returns During time -:- -- Watch - I ESTABLISHED IN 1874. Gnld and Silver ceived at Democratic state heidquartere parture is specially arranged with refer- Repairing STATE ELECTIONS. indicate the election of 14 congressmen. ence to the attractive portions of the A SPECIALTY. This estimate includes the defeat of road one may look out on as beautiful Return Slow and Complicated OftioUl and Fostor. Foster concodes his PINE FILIGREE JEWELRY defeat. Both claim scenery as three is in the world. The en- Counts Nscesnary to Determine parties McKiuley's district. tire train is heated by steam from tlie Results, Late returns show the Diamonds. Watchss, Clocks and SHvsiwaie. Louisville, Ky. engine, and lighted with I'intsch gas, GEO. W. HICKOX & congressmen, Montgomery, The vestibules between tho cars enable CO., Springfield, III., Nov. 6. Senator Hreckennde, .Stone, Ellis, Goodnight, Culliini Buys lit" ttiiuks Amberg and and Poynter are The passengers to pass from one to tho otlitr of tiO'KU McOeary Hrputihoau cornlulutes for ptate Democrats have carried Louisville and without either danger or dillicn'.ty. of The Mexican treasurer ami BiiperiHtfciiileut public the (5th congressional district, while the Tbe New York Central's four trarks Jewelers Diamond and Watcli and Stent1 invtruutiniiH, defeated. will the luth Filigree Seilii Repaiiiiig Promptly M Republicans probably carry and level road Danville, III. Geo. T. Rii'kin?baoi, and 11 til districts. bed permit the highest Republican, cliit-- f clerk of the liouso of speed with safety. OF SANTA FE, X. M. representatives, estimates that Congress- CongrcHstoual Kathnate. man Uanou is defeated by t.'uzcy iu tho New Yokk, Nov. 6. The Post says: Cape Cod crauberriOj, at Emmert's. loih district tiy 700 majority. "The number of coiig'essioual districts iu de- ORDERS BOLICIIED Coiiuressman Cuiioii roneedts his tins city in doubt are two, in California Hill and Contvaj, .Jr. from 2UO to 5l'0 in Iowa in two. g FROM feat by UJiijurity. several, two, Kentucky Typo-writiu- and Office, Palace Got. Prince. Mans. The Globe with It seems safe to however, that tbe translating. knit, opp. Bostou, says, say, GritBn's block. Northeast corner plaza. ABSENT PAHTIBS only a halt dozen tonus to hear from, Democratic majority iu the next house AND PROMPTLY FILLED. Groceries for is lead- w ill not be less than It looks as if Staple and Fancy Kussell, Democrat, ituvernor, eight. fresh sweet cider at the archbishop's ing by over 1U.U0H majority. Tbe Demo- it will remain close to that number. garden. crats probably liave the largest majority N. N. Ten Miss San Francisco St., S. W. Cor. Plaza, SANTA FE, on record in the lower house, not less Thooaand ng Dollars. Fine McBrayer wtiisky at Colorado sa- than 100 against 78, and 17 to 10 sena-ator- Trenton, N. J., Nov. 0. loon. against 11 lat:t year. Lieut. (iiv. Oliver R Duuhin, cf the defunct Mer- Hailu KJt through, but Auditor Ladd i chants' bank, of Atlantic City, will have PECULIAR INFATUATION. beaten by W. T. Jefry, the brut Democrat to explain iu court the disappearance of REASER The Second National Bank cbusen bv any lesser state ollice bince the $10,000 oi the assets. BROS, lirsl ol administration. Different methods of the In- -- year Republican Fif Women. Following DKALEKS IN-- Milwaukee. lire ret-ul-l in Wisconsin ii8aiioiuted junction ' Love One Another." OF NEW MEXICO. is still a matter of doubt. Payne has Camden, N. J., Nov 0. Frank Wilcox, conceded state senate as well as assem- of Muiviile, was married iu Camden to Mins fifty-fiv- e Do men ever fall in love with each S1BOJOC bly to the Democrats. Thomas, Repub- Ida M. Ricards, one oi CAPITAL PAID UP for 17tli ladies who to his advertisement other? bualiMi.a and ullnlu of the poblla lican, congress, in the district, is replied MI-:-ulN,-:-FOT- IlS Dim tenors! haiikluc patr.inti d ftated. is lor a wile. The couitsbip lasted four Women do. Not long ago a young Lafolette, Republican, woman in New Caahifl beaten in the third and it is believed hours. Jersey was married to a L. SPIEGEL-BERG- - Pm. W. (i. SUMMONS that Ad-vi.- laborer on her father's farm. McCurd is deleaied in the ninth. U'IihUiik Know Storm youthful at noon that Ilolzeu is sure of Some time afterward it was discovered say Toi.eijo, Ohio, Nov. b'. Steamer S. C. the a re election. Cimirinati Wall of the Dem- that husband was female; the Reynolds, with coal and jute, went upon wife ocratic state committee claims a majority young refused, however, though Lumber and Materials. SON. Colchester reef during a blinding snow earnestly entreated by her friends, to Building & of l'eck for vernor las-- SOL. LOWITZKI 36,000 lor g and storm t night. The canto caimht fire claims s.x out of the nine give up her chosen consort. The stran- ESTABLISHED 187S. congressmen. I'us were Bent to the relief. She will of was the Kas. News from tbe in- gest part the discovery fact Warehouse and OfHc: Topeka, stale probably be a total loss. She is worth bride knew was :- - dicate the Farmers' Alliance secured a that the her husband a Gasper Ortiz N. M. that $100,000, and the cargo half as much more. woman before she was led to the altar. avmtie, Santa Fe, An otlicial count will be luce-aar- y victory. No lives were lost. If men do not exhibit in- to whether Ms candi- this strange decide Willets, fatuation for of Feed V one their own sex, they, Stables for or Re- Drluker'8 Livery date, governor, Humphrey, Attempted Suicide. and at least, oftentimes, give evidence of the been elected. Indications e publican, has El Paso, Texas, Nov. 6. fact that love one another. Thero are in Willets' with most of the B. of they Best Stock of Horses and in town. favor, J. Leahy, this city, attempted sui- are instances on w Carriages western where burners are iu many record here one BANK counties, cide yesterday by cutting his throat with man bus his life for another. FIRST NATIONAL FURNISH UD. the to hear from. The Far- a razor. given HACKS IMtOMPTLY majority, There are many more instances where mers' Alliance have elected, beyond all is a but has -- OF- II IVIMAM three hoar mi the rooi.d Leahy quite wealthy man, men have life to another. Don't r tn iU TmiiQUK VIIXAOK; r. for given Ver tiie ( arerul uriv-- noubt, liaker, its eaudidate congress been drinking very heavily lately. His It is a issession the trip. Mir.lnl aitnr.n t" ouillt lng trTirs ciximrji. 5th to proud p knowledge in the district, and contributed the case is considered serious, as inflamma- that one has saved a human life. N. m of in precious Santa Fe, New Mexico. Lowr San Francisco St., SANTA FE, election Moonlight, Democrat, the tion may tet in and in that enso the con- is the home of such a and sure of elect- Meriden, Conn., 1st, seems reasonably sequence would be fatal. man. John H. Preston.of in the "Hi district. The happy that city, United ing Simpson July 11, 1890, writes: "Five I Designated Depository of the States. otli district is conceded to be close Gunld on Western Uallrond-- . years ago very was taken very sick, I had several ot the between Davis, Farmers' Alliance, ami New Yokk., Nov. t!. Mr. Jay Gould best and one all called it a The doctors, and - 1'hilhps, Republican. Republicans and Ins to i, George J. Gould, have re- complication of diseases. I was sick PEDRO President elected Fustou in the 2d. The 3rd and turned to New York after a PEREA, HOTEL two weeks' four years, taking prescriptions pre- CAPITAL, 4th districts are in doubt between the of Missouri 3VT. lour inspection over the Pacific scribed by these same doctors, and I T. B. Vice Pesident SANTAFEN. Farmers' Alliance and Kepublicaus system. Mr. Gould has assured his state I never to CATRON, will truthfully expected get The Fanners,' Alliance have a ineiids here that the railroad situation in better. At this time, I commenced - - in the The any PALEN. ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN, strong delegation legislature. the West is bound to improve, and he is to have the most terrible pains in my R.J. Cashier twenty-lou- r on Republicans Claim only confident that a restoration of ratesonthe back. One day an old friend of mine, Band ballot, is not lines w ill be Healthy and Mco RooniN on th Si'coiul Floor.
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