Chicano Aging and Mental Health. INSTITUTON Human Resources Corp.,'San Frhncisco, CA

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Chicano Aging and Mental Health. INSTITUTON Human Resources Corp.,'San Frhncisco, CA DOCUMENT RESUME ED 221 312 RC 013 581 AUTHOR Miranda, Manuel, Ed.; Ruiz, Rene A., Ed. TITLE Chicano Aging and Mental Health. INSTITUTON Human Resources Corp.,'San Frhncisco, CA. SPONS AGENCY National Inst. of'Mental Health (DHHS), Rockville, Md. REPORT NO DHSS-ADM-81-952 PUB DATE 81 CONTRACT NIMB-278-77-0026(SM) NOTE 290p. EDRS PRICE MF01/PC12 Plus Posta4e. DESCRIPTORS Aging (Individuals); Cultural Influences; Delivery Systems; Economic Factors; *Futures (of Society); Gerontology; Health Services; Linking Agents; 4ental Health; *Mental Health Programs; *Mexican Americans; *Older Adults; Policy Formation; iolitics; Research Methodology; *Research Needs; *Social Science Research; Social Support Groups; Socioeconomic Influences IDENTIFIERS *Chicanos ABSTRACT .Focusing on the direction future tesearch on the Chicano elderly should take, the 10 papers address theory development, methodological approach, social policy and problems, mental health service delivery, and issues of mental illness. The first seven papers discuss: the theoretical perspectiNies of research pertaining to mental health and the Mexicano elders; Chicano culture and mental health among the elderly; the extent and heterogengity of natural helping networks among the Chicano elderly; politics of elderly Mexican Americans, especially political-behavior related to mental health; economic implications of aging and'Chicalio mental health; the premises and underlying values of Mexican and Anglo service delivery systems; differences whiCh create problems in Chicano use of services; linguistic and sociocultural factors which' affect the delivery of mental health services; the Chicano community; and an approach that views the risearcher as an "objective" insider. "Forecasting Future Cohorts of Mexicano Elders" by Ernesto Galarza is a philosophical paper regarding the future and the C icano elderly. Based on information'presented in the preceding eight papers, the final two papers identify a series of research quest ons,on the mental health of Chicano elderly and discuss theoretical and methodological issues of research on the Chicano elderly. (NQA) , *********************************************************************** * Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best,that can be made * * from the original doCument. * *********************************************************************** IS U.S. DEPARTMENTOPEDUCATION NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION EpUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) This document has been reproduced as received from 'the person or organization *. ongmatinga it.. x Minor changes have been made to improve reproduction quality Points of view or opinions stated in this docu- ment do not necessarify represent olicial NIE position or policy 111 e, 111111111MAIIIIIMa. 11111111111 A Edited by Manuel Miranda, Ph.D. Rene A. Ruiz,Ph.D. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Public Health Service Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health Administration National Institute of Mental Health 5600 Fishers Lane Rockville, Maryland ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This monograph was written under NIMH contrect no. 278-77-0026(SM) to the Human ResourcesSorporatiOn. Marta Sotomayor, D.S.W., National Institute of Mental Health; David Maldonado, D.S.W., University of Texas at Arlinitton; and Fernando Torres-Gil, Ph.D., Department of Health and Human Setvices, served as members of the Advisory Committee, whlch was instrumental In development of the monograph. Manuscript reviewers included Julian Samora, Ph.D., University of Notre Dame; Amado Ph.D., Unlverstly of California at Los Angeles; Gary Lloyd, Ph.D., San Jose State University; Andres Tijerina, Ph.D., Consultant; Manuel Miranda, Ph.D University of California at Los Angeles; Uoyd Gallardo, Ph.D., San Francisco State University; James Schulz, Ph.D Brtmdeis University; Wilburt Moore, Ph.D., University of Denver: and Tornas Atenclo, Mentai Health Consultant. Barry Lebowitz, Ph.D., served as the NIMH Pro)ect Officer. The opinions expressed herein /trope views.of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the sotticial position, of the National institute of Mental Health, Alcphot;prug Abuee, and Mental Health Admstration, PubliC'Health Service, or the U.S. DepartPlent of Heelth and : Human Services. The National Institute of Mental Health has obtained permission from the copyright holders to reprOduce certain material whlch aPpears on pp. 125, 126, and 158. Further reproduction of these copyrighted materials Is prohibited without specific permission of the copyright holders, All other material contained in the monograph, except quoted passages from copyrighted sources, is in the public domain and May be used and reprinted without special permission, Citatlow to source Is appreciated. DHHS Publication No. (ADM) 81-952 Printed 1981 The U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare became the' U.S. Department of Health and Human Services on May 4, 1980. 3 FOREWORD Research in aging is a relatively new area offocus for the National Institute of Mental Health. With theestablishment of the Center for Studies of the Mental Health of the Aging, theInstitute has made a major commitment to advances in research,education, and service in the field of aging. This monograph results, from one of aseries of conferences, meetings, seminars, and workshops initiated by theCenter. Througli this series the Center hopes to accomplishmany-things: develop- ment of a research agenda,identification of areas in which research is necessary, stimulation of researchapplications, and the recruit- ment of new investigators in thefield. This particular monograph, dealingwith the Nation'sfastest growing ethnic minority, is an especiallyimportant contribution ,to the project development efforts of TheCenter. The editors and authors are to ,be commended for thecreativity and thoroughness with which they approached their task.Theory development, meth- odological approach, social policy andproblems, mental health service delivery, and issues of mentalillness are all addressed. The multidisciplinary approach to the multifacetedissues of aging and mental health shows the excitement anrAchallenge in this area. The papers in this monographsketcli out the directions we need to go in the developmentof research on the mental health of the Chicano elderly. The issues raised areimportant and interesting.I look forward to the time when the researchfindings begin to provide arbovers to these issues. Herbert Pardes, M.D. Director National Institute of Mental Health List of Authors Cuellar, Israel, Ph.D. East Los Angeles Health Task Director Force Bilingual/ Bicultural Treatment Los Angeles, California and Research Program San Antonio State Hospital Nunez, Francisco, Ph.D. San Antonio, Texas Clinical Psychologist .Veterans Administration Galarza, Ernesto, Ph.D.. Los Angeles, California Formerly: Instructor in Education Ruiz, Rene A.. Ph.D. University of California Professor and Head Santa Cruz, California Department of Counseking and Educational Psychology Kerte, Alvin 0.,,Ph.D. New Mexico State University Associate Professor Las Cruces, New Mexico Ne'w Mexico Highlands University Santos, Richard, Ph.D. Las Vegas, N Mexico Assistant Professor The University of Texas Martinez Charles, Ph.D. Austin, Texas Program Coordinator ANIUDATE Valle, Ramen, Ph.D. Los Angeles,,California Professor San Diego State Uniuersity Miranda, Manuel R., Ph.D. San Diego, California Associate Professoi' University of California Velez-I, Carlos G.,, Ph.D. Los Angeles, California Assistant Professor Department of Anthropology -Montiel, 'Miguel, D.S.W. liriiversity of California Professor Los Angeles, California Arizona State University Tempe, Arizona Verdugo, Richard, Ph.D. Consuttant Newton, Frank Cota-Robles, National Association for Ph.D. Spanish Speaking Elderly ProjeCt Director Los Angeles, California Multi-Purpose Senior Services Project iv PREFACE Recognition of the lack of written materials necessaryto understand and develop appropriate mental healthservices for the Chicano elderly provided the initial impetus for a small group ofChicano academicians and practitioners to develop a protect that IpuId begin (1) lo address the need for the formulation ofenema-five approaches to the care of the Chicano elderly; (2) to systematically andsequentially engage in a process of planning to achieve the firstobjective; and (3) to identify a research agenda as an initial step In thatplahning process.' While the lack of available and usefulmaterials brought the group together, fUrther discussions made it clearthat our concerns went beyond- the recognition that such materialswere not readily available. We acknowledged the fact that aChicano point of view In the field of gerontology is emerging, however fragmentedit may be, and that such a point of view needs to bearticulated. The one guiding principle was the need to identify, develop, and supportalternative proposals and approaches to the care of our.zelderly.The notion of aVallability of options OF alternatives is iniportant inthe realization of a pluralistic society; thus, the establishment of those'alternatives Is central in the process of social change and In theequitable allocation of resources. The process of development of options Inmental health service delivery requires Creative thinking theft can propose newalternatives through, but not limited to, the modification of whatalready is in place. It appeared that the lack of systematizedknowledge In the area of Chicand elderly, negative as It was,provided, on the other hand, an opportunity
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