THE PRESS PORTLAND DAILY ENT KRT A INM ENTS. STOVES. The hope that the conviction ofWestervelt And I've broken my back!" he shouted, It was a _CLOTHING. THE PRESS. lead to the of sad house when those two highly Published every day (Sundays excepted) by the would discovery Charley Ross respectable old people got so that they could PORTLAND MUSEUM TINOLEY’S is not likely to be realized. The convicted use their eyes and discuss matters And PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO, WEDNESDAY MORNING, OCT. 13,1875 calmly. man has been a pardon and a large she doubled up her fist and hoarsely said: WVKB & AKMtl.D Proprietors promised ‘‘Take that At 109 Exchange St., Portland. Will Wonders Never Cease!!! investigator, or extinguisher, or and sum of to tell the hiding place of the Cor. of Congress Exchange Street. AUTOMATIC FURNACE REGULATOR Every regular attache of the Press is furnished money whatever you call it, back down town, and tell a his a Terms. Fight Dollars Tear in advance. To with a Card certificate countersigned by Stanley T. missing boy, but again affirms ignorance, everybody that you are lunatic.” nail subscribers Seven Dollars a Tear if in ad- UIOND4Y EVENING. «>ct. llth. A.ND And he said: paid Pullen, Editor. Ail railway, steamboat and hotel and it is probable, under the circumstances, •nee and until further notice, the beautiful romantic “liummit, I know more than and all managers will confer a favor upon us by demanding you Drama in Seven Tableaux, entitled the HEAT GOVERNOR. FISK & that he tells the truth. The only advice he yonr family put together." credentials of person to represent out THE MAINE STATE PRESS CO., every claiming has to offer i3 that the Roman Catholic or- “TWO ORPHANS.” journal. b tested for the last four and is _ published every Thursday Morning at $2.50 a Throughly years, of the be searcliedi Scene New. a for phan asylums country About Women. year, if paid in advance, at $2.00 a year. Every Eutirely ottered with confidence, as perfect remedy the and do Marie Music written expressly for the piece by Cbas. W. inconveniences, dangers annoyances, arising THE WORLD’S We not read anonymous letters and communi- and this he says is merely a guess. Mitchell, of Vassar, will preside over Rates of from Hot Air Furnaces as ordinarily managed- It is BENEFACTORS, Advertising: One inch of space, the Grimmer. Scenery by Dave Richards. Mechanical cations. The name and address of the writer are in a women’s congress which will be held in length of constitutes a effects A. D. a sure tor the escape of gas or smoke through Syra- column, “snuare.” by Page. remedy all cases the house. It saves coal. It preven s clinkers and indispensable, not necessarily tor publication, N. next month. $1.50 per square daily first week; 75cents per week The Shah of Persia is a very expensive cuse, Y., three or sifting of ashes It insures danger against fire trom but as a of faith. aft^r; insertions, less, $1.00; continuing Notice for the Matinees. guaranty good Mrs. Lizzie is a aeronaut Special an heated Furnace. It saveB care and time in man to entertain as a He never visits Ebling lady who re- every other day after 4rst week, 50 cents. over We cannot to return or commu- guest. to the of the the Two -‘IZ^jPZRZEG-IET A-ZBXjIE II” undertake reserve length piece Orphan of the Furnace, and uni- made an ascent Halt square, rlwee insertions, or less, 75 one Owing the management gives one without cently at Hartisburg, Pa., cents; Matinee will commence on and nications that are not used. any expecting to receive pres- week, $1 00; 50 cents per week after. Wednesday Saturday fo inily of irmperatnre with every change at o’clock without breaking her neck. Special Notices, me third addi ional. afternoons precsely of weaiber. In fact you bate only to supply the ents. Not long since he was entertained for head of Box officeopen daily from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. for the coal and leave the Furnace to the care of the Miss Under “Amusements.” and “Auction a Emily Parker, tbeEnglish champion la sale of tickets. se2dtf Attached to Brick or Portable Fur- Stanley Again. whole day by Hirza Hussein Khan at his Sales.” $2.00 per square per weea; three insertions “Governor.*’ dy is to this r less naces old or new, and warranted to satisfaction. swimmer, coming country profes- $1.50. give Knocked The in M arm ion house in Teheran. The £hah breakfasted Prices Out of Time. war-cry seems to be ever Advertisements inserted in the “Maine State sionally, and will exhibit at the variety thea- Mr. High there and received in Press” (which has a Bucknam: in the ears of the many presents, £12,000 large circulation in every part M. X-a. A. ringing adventurous young tres in a large glass tank, as Johnson does. of the State) f-»r $1.00 pe« for first Sir-I have had Tingley’s Automatic Heater or square insert!m, who once Africa and cash for himself, and jewels and 100 Cash- The and 50 cents per square tor each subsequent insertion. Heat Governor attached to my Furnace now several explorer penetrated Chicago Inter-Ocean wants to stop wo- Address all an i am well satisfied with both as a heat mere communications to years it, found aud who has been shawls for his ladies. The entertain- men from each other when and fuel saving apparatus. Livlng&one, gone kissing they meet. PORTLAND PUBLISHING Co. regulator Sales and Small Profits Victorious. ment cost Hussein Khan CITY HiATT. Yours Respectfully, JAMES BAILEY. Quick these many months in search of the great £20,000. Such kissing is nothing; they don’t bear on or twin lakes discovered. From roll their eyes a bit.—Detroit Fret Preu. All kinds of Hot Air Furnaces put in and which Speke single order, Gex. Bartlett doesn’t care to him- ENTERTAINMENTS. at short notice We the wants of the people and endeavor to fill them by fur- identify Thememoirs of Miss Caroline the Annual repaired by study the shores of the Victoria Niyanzi Henry Herzcbel, Twenty-sixth Series nishine’1 HE BE *T WADE. THE LATEST Si'YLES. and she mos self with the It is sister and writes to the Herald under date of Democracy. authoritatively assistant of Sir William Herzcbel, CEOTHIINIG to be found oil Stanley — — FASHIONABLE COT EARTH. We don’t stated OF FREDERICK that he has written a letter which will are being prepared by the wife of a grandson Raymond’s Dancing Class BUCKNAM, confine ourselves to any particular kind or make, but keep March the first. He tells us that he left ■Goon be published, declining the Democratic oi Sir William. Several unpublished letters of No. 199 Fore Street* Zanzibar with over 300 followers, and of A. T : nomination for Lieutenant Governor. Be- the astronomer will be included in the volume. these he lost 154 from hnnger, disease and cause a man is heartily in favor of reconcil- Miss Florence C. Perkins, who delivered the ang20 deed 3 m battle, before he reached the lake, He struck .LANCASTER HALL. iation between North and South it does not valedictory at Vassar at the last Commence- out a new line to the and the & Nivanza, by ment, has entered her duties as — — Children's Men's, follow that he is a just upon MR. J. W. RAYMOND will commence his first BEGINNING Democrat. Richardson & Boynton’s Boys' last of 1874 arrived on the western fron- Clothing day teacher of term in plain and iancy dancing, at Lancaster Hall, Greek and Latin at Cooke’s Col- on tier of TTeoeo. Two davs later TTsandawi “a HKIIWE8DAY EVMVflAG, Oct. lilfb, Oct. ’75. To fit all Creation, Regardless ot Adam Seitz, eighty years of age, is a keen legiate Institute, N. Y. at 8 o’clock. Wednesday Evening, 13, Poughkeepsie, Country famous for elephantg” was reached, •logician. ho for admission Mrs. Mary Bassett, M. is said to have an T K R M S : WITH A fiECTUBE Recently applied D., there he was his to annual income of Gentlemm S5 OO for 13 Lemioiii; Ta adieu Iron deserted by guides, and the German orphan asylum in Baltimore, $3000, derived from her pro- OO for tbc «eanou. No List — BY — Wrought 93 fessional Free Views or Political Influence. thenceforth had to make his own way as that he was an and had work in Cooperstown, N. Y. She baa oct6 dtd Religions saying orphan, met with and lived it best he could along the narrow track con- heard that the institution was for prejudice down by faith- Pliineas T. provided ful Barnum, Esq., fused with and rhinoceros such. work, with bitter persecution and has SOCIAL We are pleased to have you call, and we guarantee polite at- elephant trails. He evidently thinks an orphan asylum ig- ~FESTIVAL. FURNACE. always nored it altogether. Subject, The World and How to Live in it. tention whether you wish to purchase or not. Great suffering was endured from hunger and should be all the name implies. THE Mille. Titiens, just before her departure for to be followed by p thirst and the difficulties of the way, and Kossuth is living in comfort at Barre- this country, performed the ceremony of laying Ladies <9- many men died before the adventurous ex* of the India St. Universalist • the first Society MISS LILLIAN S. EDGARTON, Oct. 20th, conne, a between Turin and bricks of the new National Opera will hold a Social Festival in the of iheir m plorer and his came the head- village Rivoli, Vestry 0 o> THE BEST BARGAINS OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY party upon Home cn the Thames Church on f'hur« and Af>* rn«ODs with a New l^ecture. absorbed in the cultivation of flowers embankment. The ay Friday waters the fruit, an t Ocr. 14th and 15th. Refreshments of Nile. For three days battle bricks were in ICvcningS; «3 and and an firmly placed position and care- an a of useful and articles will he for vegetables, beeping eye on his variety fancy JOHN B. GOUGH, Esq., Oct- 27th, a was waged with the fierce and warlike Wa- fully the eminent sale. Adm-union Free. ocl2d4t* Can be tound on our counters. Only think ot it. au entire Suit for $8 00, collection of insects and minerals. Kos- "plastered” by aitist whose “BT.IJNBEKS” turu of the Leewumbu river. The of name is so Subject, (new). 1 a better one for $10.00, a good Business suit lor $12.00 and $15.00, camp inseparably connected with Her suth was seventy-three years old on the 16th IIO | Dress Suits front $18.00 to $25.00, and Pantaloons from $2 00 the adventurers was surrounded and Majesty’s Opera. LlIIl V THOMAS’ 0RCH ESTR ?h I splendid twenty- of A,Tuesday,Nor. 2d, t- © Custom Pailors Ft Self PRICES ter when September. The £ to $7 00. Why pay clothing, five of them were killed. Finally, after great Court Journal mentions among its so- Fnll Orchestra and Holo Talent. 84 S- can save at least fOHl'V PER CENT by trading with us. Dave items A you privation and danger, the shores of the lake ciety that "two American ladies are just you seen our Current Notes. Dancing Academy. RET. H. M. GALL A HER. Nov, 10th, ® ©® — were reached on the 27th of of the now making a pedestrian trip in the Highlands February Now that Wendell Philips undertakes to § S’ and the best of all of flsn MR. II J HOLMES, assisted by MR. A. Subject, After Clouds clear Weather, (new). year. enjoyiug ways traveling present discuss finance with Carl ami/1 mnnntnin 'PI 1 tMM will open a school for instruc- ’* Schurz, George JORDAN, 05 Mr. Stanley’s first letter, published in the tion in Plain nn«i Fancy Dancing, at REV. ROBERT COLLTER, Not. 24th, £ Francis Train ought to get up a debate with ts* • Overcoats having her knapsack on her back and each also /fflHP liHnraklrr Kail hurnday i*vening .Es .S ® Elegant English Elysian Herald of Monday, gives an entertaining and Charles Francis Adams—Hartford Courant. A|Orlaber I4ih. atSo’chKik. The term Subject. “SAI.T” (new). j armed with a revolver." ■“““^^will consist of nine two assemblies 88 ® account of the pas- The dollar is lessons, picturesque dangerous Haytian paper worth three The Princess the and a GRAND BALL. m a Mercedes, youngest daugh- DR. J. G. HOLLAND, Dec. 1st, n sage, of the savage tribes met, of the and if thinks to Tickets for the term—Gents $4; Ladies $1 50. Sec- coufigur- cents, Judge Kelly you ought ter of the Duo de betrothal ** Montpensier (whose ond leesoi Monday, October !8th. oc8dlw BIDI!««.» ® ® atiou of the about the lake. It adds two for a cent, doesn’t he Subject, country get why go there to King Alfonso, as recently ia -© P4 and make inflation announced, materially to our knowledge of African ge- speeches 1—Norriston likely, according to the Paris Fourtb. Annual REV. M. D. CONWAY, Dee. 8th. e and tPenn.) Herald. correspondent of $13.00, $14.00, $17.00, $20,00, $22.00. ography and gives promise of solving the the London Times, to produce considerable Subject, “liONOON” (new). iJ5 “Templeton” says it is the intention of the mystery which hangs about the Albert and effect in Spain, and reunite, to the exclusion of BENEFIT BALL This furnace is without Democratic committee that Governor Gaston Doors open at o’clock. Entertainments begin at exaggeration, Victoria and the water-shed of the the Carlist whom civil war and the — Gj We have an EXTRA IM PORTED ELYESIAN BEAVER OVERCOAT, Niyanza King, blood OF THE— o’clock. the most powerful furnace ever shall follow Mr. Rice in 7J heating his campaign speak- which has been shed cut off Band Concert will be half an 1 our lined with silk, bound with the finest diamond, twilled binding, and Nile. As Mr. Stanley brought his letter to a from the nation,in given previous made. I has the best Urate and Sifter ing. He will follow him in the election re- to each leetbre. to $65.00 custom coot. WE ‘ELL THEM FOK $35.00. ARE one and the same all PORTLAND POLICE ever in a furnace. The radiators are equal any close he was about to launch the first interest members of the .f''*'.!, the gieat increased of put Eng- turns.— Boston Journal. Notwithstanding expense WE NOT THEN THE ANNIHILATORS OF HIGH PHtCES ? royal is described as the course over the of made of heavy plated Iron and riveted lish boat that ever floated the waters of family), “just passed from AT CITY HALL, present previous ones, price upon Some of the reasons for opposing Mr. Rico course tickets remains the same as in former years. in the most manner. full of and thorough an Alrican lake. His next letter in childhood, grace ingenuousness, one FBID4Y EVENING, Oct 15. Tickets to the Coarse • Reserved already remind us of a little in a $ parenthesis speech of the most I tickets graceful personages who could Concert by Chandler’s Band uhtil 9 O’c’llt Heats ft OO extra; members’ $1 .OO* the hands of the Uerald, will be awaited with by Hon. Charles Hale in the house of (Each member entitled to two;) Evmio« tickets Warranted Perfectly Gas Tight. FOR FARMERS AND DRIVERS repre- occupy a throne. She is but fourteen. 50 the of Thomas’ Or- eager interest. He hints of COMMITTEE OF ARRANGEMENTS: Cents, excepting evening gives strange sentatives last winter, in which he said he Miss of chestra Concert. Mary Gay Robinson, Brooklyn, N. C. L K. H. ECONOMY AND DURABILITY countries with dwarfs and YORK, RICH, Members tickets can be at. peopled giants, supposed the Barre and Gardner railroad was Y., was a BENJ. J. M. procured Stockbridge’s Overcoat for $7 another tor and still formerly teacher, but, finding that GR1BBEN, BLACK, Music on and after Oct. 5tb. The We have a good heavy 00, $0.00, and of lands which breeds of dogs J. H. CROWELL, BENJ. Store, Tuesday. UNEQUALLED. possess great so called because it did not in profession crowded her sex, she com- BURNHAM, sale ot leserved seats will at the same another lor are all warm and comfortable, our Ulsters begin Boston, by ALEX. J. L. begin place $11.00. They his did not BELL, BLETHEN. at 9 Oct. 8th. compared with which own large mastiffs pass through Barre, a >d did not end menced for New York and A. HOUSTON. Friday morning, o’clock, Please call aud examine It before pur- are THE BO*S for rough, stormy weather. They cant be beat, bid- reporting Brooklyn are but is Meudez in Gardner. Those who call Mr. Rice an old Per order of Lecture Committee. chasing. d>ng defiance alike to cither COLD, RAIN, SNOW or HAIL. We sell poodles. It Pinto and papers. Many obstacles met her, such as hard Refreshments famished by Wyman, in Reception rummy, Beacou street aristocrat, probably do Hall. ORtftuf them from $11.00 to $1S,00. Lemuel Gulliver come again. But the late work, small pay, and raised M. B. COOLIDGE, CHAS. H. H ASKEL so because he is not beyond the prime of life objections by of friends. But she has GEO. C. BURGESS, CHAS. E. JOSE, history African exploration has taught us does not drink liquor, and does not live near continued, until her re- JOHN C. PROCTER, H. F. FURBISH, Nutter Bros. & Go., CHILDREN’S CLOTHING to be surprised at no marvels, and to accept Beacon street.—Lowell Mass. Courier. ports are sought for by the prominent dailies sep29CHAS. S. FOBES.dtt in good faith the wondrous tales at which A correspodent of the New York Times and weeklies, and she has won admiration in TENDERED TO 29 MARKET place of criticism. This has not been accom- SQUARE, we should have scoffed a score of years ago. says:—“If ever the theories of men like Wen- plished in a day. She has devoted her entire CONCERT ! PORTLAND, MAINE. FOR THE RISING GENERATION. Mystery has ever been associated with Af- dell Phillips and Ben Butler should prevail in ang2 doodGm time and energies for two years. Sometimes Mr. John Morgan, rican travel. As the Loudon Teleyraph, the Ihis country, I think it would be high time an article has traveled to five or six papers be- — — DR. in ror decent to turn all ON PIERCE’S no we can both fit and journal associated with the Herald fitting people their available Size or age object, please. fore it has appeared in print Reporting is a THE IMPROVED out funds into well as their ‘silver Stanley’s expedition, says: “Something gold—as spoons’ business for which women are a in eminently qual- Monday, Oct. 18th. more than to —and try residence some other latitude— UKUUiim 1KUJN ordinary emotion, attaches ified. Miss Robinson’s home is PUKNAUJlj, Suits tor $1.00. $1.50, $5.00 and $6.00. some more congenial clime. And if Recorder country Guil- The following Talent will assist: Play communications thus almost Conn. This is the ONLY school Suits from $6.00 to 8.00. providentially Hackett—the best criminal judge we ever ford, Mrs. Maria I?! arching ton, Association Furnace that is Dress suits from $8.00 to 10.00. received from the sombre depths of the Afri- had in this city, the most fearless and incor- There was a charming girl, moderately tall, Haydn made ENTIRELY lose his Soprano, — — store in Maine shows hall the assortment wc do. We have nice can are for science at ruptible—should it seems to dark and WILL of Wrought Iron. No jungles. They bought election, slender, sweetly spoken, who lived in Mrs. G. HI, me conservative man Cummings It is the ONLY Overcoats, with and without capes, from $3.50 to 15 00. Also a splen- the cost of the lives of devoted and brave every respectable shoul 1 a small cottage with her father and her broth- Contralto, Furnace without a revolver in full ‘concealed BY KKQIEIT did line ot Children’s Ulsters. carry sight—no er. She bad a Mr. Felch, men; come to us hairbreadth slow, deliberate method o^ Stanley dangerous joints, The cold weather is us. Provide with sub- they through weapons—or else we should have at once a Basso li upon yourselves good, and a Cantanta, reproduce Schumann’s beantiml Cantata is made of FOUR untold are enunciation, few peculiarities of pronun- Mias stantial, well made at prices LOWER than cau be of escapes and anxieties; they writ- vigilance committee.” Mary Moody Soprano, NUMBERS heav- clothing bought ciation that made Minn Jennie her speech very delightful. Kiutr, Contralto, ier Plate Iron than any other dealer. ten by a band burned by fiery suns, and com- The Christian Eegister of Boston says of Mr. tVil'iam K. Howard. Tenor, any other Furnace. Her burden was, “Ob, how you Northerners Mr. posed by a brain full of all the constant cares Butler's recent “sad” letter: "Some scoffers James Watts, Basso, PILGRIMAGE OF THE ROSE ! It watches i s own or have us!” draft. It is One Price and Garments Exchanged Money Refunded. trampled upon Then, pressed to de- Mr. Hernaam Kolzs. limnr sold at of an expedition which demands the gifts of a will denounce General Butler as an unscru- —AT- a moderate fine her she would N very charges, plunge into the rate price, ami will soldier in unison with almost every other pulous demagogue; but we must wait and — — very middle of ihe monstrous and AND last a life time tangle wind which makes a man.” see if he does not sell several 5J»I©\ 81 WOLLASTON quality of his palatial herself up like a in a CHANDLER’8 33 A_TsT D AML, C. ft. B. FlSK & poor fly web. Wbeo this HEATING AND CO., residences and give the money to cheer up was done sbe would ask, with contracted including Reserved Seats 50 for pale VENTILATING Tickets, cents, THURSDAY Oct. 14th. One of the chiefs of the Boman Catholic ‘the who now at Hawes’ Music Store. octlld7t EVENING, Co., Manufacturers, Proprietors and Wholesale and workingman,’ finds himself brows, “How can you expect women to know Retail 59 Dealers, Blackstone street, Boston, Mass. party in Geneva, M. de has writ- ‘broken in spirit’ aul ‘ready to submit to the ins and outs of all Tickets limited to the of the Hall. For Sequesser, these things?” Then capacity Send for Circular. to work’. The season is sale at and at the door. Tile Great ten an Protestant- anything get sailing she would to her Stockbridge's Clotliiers, interesting pamphlet upon most and if the go indignantly “pet” (pit, a Concert commences at 8. oc7dt7t over, self-sacrificing cham- All who furnaces this season in Portland in the course small hot-bed and require ism, of which he makes the re- of the should with the that all gardens in that region and vicinity pion poor part ‘Amer- Amy markable assertion that the of the the would contain) and make a for her Navy loaves of bouquet MUSIC PORTLAND. feelings tea, proceeds buy many visitor, HALL, WILL FIND THIS FOR SALE AT and would “After bread for and at least a say, finally: all, what I COURSE ! Vatican were anything but favorable to hungry mouths, pay said about is 233 Middle Me. week’s rent for thousands of unsheltered being trampled upon only a sort One Street, Portland, France the late war. “It is tho con- of slogan that we for sake. The I ecture and Concert Committee of the livening; Only. cctia dtf during heads.” girls keep up pride's 0. W. Tho gentlemen have their too; but when FULLAMS, stant principle of German policy,” says the cries, October 14th. Professor A. L. Perry of Williams college they meet Northern people they always ask Thursday, TO THE “not to Catholic them to dine. One cannot be 97 Federal St, pamphlet, permit any prince has written a letter on the finances of the expected to give H. T. PADDOCK, .... MANAGED whose sphere of action extends to Italy to up all appearances of being faithful to old in- Who is authorized by us to give BONDHOLDERS country, to the editor of the Omaha Herald, terests. You must allow a little vain glory. At have the ot to the that Fairbanks Scales, become too and thus interfere with pleasure announcing public The Supreme Favorite and Pearl of the American powerful, heart, we all love what is now our COMPLETE GUARANTEES — — in which he in some form country. their OF THE THE OTA>iDAS«» OF THE WORLD. saysContraction Stage, the independence of the pope. We have You may believe that —October Atlantic. with each Furnace sold. and to an enormous extent must precede per- New Jersey Midland Railway Co. Higher! Przesni Parim in 1867. seen popes stop the victorious march of Animal Course of Please Call and examine. manent resumption. The banks can resume Eight MAGGIE se?1 3m Vienna, .tlontreal, 1873 Charles V. German in News au;i Other Items. MITCHELL As I have been commissioned to lay before you a againsL Protestants^ without further action on their part, but the for tbe New Midland Rail- Philadelphia, 1874. Steamer Boston for plan reorganizing Jersey an underhand way fight against Philip II.; government must hoard gold as France is do- Carroll, Capt. Wright, Entertainments Supported by tbe Sterling Actorj Co allow me to call your attention to several way THE MOST ACCURATE. i let the Halifax, broke her shaft at 6 a. in COPARTNERSHIP. important points in said plan. and ai Henry IV. to seize the throne of ing it—stop selling it, greenback find Sunday, — WILL COMMENCE AT — The «• IB«T and point for your consid- ‘.ft its natural which it never has 133 miles east of Berlin Light. Sbe was towed MR, WM. HARRIS, principal T«S MOST DURABLE. France in opposition to and the level, yet eration is that the “purchasing guaran- Spain league. — AND A — Company” done, because the government has been a in by tbe steamer Worcester. tees to every Bondholder all rights and security that In our days we have seen the papacy turn- COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. constant bear iu the gold market; reduce its A tremendous steam CITY HALL, FIRST CLASS COMPANY. is "ow covered by tbe present mortgages. THE MOST COIWKNIKNT. hammer, capable of contracts to make one-third of ing against Austria, avd then against France, demand and to the lowest Thursday Evening, October 14, giiCON D.—It (J) obligations possible beating up a mass of steel weighing 100 tons, is Oet. your a marketable one, by giving a Bond, which had a bonds for THURSDAY EVENING, 28, Mitchell’s Beautiful have this formed a s°cnrity of acquired preponderating influ- point by selling greenbacks; keep be Maggie Play. undersigned day copart- with semi-annually from nevery respect worthy the most implicit confidence to constructed for Krupp’s works at Essen, of on a Coupons, payable date, clear of Wall street, and be abls to it— for the pnrpose Carrying general — ence in national These defy of the THEnership which must make it equal in value to the price orig- ALSO favoring unity. facts in Prussia. It is to cost and will with Eicliberg’ti charming Opera business in Bonds, Stocks, and Specie, under tho and then resume! There is no $1,000,000, be ina.ly p id; so that this one-third will be equivalent royal jump 9 name of & Moulton. manifest the policy of the Roman curia. the in the world. Woodbury to tbe that you are now getting for the whole Fairbanks’ Postal Package .Scales, back to specie payments. We have gone the largest «*K THE ARTIST’S DREAM price ROSE OF TYROL ! THEODOhE C. WOODBURY, amount Designed tor and adopted by the LNITED The victory of France in the war of 1870 downward road like sheep; like asses, with Nearly complete returns from the Connecti- Sale of Seats will commence at MuRic Hall Box WILLIAM H. MOULTON. THIBH.—The balance, two-thirds (§), is given we must retrace the back octl2 with TATES GOVERNMENT. would have augmented her influence in the pendent ears, steps cut town elections show that towns were to be given by the Office on Monday, Oc*. lltb, 1875, at 9 o’clock A*. M. dtf in a First Mortgage 30-Year Bond, Coupons, eighty in or to the starting point. Admission, Parquette, 75 cts; Gallery, 50c; Reserv- payat le at the option of the Company cash -ALSO- peninsula, and the Vatican did not flatter carried by the Democrats, and s'xty-four towns ed Seats, THIS. W. said lundable for the first six into a 81. BROWN, Agent. scrip, scrip years Senator Gordon of Georgia is the last man bv tbe while Caroline Richings-Bernard Eng- JOS. \V. BOGLE, Ass’t Agent. oc8d6t DOVER First Mortgage Income Bond, which Bond is entitled itself with the hope of that influence being Republicans, twenty-one towns EGG BEATER. HiSes Patent Alarm Safety Money who has arisen lo criticise Mr. Schurz’s to all income to the amount of the Coupon attached, to re-estabiish the chose local officers of both political parties. lish aftt r interest on the First Mortgage Bonds. Drawer. employed temporal power.’’ Opera Company. paying speech. He thinks Mr. Schurz’s premises is a old time with her Under this plan, the Company will be able to meet Chicago having high its are and calls his ar one-horse cars. A crowd obligations promptly. WrA,BI5llOIJ«E trip pays SELECT HEADINGS Tbe Company justified doing this, neither read nor write. The diver acknowl- remedy sideration of the to be derived by FAIRBANKS «Sc CO ed a and fools are few. a'dvantages putting e24 dym “I tell and fool, — BY the two into one the .but claimed that he was saying: you, sir, repudiation Irish Americ a Relief Association Corporations Company. edged charge, The ninth annual convention of the FI are converted into a dishonor ate both at the end the road twenty FTH.—Unpaid Coupons an of First income Bond, and all junior securi- nevertheless educated man, and made the Delta closed will a Mortgage Kappa Epsilon college fraternity give ties and claims are secured the Com- that leads to the wreck of private fortunes, Prof. T. Willoughby Reade, by purchasing Brick Machine. following ingenious plea: “Gentlemen, it is its sessions in Syracuse, N. Y., last Thursday pany dS to their priorities. Gregg and this is the road upon which the coutrac- believed that I can be from OF LONDON. If these points are clearly set forth and under- OFFICE OF ISAAC GREGG, JR., & CO., prevented being tionists would lead the people of this coun- On Thursday evening public exercises were it would seem o be for the best interest of ev- GOB OF FIFE LECTURES stood, elected by reproaching me with try. No sane man held, at which Prof. Winchell presided. An ery bondholder—to place his security in au improved 108 South Fourth St., Philadelphia. ignorance: contemplates repudiation Grand Concert of the Course and marketable shape at once, and by so doing re- but I believe I can do without the vote ot of the government’s indebtedness—or any nor- oration on “National Architecture” was deliv- THE CO’IIJNG 8EASON, The are now and have move the from its uncertainties undersigned manufacturing, tiou i>f it. those who advocate a Company present for their Universal Brick ol the vari- Certainly ered by Francis Forbes of New York, and a and the Courts. sale, Machine, educated people if all those as ignorant as MONDAY EVENING, Dec. 6th, the proceeds to he devoted to the poor of the ous as follows:— greenback circulation, redeemable iu low rate City, All desirous of in said plan, or any capacities, poem was read by Prof. J. D. Warner of Alba- the first Lecture to be delivered persons joining will vote for me. if all the and who are to rescue the by information will be forwarded the doc- Size No. 6,000 Bricks per Price myself Yes, igno-1 bonds, striving — BY concerning it, 1, capacity day, $1,000 ny. After the exercises a dinner was served at uments, by sending their post-office address 10 Size No. 2, 10,000 Price $1,500 rant people will give me their votes I shall be people from unnecessary and oppressive tax- JOHN Size No. 3, 20,000 Price no cur- tbe Vanderbilt House. O’lONNOR POWER, M. P., $2,000 a ation, to float auother aud better A. Ij. BATCH, Commissioner, Size No. 4, 30.000 Price elected by great majority. Gentlemen,they $2,500 caunot. with truth, be called re- A very sharp swindle was practiced on Mich- — rency, any IN THE — Willi'im New York Stitt tempered clay of or weak is talk to you of educated what do 52 Si., City, strong qualities people. Well, No, sir, as I said above, if any ael J. Ash, a Baltimore merchant. A man worked by it, and the Bricks are hacked for dry- pudiationiats. ap- up these great savants know? They talk to you will lead to it is that ot CITY P. O. Box, 1065. ing directly from the machine. policy repudiation, peared at his store in the guise of a telegraph HALL, This macnine is very simple of construction. It of all there is in the or in the Anna, contraction. This is the towering fact not New York, Sept. 10th, 1S75. octldecd&wlmlO earth, messenger, and delivered what purported to be — OP — can be managed as as a the moulds in There easily hand-press, ever to be overlooked this controversy.” On Tuesday, Oct. 19ih, ted senaiatelv anu bv hand labor. It ment, but have they spoken to you of a from a customer in or' being produces i3 a deal more of the same sort, dispatch Washington STRE ICHERS and PAVING BRICKS equal to any good filling SIXTY-FIVE PEKFOSiRCRS. K what there is in the bottom of the sea? Well, dcring He his name in th-de- object, “The Condition of Ireland, So manufactured by hand, ami can be adjusted to mould several columns of the Atlanta Herald, but goods. signed cinl, JPolitiral nod Bmlusirinl’’ FRONT BRICKS tor Circulars I can tell that. It’s since elect- is the substance of the whole of book the io LEVY and ARRSJGli LE, Cornet Soloists, OWEN & MOORE repressing. giving you long you this it. livery opposite figures supposed full particulars will be forwarded to any address by The second by your doctors and notaries. Now represent the number of the It turn- LEFFBRE, SaxapboneSoloist, application as al>ove. Orders are solicited, and all advocate, dispatch. FATHER TONER, of machines warranted to perform as represented. you want a diver.” And they got a diver. the Detroit Free ed out, however, that he had really signed his The lady singors will be announced in a day or two. Tow&nda, Offer one hundred ten dozen miss* [From Press.] !SAAC GREGG, Jr,, Sc CO. name to a check for $233, which wa3 concealed tbe Poet Priest, in November. Mr. Warner Tries It. jy7eod24t uimer me ou ne The Alta makes a ccrrec'.ion a and page wuicu wrote nis name, THUBSDAY EVENING. Nov. 18, GEN. KILPATRICK ral Hosiery, extra length, full fin- Californian Mr. Warner, respectable law-abiding P, ami so arranged that the signature appeared PULLER, ished and latest styles stripes in CUT GLASS of a very old error. For many years every citizen of Baker street, rode home in an ex- Grand. Concert delivers tbe third Lectare of tbe course. Subject— |A Manufacturer of two as follow s: in the usual for a check. The lots, a place signing <

— rascal went to the the — BY THE lion,” m December* FOR DOORS. WINDOWS, SHIP’S aud the driver for bank, got money and as covering 188,981 square miles. The ap- extinguisher company. The fourth by CABINS, &c., &c. made his escape parent exactness of the figures is deceptive. •‘What’s that thinz?” asked his wife in con- Geu. T F. liurke or O’Donovan Itossa Sizes and 6. at 50c per Pair, tones as she the hall door. Anna Connett, a yenng of more than or- 41-2,5,51-2 Eun lersigned is now prepared to furnish cut temptuous opened girl in will VARNISHES The official documents have the a Tbe Lectare for be “What’s that? that’s file BOSTON PH1LHARM0MC CUB! January. February given S. glass, either white or enameled in any quantity perpetuated Why extinguish- dinary prepossessing appearance, residing in to me public in uue time. and at the shortest notice* which has been contained in the cen- er-best thing you ever saw—meant to have the Band Concert 1 hour error, Plainfield, N. J., was placed at the bar of the assisted by charming Soprano previous to lectures. Sizes at 50c per Pair The workmen are men of experience and one a 'J 61-2.7,71-231108, employed go', year ago i-kets for the Course $1 00; tickets 25 cts. are as skilful as in New and all work is sus of and 1870. It turns Union court on to answer to Single any Engladn, reports 1850, 1860, u:u;ui>, yuu uru aiwa.vs a iwi ui county Tuesday BUSS I.AUttA SIIIBIEK. Tickets to be had Ot Members of the Association, warianted to give satisfaction. and at the To those wishing to supply their families for win- out, however, that the amount is too large yourself,” she continued as she shut the door the charge of burglary. It appears that the door. Doors open ai 6J o’clock. Lectures Glass si^ns and tableware cut and engraved to any by at £. ter, the lot will be particularly attractive, being pre- man around as a No Reserved Seats. oci9dlw design of name or wieath in the best manner. more than one-fifth. The as established “Every patent right gets yon charge was preferred by a of the Con- Dec. same sold tor 70c to leticr, lines, neighbor THURSDAY EVENING, 2, And Dealer iu cisely quality usual'y $1 per pair. A of new and tor cat lays for a mouse.,” variety original designs Door, the United States show that the netts, and grew out of some spite between the Ship and Car lights, nitty be seen at my store or may by survey, “Does, eh? If you kuow anything at all you’d LECTURE BV THTE be on families. On the stand the “MERINO UNDERWEAR.” had application by mail. area is in reality only 156,720. More than kuow that every store and office iu Detroit has girl told her story MACHINERY, term* are n* l. waacnn be 3Iy obtained one o’ these. saved lots of buildings in such an honest and in the one-half the entire area has been They’ve artless, winning way non. wenaen country. actually and may save ours.” runups. Dozen LtkIicn’ Vests that a verdict of not guilty was rendered by PORTLAND SAFE DEPOSIT SPERM, LARD, 50 ISenvy Merino surveyed, and the accuracy with which the “You throw it at the fire, don’t you?” she CO., and Pants, all sizes, at 70 cent* each. C. H. FA.KLEY the without their seats. The audi- Subject—trSiir€ci JLife fiu Europe.” Chartered by nn wet of the liesiblalure asked in sarcastic tones. jury leaving '• hese goods we guarnutec equal to any % Portland coast lino and all the iulaud borders have of Maine 1875, AND WOOL Exchange Street, He carried it up stairs into a closet without iecce burst into which the BURNING, sold tor less than $1.00. dtf no room applause, judge ap29 been fixed leaves for doubt that the and she followed on and asked: THURSDAY EVENING, Dec. 9, — FOR THE — replying, Could not stop. Hats were swung and the floor IT. B.-We also take pleasure in announc- smaller amount is correct. “Don’t it shoot a fire out?” substantially stamped While the was about LECTURE BY Safe-lteen»lns? of Valuables and the Rental ing the r* ccip* of n second loi of 50 Dozen “If you don’t know anything, I’ll learn you wildly. jnilge of I?I-'ll’* henry Nhaker Hocks which wc offer something! It is full of chemicals; you strike to discharge the prisoner she sprang on the Safes, at 33 cents per pair. iuc xiuuuuu j. i/itco van uavu ivO vi-y iuc on this knob on top and she’s all ready to SCHURZ. -is ns- OILS. open bench, threw her arms around his neck and ItOJi. CARL this faucet and play on the fire.” system of cumulative voliug will be adopted kissed him This was the signal for and She siinned as walked arnuod it and fi repeatedly. Subject—A New Lecture. Fire-proof Burglar-proof FORE STREET. g£e 208 OWEN Invested in Stock in Wall lu Frauce. That journal proposes that the asked: another outburst of pouular sympathy, which VAULTS. jne2t d6m &MQ0RE, Privileges St, nally shall be the Scrutin . M. NWEAf, PreMident Hankers Brokers, tion of all the members to which a depart- along-the hall, into the bed- pany. A. %V. fOOTIRM, secretary. Gas Opp. N. Y. Stock Exchange. 12 Wall St. N. Y rooms and out, aud was the head of the same name lived in the same Burner, Reg- ma26 turning precisely or information addre -Brilliant- deodly ment is entitled tbket. How the the stairs G^*For circulars by general when his foot caught in tho carpet. and of course the letters of one occasion- A. W. COOMBS, Portland, town, THURSDAY Jan. Secretary, device of cumulative can the He threw up his arras and she grabbed at him, EVENING, 6. ulator and Shade voting improve went to the other. The hav- jnell_dtf and both rolled dowr. stairs. He yelled and she ally Episcopalian, the beautiful Opera of OIL, WINDOW FRAMES* latter plan does not clearly appear. received and SAFE. ECONOMICAL. BEST. FOB SALE BY yelled. Sometimes he was ahead, and then she ing opened by mistake a letter in- Paint. SAFE. ECONOMICAL. BEST. took the and neither of them had passed tended for the Fireproof Roofing Combined AiaGEOCEES. to be a lead, Wesleyan, returned it with this BURRO WES BRO’S. Tiieue appears growing feeling iu under tho when the extinguisher, For sale “siring” note: “Dear Sir—This would not have MARITANA ! The best and cheapest 8n»w dk Onvis Patent by Worcester that the lion. L. W. who and to sboot off its happen- Don’t keep every body waiting for window frames Pond, humping jamming, began Wl«te 4W'»o!iog Paint for Shingle, Tin and iron cm as. mci.ACGni.nv & ed if yon had not aisutned a title to which yon will be given by tlie is decided to be the best Gas Light ever produced— co., when you can get them at Burrowe* Bros’., on from the steamer charge of chemicals. Itools, also for cheap outside*work, sold by the gallon disappeared Providence, when a as steady as the which varies as the aalGeod&wGm S*orf Iniiil. nouis nolice. All kinds of house finish “You old-!” she staried to say, have no Soon after re- or applied by quite Argnd, twenty-four right." the Wesleyan varies, and need to be watched, on hand or made to order. was not the victim of foul but is still hose struck her between the pressures constantly play, stream from the ceived and a a Boston Opera as all beside the from the opened parcel which contained English Company. .1. N. know, great annoyance Corner Crow* and EForc Street*. if and she didn’t finish. McCOY & GO-, the of living, indeed ho did not commit suicide. eyes, beat caused by styles the shades and chimney. DRAIIVtCSE. n c-h!” roared Mr. number of in imitation ‘-AS eep20 31*2. deoulm “What in—o Warner, setmons, lithographed B’S B4N» Spring Si., Portland, By our Shade the light is deflected, and being so PORTLAND, It that bis indebtedness was much CHAVDLI proves as he a dose iu the ear. of such as are by certain constiucted as to allow the heat to pass upwards, find It to got manuscript, supplied each I.cci ure and on the roofers ane> painter* persons interested in drainage will in a at the bottom of will give a concert betore after adjusted is FOB SALE, greater and more extended than at They brought up neap in who to being properly always regulated, ALLtheir advantage to call on tbe widely into the dealers Londou to clorgyineu prefer evening o! the reahing with an actual saving of from 15 to 40 cent, in the stairs, the stream playing parlor, at 8; Lectures J-v24_dtl per first that his had not been rather than write whereupon he dis- Doors open at 6.30; Concert begins the consumption of gas over any other burner. anticipated, help against the hall door, auu up stairs by turns, buy them, 45 o’clock. For Sale. Pierce Steals! Eujiue aiut Boiler at 7 .... Manufacturing Company she with this missive: at the usual paid since August 23d, when the July pay- and gasped: patched them to th rector Course tickets, $2 00 each, for sale 33G of cement Also contractors for constructing ENGINE an of about six horse iTorrent, tons,coppered. Well C. Ij. pipes. fjjlHE upright “I’ll have you sent to a feol asylum.” would not have found in MAE8TON, etc Pipe JL and an Tubular Boiler of about ment was and that his business ac- “Dear sir—This mistake hap- sails, rfiging, chains, an- FOR sewers, digging wells, cementing cellars, powei, Uprigbt made, a he seats at William E. cnors &c. PROPRIETOR MAINE, “Who’s fool?” roared, around 1'i'eserved $1.50each; fors.de Coulu be sent to sea Works, Corner Fox and Cove Sts., P rtland. Me, loubte the of the to WIL- dancing assumed an office for imme- power engine. Apply counts were at loose ends. It is a with his full of chemicals. pened if you had not. Thouies’, under Music Hall. ulately. lor’ lurther information 138 Exchange 8lreet. Bend all orders to «J. L. SMITH, LIAM Lu WELL, 36 Union street or W. H. PEN- generally eyes <10 to apply “I’m she have uo qualification. oct7 J. S. WINSLOW & Co. aul8tf Agent Wanted. octlldtf apr20dtf U. S. Hote NELL & CO., 38 Union street. jne28dtf. sad case. fainting!” squeaked. which you proper zmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmammmmmmmmmmmammmmm

^ Ar at Macassar Lorinda Oct. 12—No returns have Foreign Import*. Shelled at 56 @ 60c. Oats steady and unchanged— July 27, Boratel, Borstel, Columbus, Ohio, No 2 37 25 Am bonia been received vote NS. Schr Bonelta—30 (loz 2 at @ 39c; rejected (a) 32c. miscellaneous. except on the gubernational KEMPT, eggs, pkgs Ar at Helvoet 26. Sarah A Staples, Nichols, I merchandise to order. Charleston, Oc ober 12. Cotton is firm; Mid- Sept _MISCELLANEOUS._ BY TELEGRAPH. and those are still scattering. Returns from Philadelphia; Benj Webster, Smart, Maulmain. 300 townships and wards gaits CORNWALLIS, NS. Schr Fanny Given—65 cords dling uplands at 13$ @ 13 5-16c. give Republican do of nearly (5000. The Democrats conceded the wood, 2 bbls apples, 1 potatoes to order, Savannah, October 12.—Cotton is firm; Middling SPOKEN. upland? 13£c. Latest Novelties MAINE. election of Hayes 5000 and have Oct 8, off H S from Tho- MATTERS IN by majority Domestic Nantucket, ship Gregory, about deserted their headquarters here. Re1 Daily Receipt*. Mobile. October 12.—Cotton steady;Middling up- maston for Baltimore. bush lands at 13c. — publicans claim the election by 10,000 majority. By water conveyance—1000 eornmeal to G W Sept 8, lat 34 11, ton 26 10, ship Owego, from Liver- —15 Tue & Co. New York, October 12.—Cotton is firm and hold- for New Orleans. New __ pool agricultural fairs. Jefferson, Oct. 12 —This county prob- ers asking higher; Middling upands 13jc 23. lat 36 30 N, Ion 7 20 Oasis, from Slock is firm Sept W, barque ably gives a Republican majority of 450. Boston List. New Orleans, October 12 Coitou and Cardiff for Rio Janeiro. in demand; Middling upland? 13$c. New York, Oct. 12.—Specials from Ohio (o [Sales at the Brokers’ Boaid, Oct. 12. good At Biddeford. the N. Y. Times H 7’s. indicate the election of iyes $8,000 Eastern R. 1883..... 69* Ifiarketa. Railroad 7s. 1883..... European DRESS Oct. 12.—York by 15,000 to 20,000 Hamilton county $1,000 Eastern 69 GOODS Biddeford, County Agricul- majority. Sinking b unds London, October 12—12.30 P. M.—Consols at SPECIAL is reported cairied the who are $8,000 Union Pacific 8s. 873 93$ NOTICES^ tural show and fair The by Republicans, for money ami account. Society opened today. said to elected the whole ticket. 11 Boston Sc Maine Railroad.I12J have county Railroad London, October 12—12.30 P. VI.—American aeeu- attendance was very and the show 20 Eastern 19* their A saw Just large gool, IOWA. 10.do.. 19 ties—Uuited States 5-20s, 1865, old, at 106g; do 1867, Piease tell the people that you Received $100.00 in some but departments not up to a few years Council Oct. 12.—Fremont 10.do. 18} 107*. iu the the circula Bluffs, county Liverpool, October 12—12.30 P. M.—Cotton is advertisement Pit CSS, 5.do. — — past. Horses are not many in number, but gives 250 majority for the Democratic state 18* AT 15 .do. 18 strong; Middling up'ands at 7(1; (lo Orleans at 7$d; tion of which, per month, exceeds 1041,000. ticket Brooks (rep.) is elected to the Legisla- and there is a fine display of blooded animals. 5 .do. 18* sales 15,000 bales, including 3000 for speculation III & HUM'S ture. Pottawa amie county gives a Republican export Considerable exists between Fearnaught 114.do...-. 19 rivalry majority of from 100 to 200. Wright aud White 35.do. 19 and Knox breeds. Cattle not numerous but (reps.) are elected to the Legislature. Town of 60.do. 19* Your life can be saved by using Hunt's Remedy. fine show of fowl ever Neveda, Stony county, gives Kirkwood 800 ma- 5.do. 19g P. M. FROST’S! appearing. Largest cures and all diseases of the blad- The will a Second Call. It dropsy kidneys, seen iu the of the bpst breeds jority. county go Republican by county, many In Clinton a vote der and urinary organs. Hundreds that have been Cabinet good majority. very heavy $2,000 Eastern Railroad 7s, 1883. 69 exhibited attracting large attention. Display was and the have been vic- their to die have been saved ONE MORE Organ polled, Republicans 150 Eastern Railroad.... 19* given up by physicians of fruit unusually good, Other torious. Kirkwood’s majority will be about this and ar<* now with us as departments VICTOR!! by great remedy living IU1 WOVEN BLM SILKS AND — 100. The indications are that the whole Re- Stock and Money well filled. Trotting for commences to- New York Market. witnesses of the value of this medicine. purses ticket is elected THE GOODS TO publican county by majorities New York. October 12—Evening.—Money was o;tl3 deod&wlw Citizens’ Excursion, BUY, morrow and continues till Saturday. from 150 to 300. There are ranging large Re- easy at 2 *@ 3* per cent, on call, closing -at 2* per At Wnldoboro*. publican gains here. cent. Sterling closed quiet at 479 for 60 days and AND PROBABLY THE LAST, for demand—latter being firmer than the for- MARRIED. 5 0 0 Waldoboro’, Oct. 12.—The twentieth an- West Union, Oct. 12.—Kirkwood’s majori- 483* Black and the Cashmeres mer; business of the day was at 478* @ 479* for long will be run nual cattle show and fair of the Lincoln ty is 140. Agri- and 483 @ 483* for demand. In this Oct. Rev. C S. Perkins. Edwin for the weak city, 7, by in Colors of desirable Shades. cultural acd Horticultural Society commenced Desmoines, Iowa, Oct. 12.—No constitution- Exports of produce $4,877,107,against G. Thorne ot and Miss S. ot week in 1874. Deering Mary Knight al amendments were submitted in this slate $5,240,286 for the corresponding Portland. Thursday, Oct. 14tli, 1875. Fine here under favorable circumstances. at and closed at two ex- Photograph today this The to Gold opened 116* 116-^-the In this Oct. 12. Rev. W. H. Fenn. Miss Car- year. Register up this hour (11 30 The rates for city, by Plaids The was fine and a number of tremes of the day. paid borrowing rie N. Dana ot Portland and Mr. E. W. Bennett ot TRAIN LEAVES 8.15 A. M. Highland 0-4, day large people p. m.) indicates a Republican gain of about 15 and 1-64 cent, were 5-64.1-16, 1-32 per per diem ; at Chicago. III. No cards were present. The show of stock was quite per cent, over the majority of that party in the close loans were made flat The clearances at VERY DESIRABLE. In this city, Oct. 12, Rev. Geo. W. Blcknell J. HAMILTON, Snpt. when it was and a of 20 Bank were The by good. The hall display was excellent and es- 1874, 28,743, gain per the Gold Exchange $25,947,0H0. As- Henry B. Webb ot Portland and Miss Addie L. Bean oc cent, over out $13,000 on 13__snlt the Republican majority for gover- sistant Treasurer paid to-day account of Westbrook. that of fruit and farm products. The of interest and in of bonds. The Alpaca and Cretonnes, pecially nor in 1873. There are very large Republican $80,000 redemption I have used Way’s Compound Syrup of Repps ALBUMS, customs were annual for the election of officers for in some aud receipts to-day $399,000. Lungwort for and Colds and meeting gains counties Democratic gains from London DIED. Coughs myself A special dispatch announces that S in families where I have been as nurse, and the takes this in one or two. at ensuing year place evening. reports have been received that city from Lima never found it to fail in at once. “SNOWFLAKES” The best informed estimate the *2 giving relief Valued at The will take action the Republicans that a commercial nanic was prevailing there. Also O MRS. ANNA Nurse. ^KNICKERBOCKER” $3 Each, society also] upon for In North Yarmouth, Sept. 8, Miss Betsey Max- HALL, majority Kirkwood, Republican candidate that the Peruvian Government is about issuing more No. 1 Hanover Street. to locate at some time on the liue of field, aged 73 years. Thompson Block, TRIPLE DIAGONALS, ALL WOOL, proposition for Governor at 35,000. There is every indica- currency to meet emergency. Several failures are ^ In Oct. Mrs. ot — Lewiston, 8, Delia T. Cleary, wife will be — the Knox AND tion a in ® & Lincoln Railroad. AND HARD MONEY HONES- of much larger Republican gain the anticipated. S. P. Cleary, aged 24 years 3 months. C. WAY & Governments were State bonds dull. Rail- CO., Apothecaries, VERY CHEAP. At Gardiner. Legislature than on the state ticket unless the steady. In New Gloucester, Oct. 7, Mrs. Ella F. road The stock market was Snow, aged * to (he State are out of mortgages quiet. strong 22 Cor. and Cumberland Sts. Oct. 12.—At the first meet- specials Register greatly and in the advance years. P Myrtle A BANKRUPT STOCK OF Gardiner, day's will higher early dealings, ranging ma22 the way. The Republicans have at least from 1 cent, in the entire list with sntf GIVES AWAY Union anu * @ pei the ex- mg of the Kennebec Agricultural 40 in the on ballot. Almanac. TY TltlUPIIliW. mafcrity legislature joint ception of Missouri Pacific, which declined 2* per itliAiamre October 13. Horticultural Society at Oakland Park, the at- These are Republican estimates. The Demo- cent, from the closing prices of last evening, trom Sunrises...6.10 High waters 10.00 AY. j — — and afterwards recovered to AT TIIE tendance was small, but the show ot stock was brats concede the legislatuae and state bv 25,- 19| @ 17, 18*; Union Sun sets...5.22 I Moon sets. 4 25 PM SHAWLS I 000. Pacific rose from 67* @ 69; North Western from 35} larger and superior to that generally seeu at @ 36}; do preferred from 49} @ 59}; St Paul from 32 Indianola, Iowa., Oct. 12—The estimated do from 62 Pacific Mail county fairs. The society offer $500 iu prem- @ 33; preferred @ 62*; trom Imitations, India, Woolen, Ulsters, majority in the county for Kirkwood is 800, 36* @ 37; Western Union from 75* @ 75J; Ohio from MARINE NEWgT OREAlT sale iums. First premium for best town team of The Republican senator is doubtless elected. 15* @ 16*. After however, there was a re- Himaleys. nr.Hrm: Missouri midday,Pfloitir. dr/mnon from oxen was awarded to Pittstou. Hall display is Ohio Redeemed! The representative is close. PORT OP PORTLAND. GRAND OPENING Of tbe of tbe Union Pacific from 69 @ 67; North Western from 36$ Nfock Oct. 12— The vote is Middlesex and State very fine. Tomorrow two purses for $530, each Daventort, light. @ 35$; (lo preferred from 50$ @ -19$; Lake Shore from Bay Cottons, This about 400 Democratic one offered for horses owned within the soc;e- city gives majority 54$ (gg 538; St Paul from 33 @ 32; do preferred from In Bleached and Unb.eached. Pacific Mail from 37 Western Union Indianapolis, Oct,12 —The tick- 62$ 61$; 36; ARRIVED. — OF — ties’ iu 3 minute and 3.30 classes. Republican from Rock Island from Ohio limits, et is almost unanimous. 75| & 743; 1033 @ 103; U S steamer Myrtle, Foster, Petit Manan. from Central from PRINTS AND Democrats Concede the De- 16$ @ 153; Michigan 56$ @ 55$; Steamer City of Portland, Pike, St John, NB, via GINGHAMS, Corning, Oct. 12.—Kirkwood’s majority in New York Central from 103 @ 102$; Erie from 17$ @ Eastnort for Boston. Larceny. the couuty is 550. 17. Missouri Pacific recovered to 15. The decline A H Curtis, Merriman, Harps well VEEY CHEAP m mm «rig was assisted by a rumor of a failure in the tea trade. to Kerosene Rockland, Oct. 12 —Two young fellows who Pnn 4- aP i II Washington, Oct. 12.—This Sch Fawn, Baker, Philadelphia—coal township gives The lollowin’g were me closing quotations 01 gov- Co. 1VUI Vi 221 Oil and as seamen on Cloaks Jackets shipped in Boston the schooner Republican majority. ernment securities: Sch Congross, Hamilton, New York—coal to Rich UNDER FALMOUTH HOTEL. oc9iltf which arrived here broke Ottumwa, Oct. 12.—The election is close and United States coupon 6’s, 1881, coup.123 & Judkins. Bengal yesterday, United States 5-2U’s exciting and a very large vote was polled. The 1864, coup. 118$ Sch Fanny Given, (Br) Parker, Cornwallis, NS—65 ope* the truGk of the cook this morning while United States 5-20’s, 1865, new. 118$ cords wood to order. — AT — indications are that the Republicans have a was United States 5-20’s, I860, old. 119$ Having this immense stock to he getting breakfast and stealing $50 an 1 small majority. CLEARED. United States 5 20’s, 1867 do.119$ dispose of. and lealixmg tb it ex* a valuable watch and leit the vessel. Steamship Chase, Bennett, Halifax. NS— John New They Mount United States 5-20’s, 1868 do .... inducement* REPUBLICANS CLAIM FROM TO Pleasant, Oct. 12.—There is a de- 120$ Porteous. irnurdmury must be United States new 5’s. Millinery! otfeie aside from not been found. 15,000 116$ the low have yet cided Republican majority in all the townships Seh Tannbauser, Grover, Havana— Phinney & prices United States 10-40 coupon. at which arc Penobscot Musical Association. heard from. 116$ Jackson. EASTMAN goods being sold, Curreucv 6’sex. ..,.123$ BROS., we ofTcr the in the Sch Carrie Belle, Seavey, Baltimore—J Nickerson. following way Bangor, Oct, 12.—The ,28th annual session MAJORITY, Grinnell, Oct. 12,—The Republican majori- The following are the closing quotations of J0HN80N& of an SAILED—Ship Tam O’Sbanter; barque CeliDa; CLARK, of the Penobscot Musical Association 20,000 ty in this township is 38 Total vote 331 De- Stocks: opened moines about 800 Western Unic 1 Telegraph Co—ex div.74$ brig Proteus; schs Stephen Bennett, G E Merrow, here full gives Republican majority, Geo Washington, George & Oct. 4th. today with attendance, under the di and the have elected the Pacific Mail.. 36 Sophie, Emily, Adriana, Monday, Ho. 7 Republicans county N V Central and Hudson and a large fleet lumbermen. Clapp's Block, Inducement rection of Prof. O. W. Perkins of Boston. ticket. R.consoiidated/ex-dv. .102$ Extraordinary. Erie. 16$ Shelby, Oct. 12.—The Republican candidates Erie preferred. 34 [FROM MERCHANTS’ EXCHANOE.J CONGRESS ST. Gains Central-... Large Republican in this township. Johnson county gives a ma- Michigan 55$ Cld at Philadelphia 12th, sch Georgie D Loud, for We shall the finest as- NEW HAMPSHIRE. Union Pacific Stock. display Y/e would inform the Ladies of Portland that we jority of 150 against Kirkwood, aud a 663 Portland. THE ORGAN probable -ake sortment ever shown in baye returned from New York with the latest small for all the Democratic candi- Shore. 53§ Below, brig Fanny B Tucker, trom Lisbon. Maine, styles majority Illinois Central, ex-div.. 96 dates. Sid fm Aspinwall 1st inst, brig David Owen, for ot over Reunion of in Iowa. Chicago COin,y’. ,five tuw“fliips—Hayes 947, will be sent mail on ot 35 cts the Allen 392; without foundation. The Netherlands are fit- St October 12. -Flour is Sid tin Sunderland 27th, tor numbers, by receipt SACK AND mouth of tbe RioGraude river Monday and Republican gain 70 Louis, steady and un- Sept Ariadne, Johii9, Welded, Iron DRESS is Jefferson for low ea Philadelphia. I^p Wrought TRIMMINGS, now on duty in tbe river. county, three towuships and four ting up their usual squadron for naval practice changed grades; high grades y. Wheat is 1 visou, Blakcinan, Taylor k To., but in main No Ar at Stettin 24, II II trom wards in Steubeuviile. i American w iters, but no vessels uave eoue irregular higher; 2 Red Winter at Sept Wright. Dunbar, 138 & 140 tiraud 8tre. t New 1’orlt Bonnets and Hats in Internal revenue I bid for cash 1 59 1 60 Baltimore. Velvet and Straw, receipts yeslerday, $182,825; Truoihul now 571 sales; M seller October sel5 customs couuiy, eight townships and wards yet, and the preparations making have no 25th. WATER PI PE. eod3m2p receipts $521,416. I 59 lor Nov; No 3 do 1 35 @ 1 35$. Corn is in light Sid Evanell, HiehLoru, Batticc. Ribb Hayes 3400; Alleu 1277; Republican gain 206. connection whatever with Venezuela affairs. Sid tm From One-tmli Inch lo ns, Flower., Feathers mid Veils. nret*rJ demand and Holders firm ; No 2 Mixed at 58c cash- Singapore Aug 16, Bengal, Blanchard, for Fourteen Inches diameter; bl,s returned to Washing- Tuscarowas county, two October. dull Boston. in from 18 to 20 tllveotiSw ton townships, Havas 58$c f>eller Oats and lower; o 2 at 35|! lengths feet. The Whole Population ot Portland '__ Alleu 22. B with moderate Bid tin Aug 11, Commerce, for 223; 253; Republican gain irley steady demand for the best Samarang Elliott, Capable of Nn.laiuing a Prcauurr of can be nicely fitted to the best Hoots in the world At one U VMK IAh A AO COJI1IEKC1AL others Rve New York by Gut, over six inches of Union couuiy, towusbip, Hayes 192; Al- grades; neglected. higher. Whiskey- I jO O lbs. to ihe Square Inch. calling at Book in the World scow fell none ottering and "at Cheapest Store Monday night There was considera leu 93; Democratic gam 9 nominally 111$. bbls hush Ar at Liverpool Sept Ella M Watts. manufactured by the hie damage Iq lruit and ornamental Warreti county, two towuships, Haves Receipts—5.000 tioui, 34.000 wheat, 7,000 28, Watts, 230 MIDDLE 119 EXCHANGK 8TKXKT. trees bv 704; Portland Wholesale Markets. oush corn. Bath; 29th, John S Harris. wash. NB STREET. tbe of snow 24.000 bush oats, 5,000 oush barley, 1,0U0 James, Pag ; beav.y weight breakup- aud bend Allen 559; Democratic gain 53. Eliza Morion. National Tuesday, October 12.— The sales of flour bush rye,2080hogs, 1342 cattle. Lelaiid, Fernandina. lube Largo joints, ingrowing nails, bunions an I corns 100,000 Boolii without 10 cost, ing tliern io tile gr.-uud. Snow was to-day Cld Lowell WorKsCo., iu regard still fall Washington cuuuty, eight townships, Hayes 29th. Merom. SW Pass. especially provided lor, and most cases cureii hv have been is Cincinnati, October 12.—Pork at 23 J (wood Jewelry iog yesterday morning Alleu Democraiic gain 35 quire large. Sugar firm and is in good 00; closing Ar at Plymouth 29th, Peru. Blauchard, for fitted. Clocks, Wntchfn and cheap. 1043; 904; quiet. Lard is higher; prime steimat Lobos, being properly demand at ll|e and Teas show a 13$@13|i” irders. 8 PEMBERTON well done nnd Care of Win. Bussell, the By field Wayu" couutv, eight town hips, Hayes 1135; lUJc. very firm ketrie at 14c. Bulk Meats lU. U. 1‘ALMEK Repairing mid Cleaning murderer with 13$ easier; shoulders Ar at Gloucester Matia W nud SQUARE, BOSTON, MASS., has been certified Irom the Aden Democratic 139 feeling no quotable change lo note. Pork and at clear rib sides at clear Sept 20, Norwood, An- VIcl4.ce»P'ri‘t, I'ciiu. Warranted. Superior Court to 1271; gain 9$c; 13$c; sides at lac. Ba- Wiscasset. 00(11_deod6w til ■ S J. Court The iu liclmeut is Wv lard are with no con is shoulders at clear irews, COATED WITH AN murder in indottecouuiy, one towusbip, Hayes 51; steady change in prices. Potatoes easier; I0§c; rib sides at Ar at Peuarth 2C. S C the Alle clear sides at Sept Blauchard, Meady, fm ebild for ALBERT COLBV’S SONS, first degree. Trial teiin begins at Suern 61; Republican gain 2 are offering freely at 5uc. 14$ @ ll$c: 15$ @ 15$c Hogs are firm ; Antwerp. Adoption, cnrnino at 7 00 @ 7 *0; and Nov. 2. Oompariseus are made vvith the vote of 1873. light go.u light medium Cld at Cardift 27. Lizzie H. Bahson IN OBSTRUCT ABLE ENAMEL A lS[5tt Poblibhrm and ISooUwellers. 7 60 ft*J 7 butchers 7 90 8 *ept Calcutta. healthyboy eight months old heavy 80; good (g} Oo; a f w tin ® The Midnight—The Deoiocra'ic state central oreisu Sid Batavia Sept 24, Richard McManus, U4KRANTII1 8 ’,Hl wU" n,i,v U. S. frigate Congress is at f£xpons. xtra sold at 8 25. Whiskey is and in Beals, » m (amily Naples. committee c steady moder- a"i wmhmT\rt»e°M ucedt-JHayes* election. HAVANA. Schr Tannahouses—3903 ate demand at 113. $uiuarang. Joints are connected by our Patent Sleeve Coup- h0U1C- FOB TIOOILF. the Duke of Palmer won the Cesarowitoh fcshooks and Parked 7. Overseers ot Poor, Republicans claim llamilton 1U0 bbls Banjowaojle July Goodell. Crockett, fm lings, preventing all leakage. Itandish.^r'1 ^P&1" stakes. county by heads, 4u,5i0 hoops, potatoes, 1U0 kits of Indianapolis, October 12.—Flour at 3 50 tor 2,300 @ 8 00.— iourabaya Falmouth, E; 10th, H J Libby, Brooks Specimens can be seen aud obtained ou anplication. Unrk ‘^Scotland,’* ha v of her majority. mackerel, 75 bbls plaster, 12,555 ft lumber. Wheat is firm and log part cargo unchanged. Corn—Ear at 56c; torn Newcastle for Java. au!8 WMF3m lpUon "n,‘ engaged. For freight apply to lM«cpUda*Vi^V,MC, octldtf iUAt). II. € OASIS Wa 1 mb.. business. As is usual a committee was chosen at the south, but finally was ordered to Port- HENRY FICKETT, late of Cape Elizabeth, de- 5 receive private pupils in Mathematics, On trial. to nominate a list of officers. For this commit" the toss,got the word to start from ex-chief en- land, Oregon, the place of his residence at the ceased. Second account presented ior allowance by WILLJJ^fory.Litcraturc and ihe English language. Martin W. -- BY AUCTION. Winship for plaintiff. tee the trustees of last were and time of his decease. On his return Fickett, Administrator. 11 U1VA1 £3 ltw.r.1, gineer Eogers, who wa3 appointed time keeper. year selected, from Alas- uauei uuuuuidu iui ucicuuauii SOLOMON JORDAN, late of Cape de- About 600 they, although with some expression of modes- ka, where he had been sent to pay off the Elizabeth, AT MO. persons were present, including a ceased. Petition for license to sell and convev real Navigation School. 11 DECKING STREET, nominated themselresYor the same he embarked in with his wife estate. Also for allowance out ot Jlnncipnl Court. committee of the Salem Fire con- ty, office, troops, company petition personal School Edward Department, FALL OPENING! estate presented R. taught byCapt. Oct. at and to their the ratified fa Southern woman 1 on hoard the steamer by Nancy Jordan, Administra- at Tuesday, 19th, 10 o’clock JUDGE KNIGHT PRESIDING. of assistant J. B. and spare feelings society NAVIGATIONBreen, No 97 Franklin Street. For terms sisting engineer Osborne, trix, and widow of said deceased. to the Fined the nomination. S. bound for apply same, or to C. H. Farley, No. 9 Ex- A. M., Tuesday.—Alfred Clark. Intoxication. J. H. an George Wriglit Portland, January who of — JOHN Stanford, witnessed exhibition OF — STONE, late of Cape Elizabeth, deceased. ehange Street.sep22eod11 $5 with costs. Gentlemen who are better than 1873. has ever Will and for the and out extension ladder as well as the contest. judges your Nothing been beard of the petition probate thereof, that shall sell the entire Furniture in said letters of administration with the will house, Frank A. Calkins. Search and seizure. Fined $50 that some fine cattle are on the and annexed lie Eaton WE consisting in part of 2 Parlor Snits in B. W. The as we stated reporter, say steamer, although many reports were for issued to Seth L. Family School For Boy?, judges were, yesterday Plummer, presented by Catharine and Plush, Brussels, Tapestry and Ingrain with costs. Paid. The widow of Carpets, Ex-Chief Damrell and D. greund. class of town teams, working a time in circulation, the fate of the passen- Stone, said deceased. Black Walnut and Painted Chamber Sets, French Samuel Nowian. Search and seizure. Fined $50 morning, Engineer —AT— matched and beef cattle 44 and JOHN R. CRANEY & minor children plate Mirrors, B. W. Book Case, Paintings, Sofas, E. of for the Hudson com- oxen, contain yokes. gers crew has remained a mystery. ALS, and with costs. Appealed. Cliffords. Deering Boston, MILLINERY heirs of John Carney, late of Portland, deceased. Easy Chairs, Lambrequins and Cornices, Lounges. There are three town teams from Denmark and Two and a half after the loss George Keeley. Search and seizure. Fined $50 pany, and W. W. Castle of Belfast, and J. E. years supposed Accounts presented for allowance by William Mc- NORRIDGEWOCK, MAINE. Dining Hoorn Furniture, B. W Side Board, Crockery one from Under neat stock there the vessel and all on Aleney, Guardian. and Glass Ware, Cooking Range. Kitchen Furniture, with costs. Strout & Emerson Fryeburg. of board, the remains of — AND— For Appealed. Gage. of Bucksport, for the Vinalhaven Circular Address H. F. Ealoo,9rin. &c. Also at same time one in are MARY J. CARTEN & ALS, minor children Cnickering Piano, Frank McGrath. Search and seizure. Fined $50 the twenty-eight head entered besides one herd Maj Walker were found on the shore of an and good order. company. By unanimous consent of these heirs of John Caiten. late of Portland, deceased. anglO-tf with costs. from Denmark. The horse list includes island about an a Appealed. CliSords. gentlemen, Chief Frank Merrill of this city, thirty- eighth of mile in circumfer- First accounts presented for adowance by Ellen M. F. 0. BAILEY & CO., AUCTIONEERS. Bernard Devine. Search and seizure. Fined niue horses and colts. swine and ference and covered with Carte Guardian. oct9 dtd $50 was invited to act as referee, a position which Sheep, poul- mostly trees, about with costs, Appealed. show but one ALBERT G. ESTES, minor child and heir of Lou- BOYS’ SCHOOL. he filled to the entire satisfaction of both try coop chickens, one of pig- two miles from the entrance to Bazan Bay, and com COSTUMES ! isa Estes, late of Portland, deceased. Petition for Saw Mill and Clothes Pin Fao eons and one Brief of and ram. twelve west of Capa Cygane. the southwest license to sell and convey real estate, presented by for Sale at Auction. Jottings. panies. George Houghton Hudson, Samuel F. ill. C. tory The match came off at Alaska. Two Indians Perley, Guardian. MITCHELL’S Schumacher of this is to fresco the audi- Murch of were chosen to drawing 1p.m.; point of Hydah named city George Vinalhaven, JOANNA R. LARRABEE, late of there were sixteen entries of of oxen and Edenso and were and We have the pleasure to inform you that we are now Portland, .de- S SSIGNEK’S SALK. ence room of the new Universalist church in mark the solid water. Mr. T. J. was yokes Klimnagari, hunting ceased. Petition for Family School for Boys, Lyon opening our administration, presented by District Court of the United steers, all but one on the drag. The report of trapping otter and mink in that region, when John Larrabee, eldest brother of said deceased. BANKRUPTCY, Lewiston. chief pipeman for the Walkers and W. S. Fair WEST T1SBERY, IN States, District of New Hampshire, in the the committee was not made known. There saw a on the and on MOSES B. NICKERSON, late of de- matter of E. A Mr. Mountfort of met with a b inks for the Eurekas. While one they strange object shore, Portland, H. TOLMAN Sc CO., BankruDts, in Knightville company ceased. First and final account for allow- were three entires for the presented Martha's Vineyard, Mass. serious fall was plowing match, which landing they found the larger portion of the FALL STOCK ance by A. Bankruptcy. Mouday night, and received very playing the other assumed the role of po- Joseph Locke, Guardian. Also petition Notice is hereby given that pursuant to an order of will not come off for want of a suitable field. remains with a that Joseph A. Locke be Send for Circular to serious injuries. licemen to the crowd from the life preserver around them, may appointed Administra- the District Court of the United States for ihe Dis- keep engines. tor. presented by Almira Nickerson and Orlando trict ot New I shall at At the of the it was while other were somewhat — OF— Hampshire, sell public a meeting society proposed parts scattered. widow and son M. C. The Portland Cadets go the islands on tir- When the Walkers commenced work the wind Nickerson, of said deceased. MITCHELL, Principal. auction, on tho premises at Jackson New to a Village, purchase few acres of land adjoining for A few yards from the discovered two on get shoot Wednesday afternoon. was blowing fresh and the circumstances ap- body they WILLIAM WILLIS, late of Portland, deceased. jpei5 dtf Hampshire, WEDNESDAY, October 27th. at 11 ploughing and for testing plows, harrows and bunches of keys, a sleeve button, and about Second account presented for allowance by Lewis A. M., the tollowing described real and personal A pocket-book of value to the owner can be peared them, but succeeded in estate of said as against they Pierce, Trustee for the benefit of Willis and Paul B. FRANK A. bankrupts, unincumbered property cultivators. forty dollars in gold coin. The the BLACKSTONE, free from found at this office. Also a key. throwing 193J feet through 211 feet and 11 inch- property FRENCH PATTERN BONNETS Watson. liens,incumbrances; viz. Six acres of land The neat stock is but Indians and the remains covered 6 1-2 DOW in Jackson, Carroll County, wiik buildings thereon, The that tho Jameson es of but the largely native, among divided; they DANVILLE F. late of STREET, Bangor Whig says hose. They made another trial, ROGERS, Cape Elizabeth, consisting of a two story Clothes Pin. Saw and Shingle the oxen are some Devons and with some six inohes of ar.d deceased. Will and petition for the Guards is the iu the state Heretords, gravel then with probate thereof, Mill.heated by steam, three houses and barn. only company which hose burst and as their time was nearly up —AND— presented Sarah J. the dwelling while the by Rogers, Executrix therein Teacher of the Piano The mill contains an 80 horse and drills How is that? Jersey and Ayrshire are sprinkled rocks, retaining also the cuffs of the coat named. Forte. power engine regularly. they retired. boiler but little used and in perfect order. Clothes in the collection of cows and heifers. Dr. sleeve. saw no relics of the steamer ALVIN late of Terms $15 for a course of Twenty Les- Pin Remember that Raymond his The Eurekas backed up to the tank and set They AUSTIN, Freeport, deceased. Pe- Machinery,Board Saw,Shingle Machine, Planer, begins dancing tition for license to sell sons. two John Buzzell of this city, and also a farm own- Wright. and convey real estate, pre- Bolting dachines.Box Machine, Lath Machine, school this evening at Lancaster Hall. to play with 201 feet and 11 inches of hose. sented F. Cox Pail Handle ROUND HATS, by Augustus Administrator. E^“Refers by permission to Hermans Kotzschmar. Machine, Turning Lathe, Copper Dry er at Fryeburg exhibit a Jersey bull and heifers Subsequently visiting the at Belting and other which will Tickets are selling lively for the police ball The wind was favorable and at the secon 1 trial trading-post HATTIE C. HUTCHINS & ALS, minor children Ju22dtt Kettle, Machinery, be and sold at same time. Also the to maintain a some of the Dutch blood. J. S. Osgood of Shikan, they informed Messrs. Sherreck & Co. and heirs ot Perez C, Hutchins, late of N. right Friday evening. they marked 216 feet and 21-2 inches This Exeter, dam at the Outlet of Junior Lake, and raise the shows a of Feathers, Flowers, Laces, H., deceased, and heirs at law of James Fryeburg, fioe Ayrshire bull from the their discovery, who at once apprized Cloaks, Hutchins, MRS. ADA H. same tour and to maintain an The first lesson of Mr. Holmes’ dauciog made the crowd cheer, and things began to get Capt. late of Cumberland, in said ot EMERSON, feet, aqueduct from County Cumberland, said Lake to said and the welt known Sturtevant stock, of Massachu- C. M. Scammon of the Revenue steamer Oliver deceased. Petition for license to sell and Factory dwelling houses. school, which begins Thursday evening will be exciting. Costumes and other Novelties. convey | Will receive a limited number of the Also another tract of land in said known real estate, presented Aaron L. Guar- ! pupils" upon Jackson, setts. Walcott. Taking Mr. Turk a member of the by Mellows, as Thomas Hill free to all. The Walkers fell into line again,but for same diau. the Lot; being lot number 4, in the The stallions and colts entered above firm with invite an 4f our stock - Gridley location, covered with Cattle show at Gorham for trotting at him, Capt. Scammon steamed IB3f*We inspection PIAXO PORTE. heavily hemlock, to-day. reason were unable to throw much of a stream. JOHN A. WATERMAN, Judge. spruce and hardwood. The above is situa- 3 included but a C. to thence sent a canoe to the A true of the Order. property Officer Place arrested a last for retired Eurekas came to the front p. m., single entry, W. Howkan, Indian copy original ted at Jackson Village. In a heavily wooded country, boy evening They andjtbe Attest, WILLIAM K. RESIDENCE, 36 FREE ST. Bickford of whose time "was 3.07. which back Edenso who NEAL, Register. in the immediate vicinity oi the Portland Sc Ogdens- the larceny of a coat from a bouse. confident. This time Brownfield, village brought guided Oct. again, feeling very they Thursday, 7th. w3w41 References. ME. H. KOTZSCHMAR. burg Railroad. The buildings were built in 1873.and The tent and show men close the day with them to the place of interment. The remains the is new aDd in Officer Mosley found an intoxicated man on threw solid water 219 feet and 2J inches. This MR. ,J. W. TUFTS, Boston. machinery good order. No better btae looks—the weather and were taken au!3 opportunity to engage in. this business can be found. the street with $25 and a valuable bank book made excitement and receipts are neith- disinterred, on board, and after- great the Walker boys _iseoddti For further particulars inquire of the subcriber at er of them Governor and Mrs- ward carried from Sitka to and on in his possession. were not the favorites of a short time befoie. satisfactory. Portland; Conway. N. H. came in the afternoon train. the second of were OPENING Oliver P. Meserve and Joshua The Men’s Club had a But had and took their Dingley At 10 a. August, committed to the H. F. Trickey.at Jackson, Young good company they good pluck places GOLDEN, or James D. Fessenden, Portland, Maine. m. to-morrow the Governor delivers tho earth in the at Fort — OF — at tbeir dance in Lancaster Hall last evening. for their third trial with determination in their annual cemetery Vancouver. By to HIRAM C. ABBOTT, address. special order ol Gen. O. O. Howard Command- All! scp22dtf Assignee of E. H. Tolman Sc Co. Great credit is due to the floor director. eyes. A fine stream was thrown, but the pipe- Astonishing the of the Under the Prehle House. men threw it into the air instead of it a ing Department Columbia, the The ter giving Sagadahoc County Fair. AUCTION SALES- liinden Concert. funeral ceremonies were ocfl dlw The Tremendous Fall in Prices horizontal and it marked but 202 feet attended by the offi- The concert ter at direction, The twenty-first annual exhibition of the given by Mr. Fred Linden cers oi an me at ms head when it have 235 if the men departments quarters 1 al j MORGAN & might given pipe and Horticultural fair l ! DOW, Sagadahoc — Hall last was not attend- Agricultural — City evening largely and at Fort Vancouver—the escort and OF had attended to business. attend- _ Those opened yesterday on the at Auctioneers and Commission Merchants, ed. present, however, enjoyed the occa- society’s grounds ants the Urin Hawkes & Uo. Then the comprising entire body of troopc at the * Salesroom No. 18 Eurekas threw a stream 229 feet The attendance was rather as Exchange *t. sion very much. It is to hs regretted that so Tapsham. light Fort. Haring just returned from IVcw York, I and 11-2 inches. This made matters A. M. MORGAN. M. G. DOW. lively is usual on the first dav. The entries of cattle hare the to inform few took advantage of the opportunity to listen Gen. in his pleasure my friends onrl anrnriaorl all lvandd nirnr» thn mnmlvnva of H. official report to Washington CUSTOM DEPARTMEN. to a concert and to them- are unusually large this year, in fact larger and the public generally that I will Regular Sales of Furniture. Groceries and Genera pleasing acquaint asks for to direct the tran- open FURNITURE tbe company themselves. This was the best ever authority necessary Merchandise every SATURDA Y, at Salesroom No. selves with the for the first t me than before, about 475 head of cattle be- compositions to 13 at a. record the bad ever made and portation he furnished in case the friends of Exchange street, commencing 10} o'clock m. company sides a — — before a Portland public. they large number of horses and sheep and - October AT Consignments solicited and prompt returns made. given the deceased desire the remains sent East.” Thursday, 14th, had reason to be proud of it. swine entered. Custom Portland. May 15th. mylSdtl The opening number on the programme was being Tailoring 1 He adds, “from examination of some 9 Tbe Walkers now came to the line for personal IT011 tn TTnrArwi /inmnnan/l Vvr* M A« up The forenoon was occupied in the examina- of the and from all the in- tbe fourth and last time. After a little time tion of neat portions clothing; A SPECIALTY. Linden, and given by Chandler's Band. Th® stock, sheep, swine and poultry. 1835 WHAT THE 1875 in formation furnished I am satisfied the remains spent getting the machibe at work they The afternoon was devoted to the trial of all DEANE in stock the new and SPLENDID composition is a pleasant one, Dot Constantly desirable STOCK OF GOODS BROS.’, particularly are those of Major Walker.” We omitted to threw a stream which measured just 228 feet 3 and of oxen and steers and Fabrics in but some tender strains strength discipline as are in a first remarkable, containing mention that the keys and buttons which were usually kept class fancy goods es- inches, or 10 1-2 inches less than the best and an an expressive of the regret of the exile. Tbe sec- play sweepstakes drawing, exhibition of AMERICAN AND FOREIGN tablishment, embiacing elegant assortment ot of restored by the Indian established the their opponents. This practically ended trained steers took on the identity 51 EXCHANGE ST. ond appearance of the band was in the Mosaic, place grounds. of their former the but as the Eurekas had another owner. Laces, whiA Mr. ter Linden entitles tria’, The exhibition in the hall is a very good one, “Remembrance We are indebted to the of the rela- chance spurted a little, but to no purpose. and other courtesy Embroideries, of the Franco-Prussian War.” The music was they among articles we noticed a mam- tivesof this esteemed officer for an of The judges and referee retired to talk over the moth Marblehead inspection WOOLENS! Hosiery, of a of architec- squash which girts 6J feet decidedly composite “style the official documents this account which Insurance but as there were no raised on and giving and Corsets, Company ture,” consisting of bits from French and subject, points weighs 133 pounds, exhibited by P. Keyes In all Grades, Colons, Styles—find were transmitted to them last month from the in our either side it was a very easy matter for the of Richmond. having employ a JHaa Dane for it* German a Geo. B. Millay of jBowdoin al- Jewelry, Parlor Suits Policy-Moldera. , dirge here, and Paymaster General’s office at referee to make his which the so exhibits six Washington. a march there. The decision, gave very large South American Fans, triumphal arrange- We express the wish of a circle of money to the Eurekas. The decision There is a large OF OUR OWN MANUFACTURE. Total amount to from ment is and the effect gave gen- squash. also very fine exhibition of First Class Cutter. Dress and Cloak Trimmings, paid Policy-Holders excellent, general friends in saying that we trust that his remains organization to JaD. 1,1875.$17,902,465 eral satisfiction and the foremen of the com- other farm products and a fine exhibiBOT^of decidedly pleasing. In the course of the piece find Fringes. Total amount of present investments for panies shook bands and declared the contest may yet peaceful rest in the quiet cemetery We can assure the citizens of Portland, that we can the Germania Sanger a musical associa- poultry. Feather Policy-Holders. 13,581,118 Band, at Fryeburg, the side of the wife who was Trimmings, Black Walnut and Painted Total premium from or- fair. In fact the whole affair was The committee on town by receipts Mr. ter perfectly teams examined and to Jan. 1875... tion, organized by Linden, sang the worthy of his love. s marabous, ganization 1, .$28,252,125 conducted in the most pleasant manner possi- reported to-day awarding as'follows: CUSTOM "(GARMENTS Total interest received. 3,261,458 "Friendship Chorus,” which was given great premiqmj moss, Chamber Sets one — ble, and no who was present saw the least Bath 1st IN THE — expression and taste. The close was the cele- teams, prem. $10; Richmond, 2d do., STATE NEWS. beautiful lot ol $31,483,483 $31,483,583 disturbance. It Is a notable fact that although Bowdoin 3d do. 4th GOING AT A brated “Watcht am Rhein.” The composition $14; ,$12; Topsham do., Thus it will be seen that the entire principal, and the judges for each company were wide awake Bowdoinham 5th Best ot Reasonable BRAID! D BUTTONS ! over $3,000 000 of interest has been saved to the Mem- is supposed to picture a battle day from attack $10; do., 6th ANDROSCOGGIN COUNTS'. Shape Prices, * bers of this Company, after having paid all the ex- to the interests of their respective companies, Marcellus anij^ v to final victory. An idea of it may be gained $$jj%answiok Burleigh while walking in a pas- GREAT SACRIFICE. penses of conducting the business. Or, in otber not a single issue was raised between them. ture near the Littlefield Sun- The ictes line are too the and In- from tbe divisions: tavern, Auburn, 482 & 484 «liff6^ Kfevuy words, Company’s payments to, present Day Break, Morning Gun, Fair at East at nine saw Congress St., vestments its amount to The builders of the two engines were on the day morning, o’clock, what he well know n't* bnt We won’t be undersold house in the State. for, Policy-Holders, $3,231,- BnlilvI^K ^re eiApieratian, by any 458 more than it has received in Reveille, Assembly, Commands, On the March, the supposed to he a hornets’ nest in a bush. A OPPOSITE PREBLE BOU<4E. in premiums. ground during the trial to look after their inter- Yesterday farmers of Balden, Sebago many of th] prepared to offer of the Advance and closer investigation proved it to be a bal se2 d&w4m36 JkV1 It is evident, the Company that absorbs the least Firing Eaemy, Firing and a of Standish held a toy We ate Sole Ylnnnfacturerw of the ests. The was the part show and and he found in expenses, can furnish Life Insurance the Tho Walkerengine pronounced eat^pL loon, affixed a tag with the fol- running Calls, The Battle, Victory, Cries of the fair on the (arm of Consumption Can be Cured. DECI BARGAINS : cheapest. finest hand tub in New but still an- stock Gen. C. P. Mattocks, lowing inscription: “Stanford, Ct. Oct. Funeral England, 9tb, Wounded, March, Requiem at the on the line of the 1875—E. F. Schenck’s Pulmonic Syrup, New England Co/s expenses of manage- other not considered so good had beat it P. & O. Railroad at East Morris, carpenter.” Grave, Return of the Mr. Schenck’s Sea Weed All invited to call and see my gooda, Eureka Bed ment to total assets in 1874 was. 1.34 1? cent. Troops'Home, Mourning, Baldwin. It was an old fashioned McClintock, C. E., and a party of seven Tonic, 4jK& Lounge, tor all Life throwing water. cattle.show, have no intention of Average expenses Companies Church Chorus the Ger- other persons, are toward the Schenck’s Mandrake evenj|rihey buying. business in in Bells, Friendship, by which is the nearest to an old-fash- pressing survey Pills, doing Massdchusetts The Eurekas returned home with on approach of the pronounced by all at the State Fair to be the best mania Grand Finale. Further $2000 proposed railroad lioe from Lewiston to Are the only medicines that will cure 1874. 3.81 $9 cent. Sanger Baud, ion muster that we as to cattle shows Pulmonary Lounge of the kind yet. the alternoon train. The Walkers returned have;and Augusta. The survey was commenced at the The conclusion to which careful practice by the band before giving the to Consumption. investigation and piece we venture to say that those exhibitions free to railroad of the Lewiston and Auburn branch of unbiased judgment will lead one is, that there is minus $1000 at 10 o’clock last evening by the Frequently medicines that will stop a cougli will PRICES VERY the public would not have been amiss. the Grand Trunk road in and follow- LOW. nothing desirable In Life Insurance, which may not steamer. everybody are much better than those where Lewiston, occasion the death ot the lock the T. patient; they lip be secured a Holder in toe old New The further __ ed the general course of the road 'LOBENSTEIN, by Policy Eng- instrumental en- portion ofjtfce the admission fee and horse trots Androscoggin of Parties intending to purchase will save money land of Boston. agricul-tu-ral till it reached Clark’s two miles liver, stop the circulation the blood, hemorrhage by Company tertainment consisted of a solo on brick-yard, be- before at the violin by Fibe in Deebing.—About 8 o’clock calling they buy and men yester- are the chief attraction. The attendance was low City Hall. Here it crossed the Andros- follows, and in fact, they clog the action of the very Energetic reliable wanted to Mr. ter Linden, with one of Mr. Kotzschmar’s No. 4 Block. represent this Company in Maine. Address day morning the residence of JMr. W. P. Mer- surprisingly large and the display of cattle, coggin road, and pursued a nearly direct course organs that caused the cough. Deering' admirable aud a to the farm of accompaniments, saxophone rill, in Deering, caught fire from a defective oxen and steers was and Sabattusville, crossing Isaac Liver Complaint and Dyspepsia are the causes of syivo CAROS. oct3dtf particularly very large Farr and James Carville. From DEANE solo, the of also Mr. ter Sabattusville, ot the cases ot BRO.S’, V. € “Banquet songs,” by chimney and was burned to the ground. The creditible. We had no two-thirds Consumption. Many per- TABBOI, means to ascertain the the survey passed through Wales. An exam- of a dull in Linden, which served to show his mastery of house was a two story wooden block with a number of ination is sons complain pain the side, constipa- General oxen and steers,but Baldwin’s team being made as to the feasibilitv of a 51 EXCHANGE STREET. Agent* that instrument. The violin solo was French roof. The route on the south side of tion, coated tongue, pain in the sboulderblade, feel- very fire burned slow and the which passed in review numbered 33 and White Oak Hill in Office—Tor. of middle 6c yokes Litchfield. drowsiness and the food ocll d2m Exchange Street*, sweet, aud with a breadth of bowing and were able to remove ail of Saturday night eight miles of the ings of restlessness, lying given family nearly the Sebago’s 21, and there were lots of oxen not in- Portland, mnine. road hid been determined and on the with of of and upon laid out. heavily stomach, accompanied acidity delicacy shading worthy high praise. furniture, the most of the doors of the cluded. Grade Devons in that The will predominate party complete the survey this month. and up of wind. octOdtf__ were and belching TUKESBUBT & CO. Both solos warmly received heartily house. Tbe house was valued at about $7000 the of the section, greater part oxen show'ng KENNEBEC COUNTY. These symptoms usually originate from a disor- ta eDCored. and was insured iu the Narragansett more or less • Company traces of that stock. 4eu. Mat- Augusta has two cases of the epizootic. dered condition of the stomach or a torpid liver. UNREDEEMED bave received another full line ot DVGEHST’S The vocal part of the concert gave opportun- for $5000. The furniture was also insured for if tocks exhibited the only Jemtps on the Thera are over one thousand old ei.tries on Persons so affected, they take one or two. heavy for those to hear Miss the ity present Mary Moody’s $2000. J. W. Flint exhibited a fine docket of the S. J. Court for Kennebec colds, and if the cough in these cases be suddenly _ ground. speci- Reefers pure soprano in Torry’s “Take back the county, and the new entries will number over checked, will find the stomach and liver clogged, re- Overcoats, Ring,” men of short-horn, and A. exhibited and and The School Difficulty.—The in Wiggins 300. maining torpid inactive, almost before they and a assortment of aud tbe tender “When the tide went difficulty general out.” This a Devon. Gen. Mattocks’ herd embraced a are aware the lungs are a mass of sores, and ulcerat- one of our uptown schools referred to yester- When the Wintbrop hank was robbed the result ot which is death. FINE NEW AND SECOND BAND was Miss Moody’s first appearaucs in concert number of fine ed. the grade short-horns. Young Men’s Christian Pulmonic is an day has been amicably adjusted to the satis- Association lost about Schenck’s Syrup expectorant CLOTHING, consisting of in Portland, and she fully justified the praises The show of horses was not $141 which tad on which does not contain opium or calculated faction of both teachers and committee and large. There they deposit. anything in cantata called to check a cough suddenly. SEEEUVK AT HALF THE VALVE ALL which her performance forth. were a few good looking colts. those OXFORD COUNTY. QUALITIES, Among We« d — did not as the of the item Scheuck’s Sea Tonic dissolves the mix- — NAVY SEAL Tbe audience had her back the involve, language food, AT BLUE, BROWN, upon stage horses which attracted the most attention was Mr. Noah Hall of Peru met with an accident es with the gastric juices of the 6tomach, aids ciges* —FROM— may have implied, auy iotentional disrespect and creates a ravenous ARRAUS TRAV Arfinti wice. Mr. Will Stockbridge’s sweet tenor was the three old Tuesday the 21st day ol last month He was tion. appetite. DRABS AND DARK GREENS. ... »A.t aC wels are — —-- When the b costive, skin or the --—-r—• -i-- putting his oxen into the when a sallow, heard to advantage in “There Sits a Bird on cart-toDgue ot a bilious 50 Cents Each goon” of Dr. Edmund Dana of this city, which horse symptoms otherwise tendency, Schenck’s 145 Federal Street, Also another tine line of the lady assistants. The assistants have not re- ruuaway Lightened them. M.-. Hall was Mandrake Pills are yonder Tree,” and tbe beautiful “Forever and is Linn UPSt,ionuhlv nnp. nf Hia finoat artrl ninof required. between one of the oxen and 0Ctl3 UNDER TOE V. N. HOTEL, dtf — — and no has been made the the tongue. These medicines are prepared only by TO for He was recalled. Both signed report by Aye.” too, singers oromising animals of his age not in Maine They ran down a steep bank, injuring him se- J. H. Schenck & son, Black Cashmeres committee. The matter was without only adjusted verely. One ox has since died. Mr, Hall is now N. E. corner Sixth and Arch Sts., Phila. nt weie bothered by tbe troublesome echo which but in New England, Gen. Mattocks’ two 80c, OOc. 91.00 per jnrd. Each. formal action by the committee. doing well. And are for sale by all druggists and dealers. Vitalized $8.00 always afflicts City Hall when the audience is years old stallion “Guildhall won the ocleoU3dp<&wlmsn Inhalation, Morgan” The Union Cattle Show and Fair hold their jy!4 Double Width Plaids, small. Pure an the air we breathe, and ns M. L. A. Course.—P. T. Barnnm is an un- highest encomiums of the fellows who worship annual festival tlm lOfh mui lQtl« 1 iurigo- rating, 91-93, 91.38, 91.50. The concert closed with a variety of selec- success in the lecture field, as he has horse-flesh. Tobias Lord, Esq., of Steep Falls, Hill. qualified Drives all impuiities from the blood. Believes and Width Charles tions by the band. exhibited or are so in Single Plaids, Custis&Co„ been in all his previous undertakings, and the rather had his fine span of work Tramps getting hard up ia Oxford most cases entirely cures Colds, Catarrh, Bronchi- that kill cats and rell tis, Asthma taken in Rheu- from 95 I. 87 cent.. of the M. L. A. will of cuurse horses driven upon the ground as well as a county they their skins. Consumption (if season,) The Museum.—The lavishness of sceuic dis- patrons greet matism, Liver and Kidney Complaints, Female Quite aD accident in him with a and spleudid team of oxen. The committee happened Shelburn a &c. Believes Headache almost in- Blankets and Flannels 493 St. in “The Two tbe to-night large appreciative au- eight few For Sabbath Schools, our beautiful Weaknesses, &c., Congress play Orphans,” absorbing days since. As a party of sportsmen from stall* aneously. In preseuting this Vitalizer to the dience. In the two courses gave the first preference for farm horse to Wm. at the LoweHt Prices. plot, tbe striking situations, and tho excellent comparing leading Bethel were out on the river in a boat they public, we do so with the fullest confidence in its Jn9lhtt Jr. For farm 35 c*"'. Tlie new_ to of the present season, it is at once seen that the Ward. stock, the first preference saw a flock of wild ducks and all fired at on ce nil I III II BivppXl/lvL-I* efficacy. It is put up in 12 ounce bottles, containing acting, bid fair make the play the greatest est, as it is one of the in Lamer ana unucretrs and the kick of the one month’s treatment. Price $5.00 Due consid- special Bargains M. L A. adhere as to lectures was given to Gen. Mattocks, second to John guns overturned the boat best of Sunday School Song Books. hit of tbe season. a au- heretofore, eration taken of the Call and receive a trial Lasteveuiog large and spilled the contents. The men succeed- d poor. yielding only to the demands for music to this Wiggins, and the third to N. Wiggin*. M\ For Singing Schools, the famous dose. Hours from 10 to 12 A. M., 2 to 5 P. M. dience gathered iu tile cosy little hall to watch in reaching the shore, but the guns still re- Ladies’ Merino Hosiery & Gloves ask ixrocer that one in Gammou was allowed to have the best cow and Underwear, the varying fortunes of Heuriette and Louise. extent, they give up evening their main in the river—one of them costing $150. S. your J. M. Sanborn the next. Monarch. ARTEDSOA, FOR course to Thomas’ unrivalled orchestra. Baldwin carried off PENOBSCOT COUNTY. Song S^SuatJiSSSJ Ag’t., UIt V If one may judge from tbe heartiness of the Classes. TI! K ES15 & CO., the honor of the best two teams Singing 133 1>2 Spring Street, and the intense interest having of oxen The owners of land near Treat’s Ban- applause manifested, Stevens’ Plains. Falls, For Devotional PORTTAND, MAINE. and also of and second in both. gor, have deeded to the all the land that Meetings, (just published) 537 CONGRESS the were even more im- steers, Sebago city STREET, spectators favorab'y October 11,1875. be octl3d3t The match attracted a may needed for factory sites, yards, the before. In- hauling good deal of in- canals, oc5dtt Between Oak and Casco Sm. pressed than those of evening Mr. the sermons water works, pump bouses, etc. Waters. ?®dc,f. IRISH SOAP! Editor,—Of many good terest and the teamsters showd the crowd Living &ggSS was in some a that rich of the sweetest and tunes. deed the performance respects in the little church at Stevens’ Plains Several dealers who ran from treasury hymus preached it was still to make liquor away WIFE the first possible the “critters” pull the NO. 19. belter one. The faults of presenta- was one of marked superiority by the Rev. Mr. Bangor during August term of court1 while For Choruses, Conventions and Choirs. by a little extra stimulant in the way of a steel indictments were have BI ANN ELIZA tion were in a great measure remedied. The pending agaiost them, YOUNG, Buck of Park street, Portland, Oct. 10th, from been arrested and in T“ne9.AB“>«">*. “JOB LOT !” brad. S. Yates’ team of Baldwin was allowed lodged jail, and will not The is It. ‘"waits” were not so long, aDd the acts ran 11th 12. “But them- be released until Leader. S: Brigham Young’s Rebellious Wife. Everybody Using Cor.; 10, they measuring to do the best drawing, Chadbourne’s they furnish heavy bonds for smoother. George their appearance at the J3T“Tbe only complete Expose of all the 8E- oct7__is(12w* selves by themselves and comparing them- February term of f of second, and Levi Shaw’s the third. The com- court. Chorus Choir. i2;®Vc“san<1 KETS BKIGHA VP8 HAREM ever In order to get through at a seasonable hour selves themselves are not wise.” It will written Born in Mormonism, AIMIV ELIZA 300 PIECES among mittee awarded the first for “Best Vermont at preference Cora Getchell, a little ten old now exposes to the world, AS IMO OTHER Copperas, the matinee this afternoon will begiu two, be held in the hearts of as a year daughter many lasting Oxen” to J. H. Milliken of second to of Daniel Getcbell of Perkins Anthem WO AIM ©AIM, the 8ECRET8, Wide and Ham- BEST FOR instead of at- Baldwin, Oldtown, while at play Book, showy patterns DYKING, as well ae beet half-past two, o’clock. Early and will desire to be with other children $1.50. Easy An thorns. HLliCSand ©HIMES of the horrible system of DIMINKKtTAIMT good, remembering, they W B. Pike, the third to J. L Wentworth. The in making bon fires, got a burg Edges at 10c, 13c and 16c THE known. Better than Polygamy, from the very Nearly t|oO tendance will be well tor those who desire good refreshed like sub tantial little too near the and her was beginning. Ohio. Lime, cheaper and odorless. Use in solution. again by religious awards for the fat cattle were flames, clothing Illustrations the work. It is the best sel- per yard. given to John soon in a blaze. Before the Trial beautify seats. Extra horse cars will be run on the food. A Hearer. fire could be ex- by Jury. &V®% SA book more men and women This lot is 25 cent, under J. W. Flint and J. S. with flue music. ing published. 10,000 tally per HOWE St Wiggin, Chase. tinguished the back, arms and lower provoking Operetta, can GOODWIN, Deering line after the evening performance, to limbs of have employment and make from S§5 to $1© price, and by far the best value The was well the sufferer were so burned that she for ALL 1.1%'E AOEIM'I’* a»e for GENERAL sheep department represented terribly Sent, post-paid, retail price. daily. writing we have ever offered for these AGENTS, accommodate visitors from that section. survived but a few hours. Illustrated Circulars with LARGE TEKMM. Universalist State S. S. Convention.— the fine flock of Gen. Liberal discounts to Societies and Conventions. Nos. 11,12,13 India, and 52 Central Sts., Boston. by Mattock?, consisting .Sent free. Do not delay, hut address DE^i in, prices. It is proposed to have the fine Tub Ogdensburg Excursion.—Over four The Universalist State S. S. Convention will of 25 pure blood cotswolds, a flock of Canada following OLIVER DITSON & CO., Boston. GIlHAN & C©., Hartford, Ct, octl3Mw DYE WOODS, INDIGO, COCHI- course of entertainments the mouths of CHAS. H. DxTSON & 711 be held in Lewiston and to-morrow at during CO., Broadway, N. T. ANILINES. hundred took their turn over the P. & to-day sheep and another of grade cotswolds. David November and oc5 NEAL, persons December in Bangor: The d& »v2w oc25 Bates street Universalist AGENTS WANTED FOR THE OWEN O. Railroad yesteiday, and morn would have the church. The fol- Haley of Sebago, exhibited a small flock of fine course will open with a reading by Mrs. Scott MOORE, __dly is the S'ddons, to be followed Weudell gone had got there in season—the change lowing programme: grade sheep- by Phillips, Street, Cor. Brown. they Hon. Carl Schurz, Profs. Miles and and Congress in Wednesday.—10 30 a. in., Organization,and Geu. Mattocks exhibited the Proctor ENTENNIAL Shoe Manufacturers. the time of leaving not being known to only poultry to close with a oct8dlw address of welcome by Rev. A. Gage of Lewis- concert by the Camilla Urso many. The mountains were white with snow and swine; but the former was so full as to at- Concert C of Company. the ton. 2 p. m., the Sunday-school as a means of HISTORY u.$. yesterday. The members of the Literary Fra- moral and religions instruction. Rev. Lorenzo tract the attention of the of the crowd. WALDO COUNTY. The great interest in the thrilling history of our ICE. A well established and responsible house on Pearl an Hallowell. 2 30 m discussion of was one ternity I their invited to the number Haynes of p. The fair held in of Gen. Mattocks’ The Waldo Bible makes this the fastest soiling book ever pub- ar- guests County Socie'y met in Bel- country street, commanding a good trade, would like to and questions. 3 p m., how fast last lished. Ir contains over 400 tine historical engrav- of about oue hundred aud went to the preceding topic stables, and was a very creditable affair. The Saturday evening. Six towns were lor a lino of fifty instruct children. A. L. and 900 with a full account of the CARGOES OF PURE range with some close manufacturer best to interest and Rev. E. canvassed last summer, 1,370 families MERRY, ings pages, ap- Crawford House in tbe fruit was well visited, Centennial celebration. Send for a and work. Ad- regular train 3.20 m discus department represented by speci- — proaching grand Men’s Butt Nailed Pegged morning M. Grant of Waterville. p. 025 miles travelled in 3D — Sewed, days. The following DEALER IX full and extra terms to Na- where the greater {.art of the the sions and 7 30 p. in., doctrinal mens of apples entered J. M. N. are the officers for the description Agcuts. Box 3156, Boston, Mass. octl2d4fc party spent questions. by Sanborn, ensuing year: Rev. J. tional Poblishino Co.. Phtla., Pa. octl3tlw diess, Rev. G. T. Flanders, D. D,, Lowell. Ross. nigH. The cheap exeuision train leaves this teaching. Wiggins, C. E. Flint, D. Boothby, K. J. Dike, President; Rev. S Goodenougb, Rev. Furnished and shipped by discussions and J T. vwr for the best at 8.15 instead of Mass. 8.15 p. m., questions. and G. M. R. G. Smith Bixby, Rev. Geo. Pratt, J 1 Agents selling morning 8.43 as heretofore. Pike, of Cornish, and Vice-Presidents; CENTS’ Prize in the N O- CRAM. SAGE CHEESE. a. Teachers’ conference Win. O. Poor, and BATS, FI RS. tttt tintlUl Package Thursday.—9 m., E. Flint of Baldwin Secretary Treasurer; N. E. CLOVES, 15 sheets dec9*73 lsdtt displayed some very good Philo IV 21,11 ■.■^llwoild. It contains Gorham.—The of Gorham and meeting. 9.30 a. in., a training Keene, Hersey, W. D. Conan', Calvin ■ ■ •WMWVW. people may rest pra'er of Maine A. A. paper, 15 envelopes, gold- class iu school. Rev. II. C. Munson, specimens peaches. Reed of Hersey, Executive Committee. Pen- SAGE AND "PLAIN CHEESE assured that they are offered a rare treat in the Sunday Umbrellas, Tranks. Trayellii Bays. en Pen, Pen Holder, Turner. 10 a. m., how shall we educate our Sebugo showed some floe pears. E Flint also WASHINGTON Yard and a piece of Jewelry. Miss Andrews’ COUNTY. Carriage Robes ami cil, patent Measure, Business Chance For sale by of concert on Fri- for and benevolent Ilorse Blankets. with Prize, postpaid, 25c. Cheap programme children to give religious displayed several varieties of grapes. The ex- Our writes that Single package elegant Belfast. 10.20 correspondent the measles BRIDE & CO., 769 Broadway, N. Y. Til.- vocalists are well versed in purposes. Rev. S. Goodenougb, are Circular tree. SMITH, GAGE & day B'ght. hibition of vegetables was The prevailmg among the children in Calais. 237 Middle Vie. The Marble Manufacturing Establish- CO , a. and discussions. 11 a. m., good. speci- St., Portland, ocll3 their and the entire concert will amply in., questions Several cases have proved fatal. As _t4w ment. No. 3 Street. parts liow Rev. mens of Indiau corn were most uimerous and the dis- oc**_dlw Preble 92 Commercial Street. home may help the Sunday-school. ease had a run l' DIE a aud disciiniinaliog attendance. quite during the summer it is i nrUTU 30 EE EG AN Must be sold to or sell at auction soon. repay large M. J. Steere of Mechanic Falls. 11.20 a. m., were the finest we have seen for pay bills, years. The hoped it may die away before cold AlxiiiNAO 4 11 ISO nos* mounted,size9xlt, Tbe Stock is Mantle Frames. Tablets, octll__d2w discussions and 2. how may very weath- Stand for Sale. Monuments, Persona!. questions. p. m., exhibited corn: E. er comes ou. Grocery for Novelties and Clrromo. of every de- &c. Please call and examine as 1 otter the Rev. I. lollowing persons Sawyer, $1. Gravestones, Sunday-school be made attractive. National Chkomo Co, Phila., Pa. them less than cost. take Notice. was in town S. D. P. L. T. CAPITAL scription. Housekeepers Governor Dingiey yesterday. J. Mead, Hiram. 2 30 p.m., discussions and Boothby, Crane, Sanborn. G. R. chance is offered for a smart, ener- octl3 d3wt octld3wT. F. FLANNERY. A getic man to engage in the retail trade Mr. lite manager of the Eas questions. 3 p. m., literature and music of the Norton, J. Wiggins and Jos. Boothby, Wm. Persons holding tickets No. 7, 83, 112, 122, grocery your furniture upholstered at your homes, Hatch, general in a pleasant village a few miles from this city, and CON9UMP- and ha3 Sunday school Rev. S. S. Fletcher. 3.20 p. C. A. W. 155 and rtATHKBII, DEAENEMS. HAVE mattrasses made over iu good style by Maine Central Railroads, accept, Thorn, McKinney, E. Miller. The 159 have this day estimated if applied for before October 15th, will be sold at a. BRINKS FOR SALE. tern and ni., discussions and correctly \ TION, Positively cured by DR. KEI K’tl MRS J V ALL ACE, 624 York fr*eet. questions. had the award and are bargain. Church, school and post office near bia mail. I make on some Western railroad. latter three of the entitled to receive aloutns. ■Rw Method. Consultation tree by Address, wi'l Coushons and Drai -.ies at my rooms. ed a position committee. Satisfactory reasons for For <100,000 Bricks given selling. furtliJB ■il s. P. Stoddard, Medical director, No » West aug2612m .nK<> J WAl.LAflK South Windham.—The w irk on the The display of household manufactures was Cogia Hassan. particulars address Press Office. Delivered In of the in to paper M., ^ Bftth st., New York. 0Ctl3t4w any part city quantities Real Estate Transfers.—The mill at Little Those wonderful October 12. oct!2 I following Falls is going on a lid a branch of very good. pieces of work _dlw* suit purchasers by {Votive* real estate transfers recorded in thii are the the P. & were numerous and excellent. Lost. to O., necessitating considerable trestle called rugs quite Attention is called to the ad7ertisen ent of F. W. CLARK requiring work don plena* applv To Let. Mun- No. 16 St., plain county yeterday: work, is being built from the main track to the Of these Mrs. Mary J. Crawford exhibited two, the sa'e of unredeemed at half EARRING on CongressJStreet, between PERSONS“Home” of W. C. A., opring laud from Jobu T. Smith overcoats, etc., rooms without board. at No. Hill and Park Street. The finder will 1028 Street. and dress-mak'ug, copying, embroW- Harpswell—Lot of site of the mill. Apply ANjoy Congress family sewing, Mrs. G. R, Norton, Miss Addie Warren, and at store under U. S. Hotel. 47 Daufortli oct!3d3t uell u wools, di c., dtc. to Robert Hamilton, Jr. Consideration §100. price, ASUITol Street. my24di*t leave it at this Office. dtf ng am lancy-wori ^^—— pqkth v TOWNSHIP NO 18, RANGE 3, W. E. L. B. STEAMERS. half BUSINESS M EPICAL STEAMERS. An undivided of the following lots of land _WANTS. CARDS. viz: Lots numbered 25, containing 533 acres: No 26. RAILROADS.__ The Paradox of Time. 361.25 acres; No 50, 275.78 acres; S part 7(i, 136.87 Wanted. MAIL LINE TO 71, Ko Grand R. R. of ?.;re,V, 2? 217'.40 a?re8; K- 215.56 acres; No H. Dr. Roberts’ Celebrated Ointment, BOSTON Trunk Canada. 73, 174.50 acres; in HOUSEKEEPER for general house work tor CHARLES KIMBALL, all, 1,914.36. CALLED — a of two. One who a Nova AND SOUTHWEST PART OP A family desires good home Halifax, Scotia, ALTERATION in train*. TOWNSHIP NO RANGE 4, more BY AUSTIN DOBSON. 6, than high wages, may call at C. I>. B. FISK ARCHITECT TIIE “POOR MAW’S FBIKWD,” DIRECT! W. E. L. S. & CO.’S, 233 Middle Street. octl2dlw PII IX4]>ELFII til SUMMER ARRANGEMENT' Lot snumhered Is recommended to the public as an un- 1, containing 132 acres; North J No 180 1-2 HUDDLE confidently With connections to Prince Edward Is- Line. 82.80 acres: STREET, failing for Wounds of every description, for Steamship 15, South J No 15, 81.99 acres; North J remedy Breton and Ht. N. fr’. On anil alter June Time goes, you say?—Ah no! Wanted. Ulcerated Sore even if of Twenty Years’ stand- land, Cape Johns, -UjggSSS Monday, 21»t, 1878, No 18, 77.95 acres; North No in Agents Legs, trains will run as Alas, time stays-we go; J 21, 76.80 acres; all, (Boyd Bloclr,) Bruises, Chilblains, Scor- each follows: 451.51 acres. ng; Cuts, Burns, Scalds, Tlie favorite Leave port every Wed’s’y & Sat’d’y Express tram 6.30 a. m. for Auburn Or else, were this not so, every city and town where gas is used for the butic and in the Face, Sore and Steamship “FAL- and Lewiston. sale Eruptions, Pimples train lor I bland What need to chain the TOWNSHIP NO RANGE W. E. L. S. IN of the ELLIS PATENT GAS BURNER. PORTLAND, MAINE. Fis- MOUTH” (built expressly fo it he Express Pond, Montreal and Oue- hours, 12, 4, Inflamed Eyes, Sore Heads, Sore Breasts, Piles, Ho at 7 a. m. For were Very liberal terms to of CJ. I<. route) v*. A. Commander Wharfage. >ec youth always ours? Lots Agents. Inquire &c. Colby — ^ numbered 4, containing 122.30 acres; No 7 tula, tram at 1.10 m for Time no! MA RSTON, 148 Exchange St. octlldtf will leave Railroad Wharf, foot ol 3 Express 5. Auburn and Lew- goes, you say?—Ah 135.78 acres; n0 8, 152 57 acres; No 13, 138.18 acres; Plans, Details, Superintendence, etc., for every de- Sold in Pots at Is. ljd., 2s. 9d., Us., and 22s. each. Wharf, Boston, p.m train for State St., every SATURDAY at Street Phila- Bton Mail island Pond, at No 16 148.25 acres; No 117 71 acres; No 28.133.55 cription of building.dec28tf Also his Wharf, stopping 24, nr.»’ec- 0 ill stations to island Pond,)* connecting with Ours is the eye’s deceit acres; No 178.44 178.44 No Wanted. a. m. night 47, acres; No 48, acres; 5t, nail train for Quebec. Montreal aud ihe West at Of men whose feet 162.73 in and pilui-j: antiscrophulae, indsor, one half the rate of flying * acres; No 52, 162.74 acres; ad, 1,630.69 Experienced competent Nurse to take care CHAS. H. HOWE Lead ‘some &~S0N. Truro, New Glasgow and Pictou, and steamers Is. ,1M p. in. through landscape low; acres. AN of an infant. Best references as to character Confirmed experience to be for Scrof- for Auburn and We and by sixty years* or Prince Edward Is and; also at New Glasgow, Express train Lewiston at 5.10 pass, think we see TOWNSniP NO 14, RANGE 4, W. E. L. 8. and qualifications required. Apply at residence of and ail skin diseases, one of the best Freight for the West by the Penn. R. R.,and Soutn The Civil and ula, Leprosy, N. S., with Lindsey's Stages for Cape Bre.on, and >. m. earth’s fixed surface flee; H. J. LIBBY, 603 Congress octlldtf Engineers Architects, the blood and as- by connecting lines forwarded free of Commission. The following lots of land, subject to the right of Square. alterative Medicines for purifying at Halifax with steamers for St. Johns. N. F. Accommodation for South Pans at 6 p. m. Alas, time stays—we go! in form the late John Goddard, his heirs or assigns, to cut sisting nature all her operations. They a S3T* RETURN I NO will leave Halifax on TUES- PASSAGE TEX DOLLARS. Trains will arrive as follows: and remove and timber 176 Middle mild and FAMILY APERIENT that may pine spruce therefrom, viz: Street. superior DAYS, at 8.30 p. m. For or to Express from Quebec, Montreal and West at 8.30. Oaee. in the days of old, Wanted. taken at all times confinement or Freight Passage apply Lots numbered 1, containing 132 07 acres; No 2, be without change Excursion tickets to Halifax and return good until 1. m. Y >ur locks were curling gold, KOVI> BLOCK. of diet. E. B. NA711*NON. Agent, 139.75 acres; No 3, 130.23 acres; No 9, 104 07 acres; CAPABLE KITCHEN GIBL. at October 1st, $10.00. Express from Lewiston and Auburn at 8.45 a m. And mine had shamed the crow; Apply 38 in 1 2s. 4s. 11s. n23-iy TO Iconic Wharf. Hoalon. No 12, 205.76acres; No 15, 139.14 acres; No 16, 137. Street. my22dtf Sold Boxes at Is. Jd., 9d., Gd., and No freight received alter 10 a. m. on cf Mall from Montreal anu the West at 2 p. N w, in the selfsame stage, A High oc8dlw* day sailing. Quebec, 98 acres; No 17, 133.94 acres; No 27, 107.12 acres; 22s. each. For further information apply to J. B. n. W^’ve reached the silver age; the BEACH and BARNI- COYLE, No 31. 101.48 acres; No 32, 106.83 acres; No 32J, 106. P.E R R Y & Sold by Proprietors, Jr., Franklin Wharf, or Express from Lewiston and Auburn at 2.20 and Time goes, you say?—Ah no! at their 65 acres; No 34J, 105.28 acres; No 35 104.£5 acres; PROSIT, COTT, Dispensary, Bridport, England; and P. S.—For the present the steamship “Chase” will RAILROADS. 5.40 p. m. Wanted. Vendors. No 38. 118.63 acres; No39, 124.03 acres; No 49, 194. by all respectable Medicine leave Portland on TUESDAYS at 4 P. in. Accommodation fcrom South Paris at 6.45. On^e, when my voice was strong, No First-Class Tin Plate Worker GENERAL 60 acres; 50, 327.87 acres; No 53 317.28 acres; and ohe Tin oct28dtf JOHN PORTEOUS, Agent. I tilled the woods with song. Roofer. LEMONT & my5__W26t No56J. 103,83 acres; No 59J, 103 30 acres; No 67, ONE FISHER, To praise your “rose” and “snow;” 158.51 oct5d2w* 15 Lisbon acres; No88, 159.97 acreB; No97, 159.88 acres; Street, Lewiston. Commission Merchants, DR. ELIZABETH J. EASTERN RAILROAD. Offices Mv bird, that sung, is 160.80 FRENCH, Passenger dead; No98, acres; No 123, 212.11 acres; No 125, Where are roses fled? and Wholesale Dealers in jyroi\i!GTOiN i.i¥e yout 263.00 acres; No 135, 217.50 acres; in all, 4,384.10 Wauled——American, Scotch or a lady who announces a new path in 74 EXCHANGE Alas, time stays—we go! acres. On aud after Oct. 1875, ST, English. COLVIBV FOR NEW YORK, Mouday, lltli, ERDDECE, — — TOWNSHIP NO 3, RANGE 5, W. E. L. S. AHEAD OF ALL OTHERIt. AND See, in what traversed ways, MIDDLE aged woman who wants a good Electrical UNTIE FURTHER NOVIC E, Lots numbered 100 No steady head of Therapeutics, What backward fate delays 153, containing acres; 154, A home, to do general housework. Wages satis- 9 Moulton Street, Long Wharf DEPOT 125 acres; No 100 103 No The of Electrical Cranial AT S OOT OF INDIA ST The hopes we used to know; 156, acres; No 165, acres; factory. Anply COK. HIGH AND PLEASANT ST. Discovery This is tin* Only fuside Home • 182 PORTLAND, ME. TRAINS WILL LEAVE PORTLAND FOR Where are our old desires— 186, acres; No 189, 213 acres; west part No 190, octl DinguoMiit, 113 dtf Avoiding; Point Judith. where those vanished fires? acres; No 194, 130.25 acres; in all, 1,066.25 acres. EBES N. PEBRY. MAYHEW C. FOSS. Ah. be consulted for a Boston 2.00 (except « 0 a. in., LicHuiH scia ar neaacea nines i no! TOWNSHIP NO 4, RANGE 5, W. E. L. 8. may Monday-*),9 m.,3.10 p. Time goes, you say?—Ah Wanted. Steamboat trains leave Boston from at 0.15 a 1.45. 7 in for & Express Bos- arriving m., 55p. ni„ ample To Cttuufia, Hilwnn* Southeast! Section 36, 167.63 acres; (E^“Agtnts Chiptaan Ayer’s “Surprise IP 35 "W DA. Y S ton & Providence R. Ovfi-ot', Chicago, containing First-class Tin Plate and Sheet R. Depot dailv, except Sunday, time to connect with New York aud Western trains, k«*e. Uiucinnnti. Ml, l.oui*. how O Northeast acre Iron Venal.” the best yeast in the world, Omaha, How far, far, Sweet, J Section 37, 167.08 ; Sooth part of — — at 5.30 m at with the en- Naim. and Porn TWOWorkers. NUTTElt BROS. & CO. AT THE p. connecting >tonington Lyun, Nrwburyport l'Xinnw, ttf Nall I nk** The past behind our feet the Southwest ! Section 37, 127.08 acres; Northwest TBV IT.mvl7dtf new and Steamer Paul, City, Market tirely superb Rhode Island, every ^inouth at 2.00 (except Mondays),9.00 a. m., 3.10 p. Ib nver, *ai» Lies in the even Section Southwest sep30dtf29 Square. R Fran iaet, glow! 1 39. 166.35 acres; 1 Section 39, FALMOUTH IIOI'FL, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and wild the ele- m. on the forward 166.36 Northwest Section 127.93 G. A. CLARK, Iff. D. Now, way, acres; ! 46, acres; gant and popular steamer Stonington every Tues- (■loucenlcr aud Itockport at 9 a. in.,-3.10 p. m. and all points in the us fold our hands and West of N. E. Section Wauled. Dr French certificates Let pray; part ! 46, 127.93acres; South can produce setting forth day, Thursday and Saturday, ai riving in New York ■lover at 9 a. m 3 10 p. m. east 74 FREE STREET, cases. Alas, time stays—we go! 1 Section <6, 167.93 acres; Southeast! Section PARTNER with about three hundred dollars her success in hundreds of critical oct5tf alv»ny» in adva ce of all other linen. Bag- HorfhwHt. %\e*t and rofitable gage checked through. a m., 3.10 p. m. J a be cslablished in Portland. GEORGE FURNIVA1, Agt TOWNSHIP NO 8, RANGE 5, W. E. L. S. Address, Office Hours 2 to 4 P. M. REGULAR MONTHLY VISIT. Tickets procure 1 at depotn 0f Boston & Maine and Kit ry, Eliot ">outb RtruicU Junction, THOMAS, 662 Congress St. sep29dtf a!6dtf Eastern Railroads ami at Rollins & Adan s\ 22 Ex- INorth Kern'icb, H fllir ami Kruurbuiiu LAND SALE. Section 1, containing 401.93 acres; Sec 2, 432 acres; THE GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY is in change St..and W. I). Little & Co St. at 9 a 3.1r. S. BABCOCK, Hulileford, Waco, West Ncnrborougli, Near- weij equipped acres; i 5, acres; Section 6 416. 8. C. Kenison, Gen. 9to<*k, and i* making the beat connection* and quick- ana tuamuer a snort uistance Passenger Ag’t, New Yoik. President. borough and Cape Elizabeth at 9 a. STATE Or MAUVE. 62 acres; Section 7, 588 acres; Lot A. Section 9 1C4 win, irom ANDREWS, ra., er frimc of any route from Portland tr the West. the at No. 33 wi.ii o an 3.10, 5.20 p. in acres; Lot C. Section 9, 165 acres; Lot D. Section 9 Aluuiycity. Apply High Street, :y“PlTLLMAN PALACE DRAWING ROOM 169 acres. sell dtf Counsellor at North part of Section 10, 297 acres; South Law, AND SLEEPING CARS are attached to the trains part of Section 196.93 FOR TRAINS FOR l'ORTLAN'D LEAVE Portland at a. Augusta. Sept. 22,1875.} 11, acres; Section 15, 646.01 88 MIDDLE /C.°”V®N. r. H. Hotel This Week. HAKPSWELL, leaving 7.00 m. ami 1.20 p. m. acres; South part Section 16. 478.50 Section STREET, On and after cneckeu trom Portland 10 Detroit and to of “An act to facilitate acres; _ October Bafcgagft Pursuant tlie provisions ^UNIONS 8tb, 1«75, Boston at 8 30 a. 17, 640 acres; Section 18, 658 acres: Section -— m., 8 00 in anvi not to the business of the land office and the disposal of 21, 551. REAL ESTATE. (in Canal Baitk S^gycnrns.Bmnnns.Wnrtfl, Bad Nails, Steamer Henrietta, Capt. G. 12.30, p. m., arriving Chicago, subject Custom House examina- 66acres; Section 23, 632 acres: Section 647.80 Building,) in the most skilful Portland at 1.15. 5.00 p. m., 12.15 (except tion. the lands,” approved February 21, 1875, the 24, etc., treated manner, without LoWELL, will leave Horp*- Mondays) public acres; Section 27, 575.73 Section till 8. a. m. The are not undersigned, Land Agent of Maine, will sell at pub- acres; 30, 672.40 PORTLAND. MAINE. pain. Open Evening* seo2Cdtf w#ll Mondays and Fridays at 8 Company responsible tor baggage te acres; Section 557.68 Section 217 Lynn at 8.59 a. m., 12.58. 8 27 p. m. amount 350 m value'ami hat lic auction at the City Hall, in Bangor, on THURS- 33, aores; 35, acres; a. in., touching at ('hebengue, l.itil*- C'he- any exceeding person- Road Lots numbered 1, containing 139.08 No 2 F. Patterson’s Eeal Estate galena at 9.12 a. in., 1 10, 8.40 p m. s') unless notice is glveD. and lor at the the twenty-eighth day of October next, at ten acres; G, Will practice in Androccoggin and Oxford Conni- ROBERT THAYIR WILDE beague and Long Inland Returning, will leave paid rate of DAY, 128.18 acres; No 127.79 acres No 132.84 Port-mouth at 11 a. m.. 2.57, 10.14 p. ni. one passenger tot additional value. o’clock A. the following described lands and in- 4, ; 7, acres; es. East Di- spi ^L. Magnetic Physician, MAINE BASTERN RAILROAD TRAIN* ASHIGNEE’NSAIiBpersonal proptrt* K P, Franklin County, 8,918 acres. 5, G. PATTERSON, dealer in Real Estate. Office 3791 :> Si.nx• Tciiipir PENSACOLA LUMLEK COMPANY. land set and held vision, 82 acres; No 48, 159 acres; No 56, 129 Bankrupt. II. The following apart bytho. acres; Williams’ between He shall lay hands on rim to as S No 168 North section in Congress street, Block, Myrtle directly through points on the Maine Central be sold an entirety. By order of the U. State tor Permanent School Fund, viz: 64, acres; J fc7,147 acres; all, them and shall bo Railroad and Pearl streets. au28ti they STEAMSHIP CO. without, transfer, and make direct connec- District Court, the undersigned will fell at public West township No 11. R 17, W E L S, Aroos- 833 acres. Q.18 aNI) WATKK tion part bealr-d, in Portland with all Steamboats and Railroads auction, by Adilan II. Muller Ar Son, Auctioneers, took acres. County, 6,901 TOWNSHIP NO. 11, RANGE 5, W. E. L. 8. ESTATK FOR NA1.F—The new diverging therefrom. on Friday, the 5th of November next, ai 12 III. The to take off timber and lumber from day right Lots numbered 160.78 No KEAI.2£ story house, No. G Bradford Street; contain- Room* 11 and lg SEMI-WEEKLY LINE Pullman Pnrlo and o’clock noon, at the Exchange 111 Broad- 1884 as in the 80, containing acres; 97, PIPING. Sleeping Pars are Salesroom, the following township until excepted ing 14 and marble mantels in run on < 123.65 acres; in all 284.43 acres. rooms, gas Sebago; all through trains. Stops lor refreshments way. in the ity of New York, all the real and |»er- to the Europeau and Noitb American both cemented grant Railway parlors; cellar; good furnace; parlors T«» »EW YORK. made at the usual places, sonal properly of the aliove named banki con- viz: TOWNSHIP NO. 18, RANGE 5, W. E. L. 8. F unit Block upt, Company, and hall elegantly frescoed. This property will be oelldtf GEO sisting of new steam saw mill, store*, blacksmith R W E L in the ot BACHELDEB, Supt. Township No 4, 18, S, County Lots numbered 186, containing 194.28 acres; No sold on liberal terms and at. a discount from cost. and carpenter shop and tools; 28 30 826 acres. 193.05 in dwelling houses; Somerset, 187, acres; all, 3*7.33 acres. Apply to F. G. PATTERSON, Dealer in Real Estate, R. L. GREGG & CO.. wliart and landing; 1 large stern wheel steamer; All the foregoing townships are subject to the usu- Block. TOWNSHIP NO. 9, RANGE W. E L. S. V%*llliam8* erved in the following de- tion 5, 486 acre-; Secti n 10. 640 acres; E J & a W J GMOIstock, good will and fixtures of one of the best Merchants Medical Electrician who will treat in a safe and Arraugoment of Trains, clo k; 14 jack screws; 2 slab cats; 1 wagon; 2 nr.ule scribed townships and parts ot townships, the right Section 1% 429 acres; Section 12, 768 acres; W part jonunission & commencing grocery stands in Portland, with a business of about Forwarding natural manner all chronic diseases, weaknesses, and carts; 2 double ami 1 single harness; 1 mud drum: to continue nntil the townships are organized into Section 14, 257.90 acres; N part Sect{on 16, 339 04 Oct E 112,000 per year. Also a five years lease of the infirmities with a new and improved application of 11, 1875. t> pair.- iron car wheels; pile driver: 7 skitt-; 1 yawl or into towns: acres; part Section 18, 310 29 acres; N E J Section Petroleum, Grniu and other t harteri*, plantations incorp'-rated store and two tenements. Terms cash, or part ca>h and without the usj of boat; II lumlier tiucks; 1 gri.«t mill; Sold iron boil- 26, 177 66 acres; S E J Section 26. 177.35 acres; S E Negotiated. Pi eight Engagements made Electricity poisonous drugs. AROOSTOOK COUNTY. j and bankable paper. to F. G PATTER- AIgo PASSENGER TRAINS FROM ers; 3old engines; cetweeu 30,000 and 40.000 Sect on 27, 176.06 acres; N E \ Section 27, 176.06 Apply 'or all parts of the world. PORTLAND ; pine S* *N. Dealer in Real Wiliams’ Block. HI. 8. 8 HI logs in theboO’n» and about acres of Township No 8, R 4, W E L S. 1,000 acres acres; W £ Section 27, 352.13 acres; N W 4 Section Estate, vinrine Insurance effected in reliable H1RS. ITU. A. ill for Rochester, Na*bun anil stream; 10,000 oct5d3w nine land in the counties of Escambia and Santa Township No 9. R 5. W E L S, 1.000 acres 31, 137.90 acres; S E J >6Ction 32. 155 acres; Section '»(flees* One of the most reliable Medical Clairvoyauts who Worcester connects at Rochester with down VV acres Boss. Florida: an undivided hall iaioreeft in Township No 13, R 7. E L S. 1,000 33, 602.18 acres; .*> i Section 34, 275.43 acres; in all, will while'in an unconscious or trance state make trains on Eisteru and Boston & Maine Roads W acres 108 W4LNIIT STREET, all limber on 4,500 acres in the county of Escam- Township 17, R 10, E L S, 1,000 6,100 i.cres. For Kent examinations for disease and prescribe for the same. Steamers and at Nashua w tb Express Train lor Lowell Heunora Franconia Florida: 57-100 acres of land in the W J Township No 12. K 14, W E L S, 500 a< res PHILADELPHIA. out of the and those unable to and Boston, in Boston at 1.30 P. bia, 45,400 pine TOWNSHIP NO. RANGE W, E. L S. ROOM in the new of the United States Persons living city arriving M.; E No R 17. W E L 770 acres 11, 6, part Will until further notice leave Franklin Wharf, county ot Escambia, Alabama; an undivided half pt Township 11, S, M. (eb8 dty come to the office by lock of Hair and $1.00 connecting at Aye* Junction with Express N E of Section THEHotel, recently occupied by Hogan, will e sending MONDAY and at 6 interest iu 688 acres land in said of W pt Township No 11, R 17, W E L S, 230 acres part 26, containing 256.25 acres; will receive a correct of their also Portland, every THURSDAY, Train for and Hoosac Tun 7, pine county let in its present or will be divided to Diagnosis disease, P. M and leave Pier 38 New Fitchbnrg 1 W Lot No 30,150.83 acres; Lot No 31, 153.72 acres; in condition; full Fast River, Yor'*, ev- nel aDd at Escambia, Alabama; stole at hiting. Alabama, PENUBSCOT COUNT*. This room feet advice about treatment. Medicine with wrtten Line, arriving Worcester at 2.10 P all, 560.b0 acres. suit. being thirty-tive square; ery MON DA Y and THURSDAY at 4 P. M. Mill, houses, etc., situated at Molino, 23 mile* north PORTLAND directions sent by mail or express wben desired. M.. connecting with trains South and West. No 4. R 7, 1,000 acres will make two excellent store* lrouting on Congress The Eleauora is a new steamer, just built for tfils of Pensacola, cn Pensacola and Louisville Railroad, Township TOWNSHIP NO. RANGE W. E. L. 8. oct9dtf 3.30 P *1 Train for Rochester nu«l Way E and S W No 5, R 750 acres 13, 6, Street. Apply to F. G. PATTERSON, Dealer in amt both she and the Franconia are fitted whose tracks run into the mill The attention \ J Township 7, route, up •Nintion* and all local Stage connections. yard. Ti act ot land lying west of Portage Lake in this R al E*tate, Williams’ Block, second east of City with fiDe accommodations lor ot ami lumbermen is invited »o this SOMERSET COUNTY. passengers making 4.00 P. I?I. New 1 ork Express Drawing capitalists sale, township, containing 1,594 acres. Hull. seplldtt MACHINE WORKS in the Blood this the mo.-t convenient and comfortable route for which is peremptory, and embraces ad the property, S W No R N B K 250 acres Iron Broom Car to %Vorce*»ter and Sleeping car from \ Township 3, 4, P, Lots No 30, containing 112.46 acres; No 52 West travellers between New York and Maine. These real and personal, of the Pensacola Lumber Com- R 5. N B K 156 acres TI1E PERUVIAN Worcester to New York via Springfield all Township No 4, P, side 160 No 53 West side Port- Farm for Sole or !! steamers will touch at Haven Terms—ten cent, cash on oi sale: Portage Lase, acres; Fxcliange iron Boiler Vineyard during the rail at <>rand Trunk Junction pany. per day No 3, R 5, N B K P, 1,000 acres 120 acres: N* 54 West side “’osjineers, Founders, 8VRUP Vitalizes and connecting Township age Lake, Portage Lake, in N. on summer months on their passage to and from New 40 per cent within 30 days; 50 per cent. In six No R 16 VV E L acres Situated Bartlett, H., the the Tones (Portland) with Trains from Montreal and equal Township 7, S, 1,000 96 acres all. 2,082.46 acres. Makers add Blacksmiths. Enriches blood, York. way with interest at line of the P. & *». R. R., Lewiston and and at cat- promissory notes, endorser, bearing Township No 8 R 16, W E L S, 1,000 acres consisting up the System, Builds up stations, Auburn, 7 TOWNSHIP NO. RANGE W. E. L. of 300 acres—100 acres OK Passage in State Room $5, meals extra. per cent, and payable in 3,6,9,12, 15, and 18 No 9. R VV acres 16, 7, S. intervale, KAK UK ACT PRESS the Cures brook Junction with trains of Maine Cent- Township 16, ELS, 1,000 Broken-down, Goods forwarded to ana from Mon- months from the of sale, secured Lots balauce in pasture and timber Philadelphia, ral R. R. trom and all day by mortgage. Township No 5, R 17. W E i, S. 1.000 acres A, containing 60 acres; Lot B, 60 acres; Lot D?»oep*ia. Debility. Bangor, Rockland, inter- For full lands. The consist of a STATIONARY AND PORTA- treal, Quebec, St John, and all parts of Maine. inventory, description and particulars, apply No K 18. W E L S, 1,000 acres C, 60 acies; Lot D, 60 acres; Lot 60 acres; in _r buildings 4ARINF, Chill* ana mediate Stations, at Nashua for Lowell ami Township 4, E, all,* barn 40x60. There Dropsy. G^^Freights taken at the lowest rates. to the undersigned, at bis office. No. 56 Wall street, No 6 R VV E L acres 300 acres. one st ry house and are about BLE STEAM ENGINES. and at Worcester with Township 18, S, 1,000 Fever* Chroni Di- Boston, (Union Depot) New or to Adna Flor- 3000 cords of bard and soft wood. Will Shippers are requested to s nd their freight to the & York C. Cairn, Esq., Molino, Township No 7, K 18, W E L S, 1,000 acres TOWNSHIP NO. exchange arrhoea, Nervous Af- Boston Albany Railroad for Springfield,Aloany, 17, RANGE 7, W, E. L. S. *or in or Water Wheel. Steamers as early as 4 P. M., on the days they leave ida. C EDGAR SMITH, Assignee, Township No 9, K 18, W E L S, 692 acres property Portland—personal property good iic.otS’s Turbine fection*, Boil*, Hu- Hartford, New Haven and New York, arriving at An undivided half of a tract of land east of to F. G. PATTERSON, Portland. For further information apply to William R. Darling, 56 Wall Street, New York. Township No 5, R 19 WE L S, 737 acres lying negotiable paper Apnly Elevators. Derricks. Hoisting mors, D;*ea*e* of the [New York about 5.00 a m. A sleeping car is Fish river and near the northeast, corner of in Real Williams Second Block HENRY FOX, General Agent, Portland. Solicitor for ..ssignee, Township No 6, R 19. W E L S, 1.000 acres said Dealer Estate, Block, Kidneys and Blad- reserved at Worcester for this train. in the whole of said of Hall. se7dtf Engine*, and Blanchard’s J. F AMES, Ag’t. Pier 38, E. R., New York. sc25dtnov5 61 Pine Street. New York. Township No 7, R 19. W E L S, 1,000 acres Township, containing tract 1,556 East City der. Female Co 6.30 p ni. train ‘or U»rhain. acres. Patent Boiler. Tickets and State Rooms can also be obtained at 22 sold and FRANKLIN COUNTY plaint*, Ac Tickets baggage checked to all important TOWNSHIP NO. 18, RANGE W. E. L S. Exchange Street. ocld^f 7, !tlIE>8 INJKtTlua Thousands Lave been changed the use of thiB points. Tract of land north of No 1, R 8. AGENTS FOtt by lying Township Lot No 22, containing 38.25 acres. remedy from weak, sickly, suffering creatures, to Express Train leaves Worcester nt4..*15 P. $300 Reward $300 WBKP, and west of No 6, R 2, N B K with Express Township PENOBSCOT COUNTY. 215 COIWMEICC*AIL STREET, strong*, healthy, lianpy men and women; and invalids HU., connecting trains leaving P, 387 acres. POSTON STEAMERS. Albany at 10 A. and New York at 10.00 offered for tlie arrest of FOR_SALE. MAINI;. cannot reasonably hesitate to give it a trial. M.( V. Also the following described lots reserved TOWNSHIP NO. 5, RANGE W. E. L. S. PORTLAND, A M. in Portland at 10.45 by 6, Camion.—Be sure you get the “PERUVIAN arriving P. M. Jonathan o. II. Plum, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, in made Cl Watson, grants Lots numbered 1, containing 283 acres; No 4, 211 FOE SALE—One New Stationary Engine, tiorst 8VR< P” Peruvian bold by dealers The Superior Sea Going Steamers 53f*Ticket8 can be found at BaRNES BROS No. it for the future of the and (not Bark.) mu and Thomas McCarthy. by disposition Legislature, acres; No 5,160 acres; No 6,160 acres: No 7,160 acres; House! power, built to order. generally. 28 Exchange Street, and at the Depot. since transferred to this the lots to he sold be- who from the Jail iu on the State; No 16,160 acres; No 17,160 acres; W. part No 18, 40 Dwelling A 32-page pamplet, containing a treatise on Iron J. M. escaped Portland, night those so reserved in the town* and apUf_ LI7NT, Supt. of 16th. ing lollowing acres; No 21,160 acres; No 22, 160 acres; No 29,160 as a medical and other valuable papers, testi- mv3 7it f Septomtier viz: agent townships, acres; No 31. 160 acres; No 32, 160 acres; No 33, 160 monials from distinguished Gore Hancock 320 lisr. rooms, senago, was, Furnace, uooo. loca- physicians, clergyman adjoining Ellsworth, County, acres; No 34,160 acres; No 38, 245 acres; No 40, 155 and others, will be sent free to any address. SETH acres. 1.1 tion, SpriDg St., western part of City. Ad- acre?; No 41,160 acres; No 42,160 acres; No 43, 158 W. FOWLE & SONS. 86 Harrison PORTLAND & OGDENSBURG RR Wat»on’N age 54. 5 feet 10 inches high, blue Franklin 320 acres. dress, P. O. Box 792, City. octlldlw* Proprietors, eyes, Kingfleld, County. acres; No 44, 160 acres; No 49,141 acres; No 54, IGO Avenue. Boston ial8deod&'weowly dark hair turning grey, lull grey beard ro No R W K Franklin 320 mustache, Township 4, 1, R, County, acres; No 55, 158 acres; No 56,156 acres; No 61, 1G8 light complex on, and corpulent. Had on grey acres. SimniflER ABR4SiCEyHM acres; No 63, 145 acres; No 64, 160 acres; No 123, pants, dark coat, checked vest, checkered low No R W K Franklin 320 Valuable Real Estate Near Port- light Township 3, 2, R, County, 206.50 acres; No 122, 162 acres; No 133, 218.50 acres; hat, at time of escape. acres. Notice to the Public. No 134, 167.50 acres; in all, 5,334.50 acres. land for Sale. Oreslv* M. Pita miner age 23, 5 feet inches C W B K P, Oxford 320 acres. Township County, COUNTY. to save them trom the venders of spurious high, cross dark hair, light conplexion, slight No Oxford 320 acres. PISCATAQUIS t.nnn rvmrmrr. TAP C TITATJCUAT eyed, Township A, 1, County, STEPHEN THAT FOREHT (ITY AND JOHN mustache. Had on pants, dark coat and cap No 320 acres. BERRY, BROOKS, light Township 7, Oxford County, a and exoerienced to an at time of competent physician, open will, until further notice, run as follows: escape. Mayfield, Somerset County. 320 acres. Lot No section 161.52 acres. Valuable Beal Estate, located about 2 miles alternately 1, 4, containing office in Portland, No I Jflyrile St., where all the Leaving Too inn* McCarthy age about 40, 5 feet 10 Ripley, Somerset County, 320 acres. from the situated near tbe Rol- The right is reserved to withdraw any ol the lots 11HE City Building; and (fjohA genuine remedies ot the late Dr. J. CLAWSON inches high, hair light brown, mixed with grey, No R W K Somerset in efficok. Township 1, 2, It, County, ling Mills, Cape Elizabeth. The consists Job KELLEY cau be obtained. clean shaved. Had on dark frock from the sale in case there shall be found any doubt property FRiNKLtN light pints coat, 320 acres. of about 28 acres of valvable a WHARF, Portland, of the right to sell. tillage land; good No. 37 Plum Street. DR. MARSHALL sett black hat, at time ot Township No R 3, W K R, Somerset location on Creek for Brick and a Daily, at 7 o'clock P. M., nnd INDIA escape. 1, County, Bids to be made for the number of Long Yard, part tt The above reward will be for the arrest ot the acres. whole acres to 9 will he in constant at the above named at P. M paid 320 is very early and well adapted for Market attendance WHARF, BOSTON, daily 5 or for either. '■ .. —«n T» rr ttt tt t» — on a be sold in each for specific per acre Gardening. three, $100 township, prices Will be sold low on terms—if not sold office, where those suffering with Con- (SnndnyM excepted). Oil aud after Aug. 9,1875, in all cases. easy previous Pulmonary Monday, L. PENNELL, Sheriff. acres. to the 19th of said will be sold at WILLIAM sumption, Coughs, at the Lungs, seplHdtf_W.M. is to be made as viz.: For all October; property SCHUMACHER,, Bleeding Scrofula, and until further Trains will leave No 3, E W K E, Somerset 320 Payment fodows, Public. Auction, at 3 P. on that to Cancer, Diseases ot the Heart. notice, Passenger 1873. Township 7, County, sales on timber M., day. Apply Dyspepsia, Liver, FAKE .§1.00. Eastern and Portland, Me,, Oct. 6th, and grass on lots reserved for public and ot all Maine Central Railroad Station, Port- acres. F. O. BAILEY & CO., 15 Street, or to WM. Kidneys Spleen, Eruptions Descriptions, Line are e- uses, those of class IV, terms cash. For all Exchange FRESCO PAIITER, Passengers by this reminded that they land, foot of State Street, as follows: tbe Trustees of the A. M. E. Cburcb on being 302 Commercial oct9dtd Dropsy, Tumors, Asthma, Female Complaints, Cos VI. Also the following lots ana sections of land other one-third and the balance in one SHARP, Street, i cure a comfortable night’s rest and avoid the ex- WE, v.ountfort St. in this after a careful In* sales, cash, Office at Schmnaclier brothers, tiveness, St. Vitus Dance, Nervous For 8eb»go Lake. Frveburg, No. Coinvny city, situate in Townships set apart and designated for and two wi»h interest. Dairbcea, Fits, pense au«l inconvenience of arriving in BosIod late vestigation of the present condition of our church years, respectively, 5 OEEttlING BliOLH. Prostraiion, Rheumatism, Impotency, Bronchitis, Crnword’s, Fabynu’w and nil iuirrme settlement, the same having been determined to be No timber is to be cut until permit is spec- Farm (or Sale. at night property, find it to be impossible for us ever to granted Gout. Neuralgia, Hysterics, Apoplexy, or any other dime Mixtion* at 7.10 a. ni. and 2 10 p m. untit tor settlement, viz : the and time of as in Tickets and State Rooms for sale by I) H. Young' get it under oar control: therefore, ifying price, payment provided at Falmouth Foreside, near Post Of- I inform the public t’uat I have taken can consult him free of from 9 Belli ruing Train* will leave Fabyan’* at COUNTY said Act. respectfully disease, charge No. 266 Middle street. Resolved. That we sell out our entire claim on tho OF AROOSTOOK. fice and stores, consisting ot about seven acres. r.he business ot Clias. J. Schumacher and will attend o’clock a. m. to 9 o’clock m. 7.30 a. m. and 2.00 p. m ; X'o. Conway at 9.10 a. PARKER P. SITUATED p. Through Tickets to New York via the various church, now held by Mr. S. L. Carlcton and others, TOWNSHIP NO. RANGE 1, W. E. L. S. BURLEIGH, The buildings consist of a story house of ten to all jobs entrusted to me. I shall en- Cases which li ve been pronounced iDcurable n and 3 45 p m.; Fry. burs at 9 35 a. m and 11, Land promptly by Sound Lines, for sale at very low rates. and that we take what mouev we have iu band, given Agent. rooms, wood house and stable connected. Alse stone leavor to keep the reputation which my predecessor other phvsicians are especially solicited. Dr. 4.15 p. m,; Baldwin at 10.20 a. m. and 4.56 p Lots numbered 20, containing 96.11 acres; No 23, octl eodtd Kelley’s Freight taken as usual. to us by the public, and bu Id a small cburcli that wharf and boat lioure, There are 130 young fruit has held for so many years.uo>ltf MediciDes have reached and cured hundreds ot in.; *ebngo Lnkr at 10.55 a. m. and 5.30 p 87.58 acres; Lot A 34, 93.52 acres; No 34, 95.80 acres; just J. H. CO V LE,Jlt, General Agent. octl874 we can for; and that we do solicit aid trees in condition. The above will be sold such cases. If a suffering with any of the m.. arriving in Portland at 11.40 a. m. and pay earnestly No 46,111.04 acres; No 48, 201.40 acres; W £ No 49, good place patient from all the friends ot our cause. In the name of at a bargain if applied for soon. Enquire of C. P. BABCOCK. above diseases has any reasonable amount of ner- 6.15 p. m. 110 acres; No 58,200 acres; No 59, 219.50 acres; in good Him from whom we derive all plea-e to LOST AND FOUND. J. R DELLOW, vous strength remaining, he can be cured with these blessings, all, 1,214.95 acres. MT. DESERT & MATHIAS. STAGE CONNECTIONS. help us. *11 persons soliciting aid will have books on the premises. MODEL MAKER & JOBBER, remedies. See certificates of remarkable cures in TOWNSHIP RANGE W. E. L. S. At White Rock for North Windham. with this preface in them. C, 1, oct7 dlw* OF our “Medical Adviser.” daily MANUFACTURER SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. At Sebago Lake for Standisb Corner. (Signed.) D. N. MASON, Pastor, Lots numbered 56, containing 170.26 acres; No 52, Lost. I shall be in attendance at the Portland office daily Watch and Chronometer markers’ At Baldwin f«»r Cornish, Porter, Kezar Falls octSdlw J. S. BROWN, Sec. 190.48 acres; in all, 190.48 acres. For Sale or to Let Tools, Tuesda s and Wednesdays of the first and third daily and and Philo- and Fieedom. Deering’s Bridge Woodford’s mathematical, Optical weeks of each month. Respectfully submitted to TOWNSHIP E, RANGE 1, W. E. L. 8. a nice sold house No. 138 in the Hull FARES AND FREIGHT REDUCED. At Brownfield for is herebv that the subscriber has BETWEENCorner, very LAP KOBE. The finder Block, sophical Instruments, School the Dr. S&lffVEL EDWAKDM, daily Denmark and Bridgton. given, will be on Pine we now oiler for sale or lease public. At for been Executor ot tho Will of Lote numbered 1, Section 4, containing 156.31 suitably rewarded by leaving the same at HAVING Street, Apparatus. Arc., se21 d6m Cryeburg daily Lovell, Stowe and Chatham. NOTICEduly appointed 158.64 No Section Horse K. Office. ALMON house No. 142 in that Block, and No. 1 Carroll At Glen Station for Glen House. acres; No 1, Section 6, acres; 2, 6, R, LEACH. \r-n.lnlniin Uvnl. TWO TRIPS PER WEEK. JOHN SOULE, late ot Cumberland, Street. MATTOCKS & V.. 145.55 No 3, Section No 4, Sec- octCdtf FOX, TJ'l 1U.U& XXfcXVV/X-J M. m. MMMWM. •■•f,v acres; 6,160.40 acres; STEAMBOAT CONNECTION In the County of Cumberland, deceased, and has taken tion 6, 148,48 acres; No 3, Section 11,161.23 acres; eep29dtf Counsellors at Law, 183 Middle St. SCIENCE OF PORTLAND, M-FH. dly LIFE* The Steamer ft. E WIN- with 7.10 a. m. and 2.10 ra. from Portland at Se- himself that trust ly giving bonds as the law No 2, Section 12, 220.59 acres; No 1, Section 20,160 jut p. upon Notice. Or SELF PRESERVATION. Capt. Charlea bago Lake for Naples, No. Har- directs. And l have appointed Tristram D. Pittee. acres; No Sectien 20,163.28 acres; in 1,474.48 U sTON, Bridgton, Bridgton, 3, all, $400—House Lots—$600. Xll/i will leave Rail- Waterford and Mount Pleasant. of said Cumberland, my Agent or Attorney in tbe acres. GOLD, “hunting, stem-winder watch,” marked DR. R. T. WILDE, by the Chief Consulting Physician of r-'/c ,ii Deering, rison, i1 foot of Slate State of Maine. All demands W. E. L. S. A Lange, Dresden, No. 48/8, was HOUSE LOTS FOR SALE within ten to the Medical author of a brtZ&r**: road Wharf, St.. persons having upon TOWNSHIP F, RANGE 1, feloniously The Natural WRITTENPeabody Institute, -—• taken me on twelve minutes walk < f Hall at Magnetic Physician. t U K S D A V the estate ot siad deceased, are to exhibit from the 22d of Sept, inst It was FINE City prices from Treatise on Diseases ot the Throat and Lungs, Phy- every Trains arrive in Portland in season for trams to required Lots numbered 1, containing 135.16 acres; No 2, He shall hands on them and shall be healed the same; and ail persons indebted to said estate aro highly prized by me, for many precious and endear- lo $1900 and lay they siology ot Woman and her Diseases, a Treatise on ao«l FRIDAY EVENINGS. AT IO Boston leaving Portland at 2.35 and 6 00 m. ami 135 16 acres; No 3,155.86 acres: No 4, 155.86 acres; $400 $600, $3000 p. called to to ing associations, and as coming from my deceased Booms II and 13 fluent Bloch. Nervous and Mental Diseases, late Surgeon U. S. A., OtrLOflK, For Rockland, Castiue, Deer Isle, for Steamers leaving at 7 p. m. upon makepayment No 5,159 37 acres; No 6,159 37 acres; No 7,159.38 Lots to Leave on three years with the JOHN P. SOULE, of son. I will give 250 dollars for it—which is more privilege etc., etc. It treats upon MANHOOD, how lost.how Sedgwick, So. W. and Bar Harbors, Alt. Desert,) Freight trains will run between Portland and Boston, Mass., Executor, acres; No 8,159.79 acres; No 25,135.16 acres; No 26, than it is worth of buying. sed21_dtf or to TRISTRAM D. of to the holder. regained and how perpetuated, cause and cure of Mill bridge. Jonesport and Machiasport. Fabyan’s daily. leaving Portland at 8 30 a. m. Re- PITTEE, Cumberland, 135.17 acres; No 27, 155.86 acres; No 28, 155 86 acres; NOLID wharf to lease, or JOSEPH HOWARD, Exliiinat «! Vitality, Imp tency. Premature Returning will leave Mnchiasport every Monday leave Faybairs at 7.50a. ui. Agent Attorney. No 29,159.38 acre*; No 30, 159.38acres; No 31, 159 79 turning, Oct. Portland, Sept. 27,1875. oct4dtf On Back Cove foot of Franklin Street, convenient O’Donnell & Sylvester, Decline in Man, or Seminal Losses and '■'hursdn) Moriiiui;* at 4. 30. touching s J. Cumberland, 5,1875. oc6dlaw3wW# acres; No32, 159.79 acres; No 45, 128.20 acres; No Spermatorrhoea, HAMILTON, Superintendent. to railroad and well adapted for a Lumber or Coal (nocturnal and diurnal). Nervous and Physical De- above, arriving in Portland same night, usually con- Portland, Aug 9. 1875. Iy3dtf 46. 128.20 acres; No 47, 143.66 acres; No 48, 143.67 is given that the subscriber has Wharf or a Stone Yard. MOSES GOULD, bility, Gloomy Forebodings, Menial necting with Pullman Train, and early morning her«*y acres; No 49, 141,08 acres; No 50, 141.08 acres; No 51, Hypochondria, NOTICEbeen appointed Executor of the will of TO LfJT North Street. Depression, Loss of Energy, Trains «or Boston and the West. duly No52,142.03 acres; 128.20acres; se25d4w__55 Counsellors at Haggard Countenance, 142.03acres; No55, Law, Confusion of Mind and Loss of For further particulars inquire at Railroad Wharf, MTRANDA EL WELL, late of Portland, No 56.128.20 acres: No 57,143.67 acres; No 58, 143.67 Memory, Impure State ot the Blood, and all diseases arisin from the PorHanu. in the of deceased.and has tak- acres; No59, 141,09acres; No 60, 141.09 acres; No House to Bent- Valuable Real Estate County Cumberland, for 84 MIDDLE STREET, Error* of indiscretions or excesses CYRUS STURDIVANT, Gen’l Ag’t. en 61,142.03 No 62, 142.03 No 71,155.10 Voutb,orthe Maine Central upon himself that trust by giving bonds as the law acres; acres; tenement on St one door from March 5, 1875. inar20ti No No No May of mature years. Portland, directs. All persons having demands the estate acres; 72,155.10 acres; 73,166.95acres; 74, St. To a small without chil- Sale in upon GENTEELSpring family Peering. (2nd door below Cana Bank,) “The untold miseries that result trom indiscretion of said deceased, are to exhibit tbe 166.95 acres; No 75,165.41 acres; No 76,165.42 acres; dren. M. G. PALMER, required same; A two story double house and one in early life, may he alleviated and cuied. Those and all persons indebted to said estate are called No 77,169.02 acres; No 78, 169.02 acres; No 79.168.12 octlldeod 4w up- and a halt story store with about P* >RTLAN IX yi AIN fc. who doubt this assertion should the new PORTLAND-& BANGOR. RAILROAD. on to make to acres; No 80, 168.13 acres; No 85, 155 11 acres; No purchase payment 35,000 teet of land at Morrill’s Cor- >xr2dtf Medical Work by the Peabody Medi- LA II II. 86, 155.11 acres; No 87 166.95 acres; No 88, 166.96 published JOS DRUMMOND, Executor. Office to Let. ner. For particulars of cal Boston, entitled ‘The Science of • acres; No 89, 165.42 acres; No 90, 165.42 acres; No inquire Institute, THBliE TRIPS PER WEEK. Portland, Sept DAVID TOKREY or Self Preservation? Price $1.00. Vitality 21.1875._sep29dlaw3wW 91, 169.02 acres; No 92, 169.03 acres; No 93, 168.13 pleasant suit of rooms over my store 230 Mid- Life, _ 1875. selldtf. the eriors of or a too close acres; No 94, 168.13 acres; No 95, 126 17 acres; No THEdle St. Suitable for Lawyers, Dentists or Tail- Deering, Sept. 11, 81 / SIM DlREt 1UH\ impaired by youth appli- cation to business, be restored anil manhood re- FARE DEDUCED. 96,130.32 acres; No 97, 126.35 acres; No 102, 163.73 ors. May be used singly or together. may paineo. The institute also publishes *The Physio- ? acres; No 103, 163.23 acres; No 104, 163 23 acres; No octlldeod4wM. G. PALMER. of Woman and her Diseases Price $2.00. The fast Steamer, CITY OF RICHMOND, 105,165 68acres; No 106,165.68 acres; No 165.98 Booksellers and Stationers. logy 107, The best book of the kind extant. Als» another ('apt C. Kilby leave? Railroad Wharf every acres; No 108, 165.98 acres; No 109, 125.60 acres; No To Let at 9 dollars & *mr>- per Quarter, iSilVT, FOfttt , No.OI MiiWh work on Men- Monday, WedupMday and Friday Eve- No 117.163.23 No 165.68 REAL ESTATE valuable medical treating exclusively g;i 113,158.09 acres; acres; 120, '"a SIX Octave Piano, losewood case; may bo seen tal and Nervous Diseases; more than two hundred ningM, ni IO o’clock. acres; No 121,165.98 acres; No 122, 165.98 acres; No For A at 271 Spring Street. Address Boot Binders. royal octavo pages, 20 elegant bound in Bangor, touching at Rockland, Camden, Bel- 129, 166 06 acres; No 135,165 80 acres; No 136, 165.80 engravings, *2, MRS. CHAS. HARLOW, * ubstantial mu dm. Price $2.00. fast, Searsport, Sandy Point, Bucksport, Winterport CHANGE OF TIME. acres: No 166, 221.13 acres; No 190.91 No ff.«. A. ttl I.VrY, Room II, FrlBWi only Barely 170, acres; 5*>4 Broadway, South Boston, Mass, to tor London Lancet. and Hampden, i_,o* 180, 200 acres; in 11,573.79. FOR SALE Exchange. IVo. Ill Exchange Si. nough pav printing all, octl dlwteodtf Book lor and middle men to Returning, will leave Bangor every Monday, 8.tUI,L « HHACKF(m»,N.. 33 Finn. “The young aged read Commeuclug June 21, 1875. TOWNSHIP G. RANGE 1, W. E. L. 8. now, is the Science of Life, or Self Preservation. Wednesday and Friday mornings at 6 o'clock, touch- ro Street. just •‘ullmao Train from o o Lots numbered 149.72 No To Let The author has returned from in excellent ing at the above named landings, arriving in Port- Night Bouton leaves 6, containing acres; 8, brick dwelling house, with the large lot of Europe Portland 148.57 No 53 68 and is the Chief land at 5 o’clock P. M. 12.35 a. m. for Bangor. Calais, St. John, RS acres; 9, acres; No 10, 149 75 acres; situated on Douglass St., 8 rooms, land cnnnecied therewith, situated at the cor- Builders, health, again Consulting Physician 160.74 No THE Carpenters and of the Medical 4 Steamer “City of Richmond” connects with stages Houlton, St Stephens and Halifax. sw No 11, acres; 12, 158.G4 acres; No 13,160.30 lower rent, hard and sott water, garden. Nine ner of Free and South and now numbered 27 Peabody In-titute, No. Bulfinch O (—« TENEMENT streets, WHITNEY & HEARS, eVo.i Sired, of- at Rockland, and other for Paovengrr Train «cave* Portland 6.15 a. (T> S* acres No 14, 114.71 acres; No 15,152.27 acres; No 16, dollars per month. of THOM. FROTH- South street. Street, Boston. Mass.—Republican Journal. landings, neighboring Inquire Park. towns. Connect-* at Rockland with the Knox & m for Brunswick, Lisbon, Bath, Rockland ami Au- r* o 160.80 acres; No 17,161 acres; No 18,163 acres; No. INGHAM. Saw Dentist. Temple St or G. W. Also the three storied brick store. No. 183 Fore poiite “Hope nestled in the botiom of Pandora’s box, and Lincoln R. at Beltast with B. & M. R. R„ Ban- gusta. 22,153 43 acres; No 23, 159.31 acres. No 24, 157.60 BURNHAM. 1001 St. cctlldlw* now hope plumes her wings anew, since the issuing of K., Congress ; street, occupied by Joseph Coolidge. with E. & N. A. and other Railroads, Train leave* Portland 7.00 a. sS acres; No 25, 158 70 acres; No 31, 161.95 acres; No Also the lot ol land on the northwest side of Fore Furniture—Wholesale and Retail. these valu ble works, published by the Peabody Pa**en{ger forare to Rockland m. f«»r Lewiston via Danville Junction B W 32,167.66 acres; No 33, 166 57 acres; No 34, 165.43 To he lot between land owned the Medical Institute, which are teaching thousands $1.00, Camden.$1.50 Bent. Ftieet, being by VAI.TEH COKEY A- CO.. Point_ Leave Cortland 1.05 p. m. for Danville Junc- acres; No 164.75 acres; No 40 acres; in how to avoid the maladies that sap the citadel ot life.” Bellas., Searsport and Sandy 2.00 35, 36,164 all, Rent fi>r a small at heirs of Isaac lllsey and brick store owned and occu- IS Free Wtreet. acres. CONVENIENT family —Phi la. Bucksport, Winterport, Hampdeu ana tion, Auburn, Lewiston, Farmington, Waterville, 2,352.98 pied Jerome B.'Fickett OGOUDK A. No. Eng. IS A NO. 41 LINCOLN STREET by WHIVNEV, 4 the the 2.50 Bangor <&c. Als 'the lot ot land in the »ear of last nl! Ulrn*? It should be read by young, middle aged Bangor. £ TOWN8H1P F, RANGE 2, W. E. L. 8. oct4 dtf large the change Hi. Cpbolsterin? of C* RUS L*a*c Portland 1.10 p. ra. for Lis- mentioned lot. and also in rear of the brick stores and even the old New York Tribune STURDIVANT, Gen’) Ag’t, Brunswick, Section No 450 acres. 4 owe to order. Railroad foot of State Portland. bon, Bath. Rockland, Augusta, Waterville, Skowhe- 82, containing i Nos. J87, 185 ami 183 Fore street. “Let all get ibis great work on disease' of the ner- Wharf, St., To Portland, April 17».h 1875 dt gaD, Belfast, Dexter and Bangor. A Pullman TOWNSHIP RANGE W. E. L. 8 Let, Also the wooden store with the lot on vous system, just published by Peabody Medical In- ^ H, 2, passage way Parlor Car is run with this train to tnel suit of Pattern and Model Maker. stitute. It is as readable as a Bangor. Lot 176.54 acres. JL VERY pleasant rooms,with bay window tr< m Central whaif to Moulton romance.”—Bangor No 11, containing fading street, being 12 1874. Leave Portland 5.15 p.m. for Dauville Junc- to let to a gentleman and wife without children, tbe store and lot n< w occupied & Burns. J. I. iSAKBOCK, 330 Fore Ssreet, Cor. o’ Daily ( ommercial, Jan. INTERNATIONAL STEAMSHIP CO. EATON RANGE L S. by Bryant tion, Auburn and Lewiston. GRANT, 2, W..E. at NO. 1 MYRTLE STREET. Pump and Bl- ck Makers. f rosts, Portland. “ibis hook will put hosts of people on iheir IC P Leave Portland 5.20 p. m. for I—* Lot No 188 acres. oct2 dtf the terrible consequences of habits Brunswick, Lis- 45, containing Also stores and lot on the southeast side of Fore guard against Eastport, Calais and St. John, Digbj, Bath and MO which are directly calculated to make a wreck of bon, Augusta. Township range w. e. l. 8. street, occupied by A. Huntington and by J. H. Windsor and Halifax. Trains hi* i, 2, Photographers, human nature.”—Maine Standard Jan 9,1874. PaMNcnger will arrive from Lewis- To Let, Bond & Co. Bath and at 8.45 and £3 Cj Lots numbered 28, 127.44 No raw “It otters alleviation to the it shows how ton, Augusta 8.50 a. m. FT containing acres; Also the three-story brick dwelling house, occupied A. 8. BA Ar CO., No. 80 Middle*1'- afflicted, 2P.A.TjI1j arrangements. 64. 149.58 acres; No 65,156.57 No 74, 140 or three furnished room- m a private family C'r.n-. best be how its From Bangor, Dexter, Belfast, Skowhegan, © SO acres; acres; by tbe a ubscriber. No. 77 State street, with land and S. H.I.AMROR, 133Middle8..,cor. misfortune may borne, physical and No 119. 135.10 acres; No 121, 141.10 acres; No TWOnear Preble House. Address moral have ilieir Farmington, Lewiston, Rockland, &c., at 2.20 and 145, on consequences may forces turned O OR >. m A __■■_■_ms_ __l. stable, e accommodated with city. Richmond, places One 104.73 No 213.69 churches. Elevator and all modern •A. Orchard Beach, Biddeford nud llIkTIlov Now ready. canvasser is acies; No 47, acres; 54, acres; No 55, improvements. SPECIALTY ! the W. M. 240 St., Saco, liiciityui taking Let. ONEpleasant rooms at 416 Cumberland street, cor- South, C‘ark, Agent, Washington over 100 su'iscribers per week. 105.76 acres: No 57, 238.70 acres; No 60,162.91 To Easy access to all parts of the city by street cars and Boston. Kennebunk at 6.15, 9.00, a. m., 3 10, 5.00 p. m. Everv acres; ner of Green, also to lei with board a pleasant front family m the State should No 62, 216.63 acres; No 63, 96.36 acres; No 70, 248.23 first the Stores and Chambers stages. To all of North and South Sea- Morning Trains will leave ICeiincbunk possess a February chamber unfurnished with tide room and closet points Carolina, by or copy. For and No 82 25 acres: No 78,170.44 No od Union now Caldwell & large sep27d&wlyl0 C. B. FEKBIIV, Prop. board and ltoanoke Railroad and Atlantic Coast Line for Portland at 7.20 a. m. territory terms ad- acres; 71, acres; 79, ABOUT St., occupied by attached. selldtt | dress 122.10 No 83. 167.16 acres; No 91, 168.72 ami & Thomas. Apply to G. H. 222 Boston. acres; acres; Hodsdon, Whitney Keitli, Agent, Washington street, I B. B. BUSSELL. No 92,166.93 acres; No 94, 91.59 acres; No 95, 251.53 jalldtfST. JOHN SMITH. s:u;ii«ii8,Ba«l mails and Chilblains And to all points in the West by Baltimore & Ohio Trains on Boston & Maine road councct with all Publisher, No 166.09 Summer Boarders. MAINE. |sep28Hw S5 Corn Boston. acres; No 99, 166.02 acres; 100, acres; No CITY ADVERTISEMENTS Treated without Pain. R. It., C. A. Cbipley, Agent, 219 Wasnlngton street, steamers running between Portland and Bangor, hill, No 91.94 101,163 64 acres; No 102,107.24 acres; 110, fo Let. Dr. j Boston. Rockland, Mt. Desert, Maeliias, East port, Calais. St. 44 No 94.28 No A few Summer Boarders will be taken by the WELCH and WIFE, of bills of Johu acres; No 117. 161 acres; 118, acres; GOOD rents at Woodford’s Corner. ’Possession day BOSTON, Through lading given by the above named and Halifax. Also connect with Oraud Trunk No 160.19 acres; No 126, 99 67 or week at Norton’s Hotel, East Baldwin. This trains at. Grand Trunk and 31 aine Central 123,166.70 acres; 125, 4 given Inquire of Agents. Station, 168.06 No 133,161.14 acres; No immediately. house is located on the line of the P. & $15.00. Excursion Tickets trains at AGENTS'"WANTED acres; No 131, acres; J. H. REED, delightfully N 0 Passage $25. Transfer Station. from Portland. TICeT. or For the in O. R. 1C anq 25 miles For to »*WIGWAM auii 130, 330.80 acres; No 141, S10.97 acres; all, 6,113.53 Corner. only Surgeon Chiropodists, freight passage Norfolk, Baltimore, Wash All trains stop at Exeter 10 minutes for refre-d;- IVARPim or Have ICoyal i'hief m acres. au6 acres: in all 2*5 acres. all the during ROCKWELL, Agent, Supt. Jif i!i Thirty THEcontaining modern improvements. En- of a new bridge, commencing October 5,1875, until Operations performed by MRS. DR. WELCH. oo2dtf Providence. R. S. H. STEVENS, Gen’l Ag’t. Por'miid. ltinning Narratives and Adventures, in fact t e TOWNSHIP NO RANGE W. E. L. S. at No. CENTRAL | most 13, 3, quire 10, WHARF. To Lei wish Koae «S urther notice. Don’t fail to get a box of Dr. Welch’s Bunion au5 dtf wonderful bood or the Age. Tbc Leading Pa- pern are 11. containing 193.22 acres; No 22, jnelGdtf R. M. RICHARDSON, Ointment. Parties treated at their residence per full of ifs praise. Secure nit Aj|**«*cy ^Lotsmuubeml furnished or unfirnished rooms. at once if l?8 *\cr?8; No 2R» 153.67 acres; No 33, 191.45 acres; OLEASANT Chairman Committee on Streets, Sidewalks and selSdtf PORTLAND you want a good lm-in «•**«<. «»t l>. L. No 35, 154.43 1 62 FREE STREET. order._ GUERNSEY. N. H. acres; No 80, 117.40 acres; No 81,144.14 TO BE Bridges Publisher, Concord. M-pWlw 90 acrfc8- 09 LET7 my22tf Portland, Oct. 1875. octSdtf ^e*,fc:cN^-86’o1W No 4, Section 1, 156 5, Police, PHI LA DEEP FOR THE 162.39 acres; No 6, Section 2, 160.39 131A. ISLANDS! BEST OF PAY FOR AGENTS. acres; mall, l, 796.97 acres. i.esirabie offlres in the Merchants National fllHE To seli Chroiro*, TOWNSHIP Bank building, recently occupied by Bank oi "TAXES FOB 1S75. undersigned respectfully informs I he Public THE our Nirrcooropir Vlfwti NO 14, RANGE W. E. L. 8. THE SUMMER RESORTS. that he Iron of Addrees, 3, Portland. Also offices in third story, with steam, Jl has opeued mi office for tho sale or trans- Clyde's Line Steamers, Sewing Ndh. ami l.i 1*11 Thri***«l Lots numbered fer of Real between Providence CcNConn. N. H. 23^, containing 109 45 &r>rpH* \Tn 941 water. Possession Riven July 1st. A nply at OF Estate, and all kinds of merchandise 1 Running I). L. GUERNSEY, Pub 102.09 acres; No 159.78 8 and CITY POItTLANS, and WED- YACHT 09. acres; N0 81 79 8i acres• have on bar.d now several lots and houses for sale in Philadelphia everv RIVY* >0 150.41 No MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK. sep28___t4w 89, acres; 95, 166.22 acres'; No1M 173 » iTwItt" IMOFSJE the most desirable location. I Lave also rlie finest NESDAY and SATURDAY gives raa‘lT 20 acres: No 174.86 'fREASURFR’a Office, I A *“*.ake private parties to 107, acres; No 112, 173.03 JuiO. 1>. C. MINK 'lietent man provided to take sep28 a miormatioii given by Agent, ot the No 309 28 acies: No with view to the wants will ho allowed on all taxes ORDERS charge Vacht. lor terms to a 23acres; 64, 65, 188.13 acres; year will beheld at tls Rooms,City Building,Tt*'**’*" ranged especially paid within sixty days promptly attended to by calling 29 Devonshire Si., Boston, cr J B. COYLE, Jr., Apply AN dny guaranteed wing our W«l| An. No 12C 80 No 110.94 No of the commercial and pleasure from the date of I he commitment thereof at or R. A C6, acres; 98, acres; 102, 118.